Supreme Court
Supreme Court
Supreme Court
Q: Were you alone in cleaning the classroom Q: And would you be able to tell us also how We would like to request your honor that this
of Mts. Pactolin at that time? far were you when you saw these persons iron bar be marked as our Exh. "A."
climbing the gate?
A: We were two sir. COURT:
A: I was a little bit farther sir.
Q: Would you be kind enough to tell this Mark it.
honorable court who was your companion at Q: After you saw the two persons climbing
that time? the gate, what happened after that? TO WITNESS:
A: My cousin Mark Alforque sir. A: I saw that the padlock was opened. Q: And what about the padlock, would you
be able to identify the padlock that was used
Q: Now, after cleaning the classroom of Mrs. Q: What particular padlock are you referring (sic) by these persons?
Pactolin together with Mark Alforque, what did to?
you do next? A: Yes sir.
A: I saw a padlock made of iron.
A: My cousin went home and I was left in the
Q: I am showing to you this padlock, would
classroom because I was requested by my
Q: And what particular classroom or place you kindly tell this Court what relation this
teacher to get fish food. were these persons you saw that they were padlock to the one you stated a while ago?
opening the padlock?
Q: What fish food are you talking about Mr.
A: That is the padlock used (sic) by them sir.
A: The classroom of Mrs. Celina Panal sir.
A: Wayawaya and Dapna sir. Q: Who is this Mrs. Celina Panal?
For identification purposes your
Q: While getting the fishfood for your A: A teacher sir. honor, May I respectfully request that
teacher, did you observed (sic) anything this padlock be marked as Exh. "B."
unusual that happened?
Q: Would you be able to tell us whose
classroom these persons you saw opening the COURT:
A: Yes, sir. padlock?
Mark it.
Q: Would you be kind enough to tell this A: The classroom of Mrs. Panal sir.
Court now what did you observed (sic) that time
when you were getting the fishfood? TO WITNESS:
Q: Would you be able to tell us how did they
opened (sic) the classroom of Mrs. Celina Q: Now Mr. Nico Alforque, you said that
A: I saw somebody climbed the gate sir. Panal? there were two persons who opened the
classroom of Mrs. Celina Panal, would you
xxxx kindly identify these persons if you can see
A: The room was opened with the used (sic)
of an iron bar sir. them now in court?
Q: Where were you at that time Mr. Nico
Alforque? Q: I am showing to you this iron bar, what A: Yes sir.
relation has this iron bar to the one you said a
A: I was inside the school sir. while ago? Q: Would you kindly point to them if they are
now here in court?
Q: What particular place are you referring? A: That is the one used by the persons to
open the classroom sir.
The witness is pointing to a person whom when The witness is pointing to a man whose name A: They were riding in a tricycle sir.
asked of his name declared that he is Valcesar is Kevin Boniao.
Estioca. COURT:
Q: What else did you observed (sic) at the
A: And would you kindly tell us also the gate?
Q: Whose tricycle?
companion of Valcesar Estioca?
A: I saw that there is another person.
The witness is pointing to Emeliano
The witness is pointing to a person whose Handoc.27
name is Marksale Bacus.
Q: Who was that person?
Mrs. Panal corroborated the foregoing testimony of Nico
Q: These are the persons who destroyed the on relevant points.28
The witness is pointing to accused Emeliano
padlock of the classroom of Mrs. Celina Panal? Handoc.
The foregoing testimonies are consistent with the object
A: Yes sir. Q: And what was Emeliano Handoc doing at evidence submitted by the prosecution. The RTC and the
the gate Mr. Nico Alforque? Court of Appeals found the testimonies of Nico and Mrs.
Q: After destroying the padlock Mr. Nico Panal to be truthful and unequivocal and, as such,
Alforque, what did you observed? prevailed over the denial and alibi of petitioner and his
A: He was waiting at the gate sir.
cohorts. Both courts also found no ill motive on the part
of Nico and Mrs. Panal.
A: I saw that they brought out the colored Q: Now after you saw these persons, what
TV, the Karaoke and the Electric Fan. were the two accused doing at the gate when
they passed the things to Kevin Boniao? It is not incredible or against human nature for petitioner
Q: You said that these persons after and his companions to have committed the robbery in
destroying the padlock, took the colored TV, broad daylight and in full view of Nico. There is no
A: They were riding the tricycle sir. standard behavior of criminals before, during and after
the Karaoke and the Electric Fan, where did
they go? the commission of a crime.29 Some may be so bold and
Q: Could you be able to tell us who was daring in committing a crime in broad daylight and in full
driving the tricycle? view of other persons. Others may be so cunning such
A: After taking these things, they went out of that they commit crime in the darkness of the night to
the classroom sir. avoid detection and arrest by peace officers.30
The witness is pointing to Emeliano Handoc.
Q: And after going out of the classroom In People v. Toledo, Sr.,31 we sustained the credibility of
where did they go? Q: And after seeing these persons what did the eyewitness and upheld the conviction of the accused
you observed (sic) after that? for homicide despite the circumstances existing at the
A: They went to the gate sir. crime scene -- broad daylight, full view of many persons
A: I did not see anything because I went inside the school compound, and presence of inhabited
away sir. houses. It was also ruled that crimes may be committed
Q: And at the gate, what did you observed in broad daylight and that criminals are not expected to
(sic) if any? be logical or to act normally in executing their felonious
Q: You mean to say that all those persons designs because committing a crime itself is not logical
went away when you went away? or reasonable, viz:
A: I saw that there was another person sir.
A: They went out sir.36 With regard to Boniao, who was a minor (14 years old) at
Q: You have not seen what were those
persons doing inside the room of Mrs. Panal? the time he committed the robbery, Article 68, paragraph
The alleged inconsistency between the affidavit of Nico 1 of the Revised Penal Code instructs that the penalty
and his court testimony is inconsequential. imposable on him, which is prision mayor, shall be
A: I saw them sir. Inconsistencies between the sworn statement or affidavit lowered by two degrees. The RTC, therefore, acted
and direct testimony given in open court do not accordingly in sentencing him to four months of arresto
Q: You saw them taking away the Colored necessarily discredit the witness since an affidavit, being mayor.
TV, Karaoke and the Electric Fan? taken ex parte, is oftentimes incomplete and is generally
regarded as inferior to the testimony of the witness in
Nonetheless, as correctly ruled by the Court of Appeals, Presidential Decree No. 603, otherwise known ATTESTATION
Boniao, who was barely 14 years of age at the time he as "The Child and Youth Welfare Code."
committed the crime, should be exempt from criminal I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had
liability and should be released to the custody of his
Although the crime was committed on 28 July 2001 and been reached in consultation before the case was
parents or guardian pursuant to Sections 6 and 20 of Republic Act No. 9344 took effect only on 20 May 2006, assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts
Republic Act No. 9344, otherwise known as The Juvenile the said law should be given retroactive effect in favor of Division.
Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, to wit: Boniao who was not shown to be a habitual
criminal.39 This is based on Article 22 of the Revised
SEC. 6. Minimum Age of Criminal Penal Code which provides: Associate Justice
Responsibility. A child fifteen years of age Chairperson, Third Division
or under at the time of the commission of the Retroactive effect of penal laws. Penal laws
offense shall be exempt from criminal shall have a retroactive effect insofar as they
liability. However, the child shall be subjected favor the person guilty of a felony, who is not a
to an intervention program pursuant to Section habitual criminal, as this term is defined in Rule
20 of this Act. CERTIFICATION
5 of Article 62 of this Code, although at the time
of the publication of such laws a final sentence
xxxx has been pronounced and the convict is Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution
serving the same. and the Division Chairpersons Attestation, I certify that
the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached
The exemption from criminal liability herein in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer
established does not include exemption from However, as Boniaos civil liability is not extinguished of the opinion of the Courts Division.
civil liability, which shall be enforced in pursuant to the second paragraph of Section 6, Republic
accordance with existing laws. Act No. 9344, Boniao should be held jointly liable with
petitioner, Bacus, and Handoc for the payment of civil REYNATO S. PUNO
liability in the amount of P15,000.00 representing the Chief Justice
Sec. 20. Children Below the Age of Criminal
stolen items.
Responsibility. If it has been determined that
the child taken into custody is fifteen (15) years
old or below, the authority which will have an WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the petition is
initial contact with the child has the duty to hereby DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals
immediately release the child to the custody of dated 30 June 2006 in CA-G.R. CR No. 00036
his/her parents or guardian, or in the absence is AFFIRMED in toto. Costs against petitioner.
thereof, the childs nearest relative. Said
authority shall give notice to the local social SO ORDERED.
welfare and development officer who will
determine the appropriate programs in
consultation with the child and to the person MINITA V. CHICO-NAZARIO
having custody over the child. If the parents, Associate Justice
guardians or nearest relatives cannot be
located, or if they refuse to take custody, the
child may be released to any of the following: a
duly registered nongovernmental or religious WE CONCUR:
organization; a barangay official or a member
of the Barangay Council for the Protection of CONSUELO YNARES-SANTIAGO
Children (BCPC); a local social welfare and Associate Justice
development officer; or, when and where Chairperson
appropriate, the DSWD. If the child referred to
herein has been found by the Local Social MA. ALICIA AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ ANTONIO EDUARDO B. NACHURA
Welfare and Development Office to be Associate Justice Associate Justice
abandoned, neglected or abused by his
parents, or in the event that the parents will not RUBEN T. REYES
comply with the prevention program, the proper Associate Justice
petition for involuntary commitment shall be
filed by the DSWD or the Local Social Welfare
and Development Office pursuant to