01 U1-Siegel Syllabus Barry
01 U1-Siegel Syllabus Barry
01 U1-Siegel Syllabus Barry
Course Description
Physics is an algebra-based, introductory college physics course that explores topics such as Newtonian mechanics
(one- and two- dimensional motion, projectile motion, forces, and gravitation); work, energy, and power; mechanical
waves and electromagnetic waves; magnetism and circuits. Through inquiry-based learning, students will develop
scientific critical thinking and reasoning skills.
Final AP Exam
AP Physics 1: For possible college credit, you must take a 3-hour exam on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 12 noon. There
will be one multiple choice section with 50 questions, which will last 90 minutes; there will also be 90 minute free
response question with 5 questions.
AP Physics C: Mechanics: For possible college credit, you must take a 90-minute exam on Monday, May 14, 2018 at 12
noon. There will be one multiple choice section with 45 questions, which will last 45 minutes; there will also be 45
minute free response question with 3 questions.
Grading Scale: Approximate Grading Breakdown:
93-100% A This class grades will be based on a total point system. Each 9 weeks, the
85- 92% B average will be determined from classwork and homework.
75-84% C Approximate Values: Tests & Assessments = 100 points
70-74% D Laboratory Work & Projects = 30-60 points
0-69% F Homework & Classwork = 10-30 points
Quizzes = 10-30 points
GENERAL EXPECTATIONS: I assume that you are mature, motivated, and willing to broaden your understanding of
the physical world; that you are curious, objective, and interested in new ideas; and most importantly, that you are ready,
willing and able to work and study every day. This course is very rigorous and your successful completion requires full
determination and dedication from beginning to end. Please refer to the Student Handbook for appropriate conduct.
COMPUTER USE: The computers in the classroom are to be used during the class as lab equipment and during teacher-
specified times. They are not entertainment devices, nor are they provided for customization by individual students. You
are not to install or download any programs, games, screensavers etc. nor change any of the default settings. No computer
should be turned on during instructional time unless authorized by your teacher. When you are finished using the
computer it should be fully shut down.
You may use the computers before and after school as long as a teacher is present. This includes use to print or research
school projects that may be outside of my class all that should be printed in this class is files related to my class.
Otherwise, the library has computers for you to use.
Misuse of computer privileges is a serious offense and may result in the loss of these privileges, including use in this and
other classes. If you adhere to school/county policy when using the computers, you will find that they are powerful tools
for enhancing your education.
INDIVIDUALIZED HELP: Typically, I arrive at 7:30 am and leave sometime after 3:20 pm. You are more than
welcome to come in for help, as long as you ask for an appointment. Please do not wait until the last minute to see me for extra
help. Act quickly if you are having trouble understanding the material I am covering in class. Time for help is built into
the daily schedule as StarTime. Talk to me the day before you wish to come in to get a pass.
PREPARATION FOR CLASS: It is imperative that you come to class prepared to learn. This includes having read the
textbook a head of time and attempting any assigned homework. It will make your life much easier when you are not sitting
in class clueless because you are unprepared.
You should bring your class notebook, pens and pencils and a calculator every day. If other materials are required for
class, I will notify you in advance.
ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP WORK: Attendance is vital in Science. Any missed labs or tests must be made up
within the timeline as defined by your handbook; exceptions are made on an individual basis. Please keep in mind that
these will need to be made up before or after school. Obtaining missed notes and assignments is YOUR responsibility.
Work that is late and unexcused will be counted 50% off. After two weeks, zeros will become permanent unless the teacher
specifically asks you to do the work. All make-up work must be put in the teachers hands, not left on their desks or put in a tray.
LABS: During labs, it is very important that you observe the safety rules you learn at the beginning of the semester. Unsafe
behavior and/or willful negligence to adhere to safety rules will result in a zero for the lab, a call home and possible
administrative referral.
QUIZZES AND TESTS: Quizzes will be given to monitor your progress. They may or may not be announced, will be
designed to assess and remediate your skills on a given topic, and will be given FREQUENTLY. Tests will be given at the
end of each overall unit and will be announced. You may be allowed to retake a test or make test corrections for partial
credit, depending on your teacher.