Post Natal Care - Ayurvedic Perspective
Post Natal Care - Ayurvedic Perspective
Post Natal Care - Ayurvedic Perspective
etc. drugs capable of suppressing the Vata her responsibility to nourish herself as well
for oral administration. If some Dosha or as nurturing the child too.
blood is still left inside, powered Piper CONCLUSION: Though this is not a
longum (Pippali), root of Piper longum stage of illness, but there is an increased
(Pippali Moola), Plumbago zeylanica need of supplementation for food and
(Chitraka) and Zingiber officinale special nutrition. As a woman bears a child
(Shunthi) with warm jaggery water should and is the foundation of a society, her
be given. This should be continued for two health should be given utmost importance
or three days till the abnormal blood is and care which is provided by Sutika
properly excreted. Paricharya.
Contraindications during REFERENCES
puerperal period: The woman should 1. Post natal care in ayurved/ayurvedic
avoid anger, exercise and coitus. Basti medicines after delivery -
should not be given during puerperal Ayurveda.html
period. Use of Basti increases Ama Dosha. 2. Post natal care in ayurved/Ayurvedic
Nasyakarma should not be prescribed Post Natal Care - The First Week After
during puerperal period. Using Delivery.html
Nasyakarma produces emaciation, 3. P. V. Tiwari, Ayurvediya Prasutitantra
anorexia and body ache. evam Streeroga, Part I (1999). by
DISCUSSION: As mentioned earlier Chaukhambha Orientalia,
Sutika phase lasts for 6 wks after delivery, Varanasi.p.547-553.
it is this time where the uterine muscles 4. Dr.K.S.Jayashree, published article on
starts to regain its previous size and shape, Maternal care through mainstreaming
which is equally important considering Ayurvedic approach, p. 54.
the female health and cosmetic aspect. The
Sutika Paricharya is essential for Corresponding Author: Dr. Neha Pandya
regaining previous figure and adequate
Reader, SRPT Department, Shri G. A.
breast milk for the baby, prevention of
College, G. A. U., Jamnagar
infection as well as prevention of future
degeneration of body tissues. She also Email Address:
regains her emotional and hormonal
balance. Sutika Paricharya changes Source of support: Nil
majorly in terms of diet and medicines. Oil Conflict of interest: None
massage, Udarapattabandhana, Yoni Declared
Dhoopana etc. are to be continued till the Cite this Article as : Pandya Neha et Al : Post
end of 6 weeks or Sutika Kaal. The woman Natal Care Ayurvedic Perspective]
who had undergone the stress and strain of : IJAAR VOLUME III
the labour needs some time to recover ISSUE II MAY-JUNE 2017 PAGE No:238-240
completely.4 Even after birth, the child is
dependent on the mother, hence increasing