Lejla Malic Rubric 1b 1c

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Detailed Grading Criteria

Detailed Grading Criteria for EDU5CSD Task 1b and 1c

Task 1b: Behaviour Management Planning Matrix and Task 1c Classroom Management Plan Student/s Name/s: Lejla Malic
Strongly meets or exceeds requirements Soundly meets requirements Meets requirements Meets limited requirements Does not meet requirements
80-100% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 0-49%

Task 1b At least 10 contextually relevant At least 9 contextually At least 8 contextually At least 7 contextually Fewer than 7 contextually
Behaviour Management behaviours identified, strategized and relevant behaviours relevant behaviours relevant behaviours relevant behaviours
Planning Matrix rationalized. identified, strategized and identified, strategized and identified, strategized and identified, strategized and
rationalized. rationalized. rationalized. rationalized.
8/10 marks 8-10 marks 7-7.5 marks 6-6.5 marks 5-5.5 marks Less than 5 marks

Task 1c Comprehensive, accurate, analytical, Classroom management plan Classroom management plan Classroom management plan Insufficient attempt has been
Classroom Management articulate, detailed (with appropriate is generally accurate, is basic and lacking in analysis is partial, undetailed, made to devise a classroom
Plan: theory) classroom management plan analytical, clearly expressed, and detail. Expression is simplistic or incomplete. management plan. Expression
and detailed. inconsistent. Expression is poor. is very poor.

Principles and Processes Key ideas, principles and processes are Key ideas are explained and Some key ideas are addressed Key points are unclear with Key ideas not explained.
clearly explained, illustrated and well supported with evidence from but are not well supported little support provided from
supported with evidence from the course course materials. from the course materials. the course materials.
8/10 marks 8-10 marks 7-7.5 marks 6-6.5 marks 5-5.5 marks Less than 5 marks

1b Lejla, you have chosen 10 appropriate behaviours that will help enable a positive classroom environment for your students. While you have identified them, a more
detailed description of the strategies and reasoning for their inclusion for some behaviours would have improved this section.

1c You and Jake have made a good attempt at developing this plan. You have given some good examples of features of a positive learning environment and you have
referred to a variety of classroom management theories in your plan. While you did not include a corrective phase, you have included elements of this in the other two

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