New Journal Proposal Form
New Journal Proposal Form
New Journal Proposal Form
We are always interested in evaluating new ideas for potential new journals. If you have spotted a gap in the
market for a new journal, please submit a proposal for consideration by our Editorial specialists.
1. Background
a. Proposed Title(s) of the journal:
b. Please provide brief information about the subject field of the project and its current and future
c. Please describe briefly why the journal will be unique and needed in the market:
e. Target Readers and Authors (Please write in order of priority, write job titles / positions of potential readers):
Readers Authors
i. i.
ii. ii.
iii. iii.
iv. iv.
v. v.
2. Publication Details
Other ______________________________________________________________
e. Non Article Content: (e.g. News Section, Book Review, Conference Diary)
f. Review Process: Editor Reviewed Double Blind Peer Review Editorial Board Reviewed
g. Publication Output Version(s) : Online Only Print Only Print & Online Both
4. Editorial
a. Proposed Name of Editor in Chief (EiC) Please mention Affiliation, Address, Email, Telephone and also send CV separately
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Email(s): ________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________________________________
c. Proposed Number of the Editorial Board or team ______________ (to be appointed by EiC)
5. Marketing
a. Competition (information about existing journals on this topic)
i. No Direct Competition
ii. Competition Analysis (Please list any similar publications in the area even if the areas of coverage
does not overlap completely. For each publication, please give the following information )
What differentiates the proposed title?:
i. _________________
ii. _________________
iii. _________________
iv. _________________
v. _________________
i. ____________________
ii. ____________________
iii. ____________________
iv. ____________________
v. ____________________
d. Other Businesses / Academics / Societies to which journal will appeal for subscription:
i. ____________________
ii. ____________________
iii. ____________________
iv. ____________________
v. ____________________
e. Societies / Organizations with which the journal could be affiliated with in a Partnership:
i. ____________________
ii. ____________________
iii. ____________________
iv. ____________________
f. Conference which you think the journal readership will attend in the next two years:
i. ____________________
ii. ____________________
iii. ____________________
iv. ____________________
v. ____________________
vi. ____________________
vii. ____________________
viii. ____________________
ix. ____________________
x. ____________________
i. The publisher
ii. ____________________
Date: _______________________________