List of Functions Involving The Error Function

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JOURNAL OF RESEAR CH of the Natiana l Bureau of Standards - B.

Mathematical Scien ces

Vol. 73B, No. 1, January-March 1969

A Table of Integrals of the Error Functions*

Edward W. Ng** and Murray Geller**

(October 23, 1968)

This is a compendium of indefinite and definite integrals of products of the Error fun ction with
e le men tary or transcendental fun ction s. A s'ubstantial portion of the res ults are ne w.

Key Words: Astrophysics; atomic physics; Error functions; indefi nite integrals; special fun ctions;
statistical analysis .

1. Introduction

Integrals of th e error function occur in a great variety of applicatio ns, us ualJy in problems
involv in g multiple integration where the integrand con tains ex pone ntials of th e squares of the argu-
me nts. Examples of applications can be cited from atomic ph ys ics [16),1 astrophysics [13] , and
s tati s tical analysis [15]. Thi s paper is an attempt to give a n up-to-date ex hau stive tabulation of
s uc h integrals.
All formu las for indefi nite integrals in sec tion s 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, a nd 4.6 below were derived from
integration by parts and c hec ked by differe ntiation of the res ultin g expression s_ Section 4.3 and the
seco nd hali' of 4.5 cover all formulas give n in [7] , with om iss ion of trivi al dupli catio ns and with a
number of additions; section 4.4 cove rs esse ntially formulas give n in [4], Vol. I, pp. 233-235.
All these formu las have been re-derived and chec ked, eith e r fro m the integral representatio n or
from the hype rgeo metric series of th e error function. Section s 4.7,4_8 and 4_9 ori ginated in a more
varied way. Some formulas were derived from multiple integrals involvin g ele me ntary fun c tion s,
others from existing formulas for integral s of co nflu e nt hypergeometric functions, and still others,
a s mall portion, were co mpiled directly from existing literature. In conn ecti on wit h the last three
sections, th e reader should refer to [3] and [4], Vol. II, pp. 402,409-411.
Throughout this paper, we have adhered to th e notation s used in th e NBS Handbook [9] and
we have also assumed the reader's familiarity with the properties of th e error functions, for whi c h
he is referred to [5]. In addition , the reader s hould also attend to th e following conve ntions:
(i)z=x+iy=r exp (iO) is a complex variable,

~ (z)=x, J1(z) = y, Iz l=r, argz = O;

(i i) the parameters a, b, and c are real and positive except where otherwise stated;
(iii) unless otherwise specified, the parameters nand k represent the integers 0 , 1, 2 . . . ,
whereas the parameters p, q, and v may be nonintegral;
(iv) the integration constants have been omitted for the indefinite integrals;
(v) when x is used (in stead of z) as the integration variable, it means that the formula has been
es tabli s hed only for real x, thou gh it may still be valid for certain complex values;

(vi) the integration sy mbol f de notes a Cauchy principal value.

*An invit ed pape r. This pape r presents th e result s o f o ne phase of researc h carried out at th e Jet Propu lsion Laboratory , California Ins titut e of Tec hn ology,
unde r Co ntract #NAS7- IOO. sponsore d by th e National Aeronauti cs and Space Adm inistration.
"Present address: Jet Propulsion Laboratory , California Institut e of Tec hnology, Pasadena, Calif. 91103.
1 Figu res in brac ket~ indi cat e the lit erature referen ces at th e e nd of thi s paper.

2. Glossary of Functions and Notation

A (x) Gaussian Probability Function

C(Z) Fresnel Integral

Ci(z) Cosine Integral -f'"z

cos t dt

DvCz) Parabolic Cylinder Function

n k
e,,(z) Truncated Exponential 2~
k=O k!

Exponential Integral f "'e- t


Ei(x) Exponential Integral - f'" -x


IFI (a; b; z) == M(a, b, z) Confluent Hypergeometric Function

(ak)n zn
kFi(al . . . ak; b l ... bi ; z) Generalized Hypergeometric Function
(b i )" n!
H,,(x) Hermite Polynomial
Hv(x) Struve Function
Iv(z) Modified Bessel Function
Jv(z) Bessel Function
Kv(z) Modified Bessel Function
L~ Generalized Laguerre Polynomial
Mp , q(z) Whittaker Function
Yv(z) Neumann Function (Bessel Function of Second Kind)

P(x) Probability Function

(p )11 Pochhammer's Symbol f(p+n)/f(p)

PI/(x) Legendre Polynomial
P~(z) Associated Legendre Function of the First Kind

S(z) Fresnel Integral

si(z) Sine Integral - f


U(a, b, z) == 'I'(a, b, z) Confluent Hypergeometric Function

Wp,q(z) Whittaker Function
y Eule r's Cons tant 0. 57721 56649 . . .
f(p) Gamma Function

y(p , z) Incomplete Gamma Function

f(p, z) Incomplete Gamma Function

~(z) Riemann's Zeta Function

!/J(z) Psi Function dz [In f(z)]

3. Definition and Integral Representations

3.1. Definitions and Other Notations

1. erf (z) == _2_ Ji!: e- / 2dt,

y;. 0

2. erfc (z ) == ...;; L" e- 12dt= 1- e rf (z ),

3. erfi (z) == - i e rf (iz) = ...;; r el 2dt.

Some authors use th e a bove notati ons with out th e fac tor ...;;, and so me use <J:l(z) for e rf (z).

4. w(z) == e- z2 e rfc ( - iz ).

F or real x, Dawson 's integral is defin e d as

5. F (x) == V; e- x2 e rfi (x)= V; Y [w(x)].

The error fun ction is al so closely related to th e Gau ss ian probability fun cti ons:

6. e rf (x) =2P(xV2)- 1=A (x Y2 ).

3.2. Integral Representations

1. e rf (az )= -2az-
II 0
e - a'Z'I' dt

2. erfc (az)=-
2 - e - a 2z2 ( ; - U'+ 2aztJdt
y;. Jo
3. e rf (az+~)= ~ exp (c- ::) f e- ((h' +2wz+c) dz.

- --------
4. erfc ( -Z) =2a- exp (Z2)
a ~
00 e-(a 212+2zl+c)dt

5. e2ab erf ( ax + ~) + e- 2ab erf (ax - ~) =~ J e-a2x2- b2/x2dx

2a _ 22j "' e- a2(2tdt, ~(aO ,~(zO.

6. erf c (az) = - e az
~ 0 (Z2+t 2)1 /2

2z (00 e- a2(2dt
7. e rfc (az) = 7r e- a2z2 Jo (t 2+ Z2), ~(a) > 0, Iarg zl < 7r, Z# O.

4 (I e- x212 dt
8. 1- [erf (x)]2 =; e- x2 Jo
(t 2 + 1)' x> 0

9. erf (x + in + erf (x - in = ~ ey2 /4 J e- x2 cos xydx

10. erf (x+ in - erf (x- iJ) = i~ e y2 / 4 Je- x2 sin xydx

11. erf (x)=~ (" ex2 cos (J cos (x 2 sin 0+ 0/2)dO , x# 0
V; Jo

12. erf (x)=.!.. ( '" e- I sin (2xVt) dt.

7r Jo t

4. Integrals of Product of Error Functions With Other Functions

4.1. Combination of Error Function With Powers

1. J erf (az)dz=z erf (az) + a~ exp (-a 2z2)

2. J erfc (az)dz=z erfc (az) - a~ exp (-a 2z2)

3. ( 00 erfc (ax)dx= ,II'

Jo aV7r

4. J erf (az)zdz=~ Z2 erf (az) - 4~2 erf (az) + 2a~ exp (- a 2z2)

5. J erfc (az)zdz=~ Z2 erfc (az) + 4~2 erf (az) - 2a~ exp (-a 2z 2)

( 00 1
6. Jo erfc (ax)xdx= 4a 2'

r (~+ 1)
7. f ZIHI
erf (az)zndz=--=t=l erf (az)
+ ,I
e- a2z2
I- I
L r (~-k+l ) ~
k =O a
2 zn-2k

I-j r (l+4)
--+1 ,I erf (az), j = 0 or 1, 2l - j = n + 1
n a,,+1 V7T

(n+2)(n+l)f ( n+2) Zll+1

8. f erf (az)z1l+ 2 dz= 2(n+3)a 2 erf (az)zndz+ Z2- 2a 2 (n+3) erf (az)

r (~+ 1)
9. f erfc (az)zndz= (z:'l) erfc (az) _
,~a2z2 ~
a v 7T (n + 1) k = O r
- k+1

1- j r (l+~)
+--1 . , I erf (az), j=O or 1, 2l - j=n+l
n+ an+lv7T

(n+2)(n+l)f ( n+2) zn+1

10. f erfc (az)zn+2dz= 2(n+3)a 2 erfc (az)z"dz+ Z2 - 2a 2 (n+3) erfc (az)

" r (~+ 1 )
11. { erfc (ax)xndx= v:;;. .n 1'
Jo (n+ 1) 7Ta +

12.2 f erf (az)z - 'dz= In z erf (az) - ~f In Ze- 0 2Z 2dz

13. f erfc (az)z-'dz= In z erfc (az) +~ f In ze- a2z2 dz

erf (az) 2a f 1
14. f erf (az)z - ndz=- . + - e- a2z2dz
(n-1)zn - 1 (n - l)v:;;. zn- I '

15. f erfc (az)z-"dz=- erfc (az) - 2a f - 1 e- a2z2 dz

(n-l)zn - , (n-l)v:;;. zn-I '

16. f erf (az)z Pdz=--l erf (az) -
,/"Y -2+ 1, a 2z2) ,
(p p>-2,p~-1
p+ (p + 1) a P+ I V 7T

2 See append ix for int egrals on th e right-hand side s of eqs (12 to 15).

17. Jerfe (az)zpdz= pzP+1
erfe (az) + 1
(p + 1) a P+ 1
v:;;. 'Y (E2 + 1, a z
2 2) , p >-1

18. [ 00 erfe (ax)xpdx= 1 v:;;. r (E2 + 1), largal < 4",p > -l
Jo (p + l)a p + 1 7r

19. fo
erf (ax)x p- 2dx= , I
al - p
r (p)
-2 '
lar ga l < 4"'o < p<1.

4.2. Combination of Error Functions With Exponentials and Powers 3

1. Jerf (az)ebzdz=i ebz erf (az)-i exp (:;2) erf (az- ;a)
2. Jerfe (az)ebZdz=i ebz erfe (az)+i exp (:;2) erf (az- ;a)
3. 1 00
erf (ax)e- bXdx=i exp (:;2) erfe (2bJ, PJ(b) > 0, Iarg al < 7r/4

5. Jerf (az)e bZzdz=1:b erf (az)e bz (z-1:)b -1:b exp (~)

4a 2
{ (~_1:) erf (t)- _1_ e-
2a b a v:;;. 2
t2 }, t= az-!!"'-

6. J erfe (az)ebZzdz=i erfe (az)e bz (z-i)

1b (-4ab2 ) { (b-2a-2 -1)b erf (t)-a-v;:
+- exp 2
1- e- 2} ,t = az--2ab t

7. Jo 1 ( [1
b2 ) b- 2a2
[ 00 erf (ax)e - bxxdx=b exp 4a2 b] erfe ( 2a
b) 1
+ abV;:' PJ(b) > 0, 7r
larg al <4"

9. 4 J erf (az )ebzz"dz=(-I)n nl

bn~l ebz erf(az)en(-bz)

2a n 1 n ( - b)k
- - (-1 )" _ . , , - -
J Zk exp (- a 2z2+ bz)dz
v;: bn+ 1 f:o k!

3 1n thi s secti on a and b ca n tak e an y valu e on th e co mpl ex pl ane olh er th an th e ori gin , exce pt wh ere oth erwi se stat ed .
.. See appendix for th e int egrals on the ri ght -hand sides of eqs (9 to 12).

10. b I erf (az)ebZz"dz+ n I erf (az)ebZz"- l dz

=ebzz n- I [z erf (az)+_1- e - 02z2 ]

a v:;;.

11. I erfc (az)ebZz"dz = (- I )n b:;{ ebz e rfc (az)e,,( - bz)

+ -2a
( - I)"n !
b,, +1 to
'" - -
(-W I Zk exp ( - a-z- + bz)dz

12. b I erfc (az)ebZz"dz + n I erfc (az)ebzzn - 1dz

= ebzz,,- I [zerfc (az) _a_v:;;.

1_ e- U2Z2 ]

+ I (bz" + nz" - I) exp (- a 2z 2 + bz)dz

13. (oo
e rf(ax) e-bXxlldx=(;) 1/2 ~~~ I (2a/~
k =O
exp (:~2) D- II + k - 1 ( ~ ~)
a v2

_ 11 (_ 1)II - k n!(a)k- n d" - k [ (q2) .. (9.) ]

- k~ bk+ 1 (n - k)! dq" - k exp 4 ed c 2 '

q =-,
Y2 (b) > 0, larg al < -1T4

14. (00 erfc (ax)ebxx"dx = (-1)'1+ 1bn !

Jo n+1

+ (-;2) 1/2 ~ II n! ~!! 2

(_I)k b k + 1 (2a 2 ) 2 exp 8a 2
) (b D - II +J.- - I
a v'2

la rg (b-a)1 < ";r

4 .3. Combination of Error Function With Exponentials of More Complicated Arguments

1. 1o
a v:;;.
e- x2 erf (x)dx=- (erf a)2

2. 1o
00 V 1T 1
erf (ax)e - b2x2 dx = - - - - tan- I -
2b b v:;;. a

Jo (ax) e b2x2 dx = 2
1 b In [aa +- bbJ '
y:;;. b may be complex, larg
al <-4

6 . Jo('"erf (axe 1_ [~
) -b'x' 2d _ V; _ _ _I ~_ a ] Iarga I <"41T
x x- 4b 3 2V; b3 tan a b2(a2+b2) '

7 . Jof "' ere

f ( ) - b'x' 2d _ _1 _ [~ _ I ~_ a ] Iarga I <"41T
ax e x x- 2 V; b3tan a b2(a2+b2) '

8. 1'"
erf (ax) e-b'x'xpdx = -
a b- p- 2f - + 1 oF (1 p+ l' _.
2 - 2' 2
3- a-
' 2' b
- -

9t(p) > -2

9. foo erfe (ax) eb'x'xpdx = f(tp + 1) .,F (P + 1 P + 2. p + 3. b2)

Jo V; (p + 1)aP + 1 - I 2 ' 2 ' 2 'a 2 '

10. r erfe (x)eX'xp- ldx=~ sec (P21T ) r (~), O< p < 1

12. Io
x erf (iax)e - u'xLbxdx=. 1
2m .,,;;.

4a 2
exp ( - ) Ei - -) ,
4a 2
b (b .92 (b) > 0,

13. f-oo oo
erf (x) e- (ax+b)'dx = - -V; erf (
Ya 2 + 1

14. Jofoo erf (ix)e-(x 2 +ux)xdx= V;

i [1-;;-+4aEi (a
-"4 2
exp (a"42
' .92 (a) > 0

16. f'"
e rfc (ax)e U2X x - 3 dx=- (l-2a 2 )e Q ' e rfe (a)
+- a

17. Jf'I" erfc (ax) ea'x

(X - l)p/2- 1
x p+1
dx =.,,;;. ea'/225P/4- 2aP/2- 1r
(p)2" D_1_p (a v2) , p>O

O< p < 1



22. l oo erf (~) e- b2x2xdx = 2~2 (1- e- 2ab ) , ,?4>(a) > 0,

. Jo(00 erfc (~)
e-b2x2xdx = _1_ e-2ab
2b 2 '
,?4>(a) > 0,

(00 erfc (a)

24. Jo dx
~ e- b2x2 -;=-Ei(-2ab), ,?4> (a) > 0,

f''' erfc
Jo - b2 1
(ax)e wxdx=4a2e- ab(l+ab)-4 [-Ei(-ab))

26. f OO

- !!:.. dx
erf (ax)[l-e 4X2] -=y+ln (ab)+ [-Ei( - ab)]

27. f oo

_ 1J2 dx
e rfc (ax)e X2 - = - Ei(- 2ab) ,
,?4> (a) > 0,

30. t erfc (D exp (:2 - b2X2 ) dX=b~ [sin 2bCi(2b)-cos2bsi(2b))

I arg bl <~, ,?4>(a) >

34. L x b)
erfc ( ax +:;: e- c2x2xdx

= t(a 2 + c 2)- 1/2[a + (a 2+ c 2)1 /2] - 1 exp [ - 2b(a + Va 2+ c 2)],

35. f'" {
2 cosh ab - caberf (b - 2ax2) - ealJ erf (b + 2ax2) } e-(c a2)x2x dx = -1- e- bc,
2x 2x

c2 - a2

a > 0, b > 0, .<n(c2 ) >

36. i" cosh (2bx) exp [(a cosh X)2] erfc (a cosh x)dx

9P(a) > 0, -t < 9P(b) < t

37. 1 00
{exp [ - (x - a)2] - exp [ - (x + a)2]) erf (x )dx = -v;. erf (a/V2)

38. 10 00 -v;.
{exp [ - (x - a)2] + exp [ - ~ + a)2]) erf (x )dx=-2- {I + [erf (atV2))2}

4.4 Definite Integrals From Laplace Transforms Involving Erf (Vax)

2. 1"" e-bx[e ax erfc (~)dx]=b- 1/2(v'b+Va)- 1

3. Lx> e-bx[e ax erf(~) -2(aX/7T)1/2]dx=(b-a)-I(a/b)3/2, b >a

9. l
ox , ~
e- bx [8axe ax erfc (vax)-8(ax/7T)1/2+1]dx=b - 1
(v'b- Va)2

17. 1'" [ (X)1/2
e- bx 2 -
e- a2/(4X)-aerfc (-a-)] dx=--'
e-a v "/j
b3 / 2

4.5. Combination of Error Function With Trigonometric Functions

1. Jerf (az) sin bzdz=-i cos bz erf (az) + 2b exp ( - :~2) {erf (az- i ;a) + erf (az+ ~:) }

2. J erf (az) cos bzdz = i sin bz erf (az) + 2ib exp ( - :~2) {e rf (az - ~:)- erf( az+ ~:) }

3. Jerfc (az) sin bzdz=-i cos bz e rfc (az) - 21b exp ( - :~2) {erf (az - ;:) + erf ( az + ;:) }
4. J erfc (az) cos bzdz=i s in bz erfc (az)- 2ib exp ( - :~2) {erf (az- ;:) - erf (az+ ;:) }

s. 10'" erfc (ax) sin bxdx=i [l-ex p (- :~2) ], larg al < -4


6. Jo(''' e rfc (ax) cos bxdx=-{;i exp (b

- 4a 2
erf 2a ' (ib) lar g al < 4"

7. f0 oo erfc (ax) cos (bx}xdx= 2a

l 2 exp (b
- 4a
) - b12 [ 1- exp (b
- 4a
) ]

8. JI)

- -)1 /2 [(a 2 +b 2)1/2-a]-1/2,
1 (a/2
erfc (~) sin bxdx=--
a2 + b2
9t(a) > 1J1(b)1

. J'" erfc (~)\ cos bxdx = (-
a/2 )1/2 r (a + b
a +-b 2 2 L
2 2 ) 1/2 + a] - 1/2 ,
9t{a) > 1J1(b)1

r (P+3) b
11. (oc erfc (ax) sin bxxpdx = 2 2F., (p+2 p+3. ~ P+4._~)
Jo a P+2Vrr(p+2) - 2 ' 2 ' 2' 2 ' 4a 2 '

PJ2(a) >O,.92(p) >0

12. ( '" erfc (ax) cos bxxIJdx =

r (~+1) .,F2 (p+ 1 p+2.1:. p+3.
aIJ+1Vrr(p+I) - 2 ' 2 ' 2' 2 '
PJ2 ( a) > 0, .92 (p) > 0

2 )]
14. Jo oc

bx dx=-1 [ -Et. ( - b-
cos -
erf (ax) -
2 4a 2

15. ( " [erfc (ax)-erfc (bx)] - xpx
cos p2 ) -Ei (p2
- dX=21 {Ei ( - 4a 2 - 4b 2)}

16. fo" erfc ( ~) sin bxdx=i exp [- (2ab) 1/2] cos [(2ab) 1/2], .92(a) > 0, .92(b) > 0

17. f" erf (~)cos bxdx=-1;ex p [-(2ab)1 /2] sin [(2ab)1 /2], .92(a) >0, .92(b) >0

18. to
erfc(ax) tan xdx = L"(-1)1'
k= 1
- k - exp-2 + In 2

20. Jf'' '. ( ) . b dx 1 {[ - EL (

0 eri ax sm x sm ex ~="4 -
~ -
[ -
E t ((e+b)2)]}
- ~, e--'--b

21. fo" erfc(ax) sin bx sin ex ~=~ In I~~~I- f" erf(ax) sin bx sin ex ~, c *b

22. Jo dx 1 {[ -Ei ((e-b)2)]

( " erf(ax) cos bx cos eX~="4 - 4a 2 + [ -Ei ((e+b)2)]}
-~ , e*b

23. J(0'" erfc (ax) sin bxe a2x2

dx= Vrr
2a exp (4a2
b2 ) erfc ( 2a

24. J("
0 erf (iax)
iVrr exp
sin bXe- U2X2dx = ~ (b
- 4a

25. t, erfc (ax) cos bxe u2 x 2dx= 2a~ exp (:;2) [- Ei ( - :;2)]
26. foX erfc (ax) sin x cosh xdx = ~ [sin (2~2) - cos (2~2) + 1]
27. t" erfc (ax) cos x sinh xdx = ~ [ sin (2~2) + cos (2~2) -1 ]

28. t" erfc (ax) x cos x cosh xdx= [2~2 cos (2~2) -~ sin (2~2) ]

29. t' erfc (ax) x sin x sinh xdx= D cos (2~2)+ ~2 sin(2~2) -~]

30. I oX[e - bxerfc (ab- 2Xa )-ebxerfc (ab+ 2Xa )] sinpxdx= (p 22p+ b2) exp [-a 2(b 2+p2)].
4.6. Combination of Error Function With Logarithms and Powers

1. J erf (az) In zdz= (In z-l) [z erf (az) + ,I; e - a2z2 ] - ~ ;Ei(- a 2z 2 )
a v 7T 2a v 7T

2. J erfc (az) In zdz = (In z -1) [z erfc (az) - ,I; e- a2z2 ] + : ; Ei(- a 2 z 2)
a v 7T 2a v 7T

3t" erfc(ax)lnxdx=- a~[I+~+Ina]

4. 5 J er[(az)zlnzdz = .!. Z2 erf (az) In z+ : ; z In ze - a'z'

2 2a V7T
_.!. J z erf (az)dz-~ erf (az) - _ 1_ J In ze - a2z 'dz
2 4a- 2a V;

5. J erfc (az)zInzdz =~ Z2 erf (az) In z- 2:I':j;e - a2z ,

-~ f z erfc (az)dz+ 4~2 erf (az) + 2a ~ J In ze - a2z2 dz

6. J '" erfc (ax)x Inxdx=-I_+_I-J '" Inxe - a' x2 dx

o 8a 2 2aV; 0

7. (k + 1) J erf (az)zk In zdz = Zk +l erf (az) In z +_I_zk In ze - a2z2

a v;.
-f Zk erf (az)dz _ _I_J zk - Ie- a2z2dz
k_Jzk - I I n ze - a'z2dz
8. (k + 1) J erfc (az)zk In zdz= Zk+l erfc (az) In z _ _I_zk In ze - a2z2
_JZk erfc (az)dz+_I-Jzk-le-a2z2dz

~ For th e elementary integrals in eqs. (4 to 8), see appe ndix.

9. (k+ 1) fo x erfc (ax)x k Inxdx= 2~~:+1 [k~ 1 +~ '" (~) -k In a l
4.7. Combination of Two Error Functions

1. Jo~ erf (bx) erfc (ax)dx= 1/


2. ( x erfc (bx) erfc (ax)dx= : / (a+b-v'a 2+b 2)

Jo abv1T

3. t" erf (~) erfc (ax)dx

= Jo'" erf (bx) erfc (a)-x 2

dx = -1 - (1- e- 2ab ) -2
x aV;
. 2ab)]
[- EL(-

4. L" erfc (~) erfc (ax) dx

= Jo'" erfc (bx) erfc (a)dx
- 2 = -1- e - 2ab +2
x x aV;

5. J( x erfc (ax) erf (bx)eb2x2dx= 2b~ ~ In (1- ab:),

0 V1T
a 2 > b2

6. to erfc (ax) erfc (bx)e b2X2 dx= b~ In (1 +~), a+ b > 0

7. f erf(x) erf(v'1-x2)xdx=~(~-1)

=_1_ {e - ab[- Ei(-bc+ ba)] - e ab [- Ei(- bc- ba)]}.

4.8. Combination of Error Function With Bessel Functions

1. LXerf (ax)]o(bx)dx=i erfc (2:)

2. t, erfc (ax)}o(bx)dx=i erf (2ba)

3. f' [2 e rfc (x)-I] ]n(bx)dx =- i [2 e rfc (~) - 1]
4. Loo e rf (x)],(bx)dx=i e- b2 /8/() (~)

S. J,"" erf (~) l:!iz(bX)X - I/ 2dx=b - 3/2 erf (~)

-1 < p < -

p >- 1

B. In
{'" . 1 (b)P 1 r (p + ) (3 ~b2 )
e rfc (ax)],J(bx)xp+'dx= 2V;"2 a2p+2 f(p +2) ,F, P +"2; p+2; - 4a2 ' p > -1

p >-

r ex> ., P _ 2- (p+2v+\}b"f(p+ v+ 1)
10. J( e Ifc (ax)]v(bx)x dx - ( + V+3)
() aP+V+ I f ( v + 1) f "-P----:_..:c.
.F. (P+V+l p+v+2. +1 P + V+3. _ .iC) p+v > - 1
x2 1 2 ' 2 ' v , 2 ' 4a2'

11. f'''
e rfc (ax)]()(bx)e(J':r'xdx = ~I
ab v 7T'
[1 - v; (~)
e b' /4a' e rfc (~)]

. 1"()
erfc (ax)] (bx)ef/'X'xP+'dx = -
27T' 2
1 (b) -a2p+2
1- r (3
P p + - ) e '/4a' f (- p - l -b 2
'4a '

-1 < p < -

1 _1 r (
baP p
+.!)2 eb2/8a'W - p /2.p/2
Ba2 ' -1 < p < -

14. r oc
erfc (ax)]
(bx)ef/'.r'xP+ 'dx=~
27T' 2
(!!.)P_l_ r
a 2p +2
eb'/4a2f (_p_.! .iC)
2' 4a 2 '

-1 < p <-

16. L" erfc (x) Yp (bx)e X 'x P + 3dx = - b~ f(p+2)e b' /8W_(P +3J/2,P/2 (~) , -2 < p < - -



1 1
-- < p < -
4 2

f (2p +"23) f (- p) 2/J- a- 2 4 J! - 2
1 3 3 2
F (P+ - 2p+ -' p+-' 1- - 2 )
1) 2 1 2' 2' 2' a '
1T ( p+ -
P o;f- - -1 < !n (p) < 0

1 11
- - < p<-
2 2

21. L OO erfc (x)}HV(ax)}A _V(ax)x /Jdx

a .2A f (A+ 21P+l ) 4F4

I +1
A'2 + A, I + A+2'2+ p I+A+v, I +A-v, 1+2A' 23+A+2;
pI A+2; p -a2 )

V;:2 2A + 1f(A+ v+ l)f(A- 1'+ 1) (A +4 p + 4)

A+ "2 p >O,1+2Ao;f-n.

4.9. Combination of Error Function With Other Special Functions

roo [.(
1. J o erfc (ax) -El -41 X2)]dx
--.;- = (y+ ln
(-a)k +1
a)2+~(2)+2 ~ok!(k + 1P

2. roo erfc (ax) [- Ei (_b 22 )] d~ = _I_2 (1-2ab)e - 2f1b+ 2a 2 [-Ei(-2ab)]

Jo x Xl 2b

3. roo erfc (x)si(2px)dx= (e - I/4f12-1) _ v;: erfc (~)

Jo 2a 2a

4. LX. erf (ax)Ci(x) ; = -~ [~(2) + (y-ln 4a )2] 2 --i f k =O

(- 4~2)h'+ 1 k!(k~ 1P

_2/L1T- 1 a /L- :l/2efl2/4f (IL+V+1)

- 2
f (IL-V)
W(1- 2/L)/4, (1 +2/L)/4(a),

IL < 1, IL < v; ~+v > -l, ~-V o;f -2n


7. JXerfc(x)L~J)(ax2)e-(a-!)X2x2P+ ldx

II-al < 1, p > -l

9 j "'e rf(px)IFI(a'b.- p2X 2)x2(b- l)dx= b > .!
2' a < -2
r(b) . 2F (a b -!.' b+1:..- 1 )
. 0 ' , V; p 2b- I(2b-J) 1 , 2' 2' ,

10. f'"
o ' ,
e rf(px) IF1(a' b' _ q2 X 2)X 2(b - l)dx =
r( b )
V;p2/i-1(2b-l); I ,
1 - q2
..F (a b- - ' b+-'-)
2' p2 '
b > .! p2 > q2

_ 1__
r(!.2 v+ 1) .F. ( v+2 v+ 1. b v+3 . _ q2) p ~ O, v >- I,
:1 2 a, , " , ,
p,,+IV; (v+ 1) 2 2 2 p2

1 f(b )
= 2p b (a-b)f(a)
1 2' b; a; I-j; ,

= 2p(p+l)(1-1 /2
(p + 1 - q) a -
.,F 1 1, a; - ;
p (p + 1 - q)
, p ~ 0, p+ 1 ~ q, 92( p) > 92( q)

x f(2b)f(a-b+4)
1410 erfc (x)IF1(a;b;-px2)ex2x2b- Idx = V;2 2b f(a+I) 2F1(a;b+i;a+ I; I-P),
92(b) >0, 92(b - a) <2' Il-pl < l

15. L' eel (x),F,(a; b; l-x'),"(I-x')'-'xdx~ ((b) 3) ,F, (a+l; b+~; I) ,

o 2f b+ 2
92( bO

327-0 \ 6 0-69-2
=!! q2P+ le a2q2
f P+2
f(p) F [1 '
I I , P
+:J"2,. q2(b - a 2)J , p??-1

17. J: e/fe (~) D.(x)e"" dF 2~:':' [r (Y) rt~)l +

.9t( v) oF- -1 ; .92( v) > -1 for lower sign

.lZ + ')
22 -a - :J/2
(12 v + 1,2;-21v + 2; l - -a1) ,
(V7T )

.9t( v) > 0

_ f( 4v + 1) f(,u -v +t) aV+I/2

- f(,u+ v+ 1)2 4V+ 1

la-ll < l, .9t( v-,u) <-.

20. LCerfc (x)M/L. v(ax2)e - I/2(a - 2)x2x2vdx

f(2v+ 1)f (2V+~) f(,u-V)pV +I/2 ( 1 3 3)

( 3) 2F, ,u+v+ 2 '2+ 2v ; ,u+v+ 2 ; I-a ,
27Tf ,u+ v+ 2

la-ll < l , .9t (,u) > .9t( v-~

21. L'" erfc (x) ,M A.!L(ax2 )x JJ exp (ax 2/2) ,dx

_ f(,u+~ p+~) a!L +1/2

- 2V; (,u + ~ p + 1)

5. Appendix. Some Relevant Integrals Involving Elementary Functions

(AI) f /I
zlteazdz =eaz l: (_1)h'
. -
Zlt - k
(n - k)! aN I

(A2) f e-a2z2+bzdz= V; exp

2a 4a 2
erf (~) (az-~)

. I
(A3) ( '" ra2x2+bxdx = y:;;. exp (~) [1 + erf (!!...)]
Jo 2a 2 4a 2a

(A4) 1 exp ( - b2 ) [b
Jze- a z2+vz dz=-
2 -y:;;.
- erf (az--
b ) _e- (az-b/2a)2 ]
2a 2 4a 2 2a 2a

(AS) 1'"
1 [y:;;.
xe- a2x2+bxdx=- b
- - eb2/4a2 erfc - -
2a 2 2a 2a
( b) + 1]

(A 7) Jz"e- a2z2+bzdz = a- 1l - 1 exp -b( 2) 6

n . -b n' ( )"-kJu e- u2 du ,
k u=az--
4a 2 k!(n-k)! 2a 2a

f (k+ 1)
(A8) Ju -e- u2du=--
e- u2
L 2 r - I

f (k; 1 _ j)
j =O
U h-- 2j -
1 .
I +- O- s )f(r+ - ) erf (u),
2 2

k = 2r-s, s = 0 or 1

n e ve n positive integer

n > 1 odd positive integer

whe re u = a (z + ; )

(A12) J (z- a)" e -C 2(Z-b)2dz = '" n'

n. (b-a)n - k J u"e- u2 du wh ere u =c(z- b) -
k~ k! ( n - k) ! c" +I '

(A14) aB1(p, a, u)=pBI(p-1, a, u)+ a P y(p, au)

( '" dx 1
(A1S) Ju In xe- ax ~=2 {(y+ In au)2+ ~(2) + 2 In uE 1 (au)) + 6 00 ( -au) h-+ I
k!(k+ 1)3

(A16) ( '" xPe-ax In xdx= f(p+ 1) [ljJ(p+ 1) -In a]

Jo ap+1

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(Paper 73Bl-281)


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