Budget Amendment For FY2017
Budget Amendment For FY2017
Budget Amendment For FY2017
WHEREAS, Executive Director Lillie Madali, has submitted an amended budget to this
governing body on August 5, 2017, for its consideration, and;
WHEREAS, revenue is set aside for required reserves for the following fiscal year, and;
WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases
were added to the revenues or planned to be expended from reserves/fund balances so
that the budget remains in balance.
Section 1. That the budget as submitted, amended, and summarized by fund, hereby is
approved and amended as the budget of the Delta Phi Lambda Foundation for the year
stated above.
Section 2. That the budget hereby approved and amended shall be signed by and made
a part of the public records of the Delta Phi Lambda Foundation.
Contracted services
..Bank service fees 30.00 - 30.00 44.00 44.00 47%
..Internships - - - -
Revenue Scenario
Created: 08/07/2017
Status: Signed
"budget_amendment_v2" History
Document created by Lillie Madali (lillie.madali@gmail.com)
08/07/2017 - 10:52:58 PM EDT- IP address: