Heat Transfer Handbook PDF
Heat Transfer Handbook PDF
Heat Transfer Handbook PDF
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design &application of
Paraflow plate heat exchangers
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While the original idea for the plate heat
exchanger was patented in the latter half of
the past century, the first commercially CONTENTS
successful design was introduced in 1923 INTRODUCTION 3
by Dr. Richard Seligman, the founder of T H E PARAFLOW AND I T S
APV. Initially, the plate type exchanger PRINCIPLE 4
consisted of a number of cast gunmetal 2 THERMAL PERFORMANCE 10
plates enclosed within a framein a manner
quite similar to a filter press. Although this
basic principle remains unchanged, the 4 COMPARING PLATE AND
early 1930s saw the development of plates
pressed in thin gauge stainless steel and
subsequently, in various other ductile 6 PARAFLOWS IN SEA WATER
metals. Other refinements in Paraflow en- COOLING SYSTEMS
gineering boosted operating pressures from IRROSION AND HEAT
about 15 psig to 350 psig in some current
machines, increased liquid flow capacities
to as much as 11,000 GPM, and provided a
wide selection of gasketing materials to
meet varying temperature and p r o d r t
characteristic parameters.
Considered for many years to be an ap-
proach to heat transfer that was limited to
hygienic heating and cooling duties within
the dairy and brewery industries, the plate
heat exchanger has proved to be an ex-
tremely flexible and economic unit for
virtually any process. Not only is it widely
used in the dairy and food processingfields
but with the development of high volume
flow units and both plates and sealing
materials that resist corrosion and elevated
temperatures, the Paraflow has gainec
acceptance for chemical, Detrochemical.
phaimaceutical, industrial and marine
This handbook descri t'araflow
and its operating principle, compares it I
with conventional tubular exchangers, and The late Dr. Richard Selieman.
the Paraflow
and its principle
The Paraflow is the original plate type heat exchanger designed by APV to provide
maximum efficiency and cost effectivenessin handling thermal duties while mini-
mizing maintenance downtime and floor space requirements.
the kame
The Paraflow plate heat exchanger as shown in Fig. 1consists of a stationary head
and end support connected by a top carrying bar and bottom guide rail. These form a
rigid frame which supports the plates and moveable follower. In most units, plates
are securely compressed between the head and follower by means of tie bars on
either side of the exchanger. In a few models, central tightening spindles working
against a reinforced end support are used for compression. When Paraflows are
opened, the follower moves easily along the top bar with the aid of a bearing sup-
ported roller to allow full access to each individual plate.
With the exception of some sanitary models which are clad with stainless steel,
Paraflow frames are fabricated of carbon steel and are finished in chemical resistant
epoxy paint. Frame ports accept bushings of stainless steel or alternative metals
which, with various types of flanged or sanitary connections,form the inlet and out-
let. nozzles.Byusingintermediateconnectorp1ates
.. - asshown inFigure2, unitscanbe
FIG. 2 Two section Paraflow
with connector plate
3 Cutaway of Paraflow
plate shows turbulence during
passage of product and
service liquids.
the plates
The closely spaced metal heat transfer plates
have troughs or corrugations which induce tur-
bulence to the liquids flowing as a thin stream
between the plates (Fig.3).
The plates have comer ports which in the
complete plate pack form a manifold for even
sages (Fig. 4). - *
the gaskets
The seal between the plates is established by a
peripheral gasket which also separates the thru-
port and flow-areas with a double barrier. The
interspace is .vented to atmosphere to prevent
FIG. 5
cross contamination in the rare event of leak-
age (Fig.5).
unique interlocking gaskets
As an exclusive feature, Paraflow heat
exchanger plates have interlocking
gaskets in which upstanding lugs and
scallops are sited intermittently around
the outside edges. These scallops ensure
that there are no unsupported portions
of the gaskets and, in combination with
the patented form of pressed groove,
provide mechanical plate-to-plate s u p
port for thesealing system. The upstand-
ing lugs (Fii. 6)maintain plate alignment
in the Paraflow during pack closure and
operation.Thegrooveform provides 10046
peripheral support of the gasket, leaving
none of the material exposed to the out-
side. In addition, the gasket/groove
design minimizesgasket exposure to the
process liquid.
plate arrangement
Comparison of Paraflow plate arrange-
ment to the tube and shell side arrange-
ment in a shell and tube exchanger is
charted in Fig. 7. Essentially,the number
of passes on the tube side of a tubular
unit can becompared with the number
of passes on a plate heat exchanger. The
number of tubes per pass also can be
equated with the number of passages
per pass for the Paraflow. However, the
comparisonwith the shell side usually is FIG.7 Pass arrangementcomparison:
more difficult since with a Paraflow, the plate vs. tubular
total number of passages available for the flow of one fluid must equal those avail-
able for the other fluid to within *l.The number of cross passes on a shell, however, .
can be related to the number of plate passes and since the number of passagedpass
for aglate is an indication of the flow area, this can be equated to the shell diameter.
This is not a perfect comparison but it does show the relative parameters for ,
each exchanger.
With regard to flow patterns, the Paraflow advantage over shell and tube designs
is the ability to have equal passes on each side in full counter-current flow, thus
obtaining maximum utilization of the temperature difference between the two
fluids. This feature is particularly important in heat recovery processes with close
temperature approaches and even in cases with temperature cross-overs.
Whenever the thermal duty permits, it is desirable to use single pass, counter-
current flow f& an extremely efficient performance. Since the flow is pure counter-
flow, correction factors required on the LMTD approach unity. Furthermore, with
all connections located at the head, the follower is easily moved and plates are more
readily accessible.
FIG. 10
Troughs are formed
at opposite angles
FIG.9 to the center line
Corrugations pressed in adjacent plates.
into plates are
perpendicular to the
liquid flow.
plate construction
vertical flow (Fii. 8). Plates are pressed in thicknesses between 0.020 and 0.036
inches (0.5 - 0.9) and the degree of xtcckmd * kading.isit. The mort
sure and the other at
the plate and res
typical0.1-0.2 inchgap.
be provided to maintain the gap and th@is done by twodiffemH plate fonns.
One method is to press pips ino a plate with deep WBShboIfd carrugah to
2 of heat transfer .edace @is.9).
plates are arranged 80 that ax-
0 2 tot sqwreinchdarea.The
and the cross pattern fonns a
tortuous path that promotes substantial liquid turbulence and thus, a very high
nsfer coefficient.
mixing and variable length plates
To obtain optimum thermal and pressure drop performancewhile using a minimum
number of heat exchanger plates, mixing and variable length plates are availablefor
severalAPV Paraflow plate heat exchanger models. These plates are manufactured
to the standard widths specifiedfor the particular heat exchanger involved but are
offeredin different cormgation patterns and plate lengths.
Since each type of plate has its
own predictable performance
characteristics, it is possible to
calculate heat transfer surface
which more precisely matches
the required thermal duty with-
out oversizing the exchanger. X. 11 Low H'I'U passage
This results in the use of fewer
plates and a smaller, less expen-
sive exchanger frame.
To achieve mixing, plates
which have been pressed with
different corrugation angles are
combined within a single heat
exchanger frame. This results
in flow passages that differ sig-
nificantly in their flow character-
istics and thus heat transfer
capability from passages created
by using plates that have the
same corrugation pattern.
For example, a plate pack (Fig.
11)of standard plates which have
a typical 50" corrugation angle
(to horizontal) develops a fixed
level of thermal performance
(TU)per unit length. As plates
of 0" angle (Fig. 12) are substi-
tuted into the plate pack up to a maximum of 50% of the total number of plates, the
thermal performanceprogressively increases toa level that typically is twice that of
a pack containing only 50"angle plates. *-
Thus, it is possible for a given plate length to fine tune the Paraflow design in a
single or even multiple pass arrangement exactly to the thermal and pressure drop
requirements of the application.
Of more recent developmentareplates of fixed width with variable lengths which
extend the range of heat transfer peaormance in terms of HTU. This is proportional
to the effective length of the plate and typically, provides a range of 3 to 1from the
longest to the shortest plate in the series. As shown in Fig. 13,mixing also is avail-
able in plates of varied lengths and further increases the performance range of the
variable length-plate by a factor of approximatelytwo.
This extreme flexibility of combining mixing and variable length plates allows
more duties to be handled by a single pass design, maintaining all connectionson the
stationary head of the exchanger to simplify piping and unit maintenance.
lo 0 ,o
Re VDe
Reynolds number 7
Prandtl number 7
De Equivalent diameter,
(2xaverage plate gap) I OW RATPIPASSAGE LBSiHR
rLth -1.7Pr
Plate heat transfer for laminar flow follows the Dittus Boelter equation in this form:
flow. This is due to differences in
temperature profile. - I
pected in a tubular exchanger for this type of duty. However, the tubular design
would, for shell side condensation, be less dependent on available pressure loss and
for a one psi drop, a 450-500Btu overall coefficient still could be obtained. With the
plate, the calculated coefficient at this pressure is 746 Btu but the effective coeffi-
cient based on total area is only 605l of that figure or 445 Btu/hr ft2 OF.
gas cooling
Plate heat exchangers also are used for gas cooling with units in service for cooling
moist air, hydrogen, and chlorine. The problems are similar to those of steam heat-
ing since the gas velocitychanges along the length of the plate due either to condensa-
tion or pressure fluctuations. Designs usually are restricted by pressure drop so
machines with low pressure drop plates are recommended. A typical allowable
pressure loss would be 0.5 psi with rather low gas velocities giving overall heat
transfer coefficients in the region of 50 Btu/hr. ft2 OF.
The plate heat exchanger also can be used for evaporation of highly viscous fluids
when as a Paravap the evaporation occurs in the plate or as a Paraflash the liquid
flashes after leaving the plate. Applications generally have been restricted to the
soapand food industries. The advantageof these units is their ability toconcentrate
viscous fluids of UD to 5ooo centiwise.
It hAs been shown; therefore, that the plate heat exchanger is a relatively simple
machine on which to carry out a thermal design. Unlike the shell side of a tubular I
exchanger where predicting performance depends on baffldshell leakage, baffle/
tube leakage and leakage around the bundle, it is not possible to have bypass
streams on a Paraflow. The only major problem is that the pressure loss through the
ports can cause unequal distributibn in the plate pack. This is overcome by limiting
the port velocity and by using a port pressure loss correlation in the design to allow
for the effect of unequal distribution.
The flow in-a plate also is far more uniform than on the shell side. Furthermore,
there are no problems over calculation of heat transfer in the window, across the
bundle or of allowing for dead spots as is the case with tubular exchangers. As a
result, the prediction of performance is simple and very reliable once the initial
correlations have been established. I
- I
the problemof fouling
From Fa.1,it is apparent that the fouling process is time dependant with zero foul-
ing initially. The foulingthen builds up quite rapidly and in most cases, levels off at a
certain ti otic value as represented by curve A. At this point, the rate
of deposi that of removal. Not all fouling levels off, however, and
curve B shows that at a certain time the exchanger would have to be taken off line
for cleaning. It should be noted that a Paraflow is a particularly useful exchanger for
this type of duty because of the ease of access to the plates and the simplicity
of cleaning.
In the case of crystallizationand suspended solid fouling, the process usually is of
the type A. However, when the fouling is of the crystallization type with a pure
compound crystallizingout, the fouling approaches type B and the equipment must
. be cleaned at frequent intervals. In one particularly severe foulingapplication, three
Series HMB Paraflows are on a 4% hour cycle and the units are cleaned in place for
1%hours in each cycle.
Biologicalgrowth can present a potentially hazardous foulingsince it can provide
a more sticky type surface with which to bond other foulants. In many cases,
however, treatment of the fluid can reduce the amount of biologicalgrowth. The use
of germicidesor poisons to kill bacteria can help.
lower resistance
&generally isconsideredthat resistanaduetofouHng~lolrarnith~~wplate
heat exchangers than with tub& units. This is the result of f k Paraaew
1. There is a high degree of turbulence which increases the rate of foulant
removal and results in a lower asymptoticvalue of fouling resistance.
2. The velocity profileacmes a plateisgcood. There are noaonesof low velocity
comparedwith certain areas on the shell side of tubular exchangers.
3. Corrosion is maintainedat an absolute minimum.
4. A smooth heat transfer surface can be obtained.
5.In certain m l i n g duties using water to cool organics,the very water
Effect of velocit
and turbulence
where U -
= overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr - ft2 OF)
h,, h, =film coefficientsof the two heat transferring fluids (Etu/hr ft2 * -r 1
= fouling resistance (hr * ft2* OF/Btu)
It is obviousfrom Equation 1that the higher the film coefficients,thegreater effect
the foulingresistance will have on the overallcoefficient and therefore on the size of
the exchanger.
In tubular heat exchangers, water-side heat transfer coefficients in the order of
magnitudeof 1000Btuhr sft2-'Farequitecommon. In plateexchangers,thecoeffi-
cients are substantially higher, typically around 2000 Btu/hr ft2 O F . Assuming
that both types of equipment operate with water-water systems,overall clean coeffi-
cients of 500 and 1000Btu/hr f t 2 O F respectivelyare obtained. Using a typical foul-
ing resistance of 0.001 hr * ftz 'F/Btu (equal to a coefficient of 1000B t u h r - ft2* OF),
the inclusion of the fouling will cause the tubular exchanger size to increase by a
factor of 4 while for the plate exchanger,the correspondingfactor is 7.
This example clearly demonstrates the crucial importance of fouling,especially in
plate exchangers. Yet, fouling resistances which are unrealistically high often are
specified and invariably have been based on experiences derived from tubular
equipment. The common source of water fouling resistances is TEMA(4' which
recommends values of Rf spanning a tremendous range between 0.0015 and 0.005
hr * ft2 OF/Btu.
Flow velocity, as.mentioned earlier, is a yucial operating parameter which in-
flueices the foulingbehavior.For flow insidebf tubes, thedefinition of flow velocity
and the velocity profile is straightforward. But in plate exchangers, flow velocity is
maracterized by constant fluctuationsas the fluid passesover the corrugations. It is
postulated that this induces turbulence which is superimposed on the flow velocity
as a factor which diminishes fouling tendencies. This has been observed qualita-
tively in practical applicationsand confirmed by unpublished APV research.
test apparatus and conditions
The plate heattxchanger (PHE) tested was an APV Model 405 using APV Type R40
stainless s t k l plates 45 inches high and 18inches wide. The plate heat transfer area
was 4 sq ft with a nominal gap between plates of 0.12 inch. Due to the plate corruga-
tions, the maximum gap was 0.24 inch. Seven plates were used creating three
countercurrent passages each of the cooling water and the heating medhm. A
schematic diagram of the installation is shown in Fig. 3.
The PHE was mounted on the HTRI Shellside Fouling Research Unit f-SFRU)
together with two small stainless steel shell and tube exchangers. The PHE was
heated using hot steam condensate and the fouling was determined from the
degradationof the overall heat transfer coefficient. Simultaneously,tests also were
run on an HTRI Portable Fouling Research Unit (PFRU) which uses electrically
heated rodswith the cooling water flowing in an annulus. The SFRU and PFRU are
described in a paper by Fischer et a1.n
The fouling tests were conducted at a major petrochemical plant in the Houston,
Texas, area. The test units were installed near the cooIing tower basin of the plant.
The cooling tower operatingcharacteristicsare summarized in Table 1.The 140,OOO
GPM system had two 1600 GPM sidestream filters. Filter backwash accounted for
most of the blowdown. The makeup water for the cooling water system came from
several sourcesand was clarified with alum outside the plant. The water treatment
used is summarized below:
Chromate-zincbased inhibitor for corrosion control (20-25 ppm chromate)
Organic phosphonate and polymer combination as dispersant (2 ppm organic
*Polyphosphateas anodic passivator (5-6ppm total inorganic phosphate)
Chlorine for biological control (continuousfeeding of 386 lbdday)
*Biocidefor biological control (15 ppm biocide ondweek)
*Sulfuricacid for pH control (pH of 6 to 6.5)
Le& procedure
The velocity for the PHE is defined by V=
whereV =velocity
w =massflowrate
p =fluiddensity
4 =cross-sectionalflow area
FIG.3 APV plate heat exchanger with 3 parallel munterarrent parallel passages
for each of the cooling water and the hot water.
Tower and Circulation System
birculation Rate
Temperature Difference Across
Number of Sidestream Filters
Water Description
ypical Composition
otal hardness as CaC03, ppm
:alcium as CaCo3,ppm
lagnesium as CaCO,, ppm
Methyl Orange Alkalinity as CaC03, ppm
Sulfate as SO4,ppm
Chloride as CI, ppm
Silica as SO2,ppm
Total inorganic phosphate as
Orthophosphate as PO4,ppm
Specific conductance, microm
I *..
Cooling water system characteristics
FIG. 6
Asymptotic fwtingreaistance
versus velocity with surface
Loss on Ignition
Silicon 18 16 13
1 Calcium 4 15
Chrome 5 I 13 I 15 15 I 9
Iron 2 7 ?. I 4 5 13
1 Zinc 2 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 7
1.The loss on ignition (LOI) is performed by drying the sample to constant weight at
220F (105OC) and then combusting at 1470F (800OC). LO1 represents bound water
and organics present in the deposit. An organic test on samples of Test Series 5
showed that about k of the LO1 was organic.
2. Aluminum, silicon, and iron come from the suspended solids. Aluminum comes from
operaron of the clarifier. The silicon is not from magnesium silicate since little
magnesium is in the analyses.
3.Chrome, zinc, and phosphorus are derived from the water treatment.
4. Low vatues of calcium indicate little or no tricalcium phosphate. Most of the calcium
comes from association with zinc and polyphosphates in the treatment.
typical to the PHE, surface temperature may differ from those in tubular equipment
and should be carefully watched.
The turbulence inducing corrugation pattern prevalent in heat exchanger plates
produces very high local velocities. This results in high friction factors and there-
fore, high shearing. This high shear, in turn, results in less fouling in plate ex-
changers than in tubular units. For cooling water duties, Heat Transfer Research
Incorporated(HTRI)has shown that the plate exchanger fouls at a much lower rate
than either the tubeside or shell side of tubulars. TEMA recommendations for foul-
ing therefore should never be used for plate units since they probably are five times
the value found in practice. In particular, the plate exchanger is far less susceptible
to foulingwith heavy sedimented waters. This is contrary to popular belief. It must
be noted, however, that all particulate matter must be significantlysmaller than the
plate gap and generally particles over 01 inch in diameter cannot be handled in any
plate heat exchanger.
It has been shown that quoting a high fouling resistance can negate a plate heat
exchanger design by adding large amounts of surface and thereby overriding the
W i t s of the high coefficients. Fouling design resistance, therefore, should be
chosen with care, keeping in mind th with a Paraflow unit, it always is possible to
add or subtract surface to meet exac ouling conditions.
Disclaimer: As a general policy, HTRI as the project operator disclaims responsi-
bility for any calculations or designs
1. Tabodc, J., Aoki, T.;Ritter, R.B., Palen, J.W., ahd Knudm, J.G., "Fouling - The Major
UnresolvedProblem in Heat Transfer, Parts Iand 1I," CEP, 68, Nor. 2 817 (1972)
2 Wtor, J.W., Marner, W.J., and Ritter, R.B., 'The History and Status of Research in Fouling of
H a t Exchangers in Cooling Water Servi&," Paper No. 7SCSME/CSChE 19 presented a t the
18thNational Heat Transfer Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, August 8-11,1976
3. Morse, Robert W. and Knudsen, JameiG., "Effect of Alkalinity on the Scaling of Simulated
Cooling Tower Water," Paper No. 76SME/CSChE - 24 presented at the 16th National Heat
Transfer Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, August 8-11,1976
4. Sandbrdsof Tubular Exchanger ManufacturersAssociation.5th Ed., New York, 1968
5, F h r , P., Suitor,fW., and Ritter, R.B., "Fouling Measurement TechnquesandApparatus,"CEP,
71, No. 7,66 (1975)
8. Grwn, J. and Holmes, J.A., "Calculation of the pH of Saturation of Tricalcium Phosphate," J.
A-r Water Works Assn., 39,No. 11 (1947)
comparing plate
and tubular exchangers
In forming a comparison between plate and tubular heat exchangers, there are a
number of guidelines which will generally assist in the selection of the optimum
exchanger for any application.In summary, these are:
1. For liquidlliquid duties, the plate heat exchanger usually has a higher overall
heat transfer coefficient and often the required pressure loss will be no higher.
2. The effective mean temperature difference will usually be higher with the
plate heat exchanger.
3. Although the tubeis the best shapeof flow conduit for withstanding pressure,
it is entirely the wrong shape for optimum heat transfer performance since it has
the smallest surface area per unit of cross sectional flow area.
4. Because of the restrictions in the flow area of the ports on plate units, it is
usually difficult,unless a moderate pressure loss is available,to produce economic
designs when it is necessary to handle large quantities of low density fluids such
as vapors and gases.
5. A plate heat exchanger will usually occupy considerablyless floor space than a
tubular for the same duty.
6. From a mechanical viewpoint, the plate passage is not the optimum and gas-
keted plate units are not made for operating pressures much in excess of 300psig.
7. For most materials of construction, sheet metal for plates is less expensiveper
unit area than tube of the same thickness.
8. When materials other than mild steel are required, the plate will usually be
more economical than the tube for the application.
9. When mild steel construction is acceptable and when a close temperature ap-
proach is not required, the tubular heat exchanger will often be the most economic
solution since the plate heat exchanger is rarely made in mild steel.
10. Plate heat exchangers are limited by the necessity that the gasket be elasto-
meric. Even compressed asbestos fiber gaskets contain about 6% rubber. The
maximum operating temperature therefore is usually limited to 500F.
heit transfer coefficients
Higher overall heat transfer coefficientsare obtained with the plate heat exchanger
Tompared with a tubular for a similar loss of pressure because the shell side of a
tubular exchanger is basically a poor design from a thermal point of view. Consider-
able pressure drop is used without much benefit in heat transfer due to the turbu-
lence in the separated region at the rear of the tube. Additionally, large areas of tubes
even in a well designed tubular unit are partially bypassed by liquid and low heat
transfer areas thus are created.
Bypassingin a plate type exchanger is less of a problem and more use is made of
the flow separation which occurs over the plate troughs since the reattachment
point on the plate gives rise to an area of very high heat transfer.
For most duties, the fluids have to make fewer passes across the plates than would
be required through tubes or in passes across the shell. Since a plate unit can carry
FIG.1 Duty: Demineralized waterlsea water. Tocool 864,000lb/hr of water from 107F
to 82.4"F using 773,000lbs/hr of 72OF sea water
rneaaunE LVSS I rneaaune LUSS
If a close temperature approach is required, however, the plate unit always will cost
less and where stainless steel or more exotic materials are required for process
reasons, the plate unit usually will cost less.
physical size . 1
One important advantage of the plate over a tubular unit is that for a particular
duty, the plate heat exchanger will be physically smaller and require far less floor
space. This is shown most graphicallyin Fg.3where a SeriesR405 Paraflow is being
installed next to tubular units that need twice the amount of space for the identical
duty. It is further illustrated in thevolumetric comparisons of Fig. 4.
If the tightened plate pack of a Paraflow is regarded as a rectangular box, each
cubic foot contains from 50 to 100 ft2 of heat transfer area according to the type of
plate used. Allowing for metal thickness, the contained liquid is some 80%of this
volume. Thusifhe total of both heating and cooling media is about five gallons. EX
pressed in another way, the liquid hold up per square foot for each stream varies
according to plate type from about .06 gallons down to .03gallons.
By comparison,one cubicfoot of tubular exchanger of equilateral triangular pitch
Liquid containment
Heat transfer Heat transfer per sq ft of
area per cubic Liquid contained area per cubic heat transfer
ite footof per sq ft of heat Tube tube pitch foot of area (average of t
3h exchanger transfer area dia. tube dia. exchanger both sides)
r n .2
0.06 gal 2 1.5 10 ft2 0.32 gal
with a tube pitch/tube diameter ratio of 1.5has a surface area of 10ft2for 2 inch OD
tubes or 40ft2for 1/2 inch OD tubes. The average contained liquid is proportionately
0.27 gallons/ft2 down to 0.07 gallons/ft2 of heat exchanger area with no allowance
for the headers. If the heat transfer coefficient ratio between platehubular is con-
servatively taken as two, the plate exchanger volume to meet a given duty varies
from 1110th to 115th of that of the tubular. For a lower tube pitch/tube diameter
ratio of 125, the comparison becomes 117th to 114th. These facts demonstrate why
the Faraflow plate heat exchanger is referred to as compact:
thermal limitations
While it would appear offhand that the plate heat exchanger always provides a better
performance at usually a lower price than the tubular exchanger, consideration
must be given to the thermal as well as mechanical limitations of the plate type
machine. These usually are based on allowable pressure loss.
For single phase liquiuiquid duties, the plate heat exchanger can be designed for
moderately low pressure loss. However, if the pressure loss across any plate passage
which has liquid flowing downward is lower than the available liquid static head,
the plate will not run full and performance therefore will be reduced. This is termed
low plate rate. Use of a plate below the minimum plate rate is inadvisable since it
causesa wastage of surface area and results in unreliable operation. It is, however,
possible to function below the minimum plate fate in a single pass arrangementby
making sure that the low plate rate is operated with a climbing liquid flow.
these problems are not quite so severe with a tubular exchanger and therefore,
aperation at a moderately lower available pressure loss is possible.
To summarize, the gasketed plate heat exchanger generally will be the most em-
nomical heat exchanger for liquiuiquid duties providing the material of construc-
tion is not mild aeel and providing the operating temperatures and pressures are
below 500F and 300 psig respectively. For other types of duties such as gas cooling,
condensation or boiling, the plate heat exchanger can be a very economical type of
unit if the pressure loss allowed is sufficient to utilize the very high heat transfer
performance characteristics of the plate.
recovery of process heat L
Since it is quite clear that never again will energy be as inexpensiveas in the past, it
therefore is necessary to conserve this natural resource-to recover more of the
process heat that currently is dissipated to waterways and atmosphere. Someof this
heat can be recovered with the aid of high efficiency heat exchangers which can
operate economically with a close temperature approach at relatively low pumping
powers. One type of unit that is particularly suited for this duty is the APVParaflow
plate heat exchanger.For many applications, this equipment can transfer heat with
almost true counter-current flow coupled with high coefficients to provide efficient
and inexpensiveheat transfer.
Unfortunately, the plate heat exchanger has been considered by many chemical
engineers to be suitable only for hygienicheat transfer duties. This, of course, is not
so. Nowadays, many more plate type units are sold for chemical and industrial use
than are sold for hygienicapplications. A further mistake is the claim that the plate
heat exchanger can be used only for duties when the volumetric flows of the two
fluids are similar. Again, this is not true, although it must be stated that the plate
heat exchanger is at its most efficient when flows are similar.
plate or tubular?
Since plate and tubular heat exchangers are the most widely used types of heat
transfer equipment, it is well to draw a brief comparison of their respective heat
recovery capabilitiesfor the energy-consciousplant manager.
While the plate heat exchanger does have mechanical limitations with regards to
withstanding high operating pressures above 300 psig, it is more efficient thermally
than shell and tube units, especially for liquidlliquid duties. In many waste heat
recovery applications, however, both pressure and temperature generally are mod-
erate and the plate type unit is an excellent choice since its thermal performance
advantage becomes very significant for low temperature approach duties. Higher
overall heat transfer coefficients are obtained with the plate unit for a similar loss of
pressure because the shell side of a tubular basically is a poor design from a thermal
point of view. Certain pressure drop is used without much benefit in heat transfer
on the shell side due to the flow reversingdirection after each cross pass. In addition,
even'in a well designed tubular heat exchaitger, large areas of tubes are partially
bypassed by liquid and areas of low heat transfer thus are created. Conversely, by-
passing of the heat transfer area is far less of a problem in a plate unit. The pressure
loss is used more efficiently in producing heat transfer since the fluid flows at low
velocity but with high turbulence in thin streams between the plates.
For most duties, the fluids also have to make fewer passes across the plates than
would be required either through tubes or in passes across the shell. In many cases,
the plate heat exchanger can carry out the duty with one pass for both fluids. Since
there are fewer-passes, less pressure is lost due to entrance and exit losses and the
pressure is used more effectively.
A further advantage of the plate heat exchanger is that the effective mean tem-
perature difference usually is higher than with the tubular. Since in multi-pass
arrangements the tubular is always a mixture of cross- and contraflow, substantial
FIG. 1
1 2 Ib/tn* pressure loss 25 Ib/in? pressure loss
(Btulh) (%) Price
3,600,000 60 5,500
4,500,000 75 6,450
5,100,000 85 8.400
5,400,000 90 11,000
correction factors have to be applied to the log mean temperature difference. In the
plate unit for applicationswhere both fluids take the same number of passes through
the exchanger, the LMTD correction factor approaches unity. This is particularly
important when a close or even relatively close temperature approach is required.
thermal perlor lllallce h a ~ d
Although the plate heat exchanger now is widely used throughout industry, precise
thermal performance characteristics are proprietary and thus unavailable.It is pos-
sible, however, to size a unit approximately for turbulent flow liquidlliquid duties
by use of generalizedcorrelations which apply to a typical plate heat exchanger.The
basis of this method is to calculate the heat exchanger area required for agiven duty
by assuming that all the availablepressure loss is consumed and that any size unit is
available to provide this surface area.
For a typical plate heat exchanger,the heat transfer can be predicted in turbulent
flow by the following equation (1):
Obviously, equation (1) cannot represent accurately the performance of the many
differenttypes of plate heat exchangers that are manufactured. However,plates that
have higher or lower heat transfer performance than given in equation (1)usually
will give correspondingly.higheror lower friction factors in equation (2). Experience
indicates that the relationship for pressure loss and heat transfer is reasonably con-
sistent for well designed plates. In the Appendix, equations (Al)-(A3) are further
developed to show that it is possible for a given duty and allowablepressure loss to
FIG. 2 Two shrouded Paraflow units provide an optimum return o estment with energy and cost
savingregenerationof 88 and 81 percent.
predict the required surface area. This technique has been used for a number of
years to provide an approximate starting point for design purposes and has given
answers to *20%.For accurate designs, however, it is necessary to consult the
Duty. To heat 1,300,000 Ib/h of water from 73F to 97OF using 1 300.000 Ib/h of water at 107OF.
Available pressure loss 15 Ib/inz for both streams.
Heat recovery = 70.5%
Number of heat transfer units (HTU) - A
Heat transfer area 13,100 ft'
Heat transfer coeffi 386 -
Btu/hr * ft2 OF
Heat transfer coeffi 271 Btu/hr. ft2. O F
Effective mean tem 8.7 "F
Pressure drop. hot 15/13 Ib/in*
Fouling resistance: 0.0005/0.000 (Btu/hr * ft2 * O F)-1
Pass arrangement 4 tube side baffled
3 shells in series
Approximate price $135,000
Mild Steel
This example demonstrates that
PHE with only a moderate pressure loss.
exchanger cost. However, even with this 95%heat recovery and assuming steam
costs at $6.OO/lOOO#, payback on the plate heat exchanger would take 530 hours.
The plate heat exchanger thus provides a most economic solution for recovering
heat. This degree of heat recovery cannot be achieved economically in a tubular
exchanger since the presence of crossflowand multipass on the tube side causes the
LMTD correction factors to become very small or, alternately, requires more than
one shell in series. This is shown in the Figure 3 comparison.
As detailed, this example illustrates that the plate heat exchanger has consider-
able thermal and therefore price advantage over the tubular exchanger for a heat
recovery of 70%.Since the overall heat transfer coefficient and the effective mean
temperature differenceboth are much higher for the plate unit, reduced surface area
is needed. Furthermore, because of crossflow temperature difference problems in
the tubular, three shells in series were needed to handle the duty within the surface
area quoted. Using only two shells would have resulted in a further 40%increase in
surface area.
The small size of the plate heat exchanger also results in a saving of space and a
lower liquid hold up. For this type of heat recdvery duty, a stainless steel plate heat
exchanger almost always will be less expensive than a mild steel tubular unit.
Mhough the tubular exchanger physically will be capable of withstanding higher
temperatures and pressures, there is a considerableand for the most part unneces-
sary penalty to pay for these features both in price and size.
For heat recovery duties in excess of 7096,the plate heat exchanger will become
increasingly more economic than the tubular.
typical applicatJons
One of the more common uses of regeneration is found in many of the nation's
breweries where it is necessary to cool huge amounts of hot wort before it is dis-
charged to fermentation tanks. Typical in scope is an operation where 850 barrels
per hour of wort (220,000lbshr) are cooled from 200F to 50F by means of 242,000
l b s h r (R = 1.l:l) of water entering at 35F and being heated to 165F. The result:
approximately 33,000,000Btu/hr are saved, there is an excellent water balance for
use throughout the brewery, and no water is discharged to the sewer.
For a dairy, regeneration usually involves the transfer of heat from pasteurized
milk tocooler raw milk entering the system. After initially heating 100,OOOIbshr of
milk from 40F to 170F by high temperature, short time pasteurization, 90% regen-
eration permits cooling of the milk back down to 40F with a savings of 11,700,000
Btu/hr. Only 10%of the total heat or coolingmust be supplied and no coolingmedium
s u c h as city water is used and discarded.
Chemically, there are many and varied regenerative applications. For desalina-
tion, APV has supplied a number of Paraflows which are virtually perpetual motion
machines. These units achieve 95%regeneration in heating 87,000lbshr (175 GPM)
from 70F to 197F while cooling a secondary stream flowing at 78,000 lbshr from
214F to 73F. Savings in the Btu load in this case are 11,050,OOOper hour.
While flow rates in hot oil applications are quite low in comparison,temperatures
are very high. It is possible to cool 400 GPH of vegetableoil from 446Fto 266Fwhile
heating 400 GPH of oil from 200F to 400F with 80% regeneration.
And in the production of caustic soda where very corrosive product streams are
encountered, Paraflows with nickel plates are being used tocool 10,000lbshr of 72%
NaOH from 292F to 210F while heating 14,000 lbs/hr of
to 169F.
To examine a hypothetical case of Paraflow regeneration from the viewpoint of effi-
ciency and dollar savings, consider the following process duty:
DUTY Heat 100 GPM of fluid #1 from 50F to 200F while cooling 100 GPM of
fluid #2 from 200F to 50F.
Under ordinary conditions, steam required to heat fluid #1 would be in the nature of
7500 lbs/hr with an equivalent coolingrequirement for the second stream of 625 tons
of refrigeration. Using 85%regeneration, however, the energy needs are drastically
equivalent -7500000
= 625tons .15 x 625 = 93.5 tons
ref rigeration 12,000 to cool to supplemental
required 50" F cooling to lower
assuming average
water cost: S.05
per 1000 gal.
water cost/hr 12 x .05 = $.60/hr none
annual water cost $60~24 x 365 = $5250 none
At this point in the process, fluid #2 in a conventional system has been cooled to only
90F by means of 85F city water and will require supplemental refrigeration for
final cooling to 50F.At the same time, fluid #2 in an APV regenerative system has
been cooled to 72.5"F by means of 85%regeneration and must be cooled further
to 50F.
WF - 50F 72.5"F - 50F
suppkmental 50'000
= 166.5 tons
refrigeration E,o00
power required 166.5x 1.2x 0.746= 149 KWH x 1.2x 0.746= 83.7KWH
assumingaverage electrical cast: 64/KwH
annual - 6x 149x 24 x 365= $78,341 -
6x 83.7x 24 x 365=$43,993
supplemental 100 100
cooling 5,250 none 5,250
Note: Capital cost of a Paraflow plate heat exchanger for the above duty would be approximately
u& since As = L x wetted Derimete
bulent flow it is
I 38
2 865.810 774.594 107 A 82 12,110 19 19 3,633 11 8.7
water sea 9 9 B 72
In operation, the plate heat exchanger pack is clamped tightly between the head and
follower but the unit easily is dismantled for cleaningor maintenance. It also has the
further advantage of flexibility in that heat transfer surface can either be added to or
deleted from the original configuration.
It will be recognized immediately that when the plate pack is assembled, the
geometry of the flow channel on both sides of the plates is identical. Thermal and
pressure drop predictions thus can be made much more accurately than, for instance,
in the case of shell and tube (S and T) heat exchangers. In tubular exchangers, the
shell side geometry in particular is so complex that large margins of safety have to
be allowed for the film coefficient on this side of the unit. Furthermore, geometrical
similarity of the plate heat exchanger passages and equal access to both sides of the
plates removes the tubular exchanger dilemma of which shall be the shell side fluid
and which the tube side.
Without doubt, the most important feature of plate units in the context of this
paper is that the overall heat transfer coefficient achieved on liquid to liquid heat
transfer duties is of the order of two to three times that which can be achieved even
in a well designed tubular exchanger. The criterion of economy in the use of costly
constructional materials is readily met. Typical overall design coefficients for a
sweet water/sea water PHE would lie in the range of 600-800Btu/hr ft2 O F . Table 1
compares areas and pressure drops for S aqd T and PHE designs for typical indus-
trial duties, two of which are for a sea water cooling function. The S and T designs
were prepared with the assistance of the HTRI (Heat Transfer Research Inc.) S.T.3
problems with direct sea water _cooling
Plate heat exchangers are, of course, extensively used in many process industries
for direct sea water cooling, i.e., the employment of sea water on one side of thecool-
ing surface and product liquid on the other. The main advantage is that the full dif-
ference between the product temperatures and those of the sea water can be used,
resulting in a smaller heat transfer area for agiven thermal duty. It is rare, however,
that any technological system possesses only advantages. Direct cooling, while
widely practiced, is no exception to this rule. A typical chemical industry example,
thecooling of high strength sulphuric acid by sea water, illustrates this point. Over
certain temperature ranges, product corrosiveness is such that a relatively un-
sophisticated and, therefore, moderately priced material such as 316 stainless steel
could be used quite readily. At these temperatures,however, 316 stainless steel will
corrode in sea water, so a more sophisticatedmaterial is needed. High nickel alloys
like Incoloy 825 which probably represent the next step up in sophistication and
price usually are avoided as well. While they are well suited to contact with the
sulphuric acid, there still is some risk on the sea water side.
Titanium, next upward in price, would be ideal for sea water but does not suffi-
ciently resist acid corrosion. Therefore,the final choice (Fig. 1) often has to lie with
an alloy such as Hastelloy 'C'which not only is the most expensive of those men-
tioned but also has a comparativelylow thermal conductivity. In addition toa higher
cost per pound, it sometimesis necessary with Hastelloy 'C'to provide agreater area
to do the same work. Differences in metal thermal conductivity on high efficiency
heat exchangers can be quite significant. Stainlesssteel and titanium haveconduc-
tivities of the same order of magnitude-about 112 Btu/hr * ft OF but Hastelloy 'C'
is about half this at 62.4 Btu/hr ft OF. For normal plate thicknesses and typical
PHEfilmcoefficientsof about 2025Btu/hr-ft2."Ffor waterand670Btu/hr.ft2."F
for strong acid, the additionalresistanceof Hastelloy 'C'would result in an increase
in area of 740% for this acid cooler.
alternative solution indirect cooling
This corrosiondilemma can be solved by i
circuit carrying clean and noncorrosive water between the acid and the sea water
(Fii. 2). The closed loop water initially flows through the sulphuric acid coolers
which can be of any material that suits the corrosive conditions, then rejects the
heat gained to other coolers which generally are fabricated of titanium to resist sea
water. As a bonus, the acid coolers are not sthject to cooling water fouling and can
remain on stream longer without cleaning.
The disadvantagesare that this system requires a pump for the closed hop water
and that the temperature differences between acid and sea water have to be appor-
tioned between the process cooler and the clean water/sea water cooler. There is
some compensation for this loss of temperature difference since less fouling allow-
ance need be built into the acid cooler design, and in this particular example,by being
able to revert to a material with a higher thermal conductivity. For both acid and
clean watedsea water heat exchangers,it is essentialthat high efficiency liquid-to-
liquid units be chosen. This is where PHEs are finding widespread application.
the Hunterston 'B' power station
The acid cooling example illustrates the philosophy behind the increasingadoption
hr krcal problem areas within many diffpent types of
uclear or fossil-fk.al etatiom, chemical or fertil-
&&u&s, offshoreoil platform, or pulpad pper plants that d r e substantial
quantitiesof coolingwater.
The choice of closed loop cooling for the reactor and auxiliary systems for
Hunterston 'B' nuclear power station of the South of Scotland Electricity Boardis a
-case. Located at aooBstal sitesthe natural choice of^ medium Lser
water. Corrosive~uids,however,anmtbedowed into^^^AU reactor
emling circuits must be of e x t d y high intejgrity and myst utifise water with
WanB m i o n and fouling characten' s t i c s . I t k - a * & m f o r
treated water or other liquid
I oil productionplatford
I marineinstailation
FIG. 3
Closed circuit
cooling system
effected by a chlorine generator to avoid the potential risks associated with storage
of substantial quantities of liquid chlorine.
Biological fouling is, of course, not the only type to be expected in heat exchangers.
Taborek et a1 (2) and Fischer et a1 (3) classify fouling into six groups:
Silting (particylate sedimentation)
Chemical reaction and polymerization
Organic material growth (i.e., bio-fouling)
Depending upon the type of duty, these can occur singly or in almost any combina-
tion. For sea water plate heat exchangers, however,it is possible toeliminate at least
three. The choice of titanium removes the problem of corrosion and, at the same
time, neither polymerization nor coking are features of this type of cooling duty.
Cooper and Suitor(,)observe that the plate heat exchanger fouls less than the shell
and tube sides of tubular exchangers under typical operating conditionsand also is
much less sensitive to silt fouling. Other than biological fouling which already has
been discussed, the remaining type is crystallization.
Liquid hold-up volumes of plate heat exchangers are very small. Even in the
largest units, the particle dwell time for this type of duty is only of the order of 3-5
seconds so that crystallization, which requires a substantial time to develop, is
muchreduced. In the general chemical induary, there are many examples of plate
heat exchangers being deliberately selected for conditions where crystallization
vpould be known to occur in any other class of equipment. Thus, although the plate
type unit is not totally immune to crystalline fouling, the rate of formation is much
slower. In most cases of mixed fouling, the plate unit reaches an asymptotic fouling
level after a relatively short operating time.
closed circuit cooling
Using closed circuit cooling systems (Fii. 3) to serve complete in
gained widesp&d acceptance and is of particular value at the plant design stage. It
givesgreater freedom of choiceof construction materials and permits moreeconom-
ical process equipment design due to the virtual elimination of coolingwater fouling
allowances. A further advantage of closed circuit cooling sometimes is overlooked
FIG.4 Ammonidurea fertilizer plant under construction with 13 plate heat =&angers as central coolera.
but nevertheless is important. It is common practice to design the central cooler
station on worst case: Le., summer temperatures, so that cooler sizes are fixed by
this criterion. By simply recycling some of the heated sea water, it is possible to
maintain summerconditions throughout the year, thereby avoiding seasonal fluc-
tuations in the temperature of the closed circuit water. This is important in some
installationssuch as closed circuit water used for jacket water cooling of large diesel
power sets.
It cannot be denied that handling sea water is troublesomein general, not only in
process plant but also in the sea water pipelines. From the viewpoint of subsequent
maintenance, there is a distinct advantage in keeping these pipe runs as small in
diameter and as short as possible. The high overallheat transfer coefficientsof plate
heat exchangers coupled with the fact that most are designed for almost 10096 true
mnter-current flow results in less sea water being required in the central coolers
than if any other type of heat exchangers were used. piping and pumps
therefore may be smaller.
There are a number of plants currently under consid where the process
installationwill be about 2-3miles inland fnnnthecoast. If dircct sea water cooling
is used, the problems of 4-6 miles of flow and return sea water Cufvert are obvious.
Instead,theseplantsarebeingdes~~wiwiththecentralcodingstationat theshare.
Sea water pipelines are s h r t and of relatively small diametez. Sina the pipelines
betw&n shore and the plant will carry only&tn noncorrosive!water, a relatively
troublefree installatim will result.
+. I shows a plate heat exchanger installation in the Mddb b t during the
construction of a new ammonidurea fertilizer plant..he thirteen- act
as central coolers for the whole of theprocess plant so that sea water piping extends
onlyfrom theintakethroughthetreatmentplant, t h e n t o t h e m h a n d b a c k t o t h e
sea.The position of the underground manifoldsfor the sea water and closed ckuit
water flow and return can be located easily in the photograph, the stub pipes for
subsequent conpection to the heat exchaxgersbeingplainly visible.
The& coolers provide almost 40,OOO GPM of recirculating cooling water for the
main plant process items. As in the case of the sulphuric acid cooler, isolationof sea
water from the process plant enabled the designers to select materiaisto suit mn).
sion characteristics of process streams being h a n W at any point, and -1y
500 1000
5 * ' ~ f ~ w'.3=m I 1 s
resulted in lower cost materials being used. With no corrosion problems at the
central coolers, any fouling which does occur can be due only to the fouling charac-
teristics, if any, of the process streams. w!"d
expensive metals and alloys. Fig: 5 shows relative costs per unit area of stainless
steel PHEs against three different material combinations for tubular units. On this
basis, PHE surface always is less expensive than any tubular unit partially or
wholly constructedof stainless steel. Thegraph indicates that the unit area cost of a
mild steel shell and tube exchanger is lower than that of a plate heat exchanger with
stainless steel surfaces. However, since smaller areas are needed for plate type
exchangers, it can happen on a duty for duty basis that the plate unit sometimes is
less expensive than an all mild steel tubular.
Where more sophisticatedmaterials are mandatory for both classes of exchangers,
the price differential rapidly widens in favor of the PHE-by a factor that can at
times exceed 4:l as was the case for the ammonidurea fertilizer plant previously
mentioned. World Bank financing was involved and international bidding was by
two plate and five tubular exchanger manufacturers. Both plate heat exchanger
bids were for titanium construction. The lowest priced tubular offer which used
mild steel shell and aluminum brass tubes was 2.2 times the PHE prices while the
lowest priced titanium tubed units were 4.1 times.
1 South of Scotland Electricity Board (Research Division) Internal Report No. RD 2/70 - 'SeaWater Testing
of Plate Heat Exchanger Materials.' Author, McKay, J.D
2 er. R B , Paten,J W and Knudsen,J G -'Fouling, The Major UnresolvedProblem in
hemical Engineering Progress,68, No 2, pages 59-67. February 1972
3 , Ritter, R B - 'Fouling Measurement Techniques,'Chemical Engineering Progress,
and heat transfer
Insofar as the chemical industry and certain segments of food processing have to
deal with widely ranging corrosive processes, engineers must be particularly con-
scious of the need for detection and replacement of sections of corroded equipment.
The ease with which this is achieved with the plate heat exchanger must, in no
small part, account for the widespread acceptance of this method of heat
However, by careful attention to detail at the design stage and observa
implementation of the correct operating and maintenance schedules, any
plate replacement because of corrosion should be minimized.
As describedin the initial section of the APV Heat Transfer Handbook, the des
principles, methods of construction and operating characteristics of the plate h
exchanger are fundamentally differentfrom the more traditional forms of heat trans
fer equipment such as the shell and tube heat exchanger. Since the configuratio
andgeometry of the plate heat transfer surfacesare unique,a new materials specifica
tion philosophy frequently has to be adopted when consideringmaterials of construc
tion if a plate exchanger is to be operated on a corrosive process or service stream.
catering for general corrosion
Since the flow plates of a plate heat exchanger are quite thin (0.024 inl0.036 in.) in
contrast toother heat transfer surfaces (0.048 in. andgreater) corrosionallowances
normally quoted for chemical plants in standard reference books tend to be mean-
ingless. Such works will give a Grade A rank to a corrosion rate of 0.005 in./year or
less - a rating which is realistic when consideringmaterial 10times this thickness.
However, a corrosion of 0.005 in./year with metal of 0.024 in. nominal thickness
represents over 50% reduction in thickness in just three years of use. To most
chemical engineers, this would be unacceptable. As a general guideline, the maxi-
mum permissible corrosion rate for a plate heat exchanger is 0.002 in./year and at
this level, the concept of general corrosion in plate units is brought into line with
normally accepted levels for other pieces of process equipment.
The implications are that in a specific corrosive environment, a change from
tubular exchangers to plate units may necessitate an upgrading of the alloy used for
the K a t transfer surface. In spite of this decasional need for a more expensive
material of construction, however, the advantage of using thin gauge material and
theinherently high heat transfer coefficients of the plate heat exchangers frequently
means that the actual cost of the required heat transfer surface is less. The added
attraction of using a more highly alloyed material is that some degree of extra cor-
rosion protection is built into the equipment, thus permitting excursions from
normal design conditions into the more corrosive regimes which frequently are
encounteredin the startup and shutdown of a modern chemical plant.
materials for heat exchanger plates
Before describingthe various types of corrosionwhich may occur, a summary of the
composition and corrosion characteristics of the metals and alloys from which heat
exchanger plates are produced is appropriate.
IO IU 2% Bal.
20 25 4% 2 Bal.
20 18 6 % Bal.
<1 Bal. 28 2
15% Bal. 16 5
22% Bal. 6% 2 20
18% Bal. 9 3
21% 42 3 2 Bal.
Bal. 30
acid. It is particularly resistant to wet process phosphoric acid. One of the few alloys
suitable for use in hot, concentrated sulphuric acid.
HASTELIXIY 6-3 Possessing a high nickel and molybdenum content, the alloy is
suitable for dilute and middle ranges of sulphuricacid concentrations. It is very good
where contamination with chloride and fluoride ions occurs (Le., gas scrubbing
duties)and exhibits an improved resistance in such environments over Incoloy 825,
albeit at an increased price.
INCONEL625 Suitable for many environments, including chloride ions and acids.
It provides a compromise solution where conditions demand something better than
Incoloy 825but do not necessitate the extremely good corrosion resistance (and high
p r i ~of~Hastelloy
) C-276.
INCOLOY 825 A reasonably priced alloy with a good resistance to high strength
caustic soda and virtual immunity to stresscorrosion cracking. It is the workhorse
for duties involving numerous sulphuric acid concentrationsat lower temperatures
but it is susceptible to chloride-induced crevice corrosion.
MONEL400:Particularly good for acid chloride environments and, under certain
circumstances, brackish and saline waters. It has excellent resistance to high
strength caustic soda (30-50percent) at high temperatures, but it is susceptible to
attack by mercury which occasionally is present as a contaminant. In such cases,
Incoloy 825 is preferred.
other metals
TITANIUM The material par excellencefor chloride solutions. It is virtually
immune to attack by sea water upto 248F (120C) and to other chloride solutions
guch as calcium chloride. It is not immune to attack by some amcentrated chloride
solutions at temperatures over 212F (100C)and therefore in duties where this
condition prevails or is likely to arise through leakage, titanium-palladium is pre-
ferred. Titanium has excellent Mistance to concentrations of nitric acid up to 70
percent although its resistance to dilute sulphuric acid is similar to that of 316. A
useful performance in hydrochloric acid can be achieved,espeCially if the acid is con-
taminated with oxidizing ions such as ferric or cupric.
TITANIUM-PALLADIUM The addition of0.15percent palladium to titanium has
a pronounced effect in increasing corrosion resistance. In general terms, it produces
an all around improvement in resistance to mineral acids (sulphuridhydro-
pitthgcorrosion .
One very common cause of equipment corrosion failure is
attrtck characteristically is caused by &bride or chlotine
quently, a largenumber of environmentsexist within the pmsesss irdarstrigs which
potentially are corrosive and for which correct material selectioa isc r k b l .
Pitting corrosion damage is highly localized and tends to be deep and undercutin
nature. Fwre 2 shows pitting upon a stainless steel pipe and, as can be seen, the
surface damage is little more than a series of randomly sited small hoses with the
adjacent metalbeing entirely unaffected and retaining its original polished appear-
ance. Viewed in cross-section, the insidious nature of pitting eorrodh pdiapsis
easier to appfeciate.Underneath the surface, the metal has been corrodectawayin
an undercut fashion and complete perforation of the metal is im
largely to the product from the corrosion reaction being more
FIG.2 Pittingcorrosion.Inset
shows a micrograph of a section
through a corrosion pit.
initiatingprocess stream. Additionally, these products also tend to be more dense and
it is not uncommon to see pitting grow under the influence of gravity.
From all the foregoing, it will be appreciated that the actual loss of metal is negli-
gible when compared with the bulk. This highlights the inadequacies of corrosion
tables which quote weight loss or mean loss of metal thickness.
The austenitic stainless steels are susceptible to this type of attack and in very
broad terms, their susceptibility is an inverse function of the molybdenum content
of the alloy. For example, 304stainless steel (no molybdenum) is particularly prone
to pitting corrosion by neutravacidic solutions containing as little as 50 ppm of
chloride. This, therefore, limits the use of this grade of stainless steel to all but the
pmbt of coolingwaters and seriously restricts the chemicalenvironments in which
it CBR be employed successfully. On the other hand, 316 stainless steel (246% molyb
denum) offers a reasonably good resistance to pitting attack and as a very rough
guide, 150ppm chlorideconcentration is taken as a safe maximum Ievel. Thus, this
grade of steel is suitable for use in a wide raw of industrial waters, even cooling
and the chemistry of it is coRtrdled.Jtmwt beemphashd that all the fare-
going is for typical waters. Other factors such as pH or scaling tendency can have a
therefore,can be made only in the light of all the iononthe
particular stream.
F b r m o r e ~ i ~ ~ a r ~ s t r e a l n s o o n t a i n i R
alloys such as Avesta 254SLX (434% molybdenum) or Av&b 254S#o (Ssa molyb-
b u m ) may be required. For sea water cooling applications (2l,OOO ppm chloride),
the 6%molybdenum alloys can be used for lower temperatures but at high tempera-
tctres, alloys such as Inconel 625 may be needed or even titanium which is immune
to this form qf damage at temperatures up to 2 4 8 O F (UOOC).
Chlorination of water supplies is a common practice and although the 300series
stainless steels are suitable in potable waters containing up to 2 ppm midud
FIG.3 Crevice corrosion at the contact
points of a heat exchanger plate. Inset
shows a micrograph of a section through
a corrosion site.
crevice corrosion
Mlkmever pittingcomion is encountered, it is not uncosnmoat;forc-ion
to be found as well. Crevices inherently occur within modern proaess ghat at a
number of places, i.e., pipeline joints, valves, and within plate he& ex&.
F w3shows crevice corrosion on a heat exchanger plate at a pIabbpb&aWact
point. Crevice conditions also can be created on heat transfer s d m by the
presence of scale or product debris.
Crevicecorro$on is, in fact, essentially similar to pittingcomiouexcept that by
definition it can occur only under crevice conditions where several added features
can exist which are capable of adverselyinfluencingthe pittingcorrosionprocess. It
is caused by exactly the same range of chloride and chlorine bearingenviranments.
This similarity with pitting is clearly evident from the cross-sectional view.
There is a divergenceof opinion as to the reaction mechanism which will initiate
crevice corrosion. It originally was considered that it resulted from an electro-
chemically induced breakdown of the protective oxide film on the metal surface
caused by a difference in concentration of an ionic species or oxygen within the
crevice and in the bulk liquid surrounding the crevice. Modern views tend to favor a
mechanism whereby, due to the restricted irrigation of the liquid trapped in the
~ crevice,restricted replacement of oxygen in the crevicefluid causes chloride or other
corrosive ions to migrate into it and create very high concentrations. This, in turn,
causes accelerated attack.
The preventive measures for crevice corrosionare, as one might expect, the same
as those for pitting corrosion. While certain steps such as keeping plant surfaces
clean will alleviate the risk, such measures rarely are practical on equipment located
in a continuouslyoperated industrial complex. For such equipment, correct material
choice is the all important factor. It is worth restating that 304 stainless steel is
totally unsuited for coping with crevice corrosion and although 316 offers some
degree of resistance, for many situations the highly alloyed stainless steels or
titanium may be necessary.
As with pitting corrosion,values quoted in corrosion tables
mean metal penetration rate are meaningless.
stress corrosioncracking (S.C.C.)
Yet another form of corrosion damage which frequently is encountered and which
can cause extremely rapid equipment failure is stress corrosion cracking.This form
of damageoccurs when a metal under the influence of stress comes into contact with
certain highly specificenvironmental conditions. While these vary depending upon
the metal, in the case of the chromiudnickel alloys it is most commonly chloride
ions. It also is a feature of stainless steels that S.C.C.only occurs in environmental
conditions when the temperature is in excess of 140F(60C).
Figure 4 shows the appearance of a typical stress corrosion failure, the cracking
being a network of highly branched cracks. It will be noted that the cracking is
transgranular, i.e., the cracks pass through the metal grains rather than following
the grain boundaries. From a point of view of diagnosing plant failures, this trans-
granular route of the crack path is of vital significance in helping to classify the
corrosive agency as chloride ions.
The stress component of the failure mechanism may be present either as an inbuilt
stress resulting from welding and fabricational processes or alternatively, may be
*due to process pressure conditions. In either case, it is clear that in modern process
plant the presence of stressed metal is unavoidable. It also must be pointed out that
other failure processes can play a role in stress corrosion by actingas stress raisers,
complementing the existing stress levels. For example, it is not uncommon to find
stress corrosion cracks initiating from within pits formed by crevice or pitting
corrosion, Figure 5.
The susceptibility of an austenitic stainless steel to S.C.C.is a function of the
nickel content of the alloy. It is an unfortunate fact that thegreatest susceptibility is
exhibited in stainless steels containing ca. 10%nickel which is the alloying level in
both 304 and 316. Where an environmental situation exists when there is a serious
risk of S.C.C.,the remedial action necessary is to select an alloy with a higher or
FIG.5 Stress corrosion cracking associated
with crevice and pitting corrosion.
Fatigue crack with stress
mrrosion cracking emanating
f"the fractureface.
I 54
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