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A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt

Contents, Volumes 1 through 12
CONTENTS BY ISSUE Readers Forum, 2-4.
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-7.
Editors Report: After Tutankhamun International
Conference by Dennis Forbes, 8-11, 70.
Interview: A Chat with T.G.H. James, 12-17, 63,
65, 67, 71.
Volume 1: Number 1, Revealing a Phantom Temple of Karnak by Lyla
Spring 1990 Pinch Brock, 18-19.
(Premier Issue Digging Up Clues with Amelia Peabody (Emer-
Hatshepsut Special) son) by LG., 20-23, 66.
Photo Quiz: Where Is It? Dennis Forbes Photo-
Nile Currents, Comments from the Editor, 2-3. graphs, 24-25.
Hatshepsut by Emily Teeter, 4-13, 56-57. Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, Pt. 1, by
Sidebar: A Hatshepsut Memento? (Ed.) Andrew H. Gordon, 26-29.
Queens Minion: Senenmut by Dennis Forbes, 14-19. Photo Essay: Avenue of the Sphinxes, Luxor,
Review: Peter F. Dorman, The Monuments of Sen- Dennis Forbes photographs, 30-37.
enmut by William H. Peck, 19. Who Was Who in Room 52? A Biologic View of
Photo Essay: Chapelle Rouge, Hatshepsuts Other the Royal Mummies in the Egyptian Mus-
Great Masterpiece, Dennis Forbes photo- eum, Cairo by James E. Harris, 38-42.
graphs, 20-27. Theodore M. Davis and the So-Called Tomb of
Hatshepsut and the Metropolitan Museum by Queen Tiye, Pt. 2, by John A. Larson, 43-46.
Catharine Roehrig, 28-33. Preview: Edward Ayrtons 1907 Report on the
Field Report: Who Is Buried in KV60? by Don- Excavation of KV55, from The Tomb of Queen
ald P. Ryan, 34-39, 58-59, 64. Tyi, 47-51 (Ed.).
Interview: Kent Weeks, Anatomy of a Conces- Pharaoh Was a Fat Man by Dennis Forbes, 52-57.
sion, 40-47, 60-63. KMT Reader Survey, 58.
Theodore M. Davis and the So-Called Tomb of Photo Bonus: Akhenaten at Luxor Temple, Dennis
Queen Tiye, Pt. 1, by John A. Larson, 48- Forbes photographs, 59-61.
53, 60-61. Book Reviews: Christine el Mahdy, Mummies, Myth
Photo Quiz: Where Is It? Dennis Forbes photo- and Magic (Emily Teeter), 68-69; Kathy Han-
graphs, 54-55. Hansen, Egypt Handbook (Emily Teeter), 69-71.
Book Notices, 71.
Luxor Temple. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Volume 1: Number 3,
Fall 1990
Volume 1: Number 2, (Monuments in
Summer 1990 Crisis Special)
Readers Forum, 2-4. Boston at Giza: The Museum of Fine Arts Race
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-9. Against Time in the Shadow of the Pyra-
Editors Report by Dennis C. Forbes, 11. mids, 1902-1990 by Peter Der Manuelian,
Rameses III & the End of Empire by Glenn V. 10-21.
McIntyre, 12-17, 60-63. A Lost Queen of Ancient Egypt, Kings Daugh-
While the Woman Looks On: Gender Inequality ter, Kings Great Wife, Ankhesenamen by
in New Kingdom Egypt by Gay Robins, L. Green, 22-29, 67.
18-21, 64-65. A Beginners Guide to Egyptology by Donald P.
Monuments in Crisis, Introduction (Ed.), 22-23. Ryan, 30-34, 65-66.
The Problems of the Great Sphinx Began the Day Photo Essay: Kom Ombo, Ptolemaic Temple of
Prince Thutmose Took a Nap in Its Sha- Horus & Sobek, Greg Reeder photographs,
dow by Lyla Pinch Brock, 24-28. 35-40.
Interview: Zahi Hawass, The Man in Charge of Kaemwaset, Prince, Priest, Egyptologist by Emi-
the Giza Plateau Talks to KMT, 28-30. ly Teeter, 41-45.
Photo Essay, Opet Festival Reliefs at Luxor Welcome in Egypt! Book a Tour or Plan Your
Temple, Greg Reeder photographs, 31-37. Own Adventure by Kathy Hansen, 46-51.
The Oriental Institutes Epigraphic Survey and Portfolio: What Did They Really Look Like? Re-
the Rescue of the Monuments of Ancient constructing the Appearance of Ancient
Egypt by Lanny Bell, 38-41. Egypts Great Ones by Winifred Brunton,
The Tomb of Nefertari (Ed.), 42-45. 52-60.
KV7, The Tomb of Rameses II: Why Save It? by Book Reviews: Nicholas Reeves, The Complete Tut-
John B. Rutherford, 46-51. ankhamun, 69; Geoffrey T. Martin, The Hidden
Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, Pt. 2, by Tombs of Memphis, 70-71; Gay Robins (ed.),
Calvin W. Schwabe, 52-55. Beyond the Pyramids: Egyptian Regional Art from
Interview: Andrew Gordon and Arthur Richter, the Museo Egizio, Turin, 71 (all by Editor).
Archaeologia: Buying & Selling Antiquar-
ian Books on Ancient Egypt, 56-59, 70-71.
Book Reviews: Richard Pare, Egypt: Reflections on
Continuity (Greg Reeder), 66; Barry D.
Kemp, Ancient Egypt, Anatomy of a Civiliz-
ation (Editor), 67; C.N. Reeves, Valley of
the Kings: the decline of a royal necropolis
(Donald P. Ryan), 67-69; Erik Hornung, Volume 2: Number 1,
The Valley of the Kings (Richard Wilkinson), Spring 1991
Readers Forum, 2-3.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 4-6.
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 7-9.
Miss Benson & Mut: The Short Egyptological
Career of Margaret Benson and Her Exca-
vations in the Temple of Mut at Karnak
by William H. Peck, 10-19, 63-65.
Volume 1: Number 4, Sidebar: Mut by William H. Peck, 18.
Winter 1990-91 Michael Allen Hoffman, 1944-1990: Conversa-
Readers Forum, 2-4. tion & Remembrance edited by Jeremy
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-7. Geller, 20-25, 65.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 8-9. Return to Wadi Biban el Moluk: The Second
(1990) Season of the Valley of the Kings Photo Essay Rock-Cut Tomb Details, Greg
Project by Donald P. Ryan, 26-31. Reeder photographs, 33-37.
Monument Closeup: Step Pyramid Complex, Artists of the Aten: Historys First Caricaturists
Dennis Forbes and Greg Reeder photo- by Dennis Forbes, 38-43.
graphs, 32-41. Interview: Barry Kemp, A Different Kind of Arch-
Piecing It All Together: An Ongoing Study of aeology, 44-48.
Later New Kingdom Royal Sarcophagi by 100 Years of Digging at Horizon of the Aten by
Edwin Brock, 42-49. Lyla P. Brock, 49-53.
Photo Bonus: Thutmose IV Out Back at Karnak, Where Is It? 54.
Dennis Forbes photographs, 50-53. A Malkata-Amarna Coregency? Summing Up the
Out at the Dakhlah Oasis an International Team Pros & Cons by Dennis Forbes, 64-65, 71.
Is Shifting the Sands of Time to Extract Book Reviews: Carol Andrews, Ancient Egyptian Jewelry
History from the Red Land by Lyla P. (Emily Teeter), 67-68; George Hart, Egyptian
Brock, 54, 56-58, 60. Myths (Susan Tower Hollis), 68-69; Geoffrey
Interview: Anthony J. Mills, Director of the Dakh- Thorndike Martin, A Bibliography of the Amarna
lah Oasis Project, 55, 57,59, 61, 66. Period and Its Aftermath (Editor), 69; Murry
Hope, Ancient Egypt, The Sirius Connection
Book Reviews: Edward F. Wente, Letters from An-
(Michael Crisp), 69-71.
cient Egypt (Emily Teeter), 68; Elliot Por-
End Paper by Dennis Forbes, 72.
ter and Wilma Stern, Monuments of Egypt
(Greg Reeder), 69; Moyra Caldecott,
Daughter of Amun, The Son of the Son,
Daughter of Ra fictional trilogy (Editor)
Where Is It? 71.

Volume 2: Number 3,
Fall 1991
Volume 2: Number 2, Readers Forum, 2--4.
Summer 1991 Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-8.
(Special Focus: Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 9-12.
Akhenaten) Egypt at the Detroit Institute of Arts: A History of the
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 3-4. Growth of the Collection by William H. Peck,
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 5-7. 13-19, 68.
Servant, Seer, Saint, Son of Hapu, Amenhotep, Sidebar: Statue of the Priest Sebekemhet in the Detroit
Called Huy by William J. Murnane, 8-13, Institute of Arts by William H. Peck, 20-21.
56-59. Cyril Aldred, 1914-1991: His Career by John Ruffle,
The Dazzling Sun Disk: Iconographic Evidence 23-24, 26; His Influence by L. Green, 23, 25, 66.
that Amenhotep III Reigned as the Aten They Did Take It with Them: Requirements for the
Personified by W. Raymond Johnson, 14- Afterlife Evidenced from Intact New King-
23, 60-63, 65-66. dom Tombs at Thebes by Stuart Tyson Smith,
Sidebar: Amenhotep IIIs Deification Style by 28-33, 38-44, 66.
W. Raymond Johnson, 23. Sidebar: The Theban Tomb of Neferkhewet & His
Interview: Donald B. Redford, Still Seeking Akh- Family (Ed.), 32-33.
enaten at Karnak on the 25th Anniversary Sidebar: The Theban Tomb of Hatnofer & Ramose
of the ATP, 24-32, 66. (Ed.), 34-37.
Sidebar: Equipped for Eternity by Stuart Tyson Smith, and photos by Greg Reeder, 39-44.
38-39. Re-Inventing the Machine Herodotus Said Built the
Sidebar: A Choice of Coffin Styles (Ed.), 40. Great Pyramid by Robert H. Lowdermilk,
Sidebar: Extra High-Status Perks (Ed.), 41. 45-53.
Sidebar: Royal Prerogative: Guardian Statues (Ed.), Queen Tetisheri Reconsidered by W.V. Davies, 54-62.
42-43. Where Is It? 63.
Sidebar: The Tomb of Kha & Merit (Ed.), 44-45. A Tale of Two Brothers: An Interpretation as Univer-
The Other Valley of the Kings: Exploring the Western sal Myth by Moyra Caldecott, 64-68.
Branch of the Theban Royal Necropolis by Book Reviews: Betsy M. Bryan, The Reign of Thut-
Richard Wilkinson, 46-52. mose IV, 69-70; Susan T. Hollis, The Ancient
Preliminary Report on Clearance of WV24 by Otto J. Egyptian Tale of Two Brothers The Oldest
Schaden, 53-61. Fairy Tale in the World, 70-71; Ann Bomann,
Monument Closeup Shattered Expectations: The Burial The Private Chapel in Ancient Egypt, 71 (all
Chamber of Horemhebs KV57 (Ed.), 62-65. by Editor).
Book Reviews: Elizabeth Peters, The Last Camel Died at End Paper by Leonore O. Congdon, 72.
Noon (Editor), 69; Normandi Ellis, Awakening
Osiris: A New Translation of the Egyptian Book of
the Dead (Michael Crisp), 69-70; Martin H.
Greenberg (ed.), Mummy Stories (Kimberly Ru-
fus-Bach), 70-71; Nicholaas H. Biegman, Egypt:
Moulids, Saints and Sufis (Greg Reeder), 71.
Book Notices, 71.
End Paper by Steve Kallman, 72. Volume 3: Number 1,
Spring 1992

Readers Forum, 2.
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 3-5.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 6-7.
Egyptian Archaeology in the Petrie Museum, Lon-
don by Barbara Adams, 8-12, 14-21, 70.
Volume 2: Number 4, Sidebar: Predynastic Figurine Fragment of Human
Winter 1991-92 Female from Qau by Barbara Adams, 12-13.
Manetho by Omar Zuhdi, 22-31.
Readers Forum, 2-4. Monument Close-Up: Karnak Way Station, Greg
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-8 Reeder photographs, 33-38.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 9-11, 34. Interview: Daniel Polz, Dra Abu el Naga, 39-43.
Senusret I by Dennis C. Forbes, 12-18. The Valley Again by Donald P. Ryan, 44-47, 69.
Locating Per-Rameses, Lost Capital of the 19th Dyn- News Release: Ancient Fleet Discovered in Abydos
asty by Glen V. McIntyre, 20-27. Desert, 48-49.
A Mastaba in Chicago? Visiting the Tomb of Unisankh Arthur C. Mace (1874-1928) by Christopher C.
at the Field Museum of Natural History by Lee, 50-57, 68.
Kimberly Rufus-Bach, 28-33. Abusing Pharaoh: Tutankhamens Mortal Remains
Portfolio: Painting the Monuments: Adolf Miethe Escaped Ancient Tomb Robbers, Only to Suf-
(Ed.), 35-38. fer Indifferent Dismemberment in Modern
Up at the Giza Plateau: Egyptian and American Times, Including the Ultimate Desecration
Teams Continue Excavating 4th Dynasty by Dennis C. Forbes, 58-60, 62-63, 66-67.
Settlement and Cemetery Sites interviews Sidebar: A New Hypothesis for Tutankhamens Early
Demise by Dennis Forbes, 61.
Sidebar: Nebkheprure Tutankhamens Mortal Re-
mains Escaped Desecration in Antiquity, But
Have Faired Poorly Since 1925 A.D. by
Dennis Forbes, 64-65. Volume 3: Number 3,
Book Review: Gerry D. Scott III, Temple, Tomb and Fall 1992
Dwelling (Richard Wilkinson), 71. (Special Nubia Issue)
Book Notice, 71.
End Paper by Scott Peter Hansen, 72. Readers Forum, 2-3.
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 4-7.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 8-11.
Thutmose III at Deir el Bahari by Judwiga Lipinska
and George B. Johnson, 12-25.
Special Report: Egypt & Nubia, Introduction by
Dennis Forbes, 27.
A Capsule History of Nubia in Antiquity by Dennis
Volume 3: Number 2, Forbes, 28-29.
Summer 1992 The Egypt and Nubia Gallery at the British Mus-
eum, 30-31.
Readers Forum, 2-4. Nubia: Ancient Kingdoms of Africa at the Museum
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-7. of Fine Arts, Boston, 32-33.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 9-11. Vanished Kingdoms of the Nile: The Rediscovery of
Exhibition: Egypts Dazzling Sun: Amenhotep III Ancient Nubia, A Special Exhibition at the
and His World, 12-23. Oriental Institute Museum, 34-35.
Nebmaatre Amenhotep III by Dennis C. Forbes, A Permanent New Nubian Gallery Opens at the
24-26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 61. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 36-37.
Sidebar: Ancestors & Heirs by D.C.F., 26-27. Ancient Nubia: Egypts Rival in Africa, A Traveling
Sidebar: The Royal Family by D.C.F., 29. Exhibition Originating at the University
Museum, Philadelphia, 38-39.
Sidebar: All the Kings Men by D.C.F., 30.
The First Imperialists by Stuart Tyson Smith, 40-
Sidebar: Three Heb-Seds & Deification by D.C.F.,
49, 78-79.
Following Thutmose I on His Campaign to Kush
Sidebar: Quest for Eternity by D.C.F., 33.
by Louise Bradbury, 50-59, 76-77.
On View, 16 Statues from the Luxor Cachette, at
From 1907 to the Present: Boston in Nubia by Pe-
Last and Well Worth the Wait by Edwin
ter Lacovara, 61-69.
Brock, 35-45. Beautiful Spies, Wicked Priests and Just Plain Folk:
Interview: Jadwiga Lipinska, The Polish Archaeol- Ancient Egypt in Childrens Fiction by Elsa
ogy Missions at Deir el Bahari, 46-51. Marston Harik, 70-75.
Redating the Great Sphinx of Giza by Robert M. Book Reviews: T.G.H. James, Egypt, The Living Past
Schoch, 52-59, 66-70. (Greg Reeder), 80-81; H.V.F. Winstone, How-
Where Is It? 60. ard Carter and the discovery of the tomb of
A Modern Bronze of King Tutankhamen Lion Hunt- Tutankhamun and T.G.H. James, Howard Car-
ing in His Chariot by Katherine Bogucki, ter, The Path to Tutankhamun (Donald P. Ryan),
62-65. 81-83; Richard H. Wilkinson, Reading Egyp-
Book Rreview: Editors, Time-Life Books, Egypt: Land tian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient
of the Pharaohs (Emily Teeter), 71. Egyptian Painting and Sculpture (Emily Teeter),
End Paper by Nancy J. Skon Jedele, 72. ter, 83-84; Richard B. Parkinson, Voices from
Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Middle King- 76-79, 81.
dom Writings (Emily Teeter), 84-85; three Sidebar: KV38, The Tomb of Thutmose I George B.
publications on ancient Nubia, 85. Johnson exclusive photos, 70-71.
Personality: Sheikh Hussein Abd er Rassul, He Sidebar: KV20, The Tomb of Hatshepsut George B.
Knew Howard Carter by G. Reeder & D. Johnson exclusive photos, 74-75.
Forbes, 86-87. Sidebar: The Amduat-Inscribed Limestone Slabs
Where Is It? 88. from KV20, Edwin Brock photos, 80.
End Paper: The MMA Displays Rameses I Again by
Dennis Forbes, 88.

Volume 3: Number 4,
Winter 1992-93
(Mummy Business
Special Issue)
Volume 4: Number 1,
Readers Forum, 2-3. Spring 1993
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-7.
Editors Report, The 1992 Annual ARCE/NYU Egyp- Readers Forum, 2-6.
tology Symposium by David Moyer, 8-11. Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 7-9.
Mummy Business Introduction by Lyla Pinch New Pyramid Revealed at Giza by Lyla Pinch
Brock, 12-17, 84-85. Brock, 10-11.
Interview: Nasri Iskander Discusses the Egyptian Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 12-13.
Museum Royal Mummy Room, 18-21. Redating a Monumental Stone Hawk-Sculpture in
Cache DB320 by Dennis Forbes, 22-29, 86. the Muses Royaux, Brussels by Bernard
Sidebar: A Cluster of Queens by D.C.F., 26-27. Van Rinsveld, 14-21.
Sidebar: Horror from the Crypt by D.C.F., 28. Sidebar: Leopold II: Egypt, Africa & the Royal
Cache KV35 by Dennis Forbes, 30-33, 86-87. Museums by B.V.R., 16.
Mummy Mania: The Victorian Fascination with Sidebar: Jean Capart (1877-1947) by B.V.R., 20.
Ancient Egypts Mortal Remains by L. United for Eternity: Manicurists & Royal Confi-
Green, 34-37. dantes, Niankhkhanum and Khnumhotep in
Sidebar: A Christmas Surprise by Susan Wageman, Their Fifth Dynasty Shared Mastaba-Tomb at
36. Sakkara by Greg Reeder, 22-31.
Sidebar: Excellent Mummies, Dated Labels by Beetle Gods, King Bees & Other Insects of Ancient
Gayle Gibson-Kirwin, 37. Egypt by Gene Kritsky, 32-39.
Sidebar: Nose to Nose: A 3,000-Year-Old Joke by Egyptomania: Surveying the Age-Old Fascination
D.C.F., 38. with Ancient Egypt by Bob Brier, 40-51.
Portfolio: La Trouvaille de Deir el Bahari (The Dis- The Rameses II Legacy by Dennis C. Forbes, 52-
covery of Deir el Bahari), 39-50. 58, 74.
Mummy Musical Chairs by Dennis Forbes, 51, 82- Sidebar: Seti II and Queen Tausret? by D.C.F., 57.
83, 87. Sidebar: The Boy-King Crippled by Polio by D.C.F.,
Visceral History: Royal Canopics Over Two Millen- 58-59.
nia by Aidan Dodson, 52-63. Interview: Barbara Mertz, Still in Print After All
No One Seeing, No One Hearing, KV38 & KV20: These Years, 60-65, 67.
The First Royal Tombs in the Valley of the Mysterious Middle Kingdom Monument on Thoth
Kings by George B. Johnson, 64-69, 72-73, Hill, Luxor by Alan L. Jeffreys, 68-72.
Where Is It? 73 B. Johnson, 52-57.
Book Reviews: Eric Hornung, Idea Into Image: Essays Rescuing the New Kingdom Royal Tombs by El-
on Ancient Egyptian Thought (Richard Wil- sayed Hegazy, 58-61.
kinson, 75; Eugen Strohoul, Life of the An- Sidebar: The Tomb of Queen Nefertari (QV66) by
cient Egyptians, 75-76; Rosalie and Antony E. Elsayed Hegazy, 62-63.
David, A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient The Pyramid of Meidum, Part One by George B.
Egypt, 76; Donald B. Redford, Egypt, Canaan Johnson, 64-71, 81.
and Israel in Ancient Times, 76-77; Rene Old Rope: Who Cares About This Ancient Egyptian
Friedman and Barbara Adams, eds., Follow- Technology? by Donald P. Ryan, 72-80.
ers of Horus: Studies in Ancient Egypt Dedicat- Reconstructing Rules for the Ancient Egyptian
ed to Michael Allen Hoffman, 77; Stephen Game of Twenty Squares by Graeme Davis,
Quirke and Jeffrey Spencer, eds., The British 82-85.
Museum Book of Ancient Egypt, 77-78; Rosa- Book Reviews: Alberto Rossi and Max Rodenbeck,
lind M. Janssen, The First Hundred Years: Egypt: Gift of the Nile, 86; Nicholas Reeves
Egyptology at University College, London, with Nan Froman, Into the Mummys Tomb,
1892-1992, 78; C.N. Reeves, ed., After Tut- 86; Peter F. Dorman, The Tombs of Senenmut:
ankhamun: Research and Excavation in the The Architecture and Decoration of Tombs 71
Royal Necropolis at Thebes, 78; Jocelyn Go- and 353, 86-87; Eric Hornung and Harry
hary, Akhenatens Sed-Festival, 78-79; Eliza- Burton, The Tomb of Pharaoh Seti I, 87; Grant
beth Peters, The Snake, the Crocodile & the Schar, Hieroglyphic Coloring Book, 87; (all by
Dog, 79; (all by Dennis Forbes). Dennis Forbes).
End Paper by David Moyer, 80. Where Is It? 88

Volume 4: Number 2, Volume 4: Number 3,

Summer 1993 Fall 1993

Readers Forum, 2-6. Readers Forum, 2-6.

Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 7-9. Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 7-9.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 10-15. Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 10-10.
Dating the Exodus: A Study in Ancient Egyptian Report: The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1993
Chronology by Omar Zuhdi, 14-20, 22-27. Symposium on the Art of Amarna & Post-
Sidebar: Royal Mummy Evidence for an Exodus? Amarna Periods by David Moyer, 12-14, 84.
by Dennis Forbes, 21. 90 Years of Collecting Egyptian Antiquities at the
Popular Worship in Ancient Egypt by Emily Teeter, Royal Ontario Museum by Roberta Shaw,
28-37. 15-22, 24.
A First Report on the Preliminary Survey of Unex- Sidebar: The Tomb Models of Montuhotep II from
cavated KV10 (The Tomb of King Amenmes- Deir el Bahari by Roberta Shaw, 22-23.
se) by Earl L. Ertman, 38-46. King Herihor, the Renaissance & the 21st Dynasty
Monument Closeup: Speos Horemheb, Greg Reed- by Dennis C. Forbes, 25-28, 33, 37, 40-41.
er photographs, 47-51. Sidebar: General & Priest-King by D.C.F., 28-31.
The Royal Cache Tomb DB320 Revisited by George Sidebar: Queen Notjeme by D.C.F., 32.
Sidebar: Pinudjem I, Usurper by D.C.F., 34-35. tain Exhibition at Tampere Art Museum in
Sidebar: The Gold of Tanis by D.C.F., 36-37. Finland by Diane Guzman, 19.
Sidebar: High Pontifs of Amen of Karnak in the 21st Egyptian Antiquities at Kingston Lacy, Dorset (The
Dynasty by D.C.F., 38-39. Collection of William John Banks) by
The Paths of Re: Symbolism in the Royal Tombs of T.G.H. James, 20-32.
Wadi Biban el Moluk by Richard H. Wilkin- Giants of Egyptology, First of a Series: Gaston Mas-
son, 42-51. pero (1846-1916) by Dennis Forbes, 34-37.
Puzzling Together the EES Concession at Gebel el KV62: Its Architecture & Decoration by George B.
Haridi by Sara E. Orel, 52-57. Johnson, 38-47, 88.
Something Old, Something New, Something Bor- A Great Find Revisited #2: Bab el Gusus, Cache-
rowed, Something Granite by Aidan Dod- Tomb of the Priests & Priestesses of Amen
son, 58-69, 85. by Jadwiga Lipinska, 48-59.
A Great Find Revisited #1: The Tomb of the Fan- Running the Heb-Sed by Greg Reeder, 60-65, 67-
bearer Mahirpre in the Valley of the Kings 68, 70-71.
by Dennis C. Forbes, 70-73, 78-80,82-83. Sidebar: How Often Was the Heb-Sed Celebrated?
Sidebar: Mahirpres Rich Furnishings by D.C.F., 74- by Dennis C. Forbes, 66.
75. Sidebar: Mystery of the Hepet by Greg Reeder, 69.
Sidebar: High Status Inventory for the Afterlife by Continuity and Change: The New Egyptian Installa-
D.C.F., 76-77. tions in Brooklyn by Richard A. Fazzini, 72-
Sidebar: Dog Collars & Motley Bangles by D.C.F., 85.
78. Bookshelf: Robert K. Ritner, The Mechanics of Ancient
Sidebar: Slim Evidence for Dating Mahirpre by Egyptian Magical Practice (Bob Brier), 86-87.
D.C.F., 79. What Is It? 88.
Sidebar: 3300 Years of Peaceful Repose by D.C.F.,
Sidebar: Mahirpres Loincloth by D.C.F., 82.
End Paper by Susan E. James, 86-87.
What Is It? 88.

Volume 5: Number 1,
Spring 1994

Readers Forum, 2-6.

Volume 4: Number 4, Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 7-9.
Winter 1993-94 Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 10-15.
(4th Anniversary Issue) Interview: Geoffrey Martin, On the Site of New Dis-
coveries in the New Kingdom Necropolis at
Readers Forum, 2-6. South Sakkara, 16-23, 88.
Lecture Report: Early-Eighteenth Dynasty Monu- Food for Eternity: What the Ancient Egyptians Ate &
ments at Abydos by David Moyer, 7. Drank, Part 1: Meat, Fish, Fowl by Salima
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 8-11. Ikram, 24-33.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 12-15. Special Report: The Metropolitan Museum Hosts an
Press Release: Presumed Lost, Recently Recovered International Hyksos Symposium by David
Medinet Habu Records Are Boon to Oriental Moyer, 34-35, 84-86.
Institute Scholars, 16-18. Giants of Egyptology, Second of a Series: Karl Richard
A Moment of Eternity Is Theme of Ancient Egyp- Lepsius (1810-1884) by Dennis C. Forbes, 36-
38. Forbes, 50-52.
Bernard V. Bothmer, 1912-1993: An Appreciation by Food for Eternity: What the Ancient Egyptians Ate
Diane Guzman, 39. & Drank, Part 2: Greens, Bread, Beverages &
A Great Find Revisited #3: KV43, The Tomb of Thut- Sweets by Salima Ikram, 53-60, 75-76.
mose IV by Isabella Soliman and George B. Temples, Tombs & the Egyptian Universe: An ARCE/
Johnson, 40-47. Brooklyn Museum Symposium Report by
Sidebar: A Sampling of KV43s Tattered Treasure by David Moyer, 61-64, 78-83.
Dennis C. Forbes, 48-49. The Pyramid at El Kla: Could It Be Additional Ev-
The Chariot in Egypts Age of Chivalry by Kathy idence of Early Mesopotamian Cultural In-
Hansen, 50-61, 83. fluence? by Robert E. Womack, 65-69.
Focus on Egypts Past in a Special Exhibition Fea- The Sphinx Controversy: Another Look at the Geo-
turing the 1899-1905 Excavations of George logical Evidence by James A. Harrell, 70-74.
Andrew Reisner by Joan Knudsen and Bookbriefs: Richard Wilkinson, Symbol and Magic in
Patricia Podzorski, 62-69, 87. Egyptian Art, 84; Gay Robins, Women in An-
Weird Beards by Dennis C. Forbes, 70-71. cient Egypt, 84; Gay Robins, Proportion and
The Pyramid of Meidum, Part Two by George B. Style in Ancient Egyptian Art, 84; M. Eaton-
Johnson, 72-76, 78-82. Krauss, The Sarcophagus in the Tomb of Tut-
Sidebar: Borchardts Meidum Pyramid Building- ankhamun, 84-85; Rosalie David, Discovering
Ramps by Michael J. Kuhlmann, 77. Ancient Egypt, 85; Editors of Time-Life
Books, Ramses II: Magnificence on the Nile,
85; John and Elizabeth Romer, The Rape of
Tutankhamun, 85; Wilbur Smith, River God, A No-
vel of Ancient Egypt, 85; (all by Dennis Forbes).
What Is It? 86
End Paper: Dating the Exodus: Another View by
Gary Greenberg, 87-88.
Volume 5: Number 2,
Summer 1994

Readers Forum, 2-7.

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 8-13.
Amenhotep I, Last King of the 17th Dynasty? Or
Fifth of the 18th? by Dennis C. Forbes, 14-24.
Sidebar: Ahmose I, The Liberator by D.C.F., 16. Volume 5: Number 3,
Sidebar: Ahmes-Nefertari by D.C.F., 20-21. Fall 1994
Sidebar: Cult of the Deified Amenhotep I by D.C.F., 24.
Interview: Peter F. Dorman, 70 Years at the Walls, Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.
25-35. Readers Forum, 3-8.
Exclusive Preview: The Epigraphic Surveys New For the Record by David Moyer, 9-13.
Folio-Volume on Luxor Temple: Glimpses of Sidebar: ARCE Annual Lecture: Models of Daily
the Festival Procession of Opet, 36-39. Life? A New Look at the Meketre Miniatures
Behind the Third Portico: Polish-Egyptian Restorers in the Metropolitan Museum by D.M., 10.
Continue Work on the Upper Terrace at Deir Sidebar: Holman Symposium: Magic and Medicine
el Bahari by Franciszek Pawlicki and George in Ancient Egypt by D.M., 11.
B. Johnson, 40-49. Egyptian Monuments & Historical Memory: New
Giants of Egyptology, Third of a Series: John Gard- Light on the Ancients Uses of the Past from
ner Wilkinson (1797-1875) by Dennis C. the Great Hyppostyle Hall at Karnak by
William J. Murnane, 14-24, 88. Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 6-7.
From Dahshur to Dra Abu el Naga: The Decline & For the Record by David Moyer, 8-13.
Fall of the Royal Pyramid by Aidan Dodson, Sidebar: Pharaohs Gifts Stone Vessels from An-
25-35, 38-39, 86. cient Egypt at the Metropolitan Museum of
Sidebar: Seventeenth Dynasty Royal Coffins by Art by D.M., 13.
A.D., 36-37. Researching the Role of Women in Ancient Egypt
Sidebar: Principal Kings of the 13th & 17th Dynas- by Barbara S. Lesko, 14-23, 76.
ties and Their Funerary Monuments by Women & Children in Peril: Pregnancy, Birth & In-
A.D., 38. fant Mortality in Ancient Egypt by Gay Rob-
And Yet More Sphinx-Age Considerations: Notes & ins, 24-35.
Photographs on the West-Schoch Sphinx Hy- Gods Wife of Amen, Princess Neferure: Hatshep-
pothesis by Mark Lehner, 40-48. suts Intended Successor? by Dennis C.
Monument Closeup: The Tomb of Irunefer at Deir Forbes, 34-45.
el Medina, TT290 by Dennis C. Forbes, 49- 5 Egyptian Goddesses in the Third Millenium BC:
52. Neith, Hathor, Nut, Isis, Nephthys by Susan
A Rite of Passage: The Enigmatic Tekenu in Ancient Tower Hollis, 46-51, 82-85.
Egyptian Funerary Ritual by Greg Reeder, Divine Reflections of Female Behavior by Lise Man-
53-59. niche, 52-59.
A Victorian Voyage Up the Nile from a Photograph- Isis, The Egyptian Goddess Who Endured in the
ic Perspective by John William Pye, 60-68. Graeco-Roman World by L. Green, 60-68.
Giants of Egyptology, Fourth of a Series: Bernardino Tales of Golden Boats & Beautiful Ladies by Wil-
Drovetti (1776-1852) by Dennis C. Forbes, liam H. Peck, 70-75.
70-72. Painful Last Days of The Queen of Egyptology by
Legacy of an Ex-Patriate Scholar: Brooklyn Mus- John William Pye, 77-81.
eums Wilbour Library of Egyptology by Bookbriefs: The Epigraphic Survey, The Festival Pro-
Diane Guzman, 73-75. cession of Opet in the Colonnade Hall Re-
Following the Paths of Howard Carter: Filming The liefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple, Vol. I,
Face of Tutankhamun by Donald P. Ryan, 86; Raymond O. Faulkner, trans., The Egyp-
77-84. tian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going
Bookbriefs: Leonard H. Lesko, ed., Pharaohs Work- Forth by Day, 86; Peter A. Clayton, Chronicle
ers, 85; Carol Andrews, Amulets of Ancient
of the Pharoahs: The Reign-by-Reign Record of
Egypt, 85; Peter James, et al., Centuries of
the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt, 86-
Darkness, 85; (all by Dennis C. Forbes).
87; Bob Brier, Egyptian Mummies: Unraveling
End Paper: Can the Valley of the Kings Be Saved?
by John Rutherford, 87-88. the Secrets of an Ancient Art, 87-88; A.J. Pe-
den, The Reign of Rameses IV, 88; Elizabeth
Peters, Night Train to Memphis, 88; (all by
Dennis C. Forbes).

Volume 5: Number 4,
Winter 1994-95
(5th Anniversary
Special Focus:
Goddesses & Women)

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2-3. Volume 6: Number 1,

Readers Forum, 4-5. Spring 1995
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2-3. mids, 85; Linda S. Robinson, Murder in the
Readers Forum, 4-6. Place of Anubis, 85; (all by Dennis Forbes).
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-9. End Paper: Sunrise at Abu Simbel by Abdel Aziz F.
Sidebar: Alexander the Greats Tomb Discovered at Sadek, 87-88.
Siwa Oasis? by S.I. and D.F., 9.
A First Look at Recently Discovered 12th Dynasty
Royal Jewelry from Dahshur by Adela Op-
penheim, 10-12.
For the Record by David Moyer, 12-17.
Of Bulls & Princes: The Early Years of the Serape-
um at Sakkara by Aidan Dodson, 18-32.
The Mysterious Cache-Tomb of Fourth Dynasty Volume 6: Number 2,
Queen Hetepheres by George B. Johnson, Summer 1995
34-43, 46, 48-50.
Sidebar: Restored Treasures Recovered from the
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2-3.
Cache-Tomb of Queen Hetepheres by G.B.J.,
Readers Forum, 4-5.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 6-7.
Sidebar: Vizier Hemninu: Machavellian Conspirator
For the Record by David Moyer, 8-13.
or Unjustly Accused? by G.B.J., 47.
An Ancient Egyptian Bestiary at the Metropolitan
Egyptian Antiquities of Chiddingstone Castle, Kent,
Museum by David Moyer, 14-17.
England by Jacke Phillips and Aidan Dod-
Khakaure Senwosret III, King & Man by Robert D.
son, 51-55, 58-61.
Delia, 18-33.
Sidebar: The Ushabti Treasures of Chiddingstone
Castle by Peter John Webb, 56-57. Sidebar: The 12th Dynasty by Dennis C. Forbes,
Two Field Seasons in the Tomb of Parennefer, No. 26-27.
188 at Thebes by Susan Redford, 62-70. A Great Find Revisited 5: De Morgan at Dahshur:
Sidebar: Parennefers Other Tomb, No. 7 in the Excavations in the 12th Dynasty Pyramids,
South Group at El Amarna by Dennis C. 1894-95 Part One by Rodney L. Cron &
Forbes, 65. George B. Johnson, 34-43.
Art of the Relief in Ancient Egypt: A Hands-On Ex- Reexcavating the Senwosret III Pyramid Complex at
perience by Grant Schar, 72-77. Dahshur: A Report on the Architecture &
Giants of Egyptology, Fifth of a Series: George An- Reliefs by Dieter Arnold & Adela Oppen-
drew Reisner (1867-1942) by Dennis C. heim, 44-56.
Forbes, 78-81. South Abydos: Burial Place of the Third Senwosret?
Obituaries: Walter A. Fairservis, Jr. (1921-1994) and Old & New Excavations at the Abydene
Arthur Frank Shore (1924-1994), 81. Complex of Senwosret III by Josef Wegner,
Bookbriefs: Robert B. Partridge, Faces of Pharaohs: 58-71.
Royal Mummies and Coffins from Ancient Buhen: Blueprints of an Egyptian Fortress by Betty
Thebes (Aidan Dodson), 82; Franoise Dun- Winkelman, 72-81.
Giants of Egyptology, Sixth of a Series: Henri Edou-
and and Roger Lichtenberg, Mummies: A Voy-
rd Naville (1844-1926) by Dennis C. Forbes,
age Through Eternity (Dennis Forbes), 83;
82-83, 88.
Miroslav Verner, Forgotten Pharaohs, Lost Khufus Ship Sails Again...Well, Sort of by David
Pyramids: Abusir (Aidan Dodson), 83-84; Moyer, 84-85.
Geraldine Pinch, Magic in Ancient Egypt, 84; End Paper: Pinudjem 1st Revealed: Closing in on
Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert, The Orion the Missing Mummy of Cache DB320 by D.
Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyra- Forbes, 86-87.
Volume 6: Number 4,
Volume 6: Number 3, Winter 1995-96
Fall 1995 (Sixth Anniversary Issue)

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes Editor Report by Dennis Forbes, 2-3.

Readers Forum, 4-6.
Readers Forum, 3-5.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-8.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 6-7.
For the Record by David Moyer, 9-15.
For the Record by David Moyer, 8-13. Problems in the Reign of Hatshepsut by Gae Cal-
In L.A.: The American Discovery of Ancient Egypt lendar, 16-27, 79-80.
at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Seeing Through Ancient Egyptian Clothes: Gar-
by Peter Lacovara & Nancy Thomas, 14-22. ments & Hairstyles as Indicators of Social
A Great Find Revisited #6: The Middle Kingdom Status in Old, Middle & New Kingdom
Tomb Models of Vizier Meketre by Dennis Egypt by L. Green, 28-40, 76-77.
Forbes, 24-34, 87. An Ancient Egyptian Erotic Fashion: Fishnet Dress-
Sidebar: Herbert E. Winlock (1884-1950) by D.F., 26. es by Rosalind Janssen, 41-47.
Sidebar: A Sampler of Meketres Tomb Models by A Great Find Revisited 7: De Morgan at Dahshur:
D.F., 35-49. Excavations in the 12th Dynasty Pyramids,
Amenhotep III in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo by 1894-95 Part Two by Rodney L. Cron &
George B. Johnson, 48-66.
May Trad & Adel Mahmoud, 40-49.
A Homeric Perspective on Merenptahs Libyan War
Rise & Fall of the House of Shoshenq by Aidan
by Omar Zuhdi, 68-73, 78.
Dodson, 52-67. Giants of Egyptology, Seventh of a Series: Jean Fran-
Sidebar: Provisional Genealogical Table for the ois Champollion (1790-1832) by Dennis
Twenty-first to Twenty-third Dynasties by C. Forbes, 74-75, 88.
A.D., 63.
The Mysterious Muu & the Dance They Do by
Greg Reeder, 68-77, 83.
Charles Darwin, Evoluntionary Egyptologist by
Gene Kritsky, 78-82.
Bookbriefs: Joan Rees, Writings on the Nile: Harriet
Martineau, Florence Nightingale, Amelia Ed-
wards (Barbara Mertz), 84-86; Vronique Volume 7: Number 1,
Spring 1996
Dasen, Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece by
(David T. Mininberg), 86; Geoffrey Killen,
Readers Forum, 3-6.
Ancient Egyptian Furniture II: Boxes, Chests Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-8.
and Footstools, 86; Geoffrey Killen, Egyptian For the Record by David Moyer, 9-12, 80-82.
Woodworking and Furniture, 86; (both by Editors Special Report: 2nd Amelia Tour, Egypt
Dennis Forbes). 95 by Dennis Forbes, 14-29, 74-79.
End Paper: Proposed Identification for Unknown February 11-April 14: Pharaohs in Cleveland, on
Man C of DB320 by Katalin Kreszthelyi, 88. Loan from the Louvre by Lawrence M. Ber-
man, 30-34. Sidebar: The Cartouche by A.D., 23.
Interview: Margaret Drower, The Petrie Connec- A Family of Judges at Abusir South: The Czech In-
tion by Kristen Thompson & Gene Miller, stitute of Egyptologys 1995 Discovery of the
34-37, 82-85. Tomb of Qar by Gae Callendar & Miroslav
KV5: Retrospects & Prospects by Salima Ikram & Brta, 32-39.
Dennis Forbes, 38-40, 42, 44, 46, 48-49. KMT Exclusive: After 91 Years Royal In-Law Yuyas
As Arrows in...His Quiver: The Sons of Rameses II Mummy Mask Debuts in Cairo by Dennis
by Kenneth Kitchen, 40-50. C. Forbes, 40-43.
Sidebar: And Two Who Exceeded the Lot... by Sidebar: A Restoration Report on Yuyas Mask by
D.C.F., 50-51. Mohamed Saleh, 43.
Rescued Monuments from a Vanished Land by Ai- Sidebar: The Complete Funerary Equipage of Yuya
dan Dodson & Sara Orel, 52-65. by D.C.F., 44-45.
Press Release: New Light is Shed on Royal-Mortuary Exquisite Details: Relief Fragments from the Temple
Officials, in 12th Dynasty Tombs at Sakkara, of Thutmose III at Deir el Bahari by Jadwiga
66-69. Lipinska, 46-51.
Mummies & Antiquities in Rio: The Egyptian Col- Tomb-Dwelling in 19th Century Thebes: Sir Gard-
lection of the National Museum of Rio de ner Wilkinsons House at Sheikh Abd el Qur-
Janiero by Mauricio Elvis Schneider, 70-73. na by Jason Thompson, 52-59.
Book Report: Aidan Dodson, Monarchs of the Nile, March 1912, A Month in the Life of American Egyp-
86; Margaret S. Drower, Flinders Petrie: A Life tologist George A. Reisner by Peter der Man-
in Archaeology, 86; Christine Mansoor, The uelian, 60-64, 66-72, 75.
Scandal of the Century: The Mansoor Amarna Sidebar: The Discovery of the Mycerinus Pair-Sta-
Expos, 86-87; Arlene E. Wolinski, Ancient tue in the Valley Temple, January 1910 from
Egypt: Personal Perspectives, 87; Angela M.J. George Reisners diary, 64-65.
Tooley, Egyptian Models and Scenes, 87; (all Sidebar: G7440Z and Bostons Bead-Net Dress by
by Dennis Forbes); P.S. Neeley, The Ancient Millicent Jick, 73-74.
Egyptian Game Series for Windows (Greg David George Hogarth, A Somewhat Reluctant Egyp-
Reeder with James Fierro), 87. tologist by Donald P. Ryan, 77-81.
Who Is It? 88. Giants of Egyptology, Eighth of a Series: Ernesto
Schiaparelli (1856-1928) by Dennis C.
Forbes, 82-84.
Book Report: Stuart Tyson Smith, Askut in Nubia: The
Economics and Ideology of Egyptian Imperial-
ism in the Second Millennium B.C. (B. Wink-
elman), 86; Derek A. Welsby, The Kingdom of
Kush: The Napatan and Meroitic Empires, 86;
Volume 7: Number 2, John F. Nunn, Ancient Egyptian Medicine, 86-
Summer 1996 87; Euphrosyne Doxiadis, The Mysterious
Fayum Portraits: Faces from Ancient Egypt,
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 3. 87; George Andrew Reisner, The Development
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 4-6. of the Egyptian Tomb Down to the Accession of
For the Record by David Moyer, 7-11, 85. Cheops, 87; Earl of Carnarvon and Howard
Egyptian Splendors from Germany Dazzle in St. Pe- Carter, A Record of Work Done in 1907-1911,
tersburg (Florida) by Roxanne Carol San- 87-88; Pauline Gedge, Lady of the Reeds, 88;
ders, 12-18. Lynda S. Robinson, Murder at the Feast of Re-
The Mysterious 2nd Dynasty by Aidan Dodson, joicing, 88; Elizabeth Peters, The Hippopot-
19-31. amus Pool, 88; (all by Dennis Forbes).
85-86; (all by D. Moyer).
End Paper: Who Was Tutankhamen? by Richard H.
Newman, 87-88.

Volume 7: Number 3,
Fall 1996

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.

Readers Forum, 3-5. Volume 7: Number 4,
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 6-8, 68. Winter 1996-97
For the Record by David Moyer, 9-13, 17, 73.
Giants of Egyptology, Ninth of a Series: The Broth- Readers Forum, 3-6.
ers Brugsch, Heinrich (1827-1894) & mile Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-9.
(1842-1930) by Dennis C. Forbes, 14-16. For the Record by David Moyer, 10-17.
New Discovery on the Giza Plateau: Unique Struc- Re-installation of the Metropolitan Museum Amar-
ture Revealed in Front of Khafre Pyramid by na Art & Queen Nefertiti and the Royal Wo-
Salima Ikram, 18-19. men: Images of Beauty from Ancient Egypt
Sailing to Nubia in the 19th Century by Pearl L. by Dorothea Arnold, 18-31.
Ward, 20-31. Anonymous Ladies from El Amarna by Dennis C.
Seeking Bruces Cippus by Jacke Phillips, 32-36. Forbes, 32-33.
Egyptian Objects in Spain and the New Egyptian Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven: Ancient
Museum in Barcelona by Earl L. Ertman, Egyptian Women in Cincinnati by Anne
37-40. Capel, 35-42.
Sidebar: Assigning the Barcelona Fragment of Two Two Lost Queens by Winifred Brunton Re-Discov-
Ladies Banqueting to Its Original Theban ered in the Illustrated London News by
Tomb by E.L.E., 41-43. Dennis C. Forbes, 43.
Photo Essay: Follies Crowns of the Ptolemies, Queen Meresankh III: Her Tomb & Times by
Dennis Forbes photographs, 44-45. George B. Johnson, 44-59.
A Great Find Revisited 8: Quibell at Hierakonpolis Sidebar: George A. Reisners Genealogy of the 4th
by Dennis C. Forbes, 46-59, 68. Dynasty, 48.
Sidebar: James Edward Quibell (1867-1935) by El Kab, City of the Vulture-Goddess by Aidan Dod-
D.C.F., 54. son, 60-68.
The Egyptian Pantheon, 1st of a Series: Amen, Hid- Joseph: The Career of an Egyptian Official by Om-
den-One of Ipet-Isut by Dennis C. Forbes, ar Zuhdi, 78.
60-67. Sidebar: A Few Remarks on the So-Called New
An Unrecorded Tomb Discovered in Qurnet Murai Chronology and the Joseph Story by O.Z., 77.
by Mohamed El Bialy, 69-71. Giants of Egyptology, Tenth of a Series: James Hen-
The So-Called Orion Mystery: A Rebuttal to New ry Breasted (1865-1935) by Dennis C.
Age Notions About Ancient Egyptian Astron- Forbes, 80-82.
omy & Funerary Architecture by Robert Book Report: Patrick Houlihan, The Animal World of
Chadwick, 74-83. the Pharaohs (S. Ikram), 83; Barbara Adams,
Book Report: John H. Taylor, Unwrapping a Mummy: Ancient Nekhen: Garstang in the City of Hier-
The Life, Death and Embalming of Horemken- akonpolis (A. Dodson), 83-84; Ian Shaw &
esi, 84; Joyce Filer, Disease, 84; Robert Chad- Paul Nicholson, The Dictionary of Ancient
wick: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, Egypt, 84-85; Nicholas Reeves & Richard
Wilkinson, The Complete Valley of the Kings: mitri Meeks and Christine Favard-Meeks,
Tombs and Treasures of Egypts Greatest Phar- Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods, 78-19; Mari-
aohs, 84-86; Dorothea Arnold et al., The Roy- lyn Bridges and Penelope Lively, Egypt: Anti-
al Women of Amarna: Images of Beauty quities from Above, 79; (both by Greg Reeder).
from Ancient Egypt, 86; (all by D. Forbes). Where Is It? 80.
Obituary: I.E.S. Edwards (1909-1996) by T.G.H.
James, 87-88.

Volume 8: Number 2,
Summer 1997
Volume 8: Number 1,
Spring 1997 Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.
Readers Forum, 3-6.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2. Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-10.
Readers Forum, 3-6. For the Record by David Moyer, 11-15, 84.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-10. Interview: Zahi Hawass, Matters on the Giza Pla-
For the Record by David Moyer, 11-15, 75, 77. teau, 16-25.
Faces of Ancient Egypt: A Special Exhibition in Luxor Update 97 by Dennis C. Forbes, 26-37.
Chicago of Works of Egyptian Art from the Renewing the Sun Court of Luxor Temple by Mo-
Collection of the Oriental Institute by E. hamed Nasr, 38-41.
Teeter, 17-19. Apropos of the South Wing of Seti Is Temple at Ab-
Harer Collection of Egyptian Antiquities on View at ydos by Omar Zuhdi, 43-49.
Californias Newest Museum by Dennis C. Monument Closeup: Exquisite Details of the Relief
Forbes, 20-27. Decoration in the Temple of Seti I at Abydos,
The Sons of Rameses III by Aidan Dodson, 29-43. Greg Reeder photographs, 50-57.
Sidebar: Provisional Family Tree for the 20th Dyn- Painting with Light: The Work of Harry Burton, Ar-
asty Ramessides by A.D., 41. chaeological Photographer by George B.
Sidebar: The Great Medinet Habu Controversy by Johnson, 58-66, 68-75.
A.D., 42. Sidebar: Harry Burton (1879-1940) by Marsha Hill,
Hatshepsut & Thutmose III Reconsidered: Some 60-61, 76-77.
Thoughts on the Nature of Their Relation- Sidebar: Burtons Color Photography by G.B.J., 66-67.
ship by William Petty, 44-53. Giants of Egyptology, Eleventh of a Series: E.A. Wal-
John Garstang at Beni Hasan by Sara E. Orel, 54-61. lis Budge (1857-1934) by Dennis C. Forbes,
Sidebar: The Legacy of John Garstang as Archaeol- 78-80.
ogist & Archaeological Pioneer by S.E.O., The Egyptian Pantheon, 2nd of a Series: Mother
56-57, 62-63. Mut by Dennis C. Forbes, 81-82.
Monument Closeup: Tutankhamens Solid-Gold Cof- Book Shelf: Gary James, Egyptian Time Scale (A.
fin Was Altered in Antiquity by Robert B. Dodson), 85; John K. McDonald, House of
Partridge, 64-68. Eternity: The Tomb of Nefertari (S. Ikram),
The Mastaba Series of the Museum of Fine Arts, 85-86; Anne K. Capel and Glenn E. Mar-
Boston by Dennis C. Forbes, 70-74. koe, eds., Mistress of the House, Mistress of
Book Shelf: Bram Stoker, Clive Leatherdale, ed., The Heaven: Women in Ancient Egypt, 86-87;
Jewel of the Seven Stars (A. Dodson), 78; Di- George Andrew Reisner, A History of the
Giza Necropolis, Vol. I, 87; Rosalind M. and Graeco-Roman Egypt (Greg Reeder), 83-
Jac J. Janssen, Getting Old in Ancient Egypt, 84; Lauren Haney, The Right Hand of Amon
87; Joyce Tyldesley, Hatchepsut, The Female (D. Moyer), 84.
Pharaoh, 87; (all by D. Forbes). End Paper: A New Take on Tuts Parents by
Dennis Forbes, 85-87.
What Is It? 88.

Volume 8: Number 3,
Fall 1997
Volume 8: Number 4,
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes 2. Winter 1997-98
Readers Forum, 3-6.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-10. Publishers Report by Michael Kuhlmann, 2.
For the Recordby David Moyer, 11-17, 77. Readers Forum, 3-8.
The Red Pyramid of Sneferu: Inside and Out by Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 9-11.
George B. Johnson, 18-27. For the Record by David Moyer, 12-18.
Image and Reflection: Two Old Kingdom Queens
Penns Treasures Open in Texas by Roxanne
Named Khentkaus by Miroslav Verner &
Sanders, 19-27.
Gae Callender, 26-35.
Akheperure, The 2nd Amenhotep, c. 1427-1401 The Riddle of the Reserve Heads by Peter Laco-
BC by Dennis Forbes, 36-49, 52. vara, 28-36.
Sidebar: The Mummy of Akheperure Amenho- The So-Called Tomb of Osiris at Abydos by Ai-
tep-heqaiunu by D.F., 50-51. dan Dodson, 37-47.
In Search of the Lost Quarries of the Pharaohs Sidebar: Ikhernofrets Description of the Osiris
by Thierry J.M. DePutter & Christina Karls- Passion Play Performed at Abydos by
hausen, 54-59. A.D., 43.
The Strange Affair of Dr. Muses, or the Discovery A Temple of Thutmose III, Newly Discovered on
of the Pyramid of Ameny-Qemau by Ai- the Periphery of the Temple of Osiris at
dan Dodson, 60-63. Abydos, by the Pennsylvannia-Yale-Insti-
Pictorial: Intimate Karnak: Images from the
tute of Fine Arts Mission by Mary Ann
Block Fields, Dennis Forbes photographs,
Poule, 48-59.
Fiction: A Matter of Business by Lauren Haney, Rameses at Kadesh: A New Look at an Old Battle
68-76. by Omar Zuhdi, 60-73.
Giants of Egyptology, Twelfth of a Series: Georges Early Travelers in Middle Egypt and What They
Legrain (1865-1917) by Dennis C. Forbes, Saw There by Pearl L. Ward, 74-82.
78-80. King Menenre I of the Sixth Dynasty: The Oldest
Book Shelf: Robert Partridge, Transport in Ancient Mummy in Cairo by Dennis Forbes, 83-85.
Egypt (A.M. Dodson), 81; Gary Green- Book Shelf: David Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt;
burg, The Moses Mystery: The African Ori- Charles Freeman, The Legacy of Ancient
gins of the Jewish People (O. Zudhi), 81- Egypt (D. Forbes), 86-87.
82; Dominic Montserrat, Sex and Society in Where Is It? 88.
Who Is It? 88.

Volume 9: Number 1,
Spring 1998

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.

Volume 9: Number 2,
The Incident at Deir el Bahari and Its Aftermath:
Summer 1998
An Open Letter by W. Raymond Johnson,
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.
Readers Forum, 5-6.
Readers Forum, 3-6.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-8.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-10.
For the Record by David Moyer, 9-15, 81.
For the Record by David Moyer, 11-17.
Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyptian Faience by Giving a Face to the Mummy of Sensaos in Lei-
Florence Dunn Friedman, 16-26. den by Maarten J. Raven, 18-25.
Antiquities from Gamhud: An Exhibition at the On the Threshold to Glory: The Third Dynasty
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Marks 90 by Aidan Dodson, 26-28, 30-40.
Years of Hungarian Archaeology in Egypt Sidebar: Netjerkhet Djoser (c.2654-2635 BC) by
by Hedvig Gyry, 27-30. Dennis C. Forbes, 29.
Djoserkheperure-Setepenre Horemheb-Meriamen, Sidebar: Sneferu & the New Order by D.C.F., 37.
The New Kingdoms In-Between Pharaoh Sidebar: The Third Dynasty: Kings & Lists by
by Dennis Forbes, 31-37, 39-44. A.D., 38.
Sidebar: Great Royal Wife Mutnodjmet: Horem- Sidebar: Pyramids of the Third & Early-Fourth
hebs Link to Royalty? by D.F., 38. Dynasties by A.D., 39.
What Sex was King Sobekneferu? And What is Arthur Weigall & the Tomb of Yuya & Thuyu: A
Known About Her Reign? by Gae Callen- Letter from Luxor, 1905 by Julie Hankey,
der, 45-54, 56. 41-45.
Sidebar: Another Sobekneferu? by Dennis C. Sidebar: Weigalls Letter as a Historical Docu-
Forbes, 55. ment by Dennis C. Forbes, 45.
Who Owned What in Tomb 55? by George B. A Great Find Revisited No. 9: KV47, The Theban
Johnson, 57-66. Tomb of Siptah by George B. Johnson,
What Did You Do in the War, Ankh-Haf? by 46-52, 54, 56-58, 60-64.
John William Pye, 67-69. Sidebar: The KV47 Paintings of E. Harold Jones
Oz in Egypt: The Nile Sojourn of Frank & Maud by Dennis C. Forbes, 52-53.
Baum by David Moyer, 70-80. Sidebar: The Mummy of King Siptah, from KV35
Giants of Egyptology, Thirteenth of a Series: Her- by D.C.F., 55.
bert E. Winlock (1884-1950) by Dennis Sidebar: The KV47 Rose-Granite Sarcophagus of
C. Forbes, 82-84. Siptah, Similar to Those of Merenptah,
Book Shelf: Mark Lehner, The Complete Pyramids: Rameses III by D.C.F., 59.
Solving the Ancient Mysteries (A.M. Dod- Sidebar: The Unlovely Calcite Ushabtis of King
son), 85-86; Alberto Siliotti, Guide to the Siptah by D.C.F., 64.
Pyramids of Egypt (David Moyer), 86-87; Another Ayrton/Davis Kings Valley Discovery:
David P. Silverman, ed., Searching for An- The Gold Hoard of Queen Tausret & King
cient Egypt: Art, Architectre, and Artifacts Seti II by Dennis C. Forbes, 65-69.
(D. Forbes), 87. Louisa May Alcott & the Mummys Curse by
Dominic Montserrat, 70-75. Brand, 46-57, 62-65, 68.
Sidebar: Lost in a Pyramid; or, the Mummys Curse, Photo Essay: The Seti I Reliefs Inside the Hypostyle
Chapter I, by Louisa May Alcott, 72-75, Hall of the Amen Temple at Karnak by Peter
83-85. Brand, 58-61.
The Rediscovery of Ancient Kemet on the Nur- Sidebar: The Seti I Mortuary Temple at Modern-Day
sery Shelves of the 19th Century: A Look Gurnah by Dennis C. Forbes, 64.
at Early Childrens Books on Egypt by Sidebar: Seti Is Monuments at Abyos by D.C.F., 65.
John William Pye, 76-82. Sidebar Seti I Postmortem by D.C.F., 66-67.
Book Shelf: Vivian Davies & Rene Friedman, Musings on the Sexual Nature of the Human-Head-
Egypt Uncovered (D. Moyer), 86; Peter La- ed Ba Bird by Greg Reeder, 72-78.
covara, The New Kingdom Royal City (B. When Were the Mythological Papyri Composed?
Winkelman), 86-87; Margaret George, The by Omar Zuhdi, 79-84.
Memoirs of Cleopatra, 88; Elizabeth Peters, Book Shelf: Bob Brier, The Murder of Tutankhamen: A
Seeing a Large Cat, 88; (both by D. Forbes). True Story (Brian V. Hunt), 85-86; Dietrich
Wildung, ed., Sudan: Ancient Kingdoms of the
Nile (Betty Winkelman), 86-87; Salima Ik-
ram & Aidan Dodson, The Mummy in Ancient
Egypt: Equipping the Dead for Eternity (D.
Forbes), 87.
Who Is It? 88.

Volume 9: Number 3,
Fall 1998

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.

Readers Forum, 3-4.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 5-9.
For the Record by David Moyer, 10-16. Volume 9: Number 4,
Antiquities Reports from Egypt, 17-29: Intro- Winter 1998-99
duction, Dennis C. Forbes, 17; The Egyp-
tian Museum, Cairo, Mohamed Saleh, 18- Publishers Report, 2.
21; The Giza Monuments, Zahi Hawass, Readers Forum, 3-7.
22-25; West Bank, Luxor, Sabry Abd el Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 8-9.
Aziz, 26-29. For the Record by David Moyer, 10-17.
Sidebar: Red Chapel on the Rise in the Open Air A New Egyptian Funerary Arts Gallery at Bostons
Museum, Karnak by D.C.F., 29. Museum of Fine Arts by Joyce Haynes &
Tutankhamen on the Move at Chicagos Oriental Geoffrey Graham, 18-31.
Institute Museum by Dennis C. Forbes, The New Egyptian Galleries of the Muse du Louvre
30-33. by Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hilton, 32-38.
Rhode Island & Its Role in American Egyptol- Hatshepsuts Faience Offering Stand by Joanna Ak-
ogy by Barbara Lesko, 34-40. samit, 39-43.
Egypt, 5,000 Years of Civilization, A Traveling Ex- Menkheperre Djehutymes: Thutmose III, A Phar-
hibition of Replicas in Brazil by Dennis C. aohs Pharaoh by Dennis Forbes, 44-54, 57,
Forbes, 41-43. 60, 62, 64-65.
Portfolio: The Mystical Paintings of Eduardo Vilela, Sidebar: The Faces of Thutmose III by D.C.F., 54-55.
44-45. Sidebar: Menkheperre Djehutymes at Karnak by
Seti the First: His Reign & Monuments by Peter D.C.F., 56-57.
Sidebar: Thutmose IIIs Botanical Garden by D.C.F., The Treasure of a Nubian Queen Reexamined by
58-59. Peter Lacovara & Yvonne Markowitz, 60-66.
Sidebar: Menkheperres Mansion of Eternity by Sidebar: A Selection of Gold Jewelry from the Trea-
D.C.F., 60-61. sure of Queen Amanishaketo, 66.
Sidebar: The Mummy of Menkheperre Djehutymes Addendum: The Repatriation of Amanishaketos
by D.C.F., 62-63. Gold by P.L. & Y.M., 67.
Megiddo: The Capture of a Thousand Towns by Hidden in Plain Sight: The Facts Surrounding the
Omar Zuhdi, 68-75. Burial of Unknown Man E by Dylan Bicker-
The French House Perched Atop the Luxor Temple by staffe, 68-76.
Pearl L. Ward, 76-81. Book Excerpt: Royal Mummies Musical Chairs: Cas-
Giants of Egyptology, Fourteenth of a Series: Auguste es of Mistaken Identities? by Dennis C.
Mariette (1821-1881) by Dennis C. Forbes, Forbes, 78-83.
82-84. Book Shelf: Alix Wilkinson, The Garden in Ancient
Book Shelf: Paul Jordan, Riddles of the Sphinx (D. Egypt (M. Kuhlmann), 84; Florence Dunn
Moyer), 85-86; John L. Foster & Lyla Pinch Friedman, ed., Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyp-
Brock, The Shipwrecked Sailor (S. Ikram), tian Faience (B. Winkelman), 84-86; Kent
86-87; Lauren Haney, A Face Turned Back- R. Weeks, The Lost Tomb (D. Forbes), 86-87.
ward (D. Moyer), 87. Where Is It? 88.
Who Is It? 88.

Volume 10: Number 2,

Volume 10: Number 1, Summer 1999
Spring 1999
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2. Readers Forum, 3-4.
Readers Forum, 3-4, 17. Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 5-8.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 5-8, 17. For the Record by David Moyer, 9-16.
For the Record by David Moyer, 9-16. Lost & Found: A Cairo Exhibit of Recovered Art
Discovery & Clearance of the Intact Tomb of Iufaa Treasures by Mohmed Saleh, 18-24.
at Abusir by Miroslav Verner, 18-27. Egypt Antiquities Report 99 by Dennis C.
Saving the Theban Necropolis: An Emergency Doc- Forbes, 25-41.
umentation Proposal by Elsayed Hegazy, 28- Photo Essay: Tanis: Ghost Capital in the Delta,
33. Dennis Forbes photographs, 42-49.
Monument Closeup: The Ramesseum, the Mansion The Concept of Family in Ancient Egyptian Lit-
of Millions of Years of Rameses II at West erature by Ronald J. Leprohon, 50-55, 85.
Waset by Guy Lecuyot, 34-39, 44-45. Monument Closeup: The Decoration Program of
Sidebar: The Archaeological Research of the CNRS the Propylon of Khonsu at Karnak by
at the Ramesseum by G.L., 45-47. Jacques Kinnaer, 56-65.
Photo Essay: Ramesseum Perspectives, Dennis Spacious & Comfortable Dwellings: Homes of
Forbes photographs, 40-43. the Nobles at Akhetaten by Betty Winkel-
The Most Beautiful of Flowers: Water Lilies & Lot- man, 66-79.
uses in Ancient Egypt by Clair Ossian, 48-59. Protecting the Past: The First Century of the
Egyptian Antiquities Service by Aidan eums Great Court by A.M.D., 62.
Dodson, 80-84. A Peculiar Use of Inlaid Reliefs at Medinet Habu
Book Shelf: Joyce Tyldesley, Nefertiti: Egypts Sun by Dennis C. Forbes, 64-67.
Queen (David Moyer), 86; R.A. Schwaller A Solution to the Mystery of the Was Scepter of
de Lubicz, The Temple of Man (Greg Reed- Ancient Egypt & Nubia by Richard Lob-
er), 87. ban, 68-77.
Where Is It? 88. The Reverend Archibald Sayce: Scholar in a Frock
Coat by Pearl L. Ward, 79-83.
Book Shelf: Shirley M. Addy, Rider Haggard and
Egypt (David Moyer), 86-87; Janice Kam-
rin, The Cosmos of Khnumhotep at Beni Has-
san (Greg Reeder), 87.
Where Is It? 88.
Volume 10: Number 3,
Fall 1999

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.

Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 3-9.
For the Record by David Moyer, 10-17.
A KMT Exclusive: The Missing Coffin Trough Volume 10: Number 4,
from KV55 by Dennis C. Forbes, 18-19. Winter 1999-2000
Monument Closeup: Reconsideration of Kings (10th Anniversary Issue)
Valley Tomb 42 by George B. Johnson,
20-28, 32-33, 84-85. Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2-3.
Sidebar: Its Kheker Frieze May be the Clue to Da- Readers Forum, 5-7.
ting KV42 by G.B.J., 29. Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 8-10.
Sidebar: The KV42 Sarcophagus by Edwin C. For the Record by David Moyer, 11-17, 91.
Brock, 33. The First Major Exhibition Devoted to the Old
Photo Essay: Highest Form of Flattery, Dennis Kingdom Opens at the Metropolitan Mus-
eum: Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyra-
Forbes photographs, 34-35.
mids by Catharine H. Roehrig, 18-31.
A Japanese Expedition Discovers the New King-
Major Amarna Exhibition Debuts in Boston:
dom Necropolis at Dahshur by Sakuji Yo-
Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti,
shimura, Jiro Kondo & So Hasegawa, 36-43.
Tutankhamen at the Museum of Fine Arts
The Nubia Museum at Aswan Showcases Over
by Rita Freed, 32-47.
11,000 Years of Civilization Which Flour- The Egyptian Gallery at the Oriental Institute
ished Above the First Cataract in Antiqui- Museum Reopens After Three Years of Con-
ty by Britta Le Va, 44-51. struction, Reinstallation by Emily Teeter,
The Egyptian Pantheon, Third of a Series: Hapi, 48-55.
Essence of the Nile by D. Forbes, 52-55. Monument Closeup: The Reconstruction of the
The Roxie Walker Galleries of Funerary Archae- So-Called Red Chapel of Hatshepsut &
ology Now Open at the British Museum, Thutmose III in the Open Air Museum at
London by Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hil- Karnak by Franois Larch, 56-65.
ton, 56-63. Photo Essay: Red Chapel Images, Dennis Forbes
Sidebar: Egyptian Antiquities & the British Mus- photographs, 66-71.
A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Val- sure by Aidan Dodson, 38-49.
ley of the Gilded Mummies by Zahi Ha- Some Problems with the Chronology of Thutmose
wass, 72-85. III by William Petty, 50-59.
An Early Account of a Mummy Unwrapping by How Tall Was Thutmose III? An Investigation into
William H. Peck, 86-87. the Nature of Information by Gayle Gibson,
First-Ever Ancient Egyptian Mayors House Iden- 60-65.
tified at Abydos, University of Pennsylva- Pictorial: Intimate Medinet Habu, Dennis Forbes
nia Press Release, 89-90. photographs, 66-69.
Book Shelf: Lauren Haney, A Vile Justice (David Restaging The Triumph of Horus, Or Hunting the
Moyer), 92; Donald P. Ryan, The Complete Hippo in Toronto by Robyn Gillam, 72-83.
Idiots Guide to Lost Civilizations (Brian V. Book Shelf: Tom Hare, ReMembering Osiris: Number,
Hunt), 92-93; Nigel & Helen Strudwick, Gender and the Word in Ancient Egyptian Rep-
Thebes in Egypt: A Guide to the Tombs and resentational Systems (Greg Reeder), 84-85;
Temples of Ancient Luxor, 93-94; Multiple Lise Manniche, Sacred Luxuries: Fragrance,
Authors, Egyptian Art in the Age of the Aromatherapy & Cosmetics in Ancient Egypt
Pyramids, Metropolitan Museum of Art Ex- (David Moyer), 85.
hibition Catalogue, 94; Dorothea Arnold, End Paper: Queen Ankhesenamen & the Hittite
When the Pyramids Were Built: Egyptian Art Prince by George B. Johnson, 86-87.
of the Old Kingdom, 94-95; Rita Freed, What Is It? 88.
Yvonne J. Markowitz and Sue H. DAria,
eds., Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefer-
titi, Tutankhamen; Exhibition Catalogue of
the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 95; Mul-
tiple Authors, The Treasures of the Egyptian
Museum, 95; (all by Dennis Forbes).
Where Is It? 96.
Volume 11: Number 2,
Summer 2000

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.

Readers Forum, 3-5.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 6-9.
For the Record by David Moyer, 10-17.
Volume 11: Number 1, Ancient Faces in New York: Mummy Portraits from
Spring 2000 Roman Egypt by Diana Craig Patch, 18-29.
Americas Earliest Ancient Egyptian Collection, at
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2. the Peabody Essex Museum of Salem, Massa-
Readers Forum, 3. chusetts by Joyce Haynes, 30-41.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 4-7. Ta Set Neferu: The Valley of the Queens: A Brief His-
For the Record by David Moyer, 8-17. tory of Its Excavations by Guy Lecuyot, 42-
Luxors Best-Kept Secret Revealed: The Museum 55.
of Mummification by Ahmed Saleh, 19-25. An Overlooked Occupant of the Royal Mummies
Six Newly Restored Tombs in the Theban Necrop- Cache: The Pet Gazelle of One of the Pinud-
olis Now Open for Visitors by Mohamed jem Ladies by Salima Ikram, 58-61.
Nasr, 26-35, 71. Akheperenre Djehutymes: The All-But-Forgotten
Deir el Bahari 2000 by George B. Johnson, 36-37. Second Thutmose by Dennis Forbes, 62-75.
A Great Find Revisited No. 10: Lahun & Its Trea- Gods, Goddesses, King & Queens of Ancient Egypt
Live on in the Heavens: A Second Immortal- The Tourist Scene in Egypt During the 19th &
ity by Barry Hetherington, 76-78. Early-20th Centuries by Pearl L. Ward, 70-81.
The Egyptian Pantheon, Fourth of a Series: Khonsu Giants of Egyptology, Sixteenth of a Series: George
by Dennis C. Forbes, 79-81. Herbert, The 5th Earl of Carnarvon (1866-
Giants of Egyptology, Fifteenth of a Series: Theo- 1923) by Dennis C. Forbes, 82-84.
dore M. Davis (1837-1915) by Dennis C. Book Shelf: John Rose, Tomb 39 in the Valley of the
Forbes, 82-84. Kings: A Double Archaeological Enigma (D.
Book Shelf: Mark Collier and Bill Manley, How to Sharp), 85; Edward William Lane, Descrip-
Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs, 86-87; James P. tion of Egypt (A.M. Dodson), 85-86; Naguib
Allen, Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Mahfouz, Akhenaten, Dweller in Truth (J.M.
Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, 86-87; Adams), 86; Barbara Ann Kipfer, Encyclopedic
Leo Depuydt, Fundamentals of Egyptian Dictionary of Archaeology (G. Reeder,) 86-87;
Grammar (Part I: Elements), 86-87; (all by D. Richard L. Wilkinson, The Complete Temples
Ryan); Kent R. Weeks, Atlas of the Valley of of Ancient Egypt (D. Forbes), 87.
the Kings: The Theban Mapping Project I (S. Where Is It? 88.
Ikram and A. Dodson), 87; R.A. Schwaller De
Lubicz, The Temples of Karnak (G. Reeder), 87.
Who Is It? 88.

Volume 11: Number 4,

Winter 2000-2001

Volume 11: Number 3, Editors Report, 2-3.

Fall 2000 Readers Forum, 4-6.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-8.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2. For the Record by David Moyer, 9-17.
Readers Forum, 3-5. Names Matter: The Unfinished History of the Niag-
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 6-10. ara Falls Mummies by Gayle Gibson, 18-29.
For the Record by David Moyer, 11-17, 67. The Sigmund Freud Collection of Egyptian Antiqui-
Selections from the Eton College Myers Collection ties by Nicholas Reeves, 31-39.
of Egyptian Art Exhibited at the Metropol- Great Finds Revisited #10: The Intact Pyramid Bur-
itan Museum by Nicholas Reeves, 18-31. ial at Hawara of 12th Dynasty Princess Nef-
A 17th Dynasty Egyptian Queen in Edinburgh? by eruptah by Aidan Dodson, 40-47.
Katharine Eremin, Elizabeth Goring, Bill A Tale of Two Ahmoses, Or How to Begin an Em-
Manley & Caroline Cartwright, 32-40. pire by Omar Zuhdi, 50-60.
Photo Essay: The Portico Court of Thutmose IV at KV16, The Tomb of Rameses I in the Valley of the
Karnak, Dennis Forbes photographs, 42-47. Kings by George B. Johnson, 62-75.
The Eighteenth-Century Discovery of the Serapeum Then You Shall Say Concerning Him...: Patient &
by Aidan Dodson, 48-53. Doctor in Ancient Egypt by Lyn Green, 76-82.
Photo Essay: Natural Forms & Translations of An- Book Shelf: Barbara Watterson, The House of Horus at
cient Egyptian Architecture, Thomas Miller Edfu: Ritual in an Ancient Egyptian Temple (R.
photographs, 54-59. A. Gillam, 83-84; Rosalie David & Rick Arch-
A 25th Dynasty Vehicular Accident by David T. bold, Conversations with Mummies: New Light
Mininberg, 60-66. on the Lives of Ancient Egyptians (G. Reeder),
84; Aidan Dodson, After the Pyramids: The The Great Discoveries, A Year-by-Year Chron-
Valley of the Kings and Beyond (D. Moyer), icle (Dennis Forbes), 85-86; Joyce Tyldesley,
85; Kent R. Weeks, ed., KV5 - A Preliminary Judgement of the Pharaoh: Crime and Punish-
Report on the Excavations of the Tomb of the ment in Ancient Egypt (Betty Winkelman),
Sons of Rameses II in the Valley of the Kings 86-87; Lauren Haney, A Curse of Silence
(D. Forbes), 85; Joann Fletcher, Chronicle of (David Moyer), 87.
a Pharaoh: The intimate Life of Amenhotep III Where Is It? 88.
(R.S. Harwood), 85-86; Christine El Mahdy,
Tutankhamen: The Life and Death of the Boy-
King (D. Moyer), 86-87; T.G.H. James, Tut-
ankhamun (D. Forbes), 87.
Where Is It? 88.

Volume 12: Number 2,

Summer 2001

Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 3.

Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 4-10.
Volume 12: Number 1, For the Record by David Moyer, 11-18.
Spring 2001 KMT Exclusive: Cairo Museum in Possession of a
Quantity of Gold Foil Which Once Partially
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2-3. Lined the Lid of the Coffin from KV55 by
A Fond Remembrance: William J. Murnane, Jr. by Dennis Forbes, 19-25.
Lorelei H. Corcoran, 4-6. The Collectors Eye: Masterpieces of Egyptian Art
Readers Forum, 7. from the Thalassic Collection, Ltd., on View
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 8-12. at Atlantas Michael C. Carlos Museum by
For the Record by David Moyer, 13-19, 82-83. Peter Lacovara, 27-32.
Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Egyptian Recent Louvre Museum Excavations at Sakkara by
Art from the British Museum Tour Eight Am- Guy Lecuyot, 33-41.
erican Cities by Edna R. Russmann, 20-35. Who Is the Mummy Elder Lady? by Susan E. James,
A Mummy Comes to Life in Toledo by Sandra E. 42-50.
Knudsen, 36-45. A Beginners Guide to Egyptology, 2001 by Donald
Sennedjems Tomb Unfolded by Hany Farid & P. Ryan, 52-59.
Samir Farid, 46-59. Gods Wives of Amen: The Divine Adoratrixes by
Funerary Enclosures: Early Dynastic Forts Reex- Dennis Forbes, 60-65.
amined by David Sharp, 60-72. Windows on Antiquity: Egypt of the Late-1830s
The Egyptian Pantheon, 5th of a Series: Hathor, Captured for All Time in the Works of Scot-
Goddess of Love Who Was a Cow by Dennis tish Artist David Roberts by William H. Peck,
C. Forbes, 73-77. 68-82.
The Quibells at El Kab: The Start of a Beautiful Ro- Sidebar: A David Roberts Original Watercolor Re-
mance by John William Pye, 78-80. veals Insights to the Artists Talent & the Pro-
Book Shelf: Karol Mysliwiec, The Twilight of Ancient cess of Converting His Paintings to Litho-
Egypt: First Millenium B.C.E. (Dennis Forbes), graphs by Bob Brier, 82-83.
84; Alison Roberts, My Heart My Mother: Book Shelf: Dominic Montserrat, Akhenaten: History,
Death and Rebirth in Ancient Egypt (R.A. Gil- Fantasy and Ancient Egypt (Lyn Green), 84-
lam), 84-85; Nicholas Reeves, Ancient Egypt: 85; Joyce Tyldesley, The Private Lives of the
Pharaohs (David Moyer), 85; A.G. McDowell, Ancient Egypt, 87; Donald B. Redford (ed.),
Village Life in Ancient Egypt: Laundry Lists The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, 87
and Love Songs (Greg Reeder), 85-86; Fred- (Dennis Forbes).
erick J. Giles, The Amarna Age in Western Asia Where Is It? 88.
(Omar Zuhdi), 86-87.
Where Is It? 88.

Volume 12: Number 4,

Winter 2001-2002
(12th Anniversary Issue)
Volume 12: Number 3,
Fall 2001 Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.
Readers Forum, 3-5.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 3-4. Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 6-10.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 5-11. For the Record by David Moyer, 11-17, 82.
For the Record by David Moyer, 12-17, 85-86. Animal Mummy Project at the Egyptian Museum,
German Excavators Find 17th Dynasty Royal Tomb Cairo by Salima Ikram, 18-25.
at Dra Abu el Naga by David Sharp, 9. An Electrum Ring of Nefertiti: Evidence of Her Co-
Jean-Philippe Lauer (1902-2001), A Remembrance Kingship? by Earl L. Ertman, 26-28.
by Alain Zivie, 18-20. Photo Essay: Sacredness of Place by Bernice Wil-
The Egyptian Collection of the Seattle Art Museum liams, 29-31.
by Emily Teeter, 33-35. Mutnodjmet, Sister-in-Waiting & Great Royal Wife
Monument Closeup: Akh Isut Nebhepetre, The Mor- by Susan E. James, 32-41.
tuary Complex at Deir el Bahari of Nebhep-
Imperial Twilight: End of the Egyptian New King-
etre Montuhotep by Betty Winkelman, 36-
dom in Syria-Palestine by Omar Zuhdi, 42-52.
Hand of the God: Sacred & Profane Sex in Ancient
Sidebar: I or II? Which Montuhotep Reunited the
Egypt by Lyn Green, 54-59.
Two Lands? by Dennis Forbes, 42-44.
A Selected Bibliography of Contemporaty Egypt-
Sidebar: Bab el Hosan, Gate of the Horse by Den-
nis Forbes, 45. Themed Fiction by John M. Adams, 62-69.
A Forest of Columns: The Karnak Great Hypostyle The Egyptian Pantheon, 6th of a Series: Sekhmet,
Hall Project by William J. Murnane, 50-59. Goddess of Destruction by Dennis Forbes,
Postscript: Rescue Epigraphy in the Hypostyle Hall 70-77.
by Peter Brand, 59. Giants of Egyptology, 17th of a Series: Ludwig Bor-
Ancient Egyptian Dwarfs by Bonnie M. Sampsell, chardt by Dennis Forbes, 78-80.
60-73. Book Shelf: Julie Hankey, A Passion for Ancient Egypt:
Sidebar: Did Seneb Have a Dwarf Son? by B.M.S., 72. A Biography of Arthur Weigall, 83; Lorraine
Aha or Narmer: Which Was Menes? by Jacques Evans, Kingdom of the Ark, 83-84 (A.M. Dod-
Kinnaer, 74-81. son); Michael Chauveau, Egypt in the Age of
Sidebar: The Narmer Palette: One of the Great Mon- Cleopatra, 84-85; Gary Greenberg, 101 Myths
uments of the Early Dynastic Period by of the Bible, 85-87 (O. Zuhdi); Lauren Haney,
Dennis Forbes, 82-83. A Place of Darkness: A Mystery of Ancient
Fake or Find? 84. Egypt, 87 (D. Moyer).
Book Briefs: Ian Shaw (ed.), The Oxford History of Where Is It? 88.
BY AUTHOR ing in his Chariot, 3:2, 62-65.
(Articles listed in chronological order) BRADBURY, Louise:
Following Thutmose I on His Campaign to Kush,
ADAMS, Barbara: 3:3, 50-59 ff.
Egyptian Archaeology in the Petrie Museum, Lon- BRAND, Peter:
don, 3:1, 8-12 ff. Seti the First: His Reign & Monuments, 9:3, 46-57 ff.
Predynastic Figurine Fragment of Human Female The Seti I Reliefs Inside the Hypostyle Hall of the
from Qau (sidebar), 3:1, 12-13. Amen Temple at Karnak (photographs), 9:3,
ADAMS, John M.: 58-61.
A Select Bibliography of Contemporary Egypt-Them- Postscript: Rescue Epigraphy in the Hypostyle Hall,
ed Fiction, 12:4, 62-69. 12:3, 59.
AKSAMIT, Joanna: BRIER, Bob:
Hatshepsuts Faience Offering Stand, 9:4, 39-43. Egyptomania: Surveying the Age-Old Fascination
ALCOTT, Louisa May: with Ancient Egypt, 4:1, 40-51.
Lost in a Pyramid; or the Mummys Curse, Chapter I A David Roberts Original Watercolor Reveals In-
(sidebar; fiction), 9:2, 72075 ff. sights to the Artists Talent & the Process of
ARNOLD, Dieter: Converting His Paintings to Lithographs
(with Adela Oppenheim) Reexcavating the Senwos- (sidebar), 12:2, 82-83.
ret III Pyramid Complex at Dahshur: A Re- BROCK, Edwin:
port on the Architecture & Reliefs, 6:2, 44-56. Piecing It All Together: An Ongoing Study of Later
ARNOLD, Dorothea: New Kingdom Royal Sarcophagi, 2:1, 42-49.
Re-installation of the Metropolitan Museum Amar- On View, 16 Statues from the Luxor Cachette, at
na Art & Queen Nefertiti and the Royal Wo- Last and Well Worth the Wait, 3:2, 35-45.
men: Images of Beauty from Ancient Egypt, The Amduat-Inscribed Limestone Blocks from KV-
7:4, 18-31. 20 (sidebar: photographs), 3:4, 80.
AZIZ, Sabry Abd el: The KV42 Sarcophagus (sidebar) 10:3, 33.
Antiquities Reports from Egypt, West Bank, Luxor, BROCK, Lyla Pinch:
9:3, 26-29. Nile Currents (1:2 through 5:1).
BRTA, Miroslav: Revealing a Phantom Temple of Karnak, 1:2, 18-19.
(with Gae Callendar) A Family of Judges at Abusir The Problems of the Great Sphinx Began the Day
South: The Czech Institute of Egyptologys Prince Thutmose Took a Nap in its Shadow,
1995 Discovery of the Tomb of Qar, 7:2, 32-39. 1:3, 24-28.
BELL, Lanny: Out at the Dakhlah Oasis an International Team Is
The Oriental Institutes Epigraphic Survey and the Shifting the Sands of Time to Extract History
Rescue of the Monuments of Ancient Egypt, from the Red Land, 2:1, 54 ff.
1:3, 38-41. 100 Years of Digging at Horizon of the Aten, 2:2, 49-53.
BERMAN, Lawrence M.: Mummy Business (introduction), 3:4, 12-17 ff.
February 11-April 14: Pharaohs in Cleveland, on New Pyramid Revealed at Giza, 4:1, 10-11.
Loan from the Louvre, 7:1, 30-34. BRUNTON, Winifred:
BIALY, Mohamed El: What Did They Really Look Like? Reconstructing the
An Unrecorded Tomb Discovered in Qurnet Murai, Appearance of Ancient Egypts Great Ones (art
7:3, 69-71. portfolio) 1:4, 52-60.
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Facts Surrounding the A Tale of Two Brothers: An Interpretation as Universal
Burial of Unknown Man E, 10:1, 68-76. Myth, 2:4, 64-68.
A Modern Bronze of King Tutankhamen Lion Hunt- Problems in the Reign of Hatshepsut, 6:4, 16-27 ff.
(with Miroslav Brta) A Family of Judges at Abusir
South: The Czech Institute of Egyptologys 1995
Discovery of the Tomb of Qar, 7:2, 32-39.
(with Miroslav Verner) Image and Reflection: Two Old
Kingdom Queens Named Khentkaus, 8:3, 26-35.
What Sex Was King Sobekneferu? And What is Known
About Her Reign? 9:1, 45-54 ff.
CAPEL, Anne:
Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven: Ancient
Egyptian Women in Cincinnati, 7:4, 35-42.
(with Katharine Eremin, Elizabeth Goring & Bill Man-
ley) A 17th Dynasty Egyptian Queen in Edin-
burgh? 11:3, 32-40.
The So-Called Orion Mystery: A Rebuttal to New Age

Colossal calcite sphinx at Memphis. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Notions About Ancient Egyptian Astronomy &
Funerary Architecture, 7:3, 74-83.
CONGDON, Leonore O.:
End Paper (The Early Amarna Style), 2:4, 72.
CORCORAN, Lorelei H.:
A Fond Remembrance: William J. Murnane, Jr., 12:1,
CRON, Rodney L:
(with George B. Johnson) De Morgan at Dahshur: Ex-
cavations in the 12th Dynasty Pyramids, 1894- Seventeenth Dynasty Royal Coffins (sidebar), 5:3, 36-37.
95, Pt. 1, 6:2, 34-43. Principal Kings of the 13th & 17th Dynasties and Their
(with George B. Johnson) De Morgan at Dahshur: Ex- Funerary Monuments (sidebar), 5:3, 38.
cavations in the 12th Dynasty Pyramids, 1894- Of Bulls & Princes: The Early Years of the Serapeum at
95, Pt. 2, 6:4, 48-66. Sakkara, 6:1, 18-32.
DAVIES, W.V.: (with Jacke Phillips) Egyptian Antiquities of Chidding-
Queen Tetisheri Reconsidered, 2:4, 54-62. stone Castle, Kent, England, 6:1, 51-55 ff.
DAVIS, Graeme: Rise & Fall of the House of Shoshenq, 6:3, 52-67.
Reconstructing Rules for the Ancient Egyptian Game Provisional Genealogical Table for the Twenty-first to
of Twenty Squares, 4:2, 82-85. Twenty-third Dynasties (sidebar), 6:3, 63.
DELIA, Robert D.: (with Sara Orel) Rescued Monuments from a Vanished
Khakaure Senwosret III, King & Man, 6:2, 18-33. Land, 7:1, 52-65.
DEPUTTER, Thierry J.M.: The Mysterious 2nd Dynasty, 7:2, 19-31.
(with Christina Karlshausen) In Search of the Lost The Cartouche (sidebar), 7:2, 23.
Quarries of the Pharaohs, 8:3, 54-59. El Kab, City of the Vulture-Goddess, 7:4, 60-68.
DODSON, Aidan (also A. Dodson, A.M. Dodson, A.D.): The Sons of Rameses III, 8:1, 29-43.
Visceral History: Royal Canopics Over Two Millennia, Provisional Family Tree for the 20th Dynasty Rames-
3:4, 52-63. sides (sidebar) 8:1. 41.
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, The Great Medinet Habu Controversy (sidebar), 8:1, 42.
Something Granite, 4:3, 58-69 ff. The Strange Affair of Dr. Muses, or the Discovery of
From Dahshur to Dra Abu el Naga: The Decline & Fall the Pyramid of Ameny-Qemau, 8:3, 60-63.
of the Royal Pyramid, 5:3, 25-35 ff. The So-Called Tomb of Osiris at Abydos, 8:4, 37-47.
Ikhernofrets Description of the Osiris Passion Play piece (photos), 1:1, 20-27.
Performed at Abydos (sidebar), 8:4, 43. After Tutankhamun International Conference, 1:2, 70.
On the Threshold to Glory: The Third Dynasty, 9:2, Avenue of the Sphinxes, Luxor (photographs), 1:2,
16-28 ff. 30-37.
The Third Dynasty: Kings & Lists (sidebar), 9:2, 38. Pharaoh Was a Fat Man, 1:2, 52-57.
Pyramids of the Third & Early-Fourth Dynasties (side- Akhenaten at Luxor Temple (photographs), 1:2, 59-61.
bar) 9:2, 39. The Tomb of Nefertari, 1:3, 42-45.
(with Dyan Hilton) The New Egyptian Galleries of the Monuments in Crisis, Introduction, 1:3, 22-23.
Muse du Louvre, 9:4, 32-38. (with G. Reeder) Step Pyramid Complex, 2:1, 32-41.
Protecting the Past: The First Century of the Egyptian Thutmose IV Out Back at Karnak (photographs), 2:1,
Antiquities Service, 10:2, 80-84. 50-53.
(with Dyan Hilton) The Roxie Walker Galleries of Fu- Artists of the Aten: Historys First Caricaturists, 2:2,
nerary Archaeology Now Open at the British 38-43.
Museum, 10:3, 56-63. A Malkata-Amarna Coregency? Summing up the Pros
Egyptian Antiquities & the British Museums Great & Cons, 2:2, 64-65 ff.
Court (sidebar), 10:3, 62. End Paper (Proposed identities of three mummies in
Lahun & Its Treasures, 11:1, 38-49. the KV35 sideroom), 2:2, 72.
The Eighteenth-Century Discovery of the Serapeum, The Theban Tomb of Neferkhewet & His Family
11:3, 48-53. (sidebar), 2:3, 32-33.
The Intact Pyramid Burial at Hawara of 12th Dynasty The Theban Tomb of Hatnofer & Ramose (sidebar),
Princess Neferuptah, 11:4, 40-47. 2:3, 34-37.
EREMIN, Katharine: A Choice of Coffin Styles (sidebar), 2:3, 40.
(with Elizabeth Goring, Bill Manley & Caroline Cart- Extra High-Status Perks (sidebar), 2:3, 41.
wright) A 17th Dynasty Queen in Edinburgh? Royal Prerogative: Guardian Statues (sidebar), 2:3,
11:3, 42-40. 42-43.
ERTMAN, Earl L.: The Tomb of Kha & Merit (sidebar), 2:3, 44-45.
A First Report on the Preliminary Survey of Unexcava- Shattered Expectations: The Burial Chamber of Horem-
ted KV10 (The Tomb of King Amenmesse), hebs KV57, 2:3, 62-65.
4:2, 38-46. Senusret I, 2:4, 12-18.
Egyptian Objects in Spain and the New Egyptian Mus- Painting the Monuments: Adolf Miethe, 2:4, 35-38.
eum in Barcelona, 7:3, 37-40. Abusing Pharaoh: Tutankhamens Mortal Remains Es-
Assigning the Barcelona Fragment of Two Ladies Ban- caped Ancient Tomb Robbers, Only to Suffer
queting to Its Original Theban Tomb (sidebar), Indifferent Dismemberment in Modern Times,
7:3, 41-43. Including the Ultimate Desecration, 3:1, 58-60 ff.
An Electrum Ring of Nefertiti: Evidence of Her Co- A New Hypothesis for Tutankhamens Early Demise
Kingship?, 12:4, 26-28. (sidebar), 3:1, 61.
FARID, Hany: Nebkheprure Tutankhamens Mortal Remains Escaped
(with Samir Farid) Sennedjems Tomb Unfolded, 12:1, Desecration in Antiquity, But have Faired Poor-
46-59. ly Since 1925 A.D. (sidebar), 3:1, 64-65.
FAZZINI, Richard: Nebmaatre Amenhotep III, 3:2, 24-26 ff.
Continuity and Change: The New Egyptian Ancestors & Heirs (sidebar), 3:2, 26-27.
Installations in Brooklyn, 4:4, 72-85. The Royal Family (sidebar), 3:2, 29.
FORBES, Dennis C. (also Dennis Forbes, D.Forbes, All the Kings Men (sidebar), 3:2, 30.
D.C.F., The Editor, Editor): Three Heb-Seds & Deification (sidebar), 3:2, 31.
Editors Report (1:1 through 12:4) Quest for Eternity (sidebar), 3:2, 33.
Queens Minion: Senenmut,1:1, 14-19. Egypt & Nubia (introduction), 3:3, 27.
Chapelle Rouge, Hatshepsuts Other Great Master- A Capsule History of Nubia in Antiquity, 3:3, 28-29.
(with G. Reeder) He Knew Howard Carter, 3:3, 86-87. (with Salima Ikram) Alexander the Greats Tomb Dis-
Cache DB320, 3:4, 22-29 ff. covered at Siwa Oasis? (sidebar), 6:1, 9.
A Cluster of Queens (sidebar), 3:4, 26-27. Parennefers Other Tomb, No. 7 in the South Group at
Horror from the Crypt (sidebar), 3:4, 28. El Amarna (sidebar), 6:1, 65.
Cache KV35, 3:4, 30-33 ff. Giants of Egyptology #5, George Andrew Reisner, 6:1,
Nose to Nose, a 3,000-Year-Old Joke, (sidebar) 3:4, 38. 78-81.
Mummy Musical Chairs, 3:4, 51 ff. The 12th Dynasty (sidebar), 6:2, 26-27.
End Paper: The MMA Displays Rameses I Again, 3:4, 88. Giants of Egyptology #6, Henri Edourd Naville, 6:2,
The Rameses II Legacy, 4:1, 52-58 ff. 82-83 ff.
Seti II and Queen Tausret? (sidebar), 4:1, 57. End Paper: Pinudjem 1st Revealed: Closing in on the
The Boy-King Crippled by Polio (sidebar), 4:1, 58-59. Missing Mummy of Cache DB320, 6:2, 86-87.
Royal Mummy Evidence for an Exodus? (sidebar) 4:2, 21. The Middle Kingdom Tomb Models of Vizier Meketre,
King Herihor, the Renaissance & the 21st Dynasty, 6:3, 24-34 ff.
4:3, 25-28 ff. Herbert E. Winlock(1884-1950) (sidebar), 6:3, 26.
General & Priest-King (sidebar), 4:3, 28-31. A Sampler of Meketres Tomb Models (sidebar), 6:3,
Queen Notjeme (sidebar), 4:3, 32. 35-49.
Pinudjem I, Usurper (sidebar), 4:3, 34-35. Giants of Egyptology #7, Jean-Franois Champollion,
The Gold of Tanis (sidebar), 4:3, 36-37. 6:4, 74-57 ff.
High Pontifs of Amen of Karnak in the 21st Dynasty Editors Special Report: 2nd Amelia Tour, Egypt 95,
(sidebar), 4:3, 38-39. 7:1, 14-29 ff.
The Tomb of the Fanbearer Mahirpre in the Valley of (with Salima Ikram) KV5: Retrospects & Prospects,
the Kings, 4:3, 70-73 ff. 7:1, 38-40 ff.
Mahirpres Rich Furnishings (sidebar), 4:3, 74-75. Two Who Exceeded the Lot (sidebar), 7:1, 50-51.
High Status Inventory for the Afterlife (sidebar), 4:3, After 91 Years Royal In-Law Yuyas Mummy Mask De-
76-77. buts in Cairo, 7:2, 40-43.
Dog Collars & Motley Bangles (sidebar), 4:3, 78. The Complete Funerary Equipage of Yuya (sidebar),
Slim Evidence for Dating Mahirpre (sidebar), 4:3, 79. 7:2, 44-45.
3300 Years of Peaceful Repose (sidebar), 4:3, 80-81. Giants of Egyptology #8, Ernesto Schiaparelli, 7:2, 82-84.
Mahirpres Loincloth (sidebar), 4:3, 82. Giants of Egyptology #9, The Brothers Brugsch, Hein-
Giants of Egyptology #1, Gaston Maspero, 4:4, 34-37. rich & mile, 7:3, 14-16.
How Often Was the Heb-Sed Celebrated? (sidebar), 4:4, 66. Follies Crowns of the Ptolemies (photographs), 7:3,
Giants of Egyptology #2, Karl Richard Lepsius, 5:1, 44-45.
36-38. Quibell at Hierakonpolis, 7:3, 46-59 ff.
A Sampling of KV43s Tattered Treasure (sidebar), 5:1, James Edward Quibell (1867-1935) (sidebar), 7:3, 54.
48-49. The Egyptian Pantheon #1, Amen: Hidden-One of Ip-
Weird Beards, 5:1, 70-71. et-Iset, 7:3, 60-67.
Amenhotep I, Last King of the 17th Dynasty? Or Fifth Anonymous Ladies from El Amarna, 7:4, 32-33.
of the 18th?, 5:2, 14-24. Two Lost Queens by Winifred Brunton Re-Discovered
Ahmose I, The Liberator (sidebar), 5:2, 16. in the Illustrated London News, 7:4, 43.
Ahmes-Nefertari (sidebar), 5:2, 20-21. Giants of Egyptology #10, James Henry Breasted, 7:4,
Cult of the Deified Amenhotep I (sidebar), 5:2, 24. 80-82.
Giants of Egyptology # 3, John Gardner Wilkinson, Harer Collection of Egyptian Antiquities on View at
5:2, 50-52. Californias Newest Museum, 8:1, 20-27.
The Tomb of Irunefer at Deir el Medina, 5:3, 49-52. The Mastaba Series of the Museum of Fine Arts, Bos-
Giants of Egyptology #4, Bernardino Drovetti, 5:3, 70-72. ton, 8:1, 70-74.
Gods Wife of Amen, Princess Neferure: Hatshepsuts Luxor Update 97, 8:2, 26-37.
Intended Successor?, 5:4, 34-45. Giants of Egyptology #11, E.A. Wallis Budge, 8:2, 78-80.
The Mummy of King Siptah, from KV35 (sidebar),
9:2, 55.
The KV47 Rose-Granite Sarcophagus of Siptah, Similar
to Those of Merenptah, Rameses III (sidebar),
9:2, 59.
The Unlovely Calcite Ushabtis of King Siptah (side-
bar), 9:2, 64.
Another Ayrton/Davis Kings Valley Discovery: The
Gold Hoard of Queen Tausret & King Seti II,
9:2, 65-69.
Antiquities Reports from Egypt, Introduction, 9:3, 17.
Red Chapel on the Rise in the Open Air Museum, Kar-
nak (sidebar), 9:3, 29.
Tutankhamen on the Move at Chicagos Oriental Insti-
tute Museum, 9:3, 30-33.
Valley Temple of Unas, Sakkara. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Egypt, 5,000 Years of Civilization, A Traveling Exhib-

ition of Replicas in Brazil, 9:3, 41-43.
The Seti I Mortuary Temple at Modern-Day Gurnah
(sidebar), 9:3, 64.
Seti Is Monuments at Abydos (sidebar), 9:3, 65.
Seti I Postmortem (sidebar), 9:3, 66-67.
Menkheperre Djehutymes: Thutmose III, A Pharaohs
Pharaoh, 9:4, 44-54 ff.
The Faces of Thutmose III (sidebar), 9:4, 54-55.
The Egyptian Pantheon #2, Mother Mut, 8:2, 81-82. Menkheperre Djehutymes at Karnak (sidebar), 9:4,
Akheperure, The 2nd Amenhotep, c. 1427-1401 BC, 56-57.
8:3, 36-49 ff. Thutmose IIIs Botanical Garden (sidebar), 9:4, 58-59.
The Mummy of Akheperure Amenhotep-heqaiunu Menkheperres Mansion of Eternity (sidebar), 9:4, 60-61.
(sidebar), 8:3, 50-51. The Mummy of Menkheperre Djehutymes (sidebar),
Intimate Karnak: Images from the Block Fields (pho- 9:4, 62-63.
tographs), 8:3, 64-67. Giants of Egyptology #14, Auguste Mariette, 9:4, 82-84.
Giants of Egyptology #12, Georges Legrain, 8:3, 78-80. Ramesseum Perspectives (photographs), 10:1, 40-43.
End Paper: A New Take on Tuts Parents, 8:3, 85-87. Royal Mummies Musical Chairs: Cases of Mistaken Id-
King Menenre I of the Sixth Dynasty: The Oldest Mum- entities? (book excerpt), 10:1, 78-83.
my in Cairo, 8:4, 83-85. Egypt Antiquities Report 99, 10:2, 25-41.
Djoserkheperure-Setepenre Horemheb-Meriamen, The Tanis: Ghost Capital of the Delta (photographs), 10:2,
New Kingdoms In-Between Pharaoh, 9:1, 31-37 ff. 42-49.
Great Royal Wife Mutnodjmet: Horemhebs Link to A KMT Exclusive: The Missing Coffin Trough from
Royalty? (sidebar), 9:1, 38. KV55, 10:3, 18-19.
Another Sobekneferu? (sidebar), 9:1, 55. Highest Form of Flattery (photographs), 10:3, 34-35.
Giants of Egyptology #13, Herbert E. Winlock, 9:1, 82-84. The Egyptian Pantheon #3, Hapi, Essence of the Nile,
Netjerhket Djoser (c. 2645-2635 BC) (sidebar), 9:2, 29. 10:3, 52-55.
Sneferu & the New Order (sidebar), 9:2, 37. A Peculiar Use of Inlaid Reliefs at Medinet Habu, 10:3,
Weigalls Letter as a Historical Document (sidebar), 64-67.
9:2, 45. Red Chapel Images (photographs), 10:4, 66-71.
The KV47 Paintings of E. Harold Jones (sidebar), 9:2, Intimate Medinet Habu (photographs), 11:1, 66-69.
The Egyptian Pantheon #6: Sekhmet, Goddess of Des-
truction, 12:4, 70-77.
Giants of Egyptology #17, Ludwig Borchardt, 12:4,
FREED, Rita:
Major Amarna Exhibition Debuts in Boston: Pharaohs
of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen
at the Museum of Fine Arts, 10:4, 32-47.
FRIEDMAN, Florence Dunn:
Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyptian Faience, 9:1. 16-26.
GELLER, Jeremy:
(Editor) Michael Allen Hoffman, 1944-1990: Con-
versation & Remembrance 2:1, 20-25 ff.
GIBSON, Gayle (also Gayle Gibson-Kirwin):
Hathor capital, Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el Bahari. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Excellent Mummies, Dated Labels (sidebar), 3:4, 37.

How Tall Was Thutmose III? An Investigation into
the Nature of Information, 11:1, 60-65.
Names Matter: The Unfinished History of the Niag-
ara Falls Mummies, 11:4, 18-29.
GILLAM, Robyn:
Restaging The Triumph of Horus, Or Hunting the
Hippo in Toronto, 11:1, 72-83.
GORDON, Andrew:
Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, Pt. 1, 1:2,
GORING, Elizabeth:
Akheperenre Djehutymes: The All-But-Forgotten Se- (with Katarin Eremin, Bill Manley & Caroline Cart-
cond Thutmose, 11:2, 62-75. wright) A 17th Dynsty Egyptian Queen in
The Egyptian Pantheon #4, Khonsu, 11:2, 79-81. Edinburgh? 11:3, 32-40.
Giants of Egyptology #15, Theodore M. Davis, 11:2, GRAHAM, Geoffrey:
82-84. (with Joyce Haynes) A New Egyptian Funerary Arts
The Portico Court of Thutmose IV at Karnak (photo- Gallery at Bostons Museum of Fine Arts,
graphs), 11:3, 42-47. 9:4, 18-31.
Giants of Egyptology #16, George Herbert, The 5th GREEN, Lyn (also L. Green, L.G.):
Earl of Carnarvon, 11:3, 82-84. Digging Up Clues with Amelia Peabody (Emerson),
Egyptian Pantheon #5, Hathor, Goddess of Love Who 1:2, 20-23 ff.
Was a Cow, 12:1, 73-77. A Lost Queen of Ancient Egypt, Kings Daughter,
KMT Exclusive: Cairo Museum in Possession of a Quan- Kings Great Wife, Ankhesenamen, 1:4, 22-
tity of Gold Foil Which Once Partially Lined 29 ff.
the Lid of the Coffin from KV55, 12:2, 19-25. Cyril Aldred, 1914-1991: His Influence, 2:3, 23 ff.
Gods Wives of Amen: The Divine Adoratrixes, 12:2, Mummy Mania: The Victorian Fascination with An-
60-65. cient Egypts Mortal Remains, 3:4, 34-37.
I or II? Which Monthuhotep Reunited the Two Lands? Isis, The Egyptian Goddess Who Endured in the
(sidebar), 12:3, 42-44. Graeco-Roman World, 5:4, 60-68.
Bab el Hosan: Gate of the Horse (sidebar), 12:3, 45. Seeing Through Ancient Egyptian Clothes: Garments
The Narmer Palette: One of the Great Monuments of & Hairstyles as Indicators of Social Status in
the Early Dynastic Period (sidebar), 12:3, 82-83. Old, Middle & New Kingdom Egypt, 6:4,
28-40 ff. A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Valley
Then You Shall Say Concerning Him...: Patient & of the Gilded Mummies, 10:4, 7-85.
Doctor in Ancient Egypt, 11:4, 76-82. HAYNES, Joyce:
Hand of the God: Sacred & Profane Sex in Ancient (with Geoffrey Graham) A New Egyptian Funerary
Egypt, 12:4, 54-59. Arts Gallery at Bostons Museum of Fine
GREENBERG, Gary: Arts, 9:4, 18-31.
End Paper: Dating the Exodus: Another View, 5:2, Americas Earliest Ancient Egyptian Collection, at
87-88. the Peabody Essex Museum of Salem, Massa-
GUZMAN, Diane: chusetts, 11:2, 30-41.
A Moment of Eternity Is Theme of Ancient Egyp- HEGAZY, Elsayed:
tian Exhibition at Tampere Art Museum in Rescuing the New Kingdom Royal Tombs, 4:2, 58-61.
Finland, 4:4, 19. The Tomb of Queen Nefertari (sidebar), 4:2, 62-63.
Bernard Bothmer, 1912-1993: An Appreciation, Saving the Theban Necropolis: An Emergency Doc-
5:1, 39. umentation Proposal, 10:1, 28-33.
Legacy of an Ex-Patriate Scholar: Brooklyn Museums HETHERINGTON, Barry:
Wilbour Library of Egyptology, 5:3, 73-75. Gods, Goddesses, Kings & Queens of Ancient Egypt
GYRY, Hedvig: Live on in the Heavens, 11:2, 76-78.
Antiquities from Gamhud: An Exhibition at the HILL, Marsha:
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Marks 90 Harry Burton (1879-1940) (sidebar), 8:2, 60-61 ff.
Years of Hungarian Archaeology in Egypt, HILTON, Dyan:
9:1, 27-30. (with Aidan Dodson) The New Egyptian Galleries
HANEY, Lauren: of the Muse du Louvre, 9:4, 32-38.
A Matter of Business (fiction), 8:3, 68-76. (with Aidan Dodson) The Roxie Walker Galleries of
HANKEY, Julie: Funerary Archaeology Now Open at the Bri-
Arthur Weigall & the Tomb of Yuya & Thuyu: A tish Museum, London, 10:3, 56-63.
Letter from Luxor 1905, 9:2, 41-45. HOLLIS, Susan Tower:
HANSEN, Kathy: 5 Egyptian Goddesses in the Third Millenium BC:
Welcome in Egypt! Book a Tour or Plan Your Own Neith, Hathor, Nut, Isis, Nephthys, 5:4, 46-
Adventure, 1:4, 46-51. 51 ff.
The Chariot in Egypts Age of Chivalry, 5:1, 50-61 ff. IKRAM, Salima:
HANSEN, Scott Peter: Nile Currents (from 5:4 to 12:4)
End Paper (Thutmose III), 3:1, 72. Food for Eternity: What the Ancient Egyptians Ate
HARLIK, Elsa Marston: & Drank, Part 1: Meat, Dish, Fowl, 5:1, 24-33.
Beautiful Spies, Wicked Priests and Just Plain Folk: Food for Eternity: What the Ancient Egyptians Ate
Ancient Egypt in Childrens Fiction, 3:3, 70-75. & Drank, Part 2: Greens, Bread, Beverages &
HARRELL, James A.: Sweets, 5:2, 53-60 ff.
The Sphinx Controversy: Another Look at the Geo- (with Dennis Forbes) Alexander the Greats Tomb
logical Evidence, 5:2, 70-74. Discovered at Siwa Oasis? (sidebar), 6:1, 9.
HARRIS, James E.: (with Dennis Forbes) KV5: Retrospects & Pros-
Who Was Who in Room 52? 1:2, 38-42. pects, 7:1, 38-40 ff.
HASEGAWA, So: New Discovery on the Giza Plateau: Unique Struc-
(with Sakuji Yoshimura & Jiro Kondo) A Japanese ture Revealed in Front of Khafre Pyramid,
Expedition Discovers the New Kingdom Ne- 7:3, 18-19.
cropolis at Dahshur, 10:3, 36-43. An Overlooked Occupant of the Royal Mummies
HAWASS, Zahi: Cache: The Pet Gazelle of One of the Pinud-
Antiquities Reports from Egypt: The Giza Monu- jem Ladies, 11:2, 58-61.
ments, 9:3, 22-25. Animal Mummy Project at the Egyptian Museum,
Cairo, 12:4, 18-25.
JAMES, Susan E.:
End Paper (on identity of Elder Lady in KV35),
4:3, 86-87.
Who Is the Mummy Elder Lady? 12:2, 42-50.
Mutodjmet, Sister-in-Waiting & Great Royal Wife,
12:4, 32-41.
Egyptian Antiquities at Kingston Lacy, Dorset (The
Collection of William John Banks), 4:4, 20-32.
I.E.S. Edwards (1909-1996), 7:4, 87-88.
JANSSEN, Rosalind:
An Ancient Egyptian Erotic Fashion: Fishnet Dress-
es, 6:4, 41-47.

Horus colossus, Temple of Horus, Edfu. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Mysterious Middle Kingdom Monument on Thoth
Hill, Luxor, 4:1, 68-72.
JICK, Millicent:
G7440Z and Bostons Bead-Net Dress (sidebar),
7:2, 73-74.
JOHNSON, George B. (also G.B.J.):
(with Jadwiga Lipinska) Thutmose III at Deir el
Bahari, 3:3, 12-25.
No One Seeing, No One Hearing, KV38 & KV20:
The First Royal Tombs in the Valley of the
Kings, 3:4, 64-69 ff. cavations in the 12th Dynasty Pyramids,
KV38, The Tomb of Thutmose I (sidebar: photo- 1894-95, Pt. 1, 6:2, 34-43.
graphs), 3:4, 70-71. (with Rodney L. Cron) De Morgan at Dahshur: Ex-
KV20: The Tomb of Hatshepsut (sidebar: photo- cavations in the 12th Dynasty Pyramids,
graphs), 3:4, 74-75. 1894-95, Pt. 2, 6:4, 48-66.
The Royal Cache-Tomb DB320 Revisited, 4:2, 52-57. Queen Meresankh III: Her Tomb & Times, 7:4, 44-59.
The Pyramid of Meidum, Pt. 1, 4:2, 68-71, ff. Painting with Light: The Work of Harry Burton,
KV62: Its Architecture & Decoration, 4:4, 38-47 ff. Archaeological Photographer, 8:2, 58-66 ff.
(with Isabel Soliman) KV 43: The Tomb of Thut- Burtons Color Photography (sidebar), 8:2, 66-67.
mose IV, 5:1, 40-47. The Red Pyramid of Sneferu: Inside and Out, 8:3,
The Pyramid of Meidum, Pt. 2, 5:1, 72-76 ff. 18-27.
(with Franciszek Pawlicki) Behind the Third Porti- Who Owned What in Tomb 55? 9:1, 57-66.
co: Polish-Egyptian Restorers Continue Work KV47, The Theban Tomb of Siptah, 9:2, 46-52 ff.
on the Upper Terrace at Deir el Bahari, 5:2, Reconsideration of Kings Valley Tomb 42, 10:3,
40-49. 20-28 ff.
The Mysterious Cache-Tomb of Fourth Dynasty Its Kheker Frieze May be the Clue to Dating KV42
Queen Hetepheres, 6:1, 34-43 ff. (sidebar), 10:3, 29.
Restored Treasures Recovered from the Cache-Tomb Deir el Bahari 2000, 11:1, 36-37.
of Queen Hetepheres (sidebar), 6:1, 44-45. End Paper: Queen Ankhesenamen & the Hittite
Vizier Hemninu: Machavellian Conspirator or Un- Prince, 11:1, 86-87.
justly Accused (sidebar), 6:1, 47. KV16, The Tomb of Rameses I in the Valley of the
(with Rodney L. Cron) De Morgan at Dahshur: Ex- Kings, 11:4, 62-75.
JOHNSON, W. Raymond: (with Yvonne Markowitz) The Repatriation of Amani-
The Dazzling Sun Disk: Iconographic Evidence that shaketos Gold (sidebar), 10:1, 67.
Amenhotep III Reigned as the Aten Personi- The Collectors Eye: Masterpieces of Egyptian Art from
fied, 2:2, 14-23 ff. the Thalassic Collection, Ltd., on View at Atlan-
Amenhotep IIIs Deification Style (sidebar), 2:2, 23. tas Michael C. Carlos Museum, 12:2, 27-32.
The Incident at Deir el Bahari and Its Aftermath: An LARCH, Francois:
Open Letter, 9:1, 3-4. The Reconstruction of the So-Called Red Chapel of
KALLMAN, Steve: Hatshepsut & Thutmose III in the Open Air
End Paper (Lions & the goddess Sekhmet), 2:3, 72. Museum at Karnak, 10:4, 56-65.
KARLSHAUSEN, Christina: LARSON, John A.:
(with Thierry J.M. DePutter) In Search of the Lost Theodore M. Davis and the So-Called Tomb of
Quarries of the Pharaohs, 8:3, 54-59. Queen Tiye, Pt. 1, 1:1, 48-53 ff.
KINNAER, Jacques: Theodore M. Davis and the So-Called Tomb of
The Decoration Program of the Propylon of Khonsu at Queen Tiye, Pt. 2, 1:2, 43-46.
Karnak, 10:2, 56-65. LECUYOT, Guy:
Aha or Narmer: Which Was Menes? 12:3, 74-81. The Ramesseum, the Mansion of Millions of Years
KITCHEN, Kenneth: of Rameses II at West Waset, 10:1, 34-39 ff.
As Arrows in...His Quiver: The Sons of Rameses II, The Archaeological Research of the CNRS at the
7:1, 40-50. Ramesseum (sidebar), 10:1, 45-47.
KNUDSEN, Joan: Ta Set Neferu: The Valley of the Queens: A Brief Hi-
(with Patricia Podzorski) Focus on Egypts Past in a story of Its Excavations, 11:2, 42-55.
Special Exhibition Featuring the Excavations Recent Louvre Museum Excavations at Sakkara,
of George Andrew Reisner, 5:1, 62-69 ff. 12:2, 33-41.
KNUDSEN, Sandra E.: LEE, Christopher C.:
A Mummy Comes to Life in Toledo, 12:1, 36-45. Arthur C. Mace (1874-1928), 3:1, 50-57 ff.
KONDO, Jiro: LEHNER, Mark:
(with Sakuji Yoshimura & So Hasegawa) A Japanese And Yet More Sphinx-Age Considerations: Notes &
Expedition Discovers the New Kingdom Ne- Photographs on the West-Schoch Sphinx Hy-
cropolis at Dahshur, 10:3, 36-43. pothesis, 5:3, 40-48.
End Paper: Proposed Identification for Unknown The Concept of Family in Ancient Egyptian Litera-
Man C of DB320, 6:3, 88. ture, 10:2, 50-55 ff.
KRITSKY, Gene: LESKO, Barbara S. (also Barbara Lesko):
Beetle Gods, King Bees & Other Insects of Ancient Researching the Role of Women in Ancient Egypt,
Egypt, 4:1, 32-39. 5:4, 14-23 ff.
Charles Darwin, Evolutionary Egyptologist, 6:3, 78-82. Rhode Island & Its Role in American Egyptology,
KUHLMANN, Michael J. (also M.J.K.): 9:3, 34-40.
Borchardts Meidum Pyramid Building-Ramps (side- LE VA, Britta:
bar), 5:1, 77. The Nubia Museum at Aswan Showcases Over
LACOVARA, Peter: 11,000 Years of Civilization Which Flour-
From 1907 to the Present: Boston in Nubia, 3:3, 61-69. ished Above the First Cataract in Antiquity,
(with Nancy Thomas) In L.A.: The American Discov- 10:3, 44-51.
ery of Ancient Egypt at the Los Angeles County LIPINSKA, Jadwiga:
Museum of Art, 6:3, 14-22. (with George B. Johnson) Thutmose III at Deir el
The Riddle of the Reserve Heads, 8:4, 28-36. Bahari, 3:3, 12-25.
(with Yvonne Markowitz) The Treasure of a Nubian Bab el Gusus, Cache-Tomb of the Priests & Priest-
Queen Reexamined, 10:1, 60-66. esses of Amen, 4:4, 48-59.
Exquisite Details: Relief Fragments from the Temple 4:1, 80.
of Thutmose III at Deir el Bahari, 7:2, 46-51. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Symposium on
LOBBAN, Richard: the Art of Amarna & Post-Amarna Periods,
A Solution to the Mystery of the Was Scepter of An- 4:3, 12-14 ff.
cient Egypt & Nubia, 10:3, 68-77. Lecture Report: Early-Eighteenth Dynasty Monu-
LOWDERMILK, Robert H.: ments at Abydos, 4:4, 7.
Re-Inventing the Machine Herodotus Said Built the The Metropolitan Hosts an International Hyksos
Great Pyramid, 2:4, 45-53. Symposium, 5:1, 34-35 ff.
MAHMOUD, Adel: Temples, Tombs & the Egyptian Universe: An
(with May Trad) Amenhotep III in the Egyptian ARCE/Brooklyn Museum Symposium Re-
Museum, Cairo, 6:3, 40-49. port, 5:2, 61-64 ff.
MANLEY, Bill: ARCE Annual Lecture: Models of Daily Life? A New
(with Katharine Eremin, Elizabeth Goring & Caro- Look at the Meketre Miniatures in the Metro-
line Cartwright) A 17th Dynasty Egyptian politan Museum (sidebar), 5:3, 10.
Queen in Edinburgh? 11:3, 32-40. Holman Symposium: Magic and Medicine in Ancient
MANNICHE, Lise: Egypt (sidebar), 5:3, 11.
Divine Reflections of Female Behavior, 5:4, 52-59. Pharaohs Gifts Stone Vessels from Ancient Egypt
MANUELIAN, Peter Der: at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (side-
Boston at Giza: The Museum of Fine Arts Race bar), 5:4, 13.
Against Time in the Shadow of the Pyramids, An Ancient Egyptian Bestiary at the Metropolitan
1902-1990, 1:4, 10-21. Museum, 6:2, 14-17.
March 1912, A Month in the Life of American Khufus Ship Sails Again...Well, Sort of, 6:2, 84-85.
Egyptologist George A. Reisner, 7:2, 60-64 ff. Oz in Egypt: The Nile Soujorn of Frank & Maud
MARKOWITZ, Yvonne: Baum, 9:1, 70-80.
(with Peter Lacovara) The Treasure of a Nubian MURNANE, William J.:
Queen Reexamined, 10:1, 60-66. Servant, Seer, Saint, Son of Hapu, Amenhotep, Call-
(with Peter Lacovara) The Repatriation of Amani- ed Huy, 2:2, 8-13 ff.
shaketos Gold (sidebar), 10:1. 67. Egyptian Monuments & Historical Memory: New
MCINTYRE, Glenn V.: Light on the Ancients Uses of the Past from
Rameses III & the End of Empire, 1:3, 12-17 ff. the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, 5:3, 14-
Locating Per-Rameses, Lost Capital of the 19th Dyn- 24 ff.
asty, 2:4, 20-27. A Forest of Columns: The Karnak Great Hypostyle
MILLER, Gene: Hall Project, 12:3, 50-59.
(with Kristen Thompson) Margaret Drower: The NASR, Mohamed:
Petrie Connection, 7:1, 34-37 ff. Renewing the Sun Court of Luxor Temple, 8:2, 38-41.
MILLER, Thomas: Six Newly Restored Tombs in the Theban Necropo-
Natural Forms & Translations of Ancient Egyptian lis Now Open for Visitors, 11:1, 26-35 ff.
Architecture (photographs), 11:3, 554-59. NEWMAN, Richard H.:
MININBERG, David T.: End Paper: Who Was Tutankhamen? 7:3, 87-88.
A 25th Dynasty Vehicular Accident, 11:3, 60-66. OPPENHEIM, Adela:
MONTSERRAT, Dominic: A First Look at Recently Discovered 12th Dynasty
Louisa May Alcott & the Mummys Curse, 9:2, 72-75 ff. Royal Jewelry from Dahshur, 6:1, 10-12.
MOYER, David (also D. Moyer, D.M.): (with Dieter Arnold) Reexcavating the Senwosret III
For the Record (from 5:3 through 12:4). Pyramid Complex at Dahshur: A Report on
The 1992 Annual ARCE/NYU Egyptology Symposi- the Architecture & Reliefs, 6:2, 44-56.
um, 3:4, 8-11. OREL, Sara:
End Paper (remembering Peter Tadros Botros), Puzzling Together the EES Concession at Gebel el
Haridi, 4:3, 52-57. mut, 1:1, 19.
(with Aidan Dodson) Rescued Monuments from a Miss Benson & Mut: The Short Egyptological Ca-
Vanished Land, 7:1, 52-65. reer of Margaret Benson and Her Excavations
John Garstang at Beni Hassan, 8:1, 54-61. in the Temple of Mut at Karnak, 2:1, 10-19 ff.
The Legacy of John Garstang as Archaeologist & Mut (sidebar), 2:1, 18.
Archaeological Pioneer (sidebar), 8:1, 56-57 ff. Egypt at the Detroit Institute of Arts: A History
OSSIAN, Clair: of the Growth of a Collection, 2:3, 13-19 ff.
The Most Beautiful of Flowers: Water Lilies & Lo- Statue of the Priest Sebekemhet in the Detroit In-
tuses in Ancient Egypt, 10:1, 48-59. stitute of Arts (sidebar), 2:3, 20-21.
PARTRIDGE, Robert B.: Tales of Golden Boats & Beautiful Ladies, 5:4,
Tutankhamens Solid-Gold Coffin Was Altered in An- 70-75.
tiquity, 8:1, 64-68. An Early Account of a Mummy Unwrapping,
PATCH, Diana Craig: 10:4, 86-87.
Ancient Faces in New York: Mummy Portraits from Windows on Antiquity: Egypt of the Late-1830s
Roman Egypt, 11:2, 18-29. Captured for All Time in the Works of Scot-
PAWLICKI, Franciszek: tish Artist David Roberts, 12:2, 68-82.
(with George B. Johnson) Behind the Third Portico: PETTY, William:
Polish-Egyptian Restorers Continue Work on Hatshepsut & Thutmose III Reconsidered: Some
the Upper Terrace at Deir el Bahari, 5:2, 40-49. Thoughts on the Nature of Their Relation-
PECK, William H.: ship, 8:1, 44-53.
Review: Peter F. Dorman, The Monuments of Senen- Some Problems with the Chronology of Thut-
mose III, 11:1, 50-59.
(with Aidan Dodson) Egyptian Antiquities of
Chiddingstone Castle, Kent, England,
6:1, 51-55 ff.
Seeking Bruces Cippus, 7:3, 32-36.
PODZORSKI, Patricia:
(with Joan Knudsen) Focus on Egypts Past in a
Special Exhibition Featuring the Excava-
tions of George Andrew Reisner, 5:1, 62-69 ff.
POULE, Mary Ann:
A Temple of Thutmose III, Newly Dicovered on
the Periphery of the Temple of Osiris at
Abydos, 8:4, 48-59.
PYE, John William:
A Victorian Voyage Up the Nile from a Photo-
graphic Perspective, 5:3, 60-68.
Painful Last Days of The Queen of Egyptology,
Sphinx avenue, Luxor Temple. Photo: KMT/Forbes

5:4, 77-81.
What Did You Do in the War, Ankh-Haf? 9:1, 67-69.
The Rediscovery of Ancient Kemet on the Nurs-
ery Shelves of the 19th Century: A Look at
Early Childrens Books on Egypt, 9:2, 76-82.
The Quibells at El Kab: The Start of a Beautiful
Romance, 12:1, 78-80.
RAVEN, Maarten J.:
Giving a Face to the Mummy of Sensaos in Lei- The First Major Exhibition Devoted to the Old
den, 9:2, 18-25. Kingdom Opens at the Metropolitan Museum:
REDFORD, Susan: Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids,
Two Field Seasons in the Tomb of Parennefer, No. 10:4, 18-31.
188 at Thebes, 6:1, 62-70. RUFFLE, John:
REEDER, Greg (also G. Reeder): Cyril Aldred, 1914-1991: His Career, 2:3, 23-24 ff.
Opet Festival Reliefs at Luxor Temple (photographs), RUFUS-BACH, Kimberly:
1:3, 31-37. A Mastaba in Chicago? Visiting the Tomb of Unis-
Kom Ombo, Ptolemaic Temple of Horus & Sobek ankh at the Field Museum of Natural His-
(photographs), 1:4, 35-40. tory, 2:4, 28-33.
Step Pyramid Complex (photographs), 2:1, 32-41. RUSSMANN, Edna R.
Rock-Cut Tomb Details (photographs), 2:2, 33-37. Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Egyptian Art
Up at the Giza Plateau: Egyptian and American from the British Museum Tour Eight Ameri-
Teams Continue Excavating 4th Dynasty Set- can Cities, 12:1, 20-35.
tlement and Cemetery Sites, 2:4, 39-44. RUTHERFORD, John B.:
Karnak Way Station (photographs), 3:1, 33-38. KV7, The Tomb of Rameses II: Why Save It?, 1:3,
(with D. Forbes) He Knew Howard Carter, 3:3, 86-87. 46-51.
United for Eternity: Manicurists & Royal Confidan- End Paper: Can the Valley of the Kings Be Saved?,
tes, Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep in their 5:3, 87-88.
Fifth Dynasty Shared Mastaba-Tomb at Sak- RYAN, Donald P.:
kara, 4:1, 22-31. Who Is Buried in KV60?, 1:1, 34-39 ff.
Speos Horemheb (photographs), 4:2, 47-51.
Running the Heb-Sed, 4:4, 60-65 ff.
Mystery of the Hepet (sidebar), 4:4, 69.
A Rite of Passage: The Enigmatic Tekenu in Ancient
Egyptian Funerary Ritual, 5:3, 53-59.
The Mysterious Muu & the Dance They Do, 6:3,
68-77 ff.
Exquisite Details of the Relief Decoration in the
Temple of Seti I at Abydos (photographs),
8:2, 50-57.
Musings on the Sexual Nature of the Human-Head-
ed Ba Bird, 9:3, 72-78.
REEVES, Nicholas:

Polychrome Anubis relief, Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el Bahari. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Selections from the Eton College Myers Collection
of Egyptian Art Exhibited at the Metropolit-
an Museum, 11:3, 18-31.
The Sigmund Freud Collection of Egyptian Antiqui-
ties, 11:4, 31-39.
While the Woman Looks On: Gender Inequality in
New Kingdom Egypt, 18-21 ff.
Women & Children in Peril: Pregnancy, Birth & In-
fant Mortality in Ancient Egypt, 5:4, 24-35.
ROEHRIG, Catharine:
Hatshepsut and the Metropolitan Museum, 1:1,
A Beginners Guide to Egyptology, 1:4, 30-34 ff. Funerary Enclosures: Early Dynastic Forts Reex-
Return to Wadi Biban el Moluk: The Second (1990) amined, 12:1, 60-72.
Season of the Valley of the Kings Project, German Excavators Find 17th Dynasty Royal Tomb
2:1, 26-31. at Dra Abu el Naga, 12:3, 9.
The Valley Again, 3:1, 44-47 ff. SHAW, Roberta:
Old Rope: Who Cares About This Ancient Egyptian 90 Years of Collecting Egyptian Antiquities at the
Technology?, 4:2, 72-80. Royal Ontario Museum, 4:3, 15-22 ff.
Following the Paths of Howard Carter: Filming The The Tomb Models of Montuhotep II from Deir el
Face of Tutankhamun, 5:3, 77-84. Bahari (sidebar), 4:3, 22-23.
David George Hogarth, A Somewhat Reluctant Egyp- SKON JEDELE, Nancy J.:
tologist, 7:2, 77-81. End Paper (Greek names of Egyptian towns), 3:2, 72.
A Beginners Guide to Egyptology, 2001, 12:2, 52-59. SMITH, Stuart Tyson:
SADEK, Abdel Aziz F., They Did Take It with Them: Requirements for the
End Paper: Sunrise at Abu Simbel, 6:1, 88. Afterlife Evidenced from Intact New King-
SALEH, Ahmed: dom Tombs at Thebes, 2:3, 28-33 ff.
Luxors Best-Kept Secret Revealed: The Museum of Equipped for Eternity (sidebar), 2:3, 38-39.
Mummification, 11:1, 19-25. The First Imperialists, 3:3, 40-49 ff.
SALEH, Mohamed: SOLIMAN, Isabella:
A Restoration Report on Yuyas Mask (sidebar), (with George B. Johnson) KV 43: The Tomb of
7:2, 43. Thutmose IV, 5:1, 40-47.
Antiquities Reports from Egypt: The Egyptian Mus- TEETER, Emily:
eum, Cairo, 9:3, 18-21. Hatshepsut, 1:1 4-13 ff.
Lost & Found: A Cairo Exhibit of Recovered Art Kaemwaset, Prince, Priest, Egyptologist, 1:4, 41-45.
Treasures, 10:2, 18-24. Popular Worship in Ancient Egypt, 4:2, 28-37.
SAMPSELL, Bonnie M.: Faces of Ancient Egypt: A Special Exhibition in Chicago
Ancient Egyptian Dwarfs, 12:3, 60-73. of Works of Egyptian Art from the Collection of
Did Seneb Have a Dwarf Son? (sidebar), 12:3, 72. the Oriental Institute, 8:1, 17-19.
SANDERS, Roxanne Carol (also Roxanne Sanders): The Egyptian Gallery at the Oriental Institute Museum
Egyptian Splendors from Germany Dazzle in St. Pe- Reopens at Three Years of Construction, Re-
tersberg (Florida), 7:2, 12-18. installation, 10:4, 48-55.
Penns Treasures Open in Texas, 8:4, 19-27. The Egyptian Collection of the Seattle Art Museum,
SCHADEN, Otto: 12:3, 22-35.
Preliminary Report on Clearance of WV24, 2:3, THOMAS, Nancy:
53-61. (with Peter Lacovara) In L.A.: The American Discov-
SCHAR, Grant: ery of Ancient Egypt at the Los Angeles Coun-
Art of the Relief in Ancient Egypt: A Hands-On Ex- ty Museum of Art, 6:3, 14-22.
perience, 6:1, 72-77. THOMPSON, Jason:
SCHOCH, Robert M.: Tomb-Dwelling in 19th Century Thebes: Sir Gardner
Redating the Great Sphinx of Giza, 3:2, 52-59 ff. Wilkinsons House at Sheikh abd el Qurna. 7:2, 52-59.
SCHWABE, Calvin W.: THOMPSON, Kristen:
Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, Pt. 2, 1:3, (with Gene Miller) Margaret Drower: The Petrie Con-
52-55. nection, 7:1, 34-37 ff.
SCHNEIDER, Mauricio Elvis: TRAD, May:
Mummies & Antiquities in Rio: The Egyptian Col- (with Adel Mahmoud) Amenhotep III in the Egyptian
lection of the National Museum of Rio de Ja- Museum, Cairo, 6:3, 40-49.
niero, 7:1, 70-73. VAN RINSVELD, Bernard:
SHARP, David: Redating a Monumental Stone Hawk-Sculpture in the
Muses Royaux, Brussels, 4:1, 14-21. The Pyramid of El Kla: Could It Be Additional Evi-
Leopold II: Egypt, Africa & the Royal Museums (side- dence of Early Mesopotamian Cultural Influ-
bar), 4:1, 16. ence? 5:2, 65-69.
Jean Capart (1877-1947) (sidebar), 4:1, 20. YOSHIMURA, Sakuji:
VERNER, Miroslav: A Japanese Expedition Discovers the New Kingdom
(with Gae Callendar) Image and Reflection: Two Old Necropolis at Dahshur, 10:3, 36-43.
Kingdom Queens Named Khentkaus, 8:3, 26-35. ZIVIE, Alain:
Discovery & Clearance of the Intact Tomb of Iufaa at Jean-Philippe Lauer (1902-2001), A Remembrance,
Abusir, 10:1, 1-27. 12:3, 18-20.
VILELA, Eduardo: ZUHDI, Omar:
The Mystic Paintings of Eduardo Vilela (paintings), Manetho, 3:1, 22-31.
9:3, 44-45. Dating the Exodus: A Study in Ancient Egyptian
WAGEMAN, Susan: Chronology, 4:2, 14-20 ff.
A Christmas Surprise, 3:4, 36. A Homeric Perspective on Merenptahs Libyan War,
WARD, Pearl L.: 6:4, 68-73 ff.
Sailing to Nubia in the 19th Century, 7:3, 20-31. Joseph: The Career of an Egyptian Official, 7:4, 69-78.
Early Travelers in Middle Egypt and What They Saw A Few Remarks on the So-Called New Chronology
There, 8:4, 74-82. and the Joseph Story (sidebar), 7:4, 77.
The French House Perched Atop Luxor Temple, 9:4, Apropos of the South Wing of Seti Is Temple at Ab-
76-81. ydos, 8:2, 43-49.
The Reverend Archibald Sayce: Scholar in a Frock Rameses at Kadesh: A New Look at an Old Battle,
Coat, 10:3, 79-83. 8:4, 60-73.
The Tourist Scene in Egypt During the 19th & Early- When Were the Mythological Papyri Composed?,
20th Centuries, 11:3, 70-81. 9:3, 79-84.
WEBB, Peter John: Meggido: The Capture of a Thousand Towns, 9:4,
The Ushabti Treasures of Chiddingstone Castle (side- 68-75.
bar), 6:1, 56-57. A Tale of Two Ahmoses, Or How to Begin an Em-
WEGNER, Josef: pire, 11:4, 50-60.
South Abydos: Burial Place of the Third Senwosret? Imperial Twilight: End of the Egyptian New Kingdom
Old & New Excavations at the Abydene Com- in Syria-Palestine, 12:4, 42-52.
plex of Senwosret III, 6:2, 58-71.
The Other Valley of the Kings: Exploring the Western
Branch of the Theban Royal Necropolis, 2:3, DORMAN, Peter F., 70 Years at the Walls, 5:2, 25-35.
46-52. DROWER, Margaret, The Petrie Connection, 7:1,
The Paths of Re: Symbolism in the Royal Tombs of Wa- 34-37 ff.
di Biban el Moluk, 4:3, 42-51. GORDON, Andrew; RICHTER, Arthur, Archaeolo-
WILLIAMS, Bernice: gia: Buying & Selling Antiquarian Books on
Photo Essay: Sacredness of Place, 12:4, 29-31 Ancient Egypt, 1:3, 56-59 ff.
WINKELMAN, Betty (also B. Winkelman): HAWASS, Zahi, The Man in Charge of the Giza Pla-
Buhen: Blueprints of an Egyptian Fortress, 6:2, 72-81. teau Talks to KMT, 1:3, 28-30.
Spacious & Comfortable Dwellings: Homes of the No- Matters on the Giza Plateau, 8:2, 16-25.
bles at Akhetaten, 10:2, 66-79. ISKANDER, Nasri, The Egyptian Royal Mummy
Akh Isut Nebhepetre: The Mortuary Complex at Deir Room, 3:4, 18-21.
el Bahari of Nebhepetre Montuhotep, 12:3, 36- JAMES, T.G.H., A Chat with T.G.H. James, 1:2, 12-
49. 17 ff.
WOMACK, Robert E.: KEMP, Barry, A Different Kind of Archaeology, 2:2,
By volume:number & pages (e.g., 3:1, 39-43);
italics indicate illustration(s)

A Matter of Business (fiction) 8:3, 68-76
A Moment of Eternity exhibition, Finland 4:4, 19
Abu Simbel 6:1, 86-88; 7:1, 64-65;
Abydos, Eighteenth Dynasty monuments at 4:4, 7
Abydos, excavations at 3:1, 48-49; 10:4, 89-90
After Tutankhamun (Valley of the Kings symposi-
um) 1:2, 8-11 ff
Aha, King 12:3, 74-81
Ahmes, Queen 5:2, 49;
Ahmes-Nefertari, Queen 5:2, 20-21; 12:2, 62
Detail, Old Kingdom mastaba relief, Sakkara. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Ahmose I, King 5:2, 16; 11:4, 50-60

Ahmose, son of Ebana 11:4, 55-59
Akhenaten Temple Project (Karnak) 2:2, 24-32 ff;
2:3, 12
Akhetaten, nobles home at 10:2, 66-79
Alcott, Louisa May 9:2, 70-75 ff
Aldred, Cyril 2:3, 22-26 ff
Alexander the Great, alleged tomb of 6:1, 9
Amanishaketo, Nubian queen, gold of 10:1, 60-67
Amarna, El (excavations of) 2:2, 49-53; (rock-cut
tombs of) 2:2, 33-37
44-48. Amarna period art 2:4, 72; 7:4, 18-33;(Metropol-
LEHNER, Mark, Up on the Giza Plateau, 2:4, 39- itan Museum of Art 1993 symposium on),
44. 4:3, 12-14 ff
LIPINSKA, Jadwiga, The Polish Archaeology Missions Amarna princesses 12:4, 32, 34 ff
at Deir el Bahari, 3:2, 46-51. Amen (-Re), deity 7:3, 60-67
MARTIN, Geoffrey, On the Site of New Discoveries Amenemhet II, White Pyramid of 6:4, 50-51
in the New Kingdom Necropolis at South Amenemhet III, King 9:1, 47-49
Sakkara, 5:1, 16-23 ff. Amenemhet III, Black Pyramid of 6:4, 62-65
MERTZ, Barbara, Still in Print After All These Years, Amenemhet IV, King 9:1, 47
4:1, 60-65 ff. Amenhotep I, King 5:2, 14-24
MILLS, Anthony J., The Dakhlah Oasis Project, Amenhotep II, King 1:3, 4; 8:3, 36-52; (mummy
2:1, 55 ff. of) 1:2, 40-41; 3:4, 30-31; 4:2, 21; 8:3, 49-51
POLZ, Daniel, Dra Abu el Naga, 3:1, 39-43. Amenhotep II, (Karnak) Festival Hall of 1:2, 18-19
RADWAN, Mansur, Up at the Giza Plateau, 2:4, Amenhotep III, King 1:2, 52-57; 1:3, 2; 2:2, 14-23
39-44. ff; 3:2, 12-17 ff, 24-34; 7:1, 21
REDFORD, Donald B., Still Seeking Akhenaten at Amenhotep and His World, Egypts Dazzling Sun
Karnak on the 25th Anniversary of the ATP, 1992-93 exhibition 3:2, 12-23; 3:3, 8-9
2:2, 24-32 ff. Amenhotep III, colossus of, Cairo Museum 6:3,
WEEKS, Kent, Anatomy of a Concession, 1:1, 40- 40-50
47 ff. Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten, King (representations
of) 2:2, 38-43; 2:4, 72; 7:1, 30, 32 56-63
Amenhotep, High-Priest of Amen 4:3, 26-27 Brooklyn Museum of Art, Egyptian collection of
Amenhotep, son of Hapu 2:2, 8-13 ff; 2:3, 2 4:4, 72-85; (Wilbour Library) 5:3, 73-75
Amenirdis, Divine Adoratrice 5:4, 19; 12:2, 63 Brugsch, mile 7:3, 14-16
Amenmesses, King 4:1, 52-59 ff; 4:3, 5-6 Brugsch, Heinrich 7:3, 14-16
Amen-Mut dyad, Luxor Temple 8:2, 9 Breasted, James Henry 7:4, 80-82
Ameny-Qemu, Pyramid of, Dahshur 8:3, 60-63 Brunton, Guy 11:1, 42-49
An Ancient Egyptian Bestiary 1995 exhibition Brunton, Winifred 1:4, 52-61; 2:1, 2-3; 7:4, 43
6:2, 14-17 Budge, E.A. Wallis 8:2, 78-80
Ancient Faces: Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt Buhen, Fortress of 6:2, 72-81
2000 exhibition 11:2, 18-29 Burton, Harry 8:2, 58-75; 9:2, 48
Animal Mummy Project, Cairo Museum 12:4, 18-25 Butros, Tadros (Peter) 4:1, 80
Ankhesenamen (-aten), Queen 1:4, 22-29 ff; 3:3, Buttles, Jeannette 1:2, 43
70; 11:1, 86-87
Ankh-Haf, bust of 9:1, 67-69 C
Apis Bull 1:4, 44-45, 63; 6:1, 1-32 canopic equipment 3:4, 52-63; 6:1, 22-23; 10:1,
Archaeologia, antiquarian booksellers 1:3, 56-59 ff 21; 11:2, 35; 11:2, 51
A Sense of Place symposium 1:4, 8 Capart, Jean 4:1, 20
A Tale of Two Brothers, interpretation of 2:4, cap-crown 4:4, 4-5
64-68 Carnarvon, Lord (George Herbert) 1:2, 9
Aten, deity 2:2, 14-23 Carter, Howard 1:2, 9; 3:1, 50-59 ff; 3:3, 87; 3:4,
Awibre-Hor, King 6:4, 48-66
Ay, King 12:4, 36-40
Ayrton, Edward 1:2, 47-51; 9:2, 48 ff, 65 ff

ba bird 9:3, 72-78
Bab el Gusus, cache-tomb 4:4, 48-59
Bab el Hosen (Gate of the Horse), cenotaph
12:3, 45
Bahariya Oasis, discoveries at 10:4, 72-85
Baketwerel, Queen 4:2, 38-46; 5:2, 5; 5:3, 8
Bankes, William John, collection of 4:4, 20-32
Baum, L. Frank & Maud in Egypt 9:1, 70-80
beaded fishnet dress(es) 6:4, 41-47; 7:2, 73-74
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista 11:4, 62-65
Beni Hasan, excavations at 8:1, 54-61
Benson, Margaret 2:1, 10-19 ff Thutmose II relief, block yard, Karnak. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Bes, deity 5:4, 29-33; 10:4, 84-85; 11:4, 81; 12:3, 27

birth 5:4, 25-35
block fields, Karnak 8:3, 64-67
boats, Early Dynastic at Abydos 3:1, 48-49; 12:1,
Borchardt, Ludwig 5:1, 77; 12:4, 78-80
Bothmer, Bernard V. 5:1, 39
British Museum, London 3:3, 30-31; (Roxie Walk-
er Galleries of Funerary Archaeology) 10:3,
66-68; 4:1, 7; 12:3, 45 (mummy of ) 4:1, 4; 4:3, 39
cartouche 7:2, 23 Djeho, dwarf 12:3, 69-70
Champollion, Jean Franois 6:4, 74-75 ff Djeser-Djeseru (see Hatshepsut, Mortuary Temple of)
Chapelle Rouge (see Red Chapel) Djoser, King 2:1, 32-41; 9:2, 29 ff
chariot(s) 5:1, 50-61 ff domestic architecture 10:2, 66-79
Chicago House, Luxor 1:3, 38-41; 5:2, 25-35 Dorman, Peter F. (interview) 5:2, 25-35
Chicago House method (epigraphy) 1:3, 41; 5:2, Dra Abu el Naga, excavations at 3:1, 39-43; 12:3, 8
36-39 Drovetti, Bernardino 5:3, 70-72
Chiddingstone Castle, collection at 6:1, 51-61 Drower, Margaret 7:1, 34-37 ff
childrens books on Egypt 9:2, 76-82 Dunham, Dows 1:4, 13; 3:3, 68; 10:1, 64-66
childrens fiction, ancient Egypt in 3:3, 70-75 dwarfs (-ves) 1:3, 5; 12:3, 60-73; 12:4, 35-36, 38
Cincinnati Museum of Art 7:4, 35-42
cippus of Horus 7:3, 32-36 E
clothing 6:4, 28-40 ff; Edwards, Amelia 5:4, 77-81; 6:2, 4
coffin of 17th Dynasty queen in Edinburgh 11:3, Edwards, I.E.S. 7:4, 87-88
32-40 Egypt Exploration Society, excavations of 4:3, 52-
coffins 2:3, 40; 5:3, 36-37 57
Colossi of Memnon 1:4, 5 Egypt: 5,000 Years of Civilization traveling Brazil-
conservation 1:3, 22-23 ian exhibition of replicas 9:3, 41-43
Cook, Thomas 11:3, 75 ff Egyptian Antiquities Service 10:2, 80-84
coregency (Amenhotep III/IV) 2:2, 64-66 Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids 1999-2000
cranial-facial morphology 4:1, 4 exhibition 10:4, 18-31
crowns, Ptolemaic 7:3, 44-45 Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, Cairo 9:3, 18-
Currelly, Charles T. 4:3, 14-24 21; 10:2, 18-24, 28-30
Egyptology, beginners guide to 1:4, 30-34 ff; 12:2,
D 52-59
dahabiya(s) 7:3, 20-31 Egyptomania 4:1, 40-51
Dahshur, excavations at 6:2, 34-43, 44-56; 6:4, 48-
Egypts Dazzling Sun: Amenhotep III and His World
66; (New Kingdom necropolis at) 10:3, 36-43
1992-93 exhibition 3:2, 12-23; 3:3, 8-9
Dakhlah Oasis Project 1:3, 6; 2:1, 54, 56, 58 ff
Elder Lady (mummy of) 4:3, 86-87; 5:1, 5-6;
Darwin, Charles 6:3, 78-82
12:2, 42-50; 12:4, 37, 39
Davis, Theodore M. 1:1, 48-53 ff; 1:2, 43-46; 9:2,
El Kab, site of 7:4, 60-68
42, 48, 65 ff; 11:2, 82-84
Daviss Dog 12:3, 3; 12:4, 22-23 El Kula, Pyramid of 5:2, 65-69; 5:3, 8
DB320 (1st Royal Mummies Cache) 3:4. 22-29 ff, Emerson, Amelia Peabody (fictional character)
39-50; 10:2, 40-41 1:2, 20-23 ff;
Deeds of Suppiluliuma 11:1, 86 Epigraphic Survey (University of Chicago Oriental
deification style of Amenhotep III 2:2, 23 Institute) 1:3, 38-41; 5:2, 25-39
Deir el Bahari, excavations, restorations at 3:2, erotic fashion 6:4, 41-47
46-51; 3:3, 12-25; 11:1, 36-37 Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Egyptian Art
Deir el Bahari, 1997 tourist massacre at 9:1, 3-4 from the British Museum 2001-2004 exhibi-
De Morgan, Jacques 6:1, 11; 6:2, 34-43; 6:4, 48-66 tion, 12:1, 20-35
Derry, Dr. Douglas 1:2, 39 Eton College Myers Collection of Egyptian Art
Detroit Institute of Arts 2:3, 13-19 ff, 20-21 2000-2001 exhibition 11:3, 18-31
Divine Adoratice (-ixes) 5:4, 18; 12:2, 60-65 Eugenie, Empress 9:2, 44-45
Djedefre, King 7:1, 31 Exodus, the 4:2, 14-27; 4:3, 4-5; 4:4, 2; 5:2, 87-
Djedptahifuankh, High-Priest of Amen 4:3, 39; 88; 5:3, 5-8
F guardian statues, royal 2:3, 42-43
Faces of Ancient Egypt 1997 exhibition 8:1, 17-
19 H
faience 9:1, 16-26; 9:4, 39-43 Hapi, deity 10:3, 52-56
Fairservis, Walter A., Jr. 6:1, 81 Harer Collection of Egyptian antiquities 8:1, 20-28
family, concept of in ancient Egypt 10:2, 50-55 ff Hathor, deity 5:4, 32-35; 12:1, 73-77; 12:3, 32
Famine Stela, so-called 9:2, 28 Hatnofer & Ramose, Tomb of 2:3, 34-37;
Ferlini, Guiseppi 10:1, 60-64 Hatshepsut, Queen/King 1:1, 4-13 ff; 1:1, 20-23,
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago 2:4, 25-27, 29, 30-33; 2:3, 9; 4:2, 14-27; 5:4, 22-
28-33 23, 36-43; 6:4, 16-27 ff ; 8:1, 44-53; (spleen/
fishnet (beaded) dresses 6:4, 41-47; 7:2, 73-74 liver of) 4:3, 2
Focus on Egypts Past exhibition, Berkeley 5:1, Hatshepsut, faience offering stand of 9:4, 39-43
62-69 ff Hatshepsut, Mortuary Temple of (Djeser-Djeseru)
folk lore 5:4, 70-75 1:1, 11-12; 5:2, 40-49; 8:2, 34-37; 11:1, 36-37
food and drink (meat, fish, fowl) 5:1, 24-33; (greens, Hawass, Zahi (interview) 1:3, 28-30; (interview)
bread, beverages, sweets) 5:2, 53-60 ff 8:2, 16-25
food offerings, funerary 5:1, 27 hawk-statue, Muses Royaux, Brussels 4:1, 14-21
Fourth Dynasty 7:4, 48 Hay, Robert 7:2, 56-58
French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Hearst, Phoebe Apperson 5:1, 66
work of at the Ramesseum 10:1, 45-47 Heb-Sed, festival of 4:4, 60-71; 5:2, 4-5
Freud, Sigmund, Egyptian collection of 11:4, 31-39 Hemninu, Vizier 6:1, 47; 7:2, 15
funerary enclosures, Early Dynastic (forts) 12:1, 60-72 Henttawy, Queen (mummy of) 3:4, 26-27; 4:1, 6;
funerary practices, New Kingdom 2:3, 28-45 ff; 4:3, 34
5:3, 53-59; 6:3, 68-77; hepet, instrument 4:4, 69
funerary texts 9:3, 79-84 Herbert, George, Lord Carnarvon 11:3, 82-84
Herihor, Priest-King 4:3, 25-41
G Herodotus 2:4, 46
Gamhud, antiquities from exhibited in Budapest Hetepheres, Queen, Tomb of 1:4, 18-19; 6:1, 34-50
9:1, 27-30 Hieraconpolis, excavations at 7:3, 46-59 ff
Garstang, John 8:1, 54-61 Hoffman, Michael A. 2:1, 20-25 ff
gazelle, pet, mummy of 11:2, 58-61 Hogarth, David George 7:2, 77-81
Gebel el Hardi, excavations at 4:3, 52-57 homosexuality 12:4, 57-58
gender inequality 1:3, 18-21 ff; 1:4, 2-3 Horemheb, King 1:2, 18-19; 9:1, 31-44
genital mutilations 9:2, 6 Horemheb, private tomb of, Sakkara 5:1, 16-23 ff;
Getty Conservation Institute 1:3, 42-45 Valley of Kings tomb of 2:3, 62-65
Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyptian Faience 1998 Hyksos Symposium, 1993, at Metropolitan Museum
exhibition 9:1, 16-26 of Art 5:1, 34-35 ff
Giza Mastaba Series (MFA, Boston) 8:1, 70-74
Giza Plateau 1:4, 10-21; 2:4, 39-44; 7:3, 18-19; I
9:3, 22-25; 10:2, 25-27 imperialism, Egyptian 3:3, 40-49 ff, 50-59 ff
Gods Wife (-ves) of Amen 5:4, 19; 5:4, 36-43; infant mortality 5:4, 24-35
12:2, 60-65 inlaid relief 10:3, 64-67
Gordon, Lucy Duff 9:4, 76-81 insects 4:1, 32-39
Great Hypostyle Hall Project, Karnak 5:3, 14-24 International Congress of Egyptology, Sixth (Turin)
ff; 12:3, 50-59 2:3, 9-10
Greek forms of ancinet Egyptian place names 3:2, Isis, deity 5:4, 46-51 ff, 52-59, 60-68
72 Iufaa, Tomb of, Abusir 10:1, 18-27
J Kingston Lacy, Dorset, collection at 4:4, 20-32
James, T.G.H. (interview) 1:2, 12-17 ff Kiya, Royal Wife 12:4, 37
jewelry 6:1, 10-11, 25; 6:2, 40-41; 6:4, 52-53, 55, Kom Ombo, Temple of Horus & Sobek at 1:4, 35-
57; 8:4, 42; 10:1, 66-67; 11:1, 44-48; 11:4, 46 40
Jones, E. Harold 9:2, 53 KV5 (Tomb of Rameses II Children) 1:1, 61-63;
Joseph, Patriarch 7:4, 69-78; 8:1, 3-5 7:1, 38-40 ff
KV7 (Tomb of Rameses II) 1:3, 46-51
K KV10 (Tomb of Amenmesses) 4:1, 8-9; 4:2, 38-46
Kadesh, Battle of 8:4, 60-73; 12:4, 49-50 KV16 (Tomb of Rameses I) 11:4, 62-75
Kamose, King 11:4, 54-55 KV20 (Tomb of Hatshepsut) 3:4, 64-81
Kemp, Barry (interview) 2:2, 44-48 KV21 (anonymous) 2:1, 27, 29-31
Kha & Merit, Tomb of (TT8) 2:3, 44-45 KV35 (Tomb of Amenhotep II, 2nd Royal Mummies
Khamwaset (Kaemwaset), Prince 1:4, 41-45 ff; Cache) 2:2, 72; 2:3, 2-4; 2:4, 2; 3:4, 30-33
6:1, 18-32; 7:1, 50-51 ff; 8:3, 46-47
Khasekhemwy, King 7:2, 27; 7:3, 54 KV36 (Tomb of Maihirpre) 4:3, 71-83
kheker frieze 10:3, 29 KV38 (Tomb of Thutmose I) 3:4, 64-81
Khentkaus, queens 8:3, 28-35; 8:4, 7-8 KV42 (anonymous) 10:3, 20-33 ff; (sarcophagus
Kheper, deity 10:3, 71 in) 10:3, 33
Khonsu, deity 11:2, 79-81 KV43 (Tomb of Thutmose IV) 5:1, 40-49
Khufu, model ship of 6:2, 84-85 KV45 (anonymous) 3:1, 44-47 ff
KV46 (Tomb of Yuya & Thuyu) 10:3, 83
KV47 (Tomb of Siptah) 9:2, 46-64
KV55 (Tomb of Queen Tiye, Amarna Cache)
1:1, 48-53 ff; 1:2, 43-46; 9:1, 57-66; 9:2, 41-
45; (coffin from) 9:2, 6: 9:3, 3-4; 9:4, 3-6;
10:1, 3-4 ff; 10:3, 2, 18-19; 12:1, 3; 12:2, 3,
KV56 (Gold Tomb) 9:2, 65-69
KV57 (Tomb of Horemheb) 2:3, 62-65
KV60 (Tomb of In-Sitre) 1:1, 34-39 ff
KV62 (Tomb of Tutankhamen) 4:1, 9; 4:4, 38-47

Restored Osiride colossus head, Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el Bahari. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Lahun, excavations at 11:1, 38-49

Lake Nasar (Nubian Sea), monument sites of
7:1, 52-65
Lauer, Jean-Philippe 10:2, 30-31; (remembrance
of) 12:3, 18-20
Legrain, Georges 8:3, 78-80
Leopold II, King of Belgium 4:1, 16
Lepsius, Karl Richard 5:1, 36-38
Libyan pharaohs (22nd Dynasty) 6:3, 52-67
Libyan war, Merneptahs 6:4, 68-73 ff
lion(s) 2:3, 72
Lost and Found 1999 exhibition 10:2, 18-24
Lost in a Pyramid; or, the Mummys Curse (fiction)
9:2, 72-75 ff
lotus see water lily
Luxor Cachette (Lode) 1:3, 7-8; 1:4, 5; 3:1, 5; 3:2,
Luxor Temple 1:2, 31; 9:4, 76-81; (Akhenaten tal-
atat at) 1:2, 59-61; (Opet Festival reliefs at)
1:3, 31-37; (restoration of Sun Court of) 8:2,
38-41; 10:2, 39-40

Mace, Arthur C. 3:1, 50-57 ff
magic 5:3, 11
Mahirpre (Maihirpre), Fanbearer (Tomb of) 4:3,
71-83; (mummy of) 4:3, 71, 80-81; 4:4, 6
Mahou, Tomb of, Luxor 7:3, 69-71

Detail, polychromeOld Kingdom mastaba relief, Sakkara. Photo: KMT/Forbes

manacle(s) 5:1, 2
Manetho 3:1, 22-31
Mansoor El Amarna Collection 2:4, 10-11 ff; 3:1,
2; 3:2, 3-4
Mariette, Auguste 6:1, 29; 9:4, 82-84
Martin, Geoffrey T. (interview) 5:1, 16-23 ff
Masharta, High-Priest of Amen 4:3, 33, 38; (mum-
my of) 8:2, 8; 11:1, 21
masks, funerary, Middle Kingdom 5:1, 70-71
Maspero, Gaston 4:4, 34-37; 5:1, 2-4; 9:2, 42;
12:4, 45
medicine 1:2, 26-29; 1:3, 52-55; 11:4, 76-82
Medinet Habu (Mortuary Temple of Rameses III) Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven 1997 ex-
1:3 14-15; 10:3, 64-67; 11:1, 66-69; 12-4, 44- hibition 7:4, 35-42
45 ff (lost records of) 4:4, 16-18; (controver- Montu, deity 10:3, 69
sy) 8:1, 42 Montuhirkopshef, Prince 8:1, 43
Meidum, Pyramid of (Harem el Kaddab, False Pyr- mummies 3:1, 58-67; 3:2, 2-4; 3:3, 7; 3:4, 13-17 ff,
amid) 4:2, 64-71 ff; 5:1, 72-82; 5:4, 4-5; 18-21, 22-29 ff, 30-33 ff, 34-37, 39-50, 51 ff;
6:1, 4-5 11:3, 60-66
Meketre, Vizier, tomb models of 6:3, 24-39 mummies, animal 3:4, 38; 11:1, 24-25; 11:2, 58-
Menenre, King (mummy of) 8:4, 83-85 61; 12:4, 18-25
Menes, King 12:3, 74-81 mummy unwrapping 10:4, 86-87
Menkaure, King 1:4, 15-17; (coffin of) 5:2, 2 Murnane, William J. (remembrance of) 12:1, 4-6
Meresankh III, Queen (tomb of) 7:4, 44-59 Muse du Louvre 9:4, 32-38
Meritaten, Princess-Queen 8:3, 85-87 Muses Royaux, Brussels 4:1, 14-21
Merneptah (-enptah), King 4:1, 52-55; 7:1, 50-51; Museo Egizio, Turin 2:3, 9-11
(mummy of) 4:2, 21; (sarcophagus of) 2:1, Muses, Charles 8:3, 60-63
42-49; (Libyan war of) 6:4, 68-73 ff Museu Nacional, Rio de Janiero, Egyptian collection
Mertz, Barbara (interview) 4:1, 60-67; 4:2, 5 of 7:1, 70-73
Metropolitan Museum of Art 1:1, 28-33; 1:2, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1:4, 10-21; 3:3, 32-
17ff; 1:4, 3-4; 3:1, 54 ff; 3:4, 88; 7:4, 18-31 33, 61-69; 9:4, 18-31
Miethe, Adolf, art of 2:4, 35-38 Museum of Mummification, Luxor 11:1, 19-25
Mills, Anthony 2:1, 55, 57, 59 ff Mut, goddess 2:1, 18; 8:2, 81-82
Mut, Temple & Precinct of, Karnak 2:1, 10-19 ff; Papyrus of Her-Uben 9:3, 79-84
5:4, 70-75; 10:2, 39 Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Egyptian collection
Mutnodjmet, Queen 12:4, 32-41 of 11:2, 30-41
muu dancers 6:3, 68-77 ff Pepi I, King 7:3, 56-57
Myers, Major William Joseph, collection of 11:3, Pepi II, King (and General Sistine) 12:4, 58
18-31 Perniankhu, dwarf 12:3, 67-69
Mythological Papyri 9:3, 79-84 Per-Rameses, city 2:4, 20-27
Peters, Elizabeth 1:2, 20-23 ff
Petrie, W.M. Flinders 3:1, 8-10 ff; 11:1, 40 ff; 11:3,
Nakhtmin, General 12:4, 39-40
32 ff
Narmer, King 12:3, 74-81
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology 3:1, 8-21
Narmer Palette 7:3, 52-53; 12:3, 82-83
Naville, Henri Edouard 6:2, 82-83 ff; 12:3, 40-41
Pharaohs Gifts 1994 exhibition 5:4, 13
Nebhepetre Montuhotep, King 12:3, 42-43
Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankh-
Nebhepetre Montuhotep, Mortuary Complex of, Deir
amen 1999-2001 exhibition 10:4, 32-47
el Bahari 12:3, 36-49
Pharaohs: Treasures of Egyptian Art from the
Nefertari, Queen (tomb of) 1:3, 42-45; 11:2, 46-47, 49
Louvre 1996 exhibition 7:1, 30-34
Nefertiti, Queen 7:4, 18-31; 12:4, 32, 34, 36-37,
Pinudjem I, Priest-King 4:3, 34-35; (mummy of)
39; (mummy of?) 12:2, 42-50; (ring of) 12:4,
4:1, 4; 4:2, 3-4; 6:2, 86-87
Pinudjem II, High-Priest of Amen 4:3, 33, 39
Neferuptah, Princess, intact burial of 11:4, 40-47
Polish archaeology missions at Deir el Bahari 3:2,
Neferure, Princess 1:1, 16; 1:2, 2; 5:4, 36-45; 12:2, 62
46-51; 3:3, 12-25
Neith, deity 5:4, 46-51 ff
Polz, Daniel (interview), 3:1, 39-43
Nekhtnebef (Nectanebo) I, King 1:2, 32, 35
pregnancy 5:4, 24-35
New Chronology 7:4, 77
Propylon of Khonsu, Karnak 10:2, 56-65
Niagara Falls mummies 4:1, 6; 11:4, 18-29; 12:1, 7
Punt 1:1, 9-10
Niankhkhanum & Khanumhotep, Tomb of, Sakkara
pyramid-building machine 2:4, 45-53
4:1, 22-31; 4:2, 5-6; 4:3, 3-4
pyramid ramps 4:1, 3-4
Ninth Pylon, Karnak 10:2, 36-37
pyramids, decline of 5:3, 25-39 ff
Notjeme, Queen 4:3, 32;
pyramids, Giza 4:1, 10-11; 4:3, 7
Nubia 3:3, 27-39, 40-49 ff, 50-59 ff, 61-69
Nubia Museum, Aswan 10:3, 44-51
Nut, deity 5:4, 46-51 ff
Qar, Tomb of, Abusir 7:2, 32-39
quarries 8:3, 54-59
O Queen Nefertiti and the Royal Women: Images of
obelisk(s) 1:1, 10 Beauty from Ancient Egypt 1996-97 exhibi-
Open Air Museum, Karnak 1:1, 20-27; 10:2, 34-36 tion 7:4, 18-31
Opet Fesitval 5:2, 36-39 Quibell, James E. 7:3, 46 ff, 54; 9:2, 42; 12:1, 78-80
Oriental Institute (Epigraphic Survey) 1:3, 38-41; Qurnet Murai, site of, Luxor 7:3, 69-71
4:4, 16-18 QV66 (Tomb of Nefertari) 1:3, 42-45; 4:2, 62-63;
Oriental Institute Museum 3:3, 34-35; 10:4, 48-55 7:1, 23
Orion Mystery, the so-called 7:3, 74-83; 7:4, 4; R
8:1, 5-6 Rameses I, King 3:4, 88; 11:4, 65-67 (mummy of
Osiris passion play performed at Abydos 8:4, 43 ?) 11:4, 26-28
Rameses II, King 1:4, 42-43 ff; 4:2, 14-27; 8:4, 60-
P 73; 12:4, 49-50; (mummy of) 3:4, 25
paper made from mummy wrappings 4:1, 5-6 Rameses II, sons of 7:1, 40-51
Rameses III, King 1:3, 12-17 ff; 8:1, 30-35; 12:4, 8:4, 19-27
42-52 Seattle Art Museum, Egyptian collection of 12:3,
Rameses III, sons of 8:1, 29-43 22-35
Rameses IV, King 8:1, 35-36 Second Dynasty 7:2, 19-31
Rameses V, King 8:1, 36-37 Sekhmet, deity 2:3, 72; 5:4, 74-75; 11:4, 78; 12:4,
Rameses VI, King 8:1, 37-40 70-77
Rameses VIII, King 8:1, 40 Seneb, dwarf 12:3, 65-67, 72
Rameses IX, King 4:3, 26-27 Senenmut 1:1, 2; 1:1, 10; 1:1, 12-13; 1:1, 14-19;
Rameses XI, King 4:3, 27-28 1:2, 2-3; 1:3, 3-4; 2:3, 34; 5:4, 36-43; 6:3, 88;
Ramesseum, mortuary temple 10:1, 34-37 6:4, 5-6
Rassul, Ahmed Abd er 3:3, 87 Senenmut, Tomb of (DB353) 1:1, 18
Rassul, Sheikh Hussein Abd er 3:3, 86-87 Senenmut, The Monuments of (review) 1:1, 19
Reader Survey, KMT 1:2, 58; 1:3, 11 Sensaos, forensic reconstruction of 9:2, 18-25
Red Chapel, Karnak (Chapelle Rouge) 1:1, 20-27; Senusret (-wosret) I, King 2:4, 12-18
8:2, 26-28; 9:3, 29; 10:2, 32-35; 10:4, 56-71 Senwosret II, Pyramid of, Lahun 11:1, 38-41
Redford, Donald B. (interview) 2:2, 24-32 ff; 12:4, Senwosret III, King 6:2, 18-33; 6:3, 3-4 (Pyramid
42, 44 of, Dahshur) 6:2, 44-56; (complex of, Aby-
Red Pyramid, Dahshur 8:3, 18-27 dos) 6:2, 58-71
Re-Horakhti, deity 9:2, 51 Seqenenre Tao II, King 11:4, 52-54
Reisner, George A. 1:4, 10-11, 12-21; 3:3, 61-69; Serapeum 6:1, 18-32; 11:3, 48-53
5:1, 62-69 ff; 6:1, 78-81; 7:2, 60-75; 10:1, 64-
Seti I, King 9:3, 46-68; (mummy of) 3:4, 24; 4:2,
52; 9:3, 67
relief(s) 6:1, 72-77
Seti I, Mortuary Temple of, Qurna 9:3, 64; 10:2,
Renaissance, the 4:3, 28
reserve heads 8:4, 28-36
Seti I, Temple of, Abydos 8:2, 43-57; 9:3, 65
Rhode Island, role of in American Egyptology 9:3,
Seti II, King 4:1, 52-59 ff; 9:2, 65-69; (Karnak way
station of) 3:1, 33-38
Roberts, David, art of 12:2, 68-83
sexual customs, practices 12:4, 54-59
Room 52, Egyptian Museum, Cairo 1:2, 38-42
rope 4:2, 72-79 ff Shepheards Hotel, Cairo 11:3, 73-74
royal-heiress theory 1:2, 2 Shore, Arthur Frank 6:1, 81
Royal Mummies Cache (DB3320) 1:2, 38; 4:2, 52- Siptah, King 4:1, 52-59 ff; 9:2, 46-64
57 Sithathoriunet, Tomb of, Lahun 11:1, 42 ff
Royal Mummies (Egyptian Museum) 1:2, 38-42; Smenkhkare, King 1:3, 3; 8:3, 85-87
1:4, 4; (identities of) 10:1, 78-83 Smith, Joseph Lindon 9:3, 38-40
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto 3:3, 36-37; 4:3, Sneferu, King 4:2, 64; 9:2, 37
15-24 Sobekneferu, King 9:1, 45-56
Ryan, Donald P. 1:1, 3; 1:1, 34 ff.; 1:2, 7; 2:1, 27 Spain, Egyptian collections in 7:3, 37-43
Speos Artemidos 4:2, 23
S Speos Hormeheb 4:2, 47-51
Sakkara, Louvre Museum excavations at 12:2, 33-41 Sphinx, Giza Plateau 1:1, 2; 1:3, 24-28; (redating
Sakkara, Twelfh Dynasty tombs at 7:1, 66-69 of) 3:2, 52-59 ff; 3:3, 3; 5:2, 5-7, 70-74; 5:3,
sarcophagi 2:1, 42-49; 4:3, 58-69 ff; 10:3, 33 3-5, 40-48; 6:2, 5; 7:1, 3-6
Sayce, Rev. Archibald 10:3, 79-83 Sphinxes, Avenue of, Luxor 1:2, 30-37; 1:3, 2;
Schiaparelli, Ernesto 7:2, 82-84; Splendors of Ancient Egypt 1996 exhibition
Sea Peoples 12:4, 42-52 7:2, 12-18
Searching for Ancient Egypt 1997-98 exhibition Step Pyramid Complex, Sakkara 2:1, 32-41
Third Dynasty 9:2, 26-40
Thoth Hill, Luxor, monument on 4:1, 68-72
Thutmose I 1:1, 5-6; 3:3, 50-59 ff; 5:2. 46-48; 6:4,
18; 7:2, 12; (mummy of?) 1:2, 38-39; 4:1, 5;
4:2, 3-4
Thutmose II 1:1, 6-8; 5:2, 10-12; 5:2, 48; 11:2, 62-
75; 11:3, 4-5 (mummy of) 1:2, 38, 41-42;
6:4, 19; 11:2, 69, 73-74
Thutmose III 1:1, 3,12-13 ff; 1:1, 20, 22, 24; 3:1,
72; 4:2, 14-27; 5:2, 48; 6:4, 21; 7:2, 51; 8:1,
44-53; 9:4, 44-65, 68-75; 11:1, 50-59; 11:2, 4-
5; (mummy of) 1:2, 38, 41-42; 3:4, 44-45;
9:4, 62-63; 11:1, 60-65
Thutmose III, so-called Botanical Garden of 9:4,
Sobek relief, Temple of Horus & Sobek, Kom Ombo. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Thutmose III, Temple of (Deir el Bahari) 3:3, 12-
25; 7:2, 46-51; (Abydos) 8:4, 48-59
Thutmose IV (mummy of) 1:2, 38-39, 41-42; 5:1,
Thutmose IV, Portico Court of, Karnak 2:1, 50-53;
8:2, 32-34; 11:3, 42-47
Thuyu, Lady 11:4, 4; (mummy of) 4:4, 15
Tiye, Queen 1:2, 56-57; 2:3, 11; 3:2, 18-19; 12:4,
32 ff
Toledo Museum of Art mummy 12:1, 36-35
tomb models 4:3, 22-23; 5:3, 10; 6:3, 24-39; 6:4,
T 4-5; 8:1, 59-61
Tanis 10:2, 42-49 Tomb of King Awibre-Hor, Dahshur 6:4, 58-60
Tanis, gold of 4:3, 36-37 Tomb of Osiris, so-called, Abydos 8:4, 37-47
Tausret, Queen-King 4:1, 52-59 ff; 9:2, 65-69 Tomb of Princess Ita, Dahshur 6:4, 54-56
Taweret, deity 5:4, 29-32 Tombs of Princess Khnumet, Dahshur 6:4, 51-54
tekenu 5:3, 53-59 Tomb of Princess Nwebhotep, Dahshur 6:4, 60, 62
Temples, Tombs & the Egyptian Universe 1993 Tomb of Sennedjem (TT1) 12:1, 46-59
symposium 5:2, 61-64 ff tourism (travel in Egypt) 1:3, 9; 1:4, 5, 46-51; 2:1,
Tenth Pylon, Karnak 10:2, 38 9; 5:3, 60-68; 7:3, 20-31; 8:4, 74-82; 11:3, 70-
Tetisheri, Queen, forged statue of 2:1, 2; 2:4, 54-62 81
The American Discovery of Ancient Egypt 1995-96 TT (Theban Tomb) 188 (Tomb of Parennefer) 6:1,
exhibition 6:3, 14-22 62-70
Theban Mapping Project 1:1, 40-47 ff TT (Theban Tomb) 290 (Tomb of Irunefer), Deir el
Theban necropolis 9:3, 26-29; 10:1, 28-33; 11:1, Medina 5:3, 49-52
26-33 Turin erotic papyrus 12:4, 57-58
The Collectors Eye: Masterpieces of Egyptian Art Tutankhamen (-aten, -amun), King 1:2, 8, 57;
from the Thalassic Collection, Ltd. 2001 1:3, 7; 1:4, 22, 26-27; 2:4, 2; 7:3, 87-88; 7:4,
exhibition 12:2, 27-32 5-6; (parents of) 8:3, 85-87; 9:2, 5; 11:3, 4;
The Tomb of Queen Tyi 1:2, 47-51 (theories on death of) 3:1, 61; 3:3, 2-3; 3:4,
The Triumph of Horus, restaging of in Toronto 3; 4:1, 2-3; (gold coffin of) 8:1, 64-69 ff
11:1, 72-83 (mummy of) 3:1, 58-67; 3:2, 2-4; 5:2, 2-3;
(modern bronze of) 3:2, 62-64; (television 85
documentary on) 4:4, 12-14; 5:3, 77-84 Valley of the Kings, rescuing the royal tombs of
Tutankhamen colossus, Oriental Institute Museum, 4:2, 58-61; 5:3, 87-88
Chicago 9:3, 30-33 Valley of the Kings Project, Pacific Lutheran Univer-
Tutankhamen Museum, plans for 1:3, 7; 3:4, 7; sity 1:1, 34-39; 2:1, 26-31; 2:3, 6; 3:1, 44-
Twentieth Dynasty 8:1, 41 47 ff
Twenty-first Dynasty 4:3, 25-41 Valley of the Queens (Ta Set Nefer) 11:2, 42-55
Twenty-second Dynasty 6:3, 52-67 Van Siclen, Charles 1:2, 18-19
Twenty Squares, game of 4:2, 82-85 Victorian Egypt 5:3, 60-68; 7:3, 20-31; 8:4, 74-82;
11:3, 70-81
U Vilela, Eduardo, paintings of 9:3, 44-45
Unisankh, Tomb of 2:4, 28-33
University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropol- W
ogy, University of Pennsylvania 3:3, 38-39 Wadi Biban el Moluk (Valley of the Kings), symbol-
Unknown Man C, mummy of 6:3, 88; 6:4, 5-6 ism in the tombs of 4:3, 42-51
Unknown Man E, mummy of 4:2,. 2-3; 10:1, 68- was scepter 10:3, 68-77; 10:4, 6-7; 11:1, 3; 11:3,
76; 11:1, 87; 11:2, 3-4 3-4; 11:4, 5-6; 12:1, 7
ushabti(s) (swabti, -s) 6:1, 56-57; 9:2, 64; 10:1, 22; War of Liberation 11:4, 50-60
10:3, 42; 11:2, 30, 32, 34; 11:4, 38 water lily (-ies) 10:1, 48-59
Weeks, Kent (interview) 1:1, 40-47
V Weigall, Arthur 9:2, 41-45; 12:4, 83-84
Valley of the Gilded (Golden) Mummies 10:4, 72- Weret, Queen, tomb and jewelry of 6:1, 10-11
Western Valley of the Kings 2:3, 46-52, 53-61
White Chapel, Karnak 1:1, 20
Wilbour, Charles Edwin 5:3, 74; 9:3, 35, 37 ff
Wilbour Library of Egyptology 5:3, 73-75
Wilkinson, John Gardner 5:2, 50-52; 7:2, 52;
(house of, Sheikh Abd el Qurna) 7:2, 52-59
Winlock, Herbert E. 1:1, 28 ff; 3:4, 69, 72; 6:3,
26; 9:1, 82-84; 12:3, 41-42
women, role of 1:3, 18-21 ff; 1:4, 2-3; 5:4, 14-23 ff
Ptah relief, block of dismantled Amenhotep III monument, Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Photo: KMT/Forbes

Workmens Village, Giza 2:3, 5

worship, popular 4:2, 28-37; 5:4, 5
WV24, Tomb 2:3, 53-61

Osiride colonnade, Temple of Rameses III, Karnak. Photo: KMT/Forbes

x-rays (of mummies) 1:2, 39, 41; 3:1, 65; 11:2,
60-61; 11:3, 63, 65; 12:4, 21-22

Younger Lady (mummy of) 12:2, 46
Yuya, Gods Father (mummy of) 10:3, 82; 12:2,
46; (mummy mask of) 7:2, 40-43; (funerary
equipage of) 7:2, 44-45
Zannanza, Hittite Prince 11:1, 86-87

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