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Kmtindex PDF
Kmtindex PDF
Contents, Volumes 1 through 12
CONTENTS BY ISSUE Readers Forum, 2-4.
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-7.
Editors Report: After Tutankhamun International
Conference by Dennis Forbes, 8-11, 70.
Interview: A Chat with T.G.H. James, 12-17, 63,
65, 67, 71.
Volume 1: Number 1, Revealing a Phantom Temple of Karnak by Lyla
Spring 1990 Pinch Brock, 18-19.
(Premier Issue Digging Up Clues with Amelia Peabody (Emer-
Hatshepsut Special) son) by LG., 20-23, 66.
Photo Quiz: Where Is It? Dennis Forbes Photo-
Nile Currents, Comments from the Editor, 2-3. graphs, 24-25.
Hatshepsut by Emily Teeter, 4-13, 56-57. Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, Pt. 1, by
Sidebar: A Hatshepsut Memento? (Ed.) Andrew H. Gordon, 26-29.
Queens Minion: Senenmut by Dennis Forbes, 14-19. Photo Essay: Avenue of the Sphinxes, Luxor,
Review: Peter F. Dorman, The Monuments of Sen- Dennis Forbes photographs, 30-37.
enmut by William H. Peck, 19. Who Was Who in Room 52? A Biologic View of
Photo Essay: Chapelle Rouge, Hatshepsuts Other the Royal Mummies in the Egyptian Mus-
Great Masterpiece, Dennis Forbes photo- eum, Cairo by James E. Harris, 38-42.
graphs, 20-27. Theodore M. Davis and the So-Called Tomb of
Hatshepsut and the Metropolitan Museum by Queen Tiye, Pt. 2, by John A. Larson, 43-46.
Catharine Roehrig, 28-33. Preview: Edward Ayrtons 1907 Report on the
Field Report: Who Is Buried in KV60? by Don- Excavation of KV55, from The Tomb of Queen
ald P. Ryan, 34-39, 58-59, 64. Tyi, 47-51 (Ed.).
Interview: Kent Weeks, Anatomy of a Conces- Pharaoh Was a Fat Man by Dennis Forbes, 52-57.
sion, 40-47, 60-63. KMT Reader Survey, 58.
Theodore M. Davis and the So-Called Tomb of Photo Bonus: Akhenaten at Luxor Temple, Dennis
Queen Tiye, Pt. 1, by John A. Larson, 48- Forbes photographs, 59-61.
53, 60-61. Book Reviews: Christine el Mahdy, Mummies, Myth
Photo Quiz: Where Is It? Dennis Forbes photo- and Magic (Emily Teeter), 68-69; Kathy Han-
graphs, 54-55. Hansen, Egypt Handbook (Emily Teeter), 69-71.
Book Notices, 71.
Luxor Temple. Photo: KMT/Forbes
Volume 1: Number 3,
Fall 1990
Volume 1: Number 2, (Monuments in
Summer 1990 Crisis Special)
Readers Forum, 2-4. Boston at Giza: The Museum of Fine Arts Race
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-9. Against Time in the Shadow of the Pyra-
Editors Report by Dennis C. Forbes, 11. mids, 1902-1990 by Peter Der Manuelian,
Rameses III & the End of Empire by Glenn V. 10-21.
McIntyre, 12-17, 60-63. A Lost Queen of Ancient Egypt, Kings Daugh-
While the Woman Looks On: Gender Inequality ter, Kings Great Wife, Ankhesenamen by
in New Kingdom Egypt by Gay Robins, L. Green, 22-29, 67.
18-21, 64-65. A Beginners Guide to Egyptology by Donald P.
Monuments in Crisis, Introduction (Ed.), 22-23. Ryan, 30-34, 65-66.
The Problems of the Great Sphinx Began the Day Photo Essay: Kom Ombo, Ptolemaic Temple of
Prince Thutmose Took a Nap in Its Sha- Horus & Sobek, Greg Reeder photographs,
dow by Lyla Pinch Brock, 24-28. 35-40.
Interview: Zahi Hawass, The Man in Charge of Kaemwaset, Prince, Priest, Egyptologist by Emi-
the Giza Plateau Talks to KMT, 28-30. ly Teeter, 41-45.
Photo Essay, Opet Festival Reliefs at Luxor Welcome in Egypt! Book a Tour or Plan Your
Temple, Greg Reeder photographs, 31-37. Own Adventure by Kathy Hansen, 46-51.
The Oriental Institutes Epigraphic Survey and Portfolio: What Did They Really Look Like? Re-
the Rescue of the Monuments of Ancient constructing the Appearance of Ancient
Egypt by Lanny Bell, 38-41. Egypts Great Ones by Winifred Brunton,
The Tomb of Nefertari (Ed.), 42-45. 52-60.
KV7, The Tomb of Rameses II: Why Save It? by Book Reviews: Nicholas Reeves, The Complete Tut-
John B. Rutherford, 46-51. ankhamun, 69; Geoffrey T. Martin, The Hidden
Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, Pt. 2, by Tombs of Memphis, 70-71; Gay Robins (ed.),
Calvin W. Schwabe, 52-55. Beyond the Pyramids: Egyptian Regional Art from
Interview: Andrew Gordon and Arthur Richter, the Museo Egizio, Turin, 71 (all by Editor).
Archaeologia: Buying & Selling Antiquar-
ian Books on Ancient Egypt, 56-59, 70-71.
Book Reviews: Richard Pare, Egypt: Reflections on
Continuity (Greg Reeder), 66; Barry D.
Kemp, Ancient Egypt, Anatomy of a Civiliz-
ation (Editor), 67; C.N. Reeves, Valley of
the Kings: the decline of a royal necropolis
(Donald P. Ryan), 67-69; Erik Hornung, Volume 2: Number 1,
The Valley of the Kings (Richard Wilkinson), Spring 1991
Readers Forum, 2-3.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 4-6.
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 7-9.
Miss Benson & Mut: The Short Egyptological
Career of Margaret Benson and Her Exca-
vations in the Temple of Mut at Karnak
by William H. Peck, 10-19, 63-65.
Volume 1: Number 4, Sidebar: Mut by William H. Peck, 18.
Winter 1990-91 Michael Allen Hoffman, 1944-1990: Conversa-
Readers Forum, 2-4. tion & Remembrance edited by Jeremy
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-7. Geller, 20-25, 65.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 8-9. Return to Wadi Biban el Moluk: The Second
(1990) Season of the Valley of the Kings Photo Essay Rock-Cut Tomb Details, Greg
Project by Donald P. Ryan, 26-31. Reeder photographs, 33-37.
Monument Closeup: Step Pyramid Complex, Artists of the Aten: Historys First Caricaturists
Dennis Forbes and Greg Reeder photo- by Dennis Forbes, 38-43.
graphs, 32-41. Interview: Barry Kemp, A Different Kind of Arch-
Piecing It All Together: An Ongoing Study of aeology, 44-48.
Later New Kingdom Royal Sarcophagi by 100 Years of Digging at Horizon of the Aten by
Edwin Brock, 42-49. Lyla P. Brock, 49-53.
Photo Bonus: Thutmose IV Out Back at Karnak, Where Is It? 54.
Dennis Forbes photographs, 50-53. A Malkata-Amarna Coregency? Summing Up the
Out at the Dakhlah Oasis an International Team Pros & Cons by Dennis Forbes, 64-65, 71.
Is Shifting the Sands of Time to Extract Book Reviews: Carol Andrews, Ancient Egyptian Jewelry
History from the Red Land by Lyla P. (Emily Teeter), 67-68; George Hart, Egyptian
Brock, 54, 56-58, 60. Myths (Susan Tower Hollis), 68-69; Geoffrey
Interview: Anthony J. Mills, Director of the Dakh- Thorndike Martin, A Bibliography of the Amarna
lah Oasis Project, 55, 57,59, 61, 66. Period and Its Aftermath (Editor), 69; Murry
Hope, Ancient Egypt, The Sirius Connection
Book Reviews: Edward F. Wente, Letters from An-
(Michael Crisp), 69-71.
cient Egypt (Emily Teeter), 68; Elliot Por-
End Paper by Dennis Forbes, 72.
ter and Wilma Stern, Monuments of Egypt
(Greg Reeder), 69; Moyra Caldecott,
Daughter of Amun, The Son of the Son,
Daughter of Ra fictional trilogy (Editor)
Where Is It? 71.
Volume 2: Number 3,
Fall 1991
Volume 2: Number 2, Readers Forum, 2--4.
Summer 1991 Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-8.
(Special Focus: Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 9-12.
Akhenaten) Egypt at the Detroit Institute of Arts: A History of the
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 3-4. Growth of the Collection by William H. Peck,
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 5-7. 13-19, 68.
Servant, Seer, Saint, Son of Hapu, Amenhotep, Sidebar: Statue of the Priest Sebekemhet in the Detroit
Called Huy by William J. Murnane, 8-13, Institute of Arts by William H. Peck, 20-21.
56-59. Cyril Aldred, 1914-1991: His Career by John Ruffle,
The Dazzling Sun Disk: Iconographic Evidence 23-24, 26; His Influence by L. Green, 23, 25, 66.
that Amenhotep III Reigned as the Aten They Did Take It with Them: Requirements for the
Personified by W. Raymond Johnson, 14- Afterlife Evidenced from Intact New King-
23, 60-63, 65-66. dom Tombs at Thebes by Stuart Tyson Smith,
Sidebar: Amenhotep IIIs Deification Style by 28-33, 38-44, 66.
W. Raymond Johnson, 23. Sidebar: The Theban Tomb of Neferkhewet & His
Interview: Donald B. Redford, Still Seeking Akh- Family (Ed.), 32-33.
enaten at Karnak on the 25th Anniversary Sidebar: The Theban Tomb of Hatnofer & Ramose
of the ATP, 24-32, 66. (Ed.), 34-37.
Sidebar: Equipped for Eternity by Stuart Tyson Smith, and photos by Greg Reeder, 39-44.
38-39. Re-Inventing the Machine Herodotus Said Built the
Sidebar: A Choice of Coffin Styles (Ed.), 40. Great Pyramid by Robert H. Lowdermilk,
Sidebar: Extra High-Status Perks (Ed.), 41. 45-53.
Sidebar: Royal Prerogative: Guardian Statues (Ed.), Queen Tetisheri Reconsidered by W.V. Davies, 54-62.
42-43. Where Is It? 63.
Sidebar: The Tomb of Kha & Merit (Ed.), 44-45. A Tale of Two Brothers: An Interpretation as Univer-
The Other Valley of the Kings: Exploring the Western sal Myth by Moyra Caldecott, 64-68.
Branch of the Theban Royal Necropolis by Book Reviews: Betsy M. Bryan, The Reign of Thut-
Richard Wilkinson, 46-52. mose IV, 69-70; Susan T. Hollis, The Ancient
Preliminary Report on Clearance of WV24 by Otto J. Egyptian Tale of Two Brothers The Oldest
Schaden, 53-61. Fairy Tale in the World, 70-71; Ann Bomann,
Monument Closeup Shattered Expectations: The Burial The Private Chapel in Ancient Egypt, 71 (all
Chamber of Horemhebs KV57 (Ed.), 62-65. by Editor).
Book Reviews: Elizabeth Peters, The Last Camel Died at End Paper by Leonore O. Congdon, 72.
Noon (Editor), 69; Normandi Ellis, Awakening
Osiris: A New Translation of the Egyptian Book of
the Dead (Michael Crisp), 69-70; Martin H.
Greenberg (ed.), Mummy Stories (Kimberly Ru-
fus-Bach), 70-71; Nicholaas H. Biegman, Egypt:
Moulids, Saints and Sufis (Greg Reeder), 71.
Book Notices, 71.
End Paper by Steve Kallman, 72. Volume 3: Number 1,
Spring 1992
Readers Forum, 2.
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 3-5.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 6-7.
Egyptian Archaeology in the Petrie Museum, Lon-
don by Barbara Adams, 8-12, 14-21, 70.
Volume 2: Number 4, Sidebar: Predynastic Figurine Fragment of Human
Winter 1991-92 Female from Qau by Barbara Adams, 12-13.
Manetho by Omar Zuhdi, 22-31.
Readers Forum, 2-4. Monument Close-Up: Karnak Way Station, Greg
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-8 Reeder photographs, 33-38.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 9-11, 34. Interview: Daniel Polz, Dra Abu el Naga, 39-43.
Senusret I by Dennis C. Forbes, 12-18. The Valley Again by Donald P. Ryan, 44-47, 69.
Locating Per-Rameses, Lost Capital of the 19th Dyn- News Release: Ancient Fleet Discovered in Abydos
asty by Glen V. McIntyre, 20-27. Desert, 48-49.
A Mastaba in Chicago? Visiting the Tomb of Unisankh Arthur C. Mace (1874-1928) by Christopher C.
at the Field Museum of Natural History by Lee, 50-57, 68.
Kimberly Rufus-Bach, 28-33. Abusing Pharaoh: Tutankhamens Mortal Remains
Portfolio: Painting the Monuments: Adolf Miethe Escaped Ancient Tomb Robbers, Only to Suf-
(Ed.), 35-38. fer Indifferent Dismemberment in Modern
Up at the Giza Plateau: Egyptian and American Times, Including the Ultimate Desecration
Teams Continue Excavating 4th Dynasty by Dennis C. Forbes, 58-60, 62-63, 66-67.
Settlement and Cemetery Sites interviews Sidebar: A New Hypothesis for Tutankhamens Early
Demise by Dennis Forbes, 61.
Sidebar: Nebkheprure Tutankhamens Mortal Re-
mains Escaped Desecration in Antiquity, But
Have Faired Poorly Since 1925 A.D. by
Dennis Forbes, 64-65. Volume 3: Number 3,
Book Review: Gerry D. Scott III, Temple, Tomb and Fall 1992
Dwelling (Richard Wilkinson), 71. (Special Nubia Issue)
Book Notice, 71.
End Paper by Scott Peter Hansen, 72. Readers Forum, 2-3.
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 4-7.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 8-11.
Thutmose III at Deir el Bahari by Judwiga Lipinska
and George B. Johnson, 12-25.
Special Report: Egypt & Nubia, Introduction by
Dennis Forbes, 27.
A Capsule History of Nubia in Antiquity by Dennis
Volume 3: Number 2, Forbes, 28-29.
Summer 1992 The Egypt and Nubia Gallery at the British Mus-
eum, 30-31.
Readers Forum, 2-4. Nubia: Ancient Kingdoms of Africa at the Museum
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-7. of Fine Arts, Boston, 32-33.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 9-11. Vanished Kingdoms of the Nile: The Rediscovery of
Exhibition: Egypts Dazzling Sun: Amenhotep III Ancient Nubia, A Special Exhibition at the
and His World, 12-23. Oriental Institute Museum, 34-35.
Nebmaatre Amenhotep III by Dennis C. Forbes, A Permanent New Nubian Gallery Opens at the
24-26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 61. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 36-37.
Sidebar: Ancestors & Heirs by D.C.F., 26-27. Ancient Nubia: Egypts Rival in Africa, A Traveling
Sidebar: The Royal Family by D.C.F., 29. Exhibition Originating at the University
Museum, Philadelphia, 38-39.
Sidebar: All the Kings Men by D.C.F., 30.
The First Imperialists by Stuart Tyson Smith, 40-
Sidebar: Three Heb-Seds & Deification by D.C.F.,
49, 78-79.
Following Thutmose I on His Campaign to Kush
Sidebar: Quest for Eternity by D.C.F., 33.
by Louise Bradbury, 50-59, 76-77.
On View, 16 Statues from the Luxor Cachette, at
From 1907 to the Present: Boston in Nubia by Pe-
Last and Well Worth the Wait by Edwin
ter Lacovara, 61-69.
Brock, 35-45. Beautiful Spies, Wicked Priests and Just Plain Folk:
Interview: Jadwiga Lipinska, The Polish Archaeol- Ancient Egypt in Childrens Fiction by Elsa
ogy Missions at Deir el Bahari, 46-51. Marston Harik, 70-75.
Redating the Great Sphinx of Giza by Robert M. Book Reviews: T.G.H. James, Egypt, The Living Past
Schoch, 52-59, 66-70. (Greg Reeder), 80-81; H.V.F. Winstone, How-
Where Is It? 60. ard Carter and the discovery of the tomb of
A Modern Bronze of King Tutankhamen Lion Hunt- Tutankhamun and T.G.H. James, Howard Car-
ing in His Chariot by Katherine Bogucki, ter, The Path to Tutankhamun (Donald P. Ryan),
62-65. 81-83; Richard H. Wilkinson, Reading Egyp-
Book Rreview: Editors, Time-Life Books, Egypt: Land tian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient
of the Pharaohs (Emily Teeter), 71. Egyptian Painting and Sculpture (Emily Teeter),
End Paper by Nancy J. Skon Jedele, 72. ter, 83-84; Richard B. Parkinson, Voices from
Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Middle King- 76-79, 81.
dom Writings (Emily Teeter), 84-85; three Sidebar: KV38, The Tomb of Thutmose I George B.
publications on ancient Nubia, 85. Johnson exclusive photos, 70-71.
Personality: Sheikh Hussein Abd er Rassul, He Sidebar: KV20, The Tomb of Hatshepsut George B.
Knew Howard Carter by G. Reeder & D. Johnson exclusive photos, 74-75.
Forbes, 86-87. Sidebar: The Amduat-Inscribed Limestone Slabs
Where Is It? 88. from KV20, Edwin Brock photos, 80.
End Paper: The MMA Displays Rameses I Again by
Dennis Forbes, 88.
Volume 3: Number 4,
Winter 1992-93
(Mummy Business
Special Issue)
Volume 4: Number 1,
Readers Forum, 2-3. Spring 1993
Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 5-7.
Editors Report, The 1992 Annual ARCE/NYU Egyp- Readers Forum, 2-6.
tology Symposium by David Moyer, 8-11. Nile Currents by Lyla Pinch Brock, 7-9.
Mummy Business Introduction by Lyla Pinch New Pyramid Revealed at Giza by Lyla Pinch
Brock, 12-17, 84-85. Brock, 10-11.
Interview: Nasri Iskander Discusses the Egyptian Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 12-13.
Museum Royal Mummy Room, 18-21. Redating a Monumental Stone Hawk-Sculpture in
Cache DB320 by Dennis Forbes, 22-29, 86. the Muses Royaux, Brussels by Bernard
Sidebar: A Cluster of Queens by D.C.F., 26-27. Van Rinsveld, 14-21.
Sidebar: Horror from the Crypt by D.C.F., 28. Sidebar: Leopold II: Egypt, Africa & the Royal
Cache KV35 by Dennis Forbes, 30-33, 86-87. Museums by B.V.R., 16.
Mummy Mania: The Victorian Fascination with Sidebar: Jean Capart (1877-1947) by B.V.R., 20.
Ancient Egypts Mortal Remains by L. United for Eternity: Manicurists & Royal Confi-
Green, 34-37. dantes, Niankhkhanum and Khnumhotep in
Sidebar: A Christmas Surprise by Susan Wageman, Their Fifth Dynasty Shared Mastaba-Tomb at
36. Sakkara by Greg Reeder, 22-31.
Sidebar: Excellent Mummies, Dated Labels by Beetle Gods, King Bees & Other Insects of Ancient
Gayle Gibson-Kirwin, 37. Egypt by Gene Kritsky, 32-39.
Sidebar: Nose to Nose: A 3,000-Year-Old Joke by Egyptomania: Surveying the Age-Old Fascination
D.C.F., 38. with Ancient Egypt by Bob Brier, 40-51.
Portfolio: La Trouvaille de Deir el Bahari (The Dis- The Rameses II Legacy by Dennis C. Forbes, 52-
covery of Deir el Bahari), 39-50. 58, 74.
Mummy Musical Chairs by Dennis Forbes, 51, 82- Sidebar: Seti II and Queen Tausret? by D.C.F., 57.
83, 87. Sidebar: The Boy-King Crippled by Polio by D.C.F.,
Visceral History: Royal Canopics Over Two Millen- 58-59.
nia by Aidan Dodson, 52-63. Interview: Barbara Mertz, Still in Print After All
No One Seeing, No One Hearing, KV38 & KV20: These Years, 60-65, 67.
The First Royal Tombs in the Valley of the Mysterious Middle Kingdom Monument on Thoth
Kings by George B. Johnson, 64-69, 72-73, Hill, Luxor by Alan L. Jeffreys, 68-72.
Where Is It? 73 B. Johnson, 52-57.
Book Reviews: Eric Hornung, Idea Into Image: Essays Rescuing the New Kingdom Royal Tombs by El-
on Ancient Egyptian Thought (Richard Wil- sayed Hegazy, 58-61.
kinson, 75; Eugen Strohoul, Life of the An- Sidebar: The Tomb of Queen Nefertari (QV66) by
cient Egyptians, 75-76; Rosalie and Antony E. Elsayed Hegazy, 62-63.
David, A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient The Pyramid of Meidum, Part One by George B.
Egypt, 76; Donald B. Redford, Egypt, Canaan Johnson, 64-71, 81.
and Israel in Ancient Times, 76-77; Rene Old Rope: Who Cares About This Ancient Egyptian
Friedman and Barbara Adams, eds., Follow- Technology? by Donald P. Ryan, 72-80.
ers of Horus: Studies in Ancient Egypt Dedicat- Reconstructing Rules for the Ancient Egyptian
ed to Michael Allen Hoffman, 77; Stephen Game of Twenty Squares by Graeme Davis,
Quirke and Jeffrey Spencer, eds., The British 82-85.
Museum Book of Ancient Egypt, 77-78; Rosa- Book Reviews: Alberto Rossi and Max Rodenbeck,
lind M. Janssen, The First Hundred Years: Egypt: Gift of the Nile, 86; Nicholas Reeves
Egyptology at University College, London, with Nan Froman, Into the Mummys Tomb,
1892-1992, 78; C.N. Reeves, ed., After Tut- 86; Peter F. Dorman, The Tombs of Senenmut:
ankhamun: Research and Excavation in the The Architecture and Decoration of Tombs 71
Royal Necropolis at Thebes, 78; Jocelyn Go- and 353, 86-87; Eric Hornung and Harry
hary, Akhenatens Sed-Festival, 78-79; Eliza- Burton, The Tomb of Pharaoh Seti I, 87; Grant
beth Peters, The Snake, the Crocodile & the Schar, Hieroglyphic Coloring Book, 87; (all by
Dog, 79; (all by Dennis Forbes). Dennis Forbes).
End Paper by David Moyer, 80. Where Is It? 88
Volume 5: Number 1,
Spring 1994
Volume 5: Number 4,
Winter 1994-95
(5th Anniversary
Special Focus:
Goddesses & Women)
Volume 7: Number 3,
Fall 1996
Volume 8: Number 2,
Summer 1997
Volume 8: Number 1,
Spring 1997 Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2.
Readers Forum, 3-6.
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes, 2. Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-10.
Readers Forum, 3-6. For the Record by David Moyer, 11-15, 84.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-10. Interview: Zahi Hawass, Matters on the Giza Pla-
For the Record by David Moyer, 11-15, 75, 77. teau, 16-25.
Faces of Ancient Egypt: A Special Exhibition in Luxor Update 97 by Dennis C. Forbes, 26-37.
Chicago of Works of Egyptian Art from the Renewing the Sun Court of Luxor Temple by Mo-
Collection of the Oriental Institute by E. hamed Nasr, 38-41.
Teeter, 17-19. Apropos of the South Wing of Seti Is Temple at Ab-
Harer Collection of Egyptian Antiquities on View at ydos by Omar Zuhdi, 43-49.
Californias Newest Museum by Dennis C. Monument Closeup: Exquisite Details of the Relief
Forbes, 20-27. Decoration in the Temple of Seti I at Abydos,
The Sons of Rameses III by Aidan Dodson, 29-43. Greg Reeder photographs, 50-57.
Sidebar: Provisional Family Tree for the 20th Dyn- Painting with Light: The Work of Harry Burton, Ar-
asty Ramessides by A.D., 41. chaeological Photographer by George B.
Sidebar: The Great Medinet Habu Controversy by Johnson, 58-66, 68-75.
A.D., 42. Sidebar: Harry Burton (1879-1940) by Marsha Hill,
Hatshepsut & Thutmose III Reconsidered: Some 60-61, 76-77.
Thoughts on the Nature of Their Relation- Sidebar: Burtons Color Photography by G.B.J., 66-67.
ship by William Petty, 44-53. Giants of Egyptology, Eleventh of a Series: E.A. Wal-
John Garstang at Beni Hasan by Sara E. Orel, 54-61. lis Budge (1857-1934) by Dennis C. Forbes,
Sidebar: The Legacy of John Garstang as Archaeol- 78-80.
ogist & Archaeological Pioneer by S.E.O., The Egyptian Pantheon, 2nd of a Series: Mother
56-57, 62-63. Mut by Dennis C. Forbes, 81-82.
Monument Closeup: Tutankhamens Solid-Gold Cof- Book Shelf: Gary James, Egyptian Time Scale (A.
fin Was Altered in Antiquity by Robert B. Dodson), 85; John K. McDonald, House of
Partridge, 64-68. Eternity: The Tomb of Nefertari (S. Ikram),
The Mastaba Series of the Museum of Fine Arts, 85-86; Anne K. Capel and Glenn E. Mar-
Boston by Dennis C. Forbes, 70-74. koe, eds., Mistress of the House, Mistress of
Book Shelf: Bram Stoker, Clive Leatherdale, ed., The Heaven: Women in Ancient Egypt, 86-87;
Jewel of the Seven Stars (A. Dodson), 78; Di- George Andrew Reisner, A History of the
Giza Necropolis, Vol. I, 87; Rosalind M. and Graeco-Roman Egypt (Greg Reeder), 83-
Jac J. Janssen, Getting Old in Ancient Egypt, 84; Lauren Haney, The Right Hand of Amon
87; Joyce Tyldesley, Hatchepsut, The Female (D. Moyer), 84.
Pharaoh, 87; (all by D. Forbes). End Paper: A New Take on Tuts Parents by
Dennis Forbes, 85-87.
What Is It? 88.
Volume 8: Number 3,
Fall 1997
Volume 8: Number 4,
Editors Report by Dennis Forbes 2. Winter 1997-98
Readers Forum, 3-6.
Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 7-10. Publishers Report by Michael Kuhlmann, 2.
For the Recordby David Moyer, 11-17, 77. Readers Forum, 3-8.
The Red Pyramid of Sneferu: Inside and Out by Nile Currents by Salima Ikram, 9-11.
George B. Johnson, 18-27. For the Record by David Moyer, 12-18.
Image and Reflection: Two Old Kingdom Queens
Penns Treasures Open in Texas by Roxanne
Named Khentkaus by Miroslav Verner &
Sanders, 19-27.
Gae Callender, 26-35.
Akheperure, The 2nd Amenhotep, c. 1427-1401 The Riddle of the Reserve Heads by Peter Laco-
BC by Dennis Forbes, 36-49, 52. vara, 28-36.
Sidebar: The Mummy of Akheperure Amenho- The So-Called Tomb of Osiris at Abydos by Ai-
tep-heqaiunu by D.F., 50-51. dan Dodson, 37-47.
In Search of the Lost Quarries of the Pharaohs Sidebar: Ikhernofrets Description of the Osiris
by Thierry J.M. DePutter & Christina Karls- Passion Play Performed at Abydos by
hausen, 54-59. A.D., 43.
The Strange Affair of Dr. Muses, or the Discovery A Temple of Thutmose III, Newly Discovered on
of the Pyramid of Ameny-Qemau by Ai- the Periphery of the Temple of Osiris at
dan Dodson, 60-63. Abydos, by the Pennsylvannia-Yale-Insti-
Pictorial: Intimate Karnak: Images from the
tute of Fine Arts Mission by Mary Ann
Block Fields, Dennis Forbes photographs,
Poule, 48-59.
Fiction: A Matter of Business by Lauren Haney, Rameses at Kadesh: A New Look at an Old Battle
68-76. by Omar Zuhdi, 60-73.
Giants of Egyptology, Twelfth of a Series: Georges Early Travelers in Middle Egypt and What They
Legrain (1865-1917) by Dennis C. Forbes, Saw There by Pearl L. Ward, 74-82.
78-80. King Menenre I of the Sixth Dynasty: The Oldest
Book Shelf: Robert Partridge, Transport in Ancient Mummy in Cairo by Dennis Forbes, 83-85.
Egypt (A.M. Dodson), 81; Gary Green- Book Shelf: David Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt;
burg, The Moses Mystery: The African Ori- Charles Freeman, The Legacy of Ancient
gins of the Jewish People (O. Zudhi), 81- Egypt (D. Forbes), 86-87.
82; Dominic Montserrat, Sex and Society in Where Is It? 88.
Who Is It? 88.
Volume 9: Number 1,
Spring 1998
Volume 9: Number 3,
Fall 1998
5:4, 77-81.
What Did You Do in the War, Ankh-Haf? 9:1, 67-69.
The Rediscovery of Ancient Kemet on the Nurs-
ery Shelves of the 19th Century: A Look at
Early Childrens Books on Egypt, 9:2, 76-82.
The Quibells at El Kab: The Start of a Beautiful
Romance, 12:1, 78-80.
RAVEN, Maarten J.:
Giving a Face to the Mummy of Sensaos in Lei- The First Major Exhibition Devoted to the Old
den, 9:2, 18-25. Kingdom Opens at the Metropolitan Museum:
REDFORD, Susan: Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids,
Two Field Seasons in the Tomb of Parennefer, No. 10:4, 18-31.
188 at Thebes, 6:1, 62-70. RUFFLE, John:
REEDER, Greg (also G. Reeder): Cyril Aldred, 1914-1991: His Career, 2:3, 23-24 ff.
Opet Festival Reliefs at Luxor Temple (photographs), RUFUS-BACH, Kimberly:
1:3, 31-37. A Mastaba in Chicago? Visiting the Tomb of Unis-
Kom Ombo, Ptolemaic Temple of Horus & Sobek ankh at the Field Museum of Natural His-
(photographs), 1:4, 35-40. tory, 2:4, 28-33.
Step Pyramid Complex (photographs), 2:1, 32-41. RUSSMANN, Edna R.
Rock-Cut Tomb Details (photographs), 2:2, 33-37. Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Egyptian Art
Up at the Giza Plateau: Egyptian and American from the British Museum Tour Eight Ameri-
Teams Continue Excavating 4th Dynasty Set- can Cities, 12:1, 20-35.
tlement and Cemetery Sites, 2:4, 39-44. RUTHERFORD, John B.:
Karnak Way Station (photographs), 3:1, 33-38. KV7, The Tomb of Rameses II: Why Save It?, 1:3,
(with D. Forbes) He Knew Howard Carter, 3:3, 86-87. 46-51.
United for Eternity: Manicurists & Royal Confidan- End Paper: Can the Valley of the Kings Be Saved?,
tes, Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep in their 5:3, 87-88.
Fifth Dynasty Shared Mastaba-Tomb at Sak- RYAN, Donald P.:
kara, 4:1, 22-31. Who Is Buried in KV60?, 1:1, 34-39 ff.
Speos Horemheb (photographs), 4:2, 47-51.
Running the Heb-Sed, 4:4, 60-65 ff.
Mystery of the Hepet (sidebar), 4:4, 69.
A Rite of Passage: The Enigmatic Tekenu in Ancient
Egyptian Funerary Ritual, 5:3, 53-59.
The Mysterious Muu & the Dance They Do, 6:3,
68-77 ff.
Exquisite Details of the Relief Decoration in the
Temple of Seti I at Abydos (photographs),
8:2, 50-57.
Musings on the Sexual Nature of the Human-Head-
ed Ba Bird, 9:3, 72-78.
REEVES, Nicholas:
A Matter of Business (fiction) 8:3, 68-76
A Moment of Eternity exhibition, Finland 4:4, 19
Abu Simbel 6:1, 86-88; 7:1, 64-65;
Abydos, Eighteenth Dynasty monuments at 4:4, 7
Abydos, excavations at 3:1, 48-49; 10:4, 89-90
After Tutankhamun (Valley of the Kings symposi-
um) 1:2, 8-11 ff
Aha, King 12:3, 74-81
Ahmes, Queen 5:2, 49;
Ahmes-Nefertari, Queen 5:2, 20-21; 12:2, 62
Detail, Old Kingdom mastaba relief, Sakkara. Photo: KMT/Forbes
ba bird 9:3, 72-78
Bab el Gusus, cache-tomb 4:4, 48-59
Bab el Hosen (Gate of the Horse), cenotaph
12:3, 45
Bahariya Oasis, discoveries at 10:4, 72-85
Baketwerel, Queen 4:2, 38-46; 5:2, 5; 5:3, 8
Bankes, William John, collection of 4:4, 20-32
Baum, L. Frank & Maud in Egypt 9:1, 70-80
beaded fishnet dress(es) 6:4, 41-47; 7:2, 73-74
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista 11:4, 62-65
Beni Hasan, excavations at 8:1, 54-61
Benson, Margaret 2:1, 10-19 ff Thutmose II relief, block yard, Karnak. Photo: KMT/Forbes
Restored Osiride colossus head, Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el Bahari. Photo: KMT/Forbes
Mace, Arthur C. 3:1, 50-57 ff
magic 5:3, 11
Mahirpre (Maihirpre), Fanbearer (Tomb of) 4:3,
71-83; (mummy of) 4:3, 71, 80-81; 4:4, 6
Mahou, Tomb of, Luxor 7:3, 69-71
Thutmose III, Temple of (Deir el Bahari) 3:3, 12-
25; 7:2, 46-51; (Abydos) 8:4, 48-59
Thutmose IV (mummy of) 1:2, 38-39, 41-42; 5:1,
Thutmose IV, Portico Court of, Karnak 2:1, 50-53;
8:2, 32-34; 11:3, 42-47
Thuyu, Lady 11:4, 4; (mummy of) 4:4, 15
Tiye, Queen 1:2, 56-57; 2:3, 11; 3:2, 18-19; 12:4,
32 ff
Toledo Museum of Art mummy 12:1, 36-35
tomb models 4:3, 22-23; 5:3, 10; 6:3, 24-39; 6:4,
T 4-5; 8:1, 59-61
Tanis 10:2, 42-49 Tomb of King Awibre-Hor, Dahshur 6:4, 58-60
Tanis, gold of 4:3, 36-37 Tomb of Osiris, so-called, Abydos 8:4, 37-47
Tausret, Queen-King 4:1, 52-59 ff; 9:2, 65-69 Tomb of Princess Ita, Dahshur 6:4, 54-56
Taweret, deity 5:4, 29-32 Tombs of Princess Khnumet, Dahshur 6:4, 51-54
tekenu 5:3, 53-59 Tomb of Princess Nwebhotep, Dahshur 6:4, 60, 62
Temples, Tombs & the Egyptian Universe 1993 Tomb of Sennedjem (TT1) 12:1, 46-59
symposium 5:2, 61-64 ff tourism (travel in Egypt) 1:3, 9; 1:4, 5, 46-51; 2:1,
Tenth Pylon, Karnak 10:2, 38 9; 5:3, 60-68; 7:3, 20-31; 8:4, 74-82; 11:3, 70-
Tetisheri, Queen, forged statue of 2:1, 2; 2:4, 54-62 81
The American Discovery of Ancient Egypt 1995-96 TT (Theban Tomb) 188 (Tomb of Parennefer) 6:1,
exhibition 6:3, 14-22 62-70
Theban Mapping Project 1:1, 40-47 ff TT (Theban Tomb) 290 (Tomb of Irunefer), Deir el
Theban necropolis 9:3, 26-29; 10:1, 28-33; 11:1, Medina 5:3, 49-52
26-33 Turin erotic papyrus 12:4, 57-58
The Collectors Eye: Masterpieces of Egyptian Art Tutankhamen (-aten, -amun), King 1:2, 8, 57;
from the Thalassic Collection, Ltd. 2001 1:3, 7; 1:4, 22, 26-27; 2:4, 2; 7:3, 87-88; 7:4,
exhibition 12:2, 27-32 5-6; (parents of) 8:3, 85-87; 9:2, 5; 11:3, 4;
The Tomb of Queen Tyi 1:2, 47-51 (theories on death of) 3:1, 61; 3:3, 2-3; 3:4,
The Triumph of Horus, restaging of in Toronto 3; 4:1, 2-3; (gold coffin of) 8:1, 64-69 ff
11:1, 72-83 (mummy of) 3:1, 58-67; 3:2, 2-4; 5:2, 2-3;
(modern bronze of) 3:2, 62-64; (television 85
documentary on) 4:4, 12-14; 5:3, 77-84 Valley of the Kings, rescuing the royal tombs of
Tutankhamen colossus, Oriental Institute Museum, 4:2, 58-61; 5:3, 87-88
Chicago 9:3, 30-33 Valley of the Kings Project, Pacific Lutheran Univer-
Tutankhamen Museum, plans for 1:3, 7; 3:4, 7; sity 1:1, 34-39; 2:1, 26-31; 2:3, 6; 3:1, 44-
Twentieth Dynasty 8:1, 41 47 ff
Twenty-first Dynasty 4:3, 25-41 Valley of the Queens (Ta Set Nefer) 11:2, 42-55
Twenty-second Dynasty 6:3, 52-67 Van Siclen, Charles 1:2, 18-19
Twenty Squares, game of 4:2, 82-85 Victorian Egypt 5:3, 60-68; 7:3, 20-31; 8:4, 74-82;
11:3, 70-81
U Vilela, Eduardo, paintings of 9:3, 44-45
Unisankh, Tomb of 2:4, 28-33
University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropol- W
ogy, University of Pennsylvania 3:3, 38-39 Wadi Biban el Moluk (Valley of the Kings), symbol-
Unknown Man C, mummy of 6:3, 88; 6:4, 5-6 ism in the tombs of 4:3, 42-51
Unknown Man E, mummy of 4:2,. 2-3; 10:1, 68- was scepter 10:3, 68-77; 10:4, 6-7; 11:1, 3; 11:3,
76; 11:1, 87; 11:2, 3-4 3-4; 11:4, 5-6; 12:1, 7
ushabti(s) (swabti, -s) 6:1, 56-57; 9:2, 64; 10:1, 22; War of Liberation 11:4, 50-60
10:3, 42; 11:2, 30, 32, 34; 11:4, 38 water lily (-ies) 10:1, 48-59
Weeks, Kent (interview) 1:1, 40-47
V Weigall, Arthur 9:2, 41-45; 12:4, 83-84
Valley of the Gilded (Golden) Mummies 10:4, 72- Weret, Queen, tomb and jewelry of 6:1, 10-11
Western Valley of the Kings 2:3, 46-52, 53-61
White Chapel, Karnak 1:1, 20
Wilbour, Charles Edwin 5:3, 74; 9:3, 35, 37 ff
Wilbour Library of Egyptology 5:3, 73-75
Wilkinson, John Gardner 5:2, 50-52; 7:2, 52;
(house of, Sheikh Abd el Qurna) 7:2, 52-59
Winlock, Herbert E. 1:1, 28 ff; 3:4, 69, 72; 6:3,
26; 9:1, 82-84; 12:3, 41-42
women, role of 1:3, 18-21 ff; 1:4, 2-3; 5:4, 14-23 ff
Ptah relief, block of dismantled Amenhotep III monument, Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Photo: KMT/Forbes
Younger Lady (mummy of) 12:2, 46
Yuya, Gods Father (mummy of) 10:3, 82; 12:2,
46; (mummy mask of) 7:2, 40-43; (funerary
equipage of) 7:2, 44-45
Zannanza, Hittite Prince 11:1, 86-87