PHE Project Report Working
PHE Project Report Working
PHE Project Report Working
BS British Standard
mm millimeter
l/c/d litre/capita/day
OD Outer diameter
General Concept
Water supply system is require to serve facilities within the project require water for daily use. As per
masterplan, provided by Dr. M. Saqib Nawaz, following facilities are identified which requires water
Administration Building ( it also includes toilets facilities at the ground floor for truck drivers use)
Custom office Building
Custom Scanner building
Gate Kiosks ( Total 03 locations however, toilet and water tap is assumed at two locations )
Green Area for landscape i-e Roundabout at Entrance
Apart from gate kiosks, it is assumed that each facility will have its own storage tank and booster pump
arrangement to balance the peak consumption and pressure as per sanitary fitting usage during the day.
Later as a permanent source of supply for the development, tube wells and bore holes will be constructed
to meet the areas water demand.
Dedicated storage tank for Irrigation purpose within the green area (roundabout at entrance) is proposed
and this will be fed off the potable water main.
Water network will be based of pipelines, valve chambers, and storage reservoir and pump station. Trunk
main will be laid from existing pipeline up to storage reservoir. Distribution network will be from tank up
to the plot boundary.
Estimated Population
For custom house building, 20 people are assumed as decided in class meeting. And at the Scanner
building, another 10 staff member were taken into account.
For admin building, 50 people are assumed as per the following breakdown.
Security 05
Maritime City 30
Immigration 04
General 04
CID 04
Total approx. 50
Therefore, there will be a total of 82 staff on Gateway site from all buildings.
There will be toilet block for truck drivers within Admin building. Assumed 250 drivers per day and all
drivers use toilet at least 1.5 times a day.
For mosque, it is assumed that all truck drivers plus half of total gateway Staff ( i-e 82/2 =41) will use
Mosque. Hence total 291 persons will visit Mosque in a day.
Roundabout area of 200 square meter is assumed for irrigation demand and 10l/sq m of water is required
for shrubs.
There are three locations of kiosk and it is assumed that there is a toilet and a potable water tap at two
Demand Rates
Based on CDA Criteria the following potable water demands are used in the estimation of potable water
requirements for the project site.
Office Worker 70
l/c/d CAD
Mosque 60
l/c/d CDA
Rate for Grass cover, as per usual
Irrigation 15
l/sq m/d practice
BS 6700 ( WC Cistern to fill in 2
Flushing Toilet 15.6 minutes at 0.13 l/sec equal to 15 l/
l/s/ flush flush)
Flushing Wash Basin 0.10
l/s BS 6700
Based on the above estimated population and consumption rates, the potable water demand has been
estimated in the table below. The potable water tank will provide the buffer to accommodate the peak
Potable Water Demand ( Average)
Bentley WaterCAD software is used to ensure that the system operated at acceptable velocities whilst
meeting the flow and pressure within the system.
Due to limitation of minimum pipe size criteria, velocity in sections of pipelines is expected less than minimum
specified in some of the cases.
Minimum pressure of 1 to 1.5 bars will be maintained in distribution network. It is assumed that building
shall have its own booster pump arrangement if more than 1.5 bars pressure required.
Valves and other fittings shall be of an approved type and material in accordance with CDA specifications.
The potable water network within the site shall consist of below ground (direct buried) GRP pipes.
Plot connections: 50 mm
Q is Discharge in cum/sec
C is Roughness Co-efficient
L is length of pipe in meters
Hf is Head loss in meter
D is pipe diameter in meters
Coefficient of friction (C value) will 140 for HDPE, GRE and 120 for ductile iron pipe material.
Isolation valves: these should be provided at strategic locations within distribution networks and at
intervals along transmission lines to facilitate operational and maintenance requirements.
Air valves: these are typically required at high points and on long pipe runs to release trapped air and
assist with surge control. Air valves will be provided at extreme high point and at every every 800 m
for longer pressure pipes.
Washouts: these are typically provided for transmission lines rather than distribution networks however
they may need to be included to assist with operational and maintenance requirements
At some points, Velocity within the distribution system is less than 0.30 m/sec.
Required delivery pressure of potable water station is 1.50 bars. This pressure is sufficient to maintain 1
bars minimum allowable pressure within system.
Based on the hydraulic design potable water pump station shall be designed for following;
List of Appendices