8-028 Working at Heights
8-028 Working at Heights
8-028 Working at Heights
Regional General
Approval Lyndon Przybylski
Clause(s) Effective
No Pages re-issued Revision details
amended Date
0 N/A N/A New procedure 01/04/08
Docume 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Definitions
3. Requirement
Where practicable, the need to work where there is the risk of a fall shall be
eliminated by the provision of purpose elevating platforms, access platforms
with railings, scaffolding etc.
All work platforms and access equipment (e.g. ladders, stairs or scaffolding)
shall comply with Australian or internationally recognised Standards.
If guard rails are not practicable or if there is still a potential for falling,
personal; fall protection systems shall be used.
All fall prevention, fall restraint and fall arrest equipment will comply with
Australian or internationally recognised Standards.
Where persons are to work in an area that has no work platform and has been
deemed by a risk assessment to require controls to prevent falls, personnel
shall wear fall arrest equipment secured to an appropriate anchorage point.
Fall arrest equipment shall comprise of a full body harness, a shock absorbing
lanyard conforming to AS 1891 and an anchor designed to support at least
twice the weight expected to be imposed on it and, in any case, at least 22
Kilo Newtons per person attached.
All personnel required to wear fall restraint equipment will be trained in its use
and will be assessed competent, and confirmed by a person qualified and
authorised for the purpose.
3.3 Ladders
Ladders should always be secured at the top to prevent slipping and no more
than one person must stand on a ladder at any time.
3.4 Scaffolds
The use of a man cage lifted by a mobile crane or forklift may also be suitable
for some tasks involving work at height. Personnel working in man cages
should ensure appropriate fall protection equipment is worn to prevent the
possibility of falling in the case of a mishap.
A Fall Arrest system must be worn where a person could fall 3m (10 ft). It
must also be worn at less than 3m where one could fall on to operating
In most cases a Double Line must be used so that one line is always
anchored while the other line is being moved to a new anchor point. This is
called Permanent Tie-off
The safety rope or lifeline is attached to the harness at one end and to some
secure point at the other. The lifeline must have a shock-absorbing feature
built into it.
Lifelines should be tied off to permit as little slack as possible, and thus stop a
man within the minimum of free fall.
Special notice must be taken of any beam or other obstruction which the
wearer might strike in case of a fall
All parts of a harness, lifeline, etc, must be visually inspected by the user
before each use. The following points must always be considered:
If a fall arrest system is fallen on, all components should be discarded. The
belt and lifeline should be cut to prevent use by another person.
Designated storage area and on hooks or wall racks, off the floor.
Pit/Field Operations
3.10 Supervision
Supervisors shall ensure that persons do not walk below someone who is
working at height.
The planned task observation sheet must be used while tasks are observed.
Planned task observations must be handed in at the end of the month to the
Safety Officer.
4. Reference Documents