Resource Management Techniques - MC9242 Ii Mca

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Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA




Mathematical Formulation - Graphical Solution of linear programming
models Simplex method Artificial variable Techniques- Variants of
Simplex method


Mathematical formulation of transportation problem- Methods for
finding initial basic feasible solution optimum solution - degeneracy
Mathematical formulation of assignment models Hungarian
Algorithm Variants of the Assignment problem


Formulation Gomorys IPP method Gomorys mixed integer method
Branch and bound technique.


Network Construction Critical Path Method Project Evaluation and
Review Technique Resource Analysis in Network Scheduling


Characteristics of Queuing Models Poisson Queues - (M / M / 1) :
(FIFO / /), (M / M / 1) : (FIFO / N / ), (M / M / C) : (FIFO / /
), (M / M / C) : (FIFO / N / ) models.

Total No. of Periods : 45

Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA


Part-A Questions and Answers

1. What is operations research?

Operations research is a study of optimization techniques. It is applied
decision theory. OR is the application of scientific methods, techniques
and tools to problems involving the operations of systems so as to
provide these in control of operations with optimum solutions to the

2. List some applications of OR.

Optimal assignment of various jobs to different machines and
different operators.
To find the waiting time and number of customers waiting in the
queue and system in queuing model
To find the mimimum transportation cost after allocating goods
from different origins to various destinations in transportation
Decision theory problems in marketing,finance and production
planning and control.

3. What are the various types of models in OR?

Models by function
i) Descriptive model ii) Predictive model iii) Normative
Models by structure
i) Iconic model ii) Analogue model iii) Mathematical model
Models by nature of environment
i) Deterministic model ii) Probabilistic model

4. What are main characteristics of OR?

Examination of functional relationship from a system overview.
Utilization of planned approach
Adaptation of planned approach
Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA
Uncovering of new problems for study

5. Name some characteristics of good model.

The number of assumptions made should be as few as possible
It should be easy as possible to solve the problem
The number of variables used should be as few as possible.
It should be more flexible to update the changes over a period of
time without change in its framework.

6. What are the different phases of OR?

Formulation of the problem
Construction of mathematical modeling
Deriving the solution from the model
Validity of the model
Establishing the control over the solution
Implementation of the final solution.

7. List out the advantages of OR?

Optimum use of managers production factors
Improved quality of decision
Preparation of future managers by improving their knowledge
and skill
Modification of mathematical solution before its use.

8. What are the limitations of OR?

Mathematical model do not take into account the intangible
factors such as human relations etc. can not be quantified.
Mathematical models are applicable to only specific categories
of problems.
Requires huge calculations. All these calculations cannot be
handled manually and require computers which bear heavy cost.

9. What is linear programming?

Linear programming is a technique used for determining
optimum utilization of limited resources to meet out the given
objectives. The objective is to maximize the profit or minimize the
resources (men, machine, materials and money)

10. Write the general mathematical formulation of LPP.

1. Objective function
Max or Min Z = C1x1 + C2x2+ ..+ Cnxn
2. Subject to the constraints
a11x1+a12x2++ a1nxn (=)b1
a21x1+a22x2++ a2nxn (=)b2

am1x1+am2x2++ amnxn (=)bm

Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA
3. Non-negative constraints
x1,x2,.xm 0

11. What are the characteristic of LPP?

There must be a well defined objective function.
There must be alternative course of action to choose.
Both the objective functions and the constraints must be linear
equation or inequalities.

12. What are the characteristic of standard form of LPP?

The objective function is of maximization type.
All the constraint equation must be of equal type by adding
slack or surplus variables
RHS of the constraint equation must be positive type
All the decision variables are of positive type

13. What are the characteristics of canonical form of LPP?

(NOV 07)
In canonical form, if the objective function is of maximization
type, then all constraints are of type. Similarly if the objective
function is of minimization type, then all constraints are of type. But
non-negative constraints are type for both cases.

14. A firm manufactures two types of products A and B and

sells them at profit of Rs 2 on type A and Rs 3 on type B. Each
product is processed on two machines M1 and M2.Type A
requires 1 minute of processing time on M1 and 2 minutes on
M2 Type B requires 1 minute of processing time on M1 and 1
minute on M2. Machine M1 is available for not more than 6
hours 40 minutes while machine M2 is available for 10 hours
during any working day. Formulate the problem as a LPP so as
to maximize the profit. (MAY 07)
Maximize z =2x1 +3x2
Subject tot the constraints:
x1 + x2 400
2x1 + x2 600
x1 ,x2 0

15. A company sells two different products A and B , making a

profit of Rs.40 and Rs. 30 per unit on them,respectively.They
are produced in a common production process and are sold in
two different markets, the production process has a total
capacity of 30,000 man-hours. It takes three hours to produce a
unit of A and one hour to produce a unit of B. The market has
been surveyed and company official feel that the maximum
number of units of A that can be sold is 8,000 units and that of
B is 12,000 units. Subject to these limitations, products can be

Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA
sold in any combination. Formulate the problem as a LPP so as
to maximize the profit
Maximize z =40x1 +30x2
Subject tot the constraints:
3x1 + x2 30,000
x1 8000
x2 12000
x1 ,x2 0

16. What is feasibility region? (MAY 08)

Collections of all feasible solutions are called a feasible set or
region of an optimization model. Or A region in which all the
constraints are satisfied is called feasible region.

17. What is feasibility region in an LP problem? Is ti necessary

that it should always be a convex set?
A region in which all the constraints are satisfied is called
feasible region. The feasible region of an LPP is always convex set.

18. Define solution

A set of variables x1,x2.xn which satisfies the constraints of
LPP is called a solution.

19. Define feasible solution? (MAY 07)

Any solution to a LPP which satisfies the non negativity restrictions of
LPPs called the feasible solution

20. Define optimal solution of LPP. (MAY 09)

Any feasible solution which optimizes the objective function of
the LPPs called the optimal solution

21. State the applications of linear programming

Work scheduling
Production planning & production process
Capital budgeting
Financial planning
Farm planning
Multi-period decision problem
Inventory model
Financial model
Work scheduling

22. State the Limitations of LP.

LP treats all functional relations as linear
LP does not take into account the effect of time and uncertainty
Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA
No guarantee for integer solution. Rounding off may not feasible
or optimal solution.
Deals with single objective, while in real life the situation may
be difficult.

23. What do you understand by redundant constraints?

In a given LPP any constraint does not affect the feasible region
or solution space then the constraint is said to be a redundant

24. Define Unbounded solution?

If the feasible solution region does not have a bounded area the
maximum value of Z occurs at infinity. Hence the LPP is said to have
unbounded solution.

25. Define Multiple Optimal solution?

A LPP having more than one optimal solution is said to have
alternative or multiple optimal solutions.

26. What is slack variable?

If the constraint as general LPP be <= type then a non
negative variable is introduced to convert the inequalities into
equalities are called slack variables. The values of these variables
are interpretedas the amount of unused resources.

27. What are surplus variables?

If the constraint as general LPP be >= type then a non negative
is introduced to convert the inequalities into equalities are called
the surplus variables.

28. Define Basic solution?

Given a system of m linear equations with n variables(m<n).The
solution obtained by setting (n-m) variables equal to zero and solving
for the remaining m variables is called a basic solution.

29. Define non Degenerate Basic feasible solution?

The basic solution is said to be a non degenerate basic solution
if None of the basic variables is zero.

30. Define degenerate basic solution?

A basic solution is said to be a degenerate basic solution if one
or more of the basic variables are zero.

31. What is the function of minimum ratio?

To determine the basic variable to leave
To determine the maximum increase in basic variable
To maintain the feasibility of following solution

Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA
32. From the optimum simplex table how do you identify that
LPP has unbounded solution?
To find the leaving variables the ratio is computed. The ratio is
<=0 then there is an
unbounded solution to the given LPP.

33. From the optimum simplex table how do you identify that
the LPP has no solution?
If atleast one artificial variable appears in the basis at zero level
with a +ve value in the Xb column and the optimality condition is
then the original problem has no feasible solution.

34. How do you identify that LPP has no solution in a two phase
If all Zj Cj 0 & then atleast one artificial variable appears in
the optimum basis at non zero level the LPP does not possess any

35. What do you understand by degeneracy?

The concept of obtaining a degenerate basic feasible solution in
LPP is known as degeneracy. This may occur in the initial stage when
atleast one basic variable is zero in the initial basic feasible solution.

36. Write the standard form of LPP in the matrix notation?

In matrix notation the canonical form of LPP can be expressed
Maximize Z = CX(obj fn.)
Sub to AX <= b(constraints) and X >= 0 (non negative
Where C = (C1,C2,..Cn),

A = a11 a12 .. a1n X = x1

b = b1
a21 a22.. a2n , x2 ,
. .
. .
am1 am2. amn xn

37. Define basic variable and non-basic variable in linear

A basic solution to the set of constraints is a solution obtained
by setting any n variables equal to zero and solving for remaining m
variables not equal to zero. Such m variables are called basic

Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA
variables and remaining n zero variables are called non-basic

38.Solve the following LP problem by graphical method. (MAY

Maximize z =6x1 +4x2 Subject tot the constraints:
x1 + x 2 5
x2 8
x1 ,x2 0

39. Define unrestricted variable and artificial variable. (NOV

Unrestricted Variable :A variable is unrestricted if it is allowed
to take on positive, negative or zero values
Artificial variable :One type of variable introduced in a linear
program model in order to find an initial basic feasible solution;
an artificial variable is used for equality constraints and for
greater-than or equal inequality constraints


1. Define transportation problem.

It is a special type of linear programming model in which the
goods are shipped from various origins to different destinations. The
objective is to find the best possible allocation of goods from various
origins to different destinations such that the total transportation cost
is minimum.

3. Define the following: Feasible solution

A set of non-negative decision values xij (i=1,2,.m; j=1,2n)
satisfies the constraint equations is called a feasible solution.

4. Define the following: basic feasible solution

A basic feasible solution is said to be basic if the number of
positive allocations are m+n-1.( m-origin and n-destination).If the
number of allocations are less than (m+n-1) it is called degenerate
basic feasible solution.

5. Define optimal solution in transportation problem

A feasible solution is said to be optimal, if it minimizes the total
transportation cost.

6. What are the methods used in transportation problem to

obtain the initial basic feasible solution.
North-west corner rule
Lowest cost entry method or matrix minima method
Vogels approximation method

Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA

7. Write down the basic steps involved in solving a

transportation problem.
To find the initial basic feasible solution
To find an optimal solution by making successive improvements
from the initial basic feasible solution.

8., What do you understand by degeneracy in a transportation

problem? (NOV 07)
If the number of occupied cells in a m x n transportation
problem is less than
( m+n-1) then the problem is said to be degenerate.

9. What is balanced transportation problem& unbalanced

transportation problem?
When the sum of supply is equal to demands, then the problem
is said to be balanced transportation problem.
A transportation problem is said to be unbalanced if the total
supply is not equal to the total demand.

10. How do you convert an unbalanced transportation problem

into a balanced one?
The unbalanced transportation problem is converted into a
balanced one by adding a dummy row (source) or dummy column
(destination) whichever is necessary. The unit transportation cost of
the dummy row/ column elements are assigned to zero. Then the
problem is solved by the usual procedure.

11. Explain how the profit maximization transportation problem

can be converted to an equivalent cost minimization
transportation problem. (MAY 08)
If the objective is to maximize the profit or maximize the
expected sales we have to convert these problems by multiplying all
cell entries by -1.Now the maximization problem becomes a
minimization and it can be solved by the usual algorithm

12. Determine basic feasible solution to the following

transportation problem using least cost method. (MAY 09)
P 1 2 1 4 30
Q 3 3 2 1 50
R 4 2 5 9 20
Demand 20 40 30 10

13. Define transshipment problems?

A problem in which available commodity frequently moves from
one source to another source or destination before reaching its actual
destination is called transshipment problems.

Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA

14. What is the difference between Transportation problem &

Transshipment Problem?
In a transportation problem there are no intermediate shipping
points while in transshipment problem there are intermediate
shipping points

15. What is assignment problem?

An assignment problem is a particular case of a transportation
problem in which a number of operations are assigned to an equal
number of operators where each operator performs only one
operation, the overall objective is to maximize the total profit or
minimize the overall cost of the given assignment.

16. Explain the difference between transportation and

assignment problems?

Transportation problems
Assignment problems

1) supply at any source may be a Supply at any

source will
any positive quantity. be 1.

2) Demand at any destination may Demand at

any destination
be a positive quantity. will be 1.

3) One or more source to any number One source

one destination.
of destination.

17. Define unbounded assignment problem and describe the

steps involved in solving it?
If the no. of rows is not equal to the no. of column in the given
cost matrix the problem is said to be unbalanced. It is converted to a
balanced one by adding dummy row or dummy column with zero cost.

18. Explain how a maximization problem is solved using

assignment model?
The maximization problems are converted to a minimization one
of the following method.
(i) Since max z = min(-z)
(ii) Subtract all the cost elements all of the cost
matrix from the
Highest cost element in that cost matrix.

19. What do you understand by restricted assignment? Explain

how you should
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overcome it?
The assignment technique, it may not be possible to assign a
particular task to a particular facility due to technical difficulties or
other restrictions. This can be overcome by assigning a very high
processing time or cost (it can be ) to the corresponding cell.

20. How do you identify alternative solution in assignment

Sometimes a final cost matrix contains more than required
number of zeroes at the independent position. This implies that there
is more than one optimal solution with some optimum assignment

21. What is a traveling salesman problem?

A salesman normally must visit a number of cities starting from
his head quarters. The distance between every pair of cities are
assumed to be known. The problem of finding the shortest distance if
the salesman starts from his head quarters and passes through each
city exactly once and returns to the headquarters is called Traveling
Salesman problem.

22. Define route condition?

The salesman starts from his headquarters and passes through
each city exactly once.

23. Give the areas of operations of assignment problems?

Assigning jobs to machines.
Allocating men to jobs/machines.
Route scheduling for a traveling salesman.

24. How do you convert the unbalanced assignment problem

into a balanced one? (MAY 08)
Since the assignment is one to one basis , the problem have a
square matrix. If the given problem is not square matrix add a dummy
row or dummy column and then convert it into a balanced one (square
matrix). Assign zero cost values for any dummy row/column and solve
it by usual assignment method.


1. Define Integer Programming Problem (IPP)? (DEC 07)

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A linear programming problem in which some or all of the
variables in the optimal solution are restricted to assume non-negative
integer values is called an Integer Programming Problem (IPP) or
Integer Linear Programming

2. Explain the importance of Integer programming problem?

In LPP the values for the variables are real in the optimal
solution. However in certain problems this assumption is unrealistic.
For example if a problem has a solution of 81/2 cars to be produced in
a manufacturing company is meaningless. These types of problems
require integer values for the decision variables. Therefore IPP is
necessary to round off the fractional values.

3. List out some of the applications of IPP? (MAY 09) (DEC 07)
(MAY 07)
IPP occur quite frequently in business and industry.
All transportation, assignment and traveling salesman problems
are IPP, since the decision variables are either Zero or one.
All sequencing and routing decisions are IPP as it requires the
integer values of the decision variables.
Capital budgeting and production scheduling problem are PP. In
fact, any situation involving decisions of the type either to do a
job or not to do can be treated as an IPP.
All allocation problems involving the allocation of goods, men,
machines, give rise to IPP since such commodities can be
assigned only integer and not fractional values.

4. List the various types of integer programming? (MAY 07)

Mixed IPP
Pure IPP

5. What is pure IPP?

In a linear programming problem, if all the variables in the
optimal solution are restricted to assume non-negative integer values,
then it is called the pure (all) IPP.

6. What is Mixed IPP?

In a linear programming problem, if only some of the variables
in the optimal solution are restricted to assume non-negative integer
values, while the remaining variables are free to take any non-
negative values, then it is called A Mixed IPP.

7. What is Zero-one problem?

If all the variables in the optimum solution are allowed to take
values either 0 or 1 as in do or not to do type decisions, then the
problem is called Zero-one problem or standard discrete
programming problem.

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8. What is the difference between Pure integer programming &
mixed integer integer programming.
When an optimization problem, if all the decision variables are
restricted to take integer values, then it is referred as pure integer
programming. If some of the variables are allowed to take integer
values, then it is referred as mixed integer integer programming.

9. Explain the importance of Integer Programming?

In linear programming problem, all the decision variables
allowed to take any non-negative real values, as it is quite possible
and appropriate to have fractional values in many situations. However
in many situations, especially in business and industry, these decision
variables make sense only if they have integer values in the optimal
solution. Hence a new procedure has been developed in this direction
for the case of LPP subjected to additional restriction that the decision
variables must have integer values.

10. Why not round off the optimum values in stead of resorting
to IP? (MAY 08)
There is no guarantee that the integer valued solution (obtained
by simplex method) will satisfy the constraints. i.e. ., it may not satisfy
one or more constraints and as such the new solution may not
feasible. So there is a need for developing a systematic and efficient
algorithm for obtaining the exact optimum integer solution to an IPP.

11. What are methods for IPP? (MAY 08)

Integer programming can be categorized as
(i) Cutting methods
(ii) Search Methods.

12. What is cutting method?

A systematic procedure for solving pure IPP was first developed
by R.E.Gomory in 1958. Later on, he extended the procedure to solve
mixed IPP, named as cutting plane algorithm, the method consists in
first solving the IPP as ordinary LPP.By ignoring the integrity
restriction and then introducing additional constraints one after the
other to cut certain part of the solution space until an integral
solution is obtained.

13. What is search method?

It is an enumeration method in which all feasible integer points
are enumerated. The widely used search method is the Branch and
Bound Technique. It also starts with the continuous optimum, but
systematically partitions the solution space into sub problems that
eliminate parts that contain no feasible integer solution. It was
originally developed by A.H.Land and A.G.Doig.

14. Explain the concept of Branch and Bound Technique?

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The widely used search method is the Branch and Bound
Technique. It starts with the continuous optimum, but systematically
partitions the solution space into sub problems that eliminate parts
that contain no feasible integer solution. It was originally developed
by A.H.Land and A.G.Doig.

15. Give the general format of IPP?

The general IPP is given by
Maximize Z = CX
Subject to the constraints
AX b,
X 0 and some or all variables are integer.

16. Write an algorithm for Gomorys Fractional Cut algorithm?

1. Convert the minimization IPP into an equivalent maximization IPP
and all the
coefficients and constraints should be integers.
2. Find the optimum solution of the resulting maximization LPP by
using simplex
3. Test the integrity of the optimum solution.
4. Rewrite each XBi
5. Express each of the negative fractions if any, in the k th row of the
optimum simplex
table as the sum of a negative integer and a non-negative fraction.
6. Find the fractional cut constraint
7. Add the fractional cut constraint at the bottom of optimum simplex
table obtained in
step 2.
8. Go to step 3 and repeat the procedure until an optimum integer
solution is obtained.

17. What is the purpose of Fractional cut constraints?

In the cutting plane method, the fractional cut constraints cut
the unuseful area of the feasible region in the graphical solution of the
problem. i.e. cut that area which has no integer-valued feasible
solution. Thus these constraints eliminate all the non-integral
solutions without loosing any integer-valued solution.

18.A manufacturer of baby dolls makes two types of dolls, doll

X and doll Y. Processing of these dolls is done on two machines
A and B. Doll X requires 2 hours on machine A and 6 hours on
Machine B. Doll Y requires 5 hours on machine A and 5 hours
on Machine B. There are 16 hours of time per day available on
machine A and 30 hours on machine B. The profit is gained on
both the dolls is same. Format this as IPP?
Let the manufacturer decide to manufacture x 1 the number of
doll X and x2 number of doll Y so as to maximize the profit. The
complete formulation of the IPP is given by
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Maximize Z = x1+x2
Subject to 2 x1 + 5 x2 16
6 x1+ 5 x2 30
and 0 and are integers.

19. Explain Gomorys Mixed Integer Method?

The problem is first solved by continuous LPP by ignoring the
integrity condition. If the values of the integer constrained variables
are integers, then the current solution is an optimal solution to the
given mixed IPP. Else select the source row which corresponds to the
largest fractional part among these basic variables which are
constrained to be integers. Then construct the Gomarian constraint
from the source row. Add this secondary constraint at the bottom of
the optimum simplex table and use dual simplex method to obtain the
new feasible optimal solution. Repeat this procedure until the values
of the integer restricted variables are integers in the optimum
solution obtained.

20. What is the geometrical meaning of portioned or branched

the original problem?
Geometrically it means that the branching process eliminates
portion of the feasible region that contains no feasible-integer
solution. Each of the sub-problems solved separately as a LPP.

21. What is standard discrete programming problem?

If all the variables in the optimum solution are allowed to take
values either 0 or 1 as in do or not to do type decisions, then the
problem is called standard discrete programming problem.

22. What is the disadvantage of branched or portioned method?

It requires the optimum solution of each sub problem. In large
problems this could be very tedious job.

23. How can you improve the efficiency of portioned method?

The computational efficiency of portioned method is increased
by using the concept of bounding. By this concept whenever the
continuous optimum solution of a sub problem yields a value of the
objective function lower than that of the best available integer
solution it is useless to explore the problem any further consideration.
Thus once a feasible integer solution is obtained, its associative
objective function can be taken as a lower bound to delete inferior
sub-problems. Hence efficiency of a branch and bound method
depends upon how soon the successive sub-problems are fathomed.


1. What do you mean by project?

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A project is defined as a combination on inter related activities
with limited resources namely men, machines materials, money and
time all of which must be executed in a defined order for its

2. What are the three main phases of project?

Planning, Scheduling and Control

3. What are the two basic planning and controlling techniques

in a network analysis?
Critical Path Method (CPM)
Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

4. What are the advantages of CPM and PERT techniques?

It encourages a logical discipline in planning, scheduling and
control of projects
It helps to effect considerable reduction of project times and the
It helps better utilization of resources like
men,machines,materials and money with reference to time
It measures the effect of delays on the project and procedural
changes on the overall schedule.
5. What is the difference CPM and PERT
Network is built on the basis of activity
Deterministic nature
One time estimation
An event oriented network
Probabilistic nature
Three time estimation

6. What is network?

A network is a graphical representation of a projects operation

and is composed of all the events and activities in sequence along
with their inter relationship and inter dependencies.

7. What is Event in a network diagram?

An event is specific instant of time which marks the starts and
end of an activity. It neither consumes time nor resources. It is
represented by a circle.

8. Define activity?
A project consists of a number of job operations which are
called activities. It is the element of the project and it may be a
process, material handling, procurement cycle etc.
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9. Define Critical Activities?

In a Network diagram critical activities are those whose if
consumer more than estimated time the project will be delayed.

10. Define non critical activities?

Activities which have a provision such that the event if they
consume a specified time over and above the estimated time the
project will not be delayed are termed as non critical activities.

11. Define Dummy Activities?

When two activities start at a same time, the head event are
joined by a dotted arrow known as dummy activity which may be
critical or non critical.

12. Define duration?

It is the estimated or the actual time required to complete a
trade or an activity.

13. Define total project time?

It is time taken to complete to complete a project and just found
from the sequence of critical activities. In other words it is the
duration of the critical path.

14. Define Critical Path?

It is the sequence of activities which decides the total project
duration. It is formed by critical activities and consumes maximum
resources and time.

15. Define float or slack? (MAY 08)

Slack is with respect to an event and float is with respect to an
activity. In other words, slack is used with PERT and float with CPM.
Float or slack means extra time over and above its duration which a
non-critical activity can consume without delaying the project.

16. Define total float? (MAY 08)

The total float for an activity is given by the total time which is
available for performance of the activity, minus the duration of the
activity. The total time is available for execution of the activity is given
by the latest finish time of an activity minus the earliest start time for
the activity. Thus
Total float = Latest start time earliest start time.

17. Define free float? (MAY 08)

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This is that part of the total float which does not affect the
subsequent activities. This is the float which is obtained when all the
activities are started at the earliest.

18. Define Independent float? (MAY 07) (MAY 08)

If all the preceding activities are completed at their latest, in
some cases, no float available for the subsequent activities which may
therefore become critical.
Independent float = free tail slack.

19. Define Interfering float?

Sometimes float of an activity if utilized wholly or in part, may
influence the starting time of the succeeding activities is known as
interfering float.
Interfering float = latest event time of the head - earliest event
time of the

20. Define Optimistic?

Optimistic time estimate is the duration of any activity when
everything goes on very well during the project.

21. Define Pessimistic?

Pessimistic time estimate is the duration of any activity when
almost everything goes against our will and a lot of difficulties is faced
while doing a project.

22. Define most likely time estimation?

Most likely time estimate is the duration of any activity when
sometimes thing go on very well, sometimes things go on very bad
while doing the project.

24. What is a parallel critical path?

When critical activities are crashed and the duration is reduced
other paths may also become critical such critical paths are called
parallel critical path.

25. What is standard deviation and variance in PERT network?

(NOV 07)
The expected time of an activity in actual execution is not
completely reliable and is likely to vary. If the variability is known we
can measure the reliability of the expected time as determined from
three estimates. The measure of the variability of possible activity
time is given by standard deviation, their probability distribution
Variance of the activity is the square of the standard deviation

26. Give the difference between direct cost and indirect cost?
(NOV 07)

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Direct cost is directly depending upon the amount of resources
involved in the execution of all activities of the project. Increase in
direct cost will decrease in project duration. Indirect cost is
associated with general and administrative expenses, insurance cost,
taxes etc. Increase in indirect cost will increase in project duration.


1. Define Kendals notation for representing queuing models.

A queuing model is specified and represented symbolically in
the form (a/b/c) : (d/e)
Where a- inter arrival time
b-service mechanism
c-number of service
d-the capacity of the system
e-the queue discipline

2. In a super market, the average arrival rate of customer is 5

in every 30 minutes following Poisson process. The average
time is taken by the cashier to list and calculate the customers
purchase is 4.5 minutes; following exponential distribution.
What is the probability that the queue length exceeds 5?
Arrival rate= 5/30 min
Service rate=2/9min
Probability that the queue length exceeds 5 = () n+2
= (.75) 7=0.133

3. Explain Queue discipline and its various forms.

(i) FIFO or FCFS - First In First Out or First Come
First Served.
(ii) LIFO or LCFS - Last In First Out or Last Come
First Served.
(iii) SIRO - Selection for service in random
(iv) PIR - Priority in selection

4. Distinguish between transient and steady state queuing

A system is said to be in transient state when its operating
characteristics are dependent on time. A steady state system is one in
which the behavior of the system is independent of time.

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Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA
5. Define steady state?
A system is said to be in steady state when the behavior of the
system independent of time. Let p n(t) denote the prob that there are
n units in the system at time t. then in steady state=> lim pn'( t )=0

6. Write down the little formula?

Where Ls= the average no. of customers in the
Lq= the average no. of customers in the

7. If traffic intensity of M/M/I system is given to be 0.76, what

percent of time the system would be idle?
Traffic intensity = 0.76 (busy time)
System to be idle = 1-0.76 =0.24

8. What are the basic elements of queuing system?

System consists of the arrival of customers, waiting in queue,
pick up for service according to certain discipline, actual service and
departure of customer.

9. What is meant by queue discipline?

The manner in which service is provided or a customer is
selected for service is defined as the queue discipline.

10. What are the classifications of queuing models?

m | m | I | m | m | I |n m | m | c| m | m | c |n

11. What are the characteristic of queuing process?

Arrival pattern of customers, service pattern of servers,
queue discipline, system capacity, no. of service channels, no. of
service stage.

12. Define Poisson process?

The Poisson process is a continuous parameter discrete state
process (ie) a good model for many practical situations. if
X(t)represents the no. of Occurrences of a certain in (0, t) then the
discrete random process {X (t)} is called the Poisson process. if it
satisfies the following postulates

I. P[1 occurrence in (t,t+t)] =t + O(t)

II. P[0 occurrence in (t,t+t)] =1-t + O(t)
III. P[2 or more occurrence in (t,t+t)] =O(t)
IV. X(t) is independent of the number of occurrences of the
event in any interval prior (or) after the interval(0,t)
V. The prob that the event occurs a specified number of
times in (t 0, t 0+t) depends only on t but not on t 0.

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Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA
13. Given any two examples of Poisson process?
1. The number of incoming telephone calls received in a
particular time
2. The arrival of customer at a bank in a day

14. What are the properties of Poisson process?

1. The Poisson process is a markov process.
2. Sum of two independent poissen processes is a poisson
3. Difference of two independent poisson processes is not
poisson process.
4. The inter arrival time of a poisson process has an
exponential distribution with mean 1/.

15. Customer arrives at a one-man barber shop according to a

Poisson process with an mean inter arrival time of 12 minutes.
Customers spend a average of 10 minutes in the barbers
chain.What is the expected no of customers in the barber shop
and in the queue?
Given mean arrival rate 1/ = 12.
Therefore = 1/12 per minute.
Mean service rate 1/ = 10.
Therefore = 1/10 per minute.
Expected number of customers in the system
Ls = /-
= 1/12/1/10-1/12 = 5 customers.

16. Define pure birth process?

If the death rates k = 0 for all k = 1, 2 we have a
pure birth process.

17. Write down the postulates of birth and death process?

1) p [1 birth (t, t + t)] = n(t)t + 0(t)
2) p [0 birth in (t, t + t)] = 1 - n(t)t + 0(t).
3) p [1 death in (t, t + t)] = n(t)t + 0(t)
4) p [0 death in (t, t + t)] = 1 - n(t)t + 0(t).

18. What is the formula for the problem for a customer to wait
in the queue under
(m/m/1 N/FCFS)
Ws = Ls/.

19. What is the average number of customers in the system

(m/m/e: /FCFS)?
(/)c / (c-1)!(c - )2 + /.

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Resource Management Techniques MC9242 II MCA

20. What is the difference between probabilistic deterministic

and mixed models?
Probabilistic: When there is uncertainty in both arrivals rate and
service rate are
assumed to be random variables.
Deterministic: Both arrival rate and service rate are constants.
Mixed: When either the arrival rate or the service rate is exactly
known and the other is not known.

21. What are the assumptions in m/m/1 model?

(i) Exponential distribution of inter arrival times or
poisson distribution
of arrival rate.
(ii) Queue discipline is first come, first serve.
(iii) Single waiting line with no restriction no length of
(iv) Single server with exponential distribution of service

22. People arrive at a theatre ticket booth in poisson

distributed arrival rate of 25/hour. Service time is constant at 2
minutes. Calculate the mean?
= 25/hr = ()60 = 30 per hour.
= / = 25/30 = 5/6 = 0.833
Lq = 2 / 1- = (.833)2 / 1 - .833 = 4.15502
Mean waiting time=Lq/ = 4/25 = 4/25 * 60 = 9.6 minutes.

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