Miller Fall 2010 Newsletter

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Fall 2010

Dear Friends:
York County House Members to Honor
Vietnam Veterans
I hope you are enjoying Members of the York County
summertime, which delegation to the Pennsylvania House of
unfortunately is quickly Representatives are planning a ceremony
coming to a close. It to honor Vietnam War and Era veterans
will not be long before living within their districts.
southcentral Pennsylvania The event will be held Thursday,
is bathed in the many October 7th, at 1:00 p.m. in the Toyota
colors of fall, just one more Arena on the York Fairgrounds. You must
reason why I believe our be registered to attend the event and
region is one of the most each veteran will receive a certificate and
beautiful in the state. commemorative pin.
I appreciate you taking If you are a Vietnam War and Era
time to read my newsletter veteran or know someone (living or
and hope you will find it deceased) who is, please contact my
informative. You will get district office to submit the veteran’s
details of some events name. You may also register a veteran
coming up in the district, through my website,
as well as information
concerning key issues I am
working on.
Feel free to contact my
office with any legislative
questions or concerns. Your
feedback is necessary so
that I may continue to be
an effective voice at the
State Capitol.
Thank you for sending
me to Harrisburg as your
representative. It is a
challenge I embrace and a
responsibility I do not take Representative Miller was honored to take part in the
lightly. Eagle Scout ceremony of Ryan and Devin Malamphy at
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in New Freedom.
Sincerely, The scouts are sons of David and Tina Malamphy.

PA Property Tax/Rent Rebate program filing deadline has been

extended to December 31, 2010. For more information, please call my
Ron Miller district office or visit my website,
2010-11 State Budget
The Fight to Remedy It was good to see the budget passed in a more 1-
responsible and timely fashion than a year ago; however,
the Burden of the financial practices used to finalize this agreement 2-
Property Taxes forced me to vote against the bill.
This spending plan again relies on increased debt and
House Republicans from York one-time transfers as opposed to eliminating wasteful 5-
County remain the most vocal spending practices. The difficult economic climate in 6-
supporters of the effort to relieve which we live is forcing my constituents to make difficult
the burden placed on citizens financial choices, and our state government must set a 7-
by property taxes. During the better example by employing the same philosophy.
table games debate, I offered an None of us would ever plan a significant purchase or 8-
amendment to Senate Bill 711 that extravagant vacation that is dependant on striking gold or
would have directed 90 percent of winning the lottery. That mindset, however, was used to
the revenue from the table games craft this spending plan when the revenue numbers were 9-
into the Property Tax Relief Fund. dependant on Federal Medical Assistance Percentages
House Democrats led defeat of that (FMAP) money. Counting on revenue that might be
amendment. approved by Congress is irresponsible and reckless.
As a delegation, my Republican A further example of the misguided priorities is
colleagues and I fought for a asking our local libraries to take a signficant cut while
costing-out study, which has simultaneously funding two new libraries in Philadelphia
proven the inequity in the amount and Pittsburgh. This is no time for pet projects, which is
of state funding our schools have what these two facilities clearly are. Gen
received in comparison to the rate Those of us in state government should be responsible fun
of population growth in southcentral stewards of taxpayer dollars. My vote against this budget this
Pennsylvania. Due to the 1991 was a reflection of my belief that we could have done
decision to discontinue factoring much better in that regard.
student population into the school
funding formula, our region has been
penalized for the rate of growth it
has experienced.
The citizens of York County
also need to know that achieving
property tax relief is not a statewide
concern. Residents of Philadelphia,
southwestern Pennsylvania and the
state’s northern tier do not have
a similar influx of population and
thus have greater concerns than
property tax relief. Nevertheless, we
as a delegation continue to fight for Legislation Introduced to Address
equitable education funding and the
relief from the burden of property Pension Funding Issues
taxes that will follow.
Representative Eugene DePasquale (D-York) and I have
authored House Bill 2379, which expands small games of
chance in Pennsylvania’s smaller clubs and taverns. The bill
would amend the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act
to increase the daily and weekly prize limits from $500 to
$1,000 and from $5,000 to $20,000, respectively.
Additionally, an assessment of 30 percent of the
licensed establishments’ weekly gross gaming revenue
would be paid to the Pension Stabilization Fund. The
assessment would apply only to taverns and not to clubs
or volunteer charitable organizations such as volunteer fire
companies or other community groups already licensed to
conduct small games of chance.
With regard to expanded gaming, my concern all
along has been the effect on the State Lottery, which
supports programs for senior citizens. We are working
on an amendment to the bill that would transfer revenue
generated by small games of chance to the Lottery Fund,
should its fund balance dip below a certain level. We need
Ron and Rep. Eugene DePasquale (D-York) offer testimony on to keep the lottery whole and keep the promise made to
their legislation before the House Gaming Control Committee. Pennsylvania’s seniors.
Transportation Projects in the 93rd District
1- SR2070 – Ridgeview Road Bridge replacement is underway. Scheduled completion date is
Nov. 7, 2010.
2- SR2093 – Hain Road Bridge replacement is underway. Scheduled completion date is Nov. 7, 2010.
3- SR2074 – Plank Road Bridge replacement. Estimated completion date is Nov. 10, 2011.
4- SR2078 – Windy Hill Road Bridge replacement. Estimated completion date is Nov. 10, 2011.
5- SR2076 – Stewartstown Road Bridge replacement. Estimated completion date is Nov. 10, 2011.
6- SR2016 – Resurface of Glen Rock Road is underway. Projected completion
date is June 17, 2011.
7- SR3001 – Resurface of Susquehanna Trail from Leaders Heights to York
Hospital is underway. Projected completion date of June 17, 2011.
8- SR0214 – Seven Valleys Bridge replacement. Construction
details are still being addressed. Scheduled completion 7
date is sometime in 2011.
9- I-83 – Resurfacing from the Pennsylvania-Maryland state line
to Emigsville. Work will take place at night beginning in early
September and be completed before the start of winter.

In spring of 2011, a 1/2-inch base will be applied to the
pavement with anticipated completion in June 2011.
Keeping 2011 projects on track will require the 1 ] 9
General Assembly to address the transportation
funding shortfall. Hopefully we will take up
this issue in earnest in the fall.

3 ] 9

Rules of the Road Reminders
Act 159 of 2006 - Requires headlights to be on when the vehicle’s windshield wipers are on in
continuous or intermittent use because of precipitation or atmospheric moisture, which includes rain, snow,
e bill
sleet or mist.
Act 113 of 2006 (steer clear law) – Requires drivers to move to the left lane while passing an
emergency vehicle stopped on the shoulder of the road.
Detours by color - Pennsylvania has a system of colored-detour signs, which are used when roads are
closed for construction, accidents, emergency situations, etc.

Blue = north Red = south Green = east Orange = west

Work zone traffic laws - Please be mindful to adhere to the speed limit when driving through active
d to
construction zones.

New Appointments
• Republican chairman, House Game and Fisheries Committee
Recently, I was named Republican chairman of the House Game and Fisheries Committee. Hunting
and fishing are big business in our state, and Pennsylvania’s outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen are as
passionate about their sports as any of their counterparts in other regions. The goal of our committee is
to put forth meaningful legislation that makes these outdoor activities even more enjoyable for those who
participate in them.
The House Game and Fisheries Committee interacts with both the Pennsylvania Game Commission
and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, addressing all legislation affecting both groups. My
fellow committee members and I are responsible for creating a framework for each commission’s
organization and providing language detailing all laws and penalties for violations.

• Local transportation committee

I have been appointed to serve on the York Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (YAMPO’s)
Coordinating Committee. Federal laws and regulations require the formation of a Metropolitan Planning
Organization (MPO) for each urbanized area with a population of more than 50,000 to coordinate a
comprehensive and continuing transportation planning program.
On August 24th, 1964 the York Area Transportation Study, now referred to as YAMPO, was established
by a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) charter. YAMPO is governed by a two-tiered
committee structure that includes a recommending committee called the Technical Committee and a
decision-making committee called the Coordinating Committee.
For more information on YAMPO, please visit my website,

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District Office: Harrisburg Office:

6872 Susquehanna Ryan Office Building
Trail South Room 115
PO Box 277 PO Box 202093
Jacobus PA 17407-0277 Harrisburg PA 17120-2093
Phone: (717) 428-9889 Phone: (717) 783-8389
Fax: (717) 771-1035 Fax: (717) 705-1850


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