SEO Case Study & SEO Strategies and Digital Marketing: By-Gurlal Singh Mba Gndu Roll No: Email
SEO Case Study & SEO Strategies and Digital Marketing: By-Gurlal Singh Mba Gndu Roll No: Email
SEO Case Study & SEO Strategies and Digital Marketing: By-Gurlal Singh Mba Gndu Roll No: Email
Digital Marketing
Title Page No
Executive Summary 3
What is SEO? 4
Digital Marketing 15
Appendex 27
Executive Summary
In a competitive business environment, understanding who your target market is where they
are visiting online and what their search patterns are can mean the difference between playing
the game and sitting on the sidelines. This report has been formulated to provide you the
market intelligence to change the direction in your game strategy if need be, or to identify
new opportunities and directions to increase your business profitability.
The key is to leverage this competitive advantage and deliver what the customer wants, in
the right quantities, and at the right locations. This report has been created using marketing
intelligence captured by a panel of researchers online.
The following is an analysis of your current website based on current search volume. If your
website doesnt capture enough traffic for significant results at this time, we will analyze your
competitors website.
This Search Engine Optimization Report will help refine your online marketing strategy as
well as identify existing opportunities for your company.
Search Engine Optimization is the technology, methodology and Science of increasing website
visibility of major search properties using strategically defined key phrases that apply to your
products, services and website.
Anybody who has followed the American financial markets over the past few years will be
aware of the meteoric rise of Googles equity since its IPO in August 2004. Over a two Year
period the price for one share of Google has moved from its
initial price of around $100/share, to the point where it commands close to
$375/share. This growth in equity value translates into a compounded average annual
return of around 93%!
The explosive return of Googles equity over the past two years illustrates the growth in online
search. Unlike Yahoo and Microsoft, who both have a variety of significant revenue streams,
Google draws its revenue almost exclusively from search based advertising revenues. The
explosive returns of Google equity therefore can be showed as an effective proxy for the strong
growth and awesome potential of the search marketing business.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the service that attempts to optimize a particular websites
natural search listings for search keywords and keyword phrases where value can be generated.
SEO is generally provided via a combination of different activities including, but not exclusive
to, creating an online experience which is meaningful for the end user, (re)architecting web sites
to make them easy for search engines to index, creation of customized landing pages for a
particular keyword(s), optimizing website content through the insertion of key words and
phrases, developing link partnerships with outside parties who have related content and
submitting keywords directly to search engines. These activities improve the scoring of the
optimized web site on the search engines natural search algorithm and therefore improve the
websites standing in the search engines natural search results.
As time goes on though owners of websites marketing themselves via PPC will find
themselves victims of the increasing popularity of PPC. As more and more organizations go
to market via PPC, the number of participants auctioning for a particular keyword will
increase. In this scenario the present top bidders for a keyword will have to keep increasing
their bids to maintain their position in the PPC listings. This in turn will decrease the value
that the winning bidder will get from a click through and increase the chances of a winners
curse. The search engines might be able to develop some value added tools, such as Googles
recently released e-commerce applications for PPC customers that could increase the value of
the auctioned keyword and stave off customer value erosion, but the initial value these tools will
generate for end users will also eventually disappear as it is gobbled up by higher bids. In this
scenario, owners of online assets will need to look elsewhere to maintain expected profitability
levels. At this point it is likely that the market for SEO services will experience accelerated
growth, as the perceived greater risk on the return of SEO services will be offset by its ever
increasing potential to provide a greater return in the face of declining PPC decrease.
An interesting contrast here is that, assuming a particular set of online assets provides high
value to search engine end users, those online assets, assuming they are optimized for natural
search results, are less likely to have to deal with the diminishing returns that will occur over
time with PPC. This is so because high value optimization of a website impacts the natural
search results for as long as the website content is relevant to end users therefore providing
results which are not limited to any particular moment in time.
In fact SEO provides a first mover advantage as those companies who incorporate high value
SEO services first will be able to take advantage of a snowball effect as the power of certain
optimization activities such as a reciprocal linking program will grow exponentially over time.
In the case of reciprocal linking this growth will occur as the website and its linking partners
continue to build linking relationships across the World Wide Web. According to a recent survey
conducted by Frost & Sullivan, only 27% of Fortune 1000 customers currently use SEO. This
indicates that an early mover advantage, if not a first mover advantage can be gained in many
According to Nielsen over 75% of consumers use a search engine to find information about
products and suppliers. For many businesses, up to 50% of new traffic is sourced from a search
However, most of the traffic tends to go to the top ranking websites for any specific search term.
Click through rates for a number 1 ranking are typically 40% falling to 15% for a number 3
ranking. A recent study showed that most consumers will modify their search query if a suitable
listing is not found within the first Search Engine Results Page (SERP).
Generating traffic requires term-discovery which in turn requires high ranking within search
engines. Search Engine Optimization provides the steps to achieve a top ranking for any given
search term.
Case Study
During past eight years of experience in Web Development and promoting clients website on
internet, Our Internet marketing specialists have learned the search engine optimization
techniques that work. We offer incomparable services, first - class products and impeccable
and cost-effective solutions. We've had ongoing success generating website traffic to client
websites through SEO and SMO optimization services for a complete search engine
positioning and conversion strategy.
Domainocrats main business goals are to attract new and retain existing customers for
our clients website.
Business Details: We, at, provide you with the highest quality web designs at
the most affordable rates in the market. We also offer strategic digital marketing and off-page
and on-page SEO. Inquire about themes and plug-ins..
Page Rank: 0
Robots.txt File: No
XML Sitemap: NO
The Challenge
What do you do when you're in an increasingly competitive market niche and have a great new
website but not enough online traffic? We can tell you what a ventless fireplace,
ethanol fireplaces and ethanol burner manufacturer from Charing, England did - they turned to
us for Search Engine Optimization.
Basically their site is in four languages and they want their site to be optimized in two
languages initially in English and French. Their site was un-optimized when we started SEO.
The challenge was to achieve high rankings on the major Search Engines for their targeted
keywords in both the languages in English and French. These keywords were highly
competitive and highly searched key terms. The site had the following issues:
Low link popularity and search engine saturation (pages indexed in the search
Domain Age is less than 1year.
Not enough conversion points
Low or no rankings for keywords that searchers might use to find their site
Effective search engine optimization could help the company capture the global market, a
challenge that Traffic embraced with a smile.
The Strategy
In project, I followed one strategy for both the languages ensuring long-term
and sustainable results. In its pre-optimization phase, SEO specialists checked the sites for their
SEO compatibility, user friendliness, and other on-page optimization loopholes. In their initial
report about the projects, Vidushi experts gave their feedback on the sites' design and their
coherency with our bespoke SEO plan for the client. The report also contained
recommendations for some essential design changes and content usage and placement. After
making sure that all the recommended changes have been applied to the sites by the client,
our team started the work on the campaign that they had specially tailored for each project based
on the nature of business and the latest trends in the industry. While working on a-fire we come
across so many technical problems, due to the domain age we faced some problems in indexing
but our experts solve all the problems.
Some of the services that our SEO plan had in common for a-fire for both the languages
are as follows:
Ranking for keywords was bit difficult but we have our database and our specially
designed campaigns for each project on the nature of business and the latest trends in
the industry made it much easier.
Within the first 3 months of the campaign, the website started coming in rankings on
major Search Engines, including Google and MSN. This was due to the addition of
unique Title, Meta Description and Keyword Tags to the website pages.
In a period of 5 months, the website saw an increase of 100% in website traffic.
The domainocrats website was getting only 0-5 unique visitors at the beginning . After
15days , they started getting more than 250-300 unique visitors every day, which is an
increase of more than 10 times.
The website has also seen an increase in the number of online product bookings started
increasing from the first 3 months especially from foreign site and client get so many
online leads from the articles we submitted online!
The website is now indexed in all major search engines including Google, Yahoo and
MSN. The website is now competing with the top websites related to the Ethanol
fireplaces and electronic ethanol burner industry for France and United Kingdom.
Keyword Ranking:
Keyword Google Google Page in Google
Rankings Rankings After After SEO
Before SEO SEO
Ethanol Burner Not in Top 100 3 1
To find what really works for you, follow this process, be creative, and experiment - its a core
competency of a good marketer
The Scientific Marketing Strategy Behind Exponential Growth
what is the scientific method?
Its a way to solve a question or problem by making observations and doing experiments. The
whole concept is to be able to predict and repeat your experiments.By applying the same
approach to marketing, you can predict which marketing tactics will be the most effective by
running small tests to gather data. With that information, you can make tweaks to scale and
improve your marketing experiments.
Dropbox achieved their growth by running tons of marketing experiments to gather enough data
so they knew exactly which marketing tactics to implement.
Smaller experiments like this:
Based on those smaller experiments, Dropbox eventually learned that many users were willing to
complete high friction point actions (e.g. its hard to convince people to connect their social
media accounts) in return for free storage space.
From there, it took even more testing and tweaks for Dropbox to know exactly how to execute
their online marketing strategy.
5 Best Digital Marketing Tools to Grow Your Business [2017]
Keyword Everywhere Browser Extension (free) - This tool will give you data not
available anywhere else. Get monthly search volume and suggested bid right under the
search bar and in many other tools. Keyword everywhere is must have for any marketer. (free) - Similarweb puts a ton of information at your fingertips. See any
websites traffic sources & uncover their online marketing strategies so you can replicate
them for yourself.. (free) - Canva enables anyone to become a designer. Create blog graphics,
social media posts, Facebook covers, marketing materials and more. I made all of the
designs on this site using this free tool
Vid IQ YouTube (free) - Uncover the secrets to success behind your favourite YouTube
videos. Go beyond YouTube Analytics, discover what makes a video go viral and
optimize your videos to get more views with Vid IQ!
Google Analytics Custom Dashboard (free) - Monitor the health monitor of your website
at a glance. Get a summary of 12 most important Google Analytics reports in one
dashboard. Import the dashboard into your Google Analytics account in one click to
reveal actionable insights!
Who exactly are your customers and what problem are you solving for them?
If you have an idea for a business, more than likely it came from a frustrating experience you
had. A problem you needed fixing. A solution that didnt get the results or was just too hard to
You may also have observed a pain point of someone you have close contact with.
Its unlikely your buyer persona is someone youve never met before. How could you understand
intimately whats holding them back from achieving their goal?
How will your product or service succeed in the marketplace where others may have failed?
However, this is not a small detail you can skip over. Its critical to your success!
A unique selling proposition defines your position in the marketplace and lets you stand apart
from competitors.
Typeform is a free online form builder that has exploded in popularity in the last year.
I recently became aware of Typeform when I received an online survey from someone using the
The clean design and ease of use really impressed me so I created a Typeform myself to gather
some feedback (and emails!) for a new online course I was making.
The results blew me away. Ive detailed everything in this guide so you can get the most out
Typeform (before your competitors do!)
Before we get into the how to guide, heres an overview of my results so you see the potential
benefits for you:
Validated interest in my course (No responses wouldve been a red flag!).
Gathered feedback from 87 people about what I could include to make it a 5 star course
for them.
Had a 56% survey completion rate (completion rates for standard forms is around 14%)
Developed a much clearer buyer persona for my ideal customer. I can match this to data
from Google Analytics and other sources later on.
Built an email list of 63 potential buyers in 48 hours without a website, landing page or
lead magnet (submitting email was optional).
Time to set up & analyze results: 1 hour
Cost to complete: $0
If there is one thing that online experts agree on, its that building an email list is vital:
Out of all of the channels I tested as a marketer, email continually outperforms most of them
Neil Patel.
Appsumo is a 7 figure business and 90%+ of our revenue comes from emails Noah Kagan.
My email list is the biggest asset I have. Michael Hyatt
Protection: As well as effectively driving traffic & sales, an email list protects your business.
Youll still be able to promote your business even if your search rankings or social media reach
diminish due to an algorithm change.
Even if you arent selling any products, you should still collect emails so you can drive people
back to your site everytime you make a blog post. Bottom line, dont make the mistake of not
building your list from the start!
Simply, add a download link to your lead magnet in the thank-you page or final welcome
2. Leadboxes.
Set up lead magnets tailored to the content of individual posts.
From my experience, this leads to 50%-60% email optins making it by far one the most effective
ways to build your email list.
Send a test email & review subject line and spell check. Read through out loud to hear mistakes,
click on link to test.
Finally, consider the time zones of audience and day of week before you sent out your email
campaign. Fine tune the best time to email once you have data from a few campaigns.
Copywriting Training:
Copywriting is using written words to persuade people to take the action you want them to (e.g.
make a purchase, submit an email, request a demo).
Install Google Analytics. Essential to measure key SEO metrics like website traffic, conversions
and revenue. Use Ahrefs to measure keyword ranking and link building (alternatives:
OpensiteExplorer, MajesticSEO, Semrush) Using WordPress? Download the Yoast SEO Plugin.
It will make your life 10x easier. Use it to complete many of the Technical and On-Page SEO
best practices in one place. Verify Your Site in Google Search Console. This free tool allows you
to check how the search engines view your site with reports about indexing status, search
queries, crawl errors and penalties. To learn more, read this helpful guide. Improve Website
Performance & Speed. Analyze your site with Google PageSpeed Insights. Aim to score 80+.
Speed things up with the free WordPress Plugins: Better Delete Revision, WP Smush and W3
Total Cache [alternative: WP Super Cache]. Take the Google Mobile-Friendly Test. Your site
should deliver a great user experience across all devices. Extra important now that Googles
algorithm favours mobile friendly sites.
Pick One Keyword Per Page. Youll generally want to start with lower-volume keywords.
Write Title Tags Search Engines Love. Every page of your website should have unique
title tag, preferably starting with a relevant keyword. Include modifiers like best,
2016 etc. to stand out and to pick up long tail searches. Keep title tags 55 characters or
less or theyll appear truncated in search results.
Follow Best Practices for URLs. Use short and sweet URLs that include your target
keyword. e.g. Avoid numbered urls like Always-use-hyphens-in-urls.
Skyrocket Clickthrough Rate with Meta Descriptions. Highlight the benefit of your post
or product compared to competitors who already appear in the search results. Keep meta
descriptions 160 characters or less or theyll appear truncated in search results.
Optimize for the Google Image Search Results. Create with Canva. Include target
keyword in the filename and add keyword-rich alt text to images when uploading.
Reduce Bounce Rates. Make the topic clear by including your target keyword in the first
100 words of your article.
Give Your SEO a Boost with Heading Tags: Include your keyword once in an H2 or H3
Include Outbound Links. At least 2 outbound links to authority sites (popular blogs, news
sites and .edu and .gov resources) in every piece of content that you publish.
Add Internal links. 2-3 internal links to older articles when you publish a new one.
Publish Longer Content. At least 300 words. 1500 words for competitive keywords.
Use Prominent Social Sharing Buttons. Make sure your social sharing buttons are front
and centre on blog posts and articles. Use DiggDigg WordPress plugin.
Double-check everything. Once youre live with an SEO Audit Tool.
Link Building Strategy. Not all backlinks are created equal. Your goal should be to earn
quality do follow back links from high ranking pages in your niche. Earn these
naturally by creating (and promoting!) content worth linking to.
Analyze Your Competitors Backlinks, Rankings & Traffic. This is the easiest way to get
started with link building. Look at each of Top 10 search results for your target keyword,
views link for each page using the MOZ SEO Toolbar. Focus on their Inbound Links
from Only External sources to see who has linked to them. You can also use Ahrefs,
Majestic SEO & SimilarWeb to uncover competitors marketing strategies you can
Maximise Links for Your SEO Campaigns. Find authoritative links in the tools above and
reach out to those sources to pitch your latest blog post or product. Expect 5% response
rate from these cold emails. You can also search for existing non-linked content using
Mention or Buzzsumo. Contact the owner or author of the piece and ask them to kindly
link back to you if possible.
Make changes to uploaded videos: Add annotations, cards, subtitles, closed captions and more.
Create a channel with a business or other name.
Add a Channel Icon
Associate Your Website. Required so you can link back to your site inside your videos.
Go to:
Link to Adwords Accounts
Link to Google Analytics (analytics for channel page only)
YouTube Channel Art (Use for banner templates & sizes)
Follow these key points when you upload your video:
File name: Include your target keyword e.g. seo-tutorial-for-beginners.mp4
Title: Include your target keywords at the start of your title. Highlight benefits compared
to other videos.
Description: Summarise the content of your video in 200 words. Include keywords 3-4
Video Tags: Include your keyword as the first tag and a few related keywords as tags.
Closed Captioning: Great for non native speakers, search, user experience and mobile
viewers in sound sensitive environments. Further reading: 85% of Facebook Video is
watch with no sound.
5 Ways to Promote Your Video to Get Initial Views:
Promote to email list.
Embed Video in Blog Posts (embed at certain time).
Embed in Quora Answers.
Share in relevant Facebook groups.
Share short clip on Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Twitter and link back to YouTube.
5 YouTube Metrics to Measure Video Performance:
Watch Time: Watch time is your key metric rather than video views.
Subscriptions Driven: Subscribers watch more than anyone else.
Engagement: Shares, comments, likes.
Audience Retention: See exactly where viewers dropped off.
Traffic Sources: Shows how viewers find your content (sites and YouTube features)