Ultima Forsan - A Taste of Macabre SW

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The document provides an overview of the Ultima Forsan setting for Savage Worlds, which is set during a Renaissance period where the dead have risen and plague the living. Heroes must fight against the undead and other abominations that threaten humanity.

The setting takes place after almost two centuries of a plague that has brought the dead back to life. Humanity has managed to establish fortified cities and direct their resources towards fighting the plague. The setting describes the world as in a 'Macabre Renaissance' as humanity tries to rebuild.

Heroes in this setting face the undead brought back to life by the plague, as well as 'nameless abominations' that threaten the world. They risk their lives each day fighting these threats to survival.

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

This document offers a sample of the Savage Setting Ultima

Forsan for Savage Worlds. A setting book originally developed
in Italian by Mauro Longo and Giuseppe Rotondo, Ultima
Forsan is now being translated into English.

Welcome then to the Macabre Renaissance of Savage Worlds.

One way or the other, once you get in, you will never be able
to leave

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
A taste of Macabre
breached our
defenses. The
Alchemist and
the Knight have I
already died At the end of the Middle Ages, the Plague
fighting, while of the Dead has spread through the old
that cursed world, destroying the kingdoms of men.
Inventor has flown away on his winged All the cities in Europe, Africa, and Asia
machine. The gypsy has been bitten, and have fallen prey to the Gray Horde of
now she cannot hide her sardonic grin. the corpses brought back to life, which
You have seen this happen to the Morituri1 has reached all the known lands, while
many times before. You have managed horrible abominations are rampant
to barricade yourselves in the armory, everywhere, thus giving rise to the darkest
where you sit down close to each other. time in the history of the human race.
Her wound is superficial, so it may take After almost two centuries spent fighting
her many days to turn into one of them, for survival, facing macabre battles
but the door will fall down much sooner and unthinkable horrors, the survivors
than that. among the human race have managed to
It is your last hour of life. reconquer part of the lost territories and
Perhaps. to establish small, fortified and guarded
fiefs there. All sciences, techniques, and
In Ultima Forsan, resolute, resourceful arts have been redirected from their
heroes face the dead brought back to original course and steered toward those
life and the nameless abominations fields of research most useful against
infesting our macabre world in a period the Plague. Resources never dreamed of
set between the end of the Dark Ages before, and obtained from the treasures
and the dawning of the Renaissance. The and properties of millions of families
Plague has already been spreading for two now extinct, have been devolved to the
centuries, but now men are ready to face development of machines, alchemic
it and to hope in a better future. Death, materials, weapons, equipment and
however, is always lurking out there for training to fight this Macabre War.
those who fight and risk their lives every Now, in the year 1514, the New Kingdoms
day, and it counts each second of their are ready to meet in Council and to bring
lives on a dusty hourglass. the Renaissance to life the Renaissance
Ultima Forsan Perhaps their Last (hour of Man on Earth. Many are the places
of life) is these Heroes motto: each where the new powers on Earth are
hour, each feat, each adventure could be concentrating their alliances and, at
their last, but they wont stop because of times, their schemes out of personal
that. Whether they succeed or fail, they interest. One of them is New Venice
will fall fighting! on the Isle of Candia, in the middle
of the Mediterranean Sea where the
1 Morituri: Latin for those who will die

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
A taste of Macabre

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
A taste of Macabre
survivors from the Fall of Venice found ULTIMA FORSAN HEROES
shelter. Another is Lucca in the heart
of Tuscany, where every year merchants,
onlookers, noblemen and inventors from Ultima Forsan Heroes are indomitable
all the New Kingdoms are attracted by the warriors wearing augmented armors,
Fair of the Dead. alchemists skilled in distilling
devastatingly efficient preparations,
LUCCAS FAIR OF THE DEAD stealthy hit men who can track down and
The official name for this event is the kill necromancers and infectors, hunters
Fair of All Saints and of the Day of the of the Dead who carry silenced muskets,
Dead, but soon everybody took to calling gifted inventors who can design tanks
it simply the Fair of the Dead, with an and flying machines, witches, rascals
intentional grotesque twist to the name. and charlatans so sly and skilled they can
The Fair is held in Lucca every year, deceive even the Plague Spawn.
between the end of October and early The Dead are their main enemy, be them
November, depending on when the isolated Strays or devastating Hordes, but
Sunday falls in that period. It spreads in the depths of the Cities of Sorrow have
throughout the city and offers all sorts of their lair horribly mutated Fell Beasts,
goods and merchandises, even if most of Chimeras born of mad experiments, or
the stall owners, who come from near and even more frightening Abominations.
far fiefs, bring only their most precious And in the East, in Jerusalem, the Black
and quaint merchandise: illustrated Sultan is gathering his awful legions,
and printed books, exotic gowns and getting ready to hurl them at the New
costumes, extraordinary weapons, new Kingdoms
models of bombards, harquebuses,
prosthesis and armors, odd contraptions
and alchemic potions, scientific and
medical discoveries, all sorts of devices
and prototypes.
Besides the ongoing demonstrations
and the countless stalls, the fair also
offers costume pageants, duels and
jousting, performances by acrobats,
jugglers and actors, private meetings
and appointments, awards and skill,
cleverness, or luck contests, card, dice and
board games. Every night, inns, taverns,
gambling houses and houses of ill repute
fill up with the most colorful assortment
of human beings, all bent on celebrating
all night through their happiness at being
still alive.

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Heroes of the Macabre Renaissance
ltima Forsan tissues, but they are still fully alive and
Heroes can human as far as instincts, emotions, and
be normal feelings are concerned.
human beings, In strict game terms, the Tainted are
also called dangerous immune carriers of the
Untainted, Plague! Their physique is marked by
to differentiate their condition: their skin is pale and
them from the diaphanous, and their veins are dark and
Tainted. These are not two different swollen, plainly visible all over their body.
races, because the Tainted are still The Tainted are immune to the Plague
human beings, but with different because their body is already imbued
characteristics, which is why it is more with Atrament, which means two things:
practical to keep the two categories they cannot die because of the contagion,
apart. and if and when they die however
this happens they will come back as
horrible Possessed. They are unpopular
UNTAINTED and loathed by most of the Untainted
These normal human beings follow because of their emaciated appearance,
the common Savage World rules, and and because they can spread the Plague
therefore start the game with a free Edge. whether alive through their blood
or dead. This is why they usually live in
isolated communities, or are driven away
TAINTED and persecuted everywhere else.
The Tainted are men and women who
contracted the Plague and suffered a
mutation of their body because of the
Atrament pervading their body fluids and

In the full version...

U ltima Forsan is comprehensive of the necessary rules to play Untainted or
Tainted characters, and also of many new Edges and Hindrances, military
and religious orders the heroes can belong to, new equipment including many
mechanical wonders, such as augmented armors and mechanical prosthesis,
plus three detailed Arcane Backgrounds: Alchemy, Witchcraft and Weird
Science, each with its own powers, Aspects and special rules.

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Setting Rules
ltima Forsan If a character gets hit by a Dead or by
is set in a dark any other Plague Spawn, and the damage
and cruel world, causes a Wound, then the character is in
so its setting real danger of contracting the Plague.
rules reflect its And nobody wants that to happen, right?
atmosphere. This effect can be avoided spending, as
usual, one Benny to make a Soak Roll. If
the roll is successful and there arent any
Wounds, then the character has been
1 - SAVAGE WORLDS DELUXE lucky and managed to dodge the blow, or
SETTING RULES to get bitten on a part of the body covered
Ultima Forsan makes use of the following by thick layers of cloth, or other similar
Savage Worlds Deluxe Setting Rules: things.
Gritty Damage There is no risk of contracting the Plague
Multiple Languages if an attack by a Dead only leaves the
No Power Points
character Shaken. If an already Shaken
character incurs again in the Shaken
Blood & Guts condition, then this effect causes a
2 THE MACABRE WAR TRADE Wound, as usual, and as a consequence
the character contracts the Plague.
FEAR AND HORROR Please Note: Unlike normal illnesses, the
Sadly, all Ultima Forsan Heroes are Plague is such an obscure and powerful
quite used to walking dead, massacres disease that it doesnt allow Vigor rolls to
and suffering, and to the tales about the avoid the contagion, unless youre playing
Abominations hiding in the wilderness. at a lower than standard lethality level
Therefore, they seldom face situations or (see Variable Lethality box). Therefore,
creatures that can upset them. whoever suffers one or more Wounds
Note: In Ultima Forsan, the characters inflicted by a Dead or another contagious
make Fear tests with a Spirit roll. creature, and doesnt manage or cannot
EXPOSURE TO THE PLAGUE avoid them through a Soak roll, can be
Exposure to the Plague is perhaps the certain of having been infected.
greatest danger Ultima Forsan heroes
have to face.

Variable Lethality
T he Plague is undoubtedly dangerous, and in game terms it is lethal.
However, Ultima Forsan full manual allows you to choose the lethality
level you prefer, to adapt Ultima Forsan to your preferences.

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Setting Rules
LAST HOPE AND CAUTERY Once the limb has been amputated, the
If it hasnt been possible to avoid a character is at risk of bleeding out.
Wound, there is still some hope to get Bleeding out works here exactly as it does in
out of it alive. Savage Worlds Deluxe: the injured character
Having been bitten, or scratched, by a must make a Vigor roll at the start of each
Plague Spawn might not be the end of round, before Action Cards are dealt, and
the Hero. Centuries of battles against then every minute after the fight; getting
the Dead, Fell Beasts and all sorts of a Success, the victim must roll again at the
Abomination have taught fighters and next round, and or every minute if not in
healers how to act efficiently if one of combat; getting a Raise, the victim stabilizes,
their companions gets wounded. and no further rolls are required; getting a
There is one good piece of news. Given Failure, the character dies from blood loss.
the kind of attack delivered by these To avoid blood loss effects, it is possible
enemies, hands, arms, and legs are the to apply Cautery another object wise
parts of the body that get wounded adventurers should always carry with them
more frequently (See Bites and Scratches - after cutting out the infected part. Cautery
Table), and it is, therefore, still possible is an alchemic, officinal substance that
to intervene. corrodes like vitriol and burns like fire, but
First thing, time is running out! The in the long run has soothing and balsamic
players have only 5 rounds to amputate effects. If immediately applied on the
the infected part. This is why fellowships, stump, Cautery will thoroughly cauterize
groups of scouts or of warriors, and in and disinfect the wound, and the victim
general whoever can afford it, always wont die from infection or blood loss.
carry with them a special surgeon This operation doesnt require any roll, but
hatchet called the Last Hope, specifically it is necessary to have one dose of Cautery
to the purpose of amputating on the spot available.
the infected limb. The Last Hope must be If no Cautery is available, it is possible to
constantly honed, cleansed with fire, and use fire, vitriol or other acids. In this case,
never used for anything else, particularly however, it is necessary to make a Healing
not for fighting, because it would risk roll, with a -2 malus if the victim had to do
getting infected and losing its purpose. it all by himself.
To efficiently amputate a limb it is It is possible to repeat this roll until
enough to make a successful Healing successful, but at each try the victim also has
roll, but it is necessary to apply a -2 to make a Vigor roll or suffer one Fatigue
modifier if the victim tries to perform the level due to the extreme pain (recoverable
amputation without help, and another -2 after 24 hours).
if weapons or instruments that arent the FIGHTING AGAINST THE PLAGUE
Last Hope are used (to say nothing of HORDES
the fact that other instruments, weapons There are some specific rules to follow
in particular, could already be infected when fighting against the Dead, Fell
with Atrament, which would make the Beasts and other Plague Spawn. After all,
amputation totally useless!) they are anything but average opponents!

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Setting Rules
When a Plague Spawn attacks using claws witout hesitation, knowing there is
or fangs, at the same time the Game nothing left to lose.
Master makes a d20 roll on the Bites and A Wild Card character thus infected gains
Claws Table to see what part of the body the Wild Card Sardonic Grin Edge.
was attacked, before making the damage
roll. This way, the wounded character
The first effect of the Plague is to kill the
can use the Armor points that protect
infected subject. The infected character
the affected area. If the attack causes one
must make a Vigor roll every day. It is a
or more Wounds, it is then necessary to
special roll, because Wild Cards cannot
apply (in addition to Wounds) the effects
use either the Wild Die or their Bennies:
described for that part of the body in the
the Plague doesnt make any exceptions.
Bites and Claws Table.
After the first day, a cumulative -1 penalty
This table substitutes the Savage Worlds
is applied to any following day.
Injury Table as far as the Spawn is
If the roll is successful, the character
concerned, because it uses natural
carries on for anther day. If the roll fails,
weapons and is fundamentally irrational.
the character suffers one Fatigue level, 2
If able to use a regular weapon, a Plague
if he gets 1 on his Vigor roll. If Fatigue
Spawn (such as Possessed, Tyrants and
makes him Incapacitated, the character
Striges) follows the usual Savage Worlds
still has one last chance. The character
Deluxe rules and uses its regular Injury
draws one Action Card for each Rank
Table. As it is for the Gritty Damage
(that is, one for Novice, two for Seasoned,
Setting Rules, Injuries generated by the
and so on). If the character draws a Joker,
Bites and Claws Table are temporary,
his body has managed to stand up to the
and heal together with the Wounds that
Plague and has overcome the danger: the
caused them, provided that the character
character thus becomes Tainted, gaining
isnt made Incapacitated. Beware:
all the pertinent Traits, but he loses the
unfortunately, this doesnt prevent
Sardonic Grin Edge. If the character
contagion! See the section Exposure to
draws any other card, it is time for the
the Plague.
First Death.
If there is no way to save the character, who Even those Tainted already infected and
is therefore doomed, before settling his therefore theoretically destined to
business, say good-bye to his loved ones get up again, have a last chance: at the
and entrust himself to the Misericorde moment of death, a Tainted character
well hes not dead already, after all. draws one Action Card per Rank (that is,
Some Morituri have even admitted to one for Novice, two for Seasoned, and so
feeling a sense of freedom and relief on). Drawing a Joker, the character gains
in being doomed to death, a sense of the Beyond the Threshold Edge, and in
resignation and serenity called Sardonic fact cheats Death.
Grin. The Dead have lost their best
weapon the fear of the Plague against
that victim, who can now attack them

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Setting Rules

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Setting Rules
Roll a d20 together with the Spawn attack roll to determine the specific Injury:
1-2 Right Leg Calf bite! Gain Lame Hindrance (or One Leg Amputation prevents
3-4 Left Leg Hindrance, if already Lame) infection, but the Injury
becomes permanent.
5 Right Leg Torn apart tight! Pain and wound prevent use Amputation prevents
6 Left Leg of the leg: One Leg Hindrance. infection, but the Injury
becomes permanent.
7 Guts Family Jewels! Intolerable pain, and Amputation prevents
reproduction is out of the question from now infection, but the Injury
on. becomes permanent.
8 Guts Agility reduced one die type (min. d4). Infection is unavoidable!
9 Guts Vigor reduced one die type (min. d4). Infection is unavoidable!
10 Tronco Strenght reduced one die type (min. d4). Infection is unavoidable!
11-14 Right arm Bitten and torn arm! Pain and wound prevent Amputation prevents
15-18 Left Arm use of the arm, as in One Arm Hindrance, infection, but the Injury
but if the primary arm is affected, off-hand becomes permanent.
penalties apply to the other.
19-20 Head The monster grabs your head! Roll d20: Ripped off eye or ear: The
1-2: Right eye ripped off! Gain the One Eye piece of good news is that
Hindrance (or the Blind Hindrance if you had the infected part has been
only one good eye). severed off and it is not
necessary to intervene to
3-4: Left eye ripped off! As above. avoid infection.
5-7: Right ear ripped off! The damage causes Nose: Amputating the
the Hard of Hearing Hindrance (minor). Such remaining part prevents
Injury is always permanent! infection, but the Injury
8-10: Left ear ripped off! As above. becomes permanent.
11-13: Nose ripped off! Gain Ugly Hindrance. Blinded: The eye is
15-16: Blinded! Right eye: One eye is wounded. seriously wounded and
Gain the One Eye Hindrance (or the Blind the only remaining hope
Hindrance if you had only one good eye). is to remove it! The Injury
becomes permanent.
17-18: Blinded! Left Eye: See above.
Face: Infection is
19: Torn apart face! Gain Ugly Hindrance.
20: Torn apart neck! You start losing blood!
Neck: Infection is
unavoidable, but
cauterizing the wound
may stop the blood loss.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Setting Rules
GETTING UP AGAIN while fighting), get up as pitiful Husks, or
The characters infected by the Plague even as Carrions, if their body is awfully
(Tainted included), get up again 1d6-1 mangled. Characters killed by the Plague
hours after their demise. This means that after a long agony due to the infection
if the roll gives 1 as a result, the Dead gets (as described in the chapter Plague in
up right away. Action), get up instead as dangerous
The infected Untainted who died a violent Furies or even as Possessed, if they are
death (for example, characters killed successful in a Vigor roll (-2).
The Tainted always get up as Possessed.

In the complete version...

U ltima Forsan includes rules regarding mechanical prosthesis, Mass
Battles, fights between Dead and Extras, and much more!


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Pregenerated Characters
Flor Escalione "La Mariposa"
The Red Odalisques are the elite guards of the Sultan Soraya of Granada. They can
belong to any race or religion, and in the Harem of Granada they get trained in disguise
and espionage techniques, as well as in a special martial art known as the Blade Dance,
which is executed holding two sabers. Each Odalisque has sworn to serve Soraya and
Granada, and will agree to any compromise in order to do her mistress will.

Race: Untainted
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Lockpicking d4, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Streetwise
d4, Throwing d8,
Charisma: +3; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 (1)
Hindrances: Curious, Loyal, Stubborn
Edges: Attractive, Red Odalisque
Languages: Spanish, Arab, Tuscan vernacular
2 sabers (damage: Agility+d6)
4 throwing knives (range: 3/6/12; damage: d6+d4)
Leather corselet, armlet and jamb (Armor 1)
Elegant dress of red veils (Charisma +1)
Bag containing: Last Hope hatchet, phial of Caution, soap, a small bottle of perfume,
lockpicking tools, 150 florins
Edge: Red Odalisque
Thanks to their training in the Blade Dance, the Red Odalisques can fight with two
scimitars or sabers, as if having the Ambidexterous and Two Fisted Edges, provided that
they have no Encumbrance penalties.
While free from Encumbrance penalties, Red Odalisques can also use Agility instead of
Strength to cause melee damage when using sabers or scimitars (they still have to follow
the Minimum Strength rule).
They get two free sabers, or scimitars, and elegant, custom-made gowns of red veils,
which add +1 to Charisma in those circumstances where status is important.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Pregenerated Characters


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Pregenerated Characters
Jean Paul La Roche
The French Paladins owe obedience to the Pope-King and swear themselves to the
service of the Order and of the Empire of the Avignonnais Church. When they arent on
a special mission on behalf of the Vicar Generals or of the Bishop Counts, they still obey
the Pope-Kings orders and fight against the Dead, defend the travelers and the poor,
hunt down infectors, sorcerers, heretic, necromancers and Tainted.

Race: Untainted
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Healing d4, Intimidation d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Riding d8
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (1); Toughness: 8 (2)
Hindrances: Overconfident
Edges: Knight (Paladin of the Holy Roman Empire), Brawny
Languages: French, Tuscan vernacular, Latin
Longsword (damage: Strength+d8)
Augmented armlet (Armor +3 on the right arm, +1 to Strength rolls and melee
damage); chainmail corselet, left armlet and jambs (Armor 2), medium shield (+1
Parry, +2 Armor against ranged attacks), full helmet (Armor +3)
Bag containing: the Bible in Latin, 300 florins
Edge: Knight Paladin of the Holy Roman Empire
The Paladins of the Holy Roman Empire are an elite corps that answers directly to
the Pope, Constantin II. They are bound by a holy vow which implies obedience and
immediate answer to any call to arms, even if this might mean certain death. They get
a warhorse, full chainmail armor (corselet, armlets and jambs), steel helmet (enclosed),
long sword and medium shield with their orders coat of arms, plus an augmented
bracelet. They can ask for hospitality at any ecclesiastical facility belonging to the
Avignonnais Church, as well as at monasteries, convents and abbeys belonging to any
Christian religious order.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Pregenerated Characters
Ricciardo De Bacci
Many Fiefs have elite corps of armigers, men-at-arms, and woodsmen whose specific
task is to patrol the borders or to venture into the savage lands to destroy the Dead that
get too close to the Fief. These Feditori perform their duties alone or in small groups,
setting ambushes, traps, and surprise attacks, and they usually carry short weapons.
At times, adventurers and itinerant hunters do that as well, and some Fiefs will pay 50
florins or some similar reward, for each Deads head.

Race: Untainted
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Firing d8, Notice d4, Stealth d6, Streetwise d6, Survival d4, Tracking d4
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Greedy (minor), Ugly
Edges: Steady Hands, Shot to the Head
Languages: Tuscan vernacular, German, Hungarian
Axe (damage: Strength+d6)
2 flintlock pistols (range: 5/10/20; damage: 2d6+1; 2 actions to reload; can be reloaded
in one round with a successful Agility roll)
Pouch containing 20 shots and black powder.
Leather corselet, armlets and jambs (Armor 1), pot helmet (Armor 3, head protection
Bag containing: pouch of salamander wool, Last Hope hatchet, one phial of Caution,
rope, 30 florins.
Edge: Shot to the Head
The character is particularly adept at scoring a direct hit to the Deads head, and can
anticipate their movements and shuffling gait. This halves the penalty for called shots to
the head when the character attacks the Dead with a ranged weapon.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Pregenerated Characters
Percivalle Taccagni
Real geniuses, artists, mathematicians, scholars of algebra and physics, engineers who
wouldnt hesitate to experiment the most daring mechanical solutions, true Renaissance
men with a deep knowledge of all arts, sciences and technologies, these men are one
of the most important symbols of Mans rebirth from the fog of the darkest Age. Their
mechanical, magnetic and optical marvels are activated by levers and gears, hinges and
tie-rods, are fueled by steam and spring devices, by gunpowder and inflammable oil, by
lightning and wind power.
They usually work for the lord of some fief, or in a workshop equipped with all sorts of
tools and raw materials, and they strive to create prototypes and machines that one day
will allow them to defeat the Progeny of the Plague.

Race: Untainted
Attributes: Agility d6, Strength d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Investigation d4, Notice d6, Taunt d6, Repair d6, Weird Science d8,
Shooting d8
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Hard of Hearing, Quirk (eats only raw food)
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science)
Languages: Tuscan vernacular, French, German, Latin, Ancient Greek
Powers: Armor (-1 to Weird Science roll; Armor +2/+4)
Bombard (loaded with iron ball: range: 14/28/56; damage: 2d10; PA 2, Heavy Weapon.
Loaded with 4 shots and black powder: conical model; damage 2d8; an opposed roll in
Agility neutralizes the damage)
Dagger (damage: Strength+d4)
10 iron balls
12 shots and black powder
Bag containing: rope, flint and steel, flask of oil, lantern, 25 florins.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
The Dead in Ultima Forsan


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
The Dead in Ultima Forsan
he Plague Spawn
is divided into Raging Hunger: The Dead throw
many different themselves at their targets wildly and
categories, but recklessly, not caring at all about their
the following personal safety, which is why they
Special Abilities have Parry -1. They cannot make Wild
generally apply Attacks in combat. Moreover, when
to them all: a Dead kills or makes his opponent
Incapacitated, on the next round
he keeps overwhelming his victim
Brain Death: The Dead with a (D) (if Incapacitated, but still alive, the
beside their Smarts value are driven victim draws a card: if the card is
by blind fury and totally out of their black, the character is killed). The
mind. They cannot be distracted from Dead keeps tearing the poor remains
their target, but they also wont notice apart until distracted by another attack
if their opponent throws obstacles or or something like that, and is to be
flames in their way, or is luring them considered Shaken to all effects (he can
into a trap. From the game point of therefore try to recover at each round).
view, however, their absence of mental Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
reactions makes them immune to Trick from being Shaken; called shots do not
maneuvers based on Smarts (except for inflict added damage, unless aimed
those attempted by a character having at the head (see Weakness). Arrows,
the Fool the Dead Edge). spears and other attacks with piercing
Contagious: Characters bitten or weapons only inflict half damage.
clawed by a Dead are unavoidably Immune to venom and illnesses.
infected by the Plague. Weakness (Head): Damage to the head
Fearless: All the Dead are immune to gets a +2 bonus besides the standard
Fear, Intimidation and all other similar +4 applied to all creatures. Piercing
effects. weapons cause full damage to the head.
Indirect Infection: If at risk of becoming
infected in an indirect way (for example
by splashes of Atrament getting in contact
with open wounds or being ingested by a
living person), the character has to draw
a card from the deck. If it is a face card,
the Plague has reached an area that can
become infected, and the character is
therefore infected as well. It is possible,
however, to avoid indirect infection
spending a Benny, which represents a
stroke of luck.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Death and the Machine
ome are give off an awful Miasma, and because
born great, they have to be fueled with human body
some achieve parts that the Atrament first melts and
greatness, and then coagulates, before burning down.
some have a In other words, a senseless horror.
great armor suit In spite of all this, Melancone has
around them. managed to get permission to exhibit his
prototype, the Gorgon, at a show of war
Malvolio Melancone, inventor Automatons and Armillary Armors to
which all the greatest European factories
and workshops will take part.
The following adventure demonstrates Knowing only too well that his prototype
how Ultima Forsan works; it is suitable would never hold a candle to the others,
for 3-5 Novice characters. The group Malvolio has sabotaged the Manifatture
is composed of nosy adventurers or da Vinci prototype, in order to humiliate
representatives sent by their respective his adversaries and to appear in a much
kings to attend to a demonstration of better light.
war machines, held at the Lucca Fair
of the Dead, in the event that some of His act of sabotage will cause a small
those contraptions might be usefully Pandemonium and, of course, Malvolios
employed in the Macabre War. The guilt will appear more than obvious from
group soon finds itself involved in an the very start. The scientist will run away
accident that drags its members in a on the Gorgon and the heroes will have
succession of fightings, chases, war to chase him down and shoot down his
automatons and sabotages. gigantic armillary armor.


Coming from different parts of the
Malvolio Melancone, a mad Tuscan known world, the heroes come to Lucca
inventor, wants to show the world how for the Fair of the Dead. More or less
good his prototypes are, and to prove by accident, they end up near each
to everybody that he isnt the mad other during one of the Fair events: a
fanatic everybody takes him for (which sort of arena has been assembled in the
he actually is). Malvolio has invented Amphitheater Square, where will be held
a disgusting Atrament Engine which demonstrations of new, experimental
adds some salts and chemical additives war machines from various parts of the
to a mass of Atrament, transforming world.
that lethal substance in a thick fuel akin A wooden, seven feet high palisade,
to tar. Obviously, nobody ever even strongly reinforced against any
thought of financing or supporting his possibility of the Dead tearing it down,
research, both because Atrament Boilers separates the arena from the platforms


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Death and the Machine


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Death and the Machine
where the spectators will take place. is half empty anyhow, since theyll be
Many of them are just peasants or better able to watch the fights from up
curious merchants, but of course there. Of course, this is just a pretext
among them there are also some rich, to better study the groups female
prospective customers: courtesans, characters, or talk with warriors and
warlords and noblemen who have inventors. Girolamos curiosity has
come from all over Italy and Europe been really piqued by the Automatons
specifically for that show. and the Armillar Armors presented by
Among the most important characters, his adversaries, and will explain their
we find the Lord of Florence, Niccol technology and background to whoever
Machiavelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, the shows interest in them.
Berettas from Brescia and the Cardanos When it comes to the Manifatture Da
from Pavia, as well as some princes from Vinci, Leonardo himself presents his
Hungary (in particular, the siblings machines:
Ilona and Lajos Farkas, Tainted). Esteemed Ladies and Noble Lords!
Many Lucca Guards and Crossbowmen Here in this square, today, you all will
supervise the demonstration to prevent see how much the power of the intellect
any accidents. can do in the service of good!
The Heroes take place right below the You will see how the virtues of
authorities dais, in front of which there mechanics and science can bring
is a great red cloth pavilion hosting hard, lifeless metal to life and create
the inventors, the gunners, and their weapons that, like titans, without any
helpers. fear of death, will be able to inflict the
The first war machines are activated Last Death to the lifeless bodies of the
and systematically destroy wooden Hungering Departed!
targets and armored mannequins. Behind Leonardos back, the pavilions
On one side of the arena there are also flaps are pulled back, revealing two
several sealed wooden boxes, probably enormous Armillar Armors: the one
containing more prototypes and to the left, well chiseled and finished
machineries that their owners want to off, seems to have no pilot inside, while
keep hidden till the moment of their inside the one to the right a mass of
performance. wood planks, badly assembled plates and
other pieces shoddily nailed together it
is possible to see a dirty and aged man,
2 ON THE AUTHORITIES DAIS who nervously greets the crowd leaning
Before the demonstrations begin, the out of a big, round trapdoor set on the
young inventor Girolamo Cardano top of the Automaton.
flirts with both Ilona Farkas and/or any So that nobody can say that genius
Heroine in the group; at some point, doesnt tolerate any competition,
he suggests that they all go up on the together with our latest creation, which
authorities dais which, for the matter, we call Talos, the Steel Colossus, today


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Death and the Machine
you will also see here a creation to the citizenship and not to lose too
by Malvolio Melancone, a man much time with that poor excuse for an
of science and intellect from this inventor.
very city, who will demonstrate the
The two war machines come forward and
merits of his Gorgon, which a few
they soon make mincemeat out of the
have already nicknamed the Junk
Dead with their huge weapons. While
Leonardos Clockwork Colossus is slower
The joke makes the crowd laugh and and heavier, Malvolios Armillar Armor
some of the tension melts away. Malvolio, is undoubtedly swifter, but the boiler on
however, turns beet red and locks himself its back gives off a cloud of black vapour.
inside the Gorgon, an angry grimace on Once its early bewilderment is over, the
his face. crowd begins to appreciate the show and
Since genius isnt worth anything cheers the two machines on.
if its aim isnt to do good deeds,
Leonardo goes on in the meanwhile,
our inventions have been conceived 3 DEATH AND THE MACHINE
as tools to be used to defeat the evil of The Colossus built by Manifatture Da
the Plague, and not to kill the living. Vinci suddenly jams, falls sideways and
Therefore, it is against the Dead that delivers a blow to itself before knocking
you will see them fight. down part of the palisade under its
At his signal, his assistants pull some own weight and stopping altogether. Of
ropes, opening the huge wood boxes, course, the knocked down area is exactly
from which emerge at least fifty Husks, beside the place where the Heroes are!
clothed in black leather jackets, masks A score of Husks immediately swarms
and gloves. through the breach, climbing over the
A sudden clamor rises from the crowd, carcass of the huge metal beast, while the
but Machiavelli stands up and explains crowd runs away, the Mercenary Guards
that everything is in order with the do their best to contain the ensuing
demonstration, and that there are Pandemonium, and the Heroes get ready
protections and guards enough to keep to help.
everybody safe. Husk, Mannequin
He then explains to the Heroes that: (Heroes number +3): these Husks
are clad in leather to better absorb the
Leonardos automaton is moved by
blows, and they also wear gloves and a
some perforated metal plates containing
mask covering their mouth to avoid any
the steering instructions, without any
possible form of contagion during the
need for a man to guide it.
transportation and demonstration. They
Malvolio is an inventor from inflict normal damage, but they cannot
Lucca, and Luccas Podest himself has spread the Plague. Moerover, they have
imposed his presence at Leonardos an added +1 Armor on every part of
demonstration, to give some satisfaction their body.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Death and the Machine


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
4 SABOTAGE! a metal giant, so all Machiavelli can do
is to ask for the Heroes intervention, if
Once all the Dead have been destroyed, necessary also offering them a handsome
and the peace restored, Malvolio looks reward: 2,000 Florins.
out of the trapdoor of his automa
and cannot help but indulge in the 5 CHASE TO THE LAST BOLT!
temptation of making fun of poor Chasing Malvolio on his Gorgon is
Leonardo, boasting about the superiority an action the Heroes might decide to
of his own invention, while Niccol perform on foot, on some kind of mount,
Machiavelli thanks the Heroes. using other Armillar Armors, or even
The perforated brass plate inside Talos on one of Leonardo da Vincis flying
has fallen out of its slot on the Colossus machines. In any case, the normal Savage
back. Carefully observing it and World rules for Chasing apply here.
successfully making a Smarts or Weird If the Heroes chase Malvolio on mounts,
Science Test, it is possible to ascertain or by any means that increase their
that some of the punching has been speed, then Malvolio will resort to
violently and roughly tampered with, his automatons Special Ability called
and Leonardo also discovers that some Atrament Engine to increase its speed.
of the automaton screws and tie-rods are
nowhere to be found. Sabotage!
It should be simple enough to 6 MALVOLIOS LABORATORY
understand that it is Malvolios doing, Unless the chase gets to an end before that,
since he is one of the few with the know- Malvolio and his Junk Giant run through
how to sabotage the Colossus and a the streets of Lucca and among the general
reason to do it; it is quite easy to make bewilderment they leave the city through
him confess or contradict himself, since one of its gates, finally reaching a large,
it is enough to work (even accidentally) shabby farmhouse outside the city walls.
on his presumptuousness. Moreover, The Gorgon bursts through the doors and
on the perforated plate there are some thus reveals mad Malvolios laboratory.
stains (fingermarks) of a black, tarry Boiler pieces, metal components and
substance very much like Atrament all sorts of contraptions are spread
something anybody succesful in making everywhere, together with containers
a Knowledge (Plague), Alchemy or filled with much more unsettling
Healing roll can notice and akin to materials: a full squad of mechanical
that sort of black oil dripping from the Opprobriums (Heroes number +2) and a
Gorgon. If cornered, the mad inventor heap of human body parts, the awful fuel
will lock himself up inside his Gorgon propelling the Atrament Engines.
and run away from the square, heading The Gorgon throws to the ground the
for his laboratory, while Machiavelli can box containing the Opprobriumus, then
only give the Mercenary Guards the order it waits to face the Heroes in the final
to apprehend him. The guards, however, confrontation.
dont look too sure of being able to stop


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
JUNK GIANT Improved Sweep: As per Improved
Attributes: Agility d4**, Smarts*, Spirit*, Sweep Edge.
Strength d8, Vigor d8 Mallet: Str+d10.
Skills: Climbing d4**, Fighting d10**, Revolving Multicrossbow: The pilot can
Throwing d6** release a volley of bolts in all directions
Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13 (3) from the automatons guts. All the
characters within a 2 inches range must
Special Abilities: make a successful Agility roll or suffer
Armor +3: Hard metal plates. 2d6 damage. Those within a 6 inches
Atrament Engine: The Junk Giant is range add +2 to the roll and those
activated by an Atrament fueled engine! within a 12 inches range add +4. Once
The driver can use back-up fuel to give used, the multicrossbow has no more
the Giant a boost, doubling its Pace ammunitions.
and obtaining Improved Frenzy for 6 Size +4: It is an almost 13 feet tall
rounds. After the 6th round, the driver machine which can accommodate a man
must make a Weird Science roll at the inside its guts.
beginning of each round: if he gets 1, Steered Automaton: Since the
the result is equal to a critical failure (see automaton is not a living creature, the
Experimental Contraption) and the Giant Traits marked with and asterisk (*) use
stops working. Moreover, if the driver the Traits of whoever is steering it. In
uses back-up fuel, whoever gets in close the case of those Traits marked with two
contact with the Giant (in a melee, for asterisks, instead, the driver will have
example) and breathes the fumes from too use the lowest value die between the
the boiler during all the 6 rounds suffers automatons Trait and his own Weird
from the Miasma effects: that means the Science die.
character has to make a successful Smarts
roll to hold his breath, or the Plague will Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Giant has three
infect him! wounds; when wounded,it makes a roll
on the vehicle damage table.
Construct: +2 to recover from being
Shaken; ignores wounds penalties;
immune to poisons and illnesses; no extra MALVOLIO MELANCONE
damage from called shots. Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit
Experimental Contraption: Whenever d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
the driver gets 1 on a Trait die (regardless Skills: Fighting d6, Investigation d6,
of the Wild Die), the Giant suffers a Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6,
Wound. In case of critical failure, the Giant Taunt d6, Weird Science d10
is damaged beyond repair and cannot be
Charisma -; Pace 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
used again until repaired through a Weird
Science roll. Repairing it requires 3d6 Edges: Arcane Background (Weird
hours, but this time can be halved with a Science), New Power
raise on the Weird Science roll.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Powers: Entangle, Smite (but his MECHANICAL OPPROBRIUMS
inventions are in his laboratory so he can't These human body parts have been
use his powers unless there). put together and soldered with metal
Equipment: Dagger (Str+d4) o other parts, gears, screws and pulleys. Their
weapon. movements and attacks are rather
disorganized, but they can still be a
dangerous source of distraction for our
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (D),
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (D),
Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d4
Skills: Fighting d4, Intimidation d4
Pace: 4; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8 (1)
Pace: 1; Parry: 3; Toughness: 5
Special Abilities:
Special Abilities:
Bite: Str+d6.
Claws/Bite: Str+d4.
Claws: Str+d4.
Dead: The creature has all the Deads
Dead: Mannequins/Dummies have all Special Abilities.
the Deads Special Abilities, but they are
Shuffling Gait: Opprobriums cannot run.
padded with thick leather layers and
cannot spread the Plague. Size -2: Opprobriums are just maimed
body parts.
Shuffling Gait: Husks cannot run.
Small: Attacks against Opprobriums
suffer a -2 penalty.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
War machines and new marvels
T he Mechanical War Trade is a new specialization inventors, artificers, artisans and
clockmakers (as well as warriors and warlords, of course) have been developing
over the past few decades. The employment of automatons and other amazing
machines at the courts and against the Plague certainly is far from recent, but its first
relevant practical developments have appeared only a generation ago, during the last
decades of the Reconquest.
In the year 1514 there are more than a dozen big workshops experimenting and
building such artifacts, and there are a hundred more small and big artisan workshops
connected one way or the other to this industry.

A ll these creations are usually called Mechanical Devices, and include among others
mechanical Prosthesis, augmented Armors, Automatons which can be steered
through punched plates or not and Armillar Armors, out-and-out giant armors
hosting a pilot inside, who has to drive and use them in battle.

Here is a list of the most avant-garde Mechanical Devices exhibited at the Lucca Fair
of the Dead.
Each of them is a prototype, with only a few samples available, and therefore they all are
very expensive: 20,000 florins!
Ornithopter: Acc/Sp Max: 10/20; Climb: -1; Crew: 1; Toughness: 5; Note: Experimental
Airscrew: Acc/Sp Max: 2,5/12,5; Climb: -2; Crew: 1+5; Toughness: 8 (2); Note:
Experimental Contraption.
Assorted War Tanks: Acc/Sp Max: 2,5/15; Crew: 1+3; Toughness: 13 (3); Note:
Experimental Contraption.

E xperimental Contraption: If the pilot rolls 1 on a Trait roll (regardless of

the Wild Die), the Contraption suffers a Wound. In case of critical failure,
the Contraption is damaged beyond repair and cannot be used again until
repaired through a Weird Science roll. Repairing it requires 3d6 hours, but
this time can be halved through a raise on the roll.
If it is a flying machine, when it stops functioning whoever is aboard will have a very
hard time avoinding the damage fron the fall!
Typical Armillar Armor:
Attributes: Agility d4**, Smarts*, Spirit*,Strength d8-d12, Vigor d8-d12.
Skills: Climbing d4**, Fighting d10**, Throwing d6**
Pace: 4-6; Parry: 2+ half Weird Science of the pilot; Toughness: 10-15 (1-3) Weird
Science: /2;


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Ultima Forsan
Special Abilities:
Armor +1/+3: Overlayed in wood, terracotta, or hard metal plates.
Construct: +2 to recover from Shaken; ignores wounds penalties; immune to poisons
and illnesses; no extra damage from called shots.
Experimental Contraption: If the pilot gets 1 in a Trait roll (regardless of the Wild Die),
the Contraption suffers a Wound. In case of critical failure, the Contraption is damaged
beyond repair and cannot be used again until repaired through a Weird Science roll.
Repairing it requires 3d6 hours, but this time can be halved through a raise on the roll.
Melee weapons: Str+d8 to Str+d12.
Size +2/+4: Available Armillar Armor height ranges between 8.20 and 13.12 feet, and
they can accommodate a man inside their guts.
Steered Automaton: Since the automaton is not a living creature, the Traits marked
with and asterisk (*) use the Traits of whoever is steering it. In the case of those Traits
marked with two asterisks (**), instead, the driver will have too use the lowest value die
between the automatons Trait and his own Weird Science die.
Vehicle: As a vehicle, Armillar Armors have three wounds; when wounded, they make
a roll on the vehicle damage table.


Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

Race Hindrances
Wild Arcana

Boating Shooting
Fighting Stealth
Lockpicking Swimming
Charisma Parry Edges
Riding Throwing

Smarts Pace Toughness

Gambling Notice
Healing Repair Background
Investigation Streetwise
Knowl. Survival
Knowl. Taunt
Knowl. Tracking X

Strength Languages

Spirit Permanent Injuries

Intimidation Persuasion
Vigor Veteran
Weapon Range Damage Wt. Notes XLV

Power Cost Range Damage/Effect Heroic

Gear Armor
Arms CX


Total weight Florins

Wieght limit Encumbrance Penalty

Fatigue -I -II INC -III -II -I Wounds

Maya Arapova (order #11412757)
Maya Arapova (order #11412757)

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