PROJECT NAP-AID For Campus Journalist.1
PROJECT NAP-AID For Campus Journalist.1
PROJECT NAP-AID For Campus Journalist.1
Region 02
District of Diffun I
Project NAP AID for Campus Journalist: A Proposal 2017-2018
News, Ads, & Press- Augmentation & Intervention Drive for Campus
Journalists: A Proposal
One of the vital roles of every educator is to provide the students ample
means of learning resources such as inventive programs and activities which could
be used as enhancement and enrichment intervention to augment learning gaps
behind regular class sessions in school. Furthermore, the proponent began with a
thought that an article written by a students may inspire others to view English
language as something necessary in their lives and not just a school requirement.
Bannawag I/S
Project NAP AID for Campus Journalist: A Proposal 2017-2018
order to deepen their writing expertise and be able to compete with other student-
writers not only in the division but also in the regional and national as well. Hence,
this project NAP-AID for Campus Journalists shall be conducted from 4:00
oclock to 4:30 PM during school days which could also be an approach for
application of what the students learned from their academic subjects and
nevertheless to prepare and qualify student writers for School Level Press
Campus Journalism.
minutes stagered activity which will be carried out during Mondays, Wednesdays
student writers and all members of the School Publication after their class hours in
the afternoon. Lectures shall be done with the aid of slide presentations, video
lessons, reading variety of journals and other related references by the speakers
Bannawag I/S
Project NAP AID for Campus Journalist: A Proposal 2017-2018
participants shall base their outputs thereafter. Regular output shall be recorded
and classified in each category to monitor the improvement and progress of the
writing, editorial writing, sports writing, copy reading and headline writing,
The English and Filipino mentors shall compose the pool of lecturers during
the session. The results of the students record from the workshops done in each
category shall be used in choosing the top five qualifiers whom shall be given final
test during the School Based-Confab and to select the best writers prior to the
conduct of Higher Level Press Conferences. The first place winner in each
category shall represent the school in the forthcoming DSPC. The participants
recognition for the winners and shall be awarded during Closing Programs of the
current S.Y. The project shall be conducted year round upon approval of the
Bannawag I/S
Project NAP AID for Campus Journalist: A Proposal 2017-2018
All interested pupils and students who are willing to devote their 30
minutes after class hours time in stagered three days weekly in the afternoon
and those who are eager to enhance their writing skills and wanting to become
responsible student journalist.
for support.
Bannawag I/S
Project NAP AID for Campus Journalist: A Proposal 2017-2018
B. Expected Expenditures
a. Laptop- 20,000.00
b. Printer /CIS- 5,000.00
c. Projector- 25,000.00
d. Camera- 8,000.00
e. Bond paper- 2,000.00
f. Refill inks- 5,000.00
g. Miscellaneous- 1,000.00
TOTAL: 66,000.00
Bannawag I/S
Project NAP AID for Campus Journalist: A Proposal 2017-2018
2. Data gathering
Prepared by:
Teacher I- School Paper Adviser
Bannawag I/S
Project NAP AID for Campus Journalist: A Proposal 2017-2018
Bannawag I/S