PrimeKey SignServer Enterprise 11

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PrimeKey Solutions AB

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+46 873 561 01

SignServer Highlights:

Highly scaleable,
PrimeKeys SignServer Enterprise is a versatile server-side application, providing for high
capable of performing complex cryptographic operations, even at very transaction loads
high loads. SignServer Enterprise is suitable for Trust Center environ-
ments. Out of the box: TSA,
Large Scale, Cryptographic Processing CMS, Code Signing
SignServer Enterprise provides built-in modules for fully controlled, crypto-
graphic processing, utilized for signing documents and code. Signing can be Transaction logging
done large-scale, guaranteeing both availability and speed. One or several and archiving
Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) can be integrated to secure signature keys. capabilities
Centralized and Auditable Digital Signatures Supports leading
In large organizations, the digital signature keys for documents and code are hardware security
commonly spread out in several places, using different security policies. How- modules (HSMs)
ever, from an audit and maintainability point of view, it is often convenient to
centralize cryptographic operations. Using SignServer, all signature operations Proven in practice for
are brought into a single, auditable server, making security, control and audit a enterprise and national
eID and ePassport
Many Standards, One Solution installations
SignServer supports many standards for server-side document processing. Ability to customize or
After using SignServer in one area, it is fairly easy to add new modes of opera-
tions, thus avoiding costs of both additional hardware purchases, and training
add new types of
your personnel with new products. document processing

SignServer can be deployed as:

Secure log & audit by
Time Stamp Auhtority (TSA), RFC#3161 and MS Authenticode using CC EAL4+
Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTD) signer, for ePassports certified CESeCore
PDF signer, including support for visible signatures, embedded CRLs library
and OCSPs
Cryptographic Message Syntax signer (CMS, PKCS#7)
MS Authenticode code signer
Java code signer
Android code signer

Designed for Flexibility and Integration

SignServer allows flexible integration possibilities, hiding the complexities of
cryptography whenever possible. SignServer can be managed from a com-
mand line, a graphical user interface, or be integrated directly from your own
application using Web Services. Several development APIs are ready to enable
custom implementations.
Key features: TSA / Timestamp signing
(RFC#3161 and MS Authenticode) About PrimeKey:
Lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Configurable time sources
Short project duration, with fast Monitoring of time-source status PrimeKey Solutions AB
project deployment
Least likelihood of disruptive ePassport Document Signer is one of the worlds
software defects, due to mature, (MRTD) leading companies for
widely proven open source code LDS version 1.8 support PKI solutions. PrimeKey
Support for limiting the number of
Least likelihood of material incidents,
signings (i.e. ICAO limits up to
has developed success-
with PrimeKeys comprehensive
services menu 100,000 signatures) ful solutions, such as
Support for key usage period EJBCA Enterprise, Sign-
High Security
Multiple active logical signers with Server Enterprise and
Two factor client authentication and
fail-over when the sign limit is
PrimeKey PKI Appliance.
authorization PrimeKey is a pioneer in
Cryptographic Message Syntax
Detailed transaction logs open source security
signer (CMS, PKCS#7)
Hardware security modules software that provides
Service availability across
maintenance windows
XML signer (XML, XAdES-BES, businesses and organi-
sations around the world
MS Authenticode signer with the ability to imple-
Almost linear scalability and
availability JAR Signer
ment security solutions
Configurable settings Java code such as e-ID, e-Passports,
Integration interfaces, Android apps authentication, digital
API for custom implementations of signatures, unified digital
identities and validation.
Technical specifications: Signers
Crypto tokens PrimeKey has its head
PDF document processing, Authentication/authorization office in Stockholm,
including support for: Transaction logging Sweden.
visible signatures Archiving
different certification levels Hardware security modules
requesting and embedding
SafeNet, Thales, Utimaco, AEP
timestamp responses
other PKCS#11-compliant modules.
requesting and embedding CRLs
requesting and embedding OCSP Cryptography support
responses RSA, DSA and ECDSA keys
PDF permissions SHA-1 and SHA-2 hash algorithms.
server-side archiving of signed
Enabling Software Stack
documents to disk
64-bit Linux operating system
JBoss application server.
MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle database

SignServer clients can be either human operated machines or dedicated servers . The clients access the SignServer
cluster, consisting of cluster nodes and administrative console(s) . The cluster nodes are using HSMs , but can
also use software crypto tokens for test purposes.

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