Arindam Dey, RSS, Qip-Stc Gepd 2014
Arindam Dey, RSS, Qip-Stc Gepd 2014
Arindam Dey, RSS, Qip-Stc Gepd 2014
Geotechnical Engineering Practices and Developments
6th 10th January, 2014, IIT Guwahati
Arindam Dey
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering Division
IIT Guwahati
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 2
Latin origin
Rinforzare to reinforce, to strengthen (verb)
Forza strength
Mainly of military use
Soldier to the Command: Sir, we are falling apart, send us reinforcements
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Fiber reinforcement
Rock bolting
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Reinforced Soil
Reinforced Soil Soil
Composite material Reinforced Soil
Soil Resistant
Cohesionless soils Elements
Mostly with frictional characteristics having good compression behavior
Poor/No tension behavior
Cohesive soils
Exhibit some tension resistance due to the cohesive bond (e.g. vertical cuts up to some
height can stand without any support)
Large height of vertical or near-vertical cuts requires to be reinforced
Tension resistant elements
Form - Sheet, strips, nets, or mats
Composition - Metal, synthetic fibres, or fibre-reinforced plastics
Main purpose
Reduction or suppression of tensile strain developed due to gravity or boundary forces
Orientation Direction of tensile strains
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25-50% saving in cost (Schlosser and Long, 1974; Jones, 1985)
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Thermoplastics Thermoplastics
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Strip reinforcement
Flexible linear elements
Thickness : 3-9 mm
Breadth : 40-120 mm
Plain, grooved or ribbed
Galvanized steel
Aluminum-Magnesium alloy
Chrome Stainless steel
Check for durability against corrosion
Glass-fibre reinforced plastics
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Grid reinforcement
Flexible elements made up of transverse and longitudinal members
Transverse member run parallel to the face or free-edge of the structure
Act as anchors and passive reinforcements
Stiffer than the longitudinal members
Longitudinal members
High modulus of elasticity and not susceptible to creep
Punched Polymers Geogrids
Uniaxial Reinforced retaining wall
Biaxial Foundation beds
Railways and roadway subgrade
Embankment foundations
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Grid reinforcement
Manufacturing of polymer geogrids
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Sheet reinforcement
Galvanized steel, textile fabric or expanded metal
Geotextiles Textile fabrics
Most common nowadays
Permeability in the range of coarse gravel to fine sand
Woven from continuous monofilament fibers
Non-woven Staple fibers laid in random pattern and mechanically entangled
Fibers may be bonded or interlocked
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Anchor reinforcement
Flexible linear elements with distortions at the end
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Facing in reinforced soil structures
Required for vertical or near-vertical structures
Main purpose
Retains the soil between the reinforcement in the immediate vicinity to the
edge of the structure
Does not affect the overall stability of the structure
Affect the local stability
Should be able to adopt to deformations without distortions and introduction
of stresses
Galvanized steel, Stainless steel, Aluminium, Bricks, Precast concrete panels,
Precast concrete slabs, Geotextiles, Geogrids, Plastics, Glass-reinforced
plastics, Timber
Metal and precast concrete panels are mostly used
Ease in handling and assembling
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Metal facing
Mild steel, Galvanized steel or Aluminum
Same property as the reinforcement strips
Facing is semi-elliptical
Continuous horizontal joint along one edge
Holes are provided for bolting of reinforcing elements
Very flexible
Can adapt to significant deformation
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Concrete Panel Facing
Cruciform shaped
Vertical dowel-groove system to accommodate other adjacent panels
Dowels allow for restricted lateral and rotational movement
Renders the entire facing structure as flexible
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Concrete Panel Facing
Various architectural forms are created
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Stress-strain characteristics of reinforced earth
Strength envelope for reinforced soil
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Basic Concept
Strength of reinforced soil [Schlosser 1
and Long (1978)] Sz
Two-dimensional element of cohesionless soil A B
( Angle of internal friction) E
3 3
Subjected to a confining pressure of 3 F
Linear wedge (FE of length b) failure
assumed to take place at an angle with the
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Reinforcement Failures
Two types of failure
Rupture of reinforcement
Governed by the tensile capacity of reinforcement
per unit length (RT) G E
Maximum tensile force generated at the verge of 3
rupture of reinforcement
b T
R .b cos
T = T No. of reinforcement
in the reinforced soil mass n
Slippage of reinforcement
Governed by the total friction force generated in
various layers of reinforcement at the verge of
failure Width of reinforcement (Strip reinforcements)
b cos
T = 2 1. f * .br
Friction force developed on one side Sz
of the reinforcement Coefficient of interface friction
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3 N
1 = = 3 N' 3
2br . f
1 . N T
No content of pseudo-cohesion n
Improvement in the internal friction
angle of reinforced soil
N' > N R >
Precedence of Failure
Which failure will prevail???
Slippage failure prevails
Total friction force generated due to interface friction < Total tensile capacity
of the reinforcements
3 N '
* b cos R .b cos 1 = = N
2 1. f .br < T *
2br . f
Sz Sz 1 . N
2b . f *
RT . 1 r N
3 <
2br . f * . N
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Precedence of Failure
Slippage Failure
Rupture Failure
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Behavior of Reinforcement
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Behavior of Reinforcement
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Behavior of Reinforcement
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Stress-Strain Behavior
Rupture failure
Well defined peak deviator stress
Diminished failure strain compared to
unreinforced soil
Governed by tensile strength of
Failure is catastrophic
Slippage failure
No well defined peak
Failure behavior is ductile similar to
unreinforced soil
Governed by soil-reinforcement interface Talwar (1981)
Failure is progressive
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Strength Envelope
Rupture failure
Exhibiting cohesion intercept
Strength envelope parallel to unreinforced soil
Slippage failure
Enhancement of friction angle with no cohesion
Talwar (1981)
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Example Problem
Series of triaxial tests
Records at failure
Confining Deviator stress
pressure (
( 3) (1-3)
(kPa) (kPa)
20 950
60 1600
145 2100
250 2450
375 2950
500 3400
Example Problem
2 = 35.6 , c2 = 320kPa
2: Nominal Change
1 = 40.7 c c2: Significant Change
1 = 59.3 , c1 = 78.4kPa
1: Significant Change
d2 = 260 kPa SLIPPAGE
c c1: Nominal Change
d1 = 40 kPa
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= f n = tan
Pullout Test
Functioning of the apparatus
Soil mass is held static
Embedded reinforcement is pulled out from the soil mass
Soil movement
Maximum at the interface
Soil is moving with the reinforcement
Minimum at the farthest from the reinforcement
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Pullout Test
f* =
Coefficient of apparent friction 2 v LW
T Pullout force
v Normal pressure intensity at reinforcement strip level = z +q
q Additional surcharge, Unit weight of soil, z Depth of reinforcing
strip below soil surface
L, W Length and Width of the reinforcing strip
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At high displacements
Apparent friction coefficient
Smooth tan
Ribbed tan
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Earlier Applications
Straws and plant roots to soil bricks
Aztec, Inca and Mayan civilizations
Without understanding the reinforcing mechanism
Clay-mud plaster
Soil mixed with wheat straws
Common in Indian villages
Plantation roots
Increase strength and stability of natural slopes
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Modern Application
Synthetic fibers
Use of polymeric fibers in various experimental investigations
Triaxial compression test
Unconfined compression test
Direct shear test
CBR test
4E f f z
c + ar ( sec 1) .sin +
Sr =
4E f f z
ar ( sec 1) .cos . tan + n tan
ar fraction of shear cross-section filled by roots
Mechanical stabilization
Vibration and rolling
Heavy tamping and compaction
Preloading and vertical drains
Chemical stabilization
Chemical binders and fasteners
Hydraulic Modification
Soil reinforcement
Soil nails
Earth anchors
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A generic term
Prefix Geo
End use associated with improving the performance of civil engineering
works involving earth/ground/soil
Suffix synthetics
Materials are almost exclusively man-made
Natural fibers (Jute, cotton, wool, silk, hemp) are excluded
Polymeric materials
Polyester (PET)
Polypropylene (PP)
Very low density (VLDPE), Medium density (MDPE) and High Density (HDPE)
Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE)
Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (CSPE)
Polyamide (PA)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
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Types of Geosynthetics
Permeable polymeric textile products in the form
of flexible sheets
Woven geotextiles
Made of yarns (one or several fibers) by conventional
weaving process with regular textile structure
Non-woven geotextiles
Made from randomly oriented fibers into a loose web
with partial bonding
Knitted geotextiles
Produced by inter-looping of one or more yarns
Stitch-bonded geotextiles
Stitching together of fibers and yarns
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Types of Geosynthetics
Polymeric mesh-like planar products formed by
intersecting elements, called ribs, and jointed at
the junctions
Depending upon the rib linkages
Bonded, Woven/Interlaced and Extruded geogrids
Uniaxial geogrids
Made by longitudinal stretching of regularly punched
polymer sheets
Higher tensile strength in the longitudinal direction
Biaxial geogrids
Made by both longitudinal and transverse stretchings
Equal tensile strength in both the directions
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Types of Geosynthetics
Key feature
Presence of apertures Openings between the
longitudinal and transverse ribs
Large enough to create interlocking with the
surrounding particles
Shapes of apertures
Elongated ellipses
Near squares with rounded corners
Squares and/or rectangles
Aperture size
2.5 15 cm
Ribs are stiff compared to geotextile fibers
Junction strength has to be high to transmit the load
from one rib to the other
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Types of Geosynthetics
Extruded polymer meshes with a similar look as
Function is mainly for filtration and not as
Diamond shaped apertures
~12 mm long and 8 mm wide
Resulting angle 70 - 110
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Types of Geosynthetics
Continuous membrane type barrier/liner composed of materials of low
permeability to control fluid migration
Material is polymeric or asphaltic or combination of the two
Barrier When used inside an earth mass
Liner When it acts as a surface interface element
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Composite Geosynthetics
Products that are manufactures in laminated or composite form made up
of two or more basic geosynthetics
Perform specific function which are to be satisfied more effectively than the
performance of each of them separately
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Effectively used as filter drains within dams
and embankment structures to transport the
seeping water
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Application of Geosynthetics
Improved subgrade or road-base performance
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Application of Geosynthetics
Improved subsurface drainage
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Application of Geosynthetics
Reinforcement of soils by geotextiles
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Application of Geosynthetics
Erosion control by geotextiles
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Application of Geosynthetics
Reservoir lining by geomembranes
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Application of Geosynthetics
Containment by geosynthetic clay liners
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Application of Geosynthetics
Railroad stabilization by geogrids
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Application of Geosynthetics
Silt fence for sediment and erosion control in construction sites
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Application of Geosynthetics
Enhanced pavement performance by geotextiles
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Application of Geosynthetics
Improved drainage performance by geopipes
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Application of Geosynthetics
Drainage property enhancement by geonets
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Application of Geosynthetics
Bridge abutment backfilling using geofoams
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Application of Geosynthetics
Geomats as separator, interface and surface protection layer
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Application of Geosynthetics
Geocells for earth retention, slope stabilization and soil
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Application of Geosynthetics
Gabions for earth retention and river bank protections
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Properties of Geotextiles
Main testing agencies
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
International Standardization Organization (ISO)
Properties tested
Physical properties
Mechanical properties
Hydraulic properties
Endurance properties
Degradation properties
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Ratio of materials unit volume weight (without any
voids) to that of distilled, de-aired water at 4C
Specific gravity of some polymers are less than 1
Care must be taken to use such polymers in
underwater conditions (e.g. river back protection)
These polymers can float in water
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Ratio of thickness of the geotextile at varied
applied normal stress
Generally low for most geotextiles
Important parameter for choosing geotextiles
which convey liquid within the plane of their
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( )
U = ( 0.5 ) (Tmax ) f = 7.9kN / m
( 0.5 ) (Tmax ) ( f )
U= = 24 MPa
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Stability Analysis
External stability
Reinforced soil wall behaves as an integral unit
Behaves as a rigid gravity structure
Conforms to simple laws of statics
Internal stability
Deals with design of reinforcement in regard to its
Length and Cross-section
Against tension failure
Sufficient anchorage length into the stable soil
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External Stability
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Surcharge on both
wall and the backfill
b2 b1
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Sliding Stability
Factor of safety against sliding
Resisting force
Fs =
Sliding force
Static case
(Ww' + Q )
Fs = 2
Seismic case
(Ww' + Q ) (Ww + Q ) . v
Fs = 1.5
PTst + Pa i + Paqi + (Ww + Q ) h
Overturning Stability
Factor of safety against overturning
Resisting moment
Fo =
Sliding moment
Static case
M w' + M q
Fo = 2
M Tst
Seismic case
Tilting/Bearing Stability
Static analysis
max =
(W '
w + Q)
+ M Tst .
min =
(Ww' + Q ) M Tst .
> 0 (No tension condition)
Seismic analysis
Net moment about the centre of base of wall
M Tn = M Tst + M a i + M aqi + M swh + M sqh
(Ww' + Q ) (Ww + Q ) v
max = + M . 6 1.25q
Tn a
L L2
(Ww' + Q ) (Ww + Q ) v
min = M . 6 > 0 (No tension condition)
L L2
qa Allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil
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Slip Stability
Slope stability analysis using software
Static FoS > 1.5
Seismic FoS > 1.2
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Tension Failure
Tensile force (Ti) per m width at a depth hi
Ti = K aw vi 2c1 K aw .S z
vi Maximum vertical pressure intensity
Kaw Coefficient of active earth pressure
obtained using wall properties i.e. 1
Use corresponding expressions Kaw, K'aw, Kadw, and
Kadw similar to Ka, K'a, Kad, K'ad by replacing 2
with 1
Sz Vertical spacing of the reinforcement
Increase in bearing capacity
Reduction in differential (tilt) and net foundation settlements
Reducing necessity of deep foundation
Change the type of foundation
Can allow the use of isolated spread footing
beneath closely spaced footing on weak soil
instead of expensive combined or raft footing
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pr or BCR =
D f = DR 1.0 B
qur = qr + DR N q = qu . pr + DR N q
Soil Nailing
Concepts and Mechanism of reinforced earth
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Composition, manufacture, functions, testing and applications in
reinforced earth
Shukla, Yin
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Reinforced retaining walls
Reinforced embankments
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Reinforced foundation beds
Sivakumar Babu
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Reinforced pavement and railway subgrades
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Design for separation, filtration, drainage of reinforced soil
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Case histories and applications
Fiber reinforced soil
Swami Saran
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Rock Bolting
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Soil nailing
Lazarte, Lazarte
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Earth anchors
Das, Shukla
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