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QIP-Short Term Course

Geotechnical Engineering Practices and Developments
6th 10th January, 2014, IIT Guwahati

Arindam Dey
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering Division
IIT Guwahati
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 2

 Latin origin
 Rinforzare to reinforce, to strengthen (verb)
 Forza  strength
 Mainly of military use
 Soldier to the Command: Sir, we are falling apart, send us reinforcements
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Reinforced Soil Structures

Reinforced retaining walls

Reinforced embankments
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Reinforced Soil Structures

Reinforced foundation beds

Reinforced pavement and

railway subgrades
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Reinforced Soil Structures

Fiber reinforcement

Rock bolting
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Reinforced Soil Structures

 Various forms of reinforced soil structures

Soil nailing Earth anchors

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Reinforced Soil
 Reinforced Soil Soil
 Composite material Reinforced Soil
 Soil Resistant
 Cohesionless soils Elements
 Mostly with frictional characteristics having good compression behavior
 Poor/No tension behavior
 Cohesive soils
 Exhibit some tension resistance due to the cohesive bond (e.g. vertical cuts up to some
height can stand without any support)
 Large height of vertical or near-vertical cuts requires to be reinforced
 Tension resistant elements
 Form - Sheet, strips, nets, or mats
 Composition - Metal, synthetic fibres, or fibre-reinforced plastics
 Main purpose
 Reduction or suppression of tensile strain developed due to gravity or boundary forces
 Orientation Direction of tensile strains
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Soil Reinforcement: Historical Use

 Beaver Dams
 Mud reinforced with grasses, tree trunks, and stones
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Soil Reinforcement: Historical Use

 Ziggurats of Mesopotamia
 Constructed of clay bricks
 Mats of woven reeds
 Plaited ropes
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Soil Reinforcement: Historical Use

 Great wall of China
 Sections in eastern China
 Bricks and chiseled stones
 Sections in western China
 Clay or pounded earth reinforced with tree branches
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Soil Reinforcement: Historical Use

 Inca, Maya and Aztec structures
 Adobe bricks
 Blocks of mud embedded with straw having good tensile strength
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Soil Reinforcement: Modern Day Construction

 Swami Narain Temple, Tithal Gujarat
 Stone-filled rope gabions for shoreline stabilization
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Soil Reinforcement: Modern Day Construction

 Widening of narrow road stretch at Vijaywada
 22m high geosynthetic reinforced retaining walls
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Soil Reinforcement: Reinvention

 Henri Vidal (1963)
 Coined the term Reinforced Earth (La Terre Armee)
 Accidental invention while playing with children in beach building wet-
sand houses
 Patent in 1963
 Concept used superfluous in reinforced retaining walls
 Steel strips and steel membrane facing

Vidal, H. (1966) La Terre Armee Annuls de Institue Technique du

Batiments et des Travaux Publics, Paris, France
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Soil Reinforcement: Novel Charactertistics

 Prefabricated elements
 Precast skin units or panels
 Reinforcing strips, sheets or nets
 Easily handled, stored and assembled

 Flexible nature of reinforced earth mass

 Withstand large differential settlement without distress

 Permits construction of geotechnical structures on poor and

difficult subsoil conditions

 25-50% saving in cost (Schlosser and Long, 1974; Jones, 1985)
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Portrayal of Basic Mechanism

 Primarily developed for cohesionless soils
 Carries tensile stress
 Suppression of anisotropic lateral suppression or strain
 Bond between adjacent particles
 Electro-static forces
 Prohibits free movement
 Results in increased shear strength
 Concept of pseudo-cohesion (Vidal, 1978)
 Particles are tied to each other
 The tie provides a pseudo-bond between the particles
 Result in enhanced shear strength
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Portrayal of Basic Mechanism

 Rankines stress state theory
 Anisotropic stress
 Prevention of failure of the soil element
 Increase 3
 Decrease lateral deformation
 Place a reinforcement in the direction of 3
 Interaction of soil and reinforcement
 Develops friction forces along the reinforcement
 Tensile force - Integration of the frictional forces
 Inhibit free lateral expansion of soil element
 Generation of compression forces
 Development of the mobilization of tensile stress
is governed by the condition of associated
 A hypothetical plate boundary to prevent lateral
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Components of Reinforced Soil


Soil or Fill Facing

Matrix (optional)
 Local soil  Steel  Strips  Steel  Wrap
 Borrowed soil  Aluminium  Grids  Aluminium  Modular
 Suitability of the soil  Rubber  Sheets  Rubber  Block
for reinforced soil  Concrete  Continuous
structure  Concrete  Mats
 Glass  Ropes  Glass
 Fibre-wood  Fibre-wood

 Thermoplastics  Thermoplastics
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Soil or Fill Matrix

 Choice of fill matrix
 Type of structure
 Stability conditions
 Short-term (constructional) or long-term (post-constructional) stability
 Physico-chemical properties of material
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Soil or Fill Matrix

 Choice of cohesionless soil in reinforced soil structure
 Densely compacted soil is preferable Why?
 Higher volumetric expansion during shear  Enhanced dilatancy
 Higher friction strength mobilization at soil-reinforcement interface

 Soils having higher void ratio are well drained Advantage?

 Effective normal stress transfer at soil-reinforcement interface is immediate
 Negligible lag between vertical loading and shear stress transfer

 Behavior is mostly elastic under working load conditions Advantage?

 Negligible post-construction movement due to internal yielding and re-
adjustment of particles
 Internal yielding of soil is mostly associated with plastic behavior

 Non-corrosive to reinforcing materials

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Soil or Fill Matrix

 Choice cohesive soil in reinforced soil structure
 Poorly drained Disadvantage?
 Excess pore-pressure during construction phase results in short-term

 No frictional component in the soil Disadvantage?

 Soil-reinforcement interface adhesion is independent of vertical load
 Increasing the height of the structure does not aid in added strength

 Behavior is elasto-plastic or plastic Disadvantage?

 Enhanced probability of post-construction movement and creep deformation

 Corrosive towards reinforcing materials

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Soil or Fill Matrix

 Local c- soil in reinforced soil structure
 Compromise between a pure cohesionless and cohesive soils
 Benefits of cohesionless soils
 Economic availability of cohesive soils

 Minimum specification for the fill soil (US DOT, 1978)

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 Strip reinforcement
 Flexible linear elements
 Thickness : 3-9 mm
 Breadth : 40-120 mm
 Plain, grooved or ribbed
 Galvanized steel
 Aluminum-Magnesium alloy
 Chrome Stainless steel
 Check for durability against corrosion
 Glass-fibre reinforced plastics
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 Grid reinforcement
 Flexible elements made up of transverse and longitudinal members
 Transverse member run parallel to the face or free-edge of the structure
 Act as anchors and passive reinforcements
 Stiffer than the longitudinal members
 Longitudinal members
 High modulus of elasticity and not susceptible to creep

 Punched Polymers  Geogrids
 Uniaxial  Reinforced retaining wall
 Biaxial  Foundation beds
Railways and roadway subgrade
Embankment foundations
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 Grid reinforcement
 Manufacturing of polymer geogrids
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 Sheet reinforcement
 Galvanized steel, textile fabric or expanded metal
 Geotextiles  Textile fabrics
 Most common nowadays
 Permeability in the range of coarse gravel to fine sand
 Woven  from continuous monofilament fibers
 Non-woven  Staple fibers laid in random pattern and mechanically entangled
 Fibers may be bonded or interlocked
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 Anchor reinforcement
 Flexible linear elements with distortions at the end
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 Facing in reinforced soil structures
 Required for vertical or near-vertical structures
 Main purpose
 Retains the soil between the reinforcement in the immediate vicinity to the
edge of the structure
 Does not affect the overall stability of the structure
 Affect the local stability
 Should be able to adopt to deformations without distortions and introduction
of stresses
 Galvanized steel, Stainless steel, Aluminium, Bricks, Precast concrete panels,
Precast concrete slabs, Geotextiles, Geogrids, Plastics, Glass-reinforced
plastics, Timber
 Metal and precast concrete panels are mostly used
 Ease in handling and assembling
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 Metal facing
 Mild steel, Galvanized steel or Aluminum
 Same property as the reinforcement strips
 Facing is semi-elliptical
 Continuous horizontal joint along one edge
 Holes are provided for bolting of reinforcing elements
 Very flexible
 Can adapt to significant deformation
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 Concrete Panel Facing
 Cruciform shaped
 Vertical dowel-groove system to accommodate other adjacent panels
 Dowels allow for restricted lateral and rotational movement
 Renders the entire facing structure as flexible
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 Concrete Panel Facing
 Various architectural forms are created
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Strength Characteristics: Reinforced Earth

 Behavior of reinforced earth and
determination of strength characteristics
 Static Triaxial Compression test
 Soil samples are reinforced with discs or rings
or fibers of metallic or non-metallic materials

 Loaded to failure under different confining


 Stress-strain characteristics of reinforced earth
 Strength envelope for reinforced soil
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Basic Concept
 Strength of reinforced soil [Schlosser 1
and Long (1978)] Sz
 Two-dimensional element of cohesionless soil A B
( Angle of internal friction) E

 Reinforcement layers at vertical spacing Sz b

3 3
 Subjected to a confining pressure of 3 F

 Vertical stress of magnitude 1 is applied D C

and increased to failure

 Linear wedge (FE of length b) failure
assumed to take place at an angle with the
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Reinforcement Failures
 Two types of failure
 Rupture of reinforcement
 Governed by the tensile capacity of reinforcement
per unit length (RT) G E
 Maximum tensile force generated at the verge of 3
rupture of reinforcement
b T
R .b cos
T = T  No. of reinforcement
in the reinforced soil mass n
 Slippage of reinforcement
 Governed by the total friction force generated in
various layers of reinforcement at the verge of
failure Width of reinforcement (Strip reinforcements)

b cos
T = 2 1. f * .br
Friction force developed on one side Sz
of the reinforcement Coefficient of interface friction
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Reinforcement Failure: Rupture

 Rupture failure of reinforcement
 Relationship between vertical and
horizontal stress G E
1 = ( 3 + RT S z ) N N = tan 2 45 +
2 T
 N  Flow value of the soil mass

 For an unreinforced c- soil, relation n
between the principal stresses F

1 = 3 N + 2c N  Rupture failure of reinforcement

 Shear strength envelopes of
unreinforced and reinforced
 Analogically c = RT N soils are same (tan )
 Additional strength is
 Pseudo cohesion generated in a imparted by the reinforcement
cohesionless soil due to reinforcement as pseudo-cohesion (c)
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Reinforcement Failure: Sliding/Slippage

 Sliding failure of reinforcement

3 N
1 = = 3 N' 3
2br . f
1 . N T

 No content of pseudo-cohesion n
 Improvement in the internal friction
angle of reinforced soil
N' > N R >

 Angle of internal friction of the

reinforced soil mass
N' = tan 2 ( 45 + R / 2 )
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Mohrs Circle Representation

Slippage Failure Rupture Failure

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Precedence of Failure
 Which failure will prevail???
 Slippage failure prevails
 Total friction force generated due to interface friction < Total tensile capacity
of the reinforcements
3 N '
* b cos R .b cos 1 = = N
2 1. f .br < T *
2br . f
Sz Sz 1 . N
2b . f *
RT . 1 r N
3 <
2br . f * . N
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Precedence of Failure
Slippage Failure

Rupture Failure
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Behavior of Reinforcement

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Behavior of Reinforcement
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Behavior of Reinforcement
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Stress-Strain Behavior
 Rupture failure
 Well defined peak deviator stress
 Diminished failure strain compared to
unreinforced soil
 Governed by tensile strength of
 Failure is catastrophic
 Slippage failure
 No well defined peak
 Failure behavior is ductile similar to
unreinforced soil
 Governed by soil-reinforcement interface Talwar (1981)
 Failure is progressive
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Strength Envelope
 Rupture failure
 Exhibiting cohesion intercept
 Strength envelope parallel to unreinforced soil
 Slippage failure
 Enhancement of friction angle with no cohesion

Talwar (1981)
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Example Problem
 Series of triaxial tests
 Records at failure
Confining Deviator stress
pressure (
( 3) (1-3)
(kPa) (kPa)
20 950
60 1600
145 2100
250 2450
375 2950
500 3400

 Determine the strength properties

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Example Problem

Unreinforced Soil 2 = 30.2

= 38 , c = 0

2 = 35.6 , c2 = 320kPa
 2: Nominal Change
1 = 40.7 c  c2: Significant Change

1 = 59.3 , c1 = 78.4kPa
 1: Significant Change
d2 = 260 kPa SLIPPAGE
c  c1: Nominal Change

d1 = 40 kPa
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Soil-Reinforcement Interface Friction

 Friction between reinforcement and surrounding soil
 Transfers the traction forces developed within the soil to the
 Generates the apparent cohesion in the composite mass which further
develops the proportional reinforcement tension

 Tests to determine soil-reinforcement interface friction

 Sliding shear test
 Use of a direct shear box
 Akin to kinetic or rolling friction condition
 Pull-out test
 Use of reinforcement buried in embankment soil or reinforced soil wall
 Pull-out apparatus
 Akin to static condition
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Sliding Shear Test

 Kinetic or rolling friction condition
 Soil movement
 Minimum at the interface
 Soil movement restrained by reinforcement
 Increases with distance from the reinforcement
 Soil mass is moving/sliding over the
 Footing resting on dense sand
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Sliding Shear Test and Interface Friction

 Laboratory experimentation on reinforced soil
 Reinforcement pasted on wooden forming the lower half of the shear box
 Upper half of box is filled with soil at desired density
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Sliding Shear Test and Interface Friction

 Laboratory experimentation on reinforced soil
 Coefficient and Angle of interface friction

= f n = tan

 Experiment with strip reinforcement

 Bamboo reinforcements (Khan, 1991)
 depends on direction of shearing
 Transverse shear results in higher
 Passive resistance due to particle interlocking
 Geogrids reinforcements
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Pullout Test
 Functioning of the apparatus
 Soil mass is held static
 Embedded reinforcement is pulled out from the soil mass
 Soil movement
 Maximum at the interface
 Soil is moving with the reinforcement
 Minimum at the farthest from the reinforcement
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Pullout Test

f* =
 Coefficient of apparent friction 2 v LW
 T  Pullout force
 v  Normal pressure intensity at reinforcement strip level = z +q
 q  Additional surcharge,  Unit weight of soil, z  Depth of reinforcing
strip below soil surface
 L, W  Length and Width of the reinforcing strip
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Pullout Test and Pullout Friction

 Application of pullout friction, f *
 Footing resting on loose sandy stratum
 Footing is punching through sandy stratum and reinforcements as well
 Reinforced earth retaining walls
 Reinforcements are pulled out from stationary soil mass
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Smooth vs. Ribbed Reinforcement

 Coefficient of pullout friction (f *)
 Surface of reinforcement (Schlosser and Elias, 1978)
 Ribbed reinforcement produces higher apparent interface friction a
 Additional force developed due to particle interlocking

 At high displacements
 Apparent friction coefficient
 Smooth  tan
 Ribbed  tan
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RDFS / Ply soil

 Randomly Distributed Fiber Reinforced Soil
 One of the latest ground improvement techniques
 Fibers of desired type, quantity and configuration
 Added to soil and mixed randomly
 Laid in position after compaction
 How is it different from other soil-reinforcing methods?
 Strip, sheet or mat reinforcements / Soil nailing
 Reinforcements are planar
 Composite mass of anisotropic strength
 Provides at least one surface of weak shear resistance
 Reinforcements are randomly distributed
 Composite mass to achieve near isotropic strength increase
 Strength content of the composite is more-or-less equal with respect to any
shearing direction
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Earlier Applications
 Straws and plant roots to soil bricks
 Aztec, Inca and Mayan civilizations
 Without understanding the reinforcing mechanism

 Soil mixed with Tamarisk branches

 Great Wall of China

 Clay-mud plaster
 Soil mixed with wheat straws
 Common in Indian villages

 Plantation roots
 Increase strength and stability of natural slopes
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Modern Application
 Synthetic fibers
 Use of polymeric fibers in various experimental investigations
 Triaxial compression test
 Unconfined compression test
 Direct shear test
 CBR test

 Notable properties of RDFS

 Greater extensibility
 Small loss in post-peak strength
 Isotropy in strength
 Absence of a specific plane of weakness
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Strength of RDFS: General Findings

 Bilinear shear strength envelope
(Gray and Ohashi, 1983)
 Parallel to the unreinforced soil
envelope beyond a critical or
threshold normal stress
 Below the critical value, the reinforced
soil shows higher friction angle Slip
 Beyond the critical value, the apparent
cohesion is experienced
 Friction angle remains nearly same as
that if unreinforced soil
 Apparent cohesion is manifested by n,crit
the particle interlocking or bond
between the soil and randomly
distributed reinforcements
 Shear takes place nonlinearly between
the composite mass and unreinforced
portions of soil
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Strength of RDFS: Predictive Models

 Gray and Ohashi (1983)
 Orientation of fibers
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Strength of RDFS: Predictive Models

 Gray and Ohashi (1983)
 Fiber induced tension originated due to extension of fiber
 Fiber length, interface friction and confining pressure are large enough to
avoid pull-out failure
4E f f z
t = ( sec 1)
 Fiber-induced tension
 t  Tensile stress within a single fiber
 f  Interface frictional resistance along the fiber
 Ef  Modulus of elasticity of fiber
 df  Diameter of fiber
  Angle of internal friction of soil
 z  Thickness of shear zone
 Waldron (1977)
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Strength of RDFS: Predictive Models

 Gray and Ohashi (1983)
 Mohr-Coulomb equation for unreinforced soil
S = c + n tan
 S  Shear strength of unreinforced soil

 Contribution of root-fibers in modifying the shear

strength expression
S r = cr + nr tan
 Sr, cr, nr  Shear strength, cohesion and vertical stress for
unreinforced soil
 has been assumed to be remaining constant
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Strength of RDFS: Predictive Models

 Gray and Ohashi (1983)
 Contribution of root-fibers in modifying the shear
strength expression S r = cr + nr tan

4E f f z
c + ar ( sec 1) .sin +

Sr =
4E f f z
ar ( sec 1) .cos . tan + n tan

 ar  fraction of shear cross-section filled by roots

 Additional shear strength provided by the fibers

S r = t .ar ( sin + cos .tan )

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Ground Modification and Improvement Techniques

 Various ground modification and improvement techniques

 Mechanical stabilization
 Vibration and rolling
 Heavy tamping and compaction
 Preloading and vertical drains
 Chemical stabilization
 Chemical binders and fasteners
 Hydraulic Modification
 Soil reinforcement
 Soil nails
 Earth anchors
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 A generic term
 Prefix Geo
 End use associated with improving the performance of civil engineering
works involving earth/ground/soil
 Suffix synthetics
 Materials are almost exclusively man-made
 Natural fibers (Jute, cotton, wool, silk, hemp) are excluded
 Polymeric materials
 Polyester (PET)
 Polypropylene (PP)
 Very low density (VLDPE), Medium density (MDPE) and High Density (HDPE)
 Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE)
 Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (CSPE)
 Polyamide (PA)
 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
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Types of Geosynthetics
 Permeable polymeric textile products in the form
of flexible sheets
 Woven geotextiles
 Made of yarns (one or several fibers) by conventional
weaving process with regular textile structure
 Non-woven geotextiles
 Made from randomly oriented fibers into a loose web
with partial bonding
 Knitted geotextiles
 Produced by inter-looping of one or more yarns
 Stitch-bonded geotextiles
 Stitching together of fibers and yarns
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Types of Geosynthetics
 Polymeric mesh-like planar products formed by
intersecting elements, called ribs, and jointed at
the junctions
 Depending upon the rib linkages
 Bonded, Woven/Interlaced and Extruded geogrids
 Uniaxial geogrids
 Made by longitudinal stretching of regularly punched
polymer sheets
 Higher tensile strength in the longitudinal direction
 Biaxial geogrids
 Made by both longitudinal and transverse stretchings
 Equal tensile strength in both the directions
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Types of Geosynthetics
 Key feature
 Presence of apertures  Openings between the
longitudinal and transverse ribs
 Large enough to create interlocking with the
surrounding particles
 Shapes of apertures
 Elongated ellipses
 Near squares with rounded corners
 Squares and/or rectangles
 Aperture size
 2.5 15 cm
 Ribs are stiff compared to geotextile fibers
 Junction strength has to be high to transmit the load
from one rib to the other
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Types of Geosynthetics
 Extruded polymer meshes with a similar look as
 Function is mainly for filtration and not as
 Diamond shaped apertures
 ~12 mm long and 8 mm wide
 Resulting angle  70 - 110
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Types of Geosynthetics
 Continuous membrane type barrier/liner composed of materials of low
permeability to control fluid migration
 Material is polymeric or asphaltic or combination of the two
 Barrier  When used inside an earth mass
 Liner  When it acts as a surface interface element
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Composite Geosynthetics
 Products that are manufactures in laminated or composite form made up
of two or more basic geosynthetics
 Perform specific function which are to be satisfied more effectively than the
performance of each of them separately
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Other Geosynthetic Products

 Geosynthetic clay liners
 Used largely in landfill waste containment
 Negligibly permeable soil sandwiched
between layers of geotextiles and filters

 Effectively used as filter drains within dams
and embankment structures to transport the
seeping water
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Other Geosynthetic Products

 Three-dimensional polymeric assembled
structure and having special bodkin
couplings to form triangular or square cells
 A mat with very open structure made of
coarse and rigid filaments with tortuous
shape and bonded at the junctions
 Used as netting in order to hole rockfall and
topples in hills
 Konkan railway slope protection
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Basic Functions of Geosynthetics

 Geosynthetic prevents intermixing of adjacent soil layers with different
 During construction and through the service period geosynthetic-reinforced
soil structure
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Basic Functions of Geosynthetics

 Geosynthetic increases the strength of the soil mass
 Maintains the stability of the soil mass against failure
 Geosynthetic layer carries tensile loads
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Basic Functions of Geosynthetics

 Geosynthetic allows for adequate flow of fluids across its plane while
preventing the migration of particles
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Basic Functions of Geosynthetics

 Drainage or Fluid transmission
 Geosynthetic allows for adequate flow of fluids across its plane to
various water flow outlets
 Geosynthetic provides the flow channel
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Basic Functions of Geosynthetics

 Moisture barrier
 Geosynthetic acts as impermeable membrane and prevent the flow or
percolation of fluids
 River canal linings made of geomembrane prevent the percolation of water
and hence reduces the water loss
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Other Functions of Geosynthetics

 Geosynthetic is used as a localized stress reduction layer
 Prevent damage to a given surface or layer
 Geosynthetic is used to control and dampen dynamic mechanical
 Canal revetments, shore protections, and us of geosynthetic strip layers as
seismic base isolators
 Assimilation of fluid into a geotextile (act as a blotting paper)
 Water absorption in erosion control
 Recovery of floating oil from surface water to prevent ecological disaster
 Act as shear resistance enhancer between soil stratifications
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Primary Functions of Geosynthetics

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Primary Functions of Geosynthetics

Type of
Separation Reinforcement Filtration Drainage Containment

Clay Liner
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Improved subgrade or road-base performance
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Improved subsurface drainage
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Reinforcement of soils by geotextiles
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Erosion control by geotextiles
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Reservoir lining by geomembranes
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Containment by geosynthetic clay liners
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Railroad stabilization by geogrids
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Silt fence for sediment and erosion control in construction sites
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Enhanced pavement performance by geotextiles
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Improved drainage performance by geopipes
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Drainage property enhancement by geonets
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Bridge abutment backfilling using geofoams
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Geomats as separator, interface and surface protection layer
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Geocells for earth retention, slope stabilization and soil
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Application of Geosynthetics
 Gabions for earth retention and river bank protections
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Properties of Geotextiles
 Main testing agencies
 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
 International Standardization Organization (ISO)

 Properties tested
 Physical properties
 Mechanical properties
 Hydraulic properties
 Endurance properties
 Degradation properties
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Physical Properties of Geotextiles

 Specific Gravity (ASTM D792 and D1505)
 Specific gravity of the constituent fibers of the
geotextile, or
 Specific gravity of the polymeric feed stock

 Ratio of materials unit volume weight (without any
voids) to that of distilled, de-aired water at 4C

 Specific gravity of some polymers are less than 1
 Care must be taken to use such polymers in
underwater conditions (e.g. river back protection)
 These polymers can float in water
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Physical Properties of Geotextiles

 Mass per Unit Area (ASTM D5261 and ISO 9864)
 Frequently specified incorrectly as weight of geotextile
 Provided in units of g/m2 or even inversely asm2/g
 Typical values: 150-750 g/m2 (common), >2000 g/m2 (specific)
 Catch point
 Mass of the geotextile to be measured under zero tension
 Fabric cost is directly proportional to this parameter

 Thickness (ASTM D1599 and ISO 9863)

 Distance between the upper and lower surface of the fabric measured at
a specified pressure
 ASTM suggests a pressure of 2 kPa
 ISO allows the specifiers to select the pressure
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 99

Physical Properties of Geotextiles

 Stiffness or Flexibility (ASTM D1388
and D5732)
 NOT to be confused with the Modulus of
 Measure of interaction between the geotextile
mass and its bending stiffness
 In what manner the geotextile bends
gravitationally under its own weight
 Cantilever Bending Tester
 25mm wide geotextile strip is slid out
longitudinally over a edge support as a cantilever
 Length of overhang is measured when the tip of
geotextile bends and makes and angle of 41.5
with the horizontal (l) (Sinohara and Musha,
Cantilever Bending Tester
1980) 3

l M
Stiffness = . ( mg cm ) Video
2 A
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 100

Physical Properties of Geotextiles

 Stiffness or Flexibility (ASTM D1388 and D5732)
 Indicative of the geotextiles inherent capability of providing a suitable
working surface for installation
 High stiffness of geotextile is required when being placed on soft soils
 Haliburton et al. (1980)
 Related the property with various soil subgrade strength
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 101

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Mechanical properties
 Resistance of geotextile to tensile stresses
mobilized from applied loads and/or
installation conditions
 Tests performed solely on geotextiles  Index
or In-isolation tests
 Tests associated with a standard or site-specific
soil  Performance tests

 Ratio of thickness of the geotextile at varied
applied normal stress
 Generally low for most geotextiles
 Important parameter for choosing geotextiles
which convey liquid within the plane of their
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 102

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Tensile Strength
 Maximum tensile stress that the test specimen
can sustain at the point of its failure
 Testing procedure
 Hold the geotextile in a set of vice/clamps
 Place it in the CRE (Constant rate of extension)
testing machine
 Stretch the geotextile until it fails

Grab Tensile Strength

Video (00.25)
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 103

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Tensile Strength
 CRE tests
 Measure load-deformation to generate the stress-strain curve
 Stress measured as force/unit width
 To get conventional stress unit, the obtained value is to be divided by the thickness of
the geotextile
 Thickness of geotextile varied during the entire extension test
 Strain is calculated as the deformation over the original length of specimen
 Values calculated
 Maximum tensile stress, referred as strength of geotextile
 Strain at failure, referred as maximum elongation or elongation of geotextile
 Toughness, referred as work done per unit volume before failure
 Area under the stress-strain curve
 Modulus of elasticity
 Slope of the stress-strain curve
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 104

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Tensile Strength
 Curve D
 Max. tensile stress (Tmax) = 23 kN/m
 Thickness at failure (tf) = 0.33 mm

max = Tmax / t f = 69.7 MPa

 Elongation at failure (f) = 69%

 Toughness (U) (approximate area under
the stress-strain curve of D)

( )
U = ( 0.5 ) (Tmax ) f = 7.9kN / m

 For failure thickness of 0.33mm

( 0.5 ) (Tmax ) ( f )
U= = 24 MPa
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 105

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Tensile Strength
 Modulus of elasticity
 Initial tangent modulus  To be used where the stress-
strain curve shows a reasonably linear variation in the
initial portion of the curve (Curves A, B, C, D)
T 12
ET = = = 364 MPa ( Curve D )
f t f 0.1 0.33 /1000
 Offset tangent modulus  To be used when initial slope
is very low
 Shift the y-axis to the right at the point where the back-
projection of the major linear part of the stress-strain
curve meets the x-axis
EOT = = 122 MPa ( Curve E )
( 0.46 0.2 ) 0.63 /1000
 Secant modulus  Modulus corresponding to a
particular strain 10.5
ES10 = = 318 MPa ( Curve D ) ES 20 , ES 35
0.1 0.33 /1000
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 106

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Tensile Strength
 Test Specimen size (ASTM D1682, D751, D4632,
D4595, ISO 10319)
 Grab tensile test (ASTM D4632)
 Most commonly used
 100 mm wide sample clamped at central by 25 mm vices
 Narrow Strip Test (ASTM D751)
 For R&D  Use minimum amount of geotextile
 25-50 mm wide sample
 Wide-width (200mm) and Very wide-width (1000 mm)
 Especially for non-woven geotextiles
 Narrow strips have severe Poisson ratio effect under large
 Get roped up to result in artificially large magnitudes
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 107

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Tensile Strength
 Grip types
 Depends upon the tensile strength of the geotextile being
 Standard clamping  For tensile strength <50 kN/m
 With higher tensile strength, slippage occurs in the conventional
grip and stress concentration at the face of the grip leading to
erroneous results
 Special clamping  For tensile strength > 50 kN/m and
< 90 kN/m
 Wedge Grips  For high tensile strengths < 180 kN/m
 At higher tensile strengths, failure occurs at the wedges of the
upper or lower vices
 Roller/Capstan grips  Tensile strength > 180 kN/m
 Elongation cannot be read directly from the movement of the
 Have to LVDT, laser sensor or infrared sensor
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 108

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Confined Tensile Strength (McGown
et al., 1982, 1986)
 Tensile strength of the geotextile with
lateral confinement
 As it will be eventually used in the actual
 Geotextile test specimen is sandwiched
between lubricated membranes and thin
soil layers pressurized by rubber bellows
 Confinement pressure in the bellows
simulates in-situ pressure
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 109

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Seam Strength (ASTM D4884, ISO 13426)
 Strength of joints in the geotextile sheets or rolls
for the purpose of transferring the tensile stress
 Common methods of seaming
 Application of spray adhesives
 Requirements of the seam strength test specimen
 The seam specimen should be 200mm wide
 Ultimate load is carried by 200 wide seam (in kN/m)
 Rate of extension of seam < 10%/min
 Elongation of seam is not measured
 Only tensile strength is measured
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 110

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Seam Strength (ASTM D4884, ISO
 Sewn seam strength efficiency
E (%) = 100
 Tseam  Wide-width seam strength
 Tgeotextile  Wide width geotextile strength
 For higher tensile strength geotextiles, the
efficiency of the sewn seam strength
significantly decreases
 Poorly sewn seams are very incapable of
transferring the stresses
 Requires different other types of seaming
techniques such as heat-bonding or epoxy-
resin bonding
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 111

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Fatigue Strength
 Ability of geotextile to withstand repetitive loading before undergoing
 Wide-width strip geotextiles are stressed longitudinally at a constant rate of
extension to a predetermined load and then again back to zero load (or any
lower load)
 Cycling of load is repeated until failure occurs
 Resulting cyclic stress-strain generates hysteresis loops
 Helps to calculate the cyclic shear modulus after a subsequent number of load
 Number of load cycles required for the failure of geotextile is also recorded
 The failure load is converted to stress and is expressed as a fraction of the
static strength of the geotextile
 Lower the stress level, larger number of load cycles will be required for failure of
the geotextile
 Simulates the seismic or railroad loadings, waves or tidal loadings
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 112

Mechanical Properties of Geotextiles

 Fatigue Strength
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 113

Reinforced Soil Walls

 Mostly as retaining structures
 Advantages over conventional type of walls
 More economical if wall heights are large and subsoil is poor
 Can be rapidly constructed
 Require simple equipment for construction
 Flexible structures
 Soil forms bulk of their volume
 Greater ability to withstand differential settlement than the rigid retaining walls
 Large base-to-height ratio
 Foundation stress distribution s nearly uniform
 Less stress concentration at the toe
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 114

Stability Analysis
 External stability
 Reinforced soil wall behaves as an integral unit
 Behaves as a rigid gravity structure
 Conforms to simple laws of statics

 Internal stability
 Deals with design of reinforcement in regard to its
 Length and Cross-section
 Against tension failure
 Sufficient anchorage length into the stable soil
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 115

External Stability
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 116

Reinforced Soil Wall Schematic

 L  Length of the L
reinforcement or
width of the wall

 Wall is located in the

seismic region

 Surcharge on both
wall and the backfill

b2 b1
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 117

Dynamic Increments due to Backfill Soil

 Computed as per IS 1893 (1984)
 Distribution of the ratio of [(lateral dynamic
increment due to backfill soil only) / (vertical
effective pressure)] with the height of the wall

 Additional dynamic thrust or Additional

increment in thrust in dynamic condition due
to backfill soil
1 ( H Hw )

2 ( K ad K a ) . . ( H + 2H w )
Pa i = 2 H

+ 1 K ' K ' H w 3 H H + . H
2 ( ad a)
2 ( w) b2 w

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 118

Dynamic Increments due to Surcharge on Backfill

 Computed as per IS 1893 (1984)
 Distribution of the ratio of [(lateral dynamic
increment due to surcharge only) / (vertical
effective pressure)] with the height of the wall

 Additional dynamic thrust or Additional

increment in thrust in dynamic condition due
to surcharge on backfill soil
H 2 H w2 H w2
Paqi = q ( K ad K a ) + ( K ad K a )
' '

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 119

Sliding Stability
 Factor of safety against sliding
Resisting force
Fs =
Sliding force
 Static case

(Ww' + Q )
Fs = 2

 Seismic case

(Ww' + Q ) (Ww + Q ) . v
Fs = 1.5
PTst + Pa i + Paqi + (Ww + Q ) h

  Coefficient of sliding friction of the base of the wall

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 120

Overturning Stability
 Factor of safety against overturning
Resisting moment
Fo =
Sliding moment
 Static case

M w' + M q
Fo = 2
M Tst

 Seismic case

M w' + M q M swv M sqv

Fo = 1.5
M Tst + M a i + M aqi + M swh + M sqh
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 121

Tilting/Bearing Stability
 Static analysis
max =
(W '
w + Q)
+ M Tst .

min =
(Ww' + Q ) M Tst .
> 0 (No tension condition)
 Seismic analysis
 Net moment about the centre of base of wall
M Tn = M Tst + M a i + M aqi + M swh + M sqh

(Ww' + Q ) (Ww + Q ) v
max = + M . 6 1.25q
Tn a
L L2
(Ww' + Q ) (Ww + Q ) v
min = M . 6 > 0 (No tension condition)
L L2
 qa  Allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 122

Slip Stability
 Slope stability analysis using software
 Static FoS > 1.5
 Seismic FoS > 1.2
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 123

Tension Failure
 Tensile force (Ti) per m width at a depth hi
Ti = K aw vi 2c1 K aw .S z
 vi  Maximum vertical pressure intensity
 Kaw  Coefficient of active earth pressure
obtained using wall properties i.e. 1
 Use corresponding expressions Kaw, K'aw, Kadw, and
Kadw similar to Ka, K'a, Kad, K'ad by replacing 2
with 1
 Sz  Vertical spacing of the reinforcement

 Limiting condition of design against

tension failure Ti RT
 RT  Safe design strength of reinforcement per
unit width
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 124

Design Steps for Stability

 During checking of external stability
 Choose a length of the reinforcement (width of the wall) and carry out
the design
 Length of the reinforcement can be uniform or varying along the height of the
 Check that all the external stability conditions are satisfied

 During checking of internal stability

 Estimate the vertical spacing of the reinforcement
 Spacing can be uniform or varying along the height of the wall
 Check that the tensile failure condition is satisfied for all the reinforcement
above and below the water table
 Estimation of spacing gives the number of reinforcements to be used in a
cross-section of the wall
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 125

Wedge/Pullout Failure: Static Case

 Consider the possibility of inclined
failure surfaces passing through the
wall forming unstable wedges of soil
bounded by
 Front face of the wall
 Top ground surface
 Potential failure plane

 Most common critical condition

 Failure plane passing through the toe of
the wall
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 126

Vertical and Horizontal Line Loads

 Any external applied load should have to accommodated for
the stresses generated a various reinforcement levels due to
load distribution
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 127

Reinforced Soil Beds

 Frame footing resting on reinforced earth slab
 Closely spaced footing on weak soil
 Isolated footing resting on reinforced earth slab
 Storage water tanks resting on reinforced earth slab

 Increase in bearing capacity
 Reduction in differential (tilt) and net foundation settlements
 Reducing necessity of deep foundation
 Change the type of foundation
 Can allow the use of isolated spread footing
beneath closely spaced footing on weak soil
instead of expensive combined or raft footing
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 128

Reinforced Soil Beds

 Common findings from several experimental investigations
 Ultimate bearing capacity of the footing can be increased by 3-4 times
 Settlement/tilt of the footing can be brought down by 30% compared to
the same footing on unreinforced soil

 Theoretical analysis (Binquet and Lee, 1975)

 Pressure intensity of isolated strip footings resting on reinforced earth
slab for a given settlement
 Proposed a mechanistic working hypothesis
 Assumptions of significant movement and load transfer
 Determination of the maximum tie force (TD)
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 129

Binquet and Lee (1975) Hypothesis

 Brief description
 Zone I comprising of the footing and zone
of soil mass bounded by the maximum
shear stress planes (xz,max) are assumed
to move down
 Results in the outward movement of zone

 Reinforcements are assumed to undergo a

double right-angled bend at the failure
 The tie-force is directed upwards at the
failure surface
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 130

Binquet and Lee (1975) Hypothesis

 Brief description
 Equilibrium of the soil element
encompassing a reinforcement strip in the
soil zone I is determined
 Estimation of the tie force

 Tie force is subsequently checked against

the tensile strength (bearing capacity in
rupture) and the frictional resistance
(bearing capacity in pullout) of the strip
embedded in Soil Zone II

 Repeated for all the strips and then the

minimum value of bearing capacity and
failure mode is determined
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 131

Bearing Capacity Ratio

 Aim of the analysis
 Obtain the pressure that can be imposed on the footing resting on
reinforced earth slab corresponding to a given settlement of the same
footing resting on an unreinforced soil

pr or BCR =

 q0  average contact pressure of footing on unreinforced soil at settlement

 q  average contact pressure of footing on reinforced soil at same

 Pre-requisite of the analysis

 Pressure settlement characteristics of the actual footing resting on
unreinforced sand bed
 Plate load test
 Software simulation
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 132

Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Soil Beds

 Wide Slab Effect
 For the same footing, and for the same
settlement for unreinforced and reinforced
soil beds, critical pressure ratio is used to
estimate the bearing pressure on reinforced
 Implication: The pressure-settlement values
of reinforced soil can be computed only up to
the bearing capacity of unreinforced soil
 Experimental investigations show that under
such condition, the bearing capacity of
reinforced foundation is never achieved
 qu  Bearing capacity of unreinforced soil
 qr  Bearing pressure of reinforced soil
corresponding to the same settlement at the
bearing capacity of unreinforced soil
 qur  Bearing capacity of reinforced soil
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 133

Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Soil Beds

 Deep Footing Effect
 Footing sized reinforcement layers beneath
the footing up to a depth DR increases the
bearing capacity effect
 Similar to an unreinforced sand bed loaded
with a rigid deep footing having an
embedment depth of Df = DR

D f = DR 1.0 B

 Ultimate bearing capacity considering the

deep footing effect

qur = qr + DR N q = qu . pr + DR N q

 DR  Depth of lowest layer of reinforcement

withing 1.0B (B  Width of the footing)
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 134

Soil Nailing

Soil Nailing Video Solotrat

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 135

 Concepts and Mechanism of reinforced earth

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 136

 Composition, manufacture, functions, testing and applications in
reinforced earth

Shukla, Yin
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 137

 Reinforced retaining walls

Clayton, Militsky, Woods

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 138

 Reinforced embankments

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 139

 Reinforced foundation beds

Sivakumar Babu
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 140

 Reinforced pavement and railway subgrades

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 141

 Design for separation, filtration, drainage of reinforced soil

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 142

 Case histories and applications

Ling, Leschinstky, Tatsuoka

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 143

 Fiber reinforced soil

Swami Saran
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 144

 Rock Bolting

1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 145

 Soil nailing

Lazarte, Lazarte
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 146

 Earth anchors

Das, Shukla
1/16/2014 QIP STC GEPD 2014 147

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