CL H0017 (La)
CL H0017 (La)
CL H0017 (La)
This crystal clear gel provides hand cleansing and sanitization as well as conditioning. Carbopol* Ultrez 10 Polymer lends exceptional clarity, a light, fresh feel, and low
residual tack. Glucam* E-20 Humectant provides mildness and helps to make the skin supple and pleasant to the touch.
1. Due to the alcohol in this formulation, follow safety precautions appropriate
Procedure: for the handling of flammable liquids.
2. Hand Sanitizing Gels may be regulated as drug products. Review your
1. Disperse Carbopol* Ultrez 10 Polymer by sprinkling on the surface of
countrys regulations to insure compliance.
Deionized Water. After polymer is wetted, mix slowly at low speed.
2. Neutralize with AMP-Ultra PC 2000 and mix until uniform.
3. Add Ethanol and Glucam* E-20 Humectant with gentle mixing. Mix
until uniform.
Supplier References:
Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. (2, 5)
The Dow Chemical Company (3)
Alcool Moreno (4)
Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. / 9911 Brecksville Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44141-3247 / TEL: 800.379.5389 or 216.447.5000
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*Trademark owned by The Lubrizol Corporation
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