This 18-credit certificate program is designed to upgrade the skills of existing IT employees or provide training for a career change. Candidates must have previous computing experience. The program covers fundamentals of PC hardware, mobile devices, networking, troubleshooting, operating systems, security, cloud computing, and industry certifications. Courses teach skills like installing and configuring Windows, iOS, Android, OS X and Linux operating systems. Graduates will demonstrate competency in hardware, networking, operating systems, security, and cloud computing.
This 18-credit certificate program is designed to upgrade the skills of existing IT employees or provide training for a career change. Candidates must have previous computing experience. The program covers fundamentals of PC hardware, mobile devices, networking, troubleshooting, operating systems, security, cloud computing, and industry certifications. Courses teach skills like installing and configuring Windows, iOS, Android, OS X and Linux operating systems. Graduates will demonstrate competency in hardware, networking, operating systems, security, and cloud computing.
This 18-credit certificate program is designed to upgrade the skills of existing IT employees or provide training for a career change. Candidates must have previous computing experience. The program covers fundamentals of PC hardware, mobile devices, networking, troubleshooting, operating systems, security, cloud computing, and industry certifications. Courses teach skills like installing and configuring Windows, iOS, Android, OS X and Linux operating systems. Graduates will demonstrate competency in hardware, networking, operating systems, security, and cloud computing.
This 18-credit certificate program is designed to upgrade the skills of existing IT employees or provide training for a career change. Candidates must have previous computing experience. The program covers fundamentals of PC hardware, mobile devices, networking, troubleshooting, operating systems, security, cloud computing, and industry certifications. Courses teach skills like installing and configuring Windows, iOS, Android, OS X and Linux operating systems. Graduates will demonstrate competency in hardware, networking, operating systems, security, and cloud computing.
Program is designed for existing information system PROGRAM INFO employees who wish to upgrade their skills to include M in im u m cr edit s: 18 CompTIA industry certifications, or for individuals with previous computing systems-related experience Len gt h : 2 semesters contemplating a career change. Due to the level of Car eer oppor t u n it ies: knowledge required for the courses in this CSC, Computer Support candidates must have previous knowledge, either Specialist: $28,990-81,260 through workforce experience or college courses, to be Job growth: 12% from determined by the instructor. 2014 to 2024 Pr ogr am Ou t com es Network Systems Admin: Graduates will demonstrate competency in: $47,460-124,090 Job growth: 8% 1. Fundamentals of PC hardware & peripherals, mobile device hardware, networking & trouble- Data Communications shooting hardware & network connectivity issues. Specialist: $31,700-81,430 2. How to install & configure operating systems Job growth: 8% including Windows, iOS, Android, Apple OS X & Network Administrator: Linux; security; the fundamentals of cloud $46,280-62,450 computing; & operational procedures. Job growth: 8% * Median salaries & job growth nationwide as of 2015.
In du st r y Cer t if icat ion s:
- CompTIA A+ Cou r se Sequ en ce - CompTIA Network+ ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Sys. 3 0 3 3 - CompTIA Server+ ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware - CompTIA Cloud+ & Troubleshooting 3 0 3 3 - CompTIA Security+ ITN 201 Administration & Mgmt of Network Infrastructures 3 0 3 3 Division : BEIT ITN 245 Network Troubleshooting 3 0 3 3 Con t act : 434.797.8440 ITN 257 Cloud Computing, Infrastructure or 434.797.8474 Services 3 0 3 3 For cou r se descr ipt ion s, ITN 260 Network Security Basics 3 0 3 3 visit Tot al 18 0 18 18