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Study th is example situation:

Sarah went to a party last week. Paul went to the

at 10.30 at 11.00
party too, but they didn't see each other. Paul left t he
party at 10.30 and Sarah arrived at 11 o'clock. So:
When Sarah arrived at t he party, Paul wasn't there.
He had gone home.
Had gone is the past perfect (simple):

1/we/they/you (=I 'd etc.)
had seen
he/she/it (= he'd et c.)
finished etc.

The past perfect simple is had+ past participle (gone/ seen/ finished etc).
Sometimes we talk about something that happened in t he past:
0 Sarah arrived at the party.
This is the starting point of the story. Then, if we want to talk about th ings that happened before this
time, we use the past perfect (had ... ):
0 When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home.
Some more exa mples:
0 When we got home last night, we found t hat somebody had broken into the flat.
0 Karen didn 't want to go to the cinema with us because she'd already seen the movie.
0 At first I thought I'd done the right thing, but I soon realised that I'd made a big mistake.
0 The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He hadn't flown before.
or ... He had never flown before.

Compare the present perfect (have seen etc.) and the past perfect (had seen etc.):

Present perfect I Past perfect

have seen had seen

past now past now

0 Who is that woman? I've seen her CJ I wasn't sure who she was. I'd seen her
before, but I ca n't remember where. before, but I couldn't remember where.
C We aren't hungry. We've just had C We weren't hu ngry. We'd just had
lunch. lunch.
0 The house is dirty. They haven't 8 The house was dirty. They hadn't
cleaned it for weeks. cleaned it for weeks.

Compare the past simple (Left, was etc.) and the past perfect (had left, had been etc.):

0 A: Was Tom there when you arrived? 0 A: Was Tom t here when you arrived ?
B: Yes, but he Left soon afterwards. B: No, he had already Left.
0 Kate wasn't at home when I phoned. 0 Kate had just got home when I phoned.
She was at her mother/s house. She had been at he r mother's house.

Past perfect contin uous -+ Unit 16 Irregular verbs (gone/ seen etc.) -+ Appendix 1
Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets.
1 You went to Sue's house, but she wasn't there.
(she I go I out) _S_h.~... h.o.-4. .99.Y1. ~... .9~t. . . . ... o o .. o o ... .... . ........... 0 .. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

2 You went back to your home town after many years. lt wasn't the same as before.
(it I change I a lot) ........ 0 . ........... . .... .. . .. ...... .... ... . ..... ...... .. . ...................... . ................................ . .......... .... 0 .. . .......... ........... . ....... ..

3 I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn't come.

(she I arrange I to do something else) o..... o.............. ooo ............................... 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .

4 You went to the cinema last night. You got to the cinema late.
(the film I already I start) ....... 0 0 000000.. ........ . .. .....

5 lt was nice to see Daniel again after such a long time.

(I I not I see I him for five years)
6 I offered Sue something to eat, but she wasn't hungry.
(she I just I have I breakfast) ...................... .. ................................ ............................ ............ ....................................................................... ..

G For each situation, write a sentence ending with never ... before. Use the verb in brackets.
1 The man sitting next to you on the plane was very nervous. lt was his first flight.
(fly) ...oHe,4 ne:-ver flown .be.fore:-... ..o .. o......................... o.... ...... . .. ..
2 Somebody sang a song. I didn't know it.
(hear) I ...... oooooo ....o.... o......o.. ooo 0 .... .. ...................... o .... 0 0 .... ........................ o ..... o..... before.
3 Sa m played tennis yesterday. He wasn't very good at it because it was his first game.
(play) He . .. ..........0..... .. ....... o..0..... 0.............. ... 0.. .. .............
.. . .. ... . .. o ... .... . ...... .. . ... .. ............ 0................... .

4 Last year we went to Mexico. lt was our first time there.

(be there) We .... .. ........ ...................... ...... . . .... . ... .. ......................... 0........ ............ ................ ................. . ........ 0....... .... 0..... 0.. .. .........................

Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the right. These sentences are
in the order in which they happened - so (a) happened before (b), (b) before (c) etc. But your
paragraph begins with the underlined sentence, so sometimes you need the past perfect.
1 (a) Somebody broke into the office during We arrived at work in the morning and
the night. found that o.... ?..o.rr..~o~ . ~.% ....
(b) We arrived at work in the morning. into the office during the night. So
(c) We called the police. ...0 .. . ....................... .... . the police. .......... ...................... . . . .. . . . .. ..... .. . ....

2 (a) Lau ra went out this morning.

(b) I rang her doorbell. no
(c) There was no answer. out.
3 (a) Jim came back from holiday a few
days ago. ~u~tetJt=~f~~ ~~~s ago. : . . h~liday.
(b) I met him the same day. }
.. .. ... 0........ 0....... .. .. ................ .. ........... .. ... .................................. 0 very well.
(c) He looked very well.

4 (a) Kevin sent Sally lots of emails. Yesterday Kevin .................................... from 0 ...... ....... ...... ...... 0 ...

(b) She never replied to them. Sally. . o.. .......... .. ....... very surprised.
0 .. ... . . . . . . . .. ..

(c) Yesterday he got a phone call from her. .. .......... o................ o.... ........ .. lots of emails,
(d) He was very surprised. but ............ 0 .............. .

Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect (I had done) or past simple (I did).
1 'Was Paul at the party when you arrived?' 'No, he ooooooh~.. ogQn~..... (go) home.'
2 I felt very tired when I got home, so I .. . .... . .. ...... (go) straight to bed. 0 .............. .. . . . . .

3 The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ................................................... (go) to bed.
4 Sorry I'm late. The ca r ................. (break) down on my way here.
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... .... . . . . . . .. .. .

5 We were driving along the road when we ............................o....o........o.... o(see) a car which
...... 0........ ................. (break) down, so we .................. 0......... 0......... (stop) to help.

_. Additional exercises 5- 8 (pages 304-07) 31

pretrito mais-que-p erfeito composto
21 do indicativo

O trem partiu. Ns chegamos estao. O trem j tinha partido quando

ns chegamos estao.

ter <pretrito imperfeito) + particpio passado

eu tinha
tu tinhas
ele tinha chegado
ela estado
ns tnhamos ido
eles tinham
OUsamos o pretrito mais-que-perfeito composto do indicativo para fa lar de aes passadas que
aconteceram antes de outras, tambm passadas:

passado presente

tinha sado

lhe liguei j
Ontem liguei para voc, mas voc j tinha sado.

Quando eu cheguei festa, o Joo j tinha ido para casa.

particpio passado regular

-ar -e r -ir
infinitivo falt parti(
particpio passado falado comido artido

particpio passado irregular

abrir aberto ganhar ganho pr posto

dizer dito gastar gasto ver visto
escrever escrito pagar pago vir vindo
fazer feito
Unidade 21 Exerccios

21.1. Complete com os verbos no pretrito mais-que-perfeito composto.

1. No estava em casa. (sair)

2. O beb no estava com fome. (comer)
J ______________ ______________ _____________ _____________ _____________
3. Eles j no estavam no Brasil. (voltar para a Frana)

4. A Tereza estava no hospital. (ter um acidente grave)

S. Ele no estava cansado. (dormir 12 horas)

6. No fui festa. (combinar ir ao concerto)

J _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

7. O Sr. Silva no sabia ingls. (aprender)

Nunca _____________ _____________ ____________________________ _________

8. No fomos ao cinema. (ver o filme)

J ____
9. Ela estava muito nervosa. (andar de avio)
Nunca ____________________________ ______________ ______________ ________

1O. J no tinha barulho. (ir para a cama)

As crianas ---------------------------- -------------- -------------------

21.2. Complete com os verbos no pretrito mais-que-perfeito composto e no pretrito perfeito.

1. Quando eu ~y.ei,. (chegar) em casa, minha me j ~-5~ (sair).

2. O filme j (comear) quando ns (entrar) na sala.
3. Quando eu me (levantar), a empregada (arrumar) tudo.
4. Ns j _ (acabar) de j antar quando voc (ligar).
S. Quando ns ______________ _ (encontrar) o Caetano, ele j ------------- (falar) com a

21.3. Complete com os verbos no pretrito mais-que-perfeito ou no pretrito perfeito.

1. No estou com fome. J~'--------------- (almoar)

2. Ele no estava com fome. J~~ . (almoar)
3. Eles estavam muito cansados. No (dormir) nada.
4. Porque que est cansado? No (dormir)?
S. Peo desculpa pelo atraso, mas (ter) um acidente de carro.
6. Encontrei a Gal Costa no hospital. Ela (ter) um acidente com o carro dela.
:::; 7. Estou muito nervoso. Nunca (andar) de avio.
8. Ele estava muito nervoso. Nunca ______________ ________ (andar) de avio.

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