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International Journal of Computer Discovered Mathematics (IJCDM)

ISSN 2367-7775 IJCDM

December 2016, Volume 1, No.4, pp.1-9
Received 10 October 2016. Published on-line 15 October 2016
This article is published with open access1.

Ways of predicting mathematics

Alexander Skutina
Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia

Abstract. By using new terminology of non-formal logic, we give new theorems

from plane geometry.

Keywords. triangle geometry, remarkable point, computer-discovered mathe-

matics, Euclidean geometry, number theory, categoryfication.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). 51-04, 68T01, 68T99.

1. Introduction

Here we introduce category of statements which are almost everywhere true. We

will use very basic concepts from category theory, see them here [7]. All theorems
are discovered by Author and can be checked by computer.

2. Interpretation of logic

For any statements A, B we can draw arrow A B if statement B follows from

statement A. So we can interpret logic as category with such diagrams, where
objects correspond to statements and arrows to "followness" of one statement
from another. Name this category as Log. Our goal here is to introduce bigger
category NFLog (non-formal logic) and show how to use it to predict new facts
in mathematics.

1This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author(s) and the source are credited.
2 Ways of predicting mathematics

3. Non-formal logic

Here we will introduce class of "non-formal statements" which can be seen as

statements which we cant prove in their full generality but "intuitively" they
seems to be true.
Such kind of statements can be easily defined from next examples :
(T1 ) : If we have some sets A and B with property that "size" of B is no more
than "size" of A and given some correspondence f : A B, then B = f (A) in
most cases of natural considerations of (A, B, f )
(T2 ) : To every statement in some sense there exists dual statement
So if we consider logic with such new class of statements, then we will get new
category NFLog and we can see that category Log is its subcategory. Through-
out the rest of this paper "NF statement" or simply NF will mean element from
category NFLog. We will use intuition that under any statement A there exists
some NF statement A e from which A follows.


Next we will show how to produce more non-formal statements from "formal"
ones and how to get formal interpretations of them.

4. First examples of using NFs

Here we will consider some natural examples from Euclidean plane geometry.
Consider statement K : Let given two lines l1 , l2 such that (l1 , l2 ) = /k, consider
two points P0 l1 , Q0 l2 . Construct point Q0 6= Q1 l2 , such that |P0 Q1 | =
|P0 Q0 |, then we can construct point P0 6= P1 l1 , such that |Q1 P0 | = |Q1 P1 |. So
from this constructions we see that from point P0 on l1 we can construct point
P1 on l1 , like the same if we start from P1 we can construct P2 and so on. Then
statement says that Pk = P0 .
To find NF statement which corresponds to K, we can easily see that non-formally
statement K says that if we have something periodical which depends on angle
value 2/k for some natural k, then size of period is k. We can say that this is
NF statement T . In other words we can say that T :
angle 2/k periodic with period k
So we can see that K is particular case of T . Now we will show how to find another
assertions of T . Consider Poncelets porism, it deals with cyclic polygons with
period n, as we know that for n = 4 two diagonals of inner circle are orthogonal.
So it is natural (from T ) to predict that for another angle 2/k we get some
periodical construction with period k. So from some computer experiment we get
that this predictions are particularly true, see next statement K: e Let given circle
and point P , consider k lines l1 , . . . , lk , which goes through point P and such
that (li , li+1 ) = 2/k, i = 1, . . . , k. Then intersections of this lines with circle
forms cyclic polygon A1 , A2 , . . . , A2k , consider intersection points of tangents
A.Skutin 3

to through points Ai , Ai+1 and get points Li . Then statement says that for
k = 3, 4, 6 there exists some conic K(, P, k), which depends on circle , point P
and number k and doesnt depend on lines li , such that for every i, Ai K.
Another case of T : Consider two circles 1 , 2 on plane and their two external
tangent lines l1 , l2 . For any point P1 l1 we can construct unique point Q1 l2 ,
such that line P1 Q1 is tangent to 1 . Also we can construct point P2 l1 , such
that line Q1 P2 is tangent to 2 . So from this constructions we see that from point
P1 on l1 we can construct point P2 on l1 , like the same if we start from P2 we can
construct P3 and so on. Prove that if angle (1 , 2 ) = /k, then Pk+1 = P1 .
And we finish this section with next precise assertion of T : Consider rectangular
hyperbola H with center at O. Let H0 be rotation of hyperbola H wrt point O
on angle /k. From [8, Problem 11.4.3] we know that angle between hyperbolas
H and H0 is equivalent to 2/k. Consider two intersections P, Q of these conics,
let P1 H be given. Consider points Q1 = H0 P1 P , P2 = H Q1 Q. Like the
same if we start from point P2 we can uniquely define next point P3 and so on.
Prove that Pk+1 = Pk .

5. Next examples of using NFs

Here we will show precise assertions of statement T1 (see section 2).

Consider next statement K0 : For any three points X, Y, Z on plane there exists
some complex triangle ABC, such that X, Y, Z are its in-center, circumcenter
and orthocenter respectively. Note that this statement follows from T1 , because
if we denote set of triangles as A, set of different triples of points on plane as
B and correspondence f : A B which sends every triangle to its in-center,
circumcenter and orthocenter, then we know that A can be seen as algebraic
variety of dimension 6 and B is algebraic variety with same dimension (dimension
can be seen as "size") and A, B have same sizes, so from T1 we get that f (A) = B
(it is not very clear, but in most particular cases of (A, B, f ) it is true). Like the
same we can produce another precise assertions of T1 , for example:
(K1 ) : For most pairwise different numbers i, j, k and any three points X, Y, Z
on plane there exists complex triangle ABC, such that X = Ki (ABC), Y =
Kj (ABC), Z = Kk (ABC), where Kp is p -th Kimberling center of triangle ABC,
see definitions and properties of Kimberling centers here [5]
(K2 ) : For any three pairs of points X, X 0 , Y, Y 0 , Z, Z 0 on plane there exists some
complex triangle ABC, such that X 0 is isogonal conjugated to X, Y 0 is isogonal
conjugated to Y and Z 0 is isogonal conjugated to Z.
Definition 5.1. For points any points A, B, C, D, denote point M(AB, CD) as
Miquel point of lines AC, DA, CB, DB.
(K3 ) : Let given three segments AA0 , BB 0 , CC 0 . Prove that next conditions are
a) midpoints of segments AA0 , BB 0 , CC 0 lie on same line.
b) points M(AA0 , BB 0 ), M(BB 0 , CC 0 ), M(AA0 , CC 0 ) lie on same line.
Proof of statement K3 : From statement K2 we get that for some triangle XY Z
on complex plane we have that pairs of points A, A0 ; B, B 0 and C, C 0 are isogonal
wrt triangle XY Z. Name midpoints of segments AA0 , BB 0 , CC 0 as MA , MB , MC .
4 Ways of predicting mathematics

b) a). Let given that points M(AA0 , BB 0 ), M(BB 0 , CC 0 ), M(AA0 , CC 0 ) lie

on same line l. From [2, lemma 1] we get that circle
(M(AA0 , BB 0 )M(AA0 , CC 0 )M(BB 0 , CC 0 ))
is equivalent to line l and is circumcircle of triangle XY Z, so one of the point
X, Y or Z should be infinite, let it be X. So from isogonality of pairs of points
A, A0 ; B, B 0 and C, C 0 easy to see that then midpoints MA , MB , MC lie on same
line which is equal distant from lines XY, XZ.
a) b). Let given that MA , MB , MC lie on same line l. Consider point X
infinite point on line l. Then if we construct reflection of line X Y wrt l and
intersect it with reflection of line X Y wrt angle bisector of AY A0 , then we get
intersection point Z . And from isogonal conjugation theorem we get that pairs
of points A, A0 ; B, B 0 and C, C 0 are isogonal wrt triangle X Y Z . Circumcircle
of this triangle is equivalent to line Y Z , because point X is infinite point. So
from [2, lemma 1] we get that circle
(M(AA0 , BB 0 )M(AA0 , CC 0 )M(BB 0 , CC 0 ))
is equivalent to line Y Z . 

6. Examples related to orthocenter construction

First consider next construction (ABCH) : Triangle ABC with orthocenter H

and heights AHA , BHB , CHC .
Consider next NF statement Torthocenter : Most of facts with construction (ABCH)
also true if we rename HB , HC as KB BC, KC AB, where BCKB KC is cyclic
and H can be replaced by H e = BKB CKC .
Consider next theorem (discovered by Author) : Let given triangle ABC. Let tri-
angle A0 , B 0 , C 0 is midpoint triangle of orthic triangle of ABC, let triangle A1 B1 C1
formed by midpoints of altitudes of ABC. Prove that tangent points A2 , B2 , C2
of in-circle of triangle A0 B 0 C 0 with its sides, lie on sides B1 C1 , A1 C1 , A1 B1 respec-
tively, and that lines A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 intersects at center of (A2 B2 C2 ).
So if we use NF statement Torthocenter , then we get next statement P : Let given
triangle ABC and points KB AC, KC AB, such that points B, C, KB , KC lie
on same circle. Let circles (ABKB ), (ACKC ) intersects at point LA . Let triangle
A0 B 0 C 0 is midpoint triangle of triangle LA KB KC . Let triangle A1 B1 C1 formed
by midpoints of segments ALA , BKB , CKC . Prove that tangent points B2 , C2 of
in-circle of triangle A0 B 0 C 0 with its sides A0 C 0 , A0 B 0 lie on sides A1 C1 , A1 B1 of
triangle A1 B1 C1 . Also prove that lines B1 B2 , C1 C2 intersects at point I, such that
|IB1 | = |IC1 |.
For another example consider statement [8, Problem 4.2.6], so if we use Torthocenter
then we can get next statement : Let given triangle ABC and two points KB
AC, KC AB, such that points B, C, KB , KC lie on same circle. Let O - cir-
cumcenter of triangle ABC. Let circles (ABKB ), (ACKC ) intersects at point LA .
Consider point H = BKB CKC . Let reflections of lines HB, HC wrt line HA
intersects with lines AC, AB at points XB , XC respectively. Then we get that line
XB XC is orthogonal to line OKC .
A.Skutin 5

7. Example related to conics

From [8, Problem 11.1.19] we can naturally define next NF : In most statements
we can replace some segment by conic.
So if we use this NF to statement K3 from section 4 then we get next statement
: Consider any three conics , , . For conics , we can consider all their 4
tangents and name Miquel point of these 4 lines as M, , like the same define
other points M, , M, . Then next conditions are equivalent :
a) Centers of conics , , lie on same line
b) Points M, , M, , M, lie on same line
For another example consider next statement : Let given segments {Xi Yi }4i=1
and segments {Aj Bj }4j=1 , such that for every (i, j) 6= (1, 1) we have that points
Xi , Yi , Aj , Bj lie on circle. Then we can prove that points X1 , Y1 , A1 , B1 lie on
So if we use NF to this construction then we get next statement : Let given conics
{i }4i=1 and another set of conics {j }4j=1 , such that for every (i, j) 6= (1, 1) we
have that there exists some circle which is tangent to each of conics i , j at two
points. Then we can prove that there exists some circle which is tangent to each
of conics 1 , 1 at two points.

8. Some more non-formal facts

Here we define some more NFs which "naturally" can be related to triangle
Main NF : If in particular case of equilateral triangle some points or circles of
this triangle are equivalent, then in general case they are connected. So in fact
this NF says that the triangle geometry can be interpreted as deformation of
equilateral triangle geometry.
More precise here we will use next two statements NFpt 4 : If in particular case of
equilateral triangle some points are equivalent, then in general case circle which
goes through this points has many "good" properties with respect to base triangle.
NF4 : If in particular case of equilateral triangle some circles are equivalent, then
in general case radical line of this circles has many "good" properties with respect
to base triangle.
Now we present some examples of facts which we can get if we use this two
principles. Rename Expt if this example is related to NFpt
4 and Ex if it is related
to NF4 .
Ex 1pt : Let given triangle ABC with in-center I. Let Na , Nb , Nc be nine point
centers of triangles IBC, IAC, IAB. Prove that
(a) Circumcenter of triangle Na Nb Nc is same with nine point center of ABC
(b) Point I is orthocenter of triangle Na Nb Nc
(c) Reflections of midpoints of arcs AB, BC, CA of circle (ABC) wrt lines AB,
BC, CA lie on lines INc , INa , INb .
(d) If AHa , BHb , CHc be altitudes of triangle ABC. Reflect Ha , Hb , Hc wrt sides
of triangle Ia , Ib , Ic formed by midpoints of segments IA, IB, IC and get triangle
6 Ways of predicting mathematics

XY Z. Prove that circle (XY Z) goes through point I and that center of this circle
lie on circle (Na Nb Nc ).
(e) If Ma , Mb , Mc be midpoints of BC, CA, AB. Reflect Ma , Mb , Mc wrt sides of
triangle formed by midpoints of segments IA, IB, IC and get triangle X 0 Y 0 Z 0 .
Prove that circle (X 0 Y 0 Z 0 ) goes through I and that radiuss of circles (Na Nb Nc ),
(X 0 Y 0 Z 0 ) are same.
(f ) Let Pa , Pb , Pc be midpoints of sides of triangle Ia Ib Ic . Prove that reflections
of points Ma , Mb , Mc , wrt Pa , Pb , Pc lie on circle which goes through point I.
(g) Prove that reflections of points Ha , Hb , Hc , wrt Pa , Pb , Pc lie on circle which
goes through point I.
(h) Let Ka , Kb , Kc be tangent points of in-circle of of triangle Ia Ib Ic with its sides.
Prove that reflections of points Ma , Mb , Mc , wrt Ka , Kb , Kc lie on circle which goes
through point I.
(j) Let Ka , Kb , Kc be tangent points of in-circle of of triangle Ia Ib Ic with its sides.
Prove that reflections of points Ha , Hb , Hc , wrt Ka , Kb , Kc lie on circle which goes
through point I.
Ex 1 : Let given triangle ABC and any point P . Let A0 B 0 C 0 be circumchevian
triangle of P wrt triangle ABC, let A0 A1 , B 0 B1 , C 0 C1 be perpendiculars from
A0 , B 0 , C 0 on sides of ABC. Then pedal circle of P wrt ABC, 9 - point circle of
ABC and circle A1 B1 C1 intersects at same point.
Ex 2 : Let given triangle ABC and its centroid M . Let circumcenters of triangles
ABM , CBM , AM C form triangle with circumcircle . Prove that circumcenter of
pedal triangle of point M wrt triangle ABC lie on radical line of circles (ABC), .
Ex 3 : For any triangle ABC with circumcenter O. Let circle goes through
circumcenters of triangles AOB, BOC, AOC. Prove that nine-point center of
triangle ABC, lies on radical line of circles (ABC), .
Also note that we can use this NFs not only to triangle but to other figures.
Ex 4 : Consider quadrilateral ABCD which is inscribed in circle 1 and cir-
cumscribed around 2 . Let 2 is tangent to sides AB, BC, CD, DA at points
Tab , Tbc , Tcd , Tad respectively. Let E = Tab Tcd Tbc Tad . Let EHA , EHB , EHC , EHD
be perpendiculars to segments Tab Tad , Tbc Tab , Tbc Tcd , Tcd Tad . Let points OA , OB ,
OC , OD be circumcenters of triangles ATab Tad , BTbc Tab , CTbc Tcd , DTcd Tad . Prove
that quadrilateral OA OB OC OD cyclic and radical line of circles (OA OB OC OD ),
(HA HB HC HD ) goes through center of (HA HB HC HD ).
Ex 2pt : Consider quadrilateral ABCD which is inscribed in circle 1 and cir-
cumscribed around 2 . Let 2 is tangent to sides AB, BC, CD, DA at points
Tab , Tbc , Tcd , Tad respectively. Let E = Tab Tcd Tbc Tad . Let EHA , EHB , EHC ,
EHD be perpendiculars to segments Tab Tad , Tbc Tab , Tbc Tcd , Tcd Tad .
(a) Prove that reflections of points A, B, C, D wrt lines Tab Tad , Tbc Tab , Tbc Tcd , Tcd Tad
respectively lie on same line which goes through point E.
(b) Prove that of points A, B, C, D wrt points HA , HB , HC , HD respectively lie on
same circle with center P . Also prove that points P , centers of circles 1 , 2 and
point E lie on same line.
A.Skutin 7

(c) Let points OA , OB , OC , OD be circumcenters of triangles ATab Tad , BTbc Tab ,

CTbc Tcd , DTcd Tad . Prove that quadrilateral OA OB OC OD cyclic and its circum-
center lies on line P E.
Ex 5 : Let given points A, B, C, D, E, such that AB, BC, CD, DE, EA are tan-
gent circle at points K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 respectively. Let given that P =
AB DE, Q = BC AE, R = AB CD, T = BC DE, K = DC EA.
Let X1 = (AEP ) (AQB), X2 = (AQB) (BRC), X3 = (BRC) (CT D),
X4 = (CT D) (DEK), X5 = (DEK) (AEP ). Let I be center of and O
be center of (X1 . . . X5 ). Let HX ( ) denote as homotety with center at X and
coefficient 2. Prove that circles (X1 . . . X5 ), HI2 (), HO
() have same radical line.
Ex 6 : Let given triangle ABC with its inc-enter I and Euler line l. Consider in-
tersections A0 , B, C 0 of line l with angle bisectors of triangle ABC. Let OA , OB , OC
be circumcenters of triangles A0 BC, AB 0 C, ABC 0 respectively. Is it true that circle
(OA OB OC ) always intersect circle (ABC)?
Ex 7 : Consider triangle ABC, let F1 first Fermat point of ABC. Prove that
second Fermat points of triangles ABC, AF1 B, AF1 C, BF1 C lie on same circle.

9. Meaning of IMO2011 problem

Well known that for any triangle ABC and point P on its circumcircle there
exists Simson line of point P wrt triangle ABC. So we can ask next question :
What is dual Simson line of line wrt triangle? We can look on Simson line wrt
another point of view : Reflections Pa , Pb , Pc of point P wrt sides of triangle ABC
lie on same line which goes through orthocenter of ABC (1).
One of the natural answer gives us IMO 2011 Problem 6 see it here [9, Problem
G8]. Here we consider tangent line l to (ABC) instead of point P . Then instead of
reflections of P wrt sides of ABC we can consider reflections la , lb , lc of l to sides of
ABC. And IMO problem 6 says informally that (1) transport into next statement
: Curcumcircle of triangle formed by lines la , lb , lc is connected to base triangle (it
is tangent to (ABC)). So we can state next NF: Dual analog of Simpson line is
circumcircle of reflections lines of tangent line to (ABC) wrt its sides.
Definition 9.1. For any triangle ABC and point P (ABC), denote line
L(ABC, P ) as line which goes through reflections of point P wrt sides of ABC.
Definition 9.2. For any triangle ABC and point P (ABC), denote circle
(ABC, P ) as circumsircle of triangle formed by reflections of tangent line through
P to (ABC) wrt sides of ABC.

Consider next simple fact : For every quadrilateral ABCD lines L(ABC, M ),
L(ACD, M ), L(BCD, M ), L(ABD, M ) are equivalent, where M = M(AC, BD) -
Miquel point of lines AB, BC, CD, DA.
Informally it says that this lines are connected, so we can ask next question : What
are connections of circles (ABC, M ), (ABD, M ), (ACD, M ), (CBD, M )
for quadrilateral ABCD and Miquel point M .
Answer is next : All tangent points of this circles with circles (ABC), (ABD),
(ACD), (CBD) respectively lie on same circle.
8 Ways of predicting mathematics

10. Example from number theory

Consider next statement : for every integer i and prime number p, sum 1i + 2i +
. . . + (p 1)i 0 (mod p). So its naturally to state next NF conjecture TN :
For most sequences of functions fi : Zp Zp , i = 1, . . . , p 1 if we define sums
[j] [1] [j]
Sa := p1 j
i=1 fi (a) and if sums Sa have non-trivial relations, then sums Sa have
non-trivial relations in Zp for general considerations of parameter j.
For first example consider fi = i, then Sa 0, for every j. Consider next
i [1] [1] [1]
fact [9, Problem N7] : If fi (a) = ai , then we get relation S3 + S4 3S2 1
(mod p). So from TN its natural to search relations in sequence {Sa }aZp . One
can get next relations :
(1) S2 1 (mod p)
[1] [1]
(2) S1 S3 1 (mod p)
[1] [1]
(3) S4 2S2 1 (mod p)
[1] [1]
(4) 2S2 + 2S1 1 (mod p)
(5) 2S3 1 (mod p)
[1] [1]
(6) 3S4 2S3 (mod p)
[2] [2]
(7) S1 S1 0 (mod p)
(8) 4S1 1 (mod p)
For another example consider next sum Sa := p1 a
i=a Ci (mod p). Easy to see
that Sa (1)a (mod p), so from TN its natural to search relations between
sums Sa .
Some of these relations are :
(1) Sp1 1 (mod p)
(2) S2k+1 0 (mod p)
(3) S2 2 (mod p)
[1] [1]
(4) Sp5 S4 1 (mod p)
(5) 2Sp3 3 (mod p)

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