Library Letter 5th Grade

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Classroom Library Letter

August 17, 2017

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Welcome to your childs University of 5th Grade GATE ELA! This year will be a very active year
for your 5th grader, especially since middle school is around the corner!

To promote your young adults interest and development in reading beyond elementary school, I
have in my classroom over 500+ books poetry, classics, adventure, suspense, mystery, sports, horror,
romance, contemporary problems, etc. The titles are considered appropriate for young adults by the
American Library Association, the International Reading Association, the National Council of Teachers
of English, and other critics. However, I realize that some books may be found objectionable or
inappropriate due to strong language, mature situations, or sensitive issues. As a teacher, I appreciate and
understand parents concerns about what their adolescents are reading.

Because of these concerns, I am writing this letter to verify that your fifth grader has permission to
sign out books from my classroom library. Additionally, because these books are my personal property, I
expect that your child will be responsible for any lost or damaged book. If a book has been lost,
damaged, or checked out for an extensive period of time, I will send an informational letter home,
discussing the current price of the novel.

Finally, there will be several activities, Novel Studies, Book Talks/Book Walks, Literary Feasts, &
Socratic discussions this year regarding your childs outside reading. Students may check out these
novels from me, but they are also encouraged to have their own personal copies so they may practice
taking notes inside of their books. Though we will have frequent media center trips, my classroom library
will serve for both recreational and resourceful purposes. If your child needs to check out a book before
next week, he or she must have this letter signed as soon as possible and returned to me.


Mrs. King
5th Grade ELA GATE Teacher

My child, ________________________________________, has permission to check out books

from your classroom library if needed. If he or she loses or abuses a book, he or she will replace it. I
understand that some Young Adult Literature contains strong language, mature situations, and sensitive
issues. I also realize that my child has several assignments due throughout the year and will be reading
inside and outside of class to prepare. Also, the use of classroom and library novels to prepare for
assignments is always an option, however personal copies are encouraged.

Signature of Parent/Guardian

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