Computer Assignment1
Computer Assignment1
Computer Assignment1
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Winter-2016
Name:_____________________ Section:_______________
Date:______________________ Score:________________
Important instruction: Write down all the commands of MINITAB used to compute the answers
(e.g., Stat -> Time Series -> Time Series Plot).
Q.1:John Mosby, owner of several Mr. Tux rental stores, is beginning to forecast his most
important business variable, monthly dollar sales. One of his employees, Virginia Perot,
gathered the sales data. John decides to use all 96 months of data he has collected. The data is
stored in the file sales.xls
a. Use MINITAB to plot the data as a time series.
b. Do you think that the series is stationary or not? If not, identify the components.
c. Compute the autocorrelations for time lags 1 and 2. Test to determine whether these
autocorrelation coefficients are significantly different from zero at the 0.05 level of
d. Compute the autocorrelation confidents for twenty four time lags. Is this time series
e. Compute the first differences of the data.
f. Compute the autocorrelations for time lags 1 and 2 using the differenced data.
g. Use MINITAB to plot the differenced data and compute the autocorrelation coefficients
for the differenced data for first six time lags.
h. Is this time series stationary? If not which component is present.
Q.2: An analyst would like to determine whether there is a pattern to earnings per share for the
Price Company, which operates a wholesale/retail cash-and-carry business in several states
under the name Price Club. The data are shown in the following table.