Pediatric Course Eular Site

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Bucharest, Romania
October, 13th-15th 2016

Organizer: Course Directors:

Romanian Society of Rheumatology Prof. Dr. Annamaria Iagnocco
Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Ionescu Dr. Violeta Vlad

Course opening Course closing

Thursday, Oct 13th, 2016 h 14.00 Saturday, Oct 15th, 2016 h 17.00

The number of participants is limited to 36. A maximum number of 6
participants will be supervised by a tutor in practical sessions. Participants
will meet the criteria required by EULAR. The Courses will be opened for
registration for all EULAR member countries.

Official language

This course is scientifically endorsed by

Course Venue
Sf. Maria Clinical Hospital
Ion Mihalache Bd. 37-39,sector 1
011172, Bucharest, Romania
Phone, fax +40/ 21 222 40 64

Accreditation process
The Course will be CME accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Health.

Course evaluation
Formal evaluation will be performed by all attendees at the end of the
course. A test of knowledge will be issued at the beginning and the end of
the course, to mark the differences in participants' knowledge level.

Sponsorship will be provided by pharmaceutical companies and ultrasound
manufacturers . Sponsors will have no interference with the course
programme, its contents or speakers. Manufacturers of ultrasound
machines will provide the equipment for the courses free of charge.

Participation fee

850 EURO (fee includes participation tax and all lunches and coffee breaks
during the course) (go to form registration)

Registration, booking and payment

should be made throught the execution of the travel agency

Ella Traveland.
Address: 134, Constantin Noica St., Bucharest;
Phone/fax:0040213156511, Mobile :0040742355773,
Bank details:
Bank address: 13 Kiseleff Avenue, Bucharest, sector 1
IBAN: RO11INGB0000999901857681 (EUR)
RO09BUCU029874202511RO01 (RON)

to learn principles of MSUS in children
to correctly identify the sonographic pattern of musculoskeletal
tissues in children
to learn main anatomy characteristics of children musculoskeletal
to learn ultrasound evaluation of each region of interest in a
standardized manner
to identify basic pathological findings in children
to learn main artifacts of MSUS
to learn the correct manner of reporting ultrasound findings

Learning of the main practical issues connected to machine handling
and Grey Scale adjustements for proper imaging
Supervised identification of anatomic landmarks and tissues in
Supervised standardized scanning of the hip, knee, ankle and foot,
shoulder, elbow, wrists and hands in children
Supervised scanning of children with basic pathological findings
Paz Collado, Spain, Faculty member
Annamaria Iagnocco, Italy, Faculty
of EULAR MSUS courses
member of EULAR MSUS courses

Jelena Voijinovic, Serbia, Faculty

Esperanza Naredo, Spain, Faculty
member of EULAR MSUS courses
member of EULAR MSUS courses

Silvia Magni Manzoni, Italy, Faculty

Jelena Vojinovic, Serbia, Faculty
member of EULAR MSUS courses
member of EULAR MSUS courses

Clara Malattia, Italy, Faculty

Peter Balint, Hungary, Faculty
member of EULAR MSUS courses
member of EULAR MSUS courses

Nemanja Damjanov, Serbia, Faculty

Silvia Magni Manzoni, Italy, Faculty
member of EULAR MSUS courses
member of EULAR MSUS courses

Mihaela Micu, Romania, TTT, tutor

Paz Collado, Spain, Faculty member
in EULAR MSUS courses
of EULAR MSUS courses
Daniela Fodor, Romania, TTT, tutor
Clara Malattia, Italy, Faculty
in EULAR MSUS courses
member of EULAR MSUS courses
Violeta Vlad, Romania, TTT, tutor in
Nemanja Damjanov, Serbia, Faculty
EULAR MSUS courses
member of EULAR MSUS courses
Goran Radunovic, tutor in EULAR
Daniela Fodor, Romania, TTT, tutor
MSUS courses
in EULAR MSUS courses
Francesco Porta, Italy, Faculty
Florian Berghea, Romania, EULAR
member of EULAR MSUS courses
level 1 competency certificate
Rodina Nestorova, Bulgaria, tutor in
EULAR MSUS courses

Porin Peric, Croatia, tutor in EULAR

MSUS courses

Florin Vreju, Romania, TTT

Organizing Secretariat (Contact persons)

Dr. Violeta Vlad Dr. Florian Berghea

Sf. Maria Clinical Hospital Sf. Maria Clinical Hospital

e-mail: e-mail:
tel: +40212224064 tel: +40212224064
mobile: +40723378557 mobile: +40723236258


Day 1, October 13th, 2016

12:00-14:00 Registration and lunch
14:00-14:15 Welcome - A Iagnocco, E. Naredo, R. Ionescu
14:15-14:40 Test of knowledge

Chairpersons: A. Iagnocco, E. Naredo

14:40- 15:20 Sonographic pattern of musculoskeletal tissues and technical
characteristics and setting of ultrasound equipments for
rheumatology - A. Iagnocco
15:20-16:00 Color Doppler and Power Doppler- basic- optimizing settings
and applications - E. Naredo
16:00-16:30 Coffee break

Chairpersons: S. Magni Manzoni, J. Vojinovic

16:30-17:00 Clinical use of MSUS in pediatric practice - J. Vojinovic
17:00-17:40 Sonographic pattern of musculoskeletal tissues in children -
S. Magni Manzoni
17:40-19:00 Workshop. Optimized use of the US machine and settings
applying for children

Day 2, October 14th, 2016

Chairpersons: C. Mallatia, Paz Collado
09:00-09:40 Sonographic semiology( tenosynovitis, tendinopathy,
enthesitis, bursitis, calcifications, cartilage lesions, cortical
abnormalities, synovitis) - A. Iagnocco
09:40-10:20 Sonoanatomy of the hip in children. Normal and main
pathological findings. - C. Mallatia
10:20-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Workshop Standardized scan of the hip in children
12:00-12:20 Sonoanatomy of the shoulder in children. Normal and
main pathological findings. - P. Collado
12:20-12:40 Sonoanatomy of the elbow in children. Normal and main
pathological findings - C. Mallatia
12:40-13:00 Artifacts in ultrasonography - F. Berghea
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:30- 16:00 Workshop Standardized scanning of the shoulder and
elbow in children
16:00-16:20 Coffee break

Chairpersons: N. Damjanov, S. Magni Manzoni

16:20-16:50 Sonoanatomy of the wrist and hand in children. Normal
and main pathological findings.
- S. Magni Manzoni
16:50-17:20 Sonoanatomy of the foot in children. Normal and main
pathological findings. - P. Collado
17:20-18:00 Basic skills in sonographic guided artrhrocentesis in
children - N. Damjanov

Day 3, October 15th, 2016

09:00-10:40 Workshop: standardized scanning of the hand and foot
in children
10:40-11:00 Coffee break

Chairpersons: P. Balint, J Vojinovic

11:00-11:25 Standardized scanning of the entheses in children. Normal
and main pathological findings. - P. Balint
11:25- 12:00 Sonoanatomy of the knee in children. Normal and main
pathological findings. - J. Vojinovic
12:00-12:30 Reporting ultrasound diagnosis and findings - D. Fodor
12:30-13:15 Workshop. Standardized scanning of the knee in
13:15-14:30 Workshop: Basic skills in sonographic guided
14:30- 15:00 Test of knowledge
15:00 Lunch

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