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EFRS Manual Acctg Process v2 - Final

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Enhanced Financial Reporting System

Systems and User Manual (Revised)

Strengthening the Financial

Management System in the Department
of Education (Phase II)

July 2016

Transaction Accounting Processes for eFRS

1 Overview About This Manual ................................................................................... 12

1.1 Background.................................................................................................. 12
1.2 eFRS User Manual ...................................................................................... 12
2 Establish Beginning Balances.............................................................................. 14
2.1 Overview of Beginning Balance ................................................................... 14
2.2 Set Up Beginning Balance ........................................................................... 14
2.3 Cash in Bank accounts ................................................................................ 14
3 Bank Disbursement ............................................................................................... 16
3.1 Overview of Bank Disbursements ................................................................ 16
3.2 Check Disbursement .................................................................................... 16
3.3 ADA Disbursement....................................................................................... 20
3.4 Cancelled/Stale Checks ............................................................................... 22
3.5 Fund Transfer .............................................................................................. 24
3.6 Bank Charges .............................................................................................. 25
4 Cash Disbursement ............................................................................................... 27
4.1 Overview of Cash Disbursements ................................................................ 27
4.2 Liquidations.................................................................................................. 27
4.3 Other transaction types ................................................................................ 32
5 Cash Collection ..................................................................................................... 34
5.1 Overview of Cash Collections ...................................................................... 34
5.2 Refund of Cash Advance ............................................................................. 36
5.3 Income of the National Government ............................................................. 37
5.4 Revolving Fund Receipts ............................................................................. 38
5.5 Trust Receipts .............................................................................................. 39
5.6 Refund for Overpayment of Expenses ......................................................... 40
5.7 Dishonored Checks...................................................................................... 40
6 Bank Deposit ......................................................................................................... 41
6.1 Overview of Bank Deposits .......................................................................... 41
6.2 Deposits of Collections................................................................................. 43
6.3 Trust Fund ................................................................................................... 44
6.4 Adjustment to Bank Deposits ....................................................................... 44
7 Other Transactions ................................................................................................ 45
7.1 Overview of Other Transactions ................................................................... 45
7.2 NCA/NTA Receipt ........................................................................................ 45
7.3 Remittances to BIR ...................................................................................... 48
7.4 Non-Cash Expenses .................................................................................... 50
7.5 General Corrections/Adjustments ................................................................ 53

Page 1
7.6 NCA/NTA Lapsing ........................................................................................ 54
7.7 Year-end Closing ......................................................................................... 55
8 SUs MOOE Liquidation ........................................................................................ 57
8.1 Overview of MOOE Liquidation .................................................................... 57
8.2 Accounting Entries ....................................................................................... 58
9 Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................ 61

Page 2

AABs - Authorized Agent Banks

AB - Approved Budget

ACIC - Advice of Checks Issued and Cancelled

ADA - Authority to Debit Account

ADADJ - Advice to Debit Account Disbursement Journal

ADADRec - Advice to Debit Account Disbursement Record

ADDO - Aging of Due and Demandable Obligation

AFR - Annual Financial Report

AGDB - Authorized Government Depository Bank

AJE - Adjusting Journal Entries

AMCFP - Agro-Industry Modernization Credit and Financing Program

APR - Agency Procurement Request

ATM - Automated Teller Machine

AusAID - Australian Agency for International Development

BAPC - Biological Assets Property Card

BAR - Budget Accomplishment Report

BESF - Budget of Expenditures and Sources of Finances

BIR - Bureau of Internal Revenue

BLT - Bureau of Land Transportation

BLT - Build-lease-and-transfer

BMB - Budget and Management Bureau

BOC - Bureau of Custom

BOT - Build Operate and Transfer

BRS - Bank Reconciliation Statement

BS - Balance Sheet

BSP - Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

BT - Build Transfer

BTO - Build-transfer-and-operate

Page 3
BURS - Budget Utilization Request and Status

CAc - Certificate of Acceptance

CAF - Certificate of Availability of Funds

CAO - Contract-add-and-operate

CCU - COA Credit Union

CDC - Cash Disbursement Ceiling

CDREc - Cash Disbursements Record

CDREg - Cash Disbursements Register

CkADADRec Checks and ADA Disbursements Record

CDT - Custom, Duties and Taxes

CFV - Current Fair Value

CHED - Commission on Higher Education

CM - Credit Memoranda

CO - Capital Outlay

COA - Commission On Audit

CRDC - Consolidated Report of Daily Collections

CRREc - Cash Receipts Record

CRREg - Cash Receipts Register

CY - Current Year

DA - Department of Agriculture

DBM - Department of Budget and Management

DepEd - Department of Education

DFA - Department of Foreign Affairs

DILG - Department of Interior and Local Government

DM - Debit Memoranda

DND - Department of National Defense

DO - Division Office

Page 4
DOF - Department of Finance

DOLE - Department of Labor and Employment

DOT - Develop-operate-and-transfer

DOT - Department of Tourism

DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways

DR - Delivery Receipt

DRC - Depreciated Replacement Cost

DS - Deposit Slip

DSA - Daily Subsistence Allowance

DTR - Daily Time Record

DV - Disbursement Vouchers

EO - Executive Order

eOR - Electronic Official Receipt

ERABA - Estimated Revenue per Approved Budget of the Agency

ExMDPS - Expanded Modified Direct Payment Scheme

FAR - Financial Accountability Report

FBGAS - Foreign-based Government Agencies

FCR - For Comprehensive Release

FE - Financial Expense

FLR - For Late Release

FMS - Financial Management Services

FOs - Field Offices

FP - Financial Plan

FS - Financial Statement

FSC - Funding Source Code

FSP - Foreign Service Post

FV - Fair Value

FY - Fiscal Year

GAA - General Appropriation Act

Page 5
GARO - General Allotment Release Order

GAS - Government Accounting Sector

GF - General Fund

GJ - General Journal

GOCCs - Government Owned and/or Controlled Corporations

GP - General Payroll

GPFS - General Purpose Financial Statement

GSB - Government Servicing Bank

GSIS - Government Service Insurance System

HDMF - Home Development Mutual Fund

IA - Implementing Agency

IAR - Inspection and Acceptance Report

IATF - Inter-Agency Transferred Fund

IBRD - International Bank of Reconstruction and Development

IC - Insurance Commission

IDF - International Development Fund

IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development

IP - Index of Payment

IPLC - Investment Property Ledger Card

IPSAS - International Public Sector Accounting Standard

IRA - Internal Revenue Allotment

IoT - Itinerary of Travel

JEV - Journal Entry Voucher

KRA - Key Budget Area

LASA - List of Allotments and Sub-Allotments

LCCA - Local Currency Current Account

LDAAP-ADA - List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable-Advice to Debit Accounts

Page 6
LDDAP - List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable

LGUs - Local Government Units

LR - Liquidation Report

LRF - Legal Research Fee

MBS - monthly Bank Statement

MDS - Modified Disbursement System

MDS-GSB - MDS - Government Servicing Banks

MFO - Major Final Output

MOA - Memorandum of Agreement

MOOE - Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses

MRD - Monthly Report of Disbursements

MVUC - Motor Vehicle Users Charge

NBURSA - Notice of Budget Utilization Request and Status Adjustment

NCA - Notice of Cash Allocation

NCAA - Non-Cash Availment Authority

NG - National Government

NGAS - New Government Accounting System

NGAs - National Government Agencies

NORSA - Notice of Obligation Request and Adjustment

NPV - Net Present Value

NT - National Treasury

NTA - Notice of Transfer of Allocation

ObR - Obligation Request

OFID - OPEC Fund for International Development

OP - Order of Payment

OR - Official Receipt

ORS - Obligation Request and Status

Page 7
OU - Operating Unit

OWWA - Overseas Workers Welfare Administration

PAG - Philippine Application Guidance

PAGCOR - Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation

PAP - Program Activity Project

PAR - Property Acknowledgement Receipt

PIB - Performance-Informed Budget

PC - Property Card

PCF - Petty Cash Fund

PCFRec - Petty Cash Fund Record

PCSO - Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office

PCV - Petty Cash Voucher

PD - Presidential Decree

PFV - Previous Fair Value

PHIC - Philippine Health Insurance Corporation

PO - Purchase Order

PPE - Property, Plant and Equipment

PPELC - Property, Plant and Equipment Ledger Card

PPSAS - Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standard

PR - Purchase Request

PS - Personnel Services

PV - Present Value

PY - Prior Year

QPRO - Quarterly Physical Report of Operation

QRBA - Quarterly Report of Biological Assets

QRROR - Quarterly Report of Revenue and Other Receipt

RA - Regular Agency

RADAI - Report of Authority to Debit Account Issued

RANCA - Registry of Allotments and Notice of Cash Allocation

Page 8
RANTA - Registry of Allotment and Notice of Transfer of Allocation

RAOD - Registry of Allotments, Obligation and Disbursements

RAPAL - Registry of Appropriation and Allotments

RBUD - Registry of Budget, Utilization and Disbursements

RBUD-CO - Registry of Budget, Utilization and Disbursements-Capital Outlay

RBUD-FE - Registry of Budget, Utilization and Disbursement-Financial Expenses

MOOE - Registry of Budget, Utilization and Disbursements-Maintenance and

RBUD-PS - Registry of Budget, Utilization and Disbursements-Personnel Services

RCA - Revised Chart of Accounts

RCD - Report of Collection and Deposits

RCI - Report of Checks Issued

RD - Report of Disbursement

RDO - Revenue District Office

RER - Reimbursement Expense Receipt

RO - Regional Office

ROAD- CO - Registry of Allotments, Obligation and Disbursements-Capital Outlay

ROAD- FE - Registry of Allotments, Obligation and Disbursements-Financial Expenses

MOOE - Registry of Allotments, Obligation and Disbursements-Maintenance and

ROAD-PS - Registry of Allotments, Obligation and Disbursements-Personnel Services

ROT - Rehabilitate-operate-and-transfer

RPPCV - Report on Paid Petty Cash Vouchers

RROR - Registry of Revenue and Other Receipts

RSMI - Report of Supplies and Materials Issued

SA - Supplemental Appropriation

SAAODB Statement of Appropriation, Allotments, Obligation, Disbursements and

- Balances

Page 9
SAAODBOE Summary of Appropriation, Allotments, Obligation, Disbursements and
- Balances

SABUDB - Statement of Approved Budget, Utilization, Disbursements and Balances

SABUDBOE Summary of Appropriation, Allotments, Obligation, Disbursements and

- Balances

SARO - Special Allotment Release Order

SCBAA - Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts

SCBAE - Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Expenditures

SCF - Statement of Cash Flow

SCNA/E - Statement of Changes in Net-Assets/Equity

SD - Supporting Documents

SDO - Special Disbursing Officer

SFPer - Statement of Financial Performance

SL - Subsidiary Ledger

SLIIE - Summary of LDDAP-ADAs Issued and Invalidated ADA Entries

SPU - Supply and Property Unit

SSs - Supporting Schedules

STW - Summary of Taxes Withheld

SUC - State Universities and Colleges

TB - Trial Balance

TEF - Tax Expenditure Fund

TESDA - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

TF - Trust Fund

TIN - Tax Identification Number

TRA - Tax Remittance Advice

TSA - Treasury Single Account

UACS - Unified Accounts Coding System

UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

Page 10
UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund

UNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund for Women

UP - University of the Philippines

VAT - Value Added Tax

Page 11
1 Overview About This Manual

1.1 Background

The Enhanced Financial Reporting System (eFRS) originated

For clarifications and
from the basic Financial Reporting System (FRS) used by
queries, you may contact
the Project on:
some accounting units in the Department of Education
(DepED). It was initiated by Mr. Harold Magadia, a
programmer in the Accounting Division of DepEd Central
Office, up until its latest version. The current version of eFRS is
Mobile: 3.2 or the eFRS V3.2. Hence, all eFRS term used in this
manual refers to eFRS V3.2.

The principal developer of eFRS is Mr. Magadia himself together with the guidance and
supervision of the Accountants from DepED Central Office. Feedbacks from field offices
email:also incorporated in the system along with the recommendations and suggestions
pointed out by the consulting team. The main distinction of eFRS as compared to its
predecessors is that it is already Unified Account Code Structure (UACS) compliant. This
means that it can already cater the 54-digit UACS code, as mandated through COA-DBM-
DOF Joint Circular No. 2013-1, in recording financial transaction. In addition, the eFRS
adheres to relevant rules and regulations as mandated by the Commission on Audit (COA)
and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), including strict compliance to
pertinent guidelines and issuances deemed necessary by these oversight agencies.

The main purpose of eFRS is to provide relative ease in recording transactional data needed
for accounting units as compared to the manual process or even with standard spreadsheets
especially when coding the 46-digit UACS code. It was also designed to produce appropriate
reports and export relevant financial data as needed. Generally, eFRS is designed to provide
support for Accounting personnel in the meantime while the Government Integrated
Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) is still undergoing development. Until
such time when GIFMIS will be fully implemented in DepED, eFRS will play a vital role in
recording accounting entries and other financial data as well as generating reports and other
financial statements.

The primary purpose of this manual is to provide a reference document for end users of the
eFRS. It covers instructions, definitions, illustrations, step-by-step guide, descriptions, and
explanations related to the functions of the system.

1.2 eFRS User Manual

Who should use the manual?

This manual is primarily designed for DepEd personnel from accounting units in different
levels of the department tasked with maintaining Journal Entry Vouchers (JEV) and other
financial documents such as general journals, ledgers, etc. It is also designed for use by
accountants, bookkeepers, and other accounting staff for generating reports and extracting
financial data.

What is eFRS?

Page 12
eFRS stands for Enhanced Financial Reporting System. It is a system used by the DepED
for recording various financial data and consequently generating reports as required by
oversight agencies such as the COA and DBM.

Why do we need to use eFRS?

The current version of eFRS incorporates UACS as mandated by COA-DBM-DOF Joint

Circular No. 2013-1 set out at Appendix 1. With the 46 digit format of UACS, DepEd realized
the difficulty in properly coding each financial transaction to its appropriate UACS code.
Although this would be addressed with the advent of GIFMIS, which will come in late 2015,
there is still a gap of approximately 2 years from the implementation of UACS to that of
GIFMIS. As such, there is a need to have a system to support DepEd during this gap.
Hence, the adoption of the enhanced FRS.

What is the scope of eFRS?

The eFRS is designed to capture financial data as reflected in the JEVs including other
supporting documents such as checks, disbursement vouchers, official receipts, etc. It
basically record important details for check and cash disbursements, cash collections and
deposits, general journal, and liquidations. For reporting, it can produce trial balance and
financial statements.

What is covered in the manual?

The manual comes in two volumes. Volume I covers the following topics: system
requirements, installation, setup, data entry, search and editing of records, reports
generation, and exporting data. It also includes frequently asked questions (FAQs) and how-
tos related to eFRS operation. Volume II illustrates the data entry functions of the system. It
focuses on the transaction accounting processes.

Page 13
2 Establish Beginning Balances

2.1 Overview of Beginning Balance

Balance Sheet accounts, comprising of Assets, Liabilities and Government Equity, are called
real accounts, which normally have balances that are brought forward to the succeeding
years. Cash MDS accounts (Regular, Special Account, and/or Trust) however have no
forwarding balances due to automatic lapsing of the Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA), an
authority granted to DepEds operating units to disburse and issue Modified Disbursements
System (MDS) checks, at specified time.

In setting up an opening balance for the balance sheet accounts, the eFRS provides menu
and input fields to enter the beginning balances.

2.2 Set Up Beginning Balance

Using the Post-Closing Trial Balance or Detailed Balance Sheet (BS), input the account
balances following the steps below:
1. Select the Fund Source Code from the drop-down list in the appropriate fields.
Please be reminded that data input is on a per Fund Source basis.
2. Indicate None (000000000000000) in the MFO/PAP Code.
3. Select the particular Object Codes from the drop-down list in the appropriate fields.
Ensure that all New Government Accounting System (NGAS) Object Codes have
been duly converted to the UACS.
4. Enter the amounts of the beginning balances corresponding to every Object Code at
statement date
5. Click OK to post the transactions.
6. Do the same steps for other Fund Source Codes, if any.

2.3 Cash in Bank accounts

Setting up of the beginning balances in the eFRS only accounts for the total or aggregate
amount. Now, in order to maximize the use of information, most importantly on Cash in Bank
Local Currency, the details as to individual bank accounts should also be established.
Such information is very significant in the preparation of the Bank Reconciliation Statement

To set up the opening balance for each of the Cash in Bank Local Currency bank account,
the following steps shall be observed:
1. Click the Bank Deposits transaction type.
2. Set the JEV Number.
3. Select the appropriate Fund Source Code from the drop-down list. Ensure that the
fund source here matches with the code chosen in the System Setup when
establishing the beginning balances.
4. Put 0 (zero) in the Deposit Slip Number and Date for all entries.
5. Select the appropriate bank account number and Object Code for the Cash in Bank
Local Currency account from the drop-down list for the debit items.
6. Put 0 (zero) in the bank account number field and select the Object Code for the
Cash in Bank Local Currency account from the drop-down list for the credit item.
7. Enter the corresponding amount for each of the beginning bank account balance in
the debit side, and the total or aggregate amount in the credit side.

Page 14
8. Check whether total debit and credit amounts are in balance. Then click Post
Transaction button.

The journal entry would appear as:

MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Cash in Bank LCCA (Bank Account No. 1) 01101101 000000000000000 1010202016 x,xxx.xx
Cash in Bank LCCA (Bank Account No. 2) 01101101 000000000000000 1010202016 x,xxx.xx
Cash in Bank LCCA (Bank Account No. 3) 01101101 000000000000000 1010202024 x,xxx.xx
Cash in Bank LCCA (Bank Account No. 4) 01101101 000000000000000 1010202032 x,xxx.xx
Cash in Bank LCCA (Total per BS) 01101101 000000000000000 1010202000 x,xxx.xx
Record bank details for Cash in Bank
LCCA accounts

The same principle applies to Cash in Bank Local Currency, Saving Deposit and Cash in
Bank Foreign Currency, Savings Account, if any.

Page 15
3 Bank Disbursement

3.1 Overview of Bank Disbursements

Bank Disbursement refers to the payment transactions involving DepEds bank accounts or
financial transactions resulting to credits in the bank account balances. This transaction type
includes the following, but not limited to:
Check Disbursements
Authority to Debit Account (ADA) or Notice of Transfer of Allocation (NTA)
Cancelled Checks and/or Stale Checks
Bank Charges

3.2 Check Disbursement

Check Disbursements are payments made to various creditors or payees through the use of
paper checks. The two types of checks being issued by DepEd are the MDS Check and
Commercial Checks. MDS Checks are issued by government agencies, such as DepEd,
chargeable against the account of the Bureau of Treasury (BTr) which is maintained in
various authorized government servicing banks (AGSB). These are covered by Notice of
Cash Allocation (NCA), an authorization issued by the DBM to government agencies to
withdraw cash from the National Treasury through the issuance of MDS checks. Commercial
Checks are issued by DepEd against its non-MDS bank accounts, such as Revolving Funds
and Trust Receipts.

The necessary reference documents to support the recording of check disbursement

transactions are the following:
Copy of check issued
Disbursement Voucher (DV)
Obligation Request (OBr)
Reference issued check may also be required for the Petty Cash Fund (PCF)
replenishments and other similar transactions.

To record the transaction in the eFRS, the following steps shall be observed:

1. Set the JEV Number by choosing the appropriate year and month of the transaction,
then the transaction date.

2. Click and select the transaction category, Bank Disbursements, from the dropdown
list. Make sure to click the same Bank Disbursements button for the correct form of
entry fields to appear.

Page 16
3. Click and select the sub-transaction type, Check Disbursements, and choose the
appropriate Fund Source Code from the dropdown lists.

4. Input all required data from the DV to the entry form. Remember, dont leave any field

5. Complete the accounting entries: click and select appropriate MFO/PAP and Object
Codes from the dropdown lists and enter into the corresponding debit and credit
amounts. Note that the MFO/PAP Codes must be specified for Expense account,
such as PS, MOOE, Financial Expenses (if any) and Capital Outlays codes.
Otherwise, choose fifteen zeroes or None as MFO/PAP Code.

6. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts.

7. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

Page 17
eFRS required Input Fields

Required information from supporting documents, such as DV.

The common transactions under this transaction type include grant of Cash Advances for
travel, payroll or MOOEs, establishment and replenishments of PCF, and payment to
suppliers or creditors. Illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as

Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Petty Cash Fund 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Establishment of PCF

Page 18
Advances to Officers and Employees 01101101 000000000000000 1990104000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Grant of cash advance for travel
Advances for Operating Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 1990101000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Grant of cash advance for
Advances to Special Disbursing Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1990103000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Grant of cash advance for training
Advances for Payroll 01101101 000000000000000 1990102000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Grant of cash advance for payroll
Due to GSIS Life and Retirement 01101101 000000000000000 2020102001 x,xxx.xx
Premium 01101101 000000000000000 2020102002 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS ECC 01101101 000000000000000 2020102003 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS Salary Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020102004 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS Policy Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020103001 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG Pag-IBIG Premium 01101101 000000000000000 2020103002 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG Pag-IBIG Multi- 01101101 000000000000000 2020103003 x,xxx.xx
Purpose Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020104000 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG Pag-IBIG Housing 01101101 000000000000000 2999999000 x,xxx.xx
Loan 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Due to PhilHealth
Other Payables
Cash MDS, Regular
Remittance of salary deductions
Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums 01104102 261003020500002 5010301000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01104102 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Remittance of government share
Pag-IBIG Contributions 01101101 262003020500003 5010302000 x,xxx.xx
PhilHealth Contributions 01101101 262003020500003 5010303000 x,xxx.xx
Employees Compensation Insurance 01101101 262003020500003 5010304000 x,xxx.xx
Premiums 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular
Remittance of government share*
Electricity Expenses 01101101 103001000100000 5020402000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Payment of MERALCO bill
Telephone Expenses 01101101 103001000100000 5020502000 x,xxx.xx
Internet Subscription Expenses 01101101 103001000100000 5020503000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Payment of PLDT bill
Office Supplies Expenses 01101101 103001000100000 5020301000 x,xxx.xx
Postage and Courier Services 01101101 103001000100000 5020501000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Replenishment of PCF
Due from NGAs 101101 000000000000000 1030301000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Advance payment to DBM
Procurement Service
Construction in Progress Buildings & 101101 000000302020008 1061003000 x,xxx.xx
Other Structures
Advances to Contractors 101101 000000000000000 1990201000 x,xxx.xx
Due to BIR 101101 000000000000000 2020101000 x,xxx.xx
Other Payables 101101 000000000000000 2999999000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Progress payments
*comes in different supporting documents: ORS, DV, etc.

Page 19
3.3 ADA Disbursement

Disbursements through the Authority to Debit Account (ADA) are settlements of liabilities
using the electronic fund transfer (EFT) authorized by the government agencies. ADA is
issued in lieu of paper checks. It may be issued by the DBM to settle liabilities listed in the
List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable (LDDAP) submitted by DepEd. It may also
be issued by DepEd itself against its MDS bank accounts.

The necessary reference documents to support the recording of bank disbursement

transactions are the following:
Bank-validated ADA

To record the transaction in the eFRS, follow the steps observed in the check disbursements
above, except for the transaction sub-type. Click and select the sub-transaction type, ADA
Disbursements, and fill out the form using the data from the supporting documents and the
dropdown lists.

Other than the regular salaries paid through ATM Payroll System, ADA is usually issued to
settle outstanding liabilities, while NTA is for subsidies to operating units. Illustrative
accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:

MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Accounts Payable 01102101 000000000000000 2010101000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01102101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Due to BIR 01102101 000000000000000 2020101000 x,xxx.xx
Payment of Accounts Payable
Prepaid Rent 01101101 000000000000000 1990101000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Payment of 1-year office rentals

Page 20
Construction in Progress Buildings & Other 01101101 262003020200008 1061003000 x,xxx.xx
Advances to Contractors 01101101 000000000000000 1990201000 x,xxx.xx
Due to BIR 01101101 000000000000000 2020101000 x,xxx.xx
Other Payables 01101101 000000000000000 2999999000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Progress payments

In case of payment of salaries and other PS items though, primarily for DOs which maintains
the payroll for Teachers, the following extra steps must be observed:

A. The Organization Codes of Spending Units must be considered and reflected in

each JEV.

1. Prepare 1 JEV for each Spending Unit (only for Secondary Schools) with own
Organization Code. This is an example of transactions with several JEVs for 1 DV
or Payroll.
2. Supply all JEV details, then click and select the Spending Units Organization
Code from the dropdown list.
3. Click and select the appropriate MFO/PAP Code for MFO2: Operation of
Schools Secondary Schools, i.e. 302050003, from the dropdown list in the
Accounting entries section for every PS expense item.
4. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts and no ERRORS.
5. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

B. The MFO/PAP Codes for Operation of Kindergarten and Elementary Schools

must be considered and appropriately indicated in each JEV.

Page 21
1. Supply all JEV details, then click and select the DOs Organization Code from the
dropdown list. You may prepare 1 JEV for each school level, Kindergarten,
Elementary, and Secondary (for schools directly maintained by the DO and do
not have assigned Organization Codes).
2. Click and select the appropriate MFO/PAP Code for MFO2: Operation of
Schools - Kindergarten, MFO2: Operation of Schools - Elementary, or MFO2:
Operation of Schools - Secondary, from the dropdown list in the Accounting
entries section for every PS expense item.
3. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts and no ERRORS.
4. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

3.4 Cancelled/Stale Checks

Cancelled checks are paper checks used but cancelled due to various reasons. Cancellation
within the reporting month usually results from typographical errors, while those
cancellations after the reporting month may result to unmatched check details between
Advice of Check Issued and Cancelled (ACIC) and the issued check, error in the basis of
computation, there is change in some details, or the check becomes stale. Check becomes
stale when it has been outstanding for over six (6) months from the date of issuance or as

The necessary reference documents to support the recording of bank disbursement

transactions are the following:
Reference issued and cancelled check
Original DV
Original ORS
Bank Reconciliation Statement

Stale checks as well as checks cancelled after the reporting month shall require necessary
adjusting entries. The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as
MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Travelling Expense - Local 01101101 000000000000000 5020101000 x,xxx.xx
Check cancellation after the reporting
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Accounts Payable 01101101 000000000000000 2010101000 x,xxx.xx
Stale check

To record the transaction in the eFRS, observe the following steps:

Page 22
1. After setting the JEV Number, click and select the sub-transaction type,
Stale/Cancelled Checks, and fill out the form using the data from the supporting
documents and the dropdown lists.

2. Input all required data from the DV to the entry form. Input in the Net Amount field a
negative entry equal to the amount of stale check or check to cancel.

Page 23
Sample cancelled check

3. Complete the reversing accounting entries: click and select appropriate MFO/PAP
and Object Codes from the dropdown lists and enter into the corresponding debit and
credit amounts.
4. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts and no ERRORS.
5. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

3.5 Fund Transfer

Disbursement through issuance of the Notice of Transfer of Allocation (NTA) is a scheme

whereby DepEd instructs the AGSB to transfer a specific amount out of its NCA available
balance to the bank accounts of the receiving agencies, e. g. ROs, DOs, and/or IUs.

The necessary reference documents to support the recording of bank disbursement

transactions are the following:
Bank-validated NTA

Page 24
To record the transaction in the eFRS, follow the steps observed in the check disbursements
above, except for the transaction sub-type. Click and select the sub-transaction type, Fund
Transfer, and fill out the form using the data from the supporting documents and the
dropdown lists.

3.6 Bank Charges

This transaction type shall cover all the bank charges. The term bank charge covers all
charges and fees made by the AGSB against the cash in bank balance of the department.

The necessary reference documents to support the recording of bank disbursement

transactions are the following:
Bank Statement
Bank Reconciliation Statement

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Financial Assistance to NGAs 01101101 000002001300000 5021402000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Issuance of NTA to ROs
Bank Charges 01101101 103001000100000 5030104000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Issuance of NTA to ROs

To record the transaction using the eFRS, the following steps must be observed:

1. After setting the JEV Number, click and select the sub-transaction type, Bank
Charges, and fill out the form using the data from the supporting documents and the
dropdown lists.

Page 25
2. Put zeroes in input fields where information is not available.

Page 26
4 Cash Disbursement

4.1 Overview of Cash Disbursements

Cash Disbursement refers to payments made through cash. Most often, this transaction type
covers all liquidations of Cash Advances granted, such as, but not limited to the:
Liquidation of Advances for Payroll
Liquidation of Cash Advances for Travels
Final liquidation of PCF for the calendar year
Liquidation of Cash Advances for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
(MOOE) by the Spending Units (SU)
Cash payments out of collections during the conduct of trainings

4.2 Liquidations

Disbursements by cash shall be made from cash advances drawn and maintained in
accordance with COA rules and regulations. All cash advances, for payroll, MOOE, travel
and petty cash fund, are subject to liquidation, pursuant to COA Accounting Circular 2006-
001 dated November 9, 2006.

Payroll Fund

Cash advances granted to disbursing officers for the salaries and wages of officers and
employees and other personnel benefits shall be classified separately from other cash
advances given to disbursing officers. Advances for Payroll shall be liquidated within five (5)
days after the pay period.

To record the payroll liquidation, the following documents shall support the expenditures:
Report of Disbursement
Original ORS
Reference issued check

Using the eFRS, the following steps must be observed:

1. Set the JEV Number by choosing the appropriate year and month of the transaction,
then the transaction date.

2. Click and select the transaction category, Cash Disbursements, from the dropdown
list. Make sure to click the same Cash Disbursements button for the correct form of
entry fields to appear.

3. Click and select the sub-transaction type, Cash Advance Payroll, and choose the
appropriate Fund Source Code from the dropdown lists.

Page 27
Reference OBr

4. Input all required data from the Report of Disbursement (RD) to the entry form. Dont
leave any field blank! Make sure that the RD/LR contains all important information
found in the DV and ORS; otherwise they must form part of the supporting

5. Complete the accounting entries: click and select appropriate MFO/PAP and Object
Codes from the dropdown lists and enter into the corresponding debit and credit

It is during liquidation of cash advances that expenses are recognized. Note that the
MFO/PAP Codes must be specified for Expense account, such as PS, MOOE,
Financial Expenses (if any) and Capital Outlays codes. Take the MFO/PAP Codes
from the original and signed ORS form. Choose nine zeroes or None as MFO/PAP
Code for non-expense entries.

6. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts and no ERRORS.

7. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

eFRS Input Fields

Page 28
Required information from supporting documents, such as RD.


Page 29
The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:

MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 103001000100000 5010101001 x,xxx.xx
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 261003020500001 5010101001 x,xxx.xx
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 261003020500002 5010101001 x,xxx.xx
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 262003020500003 5010101001 x,xxx.xx
PERA 01101101 103001000100000 5010201000 x,xxx.xx
PERA 01101101 261003020500001 5010201000 x,xxx.xx
Advances for Payroll 01101101 000000000000000 1990102000 x,xxx.xx
Due to BIR 01101101 000000000000000 2020101000 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS-Life & Retirement Premium 01101101 000000000000000 2020102001 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS-Salary Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020102003 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS-Policy Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020102004 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG-Premium 01101101 000000000000000 2020103001 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG-Multipurpose Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020103002 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG-Housing Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020103003 x,xxx.xx
Due to PhilHealth 01101101 000000000000000 2020104000 x,xxx.xx
Other Payables 01101101 000000000000000 2999999000 x,xxx.xx
Payroll liquidation

Cash Advance for Travel

Cash advances granted for travel shall be accounted for as "Advances to Officers and
Employees" to establish the accountability of the recipient. This shall be liquidated or settled
immediately upon travel completion, evidenced by complete Liquidation Report and travel

Cash Advance for Special Purpose

Cash advances granted for special time-bound undertaking shall be accounted for as
"Advances to Special Disbursing Officer" to establish the accountability of the recipient. It
includes advances to defray training expenses and labor payroll for projects undertaken by
administration. This shall be liquidated or settled immediately after the completion of the
undertaking for which it was granted, evidenced by complete Liquidation Report and
documents supporting the activity.

Advances for Operating Expenses

Cash advances granted by higher office to their respective lower level operating units
(LLOU) covering budgetary releases for current operating expenses shall be accounted for
as "Advances for Operating Expenses" by the releasing agency. This shall be liquidated or
settled before the subsequently advances will be granted.

To record the liquidation of cash advances for travel, special purpose, and operating
expenses, the following documents shall support the expenditures:
Liquidation Disbursement
Original DV
Original ORS
Reference issued check

To record the transaction in the eFRS, follow the steps observed in the Liquidation of Cash
Advance Payroll above, except for the transaction sub-type. Click and select the sub-
transaction type, Liquidations, and fill out the form using the data from the supporting
Liquidation Report and the lists in the dropdown buttons.

Page 30
Responsibility Center
Agency Code:



AMOUNT OF CASH ADVANCE PER DV NO. ___________ DTD. _____________

AMOUNT REFUNDED PER OR NO.__________ DTD. _________


A Certified: Correctness of the B Certif ied: Purpose of travel/cash C Certif ied: Supporting documents
above data advance duly accomplished complete and proper

Claimant Immediate Supervisor Head, Accounting Unit JEV No.

MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 103001000100000 5010101001 x,xxx.xx
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 261003020500001 5010101001 x,xxx.xx
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 262003020500002 5010101001 x,xxx.xx

Page 31
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 262003020500003 5010101001 x,xxx.xx
PERA 01101101 103001000100000 5010201000 x,xxx.xx
PERA 01101101 261003020500001 5010201000 x,xxx.xx
Advances for Payroll 01101101 000000000000000 1990102000 x,xxx.xx
Due to BIR 01101101 000000000000000 2020101000 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS-Life & Retirement Premium 01101101 000000000000000 2020102001 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS-Salary Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020102003 x,xxx.xx
Due to GSIS-Policy Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020102004 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG-Premium 01101101 000000000000000 2020103001 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG-Multipurpose Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020103002 x,xxx.xx
Due to Pag-IBIG-Housing Loan 01101101 000000000000000 2020103003 x,xxx.xx
Due to PhilHealth 01101101 000000000000000 2020104000 x,xxx.xx
Other Payables 01101101 000000000000000 2999999000 x,xxx.xx
Payroll liquidation
Traveling Expense - Local 01101101 103001000100000 5020101000 x,xxx.xx
Due from Officers and Employees 01101101 000000000000000 1990104000 x,xxx.xx
Travel liquidation
Training Expense 01101101 200080000 5020201000 x,xxx.xx
Advances to Special Disbursing Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1990103000 x,xxx.xx
Training liquidation
Office Supplies Expenses 01101101 261003020500002 5020301000 x,xxx.xx
Electricity Expenses 01101101 261003020500002 5020402000 x,xxx.xx
Telephone Expenses 01101101 262003020500002 5020502000 x,xxx.xx
Janitorial Services 01101101 262003020500002 5021202000 x,xxx.xx
Security Services 01101101 262003020500002 5011203000 x,xxx.xx
Advances for Operating Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 1990101000 x,xxx.xx
LLOU MOOE liquidation

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows

4.3 Other transaction types

Final Liquidation of Petty Cash Fund

Petty Cash Fund shall be maintained under the imprest system. As provided in Accounting
Policies promulgated by COA, all replenishments shall be directly charged to the expense
account and at all times, the Petty Cash Fund shall be equal to the total cash on hand and
the unreplenished expenses. PCF final liquidation shall be accomplished within twenty (20)
days after the end of the year.

To record the PCF final liquidation of the year, the following documents shall support the
Liquidation Disbursement
Petty Cash Vouchers
Original ORS
Reference issued check

Page 32
To record the transaction in the eFRS, follow the steps observed in the Liquidation of Cash
Advance Payroll above, except for the transaction sub-type. Click and select the sub-
transaction type, Petty Cash, and fill out the form using the data from the supporting
Liquidation Report and the lists in the dropdown buttons.

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Office Supplies Expenses 01101101 103001000100000 5020301000 x,xxx.xx
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 01101101 103001000100000 5020309000 x,xxx.xx
Other Supplies and Materials Expenses 01101101 103001000100000 5020399000 x,xxx.xx
Petty Cash Fund 01101101 000000000000000 1990101000 x,xxx.xx
Liquidation of DO cash advance
Office Supplies Expenses 01101101 262003020500003 5020301000 x,xxx.xx
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 01101101 262003020500003 5020309000 x,xxx.xx
Other Supplies and Materials Expenses 01101101 262003020500003 5020399000 x,xxx.xx
Petty Cash Fund 01101101 000000000000000 1990101000 x,xxx.xx
Liquidation of IU cash advance

Note that for the Liquidation of Cash Advances for Operating Expenses or the so-called
MOOE Downloading subject to liquidation, the transaction category would be SUs MOOE
Liquidation which is a separate button. Refer to Section 11 below.

Page 33
5 Cash Collection

5.1 Overview of Cash Collections

Cash collections refer to transactions involving receipts in the form of cash. For DepEd, this
transaction type accounts for the receipts that comprise of, but not limited to, the following:
Refund of excess advances
Income of the National Government
Revolving Funds
Trust Receipts
Bail, Bonds and/or Deposits
Others, such as adjustments on disbursements for overpayment of expense and on
collections for the Dishonored checks

To record the collections using the eFRS, the following steps must be observed:

1. Set the JEV Number by choosing the appropriate year and month of the transaction,
then the transaction date.

2. Click and select the transaction category, Cash Collections, from the dropdown list.
Make sure to click the same Cash Collection button for the correct form of entry
fields to appear.

3. There are two sub-transaction types for collections, RA and NG Receipts. Click and
select the appropriate sub-transaction type.

4. Choose the appropriate Fund Source Code from the dropdown lists based on the
code indicated in the Report of Collection and Deposit (RCD) or Official Receipt. The
usual Fund Source Codes in the receipt of cash are described as follows:
a. 101101 General Fund, Current Appropriations, Specific Budget for the
Operating Unit. This code will be used to account for both NG and RA
receipts of cash arising from transactions using the same Fund Source, such
as refunds and income from services and/or business operations. This may
also cover all trust receipts, which are treated as General Fund Trust
Liabilities, unless otherwise specified.
b. 207500s Revolving Funds. As identified in UACS Manual, all receipts from
those operations shall be coded accordingly. More detailed discussions can
be found in Section 9.4.
c. 308602 Trust receipts deposited with the National Treasury other than the
Inter-Agency Transferred Funds. These are receipts from other sources which
are deposited with the National Treasury pursuant to Executive Order No. 338
for the fulfilment of some obligations. For DepED, the Provident Fund falls
here and thus will be coded such.
d. 308603 Trust Receipts deposited with Authorized Government Depository
Bank (AGDB). These are receipts from other sources that should be
deposited in the AGDB for the fulfilment of some obligations. All Trust
Liabilities outside General Fund will then be coded such.

Page 34
5. After inputting the name of the Collecting Officer, complete the accounting entries.
Note that the MFO/PAP Code is defaulted to None or 000000000. Input all required
data from the RCD to the entry form, from OR details to credit amounts. For the debit
entry, put zero (0) in OR Number and Payor columns, indicate the date based on the
date prepared and signed by the Collection Officer, and type the total amount of
collections at debit amount column. Dont leave any field blank!

6. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts and no ERRORS.

7. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

Page 35
5.2 Refund of Cash Advance

When liquidation of cash advances for salaries and wages, travels, special purpose, or
operating expenses amounted to less than the amount granted, the refunds thereof are
made in cash, received and issued Official Receipt by the Collecting Officer.

To record the refunds, the following documents shall support the collection:

Page 36
Official Receipt/s
Report of Collections and Deposits
Reference issued check

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Cash - Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Advances to Officers and Employees 01101101 000000000000000 1990104000 x,xxx.xx
Refund of excess cash advance for travel
Cash - Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Advances to Special Disbursing Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1990103000 x,xxx.xx
Refund of excess cash advance for
Cash - Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Advances for Payroll 01101101 000000000000000 1990102000 x,xxx.xx
Refund of excess cash advance for
salaries and wages
Cash - Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Advances for Operating Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 1990101000 x,xxx.xx
Refund of excess cash advance for SUs

5.3 Income of the National Government

In as far as DepEd is concerned, the incomes of the National Government may comprise of
the following business income accounts, among others:

School Fees. Fees imposed to students of public schools, including tuition,

registration, athletic, cultural, diploma and graduation, transcript of records, library,
training, entrance examination fee, comprehensive examination fee, and the like.

Seminar/Training Fees. Fees collected or billed for attendance in short course

trainings and seminar/workshops.

Rent/Lease Income. Income from use of government properties/facilities, such as

rent/lease of function rooms/buildings

Income from Hostels/Dormitories and Other Like Facilities. Fees/charges for the use of
hostels, dormitories, cottages, guest houses, cafeterias, staff houses, lodging
houses, and other similar facilities. If such income results from the DepEds
business-type activities, it will then be considered a Revolving Fund, as described

Income from Printing and Publication. Income from sale of printed forms, materials or
other publications.

Interest Income. Interest earned and/or actually collected on loans receivable,

investments, bank deposits/financial assets and the like.

Other Business Incomes

Cash collections arising from the above shall be received and issued Official Receipt, with
Fund Source Code of 101101 (unless otherwise specified), by the Collecting Officer.

The following documents shall support the collection:

Official Receipt/s
Report of Collections and Deposits

Page 37
The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
MFO/PAP Object
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source Debit Credit
Code Code
Cash - Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
School Fees 01101101 000000000000000 4020201000 x,xxx.xx
Seminar/Training Fees 01101101 000000000000000 4020204000 x,xxx.xx
Rent/Lease Income 01101101 000000000000000 4020205000 x,xxx.xx
Income from Hostels/Dormitories 01101101 000000000000000 4020213000 x,xxx.xx
Income from Printing and Publication 01101101 000000000000000 4020215000 x,xxx.xx
Interest Income 01101101 000000000000000 4020221000 x,xxx.xx
Other Business Income 01101101 000000000000000 4020299000 x,xxx.xx
Refund of excess cash advance for travel

5.4 Revolving Fund Receipts

Revolving Funds are receipts derived from business-type activities of DepEd as authorized
by law, and which are deposited in an authorized government depository bank. These funds
shall be self-liquidating. All obligations and expenditures incurred because of these
business-type activities shall be charged against the Revolving Fund.

The list of authorized revolving funds for DepEd follows:

Specific DepEd School

o School Revolving Fund. Income earned from manufacturing and production

programs, including auxiliary services of national schools. Fund Source Code
is 207511

Specific DepEd RO

o RELC Revolving Fund. Registration Fees of Regional Education Learning

Centers (B.P. 6831). Fund Source Code is 207512

o Eco-Tech Center Revolving Fund. Income from seminars and conferences.

Fund Source Code is 207513

o Applied Nutrition Center Revolving Fund. Income from Dormitory Operations

and Miscellaneous Income. Fund Source Code is 207514

o Boracay National High School Hostel Revolving Fund. Income from Dormitory
Operations, Miscellaneous Income. Fund Source Code is 207515

OSEC - Baguio Teachers Camp Revolving Fund. Lodging Fees, Rental of Facilities,
Interest Income (GAA). Fund Source Code is 207516

National Educators Academy of the Philippines. (NEAP) Revolving Fund. Registration

Fees, Use of Buildings, Interest Income (F 161). Fund Source Code is 207517

National Science Teaching Instrumentation Center (NSTIC) Revolving Fund. Rental of

Staff Houses. Fund Source Code is 207518

National Museum Revolving Fund. Income from Museum operations (Republic Act
8492). Fund Source Code is 207519

Cash collections arising from the above shall be received and issued OR, with appropriate
Fund Source Code, by the Collecting Officer.

Page 38
The following documents shall support the collection:
Official Receipt/s
Report of Collections and Deposits

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Cash - Collecting Officer 06207512 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Registration Fees 06207512 000000000000000 4020102000 x,xxx.xx
Receipts from RELC Operations
Cash - Collecting Officer 06207513 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Seminar/Training Fees 06207513 000000000000000 4020204000 x,xxx.xx
Receipts from Eco-tech Operations
Cash - Collecting Officer 06207517 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Registration Fees 06207517 000000000000000 4020102000 x,xxx.xx
Rent/Lease Income 06207517 000000000000000 4020205000 x,xxx.xx
Interest Income 06207517 000000000000000 4020221000 x,xxx.xx
Receipts from NEAP Operations

5.5 Trust Receipts

Trust Receipts are receipts that are officially in the possession of government agencies or a
public officer as trustee, agent, or administrator, or which have been received for the
fulfilment of a particular obligation.

Collections made on behalf of other agencies which are later remitted to them are recorded
as Inter-Agency Payables or Trust Liabilities, as the case maybe. Authorized collections
made on behalf of private entities, like those collected and remitted to Private Lending
Institutions are recorded as Other Payables. Performance bond posted by contractor or
supplier to guaranty full and faithful performance of their contract may be in the form of cash
or certified checks or surety. Performance bond in cash or certified check shall be
acknowledged by the issuance of official receipt. When these accounts form part of the
General Fund, then the Fund Source Code would be 101101.

For DepEd, in the books of accounts of the Office of the Secretary, trust receipts arise from
the Service Fees, also known as the National Provident Fund. In the National Book
Development Board, the receipts come from the contributions from PAGCOR and PCSO
(R.A. 9521) and Grant from NCCA. In the National Council for Childrens Television, the
contributions from PAGCOR and PCSO (R.A. 8370) are sources of trust receipts. For the
Philippine High School for the Arts, receipts arise from the donations and solicitations for
various projects (E.O. 420). And for the National Museums, the donations from Patrons are
the considered trust receipts. The Fund Source Code is 308602

Cash collections arising from the above shall be received and issued Official Receipt, with
appropriate Fund Source Code, by the Collecting Officer. The Fund Source Code of all other
trust receipts, not specifically identified above, is 308603.

The following documents shall support the collection:

Official Receipt/s
Report of Collections and Deposits

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit

Page 39
Cash Collecting Officer 06308602 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Trust Liabilities Provident Fund 06308602 000000000000000 2040101000 x,xxx.xx
Receipts from Service Fees in
OSEC books of accounts
Cash Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Bail Bonds Payable 01101101 000000000000000 2040103000 x,xxx.xx
Guaranty/Security Deposits Payable 01101101 000000000000000 2040104000 x,xxx.xx
Other Payables 01101101 000000000000000 2999999000 x,xxx.xx
Receipts of trust funds

5.6 Refund for Overpayment of Expenses

Refunds as a result of overpayment of expenses shall be recorded as an adjustment to the

appropriate expense account if paid in the same year or to Government Equity if paid in the
ensuing year. This transaction shall reduce the amount of expense previously recorded.

The following documents shall support the collection:

Official Receipt/s
Report of Collections and Deposits
Original DV
Original ORS

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Cash Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Water Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 5020401000 x,xxx.xx
Electricity Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 5020402000 x,xxx.xx
Receipts from the Canteen

5.7 Dishonored Checks

There are instances that checks received by Collecting Officers in payment of taxes, fees
and other debt due the government are dishonoured by the drawee banks. A check is said
to be dishonoured by non-payment when, upon its being duly presented for payment, such
payment is refused or cannot be obtained. (Sec. 83, R. A. No. 2031, Negotiable Instrument
Law). It may also be defined as those checks paid to the agency, which were dishonoured
by the AGDB due to Drawn Against Insufficient Fund or Drawn Against Uncleared Deposits.

The following documents shall support the collection:

Dishonored check
Official Receipt/s
Report of Collections and Deposits

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 01101101 000000000000000 1030101000 x,xxx.xx
Cash Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010102000 x,xxx.xx
Return of dishonoured check

Page 40
6 Bank Deposit

6.1 Overview of Bank Deposits

Bank Deposits refer to the transactions of putting monies into the bank. For the whole of
DepEd, there are five (5) types of bank accounts maintained in AGDB, these are BTr, MDS,
LCCA, Local Currency Saving Account and Foreign Current Saving Account. Deposit
however is not applicable for the MDS accounts where check issuances are financed directly
by the BTr through the AGDB.

This transaction type covers all transactions resulting to increases in bank account balances,
but not limited to the following transactions:
Receipt of NCA/NTA
Deposit of collections
Other forms of deposits or adjustments thereto, such as
o Other Trust receipts
o Dishonored checks

To record the deposits using the eFRS, the following steps must be observed:

1. Set the JEV Number by choosing the appropriate year and month of the transaction,
then the transaction date.

2. Click and select the transaction category, Bank Deposits, from the dropdown list.
Make sure to click the same Bank Deposit button for the correct form of entry fields
to appear.

3. There are three sub-transaction types for deposits, Deposit of RA Collections,

Deposit to BTr of NG Collections, and Other deposits. Click and select the
appropriate sub-transaction type.

4. Choose the appropriate Fund Source Code from the dropdown lists based on the
code indicated in the RCD or OR.

5. After inputting the name of the Collecting Officer, complete the accounting entries.
Note that the MFO/PAP Code is defaulted to None or 000000000. Input all required
data from the RCD to the entry form, from Deposit Slips details to Bank Account No.
to debit amounts. For the credit entry, put zero (0) in DS Number and Bank Account
No. columns, indicate the date based on the date prepared and signed by the
Collection Officer, and type the total amount of deposits at credit amount column.
Dont leave any field blank!

6. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts and no ERRORS.

7. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

Page 41
From the same
RCD as the

1 2 3

Information from the Deposit Slip

Page 42
1 Deposit Slip No.

2 Deposit Date
3 Bank Account No.
6.2 Deposits of Collections

As a rule, all collections made by DepEds operating units will be deposited to the account of
the department or the Treasurer of the Philippines daily or not later than the next banking
day. All deposits must be evidenced by Deposit Slips (DS) and RCDs.

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Cash Agency/Agency Deposit, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010401000 x,xxx.xx
Cash Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010101000 x,xxx.xx
Deposit of NG collections
Cash Agency/Agency Deposit, Trust 01101101 000000000000000 1010403000 x,xxx.xx
Cash Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010101000 x,xxx.xx
Deposit of Trust NG collections
Cash in Bank LCCA 01207512 000000000000000 1010202016 x,xxx.xx
Cash Collecting Officer 01207512 000000000000000 1010101000 x,xxx.xx
Deposit of Revolving Funds
collections in DBP accounts
Cash in Bank LCCA 01101101 000000000000000 1010202024 x,xxx.xx
Cash Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010101000 x,xxx.xx
Deposit of Trust receipts in LBP
Cash in Bank LCCA 07308602 000000000000000 1010202032 x,xxx.xx
Cash Collecting Officer 07308602 000000000000000 1010101000 x,xxx.xx
Deposit of Provident Fund in PVB

Page 43
6.3 Trust Fund

Trust Fund is a fund which accounts for the receipts by any DepEd operating unit or by a
public officer acting as trustee, agent, or administrator for the fulfilment of some obligations.
Receipted trust fund collections will fall under deposits of collections as illustrated above. For
trust receipts that will not course through a collection and credited directly to the required
bank account, depending on the trust agreement, the recording of transaction must base on
that signed trust agreement and bank advice.

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Cash in Bank LCCA 01101101 000000000000000 1010202024 x,xxx.xx
Trust Liabilities 01101101 000000000000000 2040101000 x,xxx.xx
Receipt of Trust Funds in the LBP

6.4 Adjustment to Bank Deposits

There are instances that checks received by Collecting Officers in payment of taxes, fees
and other debts due to the government are dishonored by the drawee banks. A check is
said to be dishonored by non-payment when, upon its being duly presented for payment,
such payment is refused or cannot be obtained. (Sec. 83, RA No. 2031, Negotiable
Instrument Law). It may also be defined as those checks paid to the agency, which were
dishonored by the AGDB due to Drawn Against Insufficient Fund or Drawn Against
Uncleared Deposits.

The following documents shall support the collection:

Dishonored check
Report of Collections and Deposits
Reference Deposit Slip

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Cash Collecting Officer 01101101 000000000000000 1010101000 x,xxx.xx
Cash Treasury/Agency Deposit, 01101101 000000000000000 1010401000 x,xxx.xx
Return of dishonoured check

Page 44
7 Other Transactions

7.1 Overview of Other Transactions

Other Transactions refer to all types of financial transactions that cannot be categorized by
any of the identified types of transactions above. Non-cash transactions normally fall under
this category, such as but not limited to the following:
NCA and/or NTA Receipts and its Lapsing
Remittances to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) through a Tax Remittance
Advice (TRA)
Non-cash expenses, including the Supplies and Materials issued and used,
Impairment Losses, Depreciation Expenses, and the like
Correction or adjusting entries
Mid-year or Year-end closing of nominal accounts

7.2 NCA/NTA Receipt

A MDS is a procedure whereby the disbursements by the government agencies, chargeable

against the account of the Treasurer of the Philippines, are effected through the AGSB. It is
evidenced by an authorization, the NCA, issued by the DBM to DepEds operating units, to
withdraw cash from the National Treasury through the issuance of MDS checks. This is the
cash authority granted to CO, ROs, DOs, and IUs through the AGSBs of the MDS. Currently,
the MDS is being serviced by the Lank Bank of the Philippines (LBP), Development Bank of
the Philippines (DBP) and Philippine Veterans Bank (PVB).

The amount indicated in the NCA is considered a bank deposit. Such will be recorded in the
books of accounts, to be supported by the Advice of Notice of Cash Allocation Issued

Based on the
NCA or Sub-

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:

Page 45
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Subsidy from National Government 01101101 000000000000000 4030101000 x,xxx.xx
Receipt of NCA

Notice of Transfer of Allocation (NTA) is a scheme whereby DepEd shall instruct their MDS-
AGSB to transfer a specific amount out of their NCA available book balance to the MDS
accounts of the LLOU within the same department, receiving NCA directly from the DBM.
The individual MDS-AGSB of the recipient NGA shall be the same MDS-AGSB as that used
by the transferring NGA.

In the case of the receiving NGA, the amount indicated in the NTA is considered a bank
deposit. Such will be recorded in the books of accounts, to be supported by approved copy
of NTA.

The illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:

Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Subsidy from Other NGAs 01101101 000000000000000 4030102000 x,xxx.xx
Receipt of NCA

To record the above transactions using the eFRS, the following steps must be observed:

1. Set the JEV Number by choosing the appropriate year and month of the transaction,
then the transaction date.

2. Click and select the transaction category, Other Transactions, from the dropdown
list. Make sure to click the same Other Transactions button for the correct form of
entry fields to appear.

3. There are several sub-transaction types, so click and select the sub-transaction type
NCA/NTA Receipts.

4. Choose the appropriate Fund Source Code from the dropdown lists based on the
code indicated in the NCA or Sub-ARO/NTA.

5. Input the Bank Account Number and type the Particulars in the appropriate fields.

6. Complete the accounting entries: Choose the zeroes or None for MFO/PAP Code,
the appropriate Object Code, and supply the debit and credit amounts based on the
NCA/NTA receipt.

Page 46
7. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts and no ERRORS.

8. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

Sample information from a NCA

Fund Source Code

Page 47
7.3 Remittances to BIR

For all NGAs, like DepEd, performing as a withholding agent, the remittance of taxes
withheld to the BIR is done regularly through issuance of Tax Remittance Advice (TRA).
TRA is the constructive payment document which agencies issue/file with the BIR to report
and record remittances of all taxes withheld from various transactions. This serves as basis
for BIR and BTr to record as income, the tax collection and deposit in their books of

The following documents shall support the remittance:

BIR Forms (1600, 1601C, 1601E, etc.)

The accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:

Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Cash, Tax Remittance Advice 000000000000000 1010407000 x,xxx.xx
Subsidy from National Government 01101101 000000000000000 4030101000 x,xxx.xx
Due to BIR 01101101 000000000000000 2020101000 x,xxx.xx
Cash, Tax Remittance Advice 01101101 1010407000 x,xxx.xx
BIR remittances thru TRA

Recording remittances in the eFRS shall follow the same steps as NCA Receipt, except for
the sub-transaction type which will be Remittances to BIR and the absence of Bank
Account No. See below the illustrations for more guidance.

Page 48
Information from TRA

Required input fields

Page 49
Information from TRA

7.4 Non-Cash Expenses

Impairment Losses

Page 50
The impairment of assets, such as Investments, Receivables, Inventories, Property, Plant
and Equipment, and Other Assets, seeks to ensure that these assets are not carried at more
than their recoverable amount (i.e. the higher of fair value less costs of disposal and value in

An impairment loss is a type of one-time or nonrecurring charge that is entered into the
accounting records as a means of correcting the value of an asset that has an overstated
book value. The idea is to reduce that book value down to what is considered a fair value,
allowing for whatever factors have caused the change in the worth of that asset. From this
perspective, impairment losses can be seen as accounting procedures that help to create a
more balanced and accurate assessment of the true and current value of any assets held by

The accounting treatment and support documentation for the recognition of impairment loss
shall be dependent on the COA guidelines, as this is newly introduced in the Revised Chart
of Accounts (COA Circular No. 2013-002).

To recording the transaction in the eFRS, follow the same steps as NCA Receipt, except for
the sub-transaction type which will be Remittances to BIR and the absence of Bank
Account No. See below the illustrations for more guidance.

Page 51
Since Bad Debts Expense is replaced by Impairment Loss Loans and Receivables, the
Aging of Receivables may support the recognition. The illustrative accounting entries are as
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Impairment Loss Accounts Receivable 01101101 000000000000000 5050302000 x,xxx.xx
Allowance for Impairment AR 01101101 000000000000000 1030101100 x,xxx.xx
Provision for impairment losses

Depreciation for Property, Plant and Equipment

The costs of property, plant and equipment are allocated to the periods benefited through
the provision of accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is the systematic and gradual
allocation of the depreciable amount of asset over its useful life.

Other than the provision for impairment losses, the periodic allocation of cost for the wear
and tear of all Property, Plant and Equipment the Aging of Receivables will also be
recognized based on the Schedule of Depreciation. The illustrative accounting entries are as
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Object Code Debit Credit
Depreciation Buildings 01101101 103001000100000 5050104001 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation School Building 01101101 262003020500003 5050104002 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Hostels and Dormitories 01101101 103001000100000 5050104006 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Office Equipment 01101101 103001000100000 5050105002 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation ICT Equipment 101101 262003020500002 5050105003 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Motor Vehicles 101101 103001000100000 5050106001 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Furniture and Fixtures 101101 262003020500003 5050107001 x,xxx.xx

Page 52
Depreciation Books 101101 261003020500002 5050107002 x,xxx.xx
Accu. Depreciation Buildings 101101 000000000000000 1060401100 x,xxx.xx
Accu. Depreciation School Building 101101 000000000000000 1060402100 x,xxx.xx
Accu. Depn Hostels and 101101 000000000000000 1060406100 x,xxx.xx
Dormitories 101101 000000000000000 1060502100 x,xxx.xx
Accu. Depreciation Office 101101 000000000000000 1060503100 x,xxx.xx
Equipment 101101 000000000000000 1060601100 x,xxx.xx
Accu. Depreciation ICT Equipment 101101 000000000000000 1060701100 x,xxx.xx
Accu. Depreciation Motor Vehicles 101101 000000000000000 1060702100 x,xxx.xx
Accu. Depn Furniture and Fixtures
Accu. Depreciation Books
Provision for depreciation of the

7.5 General Corrections/Adjustments

Accounting for Disallowances

Disallowances shall be taken up in the books of accounts only when they become final and
executory. It will be accounted for as an Expense if it pertains to the current year or as an
adjustment to the Government Equity account if pertaining to expenses of prior years.

Based on the approved Notice of Disallowances from COA, the recording and entry to eFRS
shall follow the illustrations and accounting entries below:

To recording the transaction in the eFRS, follow the same steps as NCA Receipt, except for
the sub-transaction type which will be Remittances to BIR and the absence of Bank
Account No. See below the illustrations for more guidance.

The illustrative accounting entries are as follows:

Transaction and Accounting Entries Fund MFO/PAP Code Object Debit Credit

Page 53
Source Code
Impairment Loss Accounts Receivable 01101101 000000000000000 5050302000 x,xxx.xx
Allowance for Impairment AR 01101101 000000000000000 1030101100 x,xxx.xx
Provision for impairment losses

Accrued and Deferred Items

Under the matching principle, adjustments shall be made for economic activities that have
taken place but are not yet recorded at the time when the financial statements are prepared.
Such adjusting journal entries are made to ensure that revenues and expenses are recorded
in the period when they are earned or incurred.

Common transactions under this category are Supplies and Materials Issued and other
prepayments. Completion, acceptance and turn-over of constructed Property, Plant and
Equipment also require adjustments.

The supporting documents required are the following:

Report of Supplies and Materials Issued from the Property and Supply Unit
Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Turn-over and Acceptance
Lease Agreement

The illustrative accounting entries are as follows:

Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Object Code Debit Credit
Office Supplies Expense 01101101 103001000100000 5020301000 x,xxx.xx
Office Supplies Inventory 01101101 000000000000000 1040401000 x,xxx.xx
Record expense portion
Rent/Lease Expense 01101101 103001000100000 5029905000 x,xxx.xx
Prepaid Rent 01101101 000000000000000 1990202000 x,xxx.xx
Record expense portion
School Buildings 01101101 000000000000000 1060402000 x,xxx.xx
Construction in Progress Buildings 01101101 000000000000000 1061003000 x,xxx.xx
& Other Structures
Record completed, turned over
and accepted PPE.

7.6 NCA/NTA Lapsing

Starting January 1, 2014, pursuant to the DBM Circular Letter 2013-16, the NCAs for
crediting to National Government Agency (NGA)s regular Modified Disbursement System
sub-accounts for any given quarter shall be valid until the last working day of the 3rd month
of that quarter. Thus, the difference between the NCA and the Report of Check Issued (RCI)
and ADA shall be considered lapsed automatically.

NTA will also lapse along with the NCA lapsing period. When NTA is issued out of the MDS
Trust account, the allocation will lapse at the end of the year.

The necessary reference documents to support the recording of bank disbursement

transactions are the following:
NTA or Copy of check issued

Illustrative accounting entries for some related transactions are as follows:

Page 54
Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Subsidy from National Government 01101101 000000000000000 4030101000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Lapsing of NCA
Subsidy from Other NGAs 01101101 000000000000000 4030102000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Lapsing of NTA

7.7 Year-end Closing

Closing journal entries are general journal entries which close out the balances of all
nominal/ temporary and intermediate accounts at the end of the accounting period. The
nominal and intermediate accounts that shall be closed at the end of the accounting period
are as follows:

The illustrative accounting entries are as follows:

Transaction and Accounting Entries Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Subsidy from National Government 01101101 000000000000000 4030101000 x,xxx.xx
Subsidy from Other NGAs 01101101 000000000000000 4030102000 x,xxx.xx
School Fees 01101101 000000000000000 4020201000 x,xxx.xx
Seminar/Training Fees 01101101 000000000000000 4020204000 x,xxx.xx
Rent/Lease Income 01101101 000000000000000 4020205000 x,xxx.xx
Income from Hostels/Dormitories 01101101 000000000000000 4020213000 x,xxx.xx
Income from Printing and Publication 01101101 000000000000000 4020215000 x,xxx.xx
Interest Income 01101101 000000000000000 4020221000 x,xxx.xx

Page 55
Other Business Income 01101101 000000000000000 4020299000 x,xxx.xx
Income and Expense Summary 01101101 000000000000000 3030101000 x,xxx.xx
Close income accounts
Income and Expense Summary 01101101 000000000000000 3030101000 x,xxx.xx
Salaries and Wages - Regular 01101101 000000000000000 5010101001 x,xxx.xx
PERA 01101101 000000000000000 5010201000 x,xxx.xx
Retirement and Life Insurance 01101101 000000000000000 5010301000 x,xxx.xx
Premiums 01101101 000000000000000 5010302000
Pag-IBIG Contributions 01101101 000000000000000 5010303000
PhilHealth Contributions 01101101 000000000000000 5010304000 x,xxx.xx
Employees Comp Insurance 01101101 000000000000000 5020101000 x,xxx.xx
Premiums 01101101 000000000000000 5020201000 x,xxx.xx
Traveling Expense Local 01101101 000000000000000 5020301000 x,xxx.xx
Training Expense 01101101 000000000000000 5020309000 x,xxx.xx
Office Supplies Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 5020399000 x,xxx.xx
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 5020502000 x,xxx.xx
Other Supplies and Materials 01101101 000000000000000 5020401000 x,xxx.xx
Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 5020402000 x,xxx.xx
Electricity Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 5020403000
Postage and Courier Services 01101101 000000000000000 5021202000
Telephone Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 5021203000 x,xxx.xx
Internet Subscription Expenses 01101101 000000000000000 5021402000 x,xxx.xx
Janitorial Services 01101101 000000000000000 5030104000 x,xxx.xx
Security Services 01101101 000000000000000 5050104001 x,xxx.xx
Financial Assistance to NGAs 01101101 000000000000000 5050104002 x,xxx.xx
Bank Charges 01101101 000000000000000 5050104006 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Buildings 01101101 000000000000000 5050105002 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation School Building 01101101 000000000000000 5050105003 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Hostels and 01101101 000000000000000 5050106001 x,xxx.xx
Dormitories 01101101 000000000000000 5050107001
Depreciation Office Equipment 01101101 000000000000000 5050107002
Depreciation ICT Equipment 01101101 000000000000000 5050302000 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Motor Vehicles 01101101 000000000000000 x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Furniture and Fixtures x,xxx.xx
Depreciation Books x,xxx.xx
Impairment Loss Accounts x,xxx.xx
Close expense accounts
Registration Fees 207512 000000000000000 4020102000 x,xxx.xx
Seminar/Training Fees 207512 000000000000000 4020204000 x,xxx.xx
Rent/Lease Income 207512 000000000000000 4020205000 x,xxx.xx
Income from Hostels/Dormitories 207512 000000000000000 4020213000 x,xxx.xx
Interest Income 207512 000000000000000 4020221000 x,xxx.xx
Other Business Income 207512 000000000000000 4020299000 x,xxx.xx
Income and Expense Summary 207512 000000000000000 3030101000
Close income accounts of RELC x,xxx.xx

Page 56
8 SUs MOOE Liquidation

8.1 Overview of MOOE Liquidation

Cash advances granted by Division Offices to their respective Spending Units covering
budgetary releases for current operating expenses, Maintenance and Other Operating
Expenses most particularly, shall be accounted for as "Advances for Operating Expenses"
by the releasing agency. This shall be liquidated or settled before the subsequent advances
will be granted.

This particular transaction type will only be used by the Division Office concerned.

To record the liquidation of cash advances for travel, special purpose, and operating
expenses, the following documents shall support the expenditures:
Liquidation Report
Original DV
Original ORS
Reference issued check

Using the eFRS, the following steps must be observed:

1. Set the JEV Number by choosing the appropriate year and month of the transaction,
then the transaction date.

Page 57
2. Click and select the transaction category, SUs MOOE Liquidation, from the
dropdown list. Make sure to click the same SUs MOOE Liquidation button for the
correct form of entry fields to appear.

3. Click and select the sub-transaction type, whether purely Liquidation, Cash
Advance Payroll or Petty Cash, and choose the appropriate Fund Source Code
from the dropdown lists. The Fund Source code should be consistent with the code in
the original ORS.

4. Supply all JEV details, reference document number, amount of liquidations, and
allotment class. Then click and select the Spending Units Organization Code from
the dropdown list.

Prepare 1 JEV for each Spending Unit (only for Secondary Schools) with own
Organization Code based on the Liquidation Report submitted. SUs without assigned
Organization Codes shall be accounted for using the DO propers Organization

5. Click and select the appropriate MFO/PAP Code for MFO2: Operation of Schools
Secondary Schools, i.e. 302050003, from the dropdown list in the Accounting entries
section. The supply the appropriate Objects Codes and the corresponding amounts
of both debit and credit entries.

6. Verify the debit and credit entries before clicking the Post Transaction button.
Descriptions for each entry level are reflected at the bottom of the display page.
Make sure that the balance checker shows zero amounts and no ERRORS.

7. When necessary, print the JEV and file on top of the transaction documentation.

8.2 Accounting Entries

The illustrative accounting entry when the cash advance for MOOE of spending units was
granted is as follows:
Fund Org Code
Transaction and Object
Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Accounting Entries Code
Advances for Operating 01101101 070010813005 000000000000000 1030501000 x,xxx.xx
Cash MDS, Regular 01101101 070010913072 000000000000000 1010404000 x,xxx.xx
Grant of cash
advance for SUs

Required input fields

Page 58
Information from the Liquidation Report


Responsibility Center
Agency Code:



AMOUNT OF CASH ADVANCE PER DV NO. ___________ DTD. _____________

AMOUNT REFUNDED PER OR NO.__________ DTD. _________


A Certified: Correctness of the B Certif ied: Purpose of travel/cash C Certif ied: Supporting documents
above data advance duly accomplished complete and proper

Claimant Immediate Supervisor Head, Accounting Unit JEV No.

The illustrative accounting entries for the related liquidation of the cash advance for MOOE
are as follows:

Page 59
Fund Org Code
Transaction and Object
Source MFO/PAP Code Debit Credit
Accounting Entries Code
Office Supplies Expenses 01101101 070010913072 261003020500002 5020301000 x,xxx.xx
Electricity Expenses 01101101 070010913072 261003020500002 5020402000 x,xxx.xx
Telephone Expenses 01101101 070010913072 261003020500002 5020502000 x,xxx.xx
Janitorial Services 01101101 070010913072 261003020500002 5021202000 x,xxx.xx
Security Services 01101101 070010913072 261003020500002 5011203000 x,xxx.xx
Advances for 01101101 070010813005 000000000000000 1990101000 x,xxx.xx
Operating Expenses
Record SUs
MOOE liquidation

Page 60
9 Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to account for Prior Period Adjustments (PPA)?

As provided in the COA Circular No. 2013-002 on the Adoption of the Revised Chart
of Accounts for National Government Agencies, the account Government Equity is
described as the account to be used to record the cumulative results of normal and
continuous operations of the agency including prior period adjustments, effects of
changes in accounting policy and other capital adjustments. Suffice it to say that all
PPA outstanding balances and those current transactions with similar treatments will
be closed to the Government Equity account, unless otherwise specified by the COA.

2. We account downloading of MOOE to non-IUs (SUs) as an outright expense. Is this

Reporting the MOOE downloading as an outright expense, in the current account
name of Financial Assistance to NGAs, may be acceptable. The downside though is
that MOOE comes in different and several forms, e.g. Electricity expense, Water
expense, Telephone expense, Repairs and Maintenance expense, etc., which are
better recognized as individual expense items. Lumping them together in one subsidy
account will compromise the fairness and integrity of the financial information.
Downloading of MOOE to SUs would rather be treated as Advances for Operating
Units which is subject to liquidation.

3. Can we delete erroneous JEVs?

Erroneous JEV may be corrected through the Edit Data function. But basically, a JEV
once posted can no longer be deleted. Prepare a separate, new JEV instead
containing the reversing entry. Use the same data in the previous JEV, and input a
negative amount in the JEV details section.

4. Is MFO/PAP code needed to be indicated for every Object code (accounting entry
MFO/PAP Codes originate from the approved budget of the Department. Therefore
the coding is important in monitoring budgetary items.

Approved budget contains expenditure items, i.e. PS, MOOE and CO. Therefore the
MFO/PAP Codes must be appropriately indicated in expense item only, including
PPEs. No such codes are provided for all other Assets, Liabilities, Incomes, Equity,
and Non-Cash Expenses (lets call them as ALIEN). Following the 5-segment, 46-

Page 61
digit UACS, None in the form of 9 zeroes (000000000) will be used to code ALIEN

5. What about MFO/PAP code for non-budgetary items?

Given that MFO/PAP Codes are for budgetary items only and hence used for
General Fund transactions. All receipts and disbursements for Revolving Funds,
Trust Receipts such as Provident Funds, and other Off-Budgetary and Custodial
Funds are coded 000000000 or None MFO/PAP.

6. Is it necessary to complete the 5-segment, 46-digit UACS for each transaction?

Yes. The UACS is a multi-dimensional coding structure. Each digit in each segment
code captures all the required and/or relevant information for all PFM users. Each
provides a level of detail for every transaction, with hierarchies for grouping and
consolidating information. Each segment can be used for one purpose only, and
each purpose captured fully in that one segment. The FOLMO (Fund Source,
Organization, Location, MFO/PAP, and Object codes) therefore must always be
completely indicated in recording each financial transaction. Furthermore, complete
UACS enables data for multiple uses, for whatever reporting purpose, and in
whatever format or template.

Page 62

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