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Sr. No. Subjects Page No.

1. Revised Scheme of CSS Competitive Examination 01-03
2. English Essay 04
3. English (Precis and Composition) 05-06
4. General Science & Ability 07-09
5. Current Affairs 10-11
6. Pakistan Affairs 12-14
7. Islamic Studies 15-17
8. OR Comparative Study of Major Religions 18-20
9. Accountancy & Auditing 21-25
10. Agriculture & Forestry 26-27
11. Anthropology 28-30
12. Applied Mathematics 31-32
13. Arabic 33-35
14. Balochi 36-37
15. Botany 38-40
16. British History 41-43
17. Business Administration 44-47
18. Chemistry 48-52
19. Computer Science 53-56
20. Constitutional Law 57-58
21. Criminology 59-61
22. Economics 62-64
23. English Literature 65-66
24. Environmental Science 67-69
25. European History 70-72
26. Gender Studies 73-75
27. Geography 76-78
28. Geology 79-82

Sr. No. Subjects Page No.

29. Governance & Public Policies 83-86
30. History of Pakistan & India 87-88
31. History of USA 89-90
32. International Law 91-92
33. International Relations 93-96
34. Islamic History & Culture 97-100
35. Journalism and Mass Communication 101-104
36. Law 105
37. Mercantile Law 106-109
38. Muslim Law & Jurisprudence 110-111
39. Pashto 112-113
40. Persian 114-116
41. Philosophy 117
42. Physics 118-119
43. Political Science 120-123
44. Psychology 124-125
45. Public Administration 126-128
46. Punjabi 129-130
47. Pure Mathematics 131-132
48. Sindhi 133-136
49. Sociology 137-138
50. Statistics 139-141
51. Town Planning & Urban Management 142-143
52. Urdu Literature 144-145
53. Zoology 146-147
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016





Code No. Subjects Marks

1. English Essay 100
2. English (Precis and Composition) 100
3. General Science & Ability 100
4. Current Affairs 100
5. Pakistan Affairs 100
6. Islamic Studies OR Comparative Study of 100
Major Religions (For Non Muslims)
Total 600


Group-I: (To select one subject of (200 marks) only)

Code No. Subject Marks

11. Accountancy & Auditing 200
12. Economics 200
13. Computer Science 200
14. Political Science 200
15. International Relations 200

Group-II: (To select subject(s) of 200 marks only)

Code No. Subject Marks

16. Physics 200
17. Chemistry 200
18. Applied Mathematics 100
19. Pure Mathematics 100
20. Statistics 100
21. Geology 100
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Group-III: (To select one subject of 100 marks only)

Code No. Subject Marks

22. Business Administration 100
23. Public Administration 100
24. Governance & Public Policies 100
25. Town Planning & Urban Management 100

Group-IV: (To select one subject of 100 marks only)

Code No. Subject Marks

26. History of Pakistan & India 100
27. Islamic History & Culture 100
28. British History 100
29. European History 100
30. History of USA 100

Group-V: (To select one subject of 100 marks only)

Code No. Subject Marks

31. Gender Studies 100
32. Environmental Sciences 100
33. Agriculture & Forestry 100
34. Botany 100
35. Zoology 100
36. English Literature 100
37. Urdu Literature 100

Group-VI: (To select one subject of 100 marks only)

Code No. Subject Marks

38. Law 100
39. Constitutional Law 100
40. International Law 100
41. Muslim Law & Jurisprudence 100
42. Mercantile Law 100
43. Criminology 100
44. Philosophy 100
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Group-VII: (To select one subject of 100 marks only)

Code No. Subject Marks

45. Journalism & Mass Communication 100
46. Psychology 100
47. Geography 100
48. Sociology 100
49. Anthropology 100
50. Punjabi 100
51. Sindhi 100
52. Pashto 100
53. Balochi 100
54. Persian 100
55. Arabic 100

Note-1: Question papers in Urdu or other Pakistani

regional languages (Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and
Balochi), Persian and Arabic should be answered in the
respective languages unless otherwise directed in the
question paper.
Note-2: There will be two papers of 100 marks each of
the subjects which carry 200 marks. In other subjects of
100 marks there will be one paper. Each paper will be of
3 hours duration.
Note-3: The candidates should expect some objective
type question (MCQs) in compulsory and optional
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Candidates will be required to write one or more Essay in English. A wide choice of topics
will be given.

Candidates are expected to reflect comprehensive and research based knowledge on a

selected topic. Candidates articulation, expression and technical treatment of the style of
English Essay writing will be examined.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


The examination in this subject will be based upon a paper carrying 100 marks to Test the
candidates abilities to handle Precis Writing, Reading Comprehension, Sentence
Structuring, Translation, Grammar and Vocabulary, etc.

I. Precis Writing (20 marks)

A careful selected passage with an orientation of generic understanding and enough

flexibility for compression shall be given for prcising and suggesting an appropriate title.
Out of the total 20 marks allocated to this question, 15 shall go to prcising the text and 5 to
suggesting the title.

II. Reading Comprehension (20 marks)

A carefully selected passage that is rich in substance but not very technical or discipline-
specific shall be given, followed by five questions, each carrying 4 marks.

III. Grammar and Vocabulary (20 marks)

Correct usage of Tense, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuation, Phrasal Verbs,

Synonyms and Antonyms etc.

IV. Sentence Correction (10 marks)

The sentences shall be given each having a clear structural flaw in terms of grammar or
punctuation. The candidates shall be asked to rewrite them with really needed correction
only, without making unnecessary alterations. No two or more sentence should have
exactly the same problem, and 2-3 sentences shall be based on correction of punctuation

V. Grouping of Words (10 marks)

A random list of twenty words of moderate standard (neither very easy nor utterly
unfamiliar) shall be given, to be grouped by the candidates in pairs of those having similar
or opposite meaning, as may be clearly directed in the question.

VI. Pairs of Words (10 marks)

Ten pairs shall be given of seemingly similar words with different meanings, generally
confused in communication, for bringing out the difference in meaning of any five of them by
first explaining them in parenthesis and then using them in sentences.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VII. Translation (10 marks)

Ten short Urdu sentences involving structural composition, significant terms and
figurative/idiomatic expressions shall be given, to be accurately translated into English.


S.No. Title Author

1. English Grammar in Use Raymond Murphy (Cambridge

University Press).

2. Practical English Usage M.Swan (Oxford University Press).

3. The Little, Brown Handbook H. Ramsey Flower & Jane Aaron (The
Little, Brown & Co; Harper Collins.)

4. A University English Grammar R. Quirk & S. Greenbaum (ELBS;


5. Write Better, Speak Better Readers Digest Association.

6. Modern English in Action Henry Christ (D.C. Heath & Co.)

Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Part-I (General Science) 60 Marks

I. Physical Sciences
Constituents and Structure:-Universe, Galaxy, Light Year, Solar System, Sun,
Earth, Astronomical System of Units.
Process of Nature: - Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Rotation and Revolution, Weather
Variables (Global Temperature, Pressure, Circulation, Precipitation, Humidity) and
Weather Variations.
Natural Hazards and Disasters: - Earth Quake, Volcanic Eruption, Tsunami,
Floods, Avalanche, Travelling Cyclone (Tropical Cyclone, Middle Latitude Cyclone
and Tornadoes), Drought, Wildfire, Urban Fire. Disaster Risk Management.
Energy Resources: - Sources of Energy (Renewable i.e. LED Energy, Solar
Energy, Wind Energy and Non-Renewable Energy conservation and its sustainable
Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Electromagnetic Radiations.
Modern Materials/Chemicals: - Ceramics, Plastics, Semiconductors. Antibiotics,
Vaccines, Fertilizers, Pesticides.

II. Biological Sciences

The Basis of Life: - Cell Structures and Functions (Subcellular Organelles such as
Nucleus, Mitochondria and Ribosomes).
Biomolecules: - Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates and Enzymes.
Plant and Animal Kingdom: - A brief survey of plant and animal kingdom to
pinpoint similarities and diversities in nature.
A Brief Account of Human Physiology.
Common Diseases and Epidemics: - Polio, Diarrhea, Malaria, Hepatitis, Dengue
their Causes and Prevention.
New Model Concept of Producing BIO Fuel Method

III. Environmental Science

Environment: - The Atmosphere (Layered Structure and Composition), Hydrosphere
(Water Cycle, Major Water Compartments), Biosphere (Major Biomes) and
Lithosphere (Minerals and Rocks, Rock Types, Plate Tectonics).
Atmospheric Pollution: - Types, Sources, Causes and effects of major air
pollutants (COx, Particulate Matter, NOx, SOx, Tropospheric Ozone, Volatile Organic
Compounds, Dioxins). Regional and Global air pollution issues (Acid-rain, Ozone
Depletion, Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming). International agreements on air
pollution control (Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol).
Water Pollution:- Types, sources, causes and effects of major water pollutants
(Synthetic Organic Chemicals, Oxygen Demanding Wastes, Plant Nutrients, Thermal
Pollution, Infectious Agents, Sediments, Radioactivity, Heavy Metals and Acids).
Drinking water quality and standards.
Land Pollution: - Solid waste management and disposal.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Role of Remote Sensing and GIS in Environmental Science.

Population Planning.

IV. Food Science

Concept of Balance Diet: - Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats and oil,
Minerals, Fiber.
Quality of Food:- Bioavailability of Nutrients, Appearance, Texture, Flavor, Quality
of Packed and Frozen Food, Food Additives, Preservatives and Antioxidants
Food Deterioration and its Control: - Causes of Food Deterioration, Adulteration,
Food Preservation.

V. Information Technology
Computer (Hardware & Software Fundamentals); I/O Processing and data
storage, Networking & Internet Standards, Application and business Software, Social
Media Websites. Information Systems. Fundamentals of artificial intelligence.
Telecommunications: - Basics of Wireless Communication (Mobile, Satellite,
Surveillance and GPS and Fiber Optic etc.

Part-II (General Ability) 40 Marks

VI. Quantitative Ability/Reasoning

Basic Mathematical Skills.
Concepts and ability to reasons quantitatively and solve problems in a
quantitative setting.
Basic Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry (Average, Ratios, Rates, Percentage,
Angles, Triangles, Sets, Remainders, Equations, Symbols, Rounding of Numbers
Random Sampling
VII. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning/Ability
Logical Reasoning includes the process of using a rational, systematic series of
steps based on sound mathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a
Analytical Reasoning/Ability includes visualizing, articulating and solving both
complex and uncomplicated problems and concepts and making decisions that are
sensible based on available information, including demonstration of the ability to
apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information.
VIII. Mental Abilities
Mental Abilities Scales that measures specific constructs such as verbal,
mechanical, numerical and social ability.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S. No. Title Authors

1. Asimov's New Guide to Science 1993 Isaac Asimov
2. Science Restated: Physics and Chemistry for Harold Gomes Cassidy
the Non-Scientist 1970
3. Eminent Muslim Scientists 1991 S. Fakhre Alam Naqvi
4. Exploring Life Science 1975 Walter A. Thurber, Robert
E. Kilburn, Peter S. Howell
5. Exploring Physical Science 1977 Walter A. Thurber, Robert
E. Kilburn, Peter S. Howell
6. Principles of Animal Biology 2011 Lancelot Hogben
7. The Impact of Science on Society 2005 Isaac Asimov, A. S. a. N.
A. S. a.
8. Fundamentals of Forensic Science 2010 Max M. Houck, Jay A.
9. Forensic Science Fundamentals & Anthony J. Bertino
Investigation 2008
10. Physical Geography 2013 Harm J. de Blij, Peter O.
Muller, James E. Burt,
Joseph A. Mason
11. Physical Geography-Science and Systems of Alan H. Strahler, Arthur N.
the Human Environment 2009 Strallar.
12. Introduction to Information Technology 2005 I. T. L. Education Solutions
Limited, Itl.
13. Management Information Systems 2014 Ken Sousa, Effy Oz
14. Fundamentals of Telecommunications 2005 Roger L. Freeman
15. Basics of Environmental Science 2002 Michael Allaby
16. Food Science 1998 Norman N. Potter, Joseph
H. Hotchkiss
17. Environmental Science: Systems and Michael L. McKinney,
Solutions. 5th ed. 2013 Robert Schoch and Logan
18. Environmental Science: A Global Concern William P. Cunningham,
2012 Barbara Woodworth Saigo
Books for Logical Reasoning
19. Logical Reasoning Rob P. Nederpelt, Farouz
D. Kamareddine
20. Elements of Logical Reasoning Jan Von Plato
21. Reasoning Builder for Admission and Staff of Research
Standardized Test Education
22. Test of Reasoning Thorpe
23. Mental Ability Dr. Lal & Jain
24. The Brain Book: Know Your Own Mind and Edgar Thorpe
How to Use it
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of history, politics and
International Affairs, as deemed necessary to interpret current affairs.

I. Pakistan's Domestic Affairs (20 marks)

II. Pakistan's External Affairs (40 marks)
Pakistans relations with its Neighbors (India, China, Afghanistan, Russia)
Pakistans relations with the Muslim World (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia,
Pakistans relations with the United States
Pakistans relations with Regional and International Organizations (UN, SAARC,
III. Global Issues (40 marks)
International Security
International Political Economy
Human Rights
Environment: Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Accord
Population: world population trends, world population policies
Terrorism and Counter Terrorism
Global Energy Politics
Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Security
Nuclear Politics in South Asia
International Trade (Doha Development Round and Bali Package)
Cooperation and Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Millennium Development Goals, Current Status,
Middle East Crisis
Kashmir Issue
Palestine Issue
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. Pakistan Foreign Policy 1947-2005: A Abdul Sattar,
Concise History, 2011
2. Issue in Pakistans Economy, 2010 Akbar S. Zaidi
3. Pakistan: A Hard Country, 2012 Anatol Lieven
4. Government & Politics in South Asia, 6th ed., Baxter, Malik, Kennedy &
2009 Oberst,
5. Introduction to International Political David Balaam & Bradford
Economy, 2010 Dillman
6. International Organization (Second Edition) Volker Rittberger, Bernhard
2012 Zangl and Andress Kruck
7. The Age of Deception: Nuclear Diplomacy in Mohamed Elbaradei
Treacherous Times (2011)
8. International Relations, 2012 Joshua Goldstein
9. World Politics: Trends & Transformation, Kegley & Blanton
10. Pakistan Beyond the Crisis, 2011 Maleeha Lodhi
11. Globalization in Question, 2009 Paul Hirst
12. International Political Economy: Interests & Thomas Oatley
Institutions in the Global Economy, 2010
13. Politics and Change in the Middle East, 10th Andersen, Seibert, and
Ed., Pearson, 2012 Wagner
14. Eating Grass: The Making of the Pakistani Feroz Khan
Bomb, (2012)
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Ideology of Pakistan-----definition and elucidation, historical aspects: Muslim rule in

the Sub-Continent, its downfall and efforts for Renaissance. Movements for
reforms-- Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi, Shah Waliullah, Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed,
Aligarh, Deoband, Nadwah, and other educational institutions-------Sindh
Madrassah and Islamia College Peshawae. Ideology of Pakistan in the light of
Speeches and statements of Allama Iqbal and Quaid- i Azam Muhammad Ali
II. Land and people of Pakistan------- Geography, Society, Natural resources,
Agriculture, Industry and education with reference to characteristics, trends and
III. Pakistan and Changing Regional Apparatus
IV. Nuclear Program of Pakistan, its Safety and Security; International Concerns
V. Regional Economic Cooperation (SAARC,ECO,SCO) and the Role of Pakistan
VI. Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan
VII. Economic Challenges in Pakistan
VIII. Non-Traditional Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors
IX. Pakistans Role in the Region
X. Palestine Issue
XI. Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan: Challenges to National Security of
XII. Political Evolution Since 1971
XIII. Pakistan and US War on Terror
XIV. Foreign Policy of Pakistan Post 9/11
XV. Evolution of Democratic System in Pakistan
XVI. Ethnic Issues and National Integration
XVII. Hydro Politics ; Water Issues in Domestic and Regional Context
XVIII. Pakistans National Interest
XIX. Challenges to Sovereignty
XX. Pakistans Energy Problems and their Effects
XXI. Pakistans Relations with Neighbors excluding India
XXII. Pakistan and India Relations Since 1947
XXIII. Kashmir Issue
XXIV. The war in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on, and challenges to Pakistan,
in the Post 2014 era.
XXV. Proxy Wars: Role of External Elements
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

XXVI. Economic Conditions of Pakistan, the Most Recent Economic Survey, the Previous
and Current Budgets, and the Problems and Performance of Major Sectors of
XXVII. The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional
Amendments and Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher
XXVIII. The Prevailing Social Problems of Pakistan and the Strategies to Deal with Them,
Poverty, Education, Health and Sanitation.


S.No. Title Author

1. Federalism and Ethnic Conflict Adeney, Katharine. , New York: Palgrave
Regulation in India and Pakistan. Macmillan, 2007.
2. Labor, Democratization and Candland, Christopher,
Development in India and Pakistan. New York: Routledge, 2007.
3. Perception, Politics and Security in Chari, P.R. at al, New York: Routledge,
South Asia: The Compound Crisis in 2003.
4. The Future of Pakistan. Cohen Stephen P. et al. Washington:
Brookings Institute Press, 2011.
5. Frontline Pakistan: The Struggle with Hussian, Zahid. New York: I.B.Tauris,
Militant Islam. 2007.
6. Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Jalal, Aisha and Bose, Sugata.
Political Economy. New York: Routledge, 1998.
7. Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Jalal, Aisha, Cambridge: Cambridge
Asia. University Press, 1995.
8. Conflict Between India and Pakistan: an Lyon, Peter. California: ABC-CLIO,
Encyclopedia. 2008.
9. Back to Pakistan: A Fifty Year Journey. Mass, Leslie Noyes. Plymouth: Rowman
& Littlefield Publishers, 2011.
10. Judging the State: Courts and Newberg, Paula R. Cambridge:
Constitutional Politics in Pakistan. Cambridge University Press, 1995.
11. Pakistan: Manifest Destiny. Qureshi, Atiff. London: Epic Press, 2009.
12. Pakistan, America, and the Future of Riedel, Bruce. Deadly Embrace:
Global Jihad. Washington: Brookings Institute Press,
13. Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan and Schofield, Victoria.
the Unending War. New York: I.B.Tauria, 2003.
14. Islamic Law and the Law of Armed Shah, Niaz A. New York: Routledge,
Conflict: The Armed Conflict in 2011.
15. Making Sense of Pakistan. Shaikh, Farzana. New York: Colombia
University Press, 2009.
16. A Brief History of Pakistan. Wynbrandt, James.
New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

17. Powering Pakistan: Meetings Pakistan Robert M. Hathaway and Michael

Energy Needs in 21st Century Gugelman
18. Pakistans Energy Sector: From Crisis to Zaid Alahdad
Crisis-Breaking the Chain
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Introduction of Islam.
Concept of Islam.
Importance of Deen in Human Life.
Difference between Deen and Religion.
Distinctive Aspects of Islam.
Islamic Beliefs & its Impact on Individual & Society and the Fundamental of Islam
Islamic Worships: Spiritual, Moral and Social Impact.
II. Study of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (PBAH) as Role Model for:-
Military Strategist
Peace Maker

III. Human Rights & Status of Woman in Islam.

Human Rights and Status of Woman in Islam
Dignity of Men and Women

IV. Islamic Civilization and Culture:

Meanings and the Vital Elements
Role of Civilization in Development of Human Personality and Communities
Distinctions of Islamic Civilization (Tauheed, Spiritualism, Dignity of Man, Equality,
Social Justice, Moral Values, Tolerance, Rule of Law)
V. Islam and World.
Impact of Islamic Civilization on the West and Vice Versa
The Role of Islam in the Modern World.
Muslim World and the Contemporary Challenges.
Rise of Extremism.

VI. Public Administration and Governance in Islam

Concept of Public Administration in Islam
Quranic Guidance on Good Governance
Concept of Governance and its Applications in the light of Quran, Sunnah and Fiqh.
Governance Structure in Islam i.e. (Shura, Legislation, Sources of Islamic Law)
Governance under Pious Khelifat
Particular letters of Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A) to different Authority.
Responsibilities of Civil Servants
System of Accountability in Islam

VII. Islamic Code of Life.

Salient Features of Islamic Systems, Social System, Political System, Economic
System, Judicial System, Administrative System,
Procedure of Ijmah and Ijtehad
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Sr. No. Title Author

1. Introduction of Islam Dr. Hamidullah

2. Islam: its meaning and Message Khurshid Ahmad

3. Islam: The Misunderstood Religion Muhammad Qutub

4. Islam at the crass road MohummadAsad

5. Islam and the Economic Challenge Umer Chapra

6. A brief Survey of Muslim Science and Culture M. Abdur Rahman

7. Administrative Development an Islamic Perspective Muhammad Al-Buraey

8. Quranic Sciences Afzalur Rahman

9. Islamization of Pakistan Iqbal Zafar

10. Islamic Law and Constitution Abul A la Mawdudi,

11. Insan e Kamil Dr Khalid Alvi

12. Islami Tehzeeb Kay Chund Darakhshan Pehloo Mustafa Sabbai

13. Islam Aur Tahzeeb -e -Maghrib Ki Kash Makash Dr Muhammad Ameen,

14. Aurat Maghrib aur Islam Serwat Jamal Asmaui

15. Seerat-un-Nabi Vol. I Shibli Numani

16. Islam and Secular Mind Edited by Tarik Jan

17. Khilafat-o-Malookiat Abul A la Mawdudi,


1. Towards Understanding Islam Abul A la Mawdudi,

2. Ideals and Realities of Islam Hussain Nasr,

3. Administrative Development; an Islamic Alburacy Muhammad A.

Perspective, KP.L. London

4. Arab Administration Hussain Shah

5. The Islamic Republic : Politics, Law and Economy Hassan Dr. S. Farooq
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

6. Studies in Muslim Political Thoughts and Sherwani, H.K.S.


7. Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam Allama Iqbal

8. Islamic Political System in the Modern age: Ahmad Manzooruddin

Theory and Practice

9. Sovereignty-Modern and Islamic: Ilays Ahmad

10. Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives Donohue J, John A. and

Esposito L. John (eds)

11. Islam Aik Nazar Main Sudderud Din Islahi

12. IslamiNazria e Hayat Khurshid Ahmad

13. Islami Nizam e Zindgi aur us kay Bunyadi Tassworat Abul Aala Maudoodi

14. Jadah o Manzil Seyyed Kotub

15. Islam ka Nizam e Hakoomat Maulana Hamid ul Ansari

16. Islami Nizam Dr Yousof Qerzawi,

17. Bonyadi Haqooq Muhammad Salahuddin

18. Islam Ka Muashi Nizam Justice Taqi Usamani,

19. Tahzeeb o Tamaddon e Islami Rasheed Akhter Nadvi

20. First Principle of Islamic Economics Abul A la Mawdudi

21. Islamic Civilization Foundations Belief & Principles Abul A la Mawdudi

22. Workship in Islam Abul A la Mawdudi

23. Let us be Muslims Khurram Murad

24. Women and Social Justice; an Islamic Paradigm Prof. Dr. Anis Ahmad
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


(Alternative Paper in Lieu of the Compulsory Islamic Studies)

I. Introduction

Definition(s) of religion
Emergence of the study of religion as a discipline
Theological and academic study of religion
An overview of religious landscape of the World

II. Hinduism

Historical Background
Indus valley civilization, Aryan invasion theory, Vedic Dharma, Brahmanism
Sruti: Vedas, Upanishads, Smirti: Manu Smirti, Sutras, Puranas, Great epics: Ramayana,
Hindu Doctrines:
Dharma, Vedanta, Karma, Transmigration of Souls, Moksha (Liberation)
Ways to Liberation:
Karma marga (Works/Rituals), Jnana marga (Wisdom), Bhakti marga (Devotion)
Hindu gods:
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Trimurti, other gods and divinities
Major Hindu Sects:
Vaishavism (Manifestation avatars), Saivism (Supreme God & Phallic worship), Saktism
(Goddess worship)
Hindu society:
Caste System, Ashramas (Stages of life)
Hinduism in the Modern World
19th century reform and revival movements, Contemporary Hindu Tendencies and

III. Buddhism

Historical Background
Life of Gautama Buddha, Formation and spread of Buddhism, Rivalry between Brahmanism
and &Buddhism
Tripitaka: Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka, Abhidhamma Pitaka
Teachings and Doctrines
Three Jewels of Buddhism: Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha, The four noble truths, Eight fold
Buddhist Sects:
Theravadas (Hinayana), Mahayana, other schools and sects
Buddhism in the Modern world
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

IV. Judaism

A brief history of Jews and Judaism:

From Abraham to Moses, peace be upon them all, From Moses to establishment of Jewish
rule, Destruction of Jerusalem and dispersion of Jews in the world,
Jewish Scriptures:
Tanakh (The Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings), Mishnah and Talmud
Articles of faith and basic teachings:
Ten Commandments, The thirteen principles of faith propounded by Moses Maimonides
Jewish holidays and festivals:
Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement), Pesach (Passover), Sukkot (Tabernacles) Purim
Jewish Worship:
Daily prayer, fasting, Sabbath
Jewish sects and movements
Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Reform Judaism, Zionism, Kabbalah, Hasidism

V. Christianity

Historical background:
Jewish background of Christianity, Life and of Jesus Christ (Through the Four Gospels), Life
and the role of Paul (Through the Letters of Paul), Formation and spread of the Christian
Church, Christianization of the Roman Empire, Reform movement
The Holy Bible (Old Testament and New Testament)
Basic Doctrines:
Original Sin, Incarnation of God, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Atonement,
Christian Sects:
Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism
Sub-denominations: Lutherans, Reformed and Presbyterians, Anglicans, Baptists,
Methodists, Unitarians
Christian Festivals and Holidays:
Advent, Christmas, Easter, Pentecost
Christian worship and Sacraments
Baptism, Eucharist, Communion, Lords Supper, prayer, fasting, psalms, music,
Christianity in the Modern Times
Encounter with modernity, modern theological trends, Missionary movement, Dialogue and
relationship with other religions

VI. Islam

Introduction and Historical Background

Islamic concept of religion, universality of religion and diversity of shariahs, Sirah (Life) of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, The era of rightly guided caliphs of Islam
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Sacred Scriptures:
The Holy Quran, Hadith

Basic Doctrines and Creed:

Tawhid (Oneness of God), Risalah (Belief in Prophets and finality of the prophet-hood with
the Prophet Muhammad), Akhirah (Belief in Hereafter and the final reckoning by Allah the
Almighty), Belief in angels, previous scriptures, predestination and human responsibility
before God, infallibility of the Quran

Five Pillars of Islam:

Utterance of Shahadatayn (To proclaim the Oneness of Allah and that Prophet Muhammad
is his messenger, salah (five daily prayers), zakah (compulsory charity), sawm (fasting in the
month of Ramadan) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah who can afford travelling to it)

Other Teachings of Islam

Equality of mankind, simplicity, spiritual purity and bodily hygiene, patience, contentment,
moderation, social justice, Jihad, tolerance towards other religions,

Sects and Schools

Sunnis (mainstream Muslims), Shiahs (Special devotion for Hazrat Ali and Family of the
Prophet), Khawarij (literalists), Mutazilah (rationalists)

Contemporary Islamic movements and tendencies:

Ikwan al Muslimun (Muslim Brotherhood), Jamaat-i-Islami, Tablighi Jamaat, Salafi
movement, Fethullah Gulen movement in Turkey, Iranian revolution, extremist groups.


S.No. Title Author

1. Approaches to the Study of Religion, Peter Connolly (ed.)
2. The Penguin Hand Book of Worlds John R. Hinnells (ed.)
Living Religions, 2010.
3. Dunya Kay Baray Mazahib (Major Imadul Hasan Azad Faruqi
Religions of the World)
4. Hinduism: A Short Introduction, 2006.
Klaus K. Klostermaier
5. Exploring Buddhism, , 2012. Christmas Humphreys
6. Judaism: A Short Introduction, 1999.
Lavinia and Dan Cohn-
7. Christianity: An Introduction, 2006. Alister E. McGrath
8. The Messenger: The Meanings of the Tariq Ramadan
Life of Muhammad, 2008
9. Ideals and Realities of Islam, 1993. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
10. Towards Understanding Islam, 1992. Syed Abul Ala Maududi
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Paper-I (MARKS-100)

(A) Financial Accounting (50 Marks)

I. Fundamental Accounting Principles, Concepts, Assumptions and Conventions:

Nature and Scope of Accounting, Accrual/Matching Concept, Consistency of
Presentation and Comparability, True and Fair View, Neutrality, Materiality, Prudence,
Completeness, Understandability and Usefulness, Going Concern, and Substance
over Form.

II. Accounting Cycle/Process and Financial Statements: Transactions and/or Events,

General Journal, General Ledger, Trial Balance (Unadjusted),Adjusting Entries and
Adjusted Trial Balance, Work Sheet, Financial Statements including Income
Statement, Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet), Statement of Cash
Flows and Statement of Changes in Equity in accordance with the Financial Reporting
Framework as specified by International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) through
IFRSs/IASs, and by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan through
Companies Ordinance 1984, and Closing and Reversing Entries.

III. Attributes, and Significance of Accounting Information: Attributes of Accounting

Information, Information/Reporting Requirements of various Users/Stakeholders of
Financial Statements including External (Investors/Shareholders, Creditors, Suppliers,
Lenders/Financiers, Government Agencies etc.) and Internal (Board of Directors,
Partners, Managers, Employees etc.) Stakeholders.

IV. Accounting for common Legal Forms of a Business: Accounting Principles and
Financial Statements of Sole-proprietorships, Partnerships and Joint Stock
Companies including Banking Companies (Excluding Advanced Topics like
Amalgamation, Capital Reduction, Consolidation etc.)

V. Accounting for Associations Not-for-profit, and for Public Sector: Accounting

Principles and Financial Statements - of Associations Not-for-profit, and of Public
Sector Entities as per Standardized Financial Reporting Framework provided by
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) Board and Practices being
followed in the country.

VI. Accounting for Non-current Tangible Assets: Fundamental Concepts and

Principles concerning Non-current Assets: Cost; Depreciable Amount; Depreciation;
Fair Value; Property, Plant and Equipment; Residual Value; and Useful Life.
Depreciation Methods and their Application (as specified by International Accounting
Standards Board):Straight-line Method; Reducing Balance Method; Number of Units
Produced and basic know-how of other Methods/Techniques being commonly used
by the Industry.

VII. Fundamental and Technical Analysis of various Forms of Organizations:

Financial Statements Analysis including both Horizontal (Measuring Change) and
Vertical (Ratio) Analysis including Liquidity Ratios, Activity Ratios, Debt Ratios,
Profitability Ratios and Market Ratios; Technical and Industry Analysis.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

(B) Cost and Managerial Accounting (50 Marks)

VIII. Fundamental Cost Accounting Principles and Concepts: Nature and Scope of
Cost and Managerial Accounting; Cost Concepts, Elements and Classification;
Underlying Differences among Financial, Cost, and Management Accounting.

IX. Accounting for Material, Labour and Factory Overheads (FOH):Recognition and
Valuation Principles for Material Inventory, and Methods to control Material Inventory;
Calculation/Measurement and Accounting for Payroll for all forms of Labour, Time
Rate and Piece Rate Systems; Commonly used Group Incentive Schemes; Factory
Overhead Costs and FOH Rate, Departmentalization of FOH Costs, their Allocation,
Apportionment and Reapportionment (Primary and Secondary Distributions), Methods
for Secondary Distribution including both Repeated Apportionment/Distribution and
Algebraic Method.

X. Costing for Specific Jobs, and Process Costing: Nature of a Specific Job, and
Job-order Costing; Process Flow and Process Costing by the use of Cost of
Production Report (CPR).

XI. Management Accounting for Planning, Decision-making and Control:

Budgeting and its Use: Meaning and Nature of a Budget; Major Forms of a Budget
including Production and Sales Budget, Cash Budget, Flexible Budgets, Zero-based
Budget, Master Budget etc.

Break-even Analysis: Difference between Marginal and Absorption Costing

Techniques; Concept of Relevant Cost; Application and Use of Contribution Margin
and other Concepts for Planning and Decision-making (under Break-even Analysis)

Variance Analysis: Meaning and Use of Standards and Variances; Major

Classification of Variances including Material, Labour and FOH Variances, and their

Paper-II (MARKS-100)

(A) Auditing (40 Marks)

I. Fundamental Auditing Principles and Concepts: Audit and Auditing, True and Fair
View, Audit Assertions, Reasonable Assurance, Documentation and Audit Evidence,
Audit Program, Audit Risks, Computer Information Systems (EDP Systems) and
Computer-assisted Audit Techniques (CAAT), Inspection, Fraud, Going Concern,
Audit Materiality, Misstatement, Governance and Premise, Tests of Control and
Substantive Procedures.

II. Audit Considerations, Dimensions and Conduct: Internal Control System and
Internal Audit, Internal VS External Audit, Responsibility for Financial Statements,
Audit Planning, Scope of an Audit, Objectives of an Audit, Inherent Limitations of an
Audit, Risk Assessment and Management, Internal Audit and Corporate Governance,
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Classification of Audit, Qualities of an Auditor, Auditing in Computer Information

Systems (EDP Systems) and Computer-assisted Audit Techniques, General Auditing
Principles and Techniques commonly applicable to various Types of Undertakings
including Merchandizing, Manufacturing, Banking, Insurance, Investment Entities etc.,
Audit Performance and Audit Completion.

III. Role and Responsibilities of an Auditor: Auditors professional and legal Rights,
Responsibilities & Duties, and Liabilities; Auditors Opinion and Report, and their
classification (Types); - as specified under the Companies Ordinance 1984, and in the
handbook of IFAC.

(B) Business Taxation (30 Marks)

IV. Tax Structure, and Fundamental Conceptsvis--vis Income Tax in Pakistan: Tax
Structure in Pakistan; Fundamental Definitions/Terminologies defined under Section 2
of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001.

V. Income Tax and Sales Tax Principles, and their Application: Selected Provisions
from Income Tax - Income for Tax Purposes [Section 4, 9 & 10], Heads of Income
[Section 11], Tax Payable on Taxable Income [First Schedule to the Ordinance],
Salary Income and Taxation [Sections 12 to 14], Income from Property [Sections 15 &
16], Income from Business[Sections 18 to 20], Capital Gains[Sections 37 to38],
Income from other sources[Section 39, 40, 89, 101(6), 111],Tax Credits [Sections 61
to 65], Taxation of Individuals, AOPs and Companies [Sections 86, 92, 94], Due Date
for Payment of Tax [Section 137], Deduction of Tax at Source/With-holding Tax
[Sections 147, 149, 153, 155]and related Income Tax Rules 2002.

Selected Definitions and Provisions from Sales Tax Scope of Tax [Section 3],
Exempt supply [Section 2(11)], Goods [Section 2(12)], Input Tax [2(14)], Registered
person [Section 2(25)], Supply [Section 2(33)], Tax [Section 2(34)], Retail Price and
Retailer [Section 2(27)& 2(28)], Taxable Activity [Section 2(35)], Taxable Supply
[Section 2(41)], Tax Fraction [Section 2(36)], Tax Period [Section 2(43)], Time of
Supply [Section 2(44)], and Determination of Tax Liability [Section 7].

(C) Business Studies, and Finance (30 Marks)

VI. Business Studies: Nature and Scope of a Business Entity, Contemporary

Challenges posed to a Business; Common Legal Forms of a Business Entity Sole-
proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Stock Company, their Features, Formation and
Management; Business Combinations and their Scope; Business Cycle and its
Implications; Role of Information Technology in Business.

VII. Finance: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Finance, and Financial Management;
Common Modes (Types) of Business Finance Short-, Medium-, and Long-term
Financing; Nature and Scope of Financial Markets and Institutions; Features and
Classification of Financial Markets; Financial Management Techniques for Decision-
making: Time Value of Money, Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting Techniques.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title of Books Author

Accounting Paper I (100 Marks)
Financial Accounting, and Intermediate Kieso, Weygandt and
Accounting Warfield
2 Fundamentals of Accounting Principles Wild. Larson. Chiappetta
3 Accounting for Decision-making Meigs, William and Haka
Principles and practice of Book Keeping and
5 Vickery, B.G
6 Financial Accounting M. Hanif and A. Mukherjee
Principles of Accounting, and Advanced
7 Sohail Afzal
Principles of Accounting, and Advanced
8 M.A Ghani and Ejaz
9 Cost Accounting Planning and control Usry, Hammer, Matz
Peter C. Brewer, Ray H.
10 Managerial Accounting
Garison, Eric W. Noreen.
11 Cost Accounting Jain and Narang
12 Cost Accounting Nisar ur Din.
Accounting Paper II (100 Marks)
13 Auditing- Principles and Techniques S. K. Basu
14 Auditing Dickseee, L.R
15 Practical Auditing Spiecer and Pegler
16 Companies Ordinance 1984 SECP
17 Auditing S. K. Millichamp, ELBS
Handbook of International Quality Control,
Auditing, Review and Other Assurance
19 Auditing M. Irshad
20 Advanced Auditing Prof. Dr. Khuaja Amjad Seed
21 Income Tax Ordinance 2001 FBR
Introduction to Taxation / Synopsis of Taxes in
22 Mirza Munawar Hussain
23 Law in Practice Income and Sales Tax Abdul Razzaq
24 Business Taxation Ijaz Ali Waince
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S.No. Title of Books Author

25 Principles of Managerial Finance Lawrence J.Gitman
Van Horne. Wachowicz Jr.
26 Fundamental of Financial Management
Hunt, Williams and
27 Basic Business Finance
28 Business Studies Hall, Jones and Raffo
Foundations of Financial Markets and Fabozzi, Modigliani, Jones
Institutions and Ferri
30 Contemporary Business Kurtz and Boone
31 Principles and Practice of Commerce Stephenson
32 Introduction to Business M. Saeed Nasir
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Part-I: Agriculture (50 marks)

I. Concept of Integrated Agriculture: Components of natural resources as bases for

agriculture production (Land, Water, biological, Environmental, Solar, Energy)
II. Challenges in Pakistans Agriculture: Present scenario and future prospects.
Analytical overview: issues and strategies for improvement of crop management,
livestock management, fisheries, cottage industry, resource management and rural
development. Institutions and policies: issues and options.
III. Elements of Climate and their Relationship with Crop Growth: Farming Systems,
biological nitrogen fixation, soil profile, structure and texture, soil fertility, soil erosion
and conservation, water logging and salinity
IV. Genetic Improvement for Crop Production: GMO crops, Seed production
V. Horticulture: Floriculture, landscaping, pests and diseases of agriculture crops and
their control, integrated pest management.
VI. Rainfed and Irrigated Agriculture: Agriculture mechanization, land tenure and land
reforms, role of agriculture in national economy.

Part-II Forestry = (50 Marks)

I. Forest, range lands and wild life importance and significance

II. Forest management and utilization, wood based industries in Pakistan, silviculture
III. Range management and utilization
IV. National and international forest wealth statistics
V. Role of wildlife as value addition to forestry
VI. Forest based wildlife reservations of Pakistan and their management, eco-tourism
VII. Forestry, agroforestry, social forestry and forest biometrics
VIII. Socio-economic and ecological impact of manmade forests
IX. Watershed Management and role of forests in prevailing climate change dilemma
X. National forest laws and policies at national level, biodiversity & environment
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture World Bank, USA
2. Participatory Rural Development in Pakistan Khan, M. H
3. Agriculture in Pakistan Khan M. H.
4. Economic Survey of Latest Years
5. Agric/Livestock/Machinery/Rural Developments
Censes of Latest Years
6. Fundamentals of Soil Science Henry D. Foth
7. Manual of Plant Production Abdul Manan.
8. Martin., J.H. & Leonard,
Principles of Field Crop Production
9. Diseases of Field Crops Dickson, J.G
10. Isrealson, O.W.
Irrigation Principles & Practices
Vaughn, E. Hansen.
11. A Text Book of Plant Pathology A.V.S.S. Sambamurti
12. Breeding Field Crops Poehlman
13. The Principles of Agronomy. Harris, Franklin Stewart
14. Champion, H.G., S.K.
Forest Types of Pakistan
Seth and, G.M.Khattak
15. Champion, H.G., S.K.
Manual of Silviculture for Pakistan
Seth and G.M.Khattak
16. Trees of Pakistan M.I. Sheikh
17. Range Management in Pakistan M.A.A. Qureshi
18. Comprehensive Forestry B.A. Raza
19. Farm Forestry in Pakistan, M.A.A. Qureshi
20. Forest Management G.M. Khattak,
21. Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management A. R. E. Sinclair, J. M.
Fryxell, G.Caughley
22. Basics of Forestry & Allied Sciences Dr. Masood A.A.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Anthropology

Definition of anthropology, its historical development and recent trends

II. Social Anthropology
Definition of culture, its characteristics and functions
Relationship of anthropology with other social sciences
Sub fields of anthropology that is Biological, archeological, linguistics
Institution of Family and Marriage
(Definition, types, structure, functions, family organization)
Kinship and Social Organization
(Definition, types, functions, kinship terminology etc)
Economic Organization: (Definition, evolution, substantivism versus formalism,
reciprocity, production, consumption, redistribution, barter and primitive economic
Political organization: (Definition, evolution of political system, characteristics of
Band societies, tribal societies, Chiefdom, and State societies. Internal conflict
theories, external conflict theories, origin of civilization, the politic of identity,
ethnicity, nationalism modernism, post modernism etc
Religion: (Definition, evolution of primitive religions, functions of religion,
comparison of divine religions and other world religions such as Hinduism,
Buddhism, Jainism etc
Contemporary human problems; such as poverty, social inequality, political
instability, population problems and ethnic violence and terrorism etc

III. Urban Anthropology

Rural-urban migration, expansion of cities, major environmental issues, and sanitation
problems. Urbanization and development, establishment of slums and squatter settlements,
refugees, Yankees, betties, gypsies, wars and conflict. Conversion of power from feudal to
industrialists, institutionalization, education system, and change in the mode of production:
agriculture to Capitalists poverty: theories and remedies, psychological, cultural,
economical, political, religious, physical, environmental, ecological, demographical, lingual,
and city management. Conflict theory: Carl Marx, problems created by the mechanization
and automation.
IV. Socio-Cultural Changes
Definitions of socio-cultural Changes, various Dimensions of Social Change, barriers in
socio-cultural and psychological change. Motivational factors for change, Population
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

pressure, diffusion of innovation, socio-religious barriers in accepting the innovation and

new ideas. Media and Cultural Change, Dynamics of change in Pakistan: Trends and

V. Ethnicity and race

Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity: Origin of race and theories; Ethnic Groups, Nations and
Nationality; Ethnic Conflict; Degree of Social Variation; Rank Societies; caste and Class
Societies; Racism and Inequality, Ethnicity and Inequality, and Social Stratification etc.

VI. Anthropological Theories

Contributors: (Edward Burnett Taylor, Lewis Henry Morgan, James Frazer, Kari
Marx, Edmund Leach, Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Alfred
Krobber, AR Radcliff-Brown, Malinowski, Clifford Geertz, Talal Asad, Akbar S
Ahamd, ibne-Khaldoon, Shah Waliulah)
Classical Theories (Degenerations, Evolutionism, Diffusions,
Modern Theories Functionalism, Structural-functionalism, Class struggle,
Structuralism, Historical Particularism, Feminism, Culture and personality)
Current Trends in Anthropological Thoughts: (Post Modernism, Romanticism,
Poetics and Political of Ethnography)
VII. Anthropological Research Methods
Meaning, definition, types and aims of social research
Qualitative and Quantitative research
Purpose of research, Research Question, Variables, Hypothesis, Research
Objective, Research design, Sampling, field Data Collection, Tools of Data
Collection (Questionnaire, Interview, Participant Observation), Data Classification,
Data Analysis, and Report Writing.

S.No. Title Author

1. Anthropology William A Haviland
2. Cultural Anthropology Onrad Philip Kottak
3. Diffusion of Innovation Evert M. Roger
4. Socio Cultural Dynamics and impact of G. M. Foster
Technological Change
5. Pakistani Society Akber S. Ahmed
6. Economic Anthropology Sutti Ortiz
7. Political Anthropology: An introduction Ted. C. Lawellen
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S.No. Title Author

8. Pukhtun economy and society Akber S. Ahmed
9. Principles of Anthropology Eliot Dismore Chapple and
Carleton Stevens Coon
10. Anthropology and Modern life Franz Boas
11. Anthropology and Contemporary Human John H. Bodley
12. Sindh and the Races that inhabit the Valley of Richard Burton
the Indus
13. The People of Pakistan Yu. V. Gankorvsky
14. Anthropology and Development Jean-Pierre Olivier de
15. An Introduction to Theory in Anthropology Robert Layton
16. Anthropological Theory John R. McGee and Richard
L. Warms
17. Anthropology in Pakistan Stephen Pastner and Louis
18. Anthropology (13th edition) Carol R. Ember, Melvin R
Ember and Pet N Peregrine
19. Other Cultures John Beattie
20. A Hand Book of Social Science Research Bevelry R. Dixon, Gary D
Bouma and G.B.J. Atiinson
21. Frontier Perspectives: Essays in Comparative Clarlies Lindholm
22. Generosity and Jealousy: The Swat Pukhtun of Clarlies Lindholm
Northern Pakistan
23. Friend by Day and Enemy by Night: Organized Lincoin Keiser
Vengeance in a Kohistani Community
24. A Punjabi Village in Pakistan Zekiye Eglar
25. The social organization of the Marri Baluch Robert Niel Pehrson
26. Introducing Anthropology Park, MA 2007
27. Peoples and Cultures of Asia Scupin, R 2005
28. Outlines and Highlights for Anthropology Scupin, R and Decorse, CR
29. Economic Anthropology Stuart plattner
30. Economies and Culture Richard Wilk
31. Introduction to Anthropology of Religion Brian Moris
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Vector Calculus (10%)
Vector algebra; scalar and vector products of vectors; gradient divergence and curl of
a vector; line, surface and volume integrals; Greens, Stokes and Gauss theorems.

II. Statics (10%)

Composition and resolution of forces; parallel forces and couples; equilibrium of a
system of coplanar forces; centre of mass of a system of particles and rigid bodies;
equilibrium of forces in three dimensions.

III. Dynamics (10%)

Motion in a straight line with constant and variable acceleration; simple harmonic
motion; conservative forces and principles of energy.
Tangential, normal, radial and transverse components of velocity and
acceleration; motion under central forces; planetary orbits; Kepler laws;

IV. Ordinary differential equations (20%)

Equations of first order; separable equations, exact equations; first order linear
equations; orthogonal trajectories; nonlinear equations reducible to linear
equations, Bernoulli and Riccati equations.
Equations with constant coefficients; homogeneous and inhomogeneous
equations; Cauchy-Euler equations; variation of parameters.
Ordinary and singular points of a differential equation; solution in series; Bessel
and Legendre equations; properties of the Bessel functions and Legendre

V. Fourier series and partial differential equations (20%)

Trigonometric Fourier series; sine and cosine series; Bessel inequality;
summation of infinite series; convergence of the Fourier series.
Partial differential equations of first order; classification of partial differential
equations of second order; boundary value problems; solution by the method of
separation of variables; problems associated with Laplace equation, wave
equation and the heat equation in Cartesian coordinates.

VI. Numerical Methods (30%)

Solution of nonlinear equations by bisection, secant and Newton-Raphson
methods; the fixed- point iterative method; order of convergence of a method.
Solution of a system of linear equations; diagonally dominant systems; the Jacobi
and Gauss-Seidel methods.
Numerical differentiation and integration; trapezoidal rule, Simpsons rules,
Gaussian integration formulas.
Numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation; Euler and modified Euler
methods; Runge- Kutta methods.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. An Introduction to Vector Analysis Khalid Latif,
2. Introduction to Mechanics Q.K. Ghori
3. An Intermediate Course in Theoretical Khalid Latif,
4. Differential Equations with Boundary D. G. Zill and M. R. Cullen
Value Problems
5. Elementary Differential Equations E.D. Rainville, P.E. Bedient
and R.E. Bedient
6. Introduction to Ordinary Differential A.L.Rabenstein
7. Advanced Engineering Mathematics E. Kreyszig
8. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis Mohammad Iqbal
9. Numerical Analysis R.L Burden and J.D Faires

10. Elements of Numerical Analysis F. Ahmad and M.A Rana

11. Mathematical Methods S. M. Yousaf, Abdul Majeed

and Muhammad Amin
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


A. Pre-Islamic period ()

1. Influence of poets and poetry in Jahiliia period.

2. Literary markets in pre-Islamic ArabsespeciallyUkkaz
3. Purposes and features of pre- Islamic poetry special reference to Muallaqat.

B. Dawn of Islam ()

1. Eloquence and Rhetoric of Holy Quran with examples from Quranic verses.
2. Impact of Quran and Hadith on the subsequent literature.
3. Poetry at the Dawn of Islam ()

C. Umayyad Period ()

1. Art of Flyting ()
2. Erotic and platonic ghazal ()

D. Abbasid and Spanish Period ()

1. Purposes and features of Abbasid poetry with special emphasis on the poetry of Mutanabbi,
Abu Tammam, Abu Nuwas, AbulAtahia
2. Prose and its different styles with special emphasis on style of IbnulAmeed, IbnulMuqaffa,
Al-Jahiz and Al-Qazi al Fazil.
3. Spanish poetry, with special reference to poetry of Ibn e Zaidoon

E. Contemporary Arabic literature ()

1. Development of Drama with special focus on services of Toufeeq al Hakeem
2. ()
3. Development of Novel with special reference to the novels of Taha Husain and
NageebMahfooz ()
4. Development of short story with special focus on short stories of MahmoodTaimoor
5. Poetry with special focus on poetry of Ahmad Shouqi and Hafiz Ibraheem
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

F. Common Topics of different periods

1. Criticism from pre-Islamic era to the 4th Islamic Century
( :)
2. Art of Oratory from pre-Islamic era to Umayyad period
( :)
3. Development of Arabic literature in the Sub-Continent: (Ghulam Ali Azad in poetry
and Shah WaliUllah in prose)
( :)

G. Poetry for Arabic paper

1. Verses from ode of ImraulQais (1-10)
( : ... ):

2. Verses fromQaseedah of Zuhair bin AbiSulma (50-62).

( :... ) :

3. Verses from poetry of Hassan bin Thabit (14-28)

( :... ):

4. Verses from poetry of Kab bin Zuhair (33-40)

( : ... :

5. Verses from poetry of Hafiz Ibrahim (1-10)

:...) :

6. Verses from ode of Ahmad Shouqi(1-10)

( :...
) :

7. Verses from Qaseedah of Imam Al Booseri (15-24)

( :... ) :

H. Arabic Grammar()
1. Syntax ( ):Kinds of Sentence (Nominal and Verbal), kinds of Noun (Proper and
Common, Masculine and Feminine, Singular, Dual and Plural, Murab and
Mabni), Case-Ending.
" " ," " : -- :)

( " ,""

2. Morphology ( ):Etymology (roots), Mujarrad, Mazeed-feeh, Transitive and

Intransitiveverb, Active and passive voice.
( -- --)
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Algae, Fungi and Bryophytes
Phycology: Distribution, Classification, Structure, Life History and Economic
importance of the main groups of Algae.
Mycology and Plant Pathology: Structure, Reproduction, Classification and
Economic importance of the main groups of Fungi. Diseases of economically
important crops and general principles of their control
Bryology: Structure and reproduction of bryophytes, Evolution of Gametophyte
and Sporophyte.

II. Peteridophyta and Gymnosperms

General account with special reference to structure, life history and affinities of
both Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Ontogeny and structure of seed,
classification and economic importance of Gymnosperms.

III. Anatomy and Embryology

Primary and secondary tissues. Meristems. Secondary growth in dicot stem.
Anatomy of leaf, stem and root.
Micro and megasporogenesis, pollination mechanism, fertilization, development of
Embryo and Endosperm, Seed dispersal.

IV. Taxonomy of Angiosperms

Systems of classification. Rules of botanical nomenclature. Concepts of
speciation. Introduction to modern trends in plant taxonomy: bio-systematic,
chemotaxonomy and numerical taxonomy.General characters and economic
importance of common angiosperm families.

V. Plant Physiology
Plant water relations, Osmotic Quantities, component potentials of water and their
role in transport, water absorption by roots, transpiration. Role of essential mineral
elements and their uptake. Plant hormones. Photoperiodism, Vernalization.
Dormancy and Seed germination.Enzymes.
Photosynthesis: Plant pigments, Light reaction, CO2 fixation, Mechanism of
Respiration: Glycolysis, Kreb cycle, Mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation.

VI. Ecology
Influence of climatic, edaphic and biotic factors on plant growth. Vegetation
sampling techniques. Concepts of ecosystems and their productivity, ecological
energetics, Pyramids (of numbers, biomass and energy), trophic levels, food
chains and food webs.Biogeochemical cycles (Hydrological and Nitrogen).
Causes and reclamation of soil salinity and water logging in Pakistan. Soil
erosion, its controland soil conservation methods. Deforestation. Biodiversity
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VII. Cytology
Cell cycle, cellular morphology, chemistry of cell wall and cell membrane, cell to
cell communication, plant tissue and cell culture, cell senescence and cell death.
Ultra-structure of various cell organelles: Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, Endoplasmic
reticulum, Plastids, Ribosomes, Glyoxysomes, Vaculoes, Nucleus.

VIII. Genetics
Mendelian Genetics, Multiple Alleles, Polygenic inheritance, Gene interaction,
Epistasis and pleiotropy, Sex-linked inheritance, Chromosomal aberrations,
Mutations, DNA repair.

IX. Evolution
Introduction of Evolution, Evolutionary history, Evolution of life, Convergent
Evolution, Divergent Evolution, Parallel Evolution and Natural selection

X. Molecular Biology
Nucleic acids, DNA as hereditary material, DNA replication, Transcription, Genetic
code, Protein synthesis, Genetic engineering and its application, Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMO).


S. No. Title Author

1. Esaus Plant Anatormy: Meristems, Cells and Evert, F.F. and S.
Tissues of the Plant Body: Their Structure, Hichhorn 2006
Function and Development
2. Cryptogamic Botany-Algae and Fungi Smith, G. M. 2001
3. Cryptogamic Botany-Bryophyte and Smith, G. M. 2001
4. Comparative Morphology of the Vascular Plants Foster, A.S. and E.H.
Gifford. 1989
5. Plant and Environment Daubermine, R, F, 1974
6. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics Stac, C. A. 1980
7. Plant Physiology Taiz, L.& E. Zeiger 2006
8. Genetics: A Conceptual Approach. 4th edition Pierce, B. A. 2012
9. Molecular Cell Biology Lodish,H., A. Berk, S.L.
Zipursky, P. Matsudaira,
D. Baltimore and J.
Darnell 2000
10. Concepts of Genetics. 10th edition William S. Klug. 2012
11. Ilmi Biomolecules, Cell Biology and Genetics. Cheema, T.A. and
Cheema Z.T. 2009
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S. No. Title Author

12. Carvan Textbook of Botany Paper A Malik, T. A. 2006
(Morphology of Plants)
13. Ecology (Principles and applications). 1st ed. Chapman, J.L. and Reiss,
Cambridge University Press UK. M.J. 1992.
14. Fundamentals of Ecology Odum, E.P. and Barrett,
G.W. 2004
15. Advanced Plant Taxonomy Mondal, A. K., 2009
16. Growth and Differentiation in Plants Phillips and Wareings
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Part I (Marks 50)

I. The Glorious Revolution (1688)
Causes, and Results
William III and Mary II (1689-1702)
Queen Anne (1702-1714)
II. Hanoverian Era (1714-1790)
Jacobite Rebellions (1715 and 1745)
Robert Walpole and Whig Oligarchy
American War of Independence (1776)
III. The Union of England and Scotland
IV. Union of England and Ireland
V. The Old Colonial system
VI. The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
Britain and Napoleonic Wars
Impact on Britain
VII. Industrial and Agricultural Revolution
Effects on Political and Social Life of Britain
Party Politics
The Methodist Movement
Chartest Movement
VIII.Robert Peel and return of Torries
Internal policies
Irish Problem
IX. Victorian Era (1837-1901)
Internal Reforms
Foreign Policy
Disraeli, Gladstone and Problems in Ireland
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Great Britain and Free Trade

X. Edwardian Era (1901-1910)
Domestic and Foreign Policies (1901-1910)
The Origins of Labor Party
XI. Britain, World War I and its Aftermath
Britain and Peace settlement
Effects of War on Britain
League of Nations
The Great Depression
Appeasement and Rearmament
Part II (Marks 50)
XII. Britain ,World War II and its Aftermath
Causes and events
Churchill, War Conferences
Creation of U.N.O
Effects of war
Reforms of Labour Government
XIII.Great Britain and Cold War
Creation of Common Wealth
Decolonization of the British Empire
Internal Policies and EEC
Foreign Policy
XIV. Thatcherism to Cameroun (1979-2012)
Internal Policy
Society and culture
Foreign Policy
Falkland War
John Major and his Policies
European Common Market and the Great Britain
Formation of EU
Tony Blair New Labour Economic Crunch, War on Terror and his Policies
Global Financial Crisis 2008 and the Great Britain
Reforms under Cameroun
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. The Conservative Party from Peel to Thatcher Blake, Robert, 1985
2. A New History of England, 410-1975. Oxford, New York,
Pergamum Press, 1968.
3. Trends in Britain Politics since 1945 Cook,Chris and John
Ramsden eds. 1978
4. The Hanoverians, 1714-1815 Green, V.H. 1976
5. The Peoples Peace: British History 1945-1990 Morgan,Kenneth O,1992
6. Textbook of Modern English History 1714-1960 Southgate,G.W.A, 1961
7. English History, 1914-1945 Taylor, A.J.P. 1965
8. Europe Since Napoleon Thompson, David.1983
9. English Social History Trevelyan, G.M.
10. Britain and Empire. L.J. Butler.
11. Democracy: Great Britain 18151914 Bentley, Michael
12. England in the Eighteenth Century Serlley, W.T.
13. History of Britain Carter, E.H.
14. Mastering Modern British History Norman Lowe
15. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 18481918 Taylor, A.J.P.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Management
Defining Organization, Management, and Management in Organizations
Four Management Functions, Management Roles, Management Skills
Organizational Internal-External Environment
Management Planning, Goal Setting, and Decision Making
Strategic Management Process: Strategy Formulation and Implementation
Developing Organizational Structure and Design
Designing Adaptive Organizations
Managing Change and Innovation
Leadership and Motivation

II. HR Management
Role of Human Resource Management in Organizational Performance
Functions of HRM
Process and Methods of Job Analysis
Planning and Forecasting Personnel Needs
Recruitment and Selection
Training and Development
Performance Management and Appraisal: Methods and Processes
Establishing Strategic Pay Plans
Compensation and Benefits
Ethics, Justice, and Fair Treatment in HR Management
Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining

III. Financial Management

An overview of Financial Management
Introduction and significance of financial markets, Differentiation between real assets
and financial assets, Types of Financial Markets, Role of capital and money markets in
economic development, Organizational goals and shareholder wealth maximization
Time Value of Money
Cost of money and the factors effecting the cost, Interest rate fundamentals and
determinants of market interest rate, Role of Time value of money in finance, Concept
of future value and present value, Making timelines, Annuities, Perpetuities and mixed
stream of cash flows, with and without growth, Present value and future value of cash
flow streams, Compounding Interest; discrete and continuous, Loan amortization
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements

Reading the financial statements, Horizontal and vertical analysis including common
size, ratio, comparative and index number trend analysis, Forecasting financials for
future decision making, Evaluating credit, management, profitability, risk etc using
financial statements
Risk, Return and Introduction to Pricing
Measures of Risks and return, Investment return and expected rate of return,
Standalone risk: standard deviation and coefficient of variation, Risk aversion and
required rate of return, Portfolio risk: Diversifiable vs. Market risk, Security Market Line
and CAPM, Calculating WACC, Discounting process for price determination, Relevant
risk and return for valuation
Cash flow and Budgeting
Significance of budgeting, Making cash budgets, Making financial forecasts, Difference
between profit and cash flow, Read and analyze Statement of Cash flow.
Capital Budgeting
Significance of Capital budgeting, Cash flow calculations: incremental cash flows,
Capital budgeting decision rules: NPV, IRR, MIRR, Return, Finding optimal capital
structure, calculating appropriate discount rate, Capital Rationing

IV. Operations and Supply Chain Management

a. Operations Management
Operations & Productivity
Operations Management (OM) as one of the Three Core Functions in an
Organization. Significance and contributions of OM in the field of management.
Future trends in OM and differences between goods and services.
Operations Strategy in Global Environment
Developing mission & OM strategies, Critical Success Factors (CSF), Aligning Core
Competencies with CSF
Process Strategy
Four Process Strategies, Process Analysis and Design, Process Mapping, Flow
Diagrams, Process Charts, Service process design, Process Re-engineering

Capacity Planning
Design & Effective Capacity, Capacity Cushion, Capacity considerations, Managing
demand, Capacity Planning, Leading vs Lagging Strategies, Single & Multiple
Product Break Even Analysis for Capacity Planning
Location Strategies
Factors Affecting Location Decisions, Methods for Evaluating Location Alternatives,
Factor Rating Method, Load-Distance Methods, Center of Gravity Method, Service
location Strategy
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Layout Strategies
Types of Layout, Layout Design, Fixed Position Layout, Process- Oriented Layouts,
Office Layout, Retail Layout, Assembly Line Balancing
Inventory Management
Role of Inventory in Operations, ABC analysis, Record accuracy, Cycle counting,
Inventory Models, Fixed Period Systems, Continuous Review Systems, Basic EOQ
Inventory Model, Safety Stock, Service Level
b. Supply Chain Management
Introduction to supply chain management and logistics management
What is supply chain management and logistics management, Objectives,
Importance, Examples of supply chain management and logistics management,
Decision phases in supply chains
Supply chain performance
Achieving strategic fit, Challenges in achieving strategic fit, Supply chain cost, Supply
chain quality, Supply chain lead time
Supply chain drivers
Facilities as a driver, Inventory as a driver, Information as a driver, Transportation as
a driver, Sourcing as a driver, Pricing as a driver
Balancing supply and demand
Bullwhip effect, Demand collaboration, Information sharing in supply chains, accurate
response strategy
Supply chain coordination
Obstacles in coordination, Vendor managed inventory, Collaborative planning
forecasting and replenishment, Managerial levers to achieve coordination
IT in supply chain management
Role of IT in supply chain management, Customer relationship management,
Supplier relationship management, Risk management in IT, Supply chain IT in

V. Marketing
Introduction to marketing
Developing marketing strategies and plans
Scanning the marketing environment
Analyzing consumer markets
Market segmentation
Managing marketing information
Product life cycle
Managing distribution channels
Integrated marketing communications
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No Title Author

1. Management Richard L. Daft,
2. Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter,
and NeharikaVohara
3. The Practice of Management Peter F. Drucker
4. Human Resource Management Gary Dessler and BijuVarkkey
5. Human Resource Management Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright.
6. David A. DeCenzo& Stephen P.
Human Resource Management
7. Human Resource Management Derek Torrington & Laura Hall
8. Essentials of Corporate Finance Ross, Westerfield and Jordan
9. Principles of Finance Besley and Brigham
10. Financial statement Analysis George Foster
11. Principles of Managerial Finance Gitman and Zitter
12. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Brealey, Myers and Marcus
13. Advanced Corporate Finance Ogden, Jen and O Conner
14. Operations Management for Competitive Chase, Richard B., Aquilano,
Advantage, 2006 Nicholas J., and Jacobs, F. Roberts
15. Principles of Operations Management 2005 Raturi, Amitabh S., Evans, James R
16. Operations Management 2008 Heizer, Jay and Render, Barry,
17. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, and D.V.
Planning, and Operations Kalra,
18. Supply Chain Management: From Vision to Stanley E. Fawcett, Lisa M. Ellram,
Implementation and Jeffrey A. Ogden
19. Business Logistics & Supply chain Ronald H. Ballou
20. Principles of Marketing Kotler, Armstrong, Agnihotri and
21. Basic Marketing Perreault and McCarthy
22. Marketing a Practical Approach Peter Rix
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Paper-I (100 Marks)

I. Atomic Structure and Quantum Chemistry

Electromagnetic spectrum, photoelectric effect, Bohrs atomic model, wave and
particle nature of matter, de Broglies equation, Heisenbergs uncertainty principle,
wave functions and Born interpretation of wave functions, probability density, Eigen
functions and Eigen values, Hamiltonian operator, Schrdinger wave equation and
its solution for particle in one and three dimensional boxes.

II. Electrochemistry
Ions in solution, measurement of conductance and Kohlrauschs law, mobility of ions
and transport number, conductometric titrations, Debye-Hckel theory and activity
coefficient, determination of activities, Redox reactions, spontaneous reactions,
electrochemical cells, standard electrode potentials, liquid junction potential,
electrochemical series, Nernsts equation, measurement of pH, electrolytic cells,
potentiometry, reference and indicator electrodes, fuel cells, corrosion and its

III. Thermodynamics
Equation of states, ideal and real gases, the van der Waals equation for real gases,
critical phenomena and critical constants, four laws of thermodynamics and their
applications, thermochemistry, calorimetry, heat capacities and their dependence on
temperature, pressure and volume, reversible and non-reversible processes,
spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes, Hesss law, The Born-Haber cycle,
relations of entropy and Gibbs free energy with equilibrium constant, Gibbs
Helmholtz equation, fugacity and activity.

IV. Chemical Kinetics

The rate and molecularity of reactions, Factors affecting rate of a chemical reaction,
zero, first, second and third order reactions with same initial concentrations, half-
lives of reactions, experimental techniques for rate determination and methods for
determination of order of reaction (integration, half-life, initial rate and graphical
methods), collision theory, transition state theory, Arrhenius equation and rate
equations of complex reactions.

V. Surface Chemistry and Catalysis

Properties of liquids, physical and chemical properties of surface, determination of
surface area. Adsorption and absorption; physical adsorption and chemisorption,
adsorption isotherms, Langmuir adsorption isotherm and Fruendlich isotherm.
Colloids; properties, classification and preparation of colloidal systems. Surfactants,
Phase rule; Gibbs equation of phase rule, one component systems, two component
systems and their examples, Catalysis; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis,
acid-base and enzyme catalysis.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VI. Fundamentals of Chemometrics

Sampling, significant figures, stoichiometric calculations, measurement errors,
analysis of variance (ANOVA), arithmetic mean, median, mode, standard
deviation/relative standard deviation, confidence limits, Gaussian distribution, least
square method, Statistical tests.

VII. Separation Methods

Solvent extraction; theory of solvent extraction; solvent extraction of metals,
analytical separations, multiple batch extraction and counter current distribution.
Chromatography; theory of chromatography, classification and overview of
chromatographic techniques (paper, thin layer, column and ion exchange
chromatographies). Principle of electrophoresis and its application as separation and
characterization of proteins.

VIII. Basic Inorganic Chemistry

Types of chemical bonding, ionic and covalent bonding, localized bond approach,
theories of chemical bonding, valance bond theory (VBT), hybridization and
resonance, prediction of molecular shapes using valence shell electron pair
repulsion (VSEPR) model, Molecular orbital theory (MOT) applied to diatomic
molecules, delocalized approach to bonding, bonding in electron deficient
compounds, hydrogen bonding, Physical and chemical properties of p-block
elements with emphasis on oxygen, carbon, chlorine, silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus
and some of their representative compounds.

IX. Acids and Bases

Brief concepts of chemical equilibrium, acidbase theories including soft and hard
acid and base (SHAB) concept, relative strength of acids and bases, significance of
pH, pKa, pKb and buffer solutions. Theory of indicators, solubility, solubility product,
common ion effect and their industrial applications.

X. Chemistry of d and f-block elements

General characteristics of d-block elements, historical back ground of coordination
chemistry, nomenclature and structure of coordination complexes with coordination
number 2-10, Chelates and chelate effect. Theories of coordination complexes;
Werner's theory, Valence bond theory (VBT), Crystal field theory (CFT) and
Molecular orbital theory (MOT). Jahn-Teller theorem, magnetic properties, spectral
properties, isomerism, stereochemistry and stability constants of coordination
General characteristics of Lanthanides, occurrence, extraction and general principles
of separation, electronic structure and position in the periodic table, lanthanide
contraction, oxidation states, spectral and magnetic properties and uses. General
characteristics of actinides, electronic structure, oxidation state and position in the
periodic table, half-life and decay law.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Paper-II (100 Marks)

I. Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry

Bonding and orbital hybridization, Localized and delocalized bonding, Inductive
effect, Dipole moment, Resonance, Hyperconjugation.

II. Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbon

Nomenclature, Physical properties, Preparation and reactions of alkanes, alkenes
and alkynes.

III. Chemistry of Aromatic Compounds

Benzene structure, Aromaticity, Mechanism of electrophilic substitution reaction,
Activating and deactivating substituents, Effect of substituents on orientation and

IV. Chemistry of Functional Groups

Preparation and properties of alcohols, phenols, ethers, and amines with focus on
reaction mechanism and applications. Preparation and reactions of alkyl halides.
Synthetic applications of Grignard reagent. Carbonyl compounds, preparations and
reaction mechanism of aldehydes and ketones and their applications. Carboxylic
acids and their derivatives, acidity of carboxylic acids and effect of substituents on
their acidity, preparation and reactions of carboxylic acids and their derivatives
including acid halides, acid anhydrides, esters and amides.

V. Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions

Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions. Elimination reactions, Zaitsev rule
and Hofmann rule. Competition between Substitution and elimination reactions.

VI. Stereochemistry
Molecular chirality.Types of stereoisomers. RS and EZ notation. Optical activity,
Stereoselectivity and stereospecificity. Resolution of racemic mixtures.

VII. Organic Spectroscopy

Theory, Principle, instrumentation and applications of UV/Visible, 1H NMR, IR and
Mass spectroscopic techniques.

VIII. Biomolecules
Carbohydrates; Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, biological
functions of starch, glycogen, cellulose, and cell wall polysaccharides.
Lipids; Classification and biological importance of lipids. Significance of lipids in
biological membranes and transport mechanism.
Amino Acids; Chemistry and classification of amino acids. Physical and chemical
properties. Biological significance.
Proteins; Classification. Properties and biological significance.Primary, secondary
tertiary and quaternary structures.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Nucleic Acids; Chemical composition of nucleic acids. Structure and biological

significance of nucleic acids.
Enzymes; Enzyme-substrate interactions and nature of active site, mechanism of
enzyme action, kinetics of single substrate reactions, enzyme inhibition, regulatory
enzymes and allosteric enzymes.

IX. Metabolism
Digestion; absorption and transport of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic
acids. Glycolysis; citric acid cycle, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis
and photosynthesis.
Biosynthesis of triglycerides, phosphides, steroids and bile acids and ketone bodies.
Biochemical reaction of amino acids: decarboxylation, deamination, transamination
and transmethylation, etc., urea cycle, creatine and uric acid synthesis.
Catabolism of nucleosides, DNA polymerases and other enzymes involves in

X. Chemical Industries
Manufacturing and processing of sugar, cement, glass, paper, fertilizers, soap and


S.No. Title Author

1. Physical Chemistry, 4th ed., 2005 Silbey, R. J., Alberty, R. A.,
and Bawendi, M. G.
2. Physical Chemistry A Molecular McQuarrie, D. A. and Simon,
Approach, 1st ed. 1997 J. D.
3. Atkins Physical Chemistry, 9th ed. 2010 Atkins, P. and Paula, J. D.
4. Physical Chemistry, 4th ed. 1972 Moore. W. J.
5. Modern Analytical Chemistry, 2000 Harvey, D.
6. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed. Harris, D.C.,
7. Analytical Chemistry. 6th ed., 2006 Christian, G. D.
8. CHEMOMETRICS-Statistics and Matthios, O.
Computed applications in Analytical
Chemistry, 2nd ed., 2007
9. Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Miller, J. and Miller, J
Chemistry, 5th ed. 2005
10. Separation Chemistry 2004 Budhiraja, R.P
11. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed. 2007 Cotton, F.A. and Wilkinson, G.
12. Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ed. 2010 Miessler, G. L. and Tarr, D.A.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S.No. Title Author

13. Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed. 2010 Shriver, D. and Atkins, P.
14. Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Chaudhary, S. U.
15. Organic Chemistry, 10th ed. 2011 Solomons, T. W. G., and
Fryhle, C. B.
16. Organic Chemistry, 6th ed. 2012 Brown, W. H., Fotte, C. S.,
Iverson,B.L. and Anslyn, E. V.
17. Organic Chemistry, 8th ed. 2012 John, E. M.
18. Introduction to Spectroscopy, 4th ed., 2009 Pavia, D. L.,Lampman, G. M.,
Kriz,G.S. and Vyvyan, J. R.,
19. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Silverstein, R. M. Webster, F.
Compounds 2005 X. and Kiemle, D.
20. Organic Spectroscopy 2006 Younas, M.
21. Stereochemistry (Basic Concepts in Morris, D. G.
Chemistry) 2002
22. Shreve's Chemical Process Industries, 5th Shreve, R. N. and Austin, G. T.
ed. 1984
23. Riegel's Handbook of Industrial Chemistry Riegel, E. R., and Kent, J. A.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Paper-I (100 Marks)
Section-A (50 Marks)

I. Introduction to Computing
Introduction to Information Technology and Computers, History of Computing, Computer
HW and SW Details, Computer System Components and Communication System, Input &
Output devices and their types, Storage Media and their types, Types of Computer
Hardware, Software, and Programming languages, Information Representation & Number
Systems, User interfaces, Major Software Issues, Creation, formatting, and maintenance of
Computer documents, Usage of Word processors, Spread sheets, Power-Point, Email,
Search Engines, Browsers, Messengers, and Internet , Computers & Society, Information
Security/Privacy, Computer Crimes and Ethical Challenges, Viruses, Plagiarism,
Intellectual Property Rights, Difference between computer science, software engineering,
information technology, information systems, computer engineering and bioinformatics;
IEEE / ACM computing disciplines guidelines.

II. Programming Fundamentals

Basic programming elements and concepts, Problem Solving & Program Design,
Components of a programming language, Program development and execution, Program
structure, Data types and variable declarations, Standard I/O streams, and statements,
Control structures, Standard library functions, User defined functions and parameter
passing, Arrays, pointers, and strings, Structures, unions, and bit manipulation operators.

III. Object Oriented Paradigm

Object Oriented Programming Concepts ( Object-oriented paradigm, data abstraction,
encapsulation, inheritance, Polymorphism), Introduction to Classes and Objects ( classes,
objects, data members, member functions), Classes Advanced ( friends, static,
composition, this, const), Operator overloading (stream insertion, stream extraction, binary
operator, unary operator), Inheritance (single inheritance, multiple inheritances, protected
members, method over-riding), Polymorphism (virtual function, pure-virtual functions,
abstract class, abstract super class), Standard Template Library (STL), Files & streams
(sequential access files, random access files), File processing, Exception Handling

Section-B (50 Marks)

IV. Algorithms & Data Structures

Fundamental concepts, Properties of algorithms, Criteria for an Algorithm, Parameters for
selecting an algorithm, Algorithm Representations, Pseudo Code and Flow Charts,
Designing Algorithms, Algorithm Analysis and Asymptotic Notations, Classification of Lists,
Abstract Data Types, Implementation of Stacks and Queues using ADTs, Searching and
Sorting Algorithms (Linear Search, Binary Search, Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort,
Heap Sort), Stacks and Queues, Hash Tables (Linear Probing, Bucketing, Chaining),
Recursion, Trees (Binary Trees, Binary Search trees, AVL Trees, Two-Three Trees),
Graphs, Heuristic (Guided) Search, Genetic Algorithms, Encryption Algorithms (DES, RSA)
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

V. Software Engineering
Software Processes, Software Process Models, Agile Software Development, Analysis
Modeling, Requirements Engineering, Design Concepts, Architectural Design, Design &
Implementation, Software Testing, System Delivery and Maintenance, Software Evolution
Formal Specification, Software Quality Assurance, Introduction to Proofs of Correctness
(LNO), Distributed Software Engineering, Aspect-Oriented Software Engineering, Project
Management, Process Improvement

VI. Compiler Construction

Difference among various type of Translators, Phases of Compilers, Classification of
Compilers, Lexical Analysis (Input buffering, Specification & Recognition of tokens, Regular
expressions, Finite automata, Syntax Analysis (Context-free grammars and their
classification, LL(k) vs. LR(k) grammars, Top-down vs. Bottom-Up parsers, Parsing
Techniques, FIRST and FOLLOW sets, Predictive Parsing using LL(1) grammars, Syntax
error handling and recovery strategies), Syntax Directed Translation (Synthesized
attributes, Inherited attributes, Construction of syntax trees, Top-down translation),
Semantic analysis (Symbol tables, Type Expressions, Type Checking of statements),
Intermediate Code Generation, Code Generation (Issues in the design of code generation,
The target machine, Run-time storage management, Register allocation), Code
optimization (Elimination of Redundant code, Folding of Constant, Loop optimization,
Peephole optimization, Problems of optimization)
Paper-II (100 Marks)
Section-A (50 Marks)

I. Computer Organization & Architecture

Fundamental concepts, Overview of a Computer System, Evolution & Performance
Languages, Architectural levels, Virtual machines, Processor types, Metrics, Machine
instructions, Instruction execution cycle, CISC vs. RISC, Parallelism, Internal/External data
representation, Computer Function and Interconnections, Cache Memory, Internal Memory,
External Memory, Input /Output System, Computer Arithmetic Microprocessor and its Bus
Structure, I/O Types, Types of Buses, Memory Organization and Structure, information
flow and execution in Machine, Instruction Representation, Machine Instruction
Characteristics, Instruction Processing, Processor Structure & Function, Control Unit
Operation, Micro-programmed Control, Instruction-Level Parallelism And Superscalar
Processors, Parallel Processing, Multi-Processor and Multi-core Systems

II. Computer Communications & Networks

Basic Concepts and Classification of Networks, Circuit switching, Packet switching,
Multiplexing (TDM, FDM), Layering: OSI and TCP/IP, Application Layer (Network
application architectures, HTTP, FTP, Email, DNS, P2P applications), Transport Layer
(Multiplexing in UDP and TCP, Connectionless Transport: UDP, Reliable data transfer and
TCP, Congestion avoidance and control), Network Layer (The Internet Protocol, IPv4
Datagram, Internet Address Classes, Special IP Addresses ARP, IPv6, ICMP, Network
Address Translation (NAT), Internet Routing Protocols and Algorithms, X.25, Frame relay
and ATM, MPLS), Physical & Link Layer Functionalities (Error Detection & Control, ARQ,
Link layer addressing, LAN Technologies, Bridges and Hubs, Multiple Access), Special
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

topics (Security, Overlay networks, naming, Content distribution networks, Peer to peer
systems, DHTs, Network Attacks)

III. Operating Systems Concepts

Roles of an Operating System, Operating-System Evolution, Structures, and Operations,
Classification of Operating Systems, Computing Environments, Design and Components of
OS, Process Management, Process Synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory Management,
Virtual Memory Management, File Systems (UNIX and Windows Systems), I/O
Section-B (50 Marks)

IV. Database Systems

Introduction to Database Systems, Relational Data Model & Relational Database
Constraints, Relational Data Model, SQL, Relational Algebra & Calculus, ER Model, ER to
Relational Mapping, PL/SQL Stored Procedures & Triggers, Functional Dependencies and
Normalization, Storage & Indexing, Indexing Structure, XML documents & Web Services,
Query Processing & Evaluation, Query Optimization, Transaction processing, Object-
Oriented Databases, Distributed Databases, Database Security & Access Control

V. Digital Image Processing

The relation between Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Artificial
Intelligence; Image Sensing and Acquisition Techniques; Representing Digital Image;
Image Sampling and Quantization; Image Storage and Operations; Image Transformations
(Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Shear); Image Histogram; Image Enhancement (Contrast,
Smoothing, Sharpening); Gray-scale and Color Images; Color Models (RGB, CMYK and
HIS); Image Restoration; Noise Models; Morphological Operators (Erosion, Dilation,
Opening, Closing, Skeletonization, Thinning); Image Segmentation; Point Detection, Line
Detection, Edge Detection and Boundary Detection; Image Compression

VI. Web Engineering & Technologies

Modeling techniques for web applications, Introduction to web engineering, requirement
engineering, requirement, types of requirements, functional requirements, non functional
requirements, Requirement engineering process (Elicitation and negotiation,
Documentation, Validation and verification, Management), HTML(hypertext markup
language), Software Architecture, Styles, Patterns, and frameworks, Components of Web
Architecture, Classifications of web architecture , Web Application layered architecture (
client server, n- layered, JSP model, struts, OOHDM ), Integration Architecture, Data
Aspect architectures, Cascading Style Sheet(CSS), CSS properties, JavaScript
(Functionalities, Events, Variables, Operators), DOM(Document Object Model), XML, RSS,
API, Client-side programming using (HTML, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, and CSS), Server-
side programming using PHP, Web development process, Web Application Development
Methodologies, Web site promotion and deployment, Web applications Issues
(Accessibility, testing, performance, operation, maintenance, security)
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S. No. Title Author

1. C++ How to Program Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J.
2. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and
Jeffrey D. Ullman
3. Operating System Concepts Silberschatz, Galvin, and
Gagne. John
4. Operating Systems William Stallings
5. Computer Organization & Architecture William Stallings
6. Computer System Architecture M. Morris Mano
7. Computer Organization and Design: The David A. Patterson and John L.
Hardware/ Software Interface Hennessy
8. Software Engineering Ian Sommerville
9. Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach Roger S. Pressman
10. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ Mark Allen Weiss
11. Computer Networking: A Top Down approach James F. Kurose and Keith W.
featuring the Internet Ross
12. Data and Computer Communications William Stallings
13. Computer Networks Andrew Tanenbaum
14. Fundamentals of Database Systems Ramez Elmasri and S. B
15. Database Systems Concepts Silberchatz, Abraham & Korth,
16. Web Services: Principles and Technology Michael Papazoglu
17. Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave, Ninth Gary P. Schneider
18. Electronic-Commerce A Managerial Turban, Lee, King, Chung
19. Web Engineering Kappel, G., Proll, B. Reich, S. &
20. Styling Web Pages with CSS Tom Negrino and Dori Smith
21. PHP: The Good Parts Peter B. MacIntyre
22. Learn JavaScript Chuck Easttom
23. ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving Larry R. Nayhoff
with C++
24. Digital Image Processing Gonzalez and Woods
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Definition and Scope of constitutional Law, Basic Constitutional Concepts

(Constitutional Conventions, Rule of Law, Due Process), Constitutional Structures
(Parliamentary, Presidential, Separation of Powers), Judiciary (Independence of
Judicial Review, Theories of Constitutional Interpretation) Fundamental Human and
Political Rights and Civil Liberties (freedom of speech, association, assembly,
movement and Right to Counsel, life, property, religion, privacy, self incrimination,
double jeopardy).
II. Principles of Constitutional Law with special reference to United Kingdom, United
States of America, France, Russia, China, Pakistan, India and Turkey.
III. Constitutional History of Pakistan: Principles of Constitutional Law of Pakistan,
Salient feature of the Government of India Act, 1935, Indian Independence Act 1947,
Objectives Resolution 1949, Constitutions of 1956, 1962 and 1973 Constitution,
Abrogation of the Constitutions and the Martial Laws, Legal Framework Order, 1970,
The PCO of 1981, The RCO of 1985, The LFO-2002, Amendments in the 1973
IV. Legal Development:
Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan v. Federation of Pakistan PLD 1955 Sindh 96.
Federation of Pakistan vs. Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan.
Reference by the Governor-General PLD 1955 FC 435
State v. Dosso PLD 1958 SC 533.
Usif Patel v. Crown PLD 1955 FC 387
Begum Nusrat Bhutto v. Chief of the Army Staff PLD 1977 SC 657
Hakim Khan v. Government of Pakistan PLD 1992 SC 585
Nawaz Sharif v. President of Pakistan PLD 1993 SC 473
Benazir Bhutto v. the President of Pakistan PLD 1992 SC 492
Khawaja Muhammad Sharif, PLD 1988 Lah. 725
Federation of Pakistan v. Haji Saifullah Khan PLD 1989 SC 166
Khawaja Ahmad Tariq Rahim PLD 1992 SC 646
Benazir Bhutto v. President of Pakistan, PLD 1998 SC 388
Asma Jilani v. Government of the Punjab PLD 1972 SC 139
State v. Zia ur Rehman PLD 1973 SC 49
Mahmood Khan Achakzai v. Fed. of Pakistan PLD 1997 SC
Zafar Ali Shah case, 2000
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. Comparative Constitutional Law Hamid Khan & M.W. Rana
2. Constitution of Pakistan 1973 Shabbar Raza Rizvi
3. Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Dicey
4. Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law J.M. Smits
5. Constitutional & Political History of Pakistan Hamid Khan, Advocate
6. Human Rights in Constitutional Law SR. Bansali
7. Constitutional Documents of Pakistan Safdar Mahmood
8. The Leading Cases in Constitutional Law A.G.Chaudhry
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Section-I (25 Marks)

I. Introduction
Basic concepts used in understanding crime, criminality and criminal.
II. Understanding Criminology
Definition, meaning and scope of criminology, Criminology and criminal law, Crime as
social problem, Crime and social organization, related concepts: Deviance, Sin and
III. Crime and Criminals
Occasional criminals, Habitual criminals, Professional criminals, White-collar crime,
Organized crime, corporate crimes.
IV. Crime and Criminality: Theoretical Perspectives
Early explanation of criminal behavior
Classical School
Positivist School (Biological and Psychological Explanations)
Positivist School (Sociological Explanation)
Social Disorganization theory
Strain theory
Social Control theory
Learning theory
Labeling Theory
Islamic perspective
Section-II (25 Marks)

V. Juvenile Delinquency

Meaning, definitions (Behavioral Vs Legal), Juvenile delinquent Vs status offender,

Official statistics of juvenile delinquency

VI. Juvenile Justice System

Role of police
Juvenile court process:
pretrial, trial and sentencing
Role of prosecutor, defense counsel, juvenile judge, juvenile probation officer
Juvenile correctional institutions,probation and non-punitive alternatives
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VII. The Criminal Justice System:

Police and its role
Trial and Conviction of Offenders
Agencies: formal and informal
Criminal courts: procedures and problems
Role of prosecutors
Prisons, Probation and Parole
VIII. Punitive and Reformative Treatment of Criminals
Corporal punishment, Imprisonment, Rehabilitation of criminals.
Section-III (25 Marks)
IX. Criminal Investigation
Principles of criminal investigation, Manual of preliminary investigation, Intelligence
operations, Data base investigation, Electronic investigation, Forensic Investigation
X. Techniques of Investigations
Gathering information from persons, Interviewing and interrogation techniques,
Criminal investigation analysis,
XI. Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Investigators
Stop and frisk operations, Arrest procedures, Search and seizure.
XII. International Policing Criminal Justice Monitoring Organizations
Section-IV (25 Marks)
XIII. Modern Concepts in Contemporary Criminology
Terrorism, Radicalism and War on Terror
Medias representation of Crime and the Criminal Justice System
Modern Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention
Intelligence-led Policing
Community Policing
Private Public Partnership
Gender and Crime in Urban and Rural Pakistan
Crime and Urbanization, Organized Crime and White-Collar Crime
Human Rights Abuses and Protection, especially Children, Women and Minorities
and the role of civil society and NGOs
Cyber Crime
Role of NAB, FIA, ANF
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. New Perspectives in Criminology Conklin, J.E
2. Criminal Interrogation and Confessions. Fred, E.I., John, E.R.,
Joseph, P.B. and
Brian, C.J.
3. Theoretical Criminology George B. Vold,
Thomas J. Bernard,
Jeffrey B. Snipes
4. Modern Criminology: Crime, Criminal Behavior and its Hagan, J.
5. Juvenile Delinquency: An Integrated Approach James, B.
6. Security Studies: An Introduction Paul, D.W.
7. Crime, Justice and Society: An Introduction to Ronald, J.B., Marvin,
Criminology D.F. and Patricia, S.
8. Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Practice, and Law Seigel, L.J.
9. Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice Stephen, S.

Suggested Websites
10. International Society of Criminology (ICS):
11. American Society of Criminology (ASC):
12. British Society of Criminology (BSC):
13. European Society of Criminology (ESC):
14. International Police Executive Symposium (IPES);
15. Asian Criminological Society (ACS):
16. Asian Association of Police Studies (AAPS):
17. Campbell Library:
18. UNAFEI (Japan):
19. Pakistan Society of Criminology (PSC):
20. South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV):
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Paper-I (100 Marks)

I. Micro Economics

Consumer behaviour, Determination of market demand and supply i.e. concept of

elasticity of Demand & Supply, Static, Comparative Static Analysis, Distinction between
partial and general equilibrium analysis (basic level) theory of the Firm, Producers
equilibrium, Pricing of the factors of production

II. Macro Economics

Basic Economic Concepts, National Income Accounting, Consumption Function,

Multiplier, Accelerator, Component of Aggregate Demand, Labour Demand and Supply,
Un-Employment, Determination of equilibrium level of income and output (at least with
reference to two or three school of thought), Inflation.

III. Money and Banking

Functions of Money, Quantity Theory of Money, The Fisher and Cambridge

Formulations, Systems of note issue, Credit Creation, Functions of Central
Banks, Instruments of Credit Control, Distinction between Goals, Operational &
Intermediate Target of Central Banks Policy, Concept of Reserves, Liquidity Premium,
Term Structure of Interest Rate, Fisher Equation etc; Transmission Mechanisms of
Monetary Policy, Theory of Liquidity Preference. TVM, Capital Structure, Capital
Restructuring, IS-LM Analysis and The role of Central Bank, Money Demand and Supply.

IV. Public Financing

Government expenditure, Sources of Government Revenue, Privatization, Taxes and non-

taxes, Incidence of different taxes, Public Debt, Objectives, methods of repayment,
Deficit financing, General Equilibrium Analysis, Welfare Economics, Fiscal Policy.

V. International Trade

Theories of comparative advantage and Factor Endowments, Trade & Growth,

Colonialism, Imperialism and International Trade, Trade Restrictions, Economic
Integration, Trade Policy, Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange, International
Monetary system, Custom Unions.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VI. Economic Development

Concepts of development, Human development, Historical growth process and

Development, Theories of development, structural issues of development, Income
distribution and poverty, sectoral (agricultural, Industry, trade and fianc) issues and
development, environment and development.

Paper-II (100 Marks)

(Economics of Pakistan)

I. Definition and Measurement of Development: Characteristics of under

development, rethinking on the concept of development: Growth vs. Redistributive
justice, Absolute and Relative Poverty, Basic Needs Approach, Sustainable Development,
Environmental Degradation & other Issues.

II. Planning Experience of Pakistan: A critical evaluation of the strategy of

economic planning, governance & Institutions.

III. Agricultural Development in Pakistan: Changes in Agricultural Policies over plan

periods, Major Monetary and Fiscal measures to promote Agricultural development,
Green Revolution Strategy and its implications for growth and redistribution, Land
Reforms and changes in the Tenure System 19501980, Cooperative Farming, Rural

IV. Industrial Development in Pakistan: Early industrialization strategy,

Creation of Financial and Development Institutions, Major monetary and fiscal
measures to promote industrial development, changing role of public sector over the plan
periods, Evaluation of Nationalization Policy, Concentration of industrial income and
wealth, Evaluation of Import Substitution Policy and Export led Growth Strategy in

V. Role of Foreign Trade and Aid in Economic Development : Trends in Pakistans

Balance of Payments, Terms of Trade, Changes in direction of trade, Trends in Pakistans
major exports and imports, Causes of significant changes in the trends, the role of
migration and remittances in Pakistans economy, costs and benefits of Foreign Aid, Role
of Foreign Investment.

VI. Privatization, Denationalization, Deregulation: conceptual and operational

aspects. International comparisons. Pakistan Experience of Privatization.

VII. Interest Free Banking in Pakistan

Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VIII. Energy Policy of Pakistan

IX. Social Sector Development in Pakistan

X. Major Issues in Pakistan Economy: Energy crisis, Corruption, Bad governance,

External debt accumulation and dependency, Unemployment, Income inequality, Inflation,
Fiscal and trade deficits, Balance of payment issues, Shortage of irrigation water.


S.No. Title Author

1. A Text-book of Economics Theory Stonier & Hague
2. Economic Development Todaro, M.P.
3. Under Development and Agrarian Structure Khan, Mahmood Hassan
in Pakistan
4. Economic of Islam Ahmed, S.M.
5. Economics Paul A. Samuleson
6. Factors in Economic Development Cairncross, A.K
7. Foreign Aid Theory and Practice in Southern Wolf, Jr. DC
8. Government FinanceAn Economic Due John, F.
9. Introduction to International Economics Snider, D.A, Paul Krugman,
Donimich Salvatore
10. Microeconomic Ferguson, C.E. & Gould, J.P.,
Nicholson, Mankiw
11. Macroeconomics Rudigar Dorubush and Stanley
Fisher Blanchard
12. Population Problems Theompson & Lewis
13. Studies in Economic Development with Ghouse, A.
Special Reference to Pakistan
14. History of International Trade Findlay, R and O Rourke, K
15. Colonialism and Modernization Karl Marx Anchor books
16. On Colonialism Karl Marx and Frederick Engels,
17. Economic Survey of Pakistan Government Publication
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


The paper is divided into six components along with the marks allocation for each

I. Essays: (10 Marks)

Bertrand Russell (The Conquest of Happiness)
George Orwell (Politics and the English Language; The Prevention of Literature)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (The Transcendentalist; Self-reliance)

II. Short Stories: (10 Marks)

Somerset Maugham (The Lotus-eater)
G.K.Chesterton (A Somewhat Improbable Story)
OHenry (The Gift of the Magi)

III. Poetry: (20 marks)

William Wordsworth (Resolution Independence; Tintern Abbey)
John Keats (Ode to a Nightingale; Ode to Autumn)
Lord Alfred Tennyson (Ulysses; The Lady of Shalott)
Yeats (A Dialogue of Self and Soul; The Second Coming)
Eliot (The Wasteland; Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)
Philip Larkin (Maturity; Continuing to Live; The Trees)
Wallace Stevens (A postcard from the volcano; Continual conversation with a
silent man; Dry loaf) OR Walt Whitman (As I ponderd in silence; Are you the
new person drawn toward me?; This moment yearning and thoughtful)

IV. Drama: (20 marks)

Shakespeare (Hamlet; King Lear, As you like it and Twelfth Night)
William Congreve (The Way of the World)
Shaw (Pygmalion; Heartbreak House )
Harold Pinter (The Caretaker)
Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot)
Eugene ONeill (Long Days Journey into Night)

V. Novels: (20 marks)

Thomas Hardy (Far from the Madding Crowd)
D.H. Lawrence (Sons and Lovers)
George Orwell (Nineteen Eighty-four)
James Joyce (A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)
Iris Murdoch (Under the Net)
Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter) or William Faulkner (The Sound
and the Fury)
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VI. Literacy Theory & Criticism (20 Marks)

Psychoanalytic criticism
Feminist criticism
Postcolonial Criticism

Note: The texts are mentioned in brackets in front of each authors name. However, for the
component on Literary Theory and Criticism and for understanding poetry and drama,
particularly 20th century poetry and Drama, following readings are suggested:


S.No. Title Author

1. The basics Literary Theory. (Second Bertens, H. (2008).
edition). Routledge.
2. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Eagleton, E. (2008).
(Anniversary Edition).
3. A New Handbook of Literary Terms. Mikics, W. (2007).

4. A Companion to Twentieth Century Poetry. Roberts, N. (2003).

5. A Readers Guide to Contemporary Selden, R., Widdowson, P., &

Literary Theory. (Fifth edition). Brooker, P. (2005)
6. Twentieth Century British Drama. Smart, J. (2001).
7. Modern Critical Views & Interpretations, Harold Bloom (these include
ed: 80s and 90s editions. all range of authors and their
works given above)
8. A Companion to 20th Century Drama Krasner David. 2005.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. History of Environmental Thought
Environment and Sustainable Development, History of Environmental Movements,
Industrial and Agriculture Revolution, United Nations Conference on Human Environment
1972, Our Common Future 1987, Rio Summit 1992, Agenda 21, World Summit on
Sustainable Development 2002, Millennium Development Goals.

II. Sustainable Development Issues

Population growth, Poverty, Biodiversity loss and its Conservation, Energy security (energy
conservation and alternative energy resources), Urbanization and sustainable cities,
Carrying capacity and ecological footprint. Food security and sustainable agriculture.
Ecological restoration.

III. Interdisciplinary nature of Environmental Science

Orientation on convergence of various social and natural sciences to evolve a new
discipline of environmental science: Environmental Biology, Environmental Chemistry,
Environmental Physics, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Toxicology,
Environmental Economics, Environmental Geology, Environmental Geography,
Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Sociology.

IV. Environmental Pollution

Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Soil Pollution, Noise Pollution, Solid Waste, Water Logging &
Salinity, Deforestation, Desertification, Eutrophication, Global and regional air
pollutionproblems (Greenhouse effect, Global Warming/Climate Change, Ozone Depletion,
Acid Rain).

V. Climate Change
Climate Pattern at local, regional and global scale. Different types of climate including
tropical and mid latitude climate, polar climates. Climate change processes, Drivers and
Indicators of Climate Change, Effects of Climate Chang on natural and societal systems.
Carbon foot print. Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM), REDD+. Global environmental politics on climate change: role of India,
China and USA (Copenhagen Accord 2009).
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VI. Environmental Governance

Policy, legal and institutional frameworks for governance of environment in Pakistan:
National Conservation Strategy of 1992, National Environmental Policy Act of Pakistan
2005, Environmental Protection Act of 1997, Pak-EPA (Review of IEE/EIA) Regulations
2000, Hospital Waste Management Rules 2005, Pollution Charge Rules, Sample Rules,
Solid Waste Management Plan 2005, Hazardous Substances Rules 2005, National
Drinking Water Policy 2009, Sanitation Policy, National Climate Change Policy 2012.

VII. Global initiatives

Brief on some of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements ratified by Pakistan,
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Cartagena Protocol on Bio-safety, Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Convention
on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar
Convention), Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS), United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Kyoto Protocol to UNFCCC,
Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer, United Nations Convention
to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

VIII. Environmental Assessment and Management

Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental
Management Systems (ISO 14000), Occupational Health & Safety management systems
(OHSAS 18000), Participatory Approaches to Environmental Management, Technological
Approaches to Environmental Management, Approaches to Solid Waste Management,
Disaster Risk Management, Pollution Control Technologies, Geographic Information
System & Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Management.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. Environmental Economics in Theory and Hanley, N.
Practice. Shorgen,J,White,B
2. Industrial Safety Health and Environmental Jain R.K. Rao S.S
3. Environmental Science: Earth as a living Botkin, D. Keller, E. 2014
Planet, 9th ed.
4. Environmental Geology Facing the Challenges Erickson, J
of Our Changing Earth
5. Environmental Geology. Keller A.Edward
6. Earth Science. Tarbuck. J. Edward
Lutgens K. Friederick
7. Environmental Science: A Study of Enger ED, Smith, B.F
8. Basics of Forestry and Applied Sciences, Masood A.A Qureshi
Concepts and Theory
9. Environmental Science: Working with Earth Miller. T.G
10 Disaster Management: A Disaster Managers Carter N.W
11 Disasters and Development Cuny, F.C.
12 Disaster Management: Warning Response Perry R.W. Mushkatel,
and Community Relocation A.H.
13 Energy: Crisis or Opportunity, An Introduction Diana Schumacher
to Energy Studies
14 Environmental Geology Carla W. Montgomery
15 Environmental Health; Ecological Perspective Kathryn Hilgenkamp
16 Official Website of Govt. of Pakistan www.environment.
17 Official Website of UN Environment
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Part I (Marks 50)

I. The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era (1789-1815)

The causes of French Revolution
The consequences of Revolution
Napoleon rise to power
Creation of Empire
The Continental system
The fall of Napoleon

II. The Concert of Europe (1815-1830)

The Congress of Vienna
Metternichs Era
The Concert of Europe and Congress System
Balance of Power

III. Forces of Continuity and Change in Europe (1815-1848)

Industrial Revolution

IV. The Eastern Question (1804-1856)

The nature of the Eastern question
The Crimean War
Russo Turkish War 1877

V. Unification of Italy
The effects of the revolution of 1848
The obstacles to unification
Cavour and the unification of Italy
The Process of Italian unification (1859-1871)
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VI. Unification of Germany

The rise of Bismarck
Diplomatic events
The Austro-Prussian War (1866)
The Franco- Prussian War (1870-1871)
The triumph of Bismarck and process of unification

VII. The Origins of First World War (1890-1914)

Formation of Alliances and Counter Alliances
The Balkans War (1912-1913)
The outbreak of the World War 1

Part II (Marks 50)

VIII. The First World War and its aftermath

The War (1914-1918) and peace treaties
The League of Nations

IX. Dictatorships in Europe

Fascism in Italy under Musssolini
Hitler,Nazism and Germany
Russia , Marxism Revolution and its working under Stalin
Great Depression and its effects on Europe
The Arm race
The Sudetenland Crisis (1938)
The distraction of Czechoslovakia (1939)

X. The World War 11and its effects on Europe

XI. Post- War Europe

The post war settlements
The United Nations
Economic Recovery of Europe,Marshal Plan
German Question
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

XII. Cold War Europe (1955-1991)

Effects of cold war
Warsaw Pact (1955)
The European Economic Community (EEC)
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement
Charles Degaule and France
Spread of communist regimes in Europe

XIII. Europe (1991-2012)

The Gorbachev and Disintegration of USSR
The reunification of Germany
The Balkan crisis of 1990s
The European Union
Role of Europe in War against terrorism
Global Economic Crisis and Europe


S. No. Title Author

1. A History of Modern Europe (1789-1991) H.L. Peacock,
2. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe: 1848-1918 A.J.P Taylor,
3. The Cold War: Ideological Conflict or Power Normali A. Grabener
4. The USSR: A Share History Vladimir Polrtayen,
5. Development in Russian Politics Stephen White,
6. Mastering Modern European History Stuart Miller,
7. A Text Book of European History by Southgate, G.W.
8. Aspects of European History 1789-1980. Stephen J. Lee
9. Europe Since Napoleon Thompson, D.
10. European Union: European politics. Tim Bale.
11. Modern Europe in the Making from the French Fasal, G.
Revolution to the Common Market
12. The Norton History of Modern Europe Gilbert, F.
13. The Origins of the Second World War Taylor, A.J.P.
14. The Rise and Fall of Great Powers. Paul Kennedy.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Introduction to Gender Studies
Introduction to Gender Studies
Difference between Gender and Women Studies
Multi-disciplinary nature of Gender Studies
Autonomy vs. Integration Debate in Gender Studies
Status of Gender Studies in Pakistan

II. Social Construction of Gender

Historicizing Constructionism
Problematizing the category of Sex: Queer Theory
Is Sex socially determined, too?
Masculinities and Feminism
Nature versus Culture: A Debate in Gender Development

III. Feminist Theories and Practice

What is Feminism
Liberal Feminism
Radical Feminism
Marxist/Socialist Feminism
Psychoanalytical Feminism
Mens Feminism
Postmodern Feminism

IV. Feminist Movements

Feminist Movements in the West, First Wave, Second Wave and Third Wave
Feminism, United Nation Conferences on Women, Feminist Movements in

V. Gender and Development

Colonial and Capitalistic Perspectives of Gender
Gender Analysis of Development Theories; Modernization Theory, World System
Theory, Dependency Theory, Structural Functionalism.
Gender Approaches to Development: Women in Development (WID), Women
and Development (WAD), Gender and Development (GAD); Gender Critique of
Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs).
Globalization and Gender

VI. Status of Women in Pakistan

Status of Womens health in Pakistan
Status of Women in Education
Women and Employment
Women and Law
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VII. Gender and Governance

Defining Governance
Suffragist Movement
Gender Issues in Women as Voters
Gender Issues in Women as Candidates
Gender Issues in Women as Representatives
Impact of Political Quota in Pakistan
VIII. Gender Based Violence
Defining Gender Based Violence
Theories of Violence against Women
Structural and Direct Forms of Violence
Strategies to Eliminate Violence against Women
IX. Case Studies of:
Mukhtaran Mai
Mallala Yousaf Zai
Shermin Ubaid Chinoy


S.No. Title Author

1. Theories of Women Studies Eds., Bowles. Gloria and
Renate D. Klein
2. Introduction: Theories of Women Studies and Bowles G and Renate, K.
the Autonomy/ Integration Debate in Theories
of Women Studies.
3. The State of the Discipline of Women Studies in Saigol, Rubina
Pakistan in Social Sciences in Pakistan
4. The State of Women Studies in Pakistan in Bari, Farzana
Journal of Asian Women Studies
5. Womens Law in Legal Education and Practice Shaheed, F. and Mehdi, R.
in Pakistan. (ed.) (1997)
6. Locating the self: Perspectives on Women and Khan, N.S. et al.(ed.) (1998)
Multiple Identities.
7. The Social Construction of Gender Lorber, Judith
8. Queer Theory Lorber, Judith
9. Gender,USA, Harriet Bradley(2013)
10. Women of Pakistan: Two Steps Forward, One Mumtaz,Khawar& Shaheed,
Step Back. Farida(1987)
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S.No. Title Author

11. Feminism and its Relevance in South Asia Saeed K, Nighat & Bahsin,
12. Feminist Thoughts Tong, Rosemarie
13. Reversed Realities Kabeer, Naila
14. Gender Planning and Development Moser, Caroline
15. Electoral Politics: Making Quotas Work For Hoodfar,Homa&Tajali, Mona
Women. (2011)
16. The Gender face of Asian Politics Ayaz, Aazar &
17. Performance Assessment of Women Bari, Farzan (2002)
Parliamentarians in Pakistan
18. Base line Report: Womens Participation in Zia, Shahla & Bari, Farzana.
Political and Public Life (1999)
19. Freedom from Violence Schuler, Margarte (1992)
20. Human Rights Commission of Pakistan Report
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Part I (Marks 50)

Physical Geography

I. Factors controlling landform development; endogenetic and exogenetic forces; origin

and evolution of the earths crust; physical conditions of the earths interior;
geosynclines; continental drift; isostasy; sea-floor spreading; plate tectonics;
mountain building; volcanicity; earthquakes; concepts of geomorphic cycles; landforms
associated with fluvial, arid, glacial, coastal and Karst cycle; groundwater.
II. Elements and Factors of climate, structure and composition of atmosphere, insulation,
temperature, Pressure belts of the world; Heat budget of the earth; Atmospheric
circulation: planetary,monsoon and local winds; Air masses and Fronts; Hydrological
cycle; Types of condensation and precipitation; Factors of global distribution of
III. Origin of oceans and seas, Characteristic features of the ocean basins, temperature,
salinity distribution cause and effects, Ocean floor deposits, their characteristics and
classification, Ocean circulation, Waves, currents and tides, their nature, causes and
IV. Factors of climate and Environmental change. Transformation of nature by man;
environmental degradation and conservation; Nature and Types of pollution. Problems
caused by pollution, Global Warming, Global Environment Patterns, Environmental
Hazards and Risk Management.

Part II (Marks 50)

Human Geography

V. Origin and Diffusion of Culture, Geographic patterns of culture, Classification of

Languages, World Distribution of Languages, Indo-European Languages, Origins of
Religions, Diffusion of Religions, Global Distribution, Regional conflicts, Ethnicities and
Nationalities, Ethnic Conflicts, Ethnic Diversity in the World, Factors of Ethnic
Cleansing, Ethnic Cleansing in the World, Development Indicators, Economic
Indicators, Social Indicators, Health Indicators, Development through Trade, Impacts
of development Indicators.
VI. Factors effecting Agriculture, Subsistence Agriculture and population growth,
Commercial Agriculture and Market Forces, Sustainable Agriculture, Types and
Distribution of Agriculture, Factors of Industrial locations, The Industrial Revolution,
Industrial Theories, Distribution of Industries and Industrial Estates, Renewable
Resources, Recycling Resources, Sustainable resources.
VII. Factors of Population Growth, Components of Change, Population Structure, The
Demographic Transition, World distribution of Population, Over and under Population
threats and their consequences, Models of Internal Structure of Cities, World Urban
Patterns, Settlement Theories, Patterns and Problems within urban areas.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VIII. Politics, Geography and Political Geography, State as a Politico-Territorial

Phenomenon, State, Nation and the Nation-State, World Politics and International
Relations, Geopolitics of uneven Development and Globalization of Capital,
Geography of Tourism and Recreation, The demand for tourism and recreation, The
supply for tourism and recreation, The impact of tourism and recreation: (Socio-
economic impacts, Physical-environmental impacts), Global patterns in health and
diseases, Models in medical geography, Recent issues and developments.


S.No. Title Author

1. Discovering Physical Geography 2nd ed. Alan F. Arbogast (2011).
Hoboken:John Wiley &Sons,Inc.
2. Introducing Physical Geography. Hobken: John Alan Strahler, (2011).
Wiley & Sons
3. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate (7th ed.). Barry, R. (1998).
London: Clays St. Davis.
4. Meknights Physical Geography A Landscape Darrel Hess (2012).
application 10th ed PHI Learning, New Delhi.
5. Text Book of Population Geography, Randam Dr. Martin Ardagh (2013).
Publications, New Delhi.
6. Atmosphere, Climate and Change. New York: Graedel, T. (1995).
Scientific American Library
7. An Introduction to Oceanography. Johnson H. (1996).
8. Economic Geography, Randam Publications, Philip Emeral (2013).
New Delhi.
9. Essentials of Physical Geography 8thed Robert E. Gabler& James F.
Australia. Petersen (2007)
10. Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Robert W. Christopherson
Geography 7th ed. New Jersey:Pearson Prentice (2009),
11. Tourism Geography: Randam Publications, New Shweta Singh (2013).
12. Elements of physical geography. New York. Strahler, A. N. (1998).
John Wiley.
13. Natural Disaster Management: New Subir Ghosh (2012).
technologies and opportunities, The Icfai Uni.
Press, Agartala.
14. Economic Geography 3rd ed. PHI Learning, New Truman A. Hartshorn (2010).
15. Environmental Geography: Science Landuse William M. Marsh (2005).
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S.No. Title Author

and Earth System 3rd ed.Hobken: John Wiley &
16. Geography, Regions and Concepts. U.S.A: Blif, H. J. (1971).
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
17. Human Geography. Canada: John Wiley & Blij, H. J. (2000).
Sons, Inc.
18. Population Geography Oxford: Pergamon Press. Clarke, J. I. (1965).
19. Human Geography Cultural Society and Space. De Blij. H. J. (2003).
(5th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
20. Political Geography: The Spatiality of Politics. Dikshit, R. D. (2001).
(3rd ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited.
21. Agricultural Geography: Issues and Applications. Dube, R. S. (1987).
New Delhi: Gian Publishing House.
22. Human Geography Landscape of Human Getis, Fellman. (2005).
Activities. (8th ed.). New York: Mc.Graw Hill
Higher Education.
23. An Introduction to Agricultural Geography. Grigg, D. (1984).
London: Hutchinson.
24. The Geography of Tourism and Recreation (1st Hall, C. M; & Page, S. J.
ed.). London: Routledge. (1999).
25. Economic Geography. New York: Prentice Hall, Hartshorne, T. A. &
Inc. Englewood Cliffs. Alexander, J. W. (1988).
26. Geography & Health: A study in medical Izhar, F. (2004).
Geography. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing
27. Geographies of Global Change. Blackwell Johnston, R. J. (1996).
Publishers Inc.
28. Urban Geography, New York: McGraw Hill. Kaplan, Wheeler (2009).
29. Human Geography Place and Region in Global Knox Paul L. (2001).
context. (2nd ed.) .New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
30. Agricultural Geography. London: Longman. Newbury, P. A. R. (1999).
31. Contemporary Human Geography. New Delhi: Rubenstein James M. (2010).
PHI Learning Private Limited.
32. Tourism Geography (1st ed) London: Routledge. Williams, S. (1998).
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Part- I (50-marks)

I. Introduction to Physical Geology

Introduction and scope of geology, its importance and relationship with other
sciences, Earth as a member of the solar system; its origin, age, composition and
internal structure, Introduction to rocks and mineral, Weathering and erosion,
Isostasy, Geological Time Scale.

II. Stratigraphy and Paleontology

Principles of stratigraphy; laws of superposition and faunal succession. Geological
time scale with divisions. Classification and nomenclature of stratigraphic units:
lithostragraphic units, biostratigraphic units and chronostratgraphic units.
Introduction to fossils and their significance; modes of fossilization, Study of
morphology, range and broad classification of major invertebrate phyla; Introduction
to micro fossils; Introduction to Paleobotany; Introduction and classification of major
vertebrates; Introduction to micropaleontology

III. Mineralogy
Classification of minerals; Study of internal structure; polymorphism and
isomorphism; paragenesis; Physical and optical properties of the common silicate
and non-silicate mineral groups; Introduction to crystallography; elements of
symmetry, study; normal classes of crystallographic systems.

IV. Structural Geology and Tectonics

Stress-strain concepts; factors which control the mechanical behavior of materials;
Folds, Faults, Joints, Foliation: terminology, classification and relationship with
bedding; Lineation, Unconformity.
Plate tectonics theory; Geological evidences for continental drift; Sea-floor
spreading; Oceanic ridges; Continental rifts; Intra-oceanic islands; Hot spot and
Mantle plumes; Wilson Cycle; Tectonic framework of Pakistan.

V. Petrology and Petrography

Introduction, classification and description of sedimentary rocks; origin;
transportation and deposition of sediments; Texture of sedimentary rocks;
Sedimentary structures, their classification, morphology and significance;
Composition, origin, differentiation and evolution of magma; Classification of
igneous rocks; Mode of occurrences and types of extrusive rocks; Texture and
structure of igneous rocks; Introduction to metamorphism; Types of metamorphism;
Grades, zones and facies of metamorphism; Metamorphic diffusion and
differentiation; Metamorphism in relation to plate tectonics; Differentiation between
metamorphism and metasomatism;

Introduction to polarizing microscope; Optical properties of opaque and non-opaque

minerals in plane polarized light and under crossed nicol including metallic under
reflected light; Description of optical properties of common rock forming minerals.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Part- II (50-marks)

I. Introduction to Geophysics
Definition and relation of geophysics with other sciences; Classification and brief
description of various branches of geophysics such as seismology, geomagnetism,
geoelectricity, tectonophysics, gravimetry, geo-thermy and geodesy; Introduction to
various geophysical techniques for exploration of mineral deposits, oil and gas and
subsurface water and engineering works;

II. Sequence Stratigraphy

Introduction, history, concept and significance of sequence stratigraphy; Data
sources: seismic reflections, o u t c r o p s , w e l l l o g s , c o r e a n d s e i s m i c facies;
Sea level changes, their causes and effects; Accommodation, eustatic and relative
sea curve; Hierarchy of sequence stratigraphic elements; Types of sequences and
systems tracts.
III. Petroleum Geology
The nature and classification of petroleum hydrocarbons, their origin, migration and
accumulation; Source sediments, reservoir rocks, and trapping mechanism for oil
and gas; Prospecting and exploration of oil and gas; Reservoir characteristics, drive
mechanism, energy and pressure maintenance; Secondary and enhanced recovery;
Introduction to Sedimentary Basins of Pakistan
IV. Engineering and Environmental Geology
Rock and soil mechanics and its application in civil engineering; Rock mass
characteristics; Geotechnical studies of rocks and soils; Geological factors and
strength of rocks; Study of geological factors in relation to the construction of
buildings and foundations, roads, highways, tunnels, dams and bridges;
Application of geophysical methods for site investigation; Construction materials;
Mass movement, their causes and prevention.
Introduction to environmental geology; Management of natural resources; Global
climatic changes; Environmental controls for erosion, desertification and coastal
degradation; Geological hazards such as floods, landslides, earthquakes,
Tsunamis, volcanoes, glaciers and shoreline processes, their remedial measures;
Clean sources of energy; Industrial pollution, solid and liquid waste disposal,
Introduction to environmental impact assessment and initial environmental

V. Mineral and Energy Resources

Introduction of geological exploration/prospecting. Brief description of hydrocarbons,
coal, gemstones, copper, lead, zinc, iron, gold, chromite, manganese, salt,
gypsum, bauxite, sulphur, barite, fluorite, clays, phosphorite, building and dimension
stones, industrial rocks and m i n e r a l s , radioactive minerals and rocks with
special reference to economic mineral deposits in Pakistan.
Origin, occurrence, and depositional environments of coal; coal Constitution and
kinds of coals.Coal rank, grade and calorific value. Coal deposits of Pakistan with
reference to Thar Coal. Geothermal energy resources of Pakistan.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VI. Economic and Applied Geology

Metallic and Non-metallic mineral resources of Pakistan. Mineral-based industries.

Overview of Recodec Copper. Radioactive minerals and their occurrences in
Pakistan. Gemstones of Pakistan
Geology of Reservoirs, Dams .Highways and Tunnels. Major natural hazards and
their Impact on the environment with special reference to Pakistan.


S.No. Title Author

1. Physical Geology Charles Plummer, David
McGeary, Diane Carlson,
2. Physical Geology Charles (Carlos) Plummer,
Diane Carlson
3. Principles of Physical Geology Holmes, A
4. Principles of Paleontology Raup, D.M. & Stanley, S.M
5. Vertebrate Paleontology Romer, A.S
6. Invertebrate Paleontology and evolution Clakson, E.N.K
7. Stratigraphy of Pakistan Shah, S.M.I.
8. Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Boggs, S
9. Stratigraphy and historical geology of Kazmi, A.H and Abbasi, I.A
10. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Best, M.G.,
11. Introduction to Optical Mineralogy Nesse, W.D
12. An Atlas of Minerals in Thin Section Schulze, D.J.,
13. Minerals and Rocks Klein, C.,
14. Mineral Characterisation and Processing Mohapatra, B.K., Misra, V
15. Principles of Mineralogy William. H.B.,
16. Mineralogy Perkins, D
17. Plate Tectonics Geodynamics Moores, E.M. & Twiss, R.J
18. Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions George H. Davis, Stephen J.
Reynolds, Charles F. Kluth
19. Structural Geology Twiss, R.J. & Moores, E.M.,
20. Carbonate Sedimentology Tucker, M.E. & Wright, V.P
21. Applied Sedimentology Selly, R.C.,
22. Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks Boggs Jr. S
23. Sedimentary Rocks Pettijohn, F.J
24. Introduction to Applied Geophysics Burger R.H., Sheehan, A. &
Jones, C
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S.No. Title Author

25. Geophysical Methods in Geology Sharma, P.V
26. The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Fowler, CMR
27. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Best, M.G
28. Petrology: Igneous, Sedimentary, & Blatt, H., Tracy, R.& Owens,
Metamorphic D
29. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Best, M.G.,
30. Petrology: Igneous, Sedimentary, & Blatt, H., Tracy, R. & Owens,
Metamorphic D
31. Metamorphic Petrology Turner, F.J.,
32. Sequence Stratigraphy Emery, D. & Myers, K.J.,
33. Elements of Petroleum Geology Richard C. Selley,
34. Petroleum Geology North, F.K.,
35. Geology of Pakistan Bender, F.K. & Raza, H.A.,
36. Engineering Geology: Principles and Practice David George Price, Michael
de Freitas
37. Engineering Geology F G Bell
38. Fundamentals of Engineering Geology Bell, F.A.G.,
39. Environmental Geology Montgomery, C.W.,
40. Geology of Himalaya, Karakuram, Hindukush Tahirkheli, R.A.K.,
in Pakistan
41. Geology of Pakistan Bender, F.K. & Raza,
42. Stratigraphy and Historical Geology of Kazmi, A.H and Abbasi, I.A
43. Economic Geology: Principles and Practice Walter L. Pohl
44. Directory of Mineral Deposits of Pakistan Zaki, A.,
45. An Introduction to Ore Geology Evans, A.M.,
46. Metallogeny and Mineral Deposits of Pakistan Kazmi, A.H. & Abbas, S.G.,
47. Introduction to Mineral Exploration Moon, C.J., Whateley, M.K.G.
and Evans, A.M.
48. Energy Resources Brown and Skipsy
49. Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2012 Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Resources
Hydrocarbon Development
Institute of Pakistan.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Basic Concepts of Governance:
Origin of the term Governance
Definition of Governance
Definition of Good Governance
Characteristics of Good Governance: Participation, Rule of law, Transparency,
Responsiveness, Equity, Effectiveness and Efficiency, Accountability, Strategic
Collapse/Failure of Governance: its indicators diagnostic tools & Effects

II. Governance Theories:

Decentered Theory
Libertarian Socialism
Rational Choice Theory
Regulation Theory

III. Governance Indicators laid by World Bank/IMF/UNESCO/UNDP/ADB, their

Explanation & Application Level in Pakistan:
Voice and Accountability
Political Stability and Absence of Violence
Government Effectiveness
Regulatory Authorities & their Quality
Rule of Law
Control of Corruption

IV. Public Policy and Planning Institutions and their role in Plannng
Institutional Framework for Policy Coordination and Planning(ECNEC, Economic
Coordination Committees of the Cabinet, The Federal Cabinet, The Secretaries
Committee, The Prime Ministers Secretariat, The Planning Commission, The
Finance Division, The Cabinet Division, and all Federal Ministries for their
respective subjects)
Role of Planning Commission in Policy and Planning
Strategic Planning in Federal
Provincial Government and Local Government
Role of International Donors in Policy Formulation (IMF Document Memorandum
on Economic and Financial Policies 2013/142015/16, that underpins almost all
public policies.)
Public Policy and Implementation in Key Sectors (i.e., Health, Education).
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

V. Accountability:
General Introduction to Accountability and its concepts(Standards, Symbolism,
regional and country-wide comparisons, a Review of Contemporary Studies)
Types of Accountability- Political Accountability, Legal/ Judicial Accountability,
Administrative Accountability, Professional Accountability, Private vs. Public
National Strategies against Corruption and remedial measures.

VI. Bureaucracy:
Introduction to the Concept of Bureaucracy(History, Neutrality, Steel Frame of the
State, Negative Connotations Associated with the term)
Theories of Bureaucracy (Max Weber, Marx, John Stewart Mill, Woodrow Wilson)
Role of Bureaucracy in Pakistan (British legacy, civil-military relations, neutrality,
dilution of neutrality, political allegiance, power, corrupting the incumbent,
institutional degradation, constitutional guarantees, indexing of salaries with the
CPI or lack thereof.)
Public Administration and Code of Ethics (Effectiveness of the Estacode and the
Code of Ethics, Comparison with other countries)

VII. Public Policy Formulation and Implementation

The Policy Making Process: How Policies are Made (Six including diagnosis and
six stages with cautions to be exercise at each stage)
Policy Implementation & Role of Bureaucracy (Training, Pervasive Inertia and
how to break it, Lack of Decision Making, Culture of postponement and delays,
Lack of resources, Political interference, Ability to say No.)
Policy Analysis, The Quest for Solutions (Lack of research in policy analysis,
Lack of coordination among departments, secrecy, openness)
Policy Evaluation: Assessing The Impact of Public Policy, Program Evaluation-
Success and failure of Govt.

VIII. Multi-level Governance in Pakistan:

Legislature: National Assembly, Senate, Provisional Assemblies
Judiciary: Supreme Court, High Courts, Lower Courts
Functioning of the offices:
President of Pakistan,
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Office of Governor,
Office of Chief Minister, Federal Cabinet, Cabinet Committees, Federal
Secretariat, Provincial Secretariat
Local Government system: District Government, Zila Government, Tehsil
Government, Union Administration, Its Efficacy, Performance & Causes of
Success or Failure
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

IX. Federalism, Devolution and Decentralization

Constituents participation in Federal Structure
Principle of Subsidiarity in Public Service Delivery
Decentralization Model of Kerala

X. Role of Citizens in Governance

XI. Good Governance in Islam

Quranic Guidance on Good Governance
Concept of Governance and its application in light of Quran; Sunnah and Fiqh.


S. No. Titles Author

1. Governance Anne Mette Kjr
2. Encyclopedia of Governance, Volume 2 Mark Bevir
3. Implementing Public Policy: Governance in Hill M. and Hupe P.
Theory and in Practice.
4. Accountability: Managing for Maximum Results Sam R LLyod
5. Guidance for Good Governance: Explorations in Abdullah Ahsan&
Qur'anic, Scientific & Cross-Cultural Approaches Stephen Bonsal Young
6. How Governments Work Muzaffar A. Ghaffaar
7. Government and Administration in Pakistan Dr Jamil-ur Rehman
8. Public Administration With Special Reference To Dr Sultan Khan
9. Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, National Assembly of
10. Pakistan: Beyond the Crisis State Maleeha Lodhi
11. Power Dynamics, Institutional Instability and Akmal Hussain
Economics Growth: The Case of Pakistan
12. Federalism and Rights Ellis Katz and G Allan Tarr
13. Local Government Reforms in Pakistan: Ali Chmeema, Asim Ijaz
Context, Content and Causes Khawaja and Adnan Qadir
14. Economics Democracy Through Pro Poor PonnaWignaraja, Akmal
Growth Hussain Susil Sirivardana
15. Governance: South Asian Perspective Hasnat Abdul Hye
16. Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in AbdusSamad
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S. No. Titles Author

17. PakistanProblems of Governance, 1993. Hussain, M., Hussain. A.
18. Pakistans Predicament: The Diagnostic and the Racine, Jean-Luc.
Debates within, Journal of Pakistan Vision, 13/1
19. The Culture of Power and Governance of Niaz, I.
Pakistan1947-2008, Oxford, 2010.
20. Legitimacy and the Administrative State: Bevir, M.,
Ontology, History, and Democracy, Public
Administration Quarterly, UC Berkeley, 2013.
21. Handbook of Public Policy Analysis Frank Fischer, Gerald J.
Miller, and Mara S. Sidney,
22. Public Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Kraft, Michael E., Scott R.
Alternatives, 4th Ed., CQ Press, 2012 Furlong
23. Public Policy in An Uncertain World,: Analysis Manski, Charles F.
and Decisions, Harvard, 2013
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Muslim Rule and Heritage in India (712-1857): Political History Arrival, foundation
and consolidation of Muslim rule in India, important rulers of the Slave Dynasty and
the Mughals. The Spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization, Art, Architecture and
literature, Public Administration under Muslim Rules. Sultans, Kings, Economic,
Social, Judicial, Civil and Military system during the Muslim rule, Industry, trade and
commerce under the Muslim patronage, Financial Administration.

II. British Rule in India: 1857-1947: British Imperialism, origin and growth of the East
India Company, Causes and effects of downfall of the Mughal Empire in India, War of
Independence in 1857:Causes and effects.

III. Constitutional and Political Reforms of the British Government (1858-1947)

and growth of the Political Parties Indian Congress

IV. Muslim Struggle for Independence: Role of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmad
Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan towards regeneration of the Muslim of South
Asia, All India Muslim League, Partition of Bengal, Simla Deputation, Lucknow pact;
Khilafat movement. Nahru Report Quaid-i- Azams Fourteen Points.

V. Pakistan Movement: Allama Iqals Allahabad Address 1930, and Round Table
Conference. The Congress Rule intheprovinces-1937-1939, Lahore Resolution 1940,
various Missions and Plans for the partition of the South Asia. Founders of Pakistan:
Quaid-i-Azam, Mohsin-ul-Mulk, Syed Amir Ali, Ali Brothes. Sir Agha Khan, Chaudhry
Rahmat Ali, etc.

VI. History of Pakistan (1947- Todate): Pakistans early ChallengesQuaid-i-Azam as

Governor-General, various attempts at constitution making.

VII. Military in Politics: Ayub Khan, Yahya, ZiaulHaq and Pervaiz Musharaf regimes,
Civil Military Relationship in Pakistan,

VIII. Separation of East Pakistan: Causes and Effects,

IX. Working of Democracy in Pakistan: Liaquat Ali Khan to Firoz Khan Noon (1947-
1958), Zulfiqar Ali Bhuttos Period,(1971-1977),Benazir, Nawaz Sharif ,Revival of
Democracy: 1988-1999, Restoration of Democracy (2008 to date), Role of Major
Political Parties and Pressure Groups in the history of Pakistan.

X. Foreign Policy of Pakistan (1947-1999)

Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016



1. Political Parties in Pakistan: 1947-58 Afzal, M Rafique, 1986
2. Government & Politics in Pakistan Ahmad, Mushtaq, 1970
3. Party Politics in Pakistan: 1947-58 Aziz, K.K. 1976
4. Indias Struggle for Independence Chandre Bipin, 1989
5. Constitutional Development in Pakistan Chaudhary, G.W. 1959
6. Wavell and the Days of the Raj: Britains Chawla, Muhammad Iqbal,
Penultimate Viceroy in India, 2011
7. Nationalism and Communal Politics in Hassan Mushirul 1991
8. The Charismatic Leader: Jinnah and the Hayat, Sikandar, 2007
Creation of Pakistan
9. The Culture of Power and Governance of IIHAN Niaz, 2011
Pakistan 1947-2008
10. Muslim Civilization of Indo-Pakistan. Ikram, Shaikh Muhammad,
11. Pakistans Failure in National Integration Jahan, Rounaq, 1972
12. Constitutional and Political History of Khan, Hamid, 2005
13. The Muslim Politics in Punjab Qalb-i-Abid ,S, 1992
14. The Muslim Community of the Indo-Pak Qureshi Ishtiaq Husain, 1962
15. The Struggle for Pakistan Qureshi, Ishtiaq Husain, 1965
16. Pakistan: The Formative Phase Sayeed, Khalid Bin, 1968
17. The Military and Politics in Pakistan1947-86 Rizvi Hassan Askari
18. Pakistan A Modern History Talbot, Lan, 1999
19. Politics and the State in Pakistan Waseem, Mohammad, 1989
20. Jinnah of Pakistan Wolpert, Stanley, 1984
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Introduction:-
From ancient times to 1492
Advent of the Europeans to British supremacy (1492-1606)
II. USA as a British Colony (1606-1783).
III. USA as an Independent Country (1783 - 1819)
IV. Expansion of USA: From 13 to 50 States (1820 - 1949)
V. Constitution of the USA: Salient Features
VI. Civil War between the North and the East (1850 - 1869)
VII. Industrialization and its emergence as one of the world powers (1870 -1916)
VIII. USAs role in the Two World Wars (i. 1914 1918, ii. 1939 - 1945)
IX. Post 1945 world scenario and emergence of USA and USSR as the Two World
X. American Role in patronizing UNO and International Organizations 1945 2012
XI. American Role in Cold War and its emergence as the Sole super Power (1945 -
XII. International Concerns of USA: An Overview.
XIII. The War on Terror and the Role of Pakistan and USA (2001 - 2012)
XIV. Global perceptions of the USA.
XV. Progressive Era: Reforms of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson,
XVI. The Great Depression and the New Deal
XVII. Civil Rights Movement
XVIII. United States Role in International Conflicts
XIX. US Presidential Election
XX. US Congress and its Mandate
XXI. Separation of Powers and Check & Balances
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, Bailyn. Bernard, 1992
2. A Pocket History of the United States Commager, H. and
Nevins, Allan, 1967
3. Painless American History, Curt Lader, 2009
4. The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History E.Woods, Thomas Jr.,
5. The Civil War: A Narrative Foote, Shelby, 1986
6. The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Hofstadter. Richard
Made it. , 1948
7. US-South Asian Relations 1784 1940: A History Iftikhar H. Malik, ed.,
Perspective, 2006
8. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics Mearsheimer, John, 2001

9. Enlightenment Revolution and the Birth of Modern Nelson, Craig, Thomas

Nation Paine, 2006
10. The USA: 1917 1980 Smith, Nigel, 2006
11. American Colonies: The Selling of North America Taylor, Alan, 2002
12. White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Winthrop D. Jordan,
Negro 1550 1812
13. The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents. William. A. De Gregorio,
14. A peoples History of the United States: 1492 to Zinn, Howard, 1980
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Nature, Origin and Basis of International Law.

The Emergence of International Law, Early European Authors, The Nation-State
System, The Enforcement of International Law, The Effectiveness of International
Law, The Weakness of International Law, The Juridical Basis of International law,
The Future of International law and Material Sources of International Law.

II. Relation between International Law and State Law.

Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice, Primary Sources of
International Law, Subsidiary Sources of International Law, International Soft Law

III. State in General and Recognition

Personality and Statehood in International Law, The Subjects of International
Law, Recognition of State and Government in International Law, Recognition of
State and Government in National Law.

IV. The Law and Practice as to Treaties

The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

V. The Settlement of International Disputes.

Negotiation, Mediation and Good Offices, Inquiry, Settlement by the United
Nations, Conciliation, Arbitration, The International Court of Justice.

VI. International Humanitarian Law.

International and Non-International Armed Conflicts, Non-International Armed
Conflict, Combatant and Protected Persons, Protection of Wounded, Sick and
Ship-Wrecked Persons, POWs, Civilians, Limitations on the Conduct of War,
Limits on the Choice of Methods and Means of Warfare.

VII. The Use of Force

The Law before the UN Charter, The Law after the Charter, The Collective Use of
Force, The Right of Self-Defence.
VIII. International Institutions
IX. State Territorial Sovereignty.
X. State Responsibility.
XI. State Jurisdiction.
XII. Succession to Rights and Obligations.
XIII. The State and the Individual.
XIV. The State and the Economic Interest.
XV. Diplomatic Envoys, Counsels and other Representatives.
XVI. War, Armed Conflicts and other Hostilities.
XVII. Neutrality.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. International Law Malcolm N. Shaw
2. Principles of Public International Law Lan Brownlie
3. International Law Dr. S.K. Kapoor
4. Introduction to International Law J.G. Starke, QC
5. International Humanitarian Law ICRC Pakistan
6. Extradition Act, 1972 Nil
7. The Diplomatic and Consular Privileges Act, 1972 Nil
8. Territorial Waters and Maritime Zone Act, 1976 Nil
9. U.N. Convention on Law of the Sea, 1984 Nil
10. Cases and Materials on International Law D.J. Harris
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Paper1 (Marks-100)

I. Introduction
The Definition and Scope of International Relations.
The Nation-State System
Evolution of International Society

II. Theories and Approaches

The Classical Approaches-Realism and idealism
The Scientific Revolution-Behavioral Approach, System Approach,
Neo-realism, Neo-liberalism.
Post-modernism, Critical Theory, Feminism, Constructivism

III. International Political Security.

Conceptualization of security in the twenty-first century
Power. Elements of National Power
Balance of Power
Foreign Policy: Determinants, Decision making and analysis
National Interest

IV. Strategic Approach to International Relation.

War: Causation of War, Total War, Limited War, Asymmetric Warfare, civil war,
Guerilla war
Strategic Culture: Determinants of Pakistani Strategic Culture.
Deterrence: Theory and practice with special reference to Nuclear India and

V. International Political Economy.

Theories in IPE: Mercantilism, Economic Liberalism, and neo- Marxism
Theories of Imperialism, Dependence and Interdependence

VI. International political community.

Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VII. Approaches to Peace

International Law
Arms Control /Disarmament and Nuclear Non proliferation Regime

VIII. International Political Institution

United Nations
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
World Bank
International Court of Justice
Paper- II (Marks-100)

I. International Relation between two Wars

Russian Revolution, Fascism, League of Nations, Second World War

II. Cold War

Decolonization in Asia and Africa.
Rise of United States and Soviet Union,
Era of Tight Bipolarity, Dtente and Loose Bipolarity, Revival of Cold War

III. Post Cold War

End of History, Clash of Civilization, Terrorism, Globalization, unipolarity New
world Order

IV. International and Regional Organizations

League of Nation, United Nations, Regional Organizations, EU, ASEAN, NAFTA,
Reforms in the United Nations, World Bank and the IMF

V. Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

USA, Russia, China, UK, India, Pakistan and EU

VI. South Asia

Peace-making and Peace-Building in South Asia: Analytical overview of peace
processes between/among the states of South Asia especially between India and
India and Pakistan: Overview of agreements and accords, Indus Water Treaty;
Composite Dialogue; Sir Creek & Siachen border, Visa and People to people
contact; Trade; and Role of civil society
Afghanistan: Cold war theatre; Soviet Invasion Mujahedeen; Geneva Accord; Post
Cold War situation---Rise of Taliban, AL-Qeada & 9/11; Operation Enduring
Freedom; The Bonn Process- Withdrawal
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VII. Weapons of Mass Destruction

Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear Weapon States- Programs and Postures: Indian-Pakistan Nuclear
Nuclear Non Proliferation Regime: International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear
Non- proliferation Treaty; Nuclear Supplier Group; Partial Test Ban Treaty;
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty
Challenges of Non-Proliferation, Nuclear Civil Deal Regime
The Missile Defence Systems and their impact on global strategic environment
Militarization and Weaponization of Space.

VIII. Contemporary Issues

Indian Ocean and PACIFIC Ocean; Great Powers Moves and hegemony
Kashmir Issue
Palestine Issue

S.No. Title Author

1. World Politics: Trend and Transformation, Charles W. Kegley JR. and
Ninth Edition Eugene R Wittkopf
2. Understanding International Relations, Chris Brown
Second Edition
3. Politics Among Nations Hans j. Morgenthau
4. International Politics: A Framework for Holsti, K.J.
5. Contemporary Security and Strategy Craig A. Snyder (ed.),
6. The Globalization of World Politics: An John Baylis and Stev
Introduction to International Relations Smith,eds
7. Games Nations Play, Seventh Edition John Spanier
8. Essentials readnigs in World Politics Karen Mingst
9. World in Collision: Terror and the Future of Ken Booth and Tim Dunne,
Global Order ed
10. Theory of International Politics Kenneth N. Waltz
11. Theories of International Relations Scott Burchill and Andrew
12. The Cause of Wars Michael Howard
13. Politics of Nuclear Weapons in south Asia Bhumitra Chakma, ed
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S.No. Title Author

14. The Twenty Years Crisis ; 1919-1939:An E.H. Carr
Introduction to the Study of International
15. Bomb Scare: The History and Future of Joseph Cirincione
Nuclear Weapons
16. Arms Control: The New Guide to Jozef Goldblat
Negotiations and Agreements
17. Explaining Foreign Policy Llyod Jenson
18. The International Politics of Space Michael Sheehan
19. Foreign Policy Making Process: A Case Moonis Ahmar, ed
Study of Pakistan
20. Planning the Unthinkable How New Peter R. Lavoy, Scott D.
Powers Will Use Nuclear Biological And Sagan, and James J. Wirtz
Chemical Weapons
21. Pakistans Foreign Policy : An Historical S.M. Burke
22. International Relations: Politics and William Nester
Economy in the 21st Century
23. Foreign Policy and Political process William Wallace
24. Nuclear Risk Reduction Measures and Zafar Nawaz Jaspal
Restraint Regime in South Asia
25. The India- Pakistan Military Standoff; Crisis Zachary S. Davis, ed
and Escalation in South Asia (United
26. Nuclear Pakistan: Strategic Dimensions Zulfiqar Khan, ed
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Part I (Marks 50)

I. Pre-Islamic Near East: An Overview

Political, Social, Cultural, Religious and Economic Conditions in the Near East
including Arabia before the dawn of Islam
II. The Dawn of Islam: The Prophetic Age (570-632)

Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): A Chronology of the Major

Events in his Life
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Motivator (Daai), Major points of his mission
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Military Leader/Strategist
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Political Leader/Head of the State
III. The Pious Caliphate (632-660)

Caliph Abu Bakr (632-34): Apostasy Wars and Consolidation of Islam

Caliph Umar b.Khattab (634-44): Establishment of Administrative System and
Expansion of Muslim Empire
Caliph Uthman b.Affan (644-56): Problems and Issues in the Muslim Community
Caliph Ali b.Talib (656-660): Rise of Factionalism
Abdication of Imam Hasan and Establishment of Umayyad Dynasty (660)
IV. Political System of Islam under the Prophet (PBUH) and the Pious Caliphate

Nature of Islamic State

Form of the Government
Functions of the Islamic State
Sovereignty of God
Caliphate or Vicegerency of Man
Appointment of Caliph
Shura or the Consultative Body and its Role
V. Institutional Development of the Muslim Civilization:The Early Phase (622-660)

Development of Law and Judiciary in Early Islam

Administration and State Conduct
Defense in Early Islam
Educational System
Propagation of Islam
Financial Administration
Heritage and Culture
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VI. The Umayyad in Power (660-749)

Political History of the Umayyad Dynasty

Statecraft and Administration under the Umayyads
Society and the Development of Arabic Literature.
Cultural achievements
Part II (Marks 50)
I. The Abbasids of Baghdad (749-1258)
The Abbasid Revolution and the Establishment of the Abbasid Dynasty
Administrative Structure under the Abbasids
Development of Scientific Knowledge under the Abbasids
Muslim Philosophy under the Abbasids
Cultural achievements
II. Spain under the Muslim Rule
Spain under the rule of the Arabs and Moors (711-1492)
Political Fragmentation and the Fall of Granada (1492)
Muslim Contribution in the Realm of Culture, Arts and Architecture
III. The Crusades against Islam
Major Encounters and Actors (1092-1228)
Impact of the Crusades on Muslim-Christian Relations
IV. The Ottoman Empire
Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Turks (1299-1923)
State, Society and Economy under the Ottomans
Treatment with the Religious Minorities
Contribution towards Culture, Arts and Architecture
V. Sufism as an Institution of the Muslim Society
Origin and Development of Sufism
Contribution of the Sufis to the Muslim Civilization
Relationship of the Sufis with the State and Political Authorities.
A critical Look at Sufism
VI. Islam and Modernity in Contemporary World
The Emergence of Islamic Modernism
Intellectual, Political, Economic, Social and Educational Aspects of Islamic
Dissemination of Muslim Learning in the West
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Titles Author

1. Discovering IslamMaking Sense of Muslim History Ahmad, Akbar
and Society
2. Islam: Ideology and Leading Issues Ali, Anwar.
3. The Spirit of Islam Ali, S. Ameer
4. Aspects of Islamic Civilization: The Muslim World Arberry, A. J.
Depicted Through Its Literature
5. The Preaching of IslamA History of the Muslim Faith Arnold,T.W.
6. The History of Philosophy in Islam Boer,T. J. De.
7. The History of Islamic Peoples Brockelmann, Carl
8. Spanish Islam Dozy,R.
9. Studies on the Civilization of Islam Gibb,Ham
10. The Religion of Islam, Vol. I & II Gaqwash,Ahmad A.
11. Classical Islam:AHistory6001258 Grunebaum,G.EVoni
12. Cambridge History of India Holts, P. M. and Lewis,
13. Islam Resurgent: The Islamic World Today Irving,T.B.
14. Islam: From Prophet Mohammad to the Capture of Lewis, Bernard
15. Islamic History. Munir, Muhammad
16. Islam and The Modern World Nadvi, Abu Hasan Ali.
17. The Making of the Past: the Spread of Islam Rogers, Michael
18. A History of Medieval Islam Saunders, J.J.
19. Introduction to Islamic Civilization Savory, R.M. (ed)
20. The Legacy of Islam Schacht, Joseph&
Bosworth, C.E (eds)
21. Islamic HistoryA New Interpretation AD 7501055 Shaban, M.A.
22. The Abbasid Revolution Shaban, M.A.
23. A History of Muslim Philosophy Sharif, M.M.
24. Muslim Thought :Its Origin and Achievements Nadvi Muhammad
25. Studies in Islamic History Siddiqi, Amir Hassan.
26. The Revolution which Toppled the Umayyads Neither Agha, Saleh Said
Arab nor Abbasid
27. Sirat un Nabi Vol. I & II Noumani, Shibli
28. Rasol-e-AkramkiSiasiZindagi Hamidullah, Dr.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S.No. Titles Author

29. Khilafat-o-Malokiat Syed Abul Aala
30. Ahd-e-Nabawi main Riyasatka Nash o Irtaqa Ahmad, Dr. Nisar
31. Siddiq-e-Akbar Akbarabadi, Saeed
32. Al-Farooq Noumani, Shibli
33. History of Islam Najeebabadi, Akbar
34. Painting in Islam Thomas, Sir A.
35. Early Islamic Pottery Lane, A.
36. Muslim Calligraphy Ziauddin, M.
37. Islamic Art & Architecture Kuhnel, E.
38. Daira Maarif e Islamia (relevant articles) University of Punjab
39. The Cultural Atlas of Islam Ismail Raji al-Faruqi &
Lois Lamya al-Faruqi
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Introduction to Mass Communication
Concept Definitions, Need/Importance/Purposes, Types of Communication,
Process of Communication, Basic Models.
Functions of a model, Evaluation of a model
Basic models in Mass Communication: -
o Lasswells Model (1948)
o Shannon-Weaver model (1948)
o Osgood,s model (1954)
o Schramms model (1954)
o Newcmbs symmetry theory (1953)
o Westley-McLeans model (1976)
o Gerbner model (1956)
II. Mass Communication Theories
Normative theories of the press: Schramms four theories and criticism on these
Media as agents of power
The Spiral of silence
Media Usage and gratifications
Media hegemony
Diffusion of innovations
Powerful effects model: hypodermic needle, silver bullet
Moderate effects model: two-step and multi-step flow of communication.
Powerful media revisited: Marshal McLuhans media determinism
III. Global / International Communication
The Historical Context of International Communication
Globalization, technology, and the mass media
Communication and Cultural imperialism
Communication Flow in Global Media: Imbalance in the flow of information
between North and South
McBride commission and its recommendations.
International Communication in the Internet Age: the new social media and its
effects on developing world
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

IV. Media and Society

Mass media and social change
Media as a social system: The balance between interrelation and
Media freedom and its role for democracy,
The functional approach to mass media: four social functions of the media
Media as an awareness agent
Mass media and social representation
V. Mass Media in Pakistan:
Media system in Pakistan: historical, chronological, and analytical review
The system of journalism and the media system
Employer-employee relations in Pakistani media
Government-press relations
Press in Pakistan: The newspaper industry, from mission to the market
Electronic media: from total dependence to enormous power
The new 24/7 television: uses and abuses
The new radio: potential for change and the present performance.
The question of freedom and responsibility
VI. Development Support Communication
Theories of development support communication with specific focus on the
developing world
The dominant paradigm of development: historical, analytical perspective
The Alternative paradigm of development
Small is beautiful: community development as a snowball effect.
Globalization vs Localization
Social Marketing: how to infuse new ideas into a developing population
VII. Public Relations:
Concept of Public Relations
Historical development of public relations: from press agentry to PR
Public relation in Pakistan
Ministry of information
Press Information Department (PID)
Public relations and publicity
PR as a tool for governance
Private PR agencies and their structure
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Basic methods of PR: press release, press note, press conference

PR Ethics
VIII. Media Laws and Ethics:
History of Media Laws in Pakistan
Development of media regulations from British colonial era to independent
Libel, Defamation and relevant portions of PPC
PEMRA: establishment, development, and operational mechanisms
Press Council of Pakistan (PCP)
Citizens Media Commission: need, present status, and reasons for inactivity
Press Code of Ethics
Inability of the media to develop a code of ethics as an institution
The medias quest for freedom and its inability to self regulate.


S No. Title Author

1. Broadcast Regulations: the German Example Metzger, Herbert. FES 1993.
2. Communication Models for The Study of Mass McQuail, Dennis &Windhal, Swen,
Communication, 2nd Ed Longman, 1982.
3. Convergence Culture: Where old and new Blackwell publishing Ltd, USA.
4. Communication Theories: Origins, Methods Werner J. Severin, James W.
and Uses in the Mass Media 5th Ed Tankard Jr. Longman, 1997.
5. Diffusion of Innovations 5th Ed Rogers, Everett M. Free Press
6. Ethics in Journalism: A Reader on Their Kunczik, Michael (Ed.). FES 1999.
Perception in the Third World
7. Handbok of International and Intercultural Gudykunst & Mody, Sage, 2001.
Communication 2nd Ed
8. McQuail's Mass Communication Theory, 4th Denis McQuail. Sage, 2000.
9. Media And Society into the 21st Century: A Blackwell publishing Ltd, USA.
Historical Introduction
10. Media / Impact Wads Worth/ Thompson Learning,
Belmont, CA
11. Media Now: Communication Media in the Wads Worth/Thompson Learning,
Information Age Belmont, CA
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S No. Title Author

12. News Media and Journalism in Pakistan Khan, Altaf. LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing. June 2011.
13. News Media and Journalism in Pakistan and Khan, Altaf. Peshawar, 2003.
Germany (Ed.)
14. Participatory Development Hasan, Arif, Oxford, 2010.
15. Political Communication in Britain: The Leader Palgrave McMillan, UK
Debates, the Campaign and the Media in the
2010 General Election, (Ed)
16. Political Communication in Asia, Roultage, NY.
17. Precision Journalism: A Reporters Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham,
Introduction to Social and Science Methods, MD.
4th Ed
18. Report and Recommendations of the Media FES, Islamabad, 2013.
Commission, appointed by the Supreme Court
of Pakistan, 2013
19. Reporting the Frontier: Media Capacity Khan, Altaf VDM Verlag Dr.
Building for Peace in Pakistans Tribal Areas Mllere.K. June 2011.
20. Writing, Directing, and Producing Carbondale: Southern Illinois
Documentary Films and Vidoes,.3rd edition Press, 2002.
21. Directing the Documentary, 4th edition Focal Press, 2004.
22. Documentary Storytelling: Making Stronger Focal Press, 2007.
and More Dramatic Nonfiction Films, 2nd
23. Principles of Editing McGraw-Hill 1996
24. JournalismPrinciples and Practices Vistaar Publications 2006
25. The Hand Book of New Media London: Sage
26. Applying Communication Theory for London: Sage
Professional Life: An Introduction (2 Edition)
27. Controversies in Contemporary Advertising Newbury Park: Sage Publications
28. "Public Relations-Writing & Media Harper Collins College Publishers,
Techniques" NY
29. Telecommunications Policy in Pakistan Telematics and Informatics
30. Guaranteeing Copyright- Media Managers Media Manager Companion Series
Guide to Pakistani Broadcast Law Internews Pakistan
31. Model Freedom of Information Act, 2001 Consumer rights Protection
Commission of Pakistan
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Definitions of Crime

II. All Provisions of:

i. Concept of arbitration, arbitration with or without intervention of court and in civil
ii. Establishment of Civil Courts with their Original & Appellate Jurisdiction.
iii. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
iv. Pakistan Panel Code, 1860
v. Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, 1984
vi. Criminal Procedure Code, 1898


S.No. Title Author

1. Pakistan Panel Code, 1860 M. Mahmood
2. Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 Shaukat Mahmood
3. Law of Evidence Justice (R) Khalid ur Rahman Khan
as adapted form Principles and
4. Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, 1984 Digest of the Law of Evidence by M.
5. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 Aamir Raza A. Khan
6. The Arbitration Laws in Pakistan M. Mahmood
Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 Nisar Ahmad Nisar
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Law of Contract, 1872
Essentials of a valid contract (Proposal, Acceptance, Consideration, Free
consent, Capacity of Parties, Not hereby declared to be Void)
Kinds of Contracts (Valid, Void, Voidable, Not Voidable)
Variety of Contracts (Contingent, Quasi, Bailment, Pledge, Indemnity, Agency)
Performance of Contract, contracts need not to be performed.
Breach of contract, consequences of breach, damages for breach of contract.

II. Sales of Goods Act, 1930

Differences: Sale & agreement to sell, conditions and warranties, express &
implied conditions.
Doctrines: Caveat emptor, Nemo dat
Right and duties of seller & buyer, rights of unpaid seller.

III. Partnership Act, 1932

Essentials of partnership
Kinds of partnership (partnership at will, particular partnership, limited
Rights and duties of Partners
Relation of partners to third persons (implied authority of partner, doctrine of
holding out)
Incoming and outgoing partners (minor)
Dissolution of firms (compulsory, by agreement, by court, by notice on happening
of contingencies)

IV. Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881

Types of negotiable instruments (Cheque, bill of exchange, promissory note)
Parties to instruments, holder & holder in due course
Rules (as to negotiation, presentment, payment & interest, discharge, noting and
protest, compensation, acceptance, payment for honour)
Special rules of evidence
Special provisions relating to cheques & bills of exchange (dishonor, duties of
Provisions as to foreign instruments
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

V. Competition Act, 2010

Prohibition and abuse of (dominant position, certain agreements, discipline,
marketing practices)
Approval of mergers
Competition commission of Pakistan (established, composition, term)
Functions and powers of commission
Provisions as to penalty and appeals.

VI. Electronic Transaction Ordinance, 2002

Recognition and presumption of electronic transactions (writing, signature, stamp
duty, attestation etc.)
Electronic documents (attribution, acknowledgement, time and place of dispatch)
Certification of service providers
Application to acts done outside Pakistan
Offences & Nature (false information, false certificates, damage to information
system etc)

VII. The Arbitration Law in Pakistan

Appointment, number and removal of arbitrator
Award by arbitrator
Powers of court upon award (remittance, modification and setting aside of award)
Types of arbitration (with or without intervention of court)
Stay of legal proceedings in presence of arbitration agreement

VIII. Consumers Protection Act, 2006

Consumer Commission (establishment, powers and functions, complaints before
commission and disposal)
Provisions as to compulsory recall of goods
Duties and liabilities of provider of goods (return and refund of goods)
Offences and penalties
Contract between consumer and provider
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

IX. Companies Ordinance, 1984

Types of Companies
Fundamental papers of company (Memorandum of association, articles of
association, prospectus)
Transfer of shares and debentures
Management and administration (promoters, share holders, directors, chief
executive, auditors)
Meetings and proceedings (statutory, general, annual general meeting)
Winding up (voluntary, by court)
X. Electronic Fund Transfer Act, 2007
Payment system and their operation (designation of payment system &
revocation, real time gross settlement system, governance & operation
Payment instruments (designation, issuing and prohibition of instruments)
Clearing and other obligations
Supervisory Control of state bank
Documentation of transfers
Notification of error and liabilities of parties
Law relating to action before court.

S. No. Title Author

1. Law of Contract Agarwala, M. Mehmood
2. Sales of Goods Act Pollock & Mulla
3. Bare Acts: Government of Pakistan
i) Contract Act, 1872
ii) Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
iii) Sale of Goods Act, 1930
iv) Companies Ordinance, 1984
v) Arbitration Act, 1947
vi) Competition Act, 2010
vii) Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002
viii) Consumers Protection Act, 2006
ix) Electronic Fund Transfer Act, 2007
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S. No. Title Author

4. Case Law Reading
i) Carlil vs. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. (1893) 1 QB 256
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain vs. Boots Cash Chemicals Ltd.
(1952) 2 QB 795
iii) Curie vs. Misa (1875) LR 10 Ex 153
iv) Byrne & Co. vs. Van Tienhaven & Co. (1880) 5 CPD 344
v) Mohri Bibi vs. Dharmodas Ghose (1903) 30 IA 114
vi) Derry vs. Peeks (1889) 14 App. Cas 337
vii) Mannu Singh vs. Umadat Panday (1890) 12 ALL 523
viii) Coggs vs. Bernard (1703) 2Ld Raym 909
ix) Lumley vs. Wanger (1852) EW HC (Ch)J 96
x) Manni Devi vs. Ramayan Singh AIR 1985 Pat. 35
Lachhman Joharimal vs. Bapu Khandu (1869) 6 Bombay High Court Reports

xii) Mischeff vs. Springett (1942) 2 KB 331

xiii) Watson vs. Coupland (1945) 1 all er 217

xiv) Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co. Ltd. Vs. Riche (1875) LR 7HL 653

xv) Lee vs. Lees Air Farming (1960) 3 All ER420

xvi) Salomon vs. A. Salomon & Co. Ltd. (1897) AC 22
xvii) Royal British Bank vs. Turqnand (1856) 6 E&B 327
xviii) Ram Raja Ram vs. Dhirba Charan Jen AIR 1982 Ori 264

xix) Badridas Kothari vs. Megraj Kothari AIR 1967 Cal 25

xx) Hitachi Ltd. & others vs. Rupali Polyester & others (1998 SCMR 1618)
xxi) Marflower Theatre Trust Ltd. Vs. HMRC (2007) STC 880
xxii) Pickering vs. Bux (1812) 15 East 38
xxiii) Liaqat Islam vs. State (2011 YLR 2280)
xiv) Alamgir Khalid Chughtai vs. State (PLD 2009 Lahore 259)
United States vs. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca Cola, 241 U.S. 265
xvi) Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd. Vs. Hella & Partners Ltd. (1964) AC 465
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. The Sources of Islamic Law

The Quran
The Sunnah
II. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
III. Islamic Criminal Law
Qisas and Diyat
IV. Islamic Family Law
Separation by Repudiation (Talaq)
Separation by Mutual Agreement (Khula)
Judicial Separation (Faskh)
Post-Divorce Maintenance
Child Custody

V. Islamic Law of Contract

VI. Islamic Banking and Insurance
VII. Islamic International Law
VIII. Islamic Law and Human Rights
IX. Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939
X. Muslim Family Ordinance 1961
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law Dr. Hussain Hamid Hassan
2. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Mohammad Hashim Kamali
3. Theories of Islamic Law Prof. Imran Ahsan Nyazee
4. Islamic Law of Contracts and Business Tahir Mansuri
5. Family Law in Islam Dr. Mohammad Tahir Mansuri
6. Outlines of Islamic Jurisprudence Prof. Imran Ahsan Nyazee
7. General Principles of Criminal Law Prof. Imran Ahsan Nyazee
8. State and Legislation in Islam Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Gazi
9. Mahomedan Jurisprudence Abdur Rahim
10. Islamic Law of Inheritance Hamid Khan, Advocate
11. Munir Principles of Muhammadan Law Munir Ahmad Siddiqui
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Origin of Pashto language, its dialects and alphabets

II. Pashto Grammar
III. General question on history of Pashto literature and literary movements in Pashto
IV. Essay on prominent aspects of Pashto Culture, Historical and Literary personalities.
V. Translation of unseen passages from Pashto in to English or Urdu.
VI. Translation of unseen passages of English or Urdu into Pashto.
VII. General Questions on evolution and criticism of Pashto Prose and Poetry.
VIII. Pashto Classic Poetry
(i) Khoshal Khan Khattak (ii) Rehman Baba (iii) Abdul Hamid Baba
(iv) Ali Khan (v) kazim Khan Sheda
IX. Pashto Modern Poetry
(i) Amir Hamza Khan Shinwari (ii) Ghani Khan (iii) Qalandar Momand (iv) Abdur
Rahim Majzoob (v) Younas Khalil
X. Pashto Folk Literature,
(i). Tappa (ii) Charbaita (iii) Neemakai (iv) Badala etc and Pashto proverbs,


S. No. Title Author

1. The Illustrious Khushal Khan Khattak Dr. Khadeeja Feroz ud deen
2. The Pathans Sir Olaf Careo.
3. Selected poems of KhushalKhan Khattak Major Raverty.
4. The Rowshanites and Pashto Literature Dr. Yar Muhammad
5. Khushal Khan Khattak: Life and Works Dr. Khadeeja Feroz ud deen
6. ( )
12. ( )
14. ( )
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S. No. Title Author

Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


PARTI (Marks-50)

I. Elementary Information about the Pre Islamic Persian Languages: Avesta, Old
Persian and Pahlavi.
II. Origin and development of the new Persian Language (In this part revivalist
movement, pursist movement and the adaptation of foreign loan words need to be
III. The advent and history of Classical Persian Literature from SAMANIDs period of
Mushrootah Movement with special emphasis on the outstanding Persian prose
writers and poets. The earlier Persian prose writers and poets upto 4th century
H/10th century A.C
IV. The contemporary Persian Literature with special emphasis on the New Poetry (
)and Fiction writing and their outstanding representatives.
V. A Short introduction to Persian Language and Literature, besides Iran, in
Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent.
VI. Significant features of the grammar of the language as under:
VII. In classical background, the four styles known as Khurasani, Iraqi, Hindi and
Revivalist may be studied.
VIII. A Short essay writing in Persian on literary and cultural themes.
IX. Translation of simple English passage into Persian.
PARTII (Marks-50)

This part will require first hand reading of the texts prescribed and questions will be
designed to test the candidates critical abilities.


: - 1
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Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

: 5
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: 1

: 2

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Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

: 6

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: .


)( 7
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S. No. Title Author

1. )(
2. ) (
3. ) (
4. )(
5. ) (
6. ) (
) (
8. ) (
12. ) (
13. History of Iranian Literature Jam Rypka
14. )Anthology of Persian Texts(CSS competitive Examination
Compiled by Dr. Ali Pedram Mirzaei , Dr. Mahr Noor Muhammad
Khan and others
15. Website: Http: // /en
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Introduction:
Definition, Nature and Scope of Philosophy

II. Philosophical Methods:

Socratic Method (Socrates); Inductive Method (Bacon, Mill); Deductive Method
(Aristotle, Descartes); Dialectical Method (Hegel); Fallibilistic Method (Popper)

III. Epistemology: Rationalism (Plato, Descartes, Spinoza); Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley,

Hume); Transcendentalism (Kant); Intuitionism (Bergsonl)
IV. Ontology: Idealism (Plato, Berkeley); Representative Realism (Locke); Materialism

V. Muslim Thinkers: Allama Iqbal., Imam Ghazali, Al-Farabi, Ibn-e- Sina, Ibn-e-
Khaldun, Ibn-e-Rushid, Shah Wali Ullah

VI. Ethics: What is morality? The challenge of cultural relativism: Does morality depend
on religion. Psychological and ethical egoism: Virtue Ethics (Aristotle), Moral
Absolutism (Kant), Utilitarianism (Mill), Social Contract Theory.

VII. Contemporary Philosophical Movements:

Existentialism (Heidegger, Sartre); Pragmatism (Peirce, James, Dewey); Neo-

pragmatism (Rorty); Postmodernism (Lyotard, Foucault, Derrida)


S.No. Title Author

1. History of Western Philosophy Bertrand Russell
2. Philosophy: The Power of Ideas Brooke Noel Moore &
Kenneth Bruder
3. Elements of Moral Philosophy James Rachels
4. Existentialism & Human Emotions. Philosophical Jean Paul Sartre
5. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge Jean-Francois Lyotard
6. Descartes to Derrida: An Introduction to European Peter Sedgwick
7. Continental Philosophy in the 20th Century Richard Kearney
8. A Short History of Modern Philosophy Roger Scruton
9. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Internet Resources
( Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy (
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


PAPERI (Marks-100)
I. Mechanics

VectorsDots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence and applications.

Newtonian laws of motion; calculus based approach to kinematics, forces and
dynamics, conservation law of energy; conservation of linear and angular
momentum; Dynamics of rigid body; spin and precession; gyroscope;
Gravitation; planetary motion and satellites; Kepler's laws; centripetal forces
Special theory of relativity. MischelsonMorley experiment and Einsteins
postulates; Lorentz transformation; time dilation and length contraction;
equivalence of mass and energy.
II. Fluid Mechanics

Surface tension; Viscosity; Elasticity; fluid motion and Bernoullis theorem.

III. Waves and Oscillation

Free oscillation with one and two degrees of freedom; forced and damped
oscillations and phenomenon of resonance. Simple harmonic motion. Traveling
waves and transmission of energy; Phase and Group velocity; standing waves.
Basics of sound waves.
Reflection, Refraction, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization of waves;
interfero-meter and Newtons rings; Diffraction Gratings and their resolving power;
spectro-meters. Electromagnetic wave equation; normal and anamolous
dispersion; coherence, lasers and applications.

IV. Heat and Thermodynamics

Perfect gas and Van der Waals equation; Three Laws of

Thermodynamics, internal energy, temperature, entropy. Thermal properties of
Simple system production and measurement of low temperatures; kinetic
theory of gases; Maxwellian distribution of molecular velocities; Brownian
motion; Transport phenomena. Classical Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics and its
application; Quantum BoseEinstein and FermiDirac Statistics.

PAPERII (Marks-100)

I. Electricity and Magnetism

Electric field due to point charges, Gauss law Electric potential and Poisson and
Laplaces equation Dielectric medium and Polarization; Capacitance;
Moving charges and resulting magnetic field; Amperes law; Vector potential;
Magnetic properties of matter; Transient current; Faradays law of
electromagnetic induction; Alternating current and LRO circuit. Maxwells
equations; Poynting theorem and Poynting Vector. Maxwell's equations in integral
and differential form.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

II. Modern and Quantum Physics

Operators and quantum states, observables, time dependent and independent

Schrodinger equation, angular momentum, spin-1/2 particle in a magnetic field,
wave mechanics, particle in a box, tunneling, one-dimensional harmonic oscillator,
Heisenber's uncertainty relationship and indeterminacy based on commutation
properties of operators, Bohr theory and quantum numbers including electron
spin; Paulis exclusion principle; Spectra of simple systems with one or two
valence electrons. Photo electric effect Compton scattering; pair
production; Landes g factor and Zeeman effect. Raman effect; Waves and
particles and De Broglies Hypothesis.

III. Solid State Physics

Crystal lattice and structure, Bravais lattice, free electron model, Band theory and
electron in a periodic potential, Fermi energy and density of states, n and p type
semiconductors, physics of the transistor and MOSFET, dielectric properties,
magnetic properties and origin of magnetism.

IV. Nuclear Physics

Structure of Nuclei; Radioactivity,, and decay. Methods of detection, Mass

Sepectrometer. Accelerators. Phenomenon of fission; reactor and nuclear
power, nuclear fusion and its application, Elementary particles and their


S. No. Title Author

1 Perspectives of Modern Physics. A. Beiser.
2 Fundamentals of Physics. Halliday & Resnick
3 Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and D. Corson & P. Lorrain.
4 Heat and Thermodynamics. D. Zemansky
5 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics D. Griffiths
6 Modern Physics Serway, Moses, Moyer.
7. Solid State Physics C. Kittel
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


PAPER I- (Marks - 100)

Part-A (50 Marks)

I. Western Political Thought:

Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Mill, Bentham,
Hegel, Marx, Lenin, Mao, Gramsci, Kai Popper, Pierre Bourdieu, John Rawis, Frances
Fukuyama, Foucault, Derrida Kierkegard, Jean Paul Sartre, Rene Descarte

II. Muslim Political Thought:

Al-Farabi, Al-Marawardi, Abne-Rushid, Imam Ghazali, Ibne-Taymiyya, Nizam-ul-MulkTusi,
Al-Ghazali, Ibn-i-Khuldun, Shah Waliullah, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Jamaluddin Afghni,
Rashid Rida,

Part -B (50 Marks)

III. State System:

The nature and emergence of modern nation-state system, Islamic concept of state and

IV. Political Concept (Western and Islamic):

Sovereignty, Justice, Law, Liberty, Freedom, Equality, Rights and Duties, Human Rights,
Political authority and Power.

V. Comparative Politics:

Political Socialization, Political Culture, Political Development, Political Recruitment, Social

Change, Civil Society, Violence and Terrorism in Politics, Gender and Politics, Women

VI. Political Participation:

Political Change and Revolution, Elections, Electoral System, Public Opinion, Propaganda,
Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Lobbies.

VII. Political Institutions and Role of Government:

Legislature, Executive, Judiciary, Political Elites, Civil-Military and Bureaucracy.

VIII. Forms of Government:

Monarchy, Democratic, Dictatorship, Totalitarian/Authoritarian, Unitary, Federal,
Confederation, Presidential and Parliamentary

IX. Political Ideologies:

Capitalism, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Totalitarism, Fascims, Nationalism, Islamic
Political Ideology
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

X. Local Self Government:

Theory and practice of Local Self-Government with special reference to Pakistan,
Comparative analyses of systems of local governance, Public Administration and Public

Part-A (30 Marks)
I. Comparative and Analytical Study of the Political Systems:

Political System of U.S.A, U.K, France and Germany

II. Global and Regional Integration

Globalization and Politics, Global Civil Society, Regional politico-economic integration and
organizational structure of the European Union, SARRC, ECO, International Financial
Regimes IMF and WTO
Part-B (70 Marks)
III. Comparative and Analytical Study of the Political Systems:
Political system of Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, India and China
IV. Political Movements in India (Colonial Period):
Rise of Muslim Nationalism in South Asia and Pakistan Movement (with special reference
to the role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah)
V. Government and Politics in Pakistan:

Constitution making from 1947 -1956, A comparative and critical analysis of 1956, 1962,
1973 Constitutions of Pakistan, Constitutional Amendments up-to-date, Federal structure in
Pakistan, and Central-Provincial relations after 18th amendments,
Political Culture of Pakistan, political developments and the Role of civil and military
Bureaucracy, Judiciary, feudalism, Dynastic Politics, Political Parties and Interest Groups,
elections and Voting Behavior, Religion and Politics, Ethnicity and National Integration,
VI. International Relations:
History of International Relations: Post WWII Period
Foreign Policy of Pakistan: National Interests and Major Determinations i-e
1). Size/Geography
2). Economic Development
3). Security
4). Advancement in Technology
5). National Capacity
6). Political Parties/Leadership
7). Ideology
8). National Interest
9). Role of Press/Bureaucracy
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

10). Social Structure

11). Public Opinion
12). Diplomacy.
Also external factors like International Power Structure, International Organizations, World
Public Opinion and reaction of other states.
Foreign Policy-making Process in Pakistan


S. No. Title Author

1. Pakistans Foreign Policy, 1947-2005 Abdul Sattar,
2. Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia Ayesha Jalal
3. Military, Civil Society and Democratization in Akbar Zaidi
4. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam Allama Iqbal
5. A history of Pakistan and its origins Christophe Jaffrelot,
6. Greek Political Thought: Plato & Aristotle Eearnest Barker,
7. Political Thought From Plato to Present Ebenstein
8. Political Thought in Medieval Islam Erwin I.J. Rosenthal
9. Constitutional Developments in Pakistan G.W.Choudhury,
10. Comparative Politics Today: A Theoretical Gabriel A. Almond,
Framework G.Bingham Powell,
11. Contemporary Political Analysis Garles Worth James,
12. A History of Political Theory George Holland
13. Studies in Muslim Political Thought and H K Sherwani,
14. Modern Islamic Political Thought Hamid Enayat,
15. Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan Hamid Khan,
16. Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Hans J. Morgenthau,
17. Military and Politics in Pakistan Hasan Askari Rizvi,
18. Pakistan Foreign Policy: An Overview 1947-2004 Hasan Askari Rizvi
19. Pakistan and Geostrategic Environment : A Study of Hasan Askari Rizvi
Foreign Policy
20. International Politics: A Framework for Analysis Holsti, K.J.
21. Pakistan: A Modern History Lan Talbot,
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

S. No. Title Author

22. 21st Century Political Science: A Reference John T.Ishiyama,
Handbook Marijke Breuning,
23. Political Thought from Plato to Present Judd Herman,
24. The Political System of Pakistan, K.B.Sayeed,
25. Pakistan: A Political Study Keith Callard,
26. Pakistan: An Enigma of Political Development Lawrance Ziring,
27. Pakistan in the Twentieth Century Lawrance Ziring,
28. Pakistan: At the Crosscurrent of History Lawrance Ziring,
29. History of Muslim Philosophy M M.Sharif,
30. History of Local Government in Pakistan Masudul Hasan
31. Nationalism: The Nation-State and Nationalism Monserrat Guibernau,
32. Politics and the State in Pakistan Muhammad Waseem,
33. Government and Politics in Pakistan Mushtaq Ahmad
34. Making of Pakistan Noor ul Haq
35. Pattern of Government Samuel H. Beer &
Adam B. Ullam
36. Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present Paul Kelly (Ed)
37. Introduction to Political Science, Islamabad, Rodee Anderson etc.
National Book Foundation,
38. Pakistans Foreign Policy : An Historical Analysis S.M. Burke
39. State & Society in Pakistan Shahid Javed Burki
40. Islami Riyasat Syed Abul Aala
41. Khilafat O Malookeyat Syed Abul Aala
42. Ethno National Movements of Pakistan Tahir Amin
43. Politics, Parties and Pressure Groups V.O. Key Jr.
44. Democratization in Pakistan Waseem, M.
45. Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction Will Kymlicka
46. History of Political Theories (Three Volumes) Willaim A. Dunning,
47. International Relations: Politics and Economy in the William Nester
21st Century
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Nature and Scope of Psychology: Definition and scope, Psychology as a Science,

Schools, Perspectives, and Models of Psychology, Recent Trends

II. Biological Basis of Behaviour: Nervous System, Neuron and its function, Central
and Peripheral Nervous System, Endocrine System

III. Sensation and Perception: Sensory process through sense organs, Perception,
Gestalt Principles, Binocular and Monocular cues, Illusions and Extra Sensory
Perception, Determinants of Perception

IV. Learning and Memory: Nature and Forms of Learning, Types of learning: Classical
and Operant Conditioning, Reinforcement, Extinction, Discrimination, Punishment,
Observational Learning, Theories of Learning, Types of Memory, Process of
Memory, Forgetting, Theories of Memory

V. Motivation and Emotion: Homeostasis, Factors affecting Motivation, Biogenic and

Social Motives, Measurement of Human Motivation, Theories of Motivation,
Emotions, Types of Emotions, Physiological changes and Emotion, Theories of

VI. Psychological Assessment: Attributes of Psychological Measures, Validity,

Reliability, Item Analysis, Norms, Modern Test Theory, Selection and Training,
Educational and Clinical Assessment, Ethical Standards and Legal Issues

VII. Personality: Determinants of Personality, Factors in Development of Personality,

Theoretical Perspectives, Traits and Types, Personality Assessment and
Techniques, Cross-Cultural Issues.

VIII. Intelligence: Theories of Intelligence, Types of intelligence (IQ, EQ), Assessing


IX. Social Influence and Group Dynamics: Social Facilitation, Attribution, Conformity,
Obedience, Altruism, Attitudes, Social Norms.

X. Developmental Psychology: Physical, Cognitive, Social and Emotional

development in Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood and Old Age

XI. Abnormal and Clinical Psychology: Concept and causes of Abnormality, Clinical
Assessment and Intervention, Different disorders such as Schizophrenia, Mood
disorder, Anxiety disorder, Personality disorder, etc. Psychological treatment
including different Therapeutic techniques.

XII. Organizational/Industrial Psychology: Leadership styles, Decision making, Work

motivation, Organizational Culture, Stress and Conflict at Work and its Management,
Organizational Socialization, Job related Attitude, Sexual Harassment, Glass Ceiling,
Human Computer interaction.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

XIII. Health Psychology: Beliefs and Behaviour, Models of Health Psychology,

Assessment and Intervention, Models of Stress, Chronic and Terminal Illness, Role
of Social Support.

XIV. Forensic Psychology: Psychology and Law, Investigation, Confession, Eyewitness

Testimony, Working with Offenders, Juvenile Delinquents, Drug Addicts, Sex
Offenders etc.


S.No. Title Author

1. Applied Industrial/Organizational Aamodt, M.
2. Introduction to Psychology Atkinson R. C., & Smith, E. E
3. Social Psychology Baron, R. A
4. Introduction to Forensic Psychology Bartol, C. R
5. Foundation of Physiological Psychology Carlson, N. R.
6. Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Coon, D., &Mitterer, J.
Mind and Behavior
7. Development Across the Life Span Feldman, R.
8. Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. D., & Fernald, P.S
9. Introduction to Psychology Atkinson & Hilgards,
Fredrickson, B
10. Forensic Psychology Fulero, S. M., &Wrightsman
11. Foundation of Psychology Hayes, N
12. Introduction to Psychology Kalat, J. W
13. Abnormal Psychology Kring, A. M
14. Psychology Myers, D. G.
15. Psychology: Concepts and Connections Rathus, S.
16. Life Span Development Santrock,J. W.
17. Organizational Psychology Singh, P.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Public Administration: Concepts, Approaches and Context

Definitions; Role and Scope of Public Administration in Society; Issues in Public

Administration Theory and Practice Democracy versus Bureaucracy, Politics versus
Administration, Efficiency versus Equity; Core Values of Public Administration Rule
ofLaw, Efficiency, Equity and Fairness, Responsiveness; Traditional Public
Administration; New Public Management; New Public Service; Governance Approach
to Public Administration; Islamic Concept of Public Administration; Historical roots of
Public administration in Pakistan.
II. Public Organization: Classical and Contemporary Theories and

Bureaucracy; Scientific Management; The Human Relations; Leadership, Motivation,

Network; Governance; Strategic Management; Public Choice; Administrative Culture;
Types of Organizational Structure; Organization of Federal, Provincial, and Local
Government in Pakistan; Administrative Culture of Pakistan; Inter-governmental
Relations at Federal and Provincial level in Pakistan.

III. Public Policy Planning, Implementation and Evaluation

Strategic Planning and Management; Planning Process; Policy Analysis; Policy

Implementation; Program Evaluation; Planning Machinery; Role of Donors and
International Institutions in Public Policy and Management; Policy making and
implementation of Federal Government of Pakistan.

IV. Budgeting and Financial Management

The Budget as a Policy Tool; The Budget as a Managerial Tool; Principles of

Budgeting, Auditing and Accounting in Government; The Line-Item Budget; The
Performance Budget; Program Budgeting; Zero-Base Budgeting; Outcome-Based
Budgeting. Planning and Budgeting in Pakistan.

V. Managing Human Resources

Spoil versus Merit System in Public Employment; Personnel versus Human Resources
Management; Close versus Open System of Public Employment; Functions of Human
Resources Management; Challenges of Adopting HRM in Public Sector.

VI. Administrative Law

Meaning, Scope and Significance; Nature and Contents of Administrative Law,

Administrative Ethics, Delegation of authority and Legislation, Administrative Tribunals;
Administrative Law- Pakistan.

VII. Public Management Skills

Communication; Decision Making, Conflict Management; Leading,

AdministrativeBuffering; Managing Change; Managing Diversity; Stress Management;
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Delegation; Public Service Motivation; Creativity and Problem Solving; Issues of Public

VIII. The Civil Service of Pakistan

Historical Background of Civil Service, The Structure of civil Service; History of Civil
Service Reform; Management of Civil Service; Institutional and Cultural Context of
Civil Service; Role of Civil Service in Good Governance, Gender and Civil Service.

IX. Organization of Provincial and Local Government

Governance Structure of Provincial Administration; Organization of Provincial

Secretariat; Organization and Functions of Provincial Authorities and Agencies and
their Relationship with Government Departments; Post-devolution Local Governance;
Organization and Functions of District Government and Administration; Organization
and Structure of City District Government; Issues and Challenges of Local

X. Governance and Administrative Reforms

Theories of Administrative Reforms; Types of Administrative Reforms, Privatization,

Regulation, De-regulation, Decentralization, Business Re-engineering, Quality
Assurance; Administrative Reform in Pakistan.

XI. Public Administration: Accountability & Control

Bureaucratic Responsiveness; Representative Bureaucracy; Citizens Engagement in

Public Service; Accountability & Control, The Concept and Approaches to Public
Accountability ofPublic Service; Institutional Framework for Administrative
Accountability; Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control over Administration,
Administrative Corruption; Role of Civil Society in Good Governance, Media, Interest
Groups, Civil Society Organizations; The Situation in Pakistan.

XII. Public Administration and Development

Role of Public Administration in Development; Concept of Development

Administration; Difference Between Development Administration and Development
Management; Changing Role of Public Administration in Development, Issues and
Challenges in Public Administration- The Pakistan Situation.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. Public Administration Denhardt, R
2. Public Administration Understanding David H. Rosenbloom
Management, Politics and Law in the Public Sector
3. Public Administration Caiden, Gerald. E,
4. Public Administration for the Twenty-First Century Cooper et al,
5. Organization Theory for Public Administration Harmon, Michael M. & Mayer.
Richard T
6. Public Administration and Public Affairs Nicholas Henry,
7. Classics of Public Administration Shafritz, J. and Hyde,
8. Public Administration Dictionary Candler, R. & Plano, J
9. Reinventing Government Osbourne, D. and Gaebler, I.
10. Bureaucracy, Basic Books Wilson, J. Q.,
11. Evolution of Pakistans Administration System Braibanti, Ralph
12. Human Development in South Asia: The Crises of Khadija Mahbub-ul-Haque
13. Bureaucracy in Pakistan Kennedy, Charles H.,
14. Public Administration and Law Beckett, Julia & Koenig Heidi O.
15. Public Administration: A Comparative Perspective Heady, Ferrel
16. Public Administration and Public Management: Lane, Jan-Erik
The Principle Agent Perspective
17. Governance: South Asian Perspective Hasnat Abdul Hye
18. Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Abdus Samad
19. Government and Administration in Pakistan Jameelur Rehman Khan
20. Public Administration: with special reference to Sultan Khan
21. Public Administration in India Hoshiar Singh
22. Public Administration in Asia Vol. I & II Kalyanaraman Srinivasan
23. Organizational Theory and the Public Sector Christensen, T., Laegreid, P.,
Roness, P. and Rovik, K
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Section-A (40- marks)

I. Modern Algebra

Group, subgroups, Lagranges theorem, Cyclic groups, Normal subgroups, Quotient

groups. Fundamental theorem of homomorphism. Isomorphism theorems of groups,
Inner automorphisms. Conjugate elements, conjugate subgroups. Commutator
Ring, Subrings, Integral domains, Quotient fields, Isomorphism theorems, Field
extension and finite fields.
Vector spaces, Linear independence, Bases, Dimension of a finitely generated
space. Linear transformations, Matrices and their algebra. Reduction of matrices to
their echelon form. Rank and nullity of a linear transformation. Matrices and their
algebra. Reduction of matrices to their echelon form. Rank and nullity of a linear
Solution of a system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations.
Properties of determinants.
Section-B (40- marks)

II. Calculus & Analytic Geometry

Real Numbers. Limits. Continuity. Differentiability. Indefinite integration. Mean value

theorems. Taylors theorem, Indeterminate forms. Asymptotes. Curve tracing.
Definite integrals. Functions of several variables. Partial derivatives. Maxima and
minima. Jacobnians, Double and triple integration (techniques only).Applications of
Beta and Gamma functions. Areas and Volumes. Riemann-Stieltjes integral.
Improper integrals and their conditions of existences. Implicit function theorem.
Conic sections in Cartesian coordinates, Plane polar coordinates and their use to
represent the straight line and conic sections. Cartesian and spherical polar
coordinates in three dimensions. The plane, the sphere, the ellipsoid, the paraboloid
and the hyperboloid in Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates.
Section-C (20-marks)

III. Complex Variables

Function of a complex variable; Demoivers theorem and its applications. Analytic

functions, Cauchys theorem. Cauchys integral formula, Taylors and Laurents series.
Singularities. Cauchy residue theorem and contour integration. Fourier series and
Fourier transforms.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. Advanced Calculus Kaplan, W.
2. Analytic Function Theory Vol.1 Hille, E.
3. Calculus Anton H.,Biven I and Davis, S.
4. Complex Analysis Goodstein G.R.G.
5. Complex Variables Murray R. Spiegel
6. Calculus with Analytic Geometry Yusuf, S.M.
7. Calculus and Analytic Geometry Zia ul Haq
8. Elements of Complex Analysis Pennisi, L.L.
9. Theory of Groups Majeed, A.
10. Mathematical Methods Yusuf, S.M.
11. Mathematical Techniques Karamat H.Dar
12. Mathematical Analysis Apostal, T.M.
13. The Theory of Groups Macdonald, I.N.
14. Topics in Algebra Herstein, I.N.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


) (

.3 .


.5 .

.6 .

.7 .

Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016





Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016



Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


) .15(
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. General Sociology

1. Individual: Sociability or the sociality of man.

2. Culture: Meaning and Characteristics (Culture is variable, learnt, social, shared,
Transmissive, dynamic and adaptive), types (Material, Non material), functions
(transfer of knowledge, define situation, provide Behaviour pattern, moulds
personality) and elements of culture (norms, values, beliefs, sanctions,
customs).Culture and Socialization; formal and non-formal socialization,
transmission of culture, cultural relativism. Sub-cultures. Ethnocentrism and
xenocentrism, Cultural lag, High culture and popular culture. Multiculturalism,
assimilation, and acculturation.
3. Society: Meaning and characteristics. Community; meaning and characteristics.
Individual and society. Relationship between individual and society. Two main
theories regarding the relationship of man and society (i) the social contact theory
and (ii) the organismic theory. Social and cultural evolution of society (Hunting and
Gathering Society, Herding and Advance Herding Society, Horticultural Society,
Agrarian Society, Industrial Society, Post modern Society).
4. Social Interaction: Caste and classes, Forms of social classes, Feudal system in
Pakistan, Social Mobility-nature of social mobility and its determinants in Pakistani
society, Culture of poverty.
5. Social Control: Mechanisms of social control-formal and informal means of social
control, Anomie, Alienation and social Integration-Means of social integration in
Pakistani Society.
6. Social and Cultural Change and Social Policy: Processes of Social and Cultural
Change-discovery, inhibitions to social and cultural change in Pakistan Social
planning and directed social and cultural change, effect of Industrialization,
Urbanization, Modernization and Modern Means of Communication on Social
7. Public Opinion: Formation of Public, Opinion, Concept of opinion leader,
characteristics of opinion leadership.
8. Community: The rural community, Traditional Characteristics of rural life, The
urban community, Rural Urban convergence, Urbanism, Future of cities in
9. Social Institutions: The nature and genesis of institutions, the process of
institutionalization, Functions of Social Institutions: Family, Religion, Education,
Economy and Politics.
10. Social Problems in Pakistan: High population growth rate, Rural urban
migration. Issues of technical/vocational training, Deviance and street crime,
Unemployment, illiteracy and School drop out, Smuggling, Prostitution, Poverty,
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Drug Addiction, Child Labour and Abuse Bonded Labour, Social Customs and
Traditions effecting Women in Pakistan, Violence Against Womens and Domestics
Violence, Issues concerning the Elderlys in Pakistan.
II. Sociological Theory:

Three sociological perspectives: Structural Functionalism, Symbolic interactions and

Conflict. Theorists: Ibn-i-Khaldun Spencer, August Comte, Emile Dukheim, Max Weber,
Kari Marx, Parson.
III. Methods of Sociological Research:

Scientific Method, Steps in research, Types of Questionnaire Research Design,

Surveys, Observation and Case Studies.

S.No. Title Author

1. Sociology : Adown to earth approach James M. Henslin
2. Method of Social Research Baily
3. Poverty Curtains Dr. Mehboob-ul-haq
4. Contemporary Sociological Theories Pitrim Sorokin
5. Master of Sociological Thought Lewis A.Coser
6. Socilogy Ogbum &Nimkoff
7. Social Change and History Robert Nisbet
8. Feudal System in Pakistan Nawab Haider Naqvi
9. The Sociology of Rural Life Lynn Smith, T.
10. Sociology-Social Structure and Social Conflict Kerbo, Harold R. (1989).
11. Sociology: An Introduction to the Science of Koening Samuel
12. Marriage and The Family Lee, Alfred Mclung and Lee,
Elizabeth Briant (1961).
13. The Design of Social Research, Ackoff, Russel, L. (Latest ed.)
14. An Introduction to the History of Sociology Barnes, H.E. (Ed.) (1966)
15. Pakistani Society Akbar Ahmad, S.
16. Contemporary Sociological Theories Pitrim Sorokin
17. Sociology,10th edition John, J. Macionis. 2004.
18. Research Methodology Neuman, Lawrance (Rvs. Ed.)
19. Sociological Theory Ritzer, Georg, (1988).
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Part I (50 marks)
I. Descriptive Statistics
Definition, Importance and scope of Statistics, Descriptive and Inferential Statistics,
Presentation of the Data, Tables, Graphs and Charts: Stem-and leaf diagram, Box
and Whisker Plots. Measures of Central Tendency/location, Measures of
Dispersion/Variability: Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis.

II. Basic Probability

Basic Probability Concepts, Additive and Multiplicative laws of Probability, Joint and
Marginal Probabilities, Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence, Bayes
rule. Concept of a Random Variable, Mathematical Expectations, Discrete and
Continuous Random Variables, Probability Distribution, Mean and Variance of a
discrete random variables.

III. Probability Distributions

Discrete and continuous Probability Distributions.Properties, applications of
Binomial, Poisson, Hyper-geometric, Normal Distribution and its properties, Standard
Normal Curve, Normal approximation to Binomial and Poisson distribution.

IV. Regression Analysis & Correlation Analysis

Concepts of Regression and Correlation and their application, Simple and Multiple
Linear Regression (upto three variables), Estimation of the Parameters, Method of
least square, Inference regarding regression parameters
Correlation, Correlation Coefficient, Properties of Correlation Coefficient, Inference
regarding correlation coefficient, Partial Correlation and Multiple Correlation (upto
three variables).

V. Non-Parametric Methods
Parametric versus nonparametric tests, when to use non-parametric procedures,
One-sample tests: Sign test, Wilcoxan signed ranks tests, Kolmogrov-Smirnov test,
run test.
Tests for two related samples: sign test, run tests, chi-square test, Test for two
independent samples: Mann-Whitney test, Kolmogrov-Smirnov test.

Part II (50 marks)

I. Sampling & Sampling Distributions
Population and Sample, Advantages of Sampling, Sampling Design, Probability
&Non-Probability Sampling techniques.Brief Concepts of Simple Random, Stratified,
Systematic, Cluster, Multiple and Multistage Sampling. Purposive, Quota Sampling,
Convenience & Accidental Sampling.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Sampling with and without replacement, Application of Central Limit Theorem in

Sampling, Sampling Distribution of Mean, difference between two Means,
Proportion, difference between two Proportion and Variance.

II. Statistical Inferences

Estimation: Point Estimation, Properties of a good Estimator.Interval Estimation.
Interval Estimation of Population mean. Large and small sample confidence intervals
for Population Mean.
Hypothesis Testing: Types of errors. Hypothesis Testing for Population Mean.
Inferences for Two Population Means. Inferences for the Mean of Two Normal
Populations using Independent Samples (variances are assumed Equal). Inference
for Two Populations Mean using Paired Samples.Inferences for Population
Proportions. Confidence Intervals and hypothesis testing for Population Proportion.
Inferences for Two Populations Proportions using Independent Samples, Estimation
of sample size
Analysis of categorized data.Goodness of fit tests.Contingency tables. Test of
independence in contingency tables.

III. Design of Experiments

One-way and Two-way Analysis of Variance, Design of Experiments, Concepts of
Treatment, Replication, Blocking, Experimental Units and Experimental Error, Basic
Principles of Design of Experiments, Description, Layout and Statistical Analysis of
Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD), Multiple Comparison tests (LSD test).

IV. Population Analysis & Vital Statistics

Population and Demographic Methods, Sources of Demographic data, Basic
Demographic Measures, Sex Ratio, Child Women Ratio, Vital Index, Crude and
Specific Birth and Death Rates, Total Fertility and Net Reproduction Rates.
Official Statistics: Statistical Systems in Pakistan, Functions of Statistics Division and
Bureaus of Statistics: The National Income, Gross Domestic Product, Saving and
Wealth, Index Numbers.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Sr. No. Title Author

1. Principles and Procedures of Statistics Steel, R and Torrie, J.H.
2. Biostatistical Analysis Zar, J.H.
3. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Walpole, R.E., Myers, R.H.
Scientist and Myers, S.L.
4. Introduction to Statistical Theory, Part-I & II Chaudhry, S.M. and Kamal, S.
5. Introduction to Probability Theory and Larson, H.J.
Statistical Inference, 3rd Edition.
6. Design and Analysis of Experiments Montgomery, D.C.
7. Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Wilcox, R.
8. Latest Statistical Methods Vaidyanathan, M.
9. Statistical Methods Aggarwal, Y.P.
10. Mathematical Statistics Freund, John E.
11. Demographic Methods Andrew Hinde
12. Publications of Federal Board of Statistics Govt. of Pakistan
and Provincial Board of Statistics,
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Definition of Town Planning, Goals and objectives of Town Planning: Town

Planning as a multi-disciplinary approach and relationship of Town Planning with
other professions.
II. Historical Perspective of Urban Planning: Planning of historical towns in the
world. Examples of planned towns in Europe, Nile Valley region, Euphrates and
Tigris Valley region and Indus Valley region (Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Kot Diji and
Mehr Garh) and Gandhara Civilization.
III. Urban Rural Differences and Hierarchy of Settlements: Urbanization and its
effects on the environment of urban areas.
IV. History of planning in Pakistan: 5 year plans.
V. Managing Urbanization
How to manage urbanization
Best Practices
Land use classification policy
Building and development control
Removal of encroachments
Introduction to Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
VI. Housing community and Economic Development: To prepare professionals with
the skills and knowledge of equitable development. Commitment to expanding
opportunities and providing quality life for disadvantaged groups.
VII. Public Policy and Urban Design Management: Solving social and environmental
problems using:
a. Economics
b. Policy analysis
c. Political science
d. Urban Design
VIII. Sustainability, Environmental Policy and Planning: How society conserves and
manages its natural resources and works to promote development.
IX. Urban Information Systems: Use of planning related software and spatial analysis
tools and systems i.e GIS.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


S.No. Title Author

1. Introducing Town Planning Clara Greed
2. Introduction to Town and Country Planning John Ratcliff
3. Town Planning for the Third World A.K. Bhatti
4. Contemporary Urban Planning J.M. Levy
5. Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Peter J. Loughlin,
6. Town and Country Planning in the UK J.B. Cullingworth,
Vincent Nadin
7. Town Planning in Practice Raymond Unwin,
8. World Cities and Urban Mike Janks

9. Urban Land Use Planning Philip R. B

10. Environmental Science: A Global Concern William P
11. Megacity Management in the Asian and Stubbs, Jeffery Giles
Pacific Region (Vol-2) Clarke
12. Dying Cities: Surviving the Urban Jungle Somaiya N

13. Handbook on Urban Sustainability Springer

14. Emerald Cities Urban sustainability and Joan Fitzgerald
15. Growing Greener Cities Eugene Birch, Susan
16. The Earth scan Reader in Sustainability Cities David Sattethwaite

17. The Poverty Curtain Dr. Mehboob ul-Haq

18. Reflections on Human Development Dr. Mehboob ul-Haq
19. Smart Cities Anthony Townsend
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016


I. Animal Diversity-Invertebrates

Architectural pattern of an animal, Taxonomy and phylogeny, Major subdivisions of

animal kingdom.
Animal-Like Protists: The Protozoa: evolutionary perspective, locomotion and
reproduction, Protozoa of veterinary and medical importance.
Porifera: Body wall, skeleton and water currents system. Coelenterates:
Reproduction plan and alteration of generation (Polymorphism), Coral reefs.
Platyhelminthes and Nematodes: Parasitic adaptations and medical importance.
Annelids: Metamerism and ecological importance.
Molluscs: Modification of foot, Feeding and their role in the shell fishery.
Arthropods: Modification in their mouth parts, Role of arthropods as vectors in the
transmission in microbial infection. Arthropods and their ecological importance.
Echinoderms: Characteristics, Evolutionary perspective, Relationships to other
animals; echinoderm characteristics.
II. Animal Diversity-Chordata

Hemichordates and Invertebrate Chordates: Evolutionary Perspective: Phylogenetic

Relationships and considerations.
Fishes: Structural and functional adaptations of fishes.
Amphibian: Movement onto land and early evolution of terrestrial vertebrates.
Reptiles: Characteristics of reptiles, adaptations in reptilians.
Birds: Migration and navigation, adaptations.
Mammal: Structural and functional adaptations of mammals.

III. Principles of Animal Life

The chemical basis of animal life: Brief introduction to bio-molecules; carbohydrates,

lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
Cell concept and cell theory, Organization of cellular organelle (their structure and
functions), Central dogma of cell biology (Transcription and Translation), Meiosis and
Protozoa: Reproduction pattern on in protozoan, Parasitism in protozoan
Mesozoza and Parazoa: Porifera: Cells types, body wall and skeleton and water
currents system, Coelenterata: Reproduction plan and alteration of generation
Tissues Types: epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissue; organs and organ
Enzymes function and factors affecting their activity, cofactors and coenzymes.
Energy Harvesting: Aerobic and anaerobic respiration the major source of ATP.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

Mendels law of inheritance, Chromosomal basis of inheritance, Multiple alleles,

Eukaryotic chromosomes: Mutations and chromosomal aberrations.
Ecological Concepts: Interactions, Concepts and components of ecosystem, Food
chain, Food web, Biogeochemical cycles, Forest, Biomes, Wildlife conservation and
management, Environmental pollution, Green house effect, Acid rain, Global
Evolution: Darwinian evolutionary theory based on natural selection and the
evidence, Microevolution: Genetic variation and change within species,
Macroevolution: Species and speciation (Allopatric, Parapatric and Sympatric
IV. Animal Form and Function

Protection, Support and Movement: Integumentary system of invertebrates and

vertebrates; Animal muscles: the muscular system of invertebrates and vertebrates.
Digestion and Nutrition: Feeding mechanism, Digestion, Organization and regional
function of alimentary canals, Regulation of food intake, Nutritional requirements
Internal Fluids and Respiration: Internal fluid environment, Composition of blood,
Circulation and respiration mechanisms
Homeostasis: Excretion, Vertebrate kidney mechanisms, Temperature regulation
Nervous Coordination: Nervous system and Sense: Functional units of nervous
systems, Synapses junctions between nerves.
Chemical Coordination: Endocrine System; Vertebrate endocrine glands and types
of hormones, Mechanism of hormones action,
Animal behavior: Learning, Habituation, Insight learning, latent learning, classical
learning: Control of Behavior; social behavior


S.No. Title Author

1. Integrated Principles of Zoology. Hickman, Jr. C.P., Keen, S. L,
Larson, and Eisenhour, D.J.
2. Zoology Miller, S. A. and Harley, J. B.
3. Biology Campbell, N.A.
4. Evolution. 2nd Edition Douglas Futuyma
5. Animal behavior: An Evolutionary Approach., John Alcock
(9th Edition)

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