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- DESIGN OF PRECAST CONCRETE CONNECTIONS 3 3.2 3.3 34 35 3.6 37 3.8 39 3.10 an 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 317 General Design Criteria Design Considerations ‘Manufacturing Considerations Construction Considerations ‘Types Of Joints Shear Friction Design Method Static Friction Bearing On Concrete Reinforced Concrete Corbel Reinforced Concrete Nib Beam Half Joint Steel Section Inserts Welding Of Reinforcement Bars Shear Key Connection Column Base Connection ‘Connection Of Precast WallsCHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF PRECAST CONCRETE CONNECTIONS 3.4 General Connections form the most vital part of precast concrete construction. The ingenuity of engineers, researchers and manufacturers has, over the years, developed an extensive range of solutions, theoretical concepts and design equations for various types of connection. The knowledge of precast construction and design particularly those from UK, Continental Europe and North America is well disseminated through the publication of technical reports, research papers, design handbooks and product design information. However, an uninitiated design engineer will face considerable problems when looking for the necessary information to begin his design in precast construction. One of the aims of this part of the Handbook is, therefore, to bring together the wide and varied design methods sed in the industry for the benefit of everyone. It is not possible, for obvious reasons, to present a complete overview of all the existing solutions and hence only current practices are included. 3.2. Design Criteria Connections must meet a variety of design and performance criteria. A satisfactory connection design should, through careful detailing, include the following considerations: 1. connection must be able to resist the ultimate design forces in a ductile manner 2. precast components are manufactured economically, easy to handle and simple to erect 3. tolerances for manufacturing and field erection must not jeopardise and adversely affect the intended structural behaviour of the components in service 4, the final appearance of the joint must satisfy fire, durability and visual requirements 3.3. Design Considerations 3.3.1 Strength A connection must resist the forces to which it will be subjected during its lifetime. Some of these forces such as those caused by dead and live gravity loads, winds, earth and water pressures are obvious. Some are not so apparent and will often be overlooked. These are forces caused by the restraint of volume changes in the precast components and those required to maintain stability. Joint strength may be categorised by the type of forces that may be induced such as compressive, tensile, shear, flexural and torsion connection may have a high degree of resistance to one type of force but with litle or no resistance to another. While acknowledging the existence of these forces, the designer should not focus on @ connection which would resist every conceivable forces. A better solution would be to utilise more than one type of joints to achieve the overall result 3.3.2 Ducti Ductilty is the ability of a connection to undergo large deformation without failure. Deformation is measured between the fist yield and ultimate failure of the structural materials used in the connection, Ductility in building frame is usually associated with moment resistance with the flexural tension capacity provided by the reinforcing bars or structural steel sections. The ultimate failure may be due to the rupture of reinforcing bars, crushing of concrete, the failure of connectors or steel embedded in the concrete, 3.3.3 Volume change ‘The combined shortening effect due to creep, shrinkage and temperature reductions induces tensile stresses in the precast components. The stresses must be accounted for in the connection design by either providing stress relieve details in unrestrained joint or by providing additional reinforcing steels to resist tensile forces in a restrained joint. 1023.3.4 Durability Exposed sections in a connection should be periodically inspected and maintained. Evidence of poor durability is usually exhibited by corrosion of exposed steel elements, cracking and spalling of concrete. Components which are exposed to weather should have the steel elements adequately encased in concrete or grout, painted, galvanised or using stainless steel sections. 3.3.5 Fire resistance Connections which may be weakened by exposure to fire should be protected by concrete or grout, enclosed or sprayed with fire resistance materials. The connections should be protected to the same degree as that required for the components and the building frame. 3.4 Manufacturing Considerations Maximum economy of precast concrete construction is achieved when connection details are kept as simple as possible and they are designed with adequate performance to facilitate easy field erection. The following manufacturing considerations should be noted 1. Avoid congestion ~ where large quantity of reinforcing bars, embedded plates, inserts, blockouts, etc, are required, congestion is inevitable. When this ocours, study the area in question using large scale drawings. Use actual physical sizes and dimensions of stee! bars, plates, inserts, bolts, etc, instead of line representations. Attention should be focused on areas which may not be reinforced as a result of minimum bending radii of reinforcing bars. It may be necessary to increase the precast components size to avoid congestion and to ensure that sufficient room is left for concrete to be placed without leaving any honeycombs. 2. Avoid penetration of forms ~ projections such as corbels, nibs, or starter bars which require cutting through the forms are difficult and costly to place. Where possible, these projections should be located at the top surface of the components when casting concrete. 3. Minimise embedded items — embedded items such as inserts, connectors, plates, etc, which require precise positioning and secure fixing are labour and time consuming. They should be kept to a minimum, 4. Avoid operations after stripping the form — operations which are required after stripping the form such as special cleaning, finishing, welding on projecting steel elements should be avoided whenever possible, These operations require additional handling, added labour (often with skilled trade) and extra working space. 5. Allow manufacturing tolerances ~ dimensional tolerances which are more stringent than industrial standards are difficult to achieve. Connections requiring close fitting parts with litle provision for field adjustments should be avoided. 6. Use standard items — wherever possible, embedded items of inserts, plates, bolts, steel sections etc. should be standardised. The items should be available from more than one supplier. ‘Standardisation of items will reduce errors made and will enhance and improve productivity. 7. Use repetitive details — utilise similar connection details as much as possible even if they may resultin slight over-sizing. Repeated use of similar details will involve fewer modifications and form setup. 8. Allow alternatives — manufacturers should be allowed to propose alternative methods and detailing provided the design requirements are met. Allowing alternative solutions would generally provide more economical and better performing connections. 1433.5 Construction Considerations Hoisting equipment and lifting operation may constitute a substantial cost item in precast construction, The design of connections should enable the components to be lifted, set and unhooked in the shortest possible time. This will mean that temporary shoring, staying guy ropes, bearing pads, levelling shims and other loose attachments such as angles, bolts, nuts and plates shall be in place or made available at a short notice prior to lifting. The following list of items should be considered in the design to improve on the erection of precast components’ 1. Allow for field adjustment — design of connections should avoid details for perfect fit in the field. Certain amount of field adjustment should be allowed by means of oversize holes for bolts and dowels, shimming, welding and grouting, 2. Accessibilty for works — connections should be detailed and planned to allow accessibility for working and sufficient room for equipment . For example, wrenches require minimum swinging arc for bolt tightening. Working under the deck in an overhead position should be avoided. 3. Repetitive and standard details — connection details should be standardised and repeated as much as possible. Connections requiring special skills such as welding, prestressing should be reduced so as to make the construction more economical. 4, Robust projections — projections from precast components such as reinforcing bars, bolts, steel sections should be robust and rugged in order to withstand damages due to handling. Threads on projecting bolts should be taped and greased to protect against damage and rust. 5. Allow alternatives — precast manufacturers and erectors should be allowed to propose alternative methods and details not anticipated by the designer. This would often result in more economical and easy erection of precast components. 3.6 Types of Joints 3.6.1 Compressive joints Compressive forces can be transmitted between adjacent precast components by direct bearing or through intermediate medium such as in-situ mortar, fine concrete, bearing pads or other bearing elements. Direct contact between elements should only be used when great accuracy in manufacturing and erection is achieved and when the bearing stresses are small, usually less than 0.2f,,. Particular attention should be given in the reinforcement detailing of the precast components when a large concrete cover is required to achieve a high fire rating or when high strength steel bars with large bending radii are used. Itis more common and advisable to use intermediate bedding material for direct transmission of ‘compression forces between precast elements as there will always be surface irregularities at the jointing surfaces. Cementatious materials such as in-situ mortar, fine concrete or grouting are often used in the joints between load bearing elements in columns and walls as well as for beams and ficor elements. The nominal thickness is about 10 to 30 mm for mortar and grout, and 30 to 50 mm for fine concrete. The bedding is usually without reinforcing bars. The mode of failure is precipated by crushing of the mortar or splitting of the precast components in contact with it. Although the mortar, grout or fine concrete is in a highly confined state under predominantly plane stress conditions and should achieve compressive strength higher than f.,, a low design strength is normally used because the edges of the bedding tend to spall off. This will lead to non-uniform stress distribution. The situation can be exacerbated by poor workmanship, unintentional eccentricity, spurious bending moments and shear forces. Another factor which leads to a reduction of the joint strength is when there is a great difference in the elastic response between the bedded material and the precast concrete which may result in localised contraction, lateral tensile stress and splitting forces as shown in Figure 3.1. This effect may become important when the joint thickness is greater than 50 mm. 144Hard bearing elements which usually consist of cast-in steel sections or plates with confining reinforcement are used when large concentrated forces are to be transmitted. b) Force transfer through compression joint having an elastic modulus a) less than the precast b) equal to precast ©) greater than precast d) as (c) but with reduced breadth Figure 3.1 Vertical Transfer Of Compressive Forces There are no explicit design equations in the Code to determine the joint strength taking into consideration the mentioned factors. The Code, however, suggests in Part 1, clause 5.3.6 that in calculating the compressive strength of the mortar joint, the area of the concrete in the joint should be the greater of a, the area of the in-situ concrete ignoring the area of any intruding components, but not greater than 90% of the contact area, or b. 75% of the actual contact area \Vambersky (reference 8) proposed that the bearing capacity of unreinforced mortar joint can be calculated from Ny = TMoBfe — B41) where — f,, =weaker concrete compressive strength of either the joint mortar or the precast ‘components adjacent to the joint 1p = reduction factor reflecting the trapped air content For a precast component placed onto a mortar bed 1,=0.3. For the case of joint infil after the ‘components are placed: Thy = 0.7 for dry packed mortar and = 0.9 for colloidal pouring mortar 145The effects of joint geometry and the different quality conditions between site mixed mortar and under laboratory tests are reflected in the expression: 5(1-K) +e pk 20 0tF —ea) 5 (1-K) + Ks where K fulfy = concrete compressive strength of mortar and precast component respectively Te 75 if site cubes are tested = 1.00 if cores are cut and tested 8 atio of joint width to joint thickness iv or xlv where x is the effective compression length of the joint under eccentric. loading It may be noted from the above expressions that a design stress of 0.4f,, (or 0.4f,., whichever is lower) as in Part 1, clause of the Code may be adopted as the bearing capacity of the joint provided that: a. _ tIvratios are between 8 and 10 b. the difference in strength between the mortar and the precast component does not differ by more than 25% In practice, both the above criteria are generally satisfied. Soft bedding materials such as neoprene pads are also used to even out surface irregularities. The thickness of the bearing pads may vary from 2 mm to 20 mm or even more. The larger thickness is, Used to allow displacements and rotations in order to reduce force built-up at the connection as shown in Figure 3.2. f Support a) Vertical load b) Horizontal load Figure 3.2 Loading Condition At Bearing Pads 1463.6.2 Tensile joints Tensile forces are transferred between concrete elements by means of various types of steel connectors which are anchored into each side of the elements at the joint with continuity achieved by overlapping of steel bars, dowel action, bolting or welding as shown in Figure 3.3. set i) a) Tensile joint by lapping reinforcement and dowel action — ee b) Tensile joint by bolting Anchor plate ) Tensile joint by welding Figure 3.3 Tensile Force Transfer (reference 3) 147The tensile capacity of the connection can be determined by either the strength of the steel elements or by the anchorage capacity. The latter is normally achieved by bonding along reinforcing bars or by means of end anchorage devices. For the transfer of tensile forces such as vertical tie forces or tension in the force couple of a section under moments, one of the popular methods is the grouted pipe sleeves with in-situ lapped reinforcement. The method involves an annulus metal duct with a diameter of at least 20 to 30 mm larger than the bar diameter projected from a component to be jointed. The bar is inserted into the duct and grout is then injected through a hole at the base. Alternatively, the grout may be placed by gravity pouring. In either cases, the duct must be vented to prevent formation of air pockets. The lapped reinforcement can be placed either singly or symmetrically by the sides of the duct. As in normal lapping, the transfer of forces between bars can be visualised to consist of a series of compressive strut-tension ties. To ensure effective force transfer, stirrups are placed along the lapping length. Bolting is used extensively to transfer tensile and shear forces. Anchorages such as bolts, threaded sockets and captive nuts are attached to the rear of the plates which are anchored into the precast units. Tolerances are provided using oversized holes in the connecting members. Welding is used to connect between projections from adjacent precast components. The connection is either made direct or via an intermediate piece. 3.6.3 Shear joints Shear forces between adjacent precast concrete components can be transferred through bond, interface joint friction, interlocking by shear keys, dowel action of transverse steel bars or rods, welding or by other mechanical means. Shear transfer by bond between precast and in-situ elements is possible when the shear stress is low. Itis not necessary to deliberately roughen the surface texture of precast units beyond the as- cast finish which may be of slip-forming, extrusion or tamped finish. Shear transfer by shear friction requires the presence of a permanent normal compressive force. The force may arise from permanent gravity loads, by prestressing or artificially induced by reinforcement bars placed across the joint. ‘Shear keys for the transfer of shear forces between elements are obtained by cast in-situ concrete or grout in joints between the elements with surface castellations. Under the action of shear load, the shear keys act as mechanical locks that prevent significant slip at the interface. ‘When steel bars or rods are placed across the joint, shear forces can be transferred between elements by dowel action as shown in Figure 3.4. The dowel is loaded by shear at the joint interface and c) Stress in the concrete Figure 3.4 Shear Transfer By Dowel Action (reference 3) 148supported by contact stresses in the concrete which result in significant bending deformation in the dowel. In the ultimate state, the concrete crushes locally at the contact area and plastic hinge forms at the dowel. Shear capacity depends on the bar diameter and the strength of the concrete. The capacity by dowel action decreases considerably when the dowels loaded by eccentric shear away from the interface. It is necessary to provide spliting reinforcement around the dowels particularly if they are placed near to the edge or comer of a component. Combined action by shear friction and dowel action can be obtained if the dowels are anchored by bond or by end anchorages. 3.6.4 Flexural and torsional joints Forces acting in a flexural or torsional joint can always be resolved into tension and compression force couples. The principle in the connection design is based on splicing of reinforcement between units by means of overlapping, bolting or welding as discussed earlier. In the case of torsion, the resulting torque in a precast component is resisted by force couples at the support. The resulting torque is transformed into bending moment in the supporting members. 3.7 Shear Friction Design Method ‘Shear friction is a very useful and simple method in connection design as well as in the application to the design of composite structures. A basic assumption in the concept is that a crack will form at potential failure plane where direct shear stresses are high; or at actual planes of weakness created during construction. Propagation of this crack is inhibited by ductile steel reinforcement placed across the cracks. The tension developed by these shear friction reinforcement will provide a force normal to the crack plane as shown in Figure 3.5. Ifthe shear friction coefficient at the crack surface is 4, the resistance to the shear force parallel to the crack, V, is given as V = O87FAW A. = V/(0.874n) — (3.3) Values of shear friction coefficient j for various surface conditions are shown in the table below (reference 1). Type of Surface u (a) Applied shear ‘Smooth untreated concrete interface O7 Artificially roughened or castellated surface 1.4 Monolithic concrete 17 Table 3.1. Shear Friction Coefficients For Various Concrete Surfaces If there is an applied force N, acting normal to the crack plane, equation 3.3 will be modified as follow: tutti IfNis compression: A, = (V/u-N)/(0.874,) — (3.4) prey Fs (b) Free body forces in concrete above crack Figure 3.5 Basis Of Shear Friction Design Method 149IfNis tension A, =(V/m+N)/ (0.878) —(35) When the interface shear stress reaches the limiting value of v. = 0.8, or 5 Nimm whichever is smaller, no further increase of shear friction is allowed. This limiting shear stress will provide a limit to the steel proportion (p, = A//bd) placed across a crack as p, =, / (0.878, 1) —(3.6) 3.8 Static Friction The maximum force resulting from frictional restraint of axial movements can be determined by NO FAY —a7) where v by N The static coefficients of friction are shown in Table 3.2. The coefficients of friction are for a dry condition and the values should be reduced by 15% to 20% for moist conditions. If friction is to be depended upon for support of temporary loads at construction, the coefficients should include a safety factor of 5 (reference 9) Materials : a7 z 1 design vertical force static coefficient of friction horizontal frictional resistance |_Elastomeric pads to steel or concrete Concrete to concrete Conerete to steel — a 4 Steel to steel (not rusted) - 0.25 Hardboard to concrete 05 Laminated cotton fabric to concrete 06 Multipolymer plastic (non-skid) to concrete 1.2 Multipolymer plastic (smooth) to concrete 0.4 Table 3.2 Static Coefficients Of Friction Of Dry Material (reference 9) 3.9 Bearing On Concrete The effective bearing area for a structural member may be determined, based on the weaker of the bearing surfaces and using the ultimate concrete bearing stress as follows (reference 1) Af 1. direct bearing without bedding or bearing pads 2. with intermediate bedding = 0.6 fy, Bf, Bearing using flexible padding may be designed using stresses intermediate between (1) and (2). ‘When the bearing stresses exceed the above limits, reinforcement is to be provided in the bearing area. Reinforcement may be determined using the shear friction design method. 3. _ with cast-in steel bearing plates = 150Figure 3.6 shows a bearing area where reinforcement is provided across the potential vertical and horizontal cracks induced by vertical load V and horizontal load N. I= 1.4xTension anchorage (b) Potential horizontal crack Note: — wawidth of bearing bebreadth of member Ipsembedmont length of horizontal shear fiction reinforcement Figure 3.6 Shear Friction Reinforcement At Potential Cracks At Bearing Area 3.9.1. Horizontal shear friction reinforcement The horizontal shear friction reinforcement in Figure 3.6a is calculated as follows: A, = Vol (0.87f_ 1) — (6.8) where V, = Vicos @ © = shearing angle (assumes to be 20°) 4 = shear friction coefficient f, = characteristic strength of horizontal shear friction reinforcement 151The average shear stress, v, at the inclined crack plane is given as V tan 0/ bw — (39) and v,
v, ok 156Vertical shear friction reinforcement The vertical reinforcement, A., , across potential horizontal shear cracks is calculated from equation 3.11 Aa = (Ag t Ay) = 1022/1.7 = 601 mm? The A, is to be checked against shear links provision. If the shear links provision is less than A. then provide A. Check shear stress at horizontal crack face Embedded length of 120 = 14x35 9+w 980 mm+100 say |, = 1080 mm ‘Average shear stress v,, at the horizontal crack face is calculated using equation 3.13 Vy = 0.87 fy Ay! (DX I) 0.87 x 460 x 601 / (400 x 1080) = 0.56 Nimm? < 4.73Nimm: OK Detailing x= 601 mm? uso T10 @ 250 for 1 m from beam ond itinks provided ‘greater than Ag, ne provision of Ay, is necessary tf __t 1873.10 Reinforced Concrete Corbel Figure 3.8 illustrates the definitions of reinforced concrete corbel in accordance with the Code in Part 1, clause Figure 3.8 Definition Of Corbel Reinforced concrete corbel may be designed either by: 4. Strut and tie system 2. Shear friction method 3.10.1 Corbel design by strut and tie force system The design of reinforced concrete corbel may assume a strut and tie force system as shown in Figure 3.9. €.=0.0035 Force Diagram Strain Diagram Stress Diagram Figure 3.9 Strut And Tie Force System 158The design may follow the following steps: 4. Shear at support face ‘The minimum depth of corbel is determined from. a Vibd < 2dv./a, d = VVa,/ (2b v.) b Vibd < v, d= Vibv, where y, in b is equal to 0.8V,, or 5Nimm?, whichever is smaller. 2. Strut and tie forces From Figure 3.9, the strut and tie forces are derived as Tension tie forces : F, =T+F,cosB F, =T+Va/z where Tis the horizontal force acting at the support. 3. Compressive strut forces F, = 0.45f,, b(0.9 x cos B) F, = 0.405, b x cos B 4, Derivation of zid v .sinB A05F,, b x cos B sin B From equation 3.17, V a Co ana? z sin B = ———— (azz az V =0.405f,, by ——_—_— (a+ 2) vy = Vibd Zz xa, ¥ = 0.4084 (-) Gay ay — (3.14) — (3.15) — (3.16) — (3.17) — (3.18) 159‘Substituting , = (d - 2)/0.45 into equation 3.18 and rearranging the terms will result in the following simplified expressions v 0.9(2/d)(a,/4)(1 - zid) = — (19) fos (add)? + (zi? From equation 3.19, a graph for the determining of z/d is shown in Figure 3.10. Values of zid Figure 3.10 Chart For Determining zid Part 1, clause requires that the resistance provided to horizontal tie force should not be less than one-half of the design vertical load and in the absence of external horizontal forces, Vea,/2) =V(a,/d)/(2/d) it It F, =0.5V, then zid> 2a/d — (3.20) 160Substituting equation 3.20 into equation 3.19 vif, = 0.36(1 - 2a/d) — (3.21) Equation 3.21 provides the boundary below which F, is taken as F,= V/2 Steel stresses From the strain diagram in Figure 3.9, edd ~ x) = ely, Substituting «, = 0.0035, x = (d-2)/0.45, f, = E,e, and E, = 200 kNimm’ the steel stress can be calculated f, = 700 (2/d - 0.55) / (1 - zid) (Nimm?) — (3.22) The main tension reinforcement may be considered anchored by: (0 the above equation, ‘a, welding to a transverse bar of equal strength or b. bending the bars to form a loop The length geometry of the corbels with anchorage of reinforcement using method (a) or (b) and the relative positioning of bearing plates or bedding are illustrated in Figure 3.11 ‘Shear reinforcement, if required, must not be less than 50% of the main tension steel area and it consists of horizontal links located within the upper 2/3 of the effective depth of the corbel 161162 length of corbo 22) 172 baarng width + cover + 8 + 1 ‘Stat of bar bond Tension ‘tran ension tal Concrete bearing stress Wwihin bar bending radius ISto be checked Looping of main bars na With + Drover +# al ‘Transverse bar sizeva and same strength as main tension bars ‘Small bars for ‘ying of sea inks ding of transverse bars "Note: Min, shear rks area if needed, 21/2 Ay Figure 3.11 Anchorage And Relative Position Of Bearing Plates In R.C. Concrete CorbelDesign Example 2: Corbel Design By Strut And Tie Forces System Design a reinforced concrete corbel to support a vertical ultimate load V = 500 KN and an ultimate horizontal force of T = 50 KN. The corbel is projected from a column 600 x 400 with width 400 mm and a, = 100 mm from the face of the column. Bearing plate is used to transmit both vertical and horizontal load to the corbel. Assume cover to all steel = 35 mm and f,,= 35 Nimm? 1. Corbel geometry a. Assumetensionbar = 616 link size = 910 b. Bearing width : Length of bearing width |, = 350 mm Maximum bearing stress = 06, Width of bearing, w =Vi0.6F,, |, 500 x 10°/(0.6 x 35 x 350) 63.5 mm sayw = 65mm c. Length of corbel (assuming looped tension reinforcement) Length of corbel 1+ 0.5W +2 x COVEF + Oink + Onan + bend radius of main steel (49) 100 + 0.5 x65+2x35+ 10+ 16 +4x 16 192.5 mm, say = 300 mm d. Depth of corbel ‘Assume overall depth of corbel h= 400mm and with the following dimensions h, = 200 + (167.5 x 200/300) vim > hi2 OK d = 400-35-8 57mm > a, Ok @. Check shear stress Vv =V ibd 500 x 10°/(400 x 357) 3.50 Nimm? < 0.8¥f.,, OK 4.73 Nimm? 163The final dimensions of the corbel are shown below: Length Of Corbel Depth Of Corbel 2. — Corbel reinforcement a. Main tie steel Check if F, > V/2 From equation 3.21, vif,,_ = 0.36(1 - 2a/d) Vify, = 0.158 But vif, = 3.5/35 = 0.100 < 0.158 Hence, design for minimum tension F, =0.5V = 0.5% 500 = 250 kN Total tension force in tie =F+T = 250 +50 = 300 KN b. Check steel stress From equation 3.19, v 0.9(2/d)(a/d)(1 - 21d) fy (ad)? + (zid)? vif, = 0.10 ald =0.28 Substituting wf,, = 0.10 and a,/d = 0.28 into the equation and re-arranging the terms, the following quadratic equation for zd is obtained = (zid)? - 0.716(z/d) + 0.0227 = 0 zid = 0.683 Alternatively, zid may be obtained directly from the graph in Figure 3.9. Substituting z/d = 0.683 into equation 3.22 '00(0.683 - 0.55)/(1 - 0.683) 193 Nimm? f, 164Hence, tension steel area A (F, + Thi, 100 x 10'/293 }024 mm? > 0.004bd (min A,) Provided 6116 (A,=1207mm?) ‘Check bearing stress within bend Tensile force per bar (F,+T) Asrea Foo = — 4 x SS numbers of bar A, gy (3006) x (1024/1207) 12.4 KN Minimum bend radius Fy 1#2(6/a) x ° hay a, = (400 - 35 - 35 - 16)/5 = 62.8 mm say = 60mm 1 = 42.4/16 x 10° x (1 + 2x 16/60) / (2.x 35) = 58mm r =49as assumed Shear links Pp. = 100A bd }00 x 1207/(400 x 357) 845 From Table 3.9 Part 1 of the Code vy. = 0.67 Nimm? Enhanced id via, x 357 x 0.67/100 =4.77>0.8\f,, Hence = 4.73 Nimm? Shear stress 00 x 10°(400 x 367) 50 Nimm?
2p, than Figure) applies Figure 3.14 Effective Width In Nib Design For Single And Multiple Line Loads On Nib 172Design Example 4: Reinforced Concrete Nib Design the reinforcement in the nib of a beam supporting multiple ultimate line loads of 50 kN at 1.2 m spacing. The loaded width is 125 mm; the nib is 150 mm wide and 150 mm deep with 15 mm chamfered at the outer edge. Concrete mortar is used as bedding material. Adopt design concrete strength f,, = 35 Nimm? and concrete cover = 30 mm. The nib is designed as isolated single line load using an effective width, b, 2x 135 +125 395 mm < 1200 mm b 1. Main tension steel a, = 150-15+30+5 170. mm d= 150-30-5 115 mm Moment, M = Vxa, 50x 0.17 = 8.5kNm M/b, &® = 8.5.x 10° /(395 x 115%) = 1.63 z = 0.9460 A, = 8.5.x 10 / (0.87 x 460 x 0.946 x 115) For practical reasons, the bars are to be uniformly placed in the nib with T10-100 clc (A, = 785 mm?im) 2. Check bearing stress within bend Tensile force per bar FL= 0.87 5A, X (A, seal Apo) 0.87 x 460 x 78 x (494/785) x 10° = 19.9 KN 173174 Minimum bending radius : Fy 2 patter, ° a, a, = 100mm r = (19.9 x 10°/ 10) x (1 + 2 x 10/100) / (2 x 35) = 34.1 mm. 46 Vertical links within beams use r Vertical links area A, = V1(0.87f,) 0 x 10° / (0.87 x 460) 25 mm? 104 mm?im The required steel links are in addition to any other links resisting shear forces in the beam. Check shear stress b. 395 mm Vib, d 50 x 10°(395 x 115) 1.10 Nimm? 0.68% (T10-100 cic) 0.85N/mm? Enhanced v,’ =v,x 2d/a, = 0.85 x 2x 115/ 170 = 1.45Nimm? > 4.10mme OK Detailing ‘Shea inks (trom shear requirement + additional 104 mm2im) 110 = 190 roughost Torpractoal reason3.12, Beam Half Joint The design of beam half joints involves the investigation of several potential crack planes which are illustrated in Figures 3.15 and 3.16 respectively. Ips 1.dxTension Anchorage y= Tension Anchorage (a) Schematic reinforcement * === Compression —=+— Tension () Vertical force (ii) Horizontal force (b) Force resisting system Figure 3.15 Reinforcement And Force Resisting System In Beam Half Joint 175i = Tension Anchorage (a) Schematic reinforcement = Compression ——=— Tension (i) Vertical force (b) Force resisting system Note: For horton force, reer o Figure 3.15 (b) Figure 3.16 Alternative Reinforcement And Force Resisting System In Beam Half Joint In Figures 3.15 and 3.16, the reinforcement for each of the crack plane considered is listed as below : 1 176 Flexural ( cantilever bending) and axial tension at the extended end, Provide reinforcement A, (flexure) and A,, ( axial tension). Direct shear at joint junction with main member. Provide shear friction reinforcement A, and A Diagonal tension at re-entrant comer. Provide shear friction reinforcement A, Diagonal tension in half-joint. Provide reinforcement A. Diagonal tension in main member. Provide A, and A., with full tension anchorage beyond the potential crack plane. Inclined shear crack at beam halt-joint bearing, Provide A, and A,,. Refer Section 3.9 when investigating potential horizontal crack at the bearing, although it is generally not criticalThe reinforcement as determined from (1) to (6) above is not cumulative and should be : ‘A, the greater of (1), (2), (5) or (6) ‘A, the greater of (2) or (4) A, the greater of (3) or (5) The determination of reinforcement in the beam half joint is based on the shear friction design ‘method. The reinforcement across each of the potential cracks is calculated as follows : 3.12.4 Reinforcement as in Figure 3.15 1. Flexural and axial tension steel Flexural steel : A, = V(a, /2) / (0.87f,) — (3.28) Axial tension steel : A, = N(h/z-d/z+1)/ (0.87f,) — (3.29) Assuming 2 =0.8d, then A, =1.25V (a,/d)/(0.87t,) — (3.30) Ay =1.25N (h/d-0.2)/ (0.874) — (3.31) 2 Direct shear at joint junction 2 A, => xV/ (087K) — (3.32) 3 il Ay =—xV/(0.87fn) — (3.33) 3 A, i as in equation 3.29. A, should be uniformly distributed within 2/3d of the half joint depth, The maximum shear stress at the joint junction is determined as v = Vibd sv, where v, = 0.8 ¥f,, or 5.0 Nimm?, whichever is smaller. Diagonal tension at re-entrant corner A, =Vi0.871,, — (3.34) Based on shear friction design method, A,, should be A, = VI0.876,11 Due to high stress concentration at the re-entrant comer, j= 1.0 should be conservatively adopted at re-entrant corner crack plane. 4 Bearing at half joint Refer to Section 3.9 for the design of shear friction reinforcement at the half joint bearing. 73.12.2, Reinforcement as in Figure 3.16 178 The alternative reinforcement in the force resisting system in Figure 3.16 is calculated as follow: 4. Axial tension steel ‘Assuming z = 0.8d A, =1.25N (h/d-0.2)/ (0.871) as in equation 3.31 2. Diagonal tension at re-entrant corner Adopting u = 1.0 A, =V/(0.87f,,cos a) ‘where ois the angle between the diagonal tension and V. Zz cos a= Nazez Assuming z = 0.84 1.25v = ——— Va?+ ear — (3.35) 087i,.4Design Example 5: Beam Half Joint Design the beam half oint shown in the figure below for an ultimate vertical reaction V = 500 KN and an ultimate horizontal tension of N= 100 KN. Design concrete cube strength is f,, = 35 Nimm? and 1, = 460 Nimm for all stee! po Fopz
oK b. Minimum d x t required dxt =Vi0.6p, 300 x 10°/(0.6 x 275) 1818 mm? cc. Minimum steel area required under tension Area lip 100 x 105(275 x 10%) =7.3 cm? 187188 Try 254 x 146 x 43 kgim I-section Z, = 567.4 om® > 147 cm? A= 55 om? > 7.3 cm? d= 260 mm, t= 7.3mm dx t= 1898 mm? > 1818 mm? Check moment and tension interaction : Section capacity for moment M = 275 x 567.4 x 10° = 156 kNm Section capacity for tension N= 275x 55x 10" = 1512.5 KN Henee interaction 40.5/156 + 20/1513 = 0.26 + 0.13 =0.39<1.0 Column insert design is governed by shear. Section is adequate. Check bearing capacity b 47 mm > 95.2 mm Max. bearing capacity of insert V=08f, DOL, Bx 35x 147 x 0.279 x 415 x 10° 77 KN > 300 KN Check bond stresses Total perimeter of steel section is about 1095 mm Total contact area between steel section and concrete 100 x 10°/ 454425 44 Nimm? Average bond stress, Permissible ultimate bond stress f, =0.28v,, 28135 66 N/mm? > 0.44 N/mm? = 1095 x 415 oK OK OK OK ok OK OK3.13.2 Steel ‘Steel section inserts used in beam connection may generally consist of: sserts cast in beam a. wide flange section b. steel plate with welded bearing flanges, and ©. exposed section on beam top; as illustrated in Figure 3.21 below. . Figure 3.21 Steel Inserts Cast In Beams 189190 Distribution of forces in the inserts is illustrated in Figure 3.22 (a) to (c) and the method of analysis may be as follows a. Wide flange section (Figure 3.22a) The design and force distribution of wide flange section are similar to column inserts as shown in Figure 3.18. However, unlike column inserts, there is less depth (4, and 4.) of concrete above and below the insert to resist the bearing pressure. To be conservative, the bearing stress is limited to 0.4f,, and the capacity of the insert is given by; Af, Doky —— (3.45) Plates with welded flanges Figure 3.22 Distribution Of Forces In Beam Inserts,The designer should further ensure that i, the breadth and depth of the steel inserts should not exceed 1/3 of the respective breadth and depth of the concrete beam. ji, reinforcing bars are provided at both the inner and outer bearing, in order to resist fully the bearing forces generated. The provision of steel area may be detemined as in plate with welded flanges insert below. If horizontal forces are present, the bond stress around the section perimeter should not exceed 0.28\, as in the column insert design. b. _ Plate with welded flanges (Figure 3.22b) The method of analysis of plate with welded flanges insert may be as below: i. Resolve the forces vertically V=0.8f,,bL, — (3.46) ji, Taking moment about X V(Li+L,) = 0.8f,,bI(L, ~ Ly - Leb + 0.51,4] — (347) From the above equations, L, can be calculated from (Le=Ly= balls = Lally + 0.5L.) — (3.48) ‘A hanger system consisting of steel stirrups is to be provided at the inner and outer bearing plates. The area of the steel required may be Inner bearing plate: A,, = 0.8bf,,Ly0.87f, — (3.49) Outer bearing plate: A,, = 0.8bf,,(L, + L;)/0.874, — (3.50) It is important to ensure that the main tension steel in the beam is fully anchored at the beam ends to prevent shear tension or shear bond failures at the beam support. The dimensions of d, and d, should be proportional to the respective bearing forces i.. dyld,= (Ly + La)lky — (3.51) If horizontal tension forces are present, the bond stress must be checked as described earlier. 191Design Example 7: Steel Plate Insert Cast In Beams Design the steel plate with bearing flanges as an insert to support a vertical ultimate reaction from the beam of 300 KN acting at 100 mm from the beam end. The beam size is given as 300 x 600 mm deep and conorete strength f,, = 30 Nimm?. The ultimate yield strength of the steel plate is p, = 275 Nimm?. Also determine the appropriate position of the insert within the beam depth. 1. Insert geometry Assuming bearing plate width b = 1/3 beam width = 100 mm For equation 3.46 V =0.8f,,bL, L, = 300 x 10°(0.8 x 30 x 100) =125mm Taking L, = 150 mm, L, = 125 mm and L, = 125 mm as trial. Then from equation 3.48 (Lg-by~La)by = L (Ly + 0.5L,) (Ly- 125 - 125)125 = 125(150 + 0.5 x 125) Ly =462.5mm Check 2x L, +L, sl, 2x 125 +125 = 375mm < 462.5mm OK Dimensions assumed in the insert are acceptable, 2. Design of steel plate a. Shear Required section for shear strength dxt =Vi0.6p, 818 /t 192b. Bending 5 Ultimate bending moment,M_—=VxL, 300 x 0.15 = 45 kNm Plastic section modulus required Z, = Mip, 45 x 10°/(275x10°) = 163.6 cm? Using 2 numbers of t= 15 mm thick plates |[163.6 x 10° x 4/(2 x 15)] 47.6, say d = 150 mm Required minimum Bearing flanges design Steel plate inserts are spaced at 70 mm. Contact bearing pressure = 0.8f,, Required bearing flange thickness (8/4)x275 = 0.8 x 30 x 70/8 t = 14.6, say t= 15 mm thick Check welding Tension pull out force per mm run = 0.8 x 30 x 50 x 10° = 1.20 kNimm Use = 6 mm fillet weld : Weld strength =2x6x215x 109N2 = 1.82 kNimm > 1.20 kN/mm Ok Steel plate insert = 2 numbers of 150 x 15mm thick plates. The plates are as shown in the figure below. Length of plate Length of plate lets y= 125 Reinforcing bars to resist bearing forces Atinner plate: A, = 0.8f,, b LY0.87f, 8 x 30 x 100 x 125/(0.87 x 460) = 750 mm? use 3113 stirrups (6 legs) (A, = 796 mm?) Atouter plate: A, =0.8f,,b(L, + L,)/0.87f, 8 x 30 x 100 x (125 + 125)/(0.87 x 460) j500mm? use 6713 stirrups (12 legs) (A, = 1592 mm?) 193,5. Position of insert did, =(L, + Lyk = (125 + 125)/125 ~2 The final insert position is as shown in the detailing did, = 505/245 = 2.06 6. Detailing Inner end plato aad Outer end plate Positioning of insert 6113 over outer 119 stirups Links over bearing plates 1943.13.3 Exposed sections The exposed section inserts are commonly used in beam-to-beam connection when it is necessary to keep the structural beam shallow. As shown in Figure 3.2c, the exposed sections may consist of either wide flange sections or plates with reinforcing bars welded to the sides to provide the tension and compression reactions in a simple cantilever beam behaviour. The insert assembly will be embedded eventually in concrete. The bearing pressure created at the far end of the insert is conservatively ignored, as it may be lost due to shrinkage, plastic cracking or surface grazing. There may also be partial or total loss of contact at the interface between the beam surface and insert as a result of fresh concrete settlement. Referring to Figure 3.22c, the tension and compression reactions provided by the reinforcing bars may be obtained simply as : Inner compression © =VxL YL, — (3.52) Outer tension T =Vvec — (3.53) The reinforcing bars are calculated as : Tension and compression steel A, = T (or C) /(0.87f,) It is important to ensure that the welding is capable of developing the full strength of the reinforcing bars which are of full anchorage embedment length. The bearing stress within the bending radius of the bars has to be checked against local concrete bearing failure. The choice of L, and L, is left entirely to the designer, bearing in mind that the larger the ratio of Ly/L,, the heavier is the reinforcement needed in the steel insert. 195Design Example 8: Exposed Steel Inserts Cast In Beam Design an exposed steel insert at the ends of a precast beam subjected to an ultimate reaction of 150 KN. The semi-precast beam dimension is 300 x 300 and concrete strength is f,, = 40 N/mm. The overall beam depth is restricted to 450 mm. The ultimate strength of the steel section p,=275N/mm? and the characteristic strength of reinforcing bars f, = 460N/mm? 1. Geometry of inserts ‘Assuming a ratio of cantilever to internal span of 1:3 will result in a tension of 4/3 x V and a compression of 1/3 x V in the reinforcing bars. The geometry of the insert is shown in the above figure. 2. Tension and compression forces 200 - 150 50 kN 3. _ Reinforcement design a. Bar in tension Tension T =200kN A, =T/0.87f, (f, = 460 Nimm?) = 500 mm? Say 4 numbers of T13 with 2 bars welded to each side of the insert. (A, Check tension anchorage Tensile force per bar F, = 0.87f,A, = 0.87 x 460 x 132 x 10° 52.8 KN Tensile anchorage length required |, = F/ (rf,) where = BM, 0.5V40 3.16 Nimm? 52.8 x 10°/ (nx 13 x 3.16) 409mm, say 450mm 1964. The anchorage length of straight bars will exceed the overall beam depth of 300mm. Therefore, a bend will be provided in the tension bar. Check bearing stress within the bend hay Bearing stress = — 1+ 2(o1a,) 1+ 2(6/a,) Minimum or x 2h Assuming plate thickness of inserts = 35 mm a= 35 +6 = 48mm Hence minimum bending radius (52.8 x 105/13] x1 + 2(13/48)] | (2 x 40) b. Bar in Compression Compression force in bar, C = 50 kN A =CI0.87f, = 0 x 10°(0.87 x 460) 25 mm? Use 2 numbers of T13, one on each side of insert. (A,=265mm?) Check compression anchorage Force per bar F, Compression anchorage required, 63, 98 Nimm? 5 x 10°N(me x 13 x 3.98) Provide |, = 200 mm Steel insert design Ultimate bending moment 15xV 15x 150 2.5 KNM 2.5 x 108/(275 x 10°) 1.8 cm* Restrict height of plate to 100 mm due to cover requirements to shear links. 1.8 x 10° x 4/100? 33 mm, say t= 35 mm Note: When t > 16mm thick, p, should be 265N/mm?. However, the adopted thickness of t=35mm remains valid in this case. Plastic section modulus required Hence t 197Check shear Plate thickness under shear for d = 100 dxt =Vi0.6p, t= 150 x 10°(0.6 x 275 x 100) mm <35mm, OK 5. Welding design of steel bars Maximum tension force = 52.8 KN per bar Weld length available = 100mm, :. Weld strength required 2.8/100 = 0.528 kNimm Try 4 mm fillet weld on both sides of the bar. Welding strength provided 0.707 x 4.x 215 x 103 x2 = 1.22 kN/mm > 0.528 kN/mm OK Provide continuous welding of 4 mm fillet weld on both sides of the bar. 6. Detailing gL sso Note: Al welling tobe Arn filet weld Ae Kt 1983.14 Force Transfer By Welding ‘Welding for the purpose of force transfer between reinforcing bars or between bars and other steel sections is permitted under Part 1, clause 7.6, of the Code. Provided the steels are weldable and suitable safeguards and techniques are employed, welding is a practical method to achieve the force transfer between connections in precast construction. There are two types of welds, namely butt and fillet weld. Butt welds may be considered as strong ‘as the parent steel as long as full penetration for the weld is achieved. The size of butt weld is specified by its throat thickness and is the smaller value of the two materials being joined. Figure 3.23 shows some typical butt welds between bars and other steel sections. Fillet welds are more ‘commonly used as they do not require special surface preparation of the reinforcing bars or plates and are therefore cheaper than butt welds. Figure 3.24 shows some typical filet welds between bars and other steel sections. The strength of fillet weld is given as: p, throat thickness) x (unit length) x (design shear stress) An X Py .7 x leg length x py TXSX Py, — (3.54) Table 3.3 shows the design strength for filet welds Design strength per unit length in kNimm Grade 43 | Grade50_ | Grade 55 Leg length | £43, eas | £51 | E51 ES1* | s (mm) E51 Py = 215 N/mm? Py =255Nimm? | p, = 275 Nimm? 0.602 0714 0.770 0.753 0.893, 0.963, 0.903 4.071 1.204 1.428 1.505 785 1.806 2.142 2.257 2.667 2.709 3.213 3.010 3.750 3.311 3.927 3.763 I 4.463 Note (1) E denotes electrode complying with BS639 (2) Grade 43, 0, 55 complying with BS 4360, (3) only applies to electrodes having a minimum tensile strength of '550 Nim? and a minimum yield strength of 450 Nima Table: 3.3 Design Strength For Fillet Weld For welding between reinforcing bars or reinforcing bars with steel sections, the reader may refer to guidelines on welding design from the latest edition of ANSI/AWS D1.4 - Structural Welding Code, Reinforcing Steel. 199Figure 3.23 Typical Butt Welding4. Bar to plate with countersunk hole length Bar tw b. Bar to plate with through hole Bar2 . Bar to bar (placed at angles) = LO 9. Bar to stee! angle Note: a,”= 0.39, a,* = 0.20 from ANSI/AWS D1.4 (1992) Figure 3.24 Typical Fillet Welding 2013.15 Shear Key Connection Shear key connections may be un-reinforced . When the elements are prevented from moving apart under shear loading, usually by means of reinforcing ties at top and bottom of the joint as shown in Figure 3.35, tests have shown that there is similar deformation behaviour as those of reinforced keys. However, there is also a definite increase in joint strength if the shear keys are reinforced. (@) Diagonal Tension (b) Crushing and Shearing _(c) Direct Shearing _(d) Dislocation ‘off comer of shear key Figure 3.25 Failure Modes Of Joint Concrete In Shear Key Figure 3.25 illustrates the failure modes of shear key joints which are : @. diagonal cracks aoross the joint, b. crushing and shearing off comer of the shear key, c. direct shearing cracks parallel to the joint, and d. slippage or dislocation at the contact face. The different failure modes of shear keys are dependent on the compressive strength of the joint concrete, surface adhesion and bonding strength at the contact surfaces and the profile of the keys. In general, the mode of failures in (a) and (c) takes place in normal shear keys having 6 < hid < 8 and c= 30°, where h and d being the respective height and depth of the shear key and a. the slope of contact faces as shown in Figure 3.26. The minimum dimension of d should be 10mm. Test results have shown that maximum joint capacity is obtained for shear key having the above dimensions. (reference 10) Failure mode (b) generally occurs in long shear key where hid > 8 and the key capacity is not fully mobilised. In (d), failure occurs when a > 30 Depending on the number of keys, the forces acting on a single key joint due to a distributed vertical shear force V can be obtained as shown in Figure 3.26 Figure 3.26 Forces In Shear Key Joint 202Compression force perpendicular to the slope face of the key: F, = Vooso — (3.55) Sliding force parallel to the key slope: F, = Vsina. — (3.56) The resistance to the sliding force F,, is given as F, = 0.6, 0.6 wx V cos — (3.57) where jis the shear friction coefficient. When F,, exceeds the frictional resistance by shear friction, shear friction reinforcement is to be provided for the total F,.. Reinforcement is calculated as in accordance with the Code: A=V/(0.6 1x 0.871,) Value of may be obtained from Table 3.1. In general it may be taken as 1.4 for shear key joint and A. is then simplified as: A= 1.2V/(0.87f,) —(3.58) 3.16 Column Base Connection 3.16.1 General Column to foundation connections can be achieved through one of the following means 4. socket connection 2. base plate connection 3. grouted pipe sleeves Column to column connections are, in principle, similar to column to foundation connections and methods (2) and (3) above are most commonly adopted in practice. The connection by pipe sleeves is explained in Section 3.6. 3.16.2 Socket connection In socket connection, the precast columns are fixed rigidly to the foundation and loads are transmitted by skin friction in the socket and by end bearing. Itis common to roughen the surfaces or form shear keys at the sides of the socket or columns in order to enhance the transfer of axial load by shear wedging. In the case of large overturning moment where the column reinforcements in tension, the column bars extending into the socket must be fully anchored by bond or other means. The bars ‘may be hooked at their ends for the purpose of reducing the depth of the socket. Additional links are also required in the precast columns to resist the bursting pressure generated by end bearing forces. Figure 3.27 shows two variations of the socket connection in practice. The socket may also be precast when soil condition allows pad footing design 203,In-situ socket is cast using a box shutter. The clearance gap between the socket wall and column should be at least 50 to 75 mm all round for ease of grouting or concreting as well as to allow for construction tolerances. The socket walls may be used to support precast or in-situ ground beams or slabs. In general, the structural floor may be 200 to 300 mm or greater above the socket. A minimum of 40 mm root depth should be allowed at the bottom of the socket. (a) Socket above footing/pile cap (b) Socket within footing/pile cap Figure 3.27 Socket Connection During erection, the precast column rests on packing pieces and is wedged into position using timber pieces as shown in Figure 3.28. Altematively, column props at orthogonal directions may be used. Section I-1 Figure 3.28 Timber Wedging At Column Installation ‘To assist in centering the column, a dowel may be provided at the base of the socket. The design of the socket connection may adopt the following steps: (reference 11) 1. Support reactions Referring to Figure 3.29, a rotation of the column in the socket under moment shifts the support reac- tion at the column base from the centre line towards the edge. The resultant reaction R at the base may be assumed to act at a distance a/6 from the column centre line. 204Figure 3.29 Distribution Of Forces In Column Socket, From Figure 3.29 the following forces may be derived a. Horizontal force Hy Moment about point A M+ N(al2) + Hy x 0.9h = H x 0.8h + wH, xa + R(a/2 + a/6) Support reaction at column base is R=N-pH ‘Substituting R into the above equation and after rearranging Hg = (M-0.17aN + 0.9hHp) / (0.8h + 0.33an1) — (3.59) Ifthe height of the socket is taken as h = 1.5a and ignoring the top 0.1h (assumed cover zone) of the socket height, the effective column embedment length is given as h=0.9x 15a ie.a=0.74h For a smooth column face, the coefficient of friction 1 = 0.3 is used and substituting a = 0.74h and 41 = 0.3 into equation 3.59, the following simplified expression for horizontal force H, is obtained: Hy = 1.14M/h-O.15N + 1.03H, — (3.60) 205b. Horizontal force Hy, By equilibrium : H, = Hy - Hp — (3.61) c. Vertical reaction R Resolve vertically : R = N- 1H, — (3.62) Hence knowing H,, N and M, H,, Hy and R can be calculated. d. Reinforcement in socket ‘The ring reinforcement at H, level is calculated from Aca = Ha! (0.87f,) (3.63) Ring reinforcement at H, level is calculated from Asa = (Hy HR) | (0.876) — (3.64) If wR is greater than H,, no ring reinforcement is needed. Vertical reinforcement A, in the socket is calculated at the lower level using the moment M,=M+Hpxh — (3.65) ‘Schematic reinforcement in the socket is shown in Figure 3.30. Figure 3.30 Typical Socket Reinforcement Detailing 2. Column reinforcement in socket To reduce the depth of the socket, the main column reinforcement in the socket may be lapped with looped bars. Minimum reinforcement at the lower end of the column should be A,=H,/ (0.87f,) Typical column reinforcement in the socket is shown in Figure 3.31 206Within the socket depth, the column section should be designed for shear using H,. Effect of increases in concrete shear capacity due to axial compression may be ignored. There should be additional stirrups in the embedded column as it will improve the main steel bar anchorage. The stirrups will also act as reinforcement for bursting forces at the base due to axial vertical load. The amount of stirrups to be provided (assumed to be uniformly distributed) for bursting effect may be calculated from Se Hai 11 (Table 4.7, Part 1, CP 65) 41N — (3.66) where H,.,, is the bursting force and N is the axial vertical force. tz Commencement of ‘main bar anchorage Figure 3.31 Typical Reinforcement Of Column In Socket Socket dimensions ‘The following considerations have been commonly used in the dimensioning and design of column sockets > strength of concrete in socket > C35 strength of concrete/grout for the socket gap infill > C35, ©. height of socket should be a
0.94 Nimm? OK Strength of infills, 958.5 kN 300 x 200mm? 958.5 x 10°/ (300 x 200) = 16.0 Nimm? From clause, the concrete grade of infill f., Contact area 6.0/0.6 26.7 Nimm?, say min. C35 Detailing 2118 || 3T10(@) @ 25 ole 110] T10() T104b) T10¢b) TIO) @ 25 cle Tatts) Oo Reinforcement Detailing 23.16.3 Base plate connection Column base plates can be used when a moment connection is required. The base plates must be designed for both the erection loads and loads which occur in service. Unlike socket or grouted pipe sleeves connections which require time to develop the necessary strength, columns using base plate connections can achieve immediate stability which will greatly facilitate erection of other precast com- ponents. The choice in using base plates rather than sockets or grouted pipes is based more on work produetivity than on structural requirements. Two commonly used base plate details are shown in Figure 3.32. The column base plates may be larger than, flushed or smaller than, the column dimensions. In cases where base plates are larger than the columns, the plates must be protected against corrosion by concrete haunching, electro or hot-dip galvanising. (b) Flush base plate Figure 3.32 Column Base Plate Connections (references 5 and 9) 212‘The base plates are fixed to the column by steel reinforcement welded to the plates. Additional inks are usually provided to resist bursting pressure. Holding down bolts are often specified to be either grade 4.6 or 8.8. The length of bolts should be designed in accordance with the acting forces. The end of the bolts may be hooked, L-shaped or fitted with a stee! plate typically 100 x 100 x 9 mm thick to increase the pull-out capacity. Confined reinforcement in the form of inks around the bolts is recommended and should not be less than 4 numbers of R8 links at 50 mm near to the top of the bolts. The thickness of the base plate depends on the overhang projection from the column face. tis subjected to biaxial bending from the resultant compressive forces acting on the surface. For this reason, the ‘overhang projection is normally limited to 100 to 125 mm; a minimum practical limit for detailing and site erection purposes. Holes in the plate are normally oversized to offset construction setting out and production tolerances. In general, there should be an all round gap of between 10 to 15 mm between the edges of the bolt and plate hole. Figure 3.33 shows the distribution of forces in a column base plate connection Figure 3.33 Force Distribution In Column Base Plate 213214 The following steps may be used to calculate the base plate thickness: a Resolve forces vertically N where x = compressive stress block depth Af,,bx-T — (3.67) Moment about centreline of compressive stress block T= [M-N(dl2- /2)]/ (d- o = x/2) — (3.68) Substituting equation 3.67 into 3.68 and putting M=Nxe, the following simplified expression is obtained. (q/dF-2(1 =a J d)ly, a) +5 N(@+0.5d-d') / (f,,bd") = 0 — (3.69) from which z/d and hence T can be calculated. If g/d > NIO.4F,,bd, then T is positive and the area of holding down bolts can be calculated from A,= T/(2nx fa) — (3.70) where =n f, \umber of bolts timate tensile strength of bolts }95 Nimm: for grade 4.6 bolts }50N/mm? for grade 8.8 bolts The thickness t of the column base plate may be obtained using plastic analysis and is the greater of i. Based on compression side t =Vo.8ri7%, inmm — (3.71) ii, Based on tension side t = Vateibp,) inmm — (3.72) yield strength of steel plate (refer to table 6, Part 1, BS 5950) not greater than 275 Nimmé for grade 43 and 355 Nimm? for grade 50 steel, plate overhang beyond column face distance between centres of bolt and column bar If yd < NIO.4f,bd, then T is negative and the above equations are not valid. The analysis simplifies to the following N =fby — 373) wid =1-2eld — (3.74) where p, where f, is the uniformly distributed concrete compressive stresses under the combined action of N and M. The required plate thickness is given by t= V2E%p, — (3.75)Design Example 10: Column Base Plate Connection Design a column base plate connection for a 300 x 300mm precast column subjected to an ultimate axial load N = 1000 kN and a moment M = 100 kNm. Use grade 43 base plate and grout strength f.,, = 40 Nimmé. Try 500 x 500 plate with 100 mm overhang all round from the column face. From equation 3.67 (Id)? - 2(1-d'1d)(x/d) + 5 N(e + 0.5d - d')/ (f,,bd?) = 0 MIN d i f, 00 mm 500 mm 50 mm 10 Nimme (x16)? -2(1 - 50/500)(x/d) + 5 x1000 (100 + 0.5 x 500 - 50) x 10°/ (40 x 500 x 500") (Wid -1.8G/d) +03 =0 (wd) = 0.186 N/ (0.4 f,,bd) = 1000 x 10° / (0.4 x 40 x 500 x500) = 0.25 > 0.186 Hence there is no tension in the holding down bolts. Revise the design using equation 3.74. wid =1-2eId = 2x 100/500 6 = 300 mm From equation 3.73, N {, = 1000 x 10°(500 x 300) = 6.67 Nimm? From equation 3.75, the plate thickness t = V(2tip,) Using grade 43 steel plate, p, = 275 Nimm? and |, = 100 mm (2.x 6.67 x 1007275) 2mm t Use t = 25 mm Plate size = 500 x 500 x 25 mm thick Note: When steel plate thickness t>16mm, the required plate thickness should be recalculated using p, = 265 Nimm®. The adopted plate t = 25mm is, however, stil valid in the above calculations. Column Base Plate 2153.17 Connection Of Precast Walls Precast wall panels are usually single-storey high panels which are connected to each other and to the floor slabs. The connections are an integral part of the structural support system for vertical gravity dead and live load as well as for the transfer of horizontal in-plane forces from the floor diaphragm action. Figure 3.34 illustrates the different resulting joint force systems from internal and external forces. ral oads out of » goo ate 9 Figure 3.34 Exterior Forces And Joint Force System (references 5 and 9) There are two principal types of joint in precast wall panels 1. vertical joint for the purpose of transferring vertical shear forces from one wall component to the next with minimum relative movement 2. horizontal wall to floor and wall to foundation joint for the transferring of compressive, tensile and shear from one component to the other. 3.17.1. Vertical wall joint Vertical wall joints may be formed by 4. concentrating on the reinforcement crossing the joint at the top and bottom of the wall panels within the structural floor depth. The reinforcement serves as structural ties and provides artificial clamping forces to prevent the wall panels from separating. See Figure 3.35a. 2. embossing the edges of the wall panels with castellations or shear keys which act as mechanical locks when the panels deform under shear loading. Interlacing reinforcement projecting from the edges of the panels and running along the joint area as shown in Figure 3.35b may also be incorporated. The joint space is finally filled with concrete or grout, 3. mechanical connectors which consist of cast-in anchorage devices in the walls and steel section crossing the joint. As shown in Figure 3.36, the final connection is normally made by bolting or welding. The connections are usually located at the upper and lower region of the wall joint. The mechanical assemblies are eventually encased with concrete for protection against exposure to weather and fire. Figures 3.35 and 3.36 show the differences between each of the above joints. 216| + ff Fo a) The reinforcing ties are placed _b) Tie bar in the vertical joint inthe horizontal joint Figure 3.35 Connection At Vertical Shear Joints 4) Direct welding ge 4 mee e) Welding with make-up pieces Figure 3.36 Mechanical Connection In Vertical Wall Joint (references 5 and 9) 2173.17.2. Horizontal wall joint Horizontal wall joints occur at floor levels and at the transition to the foundation or transfer beams. The principal forces to be transferred at the connection are essentially vertical gravity loads and horizontal forces from floor diaphragm action. The resulting forces acting at the joint for design considerations are shown in Figure 3.37 and consist of: normal to joint — compressive and tensile horizontal to joint — horizontal shear vertical to joint at face — vertical shear perpendicular to joint — compressive and tensile from floor diaphragm action and bending stresses from framing action of the wall with floor slabs BONS Figure 3.37 Exploded View Of An Interior Floor To Wall Connection And The Various Connection Forces (references 5 and 9) 218The capacity of the joint to transfer vertical loads depends on a number of factors: compressive strenath of joint concrete and wall panels ratio of loaded width to wall thickness ratio of loaded width to joint thickness splitting strength of wall ends and joint concrete confinement of joint concrete tensile strength of mechanical connectors eEkene The horizontal load transfer capacity will depend on : 1. shear friction resistance 2, frictional resistance at interface 3. horizontal shear strength of mechanical connectors Depending on the floor elements and their supporting details, the horizontal joint may be constructed continuous or with connections at isolated locations. In a continuous joint, there are, in general, three basic types of details as shown in Figure 3.38. 1, thin mortar joint 2. wedged or open joint 3. platform or close joint The isolated connections can be grouted pipe sleeves, dowels or mechanical connections with welded plates and bolts. 2) Wedge or 3) Platform or open ji close joint Figure 3.38 Different Forms Of Horizontal Wall Joints 3.17.3 Vertical load capacity of joint concrete or mortar The mortar joint is cheap, simple and the most widely used continuous horizontal joint connection in precast wall construction. The mortar may be in fluid colloidal or dry-packed form and is either poured or packed in the joint space before or after the walls are erected. The joints are usually unreinforced ‘The strength of the mortar joint depends primarily on the relative strength (and hence the elastic response) of the mortar and the walls as well as the dimensions of the joint. Under vertical loads, the joint may fail in one of the manners as shown in Figure 3.1 The vertical load capacity of the mortar joint may be determined either by stipulations in Part 1, clause 5.3.6 of the Code or by other approaches as given in Section 3.6.1 219For wedge or platform horizontal wall joints shown in Figure 3.38, a simple design method to determine the vertical load capacity of the precast wall panels is outlined in the SBI Direction 115 - Danish Building Research institute 1981 (reference 6). The design method assumes the occurrence of split failure in the wall panel concrete as shown in Figure 3.39. The vertical stresses are assumed to be uniformly distributed over the panel width, t, and the width of the joint concrete, t,. In the mid-vertical section of the wall, transverse stresses ‘occur in the form of compressive stresses at the top and tensile stresses a little further down. The maximum transverse stresses in the wall panel concrete, denoted as {, is related to the vertical compressive stresses, f,, by the simple relationship A= (1-2 — (376) a) Force transfer b) Stress in middie section at top of wall Figure 3.39 Stress Systems In Horizontal Wall Joint Failure will occur if f,is equal to the tensile strength of the concrete. If the tensile strength of the ‘conerete is conservatively taken to be 10% of the compressive strength, then the vertical load capacity per unit length of the wall panel is calculated as below: From equation 3.76 {= 24/(1-t,/1) Assuming f,= 0.1f 0.2f.,9/ (1- t/t) Where f,,.is the cylinder compressive strength of the wall panel, The vertical load carrying capacity per unit length of the wall is given as: n= fe xt Og (1 =t/ 1) Xt = 02th! (1= t/t) Assuming f,, = 1.25 fag n= 0.16 + f,/ (1-t,/ 1) — (377) ‘According to reference 6, equation 3.77 is valid up to a compressive failure of the wall panel when the compressive stresses in the wall panels reach 0.75f,,,. (equivalent to 0.6F,,). Hence n, <0.6f,,xt 3.17.4 Isolated connection ‘Typical examples of isolated connections in precast walls are shown in Figure 3.40. Since all forces are concentrated at a few points, special attention must be taken to ensure that the concentrated forces at the connection can be safely dispersed to the upper and lower wall panels. Small diameter reinforcement in the form of stirrups or loops should be detailed in the immediate vicinity of the connection in the wall panels to prevent splitting, bursting and spalling of concrete. In cantilever shear walls subjected to overturning in-plane moment, the moment can be resolved into tension and compression force couple. The tension force can be resisted by grouted pipe sleeves, dowels, couplers, bolts or welded plates connection. Similar details may also be applied to the compression force as in most cases, the moment is reversible. 203.17.5 Structural ties in wall joint Structural vertical and horizontal integrity ties can be incorporated into the joint details and some typical examples are shown in Figure 3.35. 3.17.6 In-plane shear capacity The in-plane shear capacity in vertical and horizontal wall joints with smooth or cast surfaces can be determined based on the permissible ultimate shear stress values given in Part 1, clause 5.3.7, under the following conditions 1. 0.23 Nimm?in the absence of compressive forces across the joint 2. 0.45 N/mm? when the jointis under compression under all design conditions. The compressive force may be generated from gravity dead and live load or artificially created by reinforcement placed across the joint. The in-plane shear capacity is only valid provided the joints are prevented from opening up. Vertical ie Vertical tie or anchor ‘or anchor bare bars Zt Block out Steel plate ‘Connector Projecting vertical te La] welded to Vertical te ‘Connector Stee pate Vertical tie L 4 a) b) °) a) a) Vertical ducts and lapping of ties by grouting b) Simple dowel pin connection for horizontal shear forces only c) Mechanical bolting of vertical tie reinforcement 4d) Welded joint Figure 3.40 Isolated Connection In Wall Panels 2241
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