List of Trigonometric Identities
List of Trigonometric Identities
List of Trigonometric Identities
Inverse functions
Further reading
Exact constants
Trigonometric tables
Law of sines
Law of cosines
Law of tangents
Pythagorean theorem
Trigonometric substitution
Integrals of functions
Derivatives of functions
Integrals of inverse functions
v • d • e
In mathematics, trigonometric identities are equalities that involve trigonometric functions and
are true for every single value of the occurring variables (see Identity (mathematics)).
Geometrically, these are identities involving certain functions of one or more angles. These are
distinct from triangle identities, which are identities involving both angles and side lengths of a
triangle. Only the former are covered in this article.
These identities are useful whenever expressions involving trigonometric functions need to be
simplified. An important application is the integration of non-trigonometric functions: a common
technique involves first using the substitution rule with a trigonometric function, and then
simplifying the resulting integral with a trigonometric identity.
1 Notation
o 1.1 Angles
o 1.2 Trigonometric functions
o 1.3 Inverse functions
2 Pythagorean identity
o 2.1 Related identities
3 Historic shorthands
4 Symmetry, shifts, and periodicity
o 4.1 Symmetry
o 4.2 Shifts and periodicity
5 Angle sum and difference identities
o 5.1 Matrix form
o 5.2 Sines and cosines of sums of infinitely many terms
o 5.3 Tangents of sums of finitely many terms
o 5.4 Secants of sums of finitely many terms
6 Multiple-angle formulae
o 6.1 Double-, triple-, and half-angle formulae
o 6.2 Sine, cosine, and tangent of multiple angles
o 6.3 Chebyshev method
o 6.4 Tangent of an average
o 6.5 Viète's infinite product
7 Power-reduction formulae
8 Product-to-sum and sum-to-product identities
o 8.1 Other related identities
o 8.2 Hermite's cotangent identity
o 8.3 Ptolemy's theorem
9 Linear combinations
10 Other sums of trigonometric functions
11 Certain linear fractional transformations
12 Inverse trigonometric functions
o 12.1 Compositions of trig and inverse trig functions
13 Relation to the complex exponential function
14 Infinite product formula
15 Identities without variables
o 15.1 Computing π
o 15.2 A useful mnemonic for certain values of sines and cosines
o 15.3 Miscellany
16 Calculus
o 16.1 Implications
17 Exponential definitions
18 Miscellaneous
o 18.1 Dirichlet kernel
o 18.2 Extension of half-angle formula
19 See also
20 Notes
21 References
22 External links
[edit] Notation
[edit] Angles
This article uses Greek letters such as alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ), and theta (θ) to represent
angles. Several different units of angle measure are widely used, including degrees, radians, and
The following table shows the conversions for some common angles:
Grads 50 grad 100 grad 150 grad 200 grad 250 grad 300 grad 350 grad 400 grad
Unless otherwise specified, all angles in this article are assumed to be in radians, though angles
ending in a degree symbol (°) are in degrees.
The primary trigonometric functions are the sine and cosine of an angle. These are sometimes
abbreviated sin(θ) and cos(θ), respectively, where θ is the angle, but the parentheses around the
angle are often omitted, e.g. sin θ and cos θ.
The tangent (tan) of an angle is the ratio of the sine to the cosine:
Finally, the reciprocal functions secant (sec), cosecant (csc), and cotangent (cot) are the
reciprocals of the cosine, sine, and tangent:
The inverse trigonometric functions are partial inverse functions for the trigonometric functions.
For example, the inverse function for the sine, known as the inverse sine (sin−1) or arcsine
(arcsin or asin), satisfies
This article uses the following notation for inverse trigonometric functions:
This can be viewed as a version of the Pythagorean theorem, and follows from the equation
x2 + y2 = 1 for the unit circle. This equation can be solved for either the sine or the cosine:
Using these identities together with the ratio identities, it is possible to express any trigonometric
function in terms of any other (up to a plus or minus sign):
[edit] Symmetry
When the trigonometric functions are reflected from certain angles, the result is often one of the
other trigonometric functions. This leads to the following identities:
Reflected in θ = π / 4
Reflected in θ = 0[3] Reflected in θ = π / 2
(co-function identities)[4]
By shifting the function round by certain angles, it is often possible to find different
trigonometric functions that express the result more simply. Some examples of this are shown by
shifting functions round by π/2, π and 2π radians. Because the periods of these functions are
either π or 2π, there are cases where the new function is exactly the same as the old function
without the shift.
Shift by π Shift by 2π
Shift by π/2
Period for tan and cot Period for sin, cos, csc and sec[6]
[edit] Angle sum and difference identities
These are also known as the addition and subtraction theorems or formulæ. They were originally
established by the 10th century Persian mathematician Abū al-Wafā' Būzjānī. One method of
proving these identities is to apply Euler's formula. The use of the symbols and is described
at the article Plus-minus sign.
Sine [7][8]
Cosine [8][9]
Arcsine [11]
Arccosine [12]
The sum and difference formulae for sine and cosine can be written in matrix form, thus:
[edit] Sines and cosines of sums of infinitely many terms
In these two identities an asymmetry appears that is not seen in the case of sums of finitely many
terms: in each product, there are only finitely many sine factors and cofinitely many cosine
If only finitely many of the terms θi are nonzero, then only finitely many of the terms on the right
side will be nonzero because sine factors will vanish, and in each term, all but finitely many of
the cosine factors will be unity.
Let ek (for k ∈ {0, ..., n}) be the kth-degree elementary symmetric polynomial in the variables
For example:
For example,
These can be shown by using either the sum and difference identities or the multiple-angle
Double-angle formulae[16][17]
Triple-angle formulae[14][18]
Half-angle formulae[19][20]
The fact that the triple-angle formula for sine and cosine only involves powers of a single
function allows one to relate the geometric problem of a compass and straightedge construction
of angle trisection to the algebraic problem of solving a cubic equation, which allows one to
prove that this is in general impossible, by field theory.
A formula for computing the trigonometric identities for the third-angle exists, but it requires
finding the zeroes of the cubic equation , where x is the value of the sine
function at some angle and d is the known value of the sine function at the triple angle. However,
the discriminant of this equation is negative, so this equation has three real roots (of which only
one is the solution within the correct third-circle) but none of these solutions is reducible to a real
algebraic expression, as they use intermediate complex numbers under the cube roots, (which
may be expressed in terms of real-only functions only if using hyperbolic functions).
For specific multiples, these follow from the angle addition formulas, while the general formula
was given by 16th century French mathematician Vieta.
The Chebyshev method is a recursive algorithm for finding the nth multiple angle formula
knowing the (n − 1)th and (n − 2)th formulae.[21]
The cosine for nx can be computed from the cosine of (n − 1) and (n − 2) as follows:
Similarly sin(nx) can be computed from the sines of (n − 1)x and (n − 2)x
where H/K = tan(n − 1)x.
Cosine Sine
if n
if n
Charles Hermite demonstrated the following identity.[24] Suppose a1, ..., an are complex numbers,
no two of which differ by an integer multiple of π. Let
(The first three equalities are trivial; the fourth is the substance of this identity.) Essentially this
is Ptolemy's theorem adapted to the language of trigonometry.
or equivalently
The above identity is sometimes convenient to know when thinking about the Gudermannian
function, which relates the circular and hyperbolic trigonometric functions without resorting to
complex numbers.
If x, y, and z are the three angles of any triangle, i.e. if x + y + z = π, then
and similarly
More tersely stated, if for all α we let ƒα be what we called ƒ above, then
If x is the slope of a line, then ƒ(x) is the slope of its rotation through an angle of −α.
where i2 = − 1.
A similar-looking identity is
and in addition
The following is perhaps not as readily generalized to an identity containing variables (but see
explanation below):
Degree measure ceases to be more felicitous than radian measure when we consider this identity
with 21 in the denominators:
The factors 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 may start to make the pattern clear: they are those integers less than
21/2 that are relatively prime to (or have no prime factors in common with) 21. The last several
examples are corollaries of a basic fact about the irreducible cyclotomic polynomials: the cosines
are the real parts of the zeroes of those polynomials; the sum of the zeroes is the Möbius function
evaluated at (in the very last case above) 21; only half of the zeroes are present above. The two
identities preceding this last one arise in the same fashion with 21 replaced by 10 and 15,
[edit] Computing π
An efficient way to compute π is based on the following identity without variables, due to
For certain simple angles, the sines and cosines take the form for 0 ≤ n ≤ 4, which makes
them easy to remember.
[edit] Miscellany
[edit] Calculus
In calculus the relations stated below require angles to be measured in radians; the relations
would become more complicated if angles were measured in another unit such as degrees. If the
trigonometric functions are defined in terms of geometry, their derivatives can be found by
verifying two limits. The first is:
verified using the unit circle and squeeze theorem. L'Hopital's rule can work as well: the
derivative of sin x is cos x and the derivative of x is 1 so we find the wanted limit easily knowing
that cos 0 = 1. The second limit is:
verified using the identity tan(x/2) = (1 − cos x)/sin x. Having established these two limits, one
can use the limit definition of the derivative and the addition theorems to show that (sin x)
′ = cos x and (cos x)′ = −sin x. If the sine and cosine functions are defined by their Taylor series,
then the derivatives can be found by differentiating the power series term-by-term.
The rest of the trigonometric functions can be differentiated using the above identities and the
rules of differentiation:[32][33][34]
The integral identities can be found in "list of integrals of trigonometric functions". Some generic
forms are listed below.
[edit] Implications
The fact that the differentiation of trigonometric functions (sine and cosine) results in linear
combinations of the same two functions is of fundamental importance to many fields of
mathematics, including differential equations and Fourier transforms.
[edit] Miscellaneous
[edit] Dirichlet kernel
The Dirichlet kernel Dn(x) is the function occurring on both sides of the next identity:
The convolution of any integrable function of period 2π with the Dirichlet kernel coincides with
the function's nth-degree Fourier approximation. The same holds for any measure or generalized
If we set
where eix = cos(x) + i sin(x), sometimes abbreviated to cis(x).
This substitution of t for tan(x/2), with the consequent replacement of sin(x) by 2t/(1 + t2) and
cos(x) by (1 − t2)/(1 + t2) is useful in calculus for converting rational functions in sin(x) and
cos(x) to functions of t in order to find their antiderivatives. For more information see tangent
half-angle formula.