Labour Productivity2 PDF
Labour Productivity2 PDF
Labour Productivity2 PDF
Dissertation Supervisor:
Dr. Mohammed Dulaimi
Prepared by:
Fawaz Daoud Abweh
February, 2009
In order for businesses to succeed, management must keep a close eye on the
bottom line. One of the many factors that directly affect a firm's profitability is
employee productivity.
The study shows that the productivity rates of the construction workers vary from
one project to another, taking into consideration the type of the activity to be carried
out and the surrounding work environment. However, the study also highlights how
the project manager can intervene in order to improve the productivity of his
gave me full support and help in order to complete this thesis. And special thanks to
Dr. Mohammed Dulaimi who guided me all through the research stages.
1.1 Background 9
1.2 Economic Growth & Productivity 11
1.3 Research Aim 13
1.4 Research Objectives 14
1.5 Research Methodology 15
1.6 Research Organisation 15
3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 Factors Affecting Productivity of Construction Worker 29
3.2.1 Motivation 31
3.2.2 Planning 35
3.2.3 Specialization 37
3.2.4 Training 39
3.2.5 Health & Safety 41
3.2.6 Technology & Innovation 43
3.2.7 Monitoring & Control 45
4.1 Research Methods 47
4.2 Work Sampling Study 47
4.3 Productivity Measurement 49
5.1 Project # 1 55
5.1.1 Productivity of Steel Fixers for tunnel steel works 55
5.1.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works 56
5.1.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks 57
5.1.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works 58
5.1.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works 59
5.2 Project # 2 60
5.2.1 Productivity of Steel Fixers for tunnel steel works 60
5.2.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works 61
5.2.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks 62
5.2.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works 63
5.2.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works 64
5.3 Project # 3 65
5.3.1 Productivity of Steel Fixers for tunnel steel works 65
5.3.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works 66
5.3.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks 67
5.3.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works 68
5.3.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works 69
5.4 Project # 4 70
5.4.1 Productivity of Steel Fixers for tunnel steel works 70
5.4.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works 71
5.4.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks 72
5.4.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works 73
5.4.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works 74
5.5 Project # 5 75
5.5.1 Productivity of Steel Fixers for tunnel steel works 75
5.5.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works 76
5.5.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks 77
5.5.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works 78
5.5.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works 79
5.6 Results Summary 80
6.1 Results Analysis 86
6.2 Interviews 87
6.2.1 Project # 1 88
6.2.2 Project # 2 90
6.2.3 Project # 3 92
6.2.4 Project # 4 93
6.2.5 Project # 5 94
6.3 Discussion and Conclusion 96
Appendix A: Interview Questions Sample 100
Appendix B: Tables of the Collected Daily Data 101
Table 5.14 Results summary of parapet formwork activity at project # 3 68
Table 5.15 Results summary of block work activity at project # 3 69
Monitoring of daily average productivity rates of tunnel steel
Figure 5.11 65
activity at project # 3
Monitoring of daily average productivity rates of footing
Figure 5.12 66
steel activity at project # 3
Monitoring of daily average productivity rates of footing
Figure 5.13 67
formworks activity at project # 3
Monitoring of daily average productivity rates of parapet
Figure 5.14 68
formworks activity at project # 3
Monitoring of daily average productivity rates of block work
Figure 5.15 69
activity at project # 3
1.1 Background
Productivity remains as one of the most elusive concepts in business and economic
literature. It remains elusive because of a lack of definitive theoretical work
mainly at the firm level (Taylor, 2007). However, the ever-rising customer
requirements and expectations have increased demands for continually introducing
improvements in the cost, timing and quality of the construction output. As world
competition intensifies, leading construction organizations throughout the world
continue to be more active in enhancing their competitive position by improving
their performance. Thus, setting new operating targets and standards for national
markets, this dynamic mechanism and the well-known fierce national competition
have raised the awareness of performance measurement (benchmarking) among the
majority of construction organizations.(Sherif, 1996)
There has been much work identifying the factors that affect productivity.
Ineffective management has been cited as the primary cause of poor productivity
rather than an unmotivated and unskilled workforce consequently, there has been
significant research on how to make management more effective in supporting
craftsworkers in the field. There is no doubt that management effectiveness
ultimately determines profitability in most cases. Four primary ways of increasing
productivity through management include: planning; resource supply and control;
supply of information and feedback; and selection of the right people to control
certain functions (Sanvido, 1988).
generate a pool from which labour can be compensated for its contribution to this
result in the form of pay rises.
Sharon (2004) defines productivity as the ratio of output to one or more of the
inputs used in production - labour, land, capital (plant, machinery and equipment)
etc. According to him, Total Factor Productivity (TFP) is defined as: output/total
inputs. Labour productivity is defined as: output/labour inputs, and is therefore a
partial productivity measure. Productivity provides us with a way of looking at how
efficiently production inputs are used in an economy. It is important to bear in mind
the distinction between labour productivity and TFP. An improvement in labour
productivity (when defined as GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per hour worked)
may not reflect an improvement in the efficiency of labour; it may result from the
substitution of capital for labour, for example.
However, Sharon stated that it is also important to consider productivity over the
long run. This is because, in the short run, productivity is strongly influenced by
cyclical factors. So, for example, in the early part of a recession, labour productivity
falls as output falls at a faster rate than labour is shed. During an economic upturn,
labour productivity tends to rise, as labour is more fully utilized, and firms are able
to expand with a less than proportional increase in employment.
According to Saari (2006), economic activity can be identified with production and
consumption. Production is a process of combining various immaterial and material
inputs of production so as to produce tools for consumption. The way of combining
the inputs of production in the process of making output is called technology.
Technology can be depicted mathematically by the production function which
describes the function between input and output. The production function depicts
production performance and productivity is the measure of it. By help of the
production function, it is possible to describe simply the mechanism of economic
growth. Economic growth is a production increase achieved by an economic
community. It is usually expressed as an annual growth percentage depicting (real)
growth of the national product. Economic growth is created by two factors so that it
is appropriate to talk about the components of growth. These components are an
increase in production input and an increase in productivity.
the growth caused by an increase in production input and the growth caused by an
increase in productivity. Characteristic of the growth effected by an input increase is
that the relation between output and input remains unchanged. The output growth
corresponding to a shift of the production function is generated by the increase in
productivity. (Saari 2006)
The main aim of this research is to identify the factors that affect the productivity of
the construction worker and how we can utilize these factors in order to improve the
labour productivity on construction projects.
Among reaching to the aim of the research clear identification of the general
concept of productivity and labour productivity will be studied. Throughout
defining productivity, the relation between productivity and efficiency and
effectiveness will be explained and the importance of productivity as a major factor
of the economic growth.
vary from project to another, taking into consideration many factors like the type of
the project, the size of the project, the volume of the workforce and others.
The research also will study the benchmarking of labour productivity and how to set
up Target Productivity Rates that can be adopted for different types of tasks and
activities, for example to find the target productivity rate of the shuttering carpenters
throughout different activities like: Shuttering of foundation, columns, walls and
slabs.. etc, and the same concept will be applied for the block mason and the steel
1.5 Research Methodology
The first methodology of the research is the literature review carried out and
directed towards the research aim and objectives, the literature review should
include different views and previous researches' findings from relevant books,
journals and previous reports which had studied the topic, and this will be as starting
point of the research.
Second step will be collecting data about construction worker productivity across
several construction residential projects (case studies) through daily monitoring of
their productivity and then process these data to determine productivity trend and
the target productivity rates to be as benchmarks in order to enable evaluating the
performance of the construction workers and examining the influence of the factors
which would be obtained from the literature that could affect the improvement of
the productivity.
Finally, to conduct interviews with the project managers and the key personnel of
the case studies projects. The purpose of these interviews is to obtain direct
information about the research topic and examine the validity of the results obtained
from the literature in order to reach to final conclusions and recommendations.
Chapter One consists of the research topic background and its importance and
the need of this study to the construction industry, and then the aim and the
objectives follow in addition to the research methodology.
Chapter Two includes literature review related to the definitions of the
construction worker productivity and the productivity measurement and
Chapter Four presents the research methods obtained in this study and detailed
explanation of the process of data collection from the case studies and then
approach to the data processing.
Chapter Five consists of the results of analyzing the data collected from chapter
four in order to reach to productivity benchmarks.
Chapter Six introduces the examination of the factors resulted from the literature
through interviews conducted with the project managers of the case studies
projects and then the final conclusions and recommendations.
2.1 Defining Productivity
In its simplest form, labour productivity could be defined as the hours of work
divided by the units of work accomplished (Thomas, 1994). However, in reality,
labour productivity is a much more complex phenomenon which largely depends on
quite diverse factors such as site conditions, workers competence, materials
availability, weather, motivation, supervision, to name just a few. Management also
affects labour productivity. Ganesan (1984), for example, reported that incompetent
management of the industry and its construction agencies, whether these are public
or private, is a prime cause of low productivity. Often, labour productivity is a key
factor contributing to the inability of many contracting organizations to achieve
their project goals, which include, most importantly, the profit margin. Therefore, it
is paramount to understand the main determinants of labour productivity, and to
keep and compare accurate records of productivity levels across projects.
2.2 Efficiency & Effectiveness
Efficiency generally refers to increases in the output/input ratio and is thus consist
with the cost-oriented concepts of productivity, which can be achieved by either
expanding output or reducing inputs. Effectiveness, on the other hand, refers to
improvement in the internal capacity of the unit to deliver services which meet the
requirements of the clients or in the quality and targeting of that service towards,
those clients most in need of those services. Effectiveness measures thus require the
inclusion of quality of service factors, a concept well recognized in productivity
analysis but which has been exceedingly difficult to measure. (Hodgkinson, 1999)
2.3 Productivity Measurement
Enshassi et al. (2007) say that the scope of most construction productivity research
has been on partial measures, principally labour. While useful at the activity level,
partial factor metrics are limited. In particular, they do not address complex
interactions between different factors both within and across projects.
El-Mashaleh et al. (2001) stated that productivity measure at the firm level has a
host of benefits, as it supports:
According to Jaideep et al (1995), in the construction industry, productivity has
always been very difficult to measure and control. All estimating professionals
would agree that the quantity of work to be performed and the cost per hour for
labour to perform that work can be established with considerable accuracy.
However, he added that it is the identifying and evaluating of the critical factors
which influence productivity that provides a challenge. Every error in productivity
estimation causes an inverse effect in the actual cost of labour to perform a cope of
work. Productivity improvement can be viewed as a continuous and orderly
management process which implies change. Companies, and especially the
estimators within the company, must learn to forecast scientifically a realistic
productivity value in order to be competitive and to survive in today's bidding
Baumol and Maddela, (1990) identified the changes in the quality of equipment,
materials or labours as critical factors of productivity measurement. They state that
quality changes in labour, materials or equipment are often confused as contributors
to true labour productivity decline or advancements, and also suggest that quality
must be looked at separately from the issue of true productivity improvements or
Labour productivity is not the same as the marginal product of labour, which refers
to the increase in output that results from a corresponding increase in labour input.
Output per worker corresponds to the "average product of labour" and can be
contrasted with the marginal product of labour, which refers to the increase in
output that results from a corresponding (marginal) increase in labour input.
The intensity of labour-effort, and the quality of labour effort generally.
The creative activity involved in producing technical innovations.
The relative efficiency gains resulting from different systems of
management, organisation, co-ordination or engineering.
The productive effects of some forms of labour on other forms of labour.
2.4 Benchmarking
at an average rate of 2.8%. It slowed considerably during the 1970s, however,
following this slowdown, output has only grown at an average of 1.1% yearly. In
the late 1990s, output has grown more swiftly again, but it is difficult to determine if
this will be a long-term trend. (US Bureau of Labour Statistics, 1998)
Direct work rates are a measure of efficiency in terms of time, therefore increasing
the direct work rate usually increases construction productivity.
3.1 Introduction
Construction projects are mostly labour-based with basic hand tools and equipment,
as labour costs comprise 30 to 50 % of overall projects costs (Guhathakurta and
Yates, 1993). Lema (1995) observed that labour productivity data were not available
from Tanzanian construction established on the basis of actual site observations.
Accordingly, on the basis of limited data, it was concluded that labour utilization on
construction sites was less than 30 % in Tanzania.
The above studies in regards to the labour productivity enhance the necessity of
having more researches and information about utilizing the labours on construction
projects in UAE and how to improve the productivity rates in order to increase the
output with less cost.
According to Mohanty (1992), the starting-point for improving productivity is the
application of techniques which help in the effective utilization of resources. We all
know that the human resource is the most valuable resource in any organization; it is
certainly the primary resource since it, in turn, plans and controls the application of
all other resources. Yet, in many productivity management programmes, we attack
productivity as if it was a completely mechanical entity capable of being subjected
to the strict application of "scientific techniques"; as a result we get low output, high
absenteeism, high turnover, high grievance rates a sick rather than a healthy and
high productivity organization. What is needed is to develop an approach that
recognizes the importance of the people employed and ensures that:
that companies must phase affirmative action into the total management of
productivity through formalized, documented process as depicted in figure 3.1. The
process should begin with a historical productivity analysis and then to utilize the
knowledge gained to forecast and manage future productivity. He also added that
supervisors involved in the process must implement and monitor the predetermined
productivity values.
recruitment of workers; high rate of labour turnover; absenteeism from the work
site; and communication problems with foreign workers. Olomolaiye et al. (1998)
studied factors affecting productivity of craftsmen in Indonesia, with their findings
indicating craftsmen in Indonesia spent 75 % of their time working productively.
Five specific productivity problems were identified: i.e. lack of materials; rework;
absenteeism; lack of equipment; and tools.
3.2.1 Motivation
Litschka et al (2006) proposed that it seems obvious for managers that job
satisfaction, commitment and intrinsic motivation are extremely important factors
for productivity and customer related contacts. Customer satisfaction and its close
interrelation to human and organizational assets are seen as important factors for
productivity and success of the organizations, while other factors, e.g. health, lack
the attention of managers. There seems to be awareness that organizations have to
actively promote their human and organizational assets like investing in training
and other employee- orientated activities, because these activities are perceived as
beneficial for productivity and efficiency.
According to Ian (2006), although motivation is a critical factor in individual, group
and organizational success there is some debate concerning its definition. In broad
terms motivation can be considered to comprise an individual's effort, persistence
and the direction of that effort. In simpler terms, motivation is the will to perform. It
is, perhaps, of more value to identify the characteristics frequently associated with
will-motivated individuals. Such people are commonly thought to consistently
achieve at work to exhibit energy and enthusiasm in the process. They often work
with people to overcome organizational problems, or obstacles to progress, and
frequently demand and accept additional responsibilities. They may also be more
willing to accept organizational change. In contrast, employees who are demotivated
may appear apathetic and may tend consider problems and issue as insurmountable
obstacles to progress. They may have poor attendance and time-keeping records and
may appear uncooperative and resistance to change. Clearly organizations that can
motivate their employees are more likely to achieve their organizational objectives.
Historically there have been two major approaches to solving the motivation puzzle.
Management can motivate people to work by fear and being tough. Or it can
motivate people by understanding and being good. The authors argue that in spite of
some diversions, these two paths to motivation have been vying for manager's
attention throughout the years. (Dayr, 2001)
According to Eguchi (2008), one of the best ways to improve employee productivity
is to create a direct link between output and pay by implementing a piecework
compensation plan. In a piecework compensation plan, there are no hourly wages.
Instead, employees get paid according to how many parts they assemble, how many
sales they make, how many hours they bill, etc. In the mean time, when you show
employees that you are committed to promoting from within, you'll be giving them
even more incentive to increase their productivity and improve their overall
performance. Nobody likes to believe that they are stuck in a dead-end job or that
their efforts will go unnoticed. If the workers can see that their hard work might pay
off in the form of a promotion, they will be more inclined to give it their all day in
and day out.
In addition to financial incentives, many employees are motivated by the need for
social recognition., that's why giving achievement awards to outstanding employees
is an excellent way to improve productivity, also achievement awards typically take
the form of plaques, jackets, certificates, prizes, and are handed out to employees
who meet certain performance standards (Eguchi, 2008). Furthermore, as
counterintuitive as it may sound, providing employees with adequate breaks is
essential for improving overall productivity, however, break time not only gives
employees something to look forward to, but also gives them a chance to recharge
their batteries before diving back into work and more often than not, they'll come
back refreshed and ready to focus for another couple of hours until the next break.
(Eguchi, 2008)
John Borcherding and Clarkson Oglesby (1974) discovered that productive job
creates high job satisfaction while non-productive job (one which fall behind
schedule) produce dissatisfaction at all levels of the management/worker chain. The
relationship is believed to be due to the very nature of construction, thus different
from the one found in an office or factory setting which states that high job
satisfaction leads to greater productivity. In construction, a worker, through his own
efforts produces a highly visible, physical structure in which great satisfaction
comes from completion. Therefore, jobs that are well-planned and run smoothly
produce great satisfaction while jobs with poor management (with scheduling and
planning problems), create dissatisfaction. This illustrates the relationship between
job satisfaction and productivity since; well-managed jobs are generally more
productive. (Wellington and Lydia, 2007)
The dynamic relationship of the leader with employees is frequently cited as crucial
in the empowerment literature. Honold (1997) and Johnson (1994) both argued that
the leader is responsible for creating a common goal, which they communicate and
share. Furthermore, the leader should continually monitor that their subordinates
feel empowered. The leader may also play a part in recognizing the contributions
made by employees by emphasizing efforts of an employee as important (Psoinos
and Smithson, 2002). There may be limits to the rewards that leaders are able to
offer, and so senior management may also need to consider the implementation of
profit related incentive schemes (Cunningham et al., 1996). It is argued that
managers/leaders must focus on team empowerment as well as individual
empowerment if the organizational environment relies upon cohesive teams. (Dainty
et al., 2002)
3.2.2 Planning
According to Thomas et al. (2001), project and site managers need to have complete
job histories, educational records and other information relating to employees in
order to make realistic decisions concerning the utilization of the workers under
their control. Job-site managers and construction managers also need to have access
to information and underlying work processes and functions controlled by HR
department. Such information includes:
Information concerning peoples' time-off patterns/ preferences and desired
work/location preferences.
Information concerning the availability of others in the organization for job
reassignment or redeployment.
Operational data concerning the workforce itself such as workforce size,
productivity ratios, resource allocation, both for site managers'
organizational units and similar work organization-wide.
Information such as time and attendance data, payroll, applicant data from
an applicant tracking system, training records from the career development
system, cost data from accounting.
Information relating to wages, working hours, holidays, allowances, safety,
disputes and for the proper management of industrial relations.
Environmental data that impacts on the HRs managed by the site manager,
supervisor, or team leaders such as salary surveys, skill shortages, new
employment legislation, demographic trends, retirement trends, and
changing attitudes and values of workers.
The impact of on-site availability of operational HR data helps managers to
know their people better and can help them find answers to such questions
as: Can two tasks be handled by the same individual? And will that result in
lower costs and provide similar or better results? And finally what skills are
required for the tasks, and who has the skills to take both tasks in this
organization or in other locations?
contaminated by urgent requirements, for instance, the sequence of activities is
chosen without a comprehensive analysis and usually depends on what resources are
available first. Similarly, activities that are in sequence are started as soon as the
previous activity starts, trying to accelerate the schedule, without consideration of
how the uncertainties of the activities upstream could affect productivity of
downstream activities. (Saari, 2006)
Jaideep et al (1995) see that companies should only track the important activities
where his research shows that concentrating on productivity improvement in the
larger portions of non-productive employee time would be more effective. He added
that improving communication skills, preplanning and stricter management could
help to raise the individual productivity rate from an average of 32 per cent
productive time per hour to almost 60 per cent per hour. It is most interesting to note
that in order to increase productivity by 10 per cent, all that must be done is to
achieve an additional 15-16 minutes to the productive time each day for the average
3.2.3 Specialization
Projects in construction are never designed or built exactly in the same manner as
previous projects. Environmental factors such as the landscape, weather and
physical location force every project to be unique from its predecessors. There are
also aesthetic factors that create uniqueness from project to project. Such factors
have a significant impact upon major project characteristics. While most
construction personnel find this uniqueness to be an attractive element for a career
in construction, it can have an adverse effect upon construction productivity. Project
uniqueness requires modifications in the construction processes. These
modifications require workers to go through a learning curve at the beginning stages
of each project activity.
In small organizations where the variety of work is low, employees can move
between jobs to build up their versatility and interchangeability. As organizations
get bigger and as the nature of the work done diversifies, then it is more likely that
employees start to specialize in the type of work that they do. Specialization is the
extent to which there are different specialist roles in an organization: the higher the
number of specialist roles the higher the degree of specialization. Specialization also
refers to the extent to which employees engaged in similar or closely related tasks
are grouped together. This is called routine specialization and occurs when jobs are
split down such that employees only do one or a few parts of a job but not the whole
job. High specialization has the advantage that employees reach high levels of
efficiency, and control is simplified as jobs are tightly defined. Possible
disadvantages include creating a climate of inflexibility, creating workers who do
not see or who are not interested in the big picture, and creating work that, over
time, becomes boring (Hage & Aiken, 1969).
integrates these strengths and contributes to higher labour productivity in the
construction sector. (Takashi, 1998)
3.2.4 Training
It is advantageous for the manager to have some awareness of how learning occurs
both at individual level and overall in the organization. With an increasing number
of organizations being dependent on 'knowledge workers', managers will benefit
from having knowledge of cognitive styles. (Brooks, 2006)
Pastor (1996) says that the final area in which managers/leaders play a pivotal role
is training, it is necessary that employees believe themselves to be capable, and
training can be a key mechanism that provides employees with this reassurance. He
argues that the principal training focus should be on communication development so
that they can engage in this new participative and facilitative
management/leadership style.
apprenticeship, and this ensures the right expectations are set out and reinforced
regularly. He added that BT Retail estimates their apprentices are 7.5 per cent more
productive than non-apprentices, and apprentices are also usually more
commercially aware and naturally follow the correct procedures for generating more
revenue. As a result, the company believes apprentices are more profitable than non-
apprentices based on the comparative labour cost, along with higher levels of
productivity, quality of work and employee satisfaction, however, BT Retail has
calculated apprentices generate a higher annual net profit of over 1,300 per
apprentice when compared to non-apprentices.
Sharon et al. (2004) stated that industry training is essentially an investment in
human capital, the economic benefits of which can be thought of as being shared
The individual trainee, through higher wages (a proxy for labour productivity)
The firm, through enhanced profitability (a proxy for capital productivity)
Society as a whole, through externalities (returns over and above the private
returns to the individual trainee or firm who pays for the training).
They added that these benefits are difficult to measure. However, there is a weight
of evidence from their literature relating to the positive wage effects of training that
an industry training qualification is likely to increase the earnings of an individual
by 5% to 20%.
employee health in order to reap the benefit of improved productivity. (Thomas,
Many scientific authors stress the importance of health and workability factors: The
results from Karasek and Theorell (1990) showed a close correlation of the
decision-latitude and health and productivity. Drucker (2002) underpins that it is
actually more important today for organizations to pay close attention to the health
and wellbeing of all their workers than it was 50 years ago. A knowledge-based
workforce is qualitatively different from a less-skilled one. Today they are still a
minority of the workforce, but they will become the major creators of wealth and
jobs, because the success and the survival of every business will depend on the
performance of its knowledge workforce
Bockerl (2000) stated that workability, health and well being. Physical health and
psychological well being play a decisive role in the willingness for high efficiency,
flexibility and innovativeness of a person. The subjective perception of health
determines what kind of commitment to work is shown. It is rather obvious that
employees workability, health, and well being are intermediate steps on the
pathway to profitability. Organizational structures, its management and the health of
employees are interrelated. Health-promoting structures have to be enlarged by an
employee-orientated management style and a culture of trust in an organization
the management is one of the most important factors regarding health in an
organization. They are responsible for the structure and processes in the
organization, they decide on the workload and the chances of development for their
3.2.6 Technology & Innovation
Project manager role is to encourage innovation and try to find creative ideas to do
the job in better ways that save efforts and time and increase production,
furthermore, to ensure that the workers have good equipments. In many instances,
labour productivity is limited by the equipment they are forced to use. If your plant
is filled with 20-year-old machinery that constantly needs attention from the
maintenance crew, or if your tools are slow or outdated, then you are not giving
your workers a fair opportunity to be productive
Technology has had a tremendous effect on overall productivity. All but the most
basic of tasks on a site have seen changes due to advances in technology over recent
years. Tools and machinery have increased both in power and complexity. These
advances in technology can significantly modify skill requirements. This can create
difficulties in separating the contributions of technology, management, and labour to
Introducing new technology can be more difficult in the construction industry than
in other industries. Innovation barriers such as diverse standards, industry
fragmentation, business cycles, risk aversion, and other factors can create an
inhospitable climate for innovations. In many regions in GCC, labour costs for
many skills are relatively low. There is less motivation to automate a task when the
labour associated with the task is not expensive. Due to such impediments, firms are
naturally reluctant to try a new technology, especially if it amounts to putting the
entire company on the line. Should the new technology prove effective, the firm
gains only a temporary strategic advantage. Once it is proven, other bidders can
quickly begin to adopt the technology. Gestation periods can vary widely depending
on the market force behind the innovation and other factors. This cycle is typical,
and is one reason for the step change nature of construction productivity for
individual activities or tasks when technology is the main factor.
Michael (2002) stated that a construction company should therefore enlist all of its
workers in the search for greater productivity, the company should communicate
explicitly that suggestions are welcomed and should consider some type of reward
system for suggestions that increase productivity. He added that one effect of
involving the workers in improving productivity is that they will come to look on
the goal as making progress, not finding blame. New technologies such as
scheduling software and more efficient equipment can yield an immediate return on
investment in increased productivity (Michael, 2002). His research shows that the
construction industry spends fewer dollars for research and development than any
other industries in the United States; however, the technological explosion that has
revolutionized the U.S. has so far only affected the very largest construction
companies. In implementing new technology, construction companies should learn
from the mistakes made in other industries, too often companies have attempted to
implement new technologies and equipment literally overnight, leading to a
cataclysm of change that disorients and discourages workers. Finally he suggested
that construction companies take a gradualist approach, introducing first the new
software or equipment that will have the most immediate positive impact and to
make sure the training that to be provided in new technologies not only details how
to use the technology, but also how the company and the workers will benefit from
3.2.7 Monitoring & Control
Monitoring &
Technology &
Health &
Safety Training
4.1 Research Methods
In order to achieve the research objectives the following research methods were
used; First to collect data for different ongoing construction residential projects
including the daily, weekly and monthly productivity of their workers (Carpenters,
Steel Fixers & Block Masons). And then to analyze these data through MS Excel to
determine the productivity trend and Target Productivity Rates (Benchmarks) for
the major activities carried out by the workers' trades.
Next step is to examine the deviations of the actual productivity rates of these
workers' trades for each project compared with the obtained Target Productivity
Rates, in the meantime, to identify the factors that caused those deviations.
Finally to conduct interviews with the project managers and the key personnel of
each project in order to identify how the management can utilize the factors
obtained from the literature to improve the productivity of their workers.
type of work, and viewpoint of the observers, it is very important to set a clear
definition of the categories for reliable data collection to take place (Business
Roundtable, 1982).
The case studies of this research are ongoing five large residential construction
projects belong to one building contractor in UAE. These five projects share to
certain extent the type of the tasks to be carried out by the workers, where they are
all construction projects of single or double storey residential villas (100 1000
villas) and they have the same type of structural concept and form works system
(Tunnel Form) with different sizes and architectural designs, which make the results
of the surveys are more comparable and can be used to obtain reasonable
4.3 Productivity Measurement
Based on the literature conducted in the previous chapters, the measurement of the
construction worker productivity can be measured according to the general formula
of productivity measurement:
In this study the Input and the Output will be measured as follow:
1) The Input for labour productivity will be the total Man-Hours, in other
words; the total hours consumed by the construction workers in order to
achieve the Output.
2) The Output depends on the trade of the worker and the type of the tasks
carried out by him, accordingly the Output measurement in this research will
Meter Square
Shuttering Carpenter The total area of formworks installed
Steel Fixer The total quantities of steel fixed
Block Mason The total numbers of blocks built
Table 4.2 The proposed output for each construction worker trade
However, there are several different tasks and activities to be carried out by one
trade. For example, the productivity of the carpenter installing form works varies
from the foundation form works to the columns or slab form works...etc.
Accordingly, it was essential to examine the productivity for each activity separately
in order to reach to the most effective values which can be used as benchmarks in
order to conduct proper and fair evaluation to the worker productivity.
The following table shows some major activities that could be carried out by each
trade in order to be studied separately:
Table 4.3: The proposed major construction activities to be studied WRT each trade
In order to collect the data which are required to calculate the daily productivity
rates for these activities, the project managers of the five case studies projects (see
table 4.1) were approached to have access to the direct supervisors (site engineers or
foremen) of the workers groups carrying out the selected activities.
Then each supervisor was asked to fill and submit a daily productivity sheet (see
table 4.4) for his group on a daily basis for a period of three months. The researcher
explained in details how the form should be filled and this form consists of:
1) The crew size which means the total number of worker available on that day
for that specific activity (INPUT).
2) The working hours consumed in that day (INTPUT). And this can be
obtained from the daily time sheets for each group of workers which
supposed to be filled by their foreman.
3) The total quantities produced in that day by the same group of workers, and
this can be obtained by multiplying the quantity of each type of villas by the
number of villas produced of the particular type in that day (OUTPUT).
4) Productivity rate = The total quantities produced
One of the positive factors to make the process of data collection succeed is that the
contracting company adopted the policy to maintain monitoring the productivity
rates which makes the supervisors familiar with the process of calculating and
filling the productivity monitoring sheet which is the same research sheet required
by the researcher, and they dont have to spend more time to fill it where it is part of
their ordinary daily paper works.
During the data collection period the researcher was visiting the concerned
supervisors in order to ensure that the data collection process is going well and the
required sheets are filled properly, in the meantime he also interviewed them about
any difficulties or obstructions that may affected their workers productivity or even
the success factors that could have positive influence on the same.
After all the sheets have been collected from the concerned people of the five
activities at the five projects, the data have been tabled for each activity (see
Appendix B), and then processed through MS Excel and the results will be shown in
the next chapter.
However, based on the supervisors feedback during the researchers visits and the
literature review, the researcher have established the interviews questions with the
projects managers in order to perform further analysis to the work sample results
and reach to the final conclusions.
Project Name: Engineer Name:
After monitoring the daily productivity of the workers of the case studies for 3
months the following results were obtained:
5.1 Project # 1 :
5.1.1 Productivity of Steel Fixers for tunnel steel works
The daily productivity rates of tunnel steel at project # 1 have not shown major
deviations from the average productivity rate where the number of workers and their
daily target were almost consistent during the study period:
Tunnel Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 1
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
Jul. 2008 Sept.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.1.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works
The average daily productivity rates have shown lower values during the second
month (day 34 day 64) in this case because of new steel fixers joined the group
until they get enough training and learning to approach the average productivity
rates in the last 10 days:
Footing Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 1
Productivity Rates (Kg/Manhour)
Jul. Sept. 2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.1.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks
This activity started with a 1 villa target per day then increased to 2 villas after 12
days by increasing the group size to an average of 85 carpenters per day and their
productivity have shown improvement in accordance with the type of the villas
executed where in the first period of this activity the carpenters were not familiar
with executing such types of villas and then they were enforced by more
professional carpenters which caused noticeable improvement and then reduced
because of providing additional 10 new arrival carpenters for training purpose.
Productivity Rates (m/ Manhour)
Jul. Sept. 2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.1.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works:
The values obtained from the parapet carpenters group have shown variations from
day to day where the standard deviation value is considered high in relative to the
mean value and that could be due to the differences of the complexity level from
villa type to another:
Productivity Rates (m/ Manhour)
Aug. Oct. 2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.1.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works:
The daily average productivity rates of this group have shown noticeable variances
from day to day and decreasing in the productivity rates especially in the last two
weeks and that could be due to the type of the villas or other obstructing factors will
be discussed in the next chapter:
Block Work
Productivity Rates at Project # 1
Productivity Rates(Nos/ Manhour)
Aug. Oct. 2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.2 Project # 2:
5.2.1 Productivity of Steel Fixers for tunnel steel works
Figure 5.6 shows ideal case of productivity improvement and this can be justified by
the consistency in daily target and the learning curve of the workers and further
factors will be discussed in the interviews section.
Tunnel Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 2
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
Jun. Aug. 2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.2.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works
This group of steel fixers has shown high productivity rates in general compared to
the other four projects in the study:
Footing Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 2
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
May. Jul. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.2.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks
The productivity rates have shown little improvement during the study period with
very little deviations:
Productivity Rates (m/Manhour)
May. Jul. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.2.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works:
The productivity rates have shown little improvement during the study period with
very little deviations:
Productivity Rates ( m/ Manhour)
Jul. Sept 2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.2.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works:
Almost consistent productivity rates were obtained of this group of worker through
the study period where the group size was large (around 125 masons compared to
the other four projects where the block works groups sizes range between 25-65
masons), so the differences in the individual productivity are hardly to be observed
on the average productivity rates for the whole group and the absentees can be
compensated easily:
Block Work
Productivity Rates at Project # 2
Productivity Rates(Nos/ Manhour)
Jul. 2008 Sept.
0 20 40 60 80
5.3 Project # 3:
Tunnel Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 3
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
Feb. 2008Apr.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.3.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works:
The group size in this activity was very small (10-14 steel fixers) which caused high
variations in the daily productivity rates where 1 or 2 absentees had major influence
on the whole group and further to the supervisors comments of this group that they
had to maintain the same target production although they suffered from high
percentage of absentees which will cause higher productivity rates in those days.
AVERAGE PRODUCTIVITY RATE (kg/man-hours) 25.10
Footing Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 3
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
Jan. Mar. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.3.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks:
Relative uniformity has been shown in this case with low average productivity rate
and low standard deviation:
Productivity Rates (m/Manhour)
Jan. Mar. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.3.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works:
In this case the variety of villas types executed from day to day had major affect on
the productivity rates where the carpenters performed very well in some types in the
contrary of their performance on other types:
Productivity Rates ( m/ Manhour)
Feb. Apr. 2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.3.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works:
Block Work
Productivity Rates at Project # 3
Productivity Rates(Nos/ Manhour)
Feb. Apr. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.4 Project # 4:
5.4.1 Productivity of Steel Fixers for tunnel steel works
In this case some difficulties took place in the first 10 days until the group has been
set up to reach to the required target which were 1 villa per day and the group size
was established in accordance to the size of the targeted villa of that particular day
and this can be considered as the learning curve period:
Tunnel Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 4
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
Oct.. Dec. 2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.4.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works:
The footing steel fixers' productivity rates in this project are considered low and
could be due to the high complexity of the villas design which will be discussed in
the next section:
Footing Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 4
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
Sept. Nov.. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.4.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks:
The footing formwork carpenters' productivity rates in this project are also
considered low and have relatively high standard deviation compared to the average
productivity rates where the values range between 0.40 to 0.90 and here the
complexity and the size of the villas could be also considered the main causing
Productivity Rates (m/Manhour)
Sept. Nov.. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.4.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works:
The daily productivity rates of the parapet carpenters ranges between (0.7-0.9)
m/manhour according to the type of villas performed:
Productivity Rates ( m/ Manhour)
Nov. Jan.2008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.4.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works:
The large size of the villas (see table 4.1) allow the block mason to lay more blocks
as plain walls, in the other hand his productivity would go down in the tight spaces
and corners and this can be observed in figure 5.20:
Block Work
Productivity Rates at Project # 4
Productivity Rates(Nos/ Manhour)
Nov. 2008Jan.
0 20 40 60 80
5.5 Project # 5:
High level of consistency in this group productivity rates was observed along the
three months:
Tunnel Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 5
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
Apr. Jun.2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.5.2 Productivity of Steel Fixers for strip foundation steel works
The productivity rates have shown continuous improvements and reached to high
average and high standard deviations:
Footing Steel
Productivity Rates at Project # 5
Productivity Rates (Kg/ Manhour)
Mar. 2008May.
0 20 40 60 80
5.5.3 Productivity of Carpenters for strip foundation formworks
The formwork carpenters of this group have not shown much variations from the
average productivity rates which ranges between (0.80 0.90) m/manhour:
Productivity Rates (m/Manhour)
Mar. 2008 May.
0 20 40 60 80
5.5.4 Productivity of Carpenters for roof parapet form works
New unskilled carpenters were involved in the parapet activity in this project which
affected the average productivity rates in the first few weeks until they get trained
and reach to a reasonable productivity rates:
Productivity Rates (m/ Manhour)
Apr. Jun.. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.5.5 Productivity of Mason for Block works
The learning curve is also clearly observed in this case of block masons because of
the new unskilled masons who were involved in this group where it started with 55
new arrival masons and after two months they were gradually reduced to 40 masons
producing the same daily output :
Block Work
Productivity Rates at Project # 5
Productivity Rates(Nos/ Manhour)
Apr. Jun.. 2008
0 20 40 60 80
5.6 Results Summary
Average Productivy Rates (kg/manhour)
25 Tunnel Steel
Footing Steel
project 1 project 2 project 3 Project 4 project 5
Average Productivy Rates (m/manhour)
0.6 Footing formwork
Parapet formwork
project 1 project 2 project 3 Project 4 project 5
Average Productivy Rates (Nos/manhour)
10 Block work
project 1 project 2 project 3 Project 4 project 5
Table 5.27 Summary of standard deviations of productivity rates across the projects
Standard Deviations
2 Tunnel Steel
Footing Steel
project 1 project 2 project 3 Project 4 project 5
Standard Deviations
project 1 project 2 project 3 Project 4 project 5
2 Block work
project 1 project 2 project 3 Project 4 project 5
Further to section 2.4 and in order to establish Target Productivity Rates to be
considered as benchmarks which would be useful for planning of further projects
and evaluation of labours performance, the following figures were obtained as the
Target Productivity Rates for each activity using the weighted average method*:
# Activity Productivity Unit
Installation & fixing of tunnel steel
1 25.5 Kg /man-hours
(columns & slabs)
Installation & fixing of strip
2 28.0 Kg /man-hours
foundation steel
Installation of strip foundation form
3 0.80 m/manhour
Installation of roof parapet form
4 0.85 m/manhour
Masonry works of building 200,150
5 12 Nos /man-hours
or 100mm block works
Table 5.29: the Target Productivity Rates to be considered as benchmarks for each
construction activity in the study
6.1 Results Analysis
After the data have been collected from the 25 work samples of this study, the
results have been processed through excel sheets and illustrations which indicate the
following observations:
Table 5.26 and figures 5.26, 5.27 and 5.28 show noticeable variations of the
productivity rates of each worker trade with respect to the type of activities to be
carried out and to the project as well, where the steel fixers average productivity
rates range between 20.0 kg/man-hour to 31.0 kg/man-hour for both tunnel and
footing steel activity which can be considered significant (around 40% variance),
and in regards to the carpenters range: 0.61-0.99 m/man-hour for footing and
parapet formwork activity which also can be considered relatively significant
(around 40% variance) and finally block work masons productivity rates vary
between 10.8 to 14.2 Nos/man-hour (around 20% variance). Furthermore the
standard deviations values of the daily productivity rates (illustrated in figures 5.29,
5.30 and 5.31) are relatively high and these variations can be justified by
considering the following:
1) The size, the complexity and the constructability of the villa structural and
architectural design.
2) The size and the number of villas of the project.
3) The crew size and the quantity of production required to be achieved by one
group of workers.
4) The external factors surrounding the work environment such as the weather
conditions, the obstructions from other parties.
And finally, the influence of the management of the project and how they intervene
to improve the productivity by applying the factors which have been discussed in
the literature (section 3.2). Further discussion will be addressed through the
interviews conducted with the project managers in the next section.
"Work sampling gives information about time spent on activities and therefore gives
indirect information about productivity. However, direct work time does not
necessarily correlate with unit rate productivity. In other words, a high percentage of
direct work time would not always indicate an equally high level of unit rate
productivity because of variation in skill levels of the workers sampled, work
methods and types of tools and equipment used. For example, a skilled worker may
produce more than an unskilled worker performing the same task even though both
have the same direct work rate. A carpenter utilizing a skill saw will out-produce a
carpenter with a handsaw even though the direct work percentage may be the same.
Even considering these constraints, work sampling can be useful as a diagnostic tool
for productivity improvement programs." (Business Round Table, 1982)
6.2 Interviews
In order to perform further analysis of the results obtained from the case studies of
this research, interviews were conducted with the project managers of those projects
where the study was conducted, and they are all working in the same contracting
company. The interviews questions were directed towards the objectives of this
study in order to obtain the project managers' opinions about the productivity rates
of the workers and the factors that cause the variations of the productivity rates from
one project to another and from one activity to another, And then the interviews
were directed to receive the project managers' views about their roles towards
improving the productivity rates and how they can intervene to influence the
productivity of their workers.
6.2.1 Project # 1
PM-1 sees that the size of the project and the total villas to be constructed have a
direct effect on labour productivity, and this project includes the construction of
more than one thousand villas distributed on ten different types of structural and
architectural design which makes the number of repetitive work is very big. This
would help the worker to improve his productivity among the project duration.
Furthermore, he added that all the villas designs are not highly complicated and they
are in the same concept of previous projects villas carried out by the same groups of
workers which would enhance their productivity rates.
About climate changes, he talked about the high temperature and humidity during
summer time and the regulations of work stoppage during the noon time (12:30-
15:00), and this had negative effect on the continuity of the works where the labour
productivity would not be the same after taking long break. In this regards he added
that the site engineers and the foremen were instructed to increase their attendance
with their workers in order to ensure that they start their work immediately after the
break and make sure to complete their target.
In regards to the other external factors, PM-1 claimed that there were no major
obstructions or disturbances took place during the project duration, where the
infrastructure contractors have started their works after one year of the
commencement of the building contractor works.
PM-1 emphasizes the role of the project manager for improving the labour
productivity and he concludes his role in the following: first he enhances the
importance of building proper communication lines between all the project team
members including the management, engineers, supervisors and the labours taking
into consideration the cultural and the language issues where he suggested to make
language courses for the team member to communicate with the labours in their
language. He added that having qualified team in all the department of the project
such as: planning, design, quality control, site engineers and reaching to the direct
supervisor would be a major factor for improving the productivity of the worker,
where their duty is to facilitate his work and provide all the requirements on time
before commencing the work and this includes; cleared drawings, approved
materials and adequate tools.
He also confirmed that proper hand over between the preceding and the subsequent
activities have been be maintained in order to ensure that the working area is safe,
clean and ready to commence the new activity without the need of further
rectification or repairing due to poor quality from preceding activity.
Finally, PM-1 stated that after providing the adequate environment for the worker to
work, he applied a direct incentive action to motivate the worker to produce more,
and this can be through using the over time tool or what is called contract piece
work, and this is done be assigning each group of workers with specific target to be
achieved in accordance with specific productivity rates obtained from previous
projects. And also he said that he did not ignore the social recognition to the worker
and enhancing his self satisfaction through making him feels that he is important to
the company by providing proper facilities like adequate accommodation,
transportation, providing cold water and sufficient number of toilets.
6.2.2 Project # 2
PM-2 sees that having the same concept of structural design for all the villas types
of his project and even of previous projects of the company is a major factor of
getting high productivity rates of the company's workers by reducing the learning
curve period at the beginning of every new activity of each project. However he
added that his project contains nine different types of the villas that can be
considered more complex than other projects' villas, and this would affect the
productivity rates, but this effect varies from one activity to another. Further more
the daily target as per the baseline of this project is approximately two villas per day
and the sizes of the villas are considered relatively big which makes the number of
workers to be procured for each activity is high, but this is not affecting their
productivity because they have enough space to work as he said.
In regards to the external factors, he said that there was no touchable influence from
external factors on the performance of his workers, where the weather was stable
most the time and the working times been altered during the summer in order to
avoid working under high humidity and temperature, and we have not faced any
obstructions from other contractors such as infrastructure and road works.
PM-2 emphasizes the role of the project manager to improve the productivity rates
of his workers by procuring sufficient and efficient supervisors who are qualified to
monitor and control their workers and ensuring that they have adequate tools and
materials in order to avoid idle time, he added that initiative supervisor will make
noticeable difference in the performance of his group day after day.
He said that the workers should work in a safe environment to give their best efforts
especially in the activities of high level such as parapet form works and this will
ensure the continuity of work.
6.2.3 Project # 3
PM-3 sees that before asking the worker for production the management should
make sure that all the surrounding and the related circumstances are set up and
allowing him to give his best efforts.
He said that adopting the people-oriented leadership style have great influence on
the labour productivity, where management must build a qualified and
homogeneous team and enhance their loyalty and dedication to the project success
and the whole company benefits, and this team has many tasks to provide the
facilities for the workers to work without distraction.
Before commencing the work of any activity the project team has to ensure that all
the drawings and the method of statements are clear and approved from the
consultant and then provide the sufficient tools and materials for the workers. He
added that this team should act as trouble shooter and tackle the problems or the
discrepancies even before they took place, furthermore the project team should
make sure that the working area is safe and the preceding activities have been
completed properly without deficiencies which could affect the work progress of the
new activity and this would lead to avoid any abortive work.
About the characteristics of his project, PM-3 stated that although the complexity
level of the eleven different design types of the project villas is considered relatively
high, but its effect on the productivity of the workers have been overcome because
most of the workers have carried out hundreds of the same villas on previous project
which makes them familiar with such type of work.
However, he mentioned that because of many client changes, the sequence of work
have been disturbed and the daily target have been altered many times in some
critical activities as recovery program (the groups have been enforced by new
workers), which caused some variances in some activities workers' daily
productivity rates.
Finally, PM-3 emphasizes the effect of the financial incentives such as bonuses,
additional over time, and promotions' opportunities. And also he mentioned the non-
financial incentives such as monthly awards and parties.
6.2.4 Project # 4
PM-4 stated that that the complexity of carrying out the construction works of these
villas is considered very high due to the multitudinous types of features in the
architectural elevations, either internally or externally, which contain many
projections and corners, and the influence of this factor varies from one activity to
another, for example the productivity of roof parapet formwork carpenters would be
highly affected by the numerous design details of cornices and these details vary
from one villa type to another. However, the complexity of the structural designs
has a great effect as well, where the tunnel steel distribution in the beams, slabs,
walls and columns contains more details compared to the other projects villas
In regards to the daily target of progress, PM-4 claimed that it started with one villa
per day for all the activities but due to some conflicts with the client, the target has
been reduced to 0.5 villas per day, and this certainly affected the productivity of the
workers because of the sudden reallocation of the tasks.
PM-4 highlighted the effect of weather changes on the productivity in his project
which is surrounded by desert, where some days we faced work stoppage due to
sand storms or fog in addition to the high temperature and humidity as he said.
PM-4 pointed out the effect of mechanical and electrical subcontractor which is
considered as a major cause of delays and affected the main contractors workers
productivity. Furthermore, he empathized that the uniqueness of his project villas
compared to the other companys current and previous project has forced a long
learning curve for commencing every new activity.
In order to improve the productivity of the labours, he stated that proper planning
was done sufficient data were collected about the productivity rates of the company
workers from previous projects in order to assign adequate number of workers in
each activity and then keep monitoring them daily and then while this activity is on
the track, gradual reduction of the labours in the same group have been done and
maintained the same target which resulted increasing in the productivity rates.
He also added that the supervisors to workers ratio must be reasonable and not less
that 10% in order to maintain proper monitoring and controlling of workers progress
and quality as well. In the meantime, the team work and establishing good relation
between the workers and the other staff would enhance the work environment and
improve the workers commitment towards the success of the project.
6.2.5 Project # 5
PM-5 sees that there were no characteristics of the project that had negative
influence on the productivity rates in general, where all the workers were familiar
with the procedure of building the project's villas since they are similar to several
previous projects, and the sizes of the villas are normal and the daily target was
constant of two villas per day, which makes the group sizes stable through the
whole project duration. Furthermore, he stated that they have not faced any major
obstruction from external factors.
In order to get higher productivity rates from the workers PM-5 confirmed that high
safety standards were not compromised in all aspects, starting from the house
keeping and reaching to the scaffolding in high level, where he said that the worker
will never give his best efforts unless he feels safe while he is working. And he also
connected the safety of the labour with his loyalty to the project and to the whole
company as well, because he will feel that the management is taking care of him and
considering his life precious.
PM-5 stated that periodic toolbox and different types of training was maintained in
order to enhance the labour performance and knowledge towards important issues
like safety and quality, in addition we always do our best to provide proper and
advanced tools to the labours and conduct inductions to teach them how to use as
he said.
In regards to the motivation, PM-5 said that the workers were motivated to increase
their productivity by offering more bonus overtime hours to the labours who achieve
more than the standard target which has been obtained from the planning engineers.
Finally, PM-5 sees that applying sufficient monitoring system with qualified
supervising team has great influence on improving productivity, where the project
manager needs this team to observe and control the labours performance.
6.3 Discussions & Conclusions
Productivity has become now an everyday word. In the last few decades academic
researchers and economists have all stressed the importance of productivity because
its relationship with the general economic health of a nation.
"Productivity rates rank amongst the most essential data needed in the study of
construction productivity. One of the most important applications of these data is in
the area of construction planning and scheduling. Other uses include estimating,
accounting and cost control. Indeed, Koehn & Brown (1986) used productivity rates
to generate international labour productivity factors and also suggested ways in
which these could subsequently be applied to determine comparative international
construction costs." (Proverbs et al,1998)
The results of the work sampling were processed to determine the productivity trend
and productivity benchmarks in order to conduct further examination of the causes
of the variations of productivity rates.
The results have shown high variations of productivity rates of each trade with
respect to the tasks and between the five projects. And these variations must be
justified in two directions:
1) The existing characteristics of each project and their direct and indirect
effects on the labour productivity including: the constructability of the villas,
the uniqueness, the sizes of the project and the villas as well, the required
daily target, in addition to other external factors such as the climate
conditions and the any possible obstructions from other parties involved.
2) The role of the project managers of how they intervene to overcome and
resolve the negative factors or to utilize the positive factors in order to
improve the productivity rates of their workers.
Further to the literature and to the interviews, the project manager can intervene to
make noticeable improvement of the worker productivity rates, and his role can be
summarized as follow:
The project manager to assign qualified project team to provide the entire
technical and logistic requirements to the workers in order to create proper
environment for them to work.
The project manager to have sufficient data of the achieved productivity
rates through previous projects in order to assign the tasks in accordance
with the ability of his workers.
The project manager to study the characteristics of his project in comparison
with previous and current projects and then to determine the success factors
that could have positive effect on the productivity.
Safety issues should not be ignored, where one of the main project manager
duties is to ensure that his workers are working in safe conditions.
The project manager to encourage his team to be initiative and create better
methods to carry out the works, such as adopting new tools or machineries
which may ease and fasten the works.
The project manager to apply financial and non-financial incentive plans to
motivate the workers to achieve more.
Finally, the project manager must have sufficient supervising teams
including engineers and foremen in order to apply proper monitoring and
controlling system that allow him to have sufficient feedback about the
performance of the workers and then to examine the influence of the factors
and the techniques applied for improving their productivity rates.
Appendix A: Interview Questions Sample
Interview # Date:
Interviewee Information
Career Position:
Project Information
Interview Questions:
1) Give general description about your project taking into consideration the
a) the type and the size of the villas
b) the complexity of the architectural & the structural design of the villas
c) the daily target to be achieved
d) the climate changes through out the project duration
e) any obstructions been faced from other contractors
3) How can you as a project manager influence the productivity rates of the
construction workers?
Appendix B: Daily Productivity Rates Data
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the tunnel steel works at Project # 1
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 2020 52722 26.10 38 2200 57200 26.00
2 2060 53766 26.10 39 2100 63336 30.16
3 2100 54810 26.10 40 2020 52742 26.11
4 2040 52836 25.90 41 2060 56815 27.58
5 2060 54178 26.30 42 2100 54642 26.02
6 2000 51200 25.60 43 2040 53285 26.12
7 1960 51646 26.35 44 2060 53890 26.16
8 1980 50688 25.60 45 2000 52680 26.34
9 2200 63646 28.93 46 1960 51705 26.38
10 2100 55440 26.40 47 2020 52641 26.06
11 2120 61332 28.93 48 2060 53951 26.19
12 2120 55396 26.13 49 2100 55272 26.32
13 2100 54999 26.19 50 2040 54080 26.51
14 2040 53448 26.20 51 2060 54487 26.45
15 2060 58092 28.20 52 2000 53120 26.56
16 2000 52380 26.19 53 1960 50117 25.57
17 1960 51548 26.30 54 2040 55162 27.04
18 1980 51856 26.19 55 2020 51874 25.68
19 2100 59157 28.17 56 2060 55229 26.81
20 2040 53326 26.14 57 2100 55545 26.45
21 2060 53951 26.19 58 2040 56508 27.70
22 2000 52280 26.14 59 2060 54054 26.24
23 1960 55233 28.18 60 2000 52680 26.34
24 1980 51757 26.14 61 1960 52097 26.58
25 2060 54796 26.60 62 1980 53460 27.00
26 2100 58191 27.71 63 2200 65670 29.85
27 2040 51898 25.44 64 2100 56301 26.81
28 2060 54260 26.34 65 2120 57706 27.22
29 2000 56420 28.21 66 2120 55629 26.24
30 1960 50078 25.55 67 2100 57393 27.33
31 2060 54075 26.25 68 2040 57344 28.11
32 2100 58317 27.77 69 2060 57103 27.72
33 2040 52102 25.54 70 2000 55300 27.65
34 2060 54549 26.48 71 1960 56428 28.79
35 2000 55640 27.82 72 1980 56074 28.32
36 1960 52626 26.85 73 2200 60148 27.34
37 1980 52668 26.60 74 2100 55860 26.60
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the footing steel works at Project # 1
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 730 20593 28.21 38 800 22568 28.21
2 730 20593 28.21 39 800 22160 27.70
3 740 20875 28.21 40 830 21165 25.50
4 750 20400 27.20 41 830 21746 26.20
5 740 20875 28.21 42 830 22991 27.70
6 740 21830 29.50 43 830 22576 27.20
7 740 20875 28.21 44 830 23414 28.21
8 740 21290 28.77 45 870 25839 29.70
9 740 21830 29.50 46 870 25404 29.20
10 730 21535 29.50 47 870 22620 26.00
11 720 20736 28.80 48 870 22185 25.50
12 700 20440 29.20 49 870 23664 27.20
13 700 20160 28.80 50 870 24099 27.70
14 700 19390 27.70 51 870 22794 26.20
15 700 20650 29.50 52 870 24099 27.70
16 690 19665 28.50 53 870 23664 27.20
17 690 19465 28.21 54 870 24543 28.21
18 680 18836 27.70 55 860 25542 29.70
19 680 20060 29.50 56 860 25112 29.20
20 680 18496 27.20 57 860 22532 26.20
21 680 19856 29.20 58 870 24099 27.70
22 740 21608 29.20 59 870 24543 28.21
23 740 20875 28.21 60 840 24192 28.80
24 740 21253 28.72 61 870 24543 28.21
25 790 22286 28.21 62 860 22876 26.60
26 830 24485 29.50 63 850 25075 29.50
27 830 23414 28.21 64 880 23056 26.20
28 830 23414 28.21 65 870 23055 26.50
29 830 23414 28.21 66 870 24543 28.21
30 820 23591 28.77 67 860 24261 28.21
31 820 24190 29.50 68 850 25075 29.50
32 830 24485 29.50 69 860 25370 29.50
33 820 24518 29.90 70 870 25404 29.20
34 800 22080 27.60 71 860 25370 29.50
35 800 21760 27.20 72 860 24261 28.21
36 810 21060 26.00 73 860 24768 28.80
37 810 22850 28.21 74 860 24510 28.50
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of footing formworks at project # 1
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 400 360 0.90 38 780 906 1.16
2 410 360 0.88 39 770 906 1.18
3 410 360 0.88 40 770 906 1.18
4 420 360 0.86 41 800 906 1.13
5 420 360 0.86 42 800 906 1.13
6 420 360 0.86 43 800 906 1.13
7 420 360 0.86 44 800 906 1.13
8 420 360 0.86 45 810 906 1.12
9 420 360 0.86 46 810 906 1.12
10 420 360 0.86 47 810 906 1.12
11 400 360 0.90 48 810 906 1.12
12 400 360 0.90 49 850 906 1.07
13 820 726 0.89 50 850 906 1.07
14 890 726 0.82 51 850 906 1.07
15 900 726 0.81 52 840 906 1.08
16 900 726 0.81 53 840 906 1.08
17 900 726 0.81 54 830 906 1.09
18 890 726 0.82 55 840 906 1.08
19 880 726 0.83 56 880 906 1.03
20 900 726 0.81 57 880 906 1.03
21 890 726 0.82 58 890 906 1.02
22 880 726 0.83 59 880 906 1.03
23 860 726 0.84 60 890 906 1.02
24 870 726 0.83 61 900 906 1.01
25 800 726 0.91 62 900 906 1.01
26 820 726 0.89 63 900 906 1.01
27 820 726 0.89 64 900 906 1.01
28 820 726 0.89 65 890 906 1.02
29 800 726 0.91 66 880 906 1.03
30 800 726 0.91 67 880 906 1.03
31 800 726 0.91 68 890 906 1.02
32 800 726 0.91 69 890 906 1.02
33 800 726 0.91 70 880 906 1.03
34 790 906 1.15 71 880 906 1.03
35 790 906 1.15 72 890 906 1.02
36 780 906 1.16 73 890 906 1.02
37 770 906 1.18 74 900 906 1.01
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of parapet formwork at project # 1
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 900 1008 1.12 38 880 862 0.98
2 920 745 0.81 39 860 783 0.91
3 910 1019 1.12 40 900 1035 1.15
4 880 713 0.81 41 900 774 0.86
5 860 740 0.86 42 900 882 0.98
6 900 1008 1.12 43 920 791 0.86
7 900 729 0.81 44 900 1035 1.15
8 900 1008 1.12 45 920 754 0.82
9 920 1030 1.12 46 910 783 0.86
10 900 774 0.86 47 880 1012 1.15
11 920 1030 1.12 48 860 705 0.82
12 910 1019 1.12 49 900 882 0.98
13 880 986 1.12 50 900 945 1.05
14 860 740 0.86 51 920 644 0.70
15 900 774 0.86 52 910 837 0.92
16 900 1008 1.12 53 880 959 1.09
17 900 1008 1.12 54 860 516 0.60
18 920 791 0.86 55 900 981 1.09
19 920 791 0.86 56 900 936 1.04
20 920 791 0.86 57 900 984 1.09
21 860 740 0.86 58 920 952 1.04
22 870 748 0.86 59 920 1012 1.10
23 900 1035 1.15 60 920 773 0.84
24 900 774 0.86 61 860 894 1.04
25 920 1058 1.15 62 870 731 0.84
26 910 956 1.05 63 920 1003 1.09
27 880 862 0.98 64 910 946 1.04
28 860 559 0.65 65 880 915 1.04
29 900 1053 1.17 66 860 937 1.09
30 900 945 1.05 67 900 936 1.04
31 900 1035 1.15 68 900 1035 1.15
32 920 966 1.05 69 900 975 1.08
33 920 1104 1.20 70 920 1058 1.15
34 920 837 0.91 71 920 690 0.75
35 860 843 0.98 72 920 996 1.08
36 870 1044 1.20 73 860 929 1.08
37 910 828 0.91 74 870 940 1.08
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of block work at project # 1
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 240 3135 13.06 38 281 3345 11.91
2 240 3116 12.98 39 281 3293 11.73
3 230 3116 13.55 40 292 3365 11.54
4 240 3126 13.02 41 281 3365 11.98
5 220 3097 14.08 42 238 3386 14.25
6 260 3050 11.73 43 281 3365 11.98
7 240 3116 12.98 44 281 3365 11.98
8 240 3116 12.98 45 281 3376 12.02
9 230 3135 13.63 46 292 3345 11.47
10 240 3116 12.98 47 281 3293 11.73
11 220 3116 14.16 48 281 3365 11.98
12 260 3126 12.02 49 292 3365 11.54
13 260 3097 11.91 50 281 3386 12.06
14 260 3050 11.73 51 280 3657 13.06
15 270 3116 11.54 52 192 2508 13.06
16 260 3116 11.98 53 192 2493 12.98
17 220 3135 14.25 54 184 2493 13.55
18 260 3116 11.98 55 192 2500 13.02
19 260 3116 11.98 56 176 2478 14.08
20 260 3126 12.02 57 208 2440 11.73
21 270 3097 11.47 58 192 2493 12.98
22 260 3050 11.73 59 192 2493 12.98
23 260 3116 11.98 60 184 2508 13.63
24 270 3116 11.54 61 192 2493 12.98
25 260 3135 12.06 62 176 2493 14.16
26 259 3386 13.06 63 208 2500 12.02
27 259 3365 12.98 64 208 2478 11.91
28 248 3365 13.55 65 208 2440 11.73
29 259 3376 13.02 66 216 2493 11.54
30 238 3345 14.08 67 208 2493 11.98
31 281 3293 11.73 68 176 2508 14.25
32 259 3365 12.98 69 208 2493 11.98
33 259 3365 12.98 70 208 2493 11.98
34 248 3386 13.63 71 208 2500 12.02
35 259 3365 12.98 72 216 2478 11.47
36 238 3365 14.16 73 208 2440 11.73
37 281 3376 12.02 74 208 2493 11.98
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the tunnel steel works at Project # 2
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 500 11740 23.48 38 1440 37756 26.22
2 500 11740 23.48 39 1450 37756 26.04
3 500 11740 23.48 40 1460 37756 25.86
4 490 11740 23.96 41 1400 37756 26.97
5 490 11740 23.96 42 1400 37756 26.97
6 480 11740 24.46 43 1400 37756 26.97
7 500 11740 23.48 44 1400 37756 26.97
8 480 11740 24.46 45 1390 37756 27.16
9 490 11740 23.96 46 1390 37756 27.16
10 1200 28528 23.77 47 1380 37756 27.36
11 1200 28528 23.77 48 1390 37756 27.16
12 1200 28528 23.77 49 1390 37756 27.16
13 1200 28528 23.77 50 1100 28528 25.93
14 1190 28528 23.97 51 1100 28528 25.93
15 1190 28528 23.97 52 1100 28528 25.93
16 1180 28528 24.18 53 1090 28528 26.17
17 1190 28528 23.97 54 1090 28528 26.17
18 1180 28528 24.18 55 1080 28528 26.41
19 1170 28528 24.38 56 1090 28528 26.17
20 1180 28528 24.18 57 1080 28528 26.41
21 1550 37756 24.36 58 1090 28528 26.17
22 1560 37756 24.20 59 1080 28528 26.41
23 1600 37756 23.60 60 1090 28528 26.17
24 1600 37756 23.60 61 1100 28528 25.93
25 1590 37756 23.75 62 1100 28528 25.93
26 1600 37756 23.60 63 1100 28528 25.93
27 1590 37756 23.75 64 1070 28528 26.66
28 1580 37756 23.90 65 1060 28528 26.91
29 1630 37756 23.16 66 1080 28528 26.41
30 1540 37756 24.52 67 1060 28528 26.91
31 1540 37756 24.52 68 1060 28528 26.91
32 1530 37756 24.68 69 1060 28528 26.91
33 1500 37756 25.17 70 1050 28528 27.17
34 1500 37756 25.17 71 1060 28528 26.91
35 1490 37756 25.34 72 1050 28528 27.17
36 1440 37756 26.22 73 1050 28528 27.17
37 1440 37756 26.22 74 1050 28528 27.17
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the footing steel works at Project # 2
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 440 12356 28.08 38 790 24565 31.09
2 440 13526 30.74 39 760 23538 30.97
3 430 12356 28.73 40 760 22356 29.42
4 800 23538 29.42 41 770 28598 37.14
5 780 23538 30.18 42 790 23538 29.79
6 790 24565 31.09 43 800 24565 30.71
7 800 24565 30.71 44 760 24565 32.32
8 790 23538 29.79 45 760 23538 30.97
9 780 24565 31.49 46 770 24565 31.90
10 770 23538 30.57 47 790 23538 29.79
11 800 22356 27.95 48 800 23538 29.42
12 760 23538 30.97 49 750 24565 32.75
13 800 23538 29.42 50 740 24565 33.20
14 780 24565 31.49 51 750 23538 31.38
15 790 24565 31.09 52 750 24565 32.75
16 760 23538 30.97 53 770 23538 30.57
17 760 24565 32.32 54 800 22356 27.95
18 770 23538 30.57 55 760 28598 37.63
19 800 22356 27.95 56 800 23538 29.42
20 760 28598 37.63 57 780 24565 31.49
21 800 23538 29.42 58 790 24565 31.09
22 780 24565 31.49 59 760 23538 30.97
23 790 24565 31.09 60 760 23538 30.97
24 760 23538 30.97 61 770 24565 31.90
25 760 23538 30.97 62 790 24565 31.09
26 770 24565 31.90 63 800 23538 29.42
27 790 23538 29.79 64 780 24565 31.49
28 800 23538 29.42 65 790 23538 29.79
29 760 24565 32.32 66 760 22356 29.42
30 800 24565 30.71 67 760 23538 30.97
31 780 23538 30.18 68 770 24565 31.90
32 790 24565 31.09 69 790 24565 31.09
33 770 23538 30.57 70 800 23538 29.42
34 800 23538 29.42 71 760 23538 30.97
35 760 24565 32.32 72 770 24565 31.90
36 800 24565 30.71 73 790 24565 31.09
37 780 23538 30.18 74 750 23538 31.38
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of footing formworks at project # 2
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 270 188 0.70 38 520 379 0.73
2 270 195 0.72 39 520 355 0.68
3 270 188 0.70 40 520 326 0.63
4 550 355 0.65 41 520 387 0.74
5 550 355 0.65 42 510 355 0.70
6 540 379 0.70 43 510 379 0.74
7 550 379 0.69 44 530 379 0.72
8 530 355 0.67 45 510 355 0.70
9 530 379 0.72 46 520 379 0.73
10 530 355 0.67 47 510 355 0.70
11 530 326 0.62 48 520 355 0.68
12 530 355 0.67 49 520 379 0.73
13 530 355 0.67 50 500 379 0.76
14 530 379 0.72 51 520 379 0.73
15 530 379 0.72 52 500 379 0.76
16 530 355 0.67 53 500 355 0.71
17 520 379 0.73 54 500 355 0.71
18 520 355 0.68 55 500 387 0.77
19 500 326 0.65 56 530 355 0.67
20 530 387 0.73 57 520 379 0.73
21 520 355 0.68 58 530 379 0.72
22 520 379 0.73 59 530 355 0.67
23 530 379 0.72 60 530 355 0.67
24 510 355 0.70 61 530 379 0.72
25 500 355 0.71 62 530 379 0.72
26 500 379 0.76 63 520 355 0.68
27 520 355 0.68 64 520 379 0.73
28 520 355 0.68 65 510 355 0.70
29 520 379 0.73 66 510 326 0.64
30 520 379 0.73 67 520 355 0.68
31 520 355 0.68 68 520 379 0.73
32 520 379 0.73 69 530 379 0.72
33 510 355 0.70 70 510 355 0.70
34 510 355 0.70 71 500 355 0.71
35 510 379 0.74 72 500 379 0.76
36 530 379 0.72 73 500 379 0.76
37 520 355 0.68 74 500 355 0.71
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of parapet formwork at project # 2
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 390 288 0.74 38 770 567 0.74
2 390 288 0.74 39 750 567 0.76
3 390 288 0.74 40 720 567 0.79
4 380 288 0.76 41 720 567 0.79
5 380 288 0.76 42 720 567 0.79
6 370 288 0.78 43 720 567 0.79
7 380 288 0.76 44 710 567 0.80
8 390 288 0.74 45 700 567 0.81
9 390 288 0.74 46 720 567 0.79
10 780 567 0.73 47 690 567 0.82
11 780 567 0.73 48 690 567 0.82
12 780 567 0.73 49 690 567 0.82
13 770 567 0.74 50 680 567 0.83
14 780 567 0.73 51 680 567 0.83
15 780 567 0.73 52 660 567 0.86
16 770 567 0.74 53 660 567 0.86
17 790 567 0.72 54 670 567 0.85
18 790 567 0.72 55 670 567 0.85
19 790 567 0.72 56 660 567 0.86
20 790 567 0.72 57 660 567 0.86
21 800 567 0.71 58 660 567 0.86
22 800 567 0.71 59 680 567 0.83
23 800 567 0.71 60 670 567 0.85
24 780 567 0.73 61 660 567 0.86
25 780 567 0.73 62 650 567 0.87
26 780 567 0.73 63 1130 876 0.78
27 770 567 0.74 64 1130 876 0.78
28 790 567 0.72 65 1110 876 0.79
29 770 567 0.74 66 1130 876 0.78
30 800 567 0.71 67 1120 876 0.78
31 760 567 0.75 68 1110 876 0.79
32 780 567 0.73 69 1080 876 0.81
33 800 567 0.71 70 1090 876 0.80
34 790 567 0.72 71 1080 876 0.81
35 790 567 0.72 72 1050 876 0.83
36 800 567 0.71 73 1010 876 0.87
37 760 567 0.75 74 1030 876 0.85
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of block work at project # 2
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 1200 12989 10.82 38 1190 12985 10.91
2 1220 12985 10.64 39 1150 12955 11.27
3 1200 12955 10.80 40 1160 12977 11.19
4 1050 12977 12.36 41 1220 12900 10.57
5 1200 12900 10.75 42 1100 12888 11.72
6 1220 12888 10.56 43 1200 12978 10.82
7 1210 12978 10.73 44 1200 12956 10.80
8 1060 12956 12.22 45 1200 12856 10.71
9 1180 12856 10.89 46 1220 13065 10.71
10 1220 13065 10.71 47 1200 13111 10.93
11 1200 13111 10.93 48 1200 13555 11.30
12 1050 13555 12.91 49 1200 12977 10.81
13 1200 12985 10.82 50 1220 12900 10.57
14 1220 12955 10.62 51 1210 12888 10.65
15 1210 12977 10.72 52 1200 12978 10.82
16 1200 12900 10.75 53 1190 12956 10.89
17 1190 12888 10.83 54 1190 12856 10.80
18 1250 12978 10.38 55 1150 13065 11.36
19 1100 12956 11.78 56 1160 13111 11.30
20 1160 12856 11.08 57 1190 13555 11.39
21 1220 13065 10.71 58 1150 12900 11.22
22 1210 13111 10.84 59 1160 12888 11.11
23 1200 13555 11.30 60 1200 12978 10.82
24 1190 12977 10.91 61 1220 12985 10.64
25 1190 12900 10.84 62 1050 12955 12.34
26 1150 12888 11.21 63 1200 12977 10.81
27 1160 12978 11.19 64 1200 12900 10.75
28 1100 12956 11.78 65 1220 12888 10.56
29 1200 12856 10.71 66 1210 12978 10.73
30 1220 13065 10.71 67 1200 12956 10.80
31 1200 13111 10.93 68 1190 12856 10.80
32 1050 13555 12.91 69 1190 13065 10.98
33 1200 12977 10.81 70 1150 13111 11.40
34 1220 12900 10.57 71 1160 13555 11.69
35 1210 12888 10.65 72 1190 12978 10.91
36 1200 12978 10.82 73 1190 12956 10.89
37 1190 12956 10.89 74 1150 12856 11.18
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the tunnel steel works at Project # 3
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 90 2858 31.76 38 290 7950 27.41
2 80 2858 35.73 39 280 7950 28.39
3 100 2858 28.58 40 290 7950 27.41
4 100 2858 28.58 41 1050 32736 31.18
5 100 2858 28.58 42 1050 32736 31.18
6 100 2858 28.58 43 1060 32736 30.88
7 100 2858 28.58 44 1060 32736 30.88
8 100 2858 28.58 45 1070 32736 30.59
9 100 2858 28.58 46 1080 32736 30.31
10 100 2858 28.58 47 1060 32736 30.88
11 90 2858 31.76 48 1050 32736 31.18
12 90 2858 31.76 49 1060 32736 30.88
13 80 2858 35.73 50 1040 32736 31.48
14 90 2858 31.76 51 1060 32736 30.88
15 90 2858 31.76 52 1060 32736 30.88
16 90 2858 31.76 53 1050 32736 31.18
17 100 2858 28.58 54 1050 32736 31.18
18 80 2858 35.73 55 1060 32736 30.88
19 100 2858 28.58 56 1060 32736 30.88
20 100 2858 28.58 57 1070 32736 30.59
21 290 7950 27.41 58 1080 32736 30.31
22 290 7950 27.41 59 1060 32736 30.88
23 300 7950 26.50 60 1050 32736 31.18
24 280 7950 28.39 61 1060 32736 30.88
25 290 7950 27.41 62 1040 32736 31.48
26 300 7950 26.50 63 1060 32736 30.88
27 290 7950 27.41 64 1050 32736 31.18
28 300 7950 26.50 65 1050 32736 31.18
29 280 7950 28.39 66 1060 32736 30.88
30 290 7950 27.41 67 1060 32736 30.88
31 290 7950 27.41 68 1070 32736 30.59
32 290 7950 27.41 69 1080 32736 30.31
33 290 7950 27.41 70 1060 32736 30.88
34 290 7950 27.41 71 1050 32736 31.18
35 300 7950 26.50 72 1060 32736 30.88
36 300 7950 26.50 73 1040 32736 31.48
37 300 7950 26.50 74 1060 32736 30.88
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the footing steel works at Project # 3
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 100 2077 20.77 38 120 3635 30.29
2 90 2077 23.08 39 110 3635 33.05
3 90 2077 23.08 40 130 3635 27.96
4 90 2077 23.08 41 140 3635 25.96
5 100 2077 20.77 42 140 3635 25.96
6 80 2077 25.96 43 130 3635 27.96
7 90 2077 23.08 44 130 3635 27.96
8 100 2077 20.77 45 120 3635 30.29
9 90 2077 23.08 46 120 3635 30.29
10 90 2077 23.08 47 130 3635 27.96
11 90 2077 23.08 48 140 3635 25.96
12 100 2077 20.77 49 120 3635 30.29
13 80 2077 25.96 50 140 3635 25.96
14 90 2077 23.08 51 140 3115 22.25
15 100 2077 20.77 52 140 3115 22.25
16 90 2077 23.08 53 130 3115 23.96
17 90 2077 23.08 54 130 3115 23.96
18 100 2077 20.77 55 120 3115 25.96
19 80 2077 25.96 56 120 3115 25.96
20 100 2077 20.77 57 130 3115 23.96
21 90 2077 23.08 58 140 3115 22.25
22 90 2077 23.08 59 120 3115 25.96
23 90 2077 23.08 60 140 3115 22.25
24 100 2077 20.77 61 140 3115 22.25
25 80 2077 25.96 62 130 3115 23.96
26 90 2077 23.08 63 130 3115 23.96
27 140 3635 25.96 64 120 3115 25.96
28 140 3635 25.96 65 120 3115 25.96
29 130 3635 27.96 66 130 3115 23.96
30 130 3635 27.96 67 140 3115 22.25
31 120 3635 30.29 68 120 3115 25.96
32 120 3635 30.29 69 140 3115 22.25
33 130 3635 27.96 70 120 3115 25.96
34 140 3635 25.96 71 120 3115 25.96
35 120 3635 30.29 72 130 3115 23.96
36 140 3635 25.96 73 140 3115 22.25
37 120 3635 30.29 74 120 3115 25.96
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of footing formworks at project # 3
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 250 141 0.56 38 370 252 0.68
2 250 141 0.56 39 370 252 0.68
3 230 141 0.61 40 350 252 0.72
4 250 141 0.56 41 330 252 0.76
5 220 141 0.64 42 380 252 0.66
6 240 141 0.59 43 320 213 0.67
7 250 141 0.56 44 360 213 0.59
8 250 141 0.56 45 360 213 0.59
9 230 141 0.61 46 370 213 0.58
10 250 141 0.56 47 350 213 0.61
11 220 141 0.64 48 330 213 0.65
12 240 141 0.59 49 380 213 0.56
13 250 141 0.56 50 320 213 0.67
14 250 141 0.56 51 360 213 0.59
15 230 141 0.61 52 360 213 0.59
16 250 141 0.56 53 380 213 0.56
17 250 141 0.56 54 380 213 0.56
18 250 141 0.56 55 370 213 0.58
19 230 141 0.61 56 380 213 0.56
20 250 141 0.56 57 370 213 0.58
21 220 141 0.64 58 370 213 0.58
22 240 141 0.59 59 370 213 0.58
23 250 141 0.56 60 350 213 0.61
24 250 141 0.56 61 330 213 0.65
25 230 141 0.61 62 380 213 0.56
26 250 141 0.56 63 320 213 0.67
27 380 252 0.66 64 360 213 0.59
28 380 252 0.66 65 360 213 0.59
29 380 252 0.66 66 370 213 0.58
30 370 252 0.68 67 370 213 0.58
31 380 252 0.66 68 370 213 0.58
32 370 252 0.68 69 350 213 0.61
33 370 252 0.68 70 330 213 0.65
34 380 252 0.66 71 380 213 0.56
35 370 252 0.68 72 320 213 0.67
36 380 252 0.66 73 360 213 0.59
37 370 252 0.68 74 360 213 0.59
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of parapet formwork at project # 3
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 140 96 0.69 38 720 510 0.71
2 150 96 0.64 39 780 510 0.65
3 160 96 0.60 40 840 510 0.61
4 160 96 0.60 41 660 510 0.77
5 120 96 0.80 42 650 510 0.78
6 130 96 0.74 43 600 510 0.85
7 140 96 0.69 44 600 510 0.85
8 140 96 0.69 45 660 510 0.77
9 150 96 0.64 46 720 510 0.71
10 110 96 0.87 47 780 510 0.65
11 160 96 0.60 48 840 510 0.61
12 120 96 0.80 49 840 510 0.61
13 130 96 0.74 50 600 510 0.85
14 140 96 0.69 51 660 510 0.77
15 140 96 0.69 52 720 510 0.71
16 120 96 0.80 53 780 510 0.65
17 110 96 0.87 54 600 510 0.85
18 130 96 0.74 55 840 510 0.61
19 120 96 0.80 56 600 510 0.85
20 130 96 0.74 57 660 510 0.77
21 650 510 0.78 58 720 510 0.71
22 600 510 0.85 59 780 510 0.65
23 600 510 0.85 60 660 510 0.77
24 660 510 0.77 61 840 510 0.61
25 720 510 0.71 62 600 510 0.85
26 780 510 0.65 63 660 510 0.77
27 840 510 0.61 64 720 510 0.71
28 840 510 0.61 65 700 510 0.73
29 600 510 0.85 66 840 510 0.61
30 660 510 0.77 67 700 510 0.73
31 660 510 0.77 68 660 510 0.77
32 760 510 0.67 69 720 510 0.71
33 790 510 0.65 70 650 510 0.78
34 650 510 0.78 71 600 510 0.85
35 600 510 0.85 72 660 510 0.77
36 600 510 0.85 73 660 510 0.77
37 660 510 0.77 74 720 510 0.71
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of block work at project # 3
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 630 7993 12.69 38 650 7993 12.30
2 640 7993 12.49 39 650 7993 12.30
3 650 7993 12.30 40 640 7993 12.49
4 650 7993 12.30 41 630 7993 12.69
5 650 7993 12.30 42 650 7993 12.30
6 650 7993 12.30 43 640 7993 12.49
7 650 7993 12.30 44 640 7993 12.49
8 650 7993 12.30 45 610 7993 13.10
9 650 7993 12.30 46 650 7993 12.30
10 640 7993 12.49 47 610 7993 13.10
11 630 7993 12.69 48 620 7993 12.89
12 650 7993 12.30 49 620 7993 12.89
13 640 7993 12.49 50 640 7993 12.49
14 640 7993 12.49 51 630 7993 12.69
15 610 7993 13.10 52 650 7993 12.30
16 650 7993 12.30 53 640 7993 12.49
17 610 7993 13.10 54 640 7993 12.49
18 620 7993 12.89 55 610 7993 13.10
19 620 7993 12.89 56 650 7993 12.30
20 650 7993 12.30 57 610 7993 13.10
21 650 7993 12.30 58 620 7993 12.89
22 640 7993 12.49 59 620 7993 12.89
23 630 7993 12.69 60 640 7993 12.49
24 650 7993 12.30 61 650 7993 12.30
25 640 7993 12.49 62 650 7993 12.30
26 640 7993 12.49 63 640 7993 12.49
27 610 7993 13.10 64 630 7993 12.69
28 650 7993 12.30 65 650 7993 12.30
29 610 7993 13.10 66 640 7993 12.49
30 620 7993 12.89 67 640 7993 12.49
31 620 7993 12.89 68 610 7993 13.10
32 640 7993 12.49 69 650 7993 12.30
33 630 7993 12.69 70 610 7993 13.10
34 650 7993 12.30 71 620 7993 12.89
35 640 7993 12.49 72 620 7993 12.89
36 640 7993 12.49 73 640 7993 12.49
37 610 7993 13.10 74 640 7993 12.49
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the tunnel steel works at Project # 4
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 1580 24665 15.61 38 780 17505 22.44
2 1570 24665 15.71 39 810 17505 21.61
3 1580 24665 15.61 40 810 17505 21.61
4 1550 24665 15.91 41 770 17505 22.73
5 1580 24665 15.61 42 800 17505 21.88
6 1510 24665 16.33 43 820 17505 21.35
7 1630 24642 15.12 44 820 17505 21.35
8 1530 24642 16.11 45 810 17505 21.61
9 1630 24642 15.12 46 810 17505 21.61
10 1490 24642 16.54 47 810 17505 21.61
11 1500 26666 17.78 48 810 18576 22.93
12 1520 26666 17.54 49 810 18576 22.93
13 1100 22567 20.52 50 800 18576 23.22
14 1030 22567 21.91 51 1360 32104 23.61
15 1120 22567 20.15 52 1350 32104 23.78
16 1030 22567 21.91 53 1360 32104 23.61
17 1080 22567 20.90 54 1340 32104 23.96
18 1030 22567 21.91 55 1330 32104 24.14
19 660 14137 21.42 56 1320 32104 24.32
20 660 14137 21.42 57 1360 32104 23.61
21 660 14137 21.42 58 1350 32104 23.78
22 660 14137 21.42 59 1360 32104 23.61
23 660 14137 21.42 60 1340 32104 23.96
24 660 14137 21.42 61 1330 32104 24.14
25 820 19746 24.08 62 1320 32104 24.32
26 810 19746 24.38 63 1330 32104 24.14
27 820 19746 24.08 64 1350 32104 23.78
28 820 19746 24.08 65 1360 32104 23.61
29 810 19746 24.38 66 1340 32104 23.96
30 810 19746 24.38 67 1330 32104 24.14
31 810 18576 22.93 68 1360 32104 23.61
32 810 18576 22.93 69 1350 32104 23.78
33 800 18576 23.22 70 1360 32104 23.61
34 820 18576 22.65 71 1340 32104 23.96
35 810 18576 22.93 72 1330 32104 24.14
36 820 18576 22.65 73 1320 32104 24.32
37 820 17505 21.35 74 1330 32104 24.14
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the footing steel works at Project # 4
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 220 4565 20.75 38 210 3851 18.34
2 220 4465 20.30 39 200 3851 19.26
3 220 4444 20.20 40 190 3851 20.27
4 220 4444 20.20 41 250 3851 15.40
5 230 4444 19.32 42 200 3851 19.26
6 240 4565 19.02 43 240 3851 16.05
7 210 4345 20.69 44 220 3851 17.51
8 200 4565 22.83 45 230 3851 16.74
9 220 4564 20.75 46 240 3851 16.05
10 220 4354 19.79 47 210 3851 18.34
11 220 4354 19.79 48 200 4087 20.43
12 220 4454 20.25 49 220 4087 18.58
13 230 4965 21.59 50 220 4087 18.58
14 240 4965 20.69 51 360 7063 19.62
15 210 4965 23.64 52 330 7063 21.40
16 200 4656 23.28 53 330 7063 21.40
17 190 4434 23.34 54 320 7063 22.07
18 200 4656 23.28 55 340 7063 20.77
19 160 3110 19.44 56 350 7063 20.18
20 170 3110 18.30 57 360 7063 19.62
21 160 3110 19.44 58 330 7063 21.40
22 140 3110 22.22 59 330 7063 21.40
23 170 3110 18.30 60 320 7063 22.07
24 140 3110 22.22 61 340 7063 20.77
25 240 4344 18.10 62 350 7063 20.18
26 210 4344 20.69 63 360 7063 19.62
27 200 4344 21.72 64 330 7063 21.40
28 190 4344 22.86 65 330 7063 21.40
29 250 4344 17.38 66 320 7063 22.07
30 200 4344 21.72 67 360 7063 19.62
31 240 4087 17.03 68 330 7063 21.40
32 220 4087 18.58 69 330 7063 21.40
33 220 4087 18.58 70 320 7063 22.07
34 220 4087 18.58 71 340 7063 20.77
35 220 4087 18.58 72 350 7063 20.18
36 230 4087 17.77 73 360 7063 19.62
37 240 3851 16.05 74 330 7063 21.40
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of footing formworks at project # 4
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 120 90 0.75 38 115 83 0.72
2 120 83 0.69 39 110 83 0.75
3 120 77 0.64 40 105 90 0.86
4 120 88 0.73 41 135 90 0.67
5 125 83 0.66 42 110 52 0.47
6 130 67 0.52 43 130 66 0.51
7 115 83 0.72 44 120 52 0.43
8 110 83 0.75 45 125 99 0.79
9 120 83 0.69 46 130 90 0.69
10 120 90 0.75 47 115 83 0.72
11 120 90 0.75 48 110 66 0.60
12 120 88 0.73 49 120 66 0.55
13 125 99 0.79 50 120 83 0.69
14 130 88 0.68 51 130 66 0.51
15 115 99 0.86 52 140 83 0.59
16 110 90 0.82 53 120 83 0.69
17 105 83 0.79 54 130 83 0.64
18 110 99 0.90 55 130 90 0.69
19 90 52 0.58 56 140 90 0.64
20 95 83 0.87 57 130 99 0.76
21 90 52 0.58 58 140 99 0.71
22 110 83 0.75 59 120 99 0.83
23 95 83 0.87 60 130 99 0.76
24 120 83 0.69 61 130 90 0.69
25 130 90 0.69 62 140 83 0.59
26 115 90 0.78 63 120 98 0.82
27 110 72 0.66 64 130 98 0.75
28 105 52 0.50 65 130 83 0.64
29 135 99 0.73 66 140 88 0.63
30 110 99 0.90 67 120 83 0.69
31 130 90 0.69 68 130 83 0.64
32 120 83 0.69 69 120 83 0.69
33 120 52 0.43 70 130 90 0.69
34 120 52 0.43 71 130 90 0.69
35 120 83 0.69 72 130 99 0.76
36 100 52 0.52 73 140 110 0.79
37 130 83 0.64 74 120 99 0.83
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of parapet formwork at project # 4
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 670 538 0.80 38 690 538 0.78
2 670 538 0.80 39 660 538 0.82
3 670 538 0.80 40 650 538 0.83
4 670 538 0.80 41 500 390 0.78
5 720 538 0.75 42 550 390 0.71
6 710 538 0.76 43 530 390 0.74
7 700 538 0.77 44 530 390 0.74
8 690 538 0.78 45 520 390 0.75
9 690 590 0.86 46 550 390 0.71
10 660 590 0.89 47 500 390 0.78
11 670 590 0.88 48 490 390 0.80
12 670 590 0.88 49 480 390 0.81
13 670 590 0.88 50 440 390 0.89
14 670 590 0.88 51 430 390 0.91
15 720 489 0.68 52 450 390 0.87
16 710 489 0.69 53 520 390 0.75
17 700 489 0.70 54 440 390 0.89
18 690 489 0.71 55 440 390 0.89
19 690 489 0.71 56 500 390 0.78
20 660 590 0.89 57 550 390 0.71
21 650 590 0.91 58 530 390 0.74
22 720 590 0.82 59 530 390 0.74
23 660 590 0.89 60 520 390 0.75
24 670 590 0.88 61 550 390 0.71
25 670 590 0.88 62 500 390 0.78
26 670 489 0.73 63 490 390 0.80
27 720 489 0.68 64 480 390 0.81
28 710 489 0.69 65 440 390 0.89
29 700 538 0.77 66 430 390 0.91
30 670 538 0.80 67 450 390 0.87
31 670 538 0.80 68 520 390 0.75
32 670 538 0.80 69 490 390 0.80
33 670 538 0.80 70 480 390 0.81
34 720 538 0.75 71 440 390 0.89
35 710 538 0.76 72 430 390 0.91
36 700 538 0.77 73 450 390 0.87
37 690 538 0.78 74 520 390 0.75
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of block work at project # 4
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 370 4846 13.10 38 370 4993 13.49
2 330 4846 14.68 39 330 4846 14.68
3 380 4410 11.61 40 380 4846 12.75
4 300 4993 16.64 41 300 4993 16.64
5 380 4846 12.75 42 380 4846 12.75
6 370 4846 13.10 43 370 4846 13.10
7 320 4993 15.60 44 320 4410 13.78
8 300 4846 16.15 45 300 4993 16.64
9 300 4846 16.15 46 300 4846 16.15
10 300 4846 16.15 47 380 4846 12.75
11 370 4410 11.92 48 370 4993 13.49
12 330 4993 15.13 49 320 4846 15.14
13 380 4846 12.75 50 300 4993 16.64
14 300 4846 16.15 51 370 4846 13.10
15 380 4993 13.14 52 330 4846 14.68
16 370 4846 13.10 53 380 4993 13.14
17 320 4410 13.78 54 300 4846 16.15
18 300 4993 16.64 55 370 4846 13.10
19 370 4846 13.10 56 330 4846 14.68
20 330 4846 14.68 57 380 4410 11.61
21 380 4993 13.14 58 300 4993 16.64
22 300 4846 16.15 59 380 4846 12.75
23 380 4846 12.75 60 370 4846 13.10
24 370 4846 13.10 61 320 4993 15.60
25 320 4410 13.78 62 300 4846 16.15
26 300 4993 16.64 63 390 4993 12.80
27 300 4846 16.15 64 370 4846 13.10
28 380 4846 12.75 65 330 4846 14.68
29 370 4993 13.49 66 380 4993 13.14
30 320 4846 15.14 67 300 4846 16.15
31 300 4846 16.15 68 380 4846 12.75
32 380 4410 11.61 69 370 4846 13.10
33 300 4993 16.64 70 320 4993 15.60
34 380 4846 12.75 71 300 4846 16.15
35 370 4846 13.10 72 380 4993 13.14
36 320 4846 15.14 73 370 4993 13.49
37 300 4410 14.70 74 320 4993 15.60
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the tunnel steel works at Project # 5
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 1450 36092 24.89 38 1420 36092 25.42
2 1450 36092 24.89 39 1400 36092 25.78
3 1440 36092 25.06 40 1400 36092 25.78
4 1450 36092 24.89 41 1450 36092 24.89
5 1430 36092 25.24 42 1450 36092 24.89
6 1400 36092 25.78 43 1440 36092 25.06
7 1400 36092 25.78 44 1450 36092 24.89
8 1420 36092 25.42 45 1430 36092 25.24
9 1430 36092 25.24 46 1400 36092 25.78
10 1400 36092 25.78 47 1400 36092 25.78
11 1400 36092 25.78 48 1420 36092 25.42
12 1420 36092 25.42 49 1400 36092 25.78
13 1400 36092 25.78 50 1440 36092 25.06
14 1400 36092 25.78 51 1430 36092 25.24
15 1450 36092 24.89 52 1450 36092 24.89
16 1450 36092 24.89 53 1450 36092 24.89
17 1440 36092 25.06 54 1440 36092 25.06
18 1450 36092 24.89 55 1450 36092 24.89
19 1440 36092 25.06 56 1430 36092 25.24
20 1450 36092 24.89 57 1400 36092 25.78
21 1430 36092 25.24 58 1400 36092 25.78
22 1400 36092 25.78 59 1420 36092 25.42
23 1400 36092 25.78 60 1450 36092 24.89
24 1420 36092 25.42 61 1400 36092 25.78
25 1430 36092 25.24 62 1450 36092 24.89
26 1400 36092 25.78 63 1450 36092 24.89
27 1400 36092 25.78 64 1450 36092 24.89
28 1420 36092 25.42 65 1440 36092 25.06
29 1400 36092 25.78 66 1450 36092 24.89
30 1400 36092 25.78 67 1430 36092 25.24
31 1450 36092 24.89 68 1400 36092 25.78
32 1450 36092 24.89 69 1400 36092 25.78
33 1440 36092 25.06 70 1420 36092 25.42
34 1450 36092 24.89 71 1400 36092 25.78
35 1430 36092 25.24 72 1400 36092 25.78
36 1400 36092 25.78 73 1400 36092 25.78
37 1400 36092 25.78 74 1400 36092 25.78
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of the footing steel works at Project # 5
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 280 6605 23.59 38 230 6605 28.72
2 250 6605 26.42 39 230 6605 28.72
3 260 6605 25.40 40 220 6605 30.02
4 280 6605 23.59 41 240 6605 27.52
5 270 6605 24.46 42 230 6605 28.72
6 270 6605 24.46 43 220 6605 30.02
7 260 6605 25.40 44 260 6605 25.40
8 280 6605 23.59 45 220 6605 30.02
9 250 6605 26.42 46 230 6605 28.72
10 260 6605 25.40 47 230 6605 28.72
11 280 6605 23.59 48 230 6605 28.72
12 270 6605 24.46 49 220 6605 30.02
13 270 6605 24.46 50 240 6605 27.52
14 260 6605 25.40 51 230 6605 28.72
15 280 6605 23.59 52 220 6605 30.02
16 250 6605 26.42 53 220 6605 30.02
17 260 6605 25.40 54 260 6605 25.40
18 280 6605 23.59 55 220 6605 30.02
19 270 6605 24.46 56 230 6605 28.72
20 270 6605 24.46 57 230 6605 28.72
21 260 6605 25.40 58 230 6605 28.72
22 280 6605 23.59 59 220 6605 30.02
23 250 6605 26.42 60 240 6605 27.52
24 260 6605 25.40 61 230 6605 28.72
25 280 6605 23.59 62 260 6605 25.40
26 270 6605 24.46 63 220 6605 30.02
27 270 6605 24.46 64 230 6605 28.72
28 260 6605 25.40 65 230 6605 28.72
29 250 6605 26.42 66 230 6605 28.72
30 240 6605 27.52 67 220 6605 30.02
31 240 6605 27.52 68 240 6605 27.52
32 260 6605 25.40 69 230 6605 28.72
33 230 6605 28.72 70 230 6605 28.72
34 230 6605 28.72 71 230 6605 28.72
35 260 6605 25.40 72 230 6605 28.72
36 220 6605 30.02 73 220 6605 30.02
37 230 6605 28.72 74 240 6605 27.52
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of footing formworks at project # 5
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 243 207 0.85 38 468 417 0.89
2 243 215 0.88 39 468 391 0.83
3 243 207 0.85 40 468 359 0.77
4 495 391 0.79 41 468 426 0.91
5 495 391 0.79 42 459 391 0.85
6 486 417 0.86 43 459 417 0.91
7 495 417 0.84 44 477 417 0.87
8 477 391 0.82 45 459 391 0.85
9 477 417 0.87 46 468 417 0.89
10 477 391 0.82 47 459 391 0.85
11 477 359 0.75 48 468 391 0.83
12 477 391 0.82 49 468 417 0.89
13 477 391 0.82 50 450 417 0.93
14 477 417 0.87 51 468 417 0.89
15 477 417 0.87 52 450 417 0.93
16 477 391 0.82 53 450 391 0.87
17 468 417 0.89 54 450 391 0.87
18 468 391 0.83 55 450 426 0.95
19 450 359 0.80 56 477 391 0.82
20 477 426 0.89 57 468 417 0.89
21 468 391 0.83 58 477 417 0.87
22 468 417 0.89 59 477 391 0.82
23 477 417 0.87 60 477 391 0.82
24 459 391 0.85 61 477 417 0.87
25 450 391 0.87 62 477 417 0.87
26 450 417 0.93 63 468 391 0.83
27 468 391 0.83 64 468 417 0.89
28 468 391 0.83 65 459 391 0.85
29 468 417 0.89 66 459 359 0.78
30 468 417 0.89 67 468 391 0.83
31 468 391 0.83 68 468 417 0.89
32 468 417 0.89 69 477 417 0.87
33 459 391 0.85 70 459 391 0.85
34 459 391 0.85 71 450 391 0.87
35 459 417 0.91 72 450 417 0.93
36 477 417 0.87 73 450 417 0.93
37 468 391 0.83 74 450 391 0.87
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of parapet formwork at project # 5
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 700 497 0.71 38 550 497 0.90
2 690 497 0.72 39 590 497 0.84
3 700 497 0.71 40 550 497 0.90
4 690 497 0.72 41 580 497 0.86
5 700 497 0.71 42 580 497 0.86
6 700 497 0.71 43 590 497 0.84
7 690 497 0.72 44 550 497 0.90
8 690 497 0.72 45 540 497 0.92
9 680 497 0.73 46 600 497 0.83
10 680 497 0.73 47 550 497 0.90
11 700 497 0.71 48 580 497 0.86
12 660 497 0.75 49 540 497 0.92
13 600 497 0.83 50 550 497 0.90
14 660 497 0.75 51 590 497 0.84
15 650 497 0.76 52 550 497 0.90
16 650 497 0.76 53 580 497 0.86
17 660 497 0.75 54 580 497 0.86
18 670 497 0.74 55 590 497 0.84
19 640 497 0.78 56 550 497 0.90
20 640 497 0.78 57 540 497 0.92
21 640 497 0.78 58 600 497 0.83
22 610 497 0.81 59 550 497 0.90
23 660 497 0.75 60 580 497 0.86
24 620 497 0.80 61 540 497 0.92
25 600 497 0.83 62 550 497 0.90
26 650 497 0.76 63 550 497 0.90
27 620 497 0.80 64 540 497 0.92
28 600 497 0.83 65 590 497 0.84
29 600 497 0.83 66 550 497 0.90
30 630 497 0.79 67 580 497 0.86
31 640 497 0.78 68 580 497 0.86
32 660 497 0.75 69 590 497 0.84
33 620 497 0.80 70 550 497 0.90
34 600 497 0.83 71 540 497 0.92
35 670 497 0.74 72 600 497 0.83
36 600 497 0.83 73 550 497 0.90
37 590 497 0.84 74 580 497 0.86
Monitoring Daily Productivity Rates of block work at project # 5
Quantity Daily Quantity Daily
Man- Man-
Days Produced Productivity Days Produced Productivity
hours hours
(Kg) Rates (Kg) Rates
1 550 5331 9.69 38 550 5331 9.69
2 550 5331 9.69 39 540 5331 9.87
3 540 5331 9.87 40 530 5331 10.06
4 530 5331 10.06 41 530 5331 10.06
5 530 5331 10.06 42 540 5331 9.87
6 540 5331 9.87 43 530 5331 10.06
7 530 5331 10.06 44 570 5331 9.35
8 570 5331 9.35 45 500 5331 10.66
9 540 5331 9.87 46 480 5331 11.11
10 530 5331 10.06 47 490 5331 10.88
11 530 5331 10.06 48 500 5331 10.66
12 540 5331 9.87 49 470 5331 11.34
13 540 5331 9.87 50 470 5331 11.34
14 530 5331 10.06 51 470 5331 11.34
15 530 5331 10.06 52 450 5331 11.85
16 540 5331 9.87 53 440 5331 12.12
17 550 5331 9.69 54 400 5331 13.33
18 540 5331 9.87 55 410 5331 13.00
19 530 5331 10.06 56 400 5331 13.33
20 530 5331 10.06 57 420 5331 12.69
21 540 5331 9.87 58 400 5331 13.33
22 530 5331 10.06 59 400 5331 13.33
23 570 5331 9.35 60 420 5331 12.69
24 540 5331 9.87 61 390 5331 13.67
25 530 5331 10.06 62 400 5331 13.33
26 530 5331 10.06 63 410 5331 13.00
27 540 5331 9.87 64 400 5331 13.33
28 540 5331 9.87 65 420 5331 12.69
29 530 5331 10.06 66 400 5331 13.33
30 530 5331 10.06 67 400 5331 13.33
31 540 5331 9.87 68 420 5331 12.69
32 530 5331 10.06 69 390 5331 13.67
33 540 5331 9.87 70 400 5331 13.33
34 530 5331 10.06 71 400 5331 13.33
35 530 5331 10.06 72 420 5331 12.69
36 540 5331 9.87 73 390 5331 13.67
37 500 5331 10.66 74 390 5331 13.67
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