The Shoe-Horn Sonata Worksheet

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The Shoe-Horn Sonata by John Misto

Act I Scene One:

1) What is our first impression of Bridie?

2) Describe one of her early experiences in Singapore.

Act I Scene Two:

3) Why is there tension between Bridie and Shelia?

4) The two women have been separated for fifty years. Why do you think that
Shelia has not made contact with her friend for all those years?
5) What does the ritual confirm about the two women?

Act I Scene Three:

6) Why does Bridie interrupt Shelia? What does this show about their relationship, even after all
these years have gone by?
7) Misto includes extensive notes through this scene to ensure the performance is directed in a
particular way. Choose one of the notes and describe how you think it would impact on an
audience. Comment also on the purpose it plays in the text.

Act I Scene Four:

8) Why does Bridie mention the lice?

9) Compose the story of Lipstick Larrys pin from his point of view. Try to show your
understanding of the Japanese and how they saw the POWs.

Act I Scene Five:

10) Describe the conditions at the camp. Use quotes from the text to support your response.
11) Explain the chop-bone.

Act I Scene Six:

12) What is humorous about the song? What does it Say about the women in the camp?
13) Why does Misto give us an impression of a young Shelia at the end of the scene? Does this
change your opinion of Shelia? What impact do you think this would have on an audience?

Act I Scene Seven:

14) Misto keeps reminding the audience of how the women suffered. How does he do this at the
beginning of Scene Seven and what effect do these constant reminders have?
15) Describe what happened at Christmas in 1943 and how it affected Bridie.

Act I Scene Eight;

16) List what out of character activities Shelia did at the party the previous night. Does this affect
our opinion of her?
17) What reason does Shelia give for not contacting Bridie after the war?

Act II Scene Nine:

18) Why does Shelia not tell the whole truth in her story?
19) What is ironic about the message from Prime Minister Curtin?

Act II Scene Ten:

20) Why didnt Shelia tell Bridie about how she saved her in Singapore?
21) How does Misto increase the tension and conflict in this scene?
22) What breaks the tension between the two women and unites them again?

Act II Scene Eleven:

23) Imagine you are the parent of a POW in Belalau. Compose twenty words
that you would write on a postcard to your daughter.
24) What is a sonata?
25) Why do you think that Shelia went back to the camp? What effect did this journey have on her?

Act II Scene Twelve:

26) Why is Bridie's theft story amusing? What does it add to her characterisation?
27) Why does Shelia want to tell the truth? Do you think she should tell the truth? Why/why not/
Compose a letter to Shelia outlining your argument.

Act II Scene Thirteen:

28) Why are the Japanese destroying diaries and punishing those who keep them?
29) Imagine you are either Bridie or Shelia. Describe how you get to the village and how you felt.
30) Why do they tell the truth at the end of the scene? What effect does this have on our perception
of them? What does it say about their relationship?

Act II Scene Fourteen:

31) How does the suitcase incident unite them?

32) The shoe-horn is the last thing that the audience sees. Why do you think Misto structures the
scene this way?


1) Why do you think Bridie and Shelia become an inseparable team in the camps? What role does
Bridie take up?
2) Do you think time has changed Bridie at all? If so in what way since the war.
3) In a letter to Shelia in Fremantle, three months after the show has gone to air, write how you
(Bridie) feel about things now. Comment on how you feel about Shelia and your own life now.
4) Why do you think Shelia has hidden from Bridie for all the post war years?
5) What effect do you think Shelias British upbringing has had on her life? Use some specific
examples and quotes to support your response.
6) Do you think Shelias trip back to the camp was a good idea? What effect did it have on her?
What is Misto trying to tell his audience in this section of the play?

7) How has their relationship changed over time? Do you think they end the play on equal terms?
8) Why do you think a male interviewer, Rick, is used by Misto rather than a female?
9) What impression do you get from Rick through his questions?
10) Choose either Bridies father, Shelias mother or Lipstick Larry and say how they contribute to
our understanding of either Shelia or Bridie.


1) Find a map of South East Asia and identify the key settings in the story so that you can get them
in perspective.
2) Find a picture of some camp accommodation. In fifty words describe this accommodation. Try
to focus on what you can see not what you know from the text.

General Questions:

1) Choose one visual technique that Misto uses. Place it in context and show what effect it might
have on an audience.
2) Discuss the use of music and image in the play. How does what we hear compare/ contrast to
what we hear or the aural images Misto creates?
3) Why do all three governments British, Australian and Japanese try to hide the truth about
conditions in the camps?
4) Do you think there is a particular reason for the womens stories being kept secret while male
POW stories are well documented?
5) Why is it important that Bridie and Shelia both tell the truth? In your response allude to both
their character and the audiences reaction to the truth.
6) Describe one incident that clearly shows the guards abuse of power in Belalau.
7) How does Shelias relationship with Lipstick Larry affect her?
8) Describe two incidents in the text and show how Misto uses them to criticise war.
9) Amidst the horror there are some incidents of humour. Examine one of these incidents and
discuss how it is humorous in the context of the war and also in the play.
10) Describe one positive thing to come from the war.
11) How does Misto use silence? Explain how effective you think it is in the context of the play.
12) Compile a list of when the shoe-horn is seen or mentioned in the play. Discuss how the shoe-
horn is used to parallel the events that the women are swept up in.

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