B.Tech/B.Des Ordinances and Regulations (Applicable From 2010 Batch Onwards)
B.Tech/B.Des Ordinances and Regulations (Applicable From 2010 Batch Onwards)
B.Tech/B.Des Ordinances and Regulations (Applicable From 2010 Batch Onwards)
1 All B. Tech. and B. Des. programmes offered by the Institute shall be governed by the B. Tech./B. Des.
Rules and Regulations.
2 The B. Tech./B. Des. rules and regulations shall be applicable to any new discipline(s) under these
programmes that may be introduced in future.
3 A student becomes eligible for the award of the B.Tech./ B.Des. degree after fulfilling all the academic
requirements and extra-academic activities as prescribed by the B.Tech. / B. Des. Rules and
B. Des. Programme
Design Design
1.1 Each academic session is divided into two semesters of approximately eighteen weeks duration (with
at-least seventy working days for classes in each semester): an odd semester (July -- December) and
an even semester (December -- April).
1.2 The Senate approved schedule of academic activities for a session, inclusive of dates for registration,
mid-semester and end-semester examinations, inter-semester breaks etc, shall be laid down in the
Academic Calendar for the session.
2.1 The number of seats in each branch of the undergraduate programme for which admission is to be
made in the IIT Guwahati will be decided by the Senate of IIT Guwahati. Seats are reserved for
candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, physically
challenged candidates and children of defence personnel who died fighting for the country as per the
decision of Joint Admission Board of IITs from time to time.
2.2 Admission to all courses will be made in the odd semester of each session, at the first year level,
through a Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) conducted jointly by all the IITs. Detailed rules of JEE are
available in the "Information Brochure" published by the IITs every year.
2.3 In special cases the Institute may admit students to a programme on transfer from other IITs. Such
admissions may be made at any level considered appropriate. However, no student will be permitted
transfer during the first semester.
2.4 If, at any time after admission, it is found that a candidate has not fulfilled all the requirements
stipulated in the offer of admission, the Dean of Academic Affairs may revoke the admission of the
candidate and report the matter to the Senate.
2.5 The Institute reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student and ask him/her to discontinue
his/her studies at any stage of his/her career on the grounds of unsatisfactory academic performance
or on disciplinary grounds. The criteria for the former will be governed by these Rules and Regulations,
while the criteria for the latter will be governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Ordinance on Code
and Conduct of Students.
3.1 The institute is wholly residential and all students shall be required to reside in, and be members of a
hostel to which they are assigned.
3.2 Under special circumstances, the Director may permit a student to reside with his/her Parent/Guardian
in the Institute Campus or within a reasonable distance from the Institute. Such a student shall,
however, be attached to a hostel and will be required to pay seat rent according to rules, and Hostel
establishment charges fixed by the Hostel Affairs Board. However, this permission may be withdrawn
at the discretion of the Institute, at any time considered appropriate by it, without assigning any reason.
3.3 No married accommodation shall be provided to any student of the undergraduate courses.
3.4 All students must abide by the rules and regulations of the hostel as may be framed from time to time
by the Hostel Affairs Board.
4.1 (a) Students are required to attend all the classes (Lectures, Tutorials/Studios, Laboratories, Practical,
Workshops etc) for which they have been registered. Students are required to attend all the classes
of Extra Academic Activities (Physical Training, NCC, COS (Community Service), NSO including
camps and other pre-publicised programmes) for which they have been registered.
(b)Students will have to attend all classes. A student will be debarred from appearing in an end-
semester examination if his/her attendance falls below 75 percent and will be awarded an Fgrade
in that course.
Similarly, a student will be awarded NP grade in Extra Academic Activities if his/her attendance
falls below 75 percent.
4.2 (a) If the period of leave is for a short duration (less than two weeks), prior application for leave shall
have to be submitted to the Head of the Department concerned stating fully the reasons for the
leave requested for along with supporting document(s). Such leave will be granted by the Head of
the Department.
(b) Absence for a period not exceeding two weeks in a semester due to sickness or any other
unavoidable reasons for which prior application could not be made may be condoned by the Head
of the Department provided he/she is satisfied with the explanation.
(c) If the period of absence is likely to exceed two weeks, a prior application for grant of leave will have
to be submitted through the Head of the Department to the Dean of Academic Affairs with
supporting documents in each case; the decision to grant leave shall be taken by the Dean of
Academic Affairs on the recommendation of the Head of the Department.
(d) The Dean of Academic Affairs may, on receipt of an application also decide whether the student be
asked to withdraw from the course for that particular semester because of long absence.
(e) The leave of absence as per Clauses 4.2 (a) to 4.2 (c) will not be condoned for attendance.
4.3 It will be the responsibility of the student to intimate the Warden of the hostel in which he/she is
residing, and the concerned instructors regarding his/her absence before availing the leave.
4.4 In exceptional circumstances, the Dean of Academic Affairs in consultation with the Chairman, Senate
may relax any of the above requirements.
5.1 Students shall conduct themselves within and outside the precincts of the Institute in a manner befitting
the students of an institution of national importance. The Institute has a separate ordinance Code and
Conduct of Students which is applicable to all students of the Institute.
6.1 Normally a student admitted to a particular branch of the undergraduate programme will continue
studying in that branch till completion.
6.2 However, in special cases the Institute may permit a student admitted through JEE to change from one
branch of studies to another after the first two semesters. Such changes will be permitted, in
accordance with the provisions laid down hereinafter.
6.3 Only those students will be considered eligible for change of branch/programme after the second
semester, who have completed all the common credits required in the first two semesters of their
studies with a CPI of 8.00 or more, in their first attempt, without having had to pass any course
requirement in the summer term examination.
6.4 Applications for a change of branch/programme must be made by intending eligible students in the
prescribed form. The academic section will call for applications at the end of second semester of each
academic year and the completed forms must be submitted by the last date specified in the notification.
6.5 Students may enlist their choices of branch/programme, in order of preference, to which they wish to
change over. It will not be permissible to alter the choices after the application has been submitted.
6.6 Change of branch/programme shall be made strictly in order of merit of the applicants. For this purpose
the CPI obtained at the end of the second semester shall be considered. In case of a tie, the JEE rank
of the applicants will be considered.
6.7 The applicants may be allowed a change in branch/programme, strictly in order of inter se merit,
subject to the limitation that the strength of a branch should not fall below the existing strength by more
than ten percent and should not go above the sanctioned strength by more than ten percent.
6.8 All changes of branch/programme made in accordance with the above rules will be effective from the
third semester of the applicants concerned. No change of branch/programme shall be permitted after
6.9 All changes of branch/programme will be final and binding on the applicants. No student will be
permitted, under any circumstances, to refuse the change of branch/programme offered.
7.1 Teaching of the courses shall be reckoned in credits; Credits are assigned to the courses based on the
following general pattern:
Two credits for each lecture period
Two credits for each tutorial period
Two credits for each studio period
One credit per hour for each Laboratory or Practical or Project session.
7.2 In order to qualify for a B. Tech./B. Des. degree of the Institute, a student is required to complete the
credit requirement as prescribed in the curriculum for a particular programme. The credit requirements
for a programme will be in the range of 290-310 credits.
In addition, a student may also qualify for his/her degree with minor in another discipline. For details
related to minor discipline, see clauses 8.1 to 8.10.
7.3 No semester will normally have more than six lecture based courses and four laboratory courses.
However, in special cases, students may be permitted to take seven lecture-based courses subject to
the recommendation of Faculty Advisor and approval of Departmental Undergraduate Programme
Committee (DUPC).
The composition, tenure and functions of DUPC, are indicated at Annexure-I.
7.4 In addition to the prescribed credit requirement (between 290 and 310) a student shall have to
complete the requirements of Extra Academic Activities (EAA) during the first four semesters. Students
will be awarded (PP/NP) grades for the EAA, which will be recorded in the Grade Card but not taken
into account for computing the SPI and the CPI.
7.5 The course work requirements may be broadly divided into following four main groups of subjects:
i. Humanities and Social Sciences
ii. Basic Sciences and Mathematics
iii. Engineering Sciences & Practice
iv. Professional Subjects
7.6 The total course package for a department consists of the following components :
i. Institutional Core subjects
ii. Departmental Core subjects
iii. Departmental Elective subjects
iv. Institutional Elective subjects
7.7 Every B. Tech./B. Des. Programme will have a curriculum and syllabi for the courses approved by the
Senate. DUPC will discuss and recommend the syllabi of all the under graduate courses offered by the
department from time to time before sending the same to the Institute Undergraduate Programme
Committee (IUPC). The IUPC will consider the proposals from the departments and make
recommendations to the Senate for consideration and approval. For all approved courses, the
copyright will be with IIT Guwahati.
The composition, tenure and functions of IUPC, are indicated at Annexure-I.
7.9 The curriculum of an individual department may include summer training for eight to ten weeks for
every undergraduate student. Summer training is to be satisfactorily completed before a student is
declared eligible for the degree. The curriculum for an individual department may show a credit
allocation for summer training, if considered necessary.
Normally summer training will be arranged during the summer vacation following the sixth
semester of studies.
7.10 Faculty Advisor: To help the students in planning their courses of study and getting general advice on
the academic programme, the concerned department will assign a Faculty Advisor each student.
8.1 Students may opt for a Minor in a discipline other than the discipline he/she is registered in. Students
completing a minor will have the minor mentioned in the degree certificate and in the final grade card.
8.2 A minor in any discipline must have five courses each having at-least six credits. The credit
requirements for a minor discipline will be in the range of 30 - 36 credits. The minor courses will spread
over the third to seventh semesters of a BTech/BDes programme with one course per semester.
8.3 For every minor discipline, syllabi of the five courses will be approved by the Senate. Numbering of
minor courses will be similar as regular courses but will be appended with M. DUPC will discuss and
recommend the syllabi to the IUPC. The IUPC will consider the proposals from the departments and
make recommendations to the Senate for consideration and approval. For all approved courses, the
copyright will be with IIT Guwahati.
8.4 Only those students who have completed all the credits required in the first two semesters of their
studies with a CPI of 6.5 or above, will be eligible for a minor discipline after the end of second
8.5 Applications for joining a minor discipline must be submitted by intending eligible students in the
prescribed form. The academic section will call for applications at the end of the second semester of
each academic year and the completed forms must be submitted by the last date specified in the
8.6 The number of seats in each minor discipline will be decided by the Senate of IIT Guwahati. The intake
in every minor discipline will be notified by the academic section at the time of calling applications.
However, a minor discipline will not be available if the number of applicants in that discipline is less
than five.
8.7 Students may enlist their choices of a minor discipline in order of preference, to which they wish to join.
It will not be permissible to alter the choices after the application has been submitted.
8.8 Selection to minor disciplines shall be made strictly in order of merit of the applicants. For this purpose
the CPI obtained at the end of the second semester shall be considered.
8.9 Joining the minor disciplines carried out in accordance with the above rules will be effective from the
third semester of the applicants concerned. No change of minor discipline shall be permitted after this.
8.10 A student with only minor courses remaining as backlogs at the beginning of a semester (other than a
Summer semester) will be deemed to have completed the B. Tech. programme and he/she will be
awarded a B.Tech./B.Des. degree without a minor.
8.11 A student can opt out from the Minor discipline by expressing his/her intent in the prescribed form.
Once a student opts out, he/she will not be allowed to rejoin the Minor discipline.
8.12 Additional rules on MINOR programme, in regard to withdrawal etc., have been placed at Annexure-II,
Annexure-III and Annexure-IV.
9.1 Every student is required to register for approved courses through the assigned Faculty Advisor at the
commencement of each semester on the day fixed for such registration and notified in the Academic
Calendar. The Dean Academic Affairs may cancel the registration of one or more courses if they are
found to violate some rules or if there are restrictions imposed due to disciplinary reasons.
9.4 a. Students obtaining grade 'F' in any compulsory subject in any semester may clear it in the
subsequent summer term examination or must repeat it in the next appropriate semester when it
is offered.
b. Those who obtain grade 'F' in an elective subject may similarly clear the backlog in the summer
term examination or, alternatively, register for any elective subject from within the same group of
electives offered in the next semester.
c. In case of failure in Laboratory/Practical subject the student will have to re-register for it in the next
appropriate semester.
d. Similarly, in case of failure in Extra Academic Activities the student will have to re-register for it in
the appropriate semester of the next academic session.
9.5 A student who obtains a CPI lower than 5.00 with grade 'DD' in some subjects or grade 'F' in some
subjects may be permitted by the Dean of Academic Affairs on the recommendations of the DUPC to
repeat one or more DD graded subjects along with the failed subjects, provided, the subject(s) is /are
being offered therein.
9.6 When a student re-registers for a subject, in accordance with clause 9.4 and clause 9.5 above, his/her
new grade will be used for SPI calculation, whereas for CPI calculation, the better of the two grades
(the old and the new) of that subject will be considered.
9.7 Students may add and drop subject(s) with the concurrence of the Faculty Advisor, and under
intimation to the concerned course instructors and the academic section provided this is done within
the date mentioned in the Academic Calendar and as per the conditions given in clause 9.3 above.
10.1 A summer term course may be offered by a department on the recommendation of DUPC and with the
approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student shall be allowed to register for a maximum of two
courses during a summer term.
10.2 Summer term courses will be announced by the Academic Affairs Office at the end of the even
semester before the commencement of the end semester examination. A student will have to register
for summer term courses by paying the prescribed fees within the stipulated time in the announcement.
10.3 The total number of contact hours in any summer term course will be the same as in the regular
semester course. The assessment procedure in a summer term course will also be similar to the
procedure for a regular semester course.
10.4 Students granted semester drop by the Chairman, Senate, on medical ground, shall be allowed to
clear the concerned courses in summer term subject to conditions as stated under Clauses 10.1, 10.2
and 10.3 above.
10.5 Students awarded `F grades in regular semester shall only be allowed to clear the concerned courses
in summer term, subject to the conditions as stated under Clauses 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 above.
11.1 Normally a student should complete all the requirements for undergraduate programme in eight
However, academically weaker students who do not fulfill some of the requirements in their first
attempt and have to repeat them in subsequent semesters may be permitted up to 12 consecutive
semesters (from the first semester registration) to complete all the requirements of the degree.
12.1 A student who has been admitted to an undergraduate programme of the Institute may be permitted to
withdraw temporarily from the Institute on the grounds of prolonged illness or grave calamity in the
family for a period of one semester or more, provided:
a. he/she applies to the Institute within at least 6 weeks of the commencement of the semester
or from the date he last attended his/her classes whichever is later, stating fully the reasons for
such withdrawal together with supporting documents and endorsement of his/her guardian;
b. the Institute is satisfied that, counting the period of withdrawal, the student is likely to complete
his/her requirements of the B. Tech./B. Des. Degree within the time limits specified in Clause
11 above;
c. there are no outstanding dues or demands in the Institute/ Hostel /Department/ Library/NCC/
COS (Community Service)/NSO.
12.2 A student who has been granted temporary withdrawal from the Institute under the provisions of
Clause 12.1 will be required to pay fees/charges (except tuition fees and hostel dues) till such time as
his/her name is on the Roll List. However, fees once paid will not be refunded.
12.3 Normally, a student will be permitted only one such temporary withdrawal during his/her tenure as a
student of the undergraduate programme.
14.1 Based on the performance of a student, each student is awarded a final letter grade in each subject at
the end of the semester. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points are as follows :
Grade Point
Grade Point (Applicable from July-Nov 2015 Semester
Grade (Applicable up to Jan-April 2015
AS - 10 (Outstanding)
AA 10 10(Excellent)
AB 9 9
BB 8 8
BC 7 7
CC 6 6
CD 5 5
DD 4 4
F 0 0
In addition, there shall be two transitional grades I and X used by the instructors.
14.2 A student is considered to have completed a subject successfully and earned the credits if he secures
a letter grade other than I, X or F in that subject. A letter grade F in any subject implies a failure in that
14.5 A Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) will be computed at the end of each semester and
communicated to the students along with the SPI and the grades obtained by them for that semester.
The CPI gives the cumulative performance of the student from the first semester up to the end of the
semester to which it refers, and will be calculated as follows:
Whenever a student repeats or substitutes a course in any semester, the lower grade(s) obtained by
him/her in the course is to be ignored in the computation of CPI from that semester onwards.
14.6 Both SPI and CPI will be rounded off to the second place of decimal and recorded as such. Whenever
these CPI are to be used for the purpose of determining the merit ranking of a group of students, only
the rounded off values will be used.
14.7 When a student gets the grade 'I' or 'X' for any course during a semester, the SPI for that semester and
the CPI at the end of that semester will be tentatively calculated ignoring 'I' and 'X' graded course(s).
After conversion of 'I' and 'X' grade(s) to appropriate grade(s), the SPI and CPI for that semester will
finally be recalculated after taking the converted grade(s) into account.
14.8 There are, however, a few other academic requirements for undergraduate programmes where student
will be awarded following two grades viz., 'PP' - Passed and 'NP' - Not Passed. All non-credit subjects
(such as Physical Training/NCC/NSO/ COS (Community Service), industrial training, field visits and
Extra Academic Activities) belong to this category. No grade points are associated with these grades
and performance in these subjects is not taken into account in the calculation of the SPI or CPI.
However, the award of the degree is subject to obtaining a 'PP' grade in all such subjects.
14.9 The faculty advisor may permit a student to register for an audit course provided the course instructor
allows auditing a course. The word "AU" shall be written alongside the Course Name in the Grade
Card. The audit course & the grade "AU" shall not carry any credits and grade points. Pass or fail
status will be shown in the grade card as "PP" for passed and "NP" for not passed. However, a student
is not required to register again for passing a failed audit course.
15.1 There will be continuous assessment of a student's performance throughout the semester and grades
will be awarded by the teacher concerned or the appropriate committee appointed for this purpose on
the following basis.
a. In case of
I. theoretical subjects, the evaluation will be based on instructors assessment, quizzes,
mid semester examination and end semester examination, and
II. sessional subjects (Laboratory/Design/Drawing/Studio/Workshop etc.), the evaluation
will be on the basis of attendance, assessment of the tasks assigned and end
semester test/viva.
b. The evaluation of the project work will be based on sessional work assigned by the supervisor,
seminar, project report and project evaluation committees assessment (also see Clause 15.2
c. In case of other requirements such as seminar, extra academic activities etc., evaluation will
be as determined by the grade awarding authority.
d. The mid-semester and end-semester examination will be conducted centrally by the Academic
Section of the Institute every semester. Every theory course must have a mid-semester and an
end-semester examination. The durations of the examinations will be 2 hours and 3 hours
respectively. No course can have an examination of shorter durations. The class-tests or
quizzes will be organized by the instructor concerned.
e. The weightage assigned to different components of assessment will be announced by the
concerned instructor(s) in the beginning of the semester.
f. The results of performance of the students in the mid-semester examination shall be
announced by the instructors. The instructors should workout following points for returning
evaluated mid-semester answer scripts:
I. for spot verification by students, the evaluated answer scripts shall be made
available during one of the lecture classes/lab classes/tutorials or during a special
session, as may deemed fit by the instructor;
II. at least a week ahead of the notified time-schedule for verification of answer
scripts by the students, individual course instructor(s) may display the model answers
relating to the question paper, through website for information to the students;
III. students shall point out discrepancies in the evaluation by the instructor, if any,
on the spot;
IV. after conclusion of the spot verification of answer scripts, the students shall be
allowed to carry their answer scripts; and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained
V. All instructors should report to their respective Heads of the Department/Centre
about showing of evaluated answer scripts to the concerned students by the stipulated
date set for the purpose in the academic calendar.
VI. The concerned Head of the Department/Centre in turn shall send their
respective reports on the subject to the Dean of Academic Affairs, within 7 (seven) days
from the scheduled last date for showing evaluated answer scripts to the students.
g. The final grades for a subject must be submitted after the end-semester examination by the
concerned instructor(s) to their Head of the Department for onward transmission to the
Assistant Registrar (Academic) within the date stipulated in the academic calendar.
16.1 The instructor(s) shall submit two copies of letter grades to the concerned Head of the Department, by
the due date specified in the Academic Calendar. The Head of the Department will forward all grades
to the Academic Section by the due date specified in the Academic Calendar.
16.2 End-semester examination answer scripts and the sheet containing details of marks converted to
grades shall be preserved by the instructor(s) concerned for a period of one semester.
16.3 Changes in Grades Already Awarded: If a student feels that he/she has not been awarded a
deserving grade in a course, he/she may request the instructor of the course within one week of the
start of the next semester, to show him/her the end-semester answer script in order to ensure that all
the questions have been evaluated properly. In case of any change in grade, the same with due
justification has be communicated by the Instructor to the Dean of Academic Affairs through the Head
of the Department.
17.1 In assessing the student's attainment in subjects (Theory, Laboratory, Studio and Sessional),
seminars, project work etc., the system of continuous assessment is adopted by the Institute. In
conformity with this practice, there will be one mid semester examination and an end semester
examination for every theoretical subject -- in addition to the instructors' assessment and quizzes etc.
17.2 A student may be debarred from appearing in the end semester examination due to the following
a. If any disciplinary action is taken against him/her.
b. On recommendation of a teacher, if
i. his/her attendance in the Lecture/Tutorial/Studio/ Practical classes has not been
satisfactory during the semester, and/or,
ii. his/her performance in the sessional work done during the semester has been
18.1 Students who have missed an end-semester examination on valid reasons and have been awarded "I"
grade are eligible for a make-up examination. They should make an application to the Dean of
Academic Affairs through the Instructor/HOD within seven days from the date of the examination
missed explaining the reasons for their absence.
18.2 No make-up examination will be scheduled for the mid-semester examination and quizzes. It is entirely
upto the instructor to ascertain the proficiency of the student by whatever means considered
appropriate to him/her if he/she is satisfied of the bonafides of the case.
18.3 Official permission to take a make-up examination will be given under exceptional circumstances such
as admission to a hospital due to illness and a calamity in the family at the time of examination.
Students residing in the hostels should produce a medical certificate issued by the Institute Medical
Officer only. Students who are permitted to stay outside the campus or who have been authorised to
be away from the Institute should produce a medical certificate from a Medical Officer not below the
rank of a Civil Surgeon and endorsed by the Institute Medical Officer. Certificates from private medical
practitioners will not be accepted. The Dean of Academic Affairs can use his/her discretion in giving
permission to a student to take a make-up examination.
18.4 Students who are awarded "X" grade by the teachers are also eligible for the make-up examination.
18.5 Make-up examination will be held as per dates notified in the Academic Calendar. Make-up
examinations at any other time can be held only with the permission of the Dean of Academic Affairs.
19.1 Grades shall be withheld when the student has not paid his/her dues or when there is a disciplinary
action pending against him/her.
20.1 A student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of B. Tech. / B. Des. degree if he/she has :
a. completed all the credit requirements for the degree with a grade "DD" or higher grade in each
of the subjects (Theoretical, Laboratory, Studio, Workshop, Sessional etc), Seminar, Project
b. satisfactorily completed all the non-credit requirements for the degree viz Extra Academic
Activities, Industrial Training, etc (if any);
c. no dues to the Institute, Department, Hostels, NCC, COS (Community Service) and NSO; and
d. no disciplinary action is pending against him/her.
20.2 The award of B. Tech. /B. Des. degree must be recommended by the Senate and approved by the
Board of Governors of the Institute.
Annexure I
Composition :
(i) Head of the Department (ex-officio) Chairman
(ii) Six faculty members to be nominated by the HOD of which one will be nominated by the Members
HOD as the member secretary.
(Note : If faculty strength of a department is less than or equal to six, then all the faculty
members will be members of the DUPC)
(iii) One faculty member from another department. Member
The department will be chosen by the committee.
The faculty member from the chosen department will be nominated by the HOD of that
(iv) Two students with CPI not less than 7.5 to be elected by the undergraduate students of Members
the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years. One student member from any other department may be
co-opted if necessary.
Tenure :
Two years for faculty members and one year for student members.
Functions :
(i) To oversee the conduct of all undergraduate courses of the department.
(ii) To ensure academic standard and excellence of the courses offered by the department.
(iii) To discuss and recommend the syllabi of all the undergraduate courses offered by the department from
time to time before sending the same to the Institute Undergraduate Programme Committee(IUPC)
(iv) To consider any matter related to the undergraduate programme of the department.
Composition :
(i) Dean of Academic Affairs (ex-officio) Chairman
(ii) DUPC Secretaries of all departments. Members
(iii) DR (Academic) or AR (Academic) Non-Member secretary
Tenure :
Two years.
Functions :
(i) To oversee the conduct of all undergraduate courses of the Institute.
(ii) To consider the proposals from the departments and make recommendations to the Senate for
consideration and approval.
(iii) To issue guidelines to various departments on evaluation pattern of the courses to maintain uniformity.
(iv) To consider and recommend the assessment procedure to be adopted by various departments.
(v) To consider and recommend any other matter concerning the undergraduate programme of the Institute.
Annexure - II
Additional Rules on MINOR programme (Applicable for 2010, 2011 and
2012-batch of BTech/BDes students)
A.1 Rules relating to withdrawal from MINOR programme
A.1.2 Students who drop out from MINOR discipline having earned any `F
grade SHALL NOT BE ELIGIBLE for award of Institute medal.
A.1.3 Students who drop out from MINOR discipline without having earned
any `F grade will remain ELIGIBLE for award of Institute medal.
A.3.1 There will be a SINGLE Grade Card with the final SPI/CPI representing
all courses (including MINOR discipline courses), EXCEPT for those
students who submitted application for dropping out from MINOR
discipline in which case the recalculated final SPI/CPI shall be on all
courses (excluding MINOR discipline courses);
Notwithstanding the above, even after opting out from the MINOR
programme, if a student specifically requests for inclusion of whatever
MINOR course(s) he/she completed in the Grade Card, the same is to
be accepted.
Discipline : xxxxxxxxxx
A.3.4 For students who complete MINOR discipline courses as well as who
fail to complete MINOR discipline courses, except for those students
who submitted application for dropping out from MINOR discipline, on
the back side of their pre-printed high security Grade Card format of
the Institute, an additional insertion shall be made as:
MINOR discipline courses: These courses are over and above the
syllabi and credit structures prescribed for B.Tech./B.Des.
programme of the Institute. Students can additionally opt for a Minor
in a discipline other than the discipline he/she is registered in.
Course codes for minor courses are similar as regular courses but
are appended with M. Students who complete all MINOR discipline
courses will have the minor mentioned in the degree Certificate and
final Grade Card.
Annexure - III
Additional Rules on MINOR programme (Applicable for 2013-batch of
BTech/BDes students)
A.1 Rules relating to withdrawal from MINOR programme
A.1.1 If a student submits application for dropping the MINOR discipline within the
scheduled time of any semester, all grades awarded to him/her in previous semesters
for Minor discipline related courses SHALL BE REMOVED from his/her grade
A.1.2 Students who drop out from MINOR discipline having earned any `F grade SHALL
NOT BE ELIGIBLE for award of Institute medal.
A.1.3 Students who drop out from MINOR discipline without having earned any `F grade
will remain ELIGIBLE for award of Institute medal.
where, xxxxxxxxxx shall reflect the BTech/BDes discipline, and yyyyyyyyyy shall
reflect MINOR discipline.
A.3 Presentation of performance in MINOR programme in Grade Card
A.3.1 There will be a SINGLE Grade Card with the final SPI/CPI representing all courses
(including MINOR discipline courses), EXCEPT for those students who submitted
application for dropping out from MINOR discipline in which case the recalculated
final SPI/CPI shall be on all courses (excluding MINOR discipline courses);
Notwithstanding the above, even after opting out from the MINOR programme, if a
student specifically requests for inclusion of whatever MINOR course(s) he/she
completed in the Grade Card or issuing a separate Grade Card showing whatever
MINOR courses he/she completed with all awarded valid grades with the caption
`Summary of Additional Learning, the same is to be accepted.
A.3.2 For students only who SUCCESSFULLY complete MINOR discipline, the Grade Card,
should mention:
where, xxxxxxxxxx shall reflect the BTech/BDes discipline, and yyyyyyyyyy shall
reflect MINOR discipline.
A.3.3 For students who fail to complete MINOR discipline OR submitted application for
dropping out from MINOR discipline, the Grade Card, should mention:
Discipline : xxxxxxxxxx
A.3.4 For students who complete MINOR discipline courses as well as who fail to complete
MINOR discipline courses, except for those students who submitted application for
dropping out from MINOR discipline, on the back side of their pre-printed high
security Grade Card format of the Institute, an additional insertion shall be made as:
MINOR discipline courses: These courses are over and above the syllabi and
credit structures prescribed for B.Tech./B.Des. programme of the Institute.
Students can additionally opt for a Minor in a discipline other than the discipline
he/she is registered in. Course codes for minor courses are similar as regular
courses but are appended with M. Students who complete all MINOR discipline
courses will have the minor mentioned in the degree Certificate and final Grade
A.3.5 For students who opt out from MINOR discipline, and specifically requests for issuing
. a separate Grade Card showing whatever MINOR courses he/she completed with all
awarded valid grades, there will be a separate Grade Card prepared with a caption,
For this type of a Grade Card, nothing will be inserted or added on the back-side of
the pre-printed high security format.
Note : The provisions for 2013-batch of B.Tech./B.Des. students have been made by adding the
shaded portions to the provisions maintained on the subject for 2010 to 2012 batches of
B.Tech./B.Des. students.
Annexure - IV
Additional Rules on MINOR programme (Applicable from 2014-batch of
BTech/BDes students onwards)
A.1 Rules relating to withdrawal from MINOR programme
A.1.1 If a student submits application for dropping the MINOR discipline within the
scheduled time of any semester, all grades awarded to him/her in previous
semesters for Minor discipline related courses SHALL BE REMOVED from his/her
grade statement.
A.1.2 Students who drop out from MINOR discipline having earned any `F grade SHALL
NOT BE ELIGIBLE for award of Institute medal.
A.1.3 Students who drop out from MINOR discipline without having earned any `F grade
will remain ELIGIBLE for award of Institute medal.
where, xxxxxxxxxx shall reflect the BTech/BDes discipline, and yyyyyyyyyy shall
reflect MINOR discipline.
A.3.1 For students who SUCCESSFULLY complete MINOR discipline: There will be a
SINGLE Grade Card with the final SPI/CPI representing all courses (excluding
MINOR discipline courses).
For these students, at the bottom of the Grade Card, the Course Codes, Course
Titles, Course Credits, and Grades, for respective MINOR discipline courses will only
be shown, with a caption,
Also, for these students, on the back side of their pre-printed high security Grade
Card format of the Institute, an additional insertion shall be made as:
MINOR discipline courses : These courses are over and above the syllabi and
credit structures prescribed for B.Tech./B.Des. programme of the Institute.
Students can additionally opt for a Minor in a discipline other than the discipline
he/she is registered in. Course codes for minor courses are similar as regular
courses but are appended with M. Students who complete all MINOR discipline
courses will have the minor mentioned in the degree Certificate and final Grade
A.3.2 For students who FAIL in MINOR discipline courses OR opt out from MINOR
discipline, there will be TWO Grade Cards as per details below:
(i) The main Grade Card will be with the final SPI/CPI representing all courses
(excluding MINOR discipline courses), without any mentioning about the
students MINOR discipline courses at the bottom of the Grade Card;
For this type of a Grade Card, nothing will be inserted or added on the back-
side of the pre-printed high security format.
(ii) There will be a separate Grade Card prepared for this type of a student,
presenting the MINOR courses with whatever grades he/she secured, with a
For this type of a Grade Card also, nothing will be inserted or added on the
back-side of the pre-printed high security format.
Note : Shaded portion only indicate the minor amendment for provisions on the subject made
for 2014-batch of B.Tech./B.Des. students onwards.