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erat Government of Maharashtra NEET UG - 2017 Information Brochure of Preference System for admission to Health Science Courses in State Government /Corporation/ Private & Minority Colleges BON BASLE BRO B3 afunatng COMMISSIONERATE, COMMON ENTRANCE TEST CELL, MUMBAI Regional Office: CET CELL, (OMER), Govt. Dental College & Hospital Building, St. George's Hospital VT. Mumbai 400 00 Fat No 8122 206086202652168 WEBSITE: htpsinnw mahacet.og/ wan dmet.o16 EMAILID : maharas ia ceteeli@gmailHealth Science INDEX T)__| Schedule of Selection Process for Health Science Courses 2)_[ introduction i 3)_| Merit list for seats under state quota of Maharashtra z 4)_[ Definitions 3 5) _| Bligibility for admission to health science degree courses + 6) | Centficates 9 7)_| Revaluation of HSC or equivalent examination marks 10 8) FILLING PROCESS 10 9) | Counseling & Distribution of seats 1 0) | Person with Disability (PWD) 15 11) | Selection process 18 12) | Payment of fees 2 13) | Cancellation 21 14) [Final selection 24 15) | Service bond & penalty 22 16) | Insurance scheme 22 17) | Conduct and discipline 2 18) | Legal jurisdiction 23 19) | Fees, freeships & scholarships fee structure at government colleges 24 20) | Exemptions as per government rules in government, govt. Aided and corporation | > colleges List of colleges of health science courses available for admission under NEET UG 21) | 2017 by the competent authority 26 ‘Annexure ‘a | Specimen Copy af Online Application form NEET-PG 2017 & General a Instructions for filling Online Application Form B__| Constitutional Reservation 5 | Children Of Defence Personnel a7 D__| Person With Disability (PWD) 49 E__| Maharashtra-Karnataka Disputed Border Area (MKB) Reservation 51 F___| Hilly Area (HA) Reservation 31 G__| Proforma For Non-Creamy Layer Certificate 32 H__| Proforma for Medical Fitnesscertificate 33 1 [Abbreviations 54 1 | Status Retention Form 55 | Government Resolutionsregarding admission to Heath Science Courses _|.56 L___| Government Resolutions :Rule for admission 39 M___[ Common Counseling : MCI Regulation S N__| Notification Regarding Eligibility for Various Courses 7 (0 | Supreme Court Order Of Eligibility for Surrender Seats 71 p __ | General instructions for filling Online Preference Form & Specimen Copy of |.77 Preference Form (Sample of online Preference Form) T__| Proforma for cancellation of admission 30 R_| Serutiny form a1 S___ | ratearar set Undertaking For Caste Validity Certificate 82Health Science NEET UG 2017 Schedule of Selection Process for Health Science Courses Schedule as prescribed by Hon'ble Supreme court order dated 18/01/2016 in writ petition (civil) No 76 of 2015 in Ashish Rajan and ors Vs Union of India and ors. T[Beciaretion of HBETUG 2017 expected detefor Resuk | [26/06/2017 2. [Online Registration | Application form 35/06) 2047 te TOTOTT AT 3, Bublioton of Provisional Mert it 12[07 2017 4 [Document Verification at # Centre 13/07 [2017 awards 5. Bublication of Revised Provisional mort ia 24/07/2017 6._| Online Preferences [Choices] Filing fom 24/07 [2017 to BT/OT/BOIT 7 | Deseo tie sant cents RT). Tec acted ner [es ts fining the reperve ainesTorthe |_| wate aco ner 3-_| Commencement of Aealemis session 3176872017 Declaration ofthe Ist of selected candWiaes The 10. second round Lat dae of joining Yo the rxpedtive cologe Tor The 11, id 4 second rounc Will be declared later on web wp | Declaration ofthe lit of elected candidatoTor dropout |] ane ww dmer ere seats ound Tp | st dete of oning fo the vaspedtnvecologe Tor aopout seis ous Cut-off date of admisdio process Tor NBES & BDS co 14. | per WP No(c) 76 of 2015 order dated 18/01/2016 31/08/2017 Certificates / Documents to be brought on the day of document verification. (All the Originals & One set of attested photocopies) a) Admit card of NEET UG 2017 4b) Copy of Online Application Form (Latest filled on www dmer org co) NEET-UG 2017 Mark sheet 4) Nationality certificate issued by District Magistrate/Addl. District Magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate [Competent Authority for issue of such certificate}/ valid Indian passport /School Leaving Certificate of HSC/12th Std. indicating the nationality of the candidate as‘Indian’ ¢] Domicile Certificate issued by District Magistrate/ Metropolitan Magistrate/ Addl District Magistrate or Competent Authority for issue of such certificate. 4) HSC [or equivalent} examination marksheet a) SSC [or equivalent} passing certificate (for Date of Birth) 4B) Aadhar Card i] Medical fitness certificate (Annexure - H) If applicable J] Caste Certificate X] Caste Validity Certificate J) Non Creamy layer Certificate valid upto 31/03/2018 [For VJ, NT1, NT2, NT3 & OBC including SBC] m) D1/D2/D3 : Ex-servicemen Certificate, actual service certificate n} D1/D2. Domicile Certificate of Defence person 6} D3_ Transfer certificate ) MKB - Disputed area certificate, Mother tongue certificate, SSC/HSC from MKB area. HA Parent Domicile certificate, SSC/ HSC of candidate from hilly area 1]_For Person with disability (PWD) Candidates - Medical Fitness Certificate of Authorized Medical Board Meme cen io) NESceeHealth Science NEET UG 2017 INFORMATION BROCHURE: HEALTH SCIENCE COURSES 4. INTRODUCTION The Medical Council of India published Gazette dated 10/03/2017. Clause 5A regarding Common Counseling is added. The Added clause 5A is as under-- Common Counseling 1, There shall be a common counseling for admission to MBBS course in all Medical Education Institutions on the basis of merit list of the National Eligibility Entrance Test. 2. The Designated Authority for counseling for the 15% All India Quota seats of the contributing States shall be the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 3. The Counseling for all admission to MBBS Course in all Medical Educational Institutions in a State/Union territory, including Medical Educational Institutions established by the Central Government, State Government, University.Deemed University, Trust, Society/Minority Institutions/Corporatians or a Company shall be conducted by the State/Union Territory Government. Such common counseling shall be under the over-all superintendence, direction and control of the State/Union Territory Government. a. There shall be a single eligibility cum entrance examination namely ‘National Eligibilty-cum-Entrance Test for admission to all Health Science courses’ from academic year 2017-18 onward. b. In order to be eligible for admission to Health Science Courses for a particular academic year, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain minimum marks in ‘National Eligibilty-cum-Entrance Test held for the said academic year besides obtaining minimum prescribed marks at the qualifying examination as prescribed by respective central council c. The reservation of seats in medical/dental calleges for respective categories shall be as per applicable laws prevailing in States/Union Territories. An All India merit list as well as State-wise merit list of the eligible candidates shall be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in National Eligibilty-cum-Entrance Test and candidates shall bbe admitted to Health Science courses from the said lists only. d. No candidate who has failed to obtain the minimum eligibility marks as prescribed by the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India shall be admitted to MBBS/BDS Course in the said academic year e. All admissions to Health Science courses within the respective categories shall be based solely an marks obtained in the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test Meme cen i NESceeHealth Science f. The Central Board of Secondary Education shall be the organization to conduct National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for admission to MBBS/BDS courses. Accordingly, the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi conducted the National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses for the session 2017-18 on Sunday, the 07" May, 2017. The responsibility of the CBSE is limited to the conduct of the entrance examination, declaration of result and providing merit list to the Counselling Authorities. Besides MBBS / BDS the admission to other health Sciences courses ie BAMS/BHMS /BPTh/BOTH/BASLP/BP&O & BSc (Nursing) will be filled on the basis of merit list of NEET UG 2017. The notice in this context was published on 6"" December 2016. The Medical / Dental seats at Deemed universities of Maharashtra will be filled by Directorate General of Health Services, New Delhi (DGHS) on the basis of All India NEET Rank as per direction of Hon'ble Supreme Court in Write Petition No.267 of 2017, order dated 09/05/2017. 2. Merit list for seats under State quota of Maharashtra: The Commissioner, State CET CELL, Mumbai will conduct the admission process for all the Health Science courses in the State of Maharashtra. Online applications will be invited from eligible candidate(s) for admission to all GovernmentCorporation, Private & Minority Colleges. Online application form will be made available on websites and www 2.4 The provisional State merit list for seats under State quota in Government / Corporation, and all the quota seats in Private/ Minority colleges will be published on the website of DMER/ State CET CELL as per constitutional and / Or specified reservation claimed by candidate(s) The Provisional State Merit List will be prepared on the basis of information submitted by candidate(s) through online process made available on websites and www.mahacetorg from 26" June 2017 to 10" July 2017. However, the eligibility and final assigned category ®ion of the candidate(s) will be subject to document ventication at the time of document verification process 2.2 Admission processing Fee: The candidate desirous of admission through NEET UG 2017 in the State of Maharashtra will have to pay fee Rs 1,000/- as administrative charge. The Candidate shall Pay by Challan atSate Bank of India of Rs 1,000/- + Rs. 60 Bank Charges (One Thousand SixtyOnly). This amount is not refundable. Meme cen (ea) NESceeHealth Science 3.DEFINITIONS a. “Act” means the Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Fees) Act, 2015 (Mah. XXVIII of 2015): b. “Admission Reporting Institution” means an institution where the Candidate shall report for confirmation for admission by submission of documents and payment of fees: ©. “Application Form” means the prescribed form to be filled up online or offline by the candidate for admission to the Courses as defined in clause (¢) d. “CAP Seats” means the seats filled in through the Centralized process of admission carried out by the Competent Authority/Commissioner State CET CELL: © “Courses” means the Undergraduate Medical Courses or Undergraduate Dental Courses, as the case may be, conducted in the State as per the approval of the MCI and DCI and affiliated to MUHS; f “Document Verification Centre” means the city or town declared by the compatent authority where the document verification is to be conducted: g. “DCI” means the Dental Council of India constituted under the Dentists Act, 1948 (16 of 1948); h. “Eligible Candidates” means the candidates who are eligible for different professional courses as notified by the Government, from time to time, under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act; “HSC” means the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Standard XIl) examination conducted by Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education as per the provisions of the Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Boards Act, 1965 (Mah XLI of 1965) or its equivalent cettificate awarded by a recognised Board: J. “Institutional Quota” means seats available for admission to eligible Candidates at Institution level as dectared by the Government or appropriate authority from time to time; k. “inter-se-merit” means the order of merit in respect of various classes or category of Candidates; | “Minority Quota” means seats earmarked for the Minority Community students from within the State of Maharashtra, belonging to the Minority Community to which the institution belongs; m. “MUHS” means the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences established under sub- section (1) of section 3 of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act, 1998 (Mah X of 1999); 1. “MCT” means the Medical Council of India constituted under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956); Mcnme cones (3) NESceeHealth Science ity-cum-Entrance Test” or “NEET” means the examination conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi for admission to under graduate Medical and Dental Courses. Pp. “Non-Resident Indian (NRI)” means a person who is “not ordinarily resident” under sub- section (6) of section 6 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and includes a person resident outside India under clause (w) of section 2 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, and also includes his child or ward; q. “Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)” means a candidate or a person registered as an Overseas Citizen of India as declared by the Central Government under section 7A of the Citizenship Act 1955, and includes Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) Explanation —For the purposes of this clause, all the existing Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) card-holders registered under Notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs No. F.No. 26011/04/98- F. |, dated 19th August 2002 and shall now be deemed to be Overseas Citizens of India, (OCI) cardholders by virtue of Notification of Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, No. 25024/9/2014-F., dated 3th January 2015. ' “Qualifying Exar n” means the Higher Secondary Certificate (12th Standard) or equivalent examination, from an institution situated in the State of Maharashtra with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology) at the time of admission; 8. “Region” means the area in respective Statutory Development Board for Vidarbha, Marathwada and Rest of Maharashta: t. “SSC” means the Secondary School Certificate (Standard X) examination conducted by Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education as per the provisions of the Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Boards Act, ‘1965 (Mah. XLI of 1965) or its equivalent certificate awarded by a recognised Board: 4. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO HEALTH SCIENCE DEGREE COURSES 4.1 The candidate must be an Indian National. However Non Resident Indian (NRI) will be eligible only under institutional quota seats(including NRI Quota). 4.1.4 Indian citizen 4.1.2 NRI candidate will be eligible for institutional quota seat only, NRI Candidate will not be eligible for other seat. 4.4.3 0C1/PIO eligible 42. Domicile of Candidate: - The Candidates must be Domicile of Maharashtra (Except candidates underclaused.1.3, 4.7, 4.8, Annexure C and €). 43° The candidate must be born an or before 31st December 2000 to be eligible for all the courses except Ayurved, Homeopathy and_Unani_courses. However. for Remenene cacy (4) NSCHealth Science admission to Ayurved, Homeopathy and Unani courses, candidate must be born on or before 1st October 2000. The Birth certificate indicating name of the candidate, Secondary School Certificate ie. SSC or equivalent examination certificate or School Leaving Certificate endorsing the date of birth will constitute a valid proof. 44 The candidate must be medically fit and must submit a certificate of medical fitness at the time of Document Verification as per proforma. (Annexure-"H”) 45 The candidate must have passed the SSC or equivalent examination trom an Institution situated in the state of Maharashtra. (Please refer 4.7, 4.8, Annexure "C" & Annexure "E" for exception) 4.6 The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination i.e. Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC/12th Standard) or equivalent examination, from an Institution situated in the State of Maharashtra (Please refer 4.7, 4.8, Annexure'c" & Annexure "E" for exception) with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) at the time of admission. 4.6.1 Eligibility criteria of Qualifying Examination for various courses 46.1.1 For MBBS/BDS/BAMS : A candidate belonging to Open Category must have obtained not less than 50% (i.e. 150 out of 300) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation (Annex. B);and constitutional reservation with Person with disability claim must have obtained not less than 40% (.e. 120 out of 300) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination. Person with disability candidate in General category must secure not less than 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination For BSc. Nursing - A candidate should have passed in the subjects of PCB and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks taken together in PCB at the qualified examination i.e (10#2). Furthermore, the candidates belonging to constitution reservation, the marks obtained in PCB taken together in qualifying examination be 40% instead of 45% as stated above. English is a compulsory subject in 10 + 2 for being eligible for admission to B.Sc (N) OR as prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council from time to time. Meme cen (a) NESceeHealth Science 46.1.3 For BHMS, BUMS, BPTh, BOTh, BASLP & BP&O courses: Clause4.6.1.1 is not applicable. Passing grade at HSC/12" Standard or equivalent examination is however necessary. 4.6.14 For admission to BP&O candidates who have passed 12" standard examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and / or Mathematics are eligible For admission to BASLP, candidates who have passed 12" standard examination with Physics, Biology, Chemistry and/or Mathematics and/or Computer Science are eligible 4.7 Exception for SSC (10%) and HSC (12%) or equivalent examinations: Children of ‘employees of the Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking:- Children of employees of the Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking posted on deputation or transfer to a place outside the State of Maharashtra; or transferred from outside to a place situated within the State ofMaharashtra:- 4.7.1 The children of such employees of Government of Maharashtra or its undertaking who have joined service since beginning at a place situated outside the State of Maharashtra but who have been transferred to a place situated within the State of Maharashtra shall be eligible for admission even though such children might have passed the S.S.C.(Std. X) and/or H.S.C. (Std.xll) or equivalent exam from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra, provided that such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking must have been transferred! deputed at a place of work located in the State of Maharashtra and also must have reported-for-duty i.e. joined the duty before the last date of document verification. 4.7.2The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category at (1) shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking has reported for duty as a proof that such employee has joined the office and/or reported for duty before the cutoff date for eligibility i.e. the last date of submission of Preference Form. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer order should also be produced at the time of document verification. Meme cen i) NESceeHealth Science 473 The children of such employees of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking who have been transferred or deputed to a place situated outside the State of Maharashtra or who have retumed to the State of Maharashtra after initial transfer/deputation shall be eligible for admission even though such children might have passed the $.S.C. (Std. x) and/or H.S.C. (Std. XII) or equivalent examinations from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra. 474 The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category at (3) above shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking has reported for duty. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting, A copy of transfer order should also be produced at the time of document verification, 4.8 Exception for SSC (10") and HSC (12) or equivalent examinations: Children of employees of Government of India or its Undertaking: 4.8.1 The children of the employees of Government of India or its Undertaking shall be eligible for admission even though they might have passed the $.$.C (StdX) and/or H.S.C. (Std. Xil) or equivalent exam from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra, provided that such an employee of Government of India or its Undertaking must have been transferred from outside State of Maharashtra at a place of work, located in the State of Maharashtra and also must have reported for duty and must be working as on the last date of Document verification at a place located in State of Maharashtra 4.8.2 The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category (1) shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of India or its Undertaking has reported for duty as a praof of the fact that such employee has joined the office and/or reported for duty before the cutoff date for eligibility ie., the last date of submission of document verification. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer order should also be produced at the time of document verification Meme cen (a) NESceeHealth Science 49 NEET UG 2017 Eligibility for Admission to MBBS & BDS Courses: A candidate belonging to open category must secure not less than 50 percentile marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together at NEET UG-2017. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation (Annexure B), and constitutional reservation with Person with disability claimmust secure not less than 40 percentile marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together in the NEET UG - 2017. Person with disability candidate in General category must secure not less than 45 percentile marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together in the NEET UG -2017. 4.10 NEET UG-2017 Marks for Admission to BAMS/BHMS/BUMS/BP THBOTh /BASLP /BP&O and B.Sc. Nursing: A candidate will be selected on the basis of merit in NEET UG -2017 to above stated courses. 4.11 Additional Eligibility tor BUMS: Candidate should have passed SSC (or equivalent) examination from the recognized board with Urdu or Arabic or Persian Language as one of the subject. 4.12 Cut-off date for the eligibility: The eligibility of the candidate shall be determined and/or decided for all purposes including for applicability of all these Rules and Regulations by considering the last date of document verification as the cut off date. It is made abundantly clear that if a candidate Is found ineligible as on the last date of submission of document verification, in terms of these Rules and Regulations, and if such an ineligible candidate acquires the requisite eligibility after the aforesaid cutoff date (i.e. the last date of Document Verification), such subsequent acquisition of eligibility will not make an ineligible candidate eligible for any purpose whatsoever, much less for the purpose of admission. 4.13 For Eligibility to Health Science Courses under Defence (specified) reservation in Government / Corporation / Government Aided Colleges Only Refer Annexure - C. 4.14 For Eligibility to Health Science Courses under Person with disability (specified) reservation in Government / Corporation / Government Aided Colleges only - Refer Annexure - D. 4.15 For Eligibility to Health Sclence Courses under Maharashtra Karnataka Border (MKB) area (specified) reservation in Government / Corporation / Government Aided Colleges Only - Refer Annexure - E 4.16 Hilly Area seat claim in Government / Corporation, MBBS Colleges Only - Refer to conditions/criteria under Annexure-F. 4.17 All those candidates who have passed the $ S.C. (Std. X) andlor H.S.C. (Std. XI) or equivalent examinatior/s from an Institution/s situated outside the State of Maharashtra and not Domicile of Maharashtra are not ELIGIBLE for admission to Health Science courses except, those exempted under Ruled.7, 4.8, Defence & MKB and NRI quota (41.2)in private unaided college Meme cen (8) NESceeHealth Science 4.18 Admission to Health Science Courses is subject to the grant of eligibility by Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik. 5. CERTIFICATES The following certificates in original and their attested photocopies must be Produced/ submitted for scrutiny at the time of document verification, as well as at the time of admission. 5.1. Admit Card and Mark sheet of NEET UG 2017 Examination 5.2 Nationality Certificate issued by District Magistrate/Addl. District Magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate (Competent Authority for issue of such certificate)/valid Indian Passport or School Leaving Certificate of HSC/12" Std. indicating the nationality of the candidate as ‘Indian’ 5.3 Domicile Certificate issued by District Magistrate/Metropolitan Magistrate/ Addl District Magistrate or Competent Authority for issue of such certificate: 54 SSC i.e. 10" Standard or equivalent examination certificate, school leaving certificate or Birth certificate indicating name of the candidate (for DoB). 55 HSC i.e. 12” Standard or equivalent examination Statement of Marks 5.6 Medical fitness certificate (Annexure-H) 5.7 Online Submission Form (Latest) 58 Aadhar Card If applicable following certificates. 5.9. Constitutional reservation claim. (Annexure-B) a) Caste Certificate b) Caste Validity Certificate (CVC) c) Non-Creamy Layer Certificate (for VJ, NT1, NT-2, NT-3 & OBC including SBC) valid up to 31/03/2018 (Annexure-G) 5.10 Specified Reservation Claim a) Defence Category Claim (Annexure-C) b) Person with Disability (PWD) (Annexure-D) c) MKB Claim (Annexure-E) d) HA Claim (Annexure-F) 5.11 Document Supporting Minority Status of the candidate 5.12 Necessary transfer order(s) of the parent (Rule 4.7 and Rule 4.8. and Annexure C 3(d) Meme cen e) NESceeHealth Science 6 REVALUATION OF HSC OR EQUIVALENT EXAMINATION MARKS, If the marks of a candidate at HSC (or equivalent) examination have been revised on revaluation, the eligibility of the candidate may be altered. The candidate will be permitted to avail the benefit of revised marks upto the last date of document Verification, subject to his/her representation to that effect to the Competent Authority and production of necessary proof to the satisfaction of the latter. 7. DOCUMENT VERIFICATION:- The Candidate will have to select any one centre for document verification, out of four centres in online registration. The four centres according to his/her online registration, where the candidate should report for document verification are given in tableno.1 bellow. The candidate should report personally (proxy not allowed) to the respective centre, as per All India NEET UG Rank., mentioned as in Schedule given in Table No.2, for the Document Verification Table No.1: Name and address of Centre opted by the candidates during online registration for the document verification Centre Name & Address of Centre Grant Government Medical College, Sir J.J. Hospital Campus, Byculla, Mumbai - 400 008 Mumbai Pune B.J. Government Medical Callege, Pune Aurangabad | Government Medical College, Aurangabad Nagpur Government Medical College, Nagpur 8. ONLINE PREFERENCE (CHOICE) FILLING PROCESS Admission to First Year Health Science Courses far the academic year 2017-2018, will be done online by way of filling of the "Preference Form" on & www mahacet org (Refer Annexure - P). The online preferences filled by the candidates will be centrally processed and list of selected candidates will be declared. As per this list the candidate should join college / course allotted to him/her. Meme cen (10) NESce
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