Kurukshetra November 2013 PDF
Kurukshetra November 2013 PDF
Kurukshetra November 2013 PDF
Vol. 62 No. 1 Pages 52
November 2013
Rajesh K. Jha
Senior Editor
Editor Supply-Side Challenges of
Maruf Alam The National Food Security Bill S. P. Singh 3
Joint Director
Vinod Kumar Meena
Food Security Vs Farmer Security Dr. Parveen Kumar 9
ASHA SAXENA Hurdles in implementing Food Security Bill Dr. Arabi. U, Ramya H.D 12
ROOM NO. 661, NIRMAN BHAVAN Food Security A Remedy for malnutrition K.N. Tiwari 19
NEW DELHI-110011 Worlds Largest Experiment to Feed Millions Dr. Archana Sinha 24
TEL. : 23061014, 23061952
FAX : 011-23061014 Food Security in India - Issues and Concerns Santhosh Kumar.H 28
E-MAIL : kurupage@yahoo.co.in
RENEWALS AND AGENCY Making Food Security Work Anumpam Sarma 30
PLEASE CONTACT: Gene Revolution-Solution for Food Crisis Dr B.K Mohanty 33
Business Manager
EAST BLOCK-IV, LEVEL-VII, R.K. PURAM, Water Management and food Security Dasharath Prasad
NEW DELHI-110066
TEL. : 26100207 Rakesh Kumar 38
FAX : 26175516
E-MAIL : pdjucir@gmail.com
WEBSITE : publicationsdivision.nic.in Vegetable based Agripreneureship Shubhadeep Roy
for livelihood security Yerasu Suresh Reddy
INLAND Vanitha, S. M. 41
1 YEAR : ` 100
2 YEARS : ` 180
3 YEARS : ` 250 Zinc: Vital to Crop Production and Productivity Yashbir Singh Shivay 44
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ndia has joined the league of countries who guarantee majority of its population
food grains. The government has passed the much awaited National Food Security
Bill which will ensure legal food entitlement to 75 per cent of the rural population
and 50 per cent of the urban population, across the country, at reasonably cheaper
The scheme provides for distribution of rice at Rs. 3 per kilogram, wheat at Rs. 2 and
coarse grains at Re. 1, per person.
The Food Security programme, the largest in the world, guarantees the countrys
810 million poor, coarse grains, such as sorghum, pearl millet or bajra, and finger millet
or ragi, at 1 per kg. These coarse cereals are rich in minerals, especially, micronutrients
It is estimated that around 62 million tones of food grains will be needed each
year to implement the programme at a cost of over One lakh crore Rupees.
The implementation of such a programme has its own problems- relating to
both supply and distribution and the ability of Indias agriculture to cope with the
demands. We discuss the supply side of the Food Security programme and other
issues including the hurdles which the government could face to implement the
ambitious programme.
The success of the Food Security programme would also be measured by the
proportion of eligible households that actually benefit from the bill, especially in states
with a large Below Poverty Line (BPL) population.
While the programme would be affordable in the current financial year,
concern has been raised by some on the fiscal pressure the spending could have
on Indias budget, in the years ahead.
It has also been argued by some analysts that growing subsidies could restrict
investment opportunities, including those in the agriculture sector.
However, there is unanimous opinion amongst policy planners and analysts that
the Food Security programme is needed, whatever the cost.
Ideally, the bill will be able to protect everyone from hunger and can make a
significant contribution to the elimination of under nutrition in the country.
The Food Security Bill has provision of free nutritious meals to children and
pregnant and lactating women which gives a paradigm shift in imparting nutrition
10 Kurukshetra November 2013
2011). The report further said that the suicides and ultimate reduction of their dependence on food
are not region specific but are spread across India. grain subsidies. The real problem with the Indian
46 farmers commit suicide every day even as the agriculture is that of low productivity. More than
packages are rolled out in a bid to bail out the debt 80% of the farmers are small and marginal. The small
ridden community from the crisis. The Nutrition size of farms along with lack of quality inputs lead
Barometer Launched by two NGOs World vision to low production. All this forces the small farmers
and Save the Children that assess the governments to depend on subsidized food grains as their own
political legal and financial commitments towards productivity is low. The productivity of the small
tackling the scourge in 36 countries which are home farms has to be improved by suitable technological
to 90% of worlds malnourished children says that interventions. Suitable farming system models should
in India every day 5000 children die largely due to be developed for different agro-climatic zones.
causes that are preventable like malnutrition and lack Farmers need to be motivated for diversification.
of a proper diet. The same farmer which once during A large of investment is required for increasing the
the green revolution era appeared enthusiastic and area under irrigation. As per estimates a sum of
determined irrespective of age now is willing to leave roughly Rs 1,11,000 crore would be required to boost
this profession. farm output with grain requirement increasing, on
account of this intervention, from 55 million tonne to
Even in agriculturally progressive state like 61 million tonne annually. For this we have to invest
Punjab 37% of farmers wants to quit agriculture. in agriculture to boost production in a big way. Credit
Definitely the percentage must have risen high is also an important requirement in the agricultural
now. 95% of farming community has no access to production process.
microfinance and insurance. 56% still borrow from
informal sources and 70% has no deposit account Although the government has started a lot of
in Banks. Crop insurance also covers only 4-6% of programmes for the financial inclusion of farmers but
farmers. Youths are not interested in agriculture. A all those schemes are beyond the reach of farmers.
December 2012 report of the Institute of Applied Hassle free and timely availability of credit should be
Manpower Research (IAMR), a part of the planning made available to the farmers so that they does not
commission said that on an average 2,035 farmers fall in the hands of money lenders who charge huge
are losing main cultivators statuses every single rate of interests from them ultimately forcing them
day for the last 20 years. Isnt this shocking? Isnt it the consume their lives. Climate change is another
ridiculous to talk of providing food security when we threat that can severely reduce our yields. Suitable
cannot provide security to the farmers who provide drought resistant varieties should be developed and
us food? provided to the farmers. Farmers need to be made
aware of the mitigation and adoption strategies.
Projections say that by 2050 we would have Agriculture insurance is another area which needs
forty per cent more population than it is now. Indian to be looked upon immediately. Indian agriculture
population grows at 15 million in two years i.e. a is said to be the gamble of monsoons. The whole
population equivalent to Malaysia. With the food agriculture production process is subjected to the
security act in place can India produce the required vagaries of monsoons. Agriculture insurance should
amount of food grains in the backdrop of such a large be provided to the farmers for their crops. At the
number of farmers leaving farming? The answer is a same time suitable infrastructure has to be created at
big No. Without farmers security being an inbuilt the gross root level. Food security through increased
mechanisim in any food security programme we productivity along with wise and judicious use of our
cannot achieve our target. Now the biggest question natural resources is the also need of the hour. At the
is how to make our farmers secure. same time the agricultural scientists have to come
For this we have to plug the loopholes in our out with practical solutions to the problems faced by
existing agricultural production and distribution the farming community
system. Agriculture has to be revamped. Lakhs of The more the secure a farmer; the more is the
tonnes of food grains spoil every year due to lack of agriculture production which ultimately ensures food
adequate storage facilities. Scientific grain storage security for all. If we are able to make a farmer secure,
and modern storage structures should be constructed only then we can hope that the food is available to
in higher production areas. Proper storage structures the aged, the infirm, the disabled, the pregnant and
can stop the rotting of food grains. An effective lactating women and to all those who do not have
delivery mechanism to reduce the pilferage of food the financial resources to get sufficient food.
grains is also essential. Similarly value addition and
food processing facilities have to be provided to [Dr. Kumar writes on agriculture issues and
raise the farm income of small and marginal farmers can be reached at pkumar6674@gmail.com]
ndias Food Security Bill 2013 is considered As the Bill in its present form throws up major
as a landmark bill to make the right to food a operational and financial challenges, obviously it
legal entitlement. Ideally, the bill will be able has enormous ramifications on the cereal economy
to protect everyone from hunger and can make a markets of Indian agriculture. It is important to
significant contribution to the elimination of under ensure adequate availability of grain with the public
nutrition in the country. As the bill proposes to authorities to fulfill the underlying obligation in the
provide food at a subsidised rate to nearly two- Bill. However, given the current trends and volatility
thirds of the countrys population; but ending in rates of growth in foodgrains production and
under nutrition requires many other interventions yields, the growing pressures on land & water in the
related to health care, safe water, and sanitation. wake of climate change, dependence on monsoon
Nevertheless, some provisions of the bill will have rains needs lot of government intervention to
a significant nutritional impact, like, childrens augment production further, enhance procurement,
entitlements to nutritious food. Other provisions, and stock large amounts of grains to meet the
such as those relating to the PDS, are better seen commitments of food distribution through public
as a form of social security than as a nutritional
intervention specifically. However, the fundamental
problems of Indias malnutrition, visa-viz, 61 million
children being chronically undernourished, 8 million
children suffering from severe acute malnutrition;
thus, the focus needs to be on the right to adequate
nutrition, beyond the right to food as the bill
In recent years despite ensuring ample
availability of food, existence of food insecurity
at the micro-level in the country has remained a
formidable challenge for India. In this context the
recently introduced National Food Security Bill
(NFSB) aims to address this and marks a paradigm
shift in addressing the problem of food security
from the current welfare approach to a right based
approach. The central pivot of the Bill is large-scale
subsidized grain distribution to almost 1.2 billion
countrys population to achieve food and nutritional
security. It implies a massive procurement of
food grains and a very large distribution network
entailing huge financial expenditure. But the long-
term feasibility of the envisaged strategy under
NFSB need an adoption of holistic approach to
point out the major laps and hurdles in achieving
the hunger free society. This will possibly cover the
entire system of food production, food procurement
and distribution network existing for achieving food
security on sustainable basis.
12 Kurukshetra November 2013
food delivery system. To fulfil these, the mechanism during the last few years in specific states like Tamil
of ensuring adequate possible foodgrains availability Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan,
on sustainable and stable basis needs to be explored Odisha among others. These experiences provide
other than what exists now. a reasonably clear roadmap for PDS reform across
the country. Some elements of that roadmap are
Inadequacies in the bill included in the bill like inclusive coverage, clear
Farmers bodies in India fear that the bill entitlements, de-privatisation of ration shops,
would lead to making the government the biggest computerisation of records, among others. Beyond
buyer, hoarder and seller of foodgrains. There is that it is best to leave it to the states to reform
a clear feeling that this would distort the market the PDS in their own way, instead of centralising
mechanism and reduce the bargaining power of PDS management. However, although the flawed
farmers. Besides the bill also makes no provisions distribution system has made matters worse,
for production of food or for support of small but, the purpose of the bill is to correct delivery
and marginal farmers who are food producers; of mechanism. This is one of the many reasons that
course, a single bill cannot address all food related have led to malnourishment among women and
issues. Small and marginal farmers have certainly children. Most social security schemes meant
been left behind in the growth process, and for them are either not reaching them or getting
need various kinds of public support, related, for severely diluted due to leaks in the system.
instance to power supply, economic infrastructure, On the whole, the Food Security Bill suffers
credit facilities, land rights, and environmental from few drawbacks:
protection. The main objection to the bill is that it
does not specify any time frame for the rolling out Firstly, it does not specify/identify who will
of the entitlements. come in the excluded category. In other words,
unless it decides clearly who will not get subsidised
The country continues with a targeted PDS, food grain; there is the need to wait for more time
excluding 33% of the population from accessing to identify.
it as a right, giving scope to large exclusion of the
poor in the country as a whole. The improved Secondly, NFSB specify that 67% or 75% %
framework of single pricing in the present bill over population of rural areasshould get subsidised food
the dual pricing under the existing above poverty grain.But, the question of majority of population
line - below poverty line system is undermined by in rural areas remains being as farmers, crop
the exclusion of a third of the country. While the sharers, agricultural labours etcalready have more
Indian Council for Medical Research recommends than 600 kgsof wheat or rice for consumption for
that an adult requires 14kg of food grains per month whole of the yearin their houses after the period
and children 7kg; the bill provides entitlements to of harvesting is over, then such people are being
5kg per person per month, thus ensuring only 166g covered for subsidised food grains; thus benefits
of cereal per person per day. Also, the bill provides again reach to those already entitled to benefit.
only for cereals with no entitlements to basic food
Thirdly,a huge amount ofcost of transportation
necessities such as pulses and edible oil required
of food grains involved which is stated to be twice
to combat malnutrition. The bill allows the entry of
the amount of cost of procurement of wheat, then,
private contractors and commercial interests in the
then the question of why in rural areasbeneficiaries
supply of food in the integrated child development
are not given 600 kgs of wheat or rice by sarpanch or
scheme and it also tying maternal entitlements
Patwari of a particular village panchayat; which will
to conditions (like two-child norm) discriminates
hopefully save thecost of transportation,storage,
mothers who have more children.
commission, overheads, pilferagedue to rains and
Concerns remain over PDS that it will rats.
intensify corruption. The government should
In brief, the important inadequacy in the NFSB
focus on productivity enhancement rather than on
2013 can be listed as:
subsidising food at the expense of taxpayers. There
have been many positive experiences of PDS reform Firstly, it does not specify any time frame
14 Kurukshetra November 2013
The food subsidy in coming years will balloon and wheat, through the existing public distribution
due to the lower central issue price of grain, a system (PDS) and other welfare schemes, costing
significant rise in the number of entitled beneficiaries the exchequer about Rs. 1,25,000 crore annually.
and the need to keep raising the MSP to cover the The National Food Security Bill 2013 could be an
rising costs of production and to incentivize farmers effective policy instrument, or say, a game-changer
to increase production of cereals. The existing food for national food security if the government is able
security complex of procurement, stocking and to overcome large scale corruption and reduce
distribution would further expand and increase the leakage and wastage through computerization and
operational expenditure of the scheme given its involving the local bodies. The learned experiences
creaking infrastructure, leakages (which amount from states like Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu have
to about 40 percent as per our calculations) and shown that, increased local participation and
inefficient governance. This raises not only the issue innovative technologies including smart cards and
of sustainability of the financial obligations entailed computerized records have made food distribution
in NFSB, but also its efficacy in trying to extend food transparent, more efficient and better targeted.
Overall better results can be obtained by
As the report, titled A Global Development integrating various welfare schemes designed to
Agenda: Toward 2015 and Beyond, argues that raise the wellbeing of the poor masses as revealed
the world has made substantial progress toward from the experiences in countries such as Brazil,
achieving many of the Millennium Development Ethiopia and Bangladesh. In fact, these countries
Goals (MDGs) targets, such as halving the proportion took initiatives to bundle income/food transfers
of people living in poverty, the progress has been very
with education and healthcare. Hence, India may
slow on other priorities for development including
have to consider these successive policy initiatives
global hunger and nutrition. Consequently, as we
so as to pullout poor themselves from poverty and
frame the global development agenda toward 2015
become self reliant in the coming years.
and beyond these goals should include a stand-alone
goal to end hunger and achieve food security and Another paradigm shift needed in Indias food
good nutrition, and they should advance womens security strategy relates to nutrition security for
economic empowerment, community resilience, and which the Food Bill has provision of free nutritious
effective institutions. In this regard, the emphasis meals to children and pregnant and lactating women,
should be on the importance of making hunger a which is very encouraging. But the time to diversify
prominent and free standing development goal. As the food strategy through policy changes, R&D
hunger is a universal human experience, and setting and investment towards more nutrient-rich foods,
goals to which the global population can relate to is including pulses, the poor are increasingly unable
crucial to garner support and mobilize towards its to afford as it demands more paying capacity.
success; stunting should be a key indicator under
the hunger goal. Stunting is a powerful indicator of Although the bill focuses on food subsidies, the
hunger, and more importantly, also a key indicator of government has an open door to introduce other
deep generational poverty. types of benefits, such as direct cash transfers and
vouchers. Although the cash transfers have the
If we recognise that malnutrition is a multi- potential to reduce costs and market distortions, their
dimensional problem and needs a multi-pronged success may be significantly hindered by insufficient
strategy, then we have to include the costs of banking infrastructure networks especially in the
creating such a rural and urban infrastructure to
remote un banked regions and the absence of well-
tackle malnutrition of children and women at any
functioning markets and supermarkets. However,
significant scale, which the country will have to
there is no clarity about plans on how these different
attend to in due course, the financial obligations
schemes will come together and time bound. Above
under the NFSB will be much higher than are
all, as the international experience shows that food
indicated in the Draft Bill.
vouchers have led to the largest improvements in
The National Food Security Bill (NFSB) envisages dietary diversity followed closely by cash transfers,
distribution of about 61.2 mt of cereals, primarily rice while food transfers led to the largest increase in
16 Kurukshetra November 2013
Most of the over 550,000 villages produce instance, the recently announced policy of cash
food crops; the rest focus on cash crops and villages transfers for some 29 schemes excluding food and
have something to sell in the market, indicating fertilizers subsidy in 51 districts in 15 states from
surplus food grains. Yet, in the same village there are 1st January, 2013 are some of the bold steps in the
hungry people; thus the question of why cant the right direction. Besides these, it could have also been
food security system use the local surplus stock to linked to education as is done in Bangladesh where
distribute among the local hungry and poor needs school children and their families are given access
solution; which means decentralized storage of food to subsidized food. Of course, in India we have the
grains seems inevitable. Current practise of public midday meal scheme for children to improve their
food delivery system has the mechanism of deriving attendance in schools. The bill should have also
food grain in the PDS shops from a centralized included subsidized rates for pulses which for many
warehouse located far away. So, decentralised PDS of the poorest are the only source of protein and
along with its whole procurement, storage and other nutrients.
distribution grain will necessitate the involvement of
As it appears, given the fiscal constraints, there
the local Panchayat bodies. Hence, greater emphasis
is always a trade-off between allocating money
needed based on the principle of decentralised
through subsidies and increasing investments into
provision of food grains through the supervisory agricultural sector in India. Therefore, to sustain long-
control by panchayats or village republics in India. term growth in agricultural production and also to
The need also arise now to learn from the local reduce poverty faster the focus of public expenditure
tradition of food grain bank which have worked for agriculture needs to shift towards investments to
brilliantly based on the principle of sharing and boost productivity rather than subsidies. In contrast,
caring, where, perhaps, even in the hunger belt of however, NFSB is likely to shift the nature of resource
Kalahandi in Orissa, there are villages where people allocation more towards subsidies rather than
dont starve. investments which will be retrogressive from long
term agricultural growth and sustainable food security
Finally, since the proposed bill likely to cause point of view. This should be taken much care.
heavy public expenditure burden, physical delivery
of grains in remote areas or extremely deficit states [Dr. Arabi. U is Professor and Chairman,
needs further financial support may cause huge Department of Studies and Research in Economics,
budget deficits can still go on and if the state feels it Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri,
is necessary to carry its obligations that way, then, Karnataka.574199, and Ramya H.D. Ph.D. is
necessary bold steps are to be taken to avoid wastes Scholar, Department of Studies and Research
in or food leakages as well to reach the benefits to in Economics, Mangalore University,
real beneficiaries in the country. In this context, for Mangalagangothri, Karnataka-574199]
Forthcoming Issues
The programme when implemented will be the biggest in the world with the government spending estimated
at Rs 1.3 lakh crore annually on supply of about 62 million tonnes of rice, wheat and coarse cereals to 67
per cent of the population.
ood security refers to a households physical sufficient resources, both economic and physical, to
and economic access to sufficient, safe, and obtain appropriate foods for a nutritious diet. Food
nutritious food that fulfills the dietary needs use is the appropriate use based on knowledge of
and food preferences of that household for living an basic nutrition and care, as well as adequate water
active and healthy life. Food security for a household and sanitation. The FAO adds a fourth facet: the
means access by all members at all times to enough stability of the first three dimensions of food security
food for an active, healthy life. Food security includes over time.
at a minimum (1) the ready availability of nutritionally
adequate and safe foods, and (2) an assured ability Indicators to Measure Food Security
to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable Food self sufficiency, food security and nutrition
ways (that is, without resorting to emergency food security are the essential components of food and
supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping nutrition security. Therefore, food security should
strategies) (USDA). The World Health Organization ensure both adequate food availability and desired
defines food security as having three facets: (1i) Food nutrition. Food and nutrition security should go hand
availability (ii) Food access and (iii) Food use. Food in hand. Nutrition security can be defined as physical
availability is having available sufficient quantities and economic access to balanced nutritionand clean
of food on a consistent basis. Food access is having drinking water to all people at all time. Only when
20 Kurukshetra November 2013
at subsidised prices from State Governments under 1.3 lakhs crores per year and as such, the increase
the targeted public distribution system. The eligible in subsidy burden would add to the current fiscal
households will be entitled to food grains at a account deficit woes.
subsidised price not exceeding Rs 3 per kg for rice; Rs Inflationary pressures: Procurement of rice,
2 per kg for wheat and Re 1 per kg for coarse grain. wheat, and millets by the government of such huge
The programme when implemented will be the quantities would result in less quantity available
biggest in the world with the government spending in the open market, thereby pushing up foodgrain
estimated at Rs 1.3 lakh crore annually on supply of prices. As agriculture in India is a gamble of monsoon,
about 62 million tonnes of rice, wheat and coarse the poor or excessive raifall in a particular year would
cereals to 67% of the population. necessitate procurement through imports, which in
turn will again enhance prices of the foodgrains and
Public distribution system and leakages:Twin
Problem The current system of distribution through
the approximately 5 lakh fair price shops spread
across the country suffers from logistics issue of
picking up the food from the source, storage and
onward transportation coupled with the leakages
on account of pilferage, rotting of grains and
logistics inefficiencies accounting for nearly 40% to
50% of the total food stock. If this trend continues,
the nation cannot afford the incremental losses
on account of additional procurement envisaged
under the Bill.
Food security legislation to put pressure on
public finances: FICCI: Implementation of food
security legislation will impose pressure on public
finances and push up the fiscal deficit to 5% of the
Gross Domestic Product in the current financial year,
said a FICCI report. ...it will impose an additional
Implications of Food Security Bill pressure on the fiscal situation and would make
A huge percentage of the Indian population fiscal sustainability plan of the country difficult
lives below the poverty line where getting one square to achieve. As a result, the expected fiscal deficit
meal a day is a challenge. The food security bill aims to GDP ratio is 5 % for 2013-14, which is slightly
to satisfy this basic need and in that sense although above the budgeted 4.8%,. It said allocating food
it encourages welfare economics, the intention is through public distribution system is plagued with
noble. This is what would need to be weighed against inefficiencies and ensuring efficiency in the delivery
other economic considerations. system is required. Further, the survey said decline
in industrial output, widening current account deficit
Subsidy burden: To gain a perspective on the and a depreciating rupee may dampen the growth
subsidy portion, we should loo k at the per kg price prospects the country if adequate supportive action
of at least rice and wheat. As per todays price of is not taken.
Government current procurement price, the prices
of rice and wheat would be approximately Rs. 13.45 Food security programme: A remedy for
per Kg and Rs. 12.85 per Kg, respectively and at this malnutrition ? There are doubts on how effectively
price the subsidy portion would be Rs. 10.45 per the legislation will tackle all factors perpetuating
kg of rice and Rs.10.85 per kg of wheat. Taking into malnutrition in India. Though congress leaders have
account the total number of beneficiaries and the officially touted the ordinance as their chief means
quantity of foodgrains to be distributed, the burden to tackle malnutrition in the country, but data on
on the exchequer is projected at a whopping Rs. the nutrition problem suggests that the legislation
22 Kurukshetra November 2013
dependence on imports, and India turned out to
be a next exporter of foodgrains. Our granaries are
not only full but due to poor storage facilities, the
foodgrains lying in open also started rotting.
In spite of significant improvement in
agriculture and allied sector, the fact lies that low
production and low productivity are at the core of
agricultural problems in India. There is considerable
variation in productivity levels of various districts
across and within the states. In a study of productivity
assessment of the 551 districts, the productivity/
ha/year was low in 51% of districts which did affect
the standard of living of farm households, especially
that of marginal and small farmers. About 60% of
the gross cropped area is still rainfed. Various studies
indicate that the potential of rainfed areas has not
been fully utilized.
Indian agriculture has started witnessing
second generation problems like diminishing
return on inputs with declining use efficiency,
soil fatigue with decreased content of organic
carbon and increasing deficiencies of secondary
and micronutrients. So far, our major focus was
to enhance crop productivity that happened on
the cost of soil health. Exploitive agriculture offers
great possibilities if carried out in a scientific way
but poses great dangers if carried out with only an
immediate profit motive. Intensive cultivation of
land without conservation of soil fertility and soil
structure would lead, ultimately, to the springing
up of deserts. Management of land, water and
nutrients, therefore, assumes great importance
for sustaining a strong food production capacity
and environment.
[The author is Ex. Director, International
Plant Nutrition Institute-India Program and Ex.
Professor and Head, Department of Soil Science
and Agricultural Chemistry, Chandra Shekhar Azad
University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur,
5/1074, Viram Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
ndia is acclaimed internationally for its fast climate change, biodiversity, desertification, water
growing economy among the developing depletion, etc are being apparent, which in turn are
countries. At the same time it is struggling becoming unfriendly to nature and human health.
with problems of poverty, hunger, unemployment There is a critical need for developing systems to
and food insecurity, though the poverty level has alleviate the environmental disorders in order to
declined remarkably in terms of percentage from boost crop productivity. Soil health is defined as the
over 60 percent during 1951 to about 26 per cent in continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living
2011. However, there is no significant improvement system, by identifying that it contains biological
in malnutrition level especially among deprived elements that are key to the ecosystem function
and marginalized groups. There are several factors within land use limits. After the liberalisation in
that challenge Indias food security. Firstly, due to 1991 there is a boom in land market in favour of
urbanisation the area under cultivation is reducing industries, housing sectors and more recently the
and being used for non-agricultural purposes. educational sector. Good agricultural land is being
Today humanity is facing a disheartening challenge. converted for these non-agricultural purposes
The natural resources, both on land and water, are resulting reduction in overall production as well
increasingly in demand to accommodate with the as per capita availability of food grain. Secondly,
human needs and potential. there is continuous drought or flood that continues
In order to feed the burgeoning population to take place in different sections of the country
of India and to attain food security, the efforts for each year ensuing decline in food grain production.
increasing food productivity and its sustainability Thirdly, there is also a radical lessening in overall
through advanced agro and biotechnological production of pulses due to changes in cropping
ways are to be undertaken. However, problems of pattern. Further over a time period of twenty years,
24 Kurukshetra November 2013
there is a sharp hike in costs of fruits, vegetables and food grain availability to meet requirements, India
milk that are most essential nutritional supplements procured around 73 million tonnes last year which
making it economically out-of-the-way for majority is way above the requirement of 61 million tonnes.
of the people. A shortfall like in the year 2009-10 of 10 million
tonnes will not affect distribution under the scheme.
Anti Poverty Scheme India has exported around 12 million tonnes of food
The government of India has been putting into grains last year. The government procured 72.5
operation several anti-poverty schemes to provide million tonnes in 2012-13, 63.34 million tonnes in
both physical access to food through its public 2011-12, and 56.71 million tonnes in 2010-11 of
distribution system and economic access to food rice and wheat. India has five million professed fair
through its wage employment and self-employment price shops that sell subsidized food grains, but they
schemes. Though the government of India has may not be sufficient to cope with the increase in
endorsed the convention on social, economic and people entitled to the inexpensive rice and wheat.
cultural rights, it had not made legislations on A revamp of the public distribution system was
right to food. Currently the Indian government is crucial for the schemes implementation. States such
planning to introduce the national food security Act as Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
to provide both physical and economic access to already have a fairly efficient public distribution
food to its poor population. The issue arises whether system, but others like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
the poverty and hunger will be solved in agreement have to catch up. The real crisis could be manner of
with the millennium development goals of United identifying the beneficiaries. The ordinance has left
Nations? This paper is an endeavor to draw attention the working of the criteria to state governments, and
to the issues discussed above. Food security in India many of which have still not commenced with the
has to be understood as a distress phenomenon, process. The Union government has not put out the
as with marginal enhancement in their incomes criteria for determining state-wise share of the food
over time they are forced to cut down on their food grains as well.
consumption to meet up other imperative demands of
health and education that were not well thought-out Worlds Largest experiment
important in the earlier period. Towering economic The Food Security Bill, envisages the distribution
growth rates have failed to improve food security in of wheat, rice and coarse grains at just Rs 2, Rs 3 and
India leaving the country facing a crisis in its rural Re1 per kilogram each to about 65 per cent of the
economy. If food security is a multifaceted objective, population, 75 per cent of them in rural areas and the
in a world where individual households face varied,
rest in urban areas. Additionally, some entitlements
complex and diverse livelihood opportunities, in
to special groups, like destitutes or homeless
such context what role can policy possibly play? This
persons, who will be entitled to at least one meal
present paper attends to the several food security
a day. Through this worlds largest experiment of
issues prevalent in the Indian scenario. Some issues
providing food grain to poor, the government plans
and figures are mentioned from relevant sources to
to double its food subsidies to 2 per cent of the
highlight and analyse the gravity of the food security
gross domestic product. Being a basis of livelihood
issues in India. It also points several development
and food security for an immense majority of low
programmes taken up by the Indian government to
income, poor and vulnerable segments of society,
oppose various food security issues including several
and its performance assumes greater implication in
schemes and policies.
view of the proposed National Food Security Bill. As
Food security is described as the state when India is still home to the leading number of poor and
people have physical and economic access to sufficient, malnourished people in the world, a higher priority
safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs to agriculture will achieve the goals of reducing
and food preferences for an active and healthy life. poverty and malnutrition as well as of inclusive
Future global environment change such as increased growth. Achieving an 8-9 per cent rate of growth in
climate variability, land degradation and loss of overall gross domestic product may not deliver much
biodiversity, in the context of social, political and in terms of poverty reduction unless agricultural
economic changes, may bring unprecedented stress growth accelerates. Simultaneously growth with
on the food production system and food security. On inclusiveness can be achieved only when agriculture
26 Kurukshetra November 2013
(RANK-19) (RANK-48) (RANK-49) (RANK-51) (RANK-59)
nsuring the food security continues to be a provide for food and nutritional security in human
challenging issue of vital importance for the life cycle approach, by ensuring to access adequate
developing countries like India. The Millennium quantity of quality food at affordable prices to people
Development goals provide us with the starting point to live a life with dignity and for matters connected
to assess the level of food security and prioritize our therewith. The act enshrines freedom of right to
effects to achieve it. The first food and nutrition.
According to the National Family Health Survey Salient features
2005-06, 40.4 per cent of children under the age of
l The act promise to cover 67 percent of
three are underweight, 33 per cent of women in the
population, it includes 75 percent rural
age group of 15-49 have a body mass index below
population and 50 percent of urban households,
normal and 78.9 per cent of children in the age group
the beneficiaries will be identified by the States
of 6-35 months are anemic. These are disturbing
based on parameters prescribed by the Union
statistics which point to nutritional deficiencies. For
the address of the food security issue government
initiated many schemes and policies, policy makers l Every person belonging to priority household
aims to strengthen the nutritional value of the people shall be entitled to receive Five kilograms of food
for better livelihood. In spite of various government grains per person per month through Targeted
schemes and safety norms, under and malnutrition Public Distribution System, as subsidized prices
remains intensive among children and women. of Rs 3 per kg for rice, Rs 2 per kg for wheat
and Rs 1 per kg for coarse grains for a period of
The National Food Security Act 2013 three years from the date of commencement
One of the major initiative towards the providing of this act: and there after such price as may be
the food security to people of the country, UPA fixed by the Central Government from time to
governments most ambitious bill recently passed time.
in Parliament, it received President of India assent l In case of non-supply of the entitled quantities
on the 10th September, 2013. The object of act is to of food grains or meals to entitled, such person
28 Kurukshetra November 2013
eligible to receive Food Security Allowance from requirement at the current levels of production and
the concerned State Government. procurement of food grains for implementation of
l The act ensures that the Central and State food security act.
Governments shall endeavor to progressively Some concerning issues
undertake reforms in Targeted Public
Distribution System. The food security includes many operational
l There is a special focus in the act on nutritional challenges and issues to reach the targeted
support to women and children. Pregnant beneficiaries, the food scenario in country has
women and lactating mothers, besides being more complex and providing the food security to
entitled to nutritious meals as per the prescribed all is a gigantic responsibility that requires many
nutritional norms, will also receive maternity preparations
benefit of not less thanRs. 6000/- l Reforms in Targeted Public Distribution
l This act promotes women empowerment System such as application of information and
through the eldest woman who is not less than communication technology tools to improve
18 years in every household, shall be head of PDS system, leveraging Aadhaar for unique
the household for the purpose of issue of ration identification of beneficiaries for proper
cards. targeting of benefits under this Act etc, ensure
l There is special focus on women, children transparency
and other special groups such as destitutes l Promoting the Sustainable agriculture is very
homeless, disaster and emergency affected crucial due to meet the standards of production
persons and persons living in starvation. and shortcoming of problems of small farmers.
l It strengthens the grievance redressal l The focus is on incentivizing farmers through
mechanism to starting help centers, call centers, fair value of their products by way of Minimum
appointing nodal officers etc. Support Price mechanism, distribution of
foodgrains to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families
Challenges on food security and covering poor households at the risk of
The current Bill creates a statutory entitlement hunger under food security act
for the included population and its obverse namely l Strengthening the local authorities to meet the
a legal obligation for the government. Therefore, it obligation of the food security act in this regard
is important to ensure adequate availability of grain the role of Gram Sabha is very crucial.
with the public authorities to fulfill the underlying
obligation. Given the current trends in rates of Summing up
growth in food grain production & yields, and the
growing pressures on land & water in the wake India is one of the emerging economies in the
of climate change, there is a possibility that food world, but it facing malnutrition and food insecurity
grain availability on sustainable basis becomes a problem. The HUNGaMA (Hunger and Malnutrition)
constraint. Financial obligation of central and state report published by Nandi Foundation, conducted
governments are matter of concern, simultaneously across 112 rural districts of India in 2011 showed
the government should promote the sustainable that 42 percent of children under age group of five
agriculture production are underweight and 59 percent are stunted, it is the
matter of concern in this regard the Food Security act
As per government statement total annual 2013 is very prominent, it covered 67 percent Indias
requirement of food grains, including food population to meet food security obligations, the
grains required for other welfare schemes, is act has a laudable objective of eradicating extreme
estimated at 612.3 lakh tons. Procurement of food hunger and malnutrition problem from India in the
grains(wheat and rice), both in absolute quantity and shortest possible time. The proposed legislation
in terms of percentage to production, has improved ensures a paradigm shift in addressing the problem
in recent years. The average annual procurement, of food security from the current welfare approach
which was 382.2 lakh tons, i.e. 24 percent of to rights based approach
theaverage annual production during 2000-2001 to
2006-07, has gone up to 602.4lakhtons during 2007- [The author is Lecturer in Sociology, Govt. P.U.
08 to 2011-12,i.e.33.2 percent of the average annual College, Chikkajambur (V), Shimoga (Dt.)Karnataka.
production. It will therefore be possible to meet the 577428; email:santhoshkumar.h88@gmail.com)]
Even though self-sufficiency of food production has been achieved, the population still lacks access
to balanced food. It is a matter of concern that even though cereal production has kept pace with the
increasing requirements and average per capita intakes of cereals have remained satisfactory, there have
been a fall in the per capita consumption of pulses
Ninth Five Year Plan
ood security is a complex issue that has classified under four important heads. Firstly, it
been raised over time. The concept of involves adequate quantity of cereals to be made
food security indicates access of food to all available for human survival. Secondly, it involves
people of the country at all times. According to to make availability to cereals and pulses. Thirdly it
World Development Report (1986), food security involves ensuring the availability of cereals, pulses,
is access by all people at all times to enough food milk and milk products and finally extension of
for an active, healthy life. Apart from it, Food and third stage with the availability of eggs, meat,
Agriculture Organisation (FAO, 1983) has defined vegetables and fruits.
food security in terms of ensuring that all people
Availability of Food
at all times have both physical and economic
access to basic food they need. Therefore we At the country level, food security mostly
can say that food security involves not only the depends on the total production of food grains,
physical availability of food to entire population in net availability of foodgrains and per capita net
the country, but also enough purchasing capacity availability of foodgrains including the prices of it.
in the hands of the countrys people to buy food Therefore, food security at the national level refers
and maintaining timely, reliable and nutritionally mainly availability of sufficient stocks of food to
adequate food supply for long time. Thus in a meet either through domestic supply or through
modern dynamic society, food security can be imports at the domestic level of the country.
30 Kurukshetra November 2013
The idea of net production, net availability of Table-2
foodgrains and per capita availability of food in
Cereals Pulses
India has presented in Table-1, since 2001.
Year Production Production Yield
Table-1 Yield (kg/
(million (million (kg/
(In million tones) hectare)
tonnes) tonnes) hectare)
Year Net Net Net Per capita 1990-91 162.1 1571 14.8 578
foodgrain Imports availability availability 2000-01 185.7 1844 11.0 544
production of of food (in
2007-08 216.0 2151 14.8 625
foodgrains kg)
2008-09 219.9 2183 14.6 659
2001 172.2 - 2.9 156.9 416.2
2009-10 203.4 2075 14.7 630
2002 186.2 - 6.7 189.5 494.1
2010-11 226.3 2256 18.2 691
2003 152.9 - 5.5 170.6 437.6
2011-12 240.2 2396 17.2 694
2004 186.5 - 6.5 183.3 462.7
2005 173.6 - 6.0 170.0 422.4 Source : Economic Survey (2012-13)
2006 182.5 - 2.3 181.9 445.3 Table-2 reveals that production of cereals
2007 190.1 - 4.7 183.7 442.8 and pulses increase gradually. During 1990-91 total
2008 210.2 - 9.7 183.5 436.0 cereals production was 162.1 million tones as against
2009 205.2 - 4.1 189.5 444.0 1571 kgs yield per hectare. The same has achieved
2010 190.8 - 2.2 189.2 437.1 at 185.7 million tones as against 1844 kgs yield per
hectare. But in 2009-10, production of cereals has
2011 214.2 - 2.9 203.1 462.9
come down to 203.4 million tones whereas yield per
Source : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department hectare of cereals has reduced to 2075 kgs. If we
of Agriculture and cooperation.
notice on pulses production then it becomes clear
From the table, it is observed that there exists that in 2009-10, its production remain more or less
divergences between net foodgrain production same inspite of reducing yield per hectare from 659
and net availability of foodgrains. It is noticed kgs to 630 kgs as compared to 2008-09. As a result
that net foodgrain production in India has shown of it, per capita availability of food reduces to 437.1
a flexible trend. Since 2001, the net imports kgs in 2009-10 from 444 kgs in 2008-09. Obviously,
have become negative, which is difference of the while moving towards foodgrains security, India has
total imports and exports of the country. Thus succeeded in terms of cereals though either increase
with the increase in population of the country, in domestic production and import but has miserably
net production of food grains production, net failed to increase the production of pulses consistent
availability of food increased but expected growth with the needs of a growing population.
is still to achieved. Food security and inflation cum poverty : Food
Availability of Cereals and Pulses: From the security and inflation both are closely related to one
view point of food security it is necessary to bring another. It is because of the fact that accessibility
the cereal consumption in the 1st time to achieve to food is associated with the income and thus in
the minimum cereal consumption norm of 11.6 kgs prices of foodgrains. In India, prices of foodgrains
per month fixed for subsistence level by the Indian have increased over the years as a result of which
Council of Medical Research (ICMR). But the lowest inequality of food consumption diverge.
30 percent of our population are not able to reach Increasing prices of foodgrains lead to remove
the minimum level of cereal consumption which consumption of some food items for poor because
is become a sad commentary on our achievement of reducing their purchasing capacity. Consequently
towards food security. In this context, it is better per capita calorie consumption comes down that can
to look at the figures of net availability of cereals push up the people to below poverty line. According
and pulses in absolute terms. The following table-2 to Tendulkar Committee Methodology, the poverty
shows the net production of cereal and pulses headcount ratio in India has come down from
since 1990-91 with per hectare yielding. 37.2 percent in 2004-05 to 29.8 percent in 2009-
32 Kurukshetra November 2013
Dr B.K Mohanty
he first signs of slowdown in agriculture were humans meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables,
visible in the mid 1990s, mainly due to a decline, sugar etc. According to UN estimates there will be at
in public investment in agriculture. By the end least 800 million hungry people looking for the food.
of 1990s, the signs became ominous. The CAGR If the above food production figures remains true
(compound Annual Growth Rate) of food production than why there will be hunger? The simple answer is
has fallen from 2.9% during 1980s to 1.7% in the that food is not available equally to all.
1990s. The growth rate in rice production in 1990s
has fallen to less than half of that in the 1980s while Table-1
World Population and Food Grain Production
wheat fared only slightly better. When we analyse the
trend a little closely, the food grain sector production Year Population Production Availability
was found much sharper after 1996-97. Almost all (Billion) (Million Kg Per
the crops have shown a stagnant or decelerating Tons) Capita
growth rates during the period 1996-97 to 2004-05.
1950 2.54 631 248
Therefore, it is clear that the country started facing
severe supply side problems since the mid 90s, which 1960 3.03 824 272
became acute by the turn of the century. In 1950, the 1970 3.77 1079 286
worlds population was about 2.5 billion. In 1999, it 1980 4.45 1429 321
crossed the 6 billion mark. According the United 1990 5.29 1768 334
Nations population Division, the world population
2000 6.12 1843 301
would be somewhere between 8 and 11 billion by
2050. These figures appear to suggest that it may 2007 6.60 2075 314
indeed be difficult to feed everybody in the future. Source- UN Population Division and FAO
In 1950, world food grain production was 631 Limits of Population Growth
million tons. It increased about 3 times to 1843 MT
by 2000 and further2075 MT in 2007. Thus between There is a limit to how much the earth can yield.
1950 and 2007, the population increased by about There is a limit to cultivable land, which is currently
2.6 times but grain production jumped by 3.3 times. 11% of the 13.2 billion hectares of the total land
In 1950, each person had 248 kilograms of grain. area of the planet, the rest being taken up by forests,
In 2007, this increased to 314 kg. Similar increases settlements and grass lands etc. There is also a limit
have occurred in the whole range of food needed by to water. If everybody was to start consuming as
34 Kurukshetra November 2013
Australia 73.80 82.60 82.60 87.10 94.10 88.80 A slowdown will have a serious effect on Indias
Sugarcane Thiland 71.00 71.00 70.00 61.00 66.90 71.10 economy. Hence, we have no choice but to keep the
China 50.25 49.50 43.50 47.25 50.18 53.33 growth story going, and to keep a check on inflation.
India 67.00 66.00 58.00 63.00 66.90 71.10 The common man spends 50% of his income on food.
Brazil 70.00 71.00 73.00 75.00 66.90 71.10 Therefore, food prices would have to top our long
USA 2.66 2.56 2.28 2.84 2.89 2.87 term approach to combating inflation. These prices
China 1.63 1.73 1.65 1.81 1.70 1.72 have risen as a result of rising population and falling
USA 2.70 2.36 2.97 2.90 2.82 2.60 In all countries where farmers have access to bio-
China 3.81 3.78 3.93 4.25 4.28 4.55 tech crops, yields are higher and production costs
India 2.71 2.77 2.62 2.71 2.59 2.63 are lower, making farmers more efficient than
ever before. Since 2007, when bio-tech cotton was
36 Kurukshetra November 2013
(6) Institutional Support food on part of the poor. The MSP must be fixed
The flow of credit, particularly to small and for all major commodities and implemented
marginal farmers should be made speedier and judiciously throughout the country.
hassle free. Whether based insurance products Conclusion
should be promoted to increase the coverage
which is now at a nascent stage. SHGs (Self Help Todays paramount need is to improve
Groups) should play more pro active role in the agricultural productivity across the Globe. Crop
process. In public distribution system through yields can be increased through the introduction
SHGs micro credit should be opened to have an of technologies such as drip irrigation or through
easy product delivery system. education and training of farmers. If Countries like
(7) Implementation of MSP in a massive scale India and China, which have large agricultural land,
can boost their productivity to the levels attained
In India, the farmer sells his produce for about by the developed world, it will no doubt mitigate
one third the price the consumer pays. To food scarcity. From the first Green Revolution
increase the benefit of rising food prices to to the current Gene Revolution, innovative new
the farmer and to minimise the cost to the technologies have significantly improved our ability
consumer, this huge margin between the farm to feed our people. Farmers in India and around
and the consumer prices must shrink. For the the world, who have pioneered the use of modern
removal of the gap the first step is to abolish biotechnology have seen their innovation rewarded
the Mandi tax. Next step is to allow direct in term of high production and lower environmental
sourcing of farm produce by agribusinesses impacts. Further innovations like bio-fuels and
and organised retail and reduce several rounds drought tolerant crops will further contribute to
of transportation and loading and unloading sustainable production efficiencies.
costs etc. Appropriate policy interventions are
needed to transfer the benefits of the rise to [The author is Reader, Faculty of Commerce,
the farmers and at the same time to strengthen Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi- 221005 (U.P)
social safety programmes to assure access to email: bk_mooohanty@yahoo.co.in]
(For New Membership/Renewal/Change in Address
1 yr. for Rs. 100/- 2 yrs for Rs. 180/- 3 yrs. for Rs. 250/-
ndia is an agrarian economy. Majority of our natural resources. While the significance of natural
population live in villages. Since independence, resources like water was felt as an important input,
considerable efforts were made towards ensuring its availability in adequate quantity and
attaining food security, to meet the ever-increasing good quality has been ignored by mismanagement.
demand of food for the ever-growing population, Indiscriminate exploitation of water resources and
and there has been a remarkable improvement. the inadequate protection measures have led to
Undoubtedly, the Green Revolution technologies water depletion and deterioration at an alarming
of the 1960s addressed this challenge, promoted rate.
the production and distribution of seeds of high- In 201011, India achieved a target of 235.88
yielding varieties, and successfully increased crop million tonnes food-grain production, registering
production. Since mid 1990s, there has been some an increase of 364% during 195051 to 201011
slackening in the growth rate of food production (Fig. 1). This parallel trend of food-grain production
and in the last ten years it has been below the and area under irrigation illustrate that the resource
targeted rate of 4%. With the population growth which has contributed the most to increase the
rate continuing at the current rate, the food food-grain production is irrigation water. This
security concerns in the country can become really justifies the role played by water to make India
serious in 2020-30 unless there is commensurate self-sufficient in food-grain production. The net
increase in food production. shown area increased marginally from 133.20 m ha
Food security in the FAO terminology has been in 196061 to 139.85 m ha in 200607.
defined as follows: Food security exists when all In the last 60 years, significant developments in
people, at all times have physical and economic water resources and in agriculture have been noticed
access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet in India. In India, canal water and groundwater are
their dietary needs and food preferences for an the major sources of irrigation. During the last 23
active and healthy life. Now, ensuring food security decades, there has been practically no scope to
for the fast-growing population is a major challenge, further increase the canal water-irrigated area, and
which ultimately exerts pressure on the available in the last 10 years or so, there has been a declining
38 Kurukshetra November 2013
Clearly illustrates ( Fig. 3) that water utilization
for agricultural purposes in India is above the
international usage trend, which was 87% in 1990
and 85% in 2000. For application of water as
input, flood irrigation has predominantly been the
adopted practice throughout the country.
Currently, India is the largest groundwater
user in the world and millions of private tube
wells have been constructed. Such phenomenal
growth has been the reason for exploitation of
groundwater in the previous decades. The over
Fig. 1. All-India production of food grains and % area
under irrigation.
exploitation of groundwater and the existing vast
canal network, however, led to water- logging and
(Source: Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, soil salinity in many parts of the country. There
200809 and 2010-11) are many reasons for high water usage, such as
zero or negligible tariffs on farm power in some
states of India; no additional costs for extracting
extra water; inadequate canal water; cultivation
of crops with high water requirement (e.g. rice
and sugarcane), and assured markets.
In India, the annual replenishable groundwater
resource is 433 billion cubic metre (bcm) and net
annual groundwater availability is 399 bcm. The
overall contribution of rainfall to the countrys
annual replenishable groundwater resource is 67%,
and the share of other sources, including canal
seepage, return flow from irrigation, seepage from
Fig. 2. Irrigation trend by canals and groundwater. water bodies and water conservation structures
taken together is 33%. The available groundwater
(Source: Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, 200607)
resource for irrigation is 361 bcm, 90% of which is
trend in the canal water-irrigated area (Fig. 2). utilizable quantity. A rapid growth in the number
of bore wells since 1980 has led to unplanned
The contribution from groundwater to the
abstraction of groundwater and a steady decline in
total irrigation area has increased substantially from
the water table, resulting in a large increase in
5,978,000 ha (29%) in 195051 to 35,372,000 ha
the cost of pumping a given volume of water.
(59%) in 200506. An abrupt rise in groundwater
utilization is observed since 1980, which has Accordingly, the irrigation sector was assigned a
doubled in 25 years. Groundwater irrigation, high priority in the Five-year plans. It is projected that
which expanded rapidly in the last few decades, by 2030, demand of food grains in India will grow to
forms a major part of the water withdrawals in almost 1.5 trillion m3. Against this demand, Indias
many river basins. At present, more than 60% of current water supply is approximately 740 billion m3.
the total irrigated area is ground water-irrigated. As a result, most of Indias river basins could face severe
Nevertheless, during the last 10 years or so, even water deficit by 2030 unless concerted action is taken,
the groundwater-irrigated area shows relatively with some of the most populous basins, including the
slower growth rate compared to the exponential Ganga, Krishna, and the Indian portion of the Indus
expanding situation from 1950 to 2000. This may facing the biggest absolute gap. Moreover, aquifers
be due to possibly declining groundwater levels are depleting in the most populated and economically
induced by indiscriminate withdrawal, thereby productive areas. Overall, up to a quarter of Indias
increasing the cost of pumping, and also due to harvest has been estimated to be at risk due to
pollution of groundwater in many areas. groundwater depletion.
40 Kurukshetra November 2013
Vegetable based Agripreneureship
for livelihood security
Shubhadeep Roy, Yerasu Suresh Reddy and Vanitha, S. M.
f someone asks a farmer today, that would you Growing traditional crops like cereals, pulses
like your child to become a farmer then in most in small land holdings which is prevailing in our
of the cases the answer will be obliviously NO. country is not economically viable, because after
This is because, agriculture is known for its gamble meeting the family consumption needs farmers
with climate and market prices, less remunerative, are hardly left over with marketable surplus of
and leading to low social recognition. Resource the produce. It could not be sufficient to meet
flowing into the agricultural sector is declining and other family requirements and many a times it
indebtedness of small and marginal farm families leads to indebtedness of the farm families. Now,
is steeply rising. Input costs are increasing while the question on how a farmer can make sufficient
factors of productivity are declining. The cost-risk- money with his small piece of land and available
return structure of farming is becoming adverse, resources to meet his family requirements.
to over 80 million farming families operating small Farmers have to strategically choose crops which
holding (NCF, Vth Report, 2006). Average land have more market value and seasonal demand, to
holding of the country is shrinking day by day as earn remuneration round the year.
61.58% of total land holding belongs to marginal
category (Land below 1.0 ha), 18.73% holding In India, urbanization is taking place at a rapid
belongs to small category (1.0-2.0 ha) and such land rate. Urban population and number of towns are
holdings can only support subsistence agriculture increasing at galloping speed over the years. Due
and nothing else until and unless there is an apt to increased purchasing power and awareness
planning, positive will power of the individual about health benefits of high-value commodities
peasant with support of modern technology and (such as products of horticulture, dairy, livestock
guiding principle. and fish), over the time food habit of urban
42 Kurukshetra November 2013
Production share (%) of major vegetable have knowledge about specified isolation
crops in India distances for individual crops, details about
sowing and transplanting time, seed rate,
planting distance and fertilizers doses. He or
his fellow employee should be aware about
the skill of rouging of seed crop throughout
the crop period.
3. Strategic fit and priority: The business
venture should fit well within the existing
product line, technology, marketing set up,
production system, facilities and resources of
the entrepreneur. The availability of quality
seed is of utmost importance for increasing
(Indian Horticulture Database, 2011) the vegetable production. Vegetable growers
recognize quality seed of improved varieties
of seed production, storage and processing for as the most strategic resources for higher and
vegetable crops. Similarly, opportunities in the better vegetable yields.
area of post harvest processing would increase
manifold in near future. Business opportunities 4. Risk factor: The degree of risk has to be
in these areas are going to be increased manifold assessed beforehand. Regarding vegetable
in near future (Vision 2030, IIVR, Varanasi, 2011) seed production, the risk may be of admixture
and there lies the opportunity to establish in the pure line or crop failure cue to abiotic
entrepreneurship in vegetable crops and uplift and biotic factors may be disease pest
the subsistence farmers to sustainable and infestation.
economically viable agro- businessman. The farmer 5. Profitability and cost-benefit: Profitability is
interested to enter into agri-business must go for a matter of perception or prior knowledge of
product identification first and SWOT (Strength, the entrepreneur based on their experience,
Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) analysis of observation or feedback from the others. The
his venture. The issues, which have to be kept in entrepreneur has to analyze the benefits of
mind, while doing SWOT analysis of the identified his enterprise in forms of profitability, risk
product venture are: investment requirement and availability
of inputs. The enterprise should provide
1. Availability of market: If there is no sufficient benefits to the community either
assurance of an adequate market, there is no through employment generation, backward
scene of venturing into the business. There and forward linkages with other industries or
is huge demand of pure vegetable seeds in through economic activities, and availability
the market. It is reported several times that of needed product and services.
the vegetable seeds available in the market
are spurious, farmers dont get uniform Conclusion
germination and fruits are also not uniform.
Moreover, seeds are very costly. Venturing Based on resources in the hand, market prices
into seed production industry, may pave good of input and out put, requirements of society etc.,
business scope as there is huge demand of farmers have to practice farm business astutely.
quality vegetable seed in the market. There is a great need to make our farmers
2. Availability of technology and skill: For entrepreneurial as entrepreneurs are not borne
running the vegetable seed production but can be made through systematic process and
industry, the entrepreneur should have by providing sufficient infrastructure (both social
the knowledge about its production and physical) to take a shift from subsistence
technology. The method of cultivation for agriculture to commercial agri-business.
seed production is nearly the same as that of [The authors are from the Indian Institute
cultivation of vegetable. However, he should of Vegetable Research, Varanasi]
44 Kurukshetra November 2013
all organisms, more than 80 such enzymes are known, lesser browning. In peas Zn deficiency is manifested in
however, only a few are known in higher plants. malformed leaves or little leaf and is known as rosette
formation. Zn deficiency is also reported in soybean,
Deficiency symptoms cowpea and other legumes.
Zinc deficiency in citrus and corn has been known Critical (concentration) limits
in USA for quite some time in the past and these crop
plants are referred to as marker plants for Zn deficiency. Lower critical concentration (LCC) in plant tissue
In maize the Zn deficiency is known as white bud due at which it shows the deficiency symptoms depends
to shorter yellowish to white top leaves. In India, Nene not only on crop and its cultivars but also on the plant
(1966) was the first to report Zn deficiency in rice at G.B. part and age of the crop. It is generally agreed that Zn
Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. deficiency in plants occurs when the Zn concentration is
The symptoms of Zn in rice were brown spots in the top 20 mg kg-1 of plant tissue (ppm) or less. Lower critical
leaves to begin with followed by almost complete rust limits (LCC) for some crops are given in Table 1.
browning of leaves. Because of this rust brown colour In rice Yoshida et al. (1973) gave the following
the disease was named as khaira (Katha or Catechu criteria for diagonizing Zn deficiency in rice:
used as an ingredient in pan or betel leaves popularly
chewed in India and Pakistan). Since then there has Zn (mg kg-1 DM) in whole shoot Diagnosis
been considerable research in India on Zn and other
<10 Definite deficiency
micronutrients under the All India Coordinated Project
on Micronutrients of the Indian Council of Agricultural 10-15 Very likely deficiency
Research with the head quarter at the Indian Institute 15.1-20 Likely deficiency
of Soil Science, Bhopal. Zn being a less mobile nutrient, > 20 No deficiency
most of the deficiency symptoms are in young leaves
at the growing point. Physiologically, Zn deficiency can Zn being a micronutrient its excess uptake
adversely affect the leaf chlorophyll content, stomatal results in phytotoxicity which not only results in
conductance and net photosynthesis. Because of this reduction in crop yield and quality but may also
in some cases the Zn deficiency symptoms in some lead to accumulation in food chain and this may
crops such as maize may be confused with Fe deficiency impair human and animal health. Zn phytotoxicity
which also produces yellowing or whitening of leaves. In symptoms are similar to Fe chlorosis. For field crops,
wheat the symptoms are similar to those in rice but with in general, a normal range of 27 to 150 mg kg-1 DM
Table 3. Lower critical limits (LCC) of Zn in plant tissue below which Zn deficiency is likely to occur
46 Kurukshetra November 2013
is specific for Zn deficiency and does not occur in c) Micronutrients
plants deficient in Fe, Mn or Cu.
Most available reports show negative interaction
Mycorrhizas associated with roots are believed of Zn with Fe, Mn, Cu and Mo. As regards B, it is reported
to enhance the uptake of Zn and since high P values that Zn application created a protective mechanism
reduce VA mycorrhizal development this may affect in root cell micro-environment against excessive B
Zn uptake. uptake.
in future because of convenience of application and over soil application in other studies soil application
guarantee of quality due to its coming directly from was found better than foliar application. Generally 6 kg
major fertilizer producers. zinc sulphate applied foliar equals to about 25 kg zinc
sulphate applied through soil, but the soil application
Zinc lignosulfonates and zinc polyflavonoids are
has advantage of building up soil Zn level and giving
the wood by-products of the paper industry and have
residual effects to the succeeding crops, while the
not been tested in India so far.
continued foliar application results in mining of native
In addition to the specific Zn fertilizers just soil Zn and over years it may make them Zn deficient.
discussed the organic manures and chemical fertilizers
used for supplying NPK especially rock phosphate Katyal et al. (2004) based on the review of several
derived ones and bone meal contain fairly good studies under diverse conditions pointed out that the
amounts of Zn. The problem of Zn deficiency emerged relative efficiency of Zn sources could vary with the
in rice-wheat belt of north-western India because of method of application. They observed that with soluble
shifting from superphosphate to DAP, disuse of organic fertilizers such as zinc sulphate band placement was
manures and of course depletion of native soil Zn due generally superior to broadcast application, while for
to high crop harvests season after season and year after less soluble fertilizers such as ZnO and Zn frits broadcast
year (10-14 tonnes ha-1yr-1). application was better. They also pointed out that the
differences between soluble and less soluble fertilizers
Methods of Zn application disappeared when broadcast on wet puddle as in rice
Methods of Zn application to crops include soil production. These views were corroborated by other
application (broadcast or band placement), foliar workers also.
application, dusting seeds with Zn powder or soaking Other modes of applications such as soaking
them in Zn solution, swabbing foliage with Zn paste or seeds in Zn solution, dipping roots of rice seedlings in
solution, dipping roots of seedlings of transplanted crops Zn suspension and raising of Zn enriched nursery have
in Zn solution or suspension and inserting galvanized also been evaluated with variable results and despite
mails or pieces of metallic Zn into tree trunks. However, favourable economics have not gained popularity.
in India mostly soils vs. foliar application have been
compared. Although in some studies when a number [The author is Principal Scientist, Division of
of sprays were made, foliar applications were equally Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New
effective as soil application or did show some advantage Delhi 110 012, email: ysshivay@hotmail.com]
48 Kurukshetra November 2013