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Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences

Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2014, pp- 57-63 Indian journals.com

DOI: 10.5958/j.2347-6206.2.1.011

Review Article

Loops in OrthodonticsA Review

CH Nareen Chakravarthy1*, Perumalla Kiran Kumar2

Extraction space closure is an integral part of orthodontic treatment which demands a thorough understanding of
the biomechanics. In the pre-adjusted edgewise technique, retraction is achieved either with friction (sliding) or
frictionless mechanics. In the former, the wire and position of the bracket are important factors in tooth movement
but the simplicity of friction mechanics is offset by the binding between bracket and archwire. This slows tooth
movement, compromises the delivery of desired force levels, causes anchor loss and may be associated with
undesirable side effect such as uncontrolled tipping and deep bite. A review of frictionless mechanics in general
and most commonly used loops in retraction has been highlighted in this article.
Keywords: Space closure, Friction, Frictionless mechanics, Bracket and archwire

INTRODUCTION One of the major advantages of frictionless mechanics

Frictionless mechanics have evolved from is that a known force system is delivered to teeth
simple vertical loops to present more complex because there is no dissipation of force due to friction.
loop[4,7,13,29,30] design to achieve better moment/ The three primary characteristics of a retraction spring
force ratio and constant delivery of force. Materials are (1) the moment/force ratio which determines the
used for frictionless retraction have also evolved from centre of rotation of tooth during its movement, (2)
stiff stainless steel (SS) wires to the more flexible beta the greatest force at yield that can be delivered from
titanium wires introduced by Burstone,[6] and to the a retraction spring without permanent deformations,
newer materials like connecticut archwires (CNA) and (3) force to deflection rate[7]. The most important
wires[23,24] which are supposed to reduce the force characteristic is the moment/force ratio since this
levels and thus making the treatment more effective determines whether tooth movement takes place by
and efficient. translation tipping[7,4]. Literature shows us that the
moment / force ratio is altered by the vertical height of
The literature contains many extensive descriptions of the loops,[7] horizontal length of loop,[7] positioning
the in vitro static force systems produced by different of the loops,[1,2,7,20] extent of activation,[4,5,7,17]
orthodontic springs[9,11,14] and wire activations,[15] properties and thickness of wire[6,12] used.
and the comparison between different springs. Although
these models are supported by logical rationale in DISCUSSION
mechanics, a clinical study comparing different loops Varying the moment on the posterior and anterior teeth
will determine whether biomechanics of different loops serves as another option towards creating differential
work as shown and acclaimed by their authors clinically. M/F ratios. The application of differential moments

Reader, A J Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka.
Reader Mamata College of Dental Sciences. Khammam, Andhra Pradesh.
*Corresponding author email: enareench@yahoo.com

Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences 57

CH Nareen Chakravarthy, Perumalla Kiran Kumar

between teeth is recognised as an effective means The freedom of desired location of the loop in continuous
for achieving desired tooth movement and anchorage archwire is restricted by the adjacent teeth. Profitt[27]
control[16,20,21]. These moments are termed alpha advocated the preferred location of the loops to be at
and beta moments for the anterior and posterior teeth, the spot that would be the centre of embrasure when the
respectively. The moments or couples created by the space is closed for a fail safe closing. This approximates
brackets/wire-spring combination generate moment to to 5 mm distal to centre of canine tooth. The mushroom
the anchorage teeth, whereas a lower moment acts on loop is also placed distal to canine, by bypassing the
the anterior teeth. For example, in maximum anchorage premolars and engaging the molar auxillary tube[24,25]
cases, the high M/F ratio on the posterior teeth will or premolars can be engaged and the loop placed in the
produce translation (M/F = 10/1) or root movement extraction space. In this study as the continuous arch
(M/F = 12/1), whereas the low M/F ratio on anterior was used, loop was placed distal to canine centred in
teeth ratio controlled tipping (M/F = 7/1). As there will the extraction space, and the premolars were engaged.
be greater crown movement with tipping relative to a
2. Loop pre-activation
tooth undergoing translation, this shows how tipping
Although loop position is critical in delivering proper
movements can result in greater movements of teeth
force system,[4,7,20] studies have suggested the moments
from a clinical perspective[21].
occurring through activation alone are insufficient to
The important criteria to be considered for the use of produce an adequate force system necessary for root
closing loops are given as follows: control. Thus, gable bends are given to increase the root
control, avoiding dumping of teeth into the extraction
(1) Loop position (2) Loop pre-activation and
space. Therefore desired alpha and beta moments are
(3) Loop design[24]
placed anterior and posterior to T-loop vertical legs.
1. Loop position Recommended beta activation for A, B and C anchorages
To understand the effects of loop positioning, the forces are 40, 30 and 20, respectively[23]. Both the loops in
that occur when a closing loop is activated should be this study were given alpha and beta activation of 20and
considered. Kuhlberg and Burstone[20] concluded that 40, respectively so as to create increased moment on the
a centred T-loop produces equal and opposite moments anchor teeth to preserve anchorage and allow anterior
with negligible vertical forces. Off-centre positioning segment to be retracted with adequate root control.
of a T-loop produces differential moments. The moment When the gable bends are placed, the vertical legs of
magnitude is greatest at the teeth nearest to the loop and loop tends to cross while engaging, thereby increasing
smallest at the distant teeth as asymmetrical positioning the magnitude of force[7]. Thus, both the loops were
leads to unequal length in anterior and posterior pre-activated for 3 mm outside the mouth and then
segments. The greater stiffness of shorter section of placed to maintain the neutral position. The loops were
wire creates greater moments relative to the longer activated to 6 mm for complete activation and left for
section. Since the type of tooth movement is determined two months for full expression of the activation to deliver
by the moment/force ratio at bracket, differential tooth enough force for an en masse retraction. In patients
movement is encouraged with asymmetrically placed with Group A anchorage arches, space closure occurs
loops[7,30]. By asymmetric positioning of the loop, as an en masse controlled tipping followed by en masse
moment differential remains approximately constant root movement[4]. This is achieved as the loop gets
as the spring deactivates and the space closes, which deactivated with space closured which leads to increase
ensures that the moment-to-force ratio acting on the in moment to force ratio.
anchorage unit(s) will always be greater, reducing the
3. Loop design
likelihood of anchorage loss. These results are consistent
Positioning and pre-activation are important factors for
with the effect of the placement of V-bend activations in
space closure but the final key is the loop design. Ideal
archwires for obtaining differential moments[8].

58 Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2014

Loops in OrthodonticsA Review

loop design should meet certain criteria most notably a 1. In frictionless mechanics, the teeth are moved
large activation, low and constant force delivery with without the brackets sliding along the archwire.
low load deflection rate and comfortable for patient. Retraction is accomplished with loop or springs.
The standard vertical loop, even with the modifications 2. The force of a retraction spring is applied by pulling
outlined, is limited in its ability to produce M/F ratios the distal end through the molar tube and cinching
that approach those necessary for translation or even back.
controlled tipping. Further, this design is also limited 3. The moment is determined by the wire configuration
in total activation and the spring is relatively easy to and by the presence of pre-activation or of gable
deform permanently during installation; as a result, its bends, which produce an activation moment.
mechanical characteristics are altered considerably. 4. In general, the more wire gingival to the bracket,
The effects of changing several parameters, including the more favourable the activation moment and
that of height, radius, and inter bracket distance, were therefore better the overall M/F ratio.
evaluated experimentally and numerically by Burstone
Advantages of Frictionless Mechanics
and Koenig[4]. Reduction in the force level and increase
The advantages of frictionless mechanics are as follows:
in moment required for root control can be achieved by
increasing the horizontal length of the loop, the height 1. Precise control over the anterior and posterior
of loop and diameter of bends, or, by adding helices. anchorage.
2. The tooth will move only to the limit to which the
General Concepts of Frictionless Mechanics
loop is activated.
The general concepts of frictionless mechanics are
3. Differential tooth movement is possible.
discussed as follows:

Types of Loops Type of Retraction Type of Slot Uses

Rickets Maxillary and Mandibular Individual Main Retraction of canine
Cuspid Retraction Spring
Poul Gjessing Canine Retraction Spring Individual Main Retraction of canine
Tear Drop Loop Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
Vertical Loop Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
Open LoopVertical Loop Without Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
Open LoopVertical Loop With Helix Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
Bull Loop Individual Main Retraction of anteriors
Diamond Loop Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
Key hole Loop Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
Opus Loop Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
Triangular Loop Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
Double Delta Closing Loop Enmasse Main Retraction of anteriors
K-SIR Loop Enmasse Main Simultaneous intrusion and
retraction of anteriors
Burstone T-Loop (Segmental) Individual Enmasse Auxillary Retraction of anteriors
Burstone T-Loop (Continuous) Enmasse Main Simultaneous intrusion and
retraction of anteriors

Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences 59

CH Nareen Chakravarthy, Perumalla Kiran Kumar

4. Retraction loops or springs offer more controlled mandibular cuspid retractor is a compound spring, a
tooth movement than friction. double vertical helical closing loop. It contains 60 mm
of 16 16 blue elgiloy and produces approximately 75
Disadvantages of Frictionless Mechanics
gm of force per mm of activation. A range of variation
The disadvantages of frictionless mechanics are as follows:
exists due to loop size and character of wire. Therefore,
1. A good understanding of the mechanics is required 23 mm of activation is required to produce the desired
when using retraction loops or springs, because force (Fig. 1b).
minor error in mechanics can result in major errors
The Poul Gjessing Canine Retraction Spring
in tooth movement.
The spring consists of a double ovoid helix of 10 mm
2. More wire-bending skill and chair time are required
height gingivally and with a smaller occlusally placed
than with sliding mechanics.
helix of 2 mm diameter, and is available commercially
3. Retraction loop may be uncomfortable to some
in the preformed version, constructed in 0.016 0.022
patient, especially with less vestibular depth.
inch2 SS wire and produces 160 gm of force for every 1
4. Retraction loops produce an undesirable mesial out
mm of activation. Mesial extension of the spring is 15
moment when individual teeth are retracted.
to the horizontal plane. Distal extension of the spring
Correction of the Side Effects is 12 to the horizontal plane with an anti rotation bend
The correction of the side effects is stated in the of 30 in the distal extension. Pre-activation bends of
following: 15 and 12 were placed on the anterior and posterior
legs, respectively (Fig. 2).
1. (a) Tipping of the anterior and posterior teeth into
the extraction space Simultaneous Intrusion and Retraction of the
(b) Increase the alpha and beta moments Anterior Teeth by K-SIR Loop
2. (a) Flaring of the anterior teeth The Kalra Simultaneous Intrusion and Retraction
(b) Reduce the alpha moment or increase the (K-SIR) archwire is a modification of the segmented
distal activation loop mechanics of Burstone and Nanda. It is a
3. (a) Mesial in rotation of the buccal segments continuous 0.019 0.025 inch2 TMA archwire with
(b) Mesial out rotation of the palatal arch, closed 7 2 mm2 U-loops at the extraction sites (Fig. 3).
archwire or lingual arch
4. (a) Excessive lingual tipping of the anterior teeth
A trial activation of the archwire is performed outside
(b) Increase the alpha moment
the mouth. This trial activation releases the stress built
Ricketts Maxillary Cuspid Retraction Spring up from bending the wire and thus reduces the severity
The maxillary cuspid retraction spring is a double of the V-bends. After the trial activation, the neutral
vertical helical extended crossed T closing loop spring position of the each loop is determined with the legs
which contains 70 mm of the wire made of 0.016 extended horizontally. In neutral position, the U-loop
0.022 SS wire. It produces only 50 gm per mm of will be about 3.5 mm wide. The archwire is inserted
activation, because of the additional wire used in its into the auxiliary tubes of the first molars and engaged
design and all loops are being contracted during its in the six anterior brackets.It is activated about 3 mm,
activation. 34 mm of activation is sufficient for upper so that the mesial and distal legs of the loops are barely
cuspid retraction (Fig. 1a). apart. The second premolars are bypassed to increase
the interbracket distance between the two ends of
Ricketts Mandibular Cuspid Retraction attachment. This allows the clinician to utilize the
The large extended maxillary retractor loop would mechanics of the off-centre V-bend.
however be difficult to use in the lower arch due to the
fact that it would extend into the chewing area. The The K-SIR archwire exerts about 125 gm of intrusive

60 Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2014

Loops in OrthodonticsA Review

force on the anterior segment. There will initially cause horizontal loop of 10 mm length and 2 mm diameter.
controlled tipping of the teeth into the extraction sites. Mesial leg is of 5 mm height and distal leg is of 4 mm
As the loops deactivate and the force decreases, the height. Anti rotation bends of 120 is given between the
moment-to-force ratio will increase to cause first bodily legs during pre-activation. T-loop activated horizontally
and then root movement of the teeth. The archwire by 4 mm. (Fig. 4).
should therefore not be reactivated at short intervals,
Tear Drop Loop
but only every six to eight weeks until all space has
The ideal force applied to achieve movement of the
been closed.
mandibular incisors is approximately 2.60 N[1416].
It is to be noted that activation in the mouth is 3 mm The springs that best approached this value were the
every 68 weeks. teardrop springs of 6 mm height activated 0.5 mm,
which provided 2.51 N force, and the teardrop loop
Burstone T-Loop Retraction Spring
of 8 mm height activated 1.0 mm, which provided a
The T-loop was first introduced by Charles H. Burstone
2.77 N force. The teardrop loops with heights of 7 and
at the University of Connecticut in 1982. It can be
8 mm activated 0.5 mm had values less than 2.60 N:
fabricated from 0.017 0.025 inch2 TMA or 0.16
1.89 and 1.37 N, respectively. The teardrop loops with
0.022 inch2 SS wires. It was specially designed
heights of 7 and 8 mm activated 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mm
for canine retraction in segmented arch technique
had higher forces than the ideal values for mandibular
and enmasse or separate incisor retraction. It has a
incisor movement (Fig. 5).

Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences 61

CH Nareen Chakravarthy, Perumalla Kiran Kumar

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