B.P. No. 129 - "Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980"
B.P. No. 129 - "Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980"
B.P. No. 129 - "Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980"
00 in other
1980: places
5. Actions involving contracts of marriage and
Jurisdiction of the following courts: marital relations
1) Court of Appeals (CA) 6. All other cases not within exclusive
jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or
Original Jurisdiction on Issuance of: body exercising jurisdiction, or judicial or
quasi-judicial functions
1. Writ of Mandamus 7. Civil and special proceedings within exclusive
2. Writ of Prohibition original jurisdiction of Juvenile and Domestic
3. Writ of Certiorari Relations Court and Courts of Agrarian
4. Writ of Habeas Corpus Relations
5. Writ Quo Warranto 8. In all other cases in which the demand,
6. Auxiliary writs and processes, whether or not exclusive of interest, damages of whatever
in aid of its appellate jurisdiction kind, attorneys fees, litigation expenses,
Exclusive Original Jurisdiction: and costs of the value of the property in
controversy exceeds P100,000.00 or, if such
1. Actions for annulment of Regional Trial Court other above-mentioned items exceeds
(RTC) Judgments P200,000.00
Exclusive Appellate Jurisdiction: Criminal Cases
1. Final judgments, resolutions, orders or Exclusive Original Jurisdiction
awards rendered by the RTC and other quasi-
judicial agencies, instrumentalities, boards 1. All criminal cases not within the exclusive
or commission (i.e. Securities and Exchange jurisdiction of any court, tribunal or body
Commission, Social Security Commission, Exception: Criminal cases falling under the
Employees Compensation Commission, Civil exclusive and concurrent jurisdiction of the
Service Commission) Sandiganbayan
Exception: Those falling within appellate Other Cases
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court (SC) pursuant
to the Constitution, the Labor Code, the Judiciary Original Jurisdiction
Act, and this Act.
1. Writ of Certiorari
2) Regional Trial Courts (RTC) 2. Writ of Prohibition
3. Writ of Mandamus
Civil Cases 4. Writ Quo Warranto
Exclusive Original Jurisdiction: 5. Writ of Habeas Corpus
6. Writ of Injunction
1. Actions involving subjects incapable of 7. Actions affecting ambassadors and other
pecuniary estimation public ministers and consuls
2. Actions involving the title to or possession of
real property whose value exceeds Appellate Jurisdiction
P50,000.00 in Metro Manila, or P20,000.00 1. All cases decided by Metropolitan Trial Court
in any other place which does not involve (MeTC), Municipal Trial Court (MTC), and
forcible entry or unlawful detainer Municipal Circuit Trial Court (MCTC)
3. Actions in admiralty and maritime
jurisdiction involving claims exceeding Special Jurisdiction
P200,000.00 in Metro Manila, or
P100,000.00 in other places 1. In cases that may be designated by the SC
4. Probate proceedings involving property/-ies
whose gross value exceeds P200,000.00 in
3) Metropolitan Trial Courts (MeTC), Municipal Trial cases covering lots where there is no
Courts (MTC), and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts controversy or opposition, or contested lots
(MCTC) where the value of which does not exceed
P100,000.00, such value be ascertained by
Criminal Cases the affidavit of the claimant or by agreement
Exclusive Original Jurisdiction of the respective claimants if there are more
than one, or from the corresponding tax
1. All violations of municipal ordinances declaration of the real property. The
committed within their respective territorial decisions in these cases are appealable in the
jurisdiction same manner as those of the RTCs. (as
2. All offenses punishable with imprisonment amended by RA 7691)
not exceeding six (6) years regardless of the
fine or other accessory penalties
3. Offenses involving damage to property
through criminal negligence (as amended by
RA 7691)
Special Jurisdiction:
Civil Cases
Delegated Jurisdiction: