Acs 800 PDF
Acs 800 PDF
Acs 800 PDF
Types and
Technical specification 12
Brake options 38
EMC filters 42
Sine filters 43
du/dt filters 46
DriveWindow 58
DriveAP 59
DriveAnalyzer 60
DriveOPC 61
Table 62
Services 64
Other products
Please also see the separate technical catalogues
ACS800, multidrives, code 3AFE68248531 EN and
ACS800, drive modules, code 3AFE68404592 EN.
ACS800-31 ACS800-02
ACS800-07 ACS800-07LC
ACS800-17 ACS800-17LC
Cabinet-built low harmonic drives, ACS800-37 Cabinet-built liquid-cooled low harmonic drives,
The ACS800-37 cabinet-built drive is a low harmonic solution ACS800-37LC
in the power range of 37 kW up to 2700 kW. It offers a unique The ACS800-37LC is a cabinet-built liquid-cooled low
harmonics solution that is incorporated into the drive. harmonic drive and therefore offers a solution for both low
Like other cabinet-built single drives, it has a wide range harmonic needs and harsh ambient conditions. Liquid cooling
of standardized configurations and is available with IP21, removes 98% of the heat generated, so the totally enclosed
IP22, IP42, IP54 and IP54R protection degrees. Application cabinet requires no additional air conditioning. With a power
engineering services can be offered when customization range from 55 to 5200 kW, this drive meets the requirement
is needed. A wide range of built-in options is available of many applications. It is especially suitable for use in the
and application engineering services can be offered when marine sector. A wide range of built-in options is available.
customization is needed.
ACS800-37 ACS800-37LC
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air Type designation Frame
use use use level dissipation flow size
Icont. max I max Pcont. max IN PN Ihd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) W m 3/h
UN = 230 V (Range 208 to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V.
5.1 6.5 1.1 4.7 0.75 3.4 0.55 62 100 35 ACS800-01-0001-2 R2
6.5 8.2 1.5 6 1.1 4.3 0.75 62 100 35 ACS800-01-0002-2 R2
8.5 10.8 1.5 7.7 1.5 5.7 1.1 62 100 35 ACS800-01-0003-2 R2
10.9 13.8 2.2 10.2 2.2 7.5 1.5 62 120 35 ACS800-01-0004-2 R2
13.9 17.6 3 12.7 3 9.3 2.2 62 140 35 ACS800-01-0005-2 R2
19 24 4 18 4 14 3 62 160 69 ACS800-01-0006-2 R3
25 32 5.5 24 5.5 19 4 62 200 69 ACS800-01-0009-2 R3
34 46 7.5 31 7.5 23 5.5 62 250 69 ACS800-01-0011-2 R3
44 62 11 42 11 32 7.5 62 340 103 ACS800-01-0016-2 R4
55 72 15 50 11 37 7.5 62 440 103 ACS800-01-0020-2 R4
72 86 18.5 69 18.5 49 11 65 530 250 ACS800-01-0025-2 R5
86 112 22 80 22 60 15 65 610 250 ACS800-01-0030-2 R5
103 138 30 94 22 69 18.5 65 810 250 ACS800-01-0040-2 R5
141 164 37 132 37 97 30 65 1190 405 ACS800-01-0050-2 R6
166 202 45 155 45 115 30 65 1190 405 ACS800-01-0060-2 R6
202 282 55 184 55 141 37 65 1440 405 ACS800-01-0070-2 R6
UN = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
5.1 6.5 1.5 4.7 1.5 3.4 1.1 62 100 35 ACS800-01-0003-3 R2
6.5 8.2 2.2 5.9 2.2 4.3 1.5 62 120 35 ACS800-01-0004-3 R2
8.5 10.8 3 7.7 3 5.7 2.2 62 140 35 ACS800-01-0005-3 R2
10.9 13.8 4 10.2 4 7.5 3 62 160 35 ACS800-01-0006-3 R2
13.9 17.6 5.5 12.7 5.5 9.3 4 62 200 35 ACS800-01-0009-3 R2
19 24 7.5 18 7.5 14 5.5 62 250 69 ACS800-01-0011-3 R3
25 32 11 24 11 19 7.5 62 340 69 ACS800-01-0016-3 R3
34 46 15 31 15 23 11 62 440 69 ACS800-01-0020-3 R3
44 62 22 41 18.5 32 15 62 530 103 ACS800-01-0025-3 R4
55 72 30 50 22 37 18.5 62 610 103 ACS800-01-0030-3 R4
72 86 37 69 30 49 22 65 810 250 ACS800-01-0040-3 R5
86 112 45 80 37 60 30 65 990 250 ACS800-01-0050-3 R5
103 138 55 94 45 69 37 65 1190 250 ACS800-01-0060-3 R5
145 170 75 141 75 100 45 65 1440 405 ACS800-01-0075-3 R5
166 202 90 155 75 115 55 65 1940 405 ACS800-01-0100-3 R6
202 282 110 184 90 141 75 65 2310 405 ACS800-01-0120-3 R6
225 326 110 220 110 163 90 65 2810 405 ACS800-01-0135-3 R6
260 326 132 254 132 215 110 65 3260 405 ACS800-01-0165-3 R6
290 351 160 285 160 234 132 65 4200 405 ACS800-01-0205-3 R6
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air Type designation Frame
use use use level dissipation flow size
Icont. max I max Pcont. max IN PN I hd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) W m 3/h
U N = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
4.9 6.5 2.2 4.5 2.2 3.4 1.5 62 120 35 ACS800-01-0004-5 R2
6.2 8.2 3 5.6 3 4.2 2.2 62 140 35 ACS800-01-0005-5 R2
8.1 10.8 4 7.7 4 5.6 3 62 160 35 ACS800-01-0006-5 R2
10.5 13.8 5.5 10 5.5 7.5 4 62 200 35 ACS800-01-0009-5 R2
13.2 17.6 7.5 12 7.5 9.2 5.5 62 250 35 ACS800-01-0011-5 R2
19 24 11 18 11 13 7.5 62 340 69 ACS800-01-0016-5 R3
25 32 15 23 15 18 11 62 440 69 ACS800-01-0020-5 R3
34 46 18.5 31 18.5 23 15 62 530 69 ACS800-01-0025-5 R3
42 62 22 39 22 32 18.5 62 610 103 ACS800-01-0030-5 R4
48 72 30 44 30 36 22 62 810 103 ACS800-01-0040-5 R4
65 86 37 61 37 50 30 65 990 250 ACS800-01-0050-5 R5
79 112 45 75 45 60 37 65 1190 250 ACS800-01-0060-5 R5
96 138 55 88 55 69 45 65 1440 250 ACS800-01-0070-5 R5
145 170 90 141 90 100 55 65 2150 405 ACS800-01-0105-5 R5
157 202 90 145 90 113 75 65 2310 405 ACS800-01-0120-5 R6
180 282 110 163 110 141 90 65 2810 405 ACS800-01-0140-5 R6
225 326 132 220 132 163 110 65 3260 405 ACS800-01-0165-5 R6
260 326 160 254 160 215 132 65 3800 405 ACS800-01-0205-5 R6
290 351 200 285 200 234 160 65 4500 405 ACS800-01-0255-5 R6
UN = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
13 14 11 11.5 7.5 8.5 5.5 62 300 103 ACS800-01-0011-7 R4
17 19 15 15 11 11 7.5 62 340 103 ACS800-01-0016-7 R4
22 28 18.5 20 15 15 11 62 440 103 ACS800-01-0020-7 R4
25 38 22 23 18.5 19 15 62 530 103 ACS800-01-0025-7 R4
33 44 30 30 22 22 18.5 62 610 103 ACS800-01-0030-7 R4
36 54 30 34 30 27 22 62 690 103 ACS800-01-0040-7 R4
51 68 45 46 37 34 30 65 840 250 ACS800-01-0050-7 R5
57 84 55 52 45 42 37 65 1010 405 ACS800-01-0060-7 R5
79 104 75 73 55 54 45 65 1220 405 ACS800-01-0070-7 R6
93 124 90 86 75 62 55 65 1650 405 ACS800-01-0100-7 R6
113 172 110 108 90 86 75 65 1960 405 ACS800-01-0120-7 R6
134 190 132 125 110 95 90 65 2660 405 ACS800-01-0145-7 R6
166 245 160 155 132 131 110 65 3470 405 ACS800-01-0175-7 R6
190 245 160 180 160 147 132 65 4180 405 ACS800-01-0205-7 R6
Degree of protection:
IP21 (Standard)
IP55 (Optional)
Paint color: NCS 1502-Y (RAL 9002/PMS 420C)
Frame IP21 IP55 Nominal ratings
size H1 H2 W1 Depth Weight H1 W1 Depth Weight Icont.max Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 C.
mm mm mm mm kg mm mm mm kg Imax Maximum output current. Available for 10 s at start, otherwise as long as
R2 405 370 A) 165 226 9 528 263 241 16 allowed by drive temperature. Note: max. motor shaft power is 150% Phd.
R3 471 420 A) 173 265 14 528 263 273 18 Typical ratings: No-overload use
R4 607 490 A) 240 274 26 774 377 278 33 Pcont.max Typical motor power in no-overload use.
R5 739 602 A) 265 286 34 775 377 308 51 Light-overload use
R6 880 B) 700 A) 300 399 67 B) 923 C) 420 420 C) 77 C) IN Continuous current allowing 110% IN for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
H1 = Height with cable connection box PN Typical motor power in light-overload use.
H2 = Height without cable connection box Heavy-duty use
W1 = Width of the standard unit Ihd Continuous current allowing 150% Ihd for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
A) Phd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
ACS800-01 without cable connection box does not fulfill IP21 requirements.
In -0205-3 and -0255-5 units, H1 is 977 mm and weight is 70 kg.
In -0205-3 and -0255-5 units, H1 is 994 mm, depth 424 mm and weight is 80 kg. The current ratings are the same regardless of the supply voltage within one
voltage range.
The ratings apply at 40 C ambient temperature. At higher temperatures (up to
50 C) the derating is 1% / 1 C.
External options:
Output filters
Safe torque-off (STO)
Nominal rating No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air flow Type designation Frame
use use use level dissipation size
Icont. max I max Pcont. max IN PN Ihd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) W m 3/h
UN = 230 V (Range 208 to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V.
34 52 7.5 32 7.5 26 5.5 70 505 350 ACS800-11-0011-2 R5
47 68 11 45 11 38 7.5 70 694 350 ACS800-11-0016-2 R5
59 90 15 56 15 45 11 70 910 350 ACS800-11-0020-2 R5
75 118 22 69 18.5 59 15 70 1099 350 ACS800-11-0025-2 R5
88 137 22 83 22 72 18.5 70 1315 350 ACS800-11-0030-2 R5
120 168 37 114 30 84 22 73 1585 405 ACS800-11-0040-2 R6
150 234 45 143 45 117 30 73 2125 405 ACS800-11-0050-2 R6
169 264 45 157 45 132 37 73 2530 405 ACS800-11-0060-2 R6
UN = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
34 52 15 32 15 26 11 70 550 350 ACS800-11-0016-3 R5
38 61 18.5 36 18.5 34 15 70 655 350 ACS800-11-0020-3 R5
47 68 22 45 22 38 18.5 70 760 350 ACS800-11-0025-3 R5
59 90 30 56 30 45 22 70 1000 350 ACS800-11-0030-3 R5
72 118 37 69 37 59 30 70 1210 350 ACS800-11-0040-3 R5
86 137 45 83 45 65 30 70 1450 350 ACS800-11-0050-3 R5
120 168 55 114 55 88 45 73 1750 405 ACS800-11-0060-3 R6
150 234 75 143 75 117 55 73 2350 405 ACS800-11-0070-3 R6
165 264 90 157 75 132 75 73 2800 405 ACS800-11-0100-3 R6
UN = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
31 52 18.5 29 18.5 25 15 70 655 350 ACS800-11-0020-5 R5
36 61 22 34 22 30 18.5 70 760 350 ACS800-11-0025-5 R5
47 68 30 45 30 37 22 70 1000 350 ACS800-11-0030-5 R5
58 90 37 55 37 47 30 70 1210 350 ACS800-11-0040-5 R5
70 118 45 67 45 57 37 70 1450 350 ACS800-11-0050-5 R5
82 130 55 78 45 62 1) 37 70 1750 350 ACS800-11-0060-5 R5
120 168 75 114 75 88 55 73 2350 405 ACS800-11-0070-5 R6
139 234 90 132 90 114 75 73 2800 405 ACS800-11-0100-5 R6
156 264 110 148 2) 90 125 75 73 3400 405 ACS800-11-0120-5 R6
U N = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal ratings 690 V.
57 3) 86 55 54 45 43 37 76 1750 405 ACS800-11-0060-7 R6
79 120 75 75 55 60 55 76 2350 405 ACS800-11-0070-7 R6
93 4) 142 90 88 75 71 55 76 2800 405 ACS800-11-0100-7 R6
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air flow Type designation Frame
use use use level dissipation size
I cont. max I max Pcont. max IN PN Ihd P hd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) W m 3/h
U N = 230 V (Range 208 to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V.
34 52 7.5 32 7.5 26 5.5 70 505 350 ACS800-31-0011-2 R5
47 68 11 45 11 38 7.5 70 694 350 ACS800-31-0016-2 R5
59 90 15 56 15 45 11 70 910 350 ACS800-31-0020-2 R5
75 118 22 69 18.5 59 15 70 1099 350 ACS800-31-0025-2 R5
88 137 22 83 22 72 18.5 70 1315 350 ACS800-31-0030-2 R5
120 168 37 114 30 84 22 73 1585 405 ACS800-31-0040-2 R6
150 234 45 143 45 117 30 73 2125 405 ACS800-31-0050-2 R6
169 264 45 157 45 132 37 73 2530 405 ACS800-31-0060-2 R6
UN = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
34 52 15 32 15 26 11 70 550 350 ACS800-31-0016-3 R5
38 61 18.5 36 18.5 34 15 70 655 350 ACS800-31-0020-3 R5
47 68 22 45 22 38 18.5 70 760 350 ACS800-31-0025-3 R5
59 90 30 56 30 45 22 70 1000 350 ACS800-31-0030-3 R5
72 118 37 69 37 59 30 70 1210 350 ACS800-31-0040-3 R5
86 137 45 83 45 65 30 70 1450 350 ACS800-31-0050-3 R5
120 168 55 114 55 88 45 73 1750 405 ACS800-31-0060-3 R6
150 234 75 143 75 117 55 73 2350 405 ACS800-31-0070-3 R6
165 264 90 157 75 132 75 73 2800 405 ACS800-31-0100-3 R6
UN = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
31 52 18.5 29 18.5 25 15 70 655 350 ACS800-31-0020-5 R5
36 61 22 34 22 30 18.5 70 760 350 ACS800-31-0025-5 R5
47 68 30 45 30 37 22 70 1000 350 ACS800-31-0030-5 R5
58 90 37 55 37 47 30 70 1210 350 ACS800-31-0040-5 R5
70 118 45 67 45 57 37 70 1450 350 ACS800-31-0050-5 R5
82 130 55 78 45 62 1) 37 70 1750 350 ACS800-31-0060-5 R5
120 168 75 114 75 88 55 73 2350 405 ACS800-31-0070-5 R6
139 234 90 132 90 114 75 73 2800 405 ACS800-31-0100-5 R6
156 264 110 148 2) 90 125 75 73 3400 405 ACS800-31-0120-5 R6
UN = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
57 3) 86 55 54 45 43 37 76 1750 405 ACS800-31-0060-7 R6
79 120 75 75 55 60 55 76 2350 405 ACS800-31-0070-7 R6
93 4) 142 90 88 75 71 55 76 2800 405 ACS800-31-0100-7 R6
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air Type designation Frame
use use use level dissipation flow size
Icont. max I max Pcont. max IN PN Ihd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) W m 3/h
U N = 230 V (Ranges 208 to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V.
214 326 55 211 55 170 45 71 2900 540 ACS800-02-0080-2 R7
253 404 75 248 75 202 55 71 3450 540 ACS800-02-0100-2 R7
295 432 90 290 90 240 1) 55 71 4050 540 ACS800-02-0120-2 R7
405 588 110 396 110 316 90 72 5300 1220 ACS800-02-0140-2 R8
447 588 132 440 132 340 90 72 6100 1220 ACS800-02-0170-2 R8
528 588 160 516 160 370 110 72 6700 1220 ACS800-02-0210-2 R8
613 840 160 598 160 480 132 72 7600 1220 ACS800-02-0230-2 R8
693 1017 200 679 200 590 2) 160 72 7850 1220 ACS800-02-0260-2 R8
720 1017 200 704 200 635 3) 200 72 8300 1220 ACS800-02-0300-2 R8
UN = 400 V (Ranges 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
206 326 110 202 110 163 90 71 3000 540 ACS800-02-0140-3 R7
248 404 132 243 132 202 110 71 3650 540 ACS800-02-0170-3 R7
289 432 160 284 160 240 4) 132 71 4300 540 ACS800-02-0210-3 R7
445 588 200 440 200 340 160 72 6600 1220 ACS800-02-0260-3 R8
521 588 250 516 250 370 200 72 7150 1220 ACS800-02-0320-3 R8
602 840 315 590 315 477 250 72 8100 1220 ACS800-02-0400-3 R8
693 1017 355 679 355 590 315 72 8650 1220 ACS800-02-0440-3 R8
720 1017 400 704 400 635 3) 355 72 9100 1220 ACS800-02-0490-3 R8
UN = 500 V (Ranges 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
196 326 132 192 132 162 110 71 3000 540 ACS800-02-0170-5 R7
245 384 160 240 160 192 132 71 3800 540 ACS800-02-0210-5 R7
289 432 200 284 200 224 160 71 4500 540 ACS800-02-0260-5 R7
440 588 250 435 250 340 200 72 6850 1220 ACS800-02-0320-5 R8
515 588 315 510 315 370 250 72 7800 1220 ACS800-02-0400-5 R8
550 840 355 545 355 490 315 72 7600 1220 ACS800-02-0440-5 R8
602 840 400 590 400 515 2) 355 72 8100 1220 ACS800-02-0490-5 R8
684 1017 450 670 450 590 400 72 9100 1220 ACS800-02-0550-5 R8
718 1017 500 704 500 632 450 72 9700 1220 ACS800-02-0610-5 R8
UN = 690 V (Ranges 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
134 190 132 125 110 95 90 71 2800 540 ACS800-02-0140-7 R7
166 263 160 155 132 131 110 71 3550 540 ACS800-02-0170-7 R7
166/203 5) 294 160 165/195 5) 160 147 132 71 4250 540 ACS800-02-0210-7 R7
175/230 5) 326 160/200 5) 5)
175/212 160/200 1635)
160 71 4800 540 ACS800-02-0260-7 R7
315 433 315 290 250 216 200 72 6150 1220 ACS800-02-0320-7 R8
353 548 355 344 315 274 250 72 6650 1220 ACS800-02-0400-7 R8
396 656 400 387 355 328 315 72 7400 1220 ACS800-02-0440-7 R8
445 775 450 426 400 387 355 72 8450 1220 ACS800-02-0490-7 R8
488 853 500 482 450 426 400 72 8300 1220 ACS800-02-0550-7 R8
560 964 560 537 500 482 450 72 9750 1220 ACS800-02-0610-7 R8
Degree of protection: IP21 (Standard) Nominal ratings
Paint color: NCS 1502-Y (RAL 9002/PMS 420C) Icont.max Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 C.
Imax Maximum output current. Available for 10 s at start, otherwise as long as
Dimensions allowed by drive temperature. Note: max. motor shaft power is 150% Phd.
Frame IP21 Typical ratings: No-overload use
size Height Width Depth Weight Pcont.max Typical motor power in no-overload use.
mm mm mm kg Light-overload use
R7 1507 250 A) 524 A) 110 IN Continuous current allowing 110% IN for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
R8 2024 347 A) 622 A) 240 PN Typical motor power in light-overload use.
Width = Width of the standard unit Heavy-duty use
Ihd Continuous current allowing 150% Ihd for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
The dimensions apply to bookshelf mounting. In flat type mounting the width and Phd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
depth change places.
The current ratings are the same regardless of the supply voltage within one
1) voltage range.
50% overload available if Tamb < 35 C. If Tamb = 40 C, max overload is 45%.
50% overload available if Tamb < 30 C. If Tamb = 40 C, max overload is 40%. The ratings apply at 40 C ambient temperature. At higher temperatures (up to
50% overload available if Tamb < 20 C. If Tamb = 40 C, max overload is 30%. 50 C) the derating is 1% / 1 C.
50% overload available if Tamb < 25 C. If Tamb = 40 C, max overload is 37%.
Higher value available if output frequency is above 41 Hz.
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air Type designation Frame size
use use use level dissipation flow
Icont. max Imax Pcont. max IN PN I hd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) kW m3/h
UN = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
145 170 75 141 75 100 45 65 1.44 405 ACS800-07-0075-3 R5
166 202 90 155 75 115 55 63 1.94 405 ACS800-07-0100-3 R6
202 282 110 184 90 141 75 63 2.31 405 ACS800-07-0120-3 R6
225 326 110 220 110 163 90 65 2.81 405 ACS800-07-0135-3 R6
260 326 132 254 132 215 110 65 3.26 405 ACS800-07-0165-3 R6
290 351 160 285 160 234 132 65 4.20 405 ACS800-07-0205-3 R6
445 588 200 440 200 340 160 72 6.60 1220 ACS800-07-0260-3 R8
521 588 250 516 250 370 200 72 7.15 1220 ACS800-07-0320-3 R8
602 840 315 590 315 477 250 72 8.10 1220 ACS800-07-0400-3 R8
693 1017 355 679 355 590 1) 315 72 8.65 1220 ACS800-07-0440-3 R8
720 1017 400 704 400 635 2) 355 72 9.00 1220 ACS800-07-0490-3 R8
879 1315 500 844 500 657 400 73 13.0 3120 ACS800-07-0610-3 1 D4 + 2R8i
1111 1521 630 1067 630 831 450 74 17.2 3840 ACS800-07-0770-3 2D4 + 2R8i
1255 1877 710 1205 710 939 500 74 18.5 3840 ACS800-07-0870-3 2D4 + 2R8i
1452 1988 800 1394 800 1086 630 74 23.9 3840 ACS800-07-1030-3 2D4 + 2R8i
1770 2648 1000 1699 1000 1324 710 75 27.5 5040 ACS800-07-1230-3 2D4 + 3R8i
2156 2951 1200 2070 1200 1613 900 76 35.4 5760 ACS800-07-1540-3 3D4 + 3R8i
2663 3894 1450 2556 1450 1992 1120 76 42.7 6960 ACS800-07-1850-3 3D4 + 4R8i
U N = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
145 170 90 141 90 100 55 65 2.15 405 ACS800-07-0105-5 R5
157 202 90 145 90 113 75 63 2.31 405 ACS800-07-0120-5 R6
180 282 110 163 110 141 90 63 2.81 405 ACS800-07-0140-5 R6
225 326 132 220 132 163 110 65 3.26 405 ACS800-07-0165-5 R6
260 326 160 254 160 215 132 65 3.80 405 ACS800-07-0205-5 R6
290 351 200 285 200 234 160 65 4.50 405 ACS800-07-0255-5 R6
440 588 250 435 250 340 200 72 6.85 1220 ACS800-07-0320-5 R8
515 588 315 510 315 370 250 72 7.80 1220 ACS800-07-0400-5 R8
550 840 355 545 355 490 315 72 7.60 1220 ACS800-07-0440-5 R8
602 840 400 590 400 515 1) 355 72 8.10 1220 ACS800-07-0490-5 R8
684 1017 450 670 450 590 1) 400 72 9.10 1220 ACS800-07-0550-5 R8
718 1017 500 704 500 632 2) 450 72 9.70 1220 ACS800-07-0610-5 R8
883 1321 630 848 630 660 500 73 14.0 3120 ACS800-07-0760-5 1D4 + 2R8i
1050 1524 710 1008 710 785 560 74 17.2 3840 ACS800-07-0910-5 2D4 + 2R8i
1258 1882 900 1208 900 941 630 74 19.9 3840 ACS800-07-1090-5 2D4 + 2R8i
1372 1991 1000 1317 1000 1026 710 74 23.8 3840 ACS800-07-1210-5 2D4 + 2R8i
1775 2655 1250 1704 1200 1328 900 75 29.4 5040 ACS800-07-1540-5 2D4 + 3R8i
2037 2956 1450 1956 1400 1524 1120 76 35.0 5760 ACS800-07-1820-5 3D4 + 3R8i
2670 3901 1900 2563 1850 1997 1400 76 45.4 6960 ACS800-07-2310-5 3D4 + 4R8i
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air Type designation Frame size
use use use level dissipation flow
I cont. max Imax P cont. max IN PN I hd P hd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) kW m3/h
U N = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
79 104 75 73 55 54 45 63 1.22 405 ACS800-07-0070-7 R6
93 124 90 86 75 62 55 63 1.65 405 ACS800-07-0100-7 R6
113 172 110 108 90 86 75 65 1.96 405 ACS800-07-0120-7 R6
134 190 132 125 110 95 90 65 2.66 405 ACS800-07-0145-7 R6
166 245 160 155 132 131 110 65 3.47 405 ACS800-07-0175-7 R6
190 245 160 180 160 147 132 65 4.18 405 ACS800-07-0205-7 R6
175/230 3) 326 160/200 3) 175/212 3) 160/200 3) 163 160 71 4.80 540 ACS800-07-0260-7 R7
315 433 315 290 250 216 200 72 6.15 1220 ACS800-07-0320-7 R8
353 548 355 344 315 274 250 72 6.65 1220 ACS800-07-0400-7 R8
396 656 400 387 355 328 315 72 7.40 1220 ACS800-07-0440-7 R8
445 775 450 426 400 387 355 72 8.45 1220 ACS800-07-0490-7 R8
488 853 500 482 450 426 400 72 8.30 1220 ACS800-07-0550-7 R8
560 964 560 537 500 482 450 72 9.75 1220 ACS800-07-0610-7 R8
628 939 630 603 630 470 500 73 13.9 3120 ACS800-07-0750-7 1D4 + 2R8i
729 1091 710 700 710 545 560 73 17.1 3120 ACS800-07-0870-7 1D4 + 2R8i
885 1324 800 850 800 662 630 73 18.4 3120 ACS800-07-1060-7 1D4 + 2R8i
953 1426 900 915 900 713 710 74 20.8 3840 ACS800-07-1160-7 2D4 + 2R8i
1258 1882 1200 1208 1200 941 900 75 27.0 5040 ACS800-07-1500-7 2D4 + 3R8i
1414 2115 1400 1357 1400 1058 1000 75 32.5 5040 ACS800-07-1740-7 2D4 + 3R8i
1774 2654 1700 1703 1700 1327 1250 76 40.1 6240 ACS800-07-2120-7 2D4 + 4R8i
1866 2792 1900 1791 1800 1396 1400 76 43.3 6960 ACS800-07-2320-7 3D4 + 4R8i
2321 3472 2300 2228 2200 1736 1600 77 51.5 8160 ACS800-07-2900-7 3D4 + 5R8i
2665 3987 2600 2558 2500 1993 1900 78 58.0 9360 ACS800-07-3190-7 3D4 + 6R8i
2770 4144 2800 2659 2700 2072 2100 78 63.6 10080 ACS800-07-3490-7 4D4 + 6R8i
Enclosure Notes:
Degree of protection: 50% overload available if Tamb < 30 C. If Tamb = 40 C, max overload is 40%.
IP21 (Standard) 50% overload available if Tamb < 20 C. If Tamb = 40 C, max overload is 30%.
IP22, IP42, IP54, IP54R (Optional) Higher value available if output frequency is above 41 Hz.
Paint color: Light beige RAL 7035 semi-gloss
Frame Height Height Width 6-pulse width with 12-pulse width with Depth Depth top Weight Weight with switch
size IP21/22/42 IP54 switch and fuses switch and fuses exit B) and fuses
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kg
R5 and R6 2130 2315 - 430 - 646 646 - 300
R7 2130 2315 - 830 - 646 646 - 400
R8 2130 2315 - 830 A) - 646 646 - 500
1D4 + 2R8i 2130 2315 1330 1730 1830 646 776 C) 890 1100
2D4 + 2R8i 2130 2315 1630 2130 2130 646 776 C) 1200 1410
2D4 + 3R8i 2130 2315 1830 2330 2330 646 776 C) 1350 1560
2D4 + 4R8i 2130 2315 2230 2730 2730 646 776 C) 1680 1890
3D4 + 3R8i 2130 2315 2030 2630 2630 646 776 C) 1540 1800
3D4 + 4R8i 2130 2315 2430 3030 3030 646 776 C) 1870 2130
3D4 + 5R8i 2130 2315 2630 3230 3230 646 776 C) 2020 2280
3D4 + 6R8i 2130 2315 2830 3430 3430 646 776 C) 2170 2430
4D4 + 6R8i 2130 2315 3230 3830 3830 646 776 C) 2520 2940
Nominal ratings 1230 mm if equipped with 1st environment EMC filter.
The depth without the handle.
Icont.max Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 C. C)
The depth is 646 mm if common motor terminal is used.
Imax Maximum output current. Available for 10 s at start, otherwise as long as
allowed by drive temperature. Note: max. motor shaft power is 150% Phd.
Typical ratings: No-overload use
Pcont.max Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Light-overload use
IN Continuous current allowing 110% IN for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
PN Typical motor power in light-overload use.
Heavy-duty use
Ihd Continuous current allowing 150% Ihd for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
Phd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
The current ratings are the same regardless of the supply voltage within one
voltage range.
The ratings apply at 40 C ambient temperature. At higher temperatures (up to
50 C) the derating is 1% / 1 C.
For sine filter selections and ratings, contact ABB.
Catalog | ABB industrial drives ACS800 single drives 25
Liquid-cooled drives
ACS800-07LC, 200 to 5600 kW
Ultimate solution for high power applications Intelligence and high availability
The liquid-cooled ACS800 frequency converter offers robust The ABB ACS800 liquid-cooled series has a number of unique
design for various applications. The compact size with a features as standard, and which are not available in previous
totally enclosed cabinet is optimized for harsh environmental generations of ABB drives. These include:
conditions. The liquid-cooled ACS800 product series provides
advanced reliability for medium and high power applications. Built-in redundancy through parallel connected modules -
each module is a complete three-phase inverter
The ACS800-07LC single drive is available from 200 kW up to Ability to run with partial load even when one of the
5600 kW at 380 to 690 V supply voltages. modules is not operating - enabling higher drive availability
and greater process uptime.
Advanced liquid cooling
The ACS800 liquid-cooled drive utilizes direct liquid cooling With ABB drives, you get more than the most reliable
which makes the converter extremely compact and silent. equipment and systems. ABB drives are backed by our full
Liquid cooling reduces the need for high-power filtered service and support network, which covers field service and
air-cooling in the installation rooms. Along with the high training as well as spare parts. This ensures reliable and
efficiency, direct liquid cooling offers low noise and easy heat economic operation under all conditions
transfer without air filtering.
Compact and easy are the words to describe the entire
Customer specific design ACS800 liquid-cooled drive range. They demonstrate how
The modular hardware design and advanced software technology enables ABB to add more and more features
features of the liquid-cooled single drive enable the most into a shrinking space and still give the benefits of easy
sophisticated drive solutions for both induction and installation, access and use.
permanent magnet motors. Our customized solutions provide
the optimum customer benefits. The design meets the
international standards and marine classification requirements.
ABBs extensive application and product know-how is at your
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Dissipation Liquid Mass Type designation Frame size
use use use level to liquid* Qty flow
Icont. max I max Pcont. max IN PN Ihd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) kW l l/min
UN = 400 V (Ranges 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
563 674 315 540 250 421 200 55 8.7 6.2 32 ACS800-07LC-0390-3 1D3 + 1R8i
678 837 355 651 355 507 250 55 10 6.2 32 ACS800-07LC-0470-3 1D3 + 1R8i
889 1037 500 853 400 665 355 55 14 6.2 32 ACS800-07LC-0620-3 1D3 + 1R8i
1103 1279 630 1059 560 825 450 56 16 8.4 45 ACS800-07LC-0760-3 1D4 + 2R8i
1329 1590 710 1276 710 994 500 56 21 8.4 45 ACS800-07LC-0920-3 1D4 + 2R8i
1742 1994 900 1673 900 1303 710 56 26 8.4 45 ACS800-07LC-1210-3 1D4 + 2R8i
1973 2347 1120 1894 1120 1476 900 58 28 14.4 77 ACS800-07LC-1370-3 2D4 + 3R8i
2587 2941 1400 2484 1400 1935 1120 58 37 14.4 77 ACS800-07LC-1790-3 2D4 + 3R8i
3414 3906 2000 3277 2000 2553 1400 58 51 16.8 90 ACS800-07LC-2370-3 2D4 + 4R8i
4245 4858 2500 4075 2240 3175 1800 59 62 22.8 122 ACS800-07LC-2940-3 3D4 + 5R8i
5067 5799 2800 4865 2800 3790 2000 60 76 24.8 135 ACS800-07LC-3510-3 3D4 + 6R8i
UN = 500 V (Ranges 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
546 673 355 524 355 408 250 55 8.7 6.2 32 ACS800-07LC-0470-5 1D3 + 1R8i
630 838 400 605 400 471 315 55 10 6.2 32 ACS800-07LC-0550-5 1D3 + 1R8i
840 1042 560 806 560 568 400 55 13 6.2 32 ACS800-07LC-0730-5 1D3 + 1R8i
1070 1280 710 1027 710 800 560 56 16 8.4 45 ACS800-07LC-0930-5 1D4 + 2R8i
1235 1589 900 1185 900 924 630 56 19 8.4 45 ACS800-07LC-1070-5 1D4 + 2R8i
1646 1996 1120 1581 1120 1232 710 56 25 8.4 45 ACS800-07LC-1430-5 1D4 + 2R8i
1833 2344 1250 1760 1250 1371 900 57 29 10.5 58 ACS800-07LC-1590-5 1D4 + 3R8i
2444 2943 1600 2347 1600 1828 1250 58 36 14.4 77 ACS800-07LC-2120-5 2D4 + 3R8i
3226 3885 2240 3097 2240 2413 1600 58 49 16.8 90 ACS800-07LC-2790-5 2D4 + 4R8i
4011 4830 2800 3851 2800 3000 2000 59 60 22.8 122 ACS800-07LC-3470-5 3D4 + 5R8i
4788 5801 3360 4596 3200 3581 2500 60 73 24.8 135 ACS800-07LC-4150-5 3D4 + 6R8i
UN = 600 V (Ranges 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
583 872 560 560 500 436 400 55 12 6.2 32 ACS800-07LC-0700-7 1D3 + 1R8i
790 1182 710 759 710 591 560 56 17 8.3 45 ACS800-07LC-0940-7 1D3 + 2R8i
898 1344 900 863 900 672 630 56 19 8.3 45 ACS800-07LC-1070-7 1D3 + 2R8i
1143 1710 1120 1097 1120 855 710 56 22 8.4 45 ACS800-07LC-1370-7 1D4 + 2R8i
1334 1996 1250 1281 1250 998 900 57 28 10.5 58 ACS800-07LC-1590-7 1D4 + 3R8i
1697 2538 1600 1629 1600 1269 1250 57 34 10.5 58 ACS800-07LC-2030-7 1D4 + 3R8i
2239 3350 2240 2150 2000 1675 1600 58 44 16.8 90 ACS800-07LC-2680-7 2D4 + 4R8i
2785 4166 2800 2673 2500 2083 2000 58 55 18.9 103 ACS800-07LC-3330-7 2D4 + 5R8i
3324 4974 3200 3191 3200 2487 2500 59 66 21 116 ACS800-07LC-3970-7 2D4 + 6R8i
3878 5802 3750 3723 3600 2901 2800 60 76 27.3 148 ACS800-07LC-4630-7 3D4 + 7R8i
4432 6630 4480 4255 4200 3315 3200 61 87 29.4 161 ACS800-07LC-5300-7 3D4 + 8R8i
4986 7460 5000 4787 4800 3730 3600 62 99 31.5 174 ACS800-07LC-5960-7 3D4 + 9R8i
5540 8288 5600 5319 5300 4144 4200 62 112 33.9 187 ACS800-07LC-6620-7 3D4 + 10R8i
* 98% of heat losses are carried out with liquid
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air Type designation Frame size
use use use level dissipation flow
I cont. max Imax Pcont. max IN PN Ihd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) kW m3/h
UN = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
120 168 55 114 55 88 45 73 1.8 500 ACS800-17-0060-3 R6
150 234 75 142 75 117 55 73 2.4 500 ACS800-17-0070-3 R6
165 264 90 157 75 132 75 73 2.8 500 ACS800-17-0100-3 R6
202 293 110 194 90 151 75 74 6 1300 ACS800-17-0140-3 R7i
250 363 132 240 132 187 90 74 7 1300 ACS800-17-0170-3 R7i
292 400 160 280 160 218 110 75 7 3160 ACS800-17-0210-3 R8i
370 506 200 355 200 277 132 75 9 3160 ACS800-17-0260-3 R8i
469 642 250 450 250 351 200 75 11 3160 ACS800-17-0320-3 R8i
565 773 315 542 315 423 250 75 14 3160 ACS800-17-0390-3 R8i
704 963 400 675 355 526 250 75 19 3160 ACS800-17-0490-3 R8i
919 1258 500 882 500 688 355 77 22 6400 ACS800-17-0640-3 2R8i
1111 1521 630 1067 630 831 450 77 28 6400 ACS800-17-0770-3 2R8i
1379 1888 800 1324 710 1031 560 77 36 6400 ACS800-17-0960-3 2R8i
1535 2102 900 1474 800 1149 630 78 39 10240 ACS800-17-1070-3 3R8i
1978 2707 1200 1899 1100 1479 800 78 51 10240 ACS800-17-1370-3 3R8i
2610 3573 1600 2506 1400 1953 1100 79 67 12800 ACS800-17-1810-3 4R8i
UN = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
120 168 75 114 75 88 55 73 2.4 500 ACS800-17-0070-5 R6
139 234 90 132 90 114 75 73 2.8 500 ACS800-17-0100-5 R6
156 264 110 148 1) 90 125 75 73 3.4 500 ACS800-17-0120-5 R6
200 291 132 192 132 150 90 74 6 1300 ACS800-17-0170-5 R7i
245 356 160 235 2) 160 183 110 74 8 1300 ACS800-17-0210-5 R7i
302 438 200 289 3) 200 226 132 75 8 3160 ACS800-17-0260-5 R8i
365 530 250 350 4) 250 273 160 75 10 3160 ACS800-17-0320-5 R8i
455 660 315 437 315 340 200 75 12 3160 ACS800-17-0400-5 R8i
525 762 355 504 355 393 250 75 14 3160 ACS800-17-0460-5 R8i
595 863 400 571 400 445 315 75 16 3160 ACS800-17-0510-5 R8i
670 972 500 643 450 501 315 75 19 3160 ACS800-17-0580-5 R8i
892 1294 630 856 630 667 450 77 24 6400 ACS800-17-0780-5 2R8i
1005 1458 710 965 630 752 500 77 28 6400 ACS800-17-0870-5 2R8i
1313 1906 900 1261 900 982 710 77 36 6400 ACS800-17-1140-5 2R8i
1528 2217 1120 1467 1120 1143 800 78 41 10240 ACS800-17-1330-5 3R8i
1884 2734 1400 1809 1300 1409 1000 78 52 10240 ACS800-17-1640-5 3R8i
2486 3608 1800 2387 1700 1860 1300 79 68 12800 ACS800-17-2160-5 4R8i
156 A is allowed at 460 V.
240 A is allowed at 460 V.
302 A is allowed at 460 V.
361 A is allowed at 460 V.
Degree of protection:
IP21 (Standard)
IP22, IP42, IP54, IP54R (Optional)
Paint color: Light beige RAL 7035 semi-gloss
Frame Height Height Width Depth Depth Weight Nominal ratings
size IP21/22/42 IP54 top exit E)
Icont.max Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 C.
mm mm mm mm mm kg Imax Maximum output current. Available for 10 s at start, otherwise as long as
R6 2130 2315 430 646 646 250 allowed by drive temperature. Note: max. motor shaft power is 150% Phd.
R7i 2130 2315 630 A) 646 646 400 Typical ratings: No-overload use
R8i 2130 2315 1230 B) 646 646 950 Pcont.max Typical motor power in no-overload use.
2R8i 2130 2315 2430 C) 646 776 F) 2000
Light-overload use
3R8i 2130 2315 3230 646 776 F) 3060
IN Continuous current allowing 110% IN for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
4R8i 2130 2315 3830 D) 646 776 F) 3600
PN Typical motor power in light-overload use.
5R8i 2130 2315 5130 D) 646 776 F) 4780
6R8i 2130 2315 5330 D) 646 776 F) 4930 Heavy-duty use
Ihd Continuous current allowing 150% Ihd for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
930 mm if equipped with 1st environment (C2) or with du/dt filter. Phd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
1530 mm if equipped with 1st environment filter.
2730 mm if equipped with 1st environment filter The current ratings are the same regardless of the supply voltage within one
(only types 0640-3/0770-3/0780-5/0870-5). voltage range.
Add 300 mm if top entry.
E) The ratings apply at 40 C ambient temperature. At higher temperatures (up to
The depth without the handle.
F) 50 C) the derating is 1% / 1 C.
The depth is 646 mm if common motor terminal is used.
For sine filter selections and ratings, contact ABB.
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air Type designation Frame size
use use use level dissipation flow
I cont. max Imax Pcont. max IN PN Ihd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) kW m 3/h
U N = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
57 1) 86 55 54 45 43 37 73 1.8 500 ACS800-17-0060-7 R6
79 120 75 75 55 60 55 73 2.4 500 ACS800-17-0070-7 R6
93 2) 142 90 88 75 71 55 73 2.8 500 ACS800-17-0100-7 R6
132 192 110 127 110 99 90 74 7 1300 ACS800-17-0160-7 R7i
150 218 132 144 132 112 90 74 8 1300 ACS800-17-0200-7 R7i
201 301 200 193 160 150 132 75 11 3160 ACS800-17-0260-7 R8i
279 417 250 268 250 209 200 75 12 3160 ACS800-17-0320-7 R8i
335 502 315 322 250 251 200 75 16 3160 ACS800-17-0400-7 R8i
382 571 355 367 355 286 270 75 17 3160 ACS800-17-0440-7 R8i
447 668 450 429 400 334 315 75 18 3160 ACS800-17-0540-7 R8i
659 985 630 632 630 493 450 77 32 6400 ACS800-17-0790-7 2R8i
729 1091 710 700 710 545 500 77 33 6400 ACS800-17-0870-7 2R8i
876 1310 900 840 800 655 630 77 36 6400 ACS800-17-1050-7 2R8i
1112 1663 1120 1067 1120 831 800 78 48 10240 ACS800-17-1330-7 3R8i
1256 1879 1250 1206 1200 940 900 78 51 10240 ACS800-17-1510-7 3R8i
1657 2480 1700 1591 1600 1240 1200 79 67 12800 ACS800-17-1980-7 4R8i
2321 3472 2300 2228 2300 1736 1600 79 94 17920 ACS800-17-2780-7 5R8i
2460 3680 2500 2362 2400 1840 1800 79 99 19200 ACS800-17-2940-7 6R8i
62 A is allowed at 575 V.
99 A is allowed at 575 V.
Degree of protection:
IP21 (Standard)
IP22, IP42, IP54, IP54R (Optional)
Paint color: Light beige RAL 7035 semi-gloss
Frame Height Height Width Depth Depth Weight Nominal ratings
size IP21/22/42 IP54 top exit E)
Icont.max Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 C.
mm mm mm mm mm kg Imax Maximum output current. Available for 10 s at start, otherwise as long as
R6 2130 2315 430 646 646 250 allowed by drive temperature. Note: max. motor shaft power is 150% Phd.
R7i 2130 2315 630 A) 646 646 400 Typical ratings: No-overload use
R8i 2130 2315 1230 B) 646 646 950 Pcont.max Typical motor power in no-overload use.
2R8i 2130 2315 2430 C) 646 776 F) 2000 Light-overload use
3R8i 2130 2315 3230 646 776 F) 3060 IN Continuous current allowing 110% IN for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
4R8i 2130 2315 3830 D) 646 776 F) 3600
PN Typical motor power in light-overload use.
5R8i 2130 2315 5130 D) 646 776 F) 4780
Heavy-duty use
6R8i 2130 2315 5330 D) 646 776 F) 4930
Ihd Continuous current allowing 150% Ihd for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
930 mm if equipped with 1st environment (C2) or with du/dt filter in marine version. Phd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
1530 mm if equipped with 1st environment filter and common motor terminal.
2730 mm if equipped with 1st environment filter
The current ratings are the same regardless of the supply voltage within one
(only types 0640-3/0770-3/0780-5/0870-5).
D) voltage range.
Add 300 mm if top entry.
The depth without the handle. The ratings apply at 40 C ambient temperature. At higher temperatures (up to
The depth is 646 mm if common motor terminal is used. 50 C) the derating is 1% / 1 C.
For sine filter selections and ratings, contact ABB.
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload use Heavy-duty use Noise Dissipation Mass Liquid Type designation Frame sizes
use level to liquid flow qty ISU + INU
Icont. max Imax Pcont. max IN PN Ihd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dBA kW l/min l
U N = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V
159 251 90 153 90 119 55 59 6.3 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0110-3 R7i + R7i
205 251 110 197 110 153 75 59 7.6 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0140-3 R7i + R7i
240 335 132 230 132 180 90 59 8.3 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0170-3 R7i + R7i
295 437 160 283 160 221 132 59 9.3 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0200-3 R7i + R7i
377 512 200 362 200 282 160 59 12.2 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0260-3 R8i + R8i
500 674 250 480 250 374 200 59 14.3 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0350-3 R8i + R8i
625 837 355 600 355 468 250 59 17.1 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0430-3 R8i + R8i
835 1037 500 802 450 625 355 59 21.7 41 11.1 ACS800-17LC-0580-3 R8i + R8i
1250 1590 710 1200 710 935 500 62 32.6 79 16.6 ACS800-17LC-0870-3 2R8i + 2R8i
1635 1994 900 1570 900 1223 710 62 42.3 79 16.6 ACS800-17LC-1130-3 2R8i + 2R8i
2430 2941 1400 2333 1400 1818 1000 64 63.1 116 26.1 ACS800-17LC-1680-3 3R8i + 3R8i
3210 3906 1800 3082 1800 2401 1400 65 82.8 152 29.9 ACS800-17LC-2220-3 4R8i + 4R8i
4765 5799 2800 4574 2400 3564 2000 67 122.8 226 44.6 ACS800-17LC-3300-3 6R8i + 6R8i
UN = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V
139 232 90 133 75 104 55 59 6.2 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0120-5 R7i + R7i
191 252 132 183 110 143 90 59 7.5 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0170-5 R7i + R7i
238 335 160 228 160 178 110 59 8 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0210-5 R7i + R7i
290 430 200 278 160 217 132 59 9.6 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0250-5 R7i + R7i
355 515 200 341 200 266 160 59 12.4 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0310-5 R8i + R8i
475 673 315 456 315 355 200 59 14.5 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0410-5 R8i + R8i
595 838 400 571 400 445 315 59 16.9 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0520-5 R8i + R8i
795 1042 560 763 500 595 400 59 21.4 41 11.1 ACS800-17LC-0690-5 R8i + R8i
1190 1589 800 1142 800 890 630 62 32.2 79 16.6 ACS800-17LC-1030-5 2R8i + 2R8i
1560 1996 1000 1498 1000 1167 800 62 42 79 16.6 ACS800-17LC-1350-5 2R8i + 2R8i
2310 2943 1600 2218 1600 1728 1200 64 62.8 116 26.1 ACS800-17LC-2000-5 3R8i + 3R8i
3050 3885 2000 2928 2000 2281 1600 65 82 152 29.9 ACS800-17LC-2640-5 4R8i + 4R8i
4540 5801 3200 4358 3200 3396 2800 67 122.1 226 44.6 ACS800-17LC-3930-5 6R8i + 6R8i
UN = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V
106 137 110 102 90 79 75 59 6.3 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0130-7 R7i + R7i
139 206 132 133 132 104 90 59 7.4 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0170-7 R7i + R7i
179 265 200 172 160 134 132 59 7.9 41 9.8 ACS800-17LC-0210-7 R7i + R7i
237 386 250 228 200 177 160 59 12.1 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0280-7 R8i + R8i
330 604 315 317 315 247 250 59 14.8 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0390-7 R8i + R8i
395 604 400 379 355 295 250 59 18.8 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0470-7 R8i + R8i
530 872 560 509 500 396 400 59 21 41 10.3 ACS800-17LC-0630-7 R8i + R8i
795 1344 800 763 710 595 630 62 34.8 70 16.6 ACS800-17LC-0950-7 2R8i + 2R8i
1040 1710 1000 998 1000 778 800 62 39.5 79 16.6 ACS800-17LC-1240-7 2R8i + 2R8i
1540 2538 1600 1478 1400 1152 1200 64 56.2 116 22.4 ACS800-17LC-1840-7 3R8i + 3R8i
2035 3350 2000 1954 2000 1522 1600 65 77.9 152 29.9 ACS800-17LC-2430-7 4R8i + 4R8i
3025 4974 3200 2904 2800 2263 2400 67 110 226 41.7 ACS800-17LC-3620-7 6R8i + 6R8i
3878 5802 4000 3723 3600 2901 2800 68 146.5 291 56.7 ACS800-17LC-4630-7 8R8i + 7R8i
4432 6630 4400 4255 4000 3315 3200 69 157.1 329 61.3 ACS800-17LC-5300-7 9R8i + 8R8i
4986 7460 5200 4787 4800 3730 3600 69 184 364 69.6 ACS800-17LC-5960-7 10R8i + 9R8i
Easy low harmonic solution Long lifetime cooling fan and capacitors
ABBs low harmonic drives offer an easy low harmonic Inputs galvanically isolated
solution incorporated in the drive. The solution to overcome I/O and fieldbus extension slots inside
harmonic issues simply comes with the drive without the need Alphanumeric multilingual control panel with a startup
for additional filtering equipment or complicated multi-pulse assistant feature
transformer arrangements.
Accessories for ACS800-37
Meets the strictest standards Analogue and digital I/O extension modules
The ACS800-37 is a low harmonic drive in the cabinet-built ATEX approved motor protection
power range. It is equipped with an built-in active supply Braking chopper and resistor
unit and low harmonic line filter. The result is exceptionally Cabinet heater
low harmonic content in the network, with a total current Customer terminal block
distortion of less than 5.0%. That exceeds, for example, the du/dt filters (in frame sizes R6-R8i)
requirements set by standard IEEE519 even in the weakest Earth fault monitoring for unearthed network
network. The ACS800-37 provides you with a simple, EMC filter for 1st environment, restricted distribution
compact solution to meet stringent power quality standards. according to EN 61800-3 (category C2)
Fieldbus modules
Beats external solutions IP22, IP42, IP54 or IP54R protection degrees
When compared to multi-pulse transformer solutions, the Marine construction
ACS800-37 does not require a dedicated transformer and Output for motor fan
thus is simpler in terms of cabling arrangements and requires Pulse encoder interface module
less floor space. Harmonic performance is better than with Safe torque-off (STO)
12- and 18-pulse solutions, handling online imbalance or Safely-limited speed (SLS)
other shortcomings in the supply network. Passive or active Top entry and exit of cables
external filtering devices are avoided with the ACS800-37, 1 or 2 thermistor relays
making the solution compact and simple. Another advantage of 3.5 or 8 Pt100 relays
the ACS800-37 is that it always operates with power factor 1. Emergency stop categories 0 or 1
UL or CSA certified design
Extensive range of features
In line with other ACS800 cabinet-built drives, the ACS800-37 Plus tailor made accessories through ABBs application
offers a wide variety of standardized configurations to adapt engineering.
to different application requirements. It has an extensive
range of built-in features and accessories. The smart module
concept enables easy maintenance and redundancy in the
high power range.
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air flow Type designation Frame size
use use use level dissipation
Icont. max Imax P cont. max IN PN Ihd Phd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) kW m 3/h
UN = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
120 168 55 114 55 88 45 73 1.8 500 ACS800-37-0060-3 R6
150 234 75 142 75 117 55 73 2.4 500 ACS800-37-0070-3 R6
165 264 90 157 75 132 75 73 2.8 500 ACS800-37-0100-3 R6
202 293 110 194 90 151 75 74 6 1300 ACS800-37-0140-3 R7i
250 363 132 240 132 187 90 74 7 1300 ACS800-37-0170-3 R7i
292 400 160 280 160 218 110 75 7 3160 ACS800-37-0210-3 R8i
370 506 200 355 200 277 132 75 9 3160 ACS800-37-0260-3 R8i
469 642 250 450 250 351 200 75 11 3160 ACS800-37-0320-3 R8i
565 773 315 542 315 423 250 75 14 3160 ACS800-37-0390-3 R8i
730 1000 400 701 355 546 250 75 20 3160 ACS800-37-0510-3 R8i
919 1258 500 882 500 688 355 77 22 6400 ACS800-37-0640-3 2R8i
1111 1521 630 1067 630 831 450 77 28 6400 ACS800-37-0770-3 2R8i
1379 1888 800 1324 710 1031 560 77 36 6400 ACS800-37-0960-3 2R8i
1535 2102 900 1474 800 1149 630 78 39 10240 ACS800-37-1070-3 3R8i
2056 2814 1200 1973 1100 1538 800 78 54 10240 ACS800-37-1430-3 3R8i
2610 3573 1600 2506 1400 1953 1100 79 67 12800 ACS800-37-1810-3 4R8i
UN = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
120 168 75 114 75 88 55 73 2.4 500 ACS800-37-0070-5 R6
139 234 90 132 90 114 75 73 2.8 500 ACS800-37-0100-5 R6
156 264 110 148 1) 90 125 75 73 3.4 500 ACS800-37-0120-5 R6
200 291 132 192 132 150 90 74 6 1300 ACS800-37-0170-5 R7i
245 355 160 235 2) 160 183 110 74 8 1300 ACS800-37-0210-5 R7i
302 438 200 289 3) 200 226 132 75 8 3160 ACS800-37-0260-5 R8i
365 530 250 350 4) 250 273 160 75 10 3160 ACS800-37-0320-5 R8i
455 660 315 437 315 340 200 75 12 3160 ACS800-37-0400-5 R8i
525 762 355 504 355 393 250 75 14 3160 ACS800-37-0460-5 R8i
595 863 400 571 400 445 315 75 16 3160 ACS800-37-0510-5 R8i
700 1016 500 672 450 524 315 75 20 3160 ACS800-37-0610-5 R8i
892 1294 630 856 630 667 450 77 24 6400 ACS800-37-0780-5 2R8i
1005 1458 710 965 630 752 500 77 28 6400 ACS800-37-0870-5 2R8i
1338 1941 900 1284 900 1001 710 77 38 6400 ACS800-37-1160-5 2R8i
1528 2217 1120 1467 1120 1143 800 78 41 10240 ACS800-37-1330-5 3R8i
2037 2956 1400 1956 1300 1524 1000 78 58 10240 ACS800-37-1820-5 3R8i
2529 3670 1800 2428 1700 1892 1300 79 70 12800 ACS800-37-2200-5 4R8i
156 A is allowed at 460 V.
240 A is allowed at 460 V.
302 A is allowed at 460 V.
361 A is allowed at 460 V.
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload Heavy-duty Noise Heat Air flow Type designation Frame size
use use use level dissipation
Icont. max Imax Pcont. max IN PN I hd P hd
A A kW A kW A kW dB(A) kW m 3/h
UN = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
571) 86 55 54 45 43 37 73 1.8 500 ACS800-37-0060-7 R6
79 120 75 75 55 60 55 73 2.4 500 ACS800-37-0070-7 R6
93 2) 142 90 88 75 71 55 73 2.8 500 ACS800-37-0100-7 R6
139 202 132 133 110 104 90 74 7 1300 ACS800-37-0170-7 R7i
162 235 160 156 132 121 110 74 8 1300 ACS800-37-0210-7 R7i
201 301 200 193 160 150 132 75 11 3160 ACS800-37-0260-7 R8i
279 417 250 268 250 209 200 75 12 3160 ACS800-37-0320-7 R8i
335 502 315 322 250 251 200 75 16 3160 ACS800-37-0400-7 R8i
382 571 355 367 355 286 270 75 17 3160 ACS800-37-0440-7 R8i
447 668 450 429 400 334 315 75 18 3160 ACS800-37-0540-7 R8i
659 985 630 632 630 493 450 77 33 6400 ACS800-37-0790-7 2R8i
729 1091 710 700 710 545 500 77 32 6400 ACS800-37-0870-7 2R8i
953 1425 900 914 900 713 710 77 39 6400 ACS800-37-1160-7 2R8i
1112 1663 1120 1067 1120 831 800 78 48 10240 ACS800-37-1330-7 3R8i
1256 1879 1250 1206 1200 940 900 78 51 10240 ACS800-37-1510-7 3R8i
1856 2791 1800 1791 1750 1396 1400 79 77 12800 ACS800-37-2320-7 4R8i
2321 3472 2300 2228 2300 1736 1600 79 94 17920 ACS800-37-2780-7 5R8i
2665 3987 2700 2559 2600 1999 2000 79 114 19200 ACS800-37-3310-7 6R8i
62 A is allowed at 575 V.
99 A is allowed at 575 V.
Degree of protection:
IP21 (Standard)
IP22, IP42, IP54, IP54R (Optional)
Paint color: Light beige RAL 7035 semi-gloss
Frame Height Height Width Depth Depth top Weight Nominal ratings
size IP21/22/42 IP54 exit E) Icont.max Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 C.
mm mm mm mm mm kg Imax Maximum output current. Available for 10 s at start, otherwise as long as
R6 2130 2315 430 646 646 250 allowed by drive temperature. Note: max. motor shaft power is 150% Phd.
R7i 2130 2315 630 A) 646 646 400 Typical ratings: No-overload use
R8i 2130 2315 1230 B) 646 646 950 Pcont.max Typical motor power in no-overload use.
2R8i 2130 2315 2430 C) 646 776 F) 2000 Light-overload use
3R8i 2130 2315 3230 646 776 F) 3060 IN Continuous current allowing 110% IN for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
4R8i 2130 2315 3830 D) 646 776 F) 3600
PN Typical motor power in light-overload use.
5R8i 2130 2315 5130 D) 646 776 F) 4780
Heavy-duty use
6R8i 2130 2315 5330 D) 646 776 F) 4930
930 mm if equipped with 1st environment (C2) or with du/dt filter. Ihd Continuous current allowing 150% Ihd for 1 min / 5 min at 40 C.
1530 mm if equipped with 1st environment filter. Phd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
2730 mm if equipped with 1st environment filter
(only types 0640-3/0770-3/0780-5/0870-5). The current ratings are the same regardless of the supply voltage within one
Add 300 mm if top entry. voltage range.
The depth without the handle. The ratings apply at 40 C ambient temperature. At higher temperatures (up to
The depth is 646 mm if common motor terminal is used. 50 C) the derating is 1% / 1 C.
For sine filter selections and ratings, contact ABB.
Transformer and cabling simple Transformer and cabling Transformer and cabling Transformer and cabling simple
complicated complicated
Current very distorted >THDI 30%* Current distorted >THDI 12%* Current wave form good >THDI 6%* Current wave form best THDI 4%*
* THDI values are typical at nominal load. At partial load the values can be higher.
High availability
The ACS800-37LC is designed for high reliability and
availability in harsh environments, ensuring continuous and
cost-effective operation in all conditions. It also meets several
marine and offshore classification requirements such as DNV,
LR and ABS.
Nominal ratings No-overload Light-overload use Heavy-duty use Noise Dissipation Mass Liquid Type designation Frame sizes
use level to liquid* flow qty ISU + INU
I cont.max Imax Pcont.max IN PN Ihd P hd
A A kW A kW A kW dBA kW l/min l
U N = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
159 251 90 153 90 119 55 59 6.3 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0110-3 R7i + R7i
205 251 110 197 110 153 75 59 7.6 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0140-3 R7i + R7i
240 335 132 230 132 180 90 59 8.3 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0170-3 R7i + R7i
295 437 160 283 160 221 132 59 9.3 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0200-3 R7i + R7i
377 512 200 362 200 282 160 59 12.2 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0260-3 R8i + R8i
500 674 250 480 250 374 200 59 14.3 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0350-3 R8i + R8i
625 837 355 600 355 468 250 59 17.1 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0430-3 R8i + R8i
835 1037 500 802 450 625 355 59 21.7 41 11.1 ACS800-37LC-0580-3 R8i + R8i
1250 1590 710 1200 710 935 500 62 32.6 79 16.6 ACS800-37LC-0870-3 2R8i + 2R8i
1635 1994 900 1570 900 1223 710 62 42.3 79 16.6 ACS800-37LC-1130-3 2R8i + 2R8i
2430 2941 1400 2333 1400 1818 1000 64 63.1 116 26.1 ACS800-37LC-1680-3 3R8i + 3R8i
3210 3906 1800 3082 1800 2401 1400 65 82.8 152 29.9 ACS800-37LC-2220-3 4R8i + 4R8i
4765 5799 2800 4574 2400 3564 2000 67 122.8 226 44.6 ACS800-37LC-3300-3 6R8i + 6R8i
UN = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
139 232 90 133 75 104 55 59 6.2 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0120-5 R7i + R7i
191 252 132 183 110 143 90 59 7.5 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0170-5 R7i + R7i
238 335 160 228 160 178 110 59 8 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0210-5 R7i + R7i
290 430 200 278 160 217 132 59 9.6 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0250-5 R7i + R7i
355 515 200 341 200 266 160 59 12.4 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0310-5 R8i + R8i
475 673 315 456 315 355 200 59 14.5 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0410-5 R8i + R8i
595 838 400 571 400 445 315 59 16.9 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0520-5 R8i + R8i
795 1042 560 763 500 595 400 59 21.4 41 11.1 ACS800-37LC-0690-5 R8i + R8i
1190 1589 800 1142 800 890 630 62 32.2 79 16.6 ACS800-37LC-1030-5 2R8i + 2R8i
1560 1996 1000 1498 1000 1167 800 62 42 79 16.6 ACS800-37LC-1350-5 2R8i + 2R8i
2310 2943 1600 2218 1600 1728 1200 64 62.8 116 26.1 ACS800-37LC-2000-5 3R8i + 3R8i
3050 3885 2000 2928 2000 2281 1600 65 82 152 29.9 ACS800-37LC-2640-5 4R8i + 4R8i
4540 5801 3200 4358 3200 3396 2800 67 122.1 226 44.6 ACS800-37LC-3930-5 6R8i + 6R8i
UN = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
106 137 110 102 90 79 75 59 6.3 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0130-7 R7i + R7i
139 206 132 133 132 104 90 59 7.4 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0170-7 R7i + R7i
179 265 200 172 160 134 132 59 7.9 41 9.8 ACS800-37LC-0210-7 R7i + R7i
237 386 250 228 200 177 160 59 12.1 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0280-7 R8i + R8i
330 604 315 317 315 247 250 59 14.8 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0390-7 R8i + R8i
395 604 400 379 355 295 250 59 18.8 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0470-7 R8i + R8i
530 872 560 509 500 396 400 59 21 41 10.3 ACS800-37LC-0630-7 R8i + R8i
795 1344 800 763 710 595 630 62 34.8 70 16.6 ACS800-37LC-0950-7 2R8i + 2R8i
1040 1710 1000 998 1000 778 800 62 39.5 79 16.6 ACS800-37LC-1240-7 2R8i + 2R8i
1540 2538 1600 1478 1400 1152 1200 64 56.2 116 22.4 ACS800-37LC-1840-7 3R8i + 3R8i
2035 3350 2000 1954 2000 1522 1600 65 77.9 152 29.9 ACS800-37LC-2430-7 4R8i + 4R8i
3025 4974 3200 2904 2800 2263 2400 67 110 226 41.7 ACS800-37LC-3620-7 6R8i + 6R8i
3878 5802 4000 3723 3600 2901 2800 68 146.5 291 56.7 ACS800-37LC-4630-7 8R8i + 7R8i
4432 6630 4400 4255 4000 3315 3200 69 157.1 329 61.3 ACS800-37LC-5300-7 9R8i + 8R8i
4986 7460 5200 4787 4800 3730 3600 69 184 364 69.6 ACS800-37LC-5960-7 10R8i + 9R8i
* 98% of heat losses are carried out with liquid
Dimensions (for LCU see ACS800-07LC, page 27)
5) 4)
Frame size Height Width Depth Weight Nominal ratings
mm mm mm kg Icont.max Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 42 C
R7i + R7i 1) 2003 1230 644 950 converter circuit liquid temperature.
R8i + R8i 1) 2003 1230 644 1100 Imax Maximum output current. Available for 10 s at start, otherwise as long as
2R8i + 2R8i 2) 2003 1930 644 1950 allowed by drive temperature. Note: max. motor shaft power is 150% Phd.
3R8i + 3R8i 2) 2003 2430 6) 644 3000 Typical ratings: No-overload use
4R8i + 4R8i 2) 2003 3230 644 3350 Pcont.max Typical motor power in no-overload use.
6R8i + 6R8i 2) 2003 4230 7) 644 4950 Light-overload use
8R8i + 7R8i 2) 2003 6230 3) 644 6150 IN Continuous current allowing 110% IN for 1min/5 min at 45 C.
9R8i + 8R8i 2) 2003 6530 3) 644 6000 PN Typical motor power in light-overload use.
10R8i + 9R8i 2) 2003 7430 3) 644 7500 Heavy-duty use
1) Ihd Continuous current allowing 150% Ihd for 1min/5 min at 45 C.
Includes an incoming unit (load switch and contactor) as standard
Includes incoming unit (air circuit breaker) as standard. Auxiliary control unit as Phd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
Includes 200 mm junction section The current ratings are the same regardless of the supply voltage within one
Total height with marine supports is 2088 mm and depth with marine handles voltage range.
718 mm The ratings apply at 45 C ambient temperature. At higher temperatures (up to 55 C)
Pressure release lids require an additional 400 mm the derating is 0,5% / 1 C.
400 V and 500 V the width is 3100 mm
400 V and 500 V the width is 5000 mm
- Supply cable connection from bottom or top. Motor cable connection from bottom.
- An output cabinet is needed for top connection of motor cables
- A 400 mm auxiliary control unit is needed for the auxiliary voltage transformer Catalog | ABB industrial drives ACS800 single drives 37
Brake options
Braking control is integrated into the ACS800 series. It For ACS800 units, no separate fuses in the brake circuit are
controls the braking, supervises the system status and required if the following conditions are met:
detects failures such as brake resistor and resistor cable
short circuits, chopper short circuit, and calculated resistor The ACS800 mains cable is protected with fuses
overtemperature. No mains cable/fuse overrating takes place
Maximum braking power of the ACS800 equipped with the standard chopper and Additional width for ACS800-07
the standard resistor. Resistor quantity mm
Brake chopper and resistor options for ACS800-07 in frame sizes 2R8i and 3R8i.
Type designation Nominal ratings Duty cycle Duty cycle
(1 min/ 5 min) (10 s/ 60 s)
P br. max R Imax I rms Pcont. Pbr. Irms Pbr. Irms Er Brake Resistor Additional
chopper type width
kW ohm A A kW kW A kW A kJ type mm
UN = 400 V
ACS800-07-0610-3+D150 706 21.2 1090 298 192 606 936 706 1090 - 2NBRA659 - 800
ACS800-07-0770-3+D150 706 21.2 1090 298 192 606 936 706 1090 - 2NBRA659 - 800
ACS800-07-0870-3+D150 1058 31.2 1635 447 288 909 1404 1059 1635 - 3NBRA659 - 1200
ACS800-07-1030-3+D150 1058 31.2 1635 447 288 909 1404 1059 1635 - 3NBRA659 - 1200
ACS800-07-0610-3+D150+D151 706 21.2 1090 168 108 333 514 575 888 24000 2NBRA659 2(2SAFUR180F460) 2400
ACS800-07-0770-3+D150+D151 706 21.2 1090 168 108 333 514 575 888 24000 2NBRA659 2(2SAFUR180F460) 2400
ACS800-07-0870-3+D150+D151 1058 31.2 1635 252 162 500 771 862 1332 36000 3NBRA659 3(2SAFUR180F460) 3600
ACS800-07-1030-3+D150+D151 1058 31.2 1635 252 162 500 771 862 1332 36000 3NBRA659 3(2SAFUR180F460) 3600
U N = 500 V
ACS800-07-0760-5+D150 806 21.43 1142 272 218 634 782 806 996 - 2NBRA659 - 800
ACS800-07-0910-5+D150 806 21.43 1142 272 218 634 782 806 996 - 2NBRA659 - 800
ACS800-07-1090-5+D150 1208 31.43 1713 408 327 951 1173 1209 1494 - 3NBRA659 - 1200
ACS800-07-1210-5+D150 1208 31.43 1713 408 327 951 1173 1209 1494 - 3NBRA659 - 1200
ACS800-07-0760-5+D150+D151 806 21.35 1210 134 108 333 412 575 710 21600 2NBRA659 2(2SAFUR200F500) 2400
ACS800-07-0910-5+D150+D151 806 21.35 1210 134 108 333 412 575 710 21600 2NBRA659 2(2SAFUR200F500) 2400
ACS800-07-1090-5+D150+D151 1208 31.35 1815 201 162 500 618 862 1065 32400 3NBRA659 3(2SAFUR200F500) 3600
ACS800-07-1210-5+D150+D151 1208 31.35 1815 201 162 500 618 862 1065 32400 3NBRA659 3(2SAFUR200F500) 3600
U N = 690 V
ACS800-07-0750-7+D150 807 22.72 828 214 238 596 534 808 722 - 2NBRA669 - 800
ACS800-07-0870-7+D150 807 22.72 828 214 238 596 534 808 722 - 2NBRA669 - 800
ACS800-07-1060-7+D150 1211 32.72 1242 321 357 894 801 1212 1083 - 3NBRA669 - 1200
ACS800-07-1160-7+D150 1211 32.72 1242 321 357 894 801 1212 1083 - 3NBRA669 - 1200
ACS800-07-0750-7+D150+D151 807 21.35 1670 194 108 333 298 575 514 21600 2NBRA669 2(2SAFUR200F500) 2400
ACS800-07-0870-7+D150+D151 807 21.35 1670 194 108 333 298 575 514 21600 2NBRA669 2(2SAFUR200F500) 2400
ACS800-07-1060-7+D150+D151 1211 31.35 2505 291 162 500 447 862 771 32400 3NBRA669 3(2SAFUR200F500) 3600
ACS800-07-1160-7+D150+D151 1211 31.35 2505 291 162 500 447 862 771 32400 3NBRA669 3(2SAFUR200F500) 3600
Brake chopper and resistor options for ACS800-37 in frame sizes R6-2R8i.
Type designation Nominal ratings Duty cycle Duty cycle
(1 min/ 5 min) (10 s/ 60 s)
P br. max R I max I rms Pcont. Pbr. Irms Pbr. Irms Er Brake Resistor Additional
chopper type width
kW ohm A A kW kW A kW A kJ type mm
U N = 400 V
ACS800-37-0060...0170-3+D150 230 1.7 384 109 70 230 355 230 355 - NBRA658 - 400
ACS800-37-0210...0510-3+D150 353 1.2 545 149 96 303 468 353 545 - NBRA659 - 400
ACS800-37-0640...0770-3+D150 706 21.2 1090 298 192 606 936 706 1090 - 2NBRA659 - 800
ACS800-37-0960-3+D150 1058 31.2 1635 447 288 909 1404 1059 1635 - 3NBRA659 - 1200
ACS800-37-0060...0170-3+D150+D151 230 1.7 384 65 42 130 200 224 346 8400 NBRA658 2SAFUR210F575 1200
ACS800-37-0210...0510-3+D150+D151 353 1.2 545 84 54 287 444 287 444 12000 NBRA659 2SAFUR180F460 1200
ACS800-37-0640...0770-3+D150+D151 706 21.2 1090 168 108 333 514 575 888 24000 2NBRA659 2(2SAFUR180F460) 2400
ACS800-37-0960-3+D150+D151 1058 31.2 1635 252 162 500 771 862 1332 36000 3NBRA659 3(2SAFUR180F460) 3600
U N = 500 V
ACS800-37-0070...0210-5+D150 268 2.15 380 101 81 268 331 268 331 - NBRA658 - 400
ACS800-37-0260...0610-5+D150 403 1.43 571 136 109 317 391 403 498 - NBRA659 - 400
ACS800-37-0780...0870-5+D150 806 21.43 1142 272 218 634 782 806 996 - 2NBRA659 - 800
ACS800-37-1160-5+D150 1208 31.43 1713 408 327 951 1173 1209 1494 - 3NBRA659 - 1200
ACS800-37-0070...0210-5+D150+D151 268 2 408 45 36 111 137 192 237 7200 NBRA658 2SAFUR125F500 1200
ACS800-37-0260...0610-5+D150+D151 403 1.35 605 67 54 167 206 287 355 10800 NBRA659 2SAFUR200F500 1200
ACS800-37-0780...0870-5+D150+D151 806 21.35 1210 134 108 333 412 575 710 21600 2NBRA659 2(2SAFUR200F500) 2400
ACS800-37-1160+D150+D151 1208 31.35 1815 201 162 500 618 862 1065 32400 3NBRA659 3(2SAFUR200F500) 3600
U N = 690 V
ACS800-37-0170...0540-7+D150 404 2.72 414 107 119 298 267 404 361 - NBRA669 - 400
ACS800-37-0790...0870-7+D150 807 22.72 828 214 238 596 534 808 722 - 2NBRA669 - 800
ACS800-37-1160-7+D150 1211 32.72 1242 321 357 894 801 1212 1083 - 3NBRA669 - 1200
ACS800-37-0170...0540-7+D150 404 1.35 835 97 54 167 149 287 257 10800 NBRA669 2SAFUR200F500 1200
ACS800-37-0790...0870-7+D150 807 21.35 1670 194 108 333 298 575 514 21600 2NBRA669 2(2SAFUR200F500) 2400
ACS800-37-1160-7+D150 1211 31.35 2505 291 162 500 447 862 771 32400 3NBRA669 3(2SAFUR200F500) 3600
Brake choppers and resistors for larger types are available as customised option.
The drive may limit the available braking power.
3-phase high power brake units for ACS800-07LC, -17LC and -37LC
Resistor data Nominal No- Cycle load* Noise Dissipation to liquid* Dynamic braking unit Frame
ratings overload (1min/5min) level size
R min R max I dc peak Irms P contmax Idc peak Irms Pbr (chopper) Massflow Liquid Type designation INU
Ohm Ohm A DC A DC kW A DC A DC kW dB(A) kW l/min l
U N = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V)
3 3.5 Ohm 34.1 Ohm 390 155 250 500 176 320 53 2.5 13 3 ACS800-607LC-0250-3 R7i
31.7 Ohm 32.1 Ohm 781 310 500 999 351 640 53 7.1 13 3 ACS800-607LC-0500-3 R8i
31.2 Ohm 31.4 Ohm 1171 465 750 1499 527 960 53 9.0 13 3 ACS800-607LC-0750-3 R8i
2(31.7) Ohm 2(32.1) Ohm 1562 621 1000 1998 702 1290 55 13.9 26 6 ACS800-607LC-1000-3 2R8i
2(31.2) Ohm 2(31.4) Ohm 2342 931 1510 2997 1053 1930 55 17.5 26 6 ACS800-607LC-1510-3 2R8i
3(31.2) Ohm 3(31.4) Ohm 3514 1396 2260 4496 1580 2890 57 26.0 39 9 ACS800-607LC-2260-3 3R8i
4(31.2) Ohm 4(31.4) Ohm 4685 1862 3010 5994 2106 3860 58 34.1 52 12 ACS800-607LC-3010-3 4R8i
5(31.2) Ohm 5(31.4) Ohm 5856 2327 3770 7493 2633 4820 59 42.4 65 15 ACS800-607LC-3770-3 5R8i
UN = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V)
3 4.3 Ohm 35.2 Ohm 390 155 310 500 176 400 53 2.6 13 3 ACS800-607LC-0310-5 R7i
32.2 Ohm 32.6 Ohm 781 310 630 999 351 800 53 6.9 13 3 ACS800-607LC-0630-5 R8i
31.4 Ohm 31.7 Ohm 1171 465 940 1499 527 1210 53 8.8 13 3 ACS800-607LC-0940-5 R8i
2(32.2) Ohm 2(32.6) Ohm 1562 621 1260 1998 702 1610 55 13.3 26 6 ACS800-607LC-1260-5 2R8i
2(31.4) Ohm 2(31.7) Ohm 2342 931 1880 2997 1053 2410 55 17.0 26 6 ACS800-607LC-1880-5 2R8i
3(31.4) Ohm 3(31.7) Ohm 3514 1396 2830 4496 1580 3620 57 25.4 39 9 ACS800-607LC-2830-5 3R8i
4(31.4) Ohm 4(31.7) Ohm 4685 1862 3770 5994 2106 4820 58 33.2 52 12 ACS800-607LC-3770-5 4R8i
5(31.4) Ohm 5(31.7) Ohm 5856 2327 4710 7493 2633 6030 59 41.3 65 15 ACS800-607LC-4710-5 5R8i
UN = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V)
3 6 Ohm 37.1 Ohm 390 155 430 500 176 550 53 2.4 13 3 ACS800-607LC-0430-7 R7i
33 Ohm 33.6 Ohm 781 310 870 999 351 1110 53 8.0 13 3 ACS800-607LC-0870-7 R8i
32 Ohm 32.4 Ohm 1171 465 1300 1499 527 1660 53 8.7 13 3 ACS800-607LC-1300-7 R8i
2(33) Ohm 2(33.6) Ohm 1562 621 1730 1998 702 2220 55 15.6 26 6 ACS800-607LC-1730-7 2R8i
2(32) Ohm 2(32.4) Ohm 2342 931 2600 2997 1053 3330 55 17.1 26 6 ACS800-607LC-2600-7 2R8i
3(32) Ohm 3(32.4) Ohm 3514 1396 3900 4496 1580 4990 57 25.3 39 9 ACS800-607LC-3900-7 3R8i
4(32) Ohm 4(32.4) Ohm 4685 1862 5200 5994 2106 6650 58 33.6 52 12 ACS800-607LC-5200-7 4R8i
5 (3 2) Ohm 5 (3 2.4) Ohm 5856 2327 6500 7493 2633 8320 59 41.6 65 15 ACS800-607LC-6500-7 5R8i
* 98% of heat losses are carried out with liquid
Frame Height 1) 2) Width 3) Depth1) Weight Resistor
size mm mm mm kg Rmin Minimum allowed resistance value of the brake resistor for one phase of
R7i 2003 400/700 644 300 the brake module.
R8i 2003 400/700 644 300 Rmax Resistance value of the brake resistor for one phase of the brake module
2R8i 2003 800/1400 644 600 corresponding to the maximum achieved continuous braking power.
3R8i 2003 1200/2100 644 900 Note: Connect one resistor per brake module phase. For example, a brake unit of
4R8i 2003 1600/2800 644 1200 frame size 2R8i including two brake modules > 23 resistors are needed.
5R8i 2003 2000/3500 644 1500 Typical ratings for no-overload use
Idc Total input DC current of brake unit.
Total height with marine supports is 2088 mm and depth with marine handles Irms Total rms DC output phase current of brake unit.
718 mm. Imax Peak brake current (DC) per chopper module phase.
Pressure release lids require an additional 400 mm.
3) Pcont.max Maximum continuous braking power per brake unit.
First values for bottom exit and latter values for top exit.
Cyclic load (1 min / 5 min)
Idc Total input DC current of brake unit during a period of 1 minute with
braking power Pbr
Irms Total rms DC current per brake unit phase during a period of 1 minute with
braking power Pbr
Pbr Short term braking power per brake unit allowed for one minute every
5 minutes.
EMC - Electromagnetic compatibility and ACS800 necessarily vice versa. EN 55011 and EN 61000-6-3/4 do not
The electrical/electronic equipment must be able to operate specify cable length nor require a motor to be connected as
without problems within an electromagnetic environment. This a load. The emission limits are comparable according to the
is called immunity. The ACS800 is designed to have adequate following table, EMC standards.
immunity against interference from other equipment. Likewise,
the equipment must not disturb or interfere with any other 1 st environment vs 2nd environment
product or system within its locality. This is called emission. 1st environment
Each ACS800 model can be equipped with an built-in filter to 1 st environment includes domestic premises. It also includes
reduce high frequency emission. establishments directly connected without intermediate
transformer to a low-voltage power supply network which
All declarations concerning CE marking can be found on the supplies buildings used for domestic purposes. website.
2 nd environment
EMC standards 2 nd environment includes all establishments other than those
The EMC product standard (EN 61800-3 (2004)) covers the directly connected to a low voltage power supply network
specific EMC requirements stated for drives (tested with motor which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
and cable) within the EU.
Selecting an EMC filter
EMC standards such as EN 55011, or EN 61000-6-3/4, are The following table gives the correct filter selection.
applicable to industrial and domestic equipments and systems
including drive component inside. Drive units complying with
requirements of EN 61800-3 are compliant with comparable
categories in EN 55011 and EN 61000-6-3/4, but not
EMC standards
EN 61800-3/A11 (2000), EN 61800-3 (2004), EN 55011, product family EN 61000-6-4, generic EN 61000-6-3, generic
product standard product standard standard for industrial, emission standard for emission standard for
scientific and medical (ISM) industrial environments residential, commercial and
equipment light-industrial environment
1st environment, unrestricted distribution Category C1 Group 1, Class B Not applicable Applicable
1st environment, restricted distribution Category C2 Group 1, Class A Applicable Not applicable
2nd environment, unrestricted distribution Category C3 Group 2, Class A Not applicable Not applicable
2nd environment, restricted distribution Category C4 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Type Voltage Frame 1st environment, restricted 2 nd environment, C3, 2 nd environment, C3, floating
sizes distribution, C2, grounded grounded network (TN) network (IT)
network (TN)
ACS800-01 400 to 500 R2-R6 +E202 +E200 /+E210 (R6 frame size) - *) /+E210 (R6 frame size)
690 R2-R6 - +E200 /+E210 (R6 frame size) - *) /+E210 (R6 frame size)
ACS800-11 400-500 R5-R6 +E202 +E200 - *)
690 R6 - +E200 - *)
ACS800-31 400 to 500 R5-R6 +E202 +E200 - *)
690 R6 - +E200 - *)
ACS800-02 400 to 500 R7-R8 +E202 +E210 +E210
690 R7-R8 - +E210 +E210
ACS800-07 400 to 500 R5-R8 +E202 +E210 / +E200 (R5 frame size) +E210
nR8i +E202 (up to 1000A) standard standard
690 R5-R8 - +E210 / +E200 (R5 frame size) +E210
nR8i - standard standard
ACS880-07LC 400 to 500 nR8i +E202 (up to 1000A) standard standard
690 nR8i - standard standard
ACS800-17 400 to 500 R6 +E202 +E200 - *)
R7i-nR8i +E202 (up to 1000 A) standard standard
690 R7i-nR8i - standard standard
ACS800-17LC 400 to 500 R7i-nR8i +E202 (up to 1000 A) standard standard
690 R7i-nR8i - standard standard
ACS800-37 400 to 500 R6 +E202 +E200 - *)
R7i-nR8i +E202 (up to 1000 A) standard standard
690 R7i-nR8i - standard standard
ACS800-37LC 400 to 500 R7i-nR8i +E202 (up to 1000 A) standard standard
690 R7i-nR8i - standard standard
*) These drives are category C4 equipment and EMC plan for installation is required.
Motor does not have adequate insulation for VSD duty transformer can be available with special
Total motor cable length is long e.g. there are a number of used in step-up transformer design.
690 V AC
I cont. max Pcont. max Noise Heat Air flow Type Filter Enclosure Filter Filter Filter Filter
level dissipation designation size class height width depth weight
A kW dB W m3/h mm mm mm kg
U N = 400 V (Range 380 to 415 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V.
8.5 3 67 180 35 1) ACS800-01-0005-3 NSIN 0006-5 IP00/IP23 160/234 155/230 120/170 6/9
19 7.5 68 350 69 1) ACS800-01-0011-3 NSIN 0016-5 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 190/270 15/26
25 11 68 450 69 ACS800-01-0016-3 NSIN 0020-5 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 200/270 19/30
33 15 68 560 69 ACS800-01-0020-3 NSIN 0025-5 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 210/270 21/32
44 22 69 630 103 ACS800-01-0025-3 NSIN 0030-5 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 220/270 26/37
54 26 69 730 103 ACS800-01-0030-3 NSIN 0040-5 IP00/IP23 315/460 300/470 228/270 34/45
72 35 73 950 250 ACS800-01-0040-3 NSIN 0050-5 IP00/IP23 315/510 300/580 240/325 37/53
86 42 73 1100 250 1) ACS800-01-0050-3 NSIN 0060-5 IP00/IP23 320/510 300/580 270/325 53/69
102 52 73 1500 250 1) ACS800-01-0060-3 NSIN 0070-5 IP00/IP23 415/510 360/580 210/325 66/82
125 63 75 1800 250 1 ACS800-01-0075-3 NSIN 0100-5 IP00/IP23 415/620 360/700 225/425 69/99
164 84 75 2200 405 2) ACS800-01-0100-3 NSIN 0120-5 IP00/IP23 415/620 360/700 240/425 75/105
199 102 75 2700 405 2) ACS800-01-0120-3 NSIN 0140-5 IP00/IP23 450/620 400/700 500/525 120/165
225 110 79 3900 1105 2) ACS800-01-0135-3 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
260 130 79 5500 1105 2) ACS800-01-0205-3 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
206 100 79 4100 1240 2) ACS800-02-0140-3 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
248 120 79 4900 1240 2) ACS800-02-0170-3 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
266 130 79 5600 1240 2) ACS800-02-0210-3 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
445 215 80 8800 1920 2) ACS800-02-0260-3 NSIN 0485-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
521 250 80 9700 3220 2) ACS800-02-0320-3 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
602 295 80 11100 3220 2) ACS800-02-0400-3 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
693 340 80 12100 3220 2) ACS800-02-0440-3 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
720 350 80 12600 3220 2) ACS800-02-0490-3 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
UN = 500 V (Range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 500 V.
8.1 4.4 67 200 35 1) ACS800-01-0006-5 NSIN 0006-5 IP00/IP23 160/234 155/230 120/170 6/9
19 11 68 440 69 1) ACS800-01-0016-5 NSIN 0016-5 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 190/270 15/26
25 15 68 550 69 1) ACS800-01-0020-5 NSIN 0020-5 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 200/270 19/30
33 20 68 600 69 ACS800-01-0025-5 NSIN 0025-5 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 210/270 21/32
42 26 69 700 103 ACS800-01-0030-5 NSIN 0030-5 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 220/270 26/37
47 29 69 900 103 ACS800-01-0040-5 NSIN 0040-5 IP00/IP23 315/460 300/470 228/270 34/45
65 40 73 1100 250 ACS800-01-0050-5 NSIN 0050-5 IP00/IP23 315/510 300/580 240/325 37/53
79 48 73 1300 250 ACS800-01-0060-5 NSIN 0060-5 IP00/IP23 320/510 300/580 270/325 53/69
94 60 73 1800 250 1) ACS800-01-0070-5 NSIN 0070-5 IP00/IP23 415/510 360/580 210/325 66/82
125 78 75 2500 250 1 ACS800-01-0105-5 NSIN 0100-5 IP00/IP23 415/620 360/700 225/425 69/99
155 99 75 2500 405 2) ACS800-01-0120-5 NSIN 0120-5 IP00/IP23 415/620 360/700 240/425 75/105
177 114 75 3500 405 2) ACS800-01-0140-5 NSIN 0140-5 IP00/IP23 450/620 400/700 500/525 120/165
225 137 79 4600 1105 2) ACS800-01-0165-5 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
260 160 79 6100 1105 ACS800-01-0255-5 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
196 125 79 4300 1240 2) ACS800-02-0170-5 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
245 150 79 5400 1240 2) ACS800-02-0210-5 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
258 160 79 6200 1240 2) ACS800-02-0260-5 NSIN 0315-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 230
440 275 80 9600 1920 2) ACS800-02-0320-5 NSIN 0485-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
515 320 80 11100 3220 2) ACS800-02-0400-5 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
550 345 80 11100 3220 2) ACS800-02-0440-5 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
602 375 80 11900 3220 2) ACS800-02-0490-5 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
684 430 80 13400 3220 2) ACS800-02-0550-5 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
700 440 80 14100 3220 2) ACS800-02-0610-5 NSIN 0900-6 3) IP00 2120 1000 600 690
UN = 690 V (Range 525 to 690 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 690 V.
13 10.6 67 400 103 1) ACS800-01-0011-7 NSIN 0011-7 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 190/270 20/31
17 14 67 460 103 1) ACS800-01-0016-7 NSIN 0020-7 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 220/270 26/37
22 18 68 560 103 ACS800-01-0020-7 NSIN 0020-7 IP00/IP23 280/460 240/470 220/270 26/37
25 21 68 650 103 ACS800-01-0025-7 NSIN 0025-7 IP00/IP23 320/510 300/580 222/325 35/51
31 26 69 740 103 ACS800-01-0030-7 NSIN 0040-7 IP00/IP23 320/510 300/580 235/325 40/56
34 29 70 820 103 ACS800-01-0040-7 NSIN 0040-7 IP00/IP23 320/510 300/580 235/325 40/56
48 40 73 1000 250 1) ACS800-01-0050-7 NSIN 0060-7 IP00/IP23 330/510 300/580 275/325 57/73
52 46 73 1200 250 1) ACS800-01-0060-7 NSIN 0060-7 IP00/IP23 330/510 300/580 275/325 57/73
79 69 75 1500 405 2) ACS800-01-0070-7 NSIN 0070-7 IP00/IP23 415/510 360/580 240/325 75/91
93 82 75 1900 405 2) ACS800-01-0100-7 NSIN 0120-7 IP00/IP23 415/620 360/700 225/425 69/99
104 92 75 2300 405 2) ACS800-01-0120-7 NSIN 0120-7 IP00/IP23 500/510 420/580 290/325 126/142
134 113 79 3800 1105 2) ACS800-01-0145-7 NSIN 0210-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
148 125 79 4700 1105 2) ACS800-01-0175-7 NSIN 0210-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
130 115 79 4000 1240 2) ACS800-02-0140-7 NSIN 0210-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
142 125 79 4600 1240 2) ACS800-02-0170-7 NSIN 0210-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
169 150 79 6000 1240 2) ACS800-02-0210-7 NSIN 0210-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
315 280 80 9000 1920 2) ACS800-02-0320-7 NSIN 0485-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
336 300 80 9700 1920 2) ACS800-02-0400-7 NSIN 0485-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
367 330 80 10700 1920 2) ACS800-02-0440-7 NSIN 0485-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
444 395 80 12300 1920 2) ACS800-02-0550-7 NSIN 0485-6 3) IP00 2060 400 600 250
Nominal ratings Air flow of the drive.
Icont.max Rated current of the drive-filter combination available continuously without Combined air flow of the drive and the filter.
overload at 40 C Dimensions are approximations for a cabinet that can house the filter. Weight is
approximately the total weight of the cabinet and the filter. The filter assembly is
Typical ratings
supplied as loose items, which include choke modules, capacitors and cooling fan.
Pcont.max Typical motor power
Notes: Noise level is a combined value for the drive and the filter. Heat dissipation is
a combined value for the drive and the filter.
ACS800-11/-31/-17/-37: for sine filter selections and ratings, contact ABB.
Nominal ratings
Icont.max Rated current of the drive-filter combination available continuously without
overload at 40 C
Typical ratings
Pcont.max Typical motor power
du/dt filtering suppresses inverter output voltage spikes Insulated N-end (non-driven end) bearings and / or common
and rapid voltage changes that stress motor insulation. mode filters are also required for motor bearing currents with
Additionally, du/dt filtering reduces capacitive leakage motors bigger than 100 kW. For more information please see
currents and high frequency emission of the motor cable as the ACS800 hardware manuals.
well as high frequency losses and bearing currents in the
Symbol Explanation
UN Nominal mains voltage.
LL Peak line to line voltage at motor terminals.
t Rise time, i.e. interval during which line to line voltage at motor terminals changes from 10% to 90% of full voltage range.
enclosure of adequate degree of protection.
NOCH0016-65 FOCH0610-70
Fault memory
An built-in fault memory stores
information relating to the latest
64 faults, each with a time stamp.
Analog and digital I/O channels are used for different functions Below are the standard drive control I/O of the ABB industrial
such as control, monitoring and measurement purposes drive with Factory macro. For other ACS800 application
(e.g. motor temperature). In addition, optional I/O extension macros and control programs the functions may be different.
modules are available providing additional analog or digital I/O
Standard I/O can be extended by using analog and digital Pulse encoder interface module RTAC-03 (+L517)
extension modules or pulse encoder interface modules which 1 TTL incremental encoder input:
are mounted in the slots on the ACS800 control board. The Channels A, B and Z (zero pulse)
control board has two slots available for extension modules. Signal level and power supply for the encoder is 24 or 5.5 V
More extension modules can be added with the I/O extension Differential inputs
adapter which has three slots. The available number and Maximum input frequency 200 kHz
combination of I/Os depends on the control software used.
The standard application software supports 1 analog and 3 I/O extension adapter AIMA-01
digital extension modules. Three slots for I/O extension modules
Connection to the ACS800 control board through optic link
Optional I/O Dimensions: 78 325 28 mm
Mounting: onto 35 7.5 mm DIN rail
Analog I/O extension module RAIO-01 (+L500) External power supply connection
2 analog inputs: galvanically isolated from 24 V supply Supply voltage: 24 V DC 10%
and ground Current consumption: depends on connected I/O extension
0(2) to 10 V, 0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 2 V, modules
resolution 12 bits
2 analog outputs: galvanically isolated from 24 V supply
and ground
0(4) to 20 mA, resolution 12 bits
Analog I/O extension module Pulse encoder interface module I/O extension adapter
RAIO-01 RTAC-01 AIMA-01 with RDIO-01
ABB industrial drives have connectivity to major automation Reduced installation and engineering effort
systems. This is achieved with a dedicated concept between
the fieldbus systems and ABB drives. Cabling
Substituting the large amount of conventional drive control
The fieldbus adapter module can easily be mounted inside the cabling with a single twisted pair reduces costs and increases
drive. Because of the wide range of fieldbus adapter module system reliability.
offering you can freely select your communication protocol for
the integration of automation system and ABB AC drives. Design
The use of fieldbus communication reduces engineering time
Manufacturing flexibility at installation due to the modular structure of the hardware
and software.
Drive control
The drive control word (16 bit) provides a wide variety of Commissioning and assembly
functions from start, stop and reset to ramp generator control. The modular machine configuration allows pre-commissioning
Typical setpoint values such as speed, torque and position of single machine sections and provides easy and fast
can be transmitted to the drive with 15 bit accuracy. assembly of the complete installation.
Drive monitoring
Fieldbus adapter modules
A set of drive parameters and/or actual signals, such as
Option Option Fieldbus Device Baud rate
torque, speed, position, current etc., can be selected for
code protocol profile
cyclic data transfer providing fast data for operators and the
manufacturing process. RCAN-01 +K457 CANopen Drives and 10 kbit/s -
motion control 1 Mbit/s
ABB Drives*)
Drive diagnostics
RCNA-01 +K462 ControlNet AC/DC drive 5 Mbit/s
Accurate and reliable diagnostic information can be obtained ABB Drives*)
via the alarm, limit and fault words, reducing the drive downtime
RDNA-01 +K451 DeviceNet AC/DC drive 125 kbit/s -
and therefore also the downtime of the manufacturing process. ABB Drives*) 500 kbit/s
RECA-01 +K469 EtherCAT Drive and 100 Mbit/s
Drive parameter handling motion control
Total integration of the drives in the production process is ABB Drives *)
achieved by single parameter read/write up to complete REPL-02 +K470 Ethernet Drive and 100 Mbit/s
parameter set-up or download. PowerLink motion control
ABB Drives *)
RETA-01 +K466 Ethernet IP, ABB Drives*), 10 Mbit/s/
Modbus TCP AC/DC drive 100 Mbit/s
ABB Drives*)
RETA-02 +K467 PROFINET IO, PROFIdrive 10 Mbit/s/
Modbus TCP ABB Drives*) 100 Mbit/s
ABB provides a set of ready-made control solutions for specific Pump control program
industrial drive applications. Such software adds application- Incorporating all functions commonly required at pumping
dedicated features and protection without an external PLC - facilities, pump control program eliminates the need for an
improving productivity and reducing costs. Function blocks are external PLC and can help to save energy, reduce downtime,
easy to program using the DriveAP PC tool. and prevent pump jamming and pipeline blocking. It is easy-
to-use software, designed to meet the needs of water and
Main advantages of ABBs control solutions waste utilities, industrial plants and other pump users.
Application-dedicated features
Improved production Application programming template
No external PLC The application programming template is a simple, ready-
User-friendly made application that can easily be modified using a special
Easy to use function block programming tool. The application engineer
Energy savings can easily modify the time levels and insert new functions to
Smooth power loss ride-through control the I/O, start/stop commands, and references etc.
Reduced costs This is the most flexible software product for tailor-made
Adaptive protection customer applications.
Extended I/O
An analog and digital I/O extension is typically installed on the
AIMA-01 I/O extension adapters. Three extension modules
can be installed on each I/O extension adapter. The maximum
number of I/O connections is 62.
Crane control program The integrated service counters for maintenance logic enable
This control program is designed for different kinds of crane the different counters to provide information.
motions - mainly for hoist, trolley and long travel motions.
An easy-to-use, ready-made solution specifically for cranes.
The ABB crane control program is a flexible control platform,
which enables a wide range of connectivity for start, stop and Crane drive control program
reference logic. Adaptive programming with 15 blocks gives A crane drive control with optimal operational safety and
additional flexibility for tailor-made modifications outside the performance built into the drive.
ready-made parameter structure. This is like having a small
PLC inside the drive. A fixed, standard and ready-made crane application for
different crane applications such as harbor cranes.
Reliable, integrated brake control logic for smooth open and Optimal operational safety and performance built into the
close logic without jerks improves operational safety and drive.
performance. Brake acknowledge, torque memory and pre- Ready-to-use with proven crane functionality.
magnetisations are the key software elements that ensure Available as single-drive or multi-drive with dynamic and
reliable control. regenerative braking.
Standard, ready-to-use crane solution.
Different functions as standard increase the safety level of the
crane. These include integrated speed match, speed monitor,
fast stop, slowdown and end limit logic.
Master/follower control
Reliable control via the fibre optic link of several drives
controlled by one master. This is needed if the motor shafts
are coupled together, for example. The master/follower
function enables the load to be evenly distributed between the
Programming tool
DriveAP is a programming tool for creating, editing and
documenting adaptive and multi-block programs. Fifteen
function blocks are available for adaptive programming, and
over 200 function blocks as well as PROFIBUS and drives I/O
blocks may be edited using multi-block programming.
Operating modes
Stand-alone mode, DriveAP is not connected to a drive. The
adaptive programming and multi-block programming can be
done in the office and later downloaded to the drive. DriveAP with adaptive program of standard application.
DriveAP featues
Create and modify adaptive programs
Create and modify multi-block programs
Document programs
Read existing program from the drive
Stand-alone mode
Off-line mode
On-line mode
DriveAP with multiblock programming application.
Power and voltage range Ordering -01 -11 -31 -02 -07 -07 -07LC 19) -17 -17 -17LC 19) -17LC 19) -37 -37 -37LC 19) -37LC 19)
code R5-R8 nxR8i R6-R8i nR8i R7i-R8i nR8i R6-R8i nR8i R7i-R8i nR8i
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
230 V 0.55-55 5.5-45 5.5-45 45-200
400 V 1.1-160 11-90 11-90 90-400 45-400 400-1400 200-2800 45-400 355-1600 55-500 500-2800 45-400 355-1600 55-560 500-2800
500 V 1.5-200 15-110 15-110 110-500 55-500 500-1900 250-3360 55-500 450-1800 55-560 630-3200 55-500 450-1800 55-560 630-3200
690 V 5.5-160 37-90 37-90 90-560 45-560 500-2800 400-5600 37-450 450-2500 75-560 630-5200 37-450 450-2800 75-560 630-5200
Wall mounting - - - - - - - - - - - -
Free-standing - - -
Two mounting directions: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bookshelf / flat (=sideways)
Bottom entry and exit
Top entry and exit H351+ - - - - 1)
Degree of protection
IP21 (UL type 1) - - - - -
IP22 (UL type 1) B053 - - - - - - - - -
IP42 (UL type 1) B054 - - - -
IP54 (UL type 12) B055 - - - -
IP54R B059 - - - - - - - - -
IP55 (UL type 12) B056 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DTC motor control
Software 2)
Startup assistant 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3)
Adaptive programming 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3)
Optional software optimized
for different applications or for
enhanced programmability:
for more details see section
Application software and
Control panel
Alphanumeric 4*20 character
control panel
Control connections (I/O) and communications
3 pcs analog inputs,
programmable, galvanically
2 pcs analog outputs,
7 pcs digital inputs,
programmable, galvanically
isolated - can be divided into
two groups
3 pcs relay outputs,
Thermistor relay (1 or 2 pcs) L505 - - - -
Pt100 relays L506 - - - -
Possibility for external control
Built-in I/O extension and
speed feedback modules:
for more details see section
Control connections and
Built-in adapters for
several fieldbuses: for
more details see section
Control connections and
EMC filters
EMC 1st environment E202 4) 4) 4) 5) 5) 4) 5) 4) - 4) 5) 4) -
(category C2)
EMC 2nd environment, earthed E200 6) - - - - 7) - - - 7) - - -
networks only (category C3)
EMC 2 nd environment, earthed E210 8) - - 9) 10) 10)
and unearthed networks
(category C3)
Line filter
AC or DC choke - - - - - - - - - -
LCL - - - - -
Output filters
Common mode filter E208 - - - 10) 10) 10)
du/dt filters E205 X X X X 17) 17)
Power and voltage range Ordering -01 -11 -31 -02 -07 -07 -07LC 19) -17 -17 -17LC 19) -17LC 19) -37 -37 -37LC 19) -37LC 19)
code R5-R8 nxR8i R6-R8i nR8i R7i-R8i nR8i R6-R8i nR8i R7i-R8i nR8i
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
230 V 0.55-55 5.5-45 5.5-45 45-200
400 V 1.1-160 11-90 11-90 90-400 45-400 400-1400 200-2800 45-400 355-1600 55-500 500-2800 45-400 355-1600 55-560 500-2800
500 V 1.5-200 15-110 15-110 110-500 55-500 500-1900 250-3360 55-500 450-1800 55-560 630-3200 55-500 450-1800 55-560 630-3200
690 V 5.5-160 37-90 37-90 90-560 45-560 500-2800 400-5600 37-450 450-2500 75-560 630-5200 37-450 450-2800 75-560 630-5200
Brake chopper D150 11) - X - -
Brake resistor D151 X - X X 12) 12) 12) - - 12) 12)
High power brake unit - - - - - - X - - X X - - X X
Regenerative braking - - - - - - - - - -
Rectifier bridge
12-pulse A004 - - - - - 13) 14) - - - - - - - -
Line side apparatus
aR line fuses F260 - - - - -
gG line fuses F251 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
aR line fuses + main switch F253 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and input terminal cubicle F260
Main switch - - - -
Line contactor F250 - - - - - - - -
Line contactor without - - - - - - - - - - - -
emergency stop
Air circuit breaker F255 - - - - - - - - - - -
Air circuit breaker - - - - - - - - - -
Earthing switch F259 - - - - - - - - -
Cabinet options
Control voltage 115 V AC G304 - - - -
Control voltage 230 V AC G307 - - - -
Cabinet heater (ext. supply) G300 - - - -
Output for motor heater G313 - - - -
(ext. supply)
Customized options P902 - - - -
Safety options
Prevention of unexpected Q950 - -
Safe torque-off Q967 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Safe torque-off with safety Q968 - - - -
Emergency stop, category Q951 - - - -
0 with opening the main
contactor/breaker 20)
Emergency stop, category Q952 - - - -
1 with opening the main
contactor/breaker 20)
Emergency stop, category Q963 - - - -
0 without opening the main
Emergency stop, category Q964 - - - -
1 without opening the main
Earth fault monitoring, earthed
Earth fault monitoring, - - - -
unearthed mains
UL, cUL, CSA 15) 15) 15)
Marine design 16) - - - 18) 18) 18) 18) 18)
Standard 1) IP54 or IP54R require line fuses and load switch 12) Not available as IP54 or IP54R, or with C129
Selectable option, built-in F253 + F260. (UL approved version of the frame sizes R6 - R8
Selectable option, external, plus code 2) Software compatibility with different option modules. ACS800-07/ -17/ -37).
X Selectable option, external, no plus code Please contact ABB 13) Basic unit without line fuses and load switch can be
- Not available 3) Only in standard software. connected to 6- or 12- pulse operation.
4) Not for 690 V. 14) Available in nD4 frame size DSU, 07LC-0760-3,
5) Only 07-0610-3, 07-0760-5, 17-0640-3, 17-0770-3, 07LC-0930-5, 07LC-1370-7 and bigger types.
17-0780-5, 17-0870-5, 37-0640-3, 37-0770-3, 15) UL-type 1 only.
37-0780-5, 37-0870-5, 07LC-0390-3, 07LC-0470-3, 16) Marine type approval for ACS800-01 (ABS, Bureau
07LC-0620-3, 07LC-0470-5, 07LC-0550-5, 07LC- Veritas, DNV, GL, LIoyds and RINA) with option +C132.
0730-5. 17) Standard in R8i, option for R7i.
6) Frame sizes R2 to R5. Note frame size R6: +E210. 18) Marine type approval for ACS800-X7LC (ABS, DNV,
7) Option for R6, built-in in other frame sizes LIoyds).
8) R6 frame size only. 19) LCU is an option for all LC single drives.
9) R5 frame size: +E200 For dimensions see p. 27.
10) Not available for R5 and small R6 types.
11) Standard in ACS800-01 frame sizes R2 and R3 and
at 690 V also in R4.
Technical support
Whether you operate in industry, commerce or a utility your The life cycle services for ABB drives span the entire value
aims remain the same: to keep your motor-driven applications chain, from the moment you make the first enquiry about a
running consistently and efficiently. The life cycle services for drive through to its disposal and recycling. Throughout the
ABB drives can help you achieve these aims by maximizing the value chain, ABB provides training and learning, technical
uptime of your process while ensuring the optimum lifetime of support and contracts. All of this is supported by one of the
ABB drives in a predictable, safe and low-cost manner. most extensive global drive sales and service networks.
ABB follows a four-phase model for the life cycle management The four-phase drive life cycle management model provides
of its drives. The life cycle phases are active, classic, limited you with a transparent method for managing your investment
and obsolete. Within each phase, every drive series has a in drives. In each phase, you clearly see what life cycle services
defined set of services. are available, and more importantly, what services are not
available. Decisions on upgrading, retrofitting or replacing
drives can be made with confidence.
The drive, with complete life cycle The drive, with complete life cycle Spare parts, maintenance and repair ABB cannot guarantee availability of life
services, is available for purchase. services, is available for plant services are available as long as cycle services for technical reasons or
extensions. materials can be obtained. within reasonable cost.
To ensure the availability of complete life cycle services, a drive must be in the Caution! A drive entering the limited or obsolete phase has limited repair options.
active or classic phase. A drive can be kept in the active or classic phase by This may result in unpredictable process downtime. To avoid this possibility, the
upgrading, retrofitting or replacing. drive should be kept in the active or classic phase.