Tertiary and Quaternary Alluvial Gold Deposits PDF
Tertiary and Quaternary Alluvial Gold Deposits PDF
Tertiary and Quaternary Alluvial Gold Deposits PDF
During the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, more than 500 gold mines were operating in the northwest (NW) of Spain. The region
was then a part of the Roman Empire and known as Iberia. Corresponding excavations totaled 600 million cubic meters ( Mm 3),
with about 300 Mm 3 coming from alluvial mines. Miocene sediments (mainly alluvial fans) derived from the Cantabrian
Mountain and Leon Mountain uplifts, and Quaternary deposits (principally regolith, fluvial terraces, moraines and fluvio-glacial
fans) were exploited by the Roman miners, using hydraulic mining methods.
The paper attempts to incorporate the following numerous themes. (a) The time-successive, global relationship of the
auriferous deposits. (b) A brief geological overview of the Miocene and Quaternary placers in the NW Spain. (c) A description
of the composition of the gold grains, both in the hardrock source and in the various alluvial placers. The latter is necessary to
determine possible source areas. Pre-Miocene age of gold precipitation helps to understand the possible recycling processes. (d)
The size, grade and gold grain size distribution of the studied deposits. (e) A brief description of Roman mining methods,
including new viewpoints on how the operations were conducted. Special reference will be made to the Las Medulas mine
(included in the World Heritage List in, the largest earth movement mining operation in Iberia up until the 20th century. (f) An
update on earth moving techniques and gold recovery in Roman times.
The present work draws heavily on data collected from some 6500 m 3 of alluvium washed from 300 trenches and drill holes
on Miocene and Quaternary deposits, and the Las Medulas Archaeological Zone project. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.
Keywords: gold; Northwest Spain; Miocene alluvial fans; Quaternary fluvial deposits; gold grades; gold provenance; Roman gold mines
Fig. 1. Gold occurrences in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula (modified from Sanchez-Palencia et al., 1996).
Table 1
Estimated earth movement and gold recovered in the NW Spain during roman time (modified from Sanchez-Palencia, 1983)
Deposits Earth movement (m 3) Gold recovery (kg) Average gold grade (mg/m 3)
Fig. 2. Roman mining works in the NW of the Duero Basin and Bierzo Basin (modified from Perea and Sanchez-Palencia, 1996; Perez-Garca,
the barren overburden or to exploit the gold-bearing quite possibly higher than at present. A legionnaire
gravel. Many kilometers of ditches that carried water earned as much as 70 g of gold per year in Aureus,
to the mine locations still flow through the surround- while the price of 8.8 l of wheat was the equivalent of
ing mountains. 0.3 g Au (Perea and Sanchez-Palencia, 1996).
Although these impressive vestiges that mark Iber- From the Roman time till present, the gold placers
ias NW landscape suggest substantial gold produc- in NW Iberia have remained inactive, except for small
tion, the amount of gold extracted was very modest, operations in the late 19th and the first half of the 20th
perhaps 195 t through 23 centuries of operation. Of centuries. However, due to the increase in the price of
this production, about 20 t came from the alluvial gold seen in the 1970s, exhaustive prospections were
deposits, suggesting an average gold grade of developed and as a result, the knowledge about the
67 mg/m 3. Some of the deposits contained gold grades origin, geometry, and potential of these areas has
of 12 g/m 3, but these contained far greater amounts continued to grow.
of overburden that required removal as well. The This paper is essentially dealing with the gold-
equivalent gold price during Augustus time was bearing alluvial deposits in the Duero (NW
228 L.C. Perez-Garca et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 71 (2000) 225240
border) and Bierzo Basins (Fig. 2) where the 2. Gold deposits and their relationship throughout
largest placers are found. The age of these geological time
deposits is Miocene to Holocene, and they corre-
spond, sedimentologically, with proximal facies The oldest rocks that are known to host gold in the
of alluvial fans, fluvial terraces, elluvialcollu- study area are Cambrian and Ordovician-aged sand-
vial deposits, moraines, and fluvio-glacial depos- stone and quartzite. They include millimeter-sized
its. Deposit thickness is variable, ranging from beds of heavy minerals (paleo-placers) containing
46 m in fluvial terraces to more than 40 m, detrital gold grains with an average size of 230 m
and even 100 m, in the alluvial fans (Perez- (Herail, 1984). Plotting of Roman alluvial mines on
Garca, 1977). Over time, successive reworking geological maps demonstrates the proximal relation-
of some deposits led to both redistribution of gold ship of gold-bearing alluvial deposits to Cambrian
into other types of alluvial deposits and changes in Ordovician source rocks (Perez-Garca, 1977).
the size and geochemical composition of the grains During the Hercynian deformation, extensional
themselves. zones developed close to fold hinges. In the later
In addition to the primary gold in the region, there phases of the orogeny, extensive brittle shearing
are beds of heavy minerals in CambrianOrdovician took place, resulting in corresponding extensional
quartzite (Western AsturianLeonese Zone; Perez- bands (Perez-Garca, 1977; Tornos et al., 1997).
Estaun, 1978) where detrital gold has also been Quartz with arsenopyrite, accompanied by pyrite
detected (Herail, 1984). Where these beds were and minor galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and gold,
affected by brittle shearing processes, remobilized subsequently precipitated as lodes in these zones of
quartz, gold and sulfides can be found in correspond- lower pressure. Tornos et al. (1997), using stable
ing extensional zones. Some of these gold-bearing isotope analysis, showed that the contained carbon
quartz veins were mined during Roman times, result- and sulfur came from the nearby metasediments, indi-
ing in the recovery of 170 t of Au from 290 m 3 of cating that substantial volumes of rock were involved
mined material. in the shearing-leaching process. The average size of
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Table 2
Gold content and gold grain size in the different types of auriferous deposits
Gold deposits Size deposits Gold content Average grain size (m)
the free gold particles, which result from the Garca, 1977, 1988 and 1991). Successive erosion
weathering of arsenopyrite, is 150 m (Herail, 1984). deposition processes have been ongoing from the
Au grades are variable. A systematic investigation Miocene to the present day. As a result, Quaternary
of the regions primary gold mineralization has terraces can contain gold grains that have been
yet to be undertaken, this grade variation is poorly reworked several times, along with other grains that
understood. come directly from quartz veins (Fig. 3, Table 2).
In order to understand the geological history of the
gold-bearing surficial deposits in NW Iberia, it is
3. Miocene deposits
necessary to look to the Tertiary period. In pre-
Miocene time, widespread development of soil later-
The Miocene deposits are the largest gold deposits
ite formation took place. Gold is thought to have
worked by the Romans in the northwest of the Iber-
migrated from quartz veins, and even from
ian Peninsula. Here, highest gold concentrations have
CambrianOrdovician paleo-placers, to the laterite
been encountered.
by a solutionprecipitation process that was in opera-
tion during the formation of the thick lateritic soil 3.1. Geology and gold ore characteristics
(Perez-Garca, 1977). Tropical weathering and the
presence of complexing agents is thought to be The Alpine uplift which forms the NW border of
responsible for gold dissolution. Respecting to this, the Duero basin resulted in the deposition of alluvial
it is worthwhile to mention that special ions (OH , fans along the mountain front. Their proximal facies
Fe 3, Mn 2 and others) can be shown to precipitate are perhaps intra-montane. Here, canyons at least
gold from solution (Boyle, 1979). This process could 20 km long (Duerna) are filled by coarse sediments
explain the growing of gold grains found in the deposited by confined flows and containing clasts
alluvial deposits in relation to the typically smaller which can be larger than 1 m in diameter. Close to
sized gold particles found in the quartz veins. the canyon outlet, widths reach up to 3 km and sedi-
The pre-Miocene lateritic soil, as well as the under- ment thicknesses range between 3060 m (Las Medu-
lying bedrock, was deeply eroded during the Alpine las, Duerna). In the open valleys, sediment flows were
uplift. Free gold passed to alluvial fan deposits as unconfined. The resultant channels were braided and
detrital particles and/or as colloidal solutions. The have developed medium and distal facies (Perez-
latter, after precipitating in the sediments, gave rise Garca, 1977), that tend to be thicker than the
to a very fine gold particle population, which is not coarse-grained canyon deposits.
amenable to recovery by gravimetric methods (Perez- The positions of these canyons were controlled by
230 L.C. Perez-Garca et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 71 (2000) 225240
Fig. 4. The Roman gold mines in relation to the reconstructed Miocene alluvial fans in the NW of the Duero Basin.
large scale tectonic structures. The mountain outlet account for the increase in gold grades near the
zone (Fig. 4) coincides with the present day river bedrock (Boyle, 1979). The proximal facies thickness
courses along the NW border of the Duero Basin. of the Miocene alluvial fans is in excess of 20 m and is
For gold exploration, only the proximal facies are often represented by more than one sedimentary
of economic interest. Placers produced during erosive cycle. Consequently, it is highly improbable that
phases are autochthonous in the terminology of Boyle gold accumulations close to the bedrock contact can
(1979). The gold grains are deposited within the be totally explained by downward movement through
canyons, while most of the other detrital material is unconsolidated alluvium, the jigging effect.
transported further downstream (Perez-Garca, The formation of these pay streaks assumes a slui-
1992a). As in most placers, gold is enriched along cing effect of the whole sediment column during
the contact with the bedrock. In the first 23 m important flows (Cheney and Patton, 1967; Tuck,
above this contact, Au grades can reach 0.52.0 g/ 1968). In our case, this is unlikely owing to the
m 3 and this was locally exploited by Roman miners great thickness and composition made up of multiple
by underground mining. The miners of antiquity depositional cycles as indicated earlier. It has to be
targeted the entire proximal facies, which averaged borne in mind that in the alluvial fan deposits the first
100150 mg/m 3 gold. phase of deposition corresponds to erosion of the lateri-
Various mechanisms have been proposed to tic soil, where gold particle size and concentration
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Fig. 5. Geochemical composition of the inner part of gold grains. The points represent average of values. MiO: Omanas (Miocene), QVA:
Andinuela (Quartz vein), MiL: Las Medulas (Miocene), MiD: Duerna (Miocene), T3D: Duerna (Terrace 3), T4D: Duerna (Terrace 4), T5D:
Duerna (Terrace 5), T3E: Eria (Terrace 3), PTE: Eria (Present terrace), T3J: Jamuz (Terrace 3), CoT: Teleno (Colluvial deposit)
were the highest. When this earlier material was gard the grain borders where silver (the other major
deposited, it may well have undergone a sluicing element) has been leached. Gold particles inside the
effect, thus increasing the Au grades near the bedrock CambrianOrdovician quartz veins have a Au fine-
contact. The sluicing effect, however, can only affect ness between 800 (Herail, 1984) and 840, while in
the alluvium of a single sedimentary cycle and not that the Miocene grains it is about 950990 (Figs. 5 and
of the entire sedimentary sequence. 6, Table 3). The values in the Medulas and Omanas
With respect to the particle size of the gold grains, alluvial fans are even higher, above 995 fineness. This
the presence of two distinct populations is clear (Table loss of Ag can be accounted for if a solutionpreci-
2): one with sizes up to 50 m, and another below 5 m pitation process in the pre-Miocene lateritic soil is
(Perez-Garca, 1977; Herail and Perez-Garca, 1989). assumed, where the greater part of Ag was removed
The latter is characteristic of the gold found in the by acidic solutions while the gold precipitated.
Duerna and Omanas alluvial fans where grain weights Obviously, grains derived from such a soil are
seldom exceed 6 mg. At Omanas, the fine material bound to have a higher fineness and exhibit no zona-
comprises 30% of the gold, and it is related to the tion in chemical composition throughout the grain.
kaolin content of the clay fraction. Fine gold may In the Duerna alluvial fan, the fineness fluctuates
have traveled in colloidal solution, with the negatively between 810 and 966. The poorer gold values may
charged gold-bearing colloids being captured by H , correspond to particles that came directly from the
Na and Ca 2 cations in the periphery of the clay hard rock (Fig. 5 and 6; Table 3). In this case, either
sheets as 30 g of kaolin is able to settle 12 mg of the pre-Miocene soil was already eroded or was never
gold from a colloidal solution (Goni et al., 1966). formed in the corresponding source area.
Colloidal gold solutions may have resulted from
weathering processes attributed to the prevailing 3.2. Roman mining works
tropical climate.
The fineness of the gold provides good information Miners of antiquity utilized water to remove the
on the transport mechanism from hard rock to alluvial waste alluvial overburden and to wash and concen-
fans. However, one must take into account only the trate the gold grains from the auriferous gravel.
values in the inner zone of the gold grains and disre- Ditches (corrugi) collected water, supplied by
232 L.C. Perez-Garca et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 71 (2000) 225240
Fig. 6. EDX images of Au in different grains from quartz veins and miocene deposits. (A) Quartz veins (Andinuela). (B) Miocene (Las Medulas
Roman mine). (C) Miocene (Omanas roman mine). (D) Miocene (Duerna). (E) Miocene (Duerna). (F) Miocene (Duerna). See Table 3.
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seasonal snowmelt, streams, and incidental flooding. relatively low availability of water in the region at the
No dams were utilized. The ditch bottoms and up- time. This is supported by the present day climate, as
slope sides were typically constructed on bedrock many of the streams, from which the ancient miners
surfaces. Wood plates or slabs of shale were collected the water, are ephemeral in nature and dry
commonly used to construct the down-slope sides of up in summer. The fact that no upstream reservoirs
the ditches. Ditch widths ranged between 15 Roman were constructed, that supply ditches show erosion of
feet (0.31.5 m) and had an average gradient of 0.5% only a few centimeters and that the reservoirs built on
(Fernandez-Posse and Sanchez-Palencia, 1988). top of the slopes to be collapsed are small, all suggest
Ditches ranged in length from hundreds to thousands that large amounts of water were not necessary to
of meters in order to supply water to the tops of allu- achieve the required collapse.
vial sections chosen for exploitation (Sanchez-Palen- Placer miners in the gold rush of California used a
cia et al., 1992). Water was collected here in small water/gravel ratio of 10 m 3/1 m 3 in the softest alluvial
reservoirs for storage, distribution and for use in later deposits, as recorded by monitors (Sauvage, 1876).
booming operations (described later) and for washing Here, the water collapsed and carried the gravel to
and concentration of auriferous gravel. sluices. In the Ruina Montium system, the maximum
As waste overburden, consisting primarily of allu- water/gravel ratio was believed to be the reverse:
vial fan deposits, overlies some of the Miocene gold 1 m 3/10 m 3.
bearing gravel, it was necessary to remove these Water saturation of the talus base is proposed to
deposits in order to access the underlying auriferous explain the booming collapse with restricted use of
gravel. This was accomplished by means of hydraulic water. As the base of the talus represents essentially
power to remove the waste overburden. Where the an impermeable bed, the water filling the galleries,
overburden was thicker (30100 m), Roman miners which run from the vertical pit in the direction of
used a complex booming method, the Ruina the slope, would fill the pores of the alluvial over-
Montium (mountain collapse). This technique is burden near the slope as the galleries have no outlet.
partially described by Pliny in his Naturalis Historia Water saturation would greatly decrease the failure
(Pliny, H.N., 33, in Sanchez-Palencia, 1983) which resistance of the talus pile, which would result in
makes reference to the gold mines in the NW of subsequent collapse.
Iberia. Auriferous gravel of lesser thickness was
The booming system utilizes a hydraulic network to exploited using a ground sluicing method, an in
collapse the talus pile. It consists of a water reservoir situ washing and concentrating system performed
(piscina or stagnum) built on top on the talus, a in trenches having a 5% gradient. The lighter
ditch (emissarium) to carry the water from the reser- material was removed by means of water, leaving
voir to a vertical pit that extends down to the base of the heavier material behind to be collected and
the talus, and several galleries which extend outward worked by panning. The biggest stones were
toward the talus surface from the bottom of the verti- heaped up at the trench sides and are one of the
cal pit. There is no outlet, however, as the horizontal most characteristic aspects of old Roman mining
galleries do not breach the talus pile. After the neces- sites. Where it was not possible to wash the gold
sary infrastructure has been built, the contents of the bearing gravel directly in place, a drifting method
water reservoir are discharged. The liberated water was utilized instead. Auriferous gravel was mined
runs along the ditch, falls into the vertical pit and by means of tunnels and moved to the portals
spreads into the lower galleries. The effect is to satu- where it was washed in sluices (Bowie, 1910).
rate the base of the talus which ultimately leads to
collapse and the flushing of the talus pile. 3.3. Las Medulas Mine
We must bear in mind two questions when attempt-
ing to reconstruct the booming method utilized by the The Las Medulas Mine is perhaps the most typical
Roman miners. As the resulting collapse destroys of the NW Iberian alluvial gold deposits hosted in
most of the hydraulic infrastructure, it is difficult to Miocene alluvial fans. The site was deservedly
reconstruct the mining pattern. Another problem is the included in the World Heritage List in 1997. The
234 L.C. Perez-Garca et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 71 (2000) 225240
Fig. 7. Stratigraphic sequence, Au grade and average weight of Au grains in the Las Medulas Roman gold mine (Leon).
basic stratigraphic sequence at Las Medulas (Fig. 7), auriferous bedrock, no gold is found in this deposit. Its
from bottom to top, consists of red elluvialcolluvial thickness ranges from 0 to 20 m.
deposits (Orellan Fm.) which are equivalent to the The next stratigraphic horizon is comprised of
pre-Miocene weathering surface. As it overlies non- proximal alluvial fan facies (Santalla Fm.) that
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corresponds to the coarsest gravel sediments in the Roman miners used the above-mentioned ground
series. It contains blocks that reach 1 m in diameter sluice method, but when the overburden thickness
and it rests directly on the bedrock from which the was greater than 810 m, they were forced to remove
Orellan Fm. has been eroded. The Santalla Fm. is the the gravel and haul it to the sluices. To remove over-
principal gold-bearing deposit containing Au grades burden with wide-frontal exposures, deep trenches
that range between 1 g/m 3 near its base, to 20 were excavated parallel and close to the slope and
100 mg/m 3 in its upper part. The average weight of charged with water. The combination of the hydro-
contained gold is 0.5 mg near the lower contact, with static thrust of the water filling the trench and the
the balance averaging 0.32 mg. Formation thickness resultant saturation of the talus base lead to collapse
ranges from 0 to 30 m. of the talus edges. After failure, additional water was
Overlying the Santalla Fm. is a widespread deposit added to guide the gravel to the sluices. Small under-
representing medium alluvial fan facies (unconfined ground mining operations were also developed in the
flow) comprised of alternating beds of gravel, fine lower part of the Santalla Fm., close to the contact
sand and silt (Medulas Fm.). The Au grade in the with the barren Orellan Fm.
Medulas Fm. is much lower: 1020 mg/m 3, ranging Waste accumulations are an important aspect of
to a maximum of 100 mg/m 3 in intercalated gravel past mining operations at Las Medulas. There are
beds. The average gold grain weight is 0.21 mg; the six valleys coming from the mine and each is filled
formation thickness is about 100 m. The Roman with waste material. The largest valley contains an
miners considered this to be barren overburden impressive accumulation of debris measuring more
(Herail, 1984; Perez-Garca, 1992a; Perez-Garca than 2 km long and 0.31.5 km wide. The debris
and Sanchez-Palencia, 1992; Sanchez-Palencia et has blocked the valley, producing a small lake. This
al., 1996). waste fan was evaluated by means an electrical survey
Following deposition of the Miocene sediments, taking into account the swell effect which results from
subsequent tectonism resulted in the uplift of certain the loss of fine material. Pliny wrote that Hispania
structural blocks. Owing to the greater competence of grows at the expense of its gold mines, and when the
the Miocene gravel in relation to the Paleozoic shale more than 15 Mm 3 of fines that were washed to sea are
country rocks, a reverse relief resulted with Tertiary taken into account, the total alluvium (overburden and
gravel occupying the highest topography. Conse- auriferous gravel) moved by the Roman miners
quently, the entire auriferous deposit was exposed, approximate 90 Mm 3.
making hydraulic mining relatively easy.
There are 16 ditches that carried water to the mine
4. Quaternary deposits
in successive times. The ditches average 80 km in
length and have an aggregate length in excess of
Quaternary deposits in NW Iberia typically consist
1000 km. Along their route, no tunnels and bridges
of elluvialcolluvial to fluvial sediments, but also
were built, yet all arrived at the mine leveled to the
include glacial and fluvio-glacial sediments. Gold
required elevation. As good maintenance of the
contents are directly related to their respective
ditches was essential, several hill forts were built to
distance from the CambrianOrdovician auriferous
take care of them. Near the mine sites the ditches
quartz veins or the gold-bearing Miocene alluvial
flowed into reservoirs where the water was stored
fan deposits.
for later use in the overburden collapsing, or for wash-
ing the gold bearing gravel. Studies show that in the 4.1. Geology
last Ruina Montium operation a water reservoir of
16,000 m 3 was utilized to collapse about 1 Mm 3 of The most important gold deposits are hosted in
overburden. fluvial terraces along the base of the mountains.
Owing to the great thickness of the overburden (Las Fluvial deposits with higher gold grades also occur
Medulas Fm) at the Las Medulas mine, the Ruina in intra-montane areas, but their volumes are not
Montium system was employed extensively. To significant.
wash the auriferous gravel (Santalla Fm.), the From a genetic point of view, these are autochthonous
236 L.C. Perez-Garca et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 71 (2000) 225240
Fig. 8. EDX images for Au in different grains from Quaternary deposits. (G) Terrace 3 (Duerna river). (H) Terrace 4 (Duerna river). (I) Terrace
3 (Eria river). (J) Terrace 3 (Eria river). (K) Present terrace (Eria river). (L) Colluvial deposit (Teleno). See Table 4.
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placers that were formed during erosive phases. The 150 and 220 mg/m with associated mining volumes
gold particles present in them have not traveled far, as of 1.55.5 Mm 3 (Perez-Garca, 1991).
more than 90% of the Au grains are found within the The average gold grain-size in the Duerna River
first 56 km from the mountain borders. Over this area is 0.22 mm (Table 2), with a corresponding
distance, only 45 hanging and semi-hanging terraces weight of 0.19 mg. Although only 17.5% of the total
are developed in the NW corner of the Duero Basin. grains were found to be above 0.25 mm, they repre-
Included are the Rana deposits (fluvial deposit) that sented 76.7% of the total gold weight.
may well be Pliocene equivalents of the Quaternary The gold grain composition, as measured in the
terraces. Both were formed in similar sedimentary inner part of the particles, clearly shows two possible
environments typified by braided channels and have Au sources. These are thought to be CambrianOrdo-
a similar thickness of 46 m. In the smaller Bierzo vician auriferous quartz veins and reworked Miocene
Basin, graben subsidence gave rise to superimposed grains (Fig. 8, Table 4). Lower gold fineness indicates
terraces with more than 15 m of total thickness. a quartz vein source; a higher gold fineness is indica-
Gold enrichment within the terrace deposits occurs tive of a Miocene sediment source.
in paleo-channels in close proximity to the bedrock In the Duerna Terrace 3, the gold fineness is higher
contact have been prospected three deposits on the than 900, while in Terrace 4 it is lower than 870 (Fig.
Omanas, Duerna, and Eria Rivers within the Duero 5 and Table 4). This may indicate that a major portion
Basin. For the most part, the layouts of these channels of the upstream gold bearing Miocene strata were
are straighter than the actual stream flow, representing already eroded when Terrace 4 was deposited, and
periods of higher energy than what is observed today the gold came directly from quartz veins in the coun-
(Perez-Garca, 1991, 1992b). The present terrace of try rock. A high fineness value in Terrace 5, for exam-
the Omanas River hosts a very low sinuosity gold- ple, may represent a grain reworked from Terrace 3.
bearing channel of 150200 m width and 3500 m of Upstream from the Eria deposit, the Miocene outcrops
prospected length. A secondary channel of 100 m are limited and, as a result, the Quaternary gold grains
width bifurcates at a small oblique angle. In the have a lower fineness. This is most likely due to the
Duerna River Terraces 345, the channels have predominance of hard rock quartz veins as a gold
widths of 400700 m. They are straight for over source. In the Eria Terrace 3 a gold grain was found
3500 m, but beyond that distance exhibit a braided that would appear to have traveled inside a piece of
low-sinuosity structure. The overall gradient of the quartz (particle I in Table 4, and Fig. 8). It was appar-
channels is 0.81.0%. ently liberated relatively near the place where it was
Gold grade significantly increases with depth as deposited, because it does not exhibit any zonation,
8590% of the total gold is found in the lower nor does it have a silver-leached rind. Neither char-
half of the deposit. This is important to know acteristic is known to form during transport.
when planning a mining operation, as the top
half must be considered barren overburden
(Perez-Garca, 1991, 1992b). Gold enrichment at 4.2. Roman mining works
the bottom of a terrace deposit is generated by the
sluicing effect. High-energy channels that have Roman miners exclusively used the ground sluicing
eroded the former gravel carrying alluvial sedi- method, which is suitable for thinner deposits with a
ments further downstream. This action concen- thickness of 46 m. On the dry terraces, several
trates the Au grains that lag behind. As a result groups of 68 convergent trenches (ground sluicing)
of episodic flooding, gold accumulates in the having a 5% gradient, were dug. A single ditch,
deepest parts of the channels. running at the head of the ground sluicing trenches,
Definition of overburden makes it difficult to quan- supplied water for the entire operation. The miners
tify gold grades as it has a significant effect on the pushed the alluvium from the trench sides to the
stripping ratio (m 3 overburden/ m 3 gold-bearing bottom and into the running water. Big stones were
gravel). However, utilizing a reasonable stripping washed and placed outside the trenches while sand
ratio of between 0.3 and 1.0, Au grades range between and clay were swept to the outlet. This left the
238 L.C. Perez-Garca et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 71 (2000) 225240
Table 3 Table 4
Geochemical composition of the gold grains from quartz veins and Geochemical composition of the gold grains from Quaternary
Miocene deposits (wt.%). See Fig. 6 deposits (wt%). See Fig. 8
A. Quartz vein (Andinuela) p.1 82.69 16.95 0.21 G. Terrace 3 (Duerna) p.1 99.16 0.83 0.22
p.2 82.39 17.00 0.09 p.2 95.53 3.38 1.02
p.3 82.54 16.70 0.00 p.3 94.95 3.25 1.00
p.4 82.64 16.77 0.12 p.4 98.73 1.12 0.07
p.5 98.56 0.67 0.00 p.5 95.36 3.18 0.74
p.6 95.84 3.26 0.73
B. Miocene (Las Medulas) p.1 99.58 0.56 0.14
p.7 98.26 0.91 0.10
p.2 98.10 0.80 0.19
p.3 99.56 0.57 0.19 H. Terrace 4 (Duerna) p.1 97.90 1.51 0.12
p.4 99.74 0.22 0.00 p.2 85.95 13.26 0.10
p.5 98.62 0.69 0.10 p.3 99.45 0.57 0.18
p.6 98.34 0.62 0.06 p.4 99.17 0.58 0.13
p.7 98.95 0.26 0.09 p.5 85.59 13.38 0.11
C. Miocene (Omanas) p.1 100.39 0.00 0.13 I. Terrace 3 (Eria) p.1 72.57 27.02 0.11
p.2 99.19 0.08 0.04 p.2 72.59 27.02 0.00
p.3 99.02 0.19 0.00 p.3 72.26 26.77 0.13
p.4 99.21 0.21 0.19 p.4 72.43 26.81 0.01
p.5 99.24 0.15 0.20 p.5 72.34 26.97 0.00
p.6 99.06 0.14 0.10
p.7 99.48 0.02 0.09 J. Terrace 3 (Eria) p.1 99.06 0.21 0.17
p.2 100.13 0.24 0.12
D. Miocene (Duerna) p.1 99.01 0.64 0.00 p.3 87.51 11.24 0.87
p.2 97.03 3.37 0.15 p.4 87.71 11.15 0.96
p.3 97.08 3.47 0.05 p.5 99.58 0.50 0.11
p.4 96.39 3.38 0.04
p.5 97.02 3.48 0.09 K. Present terrace (Eria) p.1 99.10 0.59 0.06
p.6 95.79 3.39 0.03 p.2 98.76 0.55 0.00
p.7 98.52 0.65 0.00 p.3 98.45 1.39 0.08
p.4 81.44 17.60 0.10
E. Miocene (Duerna) p.1 97.43 2.17 0.00 p.5 81.37 17.81 0.23
p.2 97.54 1.74 0.09 p.6 99.51 0.16 0.00
p.3 81.87 16.39 2.06 p.7 82.10 17.72 0.07
p.4 81.35 16.12 1.94 p.8 96.94 2.55 0.12
p.5 98.04 1.42 0.09 p.9 98.96 0.22 0.16
p.6 98.36 1.57 0.00
p.7 81.11 16.09 2.03 L. Colluvial deposits p.1 98.15 1.83 0.12
F. Miocene p.1 98.91 0.08 0.09 p.2 98.46 0.80 0.00
(Duerna) p.2 95.01 4.38 0.31 p.3 83.96 14.83 0.22
p.3 95.12 4.13 0.28 p.4 84.41 14.95 0.20
p.4 99.92 0.37 0.08 p.5 83.96 15.03 0.07
p.5 99.37 0.56 0.05 p.6 82.97 14.72 0.24
p.6 94.93 4.29 0.25 p.7 97.03 3.27 0.05
p.8 82.75 14.57 0.22
heavy fraction in the trench bottom where panning ditch. With the single ground sluicing method, allu-
was employed to recover the gold. vium was pushed from only one side of the trench
On terraces that had shallow ground water, the with larger stones being piled on the opposing side.
Romans only worked the deposits above the water In this manner the mining operation migrated side-
table, employing single ground sluicing. Water was ways leaving the somewhat chaotic mine pattern
sourced from the nearest fluvial stream by means of a that is characteristic of the method.
L.C. Perez-Garca et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 71 (2000) 225240 239
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