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Histamine and Prostaglandins in

Edwin P. Heleniak, M.D.2 3 Scott W. Lamola, B.S.1

Abstract also similar; substances which raise histamine

The interrelationship between histamine and tissue levels also raise PGE-1 tissue levels.
prostaglandins may have some significance in Conversely, substances which lower histamine
the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia. A lower PGE-1. This relationship is summarized
number of observations in the literature in Table 1.
suggest that blood levels of histamine and Alcohol, known to release blood histamine,
prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) move concurrently in small amounts activates the conversion of
in response to various agents. Their effects on free dihomogamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) to
physiological activity are also similar. Two PGE-1 (Horrobin, 1978a, 1980c, 1981b;
theories on the etiology of schizophrenia, the Horrobin and Manku, 1980). Niacin and
histamine theory of Pfeiffer and the ascorbic acid presumably act at this same
prostaglandin theory of Horrobin, may biochemical locus facilitating the formation of
therefore be different sides of the same coin. PGE-1 (Samuelson 1967, 1969). Copper
On the basis of these theories the diagnosis and activates the histamine degrading enzyme
treatment of schizophrenia is discussed. All the diamine oxidase (histaminase). Indirectly
cofactors used in the treatment of the low through the non-competitive inhibition of
histamine type schizophrenic patient are also thromboxine A-2 (TxA2) formation, copper
essential in the production of prostaglandin E- also lowers PGE-1 (Horrobin et al., 1978; Lee
1 from essential fatty acids, which according to and Lands, 1972). Penicillamine chelates
Horrobin are lacking in schizophrenia. copper (Nicholson et al.,

An interrelationship between histamine and

prostaglandins, which may be of some 1
Princeton Brain Bio Center
significance in the etiology, diagnosis and 862 Route 518
Skillman, New Jersey 08558.
treatment of schizophrenia is apparent from the 2
Department of Psychiatry,
literature. A number of indirect, but related Veterans Administration Medical Center
observations suggest that blood levels of Lyons, New Jersey.
Assistant Professor, College of Medicine
histamine and prostaglandin E-l (PGE-1) seem and Dentistry of New Jersey-Rutgers Medical School,
to move in the same direction. Their effects on Piscataway, New Jersey.
physiological activity when used as agents is


1966), potentially lowering the activity of DGLA the immediate precursor of PGE-1
histaminase. Penicillamine, along with zinc and (Horrobin, 1980). It should also be mentioned
prolactin, releases membrane bound DGLA that the diurnal rhythm of melatonin closely
a precursor of the prostaglandin 1 series parallels the biological rhythm of histamine
(Horrobin et al., 1978b). Zinc is also important reactivity in normal humans (Reinberg et al.,
in the storage of histamine in the basophils and 1965). In addition to melatonin, the pineal
mast cells (Niklowitz, 1973) and the injection contains high concentrations of histamine
of prolactin in the anterior hypothalamus of (Green, 1967), also histamine rich mast cells are
male rats has been shown to selectively raise believed to regulate function in the (pineal
histamine (Alvarez and Donoso, 1981). Folic inervating) superior cervical ganglion (Behrendt
acid introduces the amidine carbon in histidine et al., 1976). The relationship between
and increases both PGE-1 and PGE-2 by acting histamine and pineal function is discussed later.
at the cyclo-oxygenase level (Hamberg and Methionine forms taurine which has a lithium-
Samuelson, 1967). The antifolate agent like action on PGE-1 formation, blocking the
phenytoin lowers histamine (Pfeiffer, 1975) mobilization of membrane stored DGLA to free
and blocks the conversion of DGLA to PGE-1 DGLA (Horrobin, 1978b; Horrobin et al.,
(Karmazyn et al., 1977). Methadone lowers 1978).
histamine (Green, 1967, 1978) and, repre- Table 2 further touches upon the hypothetical
senting an opiate, likely blocks the formation of relationship between histamine and PGE-1.
PGE-1 (Horrobin, 1979c). Histidine, a Both histamine and PGE-1 formation are
precursor of histamine, may attenuate the stimulated by phospholipase-A2 and ADP
effects of agents which decrease the formation platelet stimulation (Abdulla and Hamadah,
of PGE-1 and enhances the effects of agents 1965; Sullivan and Parker, 1979). Both are
which stimulate the formation of PGE-1. reduced or blocked by epinephrine (Kafka et al.,
(Horrobin, Oka and Manku, 1978). Pyridoxal 1977) eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA, an analog of
phosphate is essential for the decarboxylation Arachidonic Acid) (Sullivan and Parker, 1979),
of histidine to histamine and also plays a basic imidazole (Needleman et al., 1977) and
role at two different steps in the formation of cromalyn sodium (PDR, 1984). PGE-1 and
PGE-1 from its precursors (Horrobin et al., histamine inhibit slow reacting substance of
1979). anaphylaxis (SRSA) (Ryan and May, 1977),
Melatonin activates TxA2 which in turn contract smooth muscles,
mobilizes membrane stored DGLA to free

Table 2

increase vascular permeability, sensitize pain acteristic signs and symptoms. As shown by
receptors (Jaun, 1981; Jaun and Lembeck, Figure 1, the majority of schizophrenic patients
1974), inhibit the release of norepinephrine, are represented by the low histamine type
potentiate histamine edema (Ryan and May, patient, while the high histamine group
1977), decrease locomotor activity (Nowak and represents approximately 20 percent (Pfeiffer,
Pile, 1977), and reduce B-lymphocyte activity 1975). Do low and high PGE-1 counterparts to
(Horrobin et al., 1979). the low histamine and high histamine
schizophrenic exist? Indeed, there is impressive
Histamine Subtyping evidence to support the existence of the low
Pfeiffer subdivided the schizophrenias ac- PGE-1 biotype, and its remarkable resemblance
cording to blood histamine, with char-Figure 1. to Pfeiffer's low
Biochemical subtypes of schizophrenia
according to Pfeiffer C.C. (1975).



Table 3



histamine schizophrenic subtype (Pfeiffer, (Horrobin, 1977). Both biotypes may have
1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980; Pfeiffer and reduced wheal and flair reactions, a low
Braverman, 1979, 1982; Pfeiffer and Iliev, incidence of allergies and colds, a relative
1972). absence of niacin flush (Kunin, 1976), few
headaches, high serum copper levels (Baron et
Therapeutic Agents for Low Histamine/ Low al., 1982; Nicholson et al., 1966) and may also
PGE-1 Subtypes demonstrate low serum zinc (Horrobin, 1979a;
Table 3 compares some of the biochemical Pfeiffer, 1975). Determining the blood and
and clinical findings between the low histamine tissue levels of PGE-1, eicosapentaenoic acid
type schizophrenic (Pfeiffer, 1972, 1975) and (EPA), and arachidonic acid (AA) in a low
the low PGE-1 schizophrenic histamine population, and histamine

Table 4


blood levels and activity among low PGE-1 therapeutic agent for the schizophrenic
patients would certainly shed light on the occurred before the advent of pheno-thiazines
hypothesis relating the low histamine (1954). Curiously, chlorpromazine (CPZ) was
schizophrenic to the low PGE-1 or PGE-1 first used as an anti-histamine to counteract
responsive patient (Heleniak and Lamola, surgical shock presumed secondary to histamine
1984a, 1984b). release. CPZ, a partial inhibitor of
As shown in Table 4, folic acid, vitamin C, methyltransferase, raises histamine (Wertheimer
Pyridoxine, niacin, zinc, penicillamine, and a and Wertheimer, 1955). Subcutaneous injections
high protein diet have beneficial therapeutic of histamine were found to be effective therapy
effects on the low histamine (Pfeiffer, 1975) in schizophrenia; Marshal and Tarwater (1938)
and the low PGE-1 (Horrobin, 1981; Horrobin reported that 18 of 35 schizophrenic patients
and Huang, 1983) type patients. Magnesium responded favorably. Hill (1938) reported
and the essential fatty acids Cis-linoleic acid, therapeutic responses to intradermal histamine
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and eicosa- injection. From 1949-50, the Sacklers (1951)
pentaenoic acid (EPA) supplements are published several reports on histamine therapy
beneficial for the low PGE-1 patients and may in schizophrenias. Yamada and Takumi (1965)
be of benefit for the low histamine reported that small doses of histamine alleviated
schizophrenics providing both patient types the effects of LSD in seven of nine normal
represent like or similar populations. subjects. Niacin, which may acutely release
histamine and PGE-1, was used by Hoffer and
Histamine and Schizophrenia Osmond during the 1950's to terminate the
Considerable interest in histamine as a effects of LSD (Hoffer and Osmond, 1967).


Many have noted that schizophrenics have a a relative scarcity of mast cells in schizophrenic
low incidence of colds, allergies, asthma and patients, and patients who responded to therapy
low sensitivity to pain and cold. For example, showed an increase in the number of mast cells.
Ehrentheil (1957) noted that the incidence of Mast cells may exert a regulatory function in
asthmas, hayfever and other allergic diseases in superior cervical ganglion transmission
the insane was less than 0.1 percent compared (Behrendt et al., 1976), and indirectly or perhaps
to a figure of 3.5 percent for the population as a directly on the histamine-rich pineal gland.
whole. Pfeiffer subdivided the schizophrenias According to Horrobin the biological defect in
according to blood histamine, the quantitative schizophrenia may be related to pineal
EEG and other signs and symptoms (Pfeiffer et deficiency, which in turn would result in PGE-1
al., 1972,1976,1982). Finally, there have been a reduction. Horrobin suggested that a superior
few reports of schizophrenia-like psychosis cervical ganglionectomy may be beneficial in
following the vigorous administration of anti- schizophrenia, since pineal melatonin output is
histamines, particularly the H-2 blockers inhibited by inervation originating from the
(Roman, 1975). superior cervical ganglion (Horrobin, 1979c).
The finding that the histamine-rich mast cells
Histamine as a Neurohormone may regulate function in transmission in the
Systemic histamine insensitivity has been superior cervical ganglion (Behrendt, Lindl and
implied from reports of a decreased incidence Cramer, 1976) presents another interesting
of asthma and allergic disorders among but unexplored relationship between pros-
schizophrenic patients. Starting from Whithorn taglandins, the pineal, the superior cervical
(1963) to Verghese and Thomas (1972), 12 ganglion, and histamine. Mast cells, which are
studies reported a diminished cutaneous found in all tissues, were found to be relatively
response in schizophrenic patients to intra- scarce in the skin of schizophrenic patients.
dermal injections of histamine. Histamine has a Patients who responded to therapy showed an
non-uniform distribution in the CNS, and is increase in the number of mast cells (LeBlanc
stored in subcellular fractions containing and Lemieux, 1961). What is relevant is that
synaptisomes (Green, 1967). The specific mast cells in tissues are sensitive to hormones,
enzymes for its synthesis (histidine particularly corticosteroids. The secretion of
decarboxylase), and degradation (methylation corticosteroids is under central control, and
pathways) are present in brain tissue (Green, levels reportedly increase during schizophrenia
Johnson and Weinstein, 1978). In 1961 it was and decrease after treatment with penothiazines
observed that in schizophrenia there was less (Green, 1967). Thus, a disturbance in histamine
urinary excretion of methyl imidazole acetic metabolism may result in secondary dis-
acidthe major metabolite of brain histamine turbances in pineal function which in turn may
and more conjugated imidazole acetic acid result in acute and/or chronic pineal dependent
(Kobayashi and Freeman, 1961). Histamine metabolic alterations. For example, it was
stimulates adenosyl cyclase activity which is recently demonstrated that melatonin inhibited
blocked by specific antagonists (Schwartz, dopamine release from rat hypothalamus and the
1977). In summary, specific neurons are inhibitory effect on dopamine release by
responsive to histamine which is found in all melatonin may stem from the reduction of
nerve cells with the highest concentration in the calcium entry into the pre-synaptic nerve
post-ganglionic sympathetic nerves. endings (Nava Zisapel and Moshe Laudon,
1983). Arendt and colleagues noted that in long
term studies on immunoreactive human
melatonin, that colchicine and melatonin may
Mast Cells and Basophils compete for the same binding sites (Arendt et
The absolute basophil count correlates with al., 1979). Schliwa (1979) noted that low
blood histamine levels, since mast cells and concentrations of colchicine may have
basophils are the main repositories of non- melatonin-like actions. In agreement with these
neuronal histamine (Pfeiffer, 1972; Pfeiffer et observations,
al., 1972a). LeBlanc and Lemieux (1961) found

Horrobin noted that low concentrations of Methionine worsens histapenic schizophrenia

colchicine have actions which are consistent by lowering blood histamine (Pfeiffer and
with a selective increase in either the synthesis Braverman, 1979); and in terms of Horrobin's
or the biological activity of throm-boxine-A2 hypothesis it may also be related to the fact that
(Horrobin, 1980a). Histidine, the amino acid methionine gives rise to taurine, which has a
precursor of histamine, seems necessary for the lithium-like action on PGE-1 (Horrobin et al.,
optimal action of colchicine on thromboxine- 1978b).
A2 (Horrobin, 1978). Imidazole, a selective
inhibitor of thromboxine-A2 synthesis
(Needleman et al., 1977), inhibits thromboxine- Role of Histamine-Dopamine Interaction in
A2 formation selectively, and leads to a 2.3 Schizophrenia
fold rise in outflow of other prostaglandins The sagittal section of a rat's brain in Figure 2
(Wolfe et al., 1979). Selective inhibition of demonstrates dopamine and histamine pathways
thromboxine-A2 formation from endoperoxides (Cooper, Bloom and Roth, 1974). The nucleus
caused a great increase in the production of accumbens of the septal area is near the
prostaglandin-E2 and PGF-2-alpha from olfactory tubercle. The mesostriatal pathway
labelled arachidonic acid (Nijkamp, et al., originates in area 8 of midbrain and projects to
1977). Horrobin states that thromboxine-A2 the caudate puta-men. The mesolimbic system
enhances PGE-1 formation and inhibits originates in area 10 of the midbrain and
arachidonic acid mobilization via feedback projects to the nucleus accumbens of the septum.
interaction (Horrobin, 1979). In regard to this The nucleus accumbens is the area of the meso-
possible interaction between histamine, PGE-1 limbic pathway where dopamine and histamine
and the pineal gland it should be noted that have complementary and modulatory functions
Cabut and Vincenzi demonstrated that PGE-1 (Chronister and DeFrance, 1982). This
stimulated mast cell degranulation with modulated hippocampal activity influences a
histamine and heparin release (Cabut and wide variety of cortical and subcortical areas
Vincenzi, 1967). Thus PGE-1, under the (Chronister et al., 1981; Chronister and
experimental conditions, may act as a second DeFrance, 1981). Dopamine originates in the
messenger in histamine activation. ventral tegmental area and

Figure 2. A sagittal section of a rat's brain showing

histamine and dopamine pathways (Cooper, Bloom,
Roth, 1974).

initiates impulses via the medial forebrain malities in schizophrenic patients also correlated
bundle to the nucleus accumbens. The hista- with blood stasis, low systolic and diastolic
minergic pathways travel from the original blood pressure, and low basal metabolic rates
source in the rostral mesencephalic reticular (Wertheimer and Wertheimer, 1955). Low
formation and caudal diencephalic areas of hand-skin temperature (84.6-90.8 F) was found
mammalary bodies via the medial forebrain in patients lacking plexus and response to hot
bundle to the nucleus accumbens, and also and cold water were opposite to those of normal
project to the hippocampus (Chronister et al., capillaries indicating sympathetic nervous
1982) The physiological data of Perry (1979) system abnormalities (Schendi et al., 1969).
suggest that histamine works through histamine Photo-microscopic evaluation suggested cooling
2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens, perhaps resulted in vasodilation of the plexus instead of
potentiating the effects of gamma aminobutyric constriction and heat in constriction. The
acid (Perry et al., 1979). abnormal capillaries may indicate a vegetative
Crow and Deakin suggest that the nucleus rearrangement, perhaps mirroring an ab-
accumbens is a possible site of anti-psychotic normality of ectoderm in brain tissue
drug action; as they have shown, all neuro- (Hauptmann and Myerson, 1948). The ana-
leptics exert their therapeutic effects through tomical and functional rearrangements in the
dopamine blockage in the nucleus accumbens capillaries are not confined to the cutaneous
(Crow and Deakin, 1979). vascular bed; for example Ingvar and Fransen
Chronister and DeFrance noted in 1982 that (1974) demonstrated that the lower the resting
there is an attentional deficit in schizophrenias blood flow to the frontal lobes relative to the
caused by an imbalance in dopamine and post central regions, the more severe was the
histamine modulation of afferent hippocampus psychotic process among chronic patients. Green
activity in the nucleus accumbens. They and Johnson (1978) considered that the
proposed that some aspects of attentional abnormal appearance and response of blood
deficits in schizophrenia can be accounted for vessels are due to a failure of histamine release
by a defect in this filtering system, or by an from mast cells, or a failure to synthesize
imbalance in dopamine-histamine systems. nascent histamine. Histamine influences and
Dopamine effects can be mimicked by a net activates adenylate cyclase in brain capillaries,
decrease in histamine receptors, or an increase and may contribute to the growth and maturation
in the histamine degradation; thus allowing a of capillaries and other tissues (Schayer, 1971).
relative excess of dopamine (Chronister and
DeFrance, 1981, 1982; Chronister et al., Prostaglandins and Schizophrenia
1981,1982). In 1980, Mathe reported an elevation of PGE
in cerebral spinal fluid of schizophrenics, but did
Histamine, Abnormal Capillaries and not distinguish between PGE-1 and PGE-2
Schizophrenia (Mathe et al., 1980). Later Mathe found an
Histamine is important in the production and elevation of PGE-2 and low PGE-1 in the
functioning of capillaries, and this may have an cerebral spinal fluid of schizophrenics (Mathe,
important role in schizophrenia. Abnormal 1981). Most drugs effective in schizophrenia
capillaries in schizophrenics were confirmed in raise prolactin. Prolactin in turn may stimulate
a study of capillaries in the fingernail beds of the formation of PGE-1 from its precursor
schizophrenics. Maricq and Alson of Lyons VA DGLA. The stimulation of prolactin seems to be
Medical Center discovered that many a better predictor of antipsychotic action than
schizophrenics lack true hairpin-shaped any other test (Clemins, Smalstig and Shaar,
capillaries (Maricq and Alson, 1963a, 1963b). 1974). Schizophrenics are more resistant to pain;
They found instead a sub-capillary plexus, a low levels of PGE-1 and histamine, both of
structure that normally disappears early in life. which are lowered in the brain by morphine
Associated with the plexus they found a glossy (Collier and Roy, 1974), are accompanied by
skin on the dorsal side of the terminal phalanx low sensitivity to pain. We also know that the
and sweat ducts that are long and straight rather low histamine patients are relatively pain-
than coiled as are normal ones. Capillary abnor-

insensitive (Pfeiffer, 1975). Schizophrenics DGLA and the 1-series prostaglandins, but have
may show improved mental states during fever; an excess of arachidonic acid and its two series
fever raises brain PGE-1 (Horrobin, 1979). This prostaglandin derivatives (Horrobin and Huang,
indirect evidence suggests that PGE-1 levels or 1983). A lack of PGE-1 could therefore lead to
activity may be low in schizophrenia, and that an apparent excess of dopamine. An excess of
the levels of arachidonic acid and the 2-series dopamine is currently the most popular idea
prostaglandins may be high. concerning the mechanism of schizophrenia.
Normally PGE-1 inhibits ADP induced platelet
Direct Evidence of PGE-1 Deficiency in aggregation. Kaiya found that this inhibiting
Schizophrenia effect of PGE-1 was reduced in platelets from
Abdulla and Hamada (1975) observed that schizophrenic patients (Kaiya et al., 1983). This
the platelets from schizophrenics failed to make same group reported that three of six
PGE-1 in response to ADP, while those from schizophrenics responded to intravenous PGE-1
normal subjects and affective disorder patients (Kaiya, 1984). This report, reminiscent of
made substantial amounts (400-500 percent histamine therapy, adds to the direct evidence
increase in ADP). Also PGE-1 stimulation of supporting the idea that PGE-1 plays a role in
platelet cyclicAMP from schizophrenics was schizophrenia.
blunted compared to the controls (Rotrosen et
al., 1978). It was demonstrated that this blunted Omega 6 and Omega 3 Oils
response to PGE-1 by platelets of schizophrenic Figure 3 shows the metabolic pathways of
patients was due to a membrane associated two essential fatty acids. The one on the left is
abnormality of the receptor system and not the omega-6 series which forms the precursors
adenylate cyclase itself (Garver et al., 1982). of DGLA and the 1-series prostaglandins, and
Red cells may be deficient in both DGLA and also arachidonic acid and the 2-series
linoleic acid, and high in arachidonic acid prostaglandins. On the right are the omega-3 oils
(Hitzmann and Garver, 1981). Mathe (1981) and their derivatives which form the 3-series
found an elevation of PGE-2 and low PGE-1 in prostaglandins.
the CSF from schizophrenics. This direct Rudin has reported that linseed oil which
evidence strongly suggests that schizo- contains alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) is
phrenics are deficient in linoleic acid, GLA,

Figure 3. The omega-6 (left) and the omega-3 (right)

pathways of prostaglandin


effective in cases of intermittent schizophrenia, and large amounts of alcohol. Also cancer,
manic depression, and phobic disorders. He aging, viruses and radiation interfere with GLA
also gives nutrients such as niacin, Pyridoxine production. This blockade can be bypassed by
and zinc to convert the substrate essential fatty giving GLA or Evening Primrose Oil directly
acids to prostaglandins. Rudin states that if (Horrobin, 1983).
enough of the substrate is given, the patient will While Horrobin, Rudin and others have found
need less vitamins and minerals to convert the low Cis-linoleic acid blood levels in
essential fatty acids to prostaglandins; thus schizophrenia, Pecora found high levels of cis-
mega doses can be avoided (Rudin, 1982). linoleic acid in chronic schizophrenic patients
Members of both series are important in who had high fasting insulin levels and elevated
brain structure and for prostaglandin formation. urinary kryptopyrole (Pecora, 1983). Insulin,
Normally the desaturase enzymes which pyridoxal phosphate, zinc and magnesium are
metabolize essential fatty acids have higher required for the delta-6-desaturase to convert
affinity for the omega-3 series. It is proposed cis-linoleic acid into GLA (Horrobin, 1983).
that in schizophrenia a mutant desaturase is Pyroluric schizophrenic patients, with elevated
present which prefers omega-6 oils (Horrobin urinary kryptopyrole (Pfeiffer et al., 1972a) may
and Huang, 1983). This would account for the have a disturbance in delta-6 desaturase and ele-
low levels of Cis-linoleic acid, GLA and vated levels of cis-linoleic acid since the
DGLA and also account for the high levels of important cofactors vitamin B6 and zinc may be
arachidonic acid and alpha-linolenic acid found differentially lacking in these patients (Pfeiffer
in schizophrenia (Obi and Nwanze, 1979). et al., 1974).
Omega-9 oils such as oleic acid (olive oil) Figure 4 shows blocking factors between
greatly reduce the desaturation of DGLA to stored DGLA and free DGLA and between free
arachidonic acid (Lowry and Tinsely, 1966). It DGLA and PGE-1. Methadone, dilantin, lithium,
should also be noted that Culp and Titus (1979) parlodel and methionine block the formation
found that EPA inhibits the conversion of AA of PGE-1 and also are used in the treatment of
to its 2-series products. The conversion of histadelia (high histamine). Methionine, which
linoleic acid to GLA is susceptible to aggravates histapenia, in large doses inhibits the
interference by many factors these include uptake of histidine the precursor of histamine
saturated and trans fatty acids, processed (Pfeiffer, 1984).
vegetable oils

Figure 4. Blocking factors and the formation of

PGE-1 from its precursors.


Co-factors in the Formation of PCs Niacin and Ascorbic Acid are needed to convert
Summarizing (Fig. 5), the co-factors required free-DGLA to PGE-1. To decrease PGE-2 and
in the conversion of PGE-1 from cis-Linoleic increase PGE-1, oleic acid will block the
Acid are vitamin B6, zinc and magnesium to formation of AA from DGLA. Alpha-linolenic
form Gamma-Linolenic Acid. If this primary acid or linseed oil which forms EPA or
pathway is blocked, it can be bypassed by fish oils containing EPA, block the conversion
giving GLA as Evening Primrose Oil directly. of AA to the 2-series prostaglandins.
GLA is then converted to di-hommo-gamma
linolenic acid via elongase which also requires Conclusion and Summary
vitamin B6. It is then stored in cellular This paper demonstrates an interrelationship
membranes and must first be mobilized for between histamine and prostaglandins, which
conversion to PGE-1. Factors which tend to may have some significance in the diagnosis and
mobilize stored GLA, or the so-called treatment of schizophrenia. A most striking
"Releasing Agents" include zinc and prolactin. observation is that histamine and prostaglandin
Thromboxane A2, which can be stimulated E-l (PGE-1) levels seem to move in the same
by melatonin or small amounts of colchicine direction. That is, substances which raise
which actions in turn are enhanced by histidine, histamine also raise PGE-1. Conversely,
may act as a DGLA releasing factor. Also, substances which lower histamine also lower
penicillin (Vaddadi, 1979; Chouinard, Annable PGE-1.
and Horrobin, 1978), penicillamine (Nicholson Two important and independent theories
et al., 1966), and Captopril (Parmigiani, 1982) involving the etiology of schizophrenia are
all of which have been found to be disturbances of histamine metabolism and
beneficial in the treatment of schizophrenia disturbances in prostaglandin metabolism,
may also act by mobilizing membrane-bound notably PGE-1. Some of the substances that
DGLA. Folic Acid may also be a co-factor for raise both histamine and PGE-1 are small
the cyclo-oxygenase stage (AA and DGLA amounts of alcohol, penicillamine, folic acid,
conversion to endoperoxides) (Horrobin, zinc (storage of histamine), histidine, prolactin,
1979b). If Folic Acid is lacking, PG formation Pyridoxine, niacin and chlorpromazine
will diminish.


Substances that lower both histamine and PGE- accumbens. Dopamine effects can be mimicked
1 are copper, dilantin, methadone and by a net decrease in histamine receptors or an in-
methionine. Histamine and PGE-1 are sti- crease in the histamine degradation, thus causing
mulated by phospholipase-A2, increased by a relative excess of dopamine.
ADP platelet stimulation, decreased by Support for decreased PGE-1 and elevated
imidazole and epinephrine, and inhibited by PGE-2 in schizophrenia was reported by Mathe
eicosa-5, 8, 11,14-tetraoic acid ("ETYA" an in 1981 in his studies of prostaglandins in the
analog of arachidonic acid). CSF from schizophrenic patients. Abdulla and
Both histamine and PGE-1 stimulate cyclic Hamada observed in 1975 that platelets from
AMP formation, contract smooth muscle, normals and affective disorders made substantial
increase vascular permeability, sensitize pain amounts of PGE-1 in response to ADP, while in
receptors, inhibit the release of norepinephrine, schizophrenics the platelets failed to produce
potentiate histamine edema, decrease PGE-1 in response to ADP stimulation.
locomotor activity, and reduce B-lymphocyte Hisanabu Kaiya found reduced inhibition of
activity. platelet aggregation by PGE-1 in platelets from
In regard to the coincidence of clinical and schizophrenics exposed to ADP. Recently,
biochemical findings among the low histamine Hisanabu Kaiya reported three of six schizo-
(histapenic) and the low PGE-1 patients, both phrenic patients responded to intravenous PGE-
low histamine and low PGE-1 patients have 1.
reduced wheal and flair reactions, fewer Rudin has found alpha-linolenic acid rich
allergies and colds, low incidence of niacin linseed oil and EPA rich fish oils to be effective
flush, low incidence of headaches and may in schizophrenia; EPA blocks the conversion of
have elevated levels of copper and low levels arachidonic acid to the 2-series prostaglandins.
of zinc. Horrobin proposes that a mutant fatty acid
Therapeutic agents for both the low histamine desaturase present in schizophrenia prefers the
and low PGE-1 type patients are similar. Folic Omega-6 series over the Omega-3 series. This
acid, ascorbic acid, niacin, zinc, Pyridoxine, would account for the low levels of cis-Linoleic
penicillamine, high protein diets and acid, GLA and DGLA and the high levels of
neuroleptics which raise histamine (e.g. arachidonic acid and alpha-linolenic acid found
through partial inhibition of methyl trans: in schizophrenia. We suspect that the "pyroluric
ferase) and also raise PGE-1 (via prolactin patient", representing a sub-group of
elevation) are effective in the treatment of both schizophrenic patients highly dependent upon
types of schizophrenia. The essential fatty zinc and Pyridoxine, may also have a "block" in
acids (cis-linoleic acid or safflower oil, GLA or delta-6-desaturase and therefore elevated cis-
Evening Primrose Oil, alpha-linolenic acid or linoleic acid blood levels.
linseed oil, and EPA or fish oils) considered to Methadone, phenytoin, lithium, bromo-
be effective in the low PGE-1 type patients, cryptine and methionine block the formation of
may also be effective adjuncts in the treatment PGE-1 and are also used in the treatment of
of the low histamine patient. Evidence was histadelia (high histamine type patients).
given for histamine being etiological in Methionine, which aggravates histapenia (low
schizophrenia. Mast cells (storage sites of non- histamine type), in large doses inhibits the
neuronal histamine) are relatively scarce in the uptake of histidine (the histamine precursor) in
skin of schizophrenics, and increase in the brain.
response to therapy. In the nucleus accumbens, In summary, all the co-factors that Pfeiffer
histamine works through the histamine (H2) uses in the treatment of the low histamine type
receptors. The nucleus accumbens is believed schizophrenic patient are also essential in the
to be a possible site of antipsychotic drug production of prostaglandins from the essential
action. In 1982 Chronister and DeFrance noted fatty acid substrates that are lacking in
that there may be an attentional deficit in schizophrenia according to Horrobin, Rudin and
schizophrenia caused by an imbalance in others.
dopamine and histamine modulation of afferent By distinguishing the schizophrenic subtypes
hippo-campal activity in the nucleus clinically and biochemically, according

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