1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

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1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Standard ControlLogix Catalog Numbers 1756-CN2, 1756-CN2R, 1756-CNB, 1756-CNBR, 1756-CN2RK, 1756-DNB,
1756-DHRIO, 1756-DH485, 1756-EN2F, 1756-EN2T, 1756-EN2TR, 1756-EN3TR, 1756-EN2TSC, 1756-ENBT, 1756-EWEB,
1756-RIO, 1756-SYNCH, 1756-TIME

ControlLogix-XT Catalog Numbers 1756-CN2RXT, 1756-DHRIOXT, 1756-EN2TXT, 1756-EN2TRXT

Topic Page
Additional Resources 2
New and Updated Information 2
Available Communication Modules 2
EtherNet/IP Network 4
Stratix Switches 12
ControlNet Network 13
DeviceNet Network 21
DH+ and Remote I/O Networks 24
DH-485 Network 30
SynchLink Communication 32
Time Synchronization 34
1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Additional Resources
These documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.
Resource Description
EtherNet/IP Modules Installation Instructions, publication ENET-IN002 Provides information on installing EtherNet/IP modules.
EtherNet/IP Secure Communication User Manual, publication ENET-UM003 Provides information on system architecture, configuring secure communication, and
ControlNet Modules Installation Instructions, publication CNET-IN005 Provides instructions for installing ControlNet modules.
ControlLogix System User Manual, publication 1756-UM001 Provides information on system architecture, configuring secure communication, and
DeviceNet Network Configuration User Manual, publication DNET-UM004 Provides information on system architecture, configuring communication, and diagnostics.
ControlLogix DH-485 Communication Module User Manual, publication 1756-UM532 Provides information on system architecture, configuring communication, and diagnostics.
ControlLogix Data Highway Plus-Remote I/O Communication Interface Module Provides information about programming, messaging, applying, and connecting the
User Manual, publication 1756-UM514 module.
ControlLogix SynchLink Module User Manual, publication 1756-UM521 Provides information about topologies, configurations, planning, and installing a Synchlink
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1 Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.
Product Certifications website, http://www.ab.com Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.

You can view or download publications at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/literature/. To order paper copies of

technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor or Rockwell Automation sales representative.

New and Updated Information

This table contains the changes made in this revision.
Topic Page
Added the 1756-TIME Time Synchronization module 34

Available Communication Modules

Network Cat. No. Description Page
EtherNet/IP 1756-EN2F EtherNet/IP bridge, fiber, 256 Logix connections 6
1756-EN2T EtherNet/IP bridge, copper, 256 Logix connections 6
1756-EN2TSC EtherNet/IP secure communication module 6
1756-EN2TR EtherNet/IP bridge, embedded switch, copper 6
Supports as many as 8 axis of motion
1756-EN3TR EtherNet/IP bridge, embedded switch, copper 6
Supports as many as 128 axis of motion
1756-ENBT EtherNet/IP bridge, copper, 128 Logix connections 6
1756-EWEB Ethernet web server, 128 Logix connections, Class 3 messaging only 6
1756-EN2TXT ControlLogix-XT, EtherNet/IP bridge, copper, 256 Logix connections 6
1756-EN2TRXT ControlLogix-XT EtherNet/IP bridge module with embedded switch 6

2 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Network Cat. No. Description Page

ControlNet 1756-CN2/B, 1756-CN2/C ControlNet bridge, 128 Logix connections 13
1756-CN2R/B, 1756-CN2R/C
1756-CNB, 1756-CNBR ControlNet bridge, 64 connections; recommend using only 4048 Logix 13
connections for I/O
1756-CN2RXT ControlLogix-XT, ControlNet bridge, 128 Logix connections(1) 17
DeviceNet 1756-DNB/E DeviceNet bridge 21
Data Highway Plus 1756-DHRIO Data Highway Plus/Remote I/O module 25
1756-DHRIOXT ControlLogix-XT, Data Highway Plus/Remote I/O module 27
Remote I/O 1756-DHRIO Data Highway Plus/Remote I/O module 25
1756-RIO/B Remote I/O module 25
1756-DHRIOXT ControlLogix-XT, Data Highway Plus/Remote I/O module 27
DH-485 module 1756-DH485 DH-485 module 30
SynchLink 1756-SYNCH SynchLink fiber-optic communication link 32
Time Synchronization 1756-TIME Time synchronization on different interfaces by using Global Positioning System 34
(GPS) technology.

(1) 128 connections are available for standard use. An additional three connections are reserved for redundant control.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 3

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Communication Connections

A ControlLogix system uses connections to establish communication links between devices. The types of connections
include the following:
Controller-to-local I/O modules or local communication modules
Controller-to-remote I/O or remote communication modules
Controller-to-remote I/O (rack-optimized) modules
Produced and consumed tags
Controller access with the Studio 5000 environment
Controller access with RSLinx software for HMI or other applications

You indirectly determine the number of connections the controller uses by configuring the controller to communicate with
other devices in the system. The limit of connections may ultimately reside in the communication module you use for the
connection. If a message path routes through a communication module, the connection that is related to the message also
counts towards the connection limit of that communication module.

EtherNet/IP Network
The Ethernet Industrial (EtherNet/IP) network protocol is an open industrial-networking standard that
supports both real-time I/O messaging and message exchange. The EtherNet/IP network uses
off-the-shelf Ethernet communication chips and physical media.

If you need to Select this interface

Control I/O modules and drives 1756-EN2F bridge
Act as an adapter for I/O on remote EtherNet/IP links 1756-EN2T bridge
Communicate with other EtherNet/IP devices (messages and HMI) 1756-ENBT bridge
Bridge EtherNet/IP links to route messages to devices on other networks
Support device level ring (DLR) and linear topologies 1756-EN2TR redundant bridge
1756-EN3TR redundant bridge
Provide control in environments where temperatures range from -2570 C (-13158 F) 1756-EN2TXT bridge
Support device level ring (DLR) and linear topologies 1756-EN2TRXT redundant bridge
Provide control in environments where temperatures range from -2570 C (-13158 F)
Secure access to a control system from within the plant network 1756-EN2TSC bridge
Use an Internet browser to remotely access tags in a ControlLogix controller 1756-EWEB web server
Communicate with other EtherNet/IP or generic Ethernet devices (messaging only; no I/O control)
Bridge EtherNet/IP links to route messages to devices on other networks

4 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

EtherNet/IP Network Specifications

Table 1 - ControlLogix EtherNet/IP Connections Specifications
Cat. No. Connections CIP Unconnected
Messages (backplane +
TCP CIP(1) Ethernet)
1756-ENBT 64 128 64 + 64
1756-EN2F 128 256 128 + 128
1756-EN2T 128 256 128 + 128
1756-EN2TXT 128 256 128 + 128
1756-EN2TR 128 256 128 + 128
1756-EN2TRXT 128 256 128 + 128
1756-EN2TSC 128 256 128 + 128
1756-EN3TR 128 256 128 + 128
1756-EWEB 64 128(1) 128 + 128
(1) CIP connections can be used for all explicit or all implicit applications. For example, a 1756-ENBT module has a
total of 128 CIP connections that can be used for any combination of connections.

Table 2 - ControlLogix EtherNet/IP Data Specifications

Cat. No. Produced/Consumed Tags Socket Services SNMP Support Duplicate IP Detection
(password required) (starting revision)
Number of Multicast Unicast Available in
Tags, Max(1) RSLogix 5000 Software
1756-ENBT 32 Version 16.03.00 or later No Yes Revision 3.3
1756-EN2F 32 Version 16.03.00 or later Yes Yes Revision 1.x
1756-EN2T 32 Version 16.03.00 or later Yes Yes Revision 1.x
1756-EN2TXT 32 Version 16.03.00 or later Yes Yes Revision 1.x
1756-EN2TR 32 Version 17.01.02 or later Yes Yes Revision 1.x
1756-EN2TRXT 32 Version 20.01.00 or later Yes Yes Revision 1.x
1756-EN2TSC 32 Version 20.01.00 or later No Yes Revision 1.x
1756-EN3TR 32 Version 18.02.00 or later Yes Yes Revision 3.x
1756-EWEB N/A N/A Yes Yes Revision 2.2
(1) Each controller can send a maximum of 32 produced tags to one single consuming controller. If these same tags are sent to multiple consumers, the maximum number is 31.

Table 3 - ControlLogix EtherNet/IP Packet Rates Specifications

Cat. No. Firmware RSLogix 5000 RSLinx Software Packet Rate Capacity (packets/ Support for Integrated Motion
Revision Software Version Version second)(2) Extended on the EtherNet/IP
Environment Network Axes
1756-ENBT Any 8.02.00 or later 2.30 or later 5000 900 No N/A
1756-EN2F 2.x 15.02.00 or later 2.51 or later 10,000 2000 No N/A
3.6 or later 18.02.00 or later 25,000 Up to 4 axes
Up to 8 axes
1756-EN2T 2.x or earlier 15.02.00 or later 2.51 or later 10,000 2000 No N/A
3.6 or later 18.02.00 or later 25,000(4) Up to 8 axes

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1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 3 - ControlLogix EtherNet/IP Packet Rates Specifications

Cat. No. Firmware RSLogix 5000 RSLinx Software Packet Rate Capacity (packets/ Support for Integrated Motion
Revision Software Version Version second)(2) Extended on the EtherNet/IP
Environment Network Axes
1756-EN2TXT 2.x 15.02.00 or later 2.51 or later 10,000 2000 Yes N/A
(1) (4)
3.6 or later 18.02.00 or later 25,000 Up to 8 axes
1756-EN2TR 2.x 17.01.02 or later 2.55 or later 10,000 2000 No N/A
(1) (4)
3.6 or later 18.02.00 or later 2.56 or later 25,000 Up to 8 axes
1756-EN2TRXT 5.028 or later 20.01.00 or later 2.56 or later 25,000(4) 2000 Yes N/A
1756-EN2TSC 5.028 or later 20.01.00 or later 2.56 or later 25,000 930 with encryption No N/A
1800 without
1756-EN3TR 3.6 or later 18.02.00 or later(1) 2.56 or later 25,000(4) 2000 No Up to 255 axes
(1) This version is required to use CIP Sync technology, Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network, or Exact Match keying.
(2) I/O numbers are maximums; they assume no HMI/MSG. HMI/MSG numbers are maximums, they assume no I/O. Packet rates vary depending on packet size. For more details, see
Troubleshoot EtherNet/IP Application Technique, publication ENET-AT003, and the EDS file for a specific catalog number.

(3) Module operates in a broad temperature spectrum, -2070 C (-4158 F), and meets ANSI/ISA-S71.04-1985 Class G1, G2 and G3, as well as cULus, Class 1 Div 2, C-Tick, CE, ATEX Zone 2 and SIL 2
requirements for increased protection against salts, corrosives, moisture/condensation, humidity, and fungal growth.
(4) This value assumes the use of a 1756-L7x ControlLogix controller. For a 1756-L6x ControlLogix controller, see ControlLogix Controllers User Manual, publication 1756-UM001.

Table 4 - Technical Specifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP Modules

Attribute 1756-EN2F/C 1756-EN2T/D, 1756-EN2TR/C, 1756-ENBT/A 1756-EWEB/B
1756-EN2TSC/B 1756-EN3TR/B
EtherNet/IP 10/100 Mbps
communication rate
Current draw @ 5.1V DC 1.2 A 1A 1A 700 mA 700 mA
Current draw @ 24V DC 3 mA 3 mA 3 mA
Voltage and current ratings 5.1 V DC, 1.2A
Power dissipation 6.2 W 5.1 W 5.1 W 3.7 W 3.7 W
Thermal dissipation 21.28 BTU/hr 17.4 BTU/hr 17.4 BTU/hr 12.6 BTU/hr 12.6 BTU/hr
Isolation voltage 30V (continuous), Basic 30V (continuous), Basic 30V (continuous), Basic 30V (continuous), basic 30V (continuous), basic
Insulation Type, USB to Insulation Type, Ethernet to Insulation Type, Ethernet to insulation type, Ethernet insulation type, Ethernet
Backplane Backplane, USB to Backplane, USB to network to backplane network to backplane
Type tested at980V AC Backplane, and USB to Backplane, and USB to Type tested @ 707V DC for Type tested @ 707V DC for
for 60 s Ethernet(3) Ethernet(3) 60 s 60 s
Type tested at 980V AC for Type tested at 980V AC for
60 s 60 s
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis-based, any slot
Chassis 1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
Power supply, standard 1756-PA72, 1756-PA75, 1756-PB72, 1756-PB75, 1756-PC75, 1756-PH75
Power supply, redundant 1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2
Ethernet port 1 Ethernet fiber 1 Ethernet RJ45 Category 5 2 Ethernet RJ45 Category 5 1 Ethernet RJ45 Category 5
Ethernet cable Multimode fiber, LC 802.3 compliant shielded 802.3 compliant shielded 802.3 compliant shielded 802.3 compliant shielded
connector or unshielded twisted pair or unshielded twisted pair or unshielded twisted pair or unshielded twisted pair

6 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 4 - Technical Specifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP Modules

Attribute 1756-EN2F/C 1756-EN2T/D, 1756-EN2TR/C, 1756-ENBT/A 1756-EWEB/B
1756-EN2TSC/B 1756-EN3TR/B
USB port(1) USB 1.1, full speed (12 USB 1.1, full speed (12 USB 1.1, full speed (12
Mbps) Mbps Mbps
Wiring category(2) 3 - on USB ports 2 - on Ethernet ports 2 - on Ethernet ports 2 - on Ethernet ports 2 - on Ethernet ports
3 - on USB ports 3 - on USB ports
North American T4A
temperature code
IEC temperature code T4
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
Transmitter launch power -19 dBm into 62.5/125 m
at Beginning of Life (BOL), fiber, N/A = 0.275
min -22.5 dBm into 50/125 m
Allow -1 dB at End of Life fiber, N/A = 0.20
(1) The USB port is intended for temporary local programming purposes only and not intended for permanent connection. Do not use the USB port in hazardous locations.
(2) Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
publication 1770-4.1.

(3) Applies only to these modules/series: 1756-EN2T/D,1756-EN2TSC/B, 1756-EN2TR/C,1756-EN3TR/B.

Table 5 - Environmental Specifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP Modules

Attribute 1756-EN2F/B 1756-EN2T/D, 1756-EN2TR/C, 1756-ENBT/A,
1756-EN2TSC/B 1756-EN3TR/B 1756-EWEB/B
Temperature, operating 060 C (32140 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max 60 C (140 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating
Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating
Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged damp heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 30 g 30 g(1) 30 g(1) 50 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Emission Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4)
ESD immunity 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges

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1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 5 - Environmental Specifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP Modules (Continued)

Attribute 1756-EN2F/B 1756-EN2T/D, 1756-EN2TR/C, 1756-ENBT/A,
1756-EN2TSC/B 1756-EN3TR/B 1756-EWEB/B
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave
IEC 61000-4-3 80% AM from 802000 80% AM from 802000 80% AM from 802000 80% AM from 802000
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% 10V/m with 200 Hz 50%
Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% 10V/m with 200 Hz 50%
Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 1V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave
80% AM from 20002700 80% AM from 20002700 80% AM from 20002700 80% AM from 20002700
EFT/B immunity 3 kV at 5 kHz on Ethernet 3 kV at 5 kHz on Ethernet 2 kV at 5 kHz on Ethernet
IEC 61000-4-4 ports(1) ports(1) ports
Surge transient immunity 2 kV line-earth (CM) on 2 kV line-earth (CM) on 2 kV line-earth (CM) on
IEC 61000-4-5 Ethernet ports Ethernet ports Ethernet ports
Conducted RF immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6
(1) Applies only to these modules/series: 1756-EN2T/D,1756-EN2TSC/B, 1756-EN2TR/C,1756-EN3TR/B.

Table 6 - Certifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP Modules

Certification(1) 1756-EN2T/D 1756-EN2F/C 1756-EN2TSC/B 1756-EN2TR/C, 1756-ENBT/A 1756-EWEB/B
c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.
UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.
CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA CSA Certified Process CSA Certified Process
File LR54689C. Control Equipment. See Control Equipment. See
CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, CSA File LR54689C. CSA File LR54689C.
Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See CSA Certified Process CSA Certified Process
CSA File LR69960C. Control Equipment for Control Equipment for
Class I, Division 2 Group Class I, Division 2 Group
A,B,C,D Hazardous A,B,C,D Hazardous
Locations. See CSA File Locations. See CSA File
LR69960C. LR69960C.
CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
Ex European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection n
EN 60079-0; General Requirements
II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X
DEMKO13ATEX1325026X (1756-EN2T/C only)
FM All modules except 1756-EN2TSC: FM Approved Equipment for use in Class I Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations
IECEx IECEx System,
compliant with:
IEC 60079-15;
Potentially Explosive
Protection "n"
IEC 60079-0; General
II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc
IECEx UL 14.0008X

8 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 6 - Certifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP Modules

Certification(1) 1756-EN2T/D 1756-EN2F/C 1756-EN2TSC/B 1756-EN2TR/C, 1756-ENBT/A 1756-EWEB/B
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
EAC Russian Customs Union TR CU 020/2011 EMC Technical Regulation, compliant with:
Russian Customs Union TR CU 004/2011 LV Technical Regulation, compliant with:
EtherNet/IP ODVA conformance tested to EtherNet/IP specifications
(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

Table 7 - Technical Specifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP-XT Modules

Attribute 1756-EN2TXT/D, 1756-EN2TRXT/C
EtherNet/IP communication rate 10/100 Mbps
Logix communication connections 256
TCP/IP communication connections 128
Current draw @ 5.1V DC 1A
Power dissipation 5.1 W
Thermal dissipation 17.4 BTU/hr
Isolation voltage 30V (continuous), Basic Insulation Type, Ethernet to Backplane, USB to Backplane, and USB to Ethernet(1)
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis-based, any slot
Chassis 1756-A4LXT, 1756-A5XT, 1756-A7XT, 1756-A7LXT
Power supply, standard 1756-PAXT, 1756-PBXT
Power supply, redundant None
Ethernet port 2 Ethernet RJ45 Category 5
Ethernet cable 802.3 compliant shielded or unshielded twisted pair
USB port(2) USB 1.1, full speed (12 Mbps)
Wiring category (3) 2 - on Ethernet ports
3 - on USB ports
North American temperature code T4A
IEC temperature code T4
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
(1) Applies only to these modules/series: 1756-EN2TXT/D, 1756-EN2TRXT/C.
(2) The USB port is intended for temporary local programming purposes only and not intended for permanent connection. Do not use the USB port in hazardous locations.
(3) Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
publication 1770-4.1.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 9

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 8 - Environmental Specifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP-XT Module

Attribute 1756-EN2TXT/D, 1756-EN2TRXT/C
Temperature, operating -2570 C (-13158 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max 70 C (158 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged damp heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Emissions Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4)
ESD immunity 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8k V air discharges
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz
EFT/B immunity 3 kV at 5 kHz on Ethernet ports(1)
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge transient immunity 2 kV line-earth (CM) on Ethernet ports
IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted RF immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6
(1) Applies only to these modules/series: 1756-EN2TXT/D, 1756-EN2TRXT/C.

Table 9 - Certifications - 1756 EtherNet/IP-XT Module

Certification(1) 1756-EN2TXT/D, 1756-EN2TRXT/C
c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.
UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.
CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
Ex European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection n
EN 60079-0; General Requirements II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
EtherNet/IP ODVA conformance tested to EtherNet/IP specifications

10 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

ENET Module Diagrams

Figure 1 - 1756-EN2T


Figure 2 - 1756-EN2TR, 1756-EN3TR


Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 11

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Figure 3 - 1756-EN2F


AccessoriesEthernet Network
Cat. No. Description Specifications
1585J-M8PBJM-x Ethernet RJ45 patchcord 8-conductor, teal riser PVC cable (flex-rated cable also available)
x = 2 (2 m), 5 (5 m), or 10 (10 m)
1585J-M8CC-H RJ45 insulation displacement connector (IDC) 0.1280.325 mm2 (2622 AWG), Cat. 6, IDC, no tool required
1585J-M8CC-C RJ45 crimp connector with boot, qty = 50 pieces 0.1280.205 mm2 (2624 AWG), Cat. 5e, requires crimp tool for assembly
1585A-JCRIMP Crimp tool
9300-RADES Remote access dial-in kit 56 Kbps modem connection to devices on an Ethernet network

Stratix Switches
To effectively manage real-time control and information flow throughout the manufacturing and IT enterprise, Rockwell
Automation offers a full portfolio of industrial Ethernet switches and media, including a line of Stratix switches integrated
with Cisco technology. The Stratix line of switches includes modular managed, fixed managed, and unmanaged switches.

For detailed specifications for Stratix switches, see Stratix Ethernet Switch Specifications Technical Data, publication

12 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

ControlNet Network
The ControlNet network is an open, control network for real-time, high-throughput applications. The
ControlNet network uses the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) to combine the functionality of an I/O network
and a peer-to-peer network providing high-speed performance for both functions. The ControlNet network gives
you deterministic, repeatable transfers of all mission-critical control data in addition to supporting transfers of
non-time-critical data. I/O updates and controller-to-controller interlocking always take precedence over program
uploads and downloads, and messaging.

If your application requires Select one of these interfaces

128 ControlNet connections per communication module 1756-CN2/B
Control in environments where temperatures range from 1756-CN2RXT/C
-2570 C (-13158 F)
4048 ControlNet connections per communication module 1756-CNB

Connect to Other Devices via a ControlNet Network

The Studio 5000 environment supports a generic ControlNet module that allows connections to ControlNet nodes for
which there is no specific support currently available in the programming software. A module configured as a generic
ControlNet module communicates with the controller in the form of input, output, status, and configuration tags.

For example, use the generic module configuration to set up communication between a ControlLogix controller and a
1203-CN1 ControlNet communication module. Then use the CIP generic MSG instruction type to send and receive
messages from the 1203-CN1 module.
Table 10 - Technical Specifications - 1756 ControlNet Modules
Attribute 1756-CN2/C 1756-CN2R/C, 1756-CN2RK/C 1756-CNB/E 1756-CNBR/E
Configuration Standard Redundant Standard Redundant
ControlNet communication rate 5 Mbps
Logix communication connections 128 4048
Connections supported, max 131(3) 64
Number of nodes, max 99
Current draw @ 5.1V DC 1100 mA 1300 mA 970 mA
Current draw @ 24V DC 3 mA 1.7 mA
Power dissipation 5.6 W 6.7 W 5.1 W
Thermal dissipation 19.1 BTU/Hr 22.9 BTU/hr 17.4 BTU/hr

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 13

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 10 - Technical Specifications - 1756 ControlNet Modules (Continued)

Attribute 1756-CN2/C 1756-CN2R/C, 1756-CN2RK/C 1756-CNB/E 1756-CNBR/E
Isolation voltage Standard: 30V (continuous), basic insulation type, ControlNet network to backplane
Redundant: 30V (continuous), basic insulation type, ControlNet A/B to backplane, and ControlNet A to ControlNet B
USB to backplane and USB to ControlNet
No isolation between NAP or USB and backplane
Type tested at 500V AC for 60 s
Weight, approx. 0.26 kg (0.57 lb) 0.293 kg (0.64 lb) 0.26 kg (0.57 lb) 0.293 kg (0.64 lb)
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis-based, any slot
Chassis 1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
Power supply, standard 1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B
Power supply, redundant 1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2
ControlNet port 1 ControlNet BNC 2 ControlNet BNC 1 ControlNet BNC 2 ControlNet BNC
ControlNet cable 1786-RG6 quad shield RG6 coaxial cable
USB port(1) USB 1.1, full speed (12 Mbps)
NAP port 1 NAP RJ45 1 NAP RJ45
NAP cable 1786-CP
Wiring category(2) 1 - on ControlNet ports 1 - on ControlNet ports
3 - on USB ports 3 - on NAP ports
North American temperature code T4A
IEC temperature code T4
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
(1) The USB port is intended for temporary local programming purposes only and not intended for permanent connection. Do not use the USB port in hazardous locations.
(2) Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
publication 1770-4.1.
(3) 128 connections are available for standard use. An additional three connections are reserved for redundant control.

14 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 11 - Environmental Specifications - 1756 ControlNet Modules

Attribute 1756-CN2/C, 1756-CN2R/C, 1756-CN2RK/C 1756-CNB/E,

Temperature, operating 060 C (32140 F)

IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max 60 C (140 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 30 g 50 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Emissions Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4)
ESD immunity 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz
EFT/B immunity 3 kV at 5 kHz on ControlNet ports
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge transient immunity 2 kV line-earth (CM) on ControlNet ports
IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted RF immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 15

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 12 - Certifications - 1756 ControlNet Modules

Certification(1) 1756-CN2R/B, 1756-CNB/E, 1756-CNBR/E 1756-CN2/C, 1756-CN2R/C, 1756-CN2RK/C
c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.
UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.
CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C. NA
CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D
Hazardous Locations. See CSA File LR69960C.
CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with: EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
Ex European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection n
EN 60079-0; General Requirements
II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
FM FM Approved Equipment for use in Class I Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations
CI ControlNet International conformance tested to ControlNet specifications
(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

16 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 13 - Technical Specifications - 1756 ControlNet-XT Module

Attribute 1756-CN2RXT/C
Configuration Redundant
ControlNet communication rate 5 Mbps
Logix communication connections 128
Connections supported, max 131(3)
Number of nodes, max 99
Current draw @ 5.1V DC 1300 mA
Current draw @ 24V DC 3 mA
Voltage and current ratings 5.1V DC, 1.3A
Power dissipation 6.6W
22.5 BTU/Hr
Thermal dissipation 22.9 BTU/hr
Isolation voltage 30V (continuous), Basic Insulation Type, ControlNet A/B to Backplane, ControlNet A to ControlNet B, USB to ControlNet A/B,
and USB to Backplane
Type tested at 500V AC for 60 s
Weight, approx. 0.293 kg (0.64 lb)
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis-based, any slot
Chassis 1756-A4LXT, 1756-A5XT, 1756-A7XT, 1756-A7LXT
Power supply, standard 1756-PAXT, 1756-PBXT
Power supply, redundant None
ControlNet port 2 ControlNet BNC
ControlNet cable 1786-RG6 quad-shield RG6 coaxial cable
USB port(1) USB 1.1, full speed (12 Mbps)
Wiring category(2) 1 - on ControlNet ports
3 - on USB port
North American temperature code T4A
IEC temperature code T4
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
(1) The USB port is intended for temporary local programming purposes only and not intended for permanent connection. Do not use the USB port in hazardous locations.
(2) Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
publication 1770-4.1.
(3) There are 128 connections are available for standard use. An additional 3 connections are reserved for redundant control.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 17

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 14 - Environmental Specifications - 1756 ControlNet-XT Module

Attribute 1756-CN2RXT/C
Temperature, operating -2570 C (-13158 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max 70 C (158 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 1756-CN2RXT/C, 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock) 1756-CN2RXT/B, 50 g
Emissions Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4)
ESD immunity 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz
EFT/B immunity 3 kV at 5 kHz on ControlNet ports
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge transient immunity 2 kV line-earth (CM) on ControlNet port
IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted RF immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6

18 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 15 - Certifications - 1756 ControlNet-XT Module

Certification(1) 1756-CN2RXT/C
c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.
UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.
CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
Ex European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection n
EN 60079-0; General Requirements II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
CI ControlNet International conformance tested to ControlNet specifications
(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

CNET Module Diagrams

Figure 4 - 1756-CN2


Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 19

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Figure 5 - 1756-CN2R


AccessoriesControlNet Network
Cat. No. Description
1786-TCT2BD1 T-tap straight IP67 rated
1786-TPR T-tap right angle
1786-TPS T-tap straight
1786-TPYR Y-tap right angle
1786-TPYS Y-tap straight
1786-CP Programming cable to ControlNet RJ45 port
1786-RG6 ControlNet network, shield high-flex cable
1756-RG6F ControlNet network, quad-shield high-flex coax cable
1786-TNCLXT4 ControlNet IP67 termination resistor
1786-XT ControlNet termination resistor
1786-RPA ControlNet modular repeater adapter
1786-RPCD ControlNet coaxial hub repeater
1786-RPFRL ControlNet fiber ring repeater, long distance
1786-RPFRXL ControlNet fiber ring repeater, extra long distance
1786-RPFS ControlNet fiber repeater, short distance
1786-RPFM ControlNet fiber repeater, medium distance

For more information, see ControlNet Media System Components List, publication AG-PA002.

20 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

DeviceNet Network
The DeviceNet network is open, providing connections between simple industrial devices, such as sensors
and actuators, and higher-level devices, such as controllers and computers. The DeviceNet network uses the
Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) to control, configure, and collect data for industrial devices
Table 16 - Technical Specifications - 1756-DNB DeviceNet Module
Attribute 1756-DNB/E
DeviceNet communication rate 125 Kbps (500 m max)
250 Kbps (250 m max)
500 Kbps (100 m max)
Number of nodes, max 64
Current draw @ 5.1V DC 400 mA
Current draw @ 24V DC 0 mA
DeviceNet current draw @ 24V DC 60 mA
DeviceNet voltage range 11...25V DC CL 2/SELV
Power dissipation 3.5 W
Thermal dissipation 11.9 BTU/hr
Isolation voltage 50V (continuous), basic insulation type, DeviceNet network to backplane
Type tested at 853V AC for 60 s
No isolation between USB and backplane
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis-based, any slot
Chassis 1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
Power supply, standard 1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B
Power supply, redundant 1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2
DeviceNet power To comply with the CE low voltage directive (LVD), the DeviceNet network must be powered from a source compliant
with the safety extra low voltage (SELV) or protected extra low voltage (PELV).
To comply with UL restrictions, the DeviceNet network must be powered from a source compliant with Class 2 or
limited voltage/current.
DeviceNet port 1 DeviceNet open-style 5- or 10-pin linear plug
DeviceNet connector torque 0.560.79 Nm (57 lbin)
USB port USB 2.0, full speed (12 Mbps)
Wiring category(2) 1 - On DeviceNet ports
3 - On USB ports
North American temperature code T4A
IEC temperature code T4
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
(1) The USB port is intended for temporary local programming purposes only and not intended for permanent connection. Do not use the USB port in hazardous locations.
(2) Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication
1770-4.1. Refer to the DeviceNet Media Design and Planning Guide, publication DNET-UM072, for information specific to your DeviceNet network.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 21

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 17 - Environmental Specifications - 1756-DNB DeviceNet Module

Attribute 1756-DNB/E
Temperature, operating 060 C (32140 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max 60 C (140 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating
Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 50 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Emissions Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4):
ESD immunity 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz
EFT/B immunity 3 kV at 5 kHz on DeviceNet ports
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge transient immunity 2 kV line-earth (CM) on DeviceNet ports
IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted RF immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6

22 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 18 - Certifications - 1756-DNB DeviceNet Module

Certification(1) 1756-DNB/E
c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.
UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.
CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C.
CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See CSA File
CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
Ex European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection n
EN 60079-0; General Requirements II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X
FM FM Approved Equipment for use in Class I Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
DeviceNet ODVA conformance tested to DeviceNet specifications
(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

AccessoriesDeviceNet Network
Cat. No. Description
KwikLink Lite flat media KwikLink Lite flat media is a newer, ODVA-approved solution for wiring DeviceNet networks. Drop-lines for connecting nodes are
added by using the KwikLink Lite two-piece connectors. This cable system supports the intermixing of DeviceNet cable types (thin-
round with flat). All of the KwikLink Lite connectors provide insulation displacement technology with reduced assembly time.
KwikLink flat media The KwikLink flat media system provides a modular cabling method with its flat four-wire cable and Insulation Displacement
Connectors (IDCs). The KwikLink system allows nodes to be added to the network without severing the trunkline. Cutting or stripping
of the trunkline is eliminated, as is the need for predetermined cable lengths.
Round media Round trunk cable is available in bulk spools or as pre-molded cordsets or patchcords in varying lengths. A wide variety of rugged,
durable DeviceNet components is available for use in round trunk systems. Stainless steel versions of round cable system components
are also available:
Thick-trunk round media systems use thick cable for maximum DeviceNet trunk line length.
Round media thin-trunk systems use thin cable to reduce maximum trunk line distances with a more compact and cost-effective
installation for some applications. Thin-cable outer jacket material is TPE for additional chemical resistance.

For more information on selecting DeviceNet media, see the NetLinx Selection Guide, publication NETS-SG001.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 23

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

DH+ and Remote I/O Networks

The Data Highway Plus network supports messaging between devices. The remote I/O link connects to
remote I/O chassis and other intelligent devices.

The 1756-DHRIO module supports messaging between devices on DH+ networks. The remote I/O
functionality enables the module to act as a scanner for transferring digital and block-transfer data to and
from remote I/O devices.

The 1756-RIO module can act as a scanner or adapter on a remote I/O network. In addition to digital and
block-transfer data, the 1756-RIO module transfers analog and specialty data without message

Example ConfigurationDH+ Network

PLC-5 1784-U2DHP
Studio 5000 environment
PanelView Plus

SLC 5/04 ControlLogix


Example ConfigurationRemote I/O Network

1756-DHRIO as a Remote I/O Scanner

1794 I/O
1791 I/O PanelView Plus 1756-RIO as a
PLC-5 Remote I/O Adapter

24 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 19 - Technical Specifications - 1756 DH+ and Remote I/O Modules

Attribute 1756-DHRIO/E 1756-RIO/B
Communication rate 57.6 Kbps, 115.2 Kbps, 230.4 Kbps
Remote I/O communication Remote I/O scanner only Remote I/O scanner or adapter
32 logical rack connections per remote I/O channel 32 physical racks (076), any combination of rack size
16 block-transfer connections per remote I/O channel and block transfers

Connections supported, max 32 10 scheduled I/O

Current draw @ 5.1V DC 850 mA 450 mA
Current draw @ 24V DC 1.7 mA 5 mA
Power dissipation 4.5 W 2.5 W
Thermal dissipation 15.4 BTU/hr 8.5 BTU/hr
Isolation voltage 30V (continuous), basic insulation type, DHRIO A/B to backplane, 50V (continuous), basic insulation type, RIO
and DHRIO A/programming port to DHRIO B communication lines to backplane
No isolation between DHRIO A and Programming port Type tested at 500V AC for 60 s
Type tested at 877V DC for 60 s
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis-based, any slot
Chassis 1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
Power supply, standard 1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B
Power supply, redundant 1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2
Ports 2, individually selectable for DH+ or remote I/O 1 for remote I/O
Screw terminal torque 0.50.6 Nm (57 lbin)
Wire size 0.519 mm2 (20 AWG) Belden 9463 copper twinaxial
Wiring category(1) 2 - on DHRIO ports 2 - on RIO ports
3 - on local programming port
North American temperature code T4A
IEC temperature code T4
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
(1) Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
publication 1770-4.1.

Table 20 - Environmental Specifications - 1756 DH+ and Remote I/O Modules

Attribute 1756-DHRIO/E 1756-RIO/B
Temperature, operating 060 C (32140 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max 60 C (140 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat)

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 25

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 20 - Environmental Specifications - 1756 DH+ and Remote I/O Modules (Continued)
Attribute 1756-DHRIO/E 1756-RIO/B
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 50 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Emissions Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4)
ESD immunity 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz
EFT/B immunity 2 kV at 5 kHz 2 kV at 5 kHz
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge transient immunity 2 kV line-earth (CM)
IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted RF immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6

Table 21 - Certifications - 1756 DH+ and Remote I/O Modules

Certification(1) 1756-DHRIO/E 1756-RIO/B
c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.
UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.
CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C.
CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D
Hazardous Locations. See CSA File LR69960C.
CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
Ex European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection n
EN 60079-0; General Requirements II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

26 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 22 - Technical Specifications - 1756 DH+ and Remote I/O XT Module

Attribute 1756-DHRIOXT/E
Communication rate 57.6 Kbps, 115.2 Kbps, 230.4 Kbps
DH+ communication connections 32 DH+ messages per DH+ module
Remote I/O communication connections Remote I/O scanner only
32 logical rack connections per remote I/O channel
16 block-transfer connections per remote I/O channel
Connections supported, max 32
Current draw @ 5.1V DC 850 mA
Current draw @ 24V DC 1.7 mA
Power dissipation 4.5 W
Thermal dissipation 15.4 BTU/hr
Isolation voltage 30V (continuous), basic insulation type, DHRIO A/B to backplane, and DHRIO A/programming port to
No Isolation between DHRIO A and Programming port
Type tested at 853V AC for 60 s
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis-based, any slot
Chassis 1756-A4LXT, 1756-A5XT, 1756-A7XT, 1756-A7LXT
Power supply, standard 1756-PBXT
Power supply, redundant None
Ports 2, individually selectable for DH+ or remote I/O
Screw terminal torque 0.50.6 Nm (57 lbin)
Wire size 0.519 mm2 (20 AWG) Belden 9463 copper twinaxial
Wiring category(1) 2 - on DHRIO ports
3 - on local programming port
North American temperature code T4A
IEC temperature code T4
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
(1) Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
publication 1770-4.1.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 27

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 23 - Environmental Specifications - 1756 DH+ and Remote I/O XT Module

Attribute 1756-DHRIOXT
Temperature, operating -2570 C (-13158 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max 70 C (158 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 50 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Emissions Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4)
ESD immunity 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz
EFT/B immunity 2 kV at 5 kHz on DHRIO ports
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge transient immunity 2 kV line-earth (CM) on DHRIO ports
IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted RF immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6

28 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 24 - Certifications - 1756 DH+ and Remote I/O XT Module

Certification(1) 1756-DHRIOXT
c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.
UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.
CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
Ex European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection n
EN 60079-0; General Requirements II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

AccessoriesDH+ and Remote I/O Networks

Cat. No. Description Specifications
1770-CD Cable to connect communication module to DH+ network Belden 9463 twinaxial
9300-RADKIT Remote access dial-in kit 56 Kbps modem connection to devices on a DH+ network, including the following:
Preconfigured modem
Communication module
DIN rail mounting hardware
Associated cables

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 29

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

DH-485 Network
On the DH-485 network, the controller can send and receive messages to and from other controllers on the network. The
DH-485 connection does support remote programming and monitoring via the Studio 5000 environment. Excessive traffic
over a DH-485 connection can adversely affect overall performance and can lead to timeouts and loss in the Studio 5000
environment configuration performance.

IMPORTANT Use Logix5000 controllers on DH-485 networks only when you want to add controllers to an existing DH-485 network. For new
applications with Logix5000 controllers, we recommend open architecture networks.

You need a 1761-NET-AIC converter for each controller on the DH-485 network. You can have two controllers per one
1761-NET-AIC converter, but you need a different cable for each controller. Connect one controller to port 1
(9-pin connector) and one controller to port 2 (mini-DIN connector).

To connect to this port Use this cable

Port 1 1747-CP3, 1761-CBL-AC00
DB-9 RS-232, DTE connection
Port 2 1761-CBL-AP00, 1761-CBL-PM02
mini-DIN 8 RS-232 connection

Table 25 - Technical Specifications - 1756-DH485 Module

Attribute 1756-DH485
Communication rate 19.2 Kbps
9600 Kbps
Current draw @ 5.1V DC 850 mA
Current draw @ 24V DC 1.7 mA
Power dissipation 4.5 W
Thermal dissipation 15.4 BTU/hr
Isolation voltage 50V (continuous), basic insulation type, DH485 A/B to backplane, and DH485 A to DH485 B
Type tested at 750V DC for 60 s
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis
Power supply, standard 1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B
Power supply, redundant 1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2
Ports 2 DH-485 9-pin, D-shell
Wiring category 2 - on DH485 ports
North American temperature code T5
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
(1) Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
publication 1770-4.1.

30 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 26 - Environmental Specifications - 1756-DH485 Module

Attribute 1756-DH485
Temperature, operating 060 C (32140 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max. 60 C (140 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 50 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Emissions Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4)
ESD immunity 4 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz
1V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz
EFT/B immunity 2 kV at 5 kHz on communication ports
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge transient immunity 1 kV line-earth (CM) on communication ports
IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted RF immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6

Table 27 - Certifications - 1756-DH485 Module

Certification(1) 1756-DH485
c-UL-us UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.
CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 31

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

AccessoriesDH-485 Network
Cat. No. Description Specifications
1747-CP3 9-pin D-shell, straight; 9-pin D-shell, right angle 3 m (9.8 ft)
1761-CBL-AC00 9-pin D-shell, right angle; 9-pin D-shell, right angle 45 cm (17.7 in.)
1761-CBL-AP00 9-pin D-shell, right angle; 8-pin mini-DIN 45 cm (17.7 in.)
1761-CBL-PM02 9-pin D-shell, straight; 8-pin mini-DIN 2 m (6.5 ft)
1761-NET-AIC Advanced Interface Converter (AIC+) connects each channel on the 1756-DH485 20.428.8V DC power source required
module to the DH-485 network Typical 120 mA 24V DC current draw
9300-RADKIT Remote access dial-in kit 56 Kbps modem connection to devices on a DH+ network,
including the following:
Preconfigured modem
Communication module
DIN rail mounting hardware
Associated cables

SynchLink Communication
The SynchLink module provides time synchronization and data broadcasting capabilities for distributed motion and
coordinated drive control. The 1756-SYNCH SynchLink module connects a ControlLogix chassis to a SynchLink
fiber-optic communication link. The module does the following:
Coordinates Coordinated System Time across multiple ControlLogix chassis
Moves a limited amount of data from one chassis to another at a high speed
Lets one controller consume motion axes data from a controller in another chassis
Table 28 - Technical Specifications - 1756-SYNCH Module
Attribute 1756-SYNCH
SynchLink data rate 5 Mbps
Operating wavelength 650 nm (red)
Type of communication Synchronous
Frame period 50 s
Frame parameters 3 Flags - 3 bytes
Control field - 1 byte
Data field - 24 bytes
CRC field - 2 bytes
Current draw @ 5.1V DC 1200 mA
Current draw @ 24V DC 3 mA
Power dissipation 6.2 W
Thermal dissipation 21.2 BTU/hr
Slot width 1
Module location Chassis-based, any slot
Chassis 1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
Power supply, standard 1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B
Power supply, redundant 1756-PA1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2

32 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 28 - Technical Specifications - 1756-SYNCH Module (Continued)

Attribute 1756-SYNCH
Ports 2 fiber optic
Cable fiber type 200/230 micron HCS (Hard Clad Silica)
Cable fiber termination type Versalink V-System
Cable length 1300 m (3.28984.2 ft)
North American Temp Code T4A
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)

Table 29 - Environmental Specifications - 1756-SYNCH Module

Attribute 1756-SYNCH
Temperature, operating 060 C (32140 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max. 60 C (140 F)
Temperature, storage -4085 C (-40185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)
Shock, operating 30 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 50 g
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)
Emissions Class A
CISPR 11 (IEC 61000-6-4)
ESD immunity 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Radiated RF immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM at 900 MHz
1V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 33

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 30 - Certifications - 1756-SYNCH Module

Certification(1) 1756-SYNCH
UL UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment. See UL file E65584
CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C
CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See CSA file LR69960C
CE European Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with the following:
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
FM FM Approved Equipment for use in Class I Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
(1) When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at http://www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

AccessoriesSynchLink Network
Cat. No. Description
1403-CFxxx Rockwell Automation fiber-optic cable assembly
HCP-M0200T V01RK Lucent Technologies 200 m simplex cable

Time Synchronization
The 1756-TIME module provides accurate time synchronization on different interfaces by using Global Positioning
System (GPS) technology. The 1756-TIME module can obtain time from various sources, and provide time
synchronization on other devices by acting as a gateway between different time synchronization methods and standards.

Time synchronization is accomplished by using these methods, standards, and protocols:

The ControlLogix backplane for Coordinated System Time (CST) and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Inter-range Instrumentation Group, code B (IRIG-B) standards.
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) on Ethernet and the ControlLogix backplane.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) on Ethernet.

The 1756-TIME module:

Provides GPS position in the form of latitude, longitude, and altitude (LLA).
Provides course and route information in the form of ground speed (knots) with heading in the form of degrees from
true north.
Operates within the ControlLogix platform. All power that is required for the operation of the module is supplied
by the ControlLogix backplane.
The K in the catalog number, 1756-TIMEK, indicates that the module has the conformal coating option.

34 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 31 - Technical Specifications - 1756-TIME Module

Attribute Description
Temperature, operating 0+50 C (+32+122 F) in a Series B Chassis
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold) 0+60 C (+32+140 F) in a Series C Chassis
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, surrounding air, max +50 C (+122 F) in a Series B Chassis
+60 C (+140 F) in a Series C Chassis
Temperature, nonoperating -40+85 C (-40+185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Emissions IEC 61000-6-4
EDS Immunity 4 kV contact discharges
IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Radiated RF Immunity 10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 802000 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM at 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM at 1890 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 20002700 MHz
3V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 27006000 MHz
EFT/B Immunity 2 kV at 5 kHz on signal ports
IEC 61000-4-4 2 kV at 5 kHz on communications ports
Surge Transient Immunity 2 kV line-earth(CM) on signal ports
IEC 61000-4-5 no shielded ports - omit from publication
2 kV line-earth(CM) on communications ports
Conducted RF Immunity 10V rms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
Voltage and current ratings Backplane: 1.01A @ 5.1V DC, 2.64 mA @ 1.2 V DC
Isolation voltage 30V (continuous), Basic Insulation Type
Type tested at 1000V AC for 60 s
Ethernet Ports to Backplane
IRIG-B to Backplane
Wire size Ethernet connections
RJ45 connector according to IEC 60603-7, 2 or 4 pair Category 5e minimum cable according to TIA 568-B.1
or Category 5 cable according to ISO/IEC 24702.
IRIG-B connection
Type RG58 or equivalent
Antenna connection
Cable assembly, TNC Plug to SMA, ships with product.
Wiring Category(1) 2 - on signal ports
2 - on communications ports
(1) Use this Conductor Category information for planning conductor routing. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 35

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications

Table 32 - Certifications - 1756-TIME Module

Certification(1) Description
(when product is marked)
c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.
CE EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)
CE European Union 1999/5/EC R&TTE, compliant with:
EN 61010-1; Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Equipment Safety Requirements
EN 61010-2-201; Control Equipment Safety Requirements
EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1; CSE
European Union 2011/65/EU RoHS, compliant with:
EN 50581; Technical documentation
RCM Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
KC Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:
Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3
(1) See the Product Certification link at www.ab.com for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

36 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications


Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017 37

Important User Information
Read this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and
operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to
familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws,
and standards.

Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required
to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice.

If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be

In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the
use or application of this equipment.

The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and
requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or
liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.

No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or
software described in this manual.

Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation,
Inc., is prohibited.

Documentation Feedback
Your comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this
document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/literature/.

Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at


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Publication 1756-TD003J-EN-E - April 2017

Supersedes Publication 1756-TD003I-EN-E - January 2016 Copyright 2017 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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