Securities and Exchange Commission:: Business Compliance Guide Stock Corporation
Securities and Exchange Commission:: Business Compliance Guide Stock Corporation
Securities and Exchange Commission:: Business Compliance Guide Stock Corporation
Stock Corporation
Also, fill-out forms for the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws and Articles of
Partnership in the i-Register of "online transaction" is already discontinued.
Barrantes, Hannah R.
a. Verifying the availability of the desired name for corporation or partnership
b. Reserving the verified name
c. Accomplishing and printing the registration online without the need to buy the
SEC forms
Forms shall now be bought in the SEC office (complete Set) for PHP
510.00*** *Please see Schedule of Fees
* Note that SEC forms should be filled up using a typewriter.
3. Payment of Fees
Schedule of Fees:
2. Filing fee is 1/5 of 1% of the authorized capital stock or the subscription price of
the subscribed capital stock whichever is higher but not less than P1,000.00
3. LRF - Legal Research Fee equivalent to 1% of filing fee but not less than P10.00
EXAMPLE: Capital Stock of PHP 50,000.00 Registration Fee is PHP 1,520.00 plus
PHP 470.00 for S&T Book.
4. Certificate of Incorporation
1. In applying for a trademark with the IPO, the following documents must be
1. Application form
2. Trademark specimen (attached to the application from)
3. Special Power of Attorney (if the application is being processed by a
trademark agent or representative)
2. Goods and services are classified into different classes which are guided by the
Nice Classification (pursuant to an international treaty). It is best to consult with
your intellectual property lawyer regarding this matter and other details that
have to be spelled out in the application form.
3. The government fee for a trademark application in one (1) class for small
entities (assets less than 100 million pesos) is One Thousand Eighty Pesos
Barrantes, Hannah R.
(P1,080.00). If there are many classes, you just multiply the amount to the
number of classes. If the trademark has color, then an additional Two Hundred
Fifty Pesos (P250.00) must be paid for each class. It must also be remembered
that an additional one percent (1%) is assessed as legal research fund for the
government fees paid to the IPO.
4. After the application has been filed, the IPO will conduct a trademark search to
determine if there are similar marks. Thereafter, it will be assigned to a
Trademark Examiner who will check the application and signify his objections or
comments in the form of Registrability Reports. One should not disregard these
reports because failure to respond to these reports within two (2) months from
its mailing date will result in the abandonment of the application.
5. If the Trademark Examiner does not have any objections to the application or if
the objections were properly traversed, a Notice of Allowance will be issued by
the IPO. The government fee for publication and issuance is Two Thousand One
Hundred Twenty-One Pesos (P2,121.00) for small entities. Again, the Notice of
Allowance should not be ignored because if the fees are not paid within two (2)
months from mailing date, then the application is also considered as abandoned.
6. After the fees have been paid, the application shall be published in the e-gazette
of the IPO. Third parties may within thirty (30) days of the publication, oppose
the application. If the application is opposed, then the proceedings become
adversarial because it will now be prosecuted before the Bureau of Legal Affairs
of the IPO. The process in such case is similar to that in courts. The process is
summary in nature and testimonies are done by way of affidavits.
7. If there is no opposition to the application during the publication, then the
application will be deemed registered and the corresponding Certificate of
Registration issued in approximately 3 to 5 months.
1. Barangay Clearance
2. DTI Business Name Certificate (Single Proprietor)
3. Certificate of SEC Registration / Articles of Incorporation (for Corporation) /
Articles of Partnership (for Partnership)
Barrantes, Hannah R.
4. Public Liability Insurance (for Restaurants, Cinemas, Malls, etc.)
5. Authorization Letter of owner with ID
6. Lease Contract / Tax Declaration
7. SSS (Certification / Clearance)***not required until BP officer says so
8. CTC (Community Tax Certificate-CEDULA)
Barrantes, Hannah R.
Bureau of Internal Revenue:
1. TIN Registration (PHP 500.00)
CORPORATIONS/PARTNERSHIPS (Including Government-Owned and -
Controlled Corporations) (Taxable /Non-Taxable)
Tax Form
BIR Form 1903 - Application for Registration for Corporations/ Partnerships
Documentary Requirements
For Corporations/Partnerships
Copy of SEC Registration and Articles of Incorporation/Articles of Partnerships,
as the case may be;
Copy of Mayors Business Permit or duly received Application for Mayors
Business Permit, if the former is still in process with the LGU
- Job order
Barrantes, Hannah R.