Young Bamboo Culm Flour
Young Bamboo Culm Flour
Young Bamboo Culm Flour
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Although bamboo is an agricultural product that moves billions of dollars in international trade, only its
Received 19 February 2016 shoot has ber production and use in food application. This study aimed to produce and evaluate the
Received in revised form physicochemical and technological characteristics of young bamboo culm our of Dendrocalamus asper
16 May 2016
for food application. Young culms were collected and divided into three fractions: bottom (B), middle (M)
Accepted 4 June 2016
Available online 6 June 2016
and top (T). The fractions were dried, ground, sieved and separated into two different particle sizes: F1
(d > 0.425 mm) and F2 (d 0.425 mm), totaling six samples: BF1, BF2, MF1, MF2, TF1 and TF2. The ours
presented signicant differences in proximate composition, whereas ash, protein and lipid contents were
below 2%, and these ours can be considered as sources of ber (67e79 g/100 g) and starch (from 6 to
Flour 16 g/100 g). Water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) were signicantly higher for
Healthy the bottom samples (BF1 and BF2), compared to the other ours. Color parameters indicated white
Unexplored ingredient yellow color for all ours, being all the samples F1 (BF1, MF1 and TF1) clearer than our F2. The results of
Young bamboo culm this study open new perspectives for the food application of young bamboo culm our.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0023-6438/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.H.F. Felisberto et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 76 (2017) 230e235 231
essential for the human body, as for example lysine (Chongtham bamboo culms, as well as the division of the three parts were car-
et al., 2011; Choudhury, Sahu, & Sharma, 2012; Nirmala, David, & ried out with a chainsaw.
Sharma, 2007; Nongdam & Tikendra, 2014; Satya, Bal, Singhal, &
Naik, 2010; Visuphaka, 1985). 2.2. Methods
According to data compiled by Chongtham et al. (2011) fresh
shoots (90% moisture) contain as the major nutrient bers (6e8 g/ 2.2.1. Preparation of the young bamboo culm our
100 g) and proteins (1.49e4.04 g/100 g) and a content lower than Each one of three portions of young bamboo culm was cut into
2% is from other nutrients. The fresh bamboo shoots are being used little cylindrical pieces with an electric circular saw. Each piece was
for ber extraction, which has been sold in the international mar- cut with a chainsaw and then manually in smaller pieces
ket, by several companies, for example, the already commercialized (8 cm 3 cm). Sodium metabisulphite solution (200 ppm/1 h) was
JelucelBF (JELU-WERK, 2016), Nutriloid Bamboo Fiber (TIC- used to prevent growth of microorganisms. After that, the small
GUMS, 2016) and CreaFibe. And the advertisement used by these pieces of bamboo culm were drained and dried in an oven with
companies is their several uses for food applications, to enhance forced air circulation (50 C/72 h), until they reached a moisture
the dietary ber content of various products, like breads, wafes, content below 12%. After drying, the bamboo culm pieces from each
pasta, meat products, cheese, yogurt and confectionary. portion were ground in a mill of corn husks, branches, roots and
The increased production of bamboo shoots ber for food ap- tubers (DPM2eNogueira, Sa ~o Paulo, Brazil), and then the samples
plications may change the sustainability of bamboo clumps, since were sieved to two diameter sizes (d): fraction 1 (d > 0.425 mm)
only 20e30% of shoots can be annually removed (Pereira & Beraldo, and fraction 2 (d 0.425 mm) (Fig. 1B). Bamboo culm was sepa-
2010). Therefore, the use of young bamboo culm could be an rated into two fractions of different sizes because part of this ma-
alternative to this demand in the market, because of its higher yield terial would be subsequently applied in a mixture with other
in bers production. ingredients for use in civil construction. Finally, the samples were
There is some time that bamboo has been studied, but only ground in a ball mill to obtain homogeneous our to perform the
recently its culm has gained special attention. Many researchers analyses (Fig. 1C).
observed that it has a high content of crude ber and other poly- Therefore, six different samples of bamboo culm our were
saccharides, as starch and sugar (Li et al., 2014; Sun, Tang, Iwanaga, evaluated: BF1, BF2, MF1, MF2, TF1 and TF2 (bottom, middle and
Sho, & Kida, 2011). According to Banik (2015) the young bamboo top fractions 1 and 2, respectively). Afterwards, all the samples
culms have a peak of starch during their growth. The rhizomes of 2- were packed in plastic containers, hermetically sealed and stored
3-years-old culms (young culms) are rich in reserve nutrients under refrigeration until analysis.
(starch and nitrogen) and these culms, because of their plentiful
leaves, play a functional role in the plants metabolism. However, 2.2.2. Physicochemical characteristics of young bamboo culm our
these contents depend not only on the age of bamboo culm, but also The bamboo culm ours were evaluated by the following ana-
on the variety and the culm position, if it is in the bottom, middle or lyses according to AOAC (1998): moisture (method 925.09), ash
top of the culm (Azzini & Beraldo, 2000). Mainly because of its (method 923.03), protein (method 960.52), lipid (method 920.39),
starch content, it is known that untreated bamboo culms (in natura) total and insoluble dietary bers (methods 992.16 and 991.42,
can be attacked by powder-post beetles, like Dinoderus minutes respectively), total starch (method 996.11) contents. Other carbo-
Fabricius (Azzini, Salgado, Teixeira, & Moraes, 1981; Pereira & hydrates content were calculated by difference. The total sugar
Beraldo, 2010), and this data indicate that besides the ber content was determined according to AOAC (1984) by Lane-Eynon
source, the young bamboo culm may also be a source of starch, method and evaluates the contents of reducing and non-reducing
since there is also demand for new sources of starches. sugars (method 31.034e6).
Until now, few studies have analyzed the physical and chemical
composition of bamboo culms for their use in food applications 2.2.3. Technological and instrumental characterization of young
(Azzini, Leme, Carvalho, Salgado, & Ferreira, 1995; Azzini et al., bamboo culm our
1981; Peng & She, 2014; Peng et al., 2011). Taking this into ac- The pH (method 943.02) of the samples was determined ac-
count, this study aimed to produce and evaluate physicochemical cording to AOAC (1998). The water absorption index (WAI) and
and technological characteristics of young bamboo culm our of water solubility index (WSI) were evaluated according to Anderson
Dendrocalamus asper, as a new ingredient for food products. (1982). The water absorption index is the weight of gel obtained per
gram of dry sample, for measuring swelling power of starch, and as
2. Material and methods an index of water solubility, the amount of dried solids recovered by
evaporating the supernatant from the water absorption test was
2.1. Material expressed as percentage of dry solids in the weight of sample
(2.5 g). Instrumental color analysis was performed on CR-10
Bamboo culms of D. asper was harvested at experimental eld colorimeter (Konica Minolta, Tokyo, Japan) with a 50 mm port
from FEAGRI/UNICAMP, Campinas/Brazil, on geographic co- size, illuminant D65, SCI and a 10 standard observer angle. The tri-
ordinates 22820 of south latitude and 47070 of west longitude. stimulus CIELab color space method was used, determining the
Since the starch was the research interest, the culm collection lightness (L*), a* (, red, to -, green) and b* (, yellow, to -, blue)
should be of young culms (on average three years old) and per- values.
formed during summer to rainy period (January to March of 2015),
when the culm was with the apex of starch content. The diameter of 2.3. Statistical analysis
the culms was not a relevant parameter due to the absence of
vascular cambium in bamboo trees, and they do not increase in All the analysis were performed in triplicate and analysis of
diameter with age. A random sampling system was respected to variance (ANOVA) of the means was performed using the Sisvar
collect three culms. software, version 5.6 (Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, MG,
The young culms were divided in three portions: bottom (B), Brazil) at a signicance level of 95%. When signicant, the Scott-
middle (M) and top (T) (Fig. 1A), and for all the samples, 30 cm were Knot test was used to determine statistical differences between
discarded between the portions (Fig. 1). The cut of the young means (p 0.05) (Ferreira, 2008).
232 M.H.F. Felisberto et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 76 (2017) 230e235
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of harvesting and grinding of young bamboo culms of Dendrocalamus asper. BF1, BF2: Bamboo bottom culm our from fractions 1, 2; MF1, MF2:
Bamboo middle culm our from fractions 1, 2; TF1, TF2: Bamboo top culm our from fractions 1, 2.
3. Results and discussion forage production (Soares Filho, Rodrigues, & Perri, 2002). Simi-
larly, the data obtained for lipids were also very low (0.27e0.90 g/
3.1. Physicochemical characteristics of young bamboo culm our 100 g). Although the samples showed signicant differences be-
tween them in relation to protein and fat levels, they are very poor
Table 1 shows the proximate composition of young bamboo in these two components, being similar to cassava our (Chiste ,
culm our, including total ber, total starch and other carbohy- Cohen, Mathias, & Ramoa Junior, 2006).
drates contents by difference. The moisture content is consistent Additionally, the data obtained shows that D. asper is rich in
with the technical regulation of cereal ours which requires a ber (67.27e79.61 g/100 g) with signicant differences between
maximum of 15 g/100 g of moisture, for storage and marketing the samples, where the highest values were observed for BF2 and
(Brasil, 2005). The moisture content is an important parameter TF2, and the lowest were found to MF1. The ber content of these
because it is considered one of the main acceleration factors of bamboo culm ours was superior to the levels found in other plants
chemical and enzymatic reactions, and it can inuence the quality ours: some vegetables ours such as eggplant (44 g/100 g) (Perez
of the product (Gutkoski & Jacobsen Neto, 2002). & Germani, 2004), and collards stalk our and spinach stalk our
The values obtained for protein content (1.31e1.75 g protein/ (36 and 49 g/100 g, respectively) (Mauro, Silva, & Freitas, 2010).
100 g) are very low, similar to the common grass, like Brachiaria, According to Pereira and Beraldo (2010), it is a common practice
Cynodon, Paspalum and Panicum genres, which are used for hay and not to use the highest culm parts and throw them as waste. It is
M.H.F. Felisberto et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 76 (2017) 230e235 233
Table 1
Proximate composition of young bamboo culm ours.a
Moisture Ash Protein Lipids Total dietary ber Total starch Other carbohydratesc
a b b a c c
BF1 8.17 0.36 1.66 0.02 1.62 0.02 0.90 0.23 72.83 1.56 11.34 0,10 3.48
BF2 7.48 0.11b 2.32 0.01a 1.55 0.00c 0.29 0.02b 79.61 0.25 a
6.59 0.30 e 2.17
MF1 7.99 0.06a 1.21 0.01b 1.34 0.01d 0.38 0.04b 67.27 0.55 d
16.59 0.54 a 5.23
MF2 7.93 0.34a 1.24 0.11b 1.31 0.03e 0.27 0.08b 79.35 0.39 a
9.61 0.17 d 0.29
TF1 7.13 0.31b 1.21 0.05b 1.63 0.02b 0.36 0.05b 76.74 0.99 b
12.17 0.83 b 0.76
TF2 6.96 0.36b 1.17 0.05b 1.75 0.01a 0.30 0.13b 76.74 1.36 b
11.19 0.30 c 1.91
Means followed by the same lower case letters in the same column did not differ (p < 0.05) by Scott-Knot test.
BF1, BF2: Bamboo bottom culm our from fraction 1, 2; MF1, MF2: Bamboo middle culm our from fraction 1, 2; TF1, TF2: Bamboo top culm our from fraction 1, 2.
Calculated by difference: 100 e (moisture ash protein lipids total dietary ber total starch).
important to take into consideration that, depending on the variety, in bamboo culm ours allows their use as an alternative and novel
for example Bambusa vulgaris and Bambusa tuldoides, the culm can ingredient consumed all around the world.
grow up to 15e25 m high, or up to 40 m, like Dendrocalamus asper Concerning the starch content, MF1 and TF1 presented the
(Graa, 1992; Pereira & Beraldo, 2010). Comparing the diameter of highest values (>10 g/100 g), while BF2 and MF2 the lowest values
the parts of the culm, the top diameter is the smallest of all, which (<10 g/100 g) of total starch. It was expected that there would be a
may weaken the support performed by the material; however, our higher accumulation of starch in the top than in the bottom because
results indicated that the base and top of young bamboo culm could of reserve substances accumulation to culm growth. This clear
be indicated for ber extraction process. separation of starch between bottom, middle and top was not
Comparing the results obtained in the literature with our re- observed in the present study, probably because of some climate
sults, we found that white wheat ber, which is extracted from change during the harvest, or due to the separation into fractions,
wheat plant culm and then puried is considered a source of where there could have happened a greater aggregation of starch
insoluble ber (up to 97 g/100 g dry basis) (JRS, 2016). According to particles in the rst fraction, since most of the starch granules are
the same authors, white wheat ber present several nutritional within brous structures, lling the parenchyma cells (Graa, 1992;
advantages like reduction of fat and caloric value of food products Liese & Kohl, 2015; Pereira & Beraldo, 2010).
and besides technological benets, improving texture, controlling The reserve of starch in 1-year old bamboo culm is highest just
the moisture migration and reducing the weight loss of product. In before sprouting occurred, and the lowest level occurred during the
addition to the high content of insoluble bers, the similarity be- growth of shoots. After this period is complete, the amount of
tween the bamboo culm our and wheat ber is the fact that both starch reserve in the culm decreases again when the growth of the
are extracted and generated from the plant culm, and in both cases rhizome starts and then gradually increases (Liese & Kohl, 2015). It
they are also types of grass. is observed that the starch reserves of rhizomes and culm is to
Total ber content in the young bamboo culm our is lower than provide energy for the sprouting and due to it, the shoots have not
in white wheat ber (Ishida, 2012) which may be explained by the signicant starch content. The bamboo shoot, which develops into
presence of starch in the young bamboo culm (6e10 g/100 g), once a new culm, does not synthesize reserve substances required for its
it has not been puried yet. If young bamboo culm our is used for growth. These substances are transported mainly from the oldest
ber production, it will take advantage of the culm for starch bamboo culm that led to it (Azzini & Gondim-Tomaz, 1996).
extraction, because it showed amounts greater than 10 g/100 g in This means that there is a variation of the ber, starch and
many parts of the culm. Furthermore, after the extraction of starch sugars contents with aging, due to the physiological and anatomical
and other nutrients, it may be considered an ingredient with ber characteristics of bamboo culms. Moreover, it is precisely in the
content similar to white wheat ber. inner layers of the culm where the highest concentration of
Bamboo shoot bers are already being commercialized in the parenchymal cells rich in starch can be found, being them the most
international market, with intense dissemination of their use in vulnerable to powder-post beetles attack.
several food applications (Choudhury, Badwaik, Borah, Sit, & Deka, The high content of starch and bers in young bamboo culm
2015; Farris & Piergiovanni, 2008; Farris, Piergiovanni, & Limbo, opens prospects for extraction processes of these two nutrients,
2008). In Brazil, the bamboo ber has been used in gluten-free which can increase food applications and consequently, the value of
products, such as bread, toast and others, providing products tar- this raw material. The young bamboo culm our can be used
geted to a select and specic consumer market, which has grown in directly in food applications such as for the extraction of ber and/
recent years. Comparing the young bamboo culm with the ber of or starch.
bamboo shoots commercially available, this one has greater size Table 2 shows the composition of total sugar of the evaluated
and weight, and may have higher yield in ber extraction and for samples, and BF1 and BF2 presented the highest values, while TF2
co-product, as well the starch. contained the lowest values of total sugar. Consequently, this fact
Consumption of low-digestible carbohydrates may have bene- must be taken into account when using bamboo culm our because
cial health effects, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases in formulations where the white sugar will be used, it may be
or treating other health conditions. These benets are related to totally or partially replaced by this our, allowing its use in yeast-
their incomplete digestion and absorption, increase of colonic leavened products, too.
fermentation, and high excretion (Grabitske & Slavin, 2008). Their
use is therefore associated with reducing the risk of coronary heart 3.2. Technological characteristics of young bamboo culm ours
disease and diabetes, promoting benecial physiological effects
(decreased blood cholesterol and triglycerides), preventing cancer, When assessing the technological characteristics, it was found
and having a laxation effect (Charalampopoulos, Wang, Pandiella, & that the pH (5.53e5.79) of the ours may be considered slightly
Webb, 2002; Rodrguez, Jime nez, Fernandez-Bolan ~ os, Guille
n, & acidic and the highest values were obtained for the samples BF1
Heredia, 2006; Tosh & Yada, 2010). The high dietary ber content and MF1 (Table 3). These values of pH allow a wide range
234 M.H.F. Felisberto et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 76 (2017) 230e235
Table 2 Leonel, & Mischan, 2008), and for defatted sesame our: L* 67.43,
Total sugar composition of young bamboo culm ours.a a* 5.38, b* 17.2 (Clerici, Oliveira, & Nabeshima, 2013), which
Samplesb Total sugar (g/100 g) have been largely used in bakery products. Comparing bamboo
BF1 13.57 1.27a
our samples with cassava our, we observed that bamboo culm
BF2 11.43 0.39b our is less yellowish and darker, as can be seen in Fig. 1. In com-
MF1 11.00 0.06b parison to defatted sesame our, the young bamboo culm our has
MF2 6.99 0.10c lighter color, less reddish and higher yellowish color.
TF1 6.01 0.21c
Although rened wheat our (L* 90.75, a* 0.27, b* 8.90)
TF2 2.27 0.02d
(Ishida, 2012) was lighter than young bamboo culm our, it is ex-
Means followed by same lower case letters in the same
pected little inuence on the color of baking products when
column did not differ (p < 0.05) by Scott-Knot test.
BF1, BF2: Bamboo bottom culm our from fractions 1, 2;
bamboo culm our is added in pre-mixes or in partial substitution
MF1, MF2: Bamboo middle culm our from fractions 1, 2; TF1, of rened wheat our. In a recent study, Choudhury et al. (2015)
TF2: Bamboo top culm our from fractions 1, 2. produced whole meal of bamboo shoots through cooking and
Table 3
Physical and technological characteristics of young bamboo culm ours.a
L* a* b*
a a
BF1 5.79 0.02 4.73 0.17 10.63 0.10 a 85.54 0.12 a
1.32 0.04 c
20.59 0.25 c
b a
BF2 5.68 0.11 4.65 0.14 8.52 0.18 b 83.62 0.14 d
1.86 0.04 b
21.18 0.05 b
a b
MF1 5.62 0.02 4.10 0.04 7.54 0.13 c 85.74 0.18 a
1.21 0.06 d
20.42 0.21 c
b b
MF2 5.53 0.03 3.91 0.13 5.96 0.10 e 83.42 0.17 d
2.02 0.05 a
21.81 0.19 a
b c
TF1 5.68 0.06 3.74 0.11 6.34 0.04 d 84.71 0.23 b
0.68 0.07 e
22.16 0.27 a
b c
TF2 5.63 0.09 3.68 0.03 5.54 0.03 f 84.42 0.16 c
1.20 0.04 d
21.85 0.07 a
Means followed by same lower case letters in the same column did not differ (p < 0.05) by Scott-Knot test.
BF1, BF2: Bamboo bottom culm our from fractions 1, 2; MF1, MF2: Bamboo middle culm our from fractions 1, 2; TF1, TF2: Bamboo top culm our from fractions 1, 2.
application in food products and increase their potential uses. drying methods for use in cookies formulations. The use of bamboo
Values obtained indicate that the growth of microorganisms should shoot ber in cookies has been previously reported by Farris and
be avoided by the low moisture content (Jay, 2005). Piergiovanni (2008) and Farris et al. (2008), which showed the
WAI did not vary with the two particle sizes (F1 and F2) of all the feasibility of using both bamboo our and bamboo shoots ber in
our samples evaluated. WAI represents the ability of a product, bakery products. The present article has shown that young bamboo
under limited conditions of water, of associating to it. The values culm our can also be used either in full or puried form as ber,
obtained vary among the evaluated culm parts, with BF1 presenting because it presents technological and physicochemical properties,
higher absorption rates (4.73), and the values found in our study similar to other ingredients with high ber content.
were much higher than those reported for melon our (0.7 ml/g) The results of this research showed that the chemical compo-
and uted pumpkin our (3.4 g/g) (Akobundu, Cherry, & Simmons, sition and technological properties of the fractions of young
1982; Giami & Bekebain, 1992), but lower than those obtained by bamboo culm were different and may result in novel ingredients
eggplant our (11.63 g/g) (Perez & Germani, 2004). The results with high ber content, with yellowish color, and properties of WSI
obtained suggest that replacement of bers now used by the and WAI that facilitate their addition to bakery and pasta products.
bamboo ber, may not cause major changes in the formulations and
it could maintain the same level of water addition, depending on 4. Conclusion
the amount used in the formulation.
Comparing the results of WSI for both fractions, F1 and F2, we This study showed the great potential of employing young
observed that F1 showed the highest values. And between the bamboo culm our as a new ingredient for food products,
different parts of the culm, the highest values were observed in the improving the intake of insoluble ber and considering the con-
base and decrease signicantly to the top. The ours with the sumer demand for healthier products.
highest sugar content (Table 3) presented the highest values for This widespread and under-utilized crop has economic advan-
WSI, which ranged from 5.54 (TF2) to 10.63 g/100 g (BF1). The tages and nutritional qualities in relation to ber of shoots. The
bottom of the bamboo culm presented highest signicant differ- production process for young bamboo culm our and their ber
ences in total sugars content (Table 2) and technological properties, and starch isolates could be developed in association with coop-
and this part presented the higher WSI values, when compared to erative, since fairly simple equipment and techniques are required.
the middle and the top.
Regarding the color parameters, all the evaluated samples pre-
sented high L* (luminosity) values, indicating that bamboo culm
our has a light color. However, the samples presented signicant ria
The authors are grateful to CAPES for the scholarship of Ma
differences among them, with higher values for F1 (BF1, MF1 and
Herminia Ferrari Felisberto, to 2015/19637-4 S~ ao Paulo Research
TF1), with L* around 84%. Lower values of a* indicate a our with
Foundation (FAPESP) for the nancial support, and to FAEPEX for
less reddish color, while larger values of b* characterize the
the nancial support for the participation in events (SLACA 2015).
yellowish color.
There are no references in the literature about the color pa-
rameters for bamboo culm our. However, to have a better refer- References
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ecnicas - SBRT (vol. 21).
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