Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1992 Yang 3355 9

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Copyright ) 1992, American Society for Microbiology

Novel Method To Extract Large Amounts of Bacteriocins

from Lactic Acid Bacteriat
Food Microbiology Laboratory, Animal Science Department,
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071
Received 4 May 1992/Accepted 21 July 1992

Antimicrobial peptides, bacteriocins, produced by lactic acid bacteria were adsorbed on the cells of
producing strains and other gram-positive bacteria. pH was a crucial factor in determining the degree of
adsorption of these peptides onto cell surfaces. In general, between 93 and 100% of the bacteriocin molecules
were adsorbed at pHs near 6.0, and the lowest (c5%) adsorption took place at pH 1.5 to 2.0. On the basis of

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this property, a novel isolation method was developed for bacteriocins from four genera of lactic acid bacteria.
By using this method we made preparations of pediocin AcH, nisin, sakacin A, and leuconocin Lcml that were
potent and concentrated. This method produced a higher yield than isolation procedures, which rely on
precipitation of the bacteriocins from the cell-free culture liquor. It is simple and can be used to produce large
quantities of bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria to be used as food biopreservatives.

In the search for a food biopreservative, investigations on adsorb the bacteriocin molecules that they produce (7, 13,
certain antibacterial proteins (bacteriocins) from lactic acid 18, 25, 30). We hypothesized that if, after fermentation, the
bacteria have been very popular (11, 18, 25). To study their culture broth of a producer strain was adjusted to the pH for
chemical and antibacterial properties and to determine their maximum adsorption of the bacteriocin onto the cell sur-
effectiveness in food systems, it is necessary to obtain faces, the cells with adsorbed bacteriocin molecules could
relatively large quantities of these peptides in a pure and easily be removed from the culture liquor by centrifugation.
concentrated form. Currently, most methods rely on ammo- The peptide could then be selectively released from the cells
nium sulfate precipitation of the bacteriocins from cell-free at pH 1.5 to 2.0, and the preparation could provide large
culture liquor. This method has been used to obtain bacte- quantities of purified bacteriocin. This hypothesis was tested
riocins from Pediococcus spp. (4-6, 13), Lactobacillus spp. with bacteriocin-producing strains from four genera of lactic
(17, 21, 23), Lactococcus spp. (12, 15, 16, 24), and Leu- acid bacteria and the results are presented here.
conostoc spp. (10, 14). However, there is general agreement
that it does not yield a good product because many other
proteins from the medium can also be precipitated and the MATERIALS AND METHODS
yield is not very high (5, 9, 12). For further purification of Bacterial cultures and media. The bacterial strains used in
precipitated bacteriocins, especially in the determination of this study are described in Table 1. Pediococcus acidilactici
the amino acid composition and sequence, these researchers LB 42-923 (27), used to produce pediocin AcH, was grown at
have used various column chromatography techniques. 370C for 18 h in TGE broth (8). Lactococcus lactis subsp.
Commercial nisin preparations are available in highly lactis ATCC 11454, used to produce nisin, was grown at
purified food-grade form. However, the methods used com- 30C for 24 h in TGE buffered broth, which consisted of TGE
mercially are not known. Mattick and Hirsch (20) used a broth plus 0.5% sodium citrate, 0.1% sodium acetate, and
combination of acid treatment of the culture followed by 0.05% dipotassium phosphate (pH 6.5). Leuconostoc carno-
removal of the cells and then solvent extraction and precip- sum Lml, used to produce leuconocin Lcml, and Lactoba-
itation to obtain nisin with high potency. Later, other cillus sake Lb 706, used to produce sakacin A (29), were
workers used several different methods based on propanol- grown at 30C for 24 h in MRS broth (Difco). All indicator
NaCl or butanol-acetic acid extraction from culture super- bacteria were grown in TGE broth and transferred daily.
natant (2, 9) and breaking of cells and extraction with acid (1, Antimicrobial activity assay of bacteriocin. Each bacterio-
31). Although the nisin preparations had high potency, the cin preparation was serially diluted (1:10, 1:20, 1:30, etc.),
methods were laborious and total yields were low. and 5 ,ul from each dilution was spotted onto a lawn of
Bhunia et al. (7), while studying the mode of bactericidal appropriate indicator bacteria. Activity units (AU) per mil-
action of pediocin AcH from Pediococcus acidilactici H on liliter were calculated as previously reported (7, 8). The
sensitive cells of Lactobacillus plantarum NCDO 955, ob- indicator bacteria were Lactobacillus plantarum NCDO 955
served that adsorption of pediocin AcH to the cells is pH for pediocin AcH and nisin, Leuconostoc mesenteroides Ly
dependent. Maximum adsorption occurred at pH 6.0 to 6.5, for sakacin A, and Enterococcus faecalis MB1 for leucono-
but when the pH of the cell suspension was reduced to 2.0 or cin Lcml.
below, the pediocin AcH was not adsorbed. It is known that, Preparation of cells for bacteriocin adsorption. A desired
in general, cells of a bacteriocin-producing bacterial strain bacterial strain (Fig. 1) was grown overnight in the appro-
priate medium, and the cells were collected by centrifuga-
tion, washed in 1/5 volume of sterile 5 mM sodium phosphate
Corresponding author. (pH 6), resuspended in 1/5 vol of sterile 1.0 M NaCl solution
t Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station journal article num- (pH 2.0, adjusted with 5% phosphoric acid), and mixed at
ber 1687. 4C for 1 h. The cells were harvested by centrifugation,

TABLE 1. Bacterial strains, bacteriocin sensitivity, and growth conditions

Bacteriocin Bacteriocin Growth Growth
Strain produced sensitivity medium conditions Source (reference)
P. acidilactici LB 42-923 Pediocin AcH Nisin TGE 37C, 20 h Our laboratory (26)
L. lactis subsp. lactis ATCC 11454 Nisin Nonea TGE 30C, 24 h ATCCb
L. sake Lb 706 Sakacin A Nisin MRS 25C, 24 h F. K. Lucke (28)
L. carnosum Lml Leuconocin Lcml Pediocin AcH, nisin MRS 25C, 24 h Our laboratoryc
L. plantarum NCDO 955 Noned Pediocin AcH, nisin TGE 30C, 18 h M. A. Daeschel (5-8)
L. mesenteroides Ly None Pediocin AcH, nisin, TGE 30C, 18 h Our laboratory (7)
sakacin A
E. faecalis MB1 None Pediocin AcH, nisin, TGE 30C, 18 h Our laboratorye
sakacin A, leuco-
nocin Lcml
a Not sensitive to any of the bacteriocins tested.
b ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Md.
c Isolated from processed meat products in our laboratory.
d Nonbacteriocin producer strains were used as indicators.

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e Originally from the Microbiology Department, University of Wyoming.

washed once with sterile deionized water (dH2O), and resus- a Tris-tricine system (28). This method used a 10-cm layer of
pended in sterile dH2O to 20 times the original culture 16.5% acrylamide resolving gel and a 2-cm layer of 10%
volume. acrylamide spacer gel. The electrophoresis was run at 15C
Influence of pH on bacteriocin adsorption by producing cells and 20 mA for the first 2 h and then at 30 mA for another 12
and indicator cells. A cell suspension of a desired bacterial h. Sample preparation, application of samples, and gel
strain (0.1 ml, about 107 cells) and a bacteriocin preparation division after electrophoresis have been described before
(0.1 ml, about 105 AU) were added to 1.8 ml of 5 mM sodium (4). One-half of each gel was stained with Coomassie brilliant
phosphate adjusted to a pH range from 1.5 to 10.0 (with blue, and the other half was used for identification of the
phosphoric acid and NaOH). This mixture was incubated at bacteriocin band by using growth inhibition of E. faecalis
4C for 30 min and centrifuged at 17,000 x g for 5 min, and MB1 (4). For growth inhibition, the gel half was washed in
the AU of the bacteriocin in the supernatant was assayed (7, deionized water for 2 h at 25C, placed on a TGE agar
8). Control I consisted of 0.1 ml of dH2O instead of bacte- prepoured plate, and overlaid with soft agar seeded with E.
riocin, and control II had 0.1 ml of dH2O instead of cell faecalis MB1. The plate was incubated at 30C for 24 h,
suspension. The percentage of bacteriocin adsorbed was examined for the location of the zone of growth inhibition,
calculated as follows: percentage of bacteriocin adsorbed = and photographed. The stained gel half was destained and
100 x [1 - (AU/ml in cell-free supernatant - AU/ml in photographed.
control I)]/(AU/ml in control II).
Extraction of adsorbed bacteriocin from producer cells. For RESULTS
extraction of pediocin AcH, nisin, leuconocin Lcml, and
sakacin A, each producer strain was grown to early station- Sensitivity of bacterial strains to bacteriocins. The four
ary phase (about 5 x 108 cells per ml) in 1 liter of the bacteriocin-producing strains and the three indicator strains
appropriate medium. The culture broths were adjusted to pH were tested for sensitivity to four bacteriocins (Table 1).
6.5 for pediocin AcH, nisin, and sakacin A and pH 5.5 for Their sensitivities varied greatly: Lactococcus lactis subsp.
leuconocin Lcml. Each culture broth was heated to 70C for lactis ATCC 11454 was not sensitive to any bacteriocin,
25 min to kill the cells (heating can be done before pH whereas E. faecalis MB1 was sensitive to all four. These
adjustment also), and the cells were harvested by centrifu- data allowed us to select a specific strain for measuring the
gation at 15,000 x g for 15 min. Supernatant activity was AU of each bacteriocin preparation and for measuring, in
assayed to calculate the amount of bacteriocin not adsorbed separate experiments, the adsorption of each bacteriocin to
onto the cells. After the cells had been washed with 5 mM a sensitive strain and the producer strain (Fig. 1).
sodium phosphate (pH 6.5), they were resuspended in 50 ml Effect of pH on adsorption of bacteriocin onto producer and
of 100 mM NaCl at pH 2.0 (adjusted with 5% phosphoric indicator cells. The influence of pH on the adsorption of
acid) for pediocin AcH, leuconocin Lcml, and sakacin A pediocin AcH, nisin, sakacin A, and leuconocin Lcml onto
and pH 2.5 for nisin and mixed with a magnetic stirrer for 1 their respective producer and indicator strains is presented
h at 4C. Cell suspensions were then centrifuged at 29,000 x in Fig. 1. Adsorption of all four bacteriocins onto cells was
g for 20 min, and the cells were resuspended in 5 mM sodium strongly influenced by the pH of the suspending environ-
phosphate (pH 6.5) and assayed to calculate the amount of ment. Pediocin AcH was adsorbed 100% at pH 6.0 to 6.5,
bacteriocin lost with the cells. The supematants were dia- while at pH below 1.5 it was not adsorbed to either P.
lyzed in 1,000-molecular-weight-cutoff dialysis bags against acidilactici LB 42-923 or Lactobacillus plantarum NCDO
dH20 at 4C for 24 h and then freeze-dried. The total dry 955. Maximum adsorption of nisin to both producer and
matter, protein concentration (19), and bacteriocin activity indicator bacteria occurred at pH 6.5, and complete loss of
of each product were determined. This process was per- adsorption was found at pH 3.0 and below. Maximum
formed twice for each bacteriocin. sakacin A adsorption occurred at pH 5.5 and above on both
SDS-PAGE and identification of the activity band. Freeze- the producer and indicator strains. At pH 2.0 no sakacin A
dried extraction preparations were analyzed by sodium was adsorbed to the producer cells but about 75% remained
dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- adsorbed onto E. faecalis MB1. Leuconocin Lcml had a
PAGE). Methods previously reported (4, 5) were used with sharp adsorption curve on producer cells, with a maximum

Extraction and purification of bacteriocin. On the basis of

the influence of pH on the adsorption and release of each
bacteriocin, an extraction method for bacteriocin was devel-
oped. The recovery and loss of each bacteriocin at different
A stages of purification and in the final dried product are
8 presented in Table 2. The loss of bacteriocin in the supema-
r tant following harvesting of the cells ranged from 0 to 7.7%,
and loss with the cells after extraction ranged from 0.6 to
d 2.3%. Recovery in dried preparations ranged from 44.3% for
sakacin A to 106.7% for pediocin AcH. The potency (AU per
gram) of bacteriocins ranged from 1.8 x 10 to 5.0 x 10 on
10 a dry-matter basis and from 1.1 x 108 to 4.9 x 108 on a
protein content basis (19). Although the loss of sakacin A in
supernatant and cells was very low, the total yield in the
dried preparation was only 44%. It was not clear why there
was such a discrepancy. The yields of dry matter and protein
A for both Lactobacillus sake Lb 706 and Leuconostoc camo-

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d sum Lml were higher than for P. acidilactici LB 42-923 and
Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis ATCC 11454.
b SDS-PAGE analysis of the preparations. A Coomassie
d blue-stained SDS-PAGE gel revealed a single sharp band
from both the pediocin AcH and nisin preparations, espe-
cially when they were tested within 2 weeks of preparation
(Fig. 2). After storage for 2 weeks or more, pediocin AcH
and nisin preparations produced more than one band. How-
ever, the sakacin A and leuconocin Lcml preparations
produced several bands, some of which were diffused. A
comparison of the bands in the stained gel with the gel half
A showing zones of inhibition indicated that the lowest band
d for each preparation contained the active bacteriocin (Fig. 2
0 and 3). Nisin, sakacin A, and leuconocin Lcml bands were
r very close to 2.5 kDa, while pediocin AcH was just above
e the 2.5-kDa standards. Also, leuconocin Lcml gave two
activity bands, one just below the other, and the pediocin
AcH preparation showed a streak of slight activity above the
main zone (Fig. 3).

% OVu X Adsorption of bacteriocin molecules by the Pediococcus
A (7, 13), Lactobacillus (18), Lactococcus (16), and Leuconos-
d 60 toc (10, 14) producer strains, as well as by other sensitive
0 and resistant gram-positive bacteria, has been reported.
Also, the pH of optimum adsorption for nisin (16) and
d 20
pediocin AcH (7) by gram-positive bacteria has been re-
ported. Bhunia et al. (7) recently reported the conditions for
adsorption of pediocin AcH onto sensitive Lactobacillus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 plantarum NCDO 955. This report was the basis for the
pH present study on the influence of pHs between 1 and 10 on
the level of adsorption of four bacteriocins from four genera
FIG. 1. Adsorption of bacteriocins onto producing and indicator of lactic acid bacteria onto the respective producer strains
bacteria. (A) Pediocin AcH adsorption on P. acidilactici LB42-923 and lactic acid bacterium strains sensitive to a particular
(*) and Lactobacillus plantarum NCDO 955 (E). (B) Nisin adsorp- bacteriocin. For this purpose Lactobacillus plantarum
tion on Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ATCC 11454 (*) and NCDO 955 was used for pediocin AcH and nisin, Leuconos-
Lactobacillusplantarum NCDO 955 (E). (C) Sakacin A adsorption toc mesenteroides Ly was used for sakacin A, and E.
on Lactobacillus sake Lb706 (*) and E. faecalis MB1 (0). (D)
Leuconocin Lcml adsorption on Leuconostoc carnosum Lml (*) faecalis MB1 was used for leuconocin Lcml (Table 1; Fig.
and Leuconostoc mesenteroides Ly (0). 1).
Methods for bacteriocin isolation that involved removal of
cells from culture broth, following adjusting the pH to 6.0
(13), and/or precipitation of cell-free supernatant with
at pH 5.5 and a minimum at pH 3.0 and below (acid range). (NH4)2SO4 will recover only a portion of the total bacterio-
Adsorption of leuconocin Lcml on Leuconostoc mesenteroi- cin present in the culture broth, because the portion ad-
des Ly was relatively low, about 50% between pH 4.5 and sorbed on the cells is lost. Since adsorption of bacteriocins is
7.0, and the lowest was at 4.0 or below in the acid range. In not affected by heating the cells, we used heat-killed cells to
the alkaline range the adsorption varied from 0% at pH 8.0 avoid any loss of activity by proteolytic enzymes of the cells
for leuconocin Lcml to almost 100% at pH 10 for sakacin A. (7, 8). Although the maximum and minimum adsorption with

TABLE 2. Recovery of bacteriocins at different stages of extraction and purification

AUa (%) of:
Bacteriocin recovered
Pediocin AcH Nisin Sakacin A Leuconocin Lcml
Culture broth (1 liter)a 3.0 x 107 (100%) 3.0 x 107 (100%) 7.0 x 107 (100%) 2.6 x 107 (100%)
Lost in broth supernatanta 8.0 x 105 (2.7%) 2.0 x 105 (0.7%) 0.0 (0.0%) 2.0 x 106 (7.7%)
Lost with cells after extraction' 6.0 x 105 (2.0%) 2.0 x 105 (0.7%) 4.0 x 105 (0.6%) 6.0 x 105 (2.3%)
In total dried preparationb 3.2 x 107 (106.7%) 2.8 x 107 (93.3%) 3.1 x 107 (44.3%) 2.5 x 107 (96.2%)
AU/g of dry mattet 5.0 x 107 5.0 x 107 3.1 x 107 1.8 x 107
AU/g of proteinc 4.1 x 108 4.9 x 108 1.5 x 108 1.1 X 108
Total AU in relation to 1-liter culture broths and supernatants and cells from the broths. Percentages are based on AU in culture broths as 100%.
b AU in freeze-dried products was determined by resuspending the dry material in 50 mM SDS for better dispersion and prevention of clumping of bacteriocin
c After freeze-drying the values for total dry matter and total protein content, respectively, were as follows: pediocin AcH, 640 and 78 mg; nisin, 560 and 57.5
mg; sakacin A, 995 and 206 mg; leuconocin Lcml, 1,400 and 230 mg. The results are the average of two extractions.

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respect to pH varied slightly among the bacteriocins, a single bacillus sake Lb 706 and Leuconostoc camnosum Lml have
protocol could usually be used, namely pH 6.0 for high some other proteins that were extracted along with the
adsorption onto the cells and pH 2.0 for maximum release bacteriocins. Some Lactobacillus strains have been shown
from the cells. Extraction at alkaline pH was not used to possess easily extracted surface proteins (3, 26).
because it is known that nisin (16), pediocin AcH (7), and The method described here produced dry preparations of
some other bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria are inacti- bacteriocins that were not only highly potent but, for pedi-
vated at alkaline pHs. Phosphoric acid was used to adjust the ocin AcH and nisin, also pure (Fig. 2). In a separate study
mixtures to the desired pH; other acids could also probably the pediocin AcH band from the gel was transferred to a
be used. We used 100 mM NaCl during extraction to prevent membrane by transblot and the membrane was used for
the bacteriocin molecules from clumping and thus being partial sequencing of amino acids (22). The formation of
removed with the cells during centrifugation. more than one band by stored preparations of pediocin AcH
The total recoveries of pediocin AcH, nisin, and leucono- is now being studied. Both sakacin A and leuconocin Lcml
cin Lcml in the dried preparations were relatively high. For gave several bands with higher Mr than the bacteriocin.
pediocin AcH the recovery was over 100%. This may be a These bands are probably surface or cell wall proteins; this
result of the dilution method used for the assay of AU. is currently being investigated. In gel overlays there was a
Because only fixed dilutions are used, there may be differ- single inhibition zone for each bacteriocin, except for leu-
ences in the end point, which may introduce some error. conocin Lcml, which gave two zones, suggesting that both
However, for all three bacteriocins the recovery was over monomer and dimer forms of leuconocin Lcml were present
90%. For sakacin A the recovery was only 44.0%, even (Fig. 3).
though losses in supernatant and cells were very low (Table The actual Mr of the bacteriocins as determined from the
2). The reason for this discrepancy is now being investi- amino acid sequences and the Mr as estimated on the basis of
gated. The dried preparations have very high bacteriocin their migration in relation to standards in the gel could be
activity based on either dry-matter or protein concentration. quite different. Nisin, with a known Mr of 3,500 (16), forms
Dry-matter and protein concentrations of both sakacin A and a band in the same line as the Mr standard of 2,500. Pediocin
leuconocin Lcml were relatively high compared with those AcH, with a known Mr of 4,600 (22), forms a band slightly
of pediocin AcH and nisin. Thus, it is possible that Lacto- above 2,500.

FIG. 2. SDS-PAGE gel half, stained with Coomassie blue. (A) FIG. 3. SDS-PAGE gel half, showing the zone of growth inhibi-
Lanes: 1, Mr standards (a, Mr 16,900; b, Mr 14,400; c, Mr 8,200; d, tion of E. faecalis MB1 by the bacteriocin bands. Lanes: A, pediocin
Mr 6,200; e, Mr, 2,500); 2, pediocin AcH (old preparation); 3, nisin; AcH (old preparation, showing a slight streak of activity above the
4, sakacin A; 5, leuconocin Lcml. (B) Lanes: 1, pediocin AcH (fresh main zone); B, nisin; C, sakacin A; D, leuconocin Lcml. These
preparation); 2, Mr standards. Arrows show respective bacteriocin zones of inhibition correspond to the respective bacteriocin bands in
bands. Fig. 1A. For further explanation, see the text.

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