DIZON v. Rivera 33 SCRA 554
DIZON v. Rivera 33 SCRA 554
DIZON v. Rivera 33 SCRA 554
Facts: On January 28, 1961, the testatrix, Agripina J. Valdez, a widow, died in Angeles, Pampanga, and was survived by
seven compulsory heirs, to wit, six legitimate children named Estela Dizon, Tomas V. Dizon, Bernardita Dizon, Marina
Dizon (herein executrix-appellee), Angelina Dizon and Josefina Dizon, and a legitimate granddaughter named Lilia
Dizon, who is the only legitimate child and heir of Ramon Dizon, a pre-deceased legitimate son of the said decedent. Six
of these seven compulsory heirs (except Marina Dizon, the executrix-appellee) are the oppositors-appellants. The
deceased testatrix left a last will executed on February 2, 1960 and written in the Pampango dialect. Named beneficiaries
in her will were the above-named compulsory heirs, together with seven other legitimate grandchildren, namely Pablo
Rivera, Jr., Gilbert D. Garcia, Cayetano Dizon, Francisco Rivera, Agripina Ayson, Jolly Jimenez and Laureano Tiambon.
In her will, the testatrix divided, distributed and disposed of all her properties appraised at P1,801,960.00 (except two
small parcels of land appraised at P5,849.60, household furniture valued at P2,500.00, a bank deposit in the sum of
P409.95 and ten shares of Pampanga Sugar Development Company valued at P350.00) among her above- named heirs.
The lower court, after hearing, sustained and approved the executrix' project of partition, ruling that "(A)rticles 906 and
907 of the New Civil Code specifically provide that when the legitime is impaired or prejudiced, the same shall be
completed and satisfied. While it is true that this process has been followed and adhered to in the two projects of partition,
it is observed that the executrix and the oppositors differ in respect to the source from which the portion or portions shall
be taken in order to fully restore the impaired legitime. The proposition of the oppositors, if upheld, will substantially
result in a distribution of intestacy, which is in controversion of Article 791 of the New Civil Code" adding that "the
testatrix has chosen to favor certain heirs in her will for reasons of her own, cannot be doubted. This is legally permissible
within the limitation of the law
Issue: Whether use of the words "I bequeath" in her assignment or distribution of her real properties to the respective
heirs are in the nature of devises of real property.
Ruling: For the adjudications and assignments in the testatrix' will of specific properties to specific heirs cannot be
considered all devises, for it clearly appear from the whole context of the will and the disposition by the testatrix of her
whole estate (save for some small properties of little value already noted at the beginning of this opinion) that her clear
intention was to partition her whole estate through her will. The repeated use of the words "I bequeath" in her
testamentary dispositions acquire no legal significance, such as to convert the same into devises to be taken solely from
the free one-half disposable portion of the estate. Furthermore, the testatrix' intent that her testamentary dispositions were
by way of adjudications to the beneficiaries as heirs and not as mere devisees, and that said dispositions were therefore on
account of the respective legitimes of the compulsory heirs is expressly borne out in the fourth paragraph of her will,
immediately following her testamentary adjudications in the third paragraph in this wise: "FOURTH: I likewise command
that in case any of those I named as my heirs in this testament any of them shall die before I do, his forced heirs under the
law enforced at the time of my death shall inherit the properties I bequeath to said deceased."
The testamentary dispositions of the testatrix, being dispositions in favor of compulsory heirs, do not have to be
taken only from the free portion of the estate, as contended, for the second paragraph of Article 842 of the Civil Code
precisely provides that "One who has compulsory heirs may dispose of his estate provided he does not contravene the
provisions of this Code with regard to the legitime of said heirs." And even going by oppositors' own theory of bequests,
the second paragraph of Article 912 Civil Code covers precisely the case of the executrix-appellee, who admittedly was
favored by the testatrix with the large bulk of her estate in providing that "The devisee who is entitled to a legitime may
retain the entire property, provided its value does not exceed that of the disposable portion and of the share pertaining to
him as legitime." For "diversity of apportionment is the usual reason for making a testament; otherwise, the decedent
might as well die intestate." Fundamentally, of course, the dispositions by the testatrix constituted a partition by will,
which by mandate of Article 1080 of the Civil Code and of the other cited codal provisions upholding the primacy of the
testator's last will and testament, have to be respected insofar as they do not prejudice the legitime of the other compulsory