Transfer and Posting Policies

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Government of West Bengal

Health & Family Welfare Department
Organizational & Human Resource Development Theme Group
Strategic Planning & Sector Reform Cell
SPSRC, 4th Floor, Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector-V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700 091
Printable version No. 1.0, Dated March 2010
E mail: Web add: www.


Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
Strategic Planning & Sector reform Cell
4th Floor Wing-B, Swasthya Bhawan

No. HF/SPSRC/36/2012/137 Dated 2nd November, 2012

Publication of important government orders of the health & FW Department in

the form of the Health Manual has been in practice. It has not been updated for a
considerable length of time. Publication of such manuals along with updated GOs has
been under the active consideration of the department for sometime past.

The Department has decided to bring out such manuals in a phased manner. As a part
of the process a compilation of transfer-posting policies of different categories
employees working in the directorate has been under taken by the Strategic Planning
& Sector reform Cell.

It is expected that such compilation will be useful for

Rational deployment of manpower to render proper service to the population of
the state
Transparency and accountability related to a sensitive matter of Human
resource management like transfer/posting
Formulation of new policy/revision of existing policy by the policy makers

This compilation based on the available government orders has been posted in the
departmental website Any omission of already published job-
description may be brought to the notice of the undersigned for further inclusion.

Suggestions or recommendations in this regard will be appreciated.

Sd/- Sanghamitra Ghosh

Director, SPSRC

Table of Content

Text of GO. No. HPH/2M-13-85/167 Dt. 29.08.1986; Sub: appointment, transfer,

posting etc. of Social Welfare officer in Group C .......................................................... 7

Text of GO. No. H/MA/2343/JS-26/90 Dt. 10.08.1990; Sub: Guidelines for posting
and transfer of Medical Officers of the West Bengal Health Service .......................... 8

Text of GO. No. Health/MA/661/JS-10/91 Dt. 20.03.1991; Sub: Guidelines for

posting and transfer of Medical Officers of the WBHS ............................................... 12

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/1M-89/96/A6847 Dt. 04.09.1996; Sub: Power of CMOH

of Health to transfer and detailment of MO within District ......................................... 13

Text of GO. No. H/MA/MES/1891/1M-77/96 Dt. 18.11.1996; Sub: transfer posting

guidelines for WBMES cadre ....................................................................................... 14

Text of GO. No. H/SFWB-FW/300-4/14R-1/97 Dt. 15.12.1997; Sub: Power of

CMOH of transfer of sub-centre health centre personnel ............................................ 19

Text of GO. No. HF/O/GA/522/1E-05/99 Dt. 08.03.1999; Sub: Power of CMOH of

Health to transfer of Group A personnel including MO within District ...................... 21

Text of GO. No. A 7021/ 1(7) Dt. 03.08.1999; Sub: Guidelines for allowing of a staff
to act in a higher post .................................................................................................... 23

Text of GO. No. Health/MA/3953/MES/JS.118/2001 Dt. 26.11.2001; Sub: Guidelines

for posting and transfer of Medical. Officers of the West Bengal Health Service ...... 25

Text of GO. No. HF/O/AUH/10/3H-133/01 Dt. 07.01.2002; Sub: Guidelines for

postings and transfers of Homoeopathic Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic
Medical Officers of the West Bengal general Service ................................................. 28

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/171/Z-15/02 Dt. 01.02.2002; Sub: powers on the DHS,
W.B. & Ex officio Secretary to decide on the proposals for transfer and posting ....... 31

Text of GO. No. HF/O/GA (Ng.)/41/HNG/1N-2/2001 Dt. 01.02.2002; Sub:

Guidelines for posting and transfer of Gr.II & I (ii) and Gr. I (i)a & Gr. I (i)b nursing
personnel of the West Bengal Nursing Service ............................................................ 32

Text of GO. No. HF/O/AUH/10/3H-133/01 Dt. 07.01.2002; Sub: Guidelines for

posting and transfer of Homoeopathy Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic Medical
Officers ......................................................................................................................... 35

Text of GO. No. HF/MA/326/HAD/12M-55/2001 Dt. 28.02.2002; Sub: Guidelines for
posting and transfer of all Group B, C and D employees..................................... 38

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/459/Z-37/02 Dt. 19.03.2002; Sub: State Level Committee
for transfer and postings of Group B, C and D..................................................... 40

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/460/Z-37/02 Dt. 19.03.2002; Sub: Committee for

transfer of Superintendents of different Government Hospitals .................................. 42

Text of GO. No. H/MA/587/HPT/5A-11-91 Dt. 10.04.2002; Sub: Transfer and

Posting Committee in respect of the Medical officers of the WBHS .......................... 43

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/677/1M-39/2002 Dt. 30.04.2002; Sub: Posting of Group

D staff of NMTP Cadre in different vacancies in the districts by posting LR staff,
now attached to different offices and by withdrawing deputed staff ........................... 44

Text of GO. No. H/MA/2015/HPT/5A-11-91 Dt. 25.10.2002; Sub: Inclusion of

SFWO, Jt. DHS (PH&CD), Jt. D.H.S.(Admn.) as Co-Opt. members in the Transfer &
Posting Committee ....................................................................................................... 46

Text of GO. No. H/MA/149/HAD/D/2001 Dt. 20.01.2003; Sub: Transfer & Posting
of Group D employees .................................................................................................. 47

Text of GO. No. HF/N/PHP/87/2L-4/2003 Dt. 20.02.2003; Sub: Transfer of Vertical

staff engaged in different Leprosy Centre to other establishments .............................. 52

Text of GO. No. H/MA/2625/HAD/D/2001 Dt. 19.09.2003; Sub: Transfer and

postings of all categories of staff in the Decentralised Hospitals/Institution under DHS
and DME....................................................................................................................... 54

Text of GO. No. H/MA/2639/HPT/5A-11-91 Dt. 22.09.2003; Sub: Transfer and

Posting Committee in respect of the Medical officers of the WBHS .......................... 57

Text of GO. No. HF/O/GA/2784/W-12/2004 Dt. 25.02.2004; Sub: Guidelines of

posting and transfer of physically or mentally handicapped ........................................ 58

Text of GO. No. HF/O/ISMH/444/M-03/2004 Dt. 04.08.2004; Sub: Transfer * Posting

Committee of Homoeopathic Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic Medical
Officers ......................................................................................................................... 59

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/599/1M-08/05 Dt. 23.03.2005; Sub: Release of Medical

Officers of the West Bengal Health Services under tranfer ......................................... 60

Text of GO. No. Health/MA/675/1N-515-95 Dt. 31.03.2005; Sub: prayers for

Voluntary retirement of MO on transfer or otherwise ................................................. 62

Text of GO. No. HF/GA(Ng)/155/HNG/8D-I/2005 Pt.I Dt. 19.10.2005; Sub: Posting
of PHNs, (Grade-II) of the WBNS ............................................................................... 64

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/541/1A-11/05/Pt.-I Dt. 19.02.2007; Sub: Guidelines for

posting of M.O.(Specialist) in Rural Hospital and upper tiers through direct
recruitment / existing M.O.with P.G. qualification with declaration of Specialist in
W.B.H.S 65

Text of GO. No. H/MA/985/1M-07/09 Dt. 13.03.2009; Sub: Re-construction of

Transfer & Posting Committee ..................................................................................... 66

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/3431/1M-01/11 Dt. 09.11.2011; Sub: Transfer-posting

policy of Medical officers of WBHS............................................................................ 68

Text of GO. No. HPH/2M-13-85/167 Dt. 29.08.1986; Sub: appointment, transfer,
posting etc. of Social Welfare officer in Group C

Government of West Bengal

Directorate of Health Services
Writers Buildings Calcutta

No. HPH/2M-13-85/167 Dated, the 29th August, 1986


All establishment matters including appointment, transfer, posting etc. of Social

Welfare officer in Group C of West Bengal Sub-ordinate health Services (Non
Medical Tech. Personnel) will henceforth be done by the Asstt. Director of Health
Services (Admn.) in charge of Cader section of the Dte. of Health Services, West

This order comes in force with immediate effect and this order supercedes all previous

Sd/- Illegible
Director of Health Services

Text of GO. No. H/MA/2343/JS-26/90 Dt. 10.08.1990; Sub: Guidelines for posting
and transfer of Medical Officers of the West Bengal Health Service

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare

No.H/MA/2343/JS-26/90 Calcutta,the 10th August,1990.

From: Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To : The Director of Health Services, West Bengal.

Sub: Guidelines for posting and transfer of Medical Officers of the West Bengal
Health Service.


The undersigned is directed to refer to this Deptt.Memo no.H/MA/1095/JM-

62/84 dt.20.2.84 prescribing the guidelines for posting and transfer of Medical
Officers of the West Bengal Health Service and to say that for sometime past the
matter has been under review of Govt. After careful consideration the Governor has
since been pleased to prescribe in supersession of all previous orders on the subject,
the following guidelines and general principles to be followed in the matter of posting
and transfer of Medical Officers belonging to the unified Cadre of the West Bengal
Health Services:-

A. Principles of Posting and Transfer

1.(A) The first posting of all the new M.O.s joining W.B.H.S. following selection of
State P.S.C. be invariably made in the level of PHC / SHC / RH (in terms of seniority
/ vis-avis position list of vacant Health Centre)(the Govt. however reserves the right to
past M.O.s in death subjects such as Anaesthesiology, Radiodiagnosis, Radiotherapy,
Leprosy etc. depending upon the vacancies of such posts. Govt. shall review the
position of such Death subjects once every 2 years and shall notify accordingly).

1.(B) Initial posting of an M.O. selected through P.S.C. in the quota of the (reserves)
Physically handicapped and their subsequent transfers shall receive separate
consideration as far as practicable.

2. Normally after completion of three years of service at SHC/PHC/RH level, one

becomes eligible for transfer to hospitals of the next higher tier in terms of the plan
formulated henceunder. M.O.s placed in a difficult PHCs/ SHCs may be transferred to
a similar post within the same Zone at an earlier.

3. For those who are posted in State General / Sub-divisional / District Hospital /
Teaching Hospital as M.O.s / Special Category of Hospitals etc. transfers will be
considered in terms of Policy formulated herein as routine even without obtaining any
applications from the M.O.s praying for transfer.
4. A prayer of transfer are subjected to vacancy and administrative needs and
shall not be considered as a matter of right.

5. In matters of transfer of M.O.s serving in difficult areas for a longer period

will receive priority in consideration over others.

6. Normally all applications of transfer should reach the Asstt. Secretary (MA
Branch), Deptt. of Health & F.W. by the 30th November of every year. Order shall be
issued by 15th March of the prospective year.

7. Normally no M.O. shall be transferred in the last 3 years of service unless

separate administrative ground exists in some particular case.

8. All M.O.s shall serve ordinarily in the 4 (four) different zones for the specific
periods as stated below.

9. The M.O.s posted at the levels of SHC / PHC / RH of a particular district can
either pray for transfer to next higher level of a hospital tier of the same district or
zone, or can pray for transfer to a different zone.

10. The scheme given below is applicable for these M.O.s who have less than 5
(five) years of service at non-MDA areas. For those M.O.s who have completed 5
(five) to 10 (ten) years of non-CMDA service in a particular are liable to be
transferred to other uncovered zones.

11. For the purpose of posting and transfer, the State is divided into Zones as
indicated below where the M.O.s are required to serve for specific periods as
mentioned below in the different tier of hospitals.

Zones Districts Periods to be served

Zone West Dinajpur, Malda, Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri At least 3 years
D Darjeeling, Purulia
Zone C Midnapore, Birbhum, Bankura, Murshidabad 5/4 years
Zone B Howrah, Hooghly, Nadia, 24-Parganas (North & 7/5 years
Burdwan excluding the hospitals (other than
SHC/PHC/RH) falling under CMDA area as
well as Barasat S.D.H (24-Pgs (N)
Zone Calcutta and Howrah Municipal areas and all Total 15/12 years
A hospitals (other than SHC/ PHC/RH falling (inclusive of non-teaching

under CMDA area as well as Barasat posts in Teaching
S.D.Hospital Hospital)
(24-Pgs .N)

12. Tier I SHS / PHC / RH including BPHC (at least 3 year)

Application Intermediate tier (Training tier)
For 3(three) to 5 (five) years in the Teaching and
Special Category Hospitals.

Tier II St.Gen.Hospitals / Sub-divisional Hospital / Dist.

Posting of Tier II each of 5 (five) years can be in
the Zone B,C,D depending on the vacancy (read
with clause 20)

13. Apart from the principal of transfer based on Geographical zones, transfer shall
be on the principles of difficult tiers. (a) The transfer of the intermediate tier is to
enable M.O. to update his knowledge so as o enable him to prepare for Higher Studies
is he so desiers and is also meant for these M.O.s who have joined service after
acquiring appropriate P.C. qualifications need further practical training under
appropriate guidelines and supervision. After completion of the stipulated period of
service in this intermediate tier, M.O.s shall be transferred back accordingly to the
principles stated herein.

(b) M.O.s in tier-II now posted in S.D., S.G.H. & D.H. has to complete scheduled
periods of services in different zone before they are posted in zone-A.

(c) M.O.s. in the tier-II posted in S.D, S.G.H and D.H. will be automatically
considered for transfer in other zone as per schedule specified here, on the basis of
service already rendered and availability of vacancy and administrative need.

(d) M.O.s in tier-II after completing scheduled year of services as specified in a

particular zone, may apply for transfer to tier-I or tier-II of the same and different zone
or for the training tier.

(e) Priority will be consider on the basis of services in a difficult area and the
period of service rendered thereof.

14. M.O.s having post doctorate/P.G. degree or Diploma shall receive no relaxation
from the above scheme of transfer and posting.

15(a) If both husband and wife belong to W.B.H.S, posting in the same station as
near as possible shall be considered for them if they are similarly placed in regard to
zone & Tier of hospital subject to availability of vacancy.
( b) Lady Doctors may not be posted in the SHC

16. No leave application or extension of leave already admitted will be entertained

for the M.O.s who are under order of transfer.
17. At present posting at Calcutta / Howrah Municipal areas as well as at hospitals
(other than SHC/PHC/RH) within CMDA areas materials after at least 15/12 years of
services. M.O.s who occupy various posts in the various hospitals of Calcutta/
Howrah Municipal area as well as at Hospitals mentioned above having 15/12 years of
experience in non-CMDA areas shall be staggered to complete their respective
tenures, so that other M.O.s who has completed 15 years experience in non-CMDA
areas may obtain a posting at hospitals fallowing zone A.

18. Final posting in Zone A will depend on entire scoring which will depend on
a) Total period of non-CMDA experience
b) Total period served in different PHC/ SHC/RH and also in difficult districts.
c) Availability of vacancy.

19. Persons in Basic teaching posts in different disciplines, after completion of

their tenure if not selected as a Lecturer, has to join W.B.H.S in tier-II after a specified

20. In the exigencies of public interest and also for administrative reasons the
Govt. resume the right to transfer a Medical Officer posted any where to a different

Join Secretary.

Text of GO. No. Health/MA/661/JS-10/91 Dt. 20.03.1991; Sub: Guidelines for
posting and transfer of Medical Officers of the WBHS

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare
M.A. Branch.

No.Health/MA/661/JS-10/91 Dated, Calcutta the 20th March, 1991

From: The Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal.
Sub: Guidelines for posting and transfer of Medical Officers of the WBHS.


The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments Memo

No.H/MA/2343/JS-26/90 dated 10.8.1990 laying down therein the principles and
guidelines for posting and transfer of the Medical Officers belonging to the unified
cadre of the West Bengal Health Services and to say that the said Government order
shall come into effect from the 1st April, 1991 for implementation of the principles/
guidelines prescribed therein.

2. All concerned are being informed.

Joint secretary
No. Health/MA/661/JS-10/91/1(28)
Copy forwarded to the:-

1. Deputy Director of Health Services (Admn), West Bengal;

2. Assistant Director of Health Services (P & E), West Bengal;
3. Assistant Director of Health Services (MERT), West Bengal;
4. Chief Medical Officers of Health,
5. P.S. to M.I.C, Department of Health & Family Welfare Samity, West Bengal;
6. P.A to the Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, West Bengal;
7. M.S. Branch of this Department;
8. F. W. Branch of this Department;
For information and necessary action.

Calcutta, the 20th March,1991.

Sd/- Illegible
Joint Secretary.

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/1M-89/96/A6847 Dt. 04.09.1996; Sub: Power of CMOH
of Health to transfer and detailment of MO within District

Government of West Bengal

Directorate of Health Services
Writers, Buildings, Calcutta.

No. HF/O/MA/1M-89/96/A6847 Dated, the 4th September,1996.


It has been brought to the notice of this Directorate that Chief Medical Officer
of Health of several districts are transferring Medical Officers within his / her district.
It is to be noted that they have no such authority under the existing rules.
Being aggrieved by such action of C.M.O.H. many of the medical officers are
moving to Honble Court for justice and thereby causing legal complications in Health
In order to avoid such complications the Chief Medical Officers of Health of
the districts are hereby directed not to transfer and to post any Medical Officer to any
place under his control.
On the occasion of extreme emergency they can detail any Medical Officer
under his / her control any place within his / her district to combat crisis.
It is to be borne in mind that before such detailment exigency of the situation
should be judged very carefully to avoid any complication and to inform the

Sd/- Illegible
Director of Health Services
West Bengal

Text of GO. No. H/MA/MES/1891/1M-77/96 Dt. 18.11.1996; Sub: transfer posting
guidelines for WBMES cadre

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
M.A Branch

No. H/MA/MES/1891/1M-77/96, Calcutta, the 18th November, 1996.


The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department Memo No. H/ MA/

1095/ 1M-62/84 dt.20.2.1984 prescribing the guidelines for posting and transfer to
Medical Officers and Teachers of the erstwhile West Bengal Health Service and to say
that since the time of bifurcation of the erstwhile West Bengal Health Service in to
WBMES and WBHS on 24.5.1990 there was no transfer posting guidelines for
WBMES cadre. For some time post the matter has been under review of the

After careful; consideration the Governor has since been pleased to prescribed in
super session of all previous orders on the subject, the following guidelines and
general principles to be followed in respect of the officers belonging to the West
Bengal Medical Education Service.

1. Transfer in WBMES shall not be a routine procedure. Posting and transfer of

WBMES teachers shall be effected to run the academic, Medical and related
needs of the Medical Teaching Institutions in an efficient manner. Such
Institutions are located in different areas of West Bengal. These institutions
have different Departments with different specializations. Transfers shall be
normally effected after considering the actual need arising out of such
phenomena among other considerations.

2. For the purpose of transfer and posting the present teaching institutions shall
be categories as follows:
(i) Zone-I- All MES institutions located in Calcutta.
(ii) Zone-II- Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan.
(iii) Zone-III- Bankura Sammilani Medical College, Bankura.
(iv) Zone-IV- North Bangal Medical College, Shurutnagar.

3. During first posting as a teacher (Basic teacher and teachers) one may be
allowed preference of posting in institutions located in Zones II, II and IV
unless it is not possible due to administrative reasons.

4. All WBMES teachers during the entire period of his/her service in WBMES
shall be required to work for a period of 8 to 10 years in institutions outside
Zone I, of which at least 3 years shall be at Zone-III and IV. Teachers posted in
Zone-I, can be transferred in other institutions of that Zone as per necessity.

5. Existing WBMES teachers who have not served in teaching institutions

outside Calcutta shall be transferred to such institutions. Identification of such
transfers shall be made on the basis of quantum of moffussil service rendered
in WBHS capacity and also on the basis of seniority of stay at Calcutta.


(a) Zonal preference in posting can be made for Officers of former WBHS who
have served more than 8 years in non- CMDA areas, or, more than 15 years in
non- CMDA areas including service for 3 years in Zone-D of WBHS
(Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, Darjeeling, North& South Dinajpur and Maldah
(b) Officers of former WBHS who have served more than 15 years in non-
CMDA area without service in Zone-D of WBHS are required to serve in
Zone-III/IV for 2 to 3 years.

6. Period served as teacher in WBHS capacity in different Zones shall be taken

as equivalent to same period of service in the same Zone in WBMES capacity.

7. Normally the applications for transfer as per prescribed promotion annexed

herewith, should reach the Director of Medical Education, between 1st
November and 31st December every year. Application beyond this year will not
be normally considered. Orders of transfer shall ordinarily be issued by the end
of March of the Next year, so that the transferred employee can join their new
post by the end of April.

8. Any choice of posting indicated by a teacher of WBMES from one Zone to

another Zone during the last 3 years before superannuation shall normally be
given due consideration.

9. If both the husband and wife belong WBMES posting in the same Zone may
be considered for them subject to availability of vacancy.

10. A teacher posted in any institution/ department that renders post-graduate

training may be transferred and posted in an institution/department rendering
only under-graduate teaching.

11. Leave applied for, by a teacher who is under order of transfer in no case by
entertained. Any officer on leave already sanctioned by a competent authority

from before issue of the order of his transfer, shall not be allowed extension of
leave and he will be released for joining new post soon after his resuming
duties on the expiry of the sanctioned leave. Those applying for leave or
extension of leave on medical ground would be granted the leave the leave
after recommendation for the same by a medical board to whom the case would
be referred by the Head of the Institution.

12. Any order of transfer shall heave to be given effect to by all concerned,
under local arrangement, within 1 month of the date of issue of the order of
transfer, if the substitute does not join in the meantime.

13. Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing paragraphs, the

Government may post and / or transfer any teacher within WBMES cadre from
any Medical Institution to another Medical Institution in West Bengal in West
Bengal in the interest of public service.

Sd/- Illegible
The 18th November, 1997. Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. H/MA/ MES/1891/1M-77/96/1(3)

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the:-

1. Director of Health Services & EO, Secretary.
2. PS to Minister-in-charge, H & FW.
3. PS to MOS, H & FW, West Bengal.
4. Dy. DHS (MERT), West Bengal
5. PA to Principal Secretary, H & FW.
6. IDME, West Bengal.
Sd/- Illegible
The 18th November, 1997. Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

(It is a specimen of the standard proforma. The space in respect of each item may be
spread out in separate typed sheet to accommodate the required information during
filling up the same)

Application for transfer and posting of the teachers of the institution under WBMES
from one Zone to another Zone as per G.O. No. H/MA/ MES/1891/1M-77/96

(To be sent through proper channel)

1. Name of the applicant (in Block letter) :
2. Present designation (mentioning the name of
the discipline and institution)
3. Permanent address :
4. Date of birth :..

5. Date of joining the service :

(a) WBHS (i) Ad-hoc.
(ii) PSC :
(b) WBMES :
6. Place of postings in chronological order
Since joining the service :.

Sl. Designation Place of posting From To

7. Statement of Leave (other :
than CL & EOL ) taken
during last 3 years
8. Whether leave has been :
sanctioned by the
appropriate authority, if not
9. Statement of extraordinary :
leave (if availed) duration
of leave is to be mentioned
and whether that leave is
sanctioned by the
Government or not)
10. Choice of posting
mentioning the name of the

Zone (this does not entail
the petitioner for any claim
for such posting)
11. Ground for which transfer :
is sought

I do here by declare that the above particulars furnished by me are true to the best of
my knowledge.


Postal Address:

Signature of the applicant
with designation
12. Specific remarks of the Head of the
Department regarding the attendance,
leave and performance of the applicant:

Signature with Seal of the
Head of the Department.
13. Remarks and recommendation of the
Head of the Institution. :

Signature with Seal of the
Head of the Institution.

Text of GO. No. H/SFWB-FW/300-4/14R-1/97 Dt. 15.12.1997; Sub: Power of
CMOH of transfer of sub-centre health centre personnel

Government of West Bengal

Directorate of Health Services
State Family Welfare Bureau

Memo No. H/SFWB-FW/300-4/14R-1/97 Dated, the 15th, December 1997.


In recent years Morbidity Prevalence Rate, Annual Morbidity Rate, Maternal

Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Health condition of the girl Children and
Mothers have become matters of serious concern. At the National level Development
of educational and health standard along with the basic requirements for a family has
become an important component for overall development. As such planning for health
care and fertility control has been decided to be taken up from the sub-centre and
Gram Panchayet level. With a view to strengthen the functioning of the sub-centre
various aspects are to be carefully assessed, planned and implemented. During recent
assessment at the State level it was observed that sub-centre personnel specially
female component have been shifted to other places in many districts keeping the sub-
centre vacant. This was not desirable. So also Medical Officers of the Health Centres
were also being shifted to various hospitals keeping the Health Centre vacant.

Therefore, it is being directed to the Chief Medical Officers of Health of each

district to ensure that sub-centre and health centre personnels are not shifted to other
centre without prior permission from the Director of Health Services.

If any A. N.M. ( R) are irregularly placed other than her place of working, she
must be placed at her original place of posting within a month. The report of this
action and the present status of sub-centres should be communicated to the
undersigned within 15th December, 1997 without fail.

Sd/- Illegible
Director of Health Services
Govt. of West Bengal

Memo No. H/SFWB-FW/3004/1(40)/14R-1/97 Dated, the 15th, December 1997

Copy forwarded to the:-

1. P.S. to Minister of State, Dept. of Health F.W, Govt. of W.B., Writers Buildings,

2. P.S. to Minister in-Charge, Dept. of Health F.W, Govt. of W.B., Writers
Buildings, Kolkata-1.
3.Commissioner(FW) & Special Secretary, Dept. of Health & F.W., Govt. of W.B.,
Writers Buildings, Kolkata-1
4. State Family Welfare Officer & Jt. D.H.S.(FW), S.F.W.B., West Bengal
5.Dy. D.H.S.(Nursing), Govt. of West Bengal.
6-22. Chief Medical Officer of Health,
23-40. Dy. Chief Medical Officer of Health-III/IV

Sd/- Illegible
Director of Health Services
Govt. of West Bengal

Text of GO. No. HF/O/GA/522/1E-05/99 Dt. 08.03.1999; Sub: Power of CMOH of
Health to transfer of Group A personnel including MO within District

Government of West Bengal

Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare

No.HF/O/GA/522/1E-05/99 Calcutta, the 8th March,1999.


In keeping with State Governments Policy of decentralization and

empowerment of Panchayati Raj Institutions, the Department of Health & Family
Welfare has constituted District Health Committee and vested them with different
powers and responsibilities from time to time. It has been felt that centralised
authority with regard to the administration of the establishment of the Health
Directorate has given rise to a number of deficiencies. Although a revised staffing
pattern was sanctioned vide this Department Memo No.H/MS/293/1H-18/87 dated
20.2.91, satisfactory staffing pattern is yet to be implemented in the field. It has also
been observed that the present arrangement often give rise to a number of other
administrative deficiencies which have an adverse impact on the provisions of Health

2. Having taken these factors into consideration and having taken the view that
the situation can be substantially improved if decentralization of authority with regard
to health administration with particular reference to the health establishment is
undertaken, the Governor is pleased to order in partial modification of this
Department Memo No.H/MA/2343/JS-26/90 dated 10.8.90 that Chief Medical Officer
of Health is hereby authorized to issue transfer orders for all categories of Group A
personnel including Medical Officers posted in any district under Health & Family
Welfare Department to any other station within that district in the interest of public
service under intimation to the Government. Such orders will be issued by the
C.M.O.H. on the authorization of the District Health Committee. The District Health
Committee may consider in this regard the recommendation of a Sub Committee to be
constituted for the purpose, which may consist

i) C.M.O.H. - Convenor
ii) Concerned Dy. C.M.O.H. / A.C.M.O.H.
iii) Karmadhyakha / Executive Councellor Health, D.G.H.C.

3. The Sub-Committee will assess the vacancy position in each nit with reference
to workload and location and recommended transfer of personnel from one unit to
another within the district. The principles laid down in Memo No.H/MA/2343/JS-

26/90 dated 10.8.90 and administrative exigencies in the interest of public service may
also be considered. Recommendation for transfer to a station outside the district may
be forwarded through the District Health Committee to Competent State Level
4. This order will have immediate effect and be applicable to all districts except
Calcutta and will apply mutatis mutandis the Hill areas of Darjeeling District and
Siliguri Sub-Division.

5. The Governor is further pleased to order that the resolution be published in the
Official Gazette and copies be sent to all Departments of this Government.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/-(N.K.S. Jhala)
Principal Secretary.

Text of GO. No. A 7021/ 1(7) Dt. 03.08.1999; Sub: Guidelines for allowing of a staff
to act in a higher post



No.A 7021/ 1(7) Dated, Cal 3.8.1999


Govt. employees in different offices attached to the Dte. of Health Services in

different posts are performing their duties against specific scales pf Pay as admissible
under Rules. In has been noticed in the recent past that in many offices, the Heads of
the Institutions very often are utilizing the services of some staff in certain posts
higher than they belong in order to alleviate problems consequent on creation of
vacancies on death / retirement / transfer of the concerned staff during the
intermediate session of subsequent filling up. In many cases such allowances continue
for a considerable period of time without any approval of the higher authority.
Such allowing of a staff to act in a higher post very often out of knowledge of
the higher authority. Such lapses on the part of local administration in allowing a
lower category staff to a higher post without concurrence of higher authority in as
much as it is related to allowance of financial benefit, allure the concerned staff to
seek the shelter of Court of Law for protection of their pay-structure commensurate to
the load work scheduled for a staff of higher category. In fact a good number of cases
in the Court of Law has been able to get the verdict of Honble Court in favour of such
In the context of above, directives are hereby issued to the concerned
authorities that henceforth no such detailment / posting of a staff to his / her post be
allowed without prior approval of the higher authority. In the event of violation of this
instructions the concerned Officials will be liable for proceedings as well as
imposition of penalty on recovery of amount, payable to such a staff of concern
category performing the duties of higher category. While making allotment of duties
the Heads of the Officers may kindly take into consideration the fact of designation
and Pay Scales of the Staff.
In case if any staff is performing the duties of higher post at present he/she may
be relieved of from the said post and allowed to work in a post befitting to his / her
scale of pay.
A report on the present schedule of work staff pattern may be furnished within
15 days from the date of issue of this instruction.

Sd/- Illegible

Director of Health Services,
West Bengal

Text of GO. No. Health/MA/3953/MES/JS.118/2001 Dt. 26.11.2001; Sub: Guidelines
for posting and transfer of Medical. Officers of the West Bengal Health Service

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare

No. Health/MA/3953/MES/JS.118/2001 Kolkata, the 26th November, 2001

From: The Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.

To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal. .

Sub: Guidelines for posting and transfer of Medical. Officers of the West Bengal
Health Service.


The undersigned is directed to refer to this Deptt. Memo. No. H/MA/2343/JS-26/90

dated 10th August 1990, prescribing the guidelines for posting and transfer of Medical
Officers of the West Bengal Health Service and to say that the matter has been under
review of Government for sometime past. After careful consideration, the Governor
has since been pleased to prescribe, in supersession of all previous orders on the
subject, the following guidelines and general principles to be followed in the matter of
posting and transfer of Medical Officers belonging to the Cadre of the West Bengal
Health Service :

1. The State of West Bengal be divided into 3 (three) Zones for the purpose of
posting and transfer of Medical Officers of the West Bengal Health Service :

i. Zone 'A'-AII the districts of South Bengal, except the districts of Purulia and
Murshidabad and riverine belt of South 24-parganas and North 24-parganas ;

ii. Zone 'B'-AII the districts of North Bengal and the districts of Purulia and
Murshidabad and riverine belt of the districts of South 24-parganas and North

iii. Zone 'C'-C.M.DA Area.

2. All the Medical Officers will be posted in the PHCs/ BPHCs/ Rural Hospitals at
the time of their initial appointment and they will have to serve there for at least 4
(four) Years in Zone 'A' or Zone 'B'.

3. After serving in the PHCs/ BPHCs/ Rural Hospitals located in either Zone 'A' or
'B' for 4 (four) years the Medical Officers will be transferred and posted in the PHCs/

BPHCs/ Rural Hospitals located in the other Zone 'B' or 'A'. Such Medical Officers
will have to serve there for at least another 4 (four) years.

4. After serving in the PHCs/ BPHCs/ Rural Hospitals, as in paras 2 and 3 above the
Medical Officers will be transferred to the Sub-Divisional Hospitals/State General
Hospitals/District/ Specialized Hospitals outside C.M.D. A. Area and the Medical
Officers will have to serve there for at least 8 to 10 years. Out of the said tenure, the
officers will have to serve for at least 4 (four) years in each of the Zone 'N and Zone

5. After completion of the tenure of service for at least 16 to 18 years in paras 2 to 4

above, the Medical Officers may be considered for posting in the Hospitals/Non-
Teaching Institutions within the C.M.D.A. Areas (Zone-'C'). . .

6. However, after serving in the PHCs/ BPHCs/ Rural Hospitals for at least 8 (eight)
years as in paras 2 and 3 above, the Medical Officers may be considered for posting in
the Teaching Institutions (W.B.M.E.S.), irrespective of location of the said Institution,
for a maximum period of 5 (five) years. The tenure of service of the Medical Officers
in any such Institution may be treated as "Senior Residents".

After completion of the said maximum period of 5 (five) years, such Medical Officers
will be posted in the sub-Divisional Hospitals/State General Hospitals/District
Hospitals outside C.M.DA Area for a period of at least 5 to 7 years, the Zone to be
considered depending on the location of the particular Teaching Institution
(W.B.M.E.S.) in which they have already served.

7. Specialist Medical Officers will be posted in the, 'Specialist' posts according to

seniority, following the above norms.

8. Medical Officers having qualification in Super-specialty may be considered for

posting in the respective Super-specialty Department of the aforesaid Teaching
Institutions (W.B.M.E.S.), following the above norms.

9. Efforts will be made for posting of Spouse either in the same place of posting or
any nearest place of posting.

10. All the transfer/posting will be made subject to availability of vacancies in the
respective tier and the above policy does not entail any Medical Officer for any claim
for such transfer/posting.

11. No Medical Officer will be transferred within the period of 2(two) years before
the date of his retirement from service on superannuation.

The prayer of such an Officer for his transfer to a nearest place of this residence may,
however, be considered by Govt., subject to availability of vacancy in the concerned

Nevertheless, any Medical Officer may be transferred by Govt. at any time at any
place on the administrative ground in exigency.

Sd/ Illegible
Deputy Secretary.

Text of GO. No. HF/O/AUH/10/3H-133/01 Dt. 07.01.2002; Sub: Guidelines for
postings and transfers of Homoeopathic Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic
Medical Officers of the West Bengal general Service

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
I.S.M. & H. Branch

No.HF/O/AUH/10/3H-133/01 Dated, Kolkata, the 7th January, 2002

From : The Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal

To: (1) The Director of Horoeopathy, West Bengal, 10 Camac Street, KOlkata 17.
(2) The Director of Ayurveda, West Bengal, P-16, India Excharge Place Extn.,
C.I.T.Building, Kolkata 700073.

Sub: Guidelines for postings and transfers of Homoeopathic Medical Officers and
Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers of the West Bengal general Service.


The undersigned is directed to say that the matter of postings and transfers of
Homoeopathic Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers of the West
Bengal General Service has been under review of Government for some time past.
After careful consideration, the Governor has since been pleased to prescribe, in
supersession of all previous orders on the subject, the following broad guidelines in
the matter of postings and transfers of Homoeopathic Medical Officers (HMOs) and
Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers (SAMOs) of the West Bengal General Services
subject to the conditions that the proposals may be modified according to the
exigencies of the circumstances and also in the interest of public service.

(1) For the purpose of postings and transfers, the State will be divided into 3
(Three) Zones as indicated below where the Homoeopathic Medical Officers (HMOs)
and Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers (SAMOs) are required to serve:

(i) Zone A : Darjeeling, Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, Dinajpur (Uttar and

Island areas of 24-Parganas (North and South), Malda,
Murshidabad, Purulia
(ii) Zone B : Bankura, Midnapore (East and West), Birbhum, Burdwan, Nadia,
Howrah, Hooghly and Rest areas of 24-Parganas (North and
South) excluding KMDA area
(iii) Zone C : KMDA area

2.(i) Officers on first appointment will not be posted in any Zone other than A
.Appointment will begin from Zone A and after the vacancy / vacancies in that Zone
is / are filled up, the process may spill over to Zone B and C. The transfer from
Zone A considered first after completion of at least 5(five) years of service in the
zone. Similar transfer from Zone B and onwards after serving 5 (five) years at least
on each of Zone and A will be considered. Under special circumstances in specific
cases with the approval of the Secretary of the Department, the zonal restrictions may
be deviated from the guidelines prescribed above.

(ii) Officers who have served in a particular Zone for the prescribed period may be
transferred to another place in the same Zone if necessary.

(iii) Homoeopathic Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers posted
in difficult areas may be considered for transfer to a similar post within the same Zone
considering the merit of the case and period of service rendered with the approval of
the Secretary of the Department.

3. A prayer for transfer is subject to availability of vacancy and administrative

needs. Thus it may not be considered as a matter of right.

4. The Transfer should normally be made towards the end of an academic year.
However, transfers in mid-session may only be considered in the interest of public
service and in the cases on humanitarian grounds with the express approval of the
Secretary of the Department. Normally, the proposal for transfer may be submitted by
the Director of Homoeopathy and Ayurveda to the I.S.M. & H.Branch of the
Department by 30th November every year so that Orders can be issued / implemented
by 15th March of the respective year at the latest.

5. If both the Homoeopathic Medical Officer / Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officer

and his / her wife / husband belong to Health and Family Welfare Department, posting
in the same station / as near as possible may be considered considering their service
period and subject to availability of vacancy.

6. Normally, no Homoeopathic Medical Officer / Senior Ayurvedic Medical

Officer may be transferred in the last 2 (Two) years of his service unless
administrative grounds necessitate such transfer.

7. In the exigencies of Public interest and for administrative reasons, the

Government reserve the right to transfer any Homoeopathic Medical Officer / Senior
Ayurvedic Medical Officer posted anywhere to a different place as may be required.

8. No Homoeopathic Medical Officer / Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officer may be

posted in his / her Home district without express approval of the Secretary of the

Department. Posting in the Home district and / or nearer to his / her permanent address
may be considered during last three years of service period subject to availability of

9. These guidelines will be preserved in the Office of Directorate of

Homoeopathy and Ayurveda for a ready reference in making transfer proposal of
Homoeopathic Medical Officers / Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers.

10. The guidelines above will have immediate effect.

Sd/- P Pramanik
Joint Secretary

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/171/Z-15/02 Dt. 01.02.2002; Sub: powers on the DHS,
W.B. & Ex officio Secretary to decide on the proposals for transfer and posting

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare
M.A. Branch.

No.HF/O/MA/171/Z-15/02 Dated: 01.02.2002


The Governor is pleased to delegate the administrative powers on the Director of

Health Service, W.B. & Ex officio Secretary that he will decide on the proposals for
transfer and posting in respect of the officers of the West Bengal health Services
below the rank of district level officers.

This will be effective from the date of issue of this notification.

By order of the Governor

Sd/-A. Barman
To the Govt. of West Bengal

No.HF/O/MA/171/Z-15/02/1 (25) Kolkata. The 01.02.02

Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The Principal A.G. (A&E), West Bengal;
2. The A.G. (Audit-I), W.B.
3. The A.G. (Audit-II), W.B.
4. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata pay & Accounts Office,
81/2/2, Phears Lane, Kolkata-12;
5-7. The Treasury Officer ___________________________________________.
8. Finance Department, Group P (Services), W.B.

Sd/- Illegible
Deputy Secretary

Text of GO. No. HF/O/GA (Ng.)/41/HNG/1N-2/2001 Dt. 01.02.2002; Sub:
Guidelines for posting and transfer of Gr.II & I (ii) and Gr. I (i)a & Gr. I (i)b nursing
personnel of the West Bengal Nursing Service

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
G.A (Ng.) Branch

No. HF/O/GA (Ng.)/41/HNG/1N-2/2001 Dated, Kolkata, the 1st Feb., 2002

From: The Asstt. Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal

To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal

Sub: Guidelines for posting and transfer of Gr.II & I (ii) and Gr. I (i)a & Gr. I (i)b
nursing personnel of the West Bengal Nursing Service.


The undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor
has been pleased to prescribe in supersession of all previous orders on the subject
mentioned above the following guidelines and general principles to be followed in the
matter of posting and transfer of the nursing personnel belonging to the West Bengal
Nursing Service.

2. The State of West Bengal shall be divided into two Zones for the purposes of
posting and transfer of Gr.II Gr.I(ii) and Gr.I(i)a and Gr. I(i)b nursing personnel of the
West Bengal Nursing Service:-

i) Zone A All the districts of South Bengal , except the districts of

purulia and Murshidabad and riverine belt of South 24- Parganas and North 24-

ii) Zone B All the districts of North Bengal and the districts of Purulia
and Murshidabad and riverine belt of the districts of South 24-Parganas and
North 24-Parganas.

3. All the Cadre II & (ii) nursing personnel will be posted in the Primary Health
Centres / Block Primary Health Centres / Rural Hospitals (as the case may be) at the
time of their initial appointment and they will have to serve there for at least 5 (five)
years in Zone A or Zone B for the next 5 (five) years.

4. The Grade II & I (ii) nursing personnel will have the option to stay in Zone B
for another five years. Those nurses who seek transfer from Zone B to Zone A after

having served in Zone B for five years will be considered for transfer to Zone A
(subject to availability of vacancies).

5. After serving in the PHCs / BPHCs / Rural Hospitals, as in paras 2 & 3 above,
the Grade II & I (ii) nursing personnel will be transferred to the Sub-Divisional
Hospitals / State General Hospitals / District / Specialised Hospitals outside CMDA
Area (subject to availability of vacancies) and the Grade II & I (ii) nursing personnel
will have to serve there for at least 10 years.

6. After completion of the tenure of service for at least 20 years in paras 2-4
above, the Grade II & I (ii) nursing personnel may be considered for posting in the
hospitals / non-teaching institutions within the CMDA Areas (subject to availability of
However, in view of the special requirements of some critical units (as
described in the Annexure) in the tertiary hospitals and also to ensure a proper age-
mix, these nurses who have shown good performance for at least 10 years of any of
the tiers mentioned between 2-4 and who had topped (were amongst the first ten (the
last degree examination of nursing may be brought on to specialized units meant for
critical care in these hospitals (subject to availability of vacancies). The nursing staff
once absorbed in a specialized unit will be transferred only to specialized unit of the
same nature.

7. Grade I (i)b will be posted at all SG / SD / District and other tertiary hospitals
after considering the previous place of posting. But grade I (i)a can only be posted in
107 hospitals as mentioned in G.O.No. Health / GA(Ng.) / 29/HNG/9M-341-92/ Pt.II
dated the 20th March 1995.

The Grade I(i)a post in the teaching hospital will be filled up only after
considering their educational qualifications and previous experience.

8. When the nursing personnel has only four years of service left she may be
given a preferential choice of posting (subject to availability of vacancies) where she
may continue till she attain superannuation.

9. The last posting before retirement of the nurses should be at least for a period
of two years, unless it is a case of promotion or on representation.

10. All the transfer and posting will be made in the public interest (subject to
availability of vacancies). Nevertheless, any nurses may be transferred by Govt. at any
time at any place on administrative grounds.

11. In the transfer order, who will move first be explicitly mentioned.

12. As far as practicable, husband and wife who are employed under the Govt. will
be posted near to each others station (subject to availability of vacancies).

13. Sickness of self, husband and children, supported by Medical Certificate can be

14. Staff from physically handicapped category will receive special consideration.

15. Mutual transfers will be continued provided they fulfill the norms of mutual

16. First appointment should be outside the home district.

17. This order will take effect from Ist April, 2002.

Sd/- Illegible
Assistant Secretary

Text of GO. No. HF/O/AUH/10/3H-133/01 Dt. 07.01.2002; Sub: Guidelines for
posting and transfer of Homoeopathy Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic Medical

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare
I.S.M. & H. Branch

No.HF/O/AUH/10/3H-133/01 Dated, Kolkata, the 7th January, 2002.

From : The Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.

To : (1) The Director of Homoeopathy, West Bengal, 10 Camac Street, Kolkata-

(2) The Director of Ayurveda, West Bengal, P-16, India Exchange Place
Extn., C.I.T. Buildings, Kolkata 700073.

Sub: Guidelines for posting and transfers of Homoeopathy Medical Officers

and Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers of the West Bengal General


The undersigned is directed to say that the matter of postings and transfers of
Homoeopathic Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers of the West
Bengal General Service has been under review of Government for some time past.
After careful consideration, the Governor has since been pleased to prescribe, in
supersession of all previous orders on the subject, the following broad guidelines in
the matter of postings and transfers of Homoeopathic Medical Officers (HMOs) and
Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers (SAMOs) of the West Bengal General Service
subject to the conditions that the proposals may be modified according to the
exigencies of the circumstances and also in the interest of public service.

(1) For the purpose of postings and transfers, the State will be divided into 3
(Three) Zones as indicated below where the Homoeopathic Medical Officers (HMOs)
and Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers (SAMOs) are required to serve:

Darjeeling, Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, Dinajpur (Uttar and

(i) Zone A : Dakshin), Island areas of 24-Parganas (North and
South), Malda, Murshidabad, Purulia.

Bankura, Midnapore (East and West), Birbhum,
(ii) Zone B : Burdwan, Nadia, Howrah, Hooghly and Rest areas of
24-Parganas (North and South) excluding KMDA area.
(iii) Zone C : KMDA area.

(2)(i) Officers on first appointment will not be posted in any Zone other than A.
Appointment will begin from Zone A and after the vacancy / vacancies in that Zone
is / are filled up, the process may spill over to Zone B and C. The transfer from
Zone A considered first after completion of at least 5(five) years of service in the
Zone. Since transfers from Zone B and onwards after serving 5 (five) years at least
in each of Zone B and A will be considered. Under special circumstances in
specific cases with the approval of the Secretary of the Department, the zonal
restrictions may be deviated from the guidelines prescribed above.

(ii) Officers who have served in a particular Zone for the prescribed period may be
transferred to another place in the same Zone if necessary.

(iii) Homoeopathic medical Officers an Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers posted

in difficult areas may be considered for transfer to a similar post within the
same Zone considering the merit of the case and period of service rendered
with the approval of the Secretary of the Department.

(3) A prayer for transfer is subject to availability of vacancy and administrative

needs. Thus it may not be considered as a matter of right.

(4) The transfers should normally be made towards the end of an academic year.
However, transfers in mid-session may only be considered in the interest of public
service and in the cases on humanitarian grounds with the express approval of the
Secretary of the Department. Normally, the proposal for transfer may be submitted by
the Director of Homoeopathy and Ayurveda to the I.S.M. & H. Branch of the
Department by 30th November every year so that Orders can be issued / implemented
by 15th March of the respective year at the latest.

(5) If both the Homoeopathic Medical Officer / Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officer
and his / her wife / husband belong to Health and Family Welfare Department, posting
in the same station / as near as possible may be considered considering their service
period and subject to availability of vacancy.

(6) Normally, no Homoeopathic Medical Officer / Senior Ayurvedic Medical

Officer may be transferred in the last 2 (two) years of his service unless administrative
grounds necessitate such transfer.

(7) In the exigencies of Public interest and for administrative reasons, the
Government reserve the right to transfer any Homoeopathic Medical Officer / Senior
Ayurvedic Medical Officer posted anywhere to a different place as may be required.

(8) No Homoeopathic Medical Officer / Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officer may be

posted in his / her Home district without express approval of the Secretary of the
Department. Posting in the Home district and / or nearer to his / her permanent address
may be considered during last three years of service period subject to availability of

(9) These guidelines will be preserved in the Office of Directorate of

Homoeopathy and Ayurveda for a ready reference in making transfer proposal of
Homoeopathic Medical Officers / Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers.

(10) The guidelines above will have immediate effect.

Sd/- P Pramanik
Joint Secretary

Text of GO. No. HF/MA/326/HAD/12M-55/2001 Dt. 28.02.2002; Sub: Guidelines for
posting and transfer of all Group B, C and D employees

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare

No.HF/MA/326/HAD/12M-55/2001 Dated,Kolkata,the 28th February,2002.

From: The Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To : (i) The Director of Health Services, West Bengal.

(ii) The Director of Ayurveda, West Bengal.
(iii)The Director of Homoeopathy, West Bengal.


The undersigned is directed, by order of the Governor, to say that the Governor
has been pleased to lay down the following guidelines for observance by all
transferring authorities in the Department of Health and Family Welfare, in the matter
of posting and transfer of all Group B, C and D employees employed in offices
subordinate to the Department.

I. Guidelines for Group B and C employees:

i) Each employee shall be liable for transfer as a routine after five years
service in a particular institution / station;
ii) Not more than 20% of the employees of a particular category of an
institution / zone / circle / district shall be transferred each year to
another institution / zone / circle / district;
iii) Efforts should be made to five the employees a chance to serve in their
respective home districts as far as practicable;
iv) Mutual transfer will be allowed at any time provided that in applying for
such transfer, a person does not seek posting at a place where he / she
had occasion to serve during the preceding 5 (five) years;
v) If both husband and wife are Government Employees, efforts should be
made to keep them in the same place as far as practicable or in places
where they may serve without living separately;
vi) Deputation to foreign bodies should be reviewed every three years as
provided in the existing orders;
vii) 3 9three) years before the retirement of a Government servant, his / her
posting should be in a station where he / she intends to settle after
retirement or near about as far as practicable;
viii) Chief Medical Officer of Health may take transfer within their
respective districts. As regards other employees including those who are

under the Directorates of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy and in the event
of inter-district transfers, the Director of Health Services, West Bengal,
the Director of Ayurveda, West Bengal and the Director of
Homoeopathy, West Bengal, as the case may be, will be the appropriate

II. Guidelines for Group Demployees:

i) In respect of Group D employees, the Chief Medical Officers of
Health in the districts and Superintendents and other heads of
institutions being appointing authorities are empowered to transfer
within respective districts / departments of institutions. In case of inter-
district / inter-institution transfer and in respect of Group D employees
of the headquarters, the Director of Health Services, West Bengal, will
take the decision and issue necessary orders.
ii) In respect of Group D employees under the Directorate of Ayurveda
Directorate of Homoeopathy and Institutions, the respective Director
will be the transferring authority.
iii) In all cases of transfers of Group D employees the postings should be
restricted within 20 (twenty) kilometers radius from his / her normal
place of residence.

III. Lists of persons due for transfer in a particular year shall be finalized before the
Puja holidays of that year. The list should be drawn up on the basis of Longest
Stay at a station.
IV. Transfer orders should normally be issued in the month of January and
February so that the persons concerned may join their new places of posting at
the end of March or in the beginning of April.
V. This Memorandum cancels all the previous circulars relating to policy of
transfer and posting of Group B, C and D employees of Health and Family
Welfare Department issued from time to time.
VI. The State Government / Appointing Authority reserves the right of transfer of
any Group B, C and D employees to any place at any time on
administrative ground or otherwise without showing any reasons whatsoever.

Sd/- Illegible

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/459/Z-37/02 Dt. 19.03.2002; Sub: State Level Committee
for transfer and postings of Group B, C and D

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
M.A. Branch.

No.HF/O/MA/459/Z-37/02 Dated: 19/03/02


With a view to implementing transfer and postings of Group B, C and D

Categories of employees in the offices subordinate to the Department of Health &
Family Welfare following the guidelines as formulated under the Departments
Memorandum No. H/MA/326/HAD/12M-55/2001 dt.28-2-2002, The Governor has
been pleased to constitute a State Level Committee with the following officers:-

1) Mr. P. Pramanik Jt. Secretary, Health & FW Deptt. - Chairman,

2) Dr. B.R. Manna, Jt. D.H.S. (Admn.), W.B - Member-convenor

3) Dr. Indrajit Saha, Deputy Secy., MES Br - Member

4) Dr. S.N. Maity, Deputy Secy., M.A. Br. - Member

2. The governor has also been pleased to constitute one Committee at each district
to implement the transfers and postings of Group B, C & D category of staff at
the district level following the guidelines stipulated in the said Memorandum dated
28.2.2002 with the following officers:-

1. One Officer not below the rank of D.D.H.S., W.B, to be nominated by the D.H.S.,
2. C.M.O.H of the concerned District, - Member convenor.
3. One Dy. C.M.O.H selected by the C.M.O.H - Member
4. A..C.M.O.H of the Sub-Divisions (all) - Members

3. Functions of the State Level Committee:

i) The committee shall examine all the cases of transfers and postings of B,
C & D Group employees in Kolkata Corporation area in terms of the above said
Memorandum-dated 28.2.2002 and recommend the eligible cases to D.H.S. for
issuance of orders.

ii) The committee will examine such cases in respect of the Medical Colleges
and Hospitals and other institutions within the jurisdiction of the Kolkata Corporation
iii) The cases of inter district transfer(s) recommended by the District Level
Committee(s) should be routed through the State Level Committee for issuance of
orders by the D.H.S.
iv). The Committee will also examine such intra-district transfer cases which
may be forwarded to it by the District Level Committee(s) when such Committee(s)
is/are unable to take any decision on such cases and seek(s) advice.

v) The committee will perform such other function(s) as may be entrusted upon
it from time to time.

4. The District Level Committee(s) shall perform the following functions.

i) Examine all the cases of transfers and postings of B, C and D Group

employees in the entire jurisdiction of the district excluding Kolkata Corporation area,
if any, and recommend the eligible cases for transfers within the district concerned for
implementation by the C.M.O.H. concerned.

ii) Recommend the cases of inter-district transfers, if any, to the State Level

iii) May seek advice from State Level Committee on the critical cases of intra-
district transfers where the District Level Committee is unable to take any decision.

iv). other work as may be entrusted upon the Committee from time to time.

5. The Notification takes immediate effect.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/- Illegible
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/460/Z-37/02 Dt. 19.03.2002; Sub: Committee for transfer
of Superintendents of different Government Hospitals

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
MA Branch

No.HF/O/MA/460/Z-37/02 19th March, 2002


With a view to recommend a proposal for transfer of Superintendents of different

Government Hospitals, within the overall policy frame work relating to transfer of
Medical Officers of the West Bengal Health Service, as laid down in Memorandum
No.Health/MA/3953/MES/JS-118/2001,dated 26th November 2001, the Governor has
been pleased to constitute a Committee with the following Officers:-

1. Sri Rajeev Dube, IAS, Joint Secretary 9Project), SHSDP-II - Chairman

2. Dr. S.N.Maity, Deputy Secretary, M.A.Branch Member Convenor
3. Sri Alok Kumar Mukherjee, Additional D.H.S., West Bengal, S.B.H.I Member
4. Dr. B.R.Manna, Joint D.H.S.(Admn.), West Bengal Member

While finalizing its recommendations the Committee shall also take into
consideration the quality assurance indicators reflecting the performance of the
hospitals as well as performance of hospitals in running pay clinics and collection of
Hospital Charges.

The Committee shall submit its recommendations to Secretary, Health and Family
Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal by 7th April, 2002.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Illegible
Secretary to the Government of W.Bengal

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :-
1. D.H.S., West Bengal
2. Joint D.H.S.(Admn.), West Bengal
3. A.D.H.S.(P&E), West Bengal
4. C.M.O.Hs ..
5. Superintendent ..

Dated: 19.03.02 Deputy Secretary

Text of GO. No. H/MA/587/HPT/5A-11-91 Dt. 10.04.2002; Sub: Transfer and
Posting Committee in respect of the Medical officers of the WBHS

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare
M.A. Branch.

No.H/MA/587/HPT/5A-11-91, Dated, Kolkata, the 10th April, 2002


With a view to implementing transfer and posting policy in respect of the

Medical officers of the West Bengal Health Service as formulated in this Deptt. Order
No.H/MA/3953/MES/JS-118/2001 DT. 26.11.01, the Governor has been pleased to
constitute a Committee under the nomenclature Transfer and Posting Committee
with the following officers:-

(1) Dy Secy. M.A. Branch - Chairman

(2) Asst. Secy., M.A. Branch - Member Convenor
(3) Jt.D.H.S. (Admn.), W.B. - Member
(4) A.D.H.S. (P&E), W.B. - Member
(5) D. A.D.H.S. (P&E), W.B - Member

2. The above Committee shall examine all proposals for transfer and postings of
the Medical Officers of the W.B.H.S. in a joint meeting and submit their
recommendation to the D.H.S. & Ex-officio Secretary and Secretary (H) of this Deptt.
for approval.

3. This order will come into force immediately.

4. This order issues in supercession of all previous orders relating to the matter.

By the order of the Governor

Sd/- Illegible
Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/677/1M-39/2002 Dt. 30.04.2002; Sub: Posting of Group
D staff of NMTP Cadre in different vacancies in the districts by posting LR staff,
now attached to different offices and by withdrawing deputed staff

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
Writers Building, Kolkata 700 001

No.HF/O/MA/677/1M-39/2002 Dated, Kolkata, the 30th April, 2002.

From: The Secretary to the GovWest Bengal.

To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal

Sub: Posting of Group D staff of NMTP Cadre in different vacancies in the

districts by posting LR staff, now attached to different offices and by
withdrawing deputed staff.


Amongst the different activities of the Govt. in the Deptt. of Health & F.W.
apart from rendering treatment to the ailing people and promoting the different sectors
of medical science in education, diagnosis, treatment, research for the well-being of
the public in general, programmes on mass involvement and awareness are considered
to be an effective and integral part of the medical administration. For this purpose
different public health programmes have been launched and appropriate posts, inter-
alia, have been created particularly in the NMTP Cadre of the Directorate of Health
Services, West Bengal. The essence of creation of these posts and their training for
which the appointments are made is purely associated with the concerned people of
the area, where the units, with these posts, are supposed to serve. In Memo.No.HCR-
Tech/41C-5-61/1227 dated 14.6.61 of the D.H.S., W.B. allotment of L.R.posts
admissible in the different Group of Cadre of the W.B. Sub-ordinate Health Services
(Non-Medical Technical personnel) has been made. The said allotment on visages
allotment of many LR posts Group B of the cadre attached to the offices of the then
Dy. D.H.S.(I.B.D), Dy. D.H.S (PH), A.D.H.S (Lep) and A.D.H.S (TB) since
upgraded and in other districts and institutions. No. of such L.R. posts has been
increased consequent on creation of new posts afterwards. Since sometime past
appointment of new entrants has been restricted. Consequent on super annuation,
death, voluntary retirement, transfer etc. very often the posts in the concerned units
fall vacant, filling of which is not being done immediately for different reasons. This
vacuum falls upon the public health of the concerned locality and public sentiment on
administration automatically begins to change from good to worse. A trend of
utilizing the services of a particular staff, ordered for transfer either in terms of

transfer policy or for promotion, in particular unit is being noticed by posting the staff
again in the previous units by a deputation order. Such deputation, whatever
considered necessary, directly stands in the way of normal and efficient functioning of
the unit where the staff was proposed to be transferred and the vacancy there
continues to persist. This problem was being examined by the Government for
sometime past and it has since been decided that the existing vacancies in the Group
D of NMTP Cadre in the public health units be filled in immediately by transferring
the LR staff, being attached to different offices viz. in the Dte. of Health Services,
Head Quarter, office of CMOH & different institutions and by withdrawing the
deputed staff.

2. In pursuance of the above decision the undersigned is directed by order of the

Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to withdraw the L.R. and deputed
staff of Group D of NMTP Cadre at present posted in different offices (viz. Dte. of
Health Services Head Quarter, different offices and institutions in Kolkata and
districts) and post them in the existing vacancies.

3. The concerned district authorities may fill in the vacancies of the district. In
case, all such staff cannot be transferred and posted in the district, the D.H.S., W.B. be
approached with a list of such staff for decision.

4. The D.H.S., W.B. will look in to the issue in respect of staff posted in the Dist.
Head Quarter and other offices in Kolkata.

5. As the services of NMTP Cadre personnel are required during emergency

consequent on flood, drought, a list of such staff may also be prepared and kept in the
office by the concerned authority so that their services may be called for as and when

6. The order will be effective with effect from 1.6.2002

7. The concerned Treasury Officer and other concerned are being informed.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- A.Barman

Text of GO. No. H/MA/2015/HPT/5A-11-91 Dt. 25.10.2002; Sub: Inclusion of
SFWO, Jt. DHS (PH&CD), Jt. D.H.S.(Admn.) as Co-Opt. members in the Transfer &
Posting Committee

Government of West Bengal

Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare

No.H/MA/2015/HPT/5A-11-91 Kol.25/10/02


In continuation of the resolution contained in this Deptt. order

No.H/MA/587/HPT/5A-11-91, dt. 10.04.02, the Governor has been pleased to include
the Officers like SFWO, Jt. DHS (PH&CD) , W.B., Jt. D.H.S.(Admn.), W.B. etc.
being the Chiefs of the Programmes in their respective concern as Co-Opt. members
in the Transfer & Posting Committee to examine the proposals for transfer and
posting in respect of all programme officers like D.T.O., Dy. C.M.O.H.-II & III,
D.T.O. etc. under the W.B.H.S. as the case may be.

This order will come into force with immediate effect.

By Order of the Governor

Sd/- Illegible
Principal Secretary

Text of GO. No. H/MA/149/HAD/D/2001 Dt. 20.01.2003; Sub: Transfer & Posting
of Group D employees

Government of West Bengal

Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare

NO. H/MA/149/HAD/D/2001 Dated: Kolkata, the 20th January, 2003


It has been necessary in the interest of Public service that the Group D employees
under the Chief Medical Officers of Health in different districts if this state and under
the Superintendents of different decentralized hospitals / Institutions under Medical
Superintendents / Principals / Directorates including 17 (Seventeen) Teaching
Institutions under the Directorate of Medical Education are required to be transferred
from one place to another.

2. To facilitate such transfers for making administration of the Hospitals and other
Institution smother, the followings are hereby ordered in partial modifications of
different orders on vogue in this regard:

I. For the Districts.

i) The Chief Medical Officers of Health in the different districts should

immediately take steps for transferring the Group D employees under his
control throughout his district following the Government policy of transfer of
Group D employees. They may recommend inter- district transfers of Group D,
if necessary, in exceptional cases.

ii) At present at least 40 % of the Group D staff under the control of CMOH
should be transferred by 31st March, 2003 by each CMOH in the district in
consultation with the Monitoring Committee formed under Notification No.
HF/O.MA.-459/02-37 DT 19.3.2002

iii) It is also specifically ordered that there should be no leave Reserve for
Group D staff at any stage in different tiers. The Monitoring Committee formed
under the above said notification should regularly and intensively see that the
transfers of Group D staff in the districts are implemented immediately.

iv) The proposals of inter-district transfers in respect of Group D, if Necessary,

should be sent to the Directorate of Health Services or to the Chairman of the
Committee constituted for transfer of B.C & D Group employees under this

II. For the Decentralised Hospitals / Institutions under the Superintendents/ Medical
Superintendents / Principals / Directorates including 17 Teaching Institutions under
the Directorate of Medical Education.

i) It is also ordered that the transfers of Group D staff of all the Decentralised
Hospitals / Institutions under Superintendents / Medical Superintendents /
Principals / Directorates as mentioned above should immediately be undertaken
following the norms of transfer policy of Group D employees of the State
Government. A list of all such Hospitals / Institutions is enlisted in Annexure

ii) As enclosed in Memo No. Esrr(IV)/ 5002/45-7/71 dt. 20.11.1972 it is

reiterated that the Director of Health Services, West Bengal shall be competent
to transfer all the Group D staff of the above said Decentralised Hospitals /
Institutions under the Directorate of Medical Education Service / the
Directorate of Health Services. The transfers shall be made by the Director of
Health Services following the norms of transfer of Group D Government

iii) It is also ordered that at least 40 % of Group D staff of these Hospitals /

Institutions in Annexure A should be transferred by 31st March, 2003.
iv) It is further ordered that there should be no Leave Reserve anywhere in the
category of Group D staff.

v) (a) The Governor is further pleased to direct that an incumbent

concerned transferred from one Hospital / Institution to other Hospital/
institution will continue to be borne in the establishment of his parent office/
(b) The Graduation list will be maintained and all other benefits be
effected by the concerned Appointing Authority of his parent office.
(c) It is also ordered that the salary of any Group D employee
transferred to a Hospital/ Institution will be drawn by the Superintendent /
DDO concerned of that Hospital where the person is transferred and posted.
The salary of such an employee will be what it would heave been had he
continued in the institution from which he has been transferred.

vi) The director of Health Services should see that the total number id Group D
staff posted at a particular Hospital/ Institution does not exceed the total
sanctioned strength of Group D staff of that Hospital / Institution.

3. The order will take with immediate effect.

Sd/- Asim Barman

Enclo:- 2(Two Sheets) Principal Secretary

1. Decentralised Hospitals and Institutions under the Directorate of Health Services
in Kolkata and other Districts.

1. North Sub arban Hospital, Coosipore, Kolkata ;
2. Abinash Dutta Maternity Home, Kolkata ;
3. Indira Matri-O-Sishukalyan, Kolkata ;
4. Lady Dufrin Victoria Hospital, Kolkata ;
5. District Family Welfere Bureau, Kolkata ;
6. Paseur Institution,
7. I. B. T. M. I. H., Kolkata (Formaly Central Blood Bank) Kolata ;
8. Central Combined Laboratory, Kolkata ; .
9. B.C.Roy Diagonistic Research Laboratory, Kolkata ;
11. Family Welfare Training Centre, Kolkata ;
12. Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, Kolkata ; .
13. Vidyasagar Hospital, Kolkata ;
14. Ramrikdas Horolalka Hospital, Bhawanipur, Kolkata ;
15. Bijoygarh State General Hospital, Jadavpur, Kolkata
16. Moor Avenue Polyclinic, Kolkata ;
17. K.S.Roy T.B. Hospital, Jadavpur, Kolkata ;
18. Superintendent, M.R. Bangur Hospital, Tollygunge, Kolkata ;
19. Kolkata Pavlov Hospital;
20. Lumbinipark Mental Hospital, Kolkata ;

1. J.N.M. Hospital, Kalyani, Nadia;
2. N.S.S., Kalyani, Nadia;
3. Dr. B.C.Roy Chest Sanatorium, Dhubulia, Nadia;
4. Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani;
5. Rural Training Centre, Kalyani;
6. F.W. Training Centre, Kalyani.

1. S.B.Dey Sanitorium, Kerseang, Darjeeling ;

1. Institute of Pharmacy, Jalpaiguri

1. Rural Training Centre, Burdwan ;

1. Gouripur Leprosy Hospital, Gouripur, Bankura ;
2. Institute of Pharmacy, Bankura ;

1. M.R.Bangur Sanatorium, Dighri, Midnapore ;

2. Gourhati T.B. Hospital, Serampur, Hooghly.

There is no such Hospitals/Institutions in the Districts of

& (11) PURULlA

II. The list of 17 (seventeen) institutions under the Directorate of Medical

Education in West Bengal

Sl . No. Name

1. Calcutta Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata

2. Nilratan Sircar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
3 R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
4. Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
5. Burdwan Medical College & Hospital, Burdwan
6. Bankura Sammilini Medical College & Hospital, Bankura
7. North Bengal Medical College & Hospital, Darjeeling
8. I.P.G.M.E & R and S.S.K. Hospital, Kolkata
9. Bangur Institution of Neurology, Kolkata
10. Chittaranjan Seva Sadan, Kolkata
11. School of Tropical Medicine & its Hospital, Kolkata
12. I.D. & B.G Hospitals, Kolkata
13. Dr. B.C. Roy Children Hospital & B.C.Roy Pollio Clinic for Crippled Children,
14. Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Kalyani, Nadia
15. Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College and Hospital, Kolkata
16. North Bengal Dental College, Sushrutnagar, Darjeeling
17. College of Nursing, S.S.K.M. Hospital, Kolkata.

Text of GO. No. HF/N/PHP/87/2L-4/2003 Dt. 20.02.2003; Sub: Transfer of Vertical
staff engaged in different Leprosy Centre to other establishments

Government of West Bengal

Department of health & Family Welfare
PHP Branch

No. HF/N/PHP/87/2L-4/2003 Dated, Kolkata, the 20th February, 2003

From: The Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To: The Director of Health services, West Bengal

Sub: Transfer of Vertical staff engaged in different Leprosy Centre to other



The undersigned is directed to say that different Leprosy Centres i.e. Modified leprosy
Control Units, Leprosy Control Units. Urban Leprosy centres, Zonal Leprosy Unit,
SET Centres, leprosy Training Centres etc. were set up in this State from time to time
during different plan periods, for the treatment of Leprosy patients under the National
Leprosy Eradication Programme according to the target and allocation fixed by the
Government of India. All these units are being maintained at present from the Non-
Plan Budget of the state Government. Recently in a letter No. T11018/29/99-Lep (C-
Ordn) dated the 11th December, 2002, the Government of India has instructed the
State Government to reduce regular vertical staff of such Units throughout the State
from April, 2003 in view of the integration of Leprosy Services with general health
care services as per decision taken in the mid term review meeting of the 2nd National
Leprosy Eradication Programme by the World Bank. Accordingly the State
Government in the department of Health and Family Welfare has decided to abide by
the decision taken by the Government of India to reduce the vertical Leprosy staff
throughout the State.

2. In accordance with this decision, it has now been decided by the Government
to transfer all Vertical Leprosy staff of different Leprosy Units, throughout the State
except in District Leprosy officer, to other health establishments against existing
vacancies of the same cadres in the District.

3. In pursuance of the above decision, the undersigned is directed to request him

to issue necessary instructions to all concerned so that all the regular vertical staff
engaged in different Leprosy Units/ centres except in District Leprosy Office in this
state, are transferred to other establishments against existing and available vacancies
of same Cadres/ categories, immediately. The transfer process should be completed by

31.03.2003 positively and a report on compliance may kindly be sent to this
department by 15.04.2003 for information and further necessary action.

A statement on District wise staff position is enclosed for necessary action.

4. All concerned are being informed.

Sd/- Illegible
Joint Secretary

Text of GO. No. H/MA/2625/HAD/D/2001 Dt. 19.09.2003; Sub: Transfer and
postings of all categories of staff in the Decentralised Hospitals/Institution under DHS
and DME

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
M.A. Branch.

No.H/MA/2625/HAD/D/2001 Dated, Kolkata, the 19th September. 2003


In partial modifications of order issued under Memo No.H/MA/3452/HAD/D/2001

dated 04-09-2001of the M.A. Branch and subsequent order issued by the Directorate
of Health Services under Memo No. HAD/D/2001 Pt.1/A7958 dated 05-10-2001; it is
hereby ordered that the transfer and postings of all categories of staff in the
Decentralised Hospitals/Institution throughout the State, a list of which is enclosed in
Annexure A, should henceforth be made by the Directorate of Health Services, West

Provided that in 17(seventeen) Institutions under the Director of Medical

Education in West Bengal as Detailed in part II of the Annexure A, the transfers and
postings of Teaching Personnel would be done by the Director of Medical Education,
as usual.

2. The order will take immediate effect.

Sd/- Asim Barman

Principal Secretary

I. Decentralised Hospitals and Institution under the Directorate of Health
Services in Kolkata & other Districts


Sl. No. Name

1. North Subarban Hospital, Cossipore, Kolkata.

2. Abinash Dutta Maternity Home, Kolkata.
3. Indra Matri-O-Sisu Kalyan, Kolkata.
4. Lady Duffin Victoria Hospital, Kolkata.
5. District family Welfare Bureau, Kolkata.
6. Pastuer Institution.

7. I.B.T.M.I.H., Kolkata (Formally Central Blood Bank), Kolkata;
8. Central Combined Laboratory, Kolkata.
9. B.C. Roy Diagnostic Research Laboratory, Kolkata.
10. Family Welfare Training Centre, Kolkata.
11. Sambunath Pandit Hospital, Kolkata.
12. Bhabanipur Mental Observation Ward, Kolkata.
13. Vidyasagar Hospital, Kolkata.
14. Ramrikdas Haralalka Hospital, Bhawanipur, Kolkata.
15. Bijoygarh State General Hospital, Jadavpur, Kolkata.
16. Moor Avenue Polyclinic, Kolkata.
17. K.S. Roy T.B. Hospital Jadevpur, Kolkata.
18. M.R. Bangur Hospital, Tollygunje Kolkata.
19. Kolkata Pavlov Hospital.
20. Lumbini Park Mental Hospital, Kolkata.

1. J.N.M. Hospital, Kalyani, Nadia.
2. N.S.S. kalyani, Nadia.
3. Dr. B.C. Roy Chest Sanatorium, Dhubulia, Nadia.
4. Institute of Pharmacy, kalyani.
5. Rural Training Centre, Kalyani.
6. F.W. Training Centre, Kalyani.


1. S.B. Dey Sanatorium, Kerseang, Darjeeling


1. Institute of Pharmacy, Jalpaiguri.


1. Rural Training Centre, Burdwan.


1. Gouripur Leprosy Hospital, Gouripur Bankura.

2. Institute of Pharmacy, Bankura.


1. M.R. Bangur Sanatorium, Dighri, Paschim Medinipur.


1. Gourhati T.B. Hospital, Seerampur, Hooghly.

There is no such Hospitals / Institutions in the Districts of

(1) North 24-Parganas, (2) South 24-Parganas, (3) Howrah, (4) Murshidabad, (5)
Malda, (6) Uttar Dinajpur , (7) Dakshin Dinajpur, (8) Purba Medinipur, (9) Cooch
Behar , (10) Birbhum & (11) Purulia.


The list of 17 (Seventeen) Institutions under the Directorate

of Medical Education in West Bengal

Sl. No. Name

1. Calcutta Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata.

2. Nilratan Sirkar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata.
3. R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata.
4. Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata.
5. Burdwan Medical College & Hospital, Burdwan.
6. Bankura Sammilani Medical College & Hospital, Bankura.
7. North Bengal Medical College & Hospital, Darjeeling.
8. I.P.G.M.E. & R and S.S. K.M Hospital, Kolkata.
9. Bangur Institute of Neurology, Kolkata.
10. Chittaranjan Seva Sadan, Kolkata.
11. School of Tropical Medicine & its Hospital, Kolkata
12. I.D. & B.G. Hospital, Kolkata.
13. Dr. B. C. Roy Children Hospital & B.C. Roy Pollio Clinic for Crippled
Children, Kolkata.
14. Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Kalyani, Nadia.
15. Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College and Hospital, Kolkata.
16. North Bengal Dental College, Sushrutnagar, Darjeeling.
17. College of Nursing, S.S.K.M. Hospital, Kolkata.
18. Midnapore Medical College and Hospital.
19. IPGME & R Medical Education and Research, Kolkata.

Text of GO. No. H/MA/2639/HPT/5A-11-91 Dt. 22.09.2003; Sub: Transfer and
Posting Committee in respect of the Medical officers of the WBHS

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare
M.A. Branch.

No.H/MA/2639/HPT/5A-11-91 Dated, Kolkata, the 22nd September, 2003.


With a view to implementing transfer and posting policy in respect of the Medical
Officers of the West Bengal Health Service as formulated in this department order No.
H/MA/3953/MES/JS-118/2001 dt. 26.11.2001, the Governor has been pleased to
constitute a Committee under the nomenclature Transfer and Posting Committee
with the following officers:-

1) Commissioner (F.W) - Chairman

2) Joint Secretary (M.A) - Member
3) Deputy Secretary (MES) - Member
4) Assistant Secretary (M.A) - Member-Convenor
5) Deputy D.H.S. (Admn.) - Member
6) Assistant D.H.S. (P&E) ` - Member
7) Deputy A.D.H.S (P&E) - Member
S.F.W.O As Co-opt. members and other
Jt. D.H.S (PH&CD) State Programme Officers
Jt. D.H.S (AIDS) as and when necessary

2. The above Committee shall examine all proposals for transfer and postings of
the Medical offices of the W.B.H.S. in a joint meeting submit their recommendations
to the D.H.S., E.O. Secretary and Principal Secretary (H) of this department for

3. This order will come into force immediately.

4. This order is issued in supercession of all previous orders relating to the matter.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Illegible
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

Text of GO. No. HF/O/GA/2784/W-12/2004 Dt. 25.02.2004; Sub: Guidelines of
posting and transfer of physically or mentally handicapped

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector-V
Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata-700 091.

No. HF/O/GA/2784/W-12/2004 Dated, Kolkata, the 25th February, 2004


In pursuance of memo No.AB/14017/41/90-Esst. (RHQ) dated 10.05.1990 and AB-

15/17/41/90 (PR) Dated 15.02.1991 from Government of India. Ministry of Personnel
Public Grievance & Pension Department of Personnel and Training and the
Government of West Bengal, Women & Child Development and Social Welfare
Departments endorsement to all Departments Government of West Bengal with the
request to make sustainable departmental order, the Health & Family Welfare
Department, Government of West Bengal has decided to issue the under mentioned

The posting and transfer of the following employees under the administrative control
of the Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal will be
made to the working place nearest to the respective family at the choice of the
employee concerned provided there is any scope for the purpose.

i) Parent of dependant physically or mentally handicapped offspring belonging

to moderate or above categories.
ii) Legal Guardian of the dependant physically or mentally handicapped
persons belonging to moderate or above categories in case the latters parent
are not alive.
iii) Working handicapped employees belonging to moderate or above

Henceforth, this order should be implemented with utmost care.

Sd/-Asim Barman
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health and family Welfare

Text of GO. No. HF/O/ISMH/444/M-03/2004 Dt. 04.08.2004; Sub: Transfer * Posting
Committee of Homoeopathic Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic Medical

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
ISM & H Branch
Swasthya Bhavan,
GN-29, Sector V
Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091

No.HF/O/ISMH/444/M-03/2004 Dated, Kolkata, the 4th August, 2004.


With a view to implementing transfers and postings policy in respect of the

Homoeopathic Medical Officers and Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers under the
Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy and formulated in this Department
Order No.HF/O/AUH/10/3H-133/01 dated 07.01.2002, the Governor has been pleased
to constitute a Committee under the nomenclature TRANSFER AND POSTING
COMMITTEE consisting of the following Officers:

1. Joint Secretary (ISM & H) : Chairman

2. Deputy Secretary (ISM & H) : Member Convenor

3. Director of Homoeopathy & : Member

Special officer (Unani)

4. Director of Ayurveda : Member

2. The above Committee shall examine all proposals for transfers and postings of
the Homoeopathic Medical Officers (HMOs) and Senior Ayurvedic Medical Officers
(SAMOs) in a joint meeting and submit their recommendations to the Principal
Secretary of this Department for approval.

3. This order is issued in supercession of all previous orders in this respect.

4. This order will come into force with immediate effect.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- R.Dube
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/599/1M-08/05 Dt. 23.03.2005; Sub: Release of Medical
Officers of the West Bengal Health Services under tranfer

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare
M.A. Branch.
Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091

No.HF/O/MA/599/1M-08/05 Dated, Kolkata, the 23rd March, 2005


It may be noted that good number of Medical Officers of the West Bengal Health
Services were transferred during the years 2003-2004. But it is reported that, in some
cases the Medical Officers under order or transfer during last two years have not yet
been released by the concerned local authority on various grounds.

In view of the above and in the interest order of public service, the heads of
institutions i.e. the Chief Medical Officer of health Services / Medical Superintendent
cum Vice Principals of the teaching institutions / Superintendents of the District and
Sub-Divisional and State General Hospitals / Decentralized hospitals are directed to
comply the following:-

1) Such Medical officers who are under order of transfer in different orders
issued from this Department during the year 2003 but not yet released from the
present place of posting need to be released within 15th April, 2005 positively
to enable them to join their placed of posting. This however will not cover
where there is any specific restraining order or where any specific reasoned
order given by the Director of Health Services.

2) The Medical Officers who are under order of transfer in different orders
issued from this department during the year, 2004 need to be released within
30th April, 2005 positively to enable them to join their placed of posting. This
however will not cover where there is any specific restraining order or where
any specific reasoned order given by the Director of Health Services.

3) It is clarified that pay of the incumbents mentioned above should not be

drawn beyond April, 2005 from the erstwhile place of posting. Concerned
Treasury officers are also being informed separately.

4) Cases where there is any specific restraining order be referred to the

Commissioner of Family Welfare alongwith authenticated copies of Honble
Courts Order keeping the Treasury Officers informed.

5) After action being taken according to the instructions mentioned above, the
latest position be intimated to Commissioner of Family Welfare by 1st week of
May positively.

Sd/- Samir Kumar Sengupta

Deputy Secretary

Text of GO. No. Health/MA/675/1N-515-95 Dt. 31.03.2005; Sub: prayers for
Voluntary retirement of MO on transfer or otherwise

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
M.A. Branch
Swasthya Bhawan, G N-29, Seetor - V, Salt lake City, Kolkata - 700 091.

No.Health/MA/675/1N-515-95 Dated Kolkata, the 31st March, 2005


It has been brought to the notice of the Government that sometimes members of West
Bengal Health Service, when transferred or posted elsewhere and sometimes for other
reasons submit their prayers for Voluntary retirement from the Government service
and proceed on long unauthorized leave. It has also been found that some Medical
Officers, after submitting their prayers for Voluntary retirement, relinquish their
charges even without waiting for acceptance of their Voluntary Retirement
applications and decision of the Govt. in this regard. It has also been painfully
observed that the 'Local authorities' and 'Head of the Offices' release them, by taking
over their charges, from their assigned duties and obligations or without making any

In order to streamline the process it has been decided that henceforth after receiving
the application for Voluntary retirement the Head of the office should invariably sent
the same to Director of Health Services without any further delay with their comments
and a report in the following 'PROFORMA' :

1. D.O.B.:
}[Page 3 & 4 of the Service Book of incumbent Medical Officer
will have to be enclosed with the application as supportive
2. D.O.J documents for point 1 & 2 ]
(Date of Joining):

3. Date of Retirement:

4. Date from which Voluntary Retirement prayed.for:

5. Whether anything is due from the incumbent:

6. Places of Posting from Joining to Date:

7. Leave position/Leave in credit: [Leave Statement (invariably mentioning 'Dies-Non',

'Break in Service', 'Unregularised Leave', if any) must have to be enclosed with the

8. Any objection from Vigilance point of view:

9. Reasons for prayer for V,R. :

The concerned section should deal with the paper within 15 days and seek clearance
from Vigilance Cell of the Department and Vigilance Commission so that decision
can be taken within the Notice period.

The above instruction need to be scrupulously followed.

Sd/- Samir Kumar Sengupta

Deputy Secretary

Text of GO. No. HF/GA(Ng)/155/HNG/8D-I/2005 Pt.I Dt. 19.10.2005; Sub: Posting
of PHNs, (Grade-II) of the WBNS

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan
GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City

No. HF/GA(Ng)/155/HNG/8D-I/2005 Pt.I Dated 19.10.2005


After careful consideration it has been decided that PHNs, (Grade-II) of the
WBNS be posted at Block level. They will also look after the Sub-centres of Gram
Panchayat located at the Block Head Quarter, in addition to their own duties.

This order shall take immediate effect and continue until further orders.

Sd/- Illegible
Commissioner, Family Welfare &
Special Secretary

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/541/1A-11/05/Pt.-I Dt. 19.02.2007; Sub: Guidelines for
posting of M.O.(Specialist) in Rural Hospital and upper tiers through direct
recruitment / existing M.O.with P.G. qualification with declaration of Specialist in

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare
MA Branch
Swasthya Bhavan, Block GN-29, Sector V
Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091

No.HF/O/MA/541/1A-11/05/Pt.-I Dated, Kolkata, the 19th February, 2007.

From: The Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: The Director of Health Services, W.B.

Sub: Guidelines for posting of M.O.(Specialist) in Rural Hospital and upper tiers
through direct recruitment / existing M.O.with P.G. qualification with
declaration of Specialist in W.B.H.S.


The undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that in terms of

para 2(B) of this Department Memorandum No.H/MA/1139/1A-11/05, dt. 29.05.06
the Medical Officers of the W.B.H.S. having Post Graduate diploma in G. & O. were
not allowed to be declared as M.O.(Specialist).

The matter has subsequently been reviewed by this Department.

After careful consideration of the matter the undersigned is directed by order of
the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to allow in partial
modification of this Department Memo under reference the Medical Officers of the
W.B.H.S. having diploma in G. & O. may be declared as M.O.(Specialist) on the basis
of their prayers and in that case such M.O.(Specialist) may be posted in Rural
Hospitals and S.G.Hospitals of the Districts but not above the tier of S.G.Hospitals.

The same procedure will be applicable for the candidates with

D.G.O.qualification recommended by the P.S.C., West Bengal for their recruitment as
M.O.(Specialist) in G.&O.

Samir Kumar Sengupta
Deputy Secretary

Text of GO. No. H/MA/985/1M-07/09 Dt. 13.03.2009; Sub: Re-construction of
Transfer & Posting Committee

Government of West Bengal

Department of Health and Family Welfare
MA Branch

No. H/MA/985/1M-07/09 Dated, Kolkata, the 13th March, 2009

From: The Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal
Subject: Re-construction of Transfer & Posting Committee

The undersigned is directed to say that the files after being initiated at Health
Directorate with the proposals for transfer & posting in respect of West Bengal health
Services upto the tier of Deputy Chief medical Officer of Health to be submitted
through Deputy Director of Health Services (Administration) to the concerned
Officers of Medical Administration Branch of this Department.
After scrutiny of the said proposals, concerned officers of the Department will
place the file before the Transfer & Posting Committee for examination and
After recommendation of Transfer & Posting Committee the files should be
placed before the Director of Health Services & Ex-officio Secretary for final
approval after which Medical Administration Branch will issue orders in this regard.
If necessary, the file after approval of Director of Health Services & Ex-officio
Secretary may be placed before the Principal Secretary by the Medical Administration
Branch of this Department.
The proposals for promotion, transfer and posting of the Officers of West
Bengal Public health-cum-Administrative Services to and in the rank of Assistant
Director of Health Services/ Chief Medical Officer of health and their promotion from
that tier to upwards should be placed before the Principal Secretary for final approval,
by the Medical Administration Branch of this Department. The concerned files with
such cases should be initiated by Director of Health Services, West Bengal/the
In view of the above the undersigned has been pleased to construct the Transfer &
Posting Committee with the Officers as follows:-
1) Special Secretary (MA) - Chairman
2) Joint Secretary (MA) - Member
3) Deputy Secretary (MA) - Member Convenor
4) Deputy Director of Health Services (Administration) - Member
5) Assistant Director of Health Services (Personnel & Establishment) - Member
6) Deputy Assistant Director of Health Services (P & E) - Member

This order is issued in supersession of all Government Order/orders issued by the
Health Directorate/ health Department in this regard.
Sd/- Samir Kumar Sengupta
Joint Secretary

Text of GO. No. HF/O/MA/3431/1M-01/11 Dt. 09.11.2011; Sub: Transfer-posting
policy of Medical officers of WBHS

Government of West Bengal

Health & Family Welfare Department
Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector-V,
Bidhannagar, Kolkata- 700 091
Medical Administration Branch

No. HF/O/MA/3431/1M-01/11 Date: 09.11.2011


The Government of West Bengal is committed to the provision of adequate,

easy accessible, patient-friendly and prompt health care through out the state. A well-
considered and well-structured human resources (HR) policy is a critical and basic
ingredient in the efforts to achieve this objective. In turn, a rational transfer policy for
Medical Officer is a key determinant of any HR policy.

2. The existing Transfer Policy has been in vogue since 2001. Serious concerns
about the efficacy, utility and fairness of the policy have been voiced from time to

3. The Government is of the opinion that the existing Transfer Policy should be
recast as set out in the paragraphs 4 to 7 below.

4. Transfers of Medical Officer will be broadly governed by the following

considerations in order of priority-
(i) need to provide assured, quality health services throughout the State,
(ii) particular emphasis to the fullest possible manning in underserved
(difficult) areas and with a paucity of alternate health service providers,
(iii) preference to local Medical Officers,
(iv) pressing individual considerations, i.e. co-location of spouse, obligations
arising out of imminent retirement, etc.

5. Accordingly, I am directed by the order of the Governor to say that the

Governor is pleased to set out a new Transfer Policy as follows.

A. New categorization of areas-

Category A All the six districts of North Bengal, Purulia, all PHCs within the
district of Murshidabad, all BPHCs/ RHs within Jangipur Subdivision of
Murshidabad, Blocks within Jhargram Sub-division of Paschim Medinipur, Blocks
within Khatra Sub-division of Bankura district, Gosaba, Bansanti, Sagar &

Patharpratima Blocks of South 24 Parganas, Sandeshkhali Block of North 24 Parganas
and Sandelerbill BPHC, Jogeshganj & Sahebkhali PHCs under Hingalgunj Block of
North 24 Parganas. Areas covered under this category shall be treated as difficult
for Medical Officers hailing from areas belonging to other two categories.

Category B All other health institutions outside the KMDA areas.

Category C- Health institutions within KMDA areas.

B. For Medical Officers on General Duty (GDMO)

Subject to the conditions in the paragraph 4 above.
(i) Medical Officers on appointment shall be posted, so far as practicable,
in the RH/BPHC/PHC in their local areas subject to the requirements of para (iii),
vacancy position and their relative position in the category wise merit list.
(ii) Any Medical Officer on appointment shall be posted in places where
vacancies are available, if he/she cannot be accommodated in his/her local place.
(iii) Any Medical Officer who has been appointed in his local block/ district,
no matter which category it belongs, shall have to move out immediately after three
(3) years to such area of another category with the exception as is mentioned in the
para (iv) (b). Such section of category shall be like this- A to C, C to A, B to A.
However, a Medical Officer may go from A to B on his/her request.
(iv) (a) All Medical Officer shall be liable for transfer from Category C to
Category A after a period three (3) years.
(b) Medial Officers working in category A areas may continue to serve the
same area for another period three (3) years if they so desire and apply accordingly so
as to reach MA Branch of this department and the DHS immediately after completion
of two years of service at the existing place. However, Medical Officer opting to
remain in Category A areas may be allowed to work in Category A areas beyond six
years subject to the condition that posting shall be made in some other place in the
same zone as may be convenient to him/her provided he/she submits such option in
writing completion of five years.
(v) Medical Officers who have put in at least six (6) years of service shall be
posted in upper tier hospitals, viz., State General Hospitals and Sub-divisional
Hospitals. However, on introduction of this new policy there shall be Medical Officers
at present who did not work in satisfaction of the policy as laid down in (i), (ii), (iii)
and (iv) above. It shall be mandatory for them to serve in second tier hospitals within
the above categorized areas. However, since we have de-categorized some areas from
A to B in respect of Murshidabad district, such Officers who worked previously in
those areas now de-categorized shall be considered to have served in category A area
for the period they actually worked. Posting in such places for all the Medical Officers
shall be for five (5) years and not more in any category depending on the category of
previous posting. Such Medical Officers shall transferred again to another upper tier
hospital after five (5) years in another category area in the same way as in (B) (iii),
i.e., A to C, C to A, B to A.

Clarification All PHCs, BPHCs and Rural Hospitals belong to first tier hospitals.
All State General Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals belong to second tier
hospitals. All District Hospitals, Medical College-Hospitals and other Super Specialty
Hospitals belong to third tier hospitals.
(vi) After sixteen (16) years of services all Medical Officers shall be considered
for posting in District Hospitals, Medical College-Hospitals and other De-centralized
Super Specialty Hospitals. Their posting in such hospitals shall be for a period of five
(5) years at any place of posting. Here also conditions for transfer from one category
to another, i.e., A to C, C to A, B to A shall apply.
(vii) Any Medical Officer who has less than three (3) years of service left may
have the option of working in any place of his/her choice subject to availability of
(viii) Any Medical Officer who had been absent from his/ her place of duty for
a long time and is allowed to resume his/her duties after such a long gap shall be
treated as a fresh recruit and shall have start again in Category A area irrespective of
his/her local area.

C. For Specialist Medical Officers-

(i) Medical Officers appointed under this category shall be posted generally in
upper tier hospitals except in Medical College-Hospitals in terms of the categories as
defined above in the same process except that their posting period for each area shall
be for five (5) years. However, given the rising demand for Gynaecologists,
Pediatricians and Anesthesiologists at RH/BPHC/ levels, Specialists with such Post-
Graduate Degree/ Diploma shall be posted in RH/BPHC wherever such Specialist
posts exist.
(ii) In case of those Specialists who are appointed in some RH/BPHCs in the
interest of the Hospital Management, their posting for that RH/BPHC shall be limited
to three (3) years only.

D. For GDMOs who become Specialists after joining -

If any Medical Officer who has been appointed as GDMO and later declared as
Specialist by the Department on the basis of Post-Graduate Degree/ Diploma, he/she
shall be posted as Specialist Medical Officer in the same manner as noted at C above.
However, his previous assignments as Medical Officer in places of different
categories shall be taken into account, at the time of posting.

E. Restriction of posting in Medical College-Hospitals-

Medial Officers (Specialists) will not be posted in Medical College-Hospitals.

F If any Medical Officer is allowed to resume his/her duties for more than three
(3) months without prior sanction of any leave or any authorization, the guiding
principle shall be as follows.

(i) For Specialist Medical Officers resuming duties-

Medical Officers who had been appointed as Specialists and has been absent
from duties from the place of posting for more than three (3) months and are
subsequently allowed to resume their duties, shall posted in the upper tier hospitals of
Category A areas only.

(ii) For General Duty Medical Officers resuming duties-

GDMOs who had been absenting from duties from the place of posting for
more than three (3) months and are allowed to resume their duties, shall generally be
posted in the Category A areas. The same principle as laid down above for GDMOs
shall apply.

G. For Medical Officers of any category with spouse also working as Medical
Both officers shall be posted together so far as practicable. But they shall
undergo the same category of transfer/posting
Medical Officers with spouses working in different capacities under the control
of the Department may also be considered for such benefit of posting.
Medical Officers with spouses working elsewhere will be accorded last

H. For Medical Officers returning from Trainee Reserve (TR)

Such Medical Officer on return from TR on successful completion of PG
Degree/ Diploma will be posted as Specialist and posted in upper tier hospitals
excluding Medical College-Hospitals as fresh specialist subject to the condition that
his or her last posting before TR shall be taken into consideration.

I. For Physically Challenged Medical Officers-

Medical Officers who are physically challenged any duly certified by a
recognized Medical Board shall get due consideration for posting at places convenient
to them.

J. Transfer on mutual convenience-

Application for mutual transfer between two Medical Officers shall be
considered if such mutual transfer does not benefit a Medical Officer in getting
posting in a place out of turn in contravention of the Policy as detailed above.

6. Same principles shall be applicable for the posting of Dental Surgeons. But
their posting shall be restricted in the respective zone subject to the availability of
Dental chair.

7. Execution of Transfer Policy-

(i) All Transfer Orders shall have a directive regarding movement, i.e., who has to
move first. Release Orders shall have to be issued within a period of two (2) weeks
from the date of receipt of the order.

(ii) Transfer Orders shall be issued generally once in a year, preferably in the
month of December every year.
(iii) However, the State Government may issue any Transfer Order on
administrative grounds and to meet emergencies as and when need arises or for public
(iv) For posting of Medical Officers/ Dental Surgeons who are already in service
their previous postings in compliance of the previous transfer policy shall be taken
into due consideration.

This order shall take immediate effect.

All concerned are being informed.

Sd/- Sanjoy Mitra

Principal Secretary.


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