Elcad Prospect Eng
Elcad Prospect Eng
Elcad Prospect Eng
performance characteristics
Ba sic f unct ions:
Graphical editor to produce diagrammatical sections
Online referencing techniques
Navigation through all project data
Draw ing and revision management
Batch functions
Internal and external copying functions
Symbol editor
Free toolbar and user interface configuration
High End Engine e ring Sy st e m
Complete IEC data model w ith symbol libraries
ELCAD 7 is the ultimate professional CAE system. It covers every
Standard circuits and extensive updated
aspect of the work process, helping you deliver electrical sample projects
solutions more quickly and efficiently - from project planning for M ulti-lingual interface and data
machine construction to engineering process control plants.
Freely scalable graphics output through standard WINDOWS
ELCAD 7 makes complex processes easy. It integrates seamlessly drivers or special graphics drivers
with your existing IT environment and works with whatever Docum e nt a t ion m odule:
application you are running to deliver trouble-free data Fully aut om at ic preparat ion of
exchange. ELCAD 7 automates virtually all routine functions to parts lists
minimise project planning times, increase efficiency and deliver device lists
decisive cost savings. tables of contents
Incorporating changes based on expert feedback from earlier terminal lists
versions, ELCAD 7 delivers the most practical and effective connection to device master databases
electrical working environment ever. It delivers future-proof
Ca ble m odule :
working through 100% compatibility from version to version to
Alphanumeric and graphic planning of cables and cable runs
ensure your technology investment is permanently secure.
Derived documentation in form of cable and cable
The continuous success of AUCOTEC products has been fully assignment list
proven over 16 years with 28,000 licences installed.
Sw it ch ca bine t la y out a nd sw it ch cabinet w iring:
Automatic removal from parts list and semi-automatic
placing function
Automatic length calculation and transfer into the
w iring list
Int e gra t ion m odule s:
SAP R/3 integration
EDM /PDM integration
Innovative data server technology
Int e rf a ce s:
Graphical int erfaces
DXF/DWG on the logic level
VNS w ith planning intelligence
TIFF for transfer to archiving systems
PDF (single page) for transfer to archiving systems
PDF (multi page) for customer documentation
Freely configurable dat a int erfaces
CSV file format
XLS format
M DB format
Random databases through ODBC driver
Int egrat ed Solut ions ELCAD - Engine e ring t o t he highest pow er
For today's applications, seamless integration into the corporate structure is
ELCAD is the leading electrical CAE reference system, and is trusted
just as important as performance.
by major organisations including: Gildemeister AG, Heidelberger
Druckmaschinen AG, Hauni M aschinenbau AG, Knig & Bauer AG or
ELCAD 7 works in close co-operation with all other tools:
Siemens AG w ith the VT, EV and ATD Divisions.
Office integration by bi-directional XLS and MDB interfaces.
Access to random external databases via ODBC. AUCOTEC is the industry's largest independent supplier of CAE
Unique data server technology permits fully automatic access to all data solutions. Future proofing ensures every version is compatible w ith
via other applications managed by ELCAD. the next release and has been from the very first version. Again
ELCAD 7 is ideal for integration across accounting, warehousing, ERP, and again w e have set new standards, such as the first portability
PPS etc. of our CAE system under Window s, the first certified SAP interface
Sw it ch Cabinet Wiring and in the multiple integration of EDM /PDM systems.
ELCAD automatically analyses the wiring of all components using the
With all the functions you need combined in one product, ELCAD 7
information contained in the circuit diagrams. It also delivers proven
mechanical layout planning of switch cabinets. is far and aw ay the most technologically advanced system for
Switch cabinet wiring combines two fields of information. Using logical planning and documentation in electrical engineering - now and in
wiring information, the wiring routes can be determined individually in the the future.
switch cabinet layout or can be generated automatically, optimising the
Add to this the best softw are ergonomics, limitless integration and
route as part of the process.
features, such as automatic revision management and sw itch
As a result, you gain the best possible preparation for production: cabinet w iring, make ELCAD 7 a unique product, unrivalled by any
automatic length determination of all wires other electrical engineering system.
transfer into the wiring list ELCAD 7 is pa ck e d w it h benef it s.
transfer to automatic plants for ready-made wire production Try it f or y ourse lf.
administration of cross-sections, colours, numbers
presentation and " ticking off" of all wire connections in production
assistance in switch cabinet assembly
Oldenburger Allee 24 D-30659 Hanover
Telephone +49 511 6103-0
Telefax +49 511 614074