Quarto Caminho Bibliografia1

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Bibliografia citada

Avicena. The Treatise of the Birds. In: Corbin H 1960. Avicenna and the visionary
recital. NY

Benett JG 1977 The Masters of Wisdom. Turnstone.

Benett JG 1986 O Homem Interior. Martins Fontes.

Benett JG 1983 Enneagram Studies. Samuel Weiser.

Bloom H 2000 Global Brain. John Wiley & Sons.

Colin W 1984 La Teoria de la Vida Eternal. Yug.

Epiteto On Attention. In: Discourses: livro 4, captulo 12.

Godo C 1994 Curso de Transformao. Eleusis.

Godo C 1995 (1) Gurdjieff: uma Psicologia para o Sculo XXI? In: Nagelschmidt,
AMPC (ccord) Potenciais Humanos. Boletim do Inst. Psicologia USP - vol.2, n.1.,

Godo C 1995 (2) O eneagrama. In: Nagelschmidt, AMPC (ccord) Potenciais Humanos.
Boletim do Inst. Psicologia USP - vol.2, n.1., p.27

Godo C 1995 (3) O Eneagrama e Outras Perspectivas. In: Nagelschmidt, AMPC (ccord)
Potenciais Humanos. Boletim do Inst. Psicologia USP - vol.2, n.1., p.34

Gold EJ 2001 Vida no Labirinto. Nokhooja

Gold EJ 1993 A Mquina Biolgica Humana como Aparato Transformacional.


Gurdjieff GI 1975 Views from the Real World. Early talks in Moscou, Essentucki,
Tflis, Berlin, London, Paris, New York and Chicago as recollected by his pupils.

Gurdjieff GI 1991 Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson. E.P.Dutton.

Hermes 1993 A Discourse of Mind to Hermes. In: Scott W. (trad) Hermetica, Shambala

Leary T 1993. Game of Life. New Falcon.

Leary T 1994 Info-psychology. New Falcon.

May RM 1997 Conscincia Csmica Revisitada. Nokhooja.

Moore J 1991 Gurdjieff - a biography. Element.


Nicoll M Simple Explanations of Work Ideas.

Ornstein RE 1972 The Psychology of Consciousness. Pelican,

Ouspensky PD 1973 Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution. Randon House.

Ouspensky PD 1993 Fragmentos de um Ensinamento Desconhecido. Pensamento

Ozturk YN 1988 The Eye of the Heart: an Introduction to Sufism and the Major
Tariqats of Anatolian and the Balkans. Redhouse.

Popoff IB 1978 Enneagram of the Man of Unity. Samuel Weiser.

Reyner RH 1984 The Gurdjieff Inheritance. Turnstone.

Scott E 1983 The People of the Secret. ISHK

Smoley R 1991 Meetings With a Remarkable Paradox. Gnosis - vol.20.

Smoley R 1993 Man as God and Creator. Gnosis - vol.28.

Suhrawardi, Shibaboudin Ibn Habash. Le Recit de l'exil occidental. In: Corbin H. 1976.
L'Archange Empourpre. Fayard.

Suhrawardi, Shibaboudin Ibn Habash. The Treatise of the Birds. In: Thackston WM.
1982 The Mystical and Visionary Treatises of Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi.

Webb J 1980 The Harmonius Circle: the Lives and Work of G.I.Gurdjieff,
P.D.Ouspensky and their Followers. G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Wilber K 1996. The Atman Project. Quest.

Wilson RA 1993 Ascenso de Prometeus. Eleusis.

Bibliografia adicional recomendada

Gold EJ 1989 The Seven Bodies of Man. Gateways

Gurdjieff GI 1981 Life Is Real Only Then, When I Am. E. P. Dutton

Gurdjieff GI 1991 Meetings with Remarkable Man. E. P. Dutton.

Lefort R 1983 Os Mestres de Gurdjieff. Dervish.

Orage AR 1998 On Love and Psychological Exercises. Samuel Weiser.

Speeth KR O Trabalho de Gurdjieff. Ed. Cultrix.

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