CDC Built Environment Assess

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The Built Environment

An Assessment Tool and Manual

(An Adaptation of MAPS)

July 12, 2015

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Division of Community Health
The DCH Built Environment Assessment Tool (BE Tool) and manual (an adaptation of MAPS) was developed
by ICF International through contract No: 200-2007-22643-0003 with the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Division of Community Health. ICF contributors included Kenneth J. Goodman, Katherine T.
Reddy, Pablo Topete, Renee Autumn Ray, Phyllis Ottley, and Nicola Dawkins-Lyn. We would like to acknowledge
our CDC colleagues who were essential members of the team that developed the BE Tool, including Kristine Day,
Mark Rivera, Robin Soler, and Charlotte Kent from CDCs Division of Community Health (DCH) who provided
leadership and oversight, and Chris S. Kochtitzky from the National Center for Environmental Health who provided
built environment and health expertise to the team. We also would like to acknowledge the subject matter experts
who contributed their time and effort to this project over the course of a year. The list of their names and affiliations
can be found in Appendix B. Finally, we would like to give special acknowledgement to Jim Sallis and the team that
developed the MAPS tool and manual, including Kelli L. Cain, Rachel A. Millstein, and Carrie M. Geremia. The
BE Tool incorporates many questions from the MAPS tool, and the data scoring and analysis system for the BE Tool
is designed to fit within the MAPS scoring structure so that the tools produce comparable data. The BE Tool Manual
also incorporates many ideas from the MAPS manual on field rater training, procedures, and guidance, in addition
to building on the MAPS scoring system, and we would like to thank the MAPS team for their contributions to the
BE Tool. More information can be found on MAPS at the Web site:

Unless otherwise indicated, all pictures in this document were taken by Kenneth Goodman.

ii Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Table of Contents
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................1
2 Measuring the Built Environment.....................................................................................2
2.1 Why Measure the Built Environment?.............................................................................................2
2.2 Resources on The Built Environment and Health...........................................................................2
2.3 Existing Information on the Built Environment.............................................................................3
3 Management and Training of Raters.................................................................................5
3.1 Coordination and Management of Data and Raters.......................................................................5
3.2 Training of Raters...............................................................................................................................5
3.3 Inter-Rater Reliability.........................................................................................................................7
4 Segment Selection and Field Procedures..........................................................................8
4.1 Identifying Street Segments to Assess...............................................................................................8
4.2 How to Measure Entire Segments...................................................................................................10
4.3 Personal Safety..................................................................................................................................13
4.4 Field Preparation Checklist..............................................................................................................14
5 Data Coding and Scoring................................................................................................15
6 References Cited..............................................................................................................18

A Development of the DCH BE Tool
B Experts Who Participated in the Tool Development Process
C Built Environment Assessment Sources Used to Inform the Development of the BE Tool
D DCH Built Environment Assessment Tool
E DCH BE Tool Instructions
F Data Coding and Scoring Table

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual iii

1. Introduction
A wide array of tools exists for measuring different features of the built environment, many of them well validated.
These existing tools fall into three categories: 1) interview or self-administered questionnaires which primarily
measure perceptions, 2) tools that collect archival (existing) data, often using GIS, and 3) systematic observation or
audit tools (Brownson et al., 2009). It is often difficult for local program staff and evaluators to know which features of
the built environment are most important to measure on the basis of the health behaviors and outcomes they are trying
to affect. It is also difficult to know which tool(s) to choose to most accurately and feasibly assess those features.
The Built Environment Assessment Tool (BE Tool) (an adaptation of MAPS) (Appendix D) is a direct systematic
observation data collection instrument for measuring the core features and quality of the built environment related to
behaviors that affect health, especially behaviors such as walking, biking, and other types of physical activity. There
are many aspects of the built environment. The built environment includes the buildings, roads, sidewalks, utilities,
homes, transit, fixtures, parks and all other man-made entities that form the physical characteristics of a community.
The built environment can impact human health by affecting rates of physical activity, air pollutants such as ozone and
particulate matter that can exacerbate asthma and respiratory disease, and emissions of carbon dioxide that contributes
to climate change.
The BE Tool was not designed to assess every aspect of the built environment. Rather the tool assesses a core set
of features agreed upon by subject matter experts to be most relevant. The core features assessed in the BE Tool
include: built environment infrastructure (e.g., road type, curb cuts/ramps, intersections/crosswalks, traffic control,
transportation), walkability (e.g. sidewalk/path features, walking safety, aesthetics & amenities), bikeability (e.g.,
bicycle lane/path features), recreational sites and structures, and the food environment (e.g., access to grocery stores,
convenience stores, farmers markets, etc). Additional questions or modules could be added by users if more detail
about an aspect of the built environment, such as the nutrition environment or pedestrian environment, is desired.
This Manual (main section of this document) provides a brief overview on the importance of measuring and understanding
the built environment, describes the training and management of data collectors (or raters) and data for the BE Tool,
provides instructions for selecting and assessing street segments, and provides guidance on data management and analysis
procedures. In addition, in the appendices can be found background on the development of the tool (Appendix A), the list of
experts who contributed to the development of the tool (Appendix B), links to resources on source tools (Appendix C), the
tool itself (Appendix C), instructions for using the tool (Appendix E), and a data coding and scoring table to guide analysis
(Appendix F).

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 1

2. Measuring the Built Environment
This section provides some background on the built environment and why measuring the features of the built
environment related to walking, biking, and other physical activity is relevant for public health work that seeks to
reduce obesity and other types of physical activity.

2.1. Why Measure the Built Environment?

In an effort to improve health, many public health practitioners are shifting their focus from programs aimed at
producing individual behavior change to those affecting entire communities. Public health practitioners understand
that the choices people make are influenced by the environments in which they live. This includes policies and systems
that impact their health, and the built environment in which they live. As a result, many public health practitioners
have become interested in making improvements to the built environment to improve public health outcomes. They
are broadening their partnerships to include local government leaders from a variety of disciplines (e.g., planning,
transportation, infrastructure, parks and recreation) and nongovernmental entities (e.g., neighborhood associations,
nonprofit community development groups, schools, businesses, and religious organizations).
Improving the built environment is a difficult process that involves a number of different stakeholders: elected officials
who direct planners and engineers to plan land development; developers who choose whether and where to build
houses, offices, and retail spaces; and concerned residents who help shape community decisions. Creating a healthy
built environment means learning how the built environment can affect health; finding the many options available to
make built environments healthier; and understanding which options are right for a particular community based on its
needs and resources.
Measuring the built environment in a specific area can help to assess baseline conditions; assess needs and set priorities
for improving the built environment; and collect measures over time to assess changes in the features of the built
environment related to obesity and other negative health outcomes. The BE Tool facilitates direct observation of the
built environment using objective measures. In determining whether an observational assessment tool to measure
the built environment is the best use of your time and resources, it is a good idea to first collect as much existing
information about the built environment as possible. This will help you to decide whether to conduct a more in-depth
and detailed assessment through systematic observation.

2.2. Resources on the Built Environment and Health

This section describes a number of other resources you can use to learn more about the relationship between health
and the built environment and what options are available to make the built environment healthier. It also provides
some existing sources of data you may want to collect prior to using the BE Tool.
A number of resources explain the relationships between the built environment and health.
A great place to start is with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)s Healthy Places Web site.
This site has links to over a dozen areas concerning healthy community design and public health issues such as
physical activity, healthy food, and injury. It also includes healthy planning tools, links to related organizations,
and relevant conferences and events.

2 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

The American Public Health Associations Transportation Issues from the Public Health Perspective has a
comprehensive number of resources related to how transportation may affect public health and health
equity concerns.
The Action Strategies Toolkit, by the Leadership for Healthy Communities, was written for local and state leaders
and has a focus on policy improvements. It also includes information on how communities may be contributing
to obesity levels and how they can help prevent obesity through improvements to transportation systems, healthy
eating opportunities, and the built environment.
New York Citys Active Design Guidelines provide a manual for architects and urban designers of evidence-based
strategies for creating healthier buildings, streets, and urban spaces that can encourage regular physical activity
and healthy eating.
American Planning Association (APA)s Policy Guide on Community and Regional Food Planning describes
recommendations that can increase opportunities for healthy eating for residents. Their Healthy Plan Making
Report may also serve as a good informational resource.
Creating a RoadMap for Producing & Implementing a Bicycle Master Plan provides strategies to plan, develop, and
implement a bike master plan. It was developed by the National Center for Bicycling & Walking and the Active
Living Resource Center.
The US Department of Justices Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Guidebook provides safety
design measures in various types of locations such as schools, shopping districts, and downtowns.

2.3. Existing Information on the Built Environment

Before you commit the time it will take to complete a systematic observational assessment of the built environment,
you might want to spend a little time researching your communitys built environment and learning more about both
the policies that shape it and how well it is providing an environment for its residents to live healthy lifestyles. You will
probably be interested in policies related to physical activity and infrastructure that supports people walking, biking, or
having space to play or exercise in parks and recreation areas. You also may be interested in policies related to healthy
food access, for example, promotion of healthy food; government procurement guidelines to ensure healthy foods are
served in public agencies; incentive programs to bring in grocery stores or add fresh fruits and vegetables to corner
stores; or restrictions on fast food restaurants near schools.
Most land use policies are set at the local level because of the many unique characteristics that shape different parts of
the country. Typically, transportation policies are set at the local, state, and national levels because the transportation
system crosses jurisdictional lines to link communities together.
The kinds of policies in place, and how comprehensive they may be, will depend on the location. Cities tend to have
more regulations than counties because they have more people living in close proximity. Further, the political climate and
history of regulation also will determine whether particular plans or policies are required or not. Public sector Web sites
will provide relevant policy documents to help you learn more about the policy landscape in your community.
A comprehensive plan is a visioning document that lays out a communitys expectations for future growth, its priorities
for development, and its goals to achieve that vision. It usually has a 20- to 30-year horizon. The goals are detailed in
a land development or zoning code, which may include any requirements for parks, open space, sidewalks, or bike

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 3

infrastructure in new development. It may have permitting information for farmers markets that specifies in which
zoning districts they may be placed. You also may find a transportation plan that describes how the road network
will accommodate future growth. The plan is likely to include language that shows the level of priority of walking and
bicycling in new infrastructure. A city may also have a Complete Streets policy or food access policy that covers
additional areas related to public health. Incentive programs like matching funds for using the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) or Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) at
farmers markets may be listed on the Web site as well, possibly in a community development or economic development
There are a number of different Web sites you may want to review. If you are in an incorporated city, you may want to
start with its Web site. You also may review your countys Web site. A larger urbanized area may have a Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO) that has the authority to set plans. If you are interested in active transportation,
review any transportation plans that a regional or state transportation agency may have. A few other good sources of
information include the following:
County Health Rankings include detailed health information down to the county level.
Walkscore shows how walkable an address, neighborhood, or community is, based on the number of amenities
such as restaurants, groceries, and parks that are in walking distance. It also provides a bike score, which measures
the available bike infrastructure (lanes, trails), and geographic features such as hills, destinations, and road
connectivity, along with the number of bike commuters in an area.
USDA Food Access Research Atlas allows user to map food deserts down to the census tract and show where
residents may be experiencing lack of healthy food options.
USDA Farmers Market Search will show you where farmers markets are located in your community and whether
they accept SNAP or WIC payments.

4 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

3. Management and Training of Raters
This section describes methods for coordinating, managing, and training data collectors (raters), as well as methods
for maintaining inter-rater reliability.

3.1. Coordination and Management of Data and Raters

To coordinate data collection, the assignment of street segments to raters, and tracking the progress of data collection,
create a management database in Epi-Info, Excel or Access. Some suggestions for fields in the database are:
Segment ID
Census tract or block group
Street name
Intersection street names
Primary direction of street segment
Assigned to rater? (yes/no)
Rater # assigned to
Rated? (yes/no)
Date rated
Complete? (yes/no)
Inter-rater reliability assignments
This database can be used to track overall data collection, assign segments to raters, track progress, and track inter-
rater reliability procedures. The data collection manager may want to have a map of the entire area that is being
assessed, with all segments to be assessed marked, and use that map to visually track what has been rated and what still
needs to be completed.

3.2. Training of Raters

Raters can be anyone with interest in the topic and an understanding of the importance of the reliability and consistency
of data collection. Training of raters is very important for building a level of understanding about the built environment,
particularly those features that will be assessed using the tool, and how to carry out all aspects of data collection. Training
also should include in-field training that consists of supervised data collection, and a certain number of practice runs,
with an inter-rater reliability test at the end of training. Appendix E contains an instruction guide with pictures to help

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 5

raters complete the tool. Currently, CDC does not provide training for the BE Tool. However, additional information on
the training and certification of raters, and additional pictures of built environment features, can be found in the MAPS
manual available at this Website:
Step 1: The first step of training should be classroom training on the project goal, overall purpose for measuring
the built environment, description of the area to be measured and why, all to set the stage for why the rater will be
collecting data on the built environment. This puts the project and data collection tasks into context and helps the rater
go into the field with a good understanding of the purpose. This also helps the rater to answer questions from anyone
he or she encounters while collecting data.
Step 2: The second step of training also should be in-office, consisting of an in-depth description of each built
environment feature the tool measures and how to use the tool to measure it. The use of pictures and other media
should be used to reinforce understanding of these features. This in-office step also should include a description of
how raters will carry out the following tasks:
Being assigned street segments to rate and preparing the tools prior to going into the field
Walking a street segment and using the tool
Recording and managing field data
Managing the completed tools and delivering them to the data collection manager
Handling inter-rater reliability
Step 3: The third step of training should be in-field practice sessions, directly supervised by the data collection
manager or trainer. This step should consist of allowing the rater to complete all the preparatory steps in-office before
going into the field; finding assigned street segments; and completing at least one tool for a variety of types of street
segments (e.g., commercial, residential, rural). The supervisor should discuss all aspects of the tool and procedures
during the practice runs, since this is not a test of the raters abilities, but instead is still part of learning.
The above three steps can be completed via a one-on-one process (supervisor and rater) or as a group (supervisor and
group of trainees).
Step 4: The next step in training is to assign the raters a set of street segments to assess and send them out on their own
to do it. This may best be done as a group, so that each can complete tools for a street segment, and then discuss the
ratings (and any variations) as a group, onsite. They can then move to another street segment and repeat the process.
At the end of this step, the raters should turn in all of their completed tools to the data collection manager, who will
review them to identify variations in assessments, and rate the level of inter-rater agreement.
Step 5: Finally, raters should be sent out individually to assigned street segments to complete the tool. Again, this also
can be done for different types of streets, such as commercial, residential, or rural. The data collection supervisor
can then assign those same segments to either the trainer or someone who has completed training, to assess the same
segments for the purpose of inter-rater reliability testing. If the level of inter-rater agreement is not sufficient, the
supervisor or trainer can sit down with the rater to discuss what he or she got wrong and how to correctly measure it.
When a rater is trained and achieves a predetermined rate of inter-rater reliability, he or she is ready to be a rater in
the project. Ongoing inter-rater reliability checks also should be completed at set times and amounts throughout the
project period.

6 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

3.3. Inter-Rater Reliability
Inter-rater reliability audits should be conducted periodically throughout the data collection period. Once raters are
trained, inter-rater reliability audits should be conducted on approximately 10% of all segments he or she rates. Inter-
rater reliability audits should take place no more than 1 week after original data collection occurred.
Each rater should complete the same number of inter-rater reliability audits. The data collection manager should select
street segments completed by a rater, and assign those segments to a second trained rater to complete a new audit
of the segment. The auditor should complete a tool for the same segment completed by the first rater, and the data
collection manager should review it for level of agreement or variation. The manager should sit down with the rater
(and auditor) to discuss areas of agreement or variation, and make sure that any clarifications are provided so that
the rater and auditor would complete the tool in the same way in the future. Feedback on inter-rater reliability audits
should be provided to the raters as soon as possible, so that any mistakes or misunderstandings about procedures or
definitions can be clarified.

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 7

4. Segment Selection and Field Procedures
This section describes the steps in the process of identifying and selecting street segments to assess, and measuring
each street segment, as well as suggestions for field preparation and personal safety.

4.1. Identifying Street Segments to Assess

Deciding which street segments to assess with the BE Tool depends on your purpose for assessing the built
environment. If your goal is to get a general picture of the built environment in a geographic area, then you should
select a sample of street segments that best represents that area. If your goal is to conduct a built environment needs
assessment, or to collect baseline data in an area where a built environment intervention is planned, then it is best
to select street segments that represent the streets and areas where the intervention will take place. If the location of
an intervention is not yet determined, it is advisable to use existing data to determine the area or areas where built
environment improvements would have the most impact. These can be areas with populations in the most need of
good walking environments, such as areas with the lowest car ownership, areas with the highest number of pedestrian
or bicycle crashes with motor vehicles, and/or areas with the highest levels of poverty, and/or areas with highest obesity
rates. You may then want to use the BE Tool to assess street segments in those areas.
If your interest is in a particular commercial corridor, then the best use of the tool may be to assess all street segments
along that corridor. This may consist of assessing the street segments on the main street of the corridor, or could be
supplemented by also assessing the first segment of the cross streets on either side of the main street of the corridor, to
get a more detailed picture of the full segment.

Commercial Corridor

8 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Commercial Corridor (with Cross Streets)

If your interest is in the built environment around an intersection (or set of 4-way Intersection
intersections), then you may want to use the tool for each segment around
the intersection. By doing this, you will assess the intersection, all crossings
around the intersection, and the street segments leading to the intersection.
For a 4-way intersection, four separate tools would be used, with the
questions on intersection geometry and intersection control overlapping.

If the goal is to assess the built environment in a particular

area, neighborhood, block group, census tract, zip code, or
school catchment area, then selecting street segments to
assess will depend on the goal of your effort. If the area has a
commercial zone, it may be best to use the tool to assess the
built environment along the main commercial corridor (and
cross-street segments). You may then want to select other
street segments in the geographic area, to get a better picture
Sampling Street Segments
of the built environment in that area. This can be done by
selecting specific routes from one part of the area to another All segments along commercial corridor
(e.g., from a residential part of the area to a commercial All segments around an intersection
corridor or school zone); by randomly selecting a designated
Segments along routes
number of segments in the area; by selecting segments that
Segments around schools
represent different typologies in the area (e.g., residential,
commercial, mixed use); or by measuring all segments in the Random selection of segments in an area
area (which may be time and resource intensive). If you are Segments that represent typologies
interested in assessing the area around a school, you could All segments in an area
select street segments either by assessing all street segments
in a one-quarter mile radius of the school, or by measuring
segments along routes from residences to the school.

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 9

The selection of street segments for observational assessment should start with a map of the area under consideration.
This can be done by printing a Google map of the area, by using GIS, or by using a hard-copy map of the area. On the
actual map printout, select and indicate the street segments to be assessed by marking them with a pen or highlighter.
Assign each segment a unique ID number. Before assigning a rater to any set of street segments, create a list of the
segments for the rater to assess, with ID number, street name, and cross streets that define the segment. Also, mark
whether the street is predominately east-west or north-south in its orientation. If using GIS or other databases, you
also may indicate the length of each segment and its zoning.
All of this information can be given to the rater as a list or table. Either the data collection manager or each rater
should prepopulate a tool for each street segment to be assessed, with the information about each segmentsegment
ID, street name, segment length, primary direction, cross street names, and so forthprior to going into the field. If a
rater is going to be assessing multiple street segments along a corridor, it is helpful for the list of segments to be rated,
and the prepopulated tools, to be provided in the order in which they should be rated.
If using the tool to measure a rural area where the road may extend for miles without intersections, you can break the
road(s) that you will assess into one-half mile segments and use a separate tool for each one. In this case, you may want
to start at an intersection and walk the half-mile segment, but not complete the items for Intersection 2. You may then
use only the street segment section of additional tools for each half-mile segment that does not have an intersection at
either end.

4.2. How to Measure Entire Segments

The BE Tool measures entire street segments. This includes both sides of the street and the intersections at both ends.
In some cases, it may be more appropriate to consider a street segment end-point not as a street intersection, but where
a significant change in pedestrian infrastructure happens (e.g., discontinuity of a sidewalk, signaled cross walk). In
either case, the segments can easily be pieced together by software if GPS coordinates at each street segment end-point
are recorded.
If you decide to define the street segment end-point as a place where a significant change in pedestrian
infrastructure happens and it does not contain an intersection, then you would not complete the section of the BE
Tool that refers to intersections.
If there is a T-intersection between two four-way intersections on a street segment, then a separate tool should be
completed for each side of the T intersection (see graphic).

10 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Each side of the street along a segment is a block face, and for many features the BE Tool collects information
separately for each block face. This is useful for assessing whether features such as sidewalks and bike lanes are on
one or both sides of the street, as well as differences in their size or quality on each side. A compass will be useful for
confirming the direction of the street (N-S or E-W), which end of the segment intersections 1 and 2 are located, and
the compass direction of each block face.
A. To measure a street segment, the rater should stand at one end of the segment at the intersection. This will
be Intersection 1 in the BE Tool. The first thing to assess is the geometry of the intersection, and the type of
intersection control (e.g., stop sign, traffic signal, traffic circle). These measures should apply to the entire
intersection, and would be the same if taken from any corner.
B. Although the intersection may have crossings on all four sides, it is the crossing from one block face of the street
segment to the other that you will assess with the tool. You will complete the questions in the tool that cover the
crossing, crosswalk features, and curb cuts. For some of these questions, there are sub-questions for pre- and
post-crossing, so that you will assess the crossing on both sides of the street. Be sure to indicate which side of the
street the pre- and post-crossing are on. After completing this section, you will be on the opposite block face of
the street segment.
C. It is at this point that you will assess what is found along the street segment. For some questions, your responses
will address the entire street on both sides, while for others the responses have been split in a table format so
that you can assess each block face separately. Be sure to confirm which side of the street you are on for those
items so that you can indicate it on the tool, and complete the appropriate responses. Answer all of the questions
relating to either the full street segment or to the side you are on. You can do this while walking the segment.
D. You should end up at the intersection on the other end of the street segment from where you started. Complete
the questions about the intersection itself, and about the crossing to the opposite side of the street (the block
face you started on, but at the opposite end). Follow the same procedures as you did at the other end.
E. Finally, walk that block face of the street segment and go back through the middle part of the tool to complete
any questions in which the responses are separated by side of the street (items 25-28, 32-34, 38-50, and 52-61).
When you have completed all sections and questions, you should end up back at the spot where you started
(point A in the diagram above). You have assessed an entire street segment.

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 11

Complete every segment you have started. Dont start rating a segment unless you have enough time to complete it in
one session. Once you have completed a segment, review the tool again and fill in any blank fields before leaving or
moving on to another segment.

Moving to the Next Street Segment

There are options for moving on to the next street segment to measures, based on whether you are assessing a corridor
with or without cross streets. If including cross streets in your assessment, the steps (A-E) described above would be
repeated in the following fashion:

D4 D4

C4 E4

D1 C1 B4 A4 C3 D3

D1 B1 B3 D3

E1 B2 A3 E3

E2 C2

D2 D2

12 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

F. If the goal is to assess a corridor without including the cross streets, you will want to complete a separate
pedestrian crossing section of the tool (Questions 68-78) when moving from one segment to the next (Step F),
and then start a new tool.
G. In order to assess all crossings on the street corridor, you will also want to repeat another pedestrian crossing
section of the tool for the corridor crossing on the other side of the street (Step G). See the graphic below for
how to use the tool to assess a street corridor without including cross streets.

D1 C1 G1 C2 D2 G2 C3 D3

D1 B1 B2 D2 B3

E1 A1 F1 A2 E2 F2 A3 E3

As represented in the above graphics, assessing an intersection will require completing four BE Tools and assessing
the corridor as shown above would require three BE Tools plus extra crossing sections for F1, G1, F2, and G2. When
moving from one segment to the next, either as a corridor or as intersections, some sections of the tool will not need
to be repeated. By completing one tool you will have already assessed the intersection geometry and controls, and will
not need to repeat that assessment for the same intersection. For example, when assessing the segments around an
intersection, A1 is sufficient for assessing the intersection, and A2-4 would be unnecessary to repeat. For the corridor,
A1 assesses the intersection so that it is not necessary to repeat it in A2, while D2 assesses the next intersection so that
A3 is not necessary. In these cases, you may either repeat the intersection questions so they can be combined later, or
make a note that it is already assessed in Segment ID#_____.

4.3. Personal Safety

Check weather conditions before going to your assigned segments and prepare for adverse weather conditions,
as appropriate.
Conduct all observations during daylight.
If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, leave immediately and, if necessary, call the police to report a dangerous situation.
If there is no safe place to walk, conduct the observation from a vehicle, or find a safe vantage point.

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 13

4.4. Field Preparation Checklist
Budget 3045 minutes for each segment.
At the end of your shift, submit all of your tools and maps and discuss your work and any questions with your supervisor.
The following items are necessary to bring into the field:
Map(s) with assigned street segments clearly marked
List of assigned street segments
Copies of the tool (with identifying information for each segment prepopulated)
Clip board, note paper, pen/pencil
The following items are suggested to bring into the field:
Tape measure
Stop watch
Comfortable clothes and shoes
Water and snacks
Cell phone
Sun protection and hat
Traffic safety vest
As few other personal belongings as possible

14 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

5. Data Coding, Scoring and Interpretation
5.1. Data Coding and Scoring
As noted elsewhere, DCH found the MAPS tool ( to be the best source for
questions, response options, and well-developed scoring guidance to address BE Tool expert panel recommendations.
DCH, in turn, organized the BE Tool to align with MAPS structure and scoring system for which documentation can
be found at the above link. This alignment enabled DCH to adopt MAPS variable naming conventions for the large
number of BE Tool items adopted from MAPS. The data scoring and analysis of the BE Tool is also designed to fit
within the MAPS scoring structure so that the tools produce comparable data. The BE Tool Data Coding and Scoring
Table provided in Appendix F provides recommended variable names, coding rules and a scoring approach. The table
also includes MAPS variable names (where applicable) to enable users to cross-reference BE Tool and MAPS items and
facilitate the use of MAPS scoring syntax for analyses.
Coding and scoring for non-MAPS items. As summarized in Appendix A, a relatively small number of the 81 BE Tool
items were adopted from non-MAP Tools including the PRC-HAN, Analytic Audit, QPAT, and BRAT-DO tools. Please
refer to Appendix C for web links to each of these tools and related coding and scoring resources. DCH also applied
the MAPS variable nomenclature to these non-MAPS items. These variable names (along with coding and scoring
recommendations) are also included in the Data Coding and Scoring Table (Appendix F). For example, when items
related to Crossings are non-MAP items and do not appear on the MAPS Tool. The variable name became C1_B12 C
indicates the item is assessing Crossing; 1 is the crossing at first Intersection (as a means to differentiate between 2
crossings in a segment); B is included as a reminder that the variable is for an item appearing on the BE Tool; and
12 indicates the item number on the BE Tool.
Revised response format to increase flexibility. While items appearing on the BE Tool are largely a subset of the
MAPS Tool, the response format for some of these items is more similar to those for the PRC-HAN Tool where the
response format allows for separate assessment and scoring of the walkability and bikeability (e.g., sidewalks, bike
lanes, curb cuts) of each side of a street segment. The BE Tool adopts the PRC-HAN response format to allow for
separate or combined scores for each side of a street segment. For those BE Tool items with modified MAPS response
format, each side of the street can be assigned a separate score using MAPS guidance. However, the BE Tool also
provides the option to have a single score for the two-sided street segment. For example, an item that measures the
presence of sidewalks might receive a higher score for having sidewalks on both sides of the street than for having
them only on one or the other side, which in turn would receive a higher score than if no sidewalks are present. These
combined scores can be found in Appendix F.
Getting Started
Step 1. Refer to the MAPS Tool data coding and scoring information. Many of the items selected by the Subject Matter
Expert Panel for this built environment assessment instrument were adopted from MAPS. Please refer to Appendix A
to determine which items were adopted from MAPS and for a description of any modifications to assessment items
resulting from expert panel recommendations during the instrument development process. To help you use the BE
Tool, we provided a BE Tool Data Coding and Scoring Table in Appendix F, with coding and scoring recommendations
for each item. Also, to reduce redundancy and improve comparability with built environment studies, users of the BE

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 15

Instrument are referred to the MAPS scoring system for the adopted items. The MAPS data coding and scoring system
is well developed and validated (Cain, Millstein, & Geremia, 2012; Millstein, et al., 2013) and is available to the public
( The psychometrics of
the items and subscales used in the MAPS tool are described in detail in their manual referenced above.
Step 2. Refer to the BE Tool Data Coding and Scoring Table for non-MAPS items. A smaller number BE Tool items
selected by the Subject Matter Expert Panel were adopted from other assessment instruments. This was necessary
to assess other domains and specific characteristics of the built environment not addressed by MAPS. Please refer
to Appendix A of the Built Environment Assessment Tool Manual to identify the original instrument an item was
adopted from and a description of any modifications to items. Appendix F provides an approach you can use to
code each of these items. For more detailed coding and scoring information on non-MAPS items, please refer to the
original instruments these items were selected from.
Step 3. Factors to consider. The following are some factors to consider as you code and score your results.
Items were selected from other existing instruments. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee any individual item (or
group of items) will have the same psychometric properties as the original instrument from which the item was
adopted. However, we are confident the level and quality of SME input resulted in a content valid instrument. We
plan to refine it over time and in ways that incorporate user feedback.
Users are referred to original instruments for detailed coding and scoring guidance. DCH has included a data
coding and scoring approach in Appendix F to help ensure that data collection is systematic. We are referring
users to the original instrument documentation from which items were adopted for more detailed coding and
scoring information. This has a number of advantages. First, instruments from which items were adopted have
made a wide variety of resources freely available to support their use. Second, referring potential BE Tool users to
the original instruments for guidance helps ensure that users have access to detailed documentation. Third, as a
federal government entity, we are minimizing duplication as a matter of good stewardship of public funds. Finally,
in this way, we help ensure that users are more fully informed regarding the content of the original instruments
that, in some cases, may better meet their specific assessment needs.
Some items and response options were revised. Any modifications to items adopted from other instruments were
made with considerable thought. Modifications to items are found in Appendix A.
The BE Tool is not organized by MAPS sections including route, segment, and crossing. While this is important to
consider when referencing the original MAPS documentation, DCH determined this was a necessary change
to increase the tools feasibility. Specifically, the tool is organized in a way that reflects how a rater would walk
a street segment on both sides of a street and allows for crossing at both ends. While we acknowledge the built
environment may not be structured this way, the BE Tool is flexible enough to enable users to tailor their rating
approach to meet their needs.

5.2. Interpreting the Data

The information collected from the BE Tool can be examined in a variety of ways depending on how you plan to use
the data. This can be done using overall segment scores, descriptive analyses, or a combination of both.
The overall segment score sums all ratings for all features assessed using the BE Tool. The overall segment score may

16 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

be helpful in identifying street segment that are less walkable and safe than others, and providing a high-level picture
of where built environment disparities exist. This could be helpful to decision makers from a broad perspective as they
consider what neighborhoods, communities or streets to focus on making built environment improvements. While
the overall segment scores can paint a broad picture, they should not be your only source of information for making
decisions because the overall segment scores weights all features assessed equally. This could be slightly mis-leading
since not all built environment features are equal in terms of which may be more important to address than others if
you want to make a street or community safe and walkable.
For this reason, we suggest you also use descriptive analyses. Descriptive analyses might include the frequency of the
presence and absence of specific items / features measured by the assessment, average ratings of features, how much
variability there is in these ratings, and so on. This could be examined for an individual segment or for a group of
segments depending on your interest. The descriptive analysis can help with interpretation of overall segment scores
or sub-scale scores which sum or average multiple features by highlighting the feature(s) with the highest or lowest
rating. Descriptive analyses can help decision makers understand exactly what features are being grouped together
and to consider where caution may be most warranted in using overall segment or sub-scale scores to drive local
decisions and considering the features of your particular built environment. When a score appears to be surprising or
counterintuitive, looking back at the descriptive analysis can help everyone better understand what in the ratings may
account for these findings. Overall, the descriptive steps are important for making meaning from the data in a way
that is sensitive to your local context. They will help you better understand where it may be helpful, for example, to use
frequencies, totals, or average ratings of individual features of the built environment to inform local decision making
and where calculating an overall score that compiles information from multiple features makes sense.

5.3. Evidence-based Approaches to Promote Safe and Active

Built Environments
Environmental and policy approaches, such as community and street design, are intended to provide opportunities,
support, and cues to help people be more physically active. The Guide to Community Preventive Health
( )provides a good starting place to
understand what environmental and policy approaches are shown to be effective in increasing physical activity.
According to the Guide to Community Preventive Services increases in physical activity can be achieved by:
improving the design of communities this includes having residences in close proximity to stores, having well-
connected, safe, and attractive sidewalks or paths between destinations, shorter blocks, and more intersections
(Berrigan, Pickle and Dill, 2010; Heath et al, 2006; McCormack and Shiell, 2011; Saelens and Handy, 2008; Schulz
et al, 2013; The Guide to Community Preventive Services, 2014).
improving the design of streets this includes improved street lighting, landscaping, traffic calming, sidewalks and
features that separate walkers from motor vehicles, and increasing the number of safe pedestrian crossings (Berrigan,
Pickle and Dill, 2010; Heath et al, 2006; Karsch, Hedlund, Tison and Leaf, 2012; Laplante and McCann, 2008;
National Complete Streets Coalition, 2010; Pollack et al, 2014; Retting, Ferguson and McCartt, 2003; The Guide to
Community Preventive Services, 2014; U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highwy Administration).

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 17

6. References Cited
Berrigan D, Pickle LW, Dill J. (2010). Associations between street connectivity and active transportation. International
journal of health geographic,9:20.
Brownson, R. C., Hoehner, C. M., Day, K., Forsyth, A., Sallis, J. F. (2009). Measuring the Built Environment for Physical
Activity: State of the Science. Am J Prev Med, 36(4 Suppl): S99123.
Cain, K. L., Millstein, R. A., Geremia, C. M. (2012). Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS): Data Collection
& Scoring Manual. University of California San Diego. Available for download at:
Heath GW, Brownson RC, Kruger J, et al. (2006). The effectiveness of urban design and land use and transport policies
and practices to increase physical activity: a systematic review. Journal of Physical Activity and Health,
3(Suppl 1):S55-76.
Karsch HM, Hedlund J, Tison J, Leaf W. (2012). Review of Studies on Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety, 1991-2007.
(Report No. DOT HS 811 614). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Laplante J., McCann B.(2008). Complete Streets: We Can Get There from Here. ITE Journal, 24-28.
McCormack GR, Shiell A. (2011). In search of causality: a systematic review of the relationship between the built
environment and physical activity among adults. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical
activity, 8:125.
Millstein, R. A., Cain, K. L., Sallis, J. F., Conway, T. L., Geremia, C. M., & Frank, L. D, (2013). Development, Scoring,
and Reliability of the Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS). BMC Public Health, 13,403.
National Complete Streets Coalition. Policy Atlas 2010;
changing-policy/complete-streets-atlas. Accessed November 5, 2014.
Pollack KM, Bailey MM, Gielen AC, et al. (2014). Building safety into active living initiatives. Prev. Med,
Dec;69 Suppl 1:S102-5.
Retting RA, Ferguson SA, McCartt AT. (2003). A review of evidence-based traffic engineering measures designed to
reduce pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes. Am. J. Public Health, 93(9):1456-1463.
Rimmer, J., Gray-Stanley, J., & Haugen B. (2009). Examination of Instruments Used to Measure the Built Environment
and Physical Activity: Universal Design & Health Promotion. University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC),
Department of Disability and Human Development. Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Disability and Health,
Grant # 5U59DD522742
Saelens BE, Handy SL. (2008). Built environment correlates of walking: a review. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc,
40(7 Suppl):S550-566.
Schulz A, Mentz G, Johnson-Lawrence V, et al. (2013). Independent and joint associations between multiple measures
of the built and social environment and physical activity in a multi-ethnic urban community.
J. Urban Health,90(5):872-887.

18 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

The Guide to Community Preventive Services. (2014). Increasing physical activity: Environmental and policy
Accessed November 5, 2014.
U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. A residents guide for creating safe and walkable
communities. Resource materials. Resource Sheet 7: Engineering solutions to improve pedestrian safety. Accessed November 5, 2014.

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual 19

Appendix A
Development of the BE Tool
Appendix A: Development of the BE Tool
This section describes the background for developing the BE Tool, the expert input process, and the sources for the
questions and response choices in the tool, along with modifications made to standardize the tool.

The impetus for the development of the BE Tool was related to requests by DCH awardees for a tool that assesses
features of the built environment related specifically to health behaviors that impact obesity. A wide array of tools
exists for measuring different features of the built environment, many of them well validated. However, it is often
difficult for DCHs local program staff and evaluators to know which features of the built environment are most
important to measure on the basis of the health behaviors and outcomes they are trying to affect. It is also difficult
to know which tool or tools to choose to best assess those features, and the feasibility of assessing them given limited
resources. For this reason, the BE Tool was developed to provide an observational tool that DCH awardees and others
can use to assess core features of the built environment related specifically to health behaviors that impact obesity.
This effort builds on a CDC-funded project that reviewed the existing built environment assessment tools to determine
which features of the built environment are measured by these tools; which tools measured which features; and which
tools are well validated (UIC, 2009). We used the list of built environment features from the UIC report, supplemented
by subject matter experts, to guide the expert input process.

Expert Input Process

The team that developed this tool recruited a group of experts in subjects such as measuring the built environment, the
built environment and physical activity, food systems, planning, injury/violence, and obesity. The list of experts who
provided input can be found in Appendix B.
The project team developed an initial list of built environment features was based on the four major areas (built
environment infrastructure, walkability, bikeability, and recreational sites and structures) identified in the UIC report.
A list of domains and sub-domains for each major area as identified by UIC was included, plus additional built
environment features related to the food environment and injury/violence.
The project team sent the list of built environment features to the experts and asked them to select which features
to include in the BE Tool. Key considerations included whether each built environment feature affects health-
related behaviors and outcomes; whether it is an objective measure; and whether it is best measured through direct
observation. Experts were also encouraged to identify additional built environment features for potential inclusion.
The expert input process had two goals: (1) to provide input on which features of the built environment should be
measured by the tool; and (2) which questions/responses best measure each of the built environment features included
in the tool. The expert input process had three main steps to achieve the goals:
1. Experts were provided with the list of built environment features in a format that allowed them to provide the
following input, when possible:
a. Importance for inclusion in the tool
b. Health behaviors related to each feature

A-1 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

c. Health outcomes related to each feature
d. Publications that provide evidence for inclusion of each feature
e. Existing assessment tools that measure each feature
2. The second step of expert input was a series of moderated group telephone discussions/Webinars about
the compiled written input from step one, to clarify and further explore the rationale for inclusion of built
environment features. The result of the first two steps of expert input was a final list of built environment features
the tool should measure. The first two steps of expert input also provided a handful of new built environment
features the tool should measure that were not included in the original list, such as features related to injury/
violence and the food environment.
3. The project team then reviewed a wide variety of existing built environment observational assessment tools
and pulled relevant questions from them for each built environment feature. This list of possible questions and
responses for each feature was sent to the experts to provide input on which question (or set of questions) best
measures that feature. Experts also were provided space to offer comments or suggestions for modifications for
any question selected. This third step of input was compiled and used to select the questions and responses to
include in the tool.
The questions and responses were further refined in the process of finalizing the BE Tool. These refinements primarily
had to do with adding clarifying language; modifying questions to match the overall format of the tool; and changing
the format of response options to measure both sides of each street segment separately, when applicable. The questions
and responses included in the BE Tool were adapted from a set of five existing built environment assessment tools, in
order to build on validation work completed by the teams that developed the existing tools.

The third step of expert input helped to select questions for each built environment feature. The questions selected for
inclusion in the BE Tool were adapted from five existing built environment assessment tools. For further information,
links to the Web sites for these tools can be found in Appendix C.
MAPS (Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes)
PRC-HAN (Prevention Research Centers Healthy Aging Research Network) Environmental Audit Tool
Analytic Audit Tool (St. Louis University)
QPAT (Quick Pathways Accessibility Tool)
BRAT-DO (Bedimo-Rung Assessment Tools Direct Observation)
The top three tools from which questions were taken are closely related to each other. The PRC-HAN tool and MAPS
tool were developed as refinements of the Analytic Audit Tool, with the MAPS tool also building on the PRC-HAN
tool. Because of this progression of refinement and validation, and through our process of expert input, we found that
the MAPS tool was the best source for questions, response options, and well-developed scoring guidance. A majority
of questions taken from the MAPS tool, however, were modified so that the response options were from MAPS but the
response format was similar to PRC-HAN, in order to rate both sides of the street segment separately for certain items.
This modification was made because for some features of the built environment the MAPS tool only assesses one side
of the street, and many of these features are related to walkability and bikability (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes, curb cuts),

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual A-2

which the BE Tool will assess on both block faces of the street segment. A smaller number of questions were taken
from the PRC-HAN tool and Analytic Audit Tool; the QPAT tool was used for the basis of a question related to curb
cut accessibility; and the BRAT-DO tool was used for a question on park amenities.
There are 81 total questions in the BE Tool, 65 of which are distinct questions not repeated. The last 13 questions in
the tool (questions 6678; Intersection 2) are a repeat of questions 214 (Intersection 1), those having to do with the
intersection and crossing. This repetition of questions is to assess the intersection and crossing at both ends of the
street segment. A large majority of the distinct questions in the BE Tool were taken from the MAPS tool. The following
figure shows the number and percentages of BE Tool questions taken from the five source tools, and how many were
modified or used as is.
65 Distinct questions in the BE Tool
46 Questions from MAPS
19 had no modifications from the MAPS tool.
21 had the response option format changed to one similar to PRC-HAN, which measures each side of the
street separately for certain built environment features.
6 had changes to wording in the question or response options, or in clarifying language.
9 Questions from PRC-HAN
6 had no modifications from the PRC-HAN tool.
3 had changes to wording in the question or response options, or in clarifying language.
7 Questions from Analytic Audit Tool
All 7 had the response option format changed to one similar to PRC-HAN, which measures both sides of the
street separately for certain built environment features.
1 Question adapted from QPAT
The question is an adaptation of a question from the QPAT tool, with the question and response options
modified to address ADA-compliance with curb ramp slope, and with response option format changed to
measure both sides of the street separately.
3 Questions from BRAT-DO
These questions were not changed from the BRAT-DO tool.
1 New question
The new question is an adaptation of parts of a question from the MAPS and PRC-HAN tools.
Each of these tools is an excellent resource, with the MAPS tool as the most advanced in its development of detailed
data collection, management, and analysis processes and resources. See Appendix C for links to resources on these
source tools. The primary difference between the BE Tool and these other tools is that the specific set of built
environment features being measured by the BE Tool was chosen through an expert input process to be directly
related to obesity, and the method of field data collection is segment-based rather than route-based. The BE Tool is
an amalgam of these source tools, but draws most heavily on the MAPS tool. Table 1 lists the source of each question
included in the tool, along with any modifications made to the questions or responses.

A-3 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Table 1 Source Tools for BE Tool Questions, with Modification Made

Questions # Source Modifications

1 MAPS None
23 PRC-HAN None
4 PRC-HAN None of the above added as option (from MAPS).
5 MAPS None
6 MAPS Features changed to crossing features.
711 MAPS None
New New question wording, adapted from PRC-HAN and MAPS. Response options
Question modified to count tactile paving (truncated domes) on curb cuts.
13 MAPS Words (in question cell) added to clarify purpose of question.
Question adapted from QPAT, but changed to include curb ramp slope options in
14 QPAT addition to curb ramp broken area options. Response options format modified to
assess both sides of the street.
15 MAPS None
16 PRC-HAN None
17 MAPS None
Response option special zone (school, construction) changed to special school
zone, to address SRTS recommendations.
19 MAPS Next to drainage ditches, changed to count both sides of street.
20 PRC-HAN None
Clarifying language about benches added from MAPS tool. Response options
added to determine if covered shelter has room for mobility device.
Added response option bicycle rack(s) in front of school to address
SRTS recommendations.
2324 MAPS None
2528 MAPS Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.
2931 MAPS None
3234 MAPS Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.
3536 MAPS None
Response options changed from Yes/No to None, N/E, or S/W, to assess both
sides of the street.
Response option 35 ft changed to 3 to <5 and >5 ft changed to 5 ft, for
38 MAPS more accuracy. Response options format modified to assess both sides of the
39 PRC-HAN None
Response option 35 ft changed to 3 to <5 and >5 ft changed to 5 ft, for
40 MAPS more accuracy. Response options format modified to assess both sides of the
41 MAPS Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual A-4

Table 1 Source Tools for BE Tool Questions, with Modification Made (continued)

Questions # Source Modifications

Question and response options taken from MAPS, but categories of minor and
major removed and responses formatted to assess both sides of the street.
The question is from MAPS, but the response options and response format are
from PRC-HAN.
4445 MAPS Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.
46 PRC-HAN None
4750 MAPS Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.
51 MAPS None
Clarifying language from MAPS added. Removed words from both sides from
the question, because response options measure each side separately.
53 MAPS Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.
54 Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.
Audit Tool
Response options changed from yes/no to none, N/E, or S/W, to assess both sides
of street.
56 Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.
Audit Tool
Analytic Added the words in bike lane. Response options format modified to assess both
Audit Tool sides of the street.
Analytic Removed the words non-concrete from the question. Response options format
Audit Tool modified to assess both sides of the street.
Analytic Response option >6 ft changed to 6 ft. Response options format modified to
Audit Tool assess both sides of the street.
6061 Response options format modified to assess both sides of the street.
Audit Tool
6263 MAPS None
Added food environment options of community garden, farmers market,
64 green carts, food trucks. Recreation facilities options taken from PRC-HAN,
with MAPS scale.
65 BRAT-DO None
Same as
7981 BRAT-DO None

A-5 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Appendix B
Experts Who Participated in the
BE Tool Development Process
Appendix B:
Experts Who Participated in the BE Tool Development Process
Tegan K. Boehmer, PhD, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for
Environmental Health
Nisha D. Botchwey, PhD, MCRP, MPH, School of City and Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology,
College of Architecture
Andrew Dannenberg, MD, MPH, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health
& Dept. of Urban Design and Planning, College of Built Environments, University of Washington
Yochai Eisenberg, MUPP, Department of Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois, Chicago
Christa Essig, MPH, formerly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Latetia Moore Freeman, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity,
and Obesity
Susan Handy, PhD, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California at Davis
Allison Karpyn, PhD, The Food Trust
Jordana L. Maisel, MUP, Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, University at Buffalo, State University
of New York
Leslie A. Meehan, AICP, Nashville Area MPO
Wendy Peters Moschetti, MCP, WPM Consulting
Karen Nikolai, MCP, MPH, Healthy Community Planning, Hennepin County Housing, Community Works and
Transit Department
Prabasaj Paul, PhD, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity,
and Obesity
Anna Ricklin, MHS, Planning and Community Health Research Center, American Planning Association
Christine Rioux, PhD, Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
Candace Rutt, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
James F. Sallis, PhD, Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California, San Diego
Tanya Stern, MCP, DC Office of Planning
Heather Wooten, MCP, ChangeLab Solutions

B-1 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Appendix C
Built Environment Assessment
Sources Used to Inform the
Development of the BE Tool
Appendix C: Links to Resources on Source Tools
MAPS (Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes)
PRC-HAN (Prevention Research Centers Healthy Aging Research Network) Environmental Audit Tool
Analytic Audit Tool (St. Louis University)
QPAT (Quick Pathways Accessibility Tool)
BRAT-DO (Bedimo-Rung Assessment Tools Direct Observation)

C-1 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Appendix D
Built Environment
Assessment Tool (BE Tool)
Built Environment Assessment Tool Segment ID#__________________________

Date: ______________________________________ INTERSECTION 1 6) Crossing features

Check all that apply
Day of week: _______________________________ 2) Intersection Geometry ! Specifically identified lanes turning into
Number of legs intersecting: Check one crossing
Start time: __________________________AM/PM
! T-intersection ! Right turn ! Left turn
End time: ___________________________AM/PM ! 4-way intersection ! Protected refuge islands
! 5-way star ! One-way streets through crossing
Data collector: ______________________________ ! 6-way (e.g., three streets) ! Curb extension
! None of the Above
7) Gutters present in crossing
Check all that apply
Street name: _____________________________ ! Yield signs/Flashing yellow Within possible path of crossing pedestrians
! Stop signs/Flashing red light ! Yes ! No
Segment ID: _____________________________ ! Traffic signal 8) Other characteristics of crossing
! Traffic circle, Roundabout
Segment length:___________________________ Check all that apply
! None ! Steep slope or steep cross-slope at
Segment primary direction: intersection
! North-South ! East-West ! Crossing aids (e.g., flags)
Crossing from N S E W to N S E W
! None of the Above
Cross streets at intersections: 4) Signalization (if traffic signal present)
9) Miscellaneous problems
Check all that apply
Intersection 1: Check all that apply
! All traffic signals have green arrows for
dedicated vehicle turns ! Lack of lampposts or overhead street lamps
Street name: _____________________________ ! Poor condition of crossing surface
! Pedestrian Walk signals present
! Pedestrian push buttons present ! Poor visibility at corners
(at N E S W end of street. Circle one)
! Countdown signal ! Faded or worn crosswalk markings
Intersection 2: ! Audible walk signal ! Unanticipated mid-segment crossing
! None of the Above Reason: ____________________
Street name: _____________________________ ! Other: ______________________
5) Crosswalk treatment
! None of the Above
(at N E S W end of street. Circle one) Check all that apply
10) Distance of crossing leg, including all
! Marked crosswalk
Zoning type: _____________________________ potential parking and turn lanes
! High-visibility striping
! Stop lines on road or additional crosswalk ______ lanes wide
1) How is audit information collected? warnings 11) Crosswalk timing: _______________ seconds
! Raised crosswalk
! Foot (walked route) (Length includes white walk time + flashing
! Different material than road red dont walk time)
! Auto (drove route)
! None of the Above ! No crosswalk ! No signal
! Both (walked & drove route)

D-1 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

CROSSWALK CURB CUTS AT INTERSECTION 1 Check all that apply 17) How many traffic lanes are present (include
! ADA-non-compliant slope (over all lanes that traffic can use; choose most
12) Curb ramps, curb cuts, or mountable curbs? 8.3%) predominant)?
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street) ! Broken area impassable or only
! 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 ! 6 ! 7+
! Yes (with tactile paving/truncated dome) passable with high effort
! Yes (with NO tactile paving)
! No
18) Is there a posted speed limit along the route?
(b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street) (b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of
street) If multiple, select the highest
! Yes (with tactile paving/truncated dome)
! Ramp is passable for mobility device (e.g., Regular
! Yes (with NO tactile paving)
! No Check all that apply ! Yes ________ mph ! No
13) Alignment of curb cut/ramp and crossing? ! ADA-compliant slope (8.3% or Special school zone
(Even if there is no marked crosswalk, there is ! No broken area ! Yes ________ mph ! No
still a crossing ! Broken area passable with little or
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
! Ramp is impassable for mobility device
Check one (e.g., wheelchair) 19) What other street characteristics are present?
! Ramp lines up with crossing Check all that apply Check all that apply and specify the # of each
! Ramp does not line up with crossing ! ADA-non-compliant slope (over type
! No ramp 8.3%) ! Traffic calming (signs, circles, speed
! Broken area impassable or only tables, speed humps, curb extension)_____
(b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
passable with high effort ! Roll-over curbs ______
Check one ! No ramp
! Drainage ditches ______ (count both sides
! Ramp lines up with crossing of street)
! Ramp does not line up with crossing ! Instructional signs for pedestrian+s______
! No ramp ! Crosswalk signage or other pedestrian
14) Rate the condition and quality of curb 15) Is the street segment predominantly one-way signage (for drivers)______
cut/ramp. or two-way? ! None of the Above
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street) ! 1-way ! 2-way
! Ramp is passable for mobility device (e.g., 16) What type of road is present?
wheelchair) 20) Is there a public transit stop on this segment?
Check all that apply Check one
! ADA-compliant slope (8.3% or ! Divided highway > 4 lanes Check all that apply
less) ! Undivided > 4 lanes ! None
! No broken area ! 3 lanes (or two plus center turn lane) ! Bus stop
! Broken area passable with little or ! 2 marked lanes ! Light Rail/Other Transit
no effort ! Senior transit/paratransit
! No marked lanes
! Ramp is impassable for mobility device
(e.g., wheelchair) ! Unpaved roadway If none, skip to Q22
D-2 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
21) Is there a bench or covered shelter at the 25) Are the buildings well maintained? PHYSICAL MAINTENANCE/DISORDER
transit stop?

North/East South/West 29) Which of the following physical disorders are

(Only count benches that users could be easily present?
identified by bus drivers as waiting to ride the bus.) ! 0% ! 0%
! 1-49% ! 1-49% Check all that apply
Check all that apply ! Graffiti/tagging (not murals)
! 50-99% ! 50-99%
! None
! 100% ! 100% ! Abandoned cars
! Bench
! Buildings with broken/boarded windows
! Covered shelter (with no room for mobility 26) Is landscaping well maintained?
! Drug paraphernalia
North/East South/West ! Broken glass
! Covered shelter with room for mobility
device (5ft clearance) ! 0% ! 0% ! Beer/liquor bottles/cans
! 1-49% ! 1-49% ! Litter in yards
STREET AMENITIES ! Noticeable/excessive litter in
! 50-99% ! 50-99%
22) Presence of street amenities ! 100% ! 100%
! Neighborhood watch signs
Check all that apply 27) How many trees exist within 5 feet of either ! Signage for commercial destinations or
! Building overhangs that provide shelter side of the sidewalk/pathway? parks
from inclement weather in public space ! None of these
(Can be in buffer or setback; also count trees
(e.g., sidewalks)
that are more than 5 feet away if they provide 30) Rate the extent of physical disorder (e.g.,
! Trash bins (public) shade for the sidewalk/pathway)? litter, graffiti, broken glass, abandoned cars).
! Benches or other places to sit
! Bicycle racks (non-school) North/East South/West ! None
! Bicycle rack(s) in front of school ! 0 or 1 ! 0 or 1 ! A little (physical disorder is present)
! Working drinking fountain ! 2-5 ! 2-5 ! Some (disorder is very noticeable)
! Working public telephones ! 6-10 ! 6-10 ! A lot (disorder is overwhelming)
! Kiosks or information booths ! 11-20 ! 11-20 31) Rate the extent of social disorder (e.g., stray
! None of the Above ! 21+ ! 21+ dogs, gangs, prostitution, hostile behaviors,
! N/A ! N/A drug dealing, panhandlers, etc.)?
23) Do you observe pleasant hardscape features,
such as fountains, sculptures, or art (public or 28) What percentage of the length of the ! None
private)? sidewalk/walkway is covered by trees, ! A little (social disorder is present)
! Yes ! No awnings or other overhead coverage? ! Some (disorder is very noticeable)
! A lot (disorder is overwhelming)
24) Do you observe softscape features such as North/East South/West
gardens or landscaping (e.g., Public: bodies of ! 1-25% ! 1-25%
water, designated viewpoints; Private:
retaining walls, bark, ponds)? ! 25-50% ! 25-50%
! 51-75% ! 51-75%
! Yes ! No ! 76-100% ! 76-100%
! No coverage ! No coverage
! N/A ! N/A

D-3 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

LINE OF SIGHT 35) What is the average height of buildings? 40) How wide is the majority of the buffer?
32) Estimate the proportion of street segment that Count both sides of the street North/East South/West
has ground floor or street-level windows ! No building
! < 3 ft. ! < 3 ft.
within 40 feet of sidewalk/walkway (or street ! 1-2 stories
if no sidewalk/walkway). ! 3 to <5 ft. ! 3 to <5 ft.
! 3-5 stories ! 5 ft. ! 5 ft.
North/East South/West ! 6-10 stories
! No sidewalk ! No sidewalk
! >10 stories
! 1-25% ! 1-25%
41) Is the sidewalk continuous within the
! 26-50% ! 26-50% PARKING segment?
! 51-75% ! 51-75%
! 76-100% ! 76-100% 36) What parking facilities are present? N/E ! Yes ! No ! No sidewalk
! No windows ! No windows Check all that apply (both sides of street) S/W ! Yes ! No ! No sidewalk
BUILDING SETBACKS ! None 42) Are there poorly maintained sections of the
! On-street, parallel or angled parking sidewalk that constitute trip hazards (e.g.,
33) What is the smallest building setback from ! Small lot or garage (< 30 spaces) heaves, misalignment, cracks, overgrowth)?
the sidewalk? ! Medium to large lot or garage
North/East South/West
North/East South/West
SIDEWALKS ! None ! None
! No building ! No building ! One ! One
! <10 feet ! <10 feet 37) Is a sidewalk present?
! A few ! A few
! 10-20 feet ! 10-20 feet ! None ! N/E ! S/W ! A lot ! A lot
! 21-50 feet ! 21-50 feet ! No sidewalk ! No sidewalk
38) What is the width of the majority of the
! 51-100 feet ! 51-100 feet sidewalk?
! >100 feet ! >100 feet 43) How steep is the sidewalk at the steepest point
North/East South/West in the segment (excluding heaves)?
34) What is the largest building setback from the
sidewalk/walkway? ! < 3 ft. ! < 3 ft. N/E ! Level ! Moderate ! Steep
! 3 to <5 ft. ! 3 to <5 ft. S/W ! Level ! Moderate ! Steep
North/East South/West ! 5 ft. ! 5 ft.
! No building ! No building ! No sidewalk ! No sidewalk 44) How much of the segment is at or near this
level of steepness?
! <10 feet ! <10 feet
39) Is there a buffer present?
! 10-20 feet ! 10-20 feet North/East South/West
! 21-50 feet ! 21-50 feet (separation between the walkway and road; does
not apply to roadway walking) ! Little (1-25%) ! Little (1-25%)
! 51-100 feet ! 51-100 feet ! Some (26-75%) ! Some (26-75%)
! >100 feet ! >100 feet N/E ! Yes ! No ! N/A ! Most or All ! Most or All
S/W ! Yes ! No ! N/A (76-100%) (76-100%)
! No sidewalk ! No sidewalk
D-4 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
45) If answer to Q44 is Little, provide a 49) If no sidewalk, is there any other place to PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING
steepness measure that represents the walk that is safe from traffic?

majority of the segment. 53) Are street lights installed?

North/East South/West
N/E ! Level ! Moderate ! Steep ! Yes ! Yes North/East South/West
S/W ! Level ! Moderate ! Steep ! Unpaved ! Unpaved ! None ! None
pathway (goat pathway (goat ! Some (e.g., overhead ! Some (e.g., overhead
46) Does the walkway have a cross-slope that path) path) street lights on street lights on utility
affects walkers? ! Street shoulder ! Street shoulder utility poles with poles with wide
(A cross-slope is a sideways slope, like a ! Buffer ! Buffer wide spacing) spacing)
driveway that slopes through the sidewalk. Only ! No ! No ! Ample (e.g., ! Ample (e.g.,
evaluate cross-slope that is in the path of the ! N/A Sidewalk ! N/A Sidewalk regularly spaced regularly spaced
walkway.) present present pedestrian pedestrian
lampposts) lampposts)
N/E ! Level ! Sloped ! Steep 50) If no sidewalk, what is the width of the place
on which one could safely walk?
S/W ! Level ! Sloped ! Steep BICYCLE LANE
(Not in possible path of traffic)
47) Are there permanent obstructions in the North/East South/West How would you rate the bikability of this
sidewalk (e.g., telephone poles, trees, caf segment?
tables, shrubs, basketball hoops)? ! None ! None
! < 4 ft. ! < 4 ft. 54) Location of bike lane (marked lane)?
North/East South/West ! > 4 ft. ! > 4 ft.
! N/A ! N/A North/East South/West
! None ! None
! Does not apply ! Does not apply
! No shoulder ! No shoulder
(no marked lane) (no marked lane)
! No sidewalk ! No sidewalk
51) Presence of any mid-segment street crossing, ! Narrow paved (<3ft) ! Narrow paved (<3ft)
48) Are there temporary obstructions in the where an individual could safely cross shoulder shoulder
sidewalk (e.g., parked cars, sandwich boards, (marked by sign or crosswalk)? (no marked lane) (no marked lane)
garbage cans)? ! Wide paved (>3ft) ! Wide paved (>3ft)
! Yes ! No
shoulder (no marked shoulder (no marked
North/East South/West lane) lane)
! None ! None ! Narrow (<3ft) ! Narrow (<3ft)
! Some ! Some 52) How many driveways or alleys are there? marked lane marked lane
! Many ! Many (Count only alleys that are wide enough to be ! Wide (>3ft) marked ! Wide (>3ft) marked
! No sidewalk ! No sidewalk used by cars or other vehicles that could impede lane lane
pedestrian traffic.) 55) Are there any signs indicating bicycle use
North/East South/West (share the road, etc.)?
! None ! None ! None ! N/E ! S/W
! 12 ! 12
! 35 ! 35
! 6 or more ! 6 or more

D-5 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

56) Levelness and condition of bike lane 60) Levelness and condition of path or trail (e.g., 64) How many of the following types of non-
(e.g., heaves, alignment, cracks, heaves, alignment, cracks, broken sections, residential destinations are present? (Count
broken sections, weeds)? weeds)? both sides of street. Do not double count.)
North/East South/West North/East South/West Food-related land uses
! Does not apply ! Does not apply ! Does not apply ! Does not apply a. Fast food restaurant (national or local chain,
! None ! None ! None ! None primarily sells burgers, fried chicken, pizza, or
Americanized Mexican, Chinese, etc.)
! A little ! A little ! A little ! A little
! Some ! Some ! Some ! Some ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! A lot ! A lot ! A lot ! A lot b. Sit-down restaurant
57) Obstructions in bike lane (e.g., artificial 61) Obstructions in path or trail (e.g., artificial ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
cars, rumble strips, drainage grates or cars, trash cans or natural trees, bushes,
c. Grocery/supermarket
natural trees, bushes, rocks)? rocks)?
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
North/East South/West North/East South/West
d. Convenience store (may also be a gas station)
! Does not apply ! Does not apply ! Does not apply ! Does not apply
! None ! None ! None ! None ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! A little ! A little ! A little ! A little e. Caf or coffee shop
! Some ! Some ! Some ! Some
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! A lot ! A lot ! A lot ! A lot
f. Liquor/alcohol store (primarily sells alcohol, wine
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
How would you rate the availability of trails or 62) What types of residential uses?
paths for this segment? g. Big box store (e.g., Home Depot, Best Buy, Sears,
Check all that apply Super Walmart, Target)
58) Presence of path or trail (e.g., multi-use, ! Single family houses
biking, walking route)? ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! Multi-unit homes (duplex, 4-plex, row
N/E ! Yes ! No house) h. Specialty Food Store (e.g., ice cream, candy, bakery)
! Apartments or condominiums ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
S/W ! Yes ! No
! Apartments above street retail
59) Width of path or trail? i. Community garden
! Retirement/senior living facility
! Other (mobile home, dormitory) ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
North/East South/West
! None j. Farmers market
! Does not apply ! Does not apply
! 0 to 3 ft ! 0 to 3 ft 63) Shopping Centers ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! >3 to < 6 ft ! >3 to < 6 ft Check all that apply k. Green carts
! 6 ft ! 6 ft ! Shopping Mall
! Strip Mall ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! Shopping Arcade l. Food trucks
! None of the above ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
D-6 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Retail and service oriented land uses Other land use 65) What activity areas are in the park?

m. Pharmacy or drug store y. Warehouse/factory/industrial Mark all that apply

! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! Tennis Courts
! Basketball Courts
n. Bank or credit union z. Abandoned building
! Other Courts (specify)
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ________________________
o. Health-related professional (e.g., chiropractor, Dr. aa. Unmaintained lot/field ! Baseball Fields
office) ! Football Fields
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! Soccer Fields
bb. Casino
p. Entertainment (e.g., movie theatre, arcade) ! Other Fields (specify)
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ _________________________
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
Recreational facilities or destinations ! Paths
q. Other service (e.g., salon, lawyer, accountant, ! Playgrounds
realtor, laundry/dry cleaner, commercial mailing cc. Private indoor fitness facility
! Green Spaces
service) ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! Golf Courses
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ dd. Community recreation center ! Swimming Pools
r. Other retail (e.g., books, clothing, hardware, video ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! Zoo
rental) ! Botanical Gardens
ee. Park
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! Stables
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
Government or community land use ! Other (specify)
ff. Playground at park or school
! N/A
s. Health or social services (e.g., hospital, health ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
department, community action agency, police/fire INTERSECTION 2
stations, city hall, etc.) gg. Outdoor pool
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ 66) Intersection Geometry
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
t. Library/Museums hh. Golf course Number of legs intersecting:

! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ Check one
! T-intersection
u. Post office ii. Sports/playing field or court (e.g., baseball or
tennis at park or school) ! 4-way intersection
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! 5-way star
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
v. Senior center ! 6-way (e.g., three streets)
jj. Sports track
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ 67) Intersection Control:
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
w. Place of worship (e.g., church, synagogue, Check items present
convent, mosque, etc.) kk. Body of water (e.g., lake, ocean) ! None
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! Yield signs/Flashing yellow
x. School ll. Other recreational facility (e.g., skating rink, ! Stop signs/Flashing red light
miniature golf) ! Traffic signal
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+
! 0 ! 1 ! 2+ ! Traffic circle, Roundabout

D-7 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AT INTERSECTION 2 73) Miscellaneous problems (b) Post-crossing curb
Crossing from N S E W to N S E W Check all that apply Check one
! Lack of lampposts or overhead street lamps ! Ramp lines up with crossing
68) Signalization (if traffic signal present): ! Poor condition of crossing surface ! Ramp does not line up with crossing
Check all that apply ! Poor visibility at corners ! No ramp
! All traffic signals have green arrows for ! Faded or worn crosswalk markings
dedicated vehicle turns 78) Rate the condition and quality of curb
! Unanticipated mid-segment crossing
! Pedestrian Walk signals present cut/ramp.
Reason: ______________________
! Pedestrian push buttons present (a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
! Other: _______________________
! Countdown signal ! Ramp is passable for mobility device (e.g.,
! None of the Above
! Audible walk signal wheelchair)
! None of the Above 74) Distance of crossing leg, including all Check all that apply
potential parking and turn lanes ! ADA-compliant slope (8.3% or
69) Crosswalk treatment less)
______ lanes wide
Check all that apply ! No broken area
! Marked crosswalk 75) Crosswalk timing: _____________ seconds ! Broken area passable with little or
! High-visibility striping (Length includes white walk time + flashing no effort
! Stop lines on road or additional crosswalk red dont walk time) ! Ramp is impassable for mobility device
warnings ! No crosswalk ! No signal (e.g., wheelchair)
! Raised crosswalk Check all that apply
! Different material than road CROSSWALK CURB CUTS AT INTERSECTION 2 ! ADA-non-compliant slope (over
! None of the Above 8.3%)
76) Curb ramps, curb cuts, or mountable curbs? ! Broken area impassable or only
70) Crossing features passable with high effort
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street) ! No ramp
Check all that apply ! Yes (with tactile paving/truncated dome)
! Specifically identified lanes turning into
! Yes (with NO tactile paving) (b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of
! No street)
! Right turn ! Left turn
! Ramp is passable for mobility device (e.g.,
! Protected refuge islands (b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
! One-way streets through crossing ! Yes (with tactile paving/truncated dome)
Check all that apply
! Curb extension ! Yes (with NO tactile paving) ! ADA-compliant slope (8.3% or
! None of the Above ! No less)
77) Alignment of curb cut/ramp and crossing? ! No broken area
71) Gutters present in crossing
! Broken area passable with little or
Within possible path of crossing pedestrians (Even if there is no marked crosswalk, there is no effort
! Yes ! No still a crossing) ! Ramp is impassable for mobility device
72) Other characteristics of crossing (e.g., wheelchair)
(a) Pre-crossing curb
Check all that apply
Check all that apply Check one ! ADA-non-compliant slope (over
! Steep slope or steep cross-slope at
! Ramp lines up with crossing 8.3%)
! Ramp does not line up with crossing ! Broken area impassable or only
! Temporary obstructions passable with high effort
! Crossing aids (e.g., flags) ! No ramp
! No ramp
! None of the Above
D-8 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

79) What is the temperature (F) today?

! 50s or below
! 60s
! 70s
! 80s
! 90s or above

80) What is the weather today?

! Sunny
! Partly Sunny/Partly Cloudy
! Overcast
! Rainy
! Snowy

81) Does this segment need further evaluation

during or after rainy periods?

! Yes ! No

D-9 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Appendix E
BE Tool Instructions
Built Environment Assessment Tool (Be Tool)
Instructions And Picture Guide
Use one Built Environment Assessment Tool (BE Tool) per street segment. A street segment is the area of a street or
roadway between two intersections. This includes the intersections at both ends of the street segment, and the block
faces on both sides of the street, and all crossings. The tool is designed to assess the entire length of both sides of the
street segment, and crossings at both ends. An example of how a rater would walk a street segment to complete one
tool can be seen in this graphic:

Many of the response options in the BE Tool are formatted to provide separate responses for each block face of the
street segment. For those questions, use your map (and compass) to properly indicate the orientation of each block face
when marking responses. After completing assessment for one block face and crossing the second intersection, mark
responses for the opposing block face from the one you already assessed.
Complete the information about date, day, start and end times, and data collector name for each instance in which the
tool is used for . Rather than pre-populating this section prior to going into the field, it is best if you complete this part
immediately prior to rating the street segment to be sure it accurately reflects when the data collection was completed.

Day of week:
Start time: AM/PM
End time: AM/PM
Data collector:

This section of street segment information should be pre-populated prior to going into the field to rate street segments.
To ensure accuracy, this information should come from maps (or GIS), as well as the data collection management
database. Raters should confirm this information in the field.

E-1 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Street Segment Information

Street Name:
Segment ID:
Segment length:
Segment primary direction North-South East-West
Cross streets at intersections:
Intersection 1: Intersection 2:
Street Name: Street Name:
(at N E S W end of street. Circle one) (at N E S W end of street. Circle one)

Zoning type:

1) How is audit information collected? Zoning type may be residential, commercial,

By Foot (walked route) industrial, or agricultural. More detailed local
By Auto (drove route) zoning types may also be used.

Both (walked & drove route)

Raters should collect information on foot
when possible.
Intersection 1
2) Intersection Geometry
Number of legs intersecting: Check one
4-way intersection
5-way star
6-way (e.g., three streets)
3) Intersection Control
Check items present
Yield signs/Flashing yellow
Stop signs/Flashing red light
Traffic signal
Traffic circle, Roundabout
Traffic circle at T-intersection

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-2

Pedestrian Crossing At Intersection 1
Be sure to indicate the direction you are crossing at Intersection 1, so that it is clear which side of the crossing is pre-
crossing and w hich side is post-crossing. Pre-crossing is the side of the crossing where you start; post-crossing is the
side of the crossing where you end after crossing the street.

Crossing from N S E W to N S E W

4) Signalization (if traffic signal present)

Check items present
All traffic signals have green arrows for dedicated vehicle turns
Pedestrian Walk signals present
Pedestrian push buttons present
Countdown signal
Audible walk signal
None of the Above

Pedestrian walk signal

Pedestrian walk signal Pedestrian push button

E-3 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

5) Crosswalk treatment
Check all that apply
Marked crosswalk
High-visibility striping
Stop lines on road or additional crosswalk warnings
Raised crosswalk
Different material than road
None of the Above

Marked crosswalk Stop lines on road
Dan Burden

High-visibility striping Additional crosswalk signage

(Curb cut w/tactile paving, additional
crosswalk signage)

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-4

6) Crossing features
Check all that apply
Specifically identified lanes turning into crossing
Right turn Left turn
Protected refuge islands
One-way streets through crossing
Curb extension
None of the Above

Protected refuge island Curb extension (with traffic calming sign)

7) Gutters present in crossing

Within possible path of crossing pedestrians
Yes No

8) Other characteristics of crossing

Check all that apply
Steep slope or steep cross-slope at intersection
Temporary obstructions
Crossing aids (e.g., flags)
None of the Above
9) Miscellaneous problems Faded or worn crosswalk marking
Check all that apply
Lack of lampposts or overhead street lamps Unanticipated mid-segment crossing
Poor condition of crossing surface Reason:
Poor visibility at corners Other:
Faded or worn crosswalk markings None of the Above

E-5 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

10) Distance of crossing leg, including all
The crossing leg is the place in the road where
potential parking and turn lanes
you are assessing the crossing. This measure is the
lanes wide number of lanes at that point in the street.
11) Crosswalk timing: seconds
(Length includes white walk time + flashing red Use a stopwatch to measure the number of seconds.
dont walk time)
No crosswalk No signal

Crosswalk Curb Cuts At Intersection 1

12) Curb ramps, curb cuts, or mountable curbs?
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street) (b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
Yes (with tactile paving/truncated dome) Yes (with tactile paving/truncated dome)
Yes (with NO tactile paving) Yes (with NO tactile paving)
No No

Curb cut (w tactile Paving/truncated dome) Curb cut (w tactile Paving/truncated dome)

Curb cut (with NO tactile paving) Crossing with no curb cutdome)

Paving/truncated dome)

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-6

13) Alignment of curb cut/ramp and crossing?
(Even if there is no marked crosswalk,
there is still a crossing)
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street) (b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
Ramp lines up with crossing Ramp lines up with crossing
Ramp does not line up with crossing Ramp does not line up with crossing
No ramp No ramp

Ramp does not line up with crossing Ramp lines up with crossing

E-7 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

14) Rate the condition and quality of curb cut/ramp.
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
For both the pre-crossing curb and post-
Ramp is passable for mobility device (e.g., wheelchair) crossing curb, the curb cut/ramp is either
Check all that apply passable or impassable, based on its slope and
broken areas. For each, if the ramp has either
ADA-compliant slope (8.3% or less) an ADA-non-compliant slope (over 8.3%) or
No broken area broken area impassable or only passable with
high effort, then check the box for ramp is
Broken area passable with little or no effort impassable for mobility device However, it
Ramp is impassable for mobility device (e.g., wheelchair) is possible for a ramp to have an ADA-non-
compliant slope but no broken area or
Check all that apply
broken area passable with little or no effort
ADA-non-compliant slope (over 8.3%) and vice versa. In this example, you would
check the box for ramp is impassable and
Broken area impassable or only passable with high effort
check ADA-non-compliant slope and also no
No ramp broken area. It is important for every curb cut/
(b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street) ramp that the BE Tool indicates the condition
of the ramp slope and broken areas.
Ramp is passable for mobility device (e.g., wheelchair)
To determine the severity of any broken area,
Check all that apply use this guidance from the QPAT tool:
ADA-compliant slope (8.3% or less) If the broken concrete is stable and has no level
changes, it is passable with little or no effort.
No broken area
If the broken concrete is stable and has at
Broken area passable with little or no effort least one level change, it is passable with
Ramp is impassable for mobility device (e.g., wheelchair) moderate effort.
Check all that apply If an area of the broken concrete is loose,
whether it does or does not have level
ADA-non-compliant slope (over 8.3%) changes, it is impassable or only passable with
Broken area impassable or only passable with high effort high effort.
No ramp

Slope (or grade) is the measurement of rise over run. An 8.33% slope is 1ft (or 1) vertical rise per 12ft (or 12)
horizontal distance. It is the maximum allowable slope under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The
horizontal run of the curb ramp should be measured from where it intersects with the sidewalk to where it meets
the road. Tools to measure this include a tape measure (or yard stick), a level, and potentially a length of string.
Making sure that the tool being used to measure run is level (using the level), you can then measure the vertical
distance from the street to that string, tape measure, or yard stick for the rise. A simple formula can then be used to
determine slope. This resource can provide guidance:

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-8

Street Segment
All questions in the street segment section of the tool are meant to either measure the entire street (both sides of the street
and the road itself) or are formatted to measure each side (block face) separately. Those questions that provide response
options in a table are formatted to measure each side separately. All other questions are meant to measure both sides of
the street segment as a whole.

Road Configuration
15) Is the street predominantly one-way or two-way?
1-way 2-way
16) What type of road is present?
Check one
Divided highway > 4 lanes
Undivided > 4 lanes
3 lanes (or two plus center turn lane)
2 marked lanes
No marked lanes
Unpaved roadway

Number of Traffic Lanes

17) How many traffic lanes are present (include all lanes that
traffic can use; choose most predominant)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7+

Speed Limit
18) Is there a posted speed limit along the route?
If multiple, select the highest

Yes mph No
Special school zone speed limit
Special school zone

Yes mph No

E-9 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Vehicular Traffic Control Count each traffic calming method
separately. If a traffic calming method
19) What other street characteristics are present? has a physical feature (e.g., speed hump)
(specify # of each type) and a sign that indicates it, this should
be counted as 2.
Check all that apply
Traffic calming (signs, circles, speed tables, speed humps, curb extension) ______
Roll-over curbs ______
Drainage ditches ______ (count both sides of street)
Instructional signs for pedestrians
Crosswalk signage or other pedestrian signage (for drivers) ______
None of the Above

Traffic calming sign and curb extension

Speed hump Crosswalk signage

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-10

Transit Availability
20) Is there a public transit stop on this segment?
Consider both sides of the street
Check all that apply segment when rating the presence of
transit stops
Bus stop
Light Rail/Other Transit
Senior transit/paratransit
If none, skip to Q22
21) Is there a bench or covered shelter at the transit stop?
(Only count benches that users could be easily identified by bus
drivers as waiting to ride the bus.)
Check all that apply
Covered shelter with no room for mobility device
Covered shelter with room for mobility device
Covered shelter with room for mobility device (~5ft clearance)

E-11 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Street Amenities
22) Presence of street amenities
Trash bins must be public, and not
Check all that apply belong to a residence. Benches must be
for public use to be counted (not a transit
Building overhangs that provide shelter from inclement
stop bench) and not meant for seating at
weather in public space (i.e. sidewalks)
private business (e.g., restaurant sidewalk
Trash bins (public) seating). Bicycle racks belonging to a
school should be counted separately
Benches or other places to sit
from other bicycle racks.
Bicycle rack(s) (non-school)
Bicycle rack(s) in front of school
Working drinking fountain
Working public telephones
Kiosks or information booths
None of the Above

Public trash bin and bench Bicycle rack

Public bench Public drinking fountain

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-12

23) Do you observe pleasant hardscape features, such as fountains, sculptures, or art (public or private)?
Yes No
24) Do you observe softscape features such as gardens or landscaping (e.g., Public bodies of water, designated
viewpoints; Private retaining walls, bark, ponds)?
Yes No
25) Are the buildings well maintained?
North/East South/West
0% 0%
149% 149%
5099% 5099%
100% 100%
26) Is landscaping well maintained?
North/East South/West
0% 0%
149% 149%
5099% 5099%
100% 100%
27) How many trees exist within 5 feet of either side of the sidewalk/pathway (can be in buffer or setback; also
count trees that are more than 5 feet away if they provide shade for the sidewalk/pathway)?
North/East South/West
0 or 1 0 or 1
25 25
610 610
1121 1121
21+ 21+
28) What percentage of the length of the sidewalk/walkway is covered by trees, awnings or other
overhead coverage?
North/East South/West
125% 125%
2550% 2550%
51100% 51100%
No coverage No coverage
E-13 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Physical Maintenance/Disorder
29) Which of the following physical disorders are present? Look for these indications of physical
disorder on both sides of the street
Check all that apply segment. Neighborhood watch signs
Graffiti/tagging (not murals) and signage for commercial destinations
or parks are signs of maintenance rather
Abandoned cars than disorder, but should be measured as
Buildings with broken/boarded windows part of this question.
Drug paraphernalia
Broken glass
Beer/liquor bottles/cans
Litter in yards
Noticeable/excessive litter in street/sidewalk
Neighborhood watch signs
Signage for commercial destinations or parks
None of these
30) Rate the extent of physical disorder (e.g., litter, graffiti, If anything is marked as present in
broken glass, abandoned cars). question 29, the response to question 30
cannot be none.
A little (physical disorder is present)
Some (disorder is very noticeable)
A lot (disorder is overwhelming)
31) Rate the extent of social disorder (e.g., stray dogs, gangs, prostitution,
hostile behaviors, drug dealing, panhandlers, etc.).
A little (social disorder is present)
Some (disorder is very noticeable)
A lot (disorder is overwhelming)

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-14

32) Estimate the proportion of street segment that has ground floor or street-level windows within 40
feet of sidewalk/walkway (or street if no sidewalk/walkway).
North/East South/West
125% 125%
2550% 2550%
5175% 5175%
76100% 76100%
No windows No windows

Be sure to only count windows on buildings within 40 feet of the sidewalk/walkway. A good estimate of 40
feet is two full-sized car lengths. If the buildings on the segment only cover a portion of the segment (e.g., one
building that covers one-fourth of the segment), and it has full window coverage, you would indicate that
25% of the segment is covered by windows, rather than 100%.

Building Setbacks
33) What is the smallest building setback from the sidewalk?
North/East South/West
No building No building
<10 feet <10 feet
1020 feet 1020 feet
2150 feet 2150 feet
51100 feet 51100 feet
>100 feet >100 feet
34) What is the largest building setback from the sidewalk/walkway?
North/East South/West
No building No building
<10 feet <10 feet
1020 feet 1020 feet
2150 feet 2150 feet
51100 feet 51100 feet
>100 feet >100 feet

E-15 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

35) What is the average height of buildings?
Count both sides of the street
No building
12 stories
35 stories
610 stories
>10 stories
36) What parking facilities are present?
Check all that apply (both sides of street)s
On-street, parallel or angled parking
Small lot or garage (< 30 spaces)
Medium to large lot or garage

Parallel parking Angled parking

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-16

37) Is a sidewalk present?
None N/E S/W
38) What is the width of the majority of the sidewalk?
North/East South/West
< 3 ft. < 3 ft.
3 to <5 ft. 3 to <5 ft.
5 ft. 5 ft.
No sidewalk No sidewalk

3 to <5 ft. sidewalk w/<3 ft. buffer 5 ft. sidewalk

(w/benches, trash bin, and street trees)

39) Is there a buffer present? (Separation between the walkway and road; does not apply to roadway walking)
N/E Yes No N/A
S/W Yes No N/A

A buffer is an area between the sidewalk and the

roadway, not intended for walkers or traffic. A
bicycle lane should not be considered a buffer, nor
should trees, telephone poles, or parking meters
if there is more than 20 feet between them along
the street. A brick or other surface between the
sidewalk and roadway should not be considered
a buffer because it does not limit the ability of
vehicles to come onto the sidewalk.

No buffer

E-17 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

40) How wide is the majority of the buffer?
North/East South/West
< 3 ft. < 3 ft.
3 to <5 ft. 3 to <5 ft.
5 ft. 5 ft.
No sidewalk No sidewalk

Buffer width measures the distance between the sidewalk and curb or edge of street.

< 3ft. buffer 5ft. buffer

41) Is the sidewalk continuous within the segment?

N/E Yes No No sidewalk
S/W Yes No No sidewalk

Non-continuous sidewalk

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-18

42) Are there poorly maintained sections of the sidewalk that constitute trip hazards (e.g., heaves,
misalignment, cracks, overgrowth)?
North/East South/West
None None
One One
A few A few
A lot A lot
No sidewalk No sidewalk

One Few A lot

(heave and cracks in sidewalk) (heave w/overgrowth) (cracks and heaves)

43) How steep is the sidewalk at the steepest point in the segment (excluding heaves)?
N/E Level Moderate Steep No sidewalk
S/W Level Moderate Steep No sidewalk

44) How much of the segment is at or near this level of steepness?

North/East South/West
Little (1-25%) Little (1-25%)
Some (26-75%) Some (26-75%)
Most or All (76-100%) Most or All (76-100%)
No sidewalk No sidewalk

45) If answer to Q44 is Little, provide a steepness measure that represents the majority of the segment.
N/E Level Moderate Steep
S/W Level Moderate Steep

E-19 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

46) Does the walkway have a cross-slope that affects walkers?
(A cross-slope is a sideways slope, like a driveway that slopes through the sidewalk.
Only evaluate cross-slope that is in the path of the walkway.)
N/E Level Moderate Steep
S/W Level Moderate Steep
47) Are there permanent obstructions in the sidewalk
(e.g., telephone poles, trees, caf tables, shrubs, basketball hoops)?
North/East South/West
None None
Some Some
Many Many
No sidewalk No sidewalk
Some Obstructions

48) Are there temporary obstructions in the sidewalk (e.g., parked cars, sandwich boards, garbage cans)?

North/East South/West
None None
Some Some
Many Many
No sidewalk No sidewalk

Some Temporary Obstructions Many Temporary Obstructions

(temporary sidewalk obstruction) (trash bins and vehicle obstructing sidewalk)

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-20

49) If no sidewalk, is there any other place to walk that is safe from traffic?
North/East South/West
Yes Yes
Unpaved pathway (goat path) Unpaved pathway (goat path)
Street shoulder Street shoulder
Buffer Buffer
No No
N/A Sidewalk present N/A Sidewalk present

For each side of the street segment, if the response to question 37 (presence of sidewalk) is Yes, then the
response for this question 49 should be N/A Sidewalk present. A street shoulder can be marked as a safe place
to walk only if it is marked with street lines. A bicycle lane should not be considered as a safe place to walk.

50) If no sidewalk, what is the width of the place on which one could safely walk? (Not in possible path of traffic)
North/East South/West
None None
< 4 ft. < 4 ft.
> 4 ft. > 4 ft.

Pedestrian Curb Cuts On Segment (Non-Intersection)

51) Presence of any mid-segment street crossing, where an
individual could safely cross (marked by sign or crosswalk)?
Yes No

You do not have to cross to count mid-segment

crossings; they only have to be on the street
segment. Because mid-segment crossings
are present on both sides of a street segment,
count each one only once.

Mid-segment street crossing
Laura Sandt

E-21 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Driveway Curb Cuts
52) How many driveways or alleys are there?
(Count only alleys that are wide enough to be used by cars or other vehicles that could impede pedestrian traffic.)
North/East South/West
None None
12 12
35 35
6 or more 6 or more

Pedestrian Lighting
53) Are street lights installed?
North/East South/West
None None
Some (e.g., overhead street lights on utility poles Some (e.g., overhead street lights on utility poles
with wide spacing) with wide spacing)
Ample (e.g., regularly spaced pedestrian lampposts) Ample (e.g., regularly spaced pedestrian lampposts)

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-22

Bicycle Lane
How would you rate the bikability of this segment?
54) Location of bike lane (marked lane)?
North/East South/West
Does not apply Does not apply
No shoulder (no marked lane) No shoulder (no marked lane)
Narrow paved (<3ft) shoulder (no marked lane) Narrow paved (<3ft) shoulder (no marked lane)
Wide paved (>3ft) shoulder (no marked lane) Wide paved (>3ft) shoulder (no marked lane)
Narrow (<3ft) marked lane Narrow (<3ft) marked lane
Wide (>3ft) marked lane Wide (>3ft) marked lane

No shoulder Wide paved shoulder (no marked lane)
cfm?picid=1138 cfm?picid=1494
Barbara Gosse Bob Boyce

Wide marked bicycle lane Narrow paved shoulder

(no marked lane)

E-23 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

55) Are there any signs indicating bicycle use (share the road, etc.)?
None N/E S/W

Bike lane sign

56) Levelness and condition of bike lane (e.g., heaves, alignment, cracks, broken sections, weeds)?
North/East South/West
Does not apply Does not apply
None None
A little A little
Some Some
A lot A lot

57) Obstructions in bike lane (e.g., artificial cars, rumble strips, drainage grates or natural trees, bushes, rocks)?
North/East South/West
Does not apply Does not apply
None None
A little A little
Some Some
A lot A lot

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-24

Bike/Ped Path
How would you rate the availability of trails or paths for this segment? (Check all that apply.)
58) Presence of path or trail (e.g., multi-use, biking, walking route)?
N/E Yes No
S/W Yes No

Multi-use path

59) Width of path or trail?

North/East South/West
Does not apply Does not apply
0 to 3 ft 0 to 3 ft
>3 to < 6 ft >3 to < 6 ft
6 ft 6 ft

6 ft.

E-25 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

60) Levelness and condition of trail (e.g., heaves, alignment, cracks, broken sections, weeds)?
North/East South/West
Does not apply Does not apply
None None
A little A little
Some Some
A lot A lot

61) Obstructions (e.g., artificial cars, trash cans or natural trees, bushes, rocks)?
North/East South/West
Does not apply Does not apply
None None
A little A little
Some Some
A lot A lot

Land Uses And Destinations

For land uses and destinations, count the total number on both sides of the street segment. Do not double count.
Only count land uses and destination that have an entrance on the street segment. Be sure to only count a land use or
destination on one segment, even if it faces two streets.
62) What types of residential uses?
Check all that apply
Single family houses
Multi-unit homes (duplex, 4-plex, row house)
Apartments or condominiums
Apartments above street retail
Retirement/senior living facility
Other (mobile home, dormitory)

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-26

63) Shopping Centers
Check all that apply
Shopping Mall
Strip Mall
Shopping Arcade
None of the above
64) How many of the following types of non-residential destinations are present? (Count both sides of street. Do
not double count.)
Food-related land uses
a. Fast food restaurant (national or local chain, primarily sells burgers, fried chicken, pizza, or Americanized
Mexican, Chinese, etc.)
0 1 2+
b. Sit-down restaurant
0 1 2+
c. Grocery/supermarket
0 1 2+
d. Convenience store (may also be a gas station)
0 1 2+
e. Caf or coffee shop
0 1 2+
f. Liquor/alcohol store (primarily sells alcohol, wine bar, strip club)
0 1 2+
g. Big box store (e.g., Home Depot, Best Buy, Sears, Super Walmart, Target)
0 1 2+
h. Specialty Food Store (e.g., ice cream, candy, bakery)
0 1 2+
i. Community garden
0 1 2+
j. Farmers market
0 1 2+
k. Green carts
0 1 2+
l. Food trucks
0 1 2+
Retail and service oriented land uses
m. Pharmacy or drug store
0 1 2+

E-27 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

n. Bank or credit union
0 1 2+
o. Health-related professional (e.g., chiropractor, doctors. office)
0 1 2+
p. Entertainment (e.g., movie theatre, arcade)
0 1 2+
q. Other service (e.g., salon, lawyer, accountant, realtor, laundry/dry cleaner, commercial mailing service)
0 1 2+
r. Other retail (e.g., books, clothing, hardware, video rental)
0 1 2+
Government or community land use
s. Health or social services (e.g., hospital, health department, community action agency, police/fire stations, city
hall, etc.)
0 1 2+
t. Library/Museums
0 1 2+
u. Post office
0 1 2+
v. Senior center
0 1 2+
w. Place of worship (e.g., church, synagogue, convent, mosque, etc.)
0 1 2+
x. School
0 1 2+
Count any place that has school in the name, including pre-schools, church schools, and learning centers.

Other land use

y. Warehouse/factory/industrial
0 1 2+
z. Abandoned building
0 1 2+
aa. Unmaintained lot/field
0 1 2+
bb. Casino
0 1 2+
Recreational facilities or destinations
cc. Private indoor fitness facility
0 1 2+

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-28

dd. Community recreation center
0 1 2+
ee. Park
0 1 2+
ff. Playground at park or school
0 1 2+
gg. Outdoor pool
0 1 2+
hh. Golf course
0 1 2+
ii. Sports/playing field or court (e.g., baseball or tennis at park or school)
0 1 2+
jj. Sports track
0 1 2+
kk. Body of water (e.g., lake, ocean)
0 1 2+
ll. Other recreational facility (e.g., skating rink, miniature golf)
0 1 2+
65) What activity areas are in the park? (Mark all that apply)
(Answer this question if Q64ee, park, was 1 or 2+)
Tennis Courts
Basketball Courts
Other Courts (specify)
Baseball Fields
Football Fields
Soccer Fields
Other Fields (specify)
Green Spaces
Golf Courses
Swimming Pools
Botanical Gardens
Other (specify)
E-29 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Intersection 2
66) Intersection Geometry
Check one
4-way intersection
5-way star
6-way (e.g., three streets)
67) Intersection Control
Check items present
Yield signs/Flashing yellow
Stop signs/Flashing red light
Traffic signal
Traffic circle, Roundabout

Pedestrian Crossing At Intersection 2

Crossing from N S E W to N S E W

68) Signalization (if traffic signal present)

Check all that apply
Any traffic signals have green arrows for dedicated vehicle turns
Pedestrian Walk signals present
Pedestrian push buttons present
Countdown signal
Audible walk signal
None of the Above
69) Crosswalk treatment
Check all that apply
Marked crosswalk
High-visibility striping
Stop lines on road or additional crosswalk warnings

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-30

Raised crosswalk
Different material than road
None of the Above
70) Crossing features
Check all that apply
Specifically identified lanes turning into crossing
Right turn Left turn
Protected refuge islands
One-way streets through crossing
Curb extension
None of the Above
71) Gutters present in crossing
Within possible path of crossing pedestrians
Yes No
72) Other characteristics of crossing
Check all that apply
Steep slope or steep cross-slope at intersection
Temporary obstructions
Crossing aids (e.g., flags)
None of the Above
73) Miscellaneous problems
Check all that apply
Lack of lampposts or overhead street lamps
Poor condition of crossing surface
Poor visibility at corners
Faded or worn crosswalk markings
Unanticipated mid-segment crossing Reason:
None of the Above
74) Distance of crossing leg, including all potential parking and turn lanes

lanes wide

E-31 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

75) Crosswalk timing: seconds
(Length includes white walk time + flashing red dont walk time)
No crosswalk No signal

Crosswalk Curb Cuts At Intersection 2

76) Curb ramps, curb cuts, or mountable curbs?
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
Yes (with tactile paving/truncated dome)
Yes (with NO tactile paving)
(b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
Yes (with tactile paving/truncated dome)
Yes (with NO tactile paving)
77) Alignment of curb cut/ramp and crossing?
(Even if there is no marked crosswalk, there is still a crossing)
(a) Pre-crossing curb
Check one
Ramp lines up with crossing
Ramp does not line up with crossing
No ramp
(b) Post-crossing curb
Check one
Ramp lines up with crossing
Ramp does not line up with crossing
No ramp
78) Rate the condition and quality of curb cut/ramp.
(a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
Ramp is passable for mobility device (e.g., wheelchair)
Check all that apply
ADA-compliant slope (8.3% or less)

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual E-32

No broken area
Broken area passable with little or no effort
Ramp is impassable for mobility device (e.g., wheelchair)
Check all that apply
ADA-non-compliant slope (over 8.3%)
Broken area impassable or only passable with high effort
No ramp
(b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W side of street)
Ramp is passable for mobility device (e.g., wheelchair)
Check all that apply
ADA-compliant slope (8.3% or less)
No broken area
Broken area passable with little or no effort
Ramp is impassable for mobility device (e.g., wheelchair)
Check all that apply
ADA-non-compliant slope (over 8.3%)
Broken area impassable or only passable with high effort
No ramp
Weather Conditions
79) What is the temperature (F) today? 81) Does this segment need further evaluation during
or after rainy periods?
50s or below
60s Yes No
90s or above
80) What is the weather today?
Partly Sunny/Partly Cloudy

E-33 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Appendix F
BE Tool Data Coding
and Scoring Table
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
LU1 Foot (walked route) = 1; 1) How is audit information Route not used in positive or
Auto (drove route) = 2; collected? negative subscales
Both = 3
Intersection 1
C1_2 T-intersection = 1; 2) Intersection Geometry Crossings not used in positive or
4-way = 2; >4-way = 3 Section negative subscales
3) Intersection Control: Crossings Intersection Control and
Section Signage Positive Subscale
C1_1a Yield signs Yield signs/Flashing yellow Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage Positive Subscale
C1_1b Stop signs Stop signs/Flashing red light Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage Positive Subscale

C1_1c Traffic signal Traffic signal Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1

No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage Positive Subscale

C1_1d Traffic circle Traffic circle, Roundabout Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage Positive Subscale

Pedestrian Crossing at Intersection 1

Crossing from N S E W to N S E W
4) Signalization (if traffic signal Crossings Intersection Control and
present): Section Signage Positive Subscale
C1_3a No = 0; Yes = 1 All traffic signals have green
arrows for dedicated vehicle
C1_3b No = 0; Yes = 1 Pedestrian Walk signals
C1_3c No = 0; Yes = 1 Pedestrian push buttons
C1_3d No = 0; Yes = 1 Countdown signal

F-1 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 1 (continued)
Pedestrian Crossing at Intersection 1 (continued)
C1_3e No = 0; Yes = 1 Audible walk signal
None of the Above
5) Crosswalk treatment Crossings Crosswalk Amenities
Section Positive Subscale
C1_8a No = 0; Yes = 1 Marked crosswalk Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
C1_8b No = 0; Yes = 1 High-visibility striping Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
C1_8c No = 0; Yes = 1 Stop lines on road or Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
additional crosswalk warnings Positive Subscale
C1_8d No = 0; Yes = 1 Raised crosswalk Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
C1_8e No = 0; Yes = 1 Different material than road Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
None of the Above
6) Crossing features Crossings Intersection Control and
Section Signage Positive Subscale;
Crosswalk Amenities
Positive Subscale
Specifically identified lanes
turning into crossing
C1_11a No = 0; Yes = 1 Right turn Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
Signage Positive Subscale
C1_11b No = 0; Yes = 1 Left turn Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
Signage Positive Subscale
C1_11c No = 0; Yes = 1 Protected refuge islands Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
C1_11d No = 0; Yes = 1 One-way streets through Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
crossing Signage Positive Subscale
F-2 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 1 (continued)
Pedestrian Crossing at Intersection 1 (continued)
C1_11e No = 0; Yes = 1 Curb extension Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
None of the Above
C1_6 No = 0; Yes = 1 7) Gutters present in crossing Crossings Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
Section Negative Subscale
Within possible path of crossing
8) Other characteristics of crossing Crossings Crossing Impediments
Section Negative Subscale;
Crosswalk Amenities
Positive Subscale
C1_7a No = 0; Yes = 1 Steep slope or steep cross- Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
slope at intersection Negative Subscale
C1_7b No = 0; Yes = 1 Temporary obstructions Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
Negative Subscale
C1_7c No = 0; Yes = 1 Crossing aids (e.g., flags) Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
None of the Above
9) Miscellaneous problems Crossings Crossing Impediments
Section Negative Subscale
C1_12a No = 0; Yes = 1 Lack of lampposts or not used in positive or
overhead street lamps negative subscales
C1_12b No = 0; Yes = 1 Poor condition of crossing not used in positive or
surface negative subscales
C1_12c No = 0; Yes = 1 Poor visibility at corners Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
Negative Subscale
C1_12d No = 0; Yes = 1 Faded or worn crosswalk Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
markings Negative Subscale

F-3 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 1 (continued)
Pedestrian Crossing at Intersection 1 (continued)
C1_12e No = 0; Yes = 1 Unanticipated mid-segment not used in positive or
crossing negative subscales
Reason: ___________________ not used in positive or
negative subscales
C1_12f Other: __________________ not used in positive or
negative subscales
None of the Above
C1_10_ # 10) Distance of crossing leg, Crossings Road Width Negative 1 2 = 0; 3 4
trichot including all potential parking Section Subscale = 1; 5 Highest
and turn lanes. =2
_________ lanes wide
C1_4 # of seconds; No 11) Crosswalk timing: Crossings not used in positive or
crosswalk = -777; No __________ seconds Section negative subscales
signal = -778
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 1
12) Curb ramps, curb cuts, or Crossings Curb Quality/Presence 2 = 1; 1 or 0 = 0
mountable curbs? Section Positive Subscale
C1_B12a Pre-crossing has ramp (a) Pre-crossing curb Curb Quality/Presence Ramp (w
(w tactile) = 1; Pre- (on N E S W side of street) Positive Subscale tactile) = 1;
crossing has ramp (w/o Ramp (w/o
tactile) = 2; No ramp tactile) = 1; No
=3 ramp = 0
C1_B12b Pre-crossing has ramp (b) Post-crossing curb Curb Quality/Presence Ramp (w
(w tactile) = 1; Pre- (on N E S W side of street) Positive Subscale tactile) = 1;
crossing has ramp (w/o Ramp (w/o
tactile) = 2; No ramp tactile) = 1; No
=3 ramp = 0
F-4 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 1 (continued)
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 1 (continued)
13) Alignment of curb cut/ramp and Crossings Curb Quality/Presence 2 = 1; 1 or 0 = 0
crossing? Section Positive Subscale;
Crossing Impediments
Negative Subscale
C1_5a Ramp lines up w/xing (a) Pre-crossing curb Curb Quality/Presence Ramp lines up
= 1; Ramp does not line (on N E S W side of street) Positive Subscale; w/xing = 1;
up = 2; No ramp = 3 Crossing Impediments Ramp does not
Negative Subscale line up =1; No
ramp = 0
C1_5a_ Ramp lines up with crossing Curb Quality/Presence
positive Positive Subscale

C1_5a_ Ramp does not line up with not used in positive or

opt2 crossing negative subscales

C1_5a_ No ramp Crossing Impediments

negative Negative Subscale

C1_5b Ramp lines up w/xing (b) Post-crossing curb Curb Quality/Presence Ramp lines up
= 1; Ramp does not line (on N E S W side of street) Positive Subscale; w/xing = 1;
up = 2; No ramp = 3 Crossing Impediments Ramp does not
Negative Subscale line up =1; No
ramp = 0
C1_5b_ Ramp lines up with crossing Curb Quality/Presence
positive Positive Subscale

C1_5b_ Ramp does not line up with not used in positive or

opt2 crossing negative subscales

C1_5b_ No ramp Crossing Impediments

negative Negative Subscale

C1_B14_ 14) Rate the condition and quality of Curb Quality/Presence 2 = 1; 1 or 0 = 0

positive curb cut/ramp. Positive Subscale;

F-5 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 1 (continued)
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 1 (continued)
C1_B14_ Crossing Impediments 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
negative Negative Subscale
a. Pre-crossing curb
(on N E S W side of street)
C1_B14a1_ Ramp is passable for mobility Crossing Impediments Ramp is
negative device (e.g., wheelchair) Negative Subscale passable = 0
C1_B14a1_ Curb Quality/Presence Ramp is
positive Positive Subscale passable = 1
ADA-compliant slope not used in positive or
(8.3% or less) negative subscales
No broken area not used in positive or
negative subscales
Broken area passable not used in positive or
with little or no effort negative subscales
C1_B14a2_ Ramp is impassable for Crossing Impediments Ramp is
negative mobility device (e.g., Negative Subscale impassable = 1
C1_B14a_ Curb Quality/Presence Ramp is
positive Positive Subscale impassable = 0
ADA-non-compliant slope not used in positive or
(over 8.3%) negative subscales
Broken area impassable not used in positive or
or only passable with negative subscales
high effort
C1_B14a3 No ramp not used in positive or
negative subscales
b. Post-crossing curb
(on N E S W side of street)
F-6 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 1 (continued)
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 1 (continued)
C1_B14b1_ Curb Quality/Presence Ramp is
negative Positive Subscale passable = 0
C1_b14b1_ Curb Quality/Presence Ramp is
positive Positive Subscale passable = 1
ADA-compliant slope not used in positive or
(8.3% or less) negative subscales
No broken area not used in positive or
negative subscales
Broken area passable not used in positive or
with little or no effort negative subscales
C1_B14b2_ Ramp is impassable for Crossing Impediments Ramp is
negative mobility device (e.g., Negative Subscale impassable = 1
C1_B14b2_ Curb Quality/Presence Ramp is
positive Positive Subscale impassable = 0
ADA-non-compliant slope not used in positive or
(over 8.3%) negative subscales
Broken area impassable not used in positive or
or only passable with negative subscales
high effort
C1_B14b3 No ramp not used in positive or
negative subscales

F-7 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment
Road configuration
S1_11_ One-way = 1; 15) Is the street predominantly one- Segments Walkways/ Negative Street Design One-way = 1;
dichot Two-way = 2 way or two-way? Section Sidewalks Subscale Two-way = 2
S1_B16 Divided highway > 4 16) What type of road is present? Route Streetscape not used in positive or
lanes = 1; Undivided > Section negative subscales
4 lanes = 2; 3 lanes (or
two plus center turn
lane) = 3; 2 marked
lanes = 4; No marked
lanes = 5; Unpaved
roadway = 6
Number of traffic lanes
S1_10_ # 17) How many traffic lanes are Segments Walkways/ Negative Street Design 1-4 lanes = 1;
dichot present (include all lanes that Section Sidewalks Subscale >5 lanes = 2
traffic can use; choose most
Speed limit
18) Is there a posted speed limit Route Streetscape Positive Streetscape
along the route? Section Subscales
SS3a No = 0; Yes = speed Regular
limit (text)
SS3a_ sign Yes _______ mph Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
No Subscales
SS3a_ pos Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes,
Subscales speed limit
25mph or less=
SS_B18b No = 0; Yes = speed Special school zone not used in positive or
limit (text) negative subscales
F-8 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued)
Vehicular traffic control
19) What other street characteristics Route Streetscape Positive Streetscape
are present? Section Subscales
(specify # of each type)
SS4a # Traffic calming (signs, circles, Positive Streetscape None = 0;
speed tables, speed humps, Subscales Any = 1
curb extension)
SS4b # Roll-over curbs _________
SS4c # Drainage ditches ______
(count both sides of street)
SS4d # Instructional signs for
SS4e # Crosswalk signage or other
pedestrian signage (for
None of the Above
Transit Availability
20) Is there a public transit stop on Route Streetscape Negative Streetscape
this segment? Check all that apply Section Subscale
SS1a_ dichot Bus stop Negative Streetscape None = 1;
Subscale Any = 0
SS_B20c Light Rail/Other Transit not used in positive or
negative subscales
SS1b Senior transit/paratransit not used in positive or
negative subscales
If none skip to Q22.
21) Is there a bench or covered Route Streetscape
shelter at the transit stop? Section

F-9 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued)
Transit Availability (continued)
SS2_1b No = 0; Yes = 1 Bench Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
SS2_1c No = 0; Yes = 1 Covered shelter (with no Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
room for mobility device) Subscales
SS2_1d No = 0; Yes = 1 Covered shelter with room for Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
mobility device (5ft clearance) Subscales
Street Amenities
22) Presence of street amenities Route Streetscape Positive Streetscape
Section Subscales
SS7a No = 0; Yes = 1 Building overhangs that Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
provide shelter from Subscales
inclement weather in public
space (e.g. sidewalks)
SS7b No = 0; Yes = 1 Trash bins (public) Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
SS7c No = 0; Yes = 1 Bicycle racks (non-school) Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
Subscales; Bike
Infrastructure Positive
SS_B22d No = 0; Yes = 1 Bicycle rack(s) in front of not used in positive or
school negative subscales
SS7e No = 0; Yes = 1 Working drinking fountain Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
SS7f No = 0; Yes = 1 Working public telephones Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
F-10 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued)
Street Amenities (continued)
SS7g No = 0; Yes = 1 Kiosks or information booths Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
None of the Above
A1 No = 0; Yes = 1 23) Do you observe pleasant Route Aesthetics Positive Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
hardscape features, such as and Social Social Subscale
fountains, sculptures, or art Section
(public or private)?
A2 No = 0; Yes = 1 24) Do you observe softscape Route Aesthetics Positive Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
features such as gardens or and Social Social Subscale
landscaping (e.g., Public: bodies Section
of water, designated viewpoints;
Private: retaining walls, bark,
A4_dichot_ 0% = 1; 1-49% = 2; 50- 25) Are the buildings well Route Aesthetics Negative Aesthetics and 0-99% = 1; 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
neg 99% = 3; 100% = 4 maintained? and Social Social Elements 100% = 0
A5_dichot 0% = 1; 1-49% = 2; 50- 26) Is landscaping well maintained? Route Aesthetics Positive Aesthetics and 0-99% = 0; 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
99% = 3; 100% = 4 and Social Social Subscale 100% = 1
S1_23_ 0-1 = 1; 2-5 = 2; 6-10 = 27) How many trees exist within Segments Walkways/ Trees Positive Subscale No sidewalk/NA 3 or 4 = 2; 1 or
trichot 3; 11-20 = 4; 21+ = 5; 5 feet of either side of the Section Sidewalks = 0; 0-1 trees = 2 = 1; 0 = 0
No sidewalk= -777 sidewalk/pathway (can be in 0; 2-10 trees =
buffer or setback; also count 1; >11 trees = 2
trees that are more than 5 feet
away if they provide shade for
the sidewalk/pathway)?
S1_25_ 1-25% = 1; 26-50% = 2; 28) What percentage of the length of Segments Walkways/ Trees Positive Subscale No coverage or 3 or 4 = 2; 1 or
trichot 51-75% = 3; 76-100% = the sidewalk/walkway is covered Section Sidewalks no sidewalk/NA 2 = 1; 0 = 0
4; No sidewalk = -777; by trees, awnings or other and 25% = 0;
No coverage = 5 overhead coverage? 26%-75% = 1;
>75% = 2

F-11 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued
Physical Maintenance/Disorder
29) Which of the following physical Route Aesthetics Negative Aesthetics and
disorders are present? and Social Social Subscale;
Section Positive Aesthetics and
Social Subscale
A6a No = 0; Yes = 1 Graffiti/tagging (not murals) Negative Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
Social Subscale
A6b No = 0; Yes = 1 Abandoned cars Negative Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
Social Subscale
A6c No = 0; Yes = 1 Buildings with broken/ Negative Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
boarded windows Social Subscale
A6d No = 0; Yes = 1 Drug paraphernalia Negative Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
Social Subscale
A6e No = 0; Yes = 1 Broken glass Negative Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
Social Subscale
A6f No = 0; Yes = 1 Beer/liquor bottles/cans not used in positive or
negative subscales
A6g No = 0; Yes = 1 Litter in yards Negative Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
Social Subscale
A6h No = 0; Yes = 1 Noticeable/excessive litter in not used in positive or
street/sidewalk negative subscales
A6i No = 0; Yes = 1 Neighborhood watch signs Positive Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
Social Subscale
A6j No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage for commercial Positive Aesthetics and No = 0; Yes = 1
destinations or parks Social Subscale
None of these
A7_ dichot None = 1; A little = 2; 30) Rate the extent of physical Route Aesthetics Negative Aesthetics and None = 0; A
Some = 3; A lot = 4 disorder and Social Social Subscale little, some or a
Section lot = 1
F-12 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued
Physical Maintenance/Disorder (continued)
A8_ dichot None = 1; A little = 2; 31) Rate the extent of social disorder Route Aesthetics Negative Aesthetics and None = 0; A
Some = 3; A lot = 4 and Social Social Subscale little, some or a
Section lot = 1
Line of Sight
S1_19_ 1-25% = 1; 26-50% = 2; 32) Estimate the proportion of street Segments Walkways/ Building Aesthetics & No windows 3 or 4 = 2; 1 or
trichot 51-75% = 3; 76-100% = segment that has ground floor Section Sidewalks Design Positive Subscale 25% = 0; 26%- 2 = 1; 0 = 0
4; No sidewalk = -777 or street-level windows within 75% = 1; >76%
40 feet of sidewalk/walkway (or =2
street if no sidewalk/walkway)
Building setbacks
S1_26 No building = 1; <10 33) What is the smallest building Segments Walkways/ Positive Building Height No building =
feet = 2; 10-20 feet = 3; setback from the sidewalk? Section Sidewalks and Setbacks Subscale 1; <10 feet = 2;
21-50 feet = 4; 51-100 10-20 feet = 3;
feet = 5; >100 feet = 6 21-50 feet = 4;
51-100 feet = 5;
>100 feet = 6
S1_27 No building = 1; <10 34) What is the largest building No building =
feet = 2; 10-20 feet = 3; setback from the sidewalk/ 1; <10 feet = 2;
21-50 feet = 4; 51-100 walkway? 10-20 feet = 3;
feet = 5; >100 feet = 6 21-50 feet = 4;
51-100 feet = 5;
>100 feet = 6
S1_26_27 Either setback (S1_26, S1_27) No = 0; Yes = 0
_0pts* >50 ft and no building

S1_26_27_ All other combinations of S1_26 No = 0; Yes = 1

1point* and S1_27

F-13 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued)
Building setbacks (continued)
S1_26_27_ Both setbacks (S1_26 and S1_27) No = 0; Yes = 2
2points* 10-20 ft. or one setback <10 ft
and one setback 10-20 ft.
S1_26_27_ Both setbacks (S1_26 and S1_27) No = 0; Yes = 3
3points* <10 ft.
S1_26_27_ Smallest and largest setback Positive Building Height S1_26_27
points * scores combined and Setbacks Subscale _0pts +
_1point +
_2points +
S1_28_ No building = 1; 1-2 35) What is the average height of Positive Building Height No building
trichot stories = 2; 3-5 stories = buildings? and Setbacks Subscale and 0-2 stories
3; 6-10 stories = 4; >10 = 0; 3-5 stories
stories = 5 = 1; 6-10 stories
= 2; 10+stories
PosBldgHt Positive Building Height S1_26_27_
Setbks_S1 and Setbacks Subscale points + S1_28_
36) What parking facilities are Route Destinations Positive Parking Subscale;
present? and Land Use Negative Destinations and
Section Land Use Subscale
LU2a No = 0; Yes = 1 None Positive Parking Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU2b_ No = 0; Yes = 1 On-street, parallel or angled Positive Parking Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
recode parking
F-14 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued)
Parking (continued)
LU2c No = 0; Yes = 1 Small lot or garage (< 30 Negative Destinations and No = 0; Yes = 1
spaces) Land Use Subscale
LU2d_rec No = 0; Yes = 1 Medium to large lot or garage Negative Destinations and No = 0; Yes = 1
Land Use Subscale
S1_1 No = 0; Yes = 1 37) Is a sidewalk present? Segments Walkways/ Positive Sidewalk No = 0; Yes = 2 4 = 2; 2 = 1; 0
Section Sidewalks Subscale =0
S1_2_recode <3 feet = 1; 3 to <5 feet 38) What is the width of the majority Segments Walkways/ Positive Sidewalk <3 feet = 2; 3 6 = 3; 4 or 5 = 2;
= 2; 5 feet = 3; No of the sidewalk? Section Sidewalks Subscale to <5 feet = 2; 2 or 3 = 1; 0 = 0
sidewalk =-777 5 feet = 3; No
sidewalk= 0
S1_3a_ No sidewalk = -777; No 39) Is there a buffer present? Segments Walkways/ Buffer Positive Subscale No sidewalk = 2 = 2; 1 = 1; 0
recode = 0; Yes = 1 (separation between the walkway Section Sidewalks 0; No = 0; Yes =0
and road; does not apply to =1
roadway walking)
S1_3b_ <3 feet = 1; 3 to <5 feet 40) How wide is the majority of the Segments Walkways/ Buffer Positive Subscale No sidewalk = 2= 2; 1 = 1; 0
dichot = 2; 5 feet = 3; No buffer? Section Sidewalks 0; 0-3 feet = 0; =0
sidewalk = -777 >3 feet = 1
S1_4_recode No = 0; Yes = 1; No 41) Is the sidewalk continuous within Segments Walkways/ Sidewalk Negative No = 1; Yes = 0 2 = 1; 0 or 1 = 0
sidewalk = -777 the segment? Section Sidewalks Subscale
S1_B42 None = 1; One = 2; A 42) Are there poorly maintained Segments Walkways/ Sidewalk Negative None or One = 2 = 2; 1 = 1; 0
few = 3; A lot = 4; No sections of the sidewalk that Section Sidewalks Subscale 0; A few or a lot =0
sidewalk = -777 constitute trip hazards? (e.g., =1
heaves, misalignment, cracks,
S1_B43 Level = 1; Moderate 43) How steep is the sidewalk at the Segments Walkways/ Sidewalk Slope Negative Level or 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
= 2; Steep = 3; No steepest point in the segment? Section Sidewalks subscale moderate = 0;
sidewalk = -777 (Excluding heaves) Steep = 1

F-15 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued)
Sidewalks (continued)
S1_6b Little (1-25%) = 1; Some 44) How much of the segment is at Segments Walkways/ not used in positive or
(26-75%) = 2; Most or or near this level of steepness? Section Sidewalks negative subscales
all (76-100%) = 3; No
sidewalk = -777
S1_B45 Level = 1; Moderate = 45) If answer to Q44 is Little, Segments Walkways/ Sidewalk Slope Negative Level or 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
2; Steep = 3 provide a steepness measure Section Sidewalks Subscale moderate = 0;
that represents the majority of Steep = 1
the segment
S1_B46 Level = 1; Sloped = 2; 46) Does the walkway have a cross- Segments Walkways/ Sidewalk Slope Negative Level or sloped 1 or 2 =1; 0 = 0
Steep = 3 slope that affects walkers? Section Sidewalks Subscale = 0; Steep = 1
S1_8_ None = 1; Some = 2; 47) Are there permanent Segments Walkways/ Sidewalk Slope Negative None = 0; Some 2 = 2; 1 = 1; 0
dichot Many = 3; No sidewalk obstructions in the sidewalk? Section Sidewalks Subscale or many = 1 =0
= -777 (e.g., telephone poles, trees, caf
tables, shrubs, basketball hoops)
S1_9_ None = 1; Some = 2; 48) Are there temporary obstructions Segments Walkways/ Sidewalk Slope Negative None = 0; Some 2 = 2; 1 = 1; 0
dichot Many = 3; No sidewalk in the sidewalk? Section Sidewalks Subscale or Many = 1 =0
= -777
49) If no sidewalk, is there any other Segments Walkways/ Positive Sidewalk
place to walk that is safe from Section Sidewalks Subscale
No = 0; Yes = 1; Yes Segments Walkways/
Sidewalk=-777 Section Sidewalks
S1_12a_ No = 0; Yes = 1; Unpaved pathway (goat Segments Walkways/ Positive Sidewalk No = 0; Yes = 1; 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
recode Sidewalk=-777 path) Section Sidewalks Subscale NA/Sidewalk=0
S1_12b_ No = 0; Yes = 1; Street shoulder Positive Sidewalk No = 0; Yes = 1; 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
recode Sidewalk=-777 Subscale NA/Sidewalk=0
S1_12c_ No = 0; Yes = 1; Buffer Positive Sidewalk No = 0; Yes = 1; 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
recode Sidewalk=-777 Subscale NA/Sidewalk=0
F-16 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued)
Sidewalks (continued)
No = 0; Yes = 1; No Positive Sidewalk No = 0; Yes = 1; 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
Sidewalk=-777 Subscale NA/Sidewalk=0
N/A Sidewalk present
S1_13 None = 1; <4 feet = 2; 50) If no sidewalk, what is the width Segments Walkways/ not used in positive or
4 feet = 3; N/A = -777 of the place on which one could Section Sidewalks negative subscales
safely walk? (Not in possible path
of traffic)
Pedestrian Curb Cuts on Segment (non-intersection)
SS8 No = 0; Yes = 1 51) Presence of any mid-segment Route Streetscape Positive Streetscape No = 0; Yes = 1
street crossing, where an Section Subscales
individual could safely cross
(marked by sign or crosswalk)?
Driveway curb cuts
SS6_dichot None = 1; 1-2 = 2; 3-5 = 52) How many driveways or alleys Route Streetscape Negative Streetscape 0-5 driveways = 2 = 2; 1 = 1; 0
3; 6+ = 4 are there? Section Subscale 0; 6+ driveways = 0
Pedestrian Lighting
SS5_dichot None = 1; Some = 2; 53) Are street lights installed? Route Streetscape Negative Streetscape None = 1; Any 2 = 1; 0 or 1 = 0
_neg Ample = 3 Section Subscale (some and
ample)= 0
Bicycle Lane
How would you rate the
bikability of this segment?
S1_B54 Does not apply = 0; No 54) Location of bike lane (marked Segments Bike lanes Bike Infrastructure 0 or 1 = 0; 2 = 1; 5 or 6 = 3; 3 or
shoulder (unmarked) lane)? Section Positive Subscale 3 or 4 = 2; 5 = 3 4 = 2; 1 or 2 = 1;
= 1; Narrow paved 0=0
(unmarked) = 2; Wide
paved (unmarked) =
3; narrow marked = 4;
Wide marked = 5

F-17 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Street Segment (continued)
Bicycle Lane (continued)
S1_15 No = 0; Yes = 1 55) Are there any signs indicating Segments Bike lanes Bike Infrastructure No = 0; Yes = 1 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
bicycle use (share the road, etc.)? Section Positive Subscale
S1_B56 Does not apply = 0; 56) Levelness and condition of bike Segments Bike lanes Bike Infrastructure 0 or 1 = 0; 2, 3, 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
None = 1; A little = 2; lane (e.g., heaves, alignment, Section Negative Subscale or 4 = 1
Some = 3; A lot = 4 cracks, broken sections, weeds)?
S1_B57 Does not apply, or 57) Obstructions in the bike lane Segments Bike lanes Bike Infrastructure Does not apply, 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
none = 0; A little, some, (e.g., artificial cars, rumble Section Negative Subscale or none = 0; A
or a lot = 1 strips, drainage grates or little, some, or a
natural trees, bushes, rocks)? lot = 1
Bike/Ped Path
How would you rate the Segments Bike/Ped
availability of trails or paths Section Path
for this segment? (Check all
that apply.)
S1_B58 No = 0; Yes = 1 58) Presence of path or trail (e.g., Segments Bike/Ped Bike Infrastructure No = 0; Yes = 1 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
multi-use, biking, walking route)? Section Path Positive Subscale
S1_B59 Does not apply, or 0 to 59) Width of path or trail? Segments Bike/Ped Bike Infrastructure Does not apply, 2, 3, or 4 = 2; 1
3 ft = 0; > 3 to < 6 ft = 1; Section Path Positive Subscale or 0 to 3 ft = 0; = 1; 0 = 0
6 ft = 2 > 3 to < 6 ft = 1;
6 ft = 2
S1_B60 60) Levelness and condition of trail Segments Bike/Ped Bike Infrastructure Does not apply, 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
(e.g., heaves, alignment, cracks, Section Path Negative Subscale or none = 0; A
broken sections, weeds)? little, some, or a
lot = 1
S1_B61 61) Obstructions in the path or trail Segments Bike/Ped Bike Infrastructure Does not apply, 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
(e.g., artificial cars, trash cans Section Path Negative Subscale or none = 0; A
or natural trees, bushes, rocks)? little, some, or a
lot = 1
F-18 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Land Uses and Destinations
62) What types of residential uses? Route Destinations Residential Density
and Land Use Subscale
LU3a No = 0; Yes = 1 Single family houses Residential Density Single family
Subscale only = 1
LU3b No = 0; Yes = 1 Multi-unit homes (duplex, Residential Density Multi-family
4-plex, row house) Subscale only and any
other mix= 2
LU3c No = 0; Yes = 1 Apartments or condominiums Residential Density Multi-family
Subscale only and any
other mix= 2
LU3d No = 0; Yes = 1 Apartments above street Residential Density Apartment over
retail Subscale retail only =3
LU3e No = 0; Yes = 1 Retirement/senior living Residential Density Multi-family
facility Subscale only and any
other mix= 2
LU3f No = 0; Yes = 1 Other (mobile home, Residential Density Multi-family
dormitory) Subscale only and any
other mix= 2
None Residential Density Commercial=0
63) Shopping Centers Route Destinations Shops Subscale
and Land Use
LU7a No = 0; Yes = 1 Shopping Mall Shops Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU7b No = 0; Yes = 1 Strip Mall Shops Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU7c No = 0; Yes = 1 Shopping Arcade Shops Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
None of the above Shops Subscale
64) How many of the following types Route Destinations
of non-residential destinations and Land Use
are present? (Count both sides of Section
street. Do not double count.)
F-19 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Land Uses and Destinations (continued)
Food-related land uses
LU6a 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 a. Fast food restaurant (national Restaurant and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
or local chain, primarily sells Entertainment Negative =2
burgers, fried chicken, pizza, or Subscale; Healthy Food
Americanized Mexican, Chinese, Access Negative Subscale
LU6b 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 b. Sit-down restaurant Restaurant and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Entertainment Positive =2
Subscale; Healthy Food
Access Positive Subscale
LU6c 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 c. Grocery/supermarket Shops Subscale; Healthy 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Food Access Positive =2
LU6d 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 d. Convenience store (may also Shops Subscale 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
be a gas station) =2
LU6d_ Healthy Food Access 0 = 0; 1 or 2+
Recode Negative Subscale =1
LU6e 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 e. Caf or coffee shop Restaurant and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Entertainment Positive =2
LU6f 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 f. Liquor/alcohol store (primarily Shops Subscale 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
sells alcohol, wine bar, strip club) =2
LU6g 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 g. Big box store (e.g., Home Shops Subscale 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Depot, Best Buy, Sears, Super =2
Walmart, Target)
LU6h 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 h. Specialty Food Store (e.g., ice Shops Subscale 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
cream, candy, bakery) =2
LU6y 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 i. Community garden Public Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU6y_ 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 l. Food trucks Healthy Food Access 0 = 0; 1 or 2+
Recode Positive Subscale =1
F-20 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Land Uses and Destinations (continued)
Food-related land uses (continued)
LU_B64j 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 j. Farmers market Shops Positive Subscale, 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
under food sub-section =2
LU_B64k 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 k. Green carts Shops Subscale; Healthy 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Food Access Positive =2
LU_B64l 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 l. Food trucks Restaurant and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Entertainment Positive =2
Subscale; Shops Subscale
Retail and service oriented land uses
Route Destinations
and Land Use
LU6i 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 m. Pharmacy or drug store Shops Subscale 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
LU6j 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 n. Bank or credit union Institutional/Services 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU6k 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 o. Health-related professional Institutional/Services 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
(e.g. doctors, office) Subscale =2
LU6l 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 p. Entertainment (e.g., movie Restaurant and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
theatre, arcade Entertainment Subscale =2
LU6m 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 q. Other service (e.g., salon, Institutional/Services 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
lawyer, accountant, realtor, Subscale =2
laundry/dry cleaner, commercial
mailing service)
LU6n 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 r. Other retail (e.g., books, Shops Subscale 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
clothing, hardware, video rental) =2
Government or community land use
Route Destinations
and Land Use

F-21 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Land Uses and Destinations (continued)
Government or community land use (continued)
LU6o 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 s. Health or social services (e.g., Government Services 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
hospital, health department, Subscale =2
community action agency, police/
fire stations, city hall, etc.)
LU6p 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 t. Library/Museums Government Services 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU6q 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 u. Post office Government Services 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU6r 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 v. Senior center Government Services 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU6s 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 w. Place of worship (e.g., church, Worship Land Uses 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
synagogue, convent, mosque, etc.) =2
Other land use
Route Destinations
and Land Use
LU6t 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 x. School Positive Destinations and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Land Use =2
LU6u 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 y. Warehouse/factory/industrial Negative Destinations and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Land Use Subscale =2
LU6v 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 z. Abandoned building Negative Destinations and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Land Use Subscale =2
LU6w 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 aa. Unmaintained lot/field Negative Destinations and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Land Use Subscale =2
LU6x 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 bb. Casino Negative Destinations and 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Land Use Subscale =2
F-22 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Land Uses and Destinations (continued)
Recreational facilities or destinations
Route Destinations
and Land Use
LU6z 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 cc. Private indoor fitness facility Private Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU_B 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 dd. Community recreation center Public Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU6ad 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 ee. Park Public Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale; Park Amenities =2
LU_B64ff 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 ff. Playground at park or school Public Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU_B64gg 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 gg.Outdoor pool Public Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU_B64hh 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 hh. Golf course Private Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU_B64ii 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 ii. Sports/playing field or court Public Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
(e.g., baseball or tennis at park or Subscale =2
LU_B64jj 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 jj. Sports track Public Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
Subscale =2
LU_B64kk 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 kk. Body of water, e.g., lake, Public Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
ocean Subscale =2
LU_B64ll 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+ = 2 ll. Other recreational facility (e.g., Private Recreation 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2+
skating rink, miniature golf ) Subscale =2

F-23 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Land Uses and Destinations (continued)
Recreational facilities or destinations (continued)
65) What activity areas are in the Route Destinations
park? (Mark all that apply) and Land Use
LU_B65a No = 0; Yes = 1 Tennis Courts Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65b No = 0; Yes = 1 Basketball Courts Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65c No = 0; Yes = 1 Other Courts (specify): Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65d No = 0; Yes = 1 Baseball Fields Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65e No = 0; Yes = 1 Football Fields Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65f No = 0; Yes = 1 Soccer Fields Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65g No = 0; Yes = 1 Other Fields (specify): Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65h No = 0; Yes = 1 Paths Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65i No = 0; Yes = 1 Playgrounds Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65j No = 0; Yes = 1 Green Spaces Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65k No = 0; Yes = 1 Golf Courses Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65l No = 0; Yes = 1 Swimming Pools Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65m No = 0; Yes = 1 Zoo Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65n No = 0; Yes = 1 Botanical Gardens Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65o No = 0; Yes = 1 Stables Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
LU_B65p No = 0; Yes = 1 Other (specify): Park Amenities Subscale No = 0; Yes = 1
F-24 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 2
C2_2 T-intersection = 1; 66) Intersection Geometry Crossings not used in positive or
4-way = 2; >4-way = 3 Section negative subscales
67) Intersection Control: Crossings Intersection Control and
Section Signage Positive Subscale
C2_1a Yield signs Yield signs/Flashing yellow Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage Positive Subscale

C2_1b Stop signs Stop signs/Flashing red light Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage Positive Subscale

C2_1c Traffic signal Traffic signal Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1

No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage Positive Subscale

C2_1d Traffic circle Traffic circle, Roundabout Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
No = 0; Yes = 1 Signage Positive Subscale

Pedestrian Crossing at Intersection 2

68) Signalization (if traffic signal Crossings Intersection Control and
present): Section Signage Positive Subscale
C2_3a No = 0; Yes = 1 Any traffic signals have green Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
arrows for dedicated vehicle Signage Positive Subscale
C2_3b No = 0; Yes = 1 Pedestrian Walk signals Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
present Signage Positive Subscale
C2_3c No = 0; Yes = 1 Pedestrian push buttons Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
present Signage Positive Subscale
C2_3d No = 0; Yes = 1 Countdown signal Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
Signage Positive Subscale
C2_3e No = 0; Yes = 1 Audible walk signal Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
Signage Positive Subscale
None of the Above

F-25 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 2 (continued)
Pedestrian Crossing at Intersection 2 (continued)
69) Crosswalk treatment Crossings Crosswalk Amenities
Section Positive Subscale
C2_8a No = 0; Yes = 1 Marked crosswalk Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
C2_8b No = 0; Yes = 1 High-visibility striping Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
C2_8c No = 0; Yes = 1 Stop lines on road or Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
additional crosswalk warnings Positive Subscale
C2_8d No = 0; Yes = 1 Raised crosswalk Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
C2_8e No = 0; Yes = 1 Different material than road Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
None of the Above
70) Crossing features Crossings Intersection Control and
Section Signage Positive Subscale;
Crosswalk Amenities
Positive Subscale
Specifically identified lanes
turning into crossing
C2_11a No = 0; Yes = 1 Right turn Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
Signage Positive Subscale
C2_11b No = 0; Yes = 1 Left turn Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
Signage Positive Subscale
C2_11c No = 0; Yes = 1 Protected refuge islands Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
C2_11d No = 0; Yes = 1 One-way streets through Intersection Control and No = 0; Yes = 1
crossing Signage Positive Subscale
F-26 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 2 (continued)
Pedestrian Crossing at Intersection 2 (continued)
C2_11e No = 0; Yes = 1 Curb extension Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
None of the Above
C2_6 No = 0; Yes = 1 71) Gutters present in crossing Crossings Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
Section Negative Subscale
72) Other characteristics of crossing Crossings Crossing Impediments
Section Negative Subscale;
Crosswalk Amenities
Positive Subscale
C2_7a No = 0; Yes = 1 Steep slope or steep cross- Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
slope at intersection Negative Subscale
C2_7b No = 0; Yes = 1 Temporary obstructions Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
Negative Subscale
C2_7c No = 0; Yes = 1 Crossing aids (e.g., flags) Crosswalk Amenities No = 0; Yes = 1
Positive Subscale
None of the Above
73) Miscellaneous problems Crossings Crossing Impediments
Section Negative Subscale
C2_12a No = 0; Yes = 1 Lack of lampposts or not used in positive or
overhead street lamps negative subscales
C2_12b No = 0; Yes = 1 Poor condition of crossing not used in positive or
surface negative subscales
C2_12c No = 0; Yes = 1 Poor visibility at corners Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
Negative Subscale
C2_12d No = 0; Yes = 1 Faded or worn crosswalk Crossing Impediments No = 0; Yes = 1
markings Negative Subscale
C2_12e No = 0; Yes = 1 Unanticipated mid-segment not used in positive or
crossing negative subscales

F-27 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 2 (continued)
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 2
Reason: not used in positive or
___________________________ negative subscales
C2_12f Other: not used in positive or
_________________________ negative subscales
None of the Above
C2_10_ # 74) Distance of crossing leg, Crossings Road Width Negative 1 2 = 0; 3 4
trichot including all potential parking Section Subscale = 1; 5 Highest
and turn lanes =2
______________lanes wide
C2_4 # of seconds 75) Crosswalk timing: Crossings not used in positive or
No crosswalk = -777; _________________ seconds Section negative subscales
No signal = -778
76) Curb ramps, curb cuts, or Crossings Curb Quality/Presence 2 = 1; 1 or 0 = 0
mountable curbs? Section Positive Subscale
C2_B12a Pre-crossing has ramp (a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W Curb Quality/Presence Ramp (w
(w tactile) = 1; Pre- side of street) Positive Subscale tactile) = 1;
crossing has ramp (w/o Ramp (w/o
tactile) = 2; No ramp tactile) = 1; No
=3 ramp = 0
C2_B12b Pre-crossing has ramp (b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W Curb Quality/Presence Ramp (w
(w tactile) = 1; Pre- side of street) Positive Subscale tactile) = 1;
crossing has ramp (w/o Ramp (w/o
tactile) = 2; No ramp tactile) = 1; No
=3 ramp = 0
C2_5_ 77) Alignment of curb cut/ramp and Crossings Curb Quality/Presence 2 = 1; 1 or 0 = 0
positive crossing? Section Positive Subscale
C2_5_ Crossing Impediments 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
negative Negative Subscale
F-28 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 2 (continued)
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 2 (continued)
C2_5a Ramp lines up w/xing (a) Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W Curb Quality/Presence Ramp lines up
= 1; Ramp does not line side of street) Positive Subscale; w/xing = 1;
up = 2; No ramp = 3 Crossing Impediments Ramp does not
Negative Subscale line up =1; No
ramp = 0
C2_5a_ Ramp lines up with crossing Curb Quality/Presence Ramp lines up
positive Positive Subscale w/xing = 1
C2_5a_opt2 Ramp does not line up with Crossing Impediments Ramp does not
crossing Negative Subscale line up =1
C2_5a_ No ramp not used in positive or
negative negative subscales
C2_5b Ramp lines up w/xing (b) Post-crossing curb (on N E S W Curb Quality/Presence Ramp lines up
= 1; Ramp does not line side of street) Positive Subscale; w/xing = 1;
up = 2; No ramp = 3 Crossing Impediments Ramp does not
Negative Subscale line up =1; No
ramp = 0
C2_5b_ Ramp lines up with crossing Curb Quality/Presence Ramp lines up
positive Positive Subscale w/xing = 1
C2_5b_opt2 Ramp does not line up with not used in positive or Ramp does not
crossing negative subscales line up =1
C2_5b_ No ramp Crossing Impediments
negative Negative Subscale
C1_B78_ 78) Rate the condition and quality of Curb Quality/Presence 2 = 1; 1 or 0 = 0
positive curb cut/ramp. Positive Subscale;
C1_B78_ Crossing Impediments 1 or 2 = 1; 0 = 0
negative Negative Subscale

F-29 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 2 (continued)
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 2 (continued)
a. Pre-crossing curb (on N E S W
side of street)
C1_B78a1_ Ramp is passable for mobility Crossing Impediments Ramp is
negative device (e.g., wheelchair) Negative Subscale passable = 0
C1_B78a1_ Curb Quality/Presence Ramp is
positive Positive Subscale passable = 1
ADA-compliant slope not used in positive or
(8.3% or less) negative subscales
No broken area not used in positive or
negative subscales
Broken area passable not used in positive or
with little or no effort negative subscales
C1_B78a2_ Ramp is impassable for Crossing Impediments Ramp is
negative mobility device (e.g., Negative Subscale impassable = 1
C1_B78a_ Curb Quality/Presence Ramp is
positive Positive Subscale impassable = 0
ADA-non-compliant slope not used in positive or
(over 8.3%) negative subscales
Broken area impassable not used in positive or
or only passable with negative subscales
high effort
C1_B78a3 No ramp not used in positive or
negative subscales
b. Post-crossing curb (on N E S W
side of street)
F-30 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual
Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 2 (continued)
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 2 (continued)
C1_B78b1_ Ramp is passable for mobility Crossing Impediments Ramp is
negative device (e.g., wheelchair) Negative Subscale passable = 0
C1_b78b1_ Ramp is
positive passable = 1
ADA-compliant slope not used in positive or
(8.3% or less) negative subscales
No broken area not used in positive or
negative subscales
Broken area passable not used in positive or
with little or no effort negative subscales
C1_B78b2_ Ramp is impassable for Crossing Impediments Ramp is
negative mobility device (e.g., Negative Subscale impassable = 1
C1_B78b2_ Curb Quality/Presence Ramp is
positive Positive Subscale impassable = 0
ADA-non-compliant slope not used in positive or
(over 8.3%) negative subscales
Broken area impassable not used in positive or
or only passable with negative subscales
high effort
C1_B78b3 No ramp not used in positive or
negative subscales
W1_B79 59 or below = 1; 60-69 79) What is the temperature (F) today?
= 2; 70-79 = 3; 80-89 =
4; 90 or above = 5

F-31 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

Variable Coding Item BE Tool Item Content MAPS BE Tool MAPS Subscale Scoring Combined
Number Section Sub-section Scoring (Both
sides added) =
Intersection 2 (continued)
Crosswalk Curb Cuts at Intersection 2 (continued)
W2_B80 Sunny = 1; Partly 80) What is the weather today?
Sunny/Partly Cloudy =
2; Overcast = 3; Rainy
=4; Snowy = 5
W3_B81 No = 0; Yes = 1 81) Does this segment need further
evaluation during or after
rainy periods?
F-32 Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual

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