Icwai: The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI)
Icwai: The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI)
Icwai: The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI)
The profession was established by a special act of Parliament, namely, the Cost and Works
Accountant Act, 1959. With the passing of the act, "The Institute of Cost and works Accountants of
India" was established in 1944 and was registered as a company under the Companies act with
the objectives of promoting, regulating, and developing the profession of Cost Accountancy.
Welcome to the Cost and Works Accountants of India. It is a premier, dynamic, vibrant
professional institution actively associating itself in the industrial and economic development of the
nation. The profession places itself at the service of the nation, government, industry, and the
society to realise the objectives of a welfare state resulting in the prosperity and the well being of
its people - a fact increasingly realised with the opening up of the country's economy and change
in the economic scenario of the world. In today's world, the profession of conventional accounting
and auditing has taken a back seat and accountants increasingly contribute towards the
management of scarce resources like funds, land and apply strategic decisions. This has opened
up further scope and tremendous opportunities Cost and Works accountants to shoulder
responsibility as Cost and Management Accountants in accordance with new dimensions and
vision here in India and abroad. Members of this profession will be the driving force in the team of
management while in employment and a key consultant, an effective Cost and Management
Auditor and an appropriate advisor in place. This is why Cost Accountants in India are called
Management Accountants all over the world. Its our other name.
Vision Statement
"ICWAI would be the preferred source of resources and professionals for the financial leadership
of enterprises globally "
Mission Statement
"ICWAI professionals would ethically drive enterprises globally by creating value to stakeholders in
the socio-economic context through competencies drawn from the integration of strategy,
management and accounting."
ICWAI Launches CAT Course
New Delhi, January 09, 2008: Hon’ble Shri Prem Chand Gupta, Union Minister for Corporate
Affairs, today formally announced a one year course on “Certificate in Accounting Technicians
(CAT)”, offered by The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI).
ICWAI has launched course on Certificate in Accounting Technicians to address the heavy
demand of trained accountants at junior level in India. The course will focus on imparting
necessary skills to students to apply in practical situations in different functional areas of
accounting and to provide on-job experience of practical aspects of accounting.
CAT(Certified Accounting Technician) Course Detail for
1. Reg. form – 50/-
(in case of downloaded form then it will be adjusted in Reg. Fee)
2. Reg. fee - 8500/- + 500 (orientation fee).
3. Reg. fee includes Adm. Fee of competency level
60 hrs. computer training, study material, tuition fee
4. Attempt June & Dec.
5. last date of Reg. for June is 31 Dec.
6. last date of Reg. for Dec. is 30 June.
7. Examination centre Delhi, Chdandigarh Etc.
8. Examination fee – 730/-
9. DD for Reg. fee & examination fee will be in favour of “ICWAI A/C CAT”
Payable at new Delhi
10. Examination form will be available in Oct. and April.
11. 70% attendance required for giving examination.
12. Subject in competency level.
a) financial accounting
b) Applied statutory compliance
13. Entry level consists four subjects & that is exempt for graduate level.
a) organization & Mgt. fundamental
b) Accounting
c) Economics & Business fundamentals
d) Business mathematics & statistics fundamentals