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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools

BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Guide

Release 9.1.x

July 2013
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Guide Release 9.1.x

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii

Audience...................................................................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... vii
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................... vii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... viii

1 Introduction to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

1.1 BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Overview ........................................................ 1-1
1.1.1 Creating Embedded BI Publisher Reports ....................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Creating BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver ......................... 1-1
1.2 BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Implementation ............................................. 1-2

2 Understanding BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

2.1 Introduction to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne............................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Benefits of BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne................................................ 2-2
2.2 Reporting with BI Publisher...................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 Embedded BI Publisher Reporting ................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 BI Publisher Reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver ..................................... 2-3
2.2.3 BI Publisher Reporting Comparison................................................................................. 2-4
2.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Process Overview............................ 2-5
2.4 BI Publisher Reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver Overview .......................... 2-5

3 Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Objects

3.1 Understanding the BI Publisher Object Repository............................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Templates.............................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.2 Transformations ................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Translations and Localizations .......................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects.............................. 3-3
3.2.1 Understanding BI Publisher Objects................................................................................. 3-3 Effective Dates............................................................................................................... 3-5
3.2.2 Updating BI Publisher Objects........................................................................................... 3-5
3.2.3 Deleting BI Publisher Objects ............................................................................................ 3-5
3.2.4 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.2.5 Forms Used to Upload, Update and Delete BI Publisher Objects ................................ 3-6
3.2.6 Creating BI Publisher Objects ............................................................................................ 3-6

3.2.7 Uploading BI Publisher Objects......................................................................................... 3-7
3.2.8 Adding Translations and Localizations ........................................................................... 3-8
3.2.9 Modifying BI Publisher Object Properties ....................................................................... 3-8
3.2.10 Modifying Effective Dates .................................................................................................. 3-9
3.2.11 Modifying BI Publisher Objects......................................................................................... 3-9 Revising BI Publisher Objects ..................................................................................... 3-9

4 Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions

4.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions ................... 4-1
4.2 Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions................................................................................ 4-2
4.2.1 Understanding the Report Definition Process................................................................. 4-2
4.2.2 Forms Used to Create BI Publisher Report Definitions ................................................. 4-2
4.2.3 Report Definition Naming Conventions .......................................................................... 4-3
4.2.4 Defining Source of Data, Template Names, and Transformations............................... 4-3
4.2.5 Defining Languages and Output Types ........................................................................... 4-5
4.2.6 Defining Bursting and Delivery Options ......................................................................... 4-7
4.2.7 Data Driven Delivery ....................................................................................................... 4-10 Data Driven Email ..................................................................................................... 4-10 Data Driven Printers (Release 9.1 Update 3) ......................................................... 4-11 Combined Data Driven Email and Data Driven Printing
(Release 9.1 Update 3) ............................................................................................... 4-16
4.2.8 Delivery Email Subject and Body ................................................................................... 4-17 Report Definition Data Item for Subject and Body............................................... 4-19 Defining a Data Structure......................................................................................... 4-21 Defining a Glossary Data Item ................................................................................ 4-21
4.3 Modifying BI Publisher Report Definitions ......................................................................... 4-22
4.4 Copying BI Publisher Report Definitions............................................................................. 4-23
4.5 Managing BI Publisher Objects in Object Management Workbench ............................... 4-23
4.5.1 Searching for BI Publisher Objects ................................................................................. 4-24
4.6 Configuring BI Publisher Objects for Object Management Workbench.......................... 4-25

5 Submitting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definitions to BI Publisher

5.1 Understanding the Report Definition Submission Process .................................................. 5-1
5.2 Submitting Report Definitions from BI Publisher Report Definitions (P95620)................ 5-1
5.2.1 Submitting from BI Publisher Report Definitions .......................................................... 5-1
5.3 Submitting Report Definitions from Batch Versions (P95305) ............................................. 5-2
5.3.1 Associating Report Definitions with Batch Versions ..................................................... 5-2
5.3.2 Forms Used to Submit Report Definitions from Batch Versions .................................. 5-3
5.3.3 Submitting Batch Versions ................................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.4 Accessing Batch Version Advanced Option Overrides ................................................. 5-4
5.4 Reviewing Report Definition Submission Details.................................................................. 5-5
5.4.1 Understanding Report Definition Jobs ............................................................................. 5-5
5.4.2 Forms Used to View Report Definition Submission Details ......................................... 5-6
5.4.3 Viewing Submission Details from Report Definition Jobs ............................................ 5-7
5.4.4 Viewing Submission Details from Work With Submitted Jobs (P986110B)................ 5-7

6 Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output
6.1 Understanding Report Definition Output............................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details ...................................... 6-1
6.2.1 Example of Report Definition Output .............................................................................. 6-2
6.2.2 Forms Used to View Report Definition Output .............................................................. 6-2
6.2.3 Viewing Report Definition Source .................................................................................... 6-3 Example: Report Definition Source............................................................................ 6-3
6.2.4 Viewing Report Definition Output Details...................................................................... 6-4
6.2.5 Viewing Report Definition Output ................................................................................... 6-7
6.2.6 Viewing Report Definition Output Delivery Details...................................................... 6-7
6.2.7 Printing Report Definition Output.................................................................................... 6-8
6.3 Setting Up Security for Report Definition Jobs and Output................................................. 6-8
6.3.1 Securing Report Definition Jobs ........................................................................................ 6-9
6.3.2 Securing Report Definition Output................................................................................... 6-9
6.4 Republishing Report Definition Output.................................................................................. 6-9
6.5 Redelivering Report Definition Output................................................................................ 6-10
6.6 Archiving BI Publisher Report Output................................................................................. 6-10
6.6.1 Configuring the Enterprise Server jde.ini File.............................................................. 6-10 [UBE] ........................................................................................................................... 6-10 Configuring UBE Settings with Server Manager .................................................. 6-11
6.6.2 BI Publisher Archived Report Files................................................................................ 6-11
6.7 Deleting UBE and Report Definition Output....................................................................... 6-12
6.7.1 Deleting Report Definition Jobs...................................................................................... 6-12
6.7.2 Deleting UBE Records ...................................................................................................... 6-12
6.7.3 Purging Report Definition Output................................................................................. 6-13
6.7.4 Forms Used to Submit Job Master Deletion by Days Old Report ............................. 6-13
6.7.5 Setting Processing Options for Job Master Deletion by Days Old Report
(R9861101) .......................................................................................................................... 6-13 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 6-13 Versions....................................................................................................................... 6-14

7 Understanding the XML Output

7.1 Designing Batch Applications for BI Publisher ...................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Page Headers and Page Footers ........................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Interpreting XML Output .......................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.1 Section Tags .......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.2 Item Tags............................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.3 Special Characters................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.2.4 Formatted Numbers ............................................................................................................ 7-3
7.2.5 Formatted Dates................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.2.6 Page Headers and Page Footers ........................................................................................ 7-4
7.2.7 Conditional Sections............................................................................................................ 7-4
7.2.8 Level Break Sections ............................................................................................................ 7-5
7.2.9 Child Sections....................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.2.10 Report Properties ................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.3 Comparing XML Output Formats............................................................................................ 7-6

7.3.1 Supported Object Types...................................................................................................... 7-6
7.3.2 General XML Format Differences...................................................................................... 7-6
7.3.3 Properties Node ................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.3.4 Column Headings Node..................................................................................................... 7-7
7.3.5 Page Headers Node ............................................................................................................. 7-7
7.3.6 Report Details Node ............................................................................................................ 7-7

8 Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver

8.1 JD Edwards Data Access Reporting with Oracle BI Publisher 11g Overview................... 8-1
8.2 Installing Oracle BI Publisher ................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2.1 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 8-2
8.2.2 Installing Oracle BI Publisher ............................................................................................ 8-2
8.3 Installing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver ............................................ 8-4
8.3.1 Replacing the Delivered xerces.jar and xalan.jar Files ................................................... 8-5
8.3.2 Updating the Oracle WebLogic PRE_CLASSPATH ...................................................... 8-5
8.3.3 Migrating WebLogic Users to a New Version of Oracle BI Publisher ......................... 8-5
8.4 Registering the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver......................................... 8-6
8.5 Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver ....................................... 8-7
8.5.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access .............................................. 8-7 JDBC Connection String .............................................................................................. 8-7 Oracle BI Publisher and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Security .............................. 8-9
8.5.2 Configuring the JDBC Driver in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher................. 8-10
8.5.3 Testing the JDBC Driver Connection ............................................................................. 8-12

A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Releases

A.1 JD Edwards XML Publisher 8.96 Templates .......................................................................... A-1
A.2 Migrating from 8.96 XML Publisher ....................................................................................... A-2

B Data Access Driver Troubleshooting

B.1 SQL Exceptions and Error Messages ...................................................................................... B-1
B.1.1 No Suitable Driver.............................................................................................................. B-1
B.1.2 Data Source for F0010, TBLE Not Found ........................................................................ B-1
B.1.3 Receiving "[SECURITY_ERROR] A Security Error Occurred" .................................... B-2
B.1.4 Invalid SQL Queries Cause Database or Query Timeout Errors in BI Publisher
Enterprise B-2
B.1.5 Query Builder Does Not Load JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tables............................. B-3




Welcome to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools BI Publisher for JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne Guide.

Note: This guide has been updated for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Tools Release 9.1 Update 3. For details on documentation updates,
refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Net Change for Tools
Documentation Library.

This guide is intended for reporting and analytics administrators and end users who
are responsible for producing reports.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or
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Related Documents
You can access related documents from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Release
Documentation Overview pages on My Oracle Support. Access the main
documentation overview page by searching for the document ID, which is 876932.1, or
by using this link:
To navigate to this page from the My Oracle Support home page, click the Knowledge
tab, and then click the Tools and Training menu, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, Welcome
Center, Release Information Overview.
This guide contains references to server configuration settings that JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne stores in configuration files (such as jde.ini, jas.ini, jdbj.ini,, and so on). Beginning with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools

Release 8.97, it is highly recommended that you only access and manage these settings
for the supported server types using the Server Manager program. See the Server
Manager Guide.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
Bold Indicates field values.
Italics Indicates emphasis and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or other
book-length publication titles.
Monospace Indicates a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program, other code
example, or URL.

Introduction to BI Publisher for JD Edwards


This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 1.1, "BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Overview"
Section 1.2, "BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Implementation"

1.1 BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Overview

This guide describes the tools and procedures for using Oracle Business Intelligence
(BI) Publisher and common desktop tools to create customized reports for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne. Users create report templates with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
and Adobe Acrobat that enable application data to be reused and reformatted into
various layouts and output types. Depending on the template type, the available
output types are PDF, Rich Text Format (RTF), Excel, XML, HTML, and eText.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides two BI Publisher reporting options:
Embedded BI Publisher reporting.
Embedded BI Publisher reports are created, managed, and processed using the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne toolset. Embedded BI Publisher reports use data that is
generated by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne batch applications.
BI Publisher reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Drivers.
You can also create ad-hoc, dynamic reports with BI Publisher using JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access
Driver is a read-only JDBC driver, which is used to access JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne data for BI Publisher reports.

1.1.1 Creating Embedded BI Publisher Reports

Chapters 3 through 7 in this guide describe how to use the embedded BI Publisher to
create objects and generate data to produce and manage customized JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne reports.

1.1.2 Creating BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver

Chapter 8 describes the steps to configure JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for creating BI
Publisher reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver.

Introduction to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 1-1

BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Implementation

1.2 BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Implementation

This section provides an overview of the steps that are required to implement BI
Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
In the planning phase of the implementation, take advantage of all JD Edwards
sources of information, including the installation guides and troubleshooting
Follow these steps to implement the embedded BI Publisher for JD Edwards
1. Install JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Manager Guide and JD Edwards Reference Guide.
2. Install one or more JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation documentation for your applications.

Understanding BI Publisher for JD Edwards


This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 2.1, "Introduction to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne"
Section 2.2, "Reporting with BI Publisher"
Section 2.3, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Process
Section 2.4, "BI Publisher Reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver

2.1 Introduction to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne has provided a reporting solution based on Oracle's BI
Publisher since JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.96 Tools release. The solution was
extended with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.97 Tools release by integrating the
embedded BI Publisher reports into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne life cycle
management. The solution was further extended in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.98
Tools release to support creating, managing, and processing reports in Oracle BI
Publisher with JD Edwards Data Access Driver using the Oracle BI Publisher toolset.
The embedded reports continue to be created, managed and processed using the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne toolset.
BI Publisher reduces the high cost of producing, customizing, and maintaining
business documents. Built on the open XSLFO (Extended standard, it provides a full
range of reporting capabilities, including charts, formulas, watermarks, and graphics.
Using a set of familiar desktop tools, users can create and maintain their own report
formats based on data extracts from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne reports.
The following example shows sample documents generated by BI Publisher:

Understanding BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 2-1

Introduction to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Figure 21 BI Publisher sample documents

The flexibility of BI Publisher is a result of the separation of the report layout from the
data. The data collection is still handled by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne; however, you
can design and control how the report outputs are presented using template files. At
runtime, BI Publisher merges your designed template files with the report data to
create a variety of outputs to meet various business needs, including:
Customer-ready PDF documents, such as financial statements, marketing
materials, contracts, invoices, and purchase orders using colors, images, font
styles, headers and footers, and many other formatting and design options.
HTML output for optimum online viewing.
Excel output to create a spreadsheet of your report data.
Third-party provided PDF documents. You can download a PDF document (such
as a government form) to use as a template for your report. At runtime, the data
and template produce a completed form.
Flat text files to exchange with business partners for electronic data interchange
(EDI) and electronic file transfer (EFT) transmissions.
You can create batch applications using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid
to produce XML output that is compatible with BI Publisher.

2.1.1 Benefits of BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne enables you to:
Create report layouts using familiar desktop applications.

Reporting with BI Publisher

Format batch application output.

Automatically distribute reports email.
Leverage a single batch report to generate multiple different end-user reports.
Define and manage report definitions.
Burst a report to a variety of recipients based on data-driven metrics or specified
distribution lists.

2.2 Reporting with BI Publisher

Embedded BI Publisher reports are created and managed using the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne toolset. In addition to the embedded reports, you have the option to
create BI Publisher reports using the Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise toolset.

2.2.1 Embedded BI Publisher Reporting

Embedded BI Publisher reporting is driven by a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne batch
application. Use embedded BI Publisher reporting under these circumstances:
An event in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne initiates the requirement for the report.
For example, the creation of a new sales order could automatically launch the Pick
Slip process. The Pick Slip process would be configured to produce a BI Publisher
document that is shipped with the order. The document would be produced with
no user interaction.
The report needs to update, insert, or delete JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data.
Examples of report processes that update JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data are:
updating the product shipped date, advancing the sales order status, and
updating the statement print date.
The report needs to perform JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business logic.
Examples of business logic include: determining the correct pricing for a product,
computing an employee's salary or benefits, and calculating commissions for sales

2.2.2 BI Publisher Reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver

BI Publisher reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver should be used under the
following circumstances:
The requested report is not part of a standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business
process, or the requirements for the report change over time. The following are
examples of these types of reports:
The CIO requests a list of current open Account Receivables.
A manager wants to review year-to-date budget amounts compared to actuals.
A manager requests a report showing current inventory levels.
Requests for other typical ad-hoc reports.
The report only reads JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data.
The following are examples of these types of reports:
A summary of activity for a particular customer.

Understanding BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 2-3

Reporting with BI Publisher

The current General Ledger balances for a subset of accounts.

A list of travel expenditures for a department.
A list of active suppliers.

2.2.3 BI Publisher Reporting Comparison

The following table summarizes the recommendations for using embedded BI
Publisher reporting and BI Publisher reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver.

Scenario Embedded Data Access Driver

An event within JD Edwards Yes No
EnterpriseOne triggers the
Pick Slips
Invoice Print
AP Checks
A non-JD Edwards No Yes
EnterpriseOne event triggers
the report:
Open Account
Budget to Actual
Inventory levels
Ad-hoc reports
An update to the JD Edwards Yes No
EnterpriseOne data is
Update status codes
Modify dates
Adjust inventory
Create history records
The report only reads JD Yes Yes
Edwards EnterpriseOne data:
Customer activity
General Ledger accounts
Travel expenditures
Summary of suppliers
The report needs to perform Yes No
business logic:
Calculate taxes
Schedule delivery dates
Calculate salaries and
benefits calculations
Calculate sales
commission calculations

BI Publisher Reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver Overview

2.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Process

Creating customized reports using the embedded BI Publisher involves these steps:
1. Use Oracle's BI Publisher Template Builder, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or
Adobe Acrobat to create a blank template file.
2. Add an object to the BI Publisher Object Repository (P95600), using the template
name for the object name.
3. Create a report definition in the JD Edwards BI Publisher Report Definition
application (P95620), associating the source batch application (UBE) and the
4. Submit the report definition to generate an XML data file.
5. Download the XML data and design the template in the desktop application that
you used to create the template.
6. Update the report definition in the BI Publisher Report Definitions application,
defining criteria such as output types, bursting, and delivery options.
7. Upload the completed template into BI Publisher Object Repository.
8. Submit the report definition to BI Publisher.
9. Use Report Definition Jobs (P95630) to access the submission details, view details
of the output, view the output delivery, and view the output.

2.4 BI Publisher Reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver

To create BI Publisher reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver, you must first
install and configure the JD Edwards Data Access Driver and Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher.
After Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Enterprise has been configured
successfully, creating interactive reports involves these steps:
1. Use Oracle's BI Publisher Template Builder, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or
Adobe Acrobat to create a blank template file.
2. Create a report in the Oracle BI Publisher Console.
3. Create a SQL statement for the report.
4. Execute the query to create the report.
This guide contains additional information about installing and configuring the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver and Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher Enterprise.
See Chapter 8, "Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access
See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher for information about creating reports with Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher Enterprise.

Understanding BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 2-5

BI Publisher Reporting with JD Edwards Data Access Driver Overview

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Embedded BI Publisher Objects

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 3.1, "Understanding the BI Publisher Object Repository"
Section 3.2, "Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects"

3.1 Understanding the BI Publisher Object Repository

The BI Publisher Object Repository (P95600) users to create, upload, update, copy, and
delete BI Publisher objects. BI Publisher uses three types of objects:
Translations and localizations

3.1.1 Templates
BI Publisher templates are used to format reports using the data that resides in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne database. You can create templates using:
Microsoft Word (RTF format only)
Microsoft Excel (XLS or XSL)
Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
This table describes how to create templates.

Template Type Method

Microsoft Word Design templates manually using Microsoft
Word or Oracle's BI Publisher Template
Builder to facilitate template development.
Microsoft Excel Design templates manually using Microsoft
Adobe Acrobat Design templates manually using the full
version of Adobe Acrobat.

Oracle's BI Publisher Template Builder is an extension to Microsoft Word that

simplifies the development of RTF templates. It automates many of the manual steps
that you would otherwise have to perform. Use the Template Builder in conjunction

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Objects 3-1

Understanding the BI Publisher Object Repository

with the Oracle Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher to increase your productivity.

Note: The BI Publisher Template Builder for Word Add-in includes

features to log in to and interact with Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher. The following menu items work only with Oracle BI
Publisher or Oracle BI Enterprise Edition implementations: Log In,
Open, Upload, and Upload Template As. See the Template Builder
help for more information.

The Template Builder is tightly integrated with Microsoft Word and enables you to
perform the following functions. Instructions and tutorials for using the Template
Builder are available from the readme and help files delivered with the tool.
Insert data fields.
Insert data-driven tables.
Insert data-driven forms.
Insert data-driven charts.
Preview your templates with sample XML data.
Browse and update the content of form fields.
Extract boilerplate text into an XLIFF translation file and test translations.
Manual steps for performing these functions are covered in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. Instructions
and tutorials for using the Template Builder are available from the readme and help
files delivered with the tool.
Excel templates must be created manually using Microsoft Excel. To create PDF
templates, you must have the full version of Adobe Acrobat.

Note: For more information about creating templates specifically for

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, see "Creating XML Publisher Templates
for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne" available on My Oracle Support.

3.1.2 Transformations
BI Publisher transformations are eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) templates that
are used to map data and transform an XML file into another XML file with a different
format. This is beneficial when, for example, you use a template that was created using
different field names and you need to map those field names to JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne-specific field names.

3.1.3 Translations and Localizations

BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne introduces the concepts of localization and
translation. Translations are XML files that are created to translate static text of the
template into other languages. You can think of translations as a list of words on a
template that are translated from one language, typically English, to another language
at runtime. Translations are available for RTF templates only.
This is an example of an XML file that translates the static text of an English RTF
template to German.

Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

Figure 31 German translation of English template

By contrast, a localization is a different version of an existing template that not only

translates the static text from one language to another, but also includes or excludes
specific data elements when compared to the base template. For example, a base
template might have a data element that displays salary information. If displaying this
information is illegal in a particular country, you can copy the base template and
remove the salary data element.

3.2 Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

This section provides overviews of uploading BI Publisher objects, updating BI
Publisher objects, and deleting BI Publisher objects and discusses how to:
Upload BI Publisher objects.
Add translations and localizations.
Modify BI Publisher object properties.
Modify effective dates.
Modify BI Publisher objects.
Delete BI Publisher objects.

3.2.1 Understanding BI Publisher Objects

You must upload BI Publisher objects to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne before you can
create report definitions for the desired output types. You use BI Publisher Object
Repository (P95600) on either the web client or the Microsoft Windows client to
upload templates, translations, localizations, and transformations into JD Edwards
To upload BI Publisher objects, you must add a new BI Publisher object to JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne. Name the object according to the following recommended naming
The template name can be a maximum of 100 characters and should be formatted as
TPwwwxxxxyyzz, such as TP743005TR1 where:
TP = Template for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Objects 3-3

Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

www = System code

xxxx = Three to four characters to identify the associated UBE. For example, use
3005 if the source UBE is R743005
yy = Template type, such as TR for a .rtf template
zz = A sequentially assigned number to identify the different outputs associated
with the same UBE. For example, TP743005TR1 and TP743005TR2 could produce
different .rtf outputs, whereas TP74.005TS1 could produce .xsl output.
Enter a brief but meaningful description of the object. This description should include
the purpose of the object.
Identify the BI Publisher object as a specific object type. The following object types are
Rich text format (RTF).
Extensible stylesheet language (XSL).
After creating a new object in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you can search for and
select the BI Publisher object that you need to upload. BI Publisher objects are stored in
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database in the F95600 table.
The file types that you can upload for each BI Publisher object type are shown in this

BI Publisher Object BI Publisher Object Type File Type

Templates TE .rtf
- TL .xls
- TP .pdf
- TR .rtf
- TS .xsl
Translations XL .xml or .xlf
Transformations XF .xsl

The recommended maximum default BI Publisher object size is 50MB. You can modify
the BI Publisher object size on the Windows client by changing the object size in the
INTERACTIVE RUNTIME section of the jde.ini using the following definition:
MaxFileUploadSize = 50

Oracle recommends that you use the Windows client to upload BI Publisher objects.
However, if the web client is used to upload objects, you can modify the BI Publisher
object size in the OWWEB section of the jas.ini using the following definition:
MaxFileUploadSize = 50

Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

Note: You can increase or decrease the default maximum file upload
size. The default maximum size is 50MB. If the BI Publisher object
exceeds the maximum size definition, an error appears. Effective Dates

Effective dates indicate when an object is available for use. If an object will be used
indefinitely, you do not need to specify an end date. You can upload additional
templates with the same name and give them specific start and end dates as long as
the effective dates do not overlap. The version without an end date becomes the
default version when none of the other versions' effective dates correspond to the
current date.
Effective dates enable a company to have multiple, slightly different versions of the
same template. For example, to customize a newsletter with different logos for each
month, you can design a master template and upload it to the BI Publisher Object
Repository with a start date, but no end date. Then you can create twelve copies of the
original template, add a monthly logo to each one, and upload them with the same
name as the original template but with different start and end dates for each copy.

3.2.2 Updating BI Publisher Objects

You can update BI Publisher objects that have been uploaded to JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne. First, download the BI Publisher object to your local machine. Then
make the required modifications to the BI Publisher object. Upload the modified BI
Publisher object to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

3.2.3 Deleting BI Publisher Objects

You can delete BI Publisher objects that have been uploaded to JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne. From the BI Publisher Object Repository application, select the BI
Publisher object. Click Delete.
When you select to delete an object, the system displays a Delete BI Publisher Object
Warning form. Click OK to delete the object or click Cancel if you do not want to
delete the object.
If the object is active when you attempt to delete it, the system displays a Delete Object
Violation form. Click OK to close the form and return to the BI Publisher Object
Repository. Select the object again and access Effective Dates from the row menu to
remove the start and end dates. After removing the effective dates, select the object
and click Delete to remove the reporting object.
When you delete a BI Publisher reporting object, the object record is deleted from the
F95600 table. In addition, all associations to the deleted reporting object are also
deleted. Associations reside in these tables:
BI Publisher UBE Associations (F95610)
BI Publisher Object Associations (F95611)

3.2.4 Prerequisite
Refer to the Getting Started chapter for a list of implementation steps that you need to
See Chapter 1, "Introduction to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne".

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Objects 3-5

Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

3.2.5 Forms Used to Upload, Update and Delete BI Publisher Objects

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

BI Publisher Object W95600E From the Navigator Select a BI Publisher
Repository menu, select object.
EnterpriseOne Menus,
EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools, Report
Management, BI
Publisher, BI
Publisher Repository.
Add BI Publisher W95600B Click Add on the BI Create BI Publisher
Object to Repository Publisher Object objects.
Repository form.
Update BI Publisher W95600B Select a record on the Modify object
Object in Repository BI Publisher Object description, product
Repository form, and code, or product
click Select. system code for
existing BI Publisher
Update BI Publisher W95600B When uploading Modify or delete
Object Effective Dates objects, the form effective dates for
appears after you existing BI objects.
click Load on the File
Upload form. To
update effective dates,
select a record on the
BI Publisher Object
Repository form, and
select Effective Dates
on the row menu.

3.2.6 Creating BI Publisher Objects

Access the Add BI Publisher Object to Repository form.

Figure 32 Add BI Publisher Object to Repository form

Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

Object Name
Enter the name of the BI Publisher object.

Object Description
Enter a meaningful description of the object.

Object Type
Select a user-defined code (UDC) (H95|XP) that indicates the object type of the
reporting object.

Product Code
Select a product code from the 5559 client reserved range.

Product Code Reporting

Select a product code that indicates where the reporting data resides.

Object Region
For templates, select a UDC (H95|XC) that indicates the region for which the template
was created. For translations, select the region in which the report will be presented.
This field is not required if the object type is a transformation.

Object Language
For templates, select the language that is used in the template. For translations, select
the language in which the report will be presented. This field is not required if the
object type is a transformation.

Select this option if the object is a localization of an existing template. The localization
object must have the same name and document type as the template upon which it is

Start Date
After clicking OK and uploading the object, add a start date to indicate when the
object is available for use. If an object does not have a start date or if the start date is in
the future, the object has an Inactive status.

End Date
Do not enter an end date if the object is to be used indefinitely. Enter an end date only
if the object is to be used for a specific period of time.

Note: The Localization check box is available only when you are
adding a localization object with the same name as an uploaded
template. The Start Date, and End Date fields are not available until an
object has been uploaded into the repository.

3.2.7 Uploading BI Publisher Objects

Click OK on the Add BI Publisher Object to Repository form to access the File Upload

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Objects 3-7

Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

Figure 33 File Upload form

1. Click Browse to locate the appropriate BI Publisher object.

2. Validate the object type and file extension.

Note: The system does not allow you to upload a file with an invalid

3. On the File Upload form, click Load to upload the BI Publisher object from your
local directory to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

3.2.8 Adding Translations and Localizations

Access the BI Publisher Object Repository form.
1. Find and select the template to which you want to add a translation or localized
2. From the Row menu, select either Add Translation or Add Localization.
3. On either the Add BI Publisher Translation to Repository form or the Add BI
Publisher Localized Template to Repository form, complete the following fields
and click OK:
Product Code
Product System Code
Object Region
Object Language
4. On the File Upload form, locate the translation or localized template and click
Load to upload the file from your local directory to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Note: You must upload the correct file type or an error message will
appear. Translations must be either .xml or .xlf files. Localizations
must be .rtf files, the same as the templates on which they are based.

5. Enter a start date for the template if you want to make the template active, and an
end date if the template is to be used for only a specific period of time.

3.2.9 Modifying BI Publisher Object Properties

Access the Update BI Publisher Object in Repository form.
1. Modify object information and click OK.
2. On the Upload File form, click No in answer to the question "Would you like to
upload the file again?"

Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

3. Click Close.

3.2.10 Modifying Effective Dates

Access the Update BI Publisher Object Effective Dates form.
1. Add, modify, or delete the start date.
2. Add, modify, or delete the end date.
3. Click OK.

3.2.11 Modifying BI Publisher Objects

Access the BI Publisher Object Repository form.
1. Select a BI Publisher object.
2. From the Row menu, select Download.
3. On the Microsoft Windows client, the file downloads automatically.
4. On the web client, select either Open or Save on the File Download form.

Figure 34 File Download form on the web client

Note: On the web client, when you select Download from the Row
menu of the BI Publisher Object Repository form, the BI Publisher
object is cached on your machine. As long as the File Download form
remains open, you can continue to open and save the object. When
you close the File Download form, the cache is cleared. Revising BI Publisher Objects

After the file downloads, you can revise the BI Publisher object.
See Oracle Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Objects 3-9

Uploading, Updating, and Deleting JD Edwards BI Publisher Objects

1. Modify the BI Publisher object using the appropriate editor, and save the object to
your local machine.
2. Close the editor.
3. On the BI Publisher Object Repository form, select the object that you just
modified, and click Select.
4. On the Update BI Publisher Object in Repository form, modify the object
information and click OK.
5. On the Upload File form, click Yes in response to the question, "Would you like to
upload the file again?"
6. Click the BI Publisher object name to upload the modified version.
7. Click Close.

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI

Publisher Report Definitions

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 4.1, "Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report
Section 4.2, "Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions"
Section 4.3, "Modifying BI Publisher Report Definitions"
Section 4.4, "Copying BI Publisher Report Definitions"
Section 4.5, "Managing BI Publisher Objects in Object Management Workbench"
Section 4.6, "Configuring BI Publisher Objects for Object Management Workbench"

4.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report

Report definitions specify the information that BI Publisher requires to process and
deliver BI Publisher output. The details in a report definition include:
The UBE and optional version to use as the data source.
Associated templates, transformations, and localizations.
Output types.
Language options.
Bursting options.
Delivery options.
You use the BI Publisher Report Definitions application (P95620) to create, update,
copy, and delete report definitions. After a report definition is created, it can be
submitted to BI Publisher to produce the defined output types.

Note: Before creating a report definition, ensure that the necessary

templates have been created and uploaded into the BI Publisher
Object Repository (P95600).

See Chapter 3, "Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded BI Publisher Objects".

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-1

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

4.2 Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

This section provides an overview of the report definition process and discusses how
Define the source of data, template names, and transformations.
Define languages and output types.
Define bursting and delivery options.

4.2.1 Understanding the Report Definition Process

Although the BI Publisher Report Definitions application (P95620) is available on both
the web client and the Microsoft Windows client, you must use the Microsoft
Windows client to create a new report definition or to modify an existing report
Adding a report definition is a three-step process. The first step consists of entering the
required details for the report definition and defining the source of data and the
templates to process. Additionally, if a template uses one or more transformations,
they are defined in this step.
Second, you define the output types that a user can select when submitting the report
definition. You also define the default output types and default languages for the XML
In the third step, you define the optional bursting field for the report definition, as
well as the delivery options for the output. A report definition must comply with the
following conditions to allow bursting to be configured:
Templates of type TL (Microsoft Excel) and TS (XSL) cannot be used.
A transformation cannot be used.
Microsoft PowerPoint and XML output types cannot be used.

4.2.2 Forms Used to Create BI Publisher Report Definitions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

BI Publisher Report W95620A On JD Edwards Select a BI Publisher
Definitions Solution Explorer report definition.
EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools task view,
select Report
Management, BI
Publisher, Report
Definitions or enter
P95620 in the Fast
Path field.
Add Report Definition W95620C Click Add on the BI Add a report
Publisher Report definition.
Definitions form.
Add Report W95620H Click Next on the Add Define available
Definition-Languages Report Definition output types, default
and Output Types form. output types, and
default languages.

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Add Report W95620J Click Next on the Add Define an optional
Definition-Bursting Report bursting field for the
and Delivery Definitions-Language report definition, and
s and Output Types delivery details for the
form. output.
Update Report W95620C On the BI Publisher Update a report
Definition Report Definitions definition.
form, select a record
in the grid and then
click Select.
On the Update Report
Definition form, from
the Form menu select
Output/Languages or
Burst/Delivery to
update the desired

4.2.3 Report Definition Naming Conventions

Report definition names can be a maximum of 10 characters and should be formatted
as RDwwwxxxxyy, such as RD743005A where:
RD = Report definition template
www = Three characters for the system code
xxxx = Three to four characters to identify the associated UBE. For example, use 3005 if
the source UBE is R743005)
yy = One to two sequential characters to identify the different report definitions
associated with the same UBE, for example RD743005A and RD753005B.

4.2.4 Defining Source of Data, Template Names, and Transformations

Access the Add Report Definition form.

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-3

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Figure 41 Add Report Definition form

Report Definition
Enter the name of the report definition, using a maximum of 10 characters and should
be formatted as RDwwwxxxxyy, such as RD743005A. Oracle recommends that report
definition names start with the letters RD.

Enter a meaningful description for the report definition.

Product Code
Select a product code from the 5559 client reserved range.

Product System Code

Select a product code that indicates where the reporting data resides.

Source Type
The source type (user-defined code (UDC) H95|RY) appears automatically and is
based on the source type of the data that the report definition uses.

Source UBE
Enter the name of the Report Design Aid (RDA) report template that is used to
generate data for the report definition.
You can also use a subsystem report, such as R42520/XJDE0006, Print Pick Slips -
Subsystem, as the source UBE and version for a report definition. Subsystem reports
are batch processes that continually run independently of, but asynchronously with,
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications. Subsystem reports offer many advantages,
such as the elimination of startup time, one-time initialization of environment and
specifications, and better utilization of the processor on the server.
For information about subsystem jobs, see "Working with Subsystem Jobs" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Report Design Aid Guide.

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Source Version
(Optional) Enter the name of a version only if the report definition is limited to one
version of the UBE. If a version is not specified, the user will have to select a version at
submission time.

Blind Submission
(Optional) Leave this option blank to prompt the user with the available output,
delivery, and language options when submitting the report definition to BI Publisher.
If blind submission is selected, the user is not allowed to change the report definition
options when submitting the report definition.

Template Name
Enter the name of the template that you want to associate with the report definition.

Template Description
The template description appears automatically and cannot be changed.

Active Status
Active Status is determined by the effective dates of the template. The status appears
automatically and indicates whether the template is active or inactive.

Transformation Name
(Optional) Enter the name of the transformation that you want to associate with the
report description.

Transformation Description
The transformation description appears automatically and cannot be changed.

Active Status
Active Status is determined by the effective dates of the transformation. The status
appears automatically and indicates whether the transformation is active or inactive.
After entering the required report definition details, click Next to move to the
Languages and Output Types form.

4.2.5 Defining Languages and Output Types

Access the Languages and Output Types form.

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-5

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Figure 42 Report Definition-Languages and Output Types form

Note: The templates, translations, and localizations that are attached

to the report definition determine the languages that appear in the
Object Language column.

Available Output Types

Select the output types to be available to users when they are submitting the report
definition. The type of template attached to the report definition determines which
output types are available.

Default Output Types

Select the default output types that will be selected when the report definition is
submitted. Default output types are not enabled unless they are first defined as
available output types. If the report definition is defined as blind submission, the
default values indicate the type of output that will be produced when the report
definition is submitted to BI Publisher.

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Note: When you run a report definition, the system does not
automatically generate a PDF.

*ALL Active Languages

If this option is selected, all languages for the defined templates, localized templates,
and translations that are active will process when a report definition is submitted to BI
Publisher. Languages associated with the templates are displayed in the grid.

User Preference Language

If this option is selected, when a report definition is submitted to BI Publisher and the
sign on user's language preference has been defined, the language preference for the
sign on user is processed. A user's language preference is defined in the user's system
profile. The User Preference Language option is not enabled if *ALL Active Languages
is selected.

Object Language
A code that indicates the language defined for a template, localization, or translation.

Language Description
A description of the language code assigned to a template, localization, or translation.
The output types available depend on the type of template that is used, as described in
this table:

Template Type Output Type

EFT/EDI (eText) eText
Excel Excel

After defining the output types and languages, click Next to move to the Add Report
Definition-Bursting and Delivery form.

4.2.6 Defining Bursting and Delivery Options

Access the Add Report Definitions-Bursting and Delivery form.

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-7

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Figure 43 Add Report Definitions - Bursting and Delivery form

Burst Report
(Optional) Select this option if bursting will be performed for a report definition.

Burst Field
A report definition can burst on any level break section defined within the batch or
report version that is used as its source of data. Typically, when you burst a report,
you break on a level break header section. The field must contain the complete XPath
as it appears in the XML data output that was created from the batch process.

Select this option to direct output to a static printer, which is the default printer
assigned to a combination of a user/role, a report, a version, a host, and an
environment in the Printers application (P98616). Selecting this option directs all
report definition PDF output to the default printer.

Address Book Number E-Mail

Select this option to deliver output to the email address that is associated with a
specific Address Book number. When a report definition is submitted to BI Publisher,
all output produced is sent to the email address.

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Distribution List Type

Select this option to deliver output to all members of the distribution list type who are
associated with the provided Address Book number. If the distribution list type is not
entered, the output is sent to the primary email address associated with the Address
Book number.

Consolidate Bursted Report for Address Number

Select this option to deliver all the bursted output in a single report to the email
address associated with the provided Address Book number.

E-Mail Address
Select this option to deliver output to a specific email address. When the report
definition is submitted to BI Publisher and an email delivery address has been defined,
all output produced is sent to the defined email address.

Select the language in which you want the output delivered.

Consolidate Bursted Report for E-Mail Address

Select this option to deliver all the bursted output in a single report to the email

Data Driven Delivery

Select this option to deliver the output to email recipients and printers based on data
generated by the source batch version or report version.

Distribution List Type for Email

Select this option to deliver output to all members of a distribution list and
distribution list type that are associated with the data. If the distribution list type is not
entered, the output is sent to the primary email address associated with the Address
Book number.

Data Driven Printer Mapping (Release 9.1 Update 3)

Select this option to enable a report definition to send output to specific printers based
on data generated by the source batch version or report version.

Data Item for Subject and Body

(Optional) Specify a data dictionary glossary item for the subject and body of the
delivery email.

From E-Mail Address Override

Specify an alternate email address if you want to override the from email address for
the delivery email.

Data Driven Recipient

(Optional) To deliver the report definition output to recipients or printers as
determined by the data from a particular item within the XML output, specify the
XPath field that contains the recipient data.

Data Recipient Language Preference

(Optional) Select this option if you want to deliver the report definition output to the
recipients determined by the language preference within the XML output. The field
must contain language data from the 01/LP or the H95/XL UDCs (User Defined
After defining bursting and delivery details, click End to save the report definition and

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-9

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

4.2.7 Data Driven Delivery

In addition to the options to send report definition output to static printers and
specific email addresses, you can direct output to recipients and printers based on an
XPath field from the XML data. For bursted reports, the XPath value could be different
for each recipient, depending on which XPath is used.
Three different combinations are possible with data driven delivery:
Data driven email only.
Data driven printers only.
Both data driven email and printers.
The system handles email to address book number and distribution list types
differently than other recipient values. Data driven delivery for address book numbers
and distribution lists relies on existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne address book
functionality. As a result, you only need to enter an XML field that contains address
book numbers (such as <AddressNumber_ID1>) as the data driven recipient for report
definition output.
In the case of data driven delivery to printers, you must first create a relationship
between an appropriate XML field (such as <Company_ID5>, <CostCenter_ID7>, etc.)
and a printer delivery mapping name. The XML field is also known as a delivery tag.
Once the mapping name has been created, you associate different XML field values
with the desired printer delivery name and assign a printer device to each field value
as required. (Release 9.1 Update 3)
To use both data driven email and data driven printer delivery for the same report
definition submission, you must create a custom report variable (RV) in Report Design
Aid and populate it with either an address book number (for email delivery) or an
appropriate XML field (such as <Company_ID5>, <CostCenter_ID7>, etc.) for printer
delivery. You would then enter the custom delivery tag as the delivery tag in the
Report Definitions Printer Mapping application (P95621).
See Section, "Combined Data Driven Email and Data Driven Printing (Release
9.1 Update 3)" Data Driven Email

If you select the Data Driven Delivery option for report definition output, you can
direct output to address book numbers contained in the XML field (such as
AddressNumber_ID1) that you enter in the Data Driven Recipient grid on the Bursting
and Delivery form. Additionally, if you specify a burst field, many different reports
can be created from one report definition submission.
A report definition can burst on any level break section defined within the batch or
report version that is used as its source of data. Typically, when you burst a report,
you break on a level break header section. You enter the complete XPath of the tag that
defines the level break section (as it appears in the XML data output) in the Burst Field
on the Bursting and Delivery form.
The level break section can contain an email recipient in one of the following formats:
An address book number for an individual or a distribution list.
An SMTP email address.
An SMTP distribution list.
Data driven email delivery requires that email addresses be set up correctly in the
Address Book application (P01012).

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

See "Adding Electronic Address Information to Who's Who Records" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide
For external email, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides an integrated mail system that
is able to send messages to external email addresses. The system uses the Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to do this. SMTP is a TCP/IP protocol for sending messages
from one computer to another on a network. SMTP is used on the internet to route
In addition to having address book email addresses, data driven email delivery to
external email addresses requires changes to the JDEMAIL section of the JDE.ini file,
so that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne can communicate with the mail server.
See "Setting Up External Mail Access" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Workflow
Tools Guide Defining Data Driven Email Recipients

Access the Report Definition application (P95620).
1. Select a report definition in the grid, and then click the Select button.

Note: If you are adding a new report definition, you can define a
data driven email recipient on the Bursting and Delivery form, as
described below.

2. On the Update Report Definition form, from the Form menu, select
3. (Optional) If you want to burst the report, enter an XPath from the XML output in
the Burst Field.
4. In the Delivery section, click the Data Driven Delivery checkbox.
5. (Optional) Enter a distribution list type if you want to send
the output to a distribution list.
6. In the Data Driven Recipient column, enter an XPath from the XML output that
contains the recipient data.
7. Click OK to save the data driven email information. Data Driven Printers (Release 9.1 Update 3)

If you select the Data Driven Delivery option for report definition output, you can
direct the output to specific printers based on an XPath field (a delivery XML tag) from
the XML data. For bursted reports, the XPath field value could be different for each
recipient, depending on which XPath is used.
Clicking the Data Driven Printer Mapping button launches the Data Driven Printing
form. The value in the Delivery Tag column is passed into the Data Driven Printing
form from the data driven recipient that you select on the Bursting and Delivery form.
You can change the delivery tag on the Data Driven Printing form if necessary, or
enter a new delivery tag from the XML data
You use the Data Driven Printing form to associate a delivery tag with a printer
delivery mapping name, as shown in the following example:

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-11

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

After the delivery tag has been assigned to a data delivery mapping name, you can
associate printer delivery values and their respective printers to the data delivery
mapping name. To do this, select Add Printer Mapping from the Form menu on the
Data Driven Printing form to access the Printer Mapping Revisions form. You can
enter a printer in the Printer Device column, or you can use the visual assist to select a
printer name.

You can also add, modify, or delete report definition mapping records in the Report
Definition Printer Mappings application (P95621).

Printer Delivery Tables

The Report Definition Printer Mappings application (P95621) uses two tables for the
printer mapping records. The tables define the relationship between the data and the
printer devices.
XMLP Report Definition Data Map (F95627)
The F95627 table contains the XPath field from the report definition source XML
and the printer mapping name for each record in the table. For example, the XPath
field value CostCenter_ID1 could be mapped to the printer delivery mapping
name Business Units.

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Data Driven XPath Printer Delivery Mapping Name

CostCenter_ID1 Business Units
DepartmentCode_ID1 Departments

XMLP Report Definition Printer Map (F95628)

The F95628 table contains the printer mapping name, printer delivery value, and
printer device name. For example, the printer delivery mapping name
BusinessUnits could be mapped to the values in the CostCenter_ID1 XPath, such
as 30, 20, 50, and so on. Each value can then be assigned to a specific printer
device, as the following example illustrates.

Printer Delivery Mapping Name Printer Delivery Value Printer Device

Business Units 20 HDQRTRS
Business Units 30 CBPRTR
Business Units 50 SBPRTR
Departments 7392 APPRINTER
Departments 7373 POPRINTER Forms Used to Define Printer Mappings

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Add Report W95620J When adding a new report Define printer
Definition-Bursting definition, click Next on the delivery details for
and Delivery Add Report Definitions - report definition
Languages and Output Types output.
To update an existing report
definition, on the Update
Report Definition form, select
a record in the grid, and then
from the Form menu, select
Data Driven Printing W95620M On the Report Definition - Define a printer
Bursting and Delivery form, mapping.
select a record in the Data
Driven Recipient grid
(optional), click the Data
Driven Delivery option, and
then click the Data Driven
Printer Mapping button.
Data Driven Printer W95621D On the Data Driven Printing Select a pre-defined
Mapping Search & form, click the visual assist printer as the Printer
Select for the Printer Delivery Delivery Mapping
Mapping Name column. Name.

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-13

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Printer Mapping W95621F On the Report Definition - Add or modify a
Revisions Bursting and Delivery form, printer mapping
click the Data Driven Printer record.
Mapping button.
Alternatively, on JD Edwards
Solution Explorer
EnterpriseOne Life Cycle
Tools task view, select Batch
Processing Setup. Report
Definition Printer Mappings,
or enter P95621 in the Fast
Path field.
On the Work With Report
Definition Printer Mappings
form, click Add to add a new
printer mapping or Find to
display the existing printer
mapping records. To modify
an existing printer mapping,
select it in the grid and then
click Select.
Work With Report W95621A On JD Edwards Solution View report
Definition Printer Explorer EnterpriseOne Life definition printer
Mappings Cycle Tools task view, select mappings. Delete
Batch Processing Setup. report definition
Report Definition Printer printer mappings.
Mappings, or enter P95621 in
the Fast Path field. Defining a Data Driven Printer Mapping Record Access the Report Definition
application (P95620).
1. Select a report definition in the grid, and then click the Select button.

Note: If you are adding a new report definition, you can define a
data driven printer mapping record on the Bursting and Delivery
form, as described below.

2. On the Update Report Definition form, from the Form menu, select
3. (Optional) On the Bursting and Delivery form, in the Data Driven Recipient
column, enter an XPath from the XML output that contains the recipient data.

Note: If there is more than one data driven recipient XPath shown in
the grid, ensure that you select the correct value before you define the
data driven printer record. The tag for the selected value is passed
into the Data Driven Printing form. If necessary, the value passed into
the form can be changed.

4. In the Delivery section, click the Data Driven Delivery checkbox.

5. Click the Data Driven Printer Mapping button.

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

6. On the Data Driven Printing form, enter the XPath field in the Delivery Tag
column if the value was not passed in from the Bursting and Delivery form.
7. Enter a printer delivery mapping name, or use the visual assist to select a mapping
If an appropriate mapping name does not exist, follow the next steps to add a new
printer delivery mapping name.
8. To add a new printer delivery mapping name, select Add Printer Mapping from
the Form menu.
9. On the Printer Mapping Revisions form, enter a name in the Printer Delivery
Mapping field.
10. Enter a value in the Printer Delivery Value field.

The printer delivery value must be a valid value from the XPath field that you
specified as the delivery tag.

Note: The printer delivery value can be any valid business view
column or variable value in the XML source that you associate with a
printer device to indicate where you want the output to be sent. You
must enter the value exactly as it is shown in the XML source. For
example, if the XML shows 00001 for Company, you must enter 00001
for the printer delivery value, not 1.
Some values might have leading spaces in the XML source, as in the
following example:
<CostCenter_1> 50</CostCenter_1>

Note that there are leading spaces. When you enter 50 as the printer
delivery value on the Printer Mapping Revisions form, you must
include the leading spaces.
However, you can remove the leading spaces in the XML source by
using the ltrim function in Report Design Aid event rules. (To locate
the ltrim function, select a value in the Expression Manager, and then
expand the Text folder in the Advanced Functions list).
The following example shows an assignment using ltrim to remove
leading spaces from the MCU value:
RV DeliveryTag = ltrim[BC Business Unit (F42565)(MCU)

As a result, the XML source will show the business unit value without
leading spaces, as shown in the following example:

In this case, you can enter the value 50 as the printer delivery value
without any leading spaces.

11. Enter a printer device, or use the visual assist to select a printer.

12. Click OK to save the data driven printer mapping record and return to the
Bursting and Delivery form. Revising a Printer Mapping Record

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-15

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Access the Report Definition application (P95620).

Note: Alternatively, you can access the Report Definition Printer

Mappings application by entering P95621 in the Fast Path field.

1. Select a report definition in the grid, and then click the Select button.
2. On the Update Report Definition form, from the Form menu, select
3. Click the Data Driven Printer Mapping button.
4. On the Data Driven Printing form, modify the appropriate printer delivery
mapping record.
5. If you need to add, modify, or delete printer delivery values, from the Form menu
select Add Printer Mappings.
6. On the Printer Mapping Revisions form, enter a a name in the Printer Delivery
Mapping field, and then click Find.
7. Modify the printer delivery value or printer device as necessary, and then click
8. Click OK to save the data driven printer mapping record and return to the
Bursting and Delivery form. Deleting a Printer Mapping Record

Access the Report Definition application (P95620).

Note: Alternatively, you can access the Report Definition Printer

Mappings application by entering P95621 in the Fast Path field.

1. Select a report definition in the grid, and then click the Select button.
2. On the Update Report Definition form, from the Form menu, select
3. Click the Data Driven Printer Mapping button.
4. On the Data Driven Printing form, delete the appropriate printer delivery
mapping record.

Note: If you attempt to delete a printer mapping record that is used

by a report definition, the system displays a message to advise you
that the mapping record cannot be deleted.

5. Click OK to return to the Bursting and Delivery form. Combined Data Driven Email and Data Driven Printing (Release 9.1 Update
To utilize both data driven email and data driven printing in a single report definition
submission, you must create a customized delivery tag for either the email or printer
delivery values. The customized delivery tag could be a report variable (RV) that you
populate with delivery tag values using event rule logic in the Report Design Aid.

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

For example, if you want to send specific outputs as email to certain Address Book
numbers, and specific outputs to different printers based on the data, you would
populate the RV variable in the source UBE with the delivery values. In this way, the
delivery tag has the necessary information to deliver the output appropriately.
Consider the following scenario: A company groups its customers by business unit
and sends them statements on a monthly basis. Customers can receive an electronic
statement by email or a printed statement sent by regular mail. The customer record
has a field that denotes the email preference. If the email preference is not selected in
the customer record or if an email address has not been specified, a printed statement
is considered the preferred delivery method.
After creating a report variable for the delivery tag, the logic for this hypothetical
scenario would be similar to the following:
If EmailAddressValue is <blank>
RV DeliveryTag = BC Business Unit (F4201)(MCU)
RV DeliveryTag = [BC Address Number (F4201)(AN8)]
End If

For printer delivery, the report variable would be mapped to a data delivery mapping
name in the Report Definition Printer Mappings application (P95621); business unit
values from the report variable would then be assigned to individual printer devices.
As a result, the statements for customers who want a printed copy would be sent to
the printer assigned to their business unit.
No mapping is required for email delivery, because the Address Book application
(P01012) contains logic to deliver the output to the email address associated with each
address number.
For information about using report variables and event rules in the Report Design Aid,
see "Working with Event Rules" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Report Design
Aid Guide

4.2.8 Delivery Email Subject and Body

If report definition output is sent to an email address, you can define a customized
subject and body for the email message. To utilize this enhancement, a data dictionary
glossary item (glossary group E) must be associated with the report definition.
Glossary group E designates error, warning, and information messages. If a message
contains values that will be substituted by data items from a data structure, the
message will have a placeholder for each text-substituted value. The placeholders are
indicated by an ampersand (&) and a number in the message text.
The following example shows a custom data dictionary glossary item with
text-substitution placeholders. This glossary item could be used as the email subject
and body for a report definition that produces customer invoices.

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-17

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Figure 44 Data Dictionary Glossary Items form

In this example, &1 could be the date of the invoice and &2 the type of invoice.
Invoices can be produced on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly
basis. When users submit the report definition, they can enter values for the &1 and
&2 variables so that the subject of the email could be "Your 6/30/10 Invoice," and the
body of the message could be "Your 6/30/10 monthly invoice is attached to this email
message. If you have questions about your account, please contact our Customer
Service department as soon as possible. Thank you."
Data Structure Template
Text-substituted values are defined by data dictionary items in the data structure
associated with a data dictionary glossary item. The Data Structure Template tab
shows the name of the associated data structure. In the following example, a custom
data structure template has been associated with the glossary item.

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Figure 45 Glossary Items form - Data Structure Template tab

The data structure consists of a data item for each text-substituted value in the subject
and body of the glossary data item. Because the message in this example has two
text-substituted values, the associated data structure consists of two data items, as
shown in the following example.

Figure 46 Data structure with data items for text-substitution values Report Definition Data Item for Subject and Body

To provide the subject and text for an email message, enter the name of a glossary data
item in the Data Item for Subject and Body field on the Bursting and Delivery form.
If a glossary data item with an associated text-substitution data structure has been
defined for the report definition, you can click the Define Values button to enter
specific text for the email message when the report definition is submitted. The text
entered in the Structure Member Value field on the Structure Member Value Revisions
form will be substituted for the variables in the subject and body of the email message.
In the following example, 6/30/10 and Monthly are the values for the text-substituted

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-19

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

Figure 47 Structure Member Value Revisions form Dynamic Text-Substitution

Another text-substitution option is to use an XPath (from the XML data output) for the
structure member value. Using an XPath enables dynamic text-substitution to occur
for text-substituted values in the email subject and body. For bursted reports, the
XPath value could be different for each recipient, depending on which XPath was
For example, if you wanted the email subject line to dynamically include the invoice
date each time the report definition was published, you would provide an XPath
similar to the following for the Structure Member Value:

Figure 48 Structure Member Value Revisions form

Creating BI Publisher Report Definitions

In the same way, a data item could be included in the data structure for the invoice
number. With dynamic text-substitution, the invoice number would change for each
customer in a bursted report.

Important: The XPath must be preceded by a forward slash to be

recognized as an XPath and not as a literal value. For example, if you
want to dynamically substitute the customer invoice number, you
would enter /CustomerInvoiceNumber_ID1 for the Structure Member
Value, assuming that is the XPath in your XML output. Defining a Data Structure

Access Object Management Workbench.
1. In Object Management Workbench, select a project.
2. Click the Add button.
3. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Structure, and
then click OK.
4. On the Add Object form, enter the appropriate information, and then click OK.
5. In the Object Management Workbench project, select the data structure object and
then click the Design button.
6. Click the Design Tools tab, and then click the Data Structure Design button.
7. On the Dictionary Items tab, use the QBE line to locate the data dictionary items
that you want to include in the data structure.
8. To include data items in the data structure, drag them from the Dictionary Items
tab to Structure Members.
9. When the data structure is complete, click OK. Defining a Glossary Data Item

Access Object Management Workbench.
1. In Object Management Workbench, select a project.
2. Click the Add button.
3. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Item, and then
click OK.
The Data Dictionary Item Type message box appears.
4. Click Yes to add a glossary data item.
5. On the Item Specifications tab, complete the fields as follows:

Field Description
Alias Enter a name that identifies the glossary item.
Glossary Group Enter E for the glossary group. Glossary group E is
used for error messages, warning messages, and
information messages.
Product Code Use product codes 55-59 for custom data items.
Product Reporting Code Use product reporting codes 55-59 for custom data

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-21

Modifying BI Publisher Report Definitions

Field Description
Description The description is used as the email subject when the
report definition is submitted. You can use
text-substituted variables in the description.
Error Level Enter 3 to define the glossary item as an information

6. Click the Item Glossary tab.

7. Enter the body of the message in the text area, inserting text-substitution variables
as required.
8. Click the Data Structure Template tab.
9. Click the Text Substitution option.
10. Click the Browse button to locate and select the data structure with the data items
that will be used for the text-substituted variables.
11. Click OK to save the glossary item.

Note: You could also use the Work With Data Dictionary Items or
the Error Messages selection on menu GH951 to add a type E glossary
data item.

4.3 Modifying BI Publisher Report Definitions

Access the BI Publisher Report Definitions form on the Microsoft Windows client.
1. On the BI Publisher Report Definitions form, select a report definition in the grid
and then click Select.
2. On the Update Report Definition form, you can modify these options:
Product code
Product system code
Source UBE
3. To modify output or language options, select Output/Languages from the Form
4. On the Update Report Definition-Languages and Output types form, add options,
modify options, or delete options, and then click OK.
5. To modify bursting or delivery options, select Burst/Delivery from the Form
6. On the Update Report Definition-Bursting and Delivery form, add options, modify
options, or delete options, and then click OK.
7. On the Update Report Definition form, click OK to save the report definition

Managing BI Publisher Objects in Object Management Workbench

Note: Modifying the Source UBE, Version, or Template fields could

invalidate the languages, output types, bursting, and delivery options
that were defined previously for the report definition. If you modify
any of these values, the Languages and Output Types form and the
Bursting and Delivery form will appear automatically, enabling you
to make any necessary changes.

4.4 Copying BI Publisher Report Definitions

Copying and modifying a report definition might be more efficient than creating a
new, but similar, report definition. The copy feature is available only in the Microsoft
Windows version of the BI Publisher Report Definitions application.
To copy a report definition:
1. Enter P95620 in the Fast Path field.
2. On the BI Publisher Report Definitions form, select a report definition and then
click Copy.
3. On the Copy Report Definition form, enter a name and description for the new
report definition.
4. If the report definition will be submitted without user input, click Blind
5. After completing the required information, click OK.

4.5 Managing BI Publisher Objects in Object Management Workbench

When you access the BI Publisher Repository (P95600) or BI Publisher Report
Definitions (P95620) applications from JD Edwards Solution Explorer, the objects that
you create are added to your default project in Object Management Workbench
(OMW). As non-Object Librarian objects, templates and report definitions are not
available to users in other environments until they are advanced through project
statuses and, finally, transferred to a data source. To advance the status of an object,
you must move it from your default project to a project.
In addition to being available in JD Edwards Solution Explorer, you can also access the
BI Publisher Repository and BI Publisher Report Definitions applications through
OMW. To add new objects within OMW, select an OMW project and then click Add.
Select either Report Definition or BI Publisher Object, as this form illustrates:

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-23

Managing BI Publisher Objects in Object Management Workbench

Figure 49 Object Management Workbench - Add Enterprise Object to the Project form

When you click OK, either the BI Publisher Repository application or the BI Publisher
Report Definition application launches, depending on the type of object that you are
Once the objects exist in OMW, you can modify them by clicking the Design button,
which will launch the appropriate application. You can also use OMW to copy or
delete templates and report definitions, as you would with other OMW objects.
See the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object Management Workbench Guide.

4.5.1 Searching for BI Publisher Objects

To search for BI Publisher objects or report definitions within OMW, in the Category
field select either XML Publisher Objects or Report Definitions. After selecting the

Configuring BI Publisher Objects for Object Management Workbench

category, the Search Type field enables you to search by object name, description, or
system code.
When you perform an Advanced Search within OMW, BI Publisher Objects are type
XMLP and report definitions are type RPDF.

4.6 Configuring BI Publisher Objects for Object Management Workbench

To perform actions on BI Publisher objects and report definitions within OMW
projects, you must configure object transfer activity rules. For each object type on
which you want to perform an action, you must define this information:
Project statuses at which users can add, design, and delete objects.
Status changes at which objects will be transferred.
Project statuses at which object tokens are released.
See the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object Management Workbench Guide.

Creating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Report Definitions 4-25

Configuring BI Publisher Objects for Object Management Workbench

Submitting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report

Definitions to BI Publisher

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 5.1, "Understanding the Report Definition Submission Process"
Section 5.2, "Submitting Report Definitions from BI Publisher Report Definitions
Section 5.3, "Submitting Report Definitions from Batch Versions (P95305)"
Section 5.4, "Reviewing Report Definition Submission Details"

5.1 Understanding the Report Definition Submission Process

After a report definition has been created, it must be submitted to BI Publisher to
produce the selected output types. You can submit report definitions from the BI
Publisher Report Definitions application (P95620). You can also submit a report
definition from the Batch Versions application (P98305) by selecting a batch version
that is associated with a report definition.
For a report definition job that is set up with printer delivery, you can choose various
print options at runtime, such as portrait, landscape, simplex, duplex, tumble, number
of copies, and so on. (Release 9.1 Update 3)
If blind submission is set for a report definition job, print options can be set
beforehand for the default printer in the Printers application (P98616).
See "Selecting a Print Style Option" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Report
Printing Administration Technologies Guide.

5.2 Submitting Report Definitions from BI Publisher Report Definitions

You can use BI Publisher Report Definitions (P95620) to submit report definitions to BI

5.2.1 Submitting from BI Publisher Report Definitions

Select Report Definitions (P95620) from the Report Management menu (GH9111).
1. On the BI Publisher Report Definitions form, find and select the desired report
2. From the Row menu, select Submit.

Submitting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definitions to BI Publisher 5-1

Submitting Report Definitions from Batch Versions (P95305)

3. If available, change the output type, delivery, and language options as needed.
4. If the report definition output is sent to a printer (and the report definition is not
defined as blind submission), the Printer selection form appears. (Release 9.1
Update 3)
Change the printer selection and print options (such as simplex, duplex, tumble)
as needed.
5. Click OK to submit the report definition to BI Publisher.

5.3 Submitting Report Definitions from Batch Versions (P95305)

This section discusses submitting report definitions from the Batch Versions
application and describes how to:
Associate report definitions with batch versions.
Submit batch versions.
Access Batch Version Advanced Option Overrides.
You can associate a report definition with a batch version for user convenience. By
doing so, users can submit report definitions from the Batch Versions application by
submitting a batch version that is associated with a report definition. To associate a
report definition with a batch version, the version must first be checked out. You can
check out the version either in Object Management Workbench (OMW) or through the
Batch Versions application (P98305) on the Microsoft Windows client.
By associating a report definition with a batch version, if the output is sent to a printer
you can choose various print options at runtime, such as portrait, landscape, simplex,
duplex, tumble, number of copies, and so on. (Release 9.1 Update 3)
See "Selecting a Print Style Option" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Report
Printing Administration Technologies Guide.
Some batch versions, such as R42520/XJDE0006, Print Pick Slips - Subsystem, are
configured as subsystem jobs. Subsystem jobs offer many advantages, such as the
elimination of startup time, one-time initialization of environment and specifications,
and better utilization of the processor on the server. You can set up a subsystem report
and version to produce BI Publisher output by creating a template and adding a report
definition in the Report Definitions application (P95620), with the subsystem report as
the source UBE and version.
See Section 3.1.1, "Templates"
Section 4.2.4, "Defining Source of Data, Template Names, and Transformations"
After the report definition has been defined, you can associate it with the batch version
if you want the version to produce only BI Publisher output.
For information about subsystem jobs, see "Working with Subsystem Jobs" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Report Design Aid Guide.

5.3.1 Associating Report Definitions with Batch Versions

Select Batch Versions from the Report Management menu (GH9111).
1. On the Work With Batch Versions form, locate the checked-out version that you
want to associate with a report definition.
2. Select the version, and from the Row menu select Version Detail.

Submitting Report Definitions from Batch Versions (P95305)

3. From the Form menu select Report Definition.

4. Enter the name of a report definition in the Report Definition field, and click OK.
5. Promote the batch version through the OMW project life cycle to make it available
to users in other environments.

5.3.2 Forms Used to Submit Report Definitions from Batch Versions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Batch W98305WA EnterpriseOne Menu, Submit batch
Versions - Available Submit Job versions.
Version Prompting W98305D On the Work With Enter optional data
Batch Versions form, selection or data
select a version. sequencing criteria.
Submit batch
Advanced Version W98305I From the Form menu Select options to
Prompting on the Version submit the batch
Prompting form, version with the
select Advanced. default report
definition or to
prompt for the report
Batch Versions - W986110BA On the Form menu on View submission
Submitted Job Search the Work With Batch details by accessing
Versions - Available the Work With
Versions form, select Servers form and
Submitted Jobs. selecting a server to
view submitted jobs.

5.3.3 Submitting Batch Versions

Access the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form.

Figure 51 Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form

1. Enter the name of a report template in the Batch Application field and click Find.

Submitting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definitions to BI Publisher 5-3

Submitting Report Definitions from Batch Versions (P95305)

2. Select a batch version and click Select.

3. On the Version Prompting form, click Submit.
4. If the report definition output is sent to a printer (and the report definition is not
defined as blind submission), the Printer selection form appears. (Release 9.1
Update 3)
Change the printer selection and print options (such as simplex, duplex, or
tumble) as needed.
5. Click OK to submit the report definition to BI Publisher.

5.3.4 Accessing Batch Version Advanced Option Overrides

Access the Advanced Version Prompting form.

Figure 52 Advanced Version Prompting form

If a batch version has a report definition associated with it, the Advanced Version
Prompting form provides options to submit the report definition when the batch
version is submitted. If you select the Submit with Report Definition option, you can
also select the option to prompt for the report definition.

Note: Processing options associated with the Batch Versions

application also determine whether the Advanced Version Prompting
options can be selected.

Override Location
Select to define a different location in which the batch version processes. You must
have permissions for this option. When you submit the batch version for processing,
you can select a new location from a list of available data sources on the JDE Data
Source form. Data sources include the enterprise servers available on the network and
the local workstation.

Logging (JDE.log)
Select to enable logging for processing of the batch job on the server. To enable logging
on the workstation, you must modify the output setting in the workstation jde.ini.
However, note that this output setting affects all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne logging.
You can select this option without selecting the Tracing option.

Reviewing Report Definition Submission Details

Tracing (JDEDEBUG.log)
Select to enable tracing for the processing of the batch job on the server. You cannot
select this option without selecting the Logging option. The system selects the Logging
option for you when you select the Tracing option.

Override Job Queue

Select to submit the batch job to another available queue by overriding the job queue
that is defined for batch versions in both the jde.ini and the specifications. You must
have permissions for this option.

UBE Logging Level

Enter a value from 06 to indicate the level of detail to be captured in the logs. This
option is used in partnership with the logging options. When you select a high value
to receive more technical information, you also receive all of the information for the
lower values. For example, when you enter a value of 3 (object level messages), you
also receive information for 2 (section level messages), 1 (informative messages), and 0
(error messages).

Submit Version Specifications Only

Select to submit version specifications to the server without processing the batch
version locally or on the server. The associated report template specifications must
already reside on the server to use this feature.

Submit with Report Definition

Select to submit the batch version with a report definition. This option is available only
if a report definition has been associated with the version.

Prompt for Report Definition

Select to prompt the user to select a report definition other than the default to be used
for the submission. All batch applications that use this batch version as their source of
data and have either no source version specified or this specific version specified will
be available for submission.

5.4 Reviewing Report Definition Submission Details

This section provides an overview of the Report Definition Jobs application (P95630)
and discusses how to:
View submission details from Report Definition Jobs (P95630)
View submission details from Work With Submitted Jobs (P986110B)

5.4.1 Understanding Report Definition Jobs

After a report definition has been submitted, you can access the submission details
and report definition output from Report Definitions Jobs (P95630). The report
definition output repository contains the report definition output and details about the
report definition submission, such as:
UBE execution host.
UBE server job number.
Report definition execution host.
Report definition job number.
Report definition name and description.
Job status and job status description.

Submitting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definitions to BI Publisher 5-5

Reviewing Report Definition Submission Details

Origination host.
User ID.
Submission date and time.
Source type.
Source UBE.
Source version.
Job status codes are updated as the report definition job progresses. This table shows
the available status values for report definition jobs.

Job Status Codes Definition

D BI Publishing Done
E Data Extraction Failure
P Data Extraction
X BI Publishing
FD Delivery Error
FL Language Unavailable
FO Output Type Invalid
FR Report Definition Invalid
FS System Error (During BI Publishing
FT Template or Transformation Unavailable
FX BI Publishing Error

The Report Definitions Jobs application is also accessible from selections from row
menus within the Work With Submitted Jobs application (P986110B). Work With
Submitted Jobs is available from the View Job Status selection on the EnterpriseOne
Menu or from Batch Versions (P98305).

5.4.2 Forms Used to View Report Definition Submission Details

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Report Definition Job W95630B From the Navigator Select a report
Control Search menu, select definition job.
EnterpriseOne Menus,
EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools, Report
Management, Report
Definition Jobs.

Reviewing Report Definition Submission Details

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Report Definition W95630E Select a job control Select a report
Output Repository record on Report definition output
Definition Job Control record to view
Search, and click submission details,
Select. view the output,
access the delivery
details for the output,
and print the output if
the output is type
Submitted Job Search W986110B Select a record, then Select a report
from the Row menu definition to view
select View RD Jobs. submission details.

5.4.3 Viewing Submission Details from Report Definition Jobs

Access the Report Definition Job Control Search form.

Figure 53 Report Definition Job Control Search form

1. Select a job control record and then click Select.

2. On the Report Definition Output Repository form, view the submission details for
the report definition job.

Note: In addition to the report definition submission details, the

Report Definition Output Repository enables you to view the created
output, republish the report definition, print the output, access the
delivery details for the output, and redeliver the output.

See Chapter 6, "Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output".

5.4.4 Viewing Submission Details from Work With Submitted Jobs (P986110B)

Access the Submitted Job Search form.

Submitting JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definitions to BI Publisher 5-7

Reviewing Report Definition Submission Details

Figure 54 Submitted Job Search form

You can access the Report Definition Output Repository from the Submitted Job
Search form. The Submit Type column indicates whether a job was submitted as a
batch version (BV) or a report definition (RD).
1. Select a report definition (RD) job, and from the Row menu select View RD Jobs.
2. On the Report Definition Output Repository form, view the submission details for
the report definition job.

Note: Additional row menu selections enable you to view BI

Publisher output, view report definition output, view report
definition source, and republish the report definition.

See Chapter 6, "Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output".

Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report

Definition Output

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 6.1, "Understanding Report Definition Output"
Section 6.2, "Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details"
Section 6.3, "Setting Up Security for Report Definition Jobs and Output"
Section 6.4, "Republishing Report Definition Output"
Section 6.5, "Redelivering Report Definition Output"
Section 6.6, "Archiving BI Publisher Report Output"
Section 6.7, "Deleting UBE and Report Definition Output"

6.1 Understanding Report Definition Output

After a report definition has been submitted to BI Publisher, you can view the output
in the Report Definition Jobs application (P95630). In addition to viewing the
submission details, you can view the output, access the delivery details for the output,
redeliver the output, view the source, republish a report definition, and delete the
output. Because the report definition output is archived as an XML file, the output can
be republished without running the batch version (UBE) a second time. You can also
print the output from the Report Definition Output Repository if the output type is
Additionally, from selections from row menus in the Work With Submitted Jobs
(P986110B) Submitted Job Search form, you can view BI Publisher output, view the
report definition source, republish a report definition, and access the Report Definition
Output Repository to view the report definition jobs and output.

6.2 Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details

Selecting a report definition job on the Report Definition Job Control Search form
provides access to the output repository for the report definition job. The Report
Definition Output Repository form displays details about the output types that were
created for the report definition. These details include the source UBE, version,
template name, transformation name, object language, and burst indicator. For each
output record in the grid, you can view the output, access the delivery details for the
output, and print the output if it is a PDF output type.
Selecting an individual record in the grid displays that record's output details on the
Report Definition Output Details form. The same information appears on the Report

Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output 6-1

Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details

Definition Output Repository form. The only difference is that the Report Definition
Output Repository displays the details in grid columns for all the output records,
whereas the Report Definition Output Detail form displays the information for one
output record only.
The Report Definition Output Delivery Details form displays information such as
delivery status, Address Book number for the delivery, and the delivery location. You
can redeliver any of the output from this form, although for security reasons you can
redeliver the output only to the original recipients.

6.2.1 Example of Report Definition Output

This is an example of report definition output.

Figure 61 Report definition output Address Book

6.2.2 Forms Used to View Report Definition Output

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Report Definition Job W95630B From the Navigator Select a report
Control Search menu, select definition job that was
EnterpriseOne Menus, submitted to BI
EnterpriseOne Life Publisher.
Cycle Tools, Report
Management, Report
Definition Jobs.

Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Report Definition W95630E Select a job control Select a report
Output Repository record on Report definition job to view
Definition Job Control details of the output,
Search and click view the output,
Select, or select View access the delivery
RD Output from the details for the output,
Row menu. and print the output if
the output is type
Report Definition W95630C Select a record on the View delivery details,
Output Delivery Report Definition Job view the created
Details Control Search form output, and redeliver
and select View the output.
Delivery from the
Row menu, or select a
record on the Report
Definition Output
Repository form and
select View Delivery
from the Row menu.
Report Definition W95630F Select a record on the View the output
Output Details Report Definition Job details for one output
Control Search form record.
and click Select.
Submitted Job Search W986110B Select a record, and Select a report
then from the Row definition to view
menu select View RD submission details.
Jobs. Selections from row
menus enable you to
view BI Publisher
output, view report
definition jobs, view
report definition
output, view the
report definition
source, or republish a
report definition.

6.2.3 Viewing Report Definition Source

The report definition source is the XML output that the batch version (source UBE)
created when the report definition was submitted.
Access the Report Definition Job Control Search form.
1. Select a report definition output record.
2. From the Row menu, select View RD Source. Example: Report Definition Source

This is an example of the source that a batch version creates when a report definition is

Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output 6-3

Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details

Figure 62 Report Definition source

6.2.4 Viewing Report Definition Output Details

Access the Report Definition Output Repository form.

Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details

Figure 63 Report Definition Output Repository form

1. Select a report definition output record.

2. Review the output details in the grid.

Report Definition Name

The name of the report definition that was submitted to BI Publisher.

Job #
The number assigned to the job.

Report Definition #
The job number that identifies a report definition submission to BI Publisher.

Object Language
A code that indicates the language assigned to a report definition output record.

The user ID of the user who submitted the report definition.

Machine Key Submitted

The name of the workstation that submitted the report definition.

Date/Time Job Submitted

The date and time that the report definition was submitted.

Output Type
The BI Publisher output type (UDC H95|OT) of the report definition output record.
Output types depend on the type of template that is attached to the report definition.
The available output types are ETEXT, EXCEL, HTML, PDF, PPT, RTF, and XML.

Output Bursted
Indicates whether bursting is to be performed for a report definition.

UBE Host
The name of the server that processed the batch version.

Report Definition Host

The host machine where the report definition was submitted to BI Publisher.

The source UBE for the report definition that was submitted to BI Publisher.

Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output 6-5

Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details

The batch version that was used for the report definition that was submitted to BI

Report Definition
The name of the report definition that was submitted to BI Publisher.

Template Name
The name of the template associated with a report definition output record.

Transformation Name
The name of the transformation associated with a report definition output record.

Report Definition Execution Host

The host machine where the report definition was submitted to BI Publisher.

Report Definition Job Number

The job number that identifies a report definition submission to BI Publisher.

Report Definition
The name of the report definition that was submitted to BI Publisher.

Report Definition Description

The description of the report definition.

Source Type
A code that describes the Source of Data type for the report definition.

Source UBE
The source UBE for the report definition that was submitted to BI Publisher.

Source Version
The batch version that was used for the report definition submission to BI Publisher.

UBE Exe Host

The name of the server that processed the batch version.

UBE Job Number

The number assigned to the batch version job on the server.

Template Name
The name of the template associated with a report definition output record.

Transformation Name
The name of the transformation associated with a report definition output record.

Object Language
A code that indicates the language assigned to a report definition output record.

Output Type
The BI Publisher output type (user-defined code (UDC) H95|OT) of the report
definition output record. Output types depend on the type of template that is attached
to the report definition. The available output types are ETEXT, EXCEL, HTML, PDF,
PPT, RTF, and XML.

Machine Key Submitted

The name of the workstation that submitted the report definition.

Viewing Report Definition Output, Source, and Delivery Details

User ID
The user ID of the user who submitted the report definition.

Date/Time Submitted
The date and time that the report definition was submitted.

Burst Indicator
Indicates whether bursting is to be performed for a report definition.

6.2.5 Viewing Report Definition Output

The templates and source UBE in a report definition determine the output that is
produced when the report definition is submitted to BI Publisher. You might want to
view the output to verify that the format and data are correct, or to see the final results
before republishing a report definition.
Access the Report Definition Output Repository form.
1. Select an output record in the grid.
2. Click the View Output icon, or from the Row menu select View Output.

6.2.6 Viewing Report Definition Output Delivery Details

Access Report Definition Output Delivery Details.

Figure 64 Report Definition Output Delivery Details form

The Report Definition Output Delivery Details form displays information about the
delivery status and delivery location for each output type. The delivery details are
determined by the delivery options in the report definition at the time of submission.
Delivery status, delivery type, and delivery location appear for all output records. The
delivery Address Book number and email addresses appear only if they were included
in the report definition when it was submitted.
To view the delivery details, access the Report Definition Output Delivery Details
form. The grid columns display the delivery details for each output record.

Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output 6-7

Setting Up Security for Report Definition Jobs and Output

This table explains some of the output delivery details that appear for the report
definition output.

Delivery Status
Report definition delivery status. Valid values are:
A: Address failure (Address Book value, associated email address, or static email
C: Communication Failure.
S: Submitted (to printer or email server).

Output Type
The BI Publisher output type (UDC H95|OT) of the report definition output record.
Output types depend on the type of template that is attached to the report definition.
The available output types are ETEXT, EXCEL, HTML, PDF, PPT, RTF, and XML.

Delivery Type
The type of delivery that was performed for a report definition (UDC H95 |RD). Valid
values are:
A: The email address assigned to the Address Book number provided.
D: The email address within the defined Data Driven fields.
E: The email address provided.
F: The override for the From email address.
P The static printer for the output.
Z: The data-driven printer for the output. (Release 9.1 Update 3)

Delivery AB Number
When a report definition is submitted to BI Publisher and a delivery Address Book
number has been defined, all output produced will be emailed to the email address
associated with the Address Book number.

Delivery Location
The email address where the report definition output was sent.

6.2.7 Printing Report Definition Output

Access the Report Definition Output Repository form.
1. Select an output record in the grid with an output type of PDF.
2. Click the Print icon, or from the Row menu select Print Output.

6.3 Setting Up Security for Report Definition Jobs and Output

Because report definition output could contain personal or confidential information,
you might want to enable security features to:
Allow users to view only the report definition jobs that they submit.
Restrict users from viewing certain types of report definition output.

Republishing Report Definition Output

6.3.1 Securing Report Definition Jobs

If you have restricted all users to access only their individually-submitted jobs in the
Work With Submitted Jobs application (P986110B), you should enable the same
security features for report definition jobs in the Report Definition Jobs application
The sign-on user ID is the default value for the User ID field on the Report Definition
Job Control Search form. If you disable the User ID field for input, the sign-on user ID
value cannot be changed and is passed to other forms within the application.
Consequently, if you disable the User ID field on all of the forms, users are limited to
viewing the output only from the jobs that they submit.
To restrict users to viewing only their report definition jobs (as well as the output from
those jobs), use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Form Design Aid (FDA) to disable the
User ID field on the following forms in the Report Definition Jobs:
Report Definition Job Control Search (W95630B)
Report Definition Output Repository (W95630E)
Report Definition Output Delivery Details (W95630C)

6.3.2 Securing Report Definition Output

If you have concerns about the information that might appear in certain types of
report definition output, you can enable exit security that restricts the output that
users can view. For example, if you do not want users to view the source for a report
definition that creates payroll checks, you can create exit security to prevent users
from accessing the report definition source. Likewise, you can use exit security to
secure users from viewing or printing report definition output.
See the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide.
This table shows the types of output that you can secure on forms within the Report
Definition Jobs application (P95630):

Report Definition Jobs Forms Exits from Row Menus

Report Definition Job Control Search View RD Source
Report Definition Output Repository View Output, Print Output
Report Output Delivery Details View Output

This table shows the output types (available from row menu exits) that you can secure
on forms within the Work With Submitted Jobs application (P986110B):

Work With Submitted Jobs Forms Exits from Row Menus

Submitted Job Search BI Publisher, View RD Source

6.4 Republishing Report Definition Output

Republishing enables you to reuse the XML output that was generated when a report
definition was originally submitted to BI Publisher. The XML result set is archived in
the repository and can be used to republish any report definition that uses the same
UBE and version. Republishing enables you to create the report definition output
without having to run the batch version a second time.

Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output 6-9

Redelivering Report Definition Output

When you republish, you can override the original processing location and submit the
job to a different server. Additionally, if other report definitions use the same UBE and
version, you can select a different report definition. If a report definition is not
selected, the republishing job uses the original report definition.
Access the Report Definition Job Control Search form.
1. Select a report definition job.
2. From the Row menu, select Republish.
3. In the Publish Report Definition Prompt message form, select the values you want
from the following options:
Override Location
Prompt for Report Definition

6.5 Redelivering Report Definition Output

Report definition output can be delivered as part of the submission process, or it can
be printed or redelivered from the Report Definition Output Delivery Details form.
The form displays the delivery status and delivery location for each output type. For
security reasons, output can be redelivered only to the original recipient. This feature
is especially important for individual payroll records and other personal documents
that a report definition might produce.
Access the Report Definition Output Delivery Details form.
1. Select a report definition output record in the grid.
2. From the Row menu, select Redeliver.

6.6 Archiving BI Publisher Report Output

BI Publisher report output can be preserved in the file system for archiving purposes.
Some companies are legally required to retain output files, and others require
searchable output files to comply with review procedures or industry auditing
requirements. Note that only the report outputs are archived, not the intermediate
XML format files.

6.6.1 Configuring the Enterprise Server jde.ini File

To enable archiving, you must configure the following settings in the [UBE] section of
the enterprise server jde.ini file. [UBE]

Setting Value Purpose

BipSaveOutputOnFs= 0 or 1 A value of 1 enables the archiving of report
definition output. The default value is 0

Archiving BI Publisher Report Output

Setting Value Purpose

BipOutputDirectory= Any valid path to an Defines the archive location for the BI
output directory on the Publisher report output. The path will vary,
enterprise server depending on your platform. Examples are:
operating system.
Windows NT: e:\bipoutput\
UNIX: /u02/ddp/bipoutput
IBM i (always on IFS): /jde/bioutput

If the BipSaveOutputOnFs value is 0, archiving is turned off and report output is saved
only in the F96531 table, not in the file system. Consequently, the report output is not
searchable because PDF output is stored in a compressed blob field in the table.
Archiving is turned on when the BipSaveOutputOnFs value is 1. BI Publisher output is
saved in the F96531 table in the database, and the physical files are preserved in the
output location specified by the BipOutputDirectory setting. Contrary to the report
output in F96531, the physical report files in the archive are searchable. Configuring UBE Settings with Server Manager

Follow these steps to modify the [UBE] section of the enterprise server jde.ini file:
1. Access and log in to Server Manager.
2. On the Server Manager main page, select the enterprise server that you want to set
up for archiving.
3. On the enterprise server page, locate the Configuration menu in the lower left
4. Select Batch Processing.
5. On the Batch Processing page, scroll down to the BI Publisher Save Output on File
System setting and set it to 1 to enable archiving.
6. Locate the BI Publisher Output Directory setting and enter the path for the output
7. Log out of Server Manager.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Server Manager Guide.

6.6.2 BI Publisher Archived Report Files

The archived report output files follow a naming convention that enables them to be
easy identified in the archive. The report output file names begin with the report name
and version. The template language and the batch and report definition job numbers
are then appended, followed by other system-generated information. The output files
look similar to these examples:
Regular report definition output file: R014021_XJDE0001_EN_110_31_xmlp_
Bursted report definition output file: R014021_XJDE0001_EN_111_32_JDE_1224_
The file names in these examples are the actual reports that were generated when a
report definition was submitted. The important segments in the examples are as

Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output 6-11

Deleting UBE and Report Definition Output

Segment Description
R014021 The report name
XJDE0001 The report version
EN The language of the template that was used for the output
110 or 111 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne job number, as shown in P986110 - Work
With Submitted Jobs
31 or 32 Report definition job number, as shown in P95630 - Report Definition
_xmlp or _JDE _xmlp indicates a report that was not bursted, whereas _JDE indicates
a bursted report
.pdf or .rtf The file extension that indicates the output format.

Maintenance of the archived files is the responsibility of the enterprise. Normal JD

Edwards EnterpriseOne maintenance processes will not affect the report output files
in the archive.

6.7 Deleting UBE and Report Definition Output

You can delete the UBE output and the report definition output for an individual
report definition job or you can use processing options for R9861101 to purge all report
definition output that is older than a specified number of days.

Note: BI Publisher report output files that have been preserved in an

archive will not be affected by these procedures.

See Section 6.6, "Archiving BI Publisher Report Output"

6.7.1 Deleting Report Definition Jobs

If you choose to delete the output for a particular report definition job, you must select
the job itself, not the individual output records. Deleting some of the output records
would alter the output, giving the impression that the report definition created output
that was incomplete. For this reason you must delete the report definition job, thereby
removing all of the associated records from the repository.
Access the Report Definition Job Control Search form.
1. Find and select the report definition job that you want to delete.
2. Click Delete.
3. Click OK in response to the question, "Are you sure that you want to delete the
selected item?"

6.7.2 Deleting UBE Records

The UBE records for each report definition job include the UBE job, UBE logs, and the
XML data output. You use the Work With Submitted Jobs application (P986110B) to
delete this output for a specific report definition job.
Access the Submitted Job Search form.
1. Select a report definition job.

Deleting UBE and Report Definition Output

2. Click Delete.
3. Click OK in response to the question, "Are you sure that you want to delete the
selected item?"

6.7.3 Purging Report Definition Output

Oracle recommends that you periodically purge report definition output. The Job
Master Deletion By Days Old report (R9861101) includes processing options that
enable you to specify whether to delete UBE records, report definition records, or both
UBE and report definition records. Running the UBE in Proof Mode generates a report
that shows the records that will be deleted if you run the UBE in Final Mode. Running
the UBE in Final Mode deletes the selected records.
This table shows the output that will be purged for UBE and Report Definition records
that are selected for deletion.

Record Type Output Deleted

UBE records Job Record, UBE Logs, UBE XML Data Output
Report Definition records RD Job Record, RD Output, RD Delivery

6.7.4 Forms Used to Submit Job Master Deletion by Days Old Report

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Batch W98305A In Solution Explorer, Submit a report listing
Versions - Available select Report obsolete UBE and
Versions Management, Report report definition jobs
Management submitted to servers
Advanced and and delete obsolete
Technical Operations, records.
Job Master Deletion
by Days Old Report.

6.7.5 Setting Processing Options for Job Master Deletion by Days Old Report
Use these processing options to set up the defaults and versions for the report. Defaults
Use this processing option to set up the data source, number of days to query for, type
of processing, and record type.

1. Data Source
Specify the name that identifies the data source.

2. Days Old
Specify the number of days to query for old records.

3. Control Mode
Select an option that specifies the type of processing. Valid values are:
1. 1 = Proof Mode
2. 2 = Final Mode

Managing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Definition Output 6-13

Deleting UBE and Report Definition Output

4. Delete Mode
Specify the records to delete. Valid values are:
1. 1 = Delete both UBE and Report Definition records.
2. 2 = Delete UBE records only.
3. 3 = Delete Report Definition records only. Versions
1. Job Control Cleanup Status (R9861102)
You can select one of the following versions. The default version is XJDE0001.
XJDE0001 = Jobs With All Status.
XJDE0002 = Jobs With Done Status.
XJDE0003 = Jobs With Error Status.
XJDE0004 = Jobs With Wait Status (UBE only).

Understanding the XML Output

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 7.1, "Designing Batch Applications for BI Publisher"
Section 7.2, "Interpreting XML Output"
Section 7.3, "Comparing XML Output Formats"

7.1 Designing Batch Applications for BI Publisher

When you design batch applications and batch versions for BI Publisher for JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne, consider how you use page headers and page footers.

7.1.1 Page Headers and Page Footers

Do not include page headers and page footers in report templates or batch versions
that are designed for BI Publisher. Page headers and page footers should be included
in the BI Publisher template.
Report developers commonly use page headers as both a page header and a level
break header. This combination usage of page headers and level break headers does
not work well with BI Publisher.

7.2 Interpreting XML Output

You generate XML output by running a batch version or a report definition with a
batch version. You use the XML output when creating BI Publisher templates with the
Microsoft Word Template Builder.
See Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Users Guide.
The XML output contains information from the batch version specifications. Some of
the kinds of information that you should consider when you review your XML output
Section tags.
Item tags.
Formatted numbers.
Formatted dates.
Page headers and page footers.
Conditional sections.

Understanding the XML Output 7-1

Interpreting XML Output

Special characters.
Level break sections.
Child sections.
Report properties.

7.2.1 Section Tags

Section tags are determined by the name that is specified in JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid (RDA). The name that you see in the XML output is
the same as the name found in the Description field of the Section Properties form.
Because multiple sections in an RDA report template can be named the same, the
section tag in the XML output is appended with a section ID. The section ID begins
with the letter S to indicate that it is a section from the report. The section ID is
assigned by RDA to ensure that each report section is unique. The section ID is
retrieved from the report specifications and cannot be modified.
This is an example of the sections that are included in the XML output for a batch
version of the Purchase Order Print report:
- <R43500>
+ <Properties>
+ <Purchase_Order_Print_S42_Column_Headings Language="">
+ <PageHeaders>
+ <Purchase_Order_Print_S42_Group>

The first node of the XML output displays the name of the Purchase Order Print report
template, R43500. All other nodes are nested under this report template node:
The first node under the report template name is the Properties node.
The second node is the Column Headings Language node.
This node appears only when the batch version includes columnar sections.
The third node is the PageHeaders node.
The fourth node is a section that groups all associated level break headers and
level break footers with the report detail section.

7.2.2 Item Tags

Item tags that you see in the XML output are determined by the data dictionary name
of the fields used in the RDA report template. An exception to this rule is that if the
data dictionary name has been overridden in RDA, then the override is used as the
item tag.
Because multiple data items in an RDA report template can be named the same, the
item tag in the XML output is appended with an object ID. The object ID begins with
the letters ID to indicate that it is a field from the report. The object ID is assigned by
RDA to ensure that each report object is unique. The object ID is retrieved from the
report specifications and cannot be modified.
This is an example of an individual section that is included in the XML output for a
batch version of the Purchase Order Print report:
- <Purchase_Order_Print_S42_Group>
- <On_Ship_To_S45>

Interpreting XML Output

<DocumentOrderInvoiceE_ID135>Order Number</DocumentOrderInvoiceE_ID135>
+ <On_Order_Suffix_S58>
<Total_Order__ID12>Total Order</Total_Order__ID12>
+ <Taxes_S49>
+ <Grand_Total_S50>
+ <Buyer_S51>

In this XML output example:

The <On_Ship_To_S45> node is a level break header.
The page header number indicates where the data resides in the RDA report.
The <On_Order_Suffix_S58> is also a level break.
The information that resides directly under the <On_Order_Suffix_S58> node is
level break footer information.
The level break footer information is at the same level as the level break header
information because both level break sections break on the same field.
The <Taxes_S49>, <Grand_Total_S50>, and <Buyer_S51> nodes are all conditional
sections that are called by the level break footer.
When the node of a section is expanded, you can view the item tags of the individual
records. Each piece of data is enclosed within descriptive item tags that include the
object ID.

7.2.3 Special Characters

Many special characters that are used in RDA and included in EnterpriseOne data are
replaced in the XML output. For example:
'<' is replaced with "&lt".
'>' is replaced with "&gt".
'&' is replaced with "&amp".
apostrophes are replaced with "&apos".
quotes are replaced with "&quot".
Other special characters that are prohibited, as defined in the XML 1.0 specifications,
are replaced with an underscore.

7.2.4 Formatted Numbers

Numbers are formatted in the BI Publisher output using JAVA BigDecimal String
format. This formatting consists of an optional sign ("") followed by a sequence of
decimal digits. These digits can be followed by a fraction and additionally by an
exponent, for example, 123456.3455e-3.

7.2.5 Formatted Dates

Dates are formatted in Canonical format.

Understanding the XML Output 7-3

Interpreting XML Output

7.2.6 Page Headers and Page Footers

Information that is contained in page headers and page footers of RDA reports is
grouped together at the top of the XML output. This ensures that the headers and
footers do not break up the report data.
Design your reports in RDA without including page headers and page footers. You
should design the page headers and page footers in the BI Publisher template.
This is an example of the page header information that is included in the XML output
for a batch version of the Purchase Order Print report:
- <PageHeaders>
- <Page_Header_S43>
<szReportDescription_ALPH_ID18>Purchase Order Print</szReportDescription_ALPH_

There are individual page header nodes nested under the PageHeaders node, one for
each page of the report where a reprint page header was explicitly called by the
report logic. By default, 8.97 and subsequent releases will have only one page header.
In this example, the PageHeaderNumber is the same as the Variable_000006_ID6. The
PageHeaderNumber is the sequential page number generated by the system. The
variable page number is the page number printed in the page header of the report.

7.2.7 Conditional Sections

Conditional sections appear in the XML output as children of the section from which
they are called.
This is an example of conditional sections that are included in the XML output for a
batch version of the Purchase Order Print report:
- <Purchase_Order_Print_S42_Group>
- <On_Ship_To_S45>
<DocumentOrderInvoiceE_ID135>Order Number</DocumentOrderInvoiceE_ID135>
+ <On_Order_Suffix_S58>
<Total_Order__ID12>Total Order</Total_Order__ID12>
- <Taxes_S49>
<Tax_Group_Summary_ID2>Tax Group Summary</Tax_Group_Summary_ID2>
+ <Grand_Total_S50>
+ <Buyer_S51>

Interpreting XML Output


The <Taxes_S49> node is a conditional section called by the level break footer section.
The <Grand_Total_S50> and <Buyer_S51> nodes are also conditional sections called
by the level break footer section.

7.2.8 Level Break Sections

Level break sections are used in RDA to group large amounts of data into manageable
groups. Level break headers typically display a descriptive heading for the group
while the level break footer typically displays an aggregate. These level break sections
appear in the XML output as children of the section on which they were created.

7.2.9 Child Sections

Child sections appear in the XML output as children of the section from which they
are called.

7.2.10 Report Properties

The following report properties are included in the XML output for auditing and
informational purposes:

Property Description
Version The object name of the submitted batch version.
Title The title of the submitted batch version.
Machine The name of the machine where the batch version was
Host The name of the machine where the submitted batch version was
Environment The name of the environment where the batch version
specifications reside.
User The name of the user who submitted the batch version.
Role The role of the user who submitted the batch version.
Language The language in which the batch version was processed.
Company The name of the company for which data is reported in the
submitted batch version.
Release The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne release that was used to process
the batch version.
Date The date that the batch version was processed.
Time The time that the batch version was processed.

This is an example of report properties that are included in the XML output for a batch
version of the Purchase Order Print report:
- <Properties>
<Title>Purchase Order Print</Title>

Understanding the XML Output 7-5

Comparing XML Output Formats

<Company>Oracle - JD Edwards</Company>

7.3 Comparing XML Output Formats

Some differences exist between the XML output file that is generated for 8.96 XML
Publisher and the output file that is generated in subsequent releases.
The differences between the 8.96 XML output and the XML output in subsequent
releases include:
Supported object types
General XML format differences
Properties node
Column headings node
Page headers node
Report details node

7.3.1 Supported Object Types

The following RDA object types that were not supported in 8.96 XML Publisher are
supported in subsequent releases:
Report constants
Column headers
System date
System time
Page number
Total pages

7.3.2 General XML Format Differences

These are some of the differences that affect the entire XML output:
Empty tags have been removed.
Hidden fields and sections appear in the output.
Utimes are formatted in canonical format.
Constant text appears in the output.
Conditional sections are displayed as children of the parent section.
Conditional sections were not displayed as children of the parent section in 8.96,
rather, they appeared at the same level as the detail report section.
Because of the differences between the XML output file that is generated for 8.96 XML
Publisher and the output file that is generated in subsequent releases, Oracle
recommends that you create new templates if you are migrating to subsequent

Comparing XML Output Formats

See Appendix A, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Releases".

7.3.3 Properties Node

The Properties node of the XML output includes property information regarding the
submitted batch version. The Properties node of the XML output in subsequent
releases differs from the 8.96 XML output in that it:
Includes the version name as a separate tag.
Includes the host machine name.

7.3.4 Column Headings Node

Each columnar section of the submitted batch version is preceded with a Column
Headings Language node. This node lists all column headings included in the
columnar section. The column headings are represented by beginning and ending tags
that include the ID assigned to each heading. In between the beginning and ending
tags is the column heading as it appears in the batch version.
This section does not exist in the 8.96 XML Publisher output.

7.3.5 Page Headers Node

The Page Header nodes of the XML output include page information from the
submitted batch version. The Page Header nodes of the XML output in subsequent
releases differ from the 8.96 XML Publisher output in these ways:
Includes the page header number.
Includes the report name.
Includes the date that the batch version was submitted.
Includes the page number.

7.3.6 Report Details Node

The report detail node of the XML output in subsequent releases differs from the 8.96
XML Publisher output in these ways:
The report detail node includes the page header number where the associated data
Conditional sections are nested under the parent section.

Understanding the XML Output 7-7

Comparing XML Output Formats

Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD

Edwards Data Access Driver

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 8.1, "JD Edwards Data Access Reporting with Oracle BI Publisher 11g
Section 8.2, "Installing Oracle BI Publisher"
Section 8.3, "Installing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver"
Section 8.4, "Registering the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver"
Section 8.5, "Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver"

8.1 JD Edwards Data Access Reporting with Oracle BI Publisher 11g

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver enables you to use Oracle Business
Intelligence (BI) Publisher Enterprise (OBIEE-BIP) to produce BI Publisher reports
using JD Edwards data.
This chapter provides an overview of installing and configuring Oracle Business
Intelligence (BI) Publisher 11g and JD Edwards Data Access Driver. The process to
implement JD Edwards EnterpriseOne reporting using the Data Access Driver is as
Install Oracle BI Publisher.
Install the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver.

Note: The Data Access Driver can be downloaded from the JD

Edwards EnterpriseOne and World Update Center on My Oracle

Configure a JDBC Driver in Oracle BI Publisher.

8.2 Installing Oracle BI Publisher

To use the Data Access Driver with Oracle BI Publisher you only need to install Oracle
BI Publisher. You do not need to install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
or Oracle Real-Time Decisions.

Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver 8-1
Installing Oracle BI Publisher

Because BI Publisher installs WebLogic, you do not need to install it beforehand. The
default domain in WebLogic functions for BI Publisher, so you do not need to create
an additional domain unless you prefer to keep the domains separate.

8.2.1 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
Install and configure a supported database.
For the latest information about supported databases, visit the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Certification document at:
Look for product area "Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 Certifications"
and then access "System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle
Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition 11gR1 ( (xls).
Download the Oracle Repository Utility (RCU) from Oracle Technology Network
(OTN), Oracle Business Intelligence (11.1.1.x) Downloads page:
The RCU version must match the BI Publisher version.
Download Oracle BI Publisher from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:
Select Oracle Business Intelligence for the Product Pack field and choose the
appropriate platform.
Install JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Release 9.1.

8.2.2 Installing Oracle BI Publisher

If you do not plan to change any of the default settings, such as ports and security
logins, then follow the Quick Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence to perform
the installation. If you do plan to change some of the default settings, then follow the
Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence. Please note that although the Oracle BI
installation package includes the following products, with all the technology required
to install, configure, and run them, you only need to install Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher:
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle BI Answers, Oracle BI
Interactive Dashboards, Oracle BI Delivers, Oracle BI Administration Tool, Oracle
BI Add-in for Microsoft Office, and Oracle BI Publisher) (optional)
Oracle Real-Time Decisions (optional)
Essbase Suite (optional)
Oracle BI Publisher 11g ( is packaged with WebLogic Server and
Oracle JDK 1.6.0_35.

IMPORTANT!: For BI Publisher reporting using the Data Access

Driver, you only need to install Oracle BI Publisher.

Installing Oracle BI Publisher

The following steps provide brief guidance for the installation. Review these steps first
and then use the Quick Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence, or if you plan to
change some of the default settings, refer to the Installation Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence for more detailed steps.

Note: A new installation of BI Publisher is recommended

even if you are currently on a prior release. This allows you to do
some parallel testing before switching to the latest release.

To install Oracle BI Publisher:

1. Launch the Oracle Repository Utility (RCU) and create the BI Publisher Schemas.
For more information, see the Quick Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
2. Launch the Oracle Business Intelligence Installer after the schemas are created.

Do not install the software using a user ID that contains a special
BI Publisher and the HTML server must be within the same
firewall in order to have two-way web service and http
If you have anti-virus software running on your installing
machine, the installation process may take longer.

3. Select the appropriate installation type:

"Simple Install" installs Oracle Business Intelligence components with the
default settings on a single computer in the minimum number of steps. The
Managed Server is not installed. This installation is targeted for
demonstration, evaluation and proof of concept use cases.
"Enterprise Install" installs Oracle Business Intelligence components that you
select and associates them with the Middleware, Oracle data source, and
WebLogic Server homes that you specify. The enterprise installation type
creates a separate Managed Server, bi_server1, along with the Admin Server.
You should also use this installation type if you have a previous version of BI
Publisher installed.
This installation type is recommended for a production environment.
"Software Only Install" installs software binary files in an existing Middleware
home for later configuration.
4. When the Oracle Business Intelligence Component Installation screen appears,
select only the Business Intelligence Publisher option:

Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver 8-3
Installing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Figure 81 Business Intelligence Publisher Installation Screen

Note: For detailed instructions on how to install Oracle BI Publisher,

see the Quick Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

5. When the installation and configuration finish, sign onto the WebLogic Admin
Console and BI Server to make sure the servers are up and running by using the
following URLs:
http://host:port/console (WebLogic Admin Console)
http://host:9704/xmlpserver (BI Publisher login page, port 9704 is the default
port for "Enterprise Install" type)
6. Review the Certifications for any updates or additional requirements.

8.3 Installing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

The Data Access Driver can be downloaded from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and
World Update Center on My Oracle Support.
To install the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver:
1. Unzip the tools-specific Data Access Driver par file archive (for example,
9.1.n.n-Data-Access-Driver_06_70.par). Extract all files from the DADriver_
EAR.jar file.
2. On the server where OBIEE-BIP is installed, locate the home directory for OBIEE.
3. To install the Data Access Driver, copy ALL of the files from the extracted
DADriver_EAR.jar into the <OBIEE_BIP_home>/user_
projects/domains/<bifoundation_domain>/lib folder:

Installing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver


8.3.1 Replacing the Delivered xerces.jar and xalan.jar Files

The following steps must be performed for Oracle BI Publisher installations that use
the Sun Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM. The combination of the JD Edwards
delivered xerces.jar and xalan.jar combined with Sun Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server
VM results in a failed Oracle WebLogic Enterprise Manager (EM) service if the
xerces.jar and xalan.jar files are not replaced.
To manually replace the xerces.jar file:
1. Locate the Oracle 11g WebLogic xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar common file (for example,
2. Copy the xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar file into the <orcl_BI>/user_
projects/domains/<bifoundation_domain>/lib directory.
3. Delete the xalan.jar and xerces.jar files found in the <orcl_BI>/user_
projects/domains/<bifoundation_domain>/lib directory.
4. Restart the WebLogic Administrative Console BIP services.

8.3.2 Updating the Oracle WebLogic PRE_CLASSPATH

For Oracle BI Publisher 11g 64-bit installations, you must update the Oracle WebLogic
PRE_CLASSPATH as described in the My Oracle Support Document ID 1327145.1.
Review the document, and then follow steps 2 through 4 in the document to update
the PRE_CLASSPATH with the location of the Server Manager Agent folder
containing the DAD instance configuration files (for example, Z:\JDE_

8.3.3 Migrating WebLogic Users to a New Version of Oracle BI Publisher

If you are upgrading your version of Oracle BI Publisher from a previous version (for
example, moving from Oracle BI Publisher to, after the installation,
you must migrate the WebLogic users from an existing version to the new server.
To migrate users to a new version of Oracle BI Publisher:
1. Export the user information from the existing BI Server.
a. Log on to the BI Publisher WebLogic Admin Console.
b. Select Security Realm.
c. Select Export from the Migration tab.
d. Enter the location for the exported files.
e. Click Save.
2. Import the user information to the new server.

Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver 8-5
Registering the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

a. Log on to the BI Publisher WebLogic Admin Console.

b. Select Security Realm.
c. Select Import from the Migration tab.
d. Enter the location of the exported files.
e. Click Save.

8.4 Registering the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Use Server Manager to register OBIEE and configure the JAS.INI, JDBJ.INI, and

Note: Server Manager registering is for all OBIEE releases.

To register the JD Edwards Data Access Driver:

1. Log in to Server Manager.
2. On the Managed Instance home page, click the Create New Managed Instance
3. On the Create/Register A Managed Instance page, select EnterpriseOne Data
Access Driver, and then click Continue.
4. In the Usage Type field, select the 11g BI Publisher option from the drop-down

Note: The Software Component box will not display when the Usage
Type selected is 11g BI Publisher.

5. On the Create/Register a Managed Instance form, complete these fields:

Install Name.
Install Location.
Ensure that you modify the Install Location to match the machine where
OBIEE-BIP is installed.

Important!: Ensure that the path to the BI Publisher installation is

correct. If the path is not correct, the registration will fail.
The default value is:
The modified value might be similar to the following:

6. Click Continue to proceed.

The following example shows the configuration that enables the data access driver
to work within OBIEE-BIP.

Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Figure 82 Server Manager configuration for data access driver

7. Click the Create Instance button to complete the Data Access Driver registration.
8. After you complete the registration, the browser is redirected to the EnterpriseOne
Data Access Driver home page.

8.5 Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

After the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver has been registered in Server
Manager, you must configure the driver in OBIEE-BIP 11g.

8.5.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access

Creating JD Edwards interactive reports with Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise requires
access to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data. After Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise and the
Data Access Driver have been installed, you configure BI Publisher to use a JDBC
driver to access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database. JDBC Connection String

Setting up JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data access is accomplished by defining a JDBC
driver connection string in Oracle BI Publisher. The connection string has a predefined
format, but you can append information to enable these additional features:
Specify the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne role when connecting to the database.
Retrieve table descriptions along with table IDs.
Retrieve column descriptions from the data dictionary.
Retrieve the associated user defined code (UDC) description for data fields with
associated UDCs.

Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver 8-7
Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Providing table descriptions, column descriptions, and UDC descriptions simplifies

the process of building queries in BI Publisher. Without these descriptions, a report
developer must understand JD Edwards EnterpriseOne table schema when designing
The following example shows how table descriptions and column descriptions appear
when you use the BI Publisher Query Builder.

Figure 83 Table descriptions and column descriptions in Query Builder Specifying the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Role You can add information to the
end of the connection string that defines the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne role that will
be used when connecting to the database; for example, enterpriseone.role=SYSADMIN.
If the role is not specified in the connection string, the *ALL role will be used. Retrieving Table Descriptions You can add information to the end of the
connection string that enables the JDBC driver to retrieve table descriptions in
addition to table names. To display table descriptions, add TDSC=1 to the connection
string. If the value is 0 or the TDSC tag is not in the connection string, table
descriptions will not be retrieved from the database. Retrieving Column Descriptions You can add information to the end of the
connection string that enables the JDBC driver to retrieve column descriptions in
addition to column names. The column description is the long column name from the
data dictionary. Additionally, the column description is retrieved in the language of
the user who is building the query in BI Publisher.
To display the column description, add CDSC=1 to the connection string. If the CDSC
value is 0 or the CDSC tag is not in the connection string, column descriptions will not
be retrieved from the database. Retrieving UDC Descriptions You can add information to the end of the
connection string that enables the JDBC driver to retrieve the UDC description for
table columns that have an associated UDC. (Each table column is based on a data
dictionary item, which could have a UDC assigned to it.)

Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

The UDC description is retrieved in the language of the user who is building the
query in BI Publisher. Without the UDC description, the report developer must know
which table columns have UDCs associated with them. The report developer can
override the column name while designing the report.
To display UDC descriptions, add UDSC=1 to the connection string. If the value is 0 or
the UDSC tag is not in the connection string, UDC descriptions will not be retrieved
from the database.

Note: Use a semi-colon between tags when appending them to the

connection string. For example, the following connection string shows
the appended information for retrieving the table description, column
description, and UDC description:
jdbc:oracle:enterpriseone://JDV911;TDSC=1;CDSC=1;UDSC=1; Oracle BI Publisher and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Security

To create an interactive BI Publisher report, a user must be able to sign on to both
Oracle BI Publisher and to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database. The connection
string for the data source, along with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne JDBC Driver
configuration, specifies the database that BI Publisher will access when creating and
running interactive reports.
At the time that the JDBC driver is configured, it is highly recommended that you
select the Use Proxy Authentication option for the data source. Using proxy
authentication assumes that the user IDs in Oracle BI Publisher and JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne are the same, either by duplication or by using Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP).
With proxy authentication, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne authentication security is
enforced against the user name and password in the data source, not the BI Publisher
user name that is using the data source. The BI Publisher user name is automatically
appended to the database connection string and passed in when the data source is
selected. Because the JD Edwards user ID and the BI Publisher user name must be the
same, all row and column security assigned to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user or
its roles is applied to this appended user when connecting to the database using the
database connection string. It should also be noted that in this configuration, the user
name and password of the JDBC data source in BI Publisher must match the Bootstrap
user and password of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne JDBC driver.
Without proxy authentication, the BI Publisher and JD Edwards user IDs can be
different. In this configuration, EnterpriseOne authentication, row, and column
security is enforced against the data source user ID and password, not the BI Publisher
user that is using the data source. Consequently, any BI Publisher user could have
access to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database, limited only by the security applied
to the data source user ID. Restricting data access would require that BI Publisher
users have separate data sources with unique user names and passwords. The data
sources would need to be configured with different levels of access to the database,
and each BI Publisher user would be required to use the appropriate data source when
connecting to the database. In this configuration, the user name and password of the
JDBC data source in BI Publisher does not need to match the Bootstrap user and
password of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne JDBC driver.
In summary, the Use Proxy Authentication option is recommended when configuring
the BI Publisher JDBC Connection because it enforces database security without
having to create multiple data sources.

Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver 8-9
Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

8.5.2 Configuring the JDBC Driver in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

To configure the JDBC Driver in Oracle BI Publisher:
1. Start the Oracle BI Publisher server.
2. Sign in to Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise Console.
3. Click the Administration tab.
4. Under the Data Sources section, select JDBC Connection.
The Data Sources form appears, with the JDBC tab selected.
5. Click Add Data Source.
6. Enter the following values on the Add Data Source form:

Note: When configuring the JDBC Driver with the Use Proxy
Authentication option, it is required that you use the EnterpriseOne
bootstrap user and password (as found in the jdbj.ini) for the BI
data-source user.

Field Value
Data Source Name <user defined>
Example: E1_DAD
Driver Type Other
Database Driver Class com.jdedwards.jdbc.driver.JDBCDriver
Connection String jdbc:oracle:enterpriseone://<JD Edwards environment>;

Example: jdbc: oracle:enterpriseone://JDV911;

Note: You can append information to the end of the

connection string that defines the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne role that will be used when connecting to the
database, for example: enterpriseone.role = *ALL. If the role is
not defined in the connection string, the role that is defined
as the Bootstrap Role will be used. Locate the Bootstrap
Role by using Server Manager.

Note: You can append information to the end of the

connection string to display table, column, or UDC
descriptions if desired. TDSC=1 displays the table name
description, CDSC=1 displays the column description, and
UDSC=1 displays the UDC description.

Example of connection string without display options:

Example of connection string with display options:
User Name Enter the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user ID that you will
connect to the database with.
Note: The user name is case-sensitive.

Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Field Value
Password Enter the password for the user ID.
Note: The password is case-sensitive.
Use Proxy Authentication Selected or Cleared

Note: Using proxy authentication assumes that the user IDs in

Oracle BI Publisher and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne are the same,
either by duplication or by using Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP).

This example shows the completed form:

Figure 84 Adding the JDBC Driver as an Oracle BI Publisher data source

7. Click Apply.
8. The new JDBC data source should appear in the Data Sources list.
This example shows the completed form:

Creating Oracle BI Publisher Reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver 8-11
Configuring the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

Figure 85 Data Sources list displays newly added data source

See "Using the Java Database Connectivity Driver" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Tools Interoperability Guide.

8.5.3 Testing the JDBC Driver Connection

After configuring the JDBC Driver, it is recommended that you test the data source to
verify that it is able to communicate and authenticate with the driver. Testing the data
source requires that the Enterprise Server/Security Server services are up and
running. Additionally, ensure that Oracle BI Publisher is up and running.
To test the JDBC Driver connection:
1. Start the Oracle BI Publisher server.
2. Sign in to Oracle BI Publisher Console using an administrative account.
3. Click the Administration tab.
4. Under the Data Sources section, select JDBC Connection.
5. Select the data source that you want to test.
6. Click the Test Connection button to initiate the test.
7. If the data source is able to communicate and authenticate with the Data Access
Driver, the "Connection established successfully" message appears.

Note: It is also possible to test the connection when adding the data

AJD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher

This appendix contains the following topics:

Section A.1, "JD Edwards XML Publisher 8.96 Templates"
Section A.2, "Migrating from 8.96 XML Publisher"
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne has provided a reporting solution based on Oracle's BI
Publisher since the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 release. The solution was
extended with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.97 release by integrating the
embedded BI Publisher reports into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne lifecycle
management. The solution was further extended in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
8.98 to support creating BI Publisher reports with JD Edwards Data Access Driver.

Note: In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 and 8.97 releases,

BI Publisher was called XML Publisher.

A.1 JD Edwards XML Publisher 8.96 Templates

As a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne customer, you fall into one of the following categories
regarding BI Publisher:
1. You are new to BI Publisher, in that you are a new JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
customer or an existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne customer who has not
previously used BI Publisher.
2. You are currently using the 8.96 release of XML Publisher and are migrating to
one of these releases:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools release 8.97
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools release 8.98
3. You are currently using the 8.96 release of XML Publisher but do not want to
migrate to either 9.1 at this time.
Oracle strongly recommends that you migrate to 9.1 release of BI Publisher for JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne. Migrating to future releases of BI Publisher will become
increasingly more difficult if you continue to create objects using the 8.96 XML
If you decide to continue using the 8.96 XML Publisher, you should consult Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher Users Guide.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BI Publisher Releases A-1

Migrating from 8.96 XML Publisher

A.2 Migrating from 8.96 XML Publisher

The way that XML output is generated in 9.1 BI Publisher for EnterpriseOne is
different from how the XML output was generated in the 8.96 release.
See Chapter 7, "Understanding the XML Output".
Because of this difference, if you are currently using 8.96 XML Publisher, Oracle
recommends that you migrate to 9.1 BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
After upgrading to 9.1 follow these steps to convert your 8.96 XML Publisher
1. From the BI Publisher Object Repository (P95600), download your 8.96 XML
Publisher templates.
2. Create a report definition for each template.
3. Run each report definition to generate new XML output files.
4. Open each existing template.
5. When using Template Builder, from the Data menu, select Load XML Data.
6. Define each required field from the XML output to the template.
For all other methods of creating and modifying templates, make the necessary
modifications to the templates to recognize the 9.1 BI Publisher document tags.

Data Access Driver Troubleshooting

When errors occur, the JDBC driver throws SQLExceptions. When this happens, check
the log files for additional information. The log locations are specified in the file. If the logs do not help to resolve the issue, enable the debug logs
for more information.
It is especially helpful to inspect entire exception stack traces, because traces include
exception messages, class names, and line numbers. Exception stack traces cause
exceptions that result in SQLExceptions.
When you evaluate a series of exceptions in a trace, you should concentrate on the first
exception, since it is often the cause of subsequent exceptions.

B.1 SQL Exceptions and Error Messages

Following are some exception examples, with recommendations on how to resolve

B.1.1 No Suitable Driver

Exception: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver.
Cause: The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne JDBC drivers use the native database JDBC
drivers to access physical data. If the class path does not include the necessary drivers,
the JDBC drivers throw this exception on any attempt to read physical data.
Recovery: For the Type 4 JDBC driver, contact your system administrator and ensure
that all of the applicable JDBC drivers are included in the same class path as the Data
Access Driver.

B.1.2 Data Source for F0010, TBLE Not Found

Data source for F0010, TBLE not found. (With a cause message in parenthesis)
Cause: This exception indicates that the JDBC driver cannot access its system tables in
ERP mode. Table F0010 is the first system table that the JDBC driver attempts to
access. Be sure to check the cause message that is attached to the exception message.
The exception trace usually includes a direct cause as well.
Recovery: Check the cause exception and follow the recovery instructions listed for
those exceptions. If none apply, contact your system administrator and verify that the
[JDBj-BOOTSTRAP DATA SOURCE] section of the jdbj.ini file references a valid data
source. The JDBj-BOOTSTRAP DATA SOURCE section describes the location of ERP
system tables like F0010.

Data Access Driver Troubleshooting B-1

SQL Exceptions and Error Messages

B.1.3 Receiving "[SECURITY_ERROR] A Security Error Occurred"

These errors occur when you create models in Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise using JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.
Data Access Driver (DAD) logs contain the following messages:
Sign on: valid = false
Sign on: status = 17
Sign on: error message ID = 348
com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException: [SECURITY_ERROR] A
security error occurred.
com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException: [SECURITY_ERROR] A
security error occurred.
com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException: [SECURITY_ERROR] A
security error occurred.
Cause exception com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException:
[SECURITY_ERROR] A security error occurred.
Spec repository implementation could not be loaded.
Spec repository implementation could not be loaded.
Spec repository implementation could not be loaded.
For package <PD114> in data source <Central Objects - PD812>,
failed to find the package manifest. Aborting the discovery
process, this package is not functional.
eException: Spec repository implementation could not be loaded.
com.jdedwards.base.spec.SpecException: [SECURITY_ERROR] A
security error occurred.
com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException: [SECURITY_ERROR] A
security error occurred.
com.jdedwards.base.spec.SpecException: [SECURITY_ERROR] A
security error occurred. com.jdedwards.base.spec.SpecException:
SECURITY_ERROR] A security error occurred.
ROJDBC - getColumnsInfo specMap.getSpec() is causing exception
for table=F4101 com.jdedwards.base.spec.SpecException:
[SECURITY_ERROR] A security error occurred.

Cause: This error occurs when the security token allocated for a Data Access Driver
has expired. DAD starts its connection to EnterpriseOne when the BI Publisher
Enterprise instance is started. At that time, it requests and obtains a security token
from the Security Kernel running on the Enterprise Server. This token is used to grant
DAD access to EnterpriseOne tables. The security token has a lifetime, and after it
expires transactions between DAD and EnterpriseOne tables will fail.
Solution: See document 885414.1 on My Oracle Support.

B.1.4 Invalid SQL Queries Cause Database or Query Timeout Errors in BI Publisher
Invalid SQL queries can cause the following errors.

Example 1
The Data Access Driver shows the following error messages:
08 Dec 2009 09:34:56,531 [SEVERE] - [JDBJ] SQLSTATE = 42000
SQLMessage = SQLMessage = ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list
is 1000

SQL Exceptions and Error Messages

08 Dec 2009 09:34:56,531 [SEVERE] - [JDBJ] Query failed to

execute within the specified timeout of 10000 ms. Timeout the
08 Dec 2009 09:34:56,532 [SEVERE] - [BASE]
com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException: [QUERY_TIMED_OUT] Query
timed out. Operation is cancelled.
08 Dec 2009 09:34:56,532 [SEVERE] - [BASE]
com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException: [QUERY_TIMED_OUT] Query
timed out. Operation is cancelled.

Solution: Rewrite the SQL query used in BI Publisher Enterprise to avoid using more
than 1000 parameters in a WHERE clause expression.

Example 2
The Data Access Driver shows the following error messages:
com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException: [QUERY_TIMED_OUT]
Query timed out. Operation is cancelled.

Solution: Increase the connection timeout parameter in jdbj.ini.


Example 3
The Data Access Driver shows the following error messages:
[SQL_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED] An SQL exception occurred:
Resultset timeout java.sql.SQLException

Solution: Increase the resultset timeout parameter in jdbj.ini.


B.1.5 Query Builder Does Not Load JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tables

Error: Query Builder throws the error "Could not load schema information. Please
make sure that this connection is active." This error occurs even though the JDBC data
source test connection is successful. The error occurs with or without Proxy
Authentication in the JDBC Data Source.
Cause: The e1root log represents that the log in credentials are incorrect in
[JDBj-BOOTSTRAP SESSION] section of jdbj.ini, as shown below.
06 Dec 2011 17:47:58,000 [SEVERE] - [JDBJ] Sign on: valid =
Sign on: status = 2
Sign on: error message ID = 331

Solution: To resolve this issue, ensure that you entered valid user, password, role and
environment parameters in the [JDBj-BOOTSTRAP SESSION] section. There should
not be any blanks.
For example:

Data Access Driver Troubleshooting B-3

SQL Exceptions and Error Messages


Use Server Manager to enter the password, so that it will be encrypted properly. If
you enter the password directly in jdbj.ini, it will not be encrypted. An
unencrypted password will cause issues in Query Builder.
The JDBC data source connection string should use the same environment as the
one in the [JDBj-BOOTSTRAP SESSION] section. Otherwise the test connection
will fail.
After making changes to the jdbj or jas.ini files, restart the BI server to make the
changes effective.


batch versions
Variations of a report template that contain changes to the way the report is processed
or displayed. When you submit a report, you must use a batch version.

connection mode
A term that applies only to the JDBC drivers and provides an indication of the type of
additional filtering and processing that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data that you
are accessing requires. Application code designates a connection mode when it
establishes each new connection.

connection properties
Properties that applications pass to the JDBC drivers when establishing a new
connection in order to configure a particular connection type. The concept of
connection properties is a standard JDBC mechanism, but each driver defines its own
set of recognized connection properties.

connection URL
A string that identifies a particular data source to which to connect. The concept of a
connection URL is a standard JDBC mechanism, but each driver defines its own URL

driver class name

A string that identifies the primary class for a JDBC driver. You must register this class
name with the JDBC driver manager before using it. This is a standard JDBC concept,
but each driver defines its own driver class name.

driver manager
The JDBC class that manages multiple registered JDBC drivers and dispatches
connection initialization requests to them. The Java driver manager class is

EnterpriseOne object
A reusable piece of code that is used to build applications. Object types include tables,
forms, business functions, data dictionary items, batch processes, business views,
event rules, versions, data structures, and media objects.

EnterpriseOne object


associations child sections, 7-5
location, 3-5 conditional sections, 7-4
connection string
for JDBC driver, 8-7
B creating BI Publisher objects
batch applications updating objects, 3-1
designing for BI Publisher, 7-1
formatting considerations, 7-1
batch versions D
advanced option overrides, 5-4 Data Access Driver
submitting, 5-3 configuring in Oracle BI Publisher, 8-7
BI Publisher installing manually, 8-4
benefits of, 2-2 registering in Server Manager, 8-6
data access driver reporting process troubleshooting, B-1
overview, 2-5 Data Access Driver reporting
embedded reporting process overview, 2-5 implementing, 8-1
getting started, 1-1 data driven delivery, 4-10
BI Publisher Object Repository combined data driven email and printers, 4-16
overview, 3-1 email, 4-10
BI Publisher Object Repository (P95600), 3-3 printers, 4-11
BI Publisher objects data driven email, 4-10
creating, 3-6 data driven printers, 4-11
default file size, 3-4 data structure
deleting, 3-5 defining, 4-21
location, 3-4 delivery
modifying, 3-9 data driven, 4-16
modifying effective dates, 3-9 email, 4-10, 4-17
modifying properties, 3-8 printers, 4-11
revising, 3-9 delivery options, 4-7
types, 3-4
understanding, 3-3
updating, 3-5
uploading, 3-7 effective dates, modifying for BI Publisher
uploading and updating, 3-3 objects, 3-9
BI Publisher report definitions email
creating, 4-2 dynamic text substitution, 4-20
BI Publisher reporting subject and body text, 4-19
embedded, 2-1
implementing reporting with Data Access F
Driver, 8-1
interactive, 2-1 formatted numbers, 7-3
bursting options, 4-7 forms
Add Object to Repository, 3-6
Add Report Definition, 4-3
Advanced Version Prompting, 5-4

Bursting and Delivery, 4-7 P
Data Dictionary Glossary Items, 4-17
page footers, 7-4
Data Driven Printing, 4-11
page headers, 7-1, 7-4
File Download, 3-9
prerequisite, 3-5
Languages and Output Types, 4-5
printing options, 5-1
Object Management Workbench - Add
properties, modifying for BI Publisher objects, 3-8
Object, 4-23
proxy authentication, 8-9
Oracle BI Publisher Administration Add Data
Source, 8-11
Oracle BI Publisher Administration JDBC, 8-11 R
Oracle BI Publisher Query Builder, 8-8
report definition
Printer Mapping Revisions, 4-12
batch version submission, 5-2
Report Definition Job Control Search, 5-7
bursting options, 4-7
Report Definition Output Delivery Details, 6-7
creating, 4-2
Report Definition Output Repository, 6-4
delivery options, 4-7
Structure Member Value Revisions, 4-19
modifying, 4-22
Submitted Job Search, 5-7
naming conventions, 4-3
Work With Batch Versions, 5-3
output example, 6-2
submission process, 5-1
I understanding, 4-1
report definition jobs, 5-5
item tags, 7-2
report properties, 7-5

JDBC connection string, 8-7
section tags, 7-2
JDBC driver
configuration steps, 8-10
for reporting with Oracle BI Publisher, 8-9
installing manually, 8-4
special characters, 7-3
overview, 8-7
Sun Java Hotspot (TM) 64-bit server VM
registering in Server Manager, 8-6
replacing .jar files, 8-5
JDBC driver connection
testing, 8-12
JDE Data Source form, 5-4 T
enabling, 5-5
output types, 4-7
understanding, 3-1
enabling logging, 5-4
testing a JDBC driver connection, 8-12
enabling, 5-4
understanding, 3-2
L adding, 3-8
understanding, 3-2
level break sections, 7-5
adding, 3-8 U
Use Proxy Authentication option, 8-9
defining the level of detail to capture, 5-5
enabling logging, 5-4
enabling tracing, 5-5 W
M migrating users to new version of BI
Publisher, 8-5
mapping data driven printers, 4-11
updating PRE_CLASSPATH, 8-5

Oracle BI Publisher
xalan.jar files, 8-5
installing, 8-2
xerces.jar file, 8-5
Overview, 1-1, 2-1


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